"How to Use the Law of Attraction for Weight Loss" |
"About this course:FREE 30-minute personal Weight Loss and Sugar Addiction Coaching with me - $150 value - upon 100% course completionUnconditional Udemy 30 day money-back guarantee - because I have no doubt about the quality of this course!Free surprise bonus at the end of the courseAt the end of this course you will:Feel more in peace with yourself, be more driven, and naturally crave healthier foods.In this program, I teach you the method I used to lose 5 pounds in 3 weeks without any effort.It is hard for most people to get results by just saying affirmations and visualizing (me included). That's why this program uses guided meditation instead: all you'll have to do is sit back, relax and listen.Guided meditation is a relaxation technique that allows you to gently reprogram your mind to remove the mental and emotional blocks that prevent you from reaching your goals.The goal of this program is to help you lose weight without dieting, exercising more, or relying on willpower. The Law of Attraction is very powerful, but there's nothing magical behind it! There's actually a scientific explanation to it all and that's what the program is based on.Most people are not quite sure how to apply LOA. They visualize their goals, say affirmations, but they miss the key component that will manifest their desires. The untold secret behind the Law of Attraction is that you must change your thoughts and your feelings, and that's exactly what you'll do in this program. You will first raise your vibrations to be able to manifest anything you want in life, and then apply LOA to naturally lose weight."
Price: 29.99

"TCA Trend Trading" |
"The TCA Trend Trading method is a method that I have successfully used over the past years trading stocks, forex and cryptocurrency. It's a relatively simple method to master, and that makes it easy to execute. You don't need very complex trading strategies to be profitable.In this 8 session course, I'll teach all that you need to know to trade any financial market profitably.This course teaches you:PsychologyPrinciples of good tradingWhy and how trend continuationHow to use key-levelsHow to use volatilityHow to analyze with different time framesAll pattern rules that keep you safeAfter finishing my 8 session course, you'll know how to trade the live markets!"
Price: 199.99

"Project Manager Tasks as per PMP Examination Content 2021" |
"( - - ) 2021"
Price: 19.99

"Java Programming For Absolute Beginners" |
"Well java is one of the most popular programming languages and it's often taught in Schools, one of the huge benefits of java is that it allows you to build an app that can run on Windows Mac and Linux so it allows us to make an app that can be used by as many people as possible with as little work as possible and we are gonna talk about how all of that works in this Course but what you need to know now is that Java is a very powerful programming language that can enable you to make some pretty good Apps. We're gonna learn about Java Fundament and also how to actually use the Language.My goal isnt to teach you the theory but the techniques of general programming concepts you could then take to any other programming languages."
Price: 119.99

"Python Programming For Absolute Beginners" |
"Python is one of the most simple programming languages to get started with but itsnot limited in its power, its power level is equal to or I must say stronger than all theother programming languages out there. Python is a great language to learnprogramming principles, data structures and algorithms as well just because of itsreally simple syntax and also an intuitive way of working with it. If you're coming fromAnother programming language you will probably pick it up just fine and be like heythis is pretty easy but there are various approaches that are radically different than theother programming languages out there. Python is widely used programmingLanguage as it is used in every field you can name of."
Price: 119.99

"Crea una pgina inmobiliaria con Wordpress y Estatik" |
"En este curso aprenders a disear una pagina inmobiliaria en WordPress con herramientas totalmente gratis, en base al plugins ESTATIK versin free y el constructor ELEMENTOR, tambin concoeras herramientas que te faciliten elegir el diseo de tu sitio, como por ejemplo la seleccin de iconos, imgenes y tipografias.Por otro lado, veremos la configuracin bsica de WordPress y distintas opciones para personalizar y darle un estilo nico a cada seccin de tu pgina inmobiliaria. Incluiremos los mapas de Google Maps a cada una de las propiedades. Y por ultimo pero no menos importante, conocers los plugins necesarios para proteger tu sitio de ataques externos.En este increble curso crearas una pagina que incluir:Barra superior de redes social e informacin de contactoMen de navegacinBanner con imagen principalBuscador de propiedades con distintos filtrosSeccin de caractersticasSeccin de propiedades destacadasFormulario de suscripcinSeccin de agentesPie de pginaPgina de sobre nosotrosPgina de propiedades con distintos filtrosPgina de contactoEn la pgina se trabajara con una sola moneda, en el caso que en tu pis se utilicen 2 monedas, una para venta y otra para alquiler, necesitars comprar la versin PRO del plugins Estatik la cual te va a permitir crear un segundo campo de precio.Si sos dueo de una inmobiliaria o una persona que le encanta aprender ctosas nuevas y porque no, crear tu propia agencia de diseo web, ESTA ES TU OPORTUNIDAD."
Price: 24.99

"Jewelry Making For Beginners: Beading Techniques & Stitches" |
"There are 3 types of beaded jewelry you will learn in this course. In the bead and wire section, you will learn how to work with jewelry wires, metal frames, chains and findings, including making bead links, wire wrapping and connecting different jewelry components.During the bead stringing section, you will learn how to string beads with different stringing materials, different ways to do crimping, make elastic bracelets and floating bead necklaces.In the bead weaving sections, you will be guided through the process of how to make beaded jewelry with basic bead weaving stitches and their variations.New projects and lectures will be added to keep this course updated."
Price: 34.99

"Organizational Leadership" |
"Today, most organizations are under-led and over-managed. Without effective leadership at all levels in private and public organizations, it is difficult to sustain quality, profitability, productivity, and good customer service. In dozens of different ways researchers have demonstrated that leadership does make a difference. In various organizations top management and other stakeholders believe that without effective leadership the organization cannot remain competitive. This course organizational leadership is designed to transform participants into a great leader by making them acquainted with the Differences between Managerial and Leadership approaches, Characteristics of a Great Leader, Envisioning & Alignment, Mentoring & Counseling, Empowerment & Sense of Ownership, Motivation, and High Performance Organizational Culture."
Price: 1280.00

"The Complete Investment Banking Recruiting Course" |
"This is a step-by-step guide providing everything you need to know for breaking into investment banking.The course includes:Investment Banking OverviewDCF and Multiples based valuationsFinancial Accounting for investment bankingCorporate Finance for investment bankingList of common investment banking interview questions Extensive list of companies to apply toResume Template Cover Letter Template Networking Guide20 Quiz QuestionsCheat Sheet for Technical InterviewsGlossary of investment banking termsHow is this course is different from other online investment banking courses? - This course is a step-by-step guide on breaking into investment banking. - Taught by somebody that has successfully gone through the investment banking recruiting process (Goldman Sachs Investment Banking Summer Analyst).- Based on interview experiences with Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan, Citi, and many other investment banks.Topics covered:What is an investment bankWhat are good universities, majors, clubs, and grades for investment banking What previous work experience should I haveWhat do I need for the application processWhat should I know for the interviews / what am I going to be tested onWhat should I do if I don't get a job at an investment bankAdditional Information: - The course comes with Udemys 30-day money-back guarantee"
Price: 99.99

"A Comprehensive Course in Paint Techniques" |
"This Course will appeal to: Home Decorators DIY specialist as well as serious Interior Decorators wishing to decorate Home or Offices. A Comprehensive set of Techniques are taught in a practical step-by-step methodology, from the basic preparation skills including safety measures to basic application techniques advancing to more advanced techniques which will enhance homes, guest houses and offices alike."
Price: 39.99

"Sfizi per degustazioni" |
"Questo corso pensato per gli appassionati di food e wine che sono all'inizio del loro percorso di scoperta e degustazione e vogliono imparare a cucinare biscottini, tortine o grissini senza l'utilizzo del latte e degli zuccheri. Per chi vuole trascorrere un bel p del suo tempo libero in cucina , dedicandosi esclusivamente alla ricerca del sapore perfetto."
Price: 19.99

"Agile Project Management Essentials" |
"Agile is fast growing as a preferred approach in project management. The business environment is increasingly becoming more complex and very dynamic. Customers are also becoming very complicated as they quickly move along with the fast rate of change. Agile focuses on early delivery of solutions or products, flexibility through prioritization of requirements or scope and responding to change in the shortest possible time.In this course you will learn the following:Agile DefinitionAgile ApproachesThe Agile ManifestoAgile Project VariablesCostQualityScopeTimeAgile Project Management PhilosophyAgile Project Management PrinciplesFocus on Business NeedDeliver On TimeCollaborateNever Compromise QualityBuild Incrementally from Firm FoundationsDevelop IterativelyCommunicate Continuously and ClearlyDemonstrate ControlCritical Factors for Project SuccessAgile Project Management OrganisationProject Level Roles & ResponsibilitiesSolution Development Team Roles & ResponsibilitiesSupporting Team Roles and ResponsibilitiesBy the end of the course you would have mastered the fundamental aspects of Agile Project Management which will enable you to start rolling out this approach in the delivery and management of your projects."
Price: 59.99

"Agile Project Management Organisation" |
"The course looks at the critical roles required for an effective project management team in an Agile environment. A project management team with representation of the Business, Technical or Solution, Management as well as Process interests is a key ingredient for successful Agile Project Management. The course covers the following:Agile Project Management Structure OverviewProject Level Roles and ResponsibilitiesBusiness SponsorBusiness VisionaryTechnical CoordinatorProject ManagerBusiness AnalystSolution Development Team Roles and ResponsibilitiesBusiness Ambassador(s)Solution Developer(s)Solution Tester(s)Team LeaderSupport Roles and ResponsibilitiesWorkshop FacilitatorDSDM CoachTechnical Advisor(s)Business Advisor(s)"
Price: 69.99

"A'dan Z'ye ye C# WPF Programlama" |
"Windows Presentation Foundation eitimi: WPF platformunda C# dilinde zengin UI tasarmlar ile gl Windows uygulamalar oluturun.AklamaModern UI oluturma erevesi Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) ile tamamen ilevsel UI uygulamalar oluturmak iin ihtiya duyacanz WPF ve XAML kavramlarn ve aralarn renin.retim YaklamZamanna sayg duyuyorum. Kurs materyali ksa ve zldr. Tm nemli kavramlar kapsanmaktadr. zellikle nemli konular derinlemesine ele alnmaktadr.Bu kursa katln ve memnun kalacaksnz.Bu WPF Eitimi ile gl bir temel oluturunBugn, neredeyse tm uygulamalarn zengin kullanc arayz vardr, konsol uygulamalar ok spesifiktir. WPF ve XAML'n temellerini renmek, gl ve ok kullanl bir arac parmaklarnzn ucuna getirir. WPF'ye aina olmak, gerektiinde Evrensel Windows Platformuna (UWP) tanmay kesinlikle kolaylatracaktr, nk bu teknolojiler temelde ayn ilkelere dayanmaktadr ve her ikisi de XAML'e dayanmaktadr .erik ve Genel BakBu ders ncelikle yeni balayanlardan orta dzey gelitiricilere yneliktir. Tonlarca pratik malzeme ile glendirilmi salam teorik taban salar.Bu kursun en faydal yn, size WPF platformunu derinlemesine anlatmasdr. zellikle WPF'e ilk balayacak arkadalar yapabileceklerini kefettiklerinde kendilerine inanamayacaklardr.Ksacas, kurs aadaki konular kapsar :Kullanc arayz gelitirmenin temel kavramlarKontrollerYerleimBalanma verileriWPF'in ekirdek TrleriOlaylar ve Bamllk zellikleriStillerKullanc Kontrollerizel KontrollerSonunda rendiklerinizi zetleyeceiz ve becerilerinizi gelitirmek iin nereye gitmeniz gerektiini anlamaya alacaksnz.-------------------------------------------------- ----------Dersle ilgili anahtar kelimeler:Visual Studio WPFWPF balang eitimiXAML eitimiWPF ve XAML eitimi"
Price: 49.99

"Bizzy To Boss: How To Find, Hire & Train a VA On Any Budget" |
"Inside Bizzy to Boss, you will learn my signature 3-step-formula for finding, hiring, and training Virtual Assistants, on any budget, so that you can spend more time working ON your business, and less time working IN your business.Module 1 - Indentify & DecideLesson 1: Who Your Business Needs Right NowLesson 2: Which Tasks To Own vs DelegateLesson 3: Who To Hire FirstModule 2 - InterviewLesson 1: What To Look For In a VALesson 2: How To Write An Effective Job Post (weed out duds)Lesson 3: How To Conduct An InterviewModule 3 - Onboard & TrainLesson 1: Onboarding Your VALesson 2: Training Your VALesson 3: Mnaaging A Remote Team"
Price: 29.99

"Aprendiendo sobre el Coaching" |
"Este curso est orientado a que puedas generar una transformacin en tu vida. Si no conoces nada acerca de Coaching, puedes utilizarlo para adquirir nuevas habilidades y aplicarlas en tu vida personal y profesional para ir por los cambios que quieres lograr. Esta es una disciplina apasionante y espero que puedas encontrar lo que ests buscando.Al prestar mucha atencin al lenguaje, este curso tambin constituye una poderosa herramienta para mejorar tu comunicacin interpersonal. Trabajamos la escucha activa que implica escuchar con todos los sentidos del cuerpo.Podrs trabajar adems sobre tus estados de nimo y lograr una mejor gestin de tus emociones.Adems, te ofrezco herramientas para que puedas crear una visin personal y puedas liderar tu vida en las reas que necesites.En el caso de que seas un Coach o Terapeuta, podrs conocer el modelo Ontolgico e incorporar estas nuevas habilidades en t mismo/a y tambin para trabajar con tus clientes.El Coaching Ontolgico es un tipo de Coaching que surge en Chile y forma parte de una de las 3 principales ramas, junto con el Coaching Americano y el Coaching Humanista/Europeo. El Coaching Ontolgico se caracteriza por realizar cambios en tu ser para luego trasladarlos a acciones concretas y poder lograr mejores resultados, por esto es que la idea es lograr cambios de estructura, cambios de fondo que se sostengan en el tiempo.Las clases consisten en videos en donde presento cada uno de los temas. Adems, cada seccin tiene un archivo con el seguimiento de los temas y ejercicios para que puedas aplicarlos en el rea de tu vida que desees."
Price: 59.99

"How to Discover GIANT Stocks with Value Investing Strategies" |
"There are 2 main stock investing objectives: investing for income (dividends) and investing for capital gains (higher prices), which we could achieve through a portfolio of global giant stocks with strong business fundamental. In this value investing course, Dr Tee will teach the powerful methods step by step, how to form a dream team stock portfolio with understanding of 3 financial statements and 11 critical fundamental criteria with practical strategies to discover over 100 global giant stocks from 8 stock exchanges in 7 countries."
Price: 49.99

"Ultimate Chess Openings and Tactics" |
"The Course is designed in such a way that in just 5.30 hours, one can learn entire basic aspects of chess in a well structured fashion and in a fun way. We will be starting from basic tactics and we will be incorporating our level up gradually in all the lectures. As the name itself suggests, ""Everything a Fresher must need to know about E4 - E5"", A student will learn all major tactics about E4-E5 , opening traps, maximum played variations globally in this line up and he will be able to comfortably sell through in his/her matches and tournaments.There is only a minor prerequisite of this course, a student accessing this course should have a idea about the basic movement of the Chess Pieces.It's a course basically designed for Beginners and for those intermediate students, who are having problem in the opening traps and in the E4-E5 Variation. All those people who are starting over chess after ages, this course is something for you guys, which you cannot afford to miss."
Price: 1920.00

"Practical Bug Bounty Techniques - Complete Course" |
"In this Course you will get hands on techniques in Bug Bounties which lot of hackers do on day to day life as full time or part time bug bounty hunter and will be covered from Basic to Advanced level more on hands on and less on theory and we will be explaining all my techniques along with the tools which i have written and awesome tools written by great hackers and you will be all set to start Bug Hunting on your own after this course is completed.Hey, Hacker enthusiasts. Have you ever wanted to learn how hackers:Get access to internal servicescompromise databasessteal peoples user accounts.Well, Im happy to provide a course that will teach you Web Application Penetration Testing and how to apply your evil hacker skills you learn through this course on real life bug bounty programs to get paid $$$.I will be showing you website vulnerabilities like:Cross-Site-ScriptingCross Site Request ForgeryServer Side Request ForgerySub domain Take OversInsecure Direct Object ReferenceExternal Entity InjectionOpen RedirectLFI and RFICORSSQL InjectionFile UploadCommand InjectionAnd many more, throughout this course you will feel comfortable to apply these skills through crowd source security platforms like:Hacker oneBug crowdIntigrityYes we hack(YWH)And hack website for legal purposes (White hat) and get paid as a consultant.I will teach you how to join these programs and start your career as bug bounty professional."
Price: 19.99

"Send Quick, Accurate Construction Estimates" |
"Building accurate construction estimates is extremely difficult and time consuming for most contractors. On top of this, re-estimates and change orders suck up even more time. Without streamlining all of this a contractor can easily end up frustrated and unable to scale their company. This course provides any contractor with the knowledge necessarily to use CostCertified's platform to build and send very accurate quotes in minutes while eliminating the need for allowance pricing. It also shows the contractor how they can streamline and even automate a huge part of re-estimates and change orders. By the end of the course you should be able to build and send a construction quote using CostCertified in minutes that wow your customers!"
Price: 19.99

"Reopening your business after COVID19 - YOUR REOPEN PLAYBOOK" |
"Learn how to navigate the current rules and specific steps to take to reopen your business safely after COVID19. This is your definitive guide on resources to reopen your business safely. This course will explain what the CDC, OSHA and Local department of health offer as key items to ensure a safe reopening."
Price: 24.99

"100% Mahir Perencanaan Keuangan" |
"Uang bukanlah segalanya, tetapi hidup saat ini ternyata segalanya membutuhkan uang. Tetapi mengapa setiap kali diberikan uang selalu merasa tidak cukup ? Apakah problem di uangnya atau ada yang keliru dengan perencanaan keuangannya ?Ternyata bagaimana kemampuan perencanaan keuangan seseorang lebih berpengaruh daripada besaran uang yang diterima. Dengan memiliki kemampuan perencanaan keuangan yang baik uang kecil bisa menjadi uang besar dan sebaliknya jika tidak mempunyai kemampuan perencanaan keuangan yang baik berapa pun besar uang yang diterima akan menjadi kecil dan habis.Pelatihan ini akan menjadikan peserta sebagai seorang perencana keuangan pribadi (self financial planner) yang memiliki kemampuan perencanaan keuangan secara lengkap mulai dari mampu mengelola aliran kas (cash flow), mengelola risiko, mengelola investasi hingga mengelola pensiun.Pelatihan ini akan membekali peserta dengan 9 ketrampilan perencanaan keuangan yaitu :Manajemen cashflow supaya tidak besar pasak daripada tiangMembaca indikator kesehatan keuanganMemilah utang dan strategi melunasi utangMenentukan alokasi jumlah dana darurat dan proteksi asuransiMenghitung nilai uang kini dan masa mendatangMenentukan kebutuhan investasiMemilih produk investasi yang menguntungkan, aman dan murahMembaca trend pergerakan investasiMempersiapkan pensiun dan distribusi warisanSelamat belajar dan selamat menjadi seorang Self Financial Planner."
Price: 1260000.00

"Introduo ao Aprendizado de Mquina (Machine Learning)" |
"O curso separado em 8 semanas. Nas primeiras duas semanas, comeamos do bsico explicando o que aprendizado de mquina e quais so os conceitos fundamentais do curso. Nas ltimas 6 semanas, fazemos um tour por vrios tpicos e cobrimos os algoritmos mais famosos de aprendizado de mquina, entre eles: regresso linear, regresso logstica, lasso, redes neurais, convolues, rvores de deciso, florestas aleatrias, k-mdias, misturas gaussianas e filtro colaborativo.Ao final de cada semana temos um vdeo de programao onde eu mostro como programar os algoritmos discutidos naquela semana. Sempre que possvel eu uso de exemplos da minha experincia como cientista de dados no Airbnb e no Uber."
Price: 24.99

"SAP Cloud Platform Integration Zerti (C_CPI_13 + C_CP_I_12)" |
"Du mchtest die Zertifizierung C_CP_I_12 oder C_CPI_13 mit Selbstvertrauen bestehen? Mchtest du mehr wissen, bevor du die Zertifizierung zum SAP Certified Application Associate fr SAP Cloud Platform Integration ablegst? Du hast Zugang zu den Schulungsunterlagen zur SAP Cloud Platform Integration, mchtest aber sicher sein, die Prfung zu bestehen? Bereite dich auf einen garantiert erfolgreichen Zertifizierungsprozess vor.Du wirst Fragen bearbeiten, von denen ich garantieren kann, dass sie in einer echten Zertifizierungsprfung so vorkommen knnen. Die beiden Praxisprfungen stellen dich auf die Probe, um dich auf beide Zertifizierungen vorzubereiten. Jede bungsprfung enthlt einen Satz von 80 Fragen, die ber die Themenbereiche gem den Prfungsrichtlinien verteilt sind. Nachdem du diese Prfungen bestanden hast, bist du vollstndig darauf vorbereitet, die SCPI Zertifizierung abzulegen. Dieser bungskurs basiert auf den offiziellen Prfungshandbchern fr C_CP_I_12 und C_CPI_13. Er gewichtet die 11 bzw. acht Themen richtig, so dass du die eigentliche CPI Zertifizierung sicher bestehen kannst!Die Zertifizierungsprfung ""SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP Cloud Platform Integration"" besttigt, dass du die notwendigen und grundlegenden Fhigkeiten besitzt, die fr das Profil SAP Cloud Platform Integration erforderlich sind. Diese Zertifizierung beweist, dass du ber das Gesamtverstndnis und fundiertes technisches Fachwissen verfgst, um als Mitglied eines Projektteams in einer angeleiteten Rolle zu arbeiten. Das Zertifikat baut auf den Grundkenntnissen auf, die durch entsprechende Schulungen zu SAP Cloud Platform Integration erworben wurden.Konkret bezieht sich die Zertifizierung auf die Kurse CLD100 und CLD900, die ber die entsprechende SAP Learning Hub Subscription erhltlich sind. SAP empfiehlt Schulungen und praktische Erfahrung zur Vorbereitung auf die Zertifizierungsprfung, da anhand von Fragen deine Fhigkeit geprft wird, das in der Schulung erworbene Wissen anzuwenden. Das bedeutet, dass die Antworten auf die Zertifizierungsprfung durch das Erlernen des entsprechenden Kursmaterials gelst werden knnen. Werfen wir nun einen Blick auf die Themenbereiche und die Prfungsablufe:Die C_CP_I_12 Prfung enthlt 80 Fragen und hat einen Cut Score von 69%. Das bedeutet, dass du insgesamt 56 Fragen richtig beantworten musst. Du kannst 24 Fragen nicht richtig beantworten und trotzdem bestehen - genial. Fr die Beantwortung der 80 Fragen hast du 180 Minuten Zeit. Normalerweise wirst du nicht so viel brauchen. Fhlen dich nicht unwohl, wenn du frher fertig wirst.Schauen wir uns also die Verteilung der Fragen genauer an:iFlow Objects > 12% oder mehr als 10 FragenOperations and Monitoring 8% - 12% oder 6-10 FragenInfrastructure and Database Service in PaaS 8% - 12% oder 6-10 FragenSecurity 8% - 12% oder 6-10 FragenBasic building blocks 8% - 12% oder 6-10 FragenProduct Overview < 8% oder weniger als 6 FragenIntroduction to SAP Cloud Platform Integration < 8% oder weniger als 6 FragenSAP HANA Enterprise Cloud (HEC) < 8% oder weniger als 6 FragenSoftware as a Service (SaaS) < 8% oder weniger als 6 FragenApplication Development Services in PaaS < 8% oder weniger als 6 FragenSAP Cloud Overview < 8% oder weniger als 6 FragenDie neuere Zertifizierung, C_CPI_13, hat einen leicht vernderten Inhalt und Schwerpunkt. Dennoch gibt es viele berschneidungen:Die Prfung umfasst 80 Fragen und hat einen Cut Score von 68%. Das bedeutet, dass Sie 55 Fragen richtig beantworten mssen. Man kann 25 Fragen durchfallen lassen und trotzdem bestehen - genial.Schauen wir uns die Verteilung der Fragen genauer an:iFlow Objects > 12% oder mehr als 10 FragenSecurity > 12% oder mehr als 10 FragenIntelligent Enterprise > 12% oder mehr als 10 FragenCloud Native Application Development > 12% oder mehr als 10 FragenOperations and Monitoring 8% - 12% oder 6-10 FragenIntroduction to SAP Cloud Platform Integration < 8% oder weniger als 6 FragenProduct Overview < 8% oder weniger als 6 FragenBasic building blocks < 8% oder weniger als 6 FragenBist du bereit, ein SAP Certified Application Associate fr SAP Cloud Platform Integration zu werden? Machen dir keine Sorgen. Sei erfolgreich!"
Price: 199.99

"AWS Certified Big Data Specialty 2020" |
"The AWS Certified Big Data Specialty certification is one of the most challenging exams. It's great at assessing how well you understand not just AWS, but making sure you are making the best architectural decisions based on situations, which makes this certification incredibly valuable to have and pass.Do you want to evaluate your preparation for the Amazon AWS Certified Big Data Specialty AND be confident enough to pass your AWS Certified Big Data Specialty exam on the very first go? Well then AWS Certified Big Data Specialty Practice Tests are perfect for you! With this AWS Certification Practice course, you'll know exactly when you are ready to go for the exam and be 100% sure of achieving an incredible score"
Price: 44.99

"AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional Exam" |
"The AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional certification is one of the most challenging exams. It's great at assessing how well you understand not just AWS, but making sure you are making the best architectural decisions based on situations, which makes this certification incredibly valuable to have and pass.Do you want to evaluate your preparation for the Amazon AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional AND be confident enough to pass your AWS certification exam on the very first go? Well then AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional Practice Tests are perfect for you! With this AWS Certification Practice course, you'll know exactly when you are ready to go for the exam and be 100% sure of achieving an incredible score"
Price: 44.99

"Urlaub, digitaler Nomade, Freiheit - Wie du die Welt bereist" |
"Wer trumt nicht davon, den perfekten Urlaub zu haben? Doch schnell bist du berfordert mit der Buchung, der Reisezusammenstellung, du weit nicht so recht, wie du eine passende Unterkunft findest. Du denkst dir vielleicht, das es doch gnstigere Mglichkeiten fr das Reisen geben sollte. Du willst gar im Ausland leben und dein Geld verdienen, weit aber nicht, wie das geht? Hier bist du richtig. Ich bin dein Dozent Marc und Vollzeit Reisender seit 2014. In diesem Videokurs erklre ich dir, wie du deine Reisen planen solltest, welche Tipps und Tricks ich fr dich habe. Wie du den perfekten Flug und die Unterkunft findest, die genau zu dir passt. Wie du mit einem Bonusprogramm im Alltag genug Meilen sammeln kannst um diese in einen ""Freiflug"" zu verwandeln. Als ortsunabhngiger Unternehmer und digitaler Nomade bereise ich die Welt, auch du kannst dies. Es gibt heutzutage unzhlige Mglichkeiten dein Geld auf der Strae zu verdienen, nur mit einem Laptop oder gar als Expat lebend im Ausland. Ich zeige dir Mglichkeiten, wie du deine Urlaubszeit jedes Jahr optimieren kannst, egal ob Pauschal, Abenteurer oder sogar als Weltreisender. Die Welt ist deine.Lass mich dir meine Erfahrung von Vollzeit Reisen der letzten Jahre und meines Lebens davor in Irland und Malta teilen und dir helfen, wie du fr dich das beste als Urlauber, Reisender oder den Traum hast im Ausland zu leben, herauszuholen und das in die Tat umsetzen kannst. Ich bin hier um dir einen Mehrwert zu liefern und wnsche dir schon vorab eine tolle Zeit im Ausland, mit dem Gewissen, das du Geld und Zeit gespart hast. Was ist Reisen? Ein Ortswechsel? Keineswegs! Beim Reisen wechselt man seine Meinungen und Vorurteile.Anatole France- Dein Marc"
Price: 199.99

"Mes secrets de sommelier : Savoir reconnaitre le bon vin" |
"Si, comme d'autres, vous faites partie de ces gens qui ne savent jamais quel vin choisir ou servir, comment l'accorder efficacement et coup sr avec vos plats... Ou tout autre problme qui implique le vin dans votre quotidien, voici un atelier que j'ai conu pour vous.L'objectif : Atteindre une totale autonomie et en finir avec ces hsitations :Quel vin choisirO l'acheterQue devez-vous regarderA quel moment le servirQuelle tempratureComment conserver le vin"
Price: 59.99

"Manage and Visualize Projects in Smartsheet" |
"Got a day? Then you have time to build a project portfolio solution equipped with automated alerts, workflows to get regular team updates and a dashboard summarizing project information in real-time.This course is designed to walk you through how to create a project dashboard in Smartsheet from start to finish. In this course, we will cover how to: Develop key metrics to highlight important information. Create a tracking sheet to manage project progression. Set up a well-structured metrics sheet that will drive your dashboard. Configure your dashboard that will be digestible and attractive to your audience."
Price: 39.99

"Supervisrio - Esteira, Chave YD e nvel Tanque com PC_SIMU" |
"Curso que aborda :* Montagem de um sistema automtico de deteco e contagem de material e acionamento de esteiras. * Montagem de um sistema de indicao de chave YD (estrela-tringulo). * Montagem de um sistema de nvel de um tanque.Todos esses utilizando PC_SIMU se comunicando com o CADeSIMU(PLC).Projetos completos para conhecer ainda mais os detalhes do PC_SIMU.Matricule-se j!"
Price: 39.99

"Microsoft OneDrive For Absolute Beginners - OneDrive Course" |
"Learn Microsoft OneDrive From Scratch For Personal & Business Use Can Radically Improve Your Productivity Well Show You How!You will learn about Microsoft OneDrive and how to get the most out of using OneDrive with step-by-step video tutorials. Microsoft OneDrive is a cloud-based storage service that allows a user to access files from any device with an Internet connection. This means a user can share files with others within the organization as well as external users. Files stored on OneDrive can be edited in the Office Online applications and can even be co-authored by multiple users at once. Students will learn to access files, change the view and sorting options, open and save files, organize folders, share files, and view file details. Students will also learn to work with Version History, delete files, and sync files.Both OneDrive (the free, personal version) and OneDrive for Business (the corporate version included in most Office 365 plans) have the same mission: To let you easily access your documents and files from any device, anytime, and securely share them with others.In this Uniquely Engaging TM course from Bigger Brains well look at both OneDrive and OneDrive for Business to help you get up to speed on learning the complete OneDrive Features."
Price: 19.99
