"Learn CorelDRAW - Create Vector Art - Beginner to Advanced" |
"This course will teach you how to create vector art, logos and designs in CorelDRAW for yourself, for graphic design work or for upload to microstock sites such as Shutterstock, Getty Images, Dreamstime, etc. Great for beginners, students, artists and anyone who wants to learn to create their own vector artwork, logo design. graphic design, t-shirt art."
Price: 19.99

"QiGong For Health and Quality of Life" |
"QiGong benefits on healing, blood pressure, diabetes, stress, and more... Despite its gentle nature, the health benefits of QiGong can be impressive What's more, Harvard Medical School notes you may still be able to enjoy all these movements even if you have a condition that prevents you from many physical activities. Learn the practices to become master of mind and body and that you can start doing by yourself to create a solid foundation for your physical and spiritual well being.If you are looking forward a high level Master to guide your Tai Chi, Qi Gong and Meditation practice in your daily life and develop your knowledge.Follow Master Ping' online Class may be one of the best option for you.The Class is very good to improve health and quality of life.Improves diabetes control and reduced hypertensionTo improve your health and quality of lifeTo relieve back pain, restore the ability to work and playTo improve relax and harmonyTo improve muscular strength, fitness, balance and flexibility"
Price: 19.99

"Practical Advice for Timber Export Management" |
"This course is aimed for export specialists in timber industry to prepare them better to deal with sales challenges. The course provides an insight of the wood processing industry and what it requires to be successful in sales of your product. The course is direct and straightforward focusing on key elements and providing interesting links to develop knowledge of industry."
Price: 39.99

"HIV/AIDS & STD Prevention" |
"In this course students will learn about sexually transmitted diseases and infections and how to prevent them. In the first section, three students discover through Instagram that their favorite singers boyfriend has a herpes sore on his lip, which leads to a larger discussion of risks, symptoms, and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases and infections. In the second section, the characters learn about the symptoms, treatment, and prevention of HIV as a friend has recently been diagnosed with HIV. The final section demonstrates different types of male and female condoms and their uses. This science-based and age-appropriate course allows learners 12 and up to learn a wide breadth of material scientifically shown to increase their physical and psychological health while being readily accessible for parents to cover the material with their children. Abstinence and other STD, STI and pregnancy prevention strategies are discussed. Students understanding of HIV/AIDS and other STDs and STIs, and how they are contracted, is assessed throughout. This course is approved by the Chicago Public Schools Office of School Wellness Programs. This course is brought to you by Lessonbee. For more courses like this, visit the Lessonbee website."
Price: 19.99

"Uaktan Atlama Korkumu Nasl Yendim?" |
"Skydiving sporunu yapmak isteyenlerin merak ettii tm sorulara bu kursta yer vermeye altm. Uaktan atlama korkusu, atlama hissi, zel tavsiyeler gibi birok konuyu bu sette bulabilirsiniz. Bizzat uaktan atlama cesaretini gstermi birisi olarak benim gibi ilk kez atlamay dnenlerin tm merakn giderecek ve bir nebze olsun motivasyonlarna katk salayacak kaliteli bir ierik hazrlamaya altm. Faydal olmas dileiyle."
Price: 69.99

"SAP HANA SQL Scripting - Step 1" |
"*** This is the first comprehensive online course on SAP HANA SQL & SQL Scripting ***Welcome to the beginner SAP HANA SQL & SQL Scripting course. You want to learn how to develop SQL skills on HANA? This course is for you. It is perfect time to learn HANA technologies. There are lot of requirement for HANA Developers, as many SAP clients moving from traditional databases to HANA. This comprehensive tutorial teaches required skills to become HANA SQL Developer. This course covers almost all features SQL and SQL Script with real-world example (including Designtime objects and Core Data Services)Here are few highlights of the course:Introduce HANA Express Edition (HXE) which is a free HANA Developer version for learning and prototyping purpose.Walk you through steps to setup your HANA studio for first time.Key HANA concepts (Row store vs Column store and Delta Merge)Multiple sample databases created by us for learning and practiceStart with very basic SELECT SQL statements to advanced stored procedures using SQLScripting.Covers each and every key word of SQL & SQLScripting.More than 5 ways to create a table.Imperative and Declarative statements.Extensive content on SQLScripting.Scalar UDF'sTable UDF'sStored ProceduresScripted Calculation views.Table Variables, Input Parameters etc..Provided detailed explanation on best practices to follow and real world examples.HANA Certification SQL part is covered.Special features like IDENTITY, Dynamic Filters, Exception handling and many more.Development objects and Designtime Objects.Core Data Services (CDS).By end of this course you will be very confident on SQL & SQLScripting.Probably Time4HANA courses are best in HANA World...!Note: If you already have the SQL foundation, please check out our ""SAP HANA SQL & SQL Scripting - Step 2"" course.Please feel free to checkout course content, preview videos to know more about this course."
Price: 144.99

"Selbstverteidigung lernen mit Pratze - Fortgeschrittene" |
"""Die Fhigkeit, dich selbst und deine Familie zu schtzen, ist die wertvollste Fhigkeit, die du haben kannst!""In diesem Kurs lernst du alle wichtigen Selbstverteidigungstechniken und Szenarien mit deinem Partner an der Pratze.Auch werden alle Drills und Szenarien in Bewegung trainiert. Also nicht statisch, sondern alles in der Vorwrtsbewegung um Druck auf den Aggressor auszufhren. Es gibt wichtige Grundprinzipien fr eine effektive Selbstverteidigung, auf die in diesem Kurs laufend Wert gelegt wird.Kurz - Hart - Dynamisch - Effektiv! Kein Schnickschnack! Du wirst deine Schlagkraft maximieren, um effektive harte Schlge ausfhren zu knnen, und somit den Aggressor kampfunfhig zu machen. Du trainierst alles mit Widerstand auf die Pratze. Keine Schlge oder sonstige Techniken werden in die Luft ohne Widerstand geschlagen, denn das ist nicht effektiv.Gefahrensituationen erkennen ist das eine, richtig zu handeln, ist das andere. Du lernst durch das Training deine Hemmungen fr z.B. einen Erstschlag abzubauen. Angriff ist die beste Verteidigung. Hier geht es um das richtige Mindest. Du erhltst fachkundige Anleitungsvideos fr verschiedene Situationen.Es wird der gesamte Bereich fr deinen Schutz abgedeckt.Mit diesem Kurs erhltst du mit schrittweiser Anleitung einen Modernen, fortschrittlichen Lehrplan.Dieser Kurs ist fr absolute Einsteiger, sowie fr erfahrene Kampfsportler.Du lernst keine Hollywood Techniken, die zwar cool ausschauen, aber auf der Strae unter Stress nie funktionieren werden.Du lernst keine Hebel- oder Kontrolltechniken, die fr Showeinlagen einiges hermachen. Dies ist bei einem Gegner, der sich bewegt und sich wehrt, nur unter Jahrzehnte langen Training mglich sind.Realistische Selbstverteidigung die wirklich auf der Strae funktionieren muss, hat nichts mit Show und sthetik zu tun. Die Verteidigungstechniken haben nur eine Aufgabe - SIE MSSEN FUNKTIONIEREN! Und das so leicht und effektiv wie nur mglich. Nur so haben kleiner und schwchere Menschen eine Chance.Ich freue mich, dich mit meinem Kurs zu deiner Sicherheit zu begleiten.Viel Spa beim Training!"
Price: 99.99

"Selbstverteidigung lernen mit Pratze alleine (Solo-Training)" |
"""Die Fhigkeit, dich selbst und deine Familie zu schtzen, ist die wertvollste Fhigkeit, die du haben kannst!""In diesem Kurs lernst du alle wichtigen Selbstverteidigungstechniken und Szenarien die du alleine an der Pratze trainieren kannst.Auch werden alle Drills und Szenarien in Bewegung trainiert. Also nicht statisch, sondern alles in der Vorwrtsbewegung um Druck auf den Aggressor auszufhren. Es gibt wichtige Grundprinzipien fr eine effektive Selbstverteidigung, auf die in diesem Kurs laufend Wert gelegt wird.Kurz - Hart - Dynamisch - Effektiv! Kein Schnickschnack! Du wirst deine Schlagkraft maximieren, um effektive harte Schlge ausfhren zu knnen, und somit den Aggressor kampfunfhig zu machen. Du trainierst alles mit Widerstand auf die Pratze. Keine Schlge oder sonstige Techniken werden in die Luft ohne Widerstand geschlagen, denn das ist nicht effektiv.Gefahrensituationen erkennen ist das eine, richtig zu handeln, ist das andere. Du lernst durch das Training deine Hemmungen fr z.B. einen Erstschlag abzubauen. Angriff ist die beste Verteidigung. Hier geht es um das richtige Mindest. Du erhltst fachkundige Anleitungsvideos fr verschiedene Situationen.Es wird der gesamte Bereich fr deinen Schutz abgedeckt.Mit diesem Kurs erhltst du mit schrittweiser Anleitung einen Modernen, fortschrittlichen Lehrplan.Dieser Kurs ist fr absolute Einsteiger, sowie fr erfahrene Kampfsportler.Du lernst keine Hollywood Techniken, die zwar cool ausschauen, aber auf der Strae unter Stress nie funktionieren werden.Du lernst keine Hebel- oder Kontrolltechniken, die fr Showeinlagen einiges hermachen. Dies ist bei einem Gegner, der sich bewegt und sich wehrt, nur unter Jahrzehnte langen Training mglich sind.Realistische Selbstverteidigung die wirklich auf der Strae funktionieren muss, hat nichts mit Show und sthetik zu tun. Die Verteidigungstechniken haben nur eine Aufgabe - SIE MSSEN FUNKTIONIEREN! Und das so leicht und effektiv wie nur mglich. Nur so haben kleiner und schwchere Menschen eine Chance.Ich freue mich, dich mit meinem Kurs zu deiner Sicherheit zu begleiten.Viel Spa beim Training!"
Price: 99.99

"Fundamentos de MS Azure: espaol e ingls simulados Az-900" |
"Use este King simulado para que pueda aprender conceptos bsicos sobre la nube de Azure. Realice la prueba, revise y vea los puntos en los que an necesita estudiar un poco ms antes de la prueba, si tiene resultados promedio en ms del 90%, hay muchos de ustedes para aprobar la prueba. Las preguntas y explicaciones sobre la respuesta correcta se describen en ingls y espaol. Recordando que no es un curso completo ni un curso oficial, es una simulacin para el examen."
Price: 19.99

"Fondamenti di MS Azure - Simulato Az-900 inglese e italiano" |
"Usare questo King simulato in modo da poter apprendere concetti di base sul cloud di Azure. Fai il test, rivedi e vedi i punti in cui devi ancora studiare un po 'di pi prima del test, se hai risultati medi in oltre il 90% ci sono molti di voi che passano il test. Domande e spiegazioni sulla risposta giusta sono descritte in inglese e italiano. Ricordando che non un corso completo n un corso ufficiale, una simulazione per il test."
Price: 19.99

"Complete Firebase Database For Android With Real App (2020)" |
"Firebase for AndroidWelcome to Firebase Realtime Database development. In this complete course you'll learn all about the brand new Firebase Realtime Database, a NoSQL cloud based database technology. We start from the ground up and teach you everything you need to know from the fundamentals, authentication and a deep dive into CRUD operations on Firebase Realtime Database.WHY TAKE THIS COURSE?Firebase should be taught using real world examples and that's exactly what this course does! Note that this is not a theory course. We will learn about complete Firebase while creating a working Note Taking App; which will provide you with experience and expertise required to create a working real-world app on your own.Even if you are a beginner in Android App Development, this course will teach you how to use Firebase in an easy way. There's no need to worry or be anxious. We will make it easy for you! Here are some of the things you'll be able to do after taking this course:Build your own apps using the new Firebase Realtime DatabaseYou will be able to create and save data to your Firebase Realtime DatabaseAdd powerful login capability to your apps using Firebase Email AuthenticationDebug apps and fix any bugs you face while creating such apps.Who this course is for:People who want to build advanced Android apps!EntrepreneursThose looking to get a full time job as a developerStudentsPeople who want to make money building appsBy the end of this course, you will have your own working app which can store complex data and work in real time!So, are you ready?Come on in, the class has just started! :)"
Price: 19.99

"Photoshop for Shopify Course + Template Bundle" |
"The Design4Ecom Premium Course is heavily fine-tuned to teach you absolutely EVERYTHING you need to know about graphic design and Photoshop, the course is 1 and a half hours with EVERY MINUTE exploding with value and information. Aquire EVERYTHING you'll ever need for Shopify ecommerce! Learn EVERYTHING you need to know about ecommerce Photoshop design in only 1 and a half hours! Complete with Logos, Website Images, Facebook Page Images, Product Page Images, Instagram Posts and Ads!"
Price: 19.99

"Renda Extra: Como fazer Adesivos Artesanais para Unhas" |
"importante seguir a sequncia das aulas para que voc possa absorver todas as informaes contidas no curso.Segue a baixo, tudo o que voc vai aprender nesse curso. So mais de 60 aulas. Materiais Bsicos:Caixa de Leite, cartes, pasta L, capa de encadernaoPincisTintas (cores Bsicas)Tintas (Tipos de tintas e como diluir tinta grossa)Qual Base usar?Saquinhos e embalagensMateriais ComplementaresAprendendo a Produzir:Como preparar as cartelasComo embalar as cartelasImportncia dos carimbos e como usarComo limpar os pincisComo desenhar formas BsicasTraos e ContornosPasso a Passo de modelos Bsicos: (10 modelos)Flor Vermelha de 5 BolinhasGatinho PretoRosinha de CaracolRosinha de VirgulaRisco e CoraoCorao VermelhoCorujinhaUrsinho e CachorrinhoFlor de 5 bolinhas com coraoRisco preto com rosinhaAprendendo a vender:Como Calcular o custo de materiaisComo calcular a mo de obraComo colocar o preoComo comear a venderComo comear a vender na internetCarga Dupla x One Stroke:Diferena entre Carga Dupla e One StrokeMatizaoPincis: Cerdas Longas ou curtas? Como escolher!Movimentos Bsicos: One Stroke/Carga Dupla(APOSTILA para Download)Como preparar sua Apostila de TreinoMovimento: Boto de RosaMovimento: ConeMovimento: Gota e CoraoMovimento: LequeMovimento: Bico ArredondadoMovimento: VirgulaMovimento: Sobreposio InternaMovimento: Asa de Borboleta 1Movimento: Asa de Borboleta 2Movimento: Bico RedondoMovimento Folha: Bico ArredondadoMovimento Folha: SimplesMovimento Folha: GotaMovimento Folha: ElaboradaTreinamento de Movimentos completos:(APOSTILA para Download)Treinamento: ATreinamento: BTreinamento: CTreinamento: DTreinamento: ETreinamento: FTreinamento: GTreinamento: HTreinamento: IPasso a Passo de modelos One Stroke: (15 modelos)Caneta Branca com Boto de RosaBoto de Rosa com risco em glitterBorboleta SimplesFlor VerdeFlor Azul CelesteFlor Azul TurquezaTulipa VermelhaFlor Lateral com ptalas simplesBoto de Rosa com coraoBoto de Rosa com MargaridaMeia Margarida com Dois BotesFlor de Gota MagentaRosa Aberta com Meia MargaridaFlor vermelha com mioloBorboleta Aberta Rosa"
Price: 99.99

"Scrum Master 1 Certification Prep - Pass on your FIRST try!" |
"Are you ready to take the Scrum Master I exam?The exams consist of practice questions specifically made for the scope of knowledge necessary to fully prepare for the PSM I exam. They also have a similar style and format, and even the difficulties in wording or structure of the questions in the exam have been embedded into the sample questions to create a better opportunity for preparing. For example, the phrase Scrum Master sometimes refers to the role of Scrum Master and sometimes to the person whos playing the role. The meaning of the phrase in cases like this has to be decided based on the context, and more importantly, based on the available choices. You will see this type of vagueness in the sample questions too because you have to be prepared for the exam.After you finish a practice exam, you will receive complete feedback, with useful and relatively long explanations for each question. While this course is not designed to teach Scrum, it will help you refine your knowledge and prepare for the exam as I've still added as much explanation as needed, to help you be fully prepared.How much does a Scrum Master make?The national average salary for a Scrum Master is $97,319 in United States. Compare this with the average salary for a Project Manager, $66,137 in United States. The ability to help organizations change the way of working is more important than ever as our world rapidly changes. Companies will depend on Scrum Masters to help teams and organizations rapidly adapt to these changes in order to stay competitive.How can this course can help you prepare for and pass the Scrum Master 1 exam?The best way to pass the PSM1 exam, is to learn the Scrum framework very well and understand it deeply. Memorizing doesnt help. Having a deep understanding helps you answer questions youve never seen before. So, if you see xyz should be abc, ask yourself why; ask what happens if its not that way; ask yourself how this principle is connected to all other principles, and how they create a concrete whole.Download the Scrum Guide (free) and read it very carefully. You should understand the reason behind every sentence; its not about memorizing.Evaluate and fill in the gaps:Use the practice exams in this course and check your answers (right and wrong) against the Scrum Guide and make sure youve learned from it, instead of memorizing. Repeat the practice exams until you have a firm grasp of the underlying concepts and principles behind each question and answer.What's so unique about this course?As a professional Scrum instructor, all questions and explanations adhere to the latest Scrum Guide version (November 2017) and are continuously refined based on user feedback and questions.I am committed to personally answering student questions within 24-48 hours but typically within the same day depending on the time-zone. I am not only an avid Scrum practitioner but also a professional Scrum instructor and that has helped Agilists successfully become proficient and certified for the past 10 years.DisclaimerThe terms Scrum Open, Professional Scrum, Professional Scrum Master, Professional Scrum Product Owner, PSM, PSM I, PSM 1, PSPO I, PSPO 1, etc. is the protected brand of Scrum . org. This course, quizzes, course materials, and practice exams are neither endorsed by nor affiliated with Scrum . org or Scrum Alliance.The statements made and opinions expressed herein belong exclusively to the creator of this course and are not shared by or represent the viewpoint of Scrum .org or Scrum Alliance. This training does not constitute an endorsement of any product, service or point of view. Scrum .org and Scrum Alliance makes no representations, warranties or assurances of any kind, express or implied, as to the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, availability or currency of the content contained in this presentation or any material related to this presentation. In no event shall Scrum .org or Scrum Alliance, its agents, officers, employees, licensees or affiliates be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of profits, business information, loss of information) arising out of the information or statements contained in the training. Any reliance you place on such content is strictly at your own risk."
Price: 99.99

"Product Owner 1 Certification Prep- Pass on your FIRST try!" |
"Are you ready to take the Product Owner I exam?The exams consist of practice questions specifically made for the scope of knowledge necessary to fully prepare for the PSPO I exam. They also have a similar style and format, and even the difficulties in wording or structure of the questions in the exam have been embedded into the sample questions to create a better opportunity for preparing. For example, the phrase Product Owner sometimes refers to the role of Product Owner and sometimes to the person whos playing the role. The meaning of the phrase in cases like this has to be decided based on the context, and more importantly, based on the available choices. You will see this type of vagueness in the sample questions too because you have to be prepared for the exam.After you finish a practice exam, you will receive complete feedback, with useful and relatively long explanations for each question. While this course is not designed to teach Scrum, it will help you refine your knowledge and prepare for the exam as I've still added as much explanation as needed, to help you be fully prepared.How much does a Product Owner make?The national average salary for a Product Owner is $95,442 in the United States. Compare this with the average salary for a Project Manager, $66,137 in the United States. The world is evolving increasingly faster. Companies are in search of skilled individuals that can drive solutions in order to survive and the demand for skilled Product Owners will only increase.How can this course can help you prepare for and pass the Product Owner 1 exam?The best way to pass the PSPO1 exam, is to learn the Scrum framework very well and understand it deeply. Memorizing doesnt help. Having a deep understanding helps you answer questions youve never seen before. So, if you see xyz should be abc, ask yourself why; ask what happens if its not that way; ask yourself how this principle is connected to all other principles, and how they create a concrete whole.Download the Scrum Guide (free) and read it very carefully. You should understand the reason behind every sentence; its not about memorizing.Evaluate and fill in the gaps:Use the practice exams in this course and check your answers (right and wrong) against the Scrum Guide and make sure youve learned from it, instead of memorizing. Repeat the practice exams until you have a firm grasp of the underlying concepts and principles behind each question and answer.What's so unique about this course?As a professional Scrum instructor, all questions and explanations adhere to the latest Scrum Guide version (November 2017) and are continuously refined based on user feedback and questions.I am committed to personally answering student questions within 24-48 hours but typically within the same day depending on the time-zone. I am not only an avid Scrum practitioner but also a professional Scrum instructor and that has helped Agilists successfully become proficient and certified for the past 10 years.DisclaimerThe terms Scrum Open, Professional Scrum, Professional Scrum Master, Professional Scrum Product Owner, PSM, PSM I, PSM 1, PSPO I, PSPO 1, etc. is the protected brand of Scrum . org. This course, quizzes, course materials, and practice exams are neither endorsed by nor affiliated with Scrum . org or Scrum Alliance.The statements made and opinions expressed herein belong exclusively to the creator of this course and are not shared by or represent the viewpoint of Scrum .org or Scrum Alliance. This training does not constitute an endorsement of any product, service or point of view. Scrum .org and Scrum Alliance makes no representations, warranties or assurances of any kind, express or implied, as to the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, availability or currency of the content contained in this presentation or any material related to this presentation. In no event shall Scrum .org or Scrum Alliance, its agents, officers, employees, licensees or affiliates be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of profits, business information, loss of information) arising out of the information or statements contained in the training. Any reliance you place on such content is strictly at your own risk."
Price: 99.99

"Merhaba arkadalar, borsada zaman iinde kazandm,sizlere aktarmak iin hazrladm eitim setinde ihtiyacnz olan bilgileri bulacaksnz. Eitimleri ksa,anlalr ve sade ekilde hazrlamaya zen gsterdim. Genel olarak ksa videolardan bu eitimin yan sra, deiik sosyal alarda yaptmz yaynlarda da iletiim halinde olacaz. Eitimler zaman ierisinde daha fazla video ile desteklenecektir ve salamalar da dier arkadalarmzla beraber gn iinde yaplacak. Borsa da bilmeniz gerekenin anlatlanlardan fazla olduunu ve bunlarn sabrla birletiinde nelerin deitiine sizlerde ahit olacaksnz. imdiden btn arkadalarma iyi dersler diliyorum."
Price: 399.99

"COBIT 2019 Fundamentos 2 Simuladores de Examen" |
"Simulador de examen (75 preguntas) para la certificacin de COBIT 2019 Fundamentos, Introduccin y Metodologa.1. Introduccin.2. Pblico objetivo.3. Principios de COBIT.4. Sistema de Gobierno 5. Objetivos de Gobierno y Gestin de COBIT. 6. Gestin del Desempeo en COBIT.7. Diseo de un Sistema de Gobierno Personalizado.8. Implementar el Gobierno de TI de la Empresa.9. Comience con COBIT: Construyendo el Caso.10. COBIT y otros estndares."
Price: 270.00

"ITIL 4 Fundamentos 2 Simuladores de Examen con 40 preguntas" |
"En este apartado tendrs la oportunidad de practicar para el examen de ITIL 4 Fundamentos - Gestin de Servicios de TI. Son 40 preguntas similares a las de examen de certificacin y se aprueba con 26/40 respuestas correctas (65%).Contars con un simulador de la ltima versin de ITIL 4 en idioma espaol y al final del examen podrs revisar tus respuestas correctas e incorrectas, porcentaje de cada una de ellas y la explicacin de cada respuesta correcta."
Price: 270.00

"Schlagzeug Online-Kurs" |
"Spielen mit und ohne NotenSchnellere LernerfolgeSpielen zu Songs, was ist das Geheimnis dahinter?Fokus auf das Wesentliche, kein langes Drumherumgerede, sondern zielgerichtete und sinnvoll aufgebaute UnterrichtseinheitenSchnell und effektiv lernenSchlagzeug Theorie nebenbei verstehen: anhand von konkreten Beispielen aus der Praxis wird Theorie verstndlich und nachvollziehbarFunktioniert auf allen Mobile DevicesVideos in professioneller Bild- & TonqualittDu bist nicht allein: Ich beantworte dir alle deine FragenDu entscheidest dein Lerntempo selbst"
Price: 24.99

"Makine renmesinin Felsefesi ve Matlab Uygulamalar" |
"Arkadalar hepinize merhaba.Bu derste zellikle Makine renmesi ve yapay zeka ile alakal matematiksel dnte verilen felsefi gemi tartmas yaplacaktr. Analitik felsefenin etkisiyle doan bu alanda Makine renmesi iin kullanlan temel teoriler ve bunlarn hazr ktphane olmadan kodlanmas zerine gzel bir giri bu derste yaplacaktr.Konu balklar olarak,- Makine renmesinin felsefesi ve trleri- Optimizasyon yntemlerinde de sklkla kendisi ve trevleri kullanlan den eim algoritmas- Snflama ilemleri iin Lojistik regresyon kullanm ve basit bir alglayc (perceptron) tasarmnn anlatm- Yapay sinir a yaplar ve bu tip alarn eitimi iin geri yaylml renme teknikleri (Neural Network - Backpropagation Algorithm) - Olaslk teorisinin bulunuu ve felsefi yaylm (Probability)- Kovaryans, varyans, ortalama deer ve dier olaslksal kavramlarn aklamas ve felsefi temeli- Olaslksal younluk fonksiyonlarnn kullanm ve matlab uygulamas (PDF)- Karm modeli tabanl birden fazla younluk fonksiyonunun kullanm ve Matlab uygulamas (GMM)- Olaslksal karm fonksiyonlarnn snflama ilemleri ve Matlab UygulamasUmarm size aktarmak istediim bu bilgileri bir mr boyu kullanrsnz."
Price: 309.99

"Erfolgreich in Aktien & ETF`s investieren" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst du, wie du dich an den besten Unternehmen der Welt beteiligen kannst und dir dadurch langfristig ein riesiges Vermgen mittels Kursgewinnen und Dividenden aufbauen kannst. Wir bieten dir den perfekten Einstieg deine Finanzen selbst in die Hand zu nehmen.Nachdem du diesen Kurs durchlaufen hast und somit alle Grundlagen ber die Aktienmrkte verstanden hast, bist du in der Lage dein Geld erfolgreich in Aktien und ETFs anzulegen.berzeuge dich selbst und triff die beste Investmententscheidung deines Lebens!"
Price: 19.99

"Learn C++ Game Development for Beginners" |
"Which programming language is often seen as a badge of honor among software developers? C++Which programming language can you learn that when added to your resume, will often get you a job interview? C++Which programming language is routinely ranked in the top 5 programming languages by popularity, and been consistently in the top 10 for close to 20 years? C++Why you should learn C++Much, if not most of software written today is still written in C++ and this has been the case for many, many years.Not only is C++ popular, it is also a very relevant language. If you go to GitHub you will see that there are a huge number of active C++ repositories and C++ is also extremely active on stack overflow.There are many, many leading software titles written entirely or partly in C++. These include the Windows, Linux and Mac OSX operating systems!Many of the Adobe products such as Photoshop and Illustrator, the mySQL and MongoDB database engines, and many many more are written in C++.Leading tech companies use C++ for many of their products and internal research and development. These include Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, PayPal, Google, Facebook, Oracle and many more."
Price: 189.99

"The complete HTML and CSS for Beginners" |
"This step by step HTML and CSS course will help you learn coding fast and with an instructor that really cares about his students.Learning to code will help you make more money in your job, or even find a better job, or even better yet, get a nice job as web developer.HTML and CSS are the foundations you need to get into any programming language.What are your waiting? Every minute you let by is money and opportunity that are passing you by. Don't put it off anymore and get the knowledge your need to succeed today.Together we hand-code a beautiful and responsive landing page for a fictional company that I made up just for the course. Step-by-step, you will learn more and more HTML5 and CSS3 features, from beginner to advanced. These are the latest web technologies, used by every website in the world. And we even added some jQuery to the mix.This huge project will teach you all the real-world skills to build real-world HTML5 and CSS3 websites. This will allow you to build any website you can imagine... From complete scratch."
Price: 134.99

"Building Unity 2D Platformer for Beginners" |
"This course teaches the new 2d tools and features of Unity 2017, including the Tilemap and Timeline Editor tools. These features are completely new to Unity and allow developers to develop 2d games quicker and more effectively. This course is geared towards beginners but is a great choice for any Unity developer looking to learn how to use Unitys latest tools and features.The Tilemap Tool allows users to paint sprites onto a grid to facilitate rapid and more precise prototyping and 2d level design. The Timeline Editor, powered by cinemachine, allows developers and animators to easily coordinate complex cutscenes by providing one timeline that can visually layout the animations of several game objects at once.In this course, we will use these two core features of Unity 2017 to build a 2d platformer game level. We will build a splash screen, animated cutscene, playable third person character, artificially intelligent enemies, in-game collectibles, and a 2d level. By the end of this course you will have hands-on experience implementing all of these game features using Unitys latest 2d tools.The full project made in this course is attached as a resource to the course. So if you get stuck for any reason, you have both the full project as well as myself that you can reach out to for help!"
Price: 134.99

"The complete Linux Command Line Basics for Beginners" |
"In this section, you will learn what Linux commands are, and how they are structured so that you can get valuable insight into how working with the Linux command line works, rather than just memorising command after command after command like other Linux courses will make you do.You will learn important concepts such as:The difference between the Linux terminal and the shellCommand Input and OutputData Redirection.Connecting Linux Commands together to Build Sophisticated Data Pipelines.And so many other useful concepts that will give you the fundamental skills to confidently use the command line to accomplish anything you want.This course also focuses on empowering you to be an independent learner of the Linux operating system so you will also learn how to use the Linux Manual.Knowing how to use the Linux manual will give you the independence to do what you want to do, rather than just what other people have shown you."
Price: 149.99

"The complete Google Cloud Platform (GCP) for Beginners" |
"The Google Cloud Platform is not currently the most popular cloud offering out there - that's AWS of course - but it is possibly the best cloud offering for high-end machine learning applications. That's because TensorFlow, the super-popular deep learning technology is also from Google.What's Included:Compute and Storage - AppEngine, Container Enginer (aka Kubernetes) and Compute EngineBig Data and Managed Hadoop - Dataproc, Dataflow, BigTable, BigQuery, Pub/SubTensorFlow on the Cloud - what neural networks and deep learning really are, how neurons work and how neural networks are trained.DevOps stuff - StackDriver logging, monitoring, cloud deployment managerSecurity - Identity and Access Management, Identity-Aware proxying, OAuth, API Keys, service accountsNetworking - Virtual Private Clouds, shared VPCs, Load balancing at the network, transport and HTTP layer; VPN, Cloud Interconnect and CDN InterconnectHadoop Foundations: A quick look at the open-source cousins (Hadoop, Spark, Pig, Hive and HBase)"
Price: 174.99

"The Complete Cyber Security Course for Beginners" |
"Learn a practical skill-set in securing laptops, desktops and mobile devices from all types of threats, including, advanced hackers, trackers, exploit kits, thieves and much more.On this course we cover end-point-protection, which is an extremely important and hot topic in cyber security right now!Become a cyber security specialist - Go from a beginner to advanced in this easy to follow expert course.Covering all the major platforms Windows, MacOS, Linux, iOS and Android.Master the selection and implementation of solid disk encryption technology to protect devices from disk decryption attacks.Understand the current and next generation anti-virus solutions, how they work, how to select the best products and how to implement them successfully.Covering traditional end-point-protection technologies through to next generation and future technology; application control, execution prevention, machine learning and Artificial Intelligence.Learn how we can detect and monitor for threats such as malware and hackers through the use of security through deception and detection technologies.We have fun learning how to seek and destroy system resident malware and hackers. Get up to speed on your hacker hunting!Learn how to perform operating system hardening to decrease the attacker surfaces of your devices to make them safer.Explore the best techniques in anti-forensics to securely delete data and meta-data so that it is unrecoverable by even computer forensics experts.Plus there is more. We end by looking the extremely important topic of email and messenger security. Email has natively poor security, but in this course, I teach you how to overcome those weaknesses and fully secure your communication."
Price: 104.99

AEDL`s |
"Rund um die Pflegeplanung Lernen Sie hier die AEDLs kennen als Grundlage fr Ihre Pflegeplanung: umfassendes Verstndnis fr die Zusammenhnge Grundlage fr die Pflegeplanung Grundlage fr die SIS Grundlage fr den PflegeprozessAKTIVITTEN UND EXISTENZIELLE ERFAHRUNGEN DES LEBENS. BEI DEN AEDLS HANDELT ES SICH UM EIN KONZEPTIONELLES MODELL DER (ALTEN)PFLEGE VON PROF. DR. MONIKA KROHWINKEL. SIE ERWEITERTE DAMIT DAS URSPRNGLICHE MODELL VON LILIANE JUCHLI ERWEITERT. AUCH DIE ATLS (AKTIVITTEN DES TGLICHEN LEBENS) SIND NOCH HEUTE IN DER (GESUNDHEITS- UND KRANKEN) PFLEGE ZU FINDEN. Der Pflegeprozess ist ein Instrument um die Pfleage eines Patienten wirksam und gezielt zu gestalten. Jeder Patient erhlt eine individuelle, situationsangepasste, zielgerichtete Pflege. Grundlage dafr ist der Pflegeprozess. Der Pflegeprozess umfasst die Schritte: Pflegeanamnese erheben Pflegediagnose festlegen Pflegeziele setzen Planung der Pflegemassnahmen Durchfhrung der geplanten Pflege berprfung der Pflege."
Price: 19.99

"Chios Healing Level TWO Ancient Healing in a Modern World" |
"Chios Healing level two is where you start to increase the amount of healing energy you will be calling in and channeling with the use of ancient symbols that you will learn the proper way to call in with these symbols that will add to what you and learned in level one.but not only that in level two you will be using those symbols in a unique way as you treat a person with Chios healing energy.The treatments you will be learning are how to unblock Chakras that you have detected while scanning the aura at the beginning of a healing session with the passing of hands technique you will also learn how to sensitize your hands more to the subtle energies you will be working with.You will learn what you might sense as you are using the passing of hands as I have just mentioned blocked Chakras and also disturbances in the energy field such as stagnant energy, depleted energy, energy leaks in the aura, energy tears in the aura and disturbance in the energy flow of the energy field.You will learn specific techniques for treating all these conditions that I have mentioned above with these techniques aura charging, correcting energy flow, unblocking Chakras, sealing leaks and tears with the use of the symbols you have learned with techniques that are unique to Chios and no other healing system.What you will learnChios level two DemonstrationOrange Red Ball Chios Meditation Visualizing The Symbols Visualizing Symbols Guided Tuning Hand Sensitivity Passing of hands and what you may sense treating leaks and tears in the aura techniques Aura Clearing Impurities technique Unblocking Chakras technique Seeing Auric Colors Correcting Energy Flow technique Spine Clearing or cleaning Closing the Energy after a healing sessionDownloadsChios level 2 hand treatment positions pdf Chios Level 2 Treatment hand postions pdf Chios level 2 workbook pdf Chios Orange red Ball Meditation mp3 Chios Symbols.pdf (27.6 kB)"
Price: 69.99

"Laravel 7 - Crea Aplicaciones y Sitios Web con PHP y MVC" |
"Bienvenido al curso de Laravel 7 - Crea Aplicaciones y Sitios Web con PHP y MVCEn este curso aprenders todo lo que necesitas saber de Laravel para obtener un empleo o crear tu emprendimiento digital!Laravel es un Framework con bateras incluidas, eso quiere decir que ya tiene:Creacin y Autenticacin de UsuariosHash para passwordsPaginacinSubida de ArchivosSeguridad y ProteccinWebpack para aadir CSS o Libreras JSEnvio de EmailsConfirmacin de CuentasSanitizacin de Inputsy mucho ms!!Con todo esto podrs crear aplicaciones web modernas, pero el curso va ms all, aprenders otros temas tales comoIntegrar Libreras JavaScript con tus aplicaciones Laravel tales como Sweet Alert 2, Dropzone JS, MomentJS y mucho msEloquent para relacionar Tablas y crear aplicaciones ms robustas y dinamicasIntegrar el framework VueJS en LaravelAgregar Vue Router y Vuex a LaravelCrear API's con Laravel que se consumirn con VueAgregar Tailwind CSS a tus proyectosCrear proyectos Full Stack en LaravelNotificaciones y Middlewarey mucho ms!Este curso incluye 3 proyectos completos, 100% dinamicos con Laravel y MySQL"
Price: 199.99

"Data Center Essentials: Power & Electrical" |
"In this course we dive more deeply into the electrical and power systems and components that support data centers. With data centers using about 5% of the world's energy and growing, these power systems are ever-expanding and improving. With the internet expected to be an essential part of our lives, the electrical infrastructure supporting the data centers that power the internet are becoming more essential to understand and support. We will cover the many aspects of the most typical electrical systems and equipment for data centers, including terminology, standards, acronyms, operation, efficiency, and more. Whether taking a walk through a data center or working in one every day, it is important to understand how the power around you is flowing to keep the internet humming along.During the five lectures we will cover: Concepts, path of power, and diagrams - typical electrical terms, power path from grid to chip, and redundancy levelsVoltages and primary equipment - AC/DC power, the major electrical equipment that supports all of the data center power needsUPS systems and components - primary & secondary purposes, types, operations, and efficienciesPower distribution - PDUs, RPPs, power monitoring, controls, receptacles & plugsConductors, conduits and breakers - protection devices, standards, sizing, switches and other devices"
Price: 124.99
