"Psicologia Cognitivo-Comportamental" |
"Voc quer ter emoes positivas? Voc quer ter comportamentos adequados? Voc quer ter pensamentos produtivos? Voc quer diminuir a sua ansiedade? Voc quer diminuir a sua tristeza? Ento este curso para voc!Este curso foi desenvolvido pelo Psiquitra Jos Mauro Reis, preceptor de Terapia Cognitivo-Comportamental na Shelter Psiquiatria e Psicologia. De uma forma bastante didtica, esse instrutor da Udemy transforma conceitos complexos da Terapia Cognitivo-Comportamental em vdeo-aulas compreensveis para o pblico geral.Voc comear aprendendo o modelo cognitivo da mente. Entender como esse modelo simples explica de forma brilhante a forma como a mente funciona.Voc compreender com profundidade o principal fundamento da Psicologia Cognitivo-Comportamental: as suas reaes dependem das suas interpretaes.Voc aprender como os Pensamentos so dominam as suas reaes emocionais, comportamentais e fsicas.Voc entender um dos conceitos mais importantes da Psicologia: o Pensamento Automtico.Voc praticar ferramentas psicolgicas como o Inventrio de Pensamentos Automticos, o Registro Dirio de Pensamentos Automticos, a Coleta de Evidncias, entre outros.Voc ter uma aula de recapitulao de todo o aprendizado.Voc ter questionrios para consolidao do aprendizado.Ao final do curso, voc ter direito a fazer uma AVALIAO PARA O CERTIFICADO SHELTER DE CONCLUSO DE CURSO. Se voc obtiver xito nessa avaliao, voc ter o certificado."
Price: 279.99

"Architectural Design & Fundamentals" |
"This course is created in such a amazing way that you will feel you are working on Real Project.Welcome to this course on Architectural Design & Fundamentals. In this course I have taken one real-time house project to teach how to draft a floor plan, elevation and design 3D Model using AutoCAD Software in just 2 hours. If you are Architecture or Civil Engineering student or fresher and want to learn how to design floor plans, elevations and how to prepare 3D Model using the floor plan then this course is for you. If you are looking for a course which can guide you how to move step by step from beginner level to expert level then this course is for you. This course also contains additional information related to designing fundamentals such as :1. Principle of Architecture2. Principle of Design3. Colour TheoryThis is not like a traditional course on Architecture in which you learn the concepts of Designing and Planning. In this course I will guide you how to design and plan in AutoCAD Software and for that you must know how to work on AutoCAD & I assume you must have knowledge how to use AutoCAD and for practice purpose you must install software in your system and with this comes quiz, practice test and assignments which will provide you a complete learning package and help you stepping forward in your carrer and life. This course is also going to teach you how to design Electrical Plans in AutoCAD. In the Electrical Planning you will going to learn how to design electrical equipment ( such as fan, lights, television, air conditioners, etc.) switch boards and place them at correct place."
Price: 12800.00

" MATHEMATICS- SUPER BASICS, EASY TRICKS is a 12 hours course comprising of 53 comprehensive video lectures supported with concept exercises at the end of every section along with detailed solutions and additionally practice exercise with answers. With every video lecture, you will also find a pdf file of lecture notes. It will help you to concentrate on videos without the hassle of taking notes simultaneously. I have planned it in a systematic way, a step by step approach. Let us understand the course structure. These are the sections-Introduction to the courseDivisibility tests, their efficient useFactorization techniques, factors, multiples, coprime numbersHCF LCM, short cut tricks, application of concepts in word problems, HCF LCM of algebraic terms, fractionsFractions, decimals, mixed fractions, their all operations, conversions, recurring decimalsComparison of fractions- different tricks, plenty of examplesPercentage, percent increase/ decrease concepts, conversions to fractions, word problemsRatio and proportion, combining ratios, conversion of fractional ratios, algebraic problems, word problemsNumber line concepts, Negative number operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division.A wrap up session.Inside every video lecture, you will find Every concept explained with plenty of solved examples Each and every step of procedure explained carefullyTips and tricks useful for saving time during exams based on my teaching experienceNotes of every video lecture are provided in the format of pdf that can be downloaded.At the end of every session, you will find Concept exercises which are application based. I have given very detailed solution pdf files.Practice exercises with answers pdf filesThe examples solved during video lectures and examples solved in exercises will make your Math foundation very strong.YOU WILL ALSO GET:Lifetime access to MATHEMATICS- SUPER BASICS, EASY TRICKSFriendly support in Q and A section 30-day money back guaranteeI have provided few preview lectures, that will give you an idea about the super quality of the course.ENROLL TODAY ! I am very excited to welcome you and to begin this journey together."
Price: 84.99

"TE0-121 12 Teradata Fundamentals Certified Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) What are the two operating systems will work with a Teradata data? (Choose two.)a) Z/OSb) AIXc) Linuxd) WindowsQ) Which component is part of the open architecture of Formentera?a) AMPb) nodec) diskd) By Nete) NoneQ) Which component is part of the open architecture of Formentera?a) PEb) CPUc) noded) By Nete) NoneQ) Which statement is true when it comes to continuous data download?a) They require a higher level locking plan.b) Data tables are available for data transmission loads.c) They work most effectively with large data sets.d) Tool T The pump is used to read from the queues, or flat files.e) None"
Price: 154.99

"VCPC510 VMware Certified Professional vCloud Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) What distinguishes a private cloud infrastructure from Vsphere?a) Private cloud requires the pooling of resources, including storage and networking.b) Vsphere infrastructure requires a secure place for the workload.c) Vsphere infrastructure allows resource open standardsd) Private cloud suggests that consumers will keep their part of the infrastructuree) NoneQ) Which component is a measuring tool for managing vCloud?a) VMware VCENTER Chargebackb) VCloud Service VMware managerc) VCloud Request VMware managerd) support centerse) NoneQ) What is the standard VFAT scratch partition size for ESXi 5.x is installed on a USB drive?a) 600 MBb) 544MBc) 4GBd) noe) NoneQ) The administrator can not find the information of network traffic while driving hierarchy vCloud reports. The network administrator confirms the presence of network traffic during the reporting period. What collectors are configured incorrectly?a) vCentre Data Collectorb) vCentre Charge Data Collectorc) vCloud Data Collectord) VSHIELD Manager Data Collectore) None"
Price: 169.99

"Impara a mixare un brano Indie Rock in modo professionale" |
"La diffusione dei tutorial sta pericolosamente standardizzando il modo di lavorare e la musica comincia a suonare tutta allo stesso modo. Creare il suono di un musicista o di una band un compito arduo e di grande responsabilit per un producer. In questo corso impareremo le tecniche avanzate di missaggio per un brano indie rock. Ogni brano ha le sue caratteristiche peculiari e ciascuno strumento va trattato con criterio. Partiremo con l'analisi delle registrazioni e capiremo, passo dopo passo, come intervenire su ogni singolo strumento in modo professionale. "
Price: 19.99

"CSQA Software Quality Analyst Practice Questions" |
"The designation of Certified Software Quality Analyst (CSQA) indicates a professional level of competence in the principles and practices of quality assurance in the IT profession. This offers hands-on practice tests with a total of 200+ hand-selected questions. You will get a Good Score in the Official CSQA Certified Software Quality Analyst Practice Exam. Use this course to gauge your readiness level for the actual exam. These practice tests will help you know if you are ready to take the exam, or identify if you need to spend more time on any of the exam topics. These tests cover material from each of the exam topics. With time limits on each test, you will learn time management for the real exam.Sample Questions An organization used the ETVX methodology to document its process forplanning and preparing for an audit. Which of the following would bedocumented as a verification step in this process?A. Creating the audit checklistsB. Inspecting the audit planC. Defining the audit scope and objectivesD. Training the audit teamWhich of the following test documents includes lists of features to be tested andnot to be tested and the pass/fail criteria for the item under test?A. Test casesB. Test procedureC. Test reportD. Test planExam Title : CSQA Certified Software Quality Analyst Practice ExamDuration of Exam : 150 minutesNumber of Questions : 200 (Multiple Choice)Passing score : 80%Exam Format : Multiple-ChoiceWho this course is for:Project managers and project leadersQuality and testing professionalsSenior management professionals and directorsProcess engineers and software professionals"
Price: 19.99

"156-215.70 Check Point Security Administrator R70 Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) That displays the Security Gateway version installed control?a) fw statb) cpstat -GWc) fw verd) tw printverQ) Which statement defines Public Key Infrastructure? Safety is guaranteeda) for authentication.b) by certification authorities, digital certificates and two-way symmetric key encryption.c) by certification authorities, digital certificates and public key cryptography.d) through two public and private keys, without the use of digital certificates.Q) A digital signature:a) It provides a secure key exchange mechanism on the Internetb) Automatically key exchanges sharedc) It guarantees the authenticity and integrity of a messaged) Decrypt the data to its original form.Q) What is a consolidation policy?a) The collective name of security policy, address translation, and IPS policiesb) The specific written policy SmartDashboard to configure the log data is stored in the database SmartReporter.c) The collective name of the logs generated by SmartReporter.d) A global policy used to share a common application policy for the Security Gateway.Q) What can not be configured to existing connections during an installation policy?a) Keep all connectionsb) Keeping data connectionsc) Reattach all the connectionsd) re-match links"
Price: 169.99

"1Y0-256 Citrix Meta Frame Presentation Administration Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) What are the two tasks must be completed to ensure that an administrator receives alerts Resource Manager messages and Short Message Service (SMS)? (Pick one.)a) Make sure the administrator has complete administrative privileges.b) Specify the alarm contact details in Administrator account properties.c) Enable monitoring and permissions for the administrator alarm.d) Enable the receipt of SMS permissions and email notifications to the administrator.Q) How can an administrator to reduce the number of printer drivers that are manually installed by administrators in an environment?a) Use a print serverb) Activate the native drivers for auto-install featurec) Implement Universal Printd) Use a trusted driver installation pathQ) For such two scenarios would be more appropriate to implement universal print? (Pick one.)a) In a society with a different print architectureb) In an organization with a small IT staff and management of the printer driver it is not a desired taskc) At a small advertising company that requires color prints exclusively by Mac clientd) In an organization where the majority of users to print to locally attached printers using the same printer driverQ) Scenario: You have created a new ADF package using Installation Manager Packager. You want to keep the application recorded on the packager server permanently. Inside the packer. what action is appropriate?a) From the Tools menu, roll back the project.b) From the Tools menu, store the project.c) From the File menu, save the project.d) From the File menu, roll back the project.Q) If the Web Interface server is in the DMZ and the server running Presentation Server are on the LAN, the port needs to be opened from the DMZ to the LAN?a) The door of IMAb) The IPSec doorc) The door ICAd) The door XML Service"
Price: 144.99

"learn keto and intermittent fasting within 30 minutes" |
"A quick guide to understanding the Keto diet and Intermittent fasting, learn the essentials of the Keto diet and come up with your type of Keto diet while employing intermittent fasting to get great health benefits of the biochemical process called ketogenesis which is an alternative energy source from regular glucose which comes from carbohydrates. "
Price: 19.99

"Finanas Pessoais e Planejamento" |
"POR QUE DEVO FAZER O CURSO?1 MOTIVO: Porque pode mudar para sempre a sua vida financeira, basta apenas aplicar todos os passos ensinados ao longo do curso e ter muita disciplina e responsabilidade com o seu dinheiro.2 MOTIVO: Porque te dar uma viso macro sobre finanas pessoais sem precisar de fazer uma faculdade de administrao ou participar de eventos fora do conforto de sua casa.3 MOTIVO: Para estar preparado financeiramente quando a economia estiver em crise e fazer com que voc seja um bom gestor financeiro de si mesmo com a utilizao de algumas ferramentas e aplicativos que geram resultados imediatos.4 MOTIVO: Para manusear o dinheiro de forma inteligente com investimentos que realmente do retorno e geram lucros a curto, mdio e longo prazo, podendo planejar boas viagens, adquirir o carro do ano e at ter aquela to desejada casa dos sonhos."
Price: 69.99

"Your Soul, Its Origin and Its Destiny" |
"Judaism and its sister Western religions such as Christianity and Islam all teach that we have a soul. There is an immortal part of us that existed before we were born and will continue to exist after we die. But where did this idea come from? We will explore religion, philosophy, science, and mysticism to better understand the Jewish idea of a soul."
Price: 24.99

"Mastering Control Systems : Very basics to Advance" |
"This course gives the easy understanding of open-loop system and closed-loop systems. This course deals with transfer functions of the system from block diagram representation, signal flow graph representation and electrical systems. Time domain analysis explains the time responses like transient and study state responses.Root locus explains system performance with different system gains.Frequency Domain analysis deals with frequency responses using Bode Plot, Polar Plot and Nyquist Plot.Study state analysis deals with stability of multiple input and multiple output (MIMO) systems and dynamic systems.Define and explain feedback and feed-forward control architecture and learn the importance of robustness, stability and performance in control design."
Price: 12800.00

"Mdulo II - Escola Bblica Charisma da Rocha Eterna" |
"Estudos bblicos para interessados em conhecer melhor a Bblia. A Escola Charisma inicialmente montou um curso livre de doutrinas bblicas, como opo ao estudo sistematizado da teologia. So assuntos de f profunda porm muita prticos, para cumprirmos a misso deixada por Jesus Cristo, de sermos sal da terra e luz do mundo. timo para iniciantes e aqueles que j tm um conhecimento mais abrangente das Escrituras"
Price: 39.99

"Ultimate Photoshop Course: Step By step ( )" |
"My approach is simple: we focus on real world cases and I present the best techniques that require minimal effort yet produce maximum results. All my content is focused on getting the job done in the least amount of time possible. I'll be using the latest version of the program - Photoshop CC 2019, but all the content is explained for all users, no matter what version you have installed.- most of the course is recorded in CC 2019, but the material is version independent so you can user older ones without too many issues.- cheat sheets so you can easily review the information;-This is the ultimate Photoshop training course that will take you from absolute beginner to proficient Photoshop user in no time at all.What will you learn?Get the best Photoshop versionCustomize the program to best suit youMaster layers and the layers panelMove, select, and edit layersWork with the Pen Tool like a proCreate and modify shapesRemove skin issues and retouch portraitsDesign business cardsManipulate and repair photos in creative ways."
Price: 199.99

"""How to Make the Best Ramen at Home"" by a Japanese Chef" |
"Norihito Shoji, a Japanese chef, will introduce you how to make ramen at home. Well tackle the important components of ramen broth, seasoning, noodles, and toppings. our goal is to provide a professional taste while staying in the comfort of your own home.The course was directed by the International Emmy Awards nominated director, Yosuke Hosoi. We enjoyed making these videos and hope you like them as well."
Price: 69.99

COVID-19 |
"O curso traz uma compilao de informaes a respeito da COVID-19, a partir de fontes jornalsticas e cientficas, com discusso sobre alguns importantes ramos cientficos que embasam tais informaes. Trata-se de material vlido tanto para o pblico em geral, como para estudantes e profissionais de reas correlatas. Quanto a profissionais da rea da sade, podem se beneficiar dos artigos cientficos juntados ao material complementar"
Price: 39.99

"Fiscalizao Ambiental" |
"Curso voltado ao pblico em geral e todos os estudantes e profissionais com ligao rea ambiental. A proposta trazer luz como realizado o trabalho dos fiscais ambientais no combate aos crimes ambientais. Tratam-se de narraes em fundo simples, com materiais complementares como manuais, links para as legislaes mais importantes, e proposio de uma breve atividade prtica (no necessria para a aprovao e certificado)"
Price: 39.99

"Foundations of Viticulture - Understanding How Wine is Grown" |
"If you're looking for an understanding of how wine is grown, you're in the right place. Whether you are looking for a WSET prep course or trying to studying for your Court of Master Sommeliers exam, this course is for you.Celebrity Sommelier, Ryan Vet, lays out the foundations of viticulture. In this easy to follow course, you will be taken on a journey through wine growing. Whether you are a wine hobbyist or wine enthusiast, this foundations of viticulture course is for you. You will learn the key elements to a vine's growth and the factors that will influence its fruit. Ultimately, viticulture is the key element as to what determines the quality of wine in your glass.Take a tour of the wine vine, vitis vinifera. In this course, you will understand the key decisions wine makers and vineyard managers must take when trying to produce high quality wine. From buying a vineyard plot to pruning grape vines, this foundations of viticulture course will provide you with the insight you need to be successful. Learning how vines are grown is critical to enjoying wine."
Price: 74.99

"Bridge Modelling with Autodesk Revit 2020 - BIM Tool Course" |
"This is an easy step by step training course that will provide you with all the necessary knowledge and skills to model bridges in Autodesk Revit 2020 which is one of the most popular Building Information Modelling (BIM) tools in the industry.You will go through the basics of bridge modelling in Autodesk Revit and apply your knowledge and skills on two real life case studies featuring a suspension bridge and a pedestrian bridge."
Price: 49.99

"Use Coding in your Teaching with FREE Tools" |
"Coding is exceedingly popular in education now. It can be stressful to wonder if your children are missing something essential. There are a lot of in-person programs that can be very expensive, but with this course, you'll learn to use the same free tools (very easily) to teach and integrate coding into your homeschool curriculum or teaching subject.You CAN teach and use coding in homeschool and the classroom. I'm here to help you on your family's learning journey."
Price: 1050.00

mdonline |
", , - . , -, -. : . , , , , ( 15 ), , (-, !)HR, , , , , , , , , , ."
Price: 99.99

"Feedback Assertivo" |
"Mas o que FEEDBACK?FEEDBACK consiste no ato de prover INFORMAO a uma pessoa sobre o desempenho, conduta ou ao executada por ela, com o objetivo de valorizar, elogiar, corrigir, reorientar ou estimular comportamentos futuros mais adequados.A aplicao do Feedback Assertivo gera maior relacionamento interpessoal, reduo de rudos nas comunicaes, maior confiana da equipe, metas e objetivos atingidos com mais regularidade e eliminao de surpresas.A equipe ser mais eficiente, voc conquistar maior confiana da equipe e se sentir mais tranquilo em fazer Feedback's pois conhecer o mtodo adequado para cada situao.Entender que mesmo no querendo, acabamos dando feedback a todo momento s pessoas que nos cercam e interagem conosco.Quando o Feedback Assertivo mais frequente a equipe se torna mais motivada, o ambiente de trabalho mais confivel, todos sabem onde querem chegar e o que precisa ser feito para alcanar seus objetivos, h mais dilogo at entre familiares e amigos, e ir melhorar a maneira de como as comunicaes so feitas.A tcnica pode ser utilizada no s no ambiente de trabalho como tambm na vida pessoal. Deixar claro para as pessoas que nos cercam o que esperamos delas e o que elas podem esperar de ns, bem como saber questionar como estamos agindo em relao as expectativas que as pessoas tem em relao a ns, faz parte do feedback. O nosso crescimento profissional est atrelado ao entendimento das expectativas das pessoas e em saber receber feedback. Neste curso voc perceber com exatido a importncia de buscar junto ao seu lder o feedback e aprender como se preparar para tirar o maior proveito deste processo de avaliao e direcionamento.Dar feedback um desafio, pois precisamos entender as outras pessoas e a maneira como elas reagem para aprimorar nossa capacidade de dar retorno. E ser capaz de fazer uma ""leitura"" das outras pessoas no uma habilidade inata, mas algo que precisamos desenvolver. Com este treinamento voc ir aprender a lidar com estas situaes, melhorando significativamente os resultados da sua equipe. Este curso entregar o passo a passo para voc criar uma gesto de pessoas mais justa e assertiva, que ir impulsionar o resultado da sua equipe.O mal do sculo nos ambientes de trabalho o stress, um dos gatilhos deste sentimento a frustrao por no ser valorizado, no ser direcionado e no ter orientaes sobre onde e como poder crescer na organizao. Este tipo de situao se resolve com aplicao de feedbacks constantes pois a ideia da metodologia a orientao para o resultado mtuo. Neste curso voc ir compreender os motivos pelos quais a gesto de pessoas a base para a estruturao definitiva do seu negcio. Ir entender a importncia do feedback e o impacto positivo quando ele aplicado da maneira correta."
Price: 159.99

"Work Stress Management - The Essentials" |
"We all have to face and deal with professional stress through our career a way or the other...This is true regardless of the size of our company, its business performance or our position...So, let us ask you a few questions here:When was the last time that you had reassessed your EPIC limits?Who are the members of your Personal Advisory Board?How much can OsCAR help you manage the next critical discussion with your boss or key customer?Have you clearly set your sanity zone?If you don't know what to answer to these questions, our course will surely help you to learn how to better handle your work stress.About the course contentOur course has been designed to introduce you to the fundamentals of work stress management in a simple and pragmatic approach.From a practical definition of stress, the identification of its impacts and its sources, to the discovery and exploration of real-life proven coping strategies, we will navigate you to what we see as essential concepts and coping techniques related to professional stress.Our goal is to set you up for a work-stress reduction journey on the long-term.To enrich your learning experience, we have carefully designed self-reflection and fictional case study assignments that will allow you to prepare or deepen the lectures' content.And to extent your learning journey far beyond the course itself, we have also prepared a one-page executive summary and a special last assignment calling for transformative actions on the long run.Finally, we strongly believe that everyone of us has wisdom to share.So, we definitely encourage you, as for every of our students, to share with us your feedback on how the course has helped you reach your goals. We are also excited each time we get additional experiences of positive coping strategies from our students or each time we hear their success stories in relation to personal development or professional stress management. And, of course, we always welcome broader inputs on how to enrich or improve our class.About the course formatAs everything in life is about learning and experimenting, we have decided to deliver this course in voice-over video presentations, featuring Bruno, our course designer and main instructor (encognize founder & CEO), as well as Alicia and Hugo, our two virtual instructors who will bring a bit of diversity to our course delivery.Although we have put a lot of attention to our presentations, not everything is perfect, so be tolerant.The most important point for us remains obviously that you end the course feeling empowered and equipped to better handle your work stress.Behind the scene...To ensure the quality and the relevancy of our course, we have selected our lecture contents using: the study of academic work and researches in cognitive sciences and social psychology the results and feedback of both our workshops and mentoring sessions related to work stress management the direct inputs on professional stress from employees and their managers from various companies and countries the outcomes of workgroups and panel discussions focused on work stress and on diversity & inclusion topics Bruno's first-hand and long experience of applying the various coping strategies introduced in this course""Your work-stress reduction journey starts here... So, don't wait!"" - Bruno, your course designer and main instructora course by encognize .wisdomseed"
Price: 6000.00

"Business Research Methodology - Beginner to Expert Level" |
"This course is designed for theoretical & practical knowledge in the field of Qualitative & Quantitative research. Research plays a very vital role in every field in the discovery of new knowledge for more effective & efficient functions. This Course Covers:Drafting Research ProposalsResearch DesignsAbstract WritingLiterature ReviewPopulation, Sample & Sampling TechniquesHypothesis TestingData Collection Data ProcessingData AnalysisData InterpretationReport WritingPlagiarism CheckThis course is useful for:TeachersStudentsResearch ScholarsResearch Institue"
Price: 3840.00

"Introduction to Mental Health Law" |
"Psychology & the Legal System:The legal system governs various aspects related to the practice of mental health including issues such as confidentiality, involuntary hospitalization, and execution of mentally ill offenders, among others. This course will walk you through 10 of the most influential cases that have revolutionized the way mental health is practiced in the United States.Any student interested in psychology, social work, or mental health counseling should learn about the laws that directly impact their professional practice!!In this course, we will review legal cases seen by State District Courts, State Judicial Supreme Courts, and the U.S. Supreme Court. This course will provide students with the facts of each case (details of the specific crime that sparked case), the Court decision and rationale, the American Psychological Associations (APA) opinion on the matter, and the clinical significance of the case to current mental health practice.Issues heard by the Courts include:1. Patients right to treatment2. Patients right to refuse treatment3. Involuntary medication of criminal defendants incompetent to stand trial4. Duty to warn/protect5. Psychotherapist-patient privilege6. Death penalty in intellectually disabled individuals7. Assessment of intelligence in death penalty cases8. Death penalty in dementia patients9. Sex offender civil commitment10. Criteria for sex offender civil commitment"
Price: 64.99

"Windows Programming with IronPython" |
"Ironpython is the choice for providing scripting language support in many commercial software's like Autocad , Ansys etc. Ironpython is python with .Net support so it can leverage power of .Net technology.In this course users will learn to develop ironpython scripts with GUI support using windows forms available in .Net framework.We will start with basics of python language and understand basics of .Net framework library.We will design application interface with windows forms and use different controls available in the .net framework class library to enhance the user interface and manipulate data."
Price: 19.99

"Radiestesia dos Portais Xamnicos -anamnese" |
"A radiestesia uma cincia reconhecida pela eficincia em reconhecer energias e quando a plicada juntos com os cristais e as cartas dos portais xamanicos, fica extremamente potencializa no reconhecimento e entendimento do SER, no aspecto fsico, mental e espiritual.Ferramenta essencial para terapeutas e curadores holsticos!aprendemos Portais XamanicosNoces bsicas de radiestesia,Poder dos cristaisUsos das cartas dos portais xamanicosPendulao do pacienteInterpretao dos movimentos pendularesRelaes entre energias e o estado fsico e espiritual do paciente"
Price: 249.99

"MS Project - Essencial" |
"Nesse curso de MS Project voc ir aprender as ferramentas essenciais para trabalhar com planejamento e controle de obras.Ser apresentado de forma muito objetiva as principais funes como:- Configuraes iniciais- Tipos de dependncias- Duraes- Recursos- Definio de linha base- Percentual concludo- ReplanejamentoCurso muito objetivo. Vamos direto ao ponto mostrando aquilo que voc precisa saber."
Price: 69.99

"Complete Italian Course: Italian Lessons for Beginners" |
"Ciao!There is nothing more exciting than learning a new language and being able to discover a new culture. In this course you will learn one of the most beautiful languages in the world: Italian!My name is Davide, I was born and raised in Italy and I have been sharing my passion for the Italian language for more than five years. This is why I have created a comprehensive course for beginners composed of more than 125 video lectures for a total of 18 hours of content, 900+ exercises, and 80+ downloadable resources. The goal of this course is to help you learn Italian in the fastest, most interactive and most accurate way possible. I am so excited to start this journey with you!_________________________________________________________________________________________The Most Complete Italian Course for Beginners - No Previous Knowledge RequiredThis course will guide you through the basics of the Italian language, and it will lead you to master the fundamentals of Italian. The course is organized in a structured and logical sequence that will facilitate your learning experience. _________________________________________________________________________________________THIS COURSE INCLUDES: 125+ Video Lessons in FULL HD, for a total of 18 hours of contentA total of 900+ exercises. This course aims to be as practical and interactive as possible, and for this reason you are provided with exercises after every single lecture. 80+ summaries after each lecture that you can download and print. Summaries can help you to review concepts throughout time and during the exercises. Daily support in case you have any questions or curiosity. I love to hear about any of your doubts or questions, please reach out and I will make sure to answer you back in maximum one day. Lifetime access and Future updates. Access on Computer, Tablet, and Mobile. 30 days satisfaction or you are guaranteed your money back._________________________________________________________________________________________THE TOPICS COVERED ARE: Grammar: by the end of the course you will be able to master the most important grammar concepts, so that you will understand the logic behind the Italian language. Vocabulary: you will learn the most common vocabulary used in Italian in many daily situations that you can encounter. Pronunciation: you will learn from a native speaker how to pronounce the most difficult sounds in Italian.Speaking: you will be able to have basic conversations in Italian. Expressions and Idioms: you will remain fascinated by some of Italian expressions and idioms that you can use to impress your friends.Culture and mindset: learning the Italian culture will allow you to really connect with the locals and to understand how Italians think. _________________________________________________________________________________________WHY IS IT COURSE UNIQUE? This is the most comprehensive Italian course for beginners, as it includes 18 hours of video lectures and over 900 exercises covering an extensive range of topics. You will master not only the language, but also some aspects of the Italian culture, expressions, idioms, and mindset. In addition, I am a native Italian teacher, meaning that you will learn the correct pronunciation of every word. Lastly, I care very much about my students, that is why I am always available to answer any type of question in maximum one day. Let's start this adventure together!"
Price: 19.99

"Power BI - Primeiros passos aos primeiros Dashboards" |
"Observando a necessidade de profissionais que no sabiam como dar os primeiros passos no Power BI e abandonar as planilhas, identifiquei que existe um padro e uma sequencia de aprendizado para que o profissional consiga utilizar o Power BI como principal ferramenta de trabalho no seu dia a dia.Neste curso, os alunos aprendem o utilizar o Power BI de uma forma prtica. Utilizando os principais conceitos para resolver problemas reais das suas reas de negcio, reforando todo contedo aprendido ao longo do curso.D seus primeiros passos com quem est no mercado de trabalho, utilizando o Power BI como a principal ferramenta para analisar, manipular e apresentar informaes que ajudam gestores conhecer suas operaes e tomar decises baseadas em dados."
Price: 39.99
