"Project Management (PMP) EXAM 2020 PMBOK 6th" |
"In order to obtain your PMP certification, a dedicated and well-planned study is required. This PMP Exam contains 315 questions in total, which are similar to the questions that you can encounter in the PMP certification exam.First, you will have to take the Diagnostic Test (25 questions), in order to determine your knowledge level.Secondly, we have the actual PMP Mock exam with 200 questions, based on the PMBOK 6th edition Guide.Third, we have a numerical test for practice (25 questions)In addition, we have a short test on Agile, Adaptive, Iterative & Hybrid Approaches (15 questions).And finally to wrap it up, we have a Final Diagnostic test, to determine your final score. (50 questions)Please take into consideration that you must already know all the basics of Project Management and the PMBOK 6th edition Guide.Good luck!"
Price: 24.99

"The Python Bootcamp: Data Science, Analytics & Visualisation" |
"Add one of the most sought-after skills to your skill set!This course will build your Python skills from scratch! The teaching methods used in this course will build on the foundation with you will gain to a high enough level where you will possess the ability to write Python code confidently and independently. As a result, you will be able to open multiple doors in the current job market! If you want to learn Python operations, data analysis & analytics, data visualisation and the basics to data science, then this course is for you! All of these topics will be covered in Python 3!This course contains more than 12 hours of lectures consisting of upwards spiral learning, so that you keep revisiting previous topics in the course. This will organically ensure that you are building your knowledge in all of the sections in this course, in addition to revising in the quizzes. There practical examples and applications are layered so that the complexity which you come across is easily digestible! You will get lifetime access to this course and we will provide you with additional support if needed!This course is broken down in the following manner:(A) Python Operations:Data TypesNumeric OperationsString OperationsListsTuplesDictionariesSets'If' statement operations'While' loop operations'For' loop operationsList comprehensionsCreating your own functionsObject orientated programming (classes)(B) Arrays (Numpy)Structure of arrays (one and two dimensional)Array operations Applying filters to arraysAnalysing arrays(C) Data Analytics (Pandas)Importing dataData frame operationsFiltering dataSorting dataBucketing dataReplacing dataAggregationsDealing with null valuesDealing with duplicate valuesAppending data framesJoinsCumulative operationsRow numberRankings(D) Data Visualisation (Matplotlib)Bar chartsLine chartsPie charts(E) Data Visualisation (Seaborn)Scatter chartsDistribution plots(F) Data ScienceAnomaly testingLinear regressionMultiple linear regressionK-nearest neighboursDecision treesThis course is suitable for the following students:Beginners who have no past coding or Python experienceSQL users who want to learn about how processes are carried out in PythonIntermediate users who have experience in Python that want to learn about Data Analysis/Analytics, Data Visualisation and an introduction to Data Science"
Price: 99.99

"WordPress + Node.js (Headless)" |
"WordPress Headless ou, simplistamente falando, WordPress sem tema, nesse curso voc vai aprender o bsico de WordPress e de NodeJs para conseguir aplicar o conceito de Headless. No final do curso voc vai aprender criar integraes entre WP e Node alm de criar temas no Front-end usando NodeJs mas para administrar voc vai usar o WordPress.Entendendo as tecnologias:O que NodeJS?O NodeJS uma plataforma de execuo de cdigos JavaScript que permite ao programador desenvolver aplicaes web utilizando o JavaScript como linguagem de back-end. Usando NodeJS voc pode criar servidores facilmente escalveis capazes de responder a milhares de requisies simultneas.O que WordPress?WordPress um sistema livre e aberto de gesto de contedo para internet, baseado em PHP com banco de dados MySQL, executado em um servidor interpretador, voltado principalmente para a criao de sites"
Price: 579.99

"FRM Part 2 - Book 1 - Market Risk (Part 1/2)" |
"James Forjan has taught graduate and post-graduate finance classes for over 25 years and has also co-authored college-level investment books. His resume includes:BS in AccountingMaster of Science in FinancePhD in Finance (minor in Economics, two PhD level courses in Econometrics)Completed the CFA Program in 2004 and earned the CFA charter later that yearCollege professor who taught at six institutions since classes such as Corporate Finance, Investments, Derivatives Securities, International FinanceIn this course, Prof. James Forgan, PhD, summarizes the first 9 chapters from the Market Risk Measurement and Management book so you can learn or review all of the important concepts for your FRM part 2 exam.This course includes the following chapters:1. Estimating Market Risk Measures2. Non-Parametric Approaches3. Parametric Approaches (II): Extreme Value4. Backtesting VaR5. VaR Mapping6. Messages from the Academic Literature on Risk Management for the Trading Book7. Some Correlation Basics: Properties, Motivation, Terminology8. Empirical Properties of Correlation: How Do Correlations Behave in the Real World?9. Financial Correlation Modeling Bottom-Up Approaches"
Price: 49.99

"Lifestyle Choices for Gut Health and Overall Well-Being" |
"Today, it is more difficult than ever to maintain a healthy and functioning body. Unlike our ancestors, we are increasingly exposed to environmental toxins; and living unhealthy lifestyles seems the popular option.As a result, extra action and conscious lifestyle choices are needed to counter the ill effects of modern life.Why You Should Enroll in this Course:you will learn the easiest and most important changes recommended for improved health and longevity enabling you to thrive even in difficult timesthe format of this course provides easy access to the complex essential research into true health and valuable information gathered over years and even decades, reformatting a difficult topic into easy-to-follow segmentsis course lays out and illustrates how allergies and chronic disease are related to gut health and a working immune system of the bodyyou will know how to use state-of-the-art knowledge and hear about research findings of the last 10 to 30 years to counter disease, decay and premature aging usually still treated with often outdated methods developed in the 1950s or soChronic disease is at epic proportions today, and health statistics speak a clear language that is not very encouraging for anyone living average lifestyles of too little activity and too much exposure to toxins.It's Better to Prevent than Treat!For less than the cost of three tablet packs prescribed to ""treat"" (or manage) so many of these increasingly common chronic diseases these days, you will be able to develop a more thorough understanding of preventing the root causes of these health problems and how to counter them.About the InstructorThe instructor in this course is Nigel Howitt. He specializes in natural remedies, organics, and healthy living. He has studied alternative health and sustainable lifestyles for more than ten years and practices what he teaches every day. He is not trained as a medical doctor but is a thinker who has started to learn about health, prosperity, disease prevention and much more, not to overcome existing illnesses but to prevent potential future ones from happening. He loves sharing his knowledge to enable everyone to live a more conscious, healthy and successful life.Additional details about the instructor are included in the ""instructor details"" section, first instructor profile entry Nigel Howitt, below."
Price: 119.99

krasnorechie |
". . . . , , . . ."
Price: 1799.00

"Devenez certifi Google Ads et bien plus !" |
"C'est promis !A la fin de ce cours, vous serez expert certifi Google Ads. Et si vous ne me croyez pas, ne vous inquitez pas. Ce n'est pas moi qui vous certifie. ..C'est Google, lui mme, qui vous dcernera le titre d'expert certifi Google Ads. Cerise sur le gteau, vous allez pouvoir ajouter une ligne votre CV avec votre numro d'agrment officiel Google !!!Imaginez tre recommand par le numro 1 des moteurs de recherches...Aprs cette formation, vous pourrez mme montiser votre nouvelle comptence en freelance ou vous en servir pour votre entreprise physique ou en ligne. Que vous soyez artisan, cordonnier, plombier, lectricien, coiffeur, restaurateur, propritaire d'une boutique physique ou tout simplement dans le ecommerce sur shopify ou wordpress et le dropshipping , vous ne pouvez pas passer cot de cette opportunit du XXI me sicle.J'en ai rvez avec Facebook Ads, Google l'a fait!Il y a deux ans, des vidos sur le Dropshipping ont t diffuses, notamment sur Youtube. Vous criez un site Internet avec Shopify, vous mettiez des produits Ali Express et faisiez une pub Facebook. Le reste? Vous encaissiez de l'argent. C'tait tellement simple, tout du moins en thorie...Je suis sr que a parle aux afficionnados du Dropshipping et du ecommerce !!!Cependant, cet eldorado est fini. Pourquoi?Vous n'tes pas sans avoir que Mark Zuckenberg a eu des dmls avec la justice. Cette vnement judiciaire a eu une consquence. Les utilisateurs ont perdu confiance en Facebook.""Facebook perd 114 milliards de dollars en bourse"" Le FigaroFacebook, vous l'aurez compris n'est plus l'avenir du Ecommerce, ni mme le prsent.Entre le nombre de publicitaires s'tant lancs aprs deux vidos Youtube visionnes, et la volont de rduire drastiquement les affichages, les cots publicitaires ont explos.Du coup, il est impossible d'tre rentable sur cette rgie publicitaire.Le roi est mort, vive le roi!!!La solution? Le numro 1 de la publicit sur Internet Google Ads.Google n'a que des avantages:Du trafic dit ""chaud"". Quand un client recherche sur Google un restaurant sur Nice, il est en phase de recherche active (ou phase d'achat). Si vous lui proposez un restaurant agrable sur Nice, il sera fortement tent de rpondre favorablement votre annonce.Un cot par acquisition moins haut que sur Facebook. Contrairement la lgende rpandue, les cots sur Google sont ridiculeusement bas. Et si vous n'avez pas de trafic, vous ne payez pas.Google vs Facebook !Le trafic chaud contre le trafic froid.Tout simplement logique, lorsqu'une personne recherche un produit ou service que vous vendez sur Google en tapant son mot cl sur Google, il est chaud.En revanche quand une publicit s'affiche sur Facebook lorsqu'une personne regarde les photos de vacances de son meilleur pote, il a de grande chance de la zapper, il n'est pas en position d'achat.C'est du trafic froid....Posez cette question autour de vous pour faire votre premire tude de march :)Combien de fois as tu achet un produit ou service en passant par une publicit Facebook?Et la mme question sur Google.....Un ciblage ultra prcis. Vous pouvez tout rgler, ou simplement laisser faire l'IA de Google. Qui au passage est considre comme la meilleure au monde.Si c'est si simple, pouquoi pas tout le monde le fait me direz vous?Justement parce que la publicit sur Google est de prime abord un peu austre. Il est d'ailleurs tonnant que le numro 1 des sites Internet ne fasse pas plus d'effort.Cependant, la rponse est simple, ils n'en ont pas besoin. Et ils prfrent travailler avec un cercle d'initis, srieux et comptents.Mais rassurez vous, en visionnant cette formation, toutes ces connaissances vous seront expliques. Et au final, vous sembleront faciles utiliser.Qu'est ce que cette formation va vous apporter?Une comprhension du fonctionnement de Google Ads.Une aide prcieuse pour effectuer vos publicits sur Google sans jeter votre argent par la fentre.Un entranement pour obtenir le fameux ssame de Google ads.Un quizz spcialement conu pour passer le diplme dans les meilleures conditions.Un diplme officiel dlivr par Google himself avec votre numro d'agrment.Des techniques testes sur le terrain pour effectuer des publicits de manire professionnelle.Des exemples concrets pour les PME avec boutique physique ou le Ecommerce en gnral avec shopify et wordpress.Et bien plus:Cette formation est littralement votre coupon d'invitation dans le cercle ferme des personnes matrisant Google Ads. Pour tout vous avouer, beaucoup de professionnels ne souhaitaient pas que je dvoile ces secrets des nophytes.Et pour cause, ils sont tellements rentables...Mais pour revenir notre sujet, ce livre vous apportera:Un mtier si tel est votre souhait. Cette qualification certifiante de Google vous ouvre un job du prsent et du futur. Imaginez ce que vous pourrez apporter des PME, gros groupes, petites commerces, restaurants...- Une aide prcieuse pour votre petit commerce, tel un restaurant, une boutique physique de vtements... Google vous permettra d'attirer toujours plus de clients, pour toujours moins d'argent. C'est presque magique. Surtout pendant que votre concurrence s'vertura faire grossir une page Facebook amenant peu de clients (et trs chronophage).- Une comptence indispensable pour les commerants, dropshipper.-Un gain de temps (et d'argent) prcieux pour tous vos business.Vous l'aurez compris, Google Ads n'a que des avantages. Et cette formation vous donnera l'accs ce monde merveilleux pour l'E commerce. Mais n'attendez pas que l'opportunit se referme.Comme on dit, le train ne sifflera pas trois fois..."
Price: 184.99

"Curso De Joyera Tejida En Punto Peruano" |
"Les doy la bienvenida al Curso De Joyera Tejida En Punto Peruano. Mi nombre es Adriana Laura Mndez y soy profesora certificada de esta tcnica.Este curso consta de 3 niveles y 18 videos que te capacitarn para el diseo de diferentes piezas de joyera utilizando un ganchillo crochet y un alambre muy delgado que pueden ser de plata de oro o de cobre.Aprenders la tcnica de tejido el punto peruano y disfrutars la emocin de crear tu propia joyera. Te vincularas al mundo del diseo y empresarial en este curso consta de tres niveles: el nivel bsico, el nivel intermedio y el nivel avanzado. A continuacin podemos ver la estructura del curso y las clases que tiene cada nivel ademas de la tcnica que se aprendera.Materiales: Aguja crochet numero 4 y alambre fino de cobre, plata u oro.Curso De Joyera Tejida En Punto PeruanoNivel BsicoClase 1: Introduccin al curso de joyeraClase 2: MaterialesClase 3: Como Hacer La Cadeneta Y El Punto PeruanoClase 4: Circulo Con Centro Abierto (Tcnica Formas Circulares)Clase 5: Circulo Con Centro Cerrado (Tcnica Formas Circulares)Clase 6: Aretes Con Forma Oval (Tcnica Forma Oval)Clase 7: Pulsera Malla Plana (Tcnica Malla Plana)Clase 8: Brazalete Tubular (Tcnica Tubular)Nivel IntermedioClase 9: Aretes Con Forma De Cuadrado (Tcnica Cuadrado)Clase 10: Aretes Con Forma De Triangulo (Tcnica Triangulo)Clase 11: Brazalete Tubular Piedra De La Luna (Tcnica Tubular 2)Clase 12: Colgante Astrofilita (Tcnica Engaste De Piedra Oval)Clase 13: Colgante Rococ (Tcnica Rococ)Nivel AvanzadoClase 14: Colgante Corazn (Tcnica Corazn)Clase 15: Colgante Forrado De Bolas (Tcnica Forrado De Bolas)Clase 16: Aretes De Cristales Con Tcnica De Engaste (Tcnica Engaste De Cristales)Clase 17: Anillo Flor (Tcnica Flor)Clase 18: Aretes Shicras Neoancestrales Arte Contemporneo (Tcnica Shicras)Qu Se Va A Aprender En Cada Clase Del Curso De Joyera Tejida En Punto Peruano?En los tres niveles del curso y completando los 18 videos del curso de joyeria tejida en punto peruano aprenderas todo lo que necesitas saber para ser toda una maestra de la joyeria tejida a crochet.Nivel BsicoComenzamos con el nivel bsico con diferentes proyectos. Vamos a tener primero un vdeo con la descripcin de todos los materiales que se pueden utilizar para este tejido luego un vdeo sobre el aprendizaje de la cadeneta y el punto peruano. Continuamos con la primera forma geomtrica del aprendizaje de las formas geomtricas que es el crculo. En este caso es un crculo con centro cerrado que lo podemos utilizar tanto en pendientes como colgantes y cmo realizar crculos con centro abierto. Estas dos son las primeras formas geomtricas de aprendizaje. Luego vamos a continuar con un vdeo sobre cmo realizar una malla tubular y la vamos a ver representada en el proyecto de un brazalete.Continuamos con el siguiente vdeo tutorial que va a ser el aprendizaje de una malla plana y ac la vamos a ver reflejada a travs de un brazalete y aprenderemos todos los pasos para realizar este brazalete.La ltima forma geomtrica del curso bsico va a ser el aprendizaje del oval global, es una forma que ustedes al aprender la la van a ir utilizando mucho en diferentes proyectos.Nivel IntermedioLuego pasamos al nivel intermedio en el nivel intermedio. Comenzamos con un vdeo de el aprendizaje de la forma geomtrica del tringulo. Continuamos con el siguiente vdeo de aprendizaje que es como engastar una gema. En este caso es una gema astrofilita que tiene la forma oval. Ac ya estamos poniendo en prctica la forma oval y es un engastado total tanto de frente como posterior de la gema.Luego pasamos al vdeo del aprendizaje de cmo realizar una malla tubular. Estos son tubos y este proyecto son dos tubos que se van a unir por diferentes gemas semipreciosas.Continuamos con los proyectos y pasamos al aprendizaje de la forma rococ. Es una forma hermosa de aplicarla en diferentes piezas de joyera y en este caso son es para un colgante. Tambin se utiliza mucho en pendientes.La ltima forma geomtrica que tenemos en nuestro aprendizaje del nivel intermedio es el cuadrado. Los cuadrados son tambin importantes dentro de todo lo que es el aprendizaje de diferentes piezas de joyera porque lo van a poder utilizar sobre todo tambin en pendientes colocndole diferentes cristales y adornandolos de diferentes maneras.Nivel AvanzadoPasamos al ltimo nivel que es el avanzado. En este nivel avanzado tenemos diferentes proyectos. El primero de ellos es el forrado de bolas. Este es el forrado de como forrar diferentes tamaos de gemas o cristales. La pueden usar en un colgante como es este pero tambin de pendientesPasamos a otra forma que es una forma que es un corazn. Lo vamos a presentar como una forma geomtrica a travs de diferentes aumentos.Pasamos luego al aprendizaje en el curso del nivel avanzado de la flor, cmo tejer una flor. Las flores tienen mltiples utilidades. Las pueden usar utilizar en tiaras para novias, en pendientes, en gargantillas. En este caso la he aplicado luego de realizar el vdeo del aprendizaje, la he aplicado a una malla plana para hacer un anillo.Continuamos con el engastado de cristales pero tiene la particularidad este engastado que est despejada en la parte frontal y la parte posterior. Entonces la luz va a poder pasar por los cristales y realmente este engastado es muy hermoso.Cierra nuestro nivel avanzado el ltimo proyecto que son las Shicras. Las Shicras significan bolsas y vamos a aprender a tejer bolsas bolsas para contener nuestras gemas, nuestros cristales. Es un trabajo realmente muy hermoso el de las shicras. En este caso est representado por un proyecto de pendientes.Bueno hasta aqu es el contenido de la totalidad del curso de joyera tejida en punto peruano les vuelvo a repetir que este curso nos va a capacitar para el diseo de diferentes piezas de joyera les agradezco mucho por su participacin."
Price: 199.99

"How To Run A Successful Video Production Company" |
"If you love creating video content and are now ready to make it your career then this class might just be for you.Together we will explore various aspects of setting up a video production company. We will run through the following topics:Selecting an effective company nameBranding tipsTips for setting up a websiteSEO tipsShow-reels and PortfoliosGetting paid clientsWorking with clientsPitching for work+ some useful resourcesYou will learn practical tips to help get your company seen online and how to to improve your visibility. You will also pick up tips about when potential clients start to approach you and also useful guidance on how to pitch and secure video work.You will add to an online mood board to give you an overall feel of what your future video production company could look like online.You don't need to have any skills in software or programmes to complete this course.I have learned a lot over the years and would love to share some of the tips I have picked up along the way to help you on your video production journey."
Price: 19.99

"CANVA: Create Your Graphic Design & Personal Brand" |
"DESIGN ANYTHING - THE EASY WAYIf you are new to Canva, then this is a good place to start. You can create any design on Canva. It's easy...Instagram posts, Facebook cover, Facebook Ad, Youtube Thumbnail, Facebook Post, Logo, Presentation, Poster, Brochure, Flyer, Video, Infographics, Invitation, Card, Your Story, Photo Collage, Resume, Business Card, Blog Banner, Youtube Channel Art, Book Cover, Desktop Wallpaper, Certificate, Menu, Letterhead, Album Cover, ID Card, Newsletter, Calendar, Postcard, Label, Announcement, Gift Certificate, Tag, Programme, Ticket, Bookmark, Class Schedule, Coupon, Report, Business Proposal, Media kit, Worksheet, Invoice, Recipe Card, Planner, Rack Card, Report Card, Letter and more...Also, you can create awesome videos and Gifs...There is no end to the graphic design that you can make with Canva. It's os easy and intuitive to use that you can get started right away. Create your PERSONAL BRAND or company brand ""Branding is important because not only is it what makes a memorable impression on consumers but it allows your customers and clients to know what to expect from your company. It is a way of distinguishing yourself from the competitors and clarifying what it is you offer that makes you the better choice."" Canva is an excellent tool to support your branding, differentiate you from competitors, create lasting impressions, and clarify you brand values and what you can offer. With this branding insight and Canva, you can build your personal brand, a company brand, or help others to build their brand. Branding Blueprint Conversions Video CourseBranding yourself and Your Business EbookBranding Yourself Online EbookBuilding-An-Online-Brand Ebook and AudiobookPersonal branding trends to tap into on social mediaEmbrace authenticity. How important is authenticity on social media? ...Keep organized. ...Stories aren't going anywhere. ...Don't limit yourself to just Facebook. ...Embrace social media automation on your profiles. ...Build a robust community on social media.Graphic Design & Branding ResourcesI have added more than 3000 stock images that you can use for your graphical design and Branding and 100 Advertising Design Methods so you can create better-designed ads. More than 3000 Stock Images with user rights for your Graphical Design and Branding100 Advertising Design Methods"
Price: 199.99

"Minhas Primeiras mgicas" |
"Esse curso voltado ao ensinamento de magicas simples para quem deseja se divertir com amigos e famlia com efeitos de mgica com objetos do nosso cotidiano. Se voc sempre teve vontade de fazer mgica, esse curso para voc esses so os primeiros passos. Magicas simples e fceis de serem executadas."
Price: 39.99

"ISG Weekly Learnings" |
"This is a course with several different speakers on Topics related to the ISG Business community.You can see our topics which we have inside to grow our consultants and develop you further but you will also see our consultants who perform ,their methodology and dynamics.Therefore you profit in more than one way: Getting a fresh view of concerning and interesting, up to date subjects on HR topics for all ISG CCC (Clients, Candidates, Consultants) Self- continuous learning experience and possibilities Learning about life and ISG and Business Doing it at your time, when you like and not when a course starts or a teacher is ready; providing dates, times, places10 subjects are or will be uploaded.At the moment we have1. Virtual Leadership with Andreas Vetr - Video and PDF2. The Lost Key to Success with Yesin zsinmaz (with content of Stephen Covey) in Turkish and English language - Video and PDF3. The Power of SMART Feedback with Hafize Kargi - Video and PDF4..Questions to Ask the Person in the Mirror with Percin Imrek and Andreas Vetr5. Fark Yaratan Sunum with Alper Rozanes from Barcelona6.. Add Chase with Selin Egehan7..8..9..10..Further 10 courses will be in the next course.Now enjoy!Well - you are on the way!How useful did you find the topics in this series?We are open to hear your feedback! Send it to andreas.vetr@isg.comOur GloCal aim is to provide you with the best material available at the time, to the lowest budget possible, so that you can thrive your ISG business faster, better and to the size you want it to be in the allotted time. We in ISG and GloCal believe in continuing practices for long lasting effect. Not what we do one day will change the world but what we do every day.Therefore we suggest to work at least 30 minutes a day, or if you can an hour per day on the leaning faculty and listen to a content to grow your knowledge base on our content, learn about the values, believes, methods, strategies, philosophies of ISG and CloCal in order to grow your own business with these strong partners ISG & GloCal.We put the programs in 10 learnings each, where you have access to insights and teachings of our consultants who have walked the path already and can give usefull advice, inspirations and proven ideas and we hold them in 10 per course at a time, so they stay affordable at a time. You can purchase as you go and in the time you like to invest into your development.Once you purchased the content, the content will be always available to you.Disclaimer: The content provided within this videos and papers may not be the only resource to build your business, we hope however that the suggestions and materials will help you to grow a strong and profitable business with ISG or GloCal.Now, keep going to the next course to keep growing.Whenever you feel ready to bring a content yourself, please feel free to contact me.This is also a resource of income, because we share like in our ISG business all profits according to our valued income plan.Contact Andreas Vetr if you are thinking of a subject you could provide because of your expertise and years of experience in the matter.We remain with best regards and greeting fromYour Friend Andreas VetrThe GloCal Team and all consultants who participated in this programAnd if you like give us feedback at the landing page or simply directly to andreas.vetr@isg.com"
Price: 19.99

"O Segredo da Liderana e Gesto de Pessoas" |
"Neste curso voc descobrir o verdadeiro segredo de uma Boa Liderana e Gesto de Pessoas.Muitos Lderes se formam em Instituies renomadas, fazem MBA e muitos outros cursos, mas no sentem que possuem uma forte Liderana junto a sua equipe, com isso observa que constantemente no tem os resultados esperados, possui alta rotatividade no grupo, maus relacionamento com os membros da equipe e sua desmotivao e vontade de jogar tudo para o ar dominam sua rotina de trabalho.O que acontece que as Escolas no trabalhar um fator fundamental na formao dos Lderes, o Autoconhecimento.Se voc no se conhecer em primeiro lugar, no tem como voc Liderar ningum. Essa a verdade nua e crua. Voc pode ter diversas tcnicas, ferramentas e teorias, mas se voc no saber quem voc verdadeiramente, quais lacunas comportamentais e tcnicas te impedem de chegar onde voc quer, voc nunca conseguir liderar outras pessoas.Por este motivo, o mtodo Self-Power foi desenvolvido. No vdeo de apresentao do contedo, voc ir observar que enquanto voc no tratar da sua base, ou seja, do seu autoconhecimento, no adianta voc buscar tcnicas milagrosas, a mudana ocorre de dentro para fora.Voc achar inmeros cursos oferencendo tcnicas e milagres, mas tenha conscincia disso, voc s ser um lder impecvel se voc descobrir quem voc e quais limitaes esto lhe impedindo de alcanar o seu verdadeiro Destino.Eu posso te dizer diversas coisas aqui, mas a nica pessoa que pode tomar a deciso correta na sua vida voc mesmo.Vamos juntos nessa Lder?Te aguardo no treinamento para voc voc fazer uma grande viagem Interior!"
Price: 39.99

"Descomplicando o Emagrecimento" |
"Bem vindos ao Descomplicando o Emagrecimento!Neste curso voc assistir vdeo-aulas ilustradas e com boa qualidade de som e imagemAps assistir a vdeo aula voc responder um Questionrio - Exerccio de Fixao sobre o contedo aprendidoNo final do curso voc ser capaz de entender e compreender sobre as principais recomendaes de exerccio fsico, dieta e suplementao, assim como montagem de cardpios para emagrecimento de forma individualizadaPorque escolher nosso curso ? Todo o curso foi embasado na literatura cientfica vigente o material sobre o tema mais completo de toda a plataforma No temos conflitos de convico e interesse Nosso compromisso trazer informao de qualidade com base em artigos e livros de alto grau de evidncia cientfica Estaremos sempre atualizando o curso com material extra sobre assuntos pedidos pela comunidade Qual o enfoque do curso?Nosso curso enfatizado na Nutrio e Suplementao plicados ao Emagrecimento. Apesar de apresentarmos um mdulo sobre exerccio fsico, no iremos aprofundar tanto sobre este tema. Observao: Mesmo apresentando todas as recomendaes e aplicaes prticas, esse curso no prescinde o atendimento individualizado de um profissional da Nutrio/Educao Fsica/Medicina."
Price: 69.99

"PMP Certification Practice Exam- Good Quality Test uestions" |
"Are you ready to pass the PMP Certification certification exam? Find out by testing yourself with this new offering on Udemy. Each of the 6 full practice tests in this set provide an entire exams worth of questions, enabling you to confirm your mastery and providing you with the confidence youll need to take your PMP exam.The tests in this set are timed, so youll know when youre taking more time than the official test allows.Are you ready to prep for your future?Why take this PMP Certification Exam course?1. These questions will help you score atleast 80% on the main exam.2. 30 days money back guarantee, no questions asked.These practice exams will help you better prepare to pass the PMP Certification exam. I strongly recommend you take these exams over and over until you can score 100 percent each time on the tests."
Price: 19.99

"STRLA YOGA BASE - Pratiche per mille occasioni" |
"Quando si tesi e stressati si ha bisogno di rallentare e risintonizzarsi sulle sensazioni. Queste lezioni, dai molti focus, sono flow dinamici per rinvigorire il corpo e la mente focalizzando l'attenzione con calma sul respiro. Ti aiuter a concentrarti sul qui e ora per lasciare il mondo fuori. Risveglia, energizza e favorisce il flusso creativo!"
Price: 24.99

"SPLK-3001 Splunk Enterprise Security Certified Admin" |
"More Than 60+ Unique Questions Splunk Enterprise Security Certified Admin SPLK-3001 Test seriesSPLK-3001 practice testIt covers 100% of the Splunk exam SPLK-3001 certification syllabus.You can find questions more on the practical side, they will help you to solve your real-time problems.Exam Description: The Splunk Enterprise Security (ES) Certified Admin exam is the final step towards the completion of the Splunk ES Certified Admin certification. This app-specific certification exam is a 57-minute, 66-question assessment that evaluates a candidates knowledge and skills in the installation, configuration, and management of Splunk Enterprise Security. Candidates can expect an additional 3 minutes to review the exam agreement, for a total seat time of 60 minutes. It is recommended that candidates for this certification complete the lecture, hands-on labs, and quizzes that are part of the Splunk Enterprise System Administration and Splunk Enterprise Data Administration courses or the Splunk Cloud Administration course, as well as the Administering Splunk Enterprise Security course, in order to be prepared for the certification exam. The Administering Splunk Enterprise Security course focuses on Administrators who manage a Splunk Enterprise Security environment, including ES event processing and normalization, deployment requirements, technology add-ons, settings, risk analysis settings, threat intelligence, and protocol intelligence configuration, and customizations. The following content areas are general guidelines for the content to be included on the exam: Identifying normal ES use cases Examining deployment requirements for typical ES installs Knowing how to install ES and gather information for lookups Knowing the steps to set up inputs using technology add-ons Creating custom correlation searches Configuring ES risk analysis, threat, and protocol intelligence Fine-tuning ES settings and other customizations"
Price: 19.99

"Vetorizao no Illustrator do Zero ao Avanado" |
"Neste curso voc ir aprender a vetorizar qualquer desenho, ds do mais fcil e simples, ao mais difcil.Ir aprender as principais ferramentas do Illustrator, como ficar mais gil com alguns comandos que iremos utilizar nas aulas.A partir desse curso voc ser capaz, de pegar qualquer imagem na internet desfocada, ds de um logo ou qualquer outro desenho, e refaze-lo, sem problema nenhum.Ser um curso voltado para os que desejam aprender sobre as ferramentas e os meios de trabalho dentro dela.Desenvolveremos alguns trabalhos e aprenderemos novas tcnicas que aperfeioaro os trabalhos e ajudar na melhora do seu dia a dia.Ao findar, voc receber um certificado de concluso do curso.Para quem este curso:Designer que esto iniciando no ramo e desejam obter sucesso com suas artes.Profissionais que desejam agregar mais conhecimento e conhecer novas tcnicas e macetes."
Price: 159.99

"Microservices e Login: Spring Boot, Spring Security e OAuth2" |
"** Voc que est procurando conhecimento em microservices, seja muito bem vindo. Saiba, que fundamental ter em mente que existe uma gama diversa coisas pra voc aprender. Sendo assim, sempre gosto de destacar que as tecnologias avanam, verso novas so lanadas todo ano, mas o princpio que o conceito base, no. Ento, voc pode usar mensageria com RabbitMQ, SQS, Kafka ou algumas outras que tem no mercado. Mas aqui o objetivo ensinar o conceito de mensageria. ** Meu proprsito ensinar vrios conceitos sobre microservices, de forma gradual, prtica, descontrada, e leve. Mas, sempre que puder, aprofunde mais. Pois, no se engane. No se aprende microservice com apenas 1 curso (material), se aprende, estudando os conceitos passo a passo e sempre buscando novos materiais.Quase todas as aplicaes SaaS tem controle de usurios. Mas implementar no simples. Existem algumas formas diferentes, umas mais fceis outras mais complexas.Neste curso vamos abordar, de uma forma fcil, o controle de usurios, vamos implementar um login com o Spring Security, que muito simples. Vamos usar o Spring Session, para recuperar os usurios em vrios microservices e vamos explorar o Keycloak para testar o padro OAuth2.Tudo de forma simples e prtica. E mais. Vamos criar os cdigos fonte junto com vocs. Linha por Linha.** Conceitos do curso:1. Autorizao e Autenticao - Spring Security;2. OAuth2;3. Sesso de usurio em microservices - Spring Session;4. Roteamento com Gateway API e Login- Zuul;5. Login;** ImportanteFazer um curso e publicar na Udemy no simples. Alguns dos meu cursos eu crio o cdigo antes, para saber melhor como explicar na aula. Alguns eu crio na durante a gravao, por ser algum conceito mais simples. Sempre publico todos os cdigos dos cursos, para os alunos poderem acompanhar mais facilmente. Alguns gostam que o cdigo esteja j pronto e outros gostam de cursos que criam o cdigo nas aulas. O meu objetivo sempre explicar da melhor forma possvel, de forma simples, conceitos complexo, preparando antes ou no. ** Tenho mais de 9 cursos na Udemy que fazem parte da minha trilha de cursos, todos focados em microservices. Se precisar, estou disponvel para dvidas e sugestes."
Price: 39.99

"IB maths AA Calculus (HL)" |
"A comprehensive course on the topic of Calculus, designed according to the latest syllabus of IB Math AA HL, under topic 5: CalculusDesigned to the need of an HL student. It also included exam question demonstrations to show IB exam skills. It covers both differentiation and integration, with applications including limits, Differential equations and more. Also check out my YouTube channel KIDD WSTWTY Math Channel and my Patreon Membership @ KiddCheung"
Price: 29.99

"Juniper JNCIS-SEC (JN0-334) Exam - Practice Exam 2020" |
"Juniper JNCIS-SEC (JN0-334) Exam - Practice Exam 2020This exam designed for experienced networking professionals with intermediate knowledge of the Juniper Networks Junos OS for SRX Series devices, this verifies the candidates understanding of security technologies and related platform configuration and troubleshooting skills.Exam topics covered :-Application SecuritySecurity Policies (Advanced)Advance Threat Prevention (ATP)High Availability (HA) ClusteringVirtual SRX or cSRXJuniper Identify Managementt Service (JIMS)SSL ProxyJuniper Secure Analytics (JSA)I have prepared this practice test course for all those candidates who are planning of taking JNCIS-SEC exam in near future.This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Juniper in any way."
Price: 24.99

"ASP.NET MVC Crash Course 2020 - Hands-on ASP.NET MVC" |
"ASP.NET MVC is a server-side web structure for building dynamic, information-driven web applications. Since its first discharge in 2009, it has increased a great deal of notoriety among designers utilizing Microsoft advancements. On the off chance that you need to get utilized as a web designer at an organization that uses Microsoft innovations, you have to ace ASP.NET MVC. in this course, You'll Learn:Module - 1Asp.Net MVC Introduction Understanding the History of ASP.NET Why ASP.NET MVC? What Is Wrong with ASP.NET Web Forms? Benefits of ASP.NET MVC ASP.NET MVC PATTERNModule 2Environment & Life Cycle Installation The Application Life Cycle The Request Life CycleModule 3Create First MVC Application Basic Application Content Adding a Controller, View, Model, Action Creating a new Project MVC Layout and its Contents, Partial ViewModule 4Razor view And Data Container Razor view and controls Difference between Razor and aspx MVC Data Container (View Bag, TempData, ViewData)Module 5Bundles &LINQ Bundles (ScriptBundle&StyleBundle)LINQ and its usesModule - 6Routing and ActionResult Routing ActionResult& its TypesModule - 7Action Filters & Ajax with jquery Action Filters Types of Action Filters and uses Ajax call using jqueryModule - 8DataModel& Entity Framework DataModel Entity Framework and Entity Data ModelDo you fantasy about turning into an expert web engineer? Well, this is the asset for you! Figure out how to program and construct vigorous Websites utilizing the most recent advancements with this simple-to-follow, extensive course. I'll show you bit by bit from the total essentials to the further developed examples utilized via prepared experts. You will end up being a specialist ASP NET MVC C# Web Developer, take your vocation to the following level and figure out how the top engineers can request greater compensations! Independent and agreement designers can make upwards of $500 every day, and the interest is expanding every year. Finishing this course will make you fully aware of another universe of potential profit. Regardless of whether you are totally new to programming improvement, or have as of now taken in the nuts and bolts, my course will walk you through all that you have to know to become world-class."
Price: 19.99

"Tratamento de Feridas - Mdulo Avanado" |
"Esto contemplados neste curso os pontos essenciais para a otimizao da cicatrizao das feridas em geral, como: avaliao e tratamento de feridas, manejo do exsudato, identificao e controle da infeco e biofilme, limpeza, desbridamento e condutas no tratamento de feridas complexas.Alm disso, o curso aborda com profundidade a fisiopatologia, etiologia, avaliao e tratamento de feridas especficas, como: leso por presso, dermatite associada incontinncia, lceras vasculognicas, p diabtico, dentre outras.Objetivo deste curso facilitar a compreenso dos cuidados com feridas e o uso adequado das tecnologias disponveis no mercado, especialmente da nossa marca parceira ConvaTec.Habilidades adquiridas: espera-se que ao final do curso o profissional compreenda melhor a etiopatogenia de cada ferida, esteja apto para a avaliao criteriosa das leses cutneas e para o desenvolvimento de um plano de preveno e tratamento com maior eficcia, assim como adquira habilidades para uma abordagem integral da pessoa com feridas complexas. Ainda espera-se que o profissional tenha competncia tcnico-cientfica para indicao e uso adequado dos produtos e realize uma assistncia de qualidade, pautada nas melhores prticas."
Price: 99.99

"Pintura a leo para iniciantes: Como misturar suas cores?" |
"Neste curso o aluno conhecer tcnicas de mistura de cores afim de criar harmonia e coeso nas suas pinturas utilizando uma paleta limitada de sete cores. Vamos abordar temas como o vis das cores que auxiliar o aluno a misturar de maneira eficaz e segura qualquer cor que ele deseje, alm dos conceitos de cores primrias, secundrias, intermedirias, tercirias e complementares. Os atributos da cor como o tom e a saturao tambm sero abordados e o aluno descobrir como diminuir a saturao e mudar o tom de uma cor. Para alm destes tpicos, vamos abordar tambm como misturar a cor preta e criar vrias tonalidades de cinzentos. Voc ir conhecer a tcnica chave para misturar qualquer cor e poder utilizar-la para imitar as suas cores de referncia quando estiver a pintar."
Price: 19.99

eduvideo |
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Price: 19.99

"Value Investing & Deep Value Investing: The Hunt For 100X" |
"This course is not just about value investing but it is also about psychology, behavioral finance and acquiring the knowledge to be successful in today's stock markets. The only thing that separates you as an investors is your willingness to be rational. The ideas in this course are not entirely new but the author makes it a point to introduce a lot of case studies on investments that have worked and also how to find stocks with multibagger potential.This course is based mostly on the experience of the author. You will find ideas on finding boring stocks that do very well, companies that are practically left for dead and trading at less than liquidation value and also learn how to stalk the mythical 100 baggers where you could possibly turn $1 to $100.In this course, we will discuss:1. Deep value investing2. Value Investing On A GARP(Growth At Reasonable Price) Basis3. Finding mutlibaggers - Clue: These stocks are typically unwanted, unloved, boring and have little growth4. The Right Psychology, Mindset For Investment Success - You Would Have To Resist Your Biological Urge To Act With The Herd5. Finding 100 Baggers6. Financial Analysis7. Classic Benjamin Graham Ideas8. Investors You Might Want To Follow & Investors You Might Not Want To Follow9. Growth At Bloody Cheap Prices10. Case studies, case studies and moreAnd much more..."
Price: 24.99

"Presentations 101" |
"Do you make presentations but know they could be better? Do you want to know how to grab and hold an audience's attention? Do you want to be able to make a point that sticks? This course is your conference room pocket pal. It starts with insights about audiences, deconstructs how to make a point, and then workshops you through a scenario so you actually build an effective presentation while you take the course. You will learn to organize your material in a way that is easy for you to remember and deliver and easy for your audience to follow and retain. Embedded in the course is our proprietary SpeechBuilder tool, which is gives you the formula for success every time. On average, this comprehensive self-paced public speaking course takes approximately 60 minutes to complete and is highly interactive. This course packs a day-long Presentation Skills Training into an hour for maximum learning and maximum convenience."
Price: 29.99

"After Effects - Create Amazing Lower Thirds" |
"You will be able to easily create long shadows.You will be able to easily create shading.You will be able to easily create logo animation.You will be able to easily create lower thirds.You will be able to easily create 3d shape. You will be able to easily create text animation.You will be able to easily create expression."
Price: 19.99

"TensorFlow 2.0" |
Price: 1000.00

"Fiverr: 10 Simple Steps to Selling Success!" |
"This time last year I had never heard of Fiverr. I had never earnt a dime from selling my services online. Cut to today and I am making over $2000 a month on the platform, with $10,000 in the last six. This course will teach you how to create a successful seller profile by following the exact methodology I use. I will show you in easy to understand chunks, how to choose your gig, build it, sell and market it and ultimately deal with orders in a way that will provide repeat business. Specifically I will teach you 'The Secret of Pricing' on Fiverr which which is the difference between gaining a few sales and earnings thousands every month. I want to teach this course because Fiverr has provided me with a life changing amount of money and I want to show you how you can do the same. I look forward to seeing you on the course!"
Price: 99.99

"Lgica e Linguagem de Programao C" |
"O curso de Lgica e Linguagem de Programao C destinado as pessoas que buscam aprender sobre o tema, mas no tem nenhum conhecimento prvio. Comearemos a estudar programao do zero, at percorrer toda a grade bsica do assunto que envolve esse tema.Os assuntos que sero vistos no curso, envolvendo linguagem C:- Lgica de Programao- Funo Printf e Scanf- Variveis- Operaes Matemticas- Condicionais e Operadores Lgicos- Estruturas de Repetio (While,Do...While,For)- Vetores, Strings, Matrizes- Ponteiros, Funes e Structs- ArquivosO curso dividido em:- Aulas tericas- Aulas de Resoluo de ExercciosSer disponibilizado uma lista de exerccios para cada seo do curso. O que vai permitir o aluno treinar o contedo que foi visto. Alm das listas de exerccios, teremos a resoluo delas em PDF e em vdeo.No final do curso teremos um Projeto Final. Nesse projeto o aluno vai utilizar todo contedo aprendido no curso.Espero que aproveitem esse curso e no final tenham conseguido aprender o bsico da Linguagem C."
Price: 39.99
