"Prepare For Your First Kickstarter Campaign Launch" |
"This course will help you to prepare for your first Kickstarter campaign launch effectively and with a minimal budget. This is the most up to date course about Kickstarter on Udemy.At this moment Kickstarter has a 37.66% success rate, which means that the vast majority of crowdfunding campaigns fail to reach their funding goal. Why? Because most creators launch their projects without any preparation and hope that Kickstarter will do some magic.Thats why the biggest and the most important part of this course is about the pre-launch which explains how to collect potential backers early in advance and get them excited about the upcoming launch.By learning this you will prepare for your Kickstarter campaign effectively and launch it with a higher rate of success than those who launch without any preparation and hope for the best.After completing this course you will be also able to apply this knowledge in other areas, such as launching new products, validating new business ideas, and reaching out to influential people.How it all began?I launched my first Kickstarter campaign 5 years ago because I wanted to raise money for my first book and since then I have become really excited about crowdfunding and Kickstarter. So I interviewed other creators of successful crowdfunding campaigns that raised from a few thousand dollars to a few million, participated in a few projects as a collaborator and finally decided to share all this knowledge and experience in the book Your First Kickstarter Campaign: Step by Step Guide to Launching a Successful Crowdfunding Project and in this video course.If your goal is up to $10K USDIf you check Kickstarter statistics, you will find out that projects that raise up to 9999 USD form 67% of all successful Kickstarter campaigns. I believe that if your goal is within this range, theres a big chance that you will be able to gather your crowd without spending a single dollar on marketing. Theres a dedicated section Gather Your Crowd With No Budget which covers different methods to collect leads that dont cost you anything.If your goal is between $100K and $1 million USDIf you want to raise hundreds of thousands or millions, you will have to spend around 25-30% of your goal on paid advertising. I interviewed an extremely talented Facebook geek who has helped eight Kickstarter campaigns to raise over a million dollars with the help of Facebook ads. Theres a dedicated section Advanced Lead Generation and Nurturing Methods for this which explains:What the pre-launch funnel looks like,How to create a landing page,How to nurture your leads,How to drive traffic to your landing page (or Kickstarter campaign) using Facebook adsWhat conversion rates you can expectJoin this course now and I really look forward to seeing you on the other side!"
Price: 199.99

"PMP-Practice Exams by Knowledge Area" |
"Practice exam for each knowledge area so you have to read each knowledge area first then try to solve these questions which will close all gaps and lead you to be more confident for other knowledge areas accordingly you will clear all concerns and understand the project management and pass the exam easily ."
Price: 19.99

"Commercial Acting 101" |
"What You Will Learn?The A-Z of Commercial Auditioning from two casting directors/coachesWhat directors, clients and casting directors look for when booking talentHow to be Comfortable, Confident & Connected in front of the cameraTools and Techniques that book!Interactive: Feedback on you sample auditionHow to Feel empowered in the auditionDescriptionLearn from two NYC Casting Directors, and @oncameracoaches who have cast 1000s of TV commercials, and have trained actors, models, celebrity personalities and industry professionals since 2002.Plus, get an insider perspective on the biz from Lisa Phillips(@ModelScout_LisaPhillips) a former Ford Model turned Actress who has booked over 70 National Commercials. Lisa became a Talent Manager in 2010 and manages models & Actors at Mugshot Management NY/ LA. (@MugshotManagement)We are No Fluff! No Nonsense! Our videos are bite size, but jam-packed with detailed instruction on how to book TV commercials and Online Video - which is the Hot Market right now! So, We created this course to take the mystery out of commercial auditioning, to give you the Confidence you need, and the tools & techniques you MUST HAVE to book the Job! We have been teaching actors and models this course in NYC for 15 years and our clients have been super successful booking TV Commercials and Campaigns. Thousands of them.not to brag! We are like proud parents! Our Incredible Course Includes10 Action Packed Training Videos with Bonus VideoPDF Practice DownloadsInteractive feedback on Self Tape Sample AuditionsCertificate of CompletionOnce You've Completed this Course You Will:Understand what directors and clients really want to see on your auditionWhat to Wear on Castings that will make you stand outHow to Introduce yourself On Camera the RIGHT WAY!How to Present Yourself with ConfidenceLearn the #1 Question you should ALWAYS ask a Casting DirectorLearn the Secret to Creating a Personal Mantra and why having One will make all the difference in your auditionHow to feel empowered on your audition so you leave the casting feeling GREAT!How to get the callback! Where to Look in the Camera & What the Camera SeesHow to Make Choices and Show Range and Level in Your Performance so you Kill it on the AuditionA How to Interpret Copy, and make the words your ownHow to work off other actors in a scene and make it believableTricks & Tips on how to Eat on camera. Its not as EASY as it looks!Show off your moveshow to dance for an audition and show them you are comfortable in your skin"
Price: 29.99

"Hotel management the rooms division" |
"This course 'Hotel management 102 the rooms division' is based towards students who are new to the hospitality industry.If you have little to no experience in hospitality and want to start your career in a hotel or if you think about opening a hotel yourself, then this course is for you.Together we will discuss all the basics of managing the rooms division. By the end of this course you will have a solid foundation and basic understanding of; what a room division is, what a jobs there are in this department, how to schedule staff, how to set a price and how to look at the most important kpi.When you've finished this course you'll be able to calculate a room rate, schedule staff, analyze a hotel's performance based on kpi and understand different types of room status and their rates.So jumpstart your hotel manager career today!"
Price: 74.99

magnificenttarts |
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Price: 1799.00

"CISA practice exams 2020 (6 exams - 800 questions)" |
"The Certified Information Systems Auditor Certification Exams provide you with what it takes to pass the exam from the first attempt. Very similar to the real questions. 120 minutes for each exam. - Most Trusted Sources - Accurate & Verified Answers - Better understanding of the content with proper explanations of answers - Lifetime access - 30 day money back guarantee"
Price: 39.99

"CCSP practice exams 2020" |
"The Certified Cloud Security Professional Certification Exams provide you with what it takes to pass the exam from the first attempt. Very similar to the real questions. 120 minutes for each exam. - Most Trusted Sources - Accurate & Verified Answers - Better understanding of the content with proper explanations of answers - Lifetime access - 30 day money back guarantee"
Price: 39.99

"CompTIA Security+ SY0-501 practice exams 2020" |
"The CompTIA Security+ SY0-501 Certification Exams provide you with what it takes to pass the exam from the first attempt. Very similar to the real questions. 120 minutes for each exam. - Most Trusted Sources - Accurate & Verified Answers - Better understanding of the content with proper explanations of answers - Lifetime access - 30 day money back guarantee"
Price: 39.99

"PERT & CPM in Project Management" |
"This course is designed to explain the Mechanism of PERT & CPM. This course gives a detailed account of the concepts and formulae used in Program Evaluation and Review Techniques & Critical Path Method. The process of estimating the probability of completing the project within the specific time duration is discussed in this course alongwith the detailed calculation of Critical Path. The Critical Path is estimated alongwith various Floats like Total Float, Free Float and Independent Float."
Price: 1600.00

"Entendendo a calibrao de equipamentos para a ISO 9001" |
"Orientar os participantes a interpretar um certificado de calibrao, a entender terminologias utilizadas em metrologia, a definir a melhor forma de controle para cada tipo de equipamento, a organizar as calibraes e verificaes necessrias em uma planilha, a definir corretamente a frequncia de calibrao, a entender sobre a rastreabilidade dos padres utilizados nas calibraes. Como tambm poder analisar criticamente a eficincia do controle de equipamentos de medio de forma a atender os requisitos das normas ISO visando manter um sistema de gesto de equipamentos de medio eficaz."
Price: 84.99

"GCSE Higher-Tier Maths Paper 1 Non-Calculator- June 2018" |
"Answers to past exam questions of GCSE higher-tier AQA maths for June 2018 Non-calculator. Each question is answered in a separate lecture Section with 30 questions in total. The videos vary in length from 1 min to 10 mins depending On the question length and associate marks. the questions are answered in a step by step where the focus was mainly on the methodology of answering the questions. The videos here should be used as a guidance to GCSE students practicing for their final exams where they should Ideally make an attempt answering the questions themselves before listening or following the videos."
Price: 19.99

"Atualizao em imunizao para enfermagem" |
"Este curso tem como objetivos:Apresentar noes de imunologiaPropiciar conhecimento acerca dos diferentes tipos de imunobiolgicosPropiciar mais segurana para o profissional que atua em sala de vacina Trazer conhecimentos acerca de locais de aplicao e escolha da agulha para administrao de imunobiolgicosOfertar informaes relevantes sobre imunobiolgicos a estudantes de enfermagemAtualizar estudantes e profissionais de enfermagem sobre os calendrios vacinais"
Price: 39.99

"Overcome your creative block" |
"Are you going through a creative block?Are you unable to create?Do you feel that your creativity is completely blocked?If you have answered YES to any one of the above questions then this course is for you. No matter in which profession you are expressing your creativity, creative block may hamper your: ProductivityEnergy levelEnthusiasmSelf ConfidenceSelf EsteemSelf MotivationDignity Self RespectTrustOvercome your Creative Block course provides you with practical and simple processes to make yourself free from the chains of creative block. In this course you will learn the WHAT, WHY and HOW of overcoming your creative block. The HOW part of this course comes with 6 processes which you can apply in your daily life to overcome your creative block. Additional WORKSHEETS are provided in various sections of this course to leverage the practical application of the course.This course is not about:Creative thinkingDesign thinkingPhotoshop techniquesIllustrator techniquesLearning to draw or paintThis course is designed to help you come out of your creative block. You may be an artist or a creative head in any company and you might be in such a situation where you are feeling stuck when it comes to creative expressions or creative creations. In such cases it is easy to enter into procrastination zone and one may become lazy which in turn drops the self-motivation level. Hence this course is designed to help you discover from where your creative block has emerged and how you can break it. The key objective of this course is to help you overcome your creative block. If you have followed the processes, instructions and guidelines shared in this course then by the end of this course you will experience the magic of overcoming your creative block. You can also create such magic with your friends and family circle who are going through creative block. The experience of magic will completely depend on your receptivity and application of the 6 processes in your daily living."
Price: 34.99

"Arduino bsico e avanado" |
"Nesse curso sero vistos conceitos bsicos para trabalhar com a placa de interface Arduno e conceitos mais avanados baseados no ATMEGA, inclusive o Assembly do ATMEGa e manipulao de programas no nvel de mquina, dando mais acuracidade e controle ao desenvolvedor nessa ferramenta. Sero vistos conceitos de interrupo, manipulao de tempo, manipulao de memria de programa entre outros conceitos que auxiliaro no desenvolvimento de ferramenta robticas e de automao mais profissionais"
Price: 39.99

"Teoria Musical do Zero" |
"O curso foi exaustivamente testados para que o resultado seja o de tornar uma pessoa altamente capacitadaTeoria Musical do basico at o Intermediario.Voc vai aprender Notas, acidentes e intervalos, Escala Maior e Menor, Campo Harmnicos, Acordes Maiores e Menores, Diminutos e Aumentados, Como montar uma Escala, Inverso de Acordes, Tipos de Escalas e muito mais.Aulas com fcil entendimento, bom para qualquer idade.Nesse curso voc ter contedos vitais para o conhecimento bsico da teoria musical.Voc vai se surpreender com os resultados rpidos e ficar feliz em aprender uma das artes mais incrveis j inventadas, a compreenso musical."
Price: 39.99

"Jewelry rendering with KeyShot" |
"REQUIREMENTSAny KeyShot version, but KeyShot 9 Pro preferredNo prior knowledge requiredOPTIONALAdobe Photoshop and/or Adobe After EffectsRhino 7 WIP3DCoatPlugins mentioned in the courseAll you need is obviously KeyShot, optional software is only if you want to take your renderings to another level, or speed up your workflowDESCRIPTIONThis course has been designed for both intermediate and more advanced users. Throughout this course you will be taken through creating different rendering scenes from scratch, and you will have your own photo realistic renders in no timeEDIT 3/07/2020added another lesson for setting up a white background render for animations and stillswill continue adding more lessons each monthWhat will you learn in this Rendering jewelry with KeyShot course?Start with some basic understanding of rendering in generalDive into methods and principles of getting photorealistic rendersLearn what computer hardware is important when renderingHow to prepare your 3D models for renderingRound/fillet edges using 4 different methodsUse the HDRI for lightingLearn to import 3D objects the right wayAdvance your scenes with adding propsCreate your own materialsUse labelsSetting up lighting and environmentGet creative with camera positionAdd simple camera and object animationAdd image styles to your final rendersLearn how to do post processing of stills and animationsAdd diamond and metal highlights and sparkle using 3rd party pluginsWhy Learn Rendering Jewelry from me?This course has been designed by Ivan Vuzem who is a professional jewelry CAD designer and has over 20 years of experience in 3D modeling and rendering, and is also an Authorized Rhino TrainerI promise to help you learn Rendering jewelry with KeyShot no matter what it takes. If you ever get stuck, just post a message to the course Facebook Group, or Discord channel and Ill be there to support youYour Happiness GuaranteeIf you arent happy with your purchase, I have a 30-day 100% money back guarantee. Theres literally no reason to hesitate!Stop wasting your time and enroll now!Who this course is for:Anyone who wants to start using KeyShot for their jewelry renderings and increase sales with photo realistic stills and animations of their designsIntermediate, amateurs, and even professionals"
Price: 199.99

a-professionals-guide-to-pass-the-job-interview |
", , . 15 , 200"
Price: 19.99

figma_s_nulya |
"_, , , . , , . ? . . : , , , , , . : - , , - . , . : PNG : . , . .: , ? . , , . , . ? . -. , . , . , , ! _, ? -, , . , , , - , , , -, , . ? 5 15 . 15 30 . , ? . , , , , , . ."
Price: 1799.00

"Libreoffice Excel Eitimi" |
"Deerli arkadalar,Microsoft office uygulamasnda bulunan excel rnnn karl olan ve cretsiz bir program olan Libreoffice uygulamasnn hesap tablosu blm anlatlmtr. Bu uygulamay evde ite bir ok yerde cretsiz kurup kullanabilirsiniz. Hi bir ekilde lisans bedeli gerektirmez ve gnl rahatl ile excelde yapmak istediiniz bir ok eyi libre office hesap tablosunda yapabilirsiniz.Sektre yaklak olarak 8 yldr kullandm ve ok sk kullandm komutlarn kullanmnz sizler ile paylatm.Faydal olmas dilei ile..."
Price: 49.99

"Implement AWS Landing Zone using AWS Control Tower" |
"In this course we would implement a AWS Landing Zone using AWS Control Tower service. We would start with a discussion to understand the challenges in managing multiple AWS accounts and the proposed solution of landing zone to solve this problem. We would learn the concepts of AWS Landing Zone & AWS Control Tower in depth and have a practical hands on to implement one of our own. We would also explore the concepts of AWS Organization, SSO etc and go through several demos to understand its implementations.Landing Zone is one of the primary steps in migration of On-premises environments to cloud. It is strongly recommended for intermediate or advanced level of engineers who work on cloud or are involved in migration projects. For beginners with experience more that 6+ months to 1 yr, its good to know the upcoming technology or trend and stay a level ahead in competition."
Price: 12800.00

"C2040-988 Administering IBM Lotus Same Time Practice Exam" |
"130 UNIQUE practice questions for C2040-988 Administering IBM Lotus Same Time Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : C2040-988 Administering IBM Lotus Same Time Practice ExamTotal Questions : 130Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :80 minsPassing Score : 75 (97 of 130)"
Price: 144.99

"70-646 Microsoft Windows Server Administrator Practice Exam" |
"290 UNIQUE practice questions for 70-646 Microsoft Windows Server Administrator Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 70-646 Microsoft Windows Server Administrator Practice ExamTotal Questions : 290Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :200 minsPassing Score : 75 (217 of 290)"
Price: 169.99

"CAPM PMI Associate Review Project Management Practice Exam" |
"466 UNIQUE practice questions for CAPM PMI Associate Review Project Management Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CAPM PMI Associate Review Project Management Practice ExamTotal Questions : 466Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :320 minsPassing Score : 75 (349 of 466)"
Price: 189.99

"PMI-100 Certified Associate Project Management Practice Exam" |
"402 UNIQUE practice questions for PMI-100 Certified Associate Project Management Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : PMI-100 Certified Associate Project Management Practice ExamTotal Questions : 402Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :240 minsPassing Score : 75 (301 of 402)"
Price: 179.99

"MD-100 and MD-101 (Exam Bundle)" |
"Candidates for this exam are Administrators who deploy, configure, secure, manage, and monitor devices and client applications in an enterprise environment. Candidates manage identity, access, policies, updates, and apps.As an Administrator, candidates typically collaborate with the Microsoft 365 Enterprise Administrator to design and implement a device strategy that meets the business needs of a modern organization.Candidates must be familiar with Microsoft 365 workloads and must be proficient and experienced in deploying, configuring, and maintaining Windows 10 and non-Windows devices and technologies.MD-100Deploy Windows (15-20%) Manage devices and data (35-40%) Configure connectivity (15-20%) Maintain Windows (25-30%) MD-101Deploy and update operating systems (15-20%) Manage policies and profiles (35-40%) Manage and protect devices (15-20%) Manage apps and data (25-30%)"
Price: 59.99

"MS-700 Managing Microsoft Teams" |
"Candidates for this exam are Microsoft Teams Administrators for their organization. The Microsoft Teams Administrator configures, deploys, and manages Office 365 workloads for Microsoft Teams that focus on efficient and effective collaboration and communication in an enterprise environment.The Teams Administrator must be able to plan, deploy, and manage Teams chat, apps, channels, meetings, audio conferencing, live events, and calling. The Teams Administrator is also responsible for upgrading from Skype for Business to Teams.Plan and Configure a Microsoft Teams Environment (45-50%)Manage Chat, Calling, and Meetings (30-35%)Manage Teams and App Policies (20-25%)"
Price: 24.99

"Online Teaching Tools - The Essential Guide" |
"This mini-course will help you learn how to use the three main platforms for online teaching. They are Microsoft Teams, Zoom, and Google Meet.The course is designed to take you step-by-step and get you started even if you don't have any prior knowledge. I will be sharing my screen with you and teaching you everything you need.This is the right time to learn how to teach online."
Price: 19.99

"Der Anfang vom Weg zu dir zurck" |
"Hallo und herzlich willkommen,in diesem Kurs findest du die ersten Grundlagen zum Thema Selbstverwirklichung und Selbstfindung. Es gibt Kapitel zu den Themen Persnlichkeit, Ziele und Glaubensstze.In diesem Online Seminar findest du heraus, was deine Ursprnge sind und wie das Ich aussieht, dass du zuknftig sein mchtest. Du erfhrst, an welcher Etappe auf dem Weg zur Selbstverwirklichung du dich aktuell befindest und wie es dir gelingt, dein Ziel zu erreichen. Um dies sicherzustellen, lernst du, wie man Ziele richtig definiert, wie man sie umsetzt und was dich davon abhlt erfolgreich zu sein. Wir schauen uns deine Glaubensstze an und du erfhrst, wo diese herkommen und wie du sie auflsen und ein positives Mindset erschaffen kannst.Solltest du Fragen haben oder Hilfestellung bentigen, kannst du mich gerne jederzeit kontaktieren.Ich freue mich, dass du diesen ersten Schritt gehst und ich dich dabei begleiten darf. Denk immer daran, dies ist erst der Anfang und wie weit du kommst, hngt ganz alleine von dir ab.Ich wnsche dir von Herzen viel Spa und Erfolg mit diesem Online Kurs.Nicole Alagha"
Price: 34.99

"C++ ve OpenCv Kullanarak Sfrdan Grnt leme" |
"Herkese merhaba arkadalar kursumuzun bi ksmn yayna alm olduk. Kursun temel amac C++ programlama dilini ve OpenCv Ktphanesini kullanarak grnt ilemeye en basitten giri yapp grnt ilemenin mantn kavratmak ve ileri dzeye karabilmektir. Kursun ekimlerine devam etmekteyim u an iin bir ksm yaynda ve srekli gncellemeler gelecektir. Eitimlerin devamn ierik olarak sizlerden gelen geri bildirimlere gre dzenlemeyi dnyorum. eitli rnekler ilerleyen zamanlarda kursa eklenecektir.Umarm hepinizin iine yarayan bi kurs olur."
Price: 199.99

"Aprenda a Administrar a Plataforma Virtual Moodle 3.8" |
"Se voc j possui a Plataforma Virtual Moodle instalada em sua hospedagem e no possui os conhecimentos necessrios para criao de usurios, cursos e atividades, esse o primeiro passo que precisa realizar para realizar essas atividades para posteriormente oferecer seus cursos on line. Neste curso, voc vai aprender na prtica como administrar a Plataforma Virtual Moodle"
Price: 54.99

"Supply Chain mistakes to avoid in a Manufacturing Industry" |
"The course is designed to help you learn from the supply chain mistakes of Manufacturing Industries so that you avoid them in your supply chain. This course gains its significance especially during this Post Covid-19 era, with another global recession around the corner. Whether you are a Student or an Early Career professional with fundamental Supply Chain knowledge, hunting for a Supply chain job during these tough times, or a working professional trying to improve your supply chain, this course is for you. We don't cover the supply chain basics in this course. We directly jump into the Supply chain mistakes in Manufacturing Industries and things to do in the Post Covid-19 world. This course will be helpful to you in preparing for your next job interview for a SCM role and to grow in your Career by contributing to your supply chain by using these ideas. Focus of this course is on manufacturing supply chain. The course has five modules: 1. Sourcing Mistakes2. Manufacturing Mistakes3. Distribution and Warehousing Mistakes4. Customer Experience Mistakes5. Technology Mistakes.I am sure you would find this course worth the time and money spent. Also preview my video on Thoughts and Motivational Quotes to overcome slowdown, given at the end of the course. Every challenge is an Opportunity. Happy learning everyone."
Price: 8000.00
