"How to design business websites with wordpress" |
"This video teaches students how they can design their own company or business websites using a content management system known as WordPress. WordPress is quite robust has a lot of functionality is being used by lots of popular brands and its easy to use and manipulate to get the desired result. It can be used to design virtually any kind of website as long as the right approach is used."
Price: 19.99

"Fashion Illustration with Photoshop" |
"Fashion Illustration with photoshop is where you get to translate your creative illustrations and fashion design over into a digital format using Photoshop. Often the complexities of Photoshop can deter many designers and illustrators - but this course gives you the basic and essential techniques to understand the workings of photoshop - so that you can start to create effective and professional quality fashion illustrations to present your design concepts. It even has a fun 2 part tutorial to understand 'Layers' - which is often the best part of Photoshop and can also be the most frustrating part of this amazing software. This course is ideal for creatives, fashion students from high schools right through to Tertiary College Fashion students and industry creatives as well ! This is also ideal for teachers and industry people that want to upgrade their skills into modern digital presentation. The course is in a 3 part tutorial that takes you right through from using scanned fashion illustration templates - how to use rendering techniques, including the insertion of pattern, and fabric textiles. There are 6 bonus templates for you to practice you newly learned skills - with lots of additional bonus templates that will help you translates your creative design process onto your fashion templates - to effectively communicate designs through illustration. This is a must for fashion students and creatives that want to illustrate using an amazing software tool like Photoshop."
Price: 54.99

"Filosofia Prtica e Vida Boa" |
"""A vida no examinada no vale a pena ser vivida"", ensinou Scrates no sculo IV a.C. A evoluo e os desafios registrados at os dias atuais ganharam e tem ganhado dimenses inimaginveis. O ser humano, alm dos problemas corriqueiros de sade fsica e mental, passou a enfrentar crises e desafios de outra ordem: relacionamentos, significados, convivncia, conflitos consigo ou com os outros, alm da necessidade de melhor entender as coisas e os acontecimentos ao seu redor.Conhecidas estas necessidades, o curso foi desenvolvido para atender todas as pessoas interessadas em viver melhor frente a essa realidade, com conhecimento ou no de Filosofia. Por isso ele foi desenvolvido em linguagem simples, direta e com clareza na exposio dos temas abordados. Alis, como a filosofia foi praticada nas suas origens: ensinando as pessoas a levar uma vida examinada, encontrando novas maneiras de resolver e gerenciar os seus problemas filosoficamente."
Price: 114.99

"SQL Course for Beginners" |
"This Course is very helpful to fresher's and beginners.It will be easy to understand.This Course includes Introduction of Database, MySQL & training on SQL queries ie) Database related queries which includes Database creation & Deletion and SQL queries with join concept and function.Last we are having SQL query example & quiz.If you have any doubt in course,then please convey it in comments."
Price: 19.99

"Aprenda a identificar uma crise no mercado de aes" |
"Fbio, na contra-mo do mercado, e de forma bastante objetiva, acompanhando proxys que no estavam no radar de 99% dos analistas financeiros de mercado, cravou a correo das bolsas em todo mundo ainda em dezembro de 2019. de suma importncia, que todos que investem em renda varivel acompanhem e entendam as correlaes e leituras que devem ser feitas desses proxys para no serem surpreendidos novamente! Curso nico, objetivo e fundamental para as pretenses de crescimento de qualquer Trader ou Investidor de Renda Varivel!"
Price: 99.99

"Yoga, Arte e Chacras , equilibrando sua Vida!" |
"Atravs das posturas do yoga e da Arteterapia vamos equilibrar nosso corpo e mente. Embarque nessa viagem de autoconhecimento, equilbrio, criatividade e amor! So 7 mdulos , sendo 7 chacras, cada mdulo ir apresentar um Chacra, sendo um vdeo sobre yoga e posturas e o segundo vdeo sugestes de trabalhos com Arteterapia para cada Chacra."
Price: 99.99

"Python para Engenheiros e Cientistas [COMPLETO 3 em 1]" |
"===========================O curso dividido em trs grandes partes:Parte I: Fundamentos do Python do bsico ao avanado (5h de contedo + material)-Nesta parte, que vai da seo 1 ao 6, o aluno aprender os fundamentos do Python do bsico ao avanado;-Tpicos mais simples como instalao, distribuies, loops;-Tpicos teis no dia-a-dia, como ler e escrever arquivos;-Tpicos avanados como criao de objetos;-Esta seo contm muitos exerccios e desafios para criao de portflio dos alunos. Parte II: Matemtica computacional (3h30 de contedo + material)-Esta parte est contida na Seo 7;-A ideia desta seo fazer do Python uma alternativa ao Matlab;-Os alunos aprendero desde a manipulao algbrica de simblicos, at a resoluo de sistemas e equaes diferenciais;-Essa seo contm muitos exerccios e desafios de aplicao.Parte III: Anlise de dados (3h30 de contedo + material)-Esta parte est contida nas sees 8 e 9;-Nela o aluno aprender a manipular dados;-Aprender tambm a fazer filtros, criar tabelas dinmicas, fazer grfico direto com o Pandas e muito mais;-So utilizados dados reais para exemplificar essa seo.==========================="
Price: 29.99

"Crash Course Laravel and Vue JS 2020 Bootcamp + free CMS" |
"Laravel is the most popular framework for PHP and it really makes life easier! VueJs is also one of the easiest and most powerful javascript frameworks out there that uses a Virtual Dom.With the Laravel framework, I have done huge projects before, and with Larvel it's easy to manage and maintain.One of the most beneficial features of Laravel is the Model relationships you can use. Doing queries to the database has never been easier and powerful than now!In this course, we will start from the beginning and tell you how to set up your first Laravel Project. I will also show you how to deploy your code online to a Virtual Private Server. We also teach you how to add your project to a DigitalOcean server online! This is a must-have course if you're simply want to jump into Laravel and improve your skill! And if you have help, you can contact me through this platform in order to help you.The online world today is booming, and online developers are in demand way more than previously.The most common language used for online development is PHP, and Laravel is the most popular and probably the best one out there.Laravel handles the server-side programming, so this basically means that it processes what it needs to do before it ends up in front of the clients screen. So if you want some programming done client-side, then you cant use Laravel, but Laravel integrates beautifully with Vue JS. Vue JS handles client-side programming. So for instance, if you want to build an application where you dont want to refresh the browser in order to process something, youll be using Vue JS, which is one of the most popular and powerful Javascript frameworks out there.With this course, I will teach you everything from where to start from scratch up until publishing your project to a live server where people can access your content.As a bonus, I will also include my own built Content Management System, and I will teach you how to install it. With this CMS, you can instantly have an admin where you can log in and add pages, specials, products and more. This CMS is also going to be updated continuously, and I will update my course with all the latest changes to the CMS.This Content Management System will also include an eCommerce section where you can list your products and prices.This course will be really helpful for you, especially if you want to get in online application development, including websites."
Price: 199.99

"Learn The Best Self Massage to Relieve Back Pain & Headach" |
"Learn to Relieve Back Pain and Headache by Self-Massage with Certified Massage Therapist.Anna Sohana has created Self-Massage which based on knowledge of effective massages by 15 years of experience. She collects the Best and Simple techniques for effective self-help in a short period.This course consists of movements of Chinese Acupressure Massage and Rolfing movements. You will need to get only 2 tennis balls to start your journey to Self- Massage.Anna Sohana has designed a series of video clips that show you how to use Self-Massage to bring about reduced tension or pain in Back, Shoulders, Shoulder Blades, Neck and Head. Also, she will share with you How to Relax Face with Self-Massage and get beauty and happiness.In this Self-Massage course you are going to learn: Acupressure Techniques Rolfing Movements How to use Tennis Balls Techniques correctly Effective way to Relieve Muscles Tension Delicate Techniques for Neck and Head Self-Massage of Face for Beauty and HappinessThis Unique Self-Massage will give you the skills set to yourself an amazing massage that you can do everywhere and anytime with your needs.As a bonus, you will get Professional Record of Sound Healing Meditation created by Anna Sohana for relaxation of the mind and body. This meditation based on alfa waves frequency and easy will guide you to the meditation state of mind."
Price: 29.99

"Uzman ngilizce retmeninden ngilizce Kursu" |
"En karmak dil bilgisi yaplarnda bile 30 yllk tecrbelerimi paylatm, hibir yerde bulamayacanz birebir tercme metodu ile ngilizce'nin btn pf noktalarn sizlere reteceim. rencinin nelere ihtiyac olduunu bilen ve bunu veren anlatmm sayesinde ngilizce'nin ne kadar kolay olduunu anlayacak, vakit kaybetmeden vitamin hap ier gibi ngilizce reneceksiniz. Bugne kadar binlerce renciye her seviyede ngilizce rettim. ngilizce'yi sevdirdim ve hayatlar boyunca keyifle bu dili kullanmalarna yardmc oldum. imdi bu imkan bu platform sayesinde sizlerle buluturuyorum.KURS ERNE KISA BR BAKI:rnek cmlelerle desteklenmi yzlerce gncel ngilizce kelime Konu anlatmlardan sonra rendiklerinizi pekitirecek ve renmenizi destekleyecek aklayc altrmalarTelaffuz, Konuma, Dinleme gibi ngilizce'nin nemli unsurlarn barndran onlarca dersngilizce'yi doru ve gerekli olan aksanla renme imkanGereksiz bilgi kirliliinden arndrlm, dilbilgisi aklamalar ve kullanmlarrencilerin ncelikli ihtiyalar dorultusunda hazrlanm, hedefe ynelik konu anlatmlar"
Price: 49.99

"Espao Maker - Construa prottipos na sua casa" |
"Aprenda a construir prottipos mecnicos com sucata. No precisa de pilhas, leds ou motores. Utilize material que seria descartado ou de baixo custo. Nesse pacote voc construir:Um jogo interativo de cdigos.Um carrinho de elstico.Um barco.Um projeto de rob que no vira e que se transforma num jogo de equilbrio.Uma catapulta para brincar com seus amigos.Ser necessrio que voc tenha fita, tesoura e cola-quente. A robtica educativa uma ferramenta de aprendizagem que estimula diversas habilidades. Projetar, construir, avaliar, corrigir e comemorar so caractersticas que trabalhamos em tempo integral nas aulas e agora voc tem a possibilidade de fazer no seu tempo e na sua casa."
Price: 39.99

"YouTube SEO and Marketing: Grow your Channel in 2020 !" |
"Are you a(n)Aspiring YouTuber?Semi-Successful YouTube Creator who wants to GROW HUGE IN YOUTUBE?A Digital Marketer trying to Upskill your Marketing Skill Sets?An Entrepreneur trying to acquire NEW customers from YoutubeThis course is for anyone and everyone who wants to achieve success in YouTubeIn this YouTube Optimization Course, you will learn to,Unveil the YouTube EcosystemRank your videos Higher on YouTubeCrack the YouTube SEOGrow in YouTube from Zero views and Zero Subscribers Make money, many ways in YouTube!Trust me with one hour of your and I Promise to offer everything I learned in the past 10 years to grow on YouTubeAbout the Instructor :Lakshmi Parkavi ( Digital Marketer and Video Producer )I have created 700+ YouTube Videos for Big brands, Startups, and Solopreneurs. I have tested, tweaked and optimized more than 50 YouTube channels in the past few years.I have taught YouTube Optimization to YouTubers (aspiring and successful) for different walks of Life.With the 30-day 100% money-back guarantee, there is nothing holding you back from jumping in right now and trying it out."
Price: 19.99

"Curs de programare Java pentru incepatori" |
"Cursul de programare Java pentru incepatori este destinat tuturor acelora care doresc sa invete programare in limbajul de programare Java de la zero.In acest curs vei invata atat concepte de baza de programare Java, cat si concepte avansate de programare Java, printre care enumeram:- introducere in variabile- tipuri de variabile- constante- operatorii de baza, operatorii relationali si operatorii logici- instructiuni de decizie- instructiuni de ciclare- metode, parametri si tipurile de date returnate- clase si obiecte- modificatorii de acces- constructori si supraincarcarea constructorilor- mostenirea"
Price: 49.99

"The Twins Flames Love from the Well Guarded Divine Pandora" |
"When it comes to love we are most of the time depressed and afraid and not to forget broken with the deepest sadness within, not to know how to move on and sort out from the unbearable pains and hardships, we think death is more bearable than going through all these loses and humiliation. Once destroyed, we lost the minor courage to stand up again to date someone else to know more love and happiness and we are traumatized upon hearing who would accept to start it again together, would we ever meet that one exceptional person? What about the Twins Flames Love, is that real, is that something new, is it going to help us ahead for a better loving life in marital bondage and upon setting a new family? I promise you a very intensifying hard-core course that is going to break our inherited spells about relationship and love but attention should be envisioned that it is not what you are we expecting at all, your knowledge would be upgraded but your pains are going to grow higher for we are living in a dark surroundings! However, you will look at life in another gaze, you will be free, as a new born, people will sense something odd within you but they would not be able to understand what is it, the opposite gender is going to be closer to you and seeing in you a hope for liberty and freedom, you will have to make a choice, and it should be a honest one! It is not going to work for anyone, listen to your heart if you are ready for this course, think about it, take your time, it is made only for those seeking peacefulness for themselves and everyone else!"
Price: 29.99

"Aumenta tus Ventas con Tcnicas de Morfopsicologa" |
"En este curso exploraremos la disciplina pseudocientfica de la morfopsicologa facial para dominar el arte de comunicarse para empatizar con los clientes, mejorar el nivel de satisfaccin de tus productos y servicios; y as, aumentar tus ventas. Clientes comprendidos = clientes felices = empresas exitosas. Todo el curso incluye ejercicios prcticos con fotografas de clientes."
Price: 99.99

"Aprenda SQL do ZERO para Iniciantes" |
"Este curso foi construdo com o intuito de atender profissionais de qualquer rea profissional, com ou sem experincia em SQL, a fim de proporcionar o conhecimento necessrio para resolver problemas, competncia para desenvolver consultas de informaes via banco de dados, como tambm a insero, atualizao e excluso de informaes considerando cenrios que alinham a didtica e o contexto prtico do mercado de trabalho."
Price: 39.99

"Produccin de contenidos para Cine y Televisin 3DTV" |
"S3D (Stereoscopic Tree Dimensions) es la expresin correcta para denominar los contenidos estereoscpicos que se ven en tres dimensiones.El curso inicia con unos temas tericos, ilustrados y apoyados con diversos recuadros y contina con temas ms prcticos donde se analizan conceptos sobre la estereoscopa, cmaras de vdeo S3D, editores de vdeo y formatos para la exportacin en S3D.Como se trata de un curso de carcter eminentemente prctico, muchas de las ilustraciones estn realizadas para verlas de forma estereoscpica, es decir, en tres dimensiones. Gracias al uso de unas sencillas gafas de cartn (gafas de anaglifo) el estudiante ir comprendiendo los conceptos fundamentales de la estereoscopa, tras ir realizando las sencillas prcticas que se muestran en cada tema. De una forma lineal, el estudiante ver todo el proceso estereoscpico, desde la idea inicial hasta el resultado final, que ser nuestra pelcula, documental o programa en S3D.Para iniciarse en S3D no hay que invertir en costosos equipos, solamente se necesita tener una base estereoscpica adecuada y saber trabajar efectivamente con los medios y recursos que tengamos a nuestro alcance. En este sentido, el curso aconseja al estudiante sobre qu cmaras utilizar, con qu programa editar o qu dispositivos se van a necesitar.Si eres creativo, apuestas por innovar y te gustan los retos, la estereoscopia es el ms difcil todava, y sin duda te enganchar, como les pas a grandes directores de cine como James Cameron, Martin Scorsese, Steven Spielberg o Peter Jackson."
Price: 19.99

"Create amazing animations fast and easy using After Effects" |
"Are you ready to bring your illustrations to life? Learn how to animate your illustrations in After effects with the minimum effort.If you are a beginner, don't worry! I'll go step by step so that you don't have any problem following the course.During the course, I will give you some great tips to speed up your work process and animate your illustrations quickly and easily.By the end of the course, you will be able to make amazing animations in record times. Along the way, you'll learn how to: Use Adobe After Effects from the basics. Create smooth animations Organize your illustrations to make your life easier Add expressions, effects, layers, stylesand much more!"
Price: 49.99

"Finding Time" |
"If you are like most leaders, finding time to focus on the development of others is difficult. Daily tasks, urgent fires, and unclear priorities often sidetrack us from doing the work that really matters. This engaging course will help you cut through the excuses and prioritize time so that you can bring out the best in those you serve.Whether you are an aspiring leader who wants to become an expert at time management or you are a leader entrenched in duties and responsibilities that stop you from spending time on developing others, this course will be helpful to you. "
Price: 24.99

"Put ""juice"" into your presentations" |
"Did you ever leave a presentation with glazed eyes, buried under an avalance of information? Did you ever struggle to pinpoint what part of a slide the speaker was talking about? Did you ever struggle to understand what the take-home message of a presentation was because there was just too much information?Are you now in a situation where you have to present complex, data-heavy subjects and would like to avoid inflicting the same on your audience?Would you like to transfer knowledge to your audience in a way that will be remembered?Then this course is for you. This brief workshop will illustratehow to keep your presentation focusedhow to structure the information in your presentation to make it memorablehow to adapt your visuals to make the presentation more dynamic, clear and engaging.It is an online adaptation of a workshop I've held live. Here's some feedback for the live workshop:I was impressed to see how Oliver could take any unfriendly looking set of data and transform it into an engaging, memorable, easy to understand presentation. He brings together competencies in data analysis, information processing and effective communication. If you have a lot of information that you want to communicate effectively or train people to develop these skills then I would highly recommend Oliver as a consultant and trainer.T. T., International Coach and Management ConsultantI attended Oliver's workshop called ""Theres No Such Thing as a Dry Subject"". I work as a coach and a trainer so I must admit that I already knew a lot of things about presentations and how to engage an audience BUT Oliver totally surprised me! He delivered such a valuable content about how complex topics can inspire rather than overwhelm the audience. I found his tips so useful in my job and I've definitely seen the results! Thank you so much Oliver for your clarity, competence and well balanced irony!E.F., Coach"
Price: 39.99

"Empreendedorismo e Gesto para Sales e Barbearia" |
"Um Curso pensado no Profissional da Beleza que Dono (ou pretende ser) do seu prprio negcio com noes bem apuradas e atuais de:Precificao (quanto cobrar pelos servios)Administrao CompletaEstratgias de Marketing e PromooEstratgia de Marca e Brading Estratgias de Negcio e Padronizao Usando a modelagem Canvas no seu espao Desenvolvimento Pessoal do Profissional da Beleza So mais de quatro horas de Contedo de vdeo e sete exerccios/complementos para voc assimilar todo o contedo!"
Price: 114.99

"Audio with Script in Vietnamese for Better Pronunciation" |
"My teaching method can be summed up in two bullets:- Entertainment + Education- Practical and ApplicableHow this course will change the way you speak Vietnamese:When you speak Vietnamese with correct word choice and pronunciation, people will be amazed Lets Banish:- Being demotivated- Ending weird accentsWho this course is for:- Viet Kieu- Expats living and working in Vietnam- Business people- YOU!Successfully acquire either North or South dialect, or even both. Listen to Vietnamese native speakers and read along. Learn how to apply common idiomatic expressions and vocabulary via short stories into daily life."
Price: 34.99

"Learn Servers OSs and Types Server Administration Course" |
"This course for who want to start in the servers area, knowing its definitions, meanings, types, how to install it, and how to deal with, it contains the following lessons:Lesson 1: What are the serversLesson 2: Servers operating systemsLesson 3: Web ServerLesson 4: DNS ServerLesson 5: FTP ServerLesson 6: VPN ServerLesson 7: Mail ServerLesson 8: VPS ServerLesson 9: DataBase ServerLesson 10 and last one: Server's control panels"
Price: 19.99

"UiPath RPA Developer Certification 100+ Practice Questions" |
"UiPath is one of the most used tool across globe when it comes to automating business processes and saving time on manual tasks. UiPath is becoming more and more popular among students as well as this involves no to very less coding and it being user friendly from its usability perspective. This course will enable you to gain more understanding about UiPath by solving 100 plus questions that cover every aspect of UiPath."
Price: 1280.00

"Curso de Mezcla y Masterizacin" |
"Si buscas producir tu propia msica o iniciarte en el camino para ser un productor profesional, nada mejor que aprender con un profesional de alto nivel, desde la experiencia real de la produccin profesional. Partiendo de conocimientos tericos, pero sin perderte en interminables y farragosas teoras, aprende lo que realmente necesitas para que tus mezclas sean equilibradas, profundas, clidas e impactantes.Para ello repasaremos la estrategia para afrontar la mezcla desde una perspectiva tridimensional, entenderemos y aplicaremos la panoramizacin, la ecualizacin, la compresin, la aplicacin de efectos de retardo como la reverberacin y la masterizacin. Te enseamos a tener las habilidades para que puedas mezclar en cualquier estilo y tomar tus propias decisiones. Te damos el conocimiento, no frmulas cerradas que luego no encajarn en tu proyecto.Todas las tcnicas sern ejemplificadas con una mezcla de una cancin comercial, grabada en nuestro estudio profesional con msicos de alto nivel. Las grabaciones incluyen una batera grabada con 11 micrfonos, bajo grabado con amplificador y micrfono y DI, voces, guitarra elctrica con amplificador y micrfono, teclado, percusin y una seccin de vientos compuesta por trompeta, saxo y trombn.Mostramos en todas las partes del proceso diferentes opciones tcnicas, as como diferentes plugins, adems de recomendaciones de plugins tanto de pago como gratuitos disponibles en el mercado.Todos los ejercicios estn realizados con un DAW (Protools en este caso) pero pueden aplicarse igualmente con otros DAWs como Cubase, Ableton Live, Sonar, Logic o Reaper, o incluso en un entorno analgico o hbrido en el que se utilice equipo hardware."
Price: 74.99

"Mente Empreendedora" |
"Bem vindo ao Treinamento On-Line Mente Empreendedora - Inteligncia Emocional.Dividido em17 mdulos totalmente prticos, esse mtodo lhe mostrar todos os passos e ferramentas que voc precisa para ter incio a uma vida EXTRAORDINRIA e cheia de realizaes.Tudo o que trabalhado nesse treinamento baseado em estudos e em experimentos cientficos comprovados, alm da aplicao prtica na vida de milhares de pessoas e na prpria vida do Jaciel Junior.Por que a inteligncia emocional to importante?85% dos nossos resultados esto ligados s questes de habilidades e atitudes.A inteligncia emocional responsvel por 58% do sucesso em todos os tipos de empregos.A inteligncia emocional est muito relacionada maneira como cada um lida com as situaes sob presso e como consegue equilibrar suas emoes para se relacionar com outras pessoas.COMO CRIAR UMA MENTALIDADE EMPREENDEDORA;AUTOCONHECIMENTO;VALORES PESSOAIS;VALOR DE NEGCIO;DEFINIR OBJETIVOS;ANLISE DE CENRIO;SISTEMA DE CRENASGESTO DE TEMPO;AUTOCONFIANA;VIDA EM ABUNDNCIA;PLANO DE AO;O PODER DO FOCO;PERGUNTAS PODEROSAS E ACOMPANHAMENTO;PENSAMENTOS X COMPORTAMENTOS;ENTRAR EM AO;O QUE VOC VAI APRENDER NESSE TREINAMENTO:Se voc prentende aprender a diferena que a INTELIGNCIA EMOCIONAL pode fazer em suas vidas;Se voc empresrio ou empreendedor e que est cheio de medos e dvidas com relao ao seu negcio agora e em um futuro prximo;Se voc ainda pretende empreender, mas est em dvida em meio de tantas notcias ruins;Se voc profissional de vendas e precisa gerar confiana para voc e seus clientes aps a crise;Se voc assalariado, aposentado, autnomo ou profissional liberal e precisa se blindar e criar uma viso de futuro positiva para voc e para sua famlia;PARA QUEM ESSE TREINAMENTO:100% ON-LINE;FERRAMENTAS E TCNICAS PRTICAS PARA FAZER QUANDO QUISER;ASSISTIR E COMPARTILHAR COM AS PESSOAS QUE VOC MAIS AMA;CERTIFICADO DE CONCLUSO;"
Price: 489.99

"Psicologia das Emergncias e Desastres- Nvel I" |
"No curso iremos abordar o contexto histrico da Psicologia, a introduo e atuao do profissional na rea, a importncia do trabalho multidisciplinar e as possibilidades de atuao in loco e contemporaneidade desse tema no cenrio mundial. Iremos abordar frentes de trabalho, qualificao profissional, primeiros socorros psicolgicos , traumas psicolgicos, tipificao dos Desastres e Emergncias, reaes cognitivas, fsicas e sociais."
Price: 39.99

"Corel videostudio editing tutorial" |
"Need to learn video editing? Corel videoStudio is one of the best video editing programs (judging from its user friendliness and features) which many videographers use in editing wedding ceremonies, birthdays e.t.c. It can also be used to make YouTube videos, photo slideshows, text animation, video advert e.t.c.What you get from this tutorial; Systematic methods of making a video 3hrs+ course. (8 videos). How to make screecast videos.ALL VIDEOS ARE DOWNLOADABLE"
Price: 19.99

"Aprenda a avaliar um investimento em preveno de acidentes" |
"O curso composto de trs mdulos divididos em 19 aulas. O mdulo I aborda os conceitos da matemtica financeira como forma preparatria para o mdulo II. O mdulo II aborda os elementos e indicadores econmicos de avaliao de um projeto de investimento. O mdulo III apresenta um estudo de caso, aplicando os conceitos aprendidos nos mdulos I e II para avaliar um projeto de investimento numa fbrica, com objetivo de reduzir o rudo ocupacional e assim, prevenir perdas auditivas."
Price: 189.99

"Remedio al rescate durante el CoVID-19" |
"Refuerza tu sistema inmune, salud mental, estabiliza tu situacin econmica y controla tus emociones con los elementos que te damos en este curso. Adicionalmente te ensearemos a confeccionar de forma sper fcil; dos tipos de caretas y un cubre bocas para tu completa proteccin.Con este curso quedars provisto con tcnicas, actividades y herramientas para protegerte del estrs, ansiedad y la economa que est provocando el COVID-19."
Price: 19.99

"Fix My Neck: Causes of pain and exercises for better posture" |
"Fix My Neck is an introductory course to help you improve neck pain, keep you active, and teach you to have a better posture. This course consists of a series of simple videos that walk you through important exercises that help to strengthen your neck and improve your posture. If you are suffering from post-concussion symptoms, neck pain, poor posture, or headaches, this course will teach you to focus on body awareness, strengthening your neck, and understanding that repairing your posture is an important part of your recovery. But, not to worry. I will walk you through the exercises that have been shown to incredibly effective."
Price: 44.99
