"Corso base di cristalloterapia con The Lazy Trotter" |
"In questo corso base di cristalloterapia avrai la possibilit di iniziare a familiare con il mondo dei cristalli, scoprendone le propriet e imparando a utilizzarle nella tua quotidianit per eliminare blocchi energetici e apportare maggiore armonia nella tua vita.Questo corso adatto a chiunque si senta attratto da pietre e cristalli e abbia voglia di conoscere un nuovo strumento di connessione e guarigione di mente, corpo e spirito.Il corso strutturato in 6 moduli, per permetterti di iniziare a muovere i primi passi nel mondo della cristalloterapia. Oltre ai video, sarai supportato da qualche semplice quiz per avere la certezza che tu abbia compreso fino in fondo i contenuti condivisi.Cosa stai aspettando? Lanciati subito in questa nuova avventura!I cristalli sono doni della natura, che prendono vita da minerali profondi all'interno della terra. Ogni cristallo ha una propriet curativa unica derivata dai minerali di cui composto. I cristalli sono in grado di amplificare, focalizzare, dirigere, assorbire, diffondere e trasmettere diversi livelli di energia di guarigione.La cristalloterapia viene utilizzata da secoli da numerose popolazioni intorno al mondo. Questa terapia dalle origini antiche lavora sfruttando il potere naturale di pietre e cristalli per migliorare il nostro stato di benessere.A CHI ADATTO QUESTO CORSO?A chi interessato ad approfondire le proprie conoscenze all'approccio metafisico al benessereA chi vuole scoprire un metodo alternativo per prendersi cura di se stesso, portando armonia e pace nella propria vitaA chi ha gi abbracciato il mondo olistico nella propria vita e desidera approfondire le proprie conoscenze e il proprio intuito interiore attraverso i cristalliA chiunque abbia voglia di arricchire il proprio bagaglio culturale nel mondo del benessere naturaleDAL VENTRE DELLA MADRE TERRA PER DONARTI EQUILIBRIO INTERIORE Impara a riconoscere le qualit di differenti cristalli e inizia a implementarli nella tua vita quotidiana.LASCIATI AFFASCINARE DAL MONDO DELLA CRISTALLOTERAPIA Scopri questo universo di benessere ed equilibrio naturale per mente, corpo e spiritoPORTA LA TUA CONOSCENZA DEI CRISTALLI A UN LIVELLO SUPERIORE Questo corso ideale per chi desidera tuffarsi nelle propriet della cristalloterapia ed ancora alle prime armi."
Price: 29.99

"Innovation in Public and Semi Public Sector" |
"The goal of this course is to engage a broad group of stakeholders to explore opportunities to Innovate and Disrupt the status quo.The program is organized in three sectionsSection 1: Introduction to Innovation life Cycle ConceptsSection 2: Self Directed Workshop to Complete the Analyses after each ModuleSection 3: Join monthly study groups organized by the instructor via webEx.AudienceStudents, Entrepreneurs, Front Line Workers, Team Leads, Engineers, Line of Business Leaders, Customer Service, Public Affairs."
Price: 24.99

"Create a Smart Budget Using YNAB!!" |
"As a student, I always found myself trying to plan and budget for my financial aid award, as well as save for personal goals of mine. YNAB has made this process and understanding of my finances so easy! I have designed this course to understand one's finances and budget using YNAB which is free for 1 year for students!"
Price: 19.99

"PCB designing in EAGLE" |
"Hello, Everyone In this course I have demonstrated how one can start with PCB design easily and with fair amount of time.This course is best for those who wants to learn Schematic and PCB designing.This course is also for Professionals and experienced people who wants learn EAGLE CAD software.A SMPS ( Switched mode power supply) board is taken as an example to demonstrate every process/Step in a Schematic and PCB designing."
Price: 29.99

"Colourful Animals" |
"In this course, you will learn how to apply easy painting techniques and get great results with basic colours and simple tools, art which later you can print on T-shirts and use to create an extra stream of income from something you enjoy doing and can do in your free time!"
Price: 29.99

"Medical Decision Workout" |
"This course is specifically designed for doctors, nurses, dentists, paramedics, leaders, researchers and all health professionals aiming to improve their medical decision making, situational awareness, stress management strategies and team working skills. In this course we will target important topics such as:How do we actually make medical decisions? Which cognitive biases affect us?How can these be counteracted?Mental models for decision makingThe stages of a decision making processWhat characterizes medical decisions?How should we evaluate decisions?What is situational awareness and why is it important?What hinders and promotes situational awareness?Frameworks for situational awarenessHow should we handle uncertainty?What characterizes good teams?What is operational leadership?What characterizes effective communication?What are the symptoms of acute stress?Can I learn effective stress management strategies?"
Price: 19.99

"Aprenda a fazer vdeos animados com o Videoscribe na prtica" |
"Voc est buscando formas criativas de apresentar o seu contedo mas no um expert em edio de vdeo e nem sabe desenhar? Ento esse curso para voc que quer aprender desde o bsico at o avanado, mas comeando do zero. Neste curso eu ensino desde a baixar o programa at tcnicas avanadas com por exemplo a montar um template e a utilizar todos os efeitos do videoscribe. Para isso, alm das aulas o curso conta com 6 exerccios prticos para que voc faa aps as principais aulas e assim pratique o que aprendeu na teoria. Alm dos exerccios prticos voc ter os vdeos com as resolues para que tire todas as suas dvidas ."
Price: 54.99

"OpenStack Basic to Advanced Installation and Administration" |
"Provides detailed instructions with scripts and reference configuration to install, administer, maintain, optimize and troubleshoot an OpenStack Cloud environment. Uses Live Production Commercial Cloud to train on topics like VM Migration, configuration changes, optimization and tuning of environment. You will gain from our experience of creating and running a commercial cloud and useful tips and tricks to keep Openstack working optimally."
Price: 44.99

"Web GIS development course in 2020" |
"If you are from GIS background and think that you can excel in your career, by learning GIS web development, this course is for you. Don't worry even if you are from a non-CS background, I have covered everything from basic HTML page to creating full fledged industry standard web gis application. I will be teaching you :Basics of Web developmentHTMLCSSBootstrapJavascript / jQueryOpenlayersGeoserverPostgresPostGISPHP - AJAXOther mapping librariesLeaflet jsMapbox GL JSThis will give you brief idea about basic open source web gis development. So If you are excited just like me , get started today and unlock the career option in GIS web development.I love mapping and I love Web development, and when I decided to put both my passions together, I became a GIS web developer. I believe anyone even if they don't belong to Computer science field can always start learning.HAPPY CODING !!"
Price: 3200.00

"Desperte o desejo de leitura e comunicao da sua criana" |
"Ol! Bem-vindo ao nosso curso introdutrio como ferramenta para pais/ professores/ responsveis que querem investir ainda mais no desempenho da criana.Um dos maiores motivos que me levou ao incio desse contedo para auxiliar responsveis e crianas: a INSEGURANA e o MEDO para leitura e comunicao, caractersticas observadas em muitos alunos durante o processo de ensino e aprendizagem.Isso foi percebido em crianas, adolescentes, jovens e at mesmo adultos. Por isso, a importncia de investirmos nessa rea desde cedo, durante a infncia. Qual o ESTMULO que as crianas recebem hoje para que desenvolvam cada vez melhor? As atividades precisam ter PROPSITO!As atividades pensadas aqui visam promover uma melhor interao e vnculo entre a criana e seu responsvel no lar, investindo em tempo de qualidade para que seja o ambiente mais estimulante e agradvel possvel!"
Price: 69.99

"Pyware 3D Java Drill Design Beginner Tutorial Series" |
"This course works through 6 Tutorial Videos covering these topics:Setting Up Your Pyware Program and a New FileCreating FormsBasic TransitionsSymbols, Labels and Production SheetProps, Floor Covers and Real FabricsExporting Your Completed FileLearning these basics should get you off the ground and creating great drill fast.FREE FILES - Included in your tutorial are some free files as wellProduction PlannerProduction InventoryDrill Design ContractBlank HS Field Surface (you can use it to customize your own field to fit your company logo!)"
Price: 19.99

"O desenvolvimento psquico, de acordo com a psicologia histrico-cultural, est ligado s condies objetivas de organizao social. O psiclogo russo Alexis Leontiev afirma que a vida da criana o fator determinante de seu desenvolvimento psquico. Isso quer dizer que, no decurso de seu desenvolvimento, o lugar que a criana ocupa no sistema das relaes humanas se altera devido influncia das circunstncias concretas de sua vida. Para esse autor, o vnculo que se estabelece entre criana-sociedade realiza-se mediante a atividade da criana. Portanto, urge analisar o contedo da atividade da criana e como tal atividade constituda nas condies de vida. Essa anlise no se refere atividade geral do indivduo, mas a determinados tipos de atividade que se apresentam como mais importantes para o desenvolvimento em determinados perodos. Trata-se, portanto, do conceito de atividade dominante, ou atividade-guia. Leontiev assevera que a atividade-guia no , necessariamente, a atividade que ocupa o maior tempo na vida do indivduo, mas aquela dentro da qual se desenvolvem processos psquicos que preparam o caminho da transio da criana para um novo e mais elevado nvel de desenvolvimento. De acordo com o autor, a atividade-guia caracterizada por trs importantes aspectos, quais sejam: a atividade que gera outras atividades, ou seja, gera novos motivos; a atividade que engendra a organizao e a reorganizao dos processos psquicos e, por fim; a atividade da qual dependem as principais mudanas na personalidade do indivduo. Com base em Vigotski, Leontiev e Elkonin, apresentarei neste cruso um pouco da Teoria da Periodizao do Desenvolvimento Psquico. Acredito que essa teoria seja um importante aporte terico para psiclogas(os), professoras(es), psicopedagogas(os), entre outros pesquisadores e profissionais."
Price: 69.99

"Photoshop CC - Beginners" |
"As a new photographer, graphic designer, or someone interested in learning Photoshop, this course is the perfect starting point. This course covers the Photoshop Workspace. I will walk you through the menu bar, options bar, tools panel, artboard, status bar, panels, and document windows. This the perfect class for a beginner using Photoshop. This will walk you through the basics of the entire Photoshop Workspace. After completion of this course you will be ready to start working and editing in Photoshop."
Price: 19.99

"Studio Drawing For Beginners" |
"Anyone can learn to draw, given the right fundamentals. If youve ever heard yourself saying I cant even draw a stick figure, get ready to surprise yourself. The only thing holding you back is you. Are you prepared to learn the techniques that will give you the confidence to draw from observation?By the end of this course, students will have learned the basics of drawing in dry media (pencil and charcoal) variety of line, mass, contour and cross-contour, reductive drawing, light and shadow, values, and more. Instructor will provide students with explanations and demonstrations of various skills and techniques throughout this course."
Price: 19.99

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Price: 3000.00

speingo_1 |
"Hola todos.Mi nombre es Yu y soy japonesa.Este vdeo se puede aprender el idioma espaol nivel muy bsico, he hecho el vdeo para los japoneses.Vemos a aprender espaol juntos!"
Price: 19.99

"Astrologie fr Einsteiger" |
"Astrologie ist mehr als ""Sternzeichen"" und die Gemeinmeinung dazu. Astrologie kann eine Hilfestellung zur Selbsterkenntnis sein, kann Dir helfen, Deine Persnlichkeit besser zu erfassen und zu entwickeln und letztendlich auch dazu fhren, dass Du glcklicher lebst. In diesem Kurs erfhrst Du, wie Astrologie aufgebaut ist und lernst die einzelnen astrologischen Zeichen kennen. Auerdem bekommst Du einen ersten Einblick in die astrologischen Huser und verstehst, wie Dein Horoskop aufgebaut ist. Pures Wissen wird mit Geschichten aus meiner Praxis aufgelockert und zu fast jedem Zeichen gibt es auch ein passendes Mrchen. Denn Mrchen verraten unserer Seele mehr, als wir zu wissen glauben.Astrologie zeigt Dir auf, wie individuell goldrichtig DU bist - und die anderen Menschen ebenso!"
Price: 64.99

"Physiology Multiple Choice Question Bank" |
"Physiology Multiple Choice Questions and Answers Bank. This question and answer bank will help you prepare adequately for your Physiology exams. Our Sure Physiology practice tests questions and answers are the perfect way to brush up your skills in Physiology. Take our Physiology practice tests for a run-through of commonly asked questions. You will receive incredibly detailed answers to help you identify your strengths and weaknesses. Start practicing Now."
Price: 19.99

"AWS Certified Security - Specialty Exam 2020" |
"The AWS Certified Security - Specialty certification is one of the most challenging exams. It's great at assessing how well you understand not just AWS, but making sure you are making the best architectural decisions based on situations, which makes this certification incredibly valuable to have and pass. Do you want to evaluate your preparation for the Amazon AWS Certified Security - Specialty AND be confident enough to pass your AWS certification exam on the very first go?"
Price: 44.99

"Como Falar Ingls na sua Viagem" |
"E-book + 06 vdeo aulasFale ingls em 06 situaes: aeroporto, aluguel de carro, hotel, pedindo informaes, compras e restauranteDicas importantes para se virar muito bem no ingls e curtir a sua viagemTraduo de todas as frases: perguntas e respostas mais usadas02 Bnus: 01 aula individual online ao vivo para conhecer a metodologia de ingls da UPPER IDIOMAS + um desconto especial em uma aula online de 60 minutos com o professor para treinar os dilogos de viagem"
Price: 39.99

"FL Studio 20: Create a Hip Hop Beat from Scratch" |
"In this course,specially designed for the modern music trends of 2020, you'll learn how to create a fully fledged hip hop beat from start to finish.This course has been specially for those who have used FL Studio before, who have downloaded it and installed it but who do not know how to create a full track using it. When they look on YouTube, they get confused by the myriad of tutorials available and have no idea where to begin.Learn about all the most important things, such as sound and sample selection, synth sound design, beat making, mixing and mastering and much more.We also go over some basic music production techniques, and explain about processes such as compression, equalisation, applying reverb and delay and flanging. We explain the meaning of terms such as 'tempo' and 'BPM'.With almost 10,000 students, we have been teaching FL Studio and how to use it for over 10 years, and have a great breadth of experience as a result.Some of the skills you will learn by the end of this course are:Arrange a basic hip-hop drum loopChorus, Verse, Intro and Outro song arrangementsSynth sound selectionEQ high passingMixing/Mastering your trackIf you just watch the videos then this course will take around 2 hours to complete, but we recommend setting aside at least six hours to go over the videos and the other documentation that is included as well.I have also included a full and uncut copy of my eBook as well, called ""The Elements of Dance Music"", on top of all the content already included with the course!And, if the course doesn't completely satisfy, you are backed by Udemy's 30-Day Money Back Guarantee"
Price: 149.99

"Intro to Reading Architectural Drawings" |
"So many of us have a desire to be creative and design things, but before we can get to the really fun stuff, we need to understand some of the basics. In this course, students will explore the language of architectural design, namely drawings / plans. Architectural drawings come with their own set of style guides, symbols, vocabulary, etc. These are things that students need to understand before they can start participating in design projects, and truly communicating in this exciting field of study.In this course, students will get a high level overview of the ins and outs of architectural drawings so that they can feel comfortable moving forward working with architectural plans.Whether you aspire to be in design, construction, engineering, architectural visualization, or just to design your own buildings, this is a core skill essential to the process.What to expect:This is a short overview course that starts with the basics of architectural drawingsLater, the course dives into specific types of drawings at a more detailed levelBy the end, you should have a good grasp of the symbols, vocabulary, and other important elements of professional architectural plans."
Price: 19.99

"Identity Federation using Microsoft ADFS And Azure AD" |
"What is this course about?When we want external parties to consume our applications (be it on-premises or cloud) then the federation comes into the picture. Federation allows external identities (from partner organizations or individual contractors) to access the published applications in another organization using their own organization's user account or using their personal social media accounts. This course primarily talks about the federation of identities using the old horse Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) and Azure Active Directory (Azure AD). In this course, students will gain a step by step understanding of implementing ADFS infrastructure in Azure IAAS and in later sections of the course they'll get to know how Azure AD works as a federation broker. Students will also learn how to register a custom domain in Azure AD and sync their On-Premises user objects to Azure AD using Azure AD Connect. This course will be explaining in detail how Azure B2B Collaboration and Azure B2C work.Disclaimer: This course does not cover any web application coding to make the application claim aware. We have used ready-made sample applications for demonstration.Who is the perfect Audience?This course is perfect for students who-1. Have basic knowledge of Azure and Active Directory2. Have no prior knowledge of ADFS or Federation3. Students who are working as Windows or Azure Administrators or Identity Management Administrators.Why take this Course? There are many reasons to take this course. This course is taught by Microsoft Certified Trainer.This course covers lots of Hands-On which will make you practically sound and make your understanding better about the concepts.And moreover, Identity federation for collaboration is a hot subject in today's digital age and this course has explained the topic using Microsoft ADFS and Azure AD.At last, I am eager to see you succeed, I am offering you my help, assistance wherever required in learning this course. You can drop your queries in the Q&A section of the course and I'll make sure it will be responded promptly."
Price: 39.99

"Facebook Marketing & Ads Mastery 2020" |
"Want to become a Facebook Ads & Marketing expert?If youve not tried using Facebook Ads to promote your business online, then today is the time to start!This course is a step-by-step guide to teach you - HOW TO MAKE YOUR FIRST FACEBOOK AD**BRAND NEW CONTENT & UP TO DATE 2020! - COMPLETE UDEMY COURSE!**Become The Ultimate Facebook Ads Master and join this course today to learn the same PROVEN success strategy with Murli, Digital Marketing expert and world-leading Digital Marketer used to build this course.I HAVE CONSULTED ON SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING & INCREASED CONVERSIONS FOR VIA FACEBOOK AND INSTAGRAM ADS!If you are curious about Facebook Ads or you want to learn how to make a Facebook Ad and get more customers for your business, this is the right place for you.OVER 7,847 amazing HAPPY students have taken THIS coursePower Boost your Facebook Marketing and Facebook Advertising by learning how to create Facebook Ads from SCRATCH!Never before has there been an advertising platform of this magnitude that will allow you to reach an audience of billions and rapidly grow your business online at next to zero cost!Facebook Marketing is a REQUIRED skill for anyone with a business, product, service, brand, or public figure they need to PROMOTE!In this course, you will learn Facebook Marketing from beginner level to advanced!I have developed deep into EVERY aspect of Facebook and the Facebook Ads Manager.Learn how to use and optimize every type of Facebook campaign, Facebook custom audience, Facebook pixel... the things you will learn about Facebook are truly amazing and will instantly help advance your presence online!Remember you need ZERO prior experience or skill to join this course. Well provide everything you need to grow your online business on a budget of next to nothing!Take advantage of this fantastic offer today while you still canThe ONLY course youll EVER need for a LIFETIME of Facebook Ad and Facebook Marketing SUCCESS.TAKE A STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION WITH YOUR LIFE AND BUSINESS...LEARN HOW FACEBOOK MARKETING, FACEBOOK ADS, & SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING WILL MAKE YOUR 3X BUSINESSES!ENROLL NOW!Do not buy this course but invest in it, get ready to take action, learn a lot, have fun while doing so & to SEE THE RESULTS FOR YOURSELF.You will also get:Lifetime access to all Future Facebook Ads UpdatesFast and Friendly Support in Q&A sectionUdemy Certification of CompletionA 30 day ""no questions asked"" money back guaranteeI hope my courses help you in achieving your goals and becoming a top notch digital marketer."
Price: 19.99

"SSL Getting an A+ Grade For Your Site" |
"Welcome to my course on SSL getting an A Grade for your site. With this course you will learn how to test a web site for common SSL/TLS misconfigurations and how to interpret common SSL grade results so that they can be easily corrected. You will learn how to select protocols, cipher suites and certificates in order to get an A plus rating on your site. You will also gain an understanding of SSL hand shakes, keys and signatures."
Price: 19.99

"Learn in and Out of DNS" |
"The Domain Name System (DNS) is the backbone of the Internet; making sure it is configured properly is a key skill for network administrators.In this course, you will learn how DNS works, including different its different functions as resolvers, resolution and recursion, and caching. Further, you will learn about name servers, such as authoritative, primary, secondary, and forwarders. It's easy to get confused between different kinds of DNS records, so we will take a deep dive in learning a different kind of DNS records. and in the last, we will see different DNS tools in action like nslookup and dig, as well as advanced topics such as NOTIFY and sender policy framework.I am sure that once you are through this based training course, you will have gained a solid understanding of Domain Name Servers and resource records."
Price: 19.99

"XGBoost Machine Learning for Data Science and Kaggle" |
"The future world is the AI era of machine learning, so mastering the application of machine learning is equivalent to getting a key to the future career. If you can only learn one tool or algorithm for machine learning or building predictive models now, what is this tool? Without a doubt, that is Xgboost! If you are going to participate in a Kaggle contest, what is your preferred modeling tool? Again, the answer is Xgboost! This is proven by countless experienced data scientists and new comers. Therefore, you must register for this course!The Xgboost is so famous in Kaggle contests because of its excellent accuracy, speed and stability. For example, according to the survey, more than 70% the top kaggle winners said they have used XGBoost.The Xgboost is really useful and performs manifold functionalities in the data science world; this powerful algorithm is so frequently utilized to predict various types of targets continuous, binary, categorical data, it is also found Xgboost very effective to solve different multiclass or multilabel classification problems. In addition, the contests on Kaggle platform covered almost all the applications and industries in the world, such as retail business, banking, insurance, pharmaceutical research, traffic control and credit risk management.The Xgboost is powerful, but it is not that easy to exercise it full capabilities without experts guidance. For example, to successfully implement the Xgboost algorithm, you also need to understand and adjust many parameter settings. For doing so, I will teach you the underlying algorithm so you are able to configure the Xgboost that tailor to different data and application scenarios. In addition, I will provide intensive lectures on feature engineering, feature selection and parameters tuning aiming at Xgboost. So, after training you should also be able to prepare the suitable data or features that can well feed the XGBoost model.This course is really practical but not lacking in theory; we start from decision trees and its related concepts and components, transferring to constructing the gradient boot methods, then leading to the Xgboost modeling. The math and statistics are mildly applied to explain the mechanisms in all machine learning methods. We use the Python pandas data frames to deal with data exploration and cleaning. One significant feature of this course is that we have used many Python program examples to demonstrate every single knowledge point and skill you have learned in the lecture."
Price: 99.99

"Crie uma Loja Virtual Completa - Android e iOS com Flutter" |
"Ateno: Este um curso Intermedirio/Avanado direcionado desenvolvedores com conhecimentos Intermedirios* de Flutter. Se voc no possui este nvel de conhecimento, faa antes o curso Criao de Apps Android e iOS com Flutter - Crie 16 Apps.=====Antes de tudo, imagine o seguinte cenrio: Uma pequena loja da sua cidade est fechada devido quarentena, e, assim, no possui um mtodo adequado para a venda de seus produtos.Ento, aps fazer este curso, voc oferece um aplicativo completo de vendas esta loja, cobrando uma taxa inicial e uma taxa mensal.Assim, a loja sobrevive e voc garante uma renda mensal. Agora multiplique isso por 10 lojas...ou 20 lojas! :D=====Seja bem-vindo(a) ao nico Curso que te ensinar a criar um Aplicativo Completo de Loja Virtual para Android e iOS!Este curso foi projetado para que voc aprenda tudo que necessrio para a criao de um aplicativo de Loja Virtual. Isso inclui:Pagamento por Carto de CrditoSistema de Login/Cadastro com Facebook ou E-mail e SenhaPesquisa de ProdutosSeleo de Tamanho (P, M, G, GG) com preos diferenciadosControle de Estoque por TamanhoCarrinho de ComprasClculo de Frete por DistnciaControle do Gerente da Loja IntegradoTela Inicial Facilmente CustomizvelNotificaes por PushProcesso de Adio/Remoo de Produtos SimplificadoEspecificao dos Horrios de Funcionamento, Contato e Endereo da LojaE muitos mais!Somente neste curso voc ter acesso a mais de 30 horas de contedo e a um suporte exclusivo a todas as suas dvidas.No perca tempo, entre em um dos mercados mais lucrativos do desenvolvimento mobile!Inscreva-se j e junte-se nossa comunidade de mais de 27 mil alunos!=====Tecnologias abordadas neste curso:Flutter: +50 tipos de Widget, Gerenciamento de Estado via Provider, +25 packages e muito mais.Firebase: Autenticao por E-mail e Senha, Autenticao por Facebook, Firestore, Cloud Functions e Cloud Messaging.Cielo: Transao por Carto de Crdito.=====Observao:* Intermedirios se refere : Conhecimento geral sobre os Widgets do Flutter, Navegao entre Telas, Instalao do Flutter, Compilao do App. Estes contedos no sero abordados neste curso."
Price: 579.99

"Materiali PBR disegnati a mano" |
"Realizzare materiali in stile cartoon non sara' mai cosi facile. Grazie a Krita e materialize realizzeremo pareti rocciose, prati e texture di legno semplicemente disegnando e trasformando la nostra texture in un materiale PBR che utilizzeremo per i nostri progetti 3D.Realizzere,o una parete Rocciosa, un prato partendo da oggetti 3D, una texture di legno e un terreno con sassolini, impareremo a presentarli e a mixarli con Quixel Mixer."
Price: 29.99

"How to Build GUI Apps with Python and Tkinter" |
"How to Build GUI Apps with Python and TkinterA Python Tkinter Programming GuideThis Python GUI course is an intermediate course that is intended for a semi beginner audience. It will introduce the student to the key concepts of Pythons Tkinter GUI library and begin from a basic introduction to the widget library, event system, and GUI design to building over 6 concept Applications which include a Media Player, A Password Generator, A PDF Extractor and Merger, A battery Status checker App and more. It is recommended that the student has basic python knowledge and knows concepts such as python variables and datatype, classes, functions, and Object-Oriented Programming. The course also includes compiling python applications to executable files and creating installer files. The course is created using the Windows 10 Operating System but similarly, code context can be used on a Mac and Linux. The course is divided into 13 Sections with Downloadable course material provided. The final section contains extra course content to add more arsenal to learning.RegardsEngr. Mahmud Shuaib"
Price: 89.99

"Git + JavaScriptWeb" |
"JavaScript(Node.js, Angular, React, Vue) WebNode.js, Angular, React, VueJavaScriptWebMacVSCodeMacWeb JavaScriptWebMacMacFinderVSCodeGitGitHubGitKrakenCommit, Push, Pull, Pop,StashPostmanNode.jsJavaScript(Angular, React, Vue)WebITUdemyVerQ&A"
Price: 2400.00
