"CompTIA A+ (220-801) Certification Practice Test" |
"In this CompTIA 220-801 course there are 6 practice exams in total. There are over 300 exam style questions in total. Take the exams as many times are you wish and when you are getting around 95% every time you know you are ready for the real thing.I am highly dedicated to provide you with the best and most preparing practice questions to pass your CompTIA 220-801 examWhy take our Course?i.Unique & Updated 300 Questionsii.All 300 Questions Suggested by Top Subject Matter Expertsiii.Verified answersiv.30 days money back guarantee, no questions asked.Go ahead and hit the ""take this course"" button to start growing a business online today!Requirements:Wanting to pass the CompTIA 220-801 certification.Wanting to find your weak areas for the CompTIA 220-801 certification, and improve on them."
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft Project" |
"Microsoft Project is a powerful planning tool used by many project managers and project planners. It provides support for many of the key project control processes including the preparation of schedules, resource plans, cost forecasts and progress reports. However to get the best out of Microsoft Project can require some training. In this course you will learn elements of Microsoft how it can be used to plan and manage the delivery of projects."
Price: 19.99

"Academic Writing for University" |
"Join me for this near 2-hour journey into learning how to master the way you structure your essays based on essay directive words. Each of our lessons will look at a different word, and through the entirety of this course, we will be looking at a total of 11 essay directive words.Would you like to learn how to target your essay to improve your grade? As a student, have you struggled how to tell what a question is actually asking you for?Whether you are a social sciences or arts university degree student, you have come to the right place!In this course, we will go over what an essay is, what its different sub-sections are, and how to bring them all together. Together, we'll prepare various example essays, and you'll write your one-page essay plans throughout this course. You'll also learn:How long paragraphs in an academic essay should be and how these should be structuredWhat an essay funnel structure isWhat is typically included in an introduction, main body, and conclusion paragraphHow to link different paragraphs to one another to improve your essays flowHow to link similar or dissimilar concepts to one another in a critically evaluative wayHow to build one-page essay plansHow to use diagrams and one-page essay plans to develop a high-quality essayThis course covers the following example essay questions, looking at a variety of social sciences and arts degrees - making this a super exciting course to enrol in:Describe how and why the Corston Report (2007) affected legislation about female offenders in the United KingdomClarify the relationship between prosocial behaviour and empathyExamine the impact of the Equality Act (2010) on Gender Equality at Work in the United KingdomOutline the principles of immersion in modern video gamesShow how compliance techniques are used in marketing products to consumersDemonstrate how the underdog theme is dealt with by films using examplesSummarise how new technologies can support occupational training for emergency servicesAssess to what extent the changing inequalities in UK society have impacted the nature of social work practiceState to what extent morality is determined or influenced by social statusInterpret how Cohen and Felsons (1979) Routine Activities Theory could explain vandalismComment upon the improvements that computer-generated imaging (CGI) gave to special effectsAcademic Writing for University Essay Directive Words: Part 1 is also unique through its graphical representations and visuals. This makes this academic essay writing course ideal for visual and auditory learners.This course comes with several free resources for you to use as part of your learning and one-page essay plan course project. These are included as part of different lessons and will make your lessons more engaging through visuals.Academic Writing for University Essay Directive Words: Part 1 is perfect for the following university degrees:Psychology Criminology Social Work Sociology Youth Studies Anthropology Gender Studies Political Science Social Policy Fine Art Concept Art 3D Art Analytical Art Illustration Media Studies Film Production Product Design Fashion & Jewelry Design"
Price: 19.99

"Hindi language learning course" |
"This is a well designed course for development of Hindi Language.This course will be helpful for the new learner of Hindi Language.With the help of this course a learner can learn Hindi Vocabulary,sentence structure and story of Hindi language.These videos will develop the Vocabulary of learner.These Vocabulary will be very helpful in day to day conversation."
Price: 1280.00

"English Better Now! Easy English" |
"What do I get with this class? 1) Practice English. 2) Check where I am today.3) Improve my English sounds and sentences with stories!With these classes, I improve my English sounds & sentences.I learn English with Alford Stories!English words like wings give flight to my life goals.With English - Better Now I improve my English withfun Alford Content. Also included are spices of Odd English, Issues, Idioms and More!"
Price: 19.99

case-interview-in-japanese |
Price: 10800.00

"C Programming for Beginners - Master the C Fundamentals" |
"What is C Programming Language?C Language is the mother of all programming languages.It first appeared almost 50 years ago and it was used for the development of so many things, including:Development of OS.Core parts of many famous databases like Oracle and MySQL.And its still being vastly used in Cyber Industries, Sensors Development, Smart Homes & Smart Cities and yes even in companies that develop these nice little Drones.A lot of efficient libraries in Python are actually implemented in C.And Its even considered to be one of the most popular languages for programming microcontrollers for embedded systems.C Language is definitely here to STAY!Its HIGHLY USEFUL & HIGHLY EFFICIENT.And by the way - Its also considered that by learning C youre definitely going to make your programming fundamentals VERY STRONG.And finally to answer a question that a lot of you may have - there is a HIGH DEMAND for C Developers in the market - at both large companies as well as startups - and the salaries are usually PRETTY HIGH! :)[Course Information]In this course, youll learn the fundamentals of programming using C Language - including different concepts such as:General Programming Concepts.Input & Output.How variables work.Conditions & Control Flow.Different types of Loops.Functions.Arrays.Pointers.Strings.Recursions.And maybe some additional sections.[Sections Structure]At every section, you will be given with an:Introduction to the General Concept.Implementing Concept in C Programming Language.Hands-On Exercises Challenges + FULL VIDEO SOLUTION.Cool Milestones such as:Developing a Calculator.Developing your own Weather Station.Password Guess Program.And many more Cool Milestones that will make you feel how the Theoretical and Practical knowledge are getting together!EXTRA Sections - OPTIONAL.By the end of the course - you should be able to analyze and solve various programming problems on your own.[Who is this course for?]This course is mainly for Total Beginners and hobbyists who want to learn some new skills in an EASY and ATTRACTIVE manner.This course is also for students all around the world having a hard time sitting at a class full of students and not understanding their Lecturer to the fullest.So if you're a Total Beginner, a student or you're just curious about the topic this course is ABSOLUTELY FOR YOU!"
Price: 49.99

"Analisis financiero y tecnico,inversion bolsa, en 60 minutos" |
"En este curso aprenderas como funciona el mundo del trading en 60 minutos. Al finalizar el curso sabrs cuales son los principios que componen a un trader ganador, teoria, psicotrading, gestion del riesgo y cmo analizar el grafico del mercado. Toda esta informacion de forma directa y facil de entender"
Price: 19.99

"(CBSE) Class-9 Maths" |
"Mathematics is considered as one of the challenging subjects therefore we have designed this course by keeping in mind all the needs of students.This course contains 15 chapters of Class 9 CBSE Math. In each chapter there are several explanatory videos, Problem-solving videos.-What you will learn? The chapters covered are:1) Number systems 2) Polynomials 3) Coordinate geometry 4)Linear Equation in two Variables 5) Introduction to Euclids geometry 6) Lines and Angles 7)Triangles 8) Quadrilaterals 9) Areas related to parallelogram 10) Circles 11) Constructions 12) Herons formula 13) Surface areas and volumes 14) Statistics & 15) Probability.-Who can take this course?This course has been designed for students of Class 9 CBSE board however it can be taken by the students of any other board if they have these chapters as a part of their curriculum. -Benefits of taking this Course:On completion of this course, one will have complete in depth knowledge of all the chapters and will be able to solve all the problems which can lead to score good in exams with the help of:Explanatory videos ensures complete concept understanding.In short it is an interesting course fulfilling all the student's needs.So hurry up and enroll now!!"
Price: 1600.00

"eCommerce Website - Build online Store in WordPress (Hindi)" |
"Hey guys,In this course, Youll learn Ecommerce website Development From Scratch (online store) Step By Step Full Process and This Course cover everything you need to get your store up and running (add product,accepting payments) in just a few short hours!If You Dont Know Any Programming Language but You Want to create online store than You can create it Through my Course. We will be using the most popular content management system, WordPress to build our site. And WooCommerce (Plugin) to add eCommerce functionality to our site.This Course is Specially Design For Ecommerce Website Development or Ecommerce Store Without any Programming Language You can sell physical, Digital,Virtual all Types of products such as Clothing, Electronics, Furniture, Music and eBooks!Don't Forget To Ask Your Questions If You Have Any Doubts Regarding This Course. Thank You"
Price: 1280.00

"Learning Piano for Beginners" |
"This course is based around beginner or novice piano players, and will help you get much better in a little bit more than an hour!This course will help you to:Learn the basic notes of pianoRead notes off of sheet musicUnderstand symbols off sheet music such as beats & restsPlay a song with both left and right handThis course is taught by me, Travis McKay, a grade 2 piano player. The reason why I am putting this course on Udemy is I want to share my skills of piano to the rest of the world, to give you a boost in the piano learning world!"
Price: 19.99

"How to Determine Network Topology,Bandwidth and Devices" |
"You can understand the nine network topology decision models and use these models to quickly and easily draw the right network topology.You can understand the five network building and design considerations, and design and build a network tailored to the needs of your site.You can determine the appropriate bandwidth in LAN and WAN environments.When you run out of bandwidth problems, you can easily spot the problem and fix it easily.Under the principle that the bandwidth is determined by the user, you can derive the quality control standards required for our site.You can understand the reasons for deploying networking devices and derive the minimum standards for suitable devices.Under the given conditions, you can draw the right network topology.As a network engineer, you have a strong confidence.You can get a job in the network industry.You can gain basic knowledge for Bob Lee's other lectures."
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Expresses para Rostos de Bonecas" |
"Ao decorrer das aulas aprenderemos pintura em tecido com tcnicas de sombreamento avanado para a criao de expresses de rostinhos de bonecas. Ao longo do curso vou ensinar 6 expresses diferentes passo a passo, com aulas prticas e diretas ao ponto. O curso de Expresses todo ensinado em formato de videoaulas, disponibilizado online. Cada rostinho ensinado separadamente por mdulo, tendo como base tcnicas especficas para cada um."
Price: 39.99

"El xito del trabajo en equipo" |
"Reflexiona la siguiente pregunta: Sabas que el trabajo en equipo es esencial para el xito en las empresas, adems de ser una gran ventaja competitiva?En este curso dinmico aprenders a identificar si tienes un grupo o un equipo de trabajo, aprenders a realizar un anlisis foda de equipo, conocers las caractersticas principales de un equipo, descubrirs los pasos para convertir de un grupo a un equipo inteligente y exitoso. Te brindaremos herramientas para fomentar el espritu del trabajo en equipo, comenzando con el compromiso individual, dirigindolo al esfuerzo colectivo para que el equipo funcione adecuadamente haca el fin comn; logrando trascender en tu aprendizaje adquirido llevndolo a la prctica con tu equipo de trabajo y en tu mbito personal y profesional.Este programa es terico y prctico ya que consta de varios ejercicios y vdeos que te servirn para que reconozcan las fortalezas, oportunidades, debilidades y amenazas que tiene tu equipo en este momento, con el fin de generar un plan estratgico para lograr tu equipo de trabajo exitoso. Aprovecha nuestro curso y desarrolla a tu equipo de trabajo haca el xito de la empresa.Objetivo:En esta capacitacin conocers el concepto del trabajo en equipo, identificars las caractersticas de un grupo y un equipo, los elementos fundamentales del trabajo en equipo, las etapas para convertir un grupo en un equipo inteligente y las herramientas para fomentar el espritu del trabajo en equipo, comenzando por lograr el compromiso individual, hasta dirigirlo al esfuerzo colectivo; donde tu como integrante de un equipo desempeas un rol fundamental para cumplir los objetivos en comn.Que se llevara el asistente al finalizar el cursoUn aprendizaje significativo para implementarlo en su mbito laboral y personal. As mismo, una vez que termine el curso con xito obtendr un certificado por parte de UDEMY. El curso tiene valor curricular de la STPS."
Price: 270.00

"Trading con iqoption gana dinero fcil con indicadores." |
"este curso esta diseado con el propsito de ensear a traders o personas que no sepan nada de trading sobre los mercados y las estrategias mas comunes y sencillas para ganar dinero en diferentes mercados como lo son acciones,forex y opciones binarias. Con el uso adecuado de indicadores(medias mviles,rsi,fibonacci,etc) y patrones simples del mercado que nos ofrece los grficos del broker iq option.espero este curso te sea de utilidad para iniciarte en el mundo del trading y si ya eres trader te ayude a ganar dinero mas fcil con las estrategias planteadas en el.aprenders cosas como:-trading.broker de iq option-inversiones-tendencias-velas japonesas-mercado accionario-forex y opciones binarias-indicadores para ganar dinero-estrategias para ganar en los diferentes mercados-patrones repetitivos en los mercados"
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Inteligencia emocional - Hbitos exitosos" |
"En este curso de inteligencia emocional, he recopilado los 10 mejores hbitos y tcnicas que usa la gente exitosa en su da a da, para conseguir todo aquello que desean. En cada una de las clases, te doy recursos que te van a servir como pepitas de oro, para que puedas acceder a ellas cuando ms lo necesites.En este curso de coaching de inteligencia emocional, vas a aprender lo siguiente:El marco mental que tiene las personas exitosas para conseguir una educacin emocional de acero.Los 10 mejores hbitos exitosos explicados uno a uno.Superar traumas del pasado.Tcnicas de lenguaje corporal.Hbitos para entrar en estado emocional positivo.Haz que te extraen.5 tcnicas de Comunicacin y Persuasin.Ah! Y te he dejado una sorpresa al final de todo el curso, que slo obtendrs si eres capaz de acabarlo."
Price: 19.99

"100 Russian words in 20 lessons" |
"If you only plan to learn Russian language or you have already started, youll benefit of learning new words. We offer to you a course of 20 lessons that will allow you to memorize 100 most common Russian words. Some of them you can use immediately, talking to your Russian friends and clients. This course is addressed to absolute beginners and it will be good for those who prefer self-education. It may compliment your other lessons."
Price: 19.99

"Best online teaching tools for teachers" |
"This course is for the teachers and students who want to learn new tools for online teaching. The teacher will learn to share the subject notes, post the assignment to students, grading the assignments, etc all in paperless way. Teachers will learn to create an online test, analyzing the responses and grade the test manually."
Price: 1280.00

"Learn Microsoft Power Automate From Scratch" |
"In this course you will learn the most hottest RPA tool in the market, Power Automate.Right from scratch to advanced concepts, this course has it all.You will learn to build your own flows right from scratch. Not only that you will also learn to automate web and desktop apps with ui flows. That's not the end. You will also get to know the AI Capabilities such as Sentiment Analysis, Language Detection etc. Updates : Added New Section- Use Case, Additional Topics, Deploying The Solution"
Price: 19.99

"Os Segredos do Design" |
"Ol, sou Marcus Lino, Design Grfico.Bem-vindo a este curso ""Segredos do Design"".Durante esse perodo difcil, quando milhes de pessoas em todo o mundo esto cuidando de nossas comunidadesdistanciamento social, trabalho e aprendizado em casa, eu criei este curso para ajud-lo a alcanar seus objetivos de aprendizado.Voc pode achar que o aprendizado on-line mais flexvel do que o aprendizado em ambientes presenciais.Frequentemente, em cursos on-line, voc pode se movimentar no seu prprio ritmo, revendo material difcil ou pular coisas que voc j dominou.Eu lembro que quando eu era estudante na faculdade, quando o professor estava indo rpido demais, eu geralmente pedia para o professor aguardar um minuto.E ento eu estava lutando para recuperar o atraso e perderia toda a palestra.Imagine se eu pudesse ter pressionado o boto de pausa naquele momento, para poder pausar o professor e talvez at rebobinar o professor.Voc pode fazer isso online.Os ambientes de aprendizado on-line tambm podem aumentar as oportunidades de se conectar com seus colegas e instrutores atravs de videoconferncia sncrona e fruns de discusso assncronos.Para ser um aluno on-line de sucesso, necessrio compromisso e planejamento.Mas no se assuste.Este curso ajudar a se preparar para o aprendizado sobre os segredos do Design, oferecendo avoc conselhos prticos e estratgias para elucidar o aprendizagem.Bem-vindo ao curso Segredo do Design."
Price: 69.99

"Curso Completo - Sistemas Supervisrios com PC_SIMU" |
"Aprenda a criar os primeiros sistemas Supervisrios com PC_SIMU.Nesse curso ser abordada a aplicao PC_SIMU em comunicao com o software CADeSIMU(simulando CLP).Atravs desse curso, o estudante ser capaz de desenvolver projetos bsicos e de mdia complexidade para entrar no mundo dos sistemas SCADA e IHM's.Matricule-se j e aprenda de forma rpida e eficiente.Nos vemos no curso!"
Price: 54.99

"NR-10 - Bsico" |
"A NR10 (norma regulamentadora 10) que tem como ttulo, SEGURANA EM INSTALAES E SERVIOS EM ELETRICIDADE, uma norma que tem como carter regulamentar todos os servios que envolvam eletricidade e seus riscos, alm de garantir a sade e segurana dos que estejam envolvidos direta e indiretamente nestas atividades e servios.Os profissionais da rea eltrica devem passar por um treinamento de 40h (para o curso bsico), em que ser apresentada a normas e suas caractersticas, e que no mnimo a cada dois anos esse mesmo profissional ter de passar por um reciclagem deste mesmo treinamento.Inscreva-se, acompanhe as aulas e faa sua prova final para obteno do certificado de NR-10 - Bsico."
Price: 69.99

"Chinese Mandaring Language for Beginners: Make Big Progress" |
"If you are tired of boring books or lessons about chinese language, please welcome to my Course ""Chinese Mandaring Language for Beginners: make big progress""!!! I collected my experience of studying chinese as a beginner. This course covers all essential and important topics in chinese. You wil be able to: 1. Pronounce chinese correctly, because pronunciation in chinese is a main key to high-quality conversation with chinese people.2. Better understand and memorize chinese characters.3. Have a basic conversation with chinese people. You do not need to learn thousands of useless words and phrases. Best method is to learn basic useful words and phrases and start speak chinese!4. Build more compex phrases using really simple grammar.Let's do this!"
Price: 19.99

"Matlab and Simulink Programming" |
"MATLAB is a multi-paradigm numerical computing environment and proprietary programming language developed by MathWorks. MATLAB allows matrix manipulations, plotting of functions and data, implementation of algorithms, creation of user interfaces, and interfacing with programs written in other languages. Learn the basics and the important commands of Matlab and learn how to make data in to information."
Price: 19.99

"JasperReports, JasperStudio e JasperServer na prtica" |
"Este curso ensinar, de maneira objetiva, a criar relatrios JasperReports usando a ferramenta visual JasperReports Studio por meio de exemplos prticos e simples, adaptveis a diversas realidades. Alm disso, ensinar a configurar o JasperReports Server, onde podem ser armazenados os relatrios Jasper. Por mim, ensinar a integrar diversas linguagens de programao ao JasperReports Server, de modo a permitir a gerao de relatrios Jasper por meio de aplicaes feitas em PHP, nodejs, C#, Java e python, e no apenas por Java.Assista ao trailer do curso no Udemy para entender melhor sobre o curso!As primeiras aulas do curso esto disponveis gratuitamente.O curso dividido, portanto, em trs partes:Introduo Terica: uma pequena introduo sobre os conceitos bsicos sobre Jasper, e uma explanao de como configurar o JasperReports Studio em sua mquina, seja ela Windows ou Linux, para que se conecte com um banco de dados, seja ele MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL ou Microsoft SQL Server. Para fins de exemplos, usamos o MySQL, mas a forma de configurao adaptvel aos outros SGBDs.JasperReports Studio por Exemplos: a ideia ensinar a usar as diversas funcionalidades do JasperReports Studio por meio de exemplos prticos e de complexidade progressiva. Fazendo-os, o aluno ser capaz de desenvolver outros relatrios que sigam o mesmo estilo. Isto envolve a criao de relatrios com base em uma query SQL e que usem listas, text fields, grficos, imagens, e que podem ser formatados com cores, bordas e fundos distintos.JasperReports Server: como configurar o JasperReports Server, como integrar o JasperReports Studio para que se possa publicar os relatrios desenvolvidos ele no Server, e como integrar o JasperReports Server, via API REST, com diversas linguagens de programao. Neste curso, disponibilizo bibliotecas que eu mesmo desenvolvi para as diversas linguagens de programao, para que a integrao com o JasperReports Server seja intuitiva e rpida.O curso, alm das aulas, tambm disponibiliza:Bibliotecas de integrao com o JasperReports Server, feitas por mim mesmo, para gerao de relatrios hospedados no servidor, para as seguintes linguagens:C#PythonJavaNode.jsPHPScripts de importao do banco de dados exemplo para os seguintes SGBDs:MySQLOraclePostgreSQLMicrosoft SQL ServerNo faz parte do escopo do curso a biblioteca java do JasperReports, pois a arquitetura ensinada a dispensa. Tambm no faz parte do curso a configurao de base de dados. Para auxiliar o aluno, dadas algumas orientaes para MySQL (Windows e Ubuntu) por meio de vdeos de terceitos do YouTube. Tambm foi preparado um tutorial sobre como instalar o SQL Server Express no Windows e configur-lo no Jasper Studio.CrditosAs ferramentas Jasper, Jaspersoft Studio e Jaspersoft Server, pertencem TIBCO.A foto utilizada na capa foi tirada por Headway, obtida gratuitamente no site Unsplash.O cone utilizado na capa pertence ao Freepik.O trailer utiliza cones do Freepik e do Pixel Perfect, vdeos do PEXELS, Msica do PIKASONIC e sons do Mark Diangelo."
Price: 39.99

"Farmacologia dos Anestsicos Locais" |
"Voc quer aprender sobre FARMACOLOGIA dos ANESTSICOS LOCAIS?Quer saber todas as caractersticas dos anestsicos locais? Entender sobre mecanismo de ao, toxicidade, principais anestsicos locais utilizados em diferentes reas da sade (ODONTOLOGIA e MEDICINA)?Ento, vem comigo que eu vou ensinar a voc TODOS os tpicos relevantes relacionados a farmacologia dos anestsicos locais!Se voc quer romper as barreiras da sua sala de aula, levar seu conhecimento em anestesiologia por onde voc for, se inscreva em meu curso e voc estar no caminho certo para isso."
Price: 39.99

"Parenting 360 : A 360 Degree Guide to Parenting" |
"This course covers all important aspects of a child commencing from infancy to later adolescence. This course will prove to be a complete guide to you as a parent.At the end of this course you will be able to learn core concepts to inculcate in your children, such as intelligence, habits, discipline, success in school, values, resilience, motivation, friendship, self-efficacy, right attitude and important life skills that are required by your child.1] How do I get my child to get straight As?!!2] How do I make my child completion ready?!3] How do I help my child to be confident?!4] How do I develop my childs reading habits?!5] How do I get my kid away from mobile and T.V6] How do I make my child responsible?"
Price: 1920.00

"Learn to Protect, Pay off And Pass On Assets To Your Heirs" |
"This course will teach you basic mortgage protection, and mortgage acceleration tools to protect your valuable new asset and be sure to pass it on to the next generation. We use a fictional character derived from our daily practice and interactions with everyday people facing financial dilemmas. Tanji takes on characteristics of many of our regular cash coaching clients who are trying to learn to do personal finance a different way than they were taught growing up. You will learn how to create a financial plan around your new or pending home purchase. We hope this helps you understand that homeownership is a stepping stone to building wealth. We show you how to protect it, pay it off and get in position to pass it on to your heirs and an asset that can help the next generation either earn or save more money. "
Price: 19.99

"AI in Marketing: How to Leverage AI to Grow Your Business" |
"Artificial Intelligence in Marketing Course is a practical guide for business leaders who are passionate about leveraging machine intelligence to enhance the productivity of their organizations. If you love to drive innovation by combining data, technology, design, and people, and to solve real problems at an enterprise scale, this is your course.This AI in marketing course will help you grow your business & save time!Let's talk about what you're getting with this Artificial intelligence in marketing course.We will teach you how to lead successful AI initiatives by prioritizing the right opportunities and designing business solutions to benefit your organization.There are videos on practical AI applications for:Personalization - Ad targeting, website personalization, UI/UX PersonalizationCustomer Insights - Sentiment Analysis, Customer Churn, Lead Scoring, Dynamic PricingContent Marketing - Report Generation, Content SEO, Quality Improvement, Content PromotionSocial Media Marketing - Monitoring and StrategyInfluencer Marketing - Image Recognition, Influencer Performance Analytics, Influencer Incentives, Determining an Influencers Influence, Flagging Posts, Spam EliminationChatbots - Benefits, Building your own bot, ready-to-use solutionsCustomer intelligence - Understanding Customer BehaviorAI implications in Retail - Product Design, Shelf Intelligence, Smarter Products, Voice Shopping Assistant, Security Measures, Driverless Delivery, Fashion Styling, In-store experienceThis AI in marketing course is aimed at both beginning users and intermediate/advanced. If youre a CEO or digital marketer seeking to understand AI-driven marketing for real business use - this is the right course for you. Even if youre completely new to AI and machine learning and dont have much of a technological background this class will give you great insights and practical knowledge of how AI can be applied to your organization.Does that sound good? See you inside!Course goals:You will understand how artificial intelligence and machine learning worksYou will be able to leverage AI by purchasing pre-built marketing productsYou will be able to build your own company-specific AI solutionsYou will understand the connection between AI and blockchain technology and their application in marketingYou will explore the most popular AI algorithmsYou will receive a startup guidebook, a bunch of case studies and a full list of key termsYou will receive free access to our premium chatbot solutionRequirements:Absolutely no experience is required. We will start with the basics and gradually build up your knowledge. Everything is in the course.Who this course is for: Anyone who wants to explore the field of AI-driven marketing for real business use Small Business Owners who want to increase their sales and revenue through marketing automation Entrepreneurs who want to leverage the power of AI to their competitive advantage Marketing professionals who want a deeper understanding of AI and blockchain technology and their application in marketing Beginners and more advanced marketing experts who want a closer look at how AI works and AI algorithms Business leaders who are passionate about leveraging AI to enhance the productivity of their organizations"
Price: 99.99

"EFT-tapping Nivel Bsico" |
"EFT-tapping Nivel Bsico es un sencillo pero poderoso curso para aprender EFT-Tapping en espaol.Tapping es una tcnica maravillosa y sencilla de aprender y de usar, utilizada por millones a nivel mundial Tapping es utilizado para reducir el estrs, fortalecer el sistema inmunolgico, quitar dolores y molestias, dolores de cabeza, migraas, molestias menstruales, mejorar la vista, desempeo deportivo, fobias, alergias, acn, etc."
Price: 44.99

"Corso per auto-sanificazione della propria attivit" |
"Il corso effettuato dal consulente e formatore per la salute e sicurezza sul lavoro e dal tecnico proposto e professionisti del settore pulizia e sanificazione. Il corso permette di auto-certificare la sanificazione della propria attivit lavorativa.(il corso non permette di sanificare/pulire altre attivit ma solo la propria) Al termine del corso, si rilascia attestato valido ai sensi del D.lgv81/08 art.37, per la qualifica di addetto aziendale alle pulizie a sanificazioni, rischio biologico, sistemi di protezione e prevenzione e addestramento ai DPI."
Price: 59.99
