"SAP HANA SQL Scripting - Step 2" |
"SAP HANA is one of the highly demanding skill in the market. HANA technology is improving rapidly to meet the customer requirements and many customer started upgrading their existing HANA systems to HANA 2.0 version. You can quickly ramp-up your skills to meet your day to day job demands.Here are few highlights of the course:You will learn about the real-time problems and steps to solve them.You learn about different types of ETL modelings. We'll cover end to end solution which you can immediately apply in your project.Window partitioning commands are very powerful. with very few lines of code you can solve great challenges.Many new features introduced in HANA 2.0. We'll cover new features by using Web IDE instead of HANA Studio so you'll be more familiar with this tool.Hierarchies are long waiting featured from SAP and finally they are introduced in HANA 2.0. Let's crack it.You'll get extensive problems to solve. It'll sharpen your SQL skills. Not just problems, we'll provide solution as well.There many more...feel free to checkout course content to know more about this course.Probably Time4HANA courses are best in HANA World...!"
Price: 144.99

"Stress Management Basic Strategies" |
"The basic and fundamental habit-forming approach for long-term stress management capability. Learn how to control your own mindset so the rest of the stress management techniques will be effective to you.Take a sneak peek at basic law of attraction, positive psychology, and scientific approach to stress management, all combined to prepare you to ace the battle of life with grace and success."
Price: 19.99

"Build your Personal Brand: LinkedIn for Beginners!" |
"Want to learn how to use LinkedIn to Brand yourself? Then check this complete beginner's course!The best thing in this course is it's not just about creating or optimizing your LinkedIn profile, It is about BRANDING yourself on LinkedIn. Branding is an important thing and a lot of people forget it, they create an account on LinkedIn and then nothing happens because they don't know how to brand for themselves.So In this course, you'll learn the following:Why use LinkedInOptimizing your profile for searchNetworkingJobsBuilding your Personal Brand on LinkedInTips & Tricks on LinkedIn"
Price: 74.99

"Treinamento de Excel Avanado e VBA para Iniciantes 2016" |
"Voc aprender neste curso, recursos para atingir meta, cenrio, solver, trabalhar com base de dados e inserir funes dentro de outras funes, automatizar trabalhos atravs de macros e cdigos em VBA. Ao final do treinamento, teremos criado um projeto de cadastro com botes e menu na guia principal. Alm disso, ao trmino do curso e apresentao da apostila terminada, receber o certificado de concluso do curso e um bnus com um sistema feito no excel e recursos em VBA todo comentado, mais vdeo."
Price: 39.99

"Aprenda forex do zero" |
"Este curso voltado para quem procura estabilidade financeira. Aqui voc vai aprender do zero sobre o mercado forex, um mercado de cmbio de moedas conhecido em todo mundo. Vou lhe explicar de forma simples e objetiva qual estratgia eu utilizo para ter ganhos consistentes no mercado durante o ano inteiro.Vamos aprender algumas nomemclaturas tcnicas e o bsico de uma leitura grfica. Fique calmo! tudo muito simples e fcil de entender, basta seguir minha estratgia para entender o mercado e tirar proveito para lucrar."
Price: 39.99

"How to unlock your team's potential" |
"The course covers 6 modules, with the initial focus on you the leader, moving onto creating the right environment for your team. We then provide the tools, skills and frameworks that will help you unlock their potential. The approach to unlocking potential centres around a coaching style - one which I think is the most powerful and liberating way to achieve the best sustained results.Youll receive unlimited access to 9 videos, a 27 page downloadable workbook, tools, techniques and coaching frameworks to help you facilitate unlocking your team's potential."
Price: 24.99

"Product Owner Masterclass" |
"As the speed of change accelerates, organizations need agile product owners who can drive product development. Whether thats your current job or aspiration, this online agile product owner course is for you. Youll acquire practical techniques for agile planning, iterative product development, change management, quality improvement, value stream mapping, gathering customer feedback, and on-time delivery. Also, this course will help you develop the leadership skills critical for product owners and help you create your product owner development plan.This course has been developed by Joanna Tivig and Peter Monkhouse based on years of experience delivering products with the customer in mind. Using their extensive experience teaching courses online, Joanna and Peter will share the skills required for the new generation of product owners. Product owners who deliver value to their customers."
Price: 99.99

"How to install Linux Ububtu on Virtualbox - Windows & Mac" |
"Welcome to the Linux Ubuntu course this is the only course you will need to install Linux Ubuntu on your machine successfully.In this course, I will teach you from the absolute beginning to end. We will start from how to install Oracle VirtualBox to getting the Linux Ubuntu files for installation to the actual installation itself. After the successful installation, I will also teach you a few of my favourite tips and tricks that you can use on Linux.This course is perfect for students or anyone else who needs to install Linux Ubuntu. Installing on a virtual machine using the method shown in the course is completely risk-free so if you need Linux Ubuntu but dont want to take the risks involved in installing it on your physical machine then this course is for you.Thank you for viewing my course! Happy Learning!"
Price: 54.99

"Stress in Sport" |
"Sport and stress have an unbreakable bond, you cannot have one without the other.Stress is such a massive component of sport and can have such a negative influence on performance, yet it is so rarely understood or addressed in the same way as physical elements that are in need of development.Athletes, coaches and even parents can attest to psychological factors being one of the main contributors for not doing well in competitive environments without really understanding what the problem is, how it happened or why it is still there.Competitors or athletes from any sport are exposed to regular stressors and high pressure situations, but it is important to be able to identify and understand what component of stress they are suffering from, what happens to them and why it is occurring before it not only affects their enjoyment, but also their personal health and wellbeing.If there is no education within the sporting environment though, then who is going to inform you?That is where we come in, using our three focus plan: awareness, understanding and identification.In our introductory course into stress in sport, eliminating stress is NOT the target. However, understanding the general mechanics of different elements of stress help you to manage and improve performance, which you will be able to do by:First, be aware of specific stressors that affect an athlete and recognize which stress response occurs as a result.From there you will be able to understand how the particular form of stress affects them from a physical and psychological perspective and whether it changes based on the current situation or because of their own personal character.You will be able to identify the symptoms that help demonstrate the level of stress or anxiety an athlete is currently experiencing and use this as a predictor of performance in the future.Finally, the course will be able to share suggestions for techniques to reduce stress for athletes.Imagine, if you understood what made someone stressed, how it affected them and how you could better manage it, how much better could performance be?Enroll in our course today and find out!"
Price: 29.99

"Writing Poetry for Beginners: How to Write Winning Poetry" |
"- Comprehensive- Practical - Expert Advice The instructor of this class is Adam Levon Brown. Brown is an Award-winning, internationally published Poet and an Author of eleven books. He has judged numerous international poetry contests and has been nominated for various prizes and has won several as well. In this course, Brown takes you a journey to find out what makes a good poem. This class is aimed mostly at Beginners and budding poets. Writing Poetry for Beginners: How to craft a Winning Poem delves into the mystique of free-verse poetry. In this course, you will find the tips and tricks that Brown uses as an award-winning poet, and also the basics of writing a poem. * Learn how to write a poem*Learn about consistency in a poem*Learn about Intimacy in a poem*Learn about (The best) poetic devices and how/where to apply them in your poems*Learn the key fundamentals of what a free verse poem isAnd much, much more.Adam Levon Brown has been writing and publishing for close to 8 years and he hopes to teach others what he's learned. I hope you enjoy the course!"
Price: 19.99

"Fine Art Editing in Photoshop" |
"Fine Art editing from beginning to the end. You will Learn how to work with skin, you will learn how to change the Colors,you will learn how to make photo sharper, you will learn how to add lighting effects and much more. In this video lesson I use CamRaw (you can use the Lightroom) , Photoshop and Exposure x5."
Price: 69.99

"Line by Line Qualitative Dissertation Prospectus" |
"Welcome to the Line by Line Instruction: The Ultimate Guide!In this course, we will cover all of the sections required for a dissertation prospectus. You will have access to all of the resources that I believe you need to make your journey successful. Each module will provide you with the line by line instruction for every sentence in each section and paragraph.You're in the right place, so first things first, click the play button below to watch the introductory video."
Price: 199.99

"Curso online de Vinho" |
"Curso on-line sobre o mundo dos vinhos. O mundo dos vinhos sendo apresentado de uma forma simples e descomplicada.Esse curso feito para voc que um amante de vinhos e quer aprender de uma forma mais simples sobre esse mundo.Temos mdulos sobre como realizar compras em supermercados e adegas, sobre a historia do vinho, sobre como fazer a leitura de uma garrafa de vinho, sobre como realizar a escolha do seu vinho em restaurantes, sobre a diferena entre os tipos de uvas e muito mais.No final deste curso voc ter um melhor conhecimento para realizar suas compras, entender melhor sobre cada tipo de vinho e at ser capaz de identificar um tipo de vinho somente pelo paladar, sem ver o rtulo.Faa parte desse grupo de pessoas que querem DESCOMPLICAR O VINHO."
Price: 69.99

"Comment crer votre Plateforme d'E-learning: astuce gagnante" |
"Pour s'assurer que cette formation est faite pour vous, tentez de rpondre aux questions suivantes:Voulez-vous vendre vos formations en ligne ?Voulez-vous proposer des solutions e-learning vos clients ?Aimeriez-vous avoir votre propre plateforme de formation distance ?Aimeriez-vous avoir votre propre plateforme de formation distance avec votre propre nom de domaine ?Aimeriez-vous connatre la solution qui permet de faire voluer votre activit sur internet en toute tranquillit ?tes-vous formateur ou formatrice?tes-vous web marketeur?Si vous rpondez oui l'une de ces questions, alors cette formation est faite pour vous.Je vous montre tape par tape comment construire une plateforme de formation distance.Vous n'avez pas besoin de connaissances techniques pralables.Vous n'avez pas besoin de connaissances pralables en programmation.Si vous savez utiliser un clavier et une souris d'ordinateur, vous tes qualifi(e) pour cette formation.A la fin de la formation, je vous donne des thmes prts l'emplois que vous allez pouvoir utiliser aussi pour construire vos plateformes de formation en ligne."
Price: 39.99

"Beginner Chinese with Joanna Colloquial" |
"This pre-recorded beginner level course is for students who have 0 knowledge of Chinese language but wanna to communicate ASAP. It suits for those who have learnt Level 1 with Joanna but wanna review again, also for those Long-distant students who wanna learn Chinese in your own time and pace. The same contents as Face-to Face course. If you have any questions during your learning journey you can also book online class with me, I'm more than happy to ask any questions!:)"
Price: 99.99

"How to Live an ExtraOrdinary Life" |
"Do you long to live an ExtraOrdinary Life?Do you want to make the world, or at least your part of it, a better place?Do you have a desire to do things that make a difference for others?Do you want to make a bigger impact?Do you feel something inside calling you to step up, be more, or do more?But maybe you feel like a pretty ordinary person. You may wonder if you even have what it takes to live an extraordinary life. Perhaps you believe, or have been taught or told, that living an extraordinary life is reserved for the exceptionally talented, rich, or famous.And, that maybe one day, you too will make the cut, and life will become extraordinary. But youre tired of waiting for that day to arrive. You believe in your heart that you can make a difference. And you just want to figure out how.If thats you, please consider this course an invitation.An invitation to step into Your ExtraOrdinary Life. Because were here to tell you, it is possible.Living an ExtraOrdinary Life is not reserved only for the uber-talented, rich, or famous.Its available to ANYONE. If you have the desire, you can live an ExtraOrdinary life.Ive joined together with Kevin Monroe, the founder of the This Extraordinary Life global online community, to create this course. Kevins online community has more than 1000 members in more than 50 countries, who for two years have been collectively investigating, sharing, and discussing what makes a life ExtraOrdinary.In this course, were going to share what hes learned.We'll clarify the difference between exceptional and extraordinaryand there is a big difference!We'll share 19 ExtraOrdinary Life Qualities, why they make life ExtraOrdinary, and how you can incorporate them into your life (and no, you dont have to do all 19 to live an extraordinary life!)We'll share what ExtraOrdinary Work and Business look like and why our world so desperately needs more ExtraOrdinary leaders, and employees.We'll share what it takes to have ExtraOrdinary Relationships, and simple ways you can create them.Well share the benefits of living an ExtraOrdinary life and why even though it does take some effort, the rewards are totally worth it.And lastly, we'll help you create your very own ExtraOrdinary Life Plan to help you step into Your ExtraOrdinary life in the areas of work, relationships, and self care (don't worry, it's a simple exercise we hope will help you focus attention on your intentions so you can easily step into living your ExtraOrdinary Life).""Kevin Monroe, host of the This ExtraOrdinary Life online community, and my co-host for this course, is a wealth of information, inspiring stories, poignant quotes, wisdom, and powerful ideas. He brings this topic to life and shares specific examples of how to apply every single ExtraOrdinary Life Quality we cover in the course. I was inspired and motivated to live bigger and better through the conversations we had creating this course, and I know you will be, too!"" ~Debbie LaChusa, course creatorIf youd like to create an ExtraOrdinary life, and make a difference that can indeed change the world, we invite you to join us in this course.Because Kevin and I believe that everyone has what it takes to live an ExtraOrdinary life, and wed love to help you step into yours!"
Price: 99.99

"SERENITY BDD Framework for Selenium, Appium and REST Assured" |
"SERENITY BDD Framework for Selenium, Appium and REST Assured (REST APIs)Learn and Master Serenity BDD Framework with various design patterns like Page Object and Cucumber JVMSerenity BDD framework was initially named as Thucydides. The framework provides you lot of wrapper classes and functionalities from the popular Apis like Selenium or Appium and provide you with helper methods to write your automation task with a very minimum code.The framework also provides you with an interactive report which should be generated automatically without adding any additional API or effort once the test case execution is completedThe best part of the framework is it's Opensource and there's no license required to use this framework and can be integrated with popular design patterns like Page Objects, Page Factories and Cucumber BDDThe test execution is handled via JUnit runner and can be integrated with various other tools like Maven and Jenkins.So in this course we will be learning in Depth of Serenity framework and will use it for the UI, Mobile and the API partAnd will also be designing an end to end test framework using Serenity BDD."
Price: 199.99

"Curso Preparatrio para Scrum Fundamentals Certified" |
"Introduo ao ScrumPrincpios do Scrum: Este tpico discute os seis princpios do Scrum - controle de processos empricos, auto-organizao, colaborao, priorizao baseada em valor, gerenciamento de tempo e desenvolvimento iterativoAspectos do Scrum: Esta seo descreve os cinco aspectos que so consideraes importantes para todo projeto Scrum - Organizao, Justificativa de Negcios, Qualidade, Mudana e RiscoFases e Processos do Scrum: Os processos Scrum abordam as atividades especficas e o fluxo de um projeto Scrum. Esses processos so agrupados em cinco fases Iniciar, Planejar & Estimar, Implementar, Reviso & Retrospectiva e ReleaseEstudo de Caso Scrum: Alm de aprender os conceitos do Scrum, tambm usaremos um estudo de caso do Scrum. O estudo de caso fornece uma simulao de ponta a ponta da vida real de como o Scrum funciona."
Price: 199.99

"Angular 9, NodeJS, MongoDB Workshop" |
"Angular9 + NodeJS + MongoDB Setup & Configuration Template"
Price: 7800.00

"Incrementa tu Confianza y mejora tu Autoestima -" |
"Despus de ms de 1000 conferencias y cursos de Autoliderazgo dictados en el continente americano te comparto herramientas sencillas y prcticas para que da a da vayas construyendo nuevos pensamientos, nuevas acciones y nuevas estrategias para mejorar tu confianza personal, tu autoestima y vivas un camino constante hacia el xito de tu vida en todas las reas donde desees mejorar.Haber tenido la oportunidad de trabajar con miles de personas en diversos pases del continente americano me permite compartirte herramientas prcticas que te harn vivir una vida mucho ms exitosa y plena. Mejorar tu confianza, tu autoestima, y exponencial el poder que hay dentro de ti.Este es un curso que con breves reflexiones te lleva a la prctica para que da tras da y semana tras semana, vayas construyendo una vida mucho ms plena."
Price: 1695.00

"Analyzing Self Storage Businesses for Maximum Profit" |
"Self-storage units are one of the best real estate investing niche. No one pays attention to them as an investment, which means the competition is a fraction of that of commercial, single or multi-family units.Fernando Angelucci has been investing in Self Storage for years with highly profitable results.How do you uncover the best self-storage businesses to buy?In this fast-paced, enthralling course, Fernando walks you through a real-life example analyzing a self-storage business while explaining in simple terms how he evaluates the properties he buys.He goes over:CompetitionDemographicsValue Add opportunitiesFinancial analysisSecret profit centers most self-storage owners missAnd much more...Enroll today!"
Price: 199.99

"Successfully Working With Clients on a Logo Design Project" |
"This course is designed to help you navigate real life logo design projects, and show you exactly how I work with clients. I walk you through everything, starting from the very beginning of the first client meeting all the way to delivery of the final files.You get access to watch all client meetings and see my exact processGet the exact emails I send to clients to follow up and keep the project on trackAccess to all editable project files Logo design tips, tricks, and best practicesRepeatable step-by-step process for logo design successHow to have effective client managementand more lessons added often.Student ReviewsI enjoyed this course. To be able to see how a professional designer works day to day is very valuable but I was hoping there would be a little more focus on the logo design process itself. - Tyler TrappSo far so good. Helped me realize where I was lapsing,especially in building good rapport with the client by keeping a good communication line. Great stuff!!! - Beltarzar NicholasI think this class offers a lot of good info for someone that has never had a business before by showing the steps necessary to complete a project, as well as, how to work with the client and providing what the client needs. - Lori Mayberry"
Price: 69.99

"Idea to Profit Online Business Idea to Your First Sale" |
"Do you want to start an online business but your not sure if your idea will make you any money? Then you are in the right place. Idea to Profit is a course designed to help you find profitable ideas, narrow them down, and test them to see if they will be profitable.In this course, you'll learn how to discover ideas using a powerful 3 question method. Next, you'll learn to learn how to level down those ideas to something more specific, and finally, you'll learn how to BETA launch and test your idea to see if it's profitable.Most people will spend months, if not years trying to figure out how to find a profitable business idea that works. This course will give you the secrets that I've used for the last 12 years to sidestep those all of that wasted hours and to help find out if your business is a profitable one."
Price: 19.99

"The Ultimate Gin-Cocktail Course" |
"On the back of the huge popularity of my original course, Mix World-Class Cocktails: Secrets of a Champion Mixologist, I have now produced a series of 5 brand new cocktail courses titled The Ultimate Cocktail Course, with each one focusing on a specific spirit base. This one is about GIN COCKTAILSIn this course, The Ultimate Gin-Cocktail Course, I am excited to share with you the same standard of knowledge and training that I have delivered to more than 40,000 of the world's mixologists & bartenders in more than 30 countries across the globe.I'll be introducing you to 20 of the world's most popular and influential gin-based cocktails. I'll give you the background and history and most importantly will share and demonstrate the techniques that will enable you to mix truly world-class versions of each one.We'll be covering:The ClassicsContemporary FavouritesFull-length Martini MasterclassGreat FizzesA Gary Regan 'exclusive'Whether you are a passionate home enthusiast or a professional bartender/mixologist, this course will take your mixing skills to a new level. You'll learn the key factors that differentiate the best cocktails from all the rest, putting your drinks in the very top echelon of cocktails.It has always been my belief that anyone can become highly skilled at mixing cocktails. As long as the tuition is accessible, easy-to-follow and entertaining, then anything can be achieved.So, if you want to take your gin-cocktail skills to a highly impressive level and produce gin-cocktails that will leave a lasting impression on your friends, guests or customers, then enrol on The Ultimate Gin-Cocktail Course right now.Still not sure?Why not take a sneak preview at the course by watching one of my FREE PREVIEW lectures?I'm confident that this course will help you to achieve your cocktail mixing goals and beyond. And remember, you have 30 days to change your mind as you are covered by Udemy's 30-day money back guarantee!So, what are you waiting for? ENROL NOW... and start producing some amazing, world-class GIN COCKTAILS.Look forward to seeing you on the course.Paul"
Price: 59.99

"Aplicativos Flutter com Banco de Dados Mysql" |
"O curso completo de Flutter com Mysql possui 54 aulas, neste curso o aluno vai aprender a comunicar seus aplicativos em flutter com banco de dados mysql usando apis em PHP7 PDO, vamos mostrar detalhadamente como listar dados, fazer buscas, inserir, deletar, editar, efetuar login e recuperar dados, tudo que voc vai precisar para criar seus aplicativos mobile com um banco de dados em nuvem, adquira j o curso e comece a desenvolver de forma profissional."
Price: 489.99

"Automaquillaje Aprende a maquillarte de una manera muy fcil" |
"Alguna vez has sentido que tienes muchos productos de belleza pero que simplemente no sabes como maquillarte?Intentas diferentes tcnicas pero nunca obtienes el look que deseas?Te cuesta mucho trabajo desmaquillarte o tu piel queda maltratada?No lo pienses ms e inscribite a este curso de automaquillaje en el que aprenders de una manera muy facil y practica a lograr maquillarte como toda una profesional.Aprenders tambin como lograr que tu piel luzca sana y randiante al conocer temas tan importantes como los tipos de piel, los tipos de productos para una limpieza facial, entre otros.Aprenders como dominar la rutina de limpieza facial ideal para tu tipo de piel, as como una rutina desmaquillante e incluso temas como la colorimetria, el uso de pinceles y tcnicas de fcil aplicacin para afinar tu rostro y sacar el mejor partido a tu belleza.Logra fcilmente un look para usar en la noche con colores intensos y brillantes y un look social que podrs utilizar en algun evento importante de da y te dars cuenta de la diferencia entre las tcnicas que debes aplicar.Espero que te guste mucho la forma en que lo desarrollamos y que si tienes dudas me las hagas saber inmediatamente para apoyarte a lograr el look que deseas, que productos son los mejores, como aplicarlos y por supuesto como cuidar tu piel para que siempre luzca radiante."
Price: 199.99

"How to Escape Your 9-5 Job" |
"Want to break free, escape your 9-5 and start living a life you love?Stop googling and figure this out, once and for all!The path to happiness is living the life you were meant for, the one you truly want and if you arent living it now, then you MUST change it.And you can!But right now, you're stuck in corporate hell, desperately googling work from home jobs or how to start a business and getting more and more frustrated every day.You're feeling like youre living the same day, every day, not living the life that should have been yours.Worrying about how youd make money by doing what you want?Fearing the unknown, uncertainty and risk of failure or what people will sayAnd every time you get asked where do you see yourself in five years time, all you can think of is not bloody hereYoure searching for answers and directions,Youre asking yourself - is this it? Is this the life that I was meant to live?You're longing for that life, the one that you should be living, doing what you love, making your own money, setting your own schedule, being in charge of your own damn life!Are you ready to:create the life you were always meant to live and get out of groundhog day for good?know what you want to do and finally feel the calm certainty that you're on the right path?slay the fears, the doubts, that little voice in your head that asks who are you to believe you can have the life you long for?start the journey to create the simple, joyous life you want?If you are, then hop on, hold your hat and get ready for a crazy ride!You'll have figured out what it is that you want, created that compelling vision of the future, the one you long for but haven't dared say!""Dreams come true, that's what they do.The only variable is when."
Price: 99.99

"Retail Arbitrage from Home with Software [Full Masterclass]" |
"Online Arbitrage is one of the most valuable skills you can learn. If you can learn to resell items online for a profit, you can ALWAYS multiply your money.Whether you just need some extra side income or you want to scale this up into a full time business, Online Arbitrage is a massive opportunity.This Course will show you how to buy items that sell on retail websites for cheap that you can resell on Amazon for a profit. It will show you exactly where to source items from & how to ensure they're profitable.It will also show you exactly how I use software to take 95% of my time out of this business. My software automatically spoon feeds me profitable products I can then ship into Amazon to sell for a profit. My software manages my inventory for me...and it also automatically keeps my prices competitive so I make more sales quickly.You can do all this too. I'm not special or more capable than you. I just know what websites to use & what software to sign up for. Let me show you how you can also start a Retail Arbitrage Business right from the comfort of your own home with software too!Enroll today & start making money reselling immediately."
Price: 199.99

"The Comprehensive STAAD Pro Certification Course" |
"1. Basic Introduction to the STAAD Pro Software Before we go Professional , this lecture series is intended to teach you about the very basics and advanced basics functions of the STAAD Pro software. You will start with learning modelling , Introduction to the Graphical user Interface , Repeat Commands , Beams, Plates , Solids etc. Editor file is thoroughly explained with a small example of how it can be utilized to save time. The things taught is this lecture series shall serve as a kick start for the person who does not know anything about the STAAD Pro , but this shall also serve as a refreshment series for those who already know. 2. Linear Dynamic Analysis of School building as per IS 456, IS 875, IS 1893 and Detailing as per IS 13920 This is the only exclusive course on the web that is taking the practical case study of a building starting from Reading the Architectural Drawings and going all the way to Detailing in AutoCAD. You shall start with learning how to read the Architectural Drawing of a School building and plan the location of RCC Columns. Next you shall learn how you can prepare the Analytical Model in STAAD. Wind and Seismic Load Definitions and Calculations are taught in great detail to help you understand how you can design wind and seismic resistant design structures. Response Spectrum Analysis is done for this model. Design and Detailing is done for this structure as per IS 456 and IS 13920:2016. 3. FEM Analysis and Design of Pad Eyes STAAD Pro is an excellent FEM Analysis software , but user needs to understand how to do it correctly. You shall learn what are the practical aspects of Pad eyes , how they are used . You shall learn how you can prepare the FEM Model and read the stresses for designing after applying Loading on it. 4. Load Generation as per ASCE 07In this lecture series , you shall learn how to Calculate the Snow Loads and assign its definitions in software. Wind Load is very difficult to understand in the beginning , but Author explains everything in bit sizes about its Auto generation in software. Special focus is given to explain about the Frequency determination i.e. Rayleigh Frequency and Modal frequency. This is the best series for those who are absolutely new to this software. 5. Linear Cable and Advanced Cable Analysis of the Structure Cable elements used in STAAD are very useful when dealing with cable stayed bridges, suspension bridges, cable nets and guyed poles/towers etc. However, cables are very difficult to model and analyze because of their highly non-linear traits. Cables generally resemble thin steel wires or ropes that are very flexible, often undergoing large deflections. For these reasons, a linear-static analysis is not appropriate and can lead to extremely inaccurate results. STAAD provides us option to do the cable analysis of the Structure. Both Linear and Advanced Cable Analysis of the Structure is explained in this lecture series. 6. Linear Buckling Analysis of Structures Linear Buckling Analysis is a very interesting concept ,which form the basis of design of many types of structural elements. You shall learn how to do buckling analysis of Column Manually. After getting your concepts cleared , you shall learn how to perform buckling analysis of I shaped Steel Girders , I shape Columns and Cooling Tower. 7. P- Analysis of the Watch Tower Structure and Design as per IS 800In structural engineering, the P- or P-delta effect refers to the abrupt changes in ground shear, overturning moment, and/or the axial force distribution at the base of a sufficiently tall structure or structural component when it is subject to a critical lateral displacement. Towers are discussed in great detail. The results are compared of the model made with and without P-Delta Analysis. Design of the modelled structure is done as per Indian Steel Design Standard IS 800. 8. Non-Linear Static Analysis of Steel Structures (Pushover Analysis)In this lecture series , Non-Linear Static Analysis of Steel Structure is done in the STAAD. The pushover analysis is taught in great detail in this lecture series. The modelling is done for a planar structure in STAAD. The pushover curved is generated and the results are ascertained."
Price: 199.99

"Planning management By Primavera P6" |
"Oracle Primavera can be used to organize projects up to 100,000 activities, and it provides unlimited resources and an unlimited number of target plans Projects have activities to be completed on time and within budget. Project Managers need to plan and manage at the work part of a project in the most efficient and effective manner. Primavera is one of the most widely used software to execute and monitor the project activities. Knowledge and application of this software could help individuals and organization in the successful completion of projects with the desired result."
Price: 49.99

"React 2020" |
"Podrs crear aplicaciones React con hooks utilizando todas las features de ES6 y la ltima versin de React. Vamos a ver utilizacin de selectores, herramientas de debugging, la ltima versin de React Router, validaciones con PropTypes, plugins para el editor VSCode y mucho ms. Orientado desde la base de todos los temas, para que cada uno pueda avanzar a su propio ritmo, mostrando siempre primero la prctica y luego la explicacin terica, para que no falte nada y sea mucho ms interesante.Para asegurarte que este curso es la eleccin correcta para t, puedes revisar los temas de cada uno de los videos y aprovechar las lecciones en previsualizacin gratuita."
Price: 109.99
