"Transformation in Crisis" |
"This course will explore how we can overcome our personal hurdles and beliefs which may be constraining us from success. The speaker will share not just his personal secrets on how transformation takes place, but also how you can not only transform your organisation but your own life. In every crisis, there is an opportunity to grow, learn and lead better.You will be learning from one of the most respected thought leaders in Southeast AsiaAnd he will provide you with key insights includingHow to reframe your perception of the current situation into a new reality by refocusing your minds eyeHow to overcome personal and organisational grief, andHow to have clarity of focus and execution to pivot your life and your business towards a new future.You will be provided with tools and knowledge to not only fight this crisis but to thrive in it."
Price: 19.99

"Canal de Denncias" |
"Em um cenrio de constantes mudanas e aumento de complexidade na gesto de riscos e regulamentaes, nacionais e internacionais, ferramentas que possibilitem a avaliao e a mitigao de riscos de no conformidade, de fraudes e que apoiem as instituies no monitoramento contnuo de eventos de desvios de conduta, se tornam cada vez mais necessrios."
Price: 189.99

"Alemn B1 - alemn intermedio (con subttulos en espaol)" |
"Aprende alemn con una profesora de alemn experimentada!El curso comienza con una introduccin a la parte ms simple de la gramtica alemana B1 y va paso a paso profundizando en el tema. Este curso est enseado exclusivamente en alemn (con subttulos en espaol).Adems de las 37 lecciones de gramtica, este curso tambin incluye videos sobre modismos alemanes. trabalenguas (pronunciacin), mnemotcnicas, cmo deshacerse de los bloques de aprendizaje, citas en alemn, enlaces importantes para aprender alemn, dictados, cognados y exmenes. Tambin hay un maratn de preguntas en cual puedes evaluar si todava tienes huecos de los niveles de idioma anteriores que tendras que compensar.En general, este es un curso muy interactivo donde tambin aprendes el vocabulario para el nivel B1.Objetivos:Ser competente en la gramtica alemana B1Aprende ms sobre la cultura alemana a travs de modismos y citasReciba valiosos consejos sobre cmo aprender alemn de manera ms eficienteAprende el vocabulario B1Aprenders lo siguiente:Gramtica:Futuro I Partculas modales la palabra ""nmlich"" als ob conectores de dos partes pronombres demostrativos genitivos Artculo posesivo genitivo Declinacin adjetiva en el genitivo Preposiciones genitivas Conjunciones Formacin de palabras Declinacin Adjetiva en el Comparativo / Superlativo Participio I como adjetivo Participio II como adjetivo Pretrito preposiciones locales N-Deklination Adjetivos como sustantivos la palabra ""es"" Oraciones infinitivas Plusquamperfekt indem & sodass antes, durante despus Konjunktiv II - frases de deseo la palabra ""brauchen"" Clusulas relativas clusulas subordinadas finales Clusulas relativas con preposiciones Pasivo en el tiempo de presente con verbos modales Vorgangspassiv en el Perfekt Vorgangspassiv en el PrteritumPlus:Modismos alemanes cmo deshacerse de los bloques de aprendizaje Citas alemanas Dictados Exmenes mnemotcnica trabalenguas cognado enlaces importantes para aprender alemn Consejos para el aprendizaje de idiomas Preparacin para la parte oral del examen B1Este curso es para todos los estudiantes que aprenden alemn y ya han completado el nivel de idioma A1 y A2.Si no ests familiarizado con Marco Comn Europeo de Referencia para las lenguas; Aqu hay una breve descripcin:A1 - Principiante completoA2 - Conocimientos principalesB1 - IntermedioB2 - Intermedio altoC1 - Usuario competenteC2 - Maestra / NativosEspero que te inscribas a ese curso y tenerte como uno de mis alumnos(as).Inscrbete a mi curso ahora! :)"
Price: 49.99

"Essential iFogSim Tutorials" |
"iFogSim Simulation Toolkit is another simulator used for the implementation of the Fog computing-related research problem. This course will help you to follow the simulation-based approach of iFogSim and can leverage various benefits like:Testing of services and scenarios in a controllable environment of iFogSim.Optimizing the core system performance issues with the iFogSim simulation engine before deploying on real infrastructure.iFogSim allows simulating the small or large scale infrastructure to evaluate different sets of workload along with the resource performance. This facilitates the development, testing, and deployment of adaptive application provisioning techniques.This course content is designed for researchers who are working on a different set of problems to improve Fog/Edge computing technology. The main emphasis of this course will be on providing a basic understanding of how to configure and utilize the iFogSim simulation toolkit and how to implement well researched proposed solutions for a certain set of problem(s). For Preparing this course following references were used:Cloudsim Project Code from GitHub repository Cloudslab/iFogSimReference link to study material: Harshit Gupta, Amir Vahid Dastjerdi, Soumya K. Ghosh, and Rajkumar Buyya, iFogSim: A Toolkit for Modeling and Simulation of Resource Management Techniques in Internet of Things, Edge and Fog Computing Environments, Software: Practice and Experience (SPE), Volume 47, Issue 9, Pages: 1275-1296, ISSN: 0038-0644, Wiley Press, New York, USA, September 2017.The content for this course is still under development based on the suggestions received from the student community. This course content updates will be supported until January 2021.Note: In case, the course is subscribed at full price(without any discounts), then you will be eligible for availing three complimentary WhatsApp/Hangout on-call sessions with the author. In which, discussion on your general or specific queries related to the research problem can be taken."
Price: 5120.00

"Terapia dos Sonhos" |
"Este mais um mdulo do nosso curso FTHS - Formao em Terapeuta Holstico Sistmico da MEDA - Minha Escola de Autoconhecimento. Este curso foi escrito pelo Casal Josi & Marco Meda com o objetivo de apoiar o desenvolvimento de estudantes e profissionais que buscam na terapia holstica uma oportunidade de cura, autoconhecimento e espiritualidade.Sabia que quando voc dorme, mergulha em uma realidade diferente, onde tudo possvel? Uma vez neste universo perceber que existem infinitas possibilidades, coisas inusitadas, experincias improvveis onde realizamos os desejos mais ntimos.As vezes tudo isso representado as vezes de uma maneira muito confusa onde fica difcil compreendermos o que aconteceu. Mais do que simples imagens, estas mensagens onricas nos mostram traos da nossa personalidade, os quais expressam nossas vontades ocultas, que ajudam a resolver problemas e at apontam caminhos para o futuro.Topa mergulhar neste incrvel mundo dos sonhos?"
Price: 84.99

"Secret of Writing & Selling your first Film Script." |
"In this course, you will learn about different tools of writing a professional script and the thought process step by step that is required to write an interesting screenplay. You will learn different tips and techniques to enhance your screenplay writing skills. You will learn how to pitch your script to the producers like a professional."
Price: 19.99

"Top Drugs 5 - Medications you NEED to Know - Pharmacy" |
"Learning medications is one of the most intimidating, overwhelming, and difficult aspects of entering a healthcare field.Where do you start? There are THOUSANDS of medications.Top Drugs is designed to break down what you NEED to know into easily understandable / easy to learn chunks. This course follows which conditions are most prevalent, and which drugs are most popular. This way, the student learns which drugs are actually used in practice. Which drugs are fast movers in every pharmacy. The gold standard drugs for each condition. This course will provide students with a solid foundation of knowledge to enter a healthcare field, preparing them to excel. Benefit in having the advantage over other applicants. Imagine already knowing a bulk of basic medications while applying to Pharmacy, Medical, Nursing, PA, or Dental school. How impressive would you be to the administrators? Avoid the overwhelming feeling of starting your first rotation at a hospital, with only a few weeks of school under your belt. Avoid being completely clueless about what is going on! Go in with a foundation of knowledge, putting yourself above the competition. I have been through professional school. The first couple of years were rough. Had I known what I know now, I would have prepared. I would have gone in with a foundation of drug knowledge. That is what this course provides. Whatever healthcare field you are entering, or considering entering - go in with a strong foundation! Blow away your competition, outshine the other applicants. This is possible with some determination, and made simple with these courses.Entire semesters of schooling can be dedicated to certain conditions. This course provides concise, relevant MUST KNOW education about each condition.Different career paths require different pieces of medicinal knowledge. This course can be used by students in ALL of the different healthcare career fields. Medications are sorted into a hierarchy. Each medication will have a popularity designation. I will tell you when medications are hospital only, over the counter, retail pharmacy only, etc. I will tell you when a medication is an absolute MUST KNOW. I will tell you when a drug is not very popular and only certain professionals will need to remember it. The point of this course is to provide drug information that can be used for any future healthcare professional, at any step of their education journey. You can decide how to utilize the information, you can decide what you need to take note of. I will present every angle of the information. The Drugs and Conditions NEED to Know Medication courses are broken into conditions. Under each condition, there will be:Condition Overview: Learn about the condition. What are the signs and symptoms? What causes the condition? What are the treatments? What are the treatment goals? Who needs treatment?Medication Overview: The bulk of the course will focus on medications. What medications are used to treat this condition? What are the first line medications? When would you use other medications? When and how are these medications used? Medications will be broken into drug classes and popularity. Each medication will have a hierarchy designation. How important is it to know this medication? They will be sorted in importance. MUST KNOW Medication Conclusion: Going over the important medications at the end of each condition presentation. You have learned about the condition and the medications used for it, now what do you absolutely need to remember? Condition Outline: A printable, downloadable, one page Word document summarizing every drug discussed in each presentation. Sorted in the usual hierarchy. Brand and generic names will be listed. You can print these documents prior to the presentations, and use to take notes that are relevant to you and your career. Part 1:Blood Pressure/HypertensionDiabetesCholesterol/HyperlipidemiaOTC - Cough, Cold, AllergyPart 2:Depression/AnxietyGERD - Gastrointestinal Reflux DiseasePain Thyroid DisordersPart 3:AntibioticsAcute SicknessADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity DisorderImmunizations/VaccinesPart 4:Asthma/COPD - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary DiseaseGoutBPH/ED - Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia/Erectile DysfunctionSleep DisordersBone HealthPart 5:Birth ControlIncontinence / Overactive BladderAnticoagulation / Blood ClotsArrhythmia DisordersDementia / Alzheimer's DiseaseList of the Top 200 Drugs of 2020 along with which Top Drugs course covers each medication available on the Drugs and Conditions websiteI am a Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D) and a topic expert in medications. I'm a currently practicing pharmacist, with experience in retail and hospital settings - As well as academia/consultation areas of healthcare. With the purchase of my course you are obtaining advice/Q&A/expertise on medication related healthcare topics, as long as you are enrolled. I will be open and responsive to questions or discussion in the course pages. Click the Expand Arrows under each section of ""Course Content"" to see exactly what is included in each presentation. "
Price: 24.99

"18 Essential Features in MS Excel" |
"Keeping in pace with the Industry demand and changing needs of the companies, MS Excel is becoming important to learn and practice. 78% of middle-skill jobs require digital skills like Excel and Word, and jobs that require digital skills also pay 13% more than those that dont.This course will help you to gain the knowledge of the Data Analysis and Data Visualization"
Price: 1280.00

"Keyboard for Electronic Music - Level 2" |
"What is this course?This is the level 2 course of Keyboard for Electronic Music!This course purpose is to allow any DJ or Music Producer to acquire the skills of playing the keyboard.If you took the first course (or you are already familiar with basic keyboard and chords playing) then this one is a great continuation for you.You don't need years of classical piano training in order to play what your music needs on the keyboard!If you want to get more ideas, tactics and approaches to PLAY BEATS, BASSLINES, LEADS OR PADS for your tracks then this course is exactly for you.By the end of this course, and after finishing the exercises that include in it, Youll TAKE YOUR MUSIC AND CREATION TO THE NEXT LEVEL!You will EXPRESS YOUR MUSICAL IDEAS ON THE KEYBOARD IN A MUCH NATURAL, MUSICAL AND CREATIVE WAY.I believe that the best way to learn something is by just jumping into the water and start doing it - and that's exactly what this course is about!Youll find here straight to the point and short lessons and exercises that aim to give you and your fingers exactly the skills you want and need.Who is this course for?DjsElectronic Music ProducersKeyboard PlayersGuitar PlayersSingersSongwritersAnyone else who wants to improve his keyboard skillsWho is this course NOT for?Musicians that DON'T have the motivation to practice and to improveAdvanced piano/keyboard playersWhen youll finish this course:You will feel much more free, natural and creative with your MIDI keyboard and synths.You will get your tracks sound more original by playing your own Beats, Chords and Baselines.You will get your playing and tracks sound more professional.You will be able to play chords and understand what each chord is good for.You will improve your sound by understanding the fundamentals of music theory.You will be able to play and compose great MIDI parts for your tracksWhat youll learn here?Playing beats - the different parts of the groovePlaying 7th chords - what are they and what they are good forPlaying a MAGICAL bassline - what is the magic of basslinesColor Tones - what are they and how to use themArrange your track - how to combine what we learn into an arrangementGreat fingering exercises to improve your playingMusic Theory essentials - just to KNOW what you are doing :)Tips for the Mindset of a successful and creative musicianWhat youll NOT LEARN here?Reading sheet-musicComplex music theory and music analysisComplex classical piano exercisesSo are you ready to start learning Keyboard for Electronic Music ? - Enroll the course now!"
Price: 39.99

"FRM Part 2 - Book 1 - Market Risk (Part 2/2)" |
"James Forjan has taught graduate and post-graduate finance classes for over 25 years and has also co-authored college-level investment books. His resume includes:BS in AccountingMaster of Science in FinancePhD in Finance (minor in Economics, two PhD level courses in Econometrics)Completed the CFA Program in 2004 and earned the CFA charter later that yearCollege professor who taught at six institutions since classes such as Corporate Finance, Investments, Derivatives Securities, International FinanceIn this course, Prof. James Forgan, PhD, summarizes the last 7 chapters from the Market Risk Measurement and Management book so you can learn or review all of the important concepts for your FRM part 2 exam.This course includes the following chapters:10. Empirical Approaches to Risk Metrics and Hedging11. The Science of Term Structure Models12. The Evolution of Short Rates and the Shape of the Term Structure13. The Art of Term Structure Models: Drift14. The Art of Term Structure Models: Volatility and Distribution15. Volatility Smiles16. Fundamental Review of the Trading Book"
Price: 24.99

"ISTQB CTAL Advanced Security Testing Training" |
"***Exclusive price reduction and discounts are announced in facebook page 'Software Automation Testing Secrets Revealed'***The Advanced Level Security Tester Certification(ISTQB Advanced Level) Professional Training from Narayanan Palani helps in accomplishing the following Business Objectives:Plan, perform and evaluate security tests from a variety of perspectives policy-based, risk-based, standards-based, requirements-based and vulnerability-based.Align security test activities with project lifecycle activities.Analyze the effective use of risk assessment techniques in a given situation to identify current and future security threats and assess their severity levels.Evaluate the existing security test suite and identify any additional security tests.Analyze a given set of security policies and procedures, along with security test results, to determine effectiveness.For a given project scenario, identify security test objectives based on functionality, technology attributes and known vulnerabilities.Analyze a given situation and determine which security testing approaches are most likely to succeed in that situation.Identify areas where additional or enhanced security testing may be needed.Evaluate effectiveness of security mechanisms.Help the organization build information security awareness.Demonstrate the attacker mentality by discovering key information about a target, performing actions on a test application in a protected environment that a malicious person would perform, and understand how evidence of the attack could be deleted.Analyze a given interim security test status report to determine the level of accuracy, understandability, and stakeholder appropriateness.Analyze and document security test needs to be addressed by one or more tools.Analyze and select candidate security test tools for a given tool search based on specified needs.Understand the benefits of using security testing standards and where to find them.Syllabus: Based on the Advanced Level Security Tester ISTQB Syllabus named 'Advanced Security Tester Syllabus - GA 2016.pdf'This course will is geared to give you the skills you need to level up your career and get a high-paying job in Software Testing! To move up in your career you need to have solid experience that you can qualify when asked about. You need to know what you're talking about and that is what this course is all about.The topics covered in this course dive deep into ISTQB security testing concepts and will have you up to speed on what you need to know in no time! I do not fluff courses with pointless timefillers. Everything is designed to get you the information you need as quickly as possible.WHAT IS ISTQB?ISTQB:International Software Testing Qualifications BoardISTQB foundations certification has been recognised worldwide and at least 673,000+ candidates certified by ISTQB until Oct'2019. Foundation level certification has been chosen by 87% professionals among the overall ISTQB certification test takers. Hence ISTQB has been made as a benchmark for initial assessment of any QA Resumes to screen and shortlist for Job Interviews.Average salary of an QA/Test Lead/Automation Test Engineer is 5,93,458 per year in India (as per Indeed India website), 72K in European countries such as Germany (as per Glasdoor), $75513 in USA (as per payscale website), 42,535 in United Kingdom (as per Indeed UK website) and AU$74,980 in Australia (as per payscale website). CHANGE-LOG:29 Sept2020:Uploaded Case Studies, Quizes, Assignments on Section/Chapter 1REVIEWS:""A very must course for the QA engineer. It covers the topics that come in ISTQB paper. Go for it.""""Awesome materials and sessions to listen to them. It really helps with my foundation level examination. Thank you Narayana Palani. I will definitely suggest to my fellow members.""""Thank you for this course! It's well structured and contains very useful information for my certification preparation.""""I've been in the QA industry for 7 years and this course is teaching me things I didn't know. It makes sense, straight forward and gets to the point. the instructor is knowledgable and clearly a professional. I'm learning so much. Looking forward to completing the course and taking the big test!""""This course has given me value addition in my learning phase of ISTQB. One amazing trainer with detailed explanations to each and every topic. Abundant questions and in depth coverage of the syllabus.Many Thanks! :)""""It'a good course for going to certification""""Very good content and briefly explained the all test techniques in simple way, easy to understand. Course content might be very good but what is the use if you have to wait forever and ever for videos to stream. I always come up with lot of interest to learn in Udemy course which is posted by Narayanan.""""An extremely helpful and informative course. The course is nicely designed keeping focus on entire ISTQB Foundation Course 2018 syllabus, it's contents are very well organised. All lectures are very clear, the instructor have good hold on the respective topics and explains the concepts nicely in understandable manner. Every section has relevant assignments and resources, which are extremely helpful. Instructor is very professional and pleasant to learn from. The videos used are of high quality, in terms of video and audio quality. I would strongly recommend this course..!!""DISCLAIMER:YOUR USE OF UDEMY.COM (THE SITE),THIS COURSE (THE ""COURSE"") AND ANY AND ALL OTHER CONTENT, INFORMATION, PRODUCTS AND SERVICES OFFERED ON OR PROVIDED BY OR THROUGH THE SITE OR OTHERWISE BY NARAYANAN PALANI (""INSTRUCTOR"") , IS VOLUNTARY AND SOLELY AT YOUR OWN RISK AND RESPONSIBILITY. INSTRUCTOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE FOR ANY INCORRECT ANSWERS, PARTIAL MATERIALS, OR ANY KIND OF PROBLEMS THAT MAY RESULT OR ARISE FROM YOUR USE OF THE SITE AND COURSE, ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED FROM THE SITE, AND/OR ANY OTHER CONTENT, INFORMATION, PRODUCTS OR SERVICES OFFERED OR PROVIDED BY OR THROUGH INSTRUCTOR, INCLUDING, VIDEOS,QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS,ASSIGNMENTS,PRACTICE TESTS,CAPTIONS,DOCUMENTS,POWER POINT PRESENTATIONS (COLLECTIVELY, THE CONTENT).Course Syllabus Copyright @International Software Testing Qualifications Board"
Price: 199.99

"Desenvolvimento Profissional 4.0" |
"Descrio do cursoO curso desenvolver competncias e comportamentos para o indivduo tornar-se competitivo no mercado de trabalho. Alm das Hard Skills sero desenvolvidas as Soft Skills tais como resilincia, a necessidade da mudana, voluntariado, maximizao do desempenho, inteligncia artificial, etc.ObjetivoO curso tem como objetivo maximizar as competncias do indivduo para que o mesmo torne-se competitivo perante o mercado de trabalho e consiga galgar cargos melhores dentro de uma organizao."
Price: 54.99

"Introduccin al backend en PHP y MySQL (+ Docker)" |
"En este curso te doy las pautas de iniciacin para que empieces a desarrollar backend en PHP y MySQL. Adems, instalars tu entorno de desarrollo con Docker, algo muy utilizado en los ltimos das. Pongo mucha atencin en ensearte a aprender, ms que slo ensearte; por eso me vers realizando bsquedas en Google como yo lo hago todos los das, para que puedas entender como solucionar los distintos problemas que se te presentan en tu carrera de desarrollo!"
Price: 19.99

"Salesforce Automation with Workflow Rules" |
"Want to learn automation in Salesforce using Workflow Rules ?Salesforce Lightning Workflow rule course is for admins/developers who are interested to learn the automation tools and also those who want to acquire the Salesforce certification. The course will take you through various automation's possible with Workflow Rules and will teach you how to solve from basic to complex business use cases through simple point and click method. The course also covers some common business scenarios in lightning so that students can have a hands-on experience of some real business use cases.After completing this course, you'll be able to:Update fields using workflows.Email alertScheduling emailsTime Dependent rulesAuto create and assign tasksSending outbound messagesThe course is made very concisely keeping in mind that all the relevant information regarding salesforce Workflows is covered. The Salesforce Workflow Rule course will help new admins as well the existing admins to create automation processes on the platform as per the business needs. Each and every topic is covered in very engaging and interesting manner. This course is not a power-point presentation but its a complete hands -on course so you can learn by doing.At the end of the course you will be able to solve simple to complex business use cases using the Workflows. The course will give you knowledge and hands on experience on lightning platform and the workflow rules which is needed to take up various Salesforce certifications exams. I am updating and will keep adding new content in this course regularly.Happy Learning!!"
Price: 4160.00

"Reverse Engineering 1: x64dbg Debugger for Beginners" |
"If you had always wanted to learn how use x64dbg to reverse engineer and debug software, then this is the course for you.x64dbg is one of the most popular modern debugger in use today and has superseded OllyDbg. It is used for Reverse Engineering, Malware Analysis and Software Debugging. In this course we will learn x64dbg by solving a simple CrackMe challenge. A CrackMe is a small program designed to test a programmer's reverse engineering skills. What you will learn:How to disassemble programs into assembly codeDynamic AnalysisSetting breakpoints and stepping through codeModify program behaviourPatching programsMoney back guarantee:This course is backed by a 30-day money back guarantee. So, go ahead and enroll in this course now and start reverse engineering and debugging programs the fun and easy way! "
Price: 19.99

"Emergency Department Staffing" |
"This is a course that provides spreadsheets as tools to go from emergency department data to provider schedules. Basic, easily found information about your emergency department such as hours of coverage and volume are used to assess patient demand, provider supply, beds needed and ultimately, schedules. The same processes are reviewed to address common problems seen in the emergency department such as left without being seen rates or length of stay."
Price: 99.99

"Learn the basics of HTML, CSS and JavaScript" |
"Learn to create a website from scratch with this simple straight forward HTML, CSS, and JavaScript course. Apply common HTML tags you need to know to be able to create websites. Then learn all the CSS you need to style those HTML elements. Finally learn how to add interactivity to those websites using JavaScript.Start from scratch and learn how to create a basic HTML5 structured website.What will you learn in this course:HTML 5HTML5 web page structureelements and tagsHTML spacingusing commentsLine break and how to nest elementsHTML headingsCreate hyperlinks to connect contentadd images as neededhow to work with listsUsing Divs and Spans in HTMLNew HTML5 elementsHow to transform your HTML code with stylingCSS 3Basic CSS SelectorsCSS ColorsUsing and creating backgroundsTypographyCSS Box ModelPositions property in CSSThe Flexbox modelThe Grid modelAdvanced CSS SelectorsCreating Responsive WebsitesCSS Media QueriesCSS AnimationsJavaScriptWhat are Variables - Var, Let, ConstOperatorsDatatypesConditional StatementsArraysFunctionsObjectsLoopsImplementing JavaScript in HTMLDocument Object ModelJavaScript EventsDOM ManipulationAll resources and source code from the course are provided so you can practice working with code right from the start.I am here to help you learn HTML/CSS/JavaScript and ready to answer any questions you may have. I have over 10 years of real-world web development experience, which I will share with you within this course.HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are the bread and butter of every web developer and are used literally on every website.Nothing to lose, there is a 100% Money Back if you don't like itWant to know more, what are you waiting for? Take the first step. Join now to start with the basics of HTML and CSS today."
Price: 1280.00

"Procesos de Refinacin en la Indstria Petrolera" |
"Para quienes trabajan en la industria de la refinacin, ya sea en operacin, mantenimiento, construccin y montaje, administracin, es esencial conocer los principios bsicos de la refinacin.Desde la extraccin de petrleo, los primeros tratamientos, los procesos de separacin del aceite en sus diferentes componentes, pasando por los procesos de conversin, donde se generan productos con mayor valor agregado, y los procesos de tratamiento, que son indispensables debido a los requisitos ambientales. Los procesos auxiliares, la generacin de hidrgeno, la cogeneracin, el enfriamiento y el tratamiento de efluentes tambin son importantes para cualquier industria de procesos.Presentado de manera simple y didctica, con muchas figuras, dibujos y fotos, la refinera ya no ser una caja negra, llena de misterios ..."
Price: 29.99

ultimate-fashion-design-course-arabic |
". 10 3 . . . . . . . . 5 . 30 . ."
Price: 19.99

"After Effects 3D4" |
Price: 24000.00

"Non performing Asset in Banks (NPA)-With practical examples" |
"This is a basic course to study about non performing assets in Banking.This is a self explanatory course.This course is helpful for banking professionals and Students .Students are also requested to study about the basics of banking to understand this course better.The areas covered are:1.NPA2.Out of order3.Advances under consortium4.Accounts regularized near B/s.date5.Erosion in value of security6.Advances against term deposit7.Agricultural advances8.Advances to Staff9.Government guaranteed advances10. Exim bank11.Miscellaneous12.Revision"
Price: 1280.00

"Complete Microsoft Word 2013 Course From Beginner to Pro" |
"In this course you will learn from scratch how to become a master of Microsoft Word. We start with basic stuff like Microsoft Word files, the interface, shortcuts and through the course we will discuss the all amazing features of Microsoft Word. Further into the course we will start to combine all the amazing features. That is where the power of Microsoft Word will be unleashed!We also have a section with a lot of different projects i have done in the past so you can see how amazing Microsoft Word is! This course continue to grow. When you bought it, you will have free updates when the course expands."
Price: 19.99

"Essentials for Adobe Illustrator CC for Beginners" |
"This course delves into the fundamentals of Adobe Illustrator CC, along with some of its integration features with Photoshop and After Effects. Students will go through the process from scratch learning key terminology and industry-standard techniques. Students will be challenged by understanding the process of creating an art-board, working within a vector-based software, exploring the various tools and effects present in the program, and finally, exporting and saving. In just under two hours, students will also be introduced to image tracing, layering, 3D titles, and the other features present in Illustrator. They will also have gained a solid grasp of the formal devices discussed in the course."
Price: 199.99

"USA Cities And States Interesting Facts" |
"Learn about the USA States and Cities. Here we have nearly 500 interesting general knowledge facts about the USA. These questions are fun and gives a lot of information about a given state. We have covered these questions for different states like Delaware, Florida, Alaska, California, Florida, Indiana, Colorado, Georgia, Arizona, Idaho ETC."
Price: 19.99

"220-801 CompTIA A + Certification Practice Exam" |
"274 UNIQUE practice questions for 220-801 CompTIA A + Certification Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 220-801 CompTIA A + Certification Practice ExamTotal Questions : 274Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :160 minsPassing Score : 75 (205 of 274)"
Price: 174.99

"CompTIA Cloud+ Certification Exam - Mock Test" |
"CompTIA Cloud+ (CV0-002)The CompTIA Cloud+ certification is an internationally recognized validation of the knowledge required of IT practitioners working in cloud computing environments.The CompTIA Cloud+ exam will certify the successful candidate has the knowledge and skills required to understand standard cloud methodologies; to implement, maintain, and deliver cloud technologies (e.g., network, storage, and virtualization technologies); and to understand aspects of IT security and use industry best practices related to cloud implementations.It is recommended that CompTIA Cloud+ candidates have the following:CompTIA Network+ certification and/or CompTIA Server+ certification, although CompTIA certifications are not requiredAt least 2436 months of work experience in IT networking, network storage, or datacenter administrationFamiliarity with any major hypervisor technologies for server virtualization, although vendor-specific certifications in virtualization are not requiredKnowledge of cloud service model (IaaS, Paas, Saas) definitionsKnowledge of common cloud deployment model (Private, Public, Hybrid) definitionsHands-on experience with at least one public cloud IaaS platformCompTIA Cloud+ validates the skills you need to maintain and optimize cloud infrastructure services.Cloud+ covers the increased diversity of knowledge, skills and abilities required of system administrators to validate what is necessary to perform effectively in data center jobs.CompTIA Cloud+ views cloud-based infrastructure services as an increasingly important piece of an organizations IT systems.It is the only vendor-neutral, performance-based certification covering more than a specific vendor or a single function such as security or networking to help you better realize the return on investment of cloud infrastructure services.Exam DETAILS""Required exam - CV0-002Number of questions - 100Type of questions - Multiple choice and performance-basedLength of test - 90 minutesRecommended experience:At least 2436 months of work experience in IT networking, network storage or datacenter administrationFamiliarity with any major hypervisor technologies for server virtualization, though vendor-specific certifications in virtualization are not requiredCompTIA Network+ and/or CompTIA Server+, though CompTIA certifications are not requiredKnowledge of cloud service model (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) definitionsKnowledge of common cloud deployment model (Private, Public, Hybrid) definitionsHands-on experience with at least one public cloud IaaS platform Passing score 750 (on a scale of 100900)EXAM OBJECTIVES (DOMAINS)The table below lists the domains measured by this examination and the extent to which they are represented:DOMAIN PERCENTAGE OF EXAMINATION1.0 Configuration and Deployment 24%2.0 Security 16%3.0 Maintenance 18%4.0 Management 20%5.0 Troubleshooting 22%To prepare for the exam, we strongly advise you to attend the training courses, review the study material, and gain hands-on experience related to the topics covered in the exam.We tried our best to provide correct answer of questions in this course, however we strongly request you to do research for correct answer too instead of just blindly memorize the answers."
Price: 19.99

"Marketing fr Buchautoren im Selfpublishing" |
"Jeder kommt irgendwann an den Punkt, wo man seine Geschichten mit jemandem teilen mchte. Du schreibst diese Gesichte auf oder erstellst gute Sachbuchmanuskripte. Natrlich liegt es hier auch nahe, deine Texte als Buch zu verffentlichen. Das ist heute auf vielen verschiedenen Plattformen mglich. Doch die Verffentlichung reicht nicht aus, um erfolgreich zu sein. Dein Buch sollte natrlich auch an die oder den Leser/in kommen. Deine Leser mssen von deinem Buch erfahren. Das schaffst du natrlich mit einer gut durchdachten Marketing-Strategie. Aber wie sieht deine Strategie aus? Was musst du beim Buchmarketing beachten?Genau diesen Fragen widmet sich dieser Kurs.Dabei ist es vllig unerheblich, ob du Sachbcher oder Belletristik schreibst. Die Marketingkomponenten fr Selfpublisher knnen Sachbuch und Belletristik-Autoren gleichermaen anwenden. In diesem Kurs werde ich dich von Station zu Station begleiten und dir Marketingoptionen aufzeigen. die dein Buch fr den Erfolg programmieren. Mit einigen dieser Marketingideen konnten Selfpublisher ihre Bcher in Bestseller verwandeln. Es handelt sich nicht um konkrete Marketingstrategien, sondern Tools. Diese Tools kannst du nutzen, egal wie deine Strategie aussieht. Natrlich werde ich dir in diesem Kurs auch zeigen, wie du eine Marketingstrategie entwickelst. Wir analysieren deine Zielgruppe, stellen Marketing- und Preisstrategien auf und konzentrieren uns auf Informationen, die dir Erfolg versprechen. Ich zeige dir, worauf es bei dem Design von Covern ankommt, wie du Suchmaschinenoptimierung (SEO) machen kannst und worauf es beim Social Media Marketing (Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest und Co.) ankommt. Wir sprechen auch darber, wie du deine Autorenmarke aufbaust, damit du ein langfristiges passives Einkommen aufbauen kannst.In die Folgenden Abschnitte ist dieser Kurs aufgeteilt:Grundlagen zum Marketing.Bevor du dein Buch schreibst.Marketing vor der Verffentlichung.Optimiere deine BuchverffentlichungMarketing nach der VerffentlichungWorauf wartest du also?Schreib dich jetzt in diesen Kurs ein und lass dir Impulse fr dein Buchmarketing geben. Mit dem richtigen Marketing schaffst du es, langfristig ein passives Einkommen zu generieren."
Price: 69.99

"Corrida na esteira" |
"PARA QUEM ESSE PROGRAMAVoc que tem uma esteira em casa, ou pretende ter, eu tenho um programa de 8 semanas que ir tornar a esteira sua melhor aliada, para iniciar seus treinos de corrida, ou aprimora-los.Se voc quer comear do zero, ou ainda, se voc j fez seus primeiros kms mas parou de treinar por qualquer motivo, esse programa para voc.O QUE VAI APRENDERVou lhe ensinar qual postura voc deve adotar, para evitar acidentes nos seus treinos, como subir e descer, postura do tronco e dos braos. Voc ainda treina se segurando? Isso pode prejudicar muito seu desempenho, vou te ensinar como perder o medo e treinar sem a necessidade de se segurar.COMO SUBIR E DESCER DA ESTEIRAPOSTURA NA ESTEIRACOMO PERDER O MEDO E SOLTAR AS MOS NOS TREINOSDESVENDANDO O PAINELBOTO DE SEGURANAMARCHA, TROTE E CORRIDAE tem mais:Vdeo aulas e planilhas de:- Treino funcional para corredores (Vdeo aulas)- Como amarrar seu tnis (Vdeo)- Segredos da esteira (live - vdeo)- Exerccios de tcnicas Fiz com muito carinho para voc!Aproveite.Prof. Marcos Junior- "
Price: 109.99

"Ace Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect 2020" |
"Want to ace the Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect Examination and become an GCP CertifiedWhat you'll learnTired of failing the exam two or three times because you have no idea how the Google Certified Professional Cloud ArchitectExamination is set up . No time for studying and analyzing each videos or powerpoint .Well , you got into the right course .Just practice continuously and you will ace the examWho this course is for: Google Cloud Absolute Beginners. No prior Google Cloud experience necessary No Time to study No idea how the exam works Failed multiple attempts Want to practice"
Price: 19.99

"Infraworks Nivel intermedio Aplicado a Carreteras con AASHTO" |
"En el curso bsico pudiste modelar una carretera. En este curso aprenderas no slo el modelado de carreteras, sino tambin el diseo, revisin, y cmputos mtricos para poder trabajar en el flujo BIM de carreteras. Asi mismo tu estas a cargo, n oolvides comentar las secciones para poder aadir temas o lecciones que tu necesites para que sean aadidas al curso."
Price: 39.99

"Building iOS Object Detection App with Inception V3 ML model" |
"Course DescriptionLearn to build iSO application for object detection engine using inception v3 deep learning algorithm. Deep learning is popular where a machine can be trained to detect objects in video and images. Once trained, it can be used to detect objects in any video or image.Object detection is part of computer vision field. Computer Vision market is estimated to grow to $48 Billion by 2022. Its huge opportunity for budding Machine Learning developers to grow their careers.In this course we are going to use pretrained Inception V3 model. Inception V3 was first funner up from Google during Imagenet 2015 visual recognition challenge. It has become popular because of its accuracy and near real time time nature. In this course you will be learning about using inception model on iPhone to detect objects inside image. The object detection happens on device and does not require transmission of your images to remote service. Therefore it is highly privacy and security compliant. You could be on remote island with no cellular or wifi connectivity and can still run this app to do object detection.Build a strong foundation in object detection mobile app with this tutorial for mobile app developers.Understanding fundamentals of Object DetectionUnderstanding fundamentals of deep learning and CNN Use cases for object detectionBenefits of running object detection on device Build a real life object detection mobile app using inception V3, CoreML, Swift and iOSA Powerful Skill at Your Fingertips Learning the fundamentals of object detection puts a powerful and very useful tool at your fingertips. Swift, CoreML has excellent documentation.No prior knowledge of deep learning is assumed. I'll be covering topics like CNN from scratch. Jobs in object detection area are plentiful, and being able to learn object detection will give you a strong edge. Inception V3 is state of art technology that can quickly help you achieve your goal. Learning object detection with Inception V3 will help you become a computer vision developer which is in high demand.Content and Overview This course teaches you on how to build iPhone app for object detection using swift, coreML and inception V3 model . You will work along with me step by step to build following answersDownload a pretrained modelCapture image using cameraUse coreml and vision app to on device object detectionWhat am I going to get from this course?Learn fundamentals of deep learning, coreML and build object detection mobile app from professional trainer from your own desk.Over 10 lectures teaching you how to build object detection mobile appSuitable for intermediate programmers and ideal for users who learn faster when shown.Visual training method, offering users increased retention and accelerated learning.Breaks even the most complex applications down into simplistic steps.Offers challenges to students to enable reinforcement of concepts. Also solutions are described to validate the challenges."
Price: 24.99
