"TRIPLE PACK 3x2: 33 clases prcticas de MODO" |
"Este pack incluye los tres cursos independientes sobre clases prcticas de modelado, texturizado y renderizado en MODO. En total, consta de 33 clases prcticas sobre temticas variadas, centradas en resolver situaciones reales con mtodos probados en entornos de produccin real. Incluye el siguiente contenido:1. PACK DE MODELADOCalcar perspectivas: La herramienta PhotoMatchSesin de modelado: Una copa de heladoCrear un suelo de piedras al azar: ReplicatorsCrear una cortina rastrera con dinmicas de telasCrear ojos realistas: el punto claveCrear presets: aadiendo elementos reutilizables a tu biblioteca drag&dropAssets de agua editables: Splash KitPintura 3D con la herramienta Projection InkRetopologa en MODO: Todo lo que necesitas saberSesin de modelado: Creando una fresa2. PACK DE TEXTURIZADOCrear materiales realistasTrabajar con mapas de desplazamientoTruco: Vetas de madera correctasCrear gotas irregulares sobre una superficieCrear un ocano animadoCrear nubes cartoonEjercicio de UV mappingTexture BakingEjercicio de UV mapping IICrear texturas seamless con Texture BombingShader de piel humanaTruco: Crear gotas usando un material furCrear fludos usando Hypervoxels3. PACK DE RENDERIZADOCrear un estudio fotogrficoCrear una escena para catlogoIluminacin de interioresHDR Light Studio para MODOComo iluminar un cortometraje sencillo y rpidoOptimizar Iluminacin Global en MODOComo crear presentaciones en 360 gradosRender de exteriores avanzadoComo renderizar sin GI y que quede bienCrear integraciones 2D/3D con Shadow Catcher"
Price: 39.99

"Create a traditional japanese scene in Modo" |
"Learn to model, texture and render a traditional japanese walkway decorated with some ancient weathered stone lanterns and a floor covered in fallen leaves. This course will guide from zero to the final render, trying to recreate a reference photograph and setting up a nice organic look along with a warm autumn mood.The topics covered in this course will be:ModelingUV mappingHand painted texturingScene managementIlluminationRendering processEnhancing the image in PhotoshopIncluded in the course are the complete scene full with textures and lightning setup and the PSD file ready to load into Photoshop with the final art."
Price: 39.99

"Introduccin a MeshFusion" |
"Aprende a utilizar las herramientas de MeshFusion directamente dentro de MODO para crear objetos booleanos totalmente editables y sin preocuparte de la topologa.En este curso aprendremos qu son las operaciones booleanas y como podemos usar MeshFusion para crear objetos en base a estas operaciones editables en tiempo real, mientras dejamos nuestro objeto preparado para impresin 3D automticamente."
Price: 19.99

"Practical Font Design" |
"This course will introduce you to the basics of font design using the leading software, FontLab Studio 5. This is not a design class, but a production class. This is a practical method shared by a font designer with 35 years experience in typography and font design. Included is a sample font to get you started, discussions of concepts, and many practical demonstrations of the process of creating a font. If you have been wanting to design your own font, this course will give you a basic production procedure you can build into a workflow that fits your working style. The course materials will serve as a visual reference to complement the content of David's popular book, Practical Font Design Third Edition Plus. A downloadable PDF copy of the book is included with the course, plus a sample font you can use to start your new fonts. He will show you how to use the sample font. You can complete the course in a week or two, but the production of your first font will take several months up to nearly a year to complete. The course materials will remain a reference as you progress in your craft of font design."
Price: 49.99

"Affinity Designer : Vector Graphic for Absolute Beginners" |
"This course is designed keeping absolute beginners in mind. If you have no previous knowledge in drawing / vector graphicdrawing, then fear not. We will learn everything about vector graphic drawing and Affinity Designer in this course with hands on training.As part of this course we will first learn some basic tools of Affinity Designer. Later we will move into drawing professional vector arts. I'm a fan of learn as you go approach. So, we will learn about new techniques, workflow as we do our artwork throughout thiscourse.Affinity Designer is a vector drawing program that is catching loads of attention lately. Many people are now moving away from Creative Suit and using Affinity Designer because it is more cost effective and very powerful.By end of this course, you will have sound knowledge on Affinity Designer's core tools and how to use them in your creative work.We also have dedicated facebook group for collaborating with other students (You will need a facebook account to join this group and creating facebook account is absolutely free).Good luck and looking forward to meet you in the lessons."
Price: 99.99

"WordPress : Free HTTPS SSL certificate and Improve Security" |
"Do you have a WordPress website currently running on HTTP protocol and you want to install SSL certificates and let your readers/customer browse your site withHTTPSprotocol? Do you want to further increase the security of your website?Then this is the ideal course for you.you will learn everything necessary to install an HTTPS / SSLcertificate on your WordPress powered website with the help of the third party provider Cloudflare's free tier. You don't even need a card to enable this service. We will learn step by step on how to implement it without spending a single penny. On the other hand, we will give you some nifty tips on how to improve the security of your website and prevent hackers from entering your site.By taking this course you will be able to convert your HTTP websites into HTTPS powered secure website and enhance the security layer of your WordPress powered website. This will not only boost your customers confidence on your site, but it will also boost the SEO rankings in Google. If you are a freelancer, you may use this skill to deliver secure WordPress powered websites to your clients.We are going to make use of the third-party certificate provider Cloudflare. We will also learn how to take advantage of Cloudflare other than the SSL / HTTPS certificate.If you already have a WordPress website or if you are a WordPress freelancer who has some basic knowledge of WordPress then this is the course for you. All you need is basic WordPress knowledge and a will to learn a new skill.Addition to installing SSL certificateonyour website, you will also learn some advantages of having Cloudflare integration on your WordPress website. For an example, you will learn how the CDN network helps and how to save your site if it's under an attack from hackers. Towards the end of the course, we'll teach you on how to enhance the security of your WordPress website by taking simple mesures. Anybody can do this stuff on their website.So why are you still waiting? You have nothing to lose. Join the course and Ill see you inside."
Price: 49.99

"Adobe Photoshop Sketch : iPad Drawing for Absolute Beginners" |
"Do you have an iPad or an Android touch device and wondered whether you can start to draw digital art on them?Answer is YESand it can be done with the app called Adobe Photoshop Sketch.Adobe Photoshop Sketch is being developed by Adobe who also make the desktop applications such as Photoshop and Illustrator.Procreate is the most popular digital drawing application in the App Store, but Adobe Photoshop Sketch is catching up very fast. Also it should be noted that Adobe Photoshop Sketch is a free app. You will also be given 2GB of free online storage to store the images you make in your iPad application.This course is designedforabsolute beginners who wanna make their first baby step into the world of Digital Drawing with aniPad without having to spend money on expensive fancy devices or much more complex softwares.Even seasoned artists can use this course as a crash course to learn how the Adobe Photoshop Sketch application works (especially the workflow) and some tips on how to improve the productivity."
Price: 49.99

"The Complete Business Analysis and Project Management Course" |
"WHAT WILL I LEARN?Integrateinto a project or team environment with an understanding of their role, key responsibilities and relationship with fellow project membersWork with business stakeholders togather and documentdifferent types and levels of requirements.Work with business stakeholders todefine, scope and initiatea projectUnderstand how project approaches such asAgileaffect the Business Analysis roleBreak-down complex business scenarios or problems intoprocess and data modelsValidate requirementsby producingUse Casesand assess requirements against defined quality criteria.Applyend-to-endthinking to complex business and system problems to ensure right first time Documentation and solutions.Become well-versed in various techniques forrequirements elicitationWork with stakeholders to develop optimum solutions to defined requirements.Confidentlypresentfindings to business stakeholders and their project team."
Price: 19.99

"Positive Psychology - Discover the Science of a Happier Life" |
"This course distills research from positive psychology into lessons and steps that you can take to live a happier and more fulfilled life. Discover the Science of Positive Psychology understand and use positive emotionsshift to optimistic mindsetsdiscover your strengthsbuild your self-esteemnourish fulfilling relationshipslearn to overcome tough timescreate sustainable change Get a comprehensive and unique introduction to the science of positive psychology. How do very happy people think and act? What do the most successful people do differently? What makes some marriages thrive and stay together happily for many decades? And why are some people able to bounce back from failures while others succumb to them?These are the questions asked by the science of positive psychology. Positive psychology is an emerging field dedicated to understanding what makes life most worth living on the basis of rigorous research. Thousands of experiments and studies have been conducted to provide insights into what really makes life good and how you can live more happily and more successfully. The entire course is based on this research by leading psychologists and neuroscientists from all across the world. Today, companies like Google, Nike and Apple are teaching the insights offered in this course to their employees because they have understood their potential impact.You will learn about concrete applications that are based on a scientific understanding of happiness and fulfillment. You also get a range of additional materials, such as a personal reflection journal, worksheets and exercises. At the core of this course are exercises and strategies that you can apply to your life. Content and Overview You will understand the different areas of positive psychology and how each of them can contribute to a better life. We look at research that shows how to build self-esteem and fulfilled relationships. You learn about mindfulness and how to overcome the challenges of practicing it regularly. You also get the chance to discover your strengths and ways to apply them consistently.Life is not about being happy all the time and that's why you get an entire section on overcoming tough times. Emotion-focused and problem-focused coping strategies are at the core of these lectures. Among other things, you'll be able to identify thinking errors, use effective problem-solving strategies and much, much more. And by the end of the course, you will have the skills to better your life and your relationships, and you will be using these skills in your daily life. You will have a thorough understanding of what positive psychology is and how to make use of its insights. And you will have the tools and resources you need to put them into practice.One more thing: You have a totally unconditional money back guarantee. It allows you to study the course for 30 days and if you are in any way unhappy with it, you will get a full refund, no questions asked! Enrolling in the course is absolutely risk free.Click the "Take This Course" button now and enrol!"
Price: 199.99

"Leading Virtual Teams - A Quick Course" |
"One of the great miracles of the twenty-first century is the declining importance of borders and distance. The internet has made knowledge universal and is enabling talent to be developed in every corner of the globeand country without prejudice. This means that any company can bring talent together in virtual teams to develop products and plans and accomplish shared goals regardless of their location. But, enabling these teams to work well together is a skill that every manager needs to develop to succeed in the new world of virtual collaboration.Leading Virtual Teams is designed to build the skills of virtual collaboration and teamwork. It covers issues around the use of virtual meeting technology, including a comprehensive survey of meeting software, user advice and recommendations. But, the primary focus of this course is on the human side, the skills of facilitating and participating in virtual teams. While it is important for all team leaders and facilitators to develop good meeting facilitation skills, there are unique challenges when team members are not co-located.This course addresses those challenges and provides advice based on the available research and the instructor's manyyears ofexperience facilitating virtual meetings."
Price: 39.99

"Lean Leadership Skills, Lean Culture & Lean Management" |
"This course now includes two complete ebooks, Getting to Lean and Team Kata, more than 670 pages of case studies, exercises, and illustrations. Mastering lean leadership and lean culture is essential to your success as a manager and your company's success. There are two major principles of lean: Respect for People and Continuous Improvement. This course, based on years of field experience, shows you how to implement both principles in your organization. Lean is eliminating waste and the disciplined method of optimizing value to customers. It is creating a culture that brings out the best in all employees. If you do this... you will succeed as a leader in your organization!The instructor has been engaged in implementing lean culture and leadership for more than forty years, working with companies like Honda, Toyota, Shell Oil Company, Corning, Merck and dozens of others. This course is based on his practical field tested knowledge of lean culture and leadership. The course introduces the history of lean, the essential principles and practices, and the important functions of the lean leader. It also presents the two critical paths to lean implementation: first, the redesign of processes, systems and structure to create the foundation that enables teams to engage in continuous improvement; second, it presents the essential habits of teams and team leaders engaged in problem-solving and continuous improvement. Some comments from previous students:""Amazing everything makes so much sense... I loved it, wasn't expecting it to be that powerful ... Thank-you for spreading your knowledge :)"" Waleed Mousa ""Love how this guy communicates. Love the course so far!"" Ren Cooper""Excellent! Larry Miller is the teacher everyone would love to have. Knowledgeable, laid back, funny. Real anecdotes and experiences from Toyota and the companies that later embraced the Lean philosophy. If you wanna understand the right attitude of a leader this course is the right stop. If you wanna know the House of Lean and how to live it properly look no further. Plenty of additional material available, including two of his books I would buy again with NO hesitation. I will check asap also the other courses and resources from the same author because this was high quality content Well done Larry! greetings from Melbourne!"" Antonino""Great Professor, Great Course!"" Fabiano Bonomini""Very good course for any manager. This was my first course and I didn't know what to expect but I was pleasantly surprised but how much knowledge I did gain. I am a first time manager at my company. We had a zoo in here. People coming in late all the time, music blasting, very disorganized. By implementing items slowly it did turn things around and I know I have the respect of all the employees here. Larry is fun and has a lot of experience."" Kevin Mohammed""I really like the short and to the point lectures; the diagrams are great for the visual learners (me!) as well the sheet for identifying your clients, goals will be useful. This was round one as I find reviewing these programs more then once helps in establishing a game plan for my work place."" Sherry Jackson""I have had the pleasure of working with and learning from Larry Miller. This course was very informative and has given me some great ideas and tools to strengthen my coaching abilities."" Jane McDonald"
Price: 149.99

"Cmo facilitar talleres de capacitacin (avanzado)" |
"Este curso es la versin online de un taller de capacitacin presencial que ya se ha realizado decenas de veces para diferentes organizaciones en distintos pases. Intenta marcar una diferencia en la manera de facilitar, trabajando tres reas:Habilidades DURANTE la capacitacin. Esto incluye cmo manejar grupos, tips para hablar en pblico, adems de trabajo de desarrollo personal del facilitador. Preparacin ANTES de una capacitacin. Esto incluye aspectos metodolgicos del aprendizaje de adultos, adems del diseo instruccional de los talleres. RECURSOS para enriquecer el taller, con un enfoque en los recursos visuales. No requiere conocimientos previos, por lo que principiantes podrn aprender de l. Sin embargo, se avanza en una variedad de contenidos que permite que sea til tambin para expertos."
Price: 124.99

"Cmo liderar y obtener el mximo desempeo de un equipo" |
"Este curso cuenta con tres mdulos:1- Entendiendo el desempeo. Existen factores que explican el desempeo de las personas. Algunos de ellos se pueden identificar al momento de seleccionar a los integrantes del equipo, mientras que otros se pueden trabajar. Aqu aprenders cmo la personalidad influye sobre el desempeo, cmo motivar a los integrantes del equipo, entre otros. 2- Liderazgo. Conocers algunos modelos que te servirn de referencia al momento de ejercer como lder de un equipo. 3- Caja de herramientas:Los lderes de equipo necesitan recursos concretos que puedan utilizar en el manejo de sus equipos. Aqu aprenders algunos de ellos:Cmo dar y recibir feedback, cmo influir en las personas, entre otros."
Price: 154.99

"COSO Gesto de Risco Corporativo e Controles Internos" |
"ContextoA Necessidade crescente pela sociedade por transparncia e maior controle nas instituies, seja pblica ou privada, tem aumentado a demanda por Compliance e por consequncia a adoo de Gesto de Riscos Corporativos e Controles Internos. Este, um dos motivadores que vem justificando a alta gesto das organizaes repensarem sua estrutura e inserir iniciativas perenes da Governana Corporativa. A adoo da Gesto de Risco Corporativo e Controles Internos, contribui com a perenidade e Governana Corporativa. A Gesto de Riscos Corporativos e Controles Internos proporcionam maior credibilidade a organizao e propicia maior suporte para a busca por investimentos e parcerias. Entretanto, o desafio fazer a implementao da Gesto de Risco Corporativo e Controles Internos, e neste caminho necessrio aplicar as melhores prticas do mercado, o framework COSO ERM (Enterprise Risk Management).Objetivos do cursoA CompanyWeb uma empresa precursora sobre o tema GRC (Governana, Risco e Conformidade) no Brasil. Com o know-how de anos no mercado, desenvolvemos um roteiro, um roadmap prtico para aplicarmos o Gerenciamento de Riscos Corporativos e Controles Internos, segundo o COSO (framework de referncia);Nosso roteiro (roadmap) prtico e ldico (com post-its) para identificar, avaliar, tratar riscos e definir os Controles Internos;O curso tem a finalidade de preparar os profissionais para trabalharem com Gesto de Riscos Corporativos e Controles Internos;O contedo baseado no guia/framework de Melhores Prticas: COSO (Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission);O mtodo que apresentamos permite que os conceitos se consolidem mais rpido e de maneira leve."
Price: 39.99

"PMO - Escritrio de Projetos" |
"O curso dividido em 3 fases. A primeira fase visa equalizar conceitos como: Quais so os tipos de PMO? Quais servios um PMO deve entrega e assim por diante. A 2a. fase tem o objetivo de apresentar vises de planejamento para o PMO e por ltimo, entramos apontamos os principais fatores crticos de sucesso para vc ter um PMO de sucesso. O curso no modelo EAD tem uma mentoria para ajudar com as eventuais dvidas e no presencial, fazemos uma dinmica em sala com o seu caso real. O curso objetivo e de rpido entendimento.O objetivo do curso contribuir com as organizaes para instituir o PMO, para atender a demanda crescente de ganho de eficincia, otimizao de recursos, agilidade na entrega de projetos e alinhamento estratgico;Como colocar no ar um Escritrio de Projetos? Esta uma pergunta que iremos responder e com as etapas e orientaes para maximizar seu sucesso;Listamos os principais Fatores Crticos de Sucesso para implantar um PMO."
Price: 39.99

"Redmine Na Prtica" |
"Como utilizar o Redmine na Gesto de Projetos no menor tempo possvel? Este curso, vem com est proposta, mostrar como fazer um projeto, de maneira rpida e simples. Alm, de apresentar de forma estruturada como usar o Redmine, apresentamos dicas, melhores prticas para voc potencializar o uso desta ferramenta;Como trabalhar com projetos que envolvam grandes equipes e como dividir o projeto? Mostramos como lidar com situaes como essas.Recursos para gerenciar horas trabalhadas e como levar estas informaes para a planilha excel, tambm abordado no curso."
Price: 39.99

"Complete Law of Attraction and Guided Meditation Course !" |
"**UPDATED IN 2019**DOUBLE YOURMANIFESTATIONPOWER and QUICKLYATTRACT WONDERFUL THINGS INTO YOUR LIFE --TOTAL TRANSFORMATION USING LAW OF ATTRACTION. HACK YOUR SUBCONSCIOUSMINDAND get EXTRAORDINARYBreakthrough in life....Declare Your Independence From STRUGGLES, WORRIES AND FEAR AND Live an Effortless Life. So Lets Understand ...How Law of Attraction Will benefit You ?.... You can quickly increase the power of Manifesting your dreams.....Is a Licence to Live an Abundant life..... You will quickly become more intuitive and creative in all your life assignments..... You will have a Manifesting Mind which will become your best friend of Life..... Better control over your thoughts and actions..... It accelerate your Manifesting power to attract Money and Abundance in your life.....Manifesting your way to Unlimited Loveand attracting person of your desire..... Build your dream body and Have Perfect Health as it improves physical performance..... Learn How to Overcome Anger, Anxiety and Frustration from your life..... Learn How to Eliminate Fears and Phobias that holds you back..... Always remain a high manifesting vibrations..... Learn How to Heal Your Body and Stay Healthy..... Learn How to Kick out Stress and Stay completely relaxed and focused throughout the day..... Manifesting your way toUNLIMITED WEALTH.And much much more all waiting for you... . WHAT's Inside the Course ? .....How to PERMANENTLYBecome a SUPER MANIFESTOR-There is ABSOLUTELY NO SELLING involved! DISCOVERthe EXACTSCIENCEbehind Law of Attraction and Meditation TECHNIQUES and UNLOCK a complete BLUE PRINT that magically turns your Deep desire into your Life Reality despite of WHATEVER is your present LIFE SITUATION. THE REAL DECISION IS - Do you want to stick your toes in and see if the water's OK, or DIVE right in and Start swimming full -blast to the other side?. Why To Join ?...... AREyou STUCKin an ENDLESSCYCLEof Debt, Bad relationships or Bad Health?..... WHAT, if just by changing your thought process and old beliefs you could reverse all that you are Facing now? This course will Literally teach You - How to Live The life Your are Destined to Live ...This Course will Teach You How to Become a Perfect Manifestation Being by using POWERFUL , PROVEN Scientific Formula of Law of Attraction and Manifestation.It will teach you How to step out off your Limited Beliefs of Abundance and Prosperity.In this Course You will Understand the Exact Science of Success and Manifesting Things in Your Life !You Will LEARN Powerful Meditation and Law of Attraction Practices to clear your Energy Blocks for Successful,Happy and Blissful life.Also You Become stress free and heal your body by using powerful Guided MeditationTechniques.. Get Ready for The Magic to Happen in Your Life ...This Course is NOT a Connecting The DOT type of Course BUT its a ......STEP By STEP Approach of Understanding the Concept and Process of HowActuallyLaw of Attraction Works. The Truth ...In this Economic Recession time, people more than ever need the Law of Attraction to Find.... A New Job,.... Earn More Money,.... To become Successful in Business,.... Overcome Relationship Problem,.... Attracting a Person of Desireand Perfect Health.... Not only this, they require this Law of Attraction and Meditation to release their stress and improve their lives by manifesting their desire.. The Law of Attraction and Meditation is one of the most popular topics in the area of self-help. At the same time, it is also one of the most misunderstood.. Why is that? The main reason for that is there are hundreds of Law of Attraction books available, which are only giving theoretical knowledge. The majority of Law of Attraction books are either motivational and/or inspirational while lacking practicality. CELEBRITIES WHO LOVE LAW OF ATTRACTION IN THEIR LIFEJIM CARREY :Jim Carrey is a Canadian American actor and producer. He used Visualization for his success, He wasvisualize having PRODUCERS AND DIRECTORSinterested in HIM and people that I respected and who are his role modelsaying, I like your work.Arnold Schwarzenegger :He is an Australian American Actor, Producer, Director , Entrepreneurand BODY BUILDER used law of attraction for his success. As per himWhen hewas very young hevisualized himself being and having what it was he alwayswanted. Mentally he never had any doubts about it. He know that the mind is really so incredible. Hevisualized myself being a famous actor and earning big money. Hecould feel and taste success. Hejust knew it would all happen. SCIENTIFIC STUDIES ...... No. of scientific studies have ascertained that the energy of our intentions and thoughts absolutely DO change our reality!. IN THIS COURSE...... ""I'll Take You By The Hand and Show You How To Apply law of attraction quickly and consistently for faster results.How to use Guided Meditation to release your stress and heal your age old energy blocks.You will discover the tools to unlock the awesome powers of your subconscious mind.You can improve your relationships, your finances, your physical well-being. Once you learn how to use this unbelievably powerful force there is nothing you will not be able to accomplish.Join the race of successful people who have already unlocked the power of their subconscious minds.. If you study this course and apply the techniques outlined therein; I feel absolutely convinced that you will lay hold of amiracle-working powerthat will lift you up from confusion, misery, old beliefs, and failure, and guide you to your true place to solve your difficulties, sever you from emotional and physical bondage, and place you on the royal road to freedom, happiness, and peace of mindYou will get simple and powerful methods to change your beliefs and create your destiny.... ...As well in this course I will tell you the foundation steps for applying law of attraction That 90% of people unknowingly miss.. ...THE MAIN OBJECTIVEof this course is to unlock the secret that is available to few selected Rich people of the world - These people know that richness and happiness are directly related to one's state of mind and his consciousness, that by improving your state of mind and consciousness you can change and recreate the reality of your life... that Only little practice and Understanding of the Universal law of attraction will benefit you for rest of your life.. Here You will discover the tools to unlock the awesome powers of your subconscious mind. You can improve your relationships, your finances, your physical well-being. Once you learn how to use this unbelievably powerful force there is nothing you will not be able to accomplish. Join the race of successful people who have already unlocked the power of their subconscious minds.. You will discover the tools to unlock the awesome powers of your subconscious mind. You can improve your relationships, your finances, your physical well-being. Once you learn how to use this unbelievably powerful force there is nothing you will not be able to accomplish. Join the race of successful people who have already unlocked the power of their subconscious minds. ...This course is a sum total of my 13years of spiritual journey and it includes my 5year teaching experience on Law of Attraction and Meditation. ...The Law of Attraction and Meditation Coaching Program is designed to help you to apply Law of Attraction in an effective and efficient manner. ...You will get simple and powerful methods to change your beliefs and create your destiny ...As well in this course I will tell you the foundation steps for applying law of attraction. That 90% of people unknowingly miss. ....I am also going to tell you the super powerful way to relax your mind body and your whole energy system.In this you will also Find out the techniques to identify whats wrong with your life and how to fix it you will be able toBuy yourself an Abundant life.Get a Strong powerful Mind which will become your best friend of Life.Better control over your thoughts and actions.Become more intuitive and creative in all your life assignments.Identify your personality weaknesses and replace them with strength..You will find solutions for How to step out off your Limited Beliefs of Abundance and ProsperityHow to Overcome Anger, Anxiety and Frustration from your life?How to Eliminate Fears and Phobias that holds you back?How to Release Your Energy Blocks from your body cells?How to Make Universal Energy Flow into You Effortlessly and Consistently?How to use Law of Attraction to Have Perfect Relationship?How to Heal Your Body and Stay Healthy?How to Kick Stress and Stay completely relaxed and focused throughout the day?The subconscious mind trick the will give you the real breakthrough you needed Manifesting your way to Unlimited Wealth Manifesting your way to Unlimited Love How to Attract Abundance and happiness in your life and much much more.This course is broadly divide into 2 parts, the 1st part focuses on correctly understanding the law of attraction , Finding out your old age beliefs which are stopping your success and how to fix it and than applying universal principles of law of attraction for manifesting things into your life.and in the 2nd part you will find powerful guided meditations and ancient technique to get desired results .This course only required sitting with closed eyes and practicing Law of Attraction in your mind space. In this you will learn the magic of how changing your inner world can change your outer reality , you have to initially practice this to make it a part of your daily living - so join Applying law of attraction and meditation course with open heart so that you receiving maximum from this course .---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Personal Invitation To Wealth And Abundance Journey ...Hi, my name is Bhuwan Pantand I am passionate about helping people find and achieve their goals & ambitions using Law of attraction laws. Often deep down we know what we want to do, where we want to be and with whom we want to experience life with, but just need a helping hand to ensure we are heading in the right direction. This Course will take you by hand on your journey to apply Law of Attraction in Your daily life and get desired results.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 34.99

"Zbrush Facial Anatomy and Likeness Character Sculpting" |
"Instructor Info Corazon Bryant always had an artistic bone in her body. When she was only 2 years old, she would make detailed drawings on her mother's wall. Her mother loved the drawings so much, she decided to keep them. With the encouragement of her mother, she continued drawing and she only got better as time wentby. When Corazon was in middle and high school, she earned money making portraits for her classmates and even for her teachers. She pursued a college degree in Media Arts & Animation and later worked for architectural and entertainment companies such as Camm Productions, ID DI Design, and PDT International. She also had an opportunity to do some freelance work for Mega Pickle Entertainment. While working as a 3D artist, she had a chance to teach 3D animation classes in an A+ school. This is when she found her true love - which is not only to talk about 3D endlessly but to also inspire greatness in young upcoming artists. Corazon is currently working on a new project called Victory 3D with fellow industry-experienced artists to provide an affordable and effective learning system that will make it easier for students to get a job in the 3D industry.Course InfoWelcome to The Facial Anatomy and Likeness Character Sculpting. In this course, you will learn about the construction of the human face. You will understand the bony parts, muscles, and fat that makes up the face anatomy. You will also learn how to observe and create a facial likeness of your choice. Starting with a sphere in Zbrushand turning it into a hyper realistic face with wrinkles and skin pores. You will even gain knowledge on how to achieve realistic hair using fibermesh. By the end of this course, you will have the skills that you need to create a more believable portrait."
Price: 49.99

"Sculpting a Caricature Character for 3D Printing in ZBrush" |
"Instructor InfoCorazon Bryant always had an artistic bone in her body. When she was only 2 years old, she would make detailed drawings on her mother's wall. Her mother loved the drawings so much, she decided to keep them. With the encouragement of her mother, she continued drawing and she only got better as time wentby. When Corazon was in middle and high school, she earned money making portraits for her classmates and even for her teachers. She pursued a college degree in Media Arts & Animation and later worked for architectural and entertainment companies such as Camm Productions, ID DI Design, and PDT International. She also had an opportunity to do some freelance work for Mega Pickle Entertainment. While working as a 3D artist, she had a chance to teach 3D animation classes in an A+ school. This is when she found her true love - which is not only to talk about 3D endlessly but to also inspire greatness in young upcoming artists. Corazon is currently working on a new project called Victory 3D with fellow industry-experienced artists to provide an affordable and effective learning system that will make it easier for students to get a job in the 3D industry.Course InfoDo you want to acquire knowledge on how to create a much more interesting and comical version of a celebrity or someone you know?Do you want to challenge your creativity and deviate from the regular standard likeness portrait?Are you interested in getting your 3D sculpt ready for 3D printing?Have you ever uploaded your sculpt to a 3D printing service only to find out that you are being charged for the price of an arm and a leg(very expensive!) because you didn't prepare your 3D mesh properly for 3D printing?(ouch!)If you answered yes to any of these questions, this course is just for you. In this awesome course, you will learn techniques and trickson how to exaggerate for caricatures. You will gain knowledge on how to achieve facial likeness of your choice. Then you will be able to upload your work for 3D printing so you can have a beautiful physical object on your hands(literally)."
Price: 29.99

"Character Creation for Games Vol. 1: Sculpting in Zbrush" |
"Instructor Info Corazon Bryant always had an artistic bone in her body. When she was only 2 years old, she would make detailed drawings on her mother's wall. Her mother loved the drawings so much, she decided to keep them. With the encouragement of her mother, she continued drawing and she only got better as time wentby. When Corazon was in middle and high school, she earned money making portraits for her classmates and even for her teachers. She pursued a college degree in Media Arts & Animation and later worked for architectural and entertainment companies such as Camm Productions, ID DI Design, and PDT International. She also had an opportunity to do some freelance work for Mega Pickle Entertainment. While working as a 3D artist, she had a chance to teach 3D animation classes in an A+ school. This is when she found her true love - which is not only to talk about 3D endlessly but to also inspire greatness in young upcoming artists. Corazon is currently working on a new project called Victory 3D with fellow industry-experienced artists to provide an affordable and effective learning system that will make it easier for students to get a job in the 3D industry.Course InfoWelcome to Character Creation For Games: Sculpting in Zbrush. The course to learn digital sculpting and basic anatomy. The course walks you through Zbrush program from the very beginning, how to navigate in the software, knowing the brushes, how masking can be used, working with dynamesh, creating muscle definition, adding armor, shoes, and cloth to the character, adjusting lights and materials, and finally how to pose and render your character for a beauty shot. This course is designed for 3D artists who want to take their skills to the next level by implementing correct proportions, accurate anatomy, creating extra details such as veins, pores, and wear and tear to their own 3D character. Take the time to look at the preview videos so you can get a feel of Corazon Bryant's teachingstyle. If you like what you hear and what you see, come and join this course."
Price: 59.99

"Fitofarmacognosia Nivel 1" |
"Muchas veces pensamos que la medicina convencional contiene todas las respuestas a las enfermedades, y olvidamos que en su mayora, la medicina convencional y los frmacos atacaran el sntoma, mas no lo que lo causa. La medicina convencional ataca el dolor de cabeza, pero no ataca lo que lo produjo. Aun as, la naturaleza contiene muchsimas propiedades curativas, y se han realizado estudios para demostrar esto. Esta rama es conocida como Fitofarmacgonosia, y cuando una planta o extracto natural contiene propiedades de este tipo se le denomina Fitofrmaco. Los fitofrmacos no producen efectos secundarios, ya que provienen de la naturaleza, pero es muy importante conocerlo, y saber en que dosis debe consumirse para realmente tengan un efecto positivo en tu salud. Aprende con nosotros sobre la fitofarmacognosia, y conoce como puede ayudarte a ti y a tus amigos. Piensa en tu bienestar y crecimiento integral. Nos interesa apoyarte para crecer como un lder especializado en nuestros suplementos nutricionales y fitofarmacos. Bienvenido a la gran familia NfN, donde aprenders, crecers, te fortalecers y tendrs xito! Este curso es dictado por el Dr. Daniel Mesa, Presidente Corporativo de Natural Forces Nutriproducts Corp. El curso esta diseado con videos, ya que es la forma mas grafica de explicar estos temas. En estos videos observaras varias presentaciones donde el Dr Mesa te ira explicando poco a poco sobre los fitofrmacos. El curso esta dividido segun los sistemas del cuerpo, para entender mejor cada uso de la fitofarmacognosia. Luego de cada video-presentacin, tendrs unas preguntas para saber que tanta informacin has logrado retener. No te preocupes, si te equivocas puedes ver el video nuevamente y tomar otra vez el examen."
Price: 19.99

"Strategic Thinking Skills" |
"Theres no single road to success but you can discover the right one if you have the appropriate skill set.Strategic thinking is a must-have skill. If you don't have it, other might pass you by.Developing strategic thinking skills is not an easy task. That is why we at the Scandinavian Institute of Business Analytics developed this course for our clients. The course describes the steps you need to develop a strategicthinking mindset.It explains how to use information for generating strategic insight, assessing trade-offs and making right decisions.The course also outlines techniques that will enable you to analyze information effectively and enhance your strategic thinking.Note: Lecture SWOT analysis includes real SWOT analysis document of a company. All names are changed."
Price: 24.99

"A Hacker's Guide to Internet Safety and Cybersecurity" |
"Do you worry about hackers targeting you or your family?Would being hacked be devastating to your reputation?Do viruses plague your computer?Are you using the same password for every account you have?This course will teach you to stop viruses. Prevent ransomware from being installed on your computer. You will also learn to protect your online accounts from hacks and compromises.By following these foolproof tips and tricks you wont have to spend your valuable time cleaning up annoying viruses. You can stop infuriating identity theft. And never suffer the embarrassment of being hacked.Enroll in this course today. Protect yourself and your loved ones from the cybersecurity threats targeting everyone today.What other students are saying about the course:""Excellent insights, suggestions are extremely helpful. A+"" (Odessa, )By the end of this course you will be able to:Prevent hacks even if your password is shortProtect your social media accounts from hackers and scammersMake sure your sensitive files stay safeStop viruses from plaguing your computerNot pay ransom to scammers if they get your filesWelcomeMy name is Kyle and I've been a cybersecurity analyst for over 10 years.I am passionate about teaching best practices to beginners and well-seasoned professionals alike. As a White Hat Hacker (that means I'm one of the good guys), I have to think like bad guys to protect computers from them. In my career, I've protected the networks of large Fortune 1000 companies. And I am thrilled to be able to translate that to an perfect system you can put in place today. You should definitely enroll in this course if:You have the same password for every site you useThat same password is less than 10 charactersYou store said passwords on a sticky note under your keyboardYou connect to any public WiFiYou don't know about 2-factor authentication or how to use itYou don't know about internet browser plugins that can protect your privacyThis is a short list of topics covered in the class, but if any of these apply to you, don't worry! You don't know what you don't know about cybersecurity and how to protect yourself. I'm here to teach you the risks and how to mitigate them - this course is designed to be this resource for you.What this course isn'tThis course isn't designed for cybersecurity professionals who are already in the business. The systems taught in this course are for people who are unsure of how to use the internet in a safe manner. As an IT professional some of these systems will be very simplistic. To those that are not in an IT job these systems are easy to understand and easier to put in place."
Price: 99.99

"How To Craft Your Elevator Speech with - NO SWEAT!" |
"The Course will Cover. WHAT is an Elevator Speech and WHY have one. The Two distinct Audiences for your Elevator Speech. The different Elevator Speech Goals for each. Two Words that formed the basis for the Elevator Speech Template. The Eight Floors of the Elevator Speech. Having your Elevator Stop and Skip Floors. Getting Individuals Off the Elevator. HOW to Deliver your Elevator Speech. The Fear of Public Speaking. This is why many dread the Elevator Speech WHY this fear. NUGGETS to Lessen it!"
Price: 19.99

"Learn Camtasia 9 in Hindi" |
"Whether you are beginner or advance level professional, this course is useful for both type of audiences because I will teach Camtasia 9 from beginning to advance level. In this Video Tutorials set, you will learn Video Editing using Camtasia 9. You will learn various related topics in Hindi but step by step through live practicals."
Price: 174.99

"Aprende Wordpress sin conocimientos previos y gana dinero" |
"Ms de 2430 alumnos han hecho el curso y han aprendido hacer webs profesionales con este curso. En internet hay muchos manuales, vdeos y tutoriales de como hacer una web con wordpress pero es muy difcil distinguir la informacin que merece la pena entre tanta informacin. En este curso te cuento punto por punto como puedes triunfar con wordpress tal y como lo hago yo. En este curso te ensear cmo hacer una web paso a paso con wordpress. Aprenders desde como hacer un blog a una tienda online, todo ello paso por paso y con mi ayuda. Te contar que plugins catapultarn tu web a otra dimensin. No solo me limitar a contar los aspectos tcnicos sino que ir incluyendo continuamente casos de estudio para que puedas ver como aplicar todo lo enseado en proyectos reales. Nunca ha sido tan fcil crear una web, tienda o blog sin programar una sola linea de cdigo. Entre todo lo que te ensear est: 01 Instalar Wordpress en 1and1 02 Instalar Wordpress en hostgator 03 Diferencia entre pgina y entrada 04 Cmo crear una entrada 05 Cmo crear una pgina 06 Ajustes ms importantes en Wordpress 07 Instalar plantillas en Wordpress 08 Cmo funcionan los widgets 09 Gestin de usuarios en Wordpress 10 Configurar la pgina principal en Wordpress 11 Cmo importar o exportar contenido en Wordpress 12 Creacin de Mens 13 Plugins ms importantes 14 Realizar copias de Seguridad en Wordpress 15 Plugin Sharebar 16 Plugin para Facebook 17 Crear diferntes Sidebars o barras laterales 18 Cmo crear una tienda con Woocommerce 19 Crear una tienda de afiliacin"
Price: 19.99

"SharePoint 2016 Branding (Custom Master Page)" |
"In this course I am going to show you how to change SharePoint 2016 (on-premises) from itsdefault look to a more beautiful look, with header images, company logo, better color and fonts, etc.I will create the new look from scratch, step by step. You will be able to download all the source files including the HTML master page, CSS style sheet, images and fonts I used. You can put these files to your SharePoint and with only a little modifications (e.g., change the URLs into your SharePoint URLs), your SharePoint will change to this new look.Lectures are split into small ones so you can easily find what topicyou need to learn."
Price: 99.99

"Essential guide to survival in the wilderness with nothing" |
"The essential guide to survival in the wilderness will teach you life saving skills for outdoor survival. Just by viewing the lecture survival priorities you stand a 50% greater chance of survival, we have set it as a free lecture so this information is available to any one. The course will inspire you to spend time outdoors and begin to learn natures secrets. With practice your experience of being outdoors will be changed forever as you feel confident connected and part of nature. This course is based on 19 years of teaching experience, over which time Thomas has taught thousands of students and helped to establish 10 other schools teaching these skills, The course aims to give you a feeling of one to one instruction on these basic survival subjects. Shelter, water, fire, food, and an introduction to nature awareness subjects such as Tracking and natural movement or stalking. There is a large emphasis on wild edible and medicinal plants and trees also covering some of their utilitarian uses. The course we hope will inspire life long learning in the outdoors. The material presented is usually taught over a weekend and that is quite an intense experience. We recommend watching the lectures on a particular subject and then spending some time out doors trying out the skills or downloading it to your mobile device and watching it out in nature! There are over three and a half hours of lectures though we recommend you take your time with each subject. You will find there is enough information to keep you going with your own experiments for years."
Price: 99.99

"Essential guide to survival in the wilderness advanced" |
"This course covers many of the advanced skills of wilderness survivalwith over threehours of video, and more thanthirty lectures.Please be advised that there is some graphic content asbutchering and deer skinning are covered. The coursecoversin detail Hide tanning, flint knapping, working with bark, using bone, fire making methods for if you are injured, water purification with hot rocks, bow making techniques, water carrying baskets,and so much more. Develop the capacity to survive in the wilderness for long periods of time with what you find in nature."
Price: 124.99

"Martial Arts Mastery - Arm Drag Judo" |
"Discover the almost magical ability to take down opponents on demand...Dear friend,Every martial arts expert on the planet agreesTaking down a resisting, athletic opponent is the most difficult of all fighting techniques.In fact, even many Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Black Belts (the BEST grapplers on the planet) default to pulling guard as opposed to launching an all out attack to take their opponent down HARD.But imagine if YOU had that very power?The power to throw another man (no matter how big, how strong, or how mean) right there down on the floor. Just lying there too stunned to move as you move in for the kill if necessary.Sound like a fairy tale? It doesnt have to be...Let me help you quickly and easily master the art of takedowns with a strategy that likely defies everything you currently THINK you know about fighting!The Dirty Little Grappling Secret You NEED To Know...Martial arts instructors HATE teaching and practicing throws and takedowns.Thats rightThe sad truth is that takedowns HURT, throws can cause MASSIVE injury, and (as I mentioned before) it all traditionally takes A LOT of practice.Three things that cause students to quit training and in turn cause those martial arts instructors to lose money.Even traditional judo schools these days focus more on ground fighting for fear of student injury.But ignoring the problem NEVER solves anything. Dont you agree?Introducing Arm Drag Judo: The Quickest, Easiest Way ToTake ANYONE Down, Safely and Effectively!Knowing the truth about this problem, I decided to provide a solution to help martial artists, athletes, and real people like you enjoy the satisfaction of having a complete set of takedown skills. Using sound, proven principles and real-world experience, rather than simply ignoring the problem.So I took everything I know about Judo, wrestling, and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and put it into a simple sequence of techniques that you can use to take even the most accomplished stand-up fighter down to the groundFAST.This is that very sequence as well astheexact step-by-step method to practice, implement, and use it.See you inside!Professor ChrisPizzo"
Price: 99.99

"Martial Arts Mastery - Brazilian Jiu Jitsu - Sayonara Guard" |
"OH NOYOURE ON YOUR BACK!Whether you where knocked down, surprised, or thats simply how things wound up, dont believe the hype that youre in any sort of superior position.Gravity, momentum, and the crushing weight of someone on top of you gives even the most accomplished martial artist a distinct disadvantage.Or does it?Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a truly unique martial art as it is the only style that allows its practitioner to fight (and win) against someone bigger and stronger while being underneath them on their back.And while there are HUNDREDS of techniques and movements from inside the on-your-back guard, there is one approach that offers the perfect balance between defense, offense, and more finishing"" opportunities than any otherThe SAYONARA GUARD.Instead of uncomfortably locking your legs around your adversary, the Sayonara Guard helps you position your feet, hands, and body for maximum mobility, utmost safety against strikes and slams, and dozens of ways to bend, break, or choke out a bigger, stronger adversary.But what makes the Sayonara Guard TRULY special is that once you establish this dominant ground position, YOU can literally take a rest without fear of reprisal and just wait for the opportune moment to flip your opponent right over your headSAYONARA!!!!Every aspect of the Sayonara Guar is covered in this groundbreaking series by 2nd degree Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt, Professor Chris PizzoEntriesEscapesSweepsAnd (of course)A devastating SUBMISSION CHAIN that gives you back total control of ANY ground situation.Come learn the amazing Sayonara Guard and add it to your arsenal of techniques today!"
Price: 99.99
