"Martial Arts Mastery - Brazilian Jiu Jitsu - Killer Crucifix" |
"The human body is a resilient miracleIts delicate soft tissues, organs, vessels, and arteries have all been designed to be protected by think layers of muscle, cable-like tendons, and strategically placed bone structures.The absolute Hollywood nonsense and martial arts fantasythat someones neck can be broken by a simple twist, knocked out by a lucky punch, or bones snapped by simple manipulation has been proven false time and time again in the ring, on the mats, and in the cageSo whats the answer?How do you dispatch someone who just wont stay down?Enter the Crucifix.Effectively and efficiently targeting THREE of the bodies most vulnerable areas simultaneously, the knowledgable fighter who employs this tactic can literally choose the amount of damage done to their adversary.Should I break their arm?Should I dislocate their shoulder?OR...Should I just put them to sleep?Even meaner, this dominant technique can also be used to snap directly into the legendary inescapable judo technique that breaks and dislocates in one fluid motion!Every aspect of the Killer Crucifix is covered here by Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu AND Judo 2nd Degree Black Belt Chris PizzoHow to enter the positionHow to maintain the positionHow to shut down ANY possible escapeHow to re-counter EVERY possible counterAnd of courseHow to break arms, rip shoulders, and choke necks every which way.Sharing for the first time (and ONLY on Udemy), Professor Chris Pizzo teaches us the same fierce chain of techniques that is the Killer Crucifix usually reserved for his close Judoka friends and Team Moreira Brazilian Jiu Jitsu teammates.DO NOT MISS THIS!"
Price: 99.99

"Meditation For Warriors - Subjective Pathworking Meditation" |
"You are going to die.Also, everyone you know and love will also die at some point, some possibly sooner than you.Perhaps worse still, you are going to experience hardships during the course of your life on your way to death. Some may be quite painful. Whether you live for ten years, fifty years, or one hundred, makes no difference. Death makes no exceptions.Each of us can expect to have things not go our way at several points during our lives and the sad fact is that most people will lead lives that will be completely unpleasant and consistently experience great pain and suffering.Our reality is such that at any moment we could lose our lives or have our loved ones taken away from us; around every corner could be an accident waiting to happen that could irrevocably change us for whatever amount of time we have left; that we will build things and have them unfairly taken from us or watch them be destroyed.The question is not how do we stop these things, because we cant, the question is, how do we best live in a world where these events are not a possibility, but a reality.The masses cope with the harsh nature of life by burying their heads in the sand and either pretend like the realities of death and hardship dont exist, or (and as evidenced by the modern rampant use of prescription drugs) build around themselves an impression of reality that is dangerously incorrect.Warriors instead, stare death, hardship, and life trials directly in the face in order to confront it totally prepared. This is done through the ancient practice of subjective pathworking meditation.Most warrior cultures across the world developed thesepathworking meditationtraditions to deliberately induce states of consciousness in order to deal with and accurately adjust or overcome such harsh realities.This was done a number of different ways including the use of rhythmic drums, breathing, meditation, prayer, psychoactive drugs, or the performance of feats or quests that couldnt be successfully completed without tapping into alternative ways of operating.The term pathworking itself refers to the art of changing a warriors consciousness to rebuild, repair, or maintain aspects of your life and self.It provides those on the warriors path with the tools, mindset, and practices needed to live a happy, purposeful, and tranquil lifeRegardless of how much pain and suffering that warrior may experience or how long or short their lives end up being.Warriors who embrace and practice pathworking meditationon a consistent basis find that their mental picture of reality becomes such a powerful force for overall stability, that it eventually creates the circumstances that maintain it. Almost as if it where a self-fulfilling prophesy.Perhaps youve heard of or read about the law of attraction, positive thinking, or affirmations.Perhaps youve experimented previously with guidedmeditation, prayer, or psychological reflection.That is all well and good, but chances are that like most warriors, you concluded and found such techniques to be unsustainable, ineffective, and unproductive.Thats because for those with the warriors mind and heart to live, to achieve, or even to conquer, escaping or fleeing from reality goes against every fiber of our very being.Warriors fight and warriors battle. Retreating to recalibrate and regroup is always a viable and acceptable option, but removing focus from the task on hand is not the way of the warrior.Instead warrior pathworking meditationfocuses directly on the issues as needed through visualization of symbolic conversion. In essence altering very real situations and problems into symbolic associations in order to explore difficulties, challenges, and life trials from alternate angles.Throughout this program you will be guided through warrior pathworking meditationtechniques, quests, and journeys to explore, repair, and protect the fortress that is your mind.Your memory will vastly improve, as will your problem solving and creative abilities.Any social or situational anxiety will rapidly dissipate, and both your mental and spiritual well-being will swiftly become impervious to outside manipulations.You will at any moment be able to remove yourself completely from reality in order to focus fully and without distraction on conquering whatever obstacle stands in your way.Warrior pathworking meditationis the most powerful practice Ive ever discovered, but there is a certain amount of danger to it because it a form of willed disassociation.It can be abnormally addicting, particularly for those not on the warriors path as they will see it as a means of escape from their tortured reality rather than as the means to change it.Therefore it is your duty as a warrior to use pathworking meditationonly for good purposes and intentions, to apply your own usage only to combating or fixing issues in the real world, and to practice it with respect and responsibility.This is the WAYOFTHEWARRIOR."
Price: 99.99

"React Native Design - Build front end of 10 mobile Apps" |
"What is the problem that we are solving with this course?When you want to learn app development, for iOS its swift and for Android its Java or Kotlin.When screen size varies on any device, its really hard to make sure that your app looks consistencyGetting same look on both Android and iOS is another nightmare.These are the issues that you will never look back after taking this course. We will use Javascript code to build Native mobile apps for both android and iOS. We will use React native, used by Facebook, messenger, Instagram, tesla etc, to build our apps. This is like a front end course for mobile apps.With React Native, you can use your web skills to produce native mobile apps. Further to help us in fast production, we will use Expo client to generate boiler plate code. Expo is very popular tool in industry to create React native apps.We will create 10 apps, each addressing different design issues that you will face in your app development journey. Apps like tutorial screen, login screen with keyboard awareness are must to put in your bag.Also we will create some clones like youtube app clone, of course front end only, so that you can replicate any design that is passed to you.After taking this course, you will be able to create front end of mobile apps, both android and iOS, using react native. All apps are tested on both iPhone and Android devices and have consistent look on both platform.React native is a state of art technology, used by Facebook and loved by developers. Now, finally you can focus on your project concept instead of being worried about learning many languages to create an app.Have a look at Promo video and there we have mention about the apps that we will be creating in this course.See you inside the course !Happy coding!"
Price: 199.99

"Backend web development with Django 2 - Build 8 projects" |
"Hi and welcome to BackEnd Development for Beginners using Django - Build 8 Projects.Before we talk anything about this course, lets get clear about what you should already know before taking this course.NOTE: This course is on Django 21. Front end basicsIf you have taken my Complete front end developer Bootcamp or any other such course where things like HTML and basics of CSS got cleared, then you are good to go for next requirement. This is a backend focused course and we will not be talking much on stuff like How to change background color.2. Python BasicsDjango is based on python and it will be a good idea to clear your python basics before taking this course. Things like Loops, If Else, Functions, and Classes are used in this course, with an expectation that you are aware of it. You dont need to be a guru in python but at least syntax should be comfortable for you.Why Django?While designing BackEnd course, there were a lot of option but I asked a question a that If I could go back in time and suggest me the easiest backend framework to get started, what would it be. Most tech startups use Django because it is easy to implement. You can focus on what you are building instead of other framework issues.On top of that, it is backed by Python, One of the top most favorite programming language of people at the internet.What will we be building in this course?This course is totally focused on beginners. Goal here is not to scare you from programming jargons. Course is totally based on projects and each project will focus on a specific issue that we will deal.Project 1. - Getting basics of DjangoProject 2. - Breaking website into templatingProject 3. - Interaction with DatabaseProject 4. - Blog with static pages and unique URLProject 5. - Handling forms and taking input from userProject 6. - A CRUD blog from user inputProject 7. - A TODO list with sqlite3Project 8. - Login, Logout and SignupThis course is designed to take you one step closer towards backend development. So, if you are afraid of backend development, worry not. Django is going to help you a lot.Lets get started."
Price: 199.99

"Learn WordPress - A Quick and Easy Guide" |
"This is a WordPress course like no other. In it you will not get bogged down with irrelevant information that you will not put to use. Instead we will cover, step-by-step, everything you need to do to go from no site at all (not even a domain name) to a fully functioning WordPress website or blog that is as awesome as you are! Short, to the point video instruction will walk you through each step: How and where to buy a domain name. How and where to get the right hosting for your needs. How to change nameservers so everything points to the right place (don't worry, just follow through the example and you will do this with ease) How to install WordPress (in under a minute and with just a few clicks of your mouse). How to log in to your new WordPress website and begin making changes. How to change essential WordPress settings (just the ones you need to know). How to install and activate a new theme. The best places to purchase Premium WordPress themes. How to install and activate Plugins on your WordPress website or blog. How to Create and edit posts. How to create and edit pages. How to create menus on your new website. How to work with images. How to create links. How to work with widgets, and add cool functionality to your site. How to embed video on your website (the best way). Plus more cool stuff... Go from WordPress Zero to WordPress Hero in super fast time. Use your new know-how to build your own website or blog. Set up a web design business and charge others to do it for them."
Price: 19.99

"How to Soft Launch Your Mobile App for Optimal Success" |
"Asuccessful soft launchis the best way to optimize your app or game for widespread release. A soft launch is a limited release of your app, usually on a regional basis, that allows you to see what the initial reaction to your app or game is like.This technique has grown in popularity, with many developers trying the tactic before tackling major markets like the US, Canada, UK and other popular countries. There are many advantages to the soft launch such as receiving early customer feedback, gaining positive reviews and ironing out any bugs that you missed during testing.Soft launch your game or app the right way and you can enjoy more than early downloads. Find out how to take advantage of a crucial stage in release and give users the best version of your app or game!You will discover how to soft launch your app to maximize its potential for success. Inside this course, you will discover how to cheaply acquire beta users, what metrics you should focus on and what tools you should use to track your users."
Price: 49.99

"Curso Prctico de Django: Aprende Creando 3 Webs" |
"Bienvenidos al Curso Prctico de Django 2.x, el framework web de referencia para desarrollar backends con Python.Me llamo Hctor,soyprogramador Python y este es mi segundo curso en Udemy relacionado con este lenguaje, y si bien el primero era sobre fundamentos, este se puede considerar como un sucesor enfocado en mi especialidad: la web backend.Ser conciso y claro, el curso tiene un objetivo por encima de todo: aprender practicando cosas tiles y reales. Para ello te mostrar cmo completar tres proyectos paso a paso:- Web Personal: un proyectobsico deintroduccin al framework, basado en la creacin de una web sencilla con un portafolio dinmico y un panel de administrador para manejar los proyectos del portafolio.-Web Empresarial:un proyectointermedio para practicar lo aprendido e introducir nuevos conceptos, basado en realizar la web de presentacin de una cafetera con varias secciones dinmicas manejadas desde el panel de administrador.-Web Playground: un proyecto avanzado y de especializacin, centrado puramente en elbackend. Aqu aprenders a manejar la autenticacin y el registro de usuarios, a crear secciones internas slo para usuarios identificados, perfiles de usuarioy lo mejor de todo:un sistema de mensajera privada.Al finalizar las tres webshabrs desarrollado 10 apps de Django 2listas para utilizar en tus futuros proyectos, con suficiente calidad para aplicar tanto en el mbito personal como en elcomercial.Tambin aprenders sobre el proceso de despliegue porque te ensear a publicartus proyectos en Internet utilizando un servicio gratuito.Y finalmente contars con una seccin de anexos donde encontrarenlaces de inters y tutoriales para seguir aprendiendo.Ests listo para aprender Django 2 y controlar la Web Backend como nunca habas imaginado?"
Price: 199.99

"Learning to Learn" |
"Welcome to this e-learning course developed and produced by Dr Neil Thompson and hosted by Udemy. Neil is a well-published author in the people professions field, an international conference speaker and sought-after consultant.The overall aim of this course is to help you broaden and deepen your understanding of what is involved in learning, what can prevent it from happening and what you can do to maximize your learning. Learning is part of everyday life and something we are very familiar with. But, that does not mean that we are making the most of the learning opportunities we encounter. Indeed, it is fair to say that, despite the emphasis on the importance of learning, relatively few people achieve optimal learning. This is because we can be so focused on getting our job done that we don't leave room for drawing out the learning from our daily experience. This course has been developed to help you understand what is involved in learning, how learning can be blocked and what can be done to make sure that you learn as much as you reasonably can. The course comprises a short introductory video followed by six main lessons, a concluding video and certificate of completion. It is best if you follow the course in the set order, as each lesson builds on the previous ones. From time to time you will be directed to your Module Companion E-book. You will need to download this from Lecture 2 and print it out. It will then be very useful for you (a) to take notes to consolidate your learning as you progress through the program; and (b) to undertake the exercises that are a core element of the course. Please ensure that you have a printed copy of the Module Companion E-book available before you commence Lesson 1. The course is roughly equivalent to a full day's study, but can be completed in your own time and at your own pace; you don't have to complete it all in one go. Leave the course and come back to it whenever you like. We very much hope you find this course not only interesting but also of practical benefit in maximizing your learning!"
Price: 19.99

"Facing death ... Enriching life" |
"Death is something that we all have to face sooner or later. Ill cross that bridge when I come to it is a common response to this inevitability. Reasonable though this may seem, we may actually be short-changing ourselves in adopting it. This is because facing up to the reality of death can actually enrich our lives by helping us to appreciate how precious life is and how important it is to make the most of it while we can.These are challenging issues, but that makes it all the more important that we think them through, which is exactly what this course is about. It is divided into five video-based lessons that explore the significance of three sides of facing death. First, it looks at why it is important to be death aware. Second, it provides an overview of the issues involved in facing someone elses death for example, when we learn of the death of someone we care about or find out that someone we love is dying. Third, we explore some of the key issues involved in bereavement. Finally, we focus on our own mortality and why it is pointless and self-defeating to try and evade the fact that we are finite creatures, that death is part of life. There is also a module companion workbook that you will need to print out before you start the course. It contains space for notes plus an exercise relating to each of the three lessons. This is an important resource for you, as it will help to extend and consolidate your understanding and provide you with a set of notes to act as a reference source for future development."
Price: 34.99

"How to be liked" |
"You cant please all the people all the time, so inevitably there will be people who do not like you or what you do or say. However, there are things we can do to maximize the chances of people having positive feelings towards us. Being liked is an important part of our well-being and happiness it can make such a positive difference. There are no magic formulas for being liked and no guarantees of success. But what this course can teach you is a number of strategies for increasing the odds that people will like you and respond positively to you.After a short introduction, the course offers eight video-based lessons. The first discusses the importance of influencing skills and strategies and introduces the SELF-PROJECTION framework. Lessons 2 to 8 then cover the various elements of the SELF-PROJECTION approach, focusing on two aspects in each lesson. There is also a module companion workbook that you will need to print out before you start the course. It contains space for notes plus an exercise relating to each of the three lessons. This is an important resource for you, as it will help to extend and consolidate your understanding and provide you with a set of notes to act as a reference source for future development."
Price: 34.99

"Developing a reflective practice culture" |
"Welcome to this course on developing a reflective practice culture. This is a follow-on course to Getting Started with Reflective Practice, and so it assumes that you have a sound working knowledge of reflective practice to begin with. It has been developed with two groups of people in mind: (i) practitioners who want to take their knowledge of reflective practice to the next level; and (ii) managers who have responsibility for promoting reflective practice within their domain of responsibility.Following a short video introduction, there are five video-based lessons: 1.Why develop critically reflective practice? This lesson explains why, for reflective practice to achieve its full potential, it needs to be critically reflective practice 2.Reflective tools I: Why use them? Reflective practice tools can be extremely helpful, so in this lesson we look at why they are important and how they can be used. 3.Reflective tools II: Tools for thinking Reflective practice takes place at the meeting point of thinking and doing. In this lesson we focus on tools that be helpful in taking our thinking forward. 4.Reflective tools III: Tools for action Complementing Lesson 3, we focus here on tools for action, useful techniques that can make a real difference in the workplace. 5.Embedding reflection in practice One of the biggest obstacles to reflective practice is a workplace culture that discourages thinking and learning. So, in this final lesson we highlight what is involved in embedding reflection in practice by creating and sustaining a reflective culture. There is also a module companion workbook that you will need to print out before you start the course. It contains space for notes plus an exercise relating to each of the five lessons. This is an important resource for you, as it will help to extend and consolidate your understanding and provide you with a set of notes to act as a reference source for future development."
Price: 34.99

"Equality, diversity and inclusion" |
"The field of equality, diversity and inclusion is a very complex one, but also one that has been characterized by considerable oversimplification over the years that has led to a number of problems. This introductory course has therefore been developed to clarify what the important issues are and move away from the mistakes of the past and establish a much firmer understanding of what needs to be done to develop and maintain workplaces rooted in fairness and an appreciation of what different people can bring. The course consists of three video-based lessons, each emphasizing a different set of key points: Why promote equality, diversity and inclusion? This lesson clarifies the rationale for paying attention to the issues involved and also offers important definitions of the key terms (equality, diversity, inclusion) to avoid misunderstanding. Learning from past mistakes Historically our track record in addressing these issues has been mixed. While we have made good progress in some respects, we also have to acknowledge that some of the steps taken in the name of equality have been ineffective and have even created additional problems. This lesson therefore focuses on what can be learned from those mistakes. Pitfalls to avoid Continuing the learning from mistakes theme, this lesson identifies a number of pitfalls to avoid to make sure that our efforts to promote equality, diversity and inclusion are as effective as possible. There is also a module companion workbook that you will need to print out before you start the course. It contains space for notes plus an exercise relating to each of the three lessons. This is an important resource for you, as it will help to extend and consolidate your understanding and provide you with a set of notes to act as a reference source for future development."
Price: 34.99

"Getting started with reflective practice" |
"Welcome to this course on getting started with reflective practice. The importance of reflective practice is something that has been emphasized for quite some time now, although the strength of this emphasis is not generally matched by the degree of clarity about what reflective practice is, why it is important or how to actually do it. This course has therefore been developed specifically for people who are new to reflective practice or are familiar with reflective practice but want a better understanding of what it is all about. The course contains a short video introduction, four video-based lessons and a video conclusion, accompanied by a workbook. The three lessons cover: 1. Myths about reflective practice Unfortunately, reflective practice is characterized by a number of myths and misunderstandings. In this lesson I clear up some of the obstacles to understanding. 2. What is reflective practice? Having clarified what reflective practice is not, this lesson provides a clear picture of what it is all about. 3. Reflective writing This lesson explores the value and limitations of the practice of reflective writing.4. Making it happen In this third and final lesson we look at some strategies for actually doing reflective practice. The Module Companion is a workbook that you will need to print out before you start the course. It contains space for notes plus an exercise relating to each of the three lessons. This is an important resource for you, as it will help to extend and consolidate your understanding and provide you with a set of notes to act as a reference source for future development. Reflective practice, when done properly, can make a huge positive difference to the quality and quantity of your work, your job satisfaction and your continued learning and development. "
Price: 34.99

"Managing equality, diversity and inclusion" |
"This course has been developed as a follow-on course from the Equality, diversity and inclusion course. It has been produced with two groups of people in mind: (i) anyone interested in taking their understanding of the subject to the next level; and (ii) managers with a responsibility for developing and sustaining a culture rooted in equality, diversity and inclusion. It comprises three video-based lessons: Lesson 1: Understanding the complexities: PCS analysis This lesson, divided into four parts, presents a helpful framework for understanding how and why the issues involved in equality, diversity and inclusion are so complex. PCS analysis serves as a useful analytical tool for making sense of those complexities. It begins by revisiting the key concepts of equality and diversity. Lesson 2: Beyond political correctness Many of the difficulties around equality, diversity and inclusion revolve around the use of language. However, the simplistic political correctness approach of simply banning certain words has created more problems than it has solved. This lesson, also divided into four parts, provides a much more realistic approach to the complex relationship between discrimination and language. Lesson 3: Making it a reality Embedding equality, diversity and inclusion into a workplace culture is a challenging matter, and so this lesson explores steps that can be taken to equip you to rise to that challenge as effectively as possible. There is also a module companion workbook that you will need to print out before you start the course. It contains space for notes plus an exercise relating to each of the three lessons. This is an important resource for you, as it will help to extend and consolidate your understanding and provide you with a set of notes to act as a reference source for future development."
Price: 34.99

"How to be happy" |
"I just want to be happy is a common refrain, but what does it actually mean to be happy? Why do we see it as so important and what can we actually do to achieve our goal? These are some of the key issues explored by this course. It will help you to develop a fuller understanding of happiness, learn about the relationship between happiness and well-being and explore some strategies for achieving happiness and improving well-being.After a short introduction, the course offers six video-based lessons. In the first we explore what we mean by happiness and explain it in the context of the happiness spectrum. We also introduce the WELL-BEING framework. Lessons 2 to 6 then explore the different elements of that framework.There is also a module companion workbook that you will need to print out before you start the course. It contains space for notes plus an exercise relating to each of the three lessons. This is an important resource for you, as it will help to extend and consolidate your understanding and provide you with a set of notes to act as a reference source for future development."
Price: 34.99

"PMP Certification Exam Prep PMBOK 6th Edition, 600 Questions" |
"Passing the exam is no easy task, no matter how many books or videos you study. You will need to take exam like questions in order to be prepared for the real test. This course will giveyou the exam like experience you need in order to pass the actual exam on your first try.Almost all PMP exam questions are scenarios, which will test your ability to choose the best answer. The 3 mock exams in this course are mostly scenarios and are formatted just like the actual exam. They will test your skills and knowledge of selecting the best answer. All questions comes with a detail explanations of why a choice was correct and why the others were wrong. Unlike other providers, we are a PMI Registered Education provider: #3333. Based on the PMBOK Guide 6th Edition.Over 50 questions from each of the 10 knowledge areas and 5 process groups. 3 Full length Mock Exam. 200 questions each. 600 questions in total. 4-hour time limit to complete each exam. Many earned value management, 3-point estimates, and communication formula questions Detailed explanations for each question. Scenario based questions that challenges your ability to choose the best answer, just like the real exam. The most realistic exam questions you can find Exam like simulator to give you the look and feel of taking the actual exam. Ability to pause and complete it laterThese questions have taken an extensive amount of time to create and is currently used by thousands of our students to pass the PMP on their first try. Review all question and understand the answers and you will also pass the exam on your first try."
Price: 19.99

"5Ss Cmo lograr orden, limpieza y estandarizacin" |
"Quvoy aprender?Aprenderas todo lo necesario para implementar el sistema de las 5Ssmediante procesosefectivosdeseleccin , orden , limpieza yestandarizacin permanente.Conoceras las leyes del orden, la importancia de las secuencia y eliminacin de fuentes de contaminacin,este granmtodo Japones que se ha difundido con xito a nivel mundial, tcnicasque facilite organizar el lugar de trabajo, paramantenerlo siempre ordenado y limpio con lo que necesitamos, haciendo obvioa la vistalo que esta bien y lo que esta mal, donde todos lo hacen de la misma manera de forma practicay fcil de mantener.Al final no solo conocers porque cometemos errores si no que podrs vender los beneficios de cada etapa del proyecto."
Price: 19.99

"Business Management" |
"This course in Business Management (BM) is designed to train you to become a leading manager, or to work as a freelance consultant, with a company operating in multiple markets around the world. It is an intensive, short course created to provide professional development in managing business operations on an international scale. You are free to work at your own pace so completion time depends on you. Corporations operating globally need BM's to manage the localization of marketing materials, technical manuals, etc. for domestic markets worldwide.Candidates for these positions need to be able to learn quickly, think on their feet, and mobilize teams to fulfill commitments with clients relative to deadlines, quality, and cost. A university degree is advantageous but not necessarily essential. Foreign language skills can be useful but in your role as business manager you would not normally be required to translate or interpret as these tasks would be carried out by qualified translators and interpreters who would form part of your team.Persons with a background in languages, translation studies or linguistics would be able to fill some positions calling for such skill sets as a precondition. (Some smaller companies combine management and language skills in a single job offering.)This course takes you through the processes and procedures involved in managing and localizing marketing materials and other documents in a step-by-step presentation of study materials. Special attention is paid to web content and the tools used to produce websites with subsites holding information for target marketsYou will be able to measure your progress through quizzes and other tests, with feedback on your outcomes. There is no doubt that the job market for localization and translation services is facing a dramatic increase as the figures demonstrate: In 2012 the projections from the Language Services Market 2012 report states the industry will reach US $33.5 billion shared by over 26,104 suppliers of related services across the globe; Microsoft alone executes over 1,000 localization projects a year."
Price: 19.99

"Harassment in the Work Place" |
"This course is designed to meet the growing needs of employees, employers and students to understand the changing complexity of the modern work place. Today the work environment is more complex in its demands to provide a safe, non-hostile environment for all workers. The states and nations are requiring that employers, and employees, change their behavior to make this happen. The jokes and jibes of yesterday can become the law suite of tomorrow."
Price: 19.99

"OSHA 1910.1030 Bloodborne pathogens" |
"This course covers all the required material to satisfy OSHA 1910.1030 for workers in occupations with potential exposure to bloodborne pathogens. Students will understand OSHA definitions and standards, types of pathogens, engineering practices, sharps logs , and much more. Many occupations are required to have this training yearly. This course meets all the requirement for the OSHA yearly training."
Price: 19.99

"Meteor: Build a real-time web app using only JavaScript!" |
"Receive a verifiable certificate of completion to present to employers after completing this course. We're going to teach you how to build a database-powered web application using only javascript and HTML, using the Meteor framework. This is a great entry point for web developers looking to learn full stack development with a new exciting technology. Meteor allows you to build real time complex web applications using what you already know: just Javascript, HTML, and CSS. Take this class and youll be able to build and deploy a working application. Whether you want to build your own application or improve your marketable skills, Meteor is a great development tool to learn. "I took this course and finally finished a Udemy course!! It was fantastic. The pace was good and the level of detail was perfect. The course gave insight into Meteor, Handlebars, and Bootstrap all integrated together which is what you need to know to create anything... Thanks for a wonderful course!! I was very impressed with the real-time updates to multiple browsers without hitting the refresh browser button!!" - 5-star review by John Sylora This course was produced by Exygy, a custom web shop in San Francisco."
Price: 19.99

"Urban Meditation Guide" |
"Welcome to your Urban Meditation Guide! If you are looking to start or grow your meditation practice this powerful course gives you all that you need in a fun and easy way! You can complete this course in 45 minutes and you will gain lifetime access take it again! You will receive three informational videos that explain what meditation is and how it can benefit you, a guided breathing exercise to help you release stress and prepare for meditation, as well as guided meditation that you can listen to over and over again! Meditation allows you to relax, release stress and take time for yourself! We will dispel common myths about meditation so you can feel assured that YOU can meditate! Receive medical studies that prove that meditation reduces anxiety and improves the overall health of the body. We will go over what stress is and how a meditation practice can help you build up an immunity to stress so you can remain more calm and composed during stressful times. meditation is the tool that allows you to become more in control, focused and clear. Want to find the type of meditation that works for you? Receive information on four popular styles of meditation! Receive a simple breathing exercise that shows you how to use your breath to release stress, connect with your body and prepare for meditation! Experience our powerful guided audio meditation that is designed to bring you into a deep state of relaxation and reflection so you can enjoy the healing benefits of meditation! Meditation is a practical tool to enhance the quality of YOUR life by helping you manage stress, sleep better, look younger and create clarity and direction. Learn how to just chill out and relax! Meditation is the time that you put in to be effortless in life, so you can get in control your stress before it controls you. You will be guided by: Sarah Hauch, Healer, Success Coach, Life Activation Practioner at the Modern Mystery School and Hillary Faye 500-hour certified International Kundalini and Hatha Yoga Instructor, Meditation Guide, and blogger for The Daily Love and Yogi Times. Together Hillary and Sarah have been teaching meditation for 20 years they will show you that you can meditate by walking you through it step by step. Meditation is for everyone. One third of U.S. adults are using some form of alternative medicine such as yoga or meditation to help them release stress. In our over stimulated urban environments we need to learn how to take the time for ourselves to recharge and reconnect. Experts estimate that the mind thinks between 60,000 80,000 thoughts a day. That's an average of 2,500 3,300 thoughts per hour. The mind is like a box and once it gets full, you feel tired, overwhelmed, stressed and unhappy. Through meditation you open the lid to this box and release the mind clutter. You deserve to take this course now and learn tools to help you live a happier and healthier life!"
Price: 19.99

"Prparation la Certification PMP 6" |
"Cette formation vous apporte toutes les connaissances indispensables pour vous prparer la certification du PMI.Dans cette formation, vous dcouvrirez le PMBOK Guide 6th edition en dtails, et toutes les connaissances ncessaires pour passer votre certification Project Management Professional (PMP).Attention, cette formation devra tre complte d'un travail personnel important et de lectures complmentaires pour tre entirement prt passer la certification.Cette formation se dcompose en 3 parties:Partie 1Les examens du PMI: CAPM et PMPLes principes de la gestion de projet selon le PMIL'environnement du chef de projetLes process groupsLe knowledge area ""Integration""Le knowledge area ""Scope""Partie 2Le knowledge area ""Schedule""Le knowledge area ""Costs""Le knowledge area ""Quality""Le knwoledge area ""Resources""Partie 3Le knowlegde area ""Communication""Le knowledge area ""Risks""Le knwoledge area ""Procurement""Le knwoledge area ""Stakeholders""Attention: - LePMBOK Guide vous sera fourni au format lectronique (PDF) quand vous serez adhrent au PMI. Il n'est pas inclus dans cette formation- Cette formation contient toutes les vidos du programme; mais ne contient pas les quiz ou le support de cours. Pour obtenir ces lments et la certification incluse, rendez-vous sur skills4all catgorie PMP- PMBOK, PMI, PMP, PgMP, CAPM, PMI-SP, PMI-RMP, and PMI-ACP are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc. - PMI Registered Education Provider logo is a registered mark of the Project Management Institute, Inc. - The PMI logo is a registered trade mark of Project Management Institute, Inc."
Price: 199.99

"Basics of Accounting ( )" |
"------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Welcome to this courseBasics of Accounting ( )This course starts from What is Accounting, Need for Accounting to various Practical aspects in Accounting. It's just a beginning and more lectures will be added in the coming days.Enjoy lectures for each and every concept in accounting presented in casual language (as we speak tamil at home)and excel based presentation followed by Solved Case Studies Video.New videos will be added over next three months.In this course, you will learn Fundamentals of Accounting, step by step covering the following:Section 1:Introduction to Accounting;Section 2: Book Keeping;Section 3: Accounting Objectives and Process;Section 4: Accountancy, Accounting and Book Keeping;Section 5: Technical Terms in AccountingAnother 22 sections will be added in due course. Course description will be updated as when lectures are added.This course is structured in self paced learning style.Video lectures are used for delivering the course content.Take this course to create strong foundation in fundamentals of accountancy."
Price: 199.99

"Accounting Standards A Complete Study for CA/CMA/CS" |
"Welcome to this course ""Accounting Standards A Complete Study""The objective of this course is to have a complete overview of theory and practice of Accounting Standards issued by Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. In this course, i have taken efforts to explain each and every part of Accounting Standards and they will be supported by case studies as well.Knowledge of Accounting Standards is very essential from Examination perspective as well from Practical angle. Because, Accounting Standards significantly influence the way Financial Statements are prepared and presented. Students pursuing professional courses like Chartered Accountancy, Cost and Management Accountancy, Company Secretaryship, etc. should have through knowledge of Accounting Standards.I will be covering following Accounting Standards in this course:AS 1 Disclosure of Accounting PoliciesAS 2 Valuation of InventoriesAS 3 Cash Flow StatementsAS 4 Contingencies and events occuring after Balance Sheet DateAS 5 Net Profit or Loss for the period, Prior period items and Changes in Accounting PoliciesAS 9 Revenue RecognitionAS 10 Property, Plant and EquipmentAS 11 Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange RatesAS 12 Accounting for Government GrantsAS 13 Accounting for InvestmentsAS 16 Borrowing CostsAS 17 Segment ReportingAS 22 Accounting for Taxes on IncomeThis course is structured in self paced learning style. You can learn these number crunching topics at your own pace. Use head phone, have note pad / excel opened to scribble or take note of what you are learning.Wish you a happy learning."
Price: 199.99

"Financial Management in Tamil ( )" |
"- . . :a) Basics of Financial Managementb) Time Value of Moneyc) Financial Ratio Analysisd) Cash Flow Analysise) Fund Flow Analysisf) Capital Structuring Decisionsg) Cost of Capitalh) Capital Budgetingi) Working Capital Management . , / . , . ."
Price: 12800.00

"How to Enroll more students for your Online Courses" |
"Welcome to this course ""How to Enroll more Students for your Online Courses""This course is developed absolutely from my practical experience. I joined Udemy as an Instructor in May 2014 and started teaching Online Financial Courses. For first six months i didn't know what is happening or how to promote my courses. Because i had never been into Online Business nor was having anystudents base or Youtube subscribers or Facebook followers.I decided tostartfrom scratch. It's almost four years now (I am writing this on March 2018) and when i look back i have 50000+ students enrolled for my Online Financial Courses in Udemy. So what i did to bring students to my courses? What made Udemy to be bring morestudents for me?What i have learnt in promoting courses i.e., What one should doand should not do? I am going to talk about all these in this course.Take this course only if you are new instructor. (Experienced Instructors may find things to be common or routine).When my nichecourses can reach students across 180+ Countries, i am sure yours will also reach provided you practice them continuously.You know, Andrew Carnegie once said ""The men who have succeeded are men who have chosen one line and stuck to it""Also remember ""An Investment in Knowledge onlypays the Best Interest""See you inside the course!!!"
Price: 149.99

"Financial Management for CA Inter Exams (ICAI New Syllabus)" |
"Welcome to this course ""Financial Management for CA Inter Exams (ICAI New Syllabus)""Financial Management is one of the scoring paper in CA Intermediate Examination. However, many students do not realise that. Due to lack of practice, they stamp this subject as complicated / toughest. Worry not!!!Let us crack this subject with more practice. This course is structured to teach you Financial Management Chapter by Chapter strictly as per NewSyllabus prescribed by ICAI (60 Marks).Each and every chapter in this course will cover Theory and Practical Parts. Many past examination problems and study material problems will be discussed in this course. As you know, entire syllabus has been divided into 11 Chapters. They areChapter 1 Scope and Objectives of Financial ManagementChapter 2 Types of FinancingChapter 3 Financial Analysis and Planning - Ratio AnalysisChapter 4 Cost of CapitalChapter 5 Financing Decisions - Capital StructureChapter 6 Financing Decisions - LeveragesChapter 7 Investment DecisionsChapter 8 Risk Analysis in Capital BudgetingChapter 9 Lease FinancingChapter 10 Dividend DecisionsChapter 11 Management of Working CapitalYou will see all the above chapters will be discussed as 11 Sections in this course.This course is structured in self paced learning style. Do carry a note book & pen or open an excel to simultaneously practice problems. Listen with headset for effective learning.See you inside the course.DISCLAIMER: This course is designed exclusively for students taking CA Inter Examination of ICAI. Many of the lectures in this course have been picked from two other courses namely Financial Management A Complete Study and Advanced Financial Management A Complete Study to meet the syllabus requirements. Several additional lectures have also been included. Hence, take this course only if you want to study Financial Management exactly as per new syllabus of ICAI. Kindly go through course curriculum before purchasing.VIDEO UPLOAD STATUS: This course will have 400+ Video Lectures and all lectures will be uploaded on or before 30th April 2018"
Price: 199.99

"Direct Taxation in India A Comprehensive Study" |
"PLEASE NOTE: It is going to be one of the comprehensive course on Direct Taxation and may have 500+ Lectures. All the lectures are not yet added.I will be adding lectures at regular intervals in the coming months. So go through course curriculum before buying this course. Ensure topics you require are already published before buying. It would take few more months for me to complete this course.Welcome to this course ""Direct Taxation in India A Comprehensive Study""This course is created as a result of continuousdemand from existing students for course on Direct Taxation. This Course is mainly for students pursuing professional courses in India like CA / CMA / CS and graduation like BCom / MCom / BBA, etc. This course is not meant for students outside India.This course will take you through following topics:a) Basic Concepts of Direct Taxationb) Residence and Scope of Total Incomec) Incomes which do not form part of Total Incomed) 5 Heads of Incomee) Incomes of other person included in Assessee's Total Incomef) Aggregation of Income, Set-Off and Carry forward of Lossesg) Deduction from Total Incomeh) Computation of Total Income and Tax Payablei) Advance Tax, TDS andTax Collection at Sourcej) Provisions for filing return of Income and Self Assessment.This course is structured in self paced learning style. Use your head set for effective listening. Have your note pad or excel on your side to take note of what is taught so nothing goes unrecorded.See you inside the course."
Price: 199.99

"Problems & Solutions in Accounting Basics" |
"Welcome to this course ""Problems & Solutions in Accounting Basics""As the name says, this course will cover only problems / case studies in Accounting Basics. It means, there will be no separate lectures for Theoretical Concepts. You are expected to know theoretical concepts before taking up this course.Initially only few topics are published. However, over a period of time, following topics also proposed to be included in the course. Hence, go through the course curriculum before purchasing and make your decision to buy only after ensuring, topics you require are covered in this course.a) Accounting Conceptsb) Capital &Revenue Itemsc) Journal Entriesd) Ledgere) Trial Balance.This course is structured in self paced learning style.Excel / PPTsused for solving problems / case studies will be available for download.Solve problems simultaneously to get better grip on the case studies.See you inside the course."
Price: 39.99

"Problems & Solutions in Cost Accounting" |
"Welcome to this course ""Problems & Solutions in Cost Accounting""As the name says, this course will cover only problems / case studies in Cost Accounting. It means, there will be no separate lectures for Theoretical Concepts. You are expected to know theoretical concepts before taking up this course.Initially only following topics are published.a) Problems on Economic Order Quantityb) Problems on Inventory Levelsc) Problems on Stores Ledgersd) Problems on Employees Cost However, over a period of time, various other topics are also proposed to be included in the course. Hence, go through the course curriculum before purchasing and make your decision to buy only after ensuring, topics you require are covered in this course.This course is structured in self paced learning style. This course is presented in simple language with examples. What are the pre-requisites for taking this course?You should have basic knowledge of Cost Accounting. You would require good internet connection for interruption free learning process. Solve problems simultaneously to get better grip on the case studies.See you inside the course."
Price: 39.99
