"Arnold and Nuke - Light and Compositing a 3d Cinematic Shot" |
"In this course I will show you how to light and composite a real production shot in Arnold render and Nuke. You will learn the techniques used in the large VFX studios for rendering and composite high quality images for film and video game cinematics. You also will be able to create a custom version of the scene because I will provide you with the necessary assets and techniques to create you version of the shots in order to add it to your demo reel or portfolio."
Price: 29.99

"Audiovisual Colocation" |
"Audiovisual Colocation is a new kind of immersive media technique in which sounds are mapped to the same spatial locations as their visual sources in the screen. This course covers the general principles of audiovisual colocation, its many use cases, and also shows how to build your own colocative audiovisual media system."
Price: 19.99

"Cubo Mgico Para Quem No Sabe Nada de Cubo Mgico" |
"Este curso voltado para quem no sabe absolutamente nada sobre o cubo mgico ou j tentou aprender e no conseguiu.Por se tratar de um curso bsico, ele foi desenhado de forma que qualquer pessoa que tenha um pouquinho de pacincia e vontade de aprender, acima de tudo, consiga desvendar os mistrios desse puzzle.Ao final do curso, voc ser capaz de montar qualquer cubo 3x3 sem nenhum problema e ainda por cima fazer padres - figuras no cubo - super divertidos, que so ensinados no ltimo mdulo."
Price: 39.99

"Caring is selling - Selling by phone in challenging times" |
"Learn how to grow your connection with your customers. Shift your relationships with your customers from being purely commercial to being personal and very human.In this course you will learn how to be a better version of yourself, how to use the power of your voice on the phone, how to be authentic, the power of empathy and the 5 key elements of a powerful connecting call.You get to practice your calling techniques live with me or one of my team and finally you will then go into the direct calling of customers.At the end of the course, you then do live sales calls that really sell."
Price: 199.99

"Negocios 3.0 y las Megatendencias del Futuro." |
"Para guiar su visin global, este espacio se basar en el entendimiento de las Megatendencias, concepto manejado internacionalmente por consultoras como E&Y y PWC e instituciones como la OCDE y WEFORUM para referirse a los grandes cambios que afectan de miles a millones de personas en diferentes aspectos de su vida, abarcando regiones geogrficas extensas y que toman hasta 60 aos en formarse.En ste curso aprenders sobre los nuevos cambios en la economa, la tecnologa, la geopoltica, la sociedad y los grandes retos que enfrentamos como sociedad, aprovechars ese conocimiento para crear nuevas fuentes de ingreso, adelantarte a los cambios que estn por venir. Es un curso lleno de conocimientos nuevos, herramientas que te ayudarn a que te puedas a adaptar a la nueva realidad en la que estamos viviendo, en el planeta tierra."
Price: 24.99

"Curso de criao de personagens faz ideia" |
"Vamos criar personagem para uma srie de embalagens. Cada videoaula detalhada e explicada da forma mais didtica possvel, sempre com comentrios pontuais a cada passo feito. Emerson Costa Ilustrador do estdio Faz Ideia quem comanda esse curso.Vamos Juntos trabalhar num Job real para uma agencia!! Condensamos mais de 20 anos de aprendizado em um curso com poucas horas de durao, repleto de exemplos e exerccios. Um curso com todo esse contedo pode custar at 10x mais no mercado, e aqui voc vai ter acesso vitalcio s aulas. Novos vdeos sero disponibilizados no futuro, sem nenhum custo adicional. Alm de poder enviar suas dvidas e, se no estiver satisfeito, pode pedir seu dinheiro de volta em at 30 dias. E ns garantimos que ao concluir o curso e reproduzir todo material que ensinado, voc estar mais do que preparado para ingressar na rea da Ilustrao, ou mesmo voc que j um profissional poder ampliar seus conhecimentos. uma oportunidade imperdvel! Ateno este curso est em processo de construo, e novas aulas sero adsionadas semanalmente."
Price: 69.99

"Microsoft Power Automate - vom Beginner zum Profi" |
"Dieser Kurs bietet Ihnen alles was Sie zu Microsoft Power Automate wissen mssen! Egal ob Sie Neueinsteiger sind oder bereits etwas Erfahrung im Umgang mit Microsoft Power Automate gesammelt haben. Das Ziel dieses Kurses ist es, Ihnen den Umgang mit Power Automate, von Grund auf so zu erleichtern, dass Sie in der Lage sind, die Grundlegenden Dinge in Power Automate anwenden zu knnen und auch wissen, wie man komplexe Dinge mit der Hilfe von Flows automatisieren kann."
Price: 29.99

"Homeopatia - Conceitos e Benefcios" |
"Este curso voltado para voc que pouco sabe o que a Homeopatia pode fazer. Entenda por que ela utilizada por milhes de pessoas no mundo todo. Descubra o que ela pode lhe oferecer em relao sade sua e daqueles que esto a sua volta. Descubra que seu co ou gato pode ser curado por voc mesmo. Acredite que seu jardim, sua violeta em seu apartamento pode se beneficiar com a Homeopatia. Este curso para voc que quer buscar alternativas para uma vida mais saudvel e harmnica com a natureza. Cincia e energia pura se misturam para lhe fornecer um conhecimento que a mais de 200 anos tem comprovada eficcia."
Price: 39.99

"Basics of Subconscious Mind" |
"This is a basic course for people interested to know about the power of the subconscious mind. It starts with the basic concept of subconscious mind but gradually in the scaling chapters leaves you with the experiencing the power of Your subconscious Mind. This is an experiential course and will leave you with the curiousity to explore the depth and advancement of the potential power of your own subconscious mind."
Price: 19.99

"IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 for Arabic Speakers" |
"This course is designed to help you prepare for the IELTS Academic Writing Task 1.The course is composed of 9 videos, with both English and Arabic commentaries. Each video focuses on one type of question from the IELTS Academic Writing Task 1.The course aims to introduce you to all types of questions/rubrics on the IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 and focuses on useful language to use when producing your report for this IELTS task."
Price: 24.99

"Salsa Footwork Fundamentals ( Basic )" |
"Yes you are interested in this course and dancing . But if you do not have time to go a class . Do Not Worry .Here is your solution I designed this course for the :complete beginners , people who wants to transmission on1 to on2people who wants to enjoy the amazing salsa musicAnyone who feels lost when they have to dance on shine part ( without partner )for everybody .This course is a beginner level course teaching you how to dance Salsa and be able to feel comfortable dancing ."
Price: 19.99

"Yoga Immersion Course: Foundations & Flow" |
"Whether you are a beginner, or you have practiced yoga before, this course provides you with a holistic experience exploring and developing your personal practice.You will learn the necessary foundations to build a solid and refined understanding of yoga asana practice. This will enable you to not only practice posture correctly and efficiently, but also to flow effortlessly and experience moving meditation. Vinyasa yoga synchronizes breath, guiding your body into lightness and alignment and focusing the mind in the present moment.After this course you will know exactly what to do when practicing yoga at home or in public classes."
Price: 49.99

"Elke sessie zachte yoga is opgenomen in een open ruimte. Door de natuur dichterbij te brengen, maak jij zelf ook sneller contact met 'jouw natuur'. Je leert voelen en ademen en zo word je meegenomen in een moment waarbij je dichter bij jezelf komt. Een moment van 'uitloggen', weg van drukte en meer in contact met je innerlijk. Gedachten en emoties die aanwezig zijn kunnen worden ervaren en getransformeerd. Je wordt je meer bewust en leert zo meer rust te vinden bij jezelf."
Price: 19.99

"Curso completo - Influncia, Diferenciao e Posicionamento" |
"O foco principal deste treinamento mostrar que atravs de simples alteraes de perfis, voc pode no somente descobrir mas tambm mostrar e influnciar nas decises de seus clientes, assim como divulgar o seu grande diferencial e com isto se posicionar a frente de seus concorrentes, como tambem sair de situaes onde voc no sabe o que fazer quando se tem que fazer.O que fazer quando no sabe o que fazerLembrando que no somente no cenrio comercial que isto ocorre, mas tambm em nossa vida particular, familiar, afetiva e principalmente financeira.Este curso (3em1) ir te ensinar. O Que, Por Que, e Como fazer para posicionar voc o seu negcio em um nvel a frente da concorrncia sem ter que contratar nenhuma agncia de marketing, sem gastar montanha de dinheiro, mesmo que voc no entenda nada de marketing, alm de criar um grande atalho no seu tempo.O grande diferencial deste treinamento foi a sua construo, experiencias reais do autor. Se informao por si s fosse suficiente, voc poderia ter recorrido ao Google para resolver seu problema. Certamente voc precisa de algum que j esteve l onde quer chegar, algum que possa te levar at l... alguem que conhece o caminho que voc precisa percorrer, e esse algum sou eu."
Price: 579.99

"Modeling: Beyond the Runway" |
"Do you want to become a fashion model but don't know how to make it or you are a parent that dreams about a child's modeling future? Maybe, you just curious about this industry and always wanted to find out what is out there?I created ""Modeling: Beyond the Runway"" for you. I'll explain to you how this business works and guide you through the process of getting representation and then your first contract abroad. You'll be able to understand which instruments are the most valuable in this modeling and what will bring you success. Also, I invited a mother agent with 22 years of experience in managing models worldwide to this program, which will share her honest opinion about different modeling markets. Additionally, we'll go over a standard modeling contract and talk in detail about each chapter.This course will help you to understand what type of model you are and how you can become successful in modeling industry.I'll share with you my personal experience and knowledge that I built up through 13 years of international modeling and will teach you how to build modeling portfolio without money. We'll go over some crucial moments like what to do during fashion week, what attitude to have on set. All this and much more will be on this course.I enjoy helping. I always answer to people who reach out via Instagram or Facebook to me with questions related to modeling business, and I try my best to guide them. That's why I created this course, so more people would be able to get access to this inside information and understand better the industry."
Price: 34.99

"A Quick Beginners Guide to League of Legends" |
"What you'll get with the course:31 minutes of instruction/explanation of macro and micro concepts in LeagueKey Words and League Terms Glossary8 Best Practices on How to Play the game at a higher levelWhat youll learn:Client NavigationChampion Ability RundownRune Page TutorialMap and Objectives ExplanationRoles and Positions CoverageHow to Use Wards and other Vision Items8 High-Level Practices for Improvement"
Price: 19.99

"AWS Cloud Practitioner 390 Questions 6 Exam Papers (2020)" |
"Our AWS Cloud Practitioner Exams will cover all topics that will be in your actual examination. Upon completion of each exam you will get an explanation that will further boost your understanding.Topics Covered:Define what the AWS Cloud is and the basic global infrastructureDescribe the key services on the AWS platform and their common use casesDescribe basic AWS Cloud architectural principlesDescribe basic security and compliance aspects of the AWS platform and the shared security modelDefine the billing, account management, and pricing modelsIdentify sources of documentation or technical assistance (e.g., whitepapers, support tickets)Describe the AWS Cloud value propositionDescribe basic/core characteristics of deploying and operating in the AWS CloudWe do recommend completing the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Course, although the feedback we have received is that the explanations given for each question provide sufficient knowledge and understanding to be able to pass this certification."
Price: 19.99

"Contabilidade para no contadores" |
"Tenha sucesso em seus empreendimentos, reunies de negcios e anlises de empresas, leia relatrios contbeis e conecte-se com o mundo empresaria. Neste curso voc aprender a Ler Relatrios Contbeis e Financeiros, no fique com receio de participar de reunies de negcios, apresentao de resultados, oportunidades de empreendimentos, assembleias ordinrias e extraordinrias, saiba o significado dos ndices de anlises de balano e o relacionamento com as demonstraes contbeis e financeiras, vamos ler os principais pontos de um relatrio financeiro verdadeiro."
Price: 69.99

"Kurs ile ilgili ""indirim kuponlar"" iin ltfen mesajla veya boramat@gmail.com dan iletiime geiniz.El yazs ile hazrlanm yeni mfredata uygun 8. snf matematik konular (LGS) tebeir ile ders tadnda bol soru zm ile anlatlyor. Satn almadan ltfen rnek videolar izleyiniz.Her dersten nce mutlaka pdf dkmann ktsn alnz ve dkman zerine izlerken not alnz, sorular znz.Sadece seyrederek renilmez.Elde kaynak olmadan, dkman zerine videoyu izlerken not almadan, sorular zmeden sadece seyrederek baarl olunmaz.Bu kurs ile size pdf formatnda kaynak da sunuluyor.Anlatm dikkatle dinledikten sonra, sorularda videoyu durdurup, nce siz zmeyi deneyiniz.Elinizden geleni yapnz, yanl bile olsa, uratnz iin zm daha iyi anlarsnz ve renim kalc olur.Size zor gelen anlatmlar veya sorular olabilir, pes etmeyin tekrar tekrar dinleyin gerekirse bize dann.Takldnz yerler olursa udemy zerinden veya facebook grubumuzdan bize soru sorabilirsiniz (grubumuzun ad LGS MATEMATK DESTEK). Grubu arama ile bulamazsanz buraya linki yazamadmzdan mesaj ile isteyiniz.rencilerimizi her zaman desteklemeye hazrz."
Price: 199.99

"Corso di Storytelling Crea il Tuo Racconto Passo-Passo" |
"Non riesci a finire il tuo libro/racconto e ti sei accorto che ""manca qualcosa""? Probabilmente quello che ti serve uno schema solido da seguire! Sapevi infatti che gran parte delle storie, dai romanzi alle serie tv, seguono regole ben precise frutto di pi di un secolo di studi accademici? Si tratta di ""strutture archetipiche"" che possono dare una spinta alla tua storia e renderla affascinante e convincente.In questo corso ti insegner a creare l'impalcatura narrativa della tua storia da zero seguendo i modelli strutturali dello storytelling efficace. Un percorso pratico passo-passo che ti permetter di creare storie fantastiche e personaggi credibili con facilit e in tempo reale, gi mentre guardi le video-lezioni (ti basta un foglio e una penna).Grazie a questo corso imparerai:a trovare idee per i tuoi raccontia ""far stare in piedi"" le tue storie grazie gli schemi narrativia creare personaggi e a lavorare sulla loro psicologiaUn corso adatto a scrittori, copywriter, sceneggiatori e a coloro che desiderano avvicinarsi al mondo dello storytelling professionale.Indice delle lezioni:Cosa impareremo in questo corso?Archetipi, Strutture Standard, Identificazione e Funzioni NarrativeLa struttura in 3 atti narrativi. Cosa avviene in ogni atto?Iniziare la storia: dalla stabilit alla scintilla che accende l'azioneL'azione vera e propria: le prime avversit, le sfide e le regole del mondo nuovoConcludere la storia: l'azione continua, la morale e la maturazione del protagonistaCreare i Personaggi: le Figure Classiche, le Maschere e l'Evoluzione dell'EroeCreazione e Personalizzazione Psicologica del ProtagonistaLa Profondit Narrativa: Plot e Sub-PlotCreazione e Personalizzazione dei Personaggi Secondari e degli AntagonistiRingraziamenti e Saluti"
Price: 49.99

"LinkedIn for Photographers and Videographers" |
"Do you want to find more paid jobs, shoots, gigs and business as a photographer or videographer?Did you know LinkedIn is an amazing place to find paid photography and video work?Have you tried to use LinkedIn to find photo or video jobs?If this interests you, this course will teach you everything you need to know to find work on LinkedIn.WHAT WILL YOU LEARN IN THIS COURSE?You will learn a proven strategy to find photography and videography work on LinkedIn. From optimizing your LinkedIn profile to expanding your network... from boosting your personal brand to actually landing that job, we'll show you exactly how to do it. By the end of the course, you'll have a professional and eye-catching LinkedIn profile. You'll know who and how to reach out to potential clients and employers. You'll be well on your way to landing more paid work with LinkedIn.WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR?Whether you're just starting your photography or videography career or have an established business looking for more work, this is a great course for you to find more paid work. This course is for you if you have never tried LinkedIn to find paid work. Or, this course is for you have tried LinkedIn before but haven't been successful. You can be a photographer OR videographer. In fact, you can benefit from this course if you are in any creative field looking for work such as artist, graphic designer, illustrator, sound artist, actor or actress, animator, 3D game designer, or really anything else!WHO ARE YOUR INSTRUCTORS?This course is taught by a team of industry professionals. Gustavo Escobar has helped thousands learn how to expand their business and get more work with LinkedIn. Phil Ebiner has used LinkedIn to land both part time and full time work as a videographer. Together, their real world experience will help you!OUR HAPPINESS GUARANTEEWe are committed to making this the best course on how to find work with LinkedIn for photographers and videographers online. If you ever have critiques or suggestions, we are happy to hear them. We will be updating this course when there are any changes on LinkedIn. And once enrolled, you have lifetime access to these updates!We can't wait to see you in class, and help you find work on LinkedIn!Cheers,Phil & Gustavo"
Price: 99.99

"LinkedIn para Fotgrafos y Tcnicos en Video" |
"Quieres encontrar tu trabajo ideal, proyectos de fotografa o video, participar en sesiones de fotos, trabajos de freelancer, o clientes para tu productora de videos o estudio de fotografa?Sabias que LinkedIn es una red extraordinaria para encontrar trabajos y clientes para proyectos de fotografa al igual que de video?Has intentado usar LinkedIn para encontrar trabajos de video o de fotografa?Si esto te interesa, este curso te ensear todo lo que necesitas saber para encontrar trabajo o clientes en LinkedIn.QU APRENDERS EN ESTE CURSO?Aprenders una estrategia probada para encontrar trabajos de fotografa y de video usando LinkedIn. Desde optimizar t perfil de LinkedIn a expandir tu red de contactos, y por supuesto impulsar tu marca personal para que puedas posicionarte con experto/a y conseguir tu trabajo ideal. Te ensearemos como hacer todo eso.Para cuando termines este curso, tendrs un perfil de LinkedIn optimizado y atractivo. Sabrs cmo contactar con potenciales clientes y potenciales jefes/as. Y estars de camino a conseguir mejores trabajos y/o clientes usando LinkedIn.PARA QUIN ES ESTE CURSO?Ya sea que recin ests empezando en la industria de fotografa o de video o ya sea que tienes dcadas de experiencia o quizs tienes un negocio bien establecido y simplemente quieres ms clientes, este es un curso ideal para profesionales de la industria de fotografa y video que desean crear mas oportunidades profesionales, ya sea a travs de nuevos trabajos o clientes. Si intentando usar LinkedIn en el pasado, pero no tuviste xito, entonces este curso tambin es para ti, porque aqu aprenders a tener xito con LinkedIn. Puedes ser fotgrafa/o o tcnico en video, de hecho, puedes estar en cualquier profesin de creacin artstica como diseador grfico, ilustrador, tcnico de sonido, actor, actriz, animadores, diseadores de juegos... en realidad cualquier profesin artstica.QUINES SON LOS INSTRUCTORES?Este curso es impartido por un equipo de profesionales de la industria. Gustavo Escobar ha ayudado a miles de personas a expandir su negocio y conseguir trabajos usando LinkedIn. Phil Ebiner ha usado LinkedIn para conseguir trabajos a tiempo parcial y a tiempo completo como tcnico en video. Juntos, su experiencia real y prctica te ayudar y guiar para que t tambin lo hagas!NUESTRA GARANTA DE FELICIDADTenemos el compromiso de hacer que este sea el mejor curso de LinkedIn para fotgrafos, fotgrafas y tcnicos en video que puedas encontrar. Si en cualquier momento tienes sugerencias de cosas que te gustara que incluyramos, avsanos, que estaremos felices de hacer lo que est en nuestras manos para mejorar el curso. Adems actualizaremos el curso cuando haya cambios en LinkedIn. Y una vez te inscribas tendrs acceso de por vida a todas las actualizaciones.Tenemos ganas de verte ya en las clases y de ayudarte a conseguir el trabajo que quieres usando LinkedIn!!Un abrazo,Phil & Gustavo"
Price: 99.99

"Ultimate AWS Certified Developer Associate 2020 Masterclass" |
"Welcome to this course[Course Updated] August 2020: Added Power shell Command Reference file in the resource section (Lecture 270)Want to pass the NEW AWS Certified Developer Associate Certification Exam? Look no further as I'm here to help you prepare and PASS the newest AWS Certified Developer Associate Certification ExamAs for the June 2020 Update we have over 225 lectures have been added or refreshed, bringing the course to 34 hours of content, and fully up to dateUltimate AWS Certified Developer Associate 2020 Masterclass Course focuses on the role-based certification, AWS Developer Associate. According to Amazon, this exam validates proficiency in developing, deploying, and debugging cloud-based applications using AWS. AWS Certified Developer Associate DVA-C01 exam domain areasDomain 1 is Deployment Deploy written code in AWS using existing CI/CD pipelines, processes, and patternsDeploy applications using Elastic Beanstalk Prepare the application deployment package to be deployed to AWS Deploy serverless applicationsDomain 2 is SecurityMake authenticated calls to AWS servicesImplement encryption using AWS services Implement application authentication, and authorizationDomain 3 is Development with AWS Services Write code for serverless applications Translate functional requirements into application design Implement application design into application code Write code that interacts with AWS services by using APIs, SDKs, and AWS CLDomain 4 is Refactoring Optimize application to best use AWS services and features Migrate existing application code to run on AWSDomain 5 is Monitoring and Troubleshooting Write code that can be monitored Perform root cause analysis on faults found in testing or productionThis course also comes with: Lifetime access to all future updates A responsive instructor in the Q&A Section Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for Download A 30 Day ""No Questions Asked"" Money Back Guarantee! FREE AWS Certified Developer Associate sample exam within this course. FREE E-Book on AWS Cost Optimization DevOps, Python Introduction and Python Advanced topicsAccording to salaries reported by LinkedIn members who work at Amazon Web Services (AWS) in United States: ""The average salary for the role of Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services (AWS) in United States is $155,000 per year. This salary is based on 142 salaries submitted by LinkedIn members with the title AWS Certified Developer Associate at Amazon Web Services (AWS) in United States"" See what our students say It is such a comprehensive course that I dont need to take any other course but this one to learn all important concepts and hand-on application with this Ultimate AWS Certified Developer Associate 2020 Masterclass Course, and I would without a doubt recommend it to everyone. - Stephen MilesJoin thousands of other students and share valuable experience!Why take this course?As 10x AWS certified team, Microsoft, and Cisco Certified, a senior Enterprise Architect & Project Manager managing and deploying enterprise level IT projects, my experience with AWS has been phenomenally great! I am excited to share my knowledge and transfer skills to my students. Enroll now in Ultimate AWS Certified Developer Associate 2020 Masterclass Course today and revolutionize your learning. Stay at the cutting edge of certification and AWS architectures- and enjoy bigger, brighter opportunities.See you in classSyed Team ClayDesk"
Price: 199.99

"Build A Paint Program With TKinter and Python GUI Apps" |
"In this course I'll teach you how to make graphical user interfaces for Python using TKinter. You'll be surprised just how quickly you can create some pretty cool looking apps!I'll show you the ins and outs of tKinter, and then I'll show you how to package your app as an .exe file that you can share with others! We'll be building out a Paint program throughout the course! You'll be able to draw on a canvas, choose from three different brush typed, change the color of the brush and canvas, and change the size of the brush. You'll also be able to save the images. If you've ever wanted to create GUI apps with Python, this is the course for you!"
Price: 199.99

"Music Theory for Electronic Musicians 4: Twists and Turns" |
"Welcome to the MUSIC THEORY FOR ELECTRONIC MUSIC Guide - Part 4!This course is ""5-Star Certified"" by the International Association of Online Music Educators and Institutions (IAOMEI). This course has been independently reviewed by a panel of experts and has received a stellar 5-star rating.In this class we are going to focus on turning chord progressions into an expressive element of the track, and not just ""blocks"" of harmony. We will add some new chords, look at passing tones and a few kinds of suspensions, and a kind of ""out of the box"" chord progression called a Sequence. This will make writing chords a whole lot easier!If Your Music is Missing Something, This is Probably It. If you are finding that you are writing track after track, and while they sound good, there is something they are missing - then this it. You are missing the sense of harmony that professional producers have. In this class, I'll arm you with all the tools you need to produce those tracks just like you imagine them.Who should take this course? Anyone interested in producing their own music. This will get you up and running and give your tracks a unique sound in no time.Structure This course consists of video lectures, which all contain a session in Ableton Live 10. If you are using a different program (or none at all), no worries! This isn't a class on how to use Ableton Live, and the concepts can be applied to any DAW.Topics include:Non-chord Tones in ChordsPassing TonesNeighbor TonesPassing ChordsNeighbor ChordsSuspensionsAppoggiaturasCadencesHalf CadencesPlagal CadencesSequencesProgressions by a Fifth SequenceProgressions by a Fourth SequenceProgressions by a Third Sequence... And much more!!!The course is a roadmap to finding the missing piece in your tracks, or just getting started making great tracks.All the tools you need to make, produce, and start your music career are included in this course, and the entire course is based on real-life experiences - not just academic theory.Please click the ""Take This Course"" button so you can start making great tracks today.** I guarantee that this course is the most thorough music theory course available ANYWHERE on the internet - or your money back (with the Udemy 30-day money-back guarantee)Closed captions have been added to all lessons in this course.--------------------------------------------------------------------- Praise for Courses by Jason Allen: ""It seems like every little detail is being covered in an extremely simple fashion. The learning process becomes relaxed and allows complex concepts to get absorbed easily. My only regret is not taking this course earlier."" - M. Shah ""Great for everyone without any knowledge so far. I bought all three parts... It's the best investment in leveling up my skills so far.."" - Z. Palce ""Excellent explanations! No more or less than what is needed."" - A. Tth ""VERY COOL. I've waited for years to see a good video course, now I don't have to wait anymore. Thank You!"" - Jeffrey Koury ""I am learning LOTS! And I really like having the worksheets!"" - A. Deichsel ""The basics explained very clearly - loads of really useful tips!"" - J. Pook ""Jason is really quick and great with questions, always a great resource for an online class!"" M. Smith----------------------------------------------------------------------------Students who register for this course will receive ongoing exclusive content and discounts for all future classes in the series. "
Price: 29.99

"Viral Marketing & Growth Hacking With Content Marketing" |
"Learn how a professional marketer plans and positions their content and product for virality.Everyone talks about going viral and for most people, it's a myth because it's an overused term that can mean nothing. But professional marketers understand what virality means and how to take advantage of it for things they are promoting.VIRAL COEFFICIENT FORMULAYes, you can count the virality of your content. I'll walk you through how virality is calculated so you can understand how much further your content has to go in order to go more viral.Throughout the course, you will learn small details that will boost the virality of your content and get you more sharing.LEARN VIRAL TECHNIQUESLearn how to dominate in hashtags, use images and memes, write better headlines that get attention, and much more.ALSO VIRAL SOCIAL MEDIA CONTENT CREATIONLearn to create viral memes in seconds that can be shared around social media sites and get re-shared because they are funny and engaging. Also, learn how to create content that has more virality built into it.Invest in your future! Enroll today."
Price: 49.99

"Female Character Portrait Creation - Complete Film Pipeline" |
"Corazon Bryant always had an artistic bone in her body. When she was only 2 years old, she would make detailed drawings on her mother's wall. Her mother loved the drawings so much, she decided to keep them. With the encouragement of her mother, she continued drawing and she only got better as time went by. When Corazon was in middle and high school, she earned money making portraits for her classmates and even for her teachers. She pursued a college degree in Media Arts & Animation and later worked for architectural and entertainment companies such as Camm Productions, ID DI Design, and PDT International. She also had an opportunity to do some freelance work for Mega Pickle Entertainment. While working as a 3D artist, she had a chance to teach 3D animation classes in an A+ school. This is when she found her true love - which is not only to talk about 3D endlessly but to also inspire greatness in young upcoming artists. Corazon is currently working on a new project called Victory 3D with fellow industry-experienced artists to provide an affordable and effective learning system that will make it easier for students to get a job in the 3D industry.Course InfoHave you been looking for a course that shows you how to make a realistic full body character, sculpt likeness, retopologize, unwrap, texture, and render all in one place? Then look no further. This course is for you. In this course, I will take you through the process of creating a beautiful female character and make it production-ready for films and animations.The main topics we will be covering are:-Sculpting a female character from head to toe -Sculpting believable clothing -Variety of retopology methods for movie characters -Full body UDIM workflow -Marvelous to Maya Retopology and UV creation -Industry techniques for painting detailed textures -Realistic skin shader, metal & cloth materials -Creating realistic hair in Xgen-High quality lighting and rendering using ArnoldBefore starting this course, you should have a basic understanding of Zbrush, Maya, and Photoshop. No knowledge of Wrap, Marvelous Designer and Mari is needed as I will teach you the basics of these programs.In this comprehensive course, we will begin by working on our female face and body using Zbrush. I will go over the major forms that you need to know to be able to produce a realistic female character. We will create details such as skin pores and tiny wrinkles to bring life to our character. We will learn about different ways of retopologizing our character, using automatic retopology and manual retopology using Wrap and Maya. We will generate our UV map for our character using the UDIM workflow. I will go over what UDIMs are, and why they are important when it comes to creating high resolution textures. You will learn how to simulate clothing using Marvelous Designer. We will then take our clothes in Maya to retopologize them to create a clean mesh, and then back into Zbrush to create major folds, minor folds, and memory folds. We will use Mari to hand paint our skin from scratch. I will show you exactly how to make different types of maps such as color map, specular map, and sss map step by step. We will create real world shaders such as silk, metal, and skin and we will go through the process of learning how to connect our maps properly. Then we move on to creating our hair using Zbrush and Maya. We will create our main hair using Fibermesh, then we go inside Maya to make Nhair for our braids that we will then use for our Xgen hair. We will create realistic eyebrows, eyelashes and peachfuzz all using one of the most powerful tools in Maya called Xgen. Last, I will show you how to create a nice clean render using Arnold and do some postwork in Photoshop to further enhance our image.By the end of this course, you will be able to create your own amazing female character that is fully ready for production.If you are ready to challenge yourself and get out of your comfort zone to be a great artist, then its time for you to sign up for this course. There are no limitations on what you can be, have or do, as you are the master of your artistic journey. Make today the day that you take action, come and join this course at Victory3D."
Price: 94.99

"How To Launch Your E-commerce Store" |
"Always dreamed about getting into E-com? Read on...Brand New Over-The-Shoulder Video Series On How To Set Up, Configure & Launch Your E-Commerce Store In Just Days From Now!Its about time you start your own business.Its about time you call the shots and become your own boss.Its about time you take charge of your life.Its about time you set your own schedule.Arent you worried about not spending more time with your kids or family?I know you are. But youre just not in the best position to change all of thatI understand...It's Not Your Fault!Chances are that youve even thought about starting your own business, but youre scared.Youve heard in the news that 90% of small businesses fail during their first year of business. And if you pay attention to this statistic, youre making a huge mistake.Why?Its because most of the people who fail dont know what theyre doing.Most people who fail jump right in without doing the research - they have no clue how to market their business.Honestly, anyone can put on an online store. Anyone can.But the difference between success and failure is the ability to complete the sale, satisfy and gain more repeat customers, and also drive targeted customers to your website.Your Own E-Commerce StoreMost people ask me: ""How do YOU make money online without spending a lot of money?""And I often said e-com is the solution.With an e-com store, you get paid for a product a customer orders.Then you order it from a reliable supplier and the supplier delivers directly to your customer.EasyYou don't even have to handle anything.Its GUARANTEED PROFITS since youre getting paid more by the customer than what youre paying to order the productListenOne of the business models that could make you a whole lot of money in a short time is e-commerce.Its easy get startedIt's easy to manageAnd it requires less capital and manpowerWhy You Need To Get Started Now:If youre willing to put in the work, you too can manage a successful online businessAnd one of the businesses that:Allows you to be 100% location independent.Take nice vacation twice or thrice a year.Have all the money and freedom you need.Work when you want.Get up when you want and have more free time.Launch Your E-Commerce StoreThe Complete Step-By-StepE-commerce BlueprintListenIf you really want to succeed onlinewith ecommerce to be precise, Launch Your E-Commerce Store is one of the training you should invest in.Its where I take you by the hand and personally show you precisely what it takes to launch a successful ecommerce store online EVEN if youre starting from scratchfrom setting up your store, to sourcing for product, driving targeted clients to finally seeing salesIts a complete E-commerce blueprint.If youre an online business owner planning to start this business model, or a complete newbie, thats more reason why you need to get this training.It also doesnt matter how inexperienced you are, this course will take you by the hand and have you generating an income with your store in no time.Heres What Youll Discover InsideThis Video Training:Introducing the opportunity that lies in running your own e-commerce store and why you need to start it right now.Discover which platform is best for getting started and which features you should consider before going ahead.What are the key components of launching a successful e-com store.Get set up very quickly and configure the basic settings of your store.How to organize your website template and make it appealing to your crowd.How to insert product images and descriptions to display your products.What is the best way to display your images to attract more clicks.And many more...This is such an amazing offer,how much for all this?Many people that try to figure things out on their own end up wasting a lot of time and get frustrated and end up with nothing.Thats because they spin their wheels, follow bad advice, and just dont get the right roadmap to success.This video series will prevent that from happening When you invest in this training today, you watch as I do it and you replicate it.Its THAT simple.I look forward to have you in the members area and be able to help you get started today. Ive shared by best tips and tricks inside.So with that said, I wish you a lot of success ahead."
Price: 24.99

"Planning Quality Management (PMI - PMP)" |
"The Planning Quality Management (PMI - PMP) is course 14 of 28 of the Project Management Professional Certification Program (PMI-PMP). In today's competitive world, customer satisfaction is paramount. It's so important that meeting customer expectations is how we define quality. So the quality of a product isn't about being 100% defect free or whether you think it's perfect. It's about whether the customer will be happy with it as it is. In this course, you'll learn about the project quality management knowledge area and the plan quality management process.1. Quality Management Overview2. Quality, Grade, Precision, and Accuracy3. The Project Quality Management Processes4. Inputs of Plan Quality Management5. Plan Quality Management Tools and Techniques 6. Cost of Quality7. Cost-Benefit Analysis8. Outputs of Plan Quality Management9. The Quality Management Plan10. Exercise: Planning Quality ManagementThats it! Now go ahead and push that Take this course button, and see you on the inside!"
Price: 24.99

"Introduction to Mass Transfer Operations" |
"Introduction:In this mini-course we will cover the most basic processes involved in Mass Transfer Operations. This is an overview of what type of processes, methods and units are used in the industry. This is mostly an introductory course which will allow you to learn, understand and know the approach towards separation processes involving mass transfer phenomena.It is an excellent course before any Mass Transfer Process or Unit Operation Course such as Distillations, Extractions, Lexiviation, Membranes, Absorption, etc...This course is extremely recommended if you will continue with the following:Flash Distillation, Simple Distillation, Batch DistillationGas Absorption, Desorption & StrippingBinary Distillation, Fractional DistillationScrubbers, Gas TreatingSprayers / Spray TowersBubble Columns / Sparged VesselsAgitation VesselsPacked Towers, Tray TowersMembranesLiquid ExtractionDryers / HumidifiersAdsorbersEvaporators/SublimatorsCrystallizersCentrifugationsAnd many other Separation Technology!Theory-Based CourseThis is a very theoretical course, some calculations and exercises are present, but overall, expect mostly theoretical concepts.At the end of the course:You will be able to understand the mass transfer operations concepts. You will be able to identify Mass Transfer Unit Operations. You will be also able to ensure the type of method of separation technology used.You will be able to apply this theory in further Unit Operations.About your instructor:I majored in Chemical Engineering with a minor in Industrial Engineering back in 2012.I worked as a Process Design/Operation Engineer in INEOS Koln, mostly on the petrochemical area relating to naphtha treating. There I designed and modeled several processes relating separation of isopentane/pentane mixtures, catalytic reactors and separation processes such as distillation columns, flash separation devices and transportation of tank-trucks of product."
Price: 19.99

"Aprenda Ingls Agora" |
"Nossos cursos de ingls - tanto para adultos como para crianas - so elaborados por nossa equipe de especialistas nativos para atender s demandas especficas de cada empresa ou escola (privada ou pblica). Esse projeto desenvolvido por 15 professores nativos (ingleses, americanos e canadenses). voc ir aprender Ingls coloquial, e como falar como nativo .A parte da explicao em portugus falada por professores brasileiros, enquanto a parte em ingls falada pelos professores nativos.O curso comea com uma conversa entre 2 nativos, e no final da lio voc entender tudo da conversa.Usamos o mesmo mtodo citado acima, o VLM, com professores nativos.Essa a primeira parte do curso Qual o nosso mtodo?Usamos o mtodo mais fcil e mais rpido para aprender o idioma, que o chamado Video Learning Method (VLM ) de desenhos e imagens e com professores nativos. A pessoa aprender a falar corretamente e a pronunciar como um nativo. O curso oferece preo acessvel para qualquer pessoa."
Price: 114.99
