"Drones For Beginners 2020" |
"A step-by-step video guide to understanding and building your very own drone. The course will take someone who has little to no prior experience with radio controlled model flying to someone that fully understands all the basic concepts by building a drone from scratch.You should take this course if you want to fast track your understanding of the field instead of tirelessly reading countless forums to get a basic understanding of the hobby.In the course well build a super-fast racing quadcopter which can be built on a budget. The concepts talked about can be applied to any type of multi-rotors, even the ones used to carry expensive video equipment by filming crews!Course is structured in a way that it fully explains the theory and demonstrates the build in a very easy to understand manner.How long the course takes to complete depends on how much time you allocate to it and how much experience you have with similar projects."
Price: 19.99

"Recon in Cybersecurity" |
"Highly sought-after cybersecurity professionals are those able to demonstrate their skills immediately. Being practical weighs heavier than degrees/certifications because it all boils down to what you can do.In this intermediate-level course, I am teaching you a very specific skill: recon in cybersecurity. You will be able to apply this skill in areas such as cybersecurity research, bug bounty hunting, and penetration testing.The majority of course-materials you find online are tailored to beginners. This course is nothing like that. I don't show you how to set up an environment or how to install tools.Time is the most important resource we have. Therefore, I cut through all of the non-sense and show you how I use my knowledge, skills, mine and other people's tools for security research and bug bounty hunting. You will learn:about my personal bug bounty hunting methodologywhy recon can open doors to multiple security threatshow to find and choose good private or public programs to hack onI'll also teach you:about my manual and automated recon tacticsabout the importance of coding in reconsubdomain discovery and bruteforcingabout bucket hunting, github recon and dorkinghow to analyze JS filesand much more.By the end of this course, you will be armed with powerful skills for your professional engagements."
Price: 124.99

"The Behavioral Design Process" |
"In this course you will learn about the the best process to follow when you are designing for behavioral change. We created the Behavioral Design Process to help organizations get better results when they are trying to change behavior. When you are done with this course you will be able to apply the Behavioral Design Process to your projects and your organization.All of our courses have quizzes, as well as exercises that you can send in for feedback.Once you register for the course you can access it 24 hours a day, and learn at your own pace on either a desktop, laptop or mobile device.Learn the Behavioral Design Process and use it to design for behavioral change and sign up now!"
Price: 94.99

"Data Science & Machine Learning: Theory & Practice" |
"In this training programme, you will learn Data Science and Machine Learning using Python & R. It will prepare students of any discipline to find lucrative jobs in the vast field of Data Science. Students will also learn Python and R in the process. Data Science is all about processing data received from various sources and deriving information and knowledge from that. This field uses statistics and machine learning tools. Applications are Market analysis, Predictive analytics, Demand Forecast, Recommender Systems, Social Media Analysis, Person analysis etc."
Price: 99.99

"Geometra Racional" |
"El curso de Geometra Racional inherente a las Reglas y Conceptos bsicos especficamente sobre Figuras Planas, se ha considerado subdividirlo en varios argumentos, a saber:1. Entes Geomtricos fundamentales; 2. Igualdad de las figuras; 3. Polgonos en general y Tringulos; 4. Rectas perpendiculares y rectas paralelas; 5. Relaciones entre los lados y ngulos de un polgono; 6. Tringulos rectngulos; 7. Trapecios, paralelogramos; 8. Circunferencia y Crculo; 9. Polgonos inscritos y circunscritos; 10. Problemas Grficos Convencionales; 11. Equivalencia de superficies planas; 12. reas de polgonos; 13.Aplicacin de Algebra a la Geometra."
Price: 49.99

PythonFXFintech |
"FintechFXPythonOandaAPIFXFXAPIFXOandaAIFXPython + Fintech AIFintechFintech"
Price: 199.99

"Take The Positive Thinking Challenge" |
"Here are four of the many benefits of thinking positively:You Can Reduce Your Anxiety and DepressionStress Doesnt Affect You as MuchYou Develop Better Coping SkillsYou Surround Yourself with PositivityDont forget that attitude and moods are contagious. We will talk about this and more in the seven lectures in this course. Not only does it affect you but It spreads rapidly throughout other people, so you are actually helping everyone in your life to be surrounded by more positivity.In this course I will give you tips to help you think more positively in any situation and tips to aid you in helping others with their positive thinking. After all, who wants to have a bunch of negative thinking people around us. And speaking of negative thinking, I will help you turn any negative into a positive. We will talk about creating a list of affirmations to aid you when negative thoughts start creeping back in and much more.As with anything else in life thinking positively requires we break old destructive habits and replace them with new habits that help look at life in a more positive way. So, the second section of this course takes you through a quick journey of habit creation. The how's, why's and how to's of creating new constructive habits.Join me on the inside, its only a thirty-minute course, where we will take a look at simple realities about positive thinking and its effect on your life."
Price: 19.99

"Python Data Structures, Algorithms and Time Complexity Guide" |
"Data Structures + Algorithms to Crack the Coding InterviewOnly in Python Data Structures, Algorithms and Time Complexity Guide, learn the best way to answer an interview question, look at the most commonly asked questions, and analyze time complexity of various algorithms.Interview Question Solutions and Time ComplexityLearn through hands-on coding examples and learn to solve problems quickly.Refresh your Python knowledge and solve new problems with the most common beginner interview questions asked by FANG companies.Algorithms & Data Structures - Ultimate Coding Interview PrepLearn the most commonly asked questions by the likes of Facebook, Google, Amazon and Spotify for beginners.Preparing for the Python interview is hard. You need to understand not only concepts but also be able to articulate your thought process as you plan and execute a solution.COURSE BREAKDOWNSection 0: Introduction to Interview QuestionsCourse OverviewFizzBuzz: Print the numbers from 1 to 100 and for multiples of '3' print ""Fizz"" instead of the number and for the multiples of '5' print ""Buzz"".Types of Time Complexity: Learn the types of time complexity in Big-O Notation in order of horrible to good.Section 1: String/Array Interview Questions01 Reverse Words in a String: Given an input string, reverse the string word by word.02 Rotate Array: Rotate an array of n elements to the left by k steps.03 Isomorphic Strings: Given two strings a and b, determine if they are isomorphic. 04 Kth Largest Element in an Array: Find the kth largest element in an unsorted array. Note that it is the kth largest element in the sorted order, not the kth distinct element.Section 2: Matrix Interview Questions01 Set Matrix Zeroes: Given a 2D matrix, if an element is 0, set its entire row and column to 0. Do it in place.02 Spiral Matrix: Given a 2D matrix, return all elements of the matrix in spiral order.03 Number of Islands: Given a 2D grid map of 1s (land) and 0s (water), count the number of islands.Section 3: Linked List Interview Questions01 Implement a Stack Using an Array: Implement a stack using an array.02 Add Two Numbers: You are given two linked lists representing two non-negative numbers. The digits are stored in reverse order and each of their nodes contain a single digit. Add the two numbers and return it as a linked list. 03 Reverse a Linked List: Reverse a singly linked list.Section 4: Tree Interview Questions01 Inorder Traversal: Perform inorder traversal on a binary tree.02 Preorder Traversal: Perform preorder traversal on a binary tree.03 Postorder Traversal: Perform postorder traversal on a binary tree.04 Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum: Given a binary tree, find the maximum path sum. Section 5: Graph Interview Questions01 Clone an Undirected Graph: Each node in the graph contains a label and a list of its neighbors.Section 6: Sorting and Time Complexity01 Bubble Sort Algorithm: Sort a list with bubble sort.02 Selection Sort Algorithm: Sort a list with selection sort.03 Insertion Sort Algorithm: Sort a list with insertion sort.04 Quick Sort Algorithm: Sort a list with Quick Sort.05 Merge Sort Algorithm: Sort a list with Merge Sort.06 Time Complexity of Different Sorting AlgorithmsSection 7 Dynamic Programming Interview Questions01 Coin Change: You are given coins of different denominations and a total amount of money amount. Write a function to compute the fewest number of coins that you need to make up that amount. 02 Edit Distance: Find the edit distance between two strings.03 Distinct Subsequences: Given a string S and a string T, count the number of distinct subsequences of T in S.04 Maximum Sum Subarray: Find the sum of contiguous subarray within a one-dimensional array of numbers which has the largest sumSection 8 Bit Manipulation Interview Questions01 Bitwise and Shift Operators: Manipulate bits and shift bits to change values.02 Single Number: Given an array of integers, every element appears twice except for one. Find that single one.03 Sum of Two Integers: Calculate the sum of two integers a and b, but you are not allowed to use the operator + and -.04 Number of 1 Bits: Take an unsigned integer and return the number of 1' bits it has (also known as the Hamming weight.)05 Reverse Bits: Reverse the bits of a given 32 bit unsigned integer.06 Bitwise AND of a Range: Given two non-negative long integers, a and b and given a <= b, find the bitwise AND of all integers from a and b.Section 9 Combinations and Permutations Interview Questions01 Permutations: Print all permutations of a given string.02 Distinct Permutations of a String: Print all distinct permutations of a string that contains duplicates.03 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number: Given a digit string, return all possible letter combinations that the number could represent on a phone board. 04 Factor Combination: Return all possible combinations of an integer ns factors.Section 10 Math Interview Questions01 Reverse Integer: Reverse the digits of an integer n.02 Palindrome Number: Determine whether an integer is a palindrome. Do this without extra space. 03 Excel Sheet Column Number: Given a column title from an Excel sheet, return its corresponding column number.A SCHOOL YOU CAN TRUSTLifetime access that never expiresProject-based curriculum to superboost your portfolioGraduation certificate for every courseAbsolute beginner-friendlyNew courses every monthEfficient lectures with step by step explanationsRelevant industry topics 8 years of award-winning course delivery800,000 students in 186 countriesLearn with free tools and affordable coursesREVIEWS OF MAMMOTH COURSESCaptivating voice, easy to follow at a rapid pace, get some paper and fasten your seat-belts. I'm enjoying every second of this. PHILIP MURRAYI have completed many Udemy tutorials. This one is the most outstanding one that I have seen thus far. It is doubtful that it could be topped. This is a superior tutorial. Amazing. JOSEPH APPLEGARTHCOURSE AUTHORAlexandra Kropova, Software Developer at Mammoth Interactive INC.Alexandra Kropova is a software developer specializing in OOP and JavaScript, with extensive experience in full-stack web development and app development. She has helped produce courses for Mammoth Interactive INC. since 2016, including the Coding Interview series in Java, JavaScript, C++, C#, Python and Swift."
Price: 199.99

"Software Developer Data Structures and Algorithms with Swift" |
"Data Structures + Algorithms to Crack the Coding InterviewOnly in Software Developer Data Structures and Algorithms with Swift, learn the best way to answer an interview question, look at the most commonly asked questions, and analyze time complexity of various algorithms.Interview Question Solutions and Time ComplexityLearn through hands-on coding examples and learn to solve problems quickly.Refresh your Swift knowledge and solve new problems with the most common beginner interview questions asked by FANG companies.Algorithms & Data Structures - Ultimate Coding Interview PrepLearn the most commonly asked questions by the likes of Facebook, Google, Amazon and Spotify for beginners.Preparing for the Swift interview is hard. You need to understand not only concepts but also be able to articulate your thought process as you plan and execute a solution.COURSE BREAKDOWNSection 0: Introduction to Interview QuestionsCourse OverviewFizzBuzz: Print the numbers from 1 to 100 and for multiples of '3' print ""Fizz"" instead of the number and for the multiples of '5' print ""Buzz"".Types of Time Complexity: Learn the types of time complexity in Big-O Notation in order of horrible to good.Section 1: String/Array Interview Questions01 Reverse Words in a String: Given an input string, reverse the string word by word.02 Rotate Array: Rotate an array of n elements to the left by k steps.03 Isomorphic Strings: Given two strings a and b, determine if they are isomorphic. 04 Kth Largest Element in an Array: Find the kth largest element in an unsorted array. Note that it is the kth largest element in the sorted order, not the kth distinct element.Section 2: Matrix Interview Questions01 Set Matrix Zeroes: Given a 2D matrix, if an element is 0, set its entire row and column to 0. Do it in place.02 Spiral Matrix: Given a 2D matrix, return all elements of the matrix in spiral order.03 Number of Islands: Given a 2D grid map of 1s (land) and 0s (water), count the number of islands.Section 3: Linked List Interview Questions01 Implement a Stack Using an Array: Implement a stack using an array.02 Add Two Numbers: You are given two linked lists representing two non-negative numbers. The digits are stored in reverse order and each of their nodes contain a single digit. Add the two numbers and return it as a linked list. 03 Reverse a Linked List: Reverse a singly linked list.Section 4: Tree Interview Questions01 Inorder Traversal: Perform inorder traversal on a binary tree.02 Preorder Traversal: Perform preorder traversal on a binary tree.03 Postorder Traversal: Perform postorder traversal on a binary tree.04 Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum: Given a binary tree, find the maximum path sum. Section 5: Graph Interview Questions01 Clone an Undirected Graph: Each node in the graph contains a label and a list of its neighbors.Section 6: Sorting and Time Complexity01 Bubble Sort Algorithm: Sort a list with bubble sort.02 Selection Sort Algorithm: Sort a list with selection sort.03 Insertion Sort Algorithm: Sort a list with insertion sort.04 Quick Sort Algorithm: Sort a list with Quick Sort.05 Merge Sort Algorithm: Sort a list with Merge Sort.06 Time Complexity of Different Sorting AlgorithmsSection 7 Dynamic Programming Interview Questions01 Coin Change: You are given coins of different denominations and a total amount of money amount. Write a function to compute the fewest number of coins that you need to make up that amount. 02 Edit Distance: Find the edit distance between two strings.03 Distinct Subsequences: Given a string S and a string T, count the number of distinct subsequences of T in S.04 Maximum Sum Subarray: Find the sum of contiguous subarray within a one-dimensional array of numbers which has the largest sumSection 8 Bit Manipulation Interview Questions01 Bitwise and Shift Operators: Manipulate bits and shift bits to change values.02 Single Number: Given an array of integers, every element appears twice except for one. Find that single one.03 Sum of Two Integers: Calculate the sum of two integers a and b, but you are not allowed to use the operator + and -.04 Number of 1 Bits: Take an unsigned integer and return the number of 1' bits it has (also known as the Hamming weight.)05 Reverse Bits: Reverse the bits of a given 32 bit unsigned integer.06 Bitwise AND of a Range: Given two non-negative long integers, a and b and given a <= b, find the bitwise AND of all integers from a and b.Section 9 Combinations and Permutations Interview Questions01 Permutations: Print all permutations of a given string.02 Distinct Permutations of a String: Print all distinct permutations of a string that contains duplicates.03 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number: Given a digit string, return all possible letter combinations that the number could represent on a phone board. 04 Factor Combination: Return all possible combinations of an integer ns factors.Section 10 Math Interview Questions01 Reverse Integer: Reverse the digits of an integer n.02 Palindrome Number: Determine whether an integer is a palindrome. Do this without extra space. 03 Excel Sheet Column Number: Given a column title from an Excel sheet, return its corresponding column number.A SCHOOL YOU CAN TRUSTLifetime access that never expiresProject-based curriculum to superboost your portfolioGraduation certificate for every courseAbsolute beginner-friendlyNew courses every monthEfficient lectures with step by step explanationsRelevant industry topics 8 years of award-winning course delivery800,000 students in 186 countriesLearn with free tools and affordable coursesREVIEWS OF MAMMOTH COURSESCaptivating voice, easy to follow at a rapid pace, get some paper and fasten your seat-belts. I'm enjoying every second of this. PHILIP MURRAYI have completed many Udemy tutorials. This one is the most outstanding one that I have seen thus far. It is doubtful that it could be topped. This is a superior tutorial. Amazing. JOSEPH APPLEGARTHCOURSE AUTHORAlexandra Kropova, Software Developer at Mammoth Interactive INC.Alexandra Kropova is a software developer specializing in OOP and JavaScript, with extensive experience in full-stack web development and app development. She has helped produce courses for Mammoth Interactive INC. since 2016, including the Coding Interview series in Java, JavaScript, C++, C#, Python and Swift."
Price: 199.99

"CISCO GNS3 Lab" |
Price: 5800.00

"JavaScript Funcional e Reativo - PENSE como um Dev JS [2020]" |
"Seja bem vindo ao curso de JavaScript Funcional e Reativo! Neste curso voc aprender a pensar como um programador JavaScript, mas para que isso acontea ESSENCIAL que voc domine o uso de funes e conhea o paradigma funcional!Foi pensando nisso que eu criei um curso COMPLETAMENTE focado no PARADIGMA FUNCIONAL e PROGRAMAO REATIVA pra que voc possa aprender um dos principais paradigmas da atualidade e que se torna cada dia mais relevante.Nos ltimos anos vrias linguagens acrescentaram aspectos de Programao Funcional, ento esse curso um oportunidade de aprender o Paradigma Funcional e ainda tornar um programador JavaScript muito melhor! Por esse motivo, compreender o paradigma funcional importante mesmo que voc use linguagens Orientadas a Objeto, e garantido que voc se tornar um programador melhor e mais completo!Os principais assuntos abordados:O bsico sobre FunesFunes CallbackPromisesAsync/AwaitMap/Reduce/FilterComposio de FunesFunes PurasHigher-Order FunctionsFirst-Class FunctionsImutabilidadeClosureCurryingLazy EvaluationFunctorsFlatMapProgramao ReativaRxJSStream de DadosObservablesOperadores do RxJSSchedulerSubjectEste curso te levar ao um outro nvel como programador, ento vamos estudar juntos?Te vejo nas aulas!Equipe Cod3r"
Price: 249.99

"vSphere 7 Overview: Upgrade Demos, Changes, & New Features" |
"Are you looking for VMware vSphere 7 Training? Do you want to learn from an experienced trainer who makes complex concepts simple and easy to understand? Do you need to learn about the new features of vSphere 7?This course assumes you have previous knowledge of vSphere. Beginners should the level of knowledge required to pass the vSphere 6.7 Foundations exam or 1-2 years of experience.I am a VMware Certified Instructor who has taught thousands of hours of live training directly for VMware. Most lectures in this course are 5 - 15 minutes long. A few deeper topics are slightly longer. There are multiple real-life demos of tasks being performed in a vSphere 7 homelab environment using the new HTML5 vSphere Client.vCenter 7vCenter 6.7 Upgrade to vCenter 7 and a new install of vCenter Server 7Using the vCenter 7 VAMI to perform a manual backup to an SMB Share and set up scheduled backups and retention policiesConfigure vCenter 7 Multihoming and PNID and FQDN ChangesManaging multiple vCenter servers using vCenter Server ProfilesvSphere 7 LicensingvSphere 7 ManagementUpgrading ESXi 6.7 to ESXi 7Precision Time Protocol in ESXi 7vCenter 7 Identity FederationManaging VM Templates in an Content LibraryvCenter and Dynamic DNSVMware SkylinevSphere 7 Lifecycle ManagementvSphere 7 Update PlannervSphere 7 Performance EnhancementsvMotion Improvements in vSphere 7DRS Enhancements in vSphere 7vSphere Cluster QuickstartAssignable Hardware in vSphere 7Scalable Shares in vSphere 7vSphere 7 and KubernetesIntroduction to MicroservicesIntroduction to ContainersvSphere 7 Pods for KubernetesTanzu Kubernetes Grid ClusterLicensing"
Price: 19.99

"La Formation Complte PyCharm" |
"Dans cette formation PyCharm, vous allez apprendre utiliser et matriser cet environnement de dveloppement spcialis dans le langage de programmation Python.Cette formation a t construite autour de 6 aspects de la programmation :Naviguer dans le codediter du codeGnrer du codeExcuter du codeAnalyser du codeVersionner du codeAprs cette formation, je fais le pari que vous ne pourrez plus vous passer de cet IDE."
Price: 174.99

"International Relations Theory: Liberalism" |
"In this course, you will get in-depth knowledge and understanding of key liberalist thinkers, theories and concepts, including real world examples and even tips for writing essays and dissertations.The course will give you confidence to think and speak about world problems through the lens of the oldest and highly influential progressive theory of International Relations.If you are interested in world politics, chances are you are reading and watching quite a bit of news about what's going on. That's OK, but there is nothing more rewarding that actually educating yourself to improve the depth and breadth of your knowledge and understanding of how the world works.My courses are designed to help you with that objective and this course offers you complete knowledge and understanding of the most exciting progressive theory of International Relations.How You Will LearnIt is my philosophy in this course to allow the thinkers and authors speak for themselves. I want to give them the voice. At the same time, I offer you my full explanation and interpretation of every quote we analyse in the course. I don't just leave you there wondering what this all means.We will begin with classical liberalist thinkers and the founders of liberal international thought: Locke, Hume, Grotius and Kant. Then, we will move to 20th century to explore the tenets of classical liberalist International Relations theory, followed by neoliberal intergovernmentalism (also known as institutionalism). We will also explore liberalism since the 1990s, including focus on:the end of historysoft powersmart powerinternational regimesdemocratic peace theoryThe bonus lecture will give you 6 practical tips for incorporating liberalism into writing your academic essays and dissertations. As much as talking about theories is interesting in itself, I also believe in the value of practical examples. So in this course, we discuss three case studies of how liberalism can be applied to analyse real world problems. These include: the liberalist perspective on European integration and the European Union, United Nations and the Responsibility to Protect (R2P). What You Will Get in This CourseHere is a summary of what you will learn in this course:Think and speak about world problems through the lens of the oldest progressive theory of International RelationsIdentify and understand the ideas of the founders of liberalism, including John Locke, David Hume, Hugo Grotius and Immanuel KantBecome an expert on modern liberalist thinkers, including Norman Angell, Woodrow Wilson, Robert Keohane, Joseph Nye, Francis FukuyamaUnderstand the differences between classical liberalism and neoliberalismUnderstand the differences between neoliberalism and neorealismRecognise how the liberal principle of human rights has its roots in the philosophy of John Locke and David HumeUnderstand how the idea of international law dates back to Hugo GrotiusUnderstand why Immanuel Kant is so important for the liberal idea of international peaceBecome an expert on Norman Angell - the Nobel Peace Prize laureate for his work on war and international institutionsUnderstand why Woodrow Wilson is the most important historical figure for the liberal International Relations theoryIdentify the key elements in Robert Keohane's neoliberal programme of studying international organisationsUnderstand the difference between absolute gains and relative gainsUnderstand why Fukuyama proclaimed the 'end of history' in 1989, what he meant and whether he was rightIdentify the key elements and real world examples of international regimesBecome an expert on Joseph Nye's concept of soft power and smart powerUnderstand democratic peace theory - a key modern liberal research programmeUnderstand the liberalist perspective on European integration and the European UnionUnderstand the liberalist perspective on the United NationsUnderstand the liberalist perspective on the Responsibility to Protect (R2P)Learn 6 practical tips for incorporating liberalism into your academic essays and dissertationsMy Promise to YouI promise that the tuition in this course is of the highest quality, based on genuine university-level teaching and research. It is presented in a highly-accessible and engaging way, designed specifically for those who do not have prior university degree in Politics or International Relations.I invite you to send me a message if you have any questions about the content of this course. With the 30-day 100% money back guarantee, there is no reason why you should not try the course out right now."
Price: 179.99

"Microsoft Windows Server 2016 - Hands-on Training Part II" |
"Please do not enroll in this course until you have completed the first section on building your virtual lab environment. If you cannot create a virtual install of Server 2016, using a Hypervisor, you will not be able to partake in the lab exercise. This course picks up where Windows Server 2016 - Hands-on Training Part I left off. In part I of the course we looked at the basics of installation and configuration of a Windows Server 2016 domain. Part II of the course covers advanced network administration of additional roles and services.Certificate ServicesRDSHyper-VPowerShell.....and others! About this course: This is Part II of a comprehensive two part series for learning Server 2016. Do you want to learn to configure specific roles and services in Windows Server 2016? Do you prefer learning using hands-on as opposed to just a lecture and quiz?If you have answered YES to above questions, then you are at the right place. This course teaches you the advance skills for Installing and ConfiguringMicrosoft Windows Server 2016. This course provides a solid hands-on experience for learning Windows Server 2016 and is designed for those needing to be able to demonstrate basic day-to-day administration and configuration skills required for Windows Server 2016 administration. This course provides you more hands-on learning on how to install, maintain and configure the advance roles and features of Windows Server 2016. Course is structured using short tutorial videos and hands-on labs. Students watch a short video tutorial, review the hands-on lab and then complete the lab. Students who take and complete this two part series will be able to install and configure Windows Server 2016 with Active Directory, DNS, DHCP, FSRM, and other roles commonly found in a Windows Server 2016 domain. The course uses the same three virtual machines built in Part I. In Part II you move on to more advanced configuration and administration of the Windows Server 2016 domain create in Part I.Why I should take this course? A solid hands-on training course with lab practice Complete guide for how to install, configure and maintain Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Course helps to prepare for your Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Certification Exam 70-740 You will learn to install of Windows Server 2016 Desktop Edition, Windows Server 2016 Core, Windows 7, 8.1 or 10 Professional or better You will also learn Windows Server 2016 Networking, creating domain environment and installing and configuring different server roles 30-day satisfaction guaranteed This is the course that could change your life. Obtaining the Microsoft Server 2016 Certification (Exam 70-740) can help you to enhance your career opportunities and also helps to boost your income. Microsoft Server 2016 Certification is a highly-sought certification. Many positions either prefer or require Microsoft Server 2016 Certification. You can also see now a day many companies are asking for Microsoft Server 2016 Certification in their Job descriptions. An investment in your career is an investment in yourself. Dont procrastinate. There is no time like the present to take charge of your career. Take your career to the next level by studying for and passing the Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Certification 70-740 exam! You have a 30 day money back guarantee!!! And remember that once you purchase the course you will have lifetime access to the course and you have a 30 days money back guarantee if you do not like the course because of any reason. So what are you thinking go ahead and click on Enroll Now button. See you in the course!!!"
Price: 19.99

"Time management for life: how to take control of your time" |
"Do you want to be more efficient, effective and productive in your life?Do you want to learn more about time management?Do you want to understand your own time management challenges and how you are currently spending and managing your time?This course is a practical, action oriented course designed to give you the time management and productivity tips, tools and strategies to be more efficient, effective and productive in your life.The course aims to give you an insight into time management and the challenges of managing your time and being productive. You will understand your own time management challenges and how you are currently spending and managing your time. The course will give you a wealth of time management and productivity tips, tools and strategies to put in place and to use in your life to manage your time so that you are more efficient, effective and productive. As you go through the course you will develop your own personalised time management action plan and put in place time management strategies so that you manage your time in the best way now and going forward.The course is designed to be practical and relevant to real life. It is not a theoretical or academic course on time management and productivity.Who is this course designed for?This course is designed for you if you:* Are currently finding it difficult to manage your time efficiently and effectively* Want to learn more about time management and how to manage your time efficiently and effectively and be more productive.Please note if you are a business owner, director or manager and want support with time management at work or in your business then I would recommend that you take my other course Time management for business owners, directors & managers rather than this one as it will be more relevant to you. There is an overlap of content between the two courses so please choose one or the other, not both.What are the course aims?The course aims to:* Give you an insight into time management and the challenges of managing your time and being productive.* Look at your own time management challenges and how you are currently spending and managing your time.* Provide you with a wealth of time management and productivity tips, tools and strategies to put in place and to use in your life to manage your time so that you are more efficient, effective and productive.* Enable you to develop a personalised time management action plan and put in place time management strategies so that you manage your time in the best way now and going forward.What is included in the course?The course has the following sections:* Introduction: including an introduction to the course and the tutor* Time management challenges: including the costs of poor time management, the challenges of managing your time and looking at time management from a different perspective* How is your time management? including looking at your own time management challenges and how you are currently spending your time* Time management tips and strategies: including lots of practical time management tools, tips and strategies to help you manage your time and that you can use to be more efficient, effective and productive in your life.* Your time management plan: including your own time management challenges, how you currently spend your time and the strategies you are going to put in place to be more efficient, effective and productive in your life.* Course summary: including a short summary of the courseWe have also included introductions and summaries throughout the course to help with learning.The course is in short bite sized lectures and you can see the detailed course content in the course curriculum.Developing your own time management planThere are exercises to complete as you go through the course to develop your own personalised time management action plan. These include understanding your own time management challenges, how you are currently spending your time and what actions you are going to take and what strategies you will follow to manage your time to be more efficient, effective and productive in your life. You will need to allow additional time in addition to the duration of the videos to complete the exercises.What will you cover on the course and what will you learn?As you go through the course you will be looking at your own time management, how you are spending your time, the impact on you, your work and those around you of your current time management practices, how to manage your time to be more efficient, effective and productive in your life and time management tools, tips and strategies.By the end of the course you will have a better understanding of time management, know what your time management challenges are, have an action plan for managing your time better now and going forward and have time management strategies in place to manage your time to be more efficient, effective and productive in your life.Even if you are not finding it difficult to manage your time at the moment you will have the opportunity to review you and your work and to decide on actions to take to support you in managing your time efficiently, effectively and productively going forward.Important notes and more about the courseIf you are already very knowledgeable about time management and productivity, this course may not be for you. It includes an insight into time management and the challenges of managing your time and being productive, practical time management tools, tips and strategies that you can use to be more efficient, effective and productive in your life and an opportunity to develop your own time management plan, some or all of which you may already know a lot about. By signing up for this course you gain lifetime access so you can watch the lectures at your convenience on your computer, tablet or smart phone.You can choose to complete the whole course or just watch the lectures that are most relevant to you, whichever you prefer. You can watch each lecture in full or just the elements you want to watch and you can stop a lecture at any point if you want to study the content in more detail.You can watch the lectures at the pre assigned speed or you can choose to speed up or slow down the lectures to suit your own preference.There are English text captions available on this course which you can choose to see or turn off.Good luckGood luck with the course and I hope you find it invaluable."
Price: 49.99

"Office 365: Excel and Word BUNDLE - Beginner to expert" |
"Microsoft Excel and Word Course BUNDLE!This course was designed to get you up and running with Microsoft Excel AND Microsoft Word as fast as possible. The course covers all the essentials that make up 80% of the day to day work in Excel and Word. Each lesson is carefully crafted to let you easily practice along and build your Excel and Word skills quickly. This Microsoft Excel and Word course is up to date with all the latest features and enhancements. However it works great with 2019, 2013 and 2010 versions as well.Enroll now to get over 13 hours and over 100 lessons of professional training!Comfortable pace and easy English. Great for ESL.Enroll now to go from a beginner in Excel and Word to an Intermediate user ready to tackle most day to day work in Excel and Word. Microsoft Excel is the most popular spreadsheet program in the world and Microsoft Word is the most popular word processor. I will be your guide using my 15 years experience as an instructional designer to quickly bring you up to speed on Word saving you months and even years of frustration. Stop struggling through your daily tasks at work or wishing you had the skills to advance. Now you can quickly and easily go from beginner to intermediate step-by-step with clear video lessons and easy to use practice files designed just for this course.When you have finished this course you will be able to perform the most popular Word functions and features and have the confidence to take on new challenges, responsibilities and opportunities. Here are a few of the highly sought after skills you will acquire in ExcelCreate attractive and effective spreadsheetsSort and format large sets of dataCreate and format tables quicklyMaster useful functions like SUM, VLOOKUP, IF, AVERAGE, and many othersCreate dynamic Pivot Tables and Pivot ChartsAutomate your tasks with MacrosSecure workbooks and worksheetsUse conditional formatting to highlight dataHere are a few of the highly sought after skills you will acquire in Word:Create Headers and Footers and numbered pagesCreate and control columnsInsert illustrations, pictures, charts, icons, shapes, Smartart, and 3D graphicsCreate tables to organize textCreate standardized and consistent stylingCreate numbered and bulleted listsPrint and collaborate onlineEnroll now and take the next step in making a real difference in your career and income potential. You are only a few clicks away from your new future!"
Price: 24.99

"Professional Video Advert Making With Your Smartphone" |
"Would you like to add to your business skill set by learning how to create video adverts?Do you value promoting your own business with captivating video ads? Are you into helping your clients convince their customers through videos? Perhaps you have been creating such but with little or no touch of professionalism.You might also be skillful but lacking the appropriate tools to bring out your expertise. If the above or their likes are your challenges, then this course is created with you in mind. I have the goal of catapulting you from zero to hero of video ad making.Creating awesome video ads marks the beginning of a profitable business deal. Enroll this course now and start rewriting your story of video ad making today."
Price: 19.99

API-Postman |
Price: 199.99

"PostgreSQL Tutorial for Data Analysis and Administration" |
"Syllabus of the Course Lecture 1: Introduction and Installation of PostgreSQLLecture 2: Creating First Database and First Table using UI in PostgreSQLLecture 3: PostgreSQL creating a Database using SQL queryLecture 4: Primary Key Constraint and Setting it on already created tableLecture 5: Inserting Records in PostgreSQL using QueriesLecture 6: Updating Records in PostgreSQLLecture 7: Deleting Records in PostgreSQL AND and OR OperatorsLecture 8: Importing an External Database in PostgreSQL from SQL CodeLecture 9: Comparison Operators in PostgreSQL with Where ClauseLecture 10: Comparison and Logical Operators Together in PostgreSQL With Where ClauseLecture 11: Between Operator in PostgreSQL with WHere ClauseLecture 12: IN and NOT IN with Where Clause in PostgreSQLLecture 13: LIKE Operator for Pattern Matching in PostgreSQLSection 2: Multiple Schools Management System Database ExampleLecture 14: Creating Multiple School Management System DB in PostgreSQLLecture 15: Concept of Foreign Key and FK Constraint in PostgreSQLLecture 16: Creating students table with 2 foreign keys in database using PostgresqlLecture 17: Inserting dummy values in tables and testing foreign key constraintLecture 18: Joins in PostgreSQL - Inner, Left, Right, FullSection 3: Deleting or Dropping Databases and ColumnsLecture 19: How to Delete or Drop Database in PostgreSQLLecture 20: Dropping Regular Columns and those with Foreign Key ConstraintSection 4: Stored Procedures or FunctionsLecture 21: Variables in PostgreSQLLecture 22: Functions or Stored Procedures in PostgreSQL - Part 1Lecture 23: Functions or Stored Procedures in PostgreSQL - More ExamplesLecture 24: Views in PostgreSQLSection 5: MiscLecture 25: Aggregate Functions in PostgreSQLLecture 26: GROUP BY in PostgreSQL for Data Analysis"
Price: 24.99

"Os 06 passos para traar e atingir qualquer meta." |
"Se voc esta em busca de uma estratgia capaz de te ajudar a chegar aos seus objetivos ento voc esta no lugar certo. Em 06 passos para realizar as suas metas voc vai ter um plano de ao passo a passo para sair de onde esta agora e comear a realizar aes certas na direo do seu objetivo. Voc vai literalmente pirar com a facilidade do mtodo e a aplicabilidade da ferramenta...Vou te ajudar a preencher uma ferramenta de coaching capaz de te mostrar onde voc esta hoje, onde quer chegar e como modificar as suas aes a partir de agora para comear a caminhar para o seu alvo de forma acelerada.Este o exato passo a passo que eu utilizo em todas as minhas sesses de coaching e responsvel pela mudana de vida de diversas pessoas. Agora voc pode ter acesso a ela tambm de forma simples, barata e prtica... Se precisar de ajuda com a interpretao da ferramenta e com a aplicao em sua vida me procure nas redes sociais e eu terei o maior prazer em contribuir com o seu crescimento e desenvolvimento em todas as reas da vida.Alex Lacerda"
Price: 39.99

"MTA Exam 98-361: Software Development Fundamentals with C#" |
"Are you ready to pass the Software Development Fundamentals Exam (MTA Exam 98-361)? Find out by testing your knowledge with this new course on Udemy. There are three practice tests in the course. Each practice test provides an entire exams worth of questions, enabling you to confirm your mastery of the exam topics and providing you with the confidence youll need to attend your MTA 98-361 Exam.All the tests are set with actual time, so youll know if youre taking more time than the official test allows, and at the end of the test, youll receive a personal breakdown of the questions you answered correctly and incorrectly to improve your knowledge and make you more prepared to pass the actual exam. All the answers are provided with a necessary detailed explanation for better understanding your mistakes. Exam topics:Core programming, C# (15-20%)Object-oriented programming (20-25%)General software development (15-20%)Web applications, ASP.NET (15-20%)Desktop applications (15-20%)Databases, SQL (15-20%)Exam Information:- Name: Software Development Fundamentals (98-361)- Number of Questions: Approximately 30-50 questions- Type of Questions: This test format is multiple choice.- Passing Score: 70- Time Limit: 50 minutes"
Price: 24.99

"Financial Freedom: Create Intelligent Money Wealth Habits" |
"Money doesn't solve all your problems and I now know why.A lot of people think that if they just had another $5,000 or $10,000 that they would be able to get them out of whatever pickle they are in.But the hard to face truth we all need to come to realize is all the extra cash would do is just temporarily alleviate a problem that is BIGGER than any amount of cash you could receive.Don't believe me?Then you need to wrap your mind around the FACT that 70% of people who won the lottery aka instantly getting flushed with millions of dollars became broke!I used to think & judge...But then I realized how unfair it is for me to judge someone who simply hasn't ever had the proper education about how money & finance works.This is one of the main reasons why I made this course and why I'm also charging just $1 for it.I believe this is the MOST important course I've ever created because whether you are making minimum wage or 6 figures your understanding and habits of money & mindset with wealth is the single most determination to where your future self will be.I've been debt free since 25 & became a millionaire by age 30 and I did it without being a trust fund baby & without getting lucky or doing some get rich quick scheme.I'm now at a point where at any day of any week I can simply retire & never have to worry about money again.I'm not a financial advisor (though I'm glad... because even financial advisors are in debt) but I hope that my real world life experiences around money & finance can demonstrate that I am a good role model to learn from.In this +10 video course with over 2 hours of content you'll learn everything from:Managing DebtCredit CardsBudgetingInvestingSpendingSavingEarningRetiring WAY Early"
Price: 19.99

"Learn the art of Qi Hai Bio Energy." |
"On this course you will become familiar with your Auric field. The 7 main Auric layers are described in a basic manner. You will learn how to do an Auric clearing and also Chakra opening and Balancing techniques.there will be 3 wellness treatments in this Foundation level course. the treatments will be:Balancing the Yin and Yang aspects of the Ren and Du channels.Combing, waving and sweeping the Inner Auric fields.Complete body energetic detox."
Price: 149.99

"Learn the core processes and new functionalities built into the SAP S/4HANA Financial Accounting modulea fundamental requirement for any finance professional using SAP. Whether youre an accountant or the member of a finance team, you need to understand the basic scope and function of the four major submodules in Financial Accounting: General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, and Asset Accounting. In this course, you can learn about the common business tasks and transactions associated with each submodule and how Finance Accounting integrates with other SAP modules. You can also get familiar with the S4 Fiori user experience, a lightweight app-based interface for SAP. Learn the core processes and new functionalities built into the SAP S/4HANA Financial Accounting modulea fundamental requirement for any finance professional using SAP. Whether youre an accountant or the member of a finance team, you need to understand the basic scope and function of the four major submodules in Financial Accounting: General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, and Asset Accounting. In this course, you can learn about the common business tasks and transactions associated with each submodule and how Finance Accounting integrates with other SAP modules. You can also get familiar with the S4 Fiori user experience, a lightweight app-based interface for SAP."
Price: 19.99

"Kuaklar Aras Liderlik ve CEO'luk Eitimi" |
"Kuaklar daha iyi tanyacak ve onlara liderlik edebilecek, irket veya kurumlarn CEO ihtiyacna cevap olabilecek beceri ve donanmlar greceksiniz. Bu beceriler sayesinde CEOlarn becerileri ile kurumsal kltr anlayabilecek, bunu kendi hayatnza katabileceksiniz. Ynetim ve liderlik iin gerekli CEO Becerilerini reneceiniz gibi Kurumlarda igc istatistiklerini grme ve kurumsal gelecei ina etme becerilerine de sahip olacaksnz. En nemlisi tm kuaklarn rahat ynetimini yapabileceksiniz.."
Price: 49.99

"Nail Art Course - One Stroke Technique" |
"- This is a training course in nail art, aimed at anyone who wants to expand their range of knowledge in the field of nail art. One stroke painting technique or Chinese painting is a relatively easy technique to perform in the specialized salons, and gives the clients a special, unique and at the same time spectacular design! The popularity of Chinese painting or the famous one stroke technique through which decorative elements can be obtained on nails has begun to increase, as many women have become bored with abstract patterns and are looking for a more natural, harmonious-looking manicure. The principle from which this technique starts is to make shadows by applying two colors on the same brush: one dark or strong and the other, bright.You can make beautiful nails with ornamental patterns inspired by nature, with cherry blossoms or roses or colored petalsThis style of nail-art is based on flower patterns for example: lilies, roses, poppies, etc. But also butterflies. This technique offered a perception of the world and a positive attitude."
Price: 64.99

"Part 1 Digital Practitioners Certification Course" |
"Digital skills are being sought after in every transformation project or initiatives. The University of California has replaced Project Management course and replaced it with Product Management. Most companies are looking to have a product mindset in their companies even though they may be in services or consulting. How to productize your offerings is a key skill being looked at by companies. The DpBoK framework focus on the intersection of Agile , Lean , Digital skills , work management with organization culture and elements of Design thinking to help one come to terms with the fact that working software need not be the ultimate measure of business or customer outcomes. If a product or solution has to do well then there are a whole lot of best practices right from ensuring that firstly you are climbing the right wall in your product or solution , choosing what to work on i.e. explore the problem , build the right thing and building the thing right finally. This reduces a lot of waste in the system and gears one to move with a single pointed focus on your digital initiatives. DpBoK framework can help professionals who wish to create and manage product offerings with an increasing digital component, or lead their organization through Digital Transformation.Useful for IT professionals working within any size organization, from a startup through to a large enterprise, that has adopted digital approaches.A must have tool which have a bouquet of learnings from multiple places all rolled into one framework DpBoK to help one be effective at work."
Price: 49.99

"After Effects CC Masterclass: Complete After Effects Course" |
"Learn after effects with great practical examples for training. This course was created for training from basic to advanced. Come and discover the secrets of cinema, animation and motions designers! Do not waste time. The tutorials are explained step by step so you can easily master one of the most amazing software for graphic design."
Price: 19.99

"MATLAB/Simulink for Power System Simulations" |
"This course is designed to allow you to simulate power systems in MATLAB/Simulink. This course not only gives a review of the theory of how power systems operate, but also gives several examples on how to run different types of power system studies using MATLAB/Simulink. The course is divided into the following sections:1. Introduction to MATLAB/Simulink for Power Systems: in the first section of the course, we will begin by reviewing the libraries available in Simulink to represent generators, transformers, transmission lines, and loads in our models. After that, we will take a look at how we can model these components in Simulink, as well as how we can put them together in a model and how we can take measurements in the model to ensure proper simulation.2. Power System Studies in MATLAB/Simulink: after we've made ourselves familiar with the MATLAB/Simulink environment building a small power system model, we will move on to build a large power system model which includes several generators, transformers, transmission lines, loads, and capacitor banks. We will also model the turbine control systems and excitation control systems for all generators to simulate the realistic dynamic behavior of power systems in real life. After we have built the entire model, we will run several types of studies, including load flow, short circuit, and stability studies, to simulate the behavior of the system under several conditions. This will give us all the tools we need to build any type of power system and run any power system study using MATLAB/Simulink.As mentioned above, in each section, we will go over several models to illustrate how we can design and simulate power systems in MATLAB/Simulink. The models are also available for download so that you can follow along, as well as use these models and modify them to create your own power system models.By learning how to simulate power systems in MATLAB/Simulink, you will be able to further your career in electrical engineering and power engineering.Remember that Udemy offers a 30-day money-back guarantee. I am also always available for questions while you go through the course to ensure everything is clear.See you in the course!"
Price: 149.99

"Lettura dei registri akashici - Livello 1" |
"Impara ad accedere alla dimensione dell'Akasha, impara a diventare un lettore dei registri akashici.Questo corso ti certifica come Lettore di registri akashici.Il corso e il certificato sono riconosciuti a livello internazionale dalla IAOTH, International Association of Therapist.L'Akasha una dimensione astrale che metaforicamente descritta come una biblioteca che contiene i libri, o registri, di tutto ci che successo ed esistito, esiste tuttora o esister.Quindi vi la storia personale di ognuno e tutte le sue vite passate.In questo corso imparerai ad accedere anche alle vite parallele, altro argomento affascinante e incredibile e imparerai anche a capire qual' lo scopo della tua vita.Imparerai quindi:Qual' il tuo scopo divino, il motivo per cui ti sei incarnatoQuali sono i tuoi talenti Come rimuovere le credenze limitanti e le paure che ti bloccanoCome superare ostacoli nella tua vita attualee altro ancora.Inoltre tale lettura diventa anche una guarigione spirituale, quindi non si tratta solo di andare a curiosare, ma di risolvere davvero problematiche che abbiamo nella nostra vita e che non sappiamo n perch le abbiamo, n come risolverle.Imparerai quindi a poter fare letture sia per te stesso, sia per gli altri.Il corso Master, quindi a tua volta potrai poi insegnare agli altri tale disciplina e imparerai come attivare le altre persone.Sei pronto ad imparare una nuova, affascinante ed incredibile disciplina spirituale olistica?Sei pronto ad svelare i segreti di altre dimensioni celati ai nostri occhi?"
Price: 149.99
