"AWS S3 broswer and .Net C Sharp" |
"With the help of get functions, the C sharp code can easily read the files from S3 browser. The program can help to read the contents of the file stored in S3 browser on console and as well as make the necessary adjustments for using in other programs. The C sharp code works well in .Net Framework. S3 browser allows to upload multiple files, the file size can be scalable as per required."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Teamwork Quick Start Course" |
"This course is formulated to give you a practical step-by-step approach to using Teamwork, starting with settings and customisation, and moving through to having live projects up and running inside of your Teamwork environment.Providing you with specific use case examples and workflow strategies that can be utilised within Teamwork, this course builds on the technical knowledge available in our Beginners and Advanced courses and guides you as you start to work within your projects.The course is made up of four sections that will guide you from setting up your company details, all the way through to closing out projects when they are complete."
Price: 24.99

"HTML 5 from Beginner to Pro-Code [ 7 Days Challange ]" |
"HTML and HTML5 are the two most important languages for a new web developer to learn. They are also the easiest and most basic. If you are interested in learning how to build webpages, but have limited experience with coding, this course will help you learn HTML and HTML 5 quickly and easily! We Promise to take you from Noob to Pro-Code [ Next Level ] !You will Begin by understanding what HTML and CSS are, so you will be able to comprehend what they can do for you, and how to use them in web design.You will then learn the rest below throughout this entire course:All of the HTML & HTML5 From Noob To Pro-LevelYou will receive a basic, yet thorough understanding of both HTML and HTML 5. The course focuses on having you begin to learn to write code and understand the fundamentals of coding so you can learn through doing. By the end of this course you will be able to completely use HTML and HTML 5 and become a professional!This course is designed for everyone and anyone, especially aspiring web designers, bloggers, programmers to business owners can benefit from learning some HTML and HTML 5. This course is also for anyone who plans on becoming a web programmer or a web designer themselves. HTML and HTML 5 are the essential first two languages you must master. HTML is required for anyone that wants to get into web development, there is no way around it. Being able to learn it simultaneously with HTML 5 allows you to become a professional web designer in no time !Who this course is for:This is a first semester university level course.This course is ideal for beginners wanting to learn how to build websites.This course is perfect for experienced developers wanting a thorough introduction to current best-practices.This course is perfect for experienced developers wanting to fill in gaps in their knowledge.Responsive Web DesignCreate Responsive Website Using HTML5 CSS3frontend developerswebsite designerHtml DevelopersLearn Web Development Courses and Tutorialshow to make responsive website using Html css JavascriptBuild a real world responsive websitejavascript front end tutorialfront end developer coursefront end development tutorialsLearn Web Development Courses and Tutorialsresponsive website design from scratch 2020Design A Complete Responsive Business Website From Scratchhtml5 + css3 responsive web designLearn Modern Responsive Web Design With Example Step by StepResponsive Html5 CSS3 WebsiteWeb Design For BeginnersBuild A Modern Looking Responsive WebsitesLearn Responsive Web Design From ScratchReal World Coding in HTML & CSSHtml5 CSS3 and Javascript : A Guide To Web Design From SCratchWeb Design HTML CSS Create Single Page Website from ScratchFront End Web DevelopmentTheres no better time to learn HTML & HTML 5 : Youve made a smart choice, because HTML & HTML 5 is the most popular Client Side language out there. This is no exaggeration. This popularity and growth means more jobs and opportunities than ever before.Get access to fast support if you get stuck : Theres nothing worse than getting stuck ten hours into a course and not getting the help you need to continue. Getting stuck is part of the learning process. Thats why Im here to answer every single question that comes my way.I guarantee that this is the most up-to-date and engaging HTML & HTML 5 course available, and it comes with a Udemy 30-day money-back guarantee.I cant wait to see you on the inside ! - B. Praveen Kumar ( PHP Developer & Web Designer - FULL Stack Developer )."
Price: 2560.00

essence-management |
"MBAMBA PhasePhasePhase"
Price: 19800.00

"Aprende a programar creando tu FUTBOL MANAGER" |
"De manera muy fluida y amigable te voy transferir los conocimientos para que puedas programar simples juegos. Lo vamos a hacer de manera divertidas y siempre con ejemplos prcticos. Todo aquello que te pareci difcil, ahora por fin vas a ver que simple que es. Te lo voy mostrar de una manera tan natural y simple que solo tendrs que relajarte y aprender."
Price: 19.99

"Leetcode must do questions (part 1)" |
"So basically in this course, I have discussed 50 coding interview questions and their detailed solution from various websites like leetcode, lintcode and gfg etc. this course have questions from topics like dynamic programing, BFS, DFS, Array, String, HashMap linkedList, Stack and Queue, etc to make lectures more attractive I used digital whiteboard so that I can teach you to approach to solve the problem easily."
Price: 1280.00

applications-of-nanotechnology-in-dentistry |
". . . . . . :- .- .- .This course discusses current concepts of nanotechnology and their applications in dental materials through highlighting on the nanostructures and various applications in dentistry and medicine. Preventive dentistry has also utilized nanodentistry to develop the nanomaterials for inclusion in a variety of oral health-care products. Methods for prevention of dental problems have been devised, discussed, and implemented since ancient times; however, there is a constant need for improved tools and techniques.This course is relevant academically for undergraduate and post-graduate dental students, dental practitioners, researchers, and faculties of dental universities, as it explores the application of various nanobiomaterials in dentistry, discusses current research in dental nanomaterials and potential future areas of interest, and examines the use of nanotechnology in various fields of dentistry.This course introduces the definition of nanotechnology, unique properties of nano-materials and nanotechnology and nature, In addition to their medical and dental applications.By the end of the course, participants will be able to recognize the following: The definition of nanotechnology. Dental applications of nanotechnology. Nanotechnology hazards and future."
Price: 29.99

"Meu Primeiro Rob de Investimento com MQL4" |
"Curso bsico de linguagem de programao MQL4 onde voc vai ser capaz de criar seus prprios robs, aprendendo a programar passo a passo desde a instalao do Meta Trader 4, os princpios bsico da linguagem, logica de programao totalmente focado no Mercado Financeiro e a criao de um rob para Forex."
Price: 99.99

"Programmation Orient Objet avec C#" |
"Ce cours s'adresse aux tudiants et aux dveloppeurs ayant dj une premire exprience de la programmation structure et qui sont dsireux de passer la Programmation Oriente Objet (POO) avec le langage C#, pour dvelopper des applications .NET.Il prsente de manire progressive et illustre les concepts essentiels et les savoir-faire associs :Ecriture et utilisation de classes.Ajout de constructeurs et d'accesseurs, encapsulation.Gestion des objets en mmoire (notion de rfrence d'objet).Mise en relation de classes : association et hritage.Redfinition et surcharge de mthodes.Le polymorphisme.Les interfaces.Chaque notions avec des exemples sur Visual Studio. (Apprendre avec des exemples )"
Price: 19.99

"Django 3: Beginners Guide to Build a betting prototype." |
"Django is a fantastic web framework built with the Python programming language. With Django you can create websites and web apps very quickly and efficiently.Django was created by very experienced developers who have built into it several tools for rapid web application development.Django is very fast ,secure and scalable making it an attractive framework choice for thousands of developers.Django developers are in hot demand and command attractive wages. Some billion dollar companies like Instagram and Pinterest were created using the Django framework.This is a beginners Django course that will take you from absolute scratch to creating a simple Django web app. The course isa hands on course and i strongly advise you to follow along with me so you can gain a better understanding of the framework.What your will learn:How to install pythonHow to install pycharmAutomatically activating virtual environment in pycharmHow to install DjangoHow to create Django projectHow to create Django appHow to create Django ModelHow to run Django commandsHow to use command line interfaceHow to run MigrationsHow to query Django databaseHow to register Django appHow to Administer Django appBasic crash course in PythonDjango is an extremely in-demand skill that pays quite well. Django is used by a lot of startups to build great applications.Instagram was once a startup that was built using Django and later sold to facebook for $1 billion ,Yes 1 billion dollars !just roughly two years after it was created.Django has a thriving community that you can engage with as you begin your Django journey.Welcome to Django for beginners Course. :-)"
Price: 29.99

"El poder de las Creencias para tu crecimiento personal" |
"Te preguntaste alguna vez por qu a pesar de hacer de todo no consigues lo que realmente quieres?La razn probablemente est escondida en tus creencias. Si quieres averiguarlo, te guiar por un mundo de autodescubrimiento que te revelar gran parte de quin eres y por qu tienes los resultados que tienes.Te gustara aprender a usar el poder de las Creencias para transformar tu vida de verdad? Este curso intensivo te dar las bases para un conocimiento profundo y slido de autoconocimiento mediante de una de las mejores herramientas del coaching: el trabajo de creencias.Ven conmigo a sumergirte en el mundo de las creencias, podemos aprender tanto que te preguntars por qu no lo habas hecho antes.Gracias por confiar en m para llevarte paso a paso en este viaje de crecimiento y transformacin personal."
Price: 99.99

"Word para quem no entende nada de computador" |
"Cansado de pedir ajuda para seus filhos? Ainda se enrola para preparar pequenos comunicados ou documentos? Seu trabalho escrito parece inacabado e de baixa qualidade?Tambm sente vergonha por no entender como funciona o computador, nem os programas mais bsicos? Perde-se ao mandar e receber e-mails, principalmente quando precisa lidar com arquivos anexos?Ento, esse curso pra voc!"
Price: 114.99

"TikTok Marketing - TikTok 2020!" |
"The TikTok social media platform has seen explosive growth over the last two years.It now has 500 million users that are desperate for fun and exciting content and this is a massive opportunity for you to promote your business.To be successful with TikTok marketing you need to know how the platform works and how the users interact with each other.TikTok appeals to a younger demographic and you really need to speak their language to be successful.This video guide will explain all you need to know about TikTok to create successful marketing campaigns.Topics covered:What Is TikTok And Why Should You Care?Getting Started With TikTokCreating Content For TikTokTikTok HashtagsMarketing Strategies for TikTokTikTok AdsTikTok Use Cases To Inspire YouTikTok AnalyticsTikTok Best Practices"
Price: 99.99

"Wind Energy Fundamentals: Renewable Energy Power Course" |
"Wind Energy Fundamentals: Renewable Energy Power Course is a comprehensive video course where you can learn all about wind turbines and wind farm that are essential in working in the industry; from basic knowledge to how to design and manage wind farm projects.I have handcrafted this course to allow students to acquire core fundamental knowledge on the wind turbines as well as how to apply it in the wind energy industry.If you are currently or working towards being an energy engineer and wind turbines are something that you need to work with, you will find this course of great help to get the fundamental knowledge you need to kick start your professional career. If you are looking to work in this industry, this course will provide you with the fundamental knowledge that you need as well as a blueprint on what professions are needed in this industry. So let's get started! Let's start your fulfilling journey and mark an important point of your phenomenal career!"
Price: 99.99

"Spiritual ABC - Vol 1. Self Inquiry: Who Am I?" |
"To Realise Who You Are! Through Introspection and Inquiry. Through Contemplation and Dialogue. Through Meditation and Insight. Find out who you are as an individual and find out how you be at one with others. Learn about Spirit, the underlaying nature of Life itself, and see how everything you do and say matters.Look inside now, locate your sense of being itself. Strip it of name and form, time and space. Ask yourself who you are before thought and feeling. You can be free here and now if you really want it. You dont have to sit in meditation retreats for the next twenty years. But you have to want it more than anything else."
Price: 19.99

"Medicamentos y farmacia para no farmacuticos" |
"Si ests relacionado con los medicamentos, ya sea colaborando dentro de la industria farmacutica o como su proveedor, y tu formacin acadmica no es en qumica farmacutica, es posible que percibas que existe un rea de oportunidad en la comunicacin con los profesionales de Produccin, Calidad, I+D o Asuntos Regulatorios, debido a que, en ocasiones, pareciera que los conceptos son algo intrincados. Pues bien, este curso es para ti: te dar las bases de cmo se disea, crea y funciona un medicamento, as como la relevancia del manejo de quejas, de las reacciones adversas y las falsificaciones. Con esto, podrs platicar con ellos considerando la relevancia de cumplir especificaciones y generar evidencia tangible y objetiva. Y, sobre todo, conocers el marco legal mexicano del cual surgen estos requerimientos.Si, por otro lado, eres un profesional de la salud o responsable de una farmacia y ests interesado en conocer cmo nace y cunto cuesta crear un nuevo medicamento, cmo identificar medicamentos falsos, cmo se establecen los periodos de caducidad, por qu confiar en los genricos, qu diferencia hay entre una queja por calidad y un reporte de reacciones adversas y acrecentar tu conocimiento sobre medicamentos para resolver dudas de tus pacientes y orientarlos an mejor, este curso te dar esos conocimientos.El diseo del curso est pensado para que no resulte indispensable tener conocimientos previos en el rea de la salud.Adems, te brindar ms de 90 referencias y lecturas complementarias, las cuales incluyen legislaciones, guas, libros, as como artculos periodsticos y cientficos.Recomendado como curso de induccin para los nuevos ingresos en la industria farmacutica/sector salud, o para quien maneja una cuenta relacionada con Produccin, Calidad, Asuntos Regulatorios o I+D de la industria farmacutica."
Price: 2595.00

Secretariado |
"Descrio do curso:O curso aborda desde o cdigo de tica do profissional de secretariado, postura e aparncia do profissional, o perfil desejado pelas empresas, conhecimento sobre o objetivo de uma empresa, os principais equipamentos e acessrios utilizados, etc.Objetivo:O curso tem como objetivo desenvolver competncias para que o indivduo tenha a capacidade de desenvolver as atribuies de um profissional de secretariado."
Price: 264.99

"Big Data Crash Course Learn Hadoop, Spark, NiFi and Kafka" |
"9 hours+ Video ContentGain Holistic Picture of Big Data EcosystemLearn HDFS, HBase, YARN, MapReduce Concepts, Spark, Impala, NiFi and KafkaExperience Classroom like environment via White-boarding sessionsUnderstand ""What"", ""Why"" and ""Architecture"" of Key Big Data Technologies with hands-on labsPerform hands-on on Google Cloud DataProc Pseudo Distributed (Single Node) EnvironmentDelivered by Bhavuk Chawla who has trained 5000+ participants in in-person trainingAcquire Certificate on Successful Completion of the CourseBelow are our more courses -Big Data Crash Course Learn Hadoop, Spark, NiFi and KafkaBig Data For Architects Build Big Data Pipelines and Compare Key Big Data TechnologiesGoogle Data Engineer Certification Practice ExamsSetup Single Node Cloudera Cluster on Google CloudConfluent Certified Operator for Apache Kafka Practice TestConfluent Certified Developer Apache Kafka Practice Tests"
Price: 199.99

"Microsoft Access Introduction" |
"This is the first step of three training courses in the Microsoft Access series. The course content is as follows:Understand The Database WindowDatabase Objects - Tables - Queries - Forms - Report - MacroDatabase TerminologyCreating a DatabaseBasic Tables and Table designUsing Queries and design your ownUsing the Auto Form FeatureForm DesignUsing the Auto Report FeatureReport DesignCopying DataFreezing ColumnsPrinting TablesPrinting ReportsSorting RecordsUsing the Filter SortsRenaming ColumnsUsing the Chart WizardImporting data from ExcelLinking to Excel DataAfter this course you will a good understanding of the basic concepts used in a Microsoft Access database."
Price: 29.99

"Crise! Aproveite o momento e faa seu negcio crescer" |
"Alguns negcios iro fechar, outros iro se consolidar.Qual ser sua escolha?Nesse curso vou te mostrar um passo a passo prtico para voc copiar e colar tudo que vou te ensinar no seu negcio.Voc vai aprender sobre: Vendas , Planejamento estratgico, inovao. Os pilares de um negcio de sucesso.No mdulo de inovao, vou te ensinar como posicionar e se diferenciar e criar relacionamento com seu cliente.No mdulo de vendas, vou te mostrar como prospectar, atrair e vender para novos clientes.No mdulo de gesto, te guio no mundo das estruturas de negcios bem sucedidos. Aqui voc vai aprender a implantar os pilares para seu negcio seguir em constante crescimento."
Price: 69.99

"Solidworks / Catia Eitim 2D izim Altrmas" |
" TRKYE'DE BR LK CATA + SOLDWORKS KURSU BR ARADAEndstriyel 2D Solidworks ve Catia'y Sfrdan leri Dzeye Kadar Gerek Projeler Yaratarak renin !Bu kursta Solidworks ve Catia programnn hzl uygulama gelitirmeye ynelik avantajn kullanarak hemen her blmde uygulamalar gelitirerek Solidworks ve Catia programnn 2D ksmn tmyle kavrayacaz.KURS ER :TR'de ilk kez bir kursta iki ayr izim programnn kursu tek bir kursta birletirilmitirAkademimiz tarafndan hazrlanan 200 esiz 2d izimi hocalarmz eliinde hep beraber iziyoruz35 Saatten fazla ierik sunan en uzun 2d eitimidirUzmanlarn grlerine gre , ayn anda 2-3 farkl program kullanmak hem rencinin daha ok gelimesini salyor hemde rencilerin olaylara ve izebilecekleri nesnelere farkl bak as salyorUnutulmamaldr ki bu kursu ciddi bir ekilde bitiren bir renci izim programnn %75'ini renmi demektirBAKA HBR KAYNAA HTYACINIZ YOKBu eitim seti sizden ekstra bir kaynak kullanma talebinde bulunmaz.mr boyu eriimMobil ve TV'den eriimBitirme SertifikasKurs boyunca yardma ihtiya duyduunuz konularda hi ekinmeden bize mail zerinden veya soru-cevap ksmndan sorularnz iletebilirsiniz."
Price: 99.99

"Decision Making: Improve Team and Meeting Productivity!" |
"High performance organisations make better decisions and therefore are capable to speed up organisational change! It seems obvious: companies that make good decisions and act on them perform well. Yet poor decision making remains a chronic problem at many companies.Decisions by Design is a simple and powerful tool to achieve the best achievable and sustainable decisions with active participation. Four design steps lead you as a change-maker, interactively with the relevant stakeholders, to crucial and informed decisions, in which all perspectives and realities are acknowledged. This decision-making method knows how to deal with the pitfalls of group processes (such as tunnel vision), conflicting interests, cognitive errors (such as the tendency to overestimate oneself), intuition and securing the decision for the long term. Your benefits:- you are able to design and facilitate effective group decision making;- decisions crafted by Decisions by Design don't land on a shelf but are followed through and institutionalised in the organisation;- no endless, boring meetings anymore - now you design evidence based and creative work sessions that result in sustainable decisions.So heres a quick overview of the course:1: Take the challenge to make meetings more productive! Because in the end you know that when there is more and more talking in your meetings, there is less decision making.2: Do you know how poor decision making leads to low team results? You will realise that decision making is the core process of collaboration.3: The solution is to focus on the process not the outcome! You learn to design successful decision making by applying the 4 steps of Decisions by Design.4: Record the route of a group decision with the help of the Decision Design Canvas, with which every stakeholder who joined later gains insight into considerations, interests and concerns that led to the outcome.5: Adopt the power of questions. Be in the lead by asking strategic questions!6: When there is effective decision-making - this is how that looks like."
Price: 94.99

"How to Manifest love or Money. The Most Powerful Course Yet." |
"In this course you will do six in depth powerful processors. Firstly we find clarity like never before, then you will experience clearings of energy, thoughts, beliefs that are unconsciously or consciously blocking you, then the manifestation processes begin so you can anchor in and create exactly what you want."
Price: 59.99

"Conduite agile du changement : accompagner vos projets" |
"Vous souhaitez que vos projets russissent bien entenduLe projet, ce n'est pas seulement un budget, un planning et une quipe... mais c'est aussi proposer un changementPour russir vos projets, vous devez donc non seulement dlivrer un produit de qualit, dans les temps, mais aussi prvoir toutes les actions pour que ce produit soit utilis, et pleinement acceptConduire le changement, c'est apprhender tous les impacts d'un projet, organisationnels ou humainsLa rsistance au changement, vous connaissez certainement, car cela nous concerne tousAussi dans cette formation, si vous tes un chef de projet, vous apprendrez comment accompagner au mieux votre projet dans toutes ses dimensions, comment effectuer un diagnostic, mesurer les impacts, identifier les acteurs cls, mesurer et traiter les rsistances, proposer des ateliers participatifs... bref piloter votre changementMais le changement ne s'exprime pas seulement via les projetsLa conduite du changement, c'est aussi savoir identifier les personnes relais auprs des quipes, constituer une quipe de pilotage, prparer le plan de communication, identifier les besoins de formation, organiser les actions d'accompagnement des personnes impactes par le changementToutes ces actions peuvent se prparer et s'effectuer de diffrentes maniresVous trouverez dans cette formation les techniques permettant d'impliquer les personnes en leur permettant de co-construire le changement, via l'agilit et des exemples d'ateliers participatifsAu travers de cette formation, la conduite agile du changement, vous allez acqurir les comptences indispensables pour accompagner vos projets, et russir toutes les actions relatives au changement"
Price: 199.99

"A complete course to learn Autocad, the world's most preferred technical drawing and design software developed by Autodesk, at a professional level with basic information from the start.Who Is This Course For?Freshening their knowledge using a new version of autodesk-autocad program, which is now standard for producing all types of technical drawings, has already been prepared carefully for participants who have participated in a course before but forgot the program, working with occasional project files but who do not feel fully dominant in the Autocad program, who want to become a professional Autocad user from scratch.What is Course Content?Initially, by downloading the student version of the Autocad program from the official site, installing, introducing interfaces, the general operating principle of the program, their systems, the commands for drawing and editing objects in simple form,In order to gain advanced use skills afterwards, this set consists of many sections and subsections, such as autocad's most commonly used drawing and editing tools, layer concept, how layers are created and edited, more efficient way to work by block and group objects, creating texts and calling text files from outside, working with scanning textures, measuring, printing drawings, and adjusting output.Application-Practice DrawingsIt is aimed to consolidate all the knowledge learned and to become a master drawing artist with 69 carefully prepared drawing exercises.Chapter-15 ""App Drawing-1"" is available for all work files from 1 to 69 within the course video.Instructor Support for Your QuestionsThere will surely be moments when participants have a hard time with the content related to the courses and feel the need to ask questions. It is important to ask and answer all the questions that come to mind in an efficient learning process. Therefore, I recommend that participants share all the problems they face in the Q&A section- their questions. I'll try to get back to every question as soon as possible.I hope you'll have a useful source that you'll like education.and if you're ready, we can start..."
Price: 24.99

"Autodesk Civil 3D ; gl ilevler ieren arazi ve inaat mhendislii tasarm yazlmdr. Civil 3D bu konuda retilmi yazlmlardan en byk fark; nesneler arasnda akll ilikiler yaratmasdr, tasarmda herhangi bir deiiklik olduu anda nesneler de dinamik olarak gncellenir, tm Civil 3D nesneleri birbirleri ile balantldr. rnein, gzergahta bir deiiklik yapld anda profiller de otomatik olarak gncellenir. Kolay kullanml arayz kullanclara projelerin retimi, ynetilmesi ve paylalmas aamalarnda byk kolaylk salar. Tasarm, analiz, raporlama ve 3 boyutlu grselletirme ilemlerinin tm Civil 3D ile yaplabilir. Video ieriinde Civil 3D ile zelletirilmi arazi ve inaat mhendislii tekniklerinden bahsedeceiz."
Price: 409.99

"Transform 5 games Augmented Reality using Vuforia in Unity3D" |
"This course focus on Vuforia Image Target,We will use Vuforia Image Target to make 5 game AR and one AR multiplayer at the same time using photon.this package is divided to 2 main Videos: for each game, a common tasks which is Vuforia configuration, and the best part, to make the game Augmented Reality.in the final game we will make it Multiplayer either.Some games will have a video for fixing errors appeared after making it AR.This package will give you the needed experience to manipulate and Master Vuforia SDK on Unity3D game Engine.This course will teach you a lot according to the time passed in,The cause is : we are Engineers and knows the shortest path with better results.Learn the Engineers thinking way.Learn to code clear and simple code with huge effect.Learn to decompose a project by ""Modules"".Learn to create a diagram for each game or big module to develop.learn the Reverse Engineering method.So, a new gaming experience has arrived! It is Multiplayer AR Games Using Vuforia Engine. There are already very successful Multiplayer Games out there such as Pokemon GO, Harry Potter: Wizards Unite and Mini Guns - Omega Wars...If you are a game developer, there can't be a better time to develop and publish your Own multiplayer game to the stores(AppStore or PlayStore And more ...Because there are really a few games and the potential is huge! That's why I created this unique online course on Multiplayer Augmented Reality to help game developers publish their own Multiplayer AR Games.In this course, you will learn the basics of Multiplayer Augmented Reality game development.Once we completed the single-player mode, we will implement Multiplayer using Photon Unity Networking 2 package as the multiplayer engine.For the Multiplayer side of the game, you will learn:Connecting to Photon serversJoining random roomsPlayer SelectionAutomatic Player Spawning After DeathWriting your own Synchronization script to synchronize player movement also Health Bar And Animations.Killing and re-spawning mechanism.Then, we will implement Augmented Reality into the multiplayer game we've built. We will use the top AR SDKs which are Vuforia. And with Unity's AR Foundation, we will develop only once and deploy the game to both Android and IOS devices. That will definitely save you some development time...For the Augmented Reality side of the game, you will learn:Test The Multiplayer And AR Game With Different Solutions.Implementing AR to a Unity SceneImplementing Vuforia to the Project with AR FoundationDetecting image Target and Put Map On it Placing the Game Arena to Flat SurfacesHealth Bar for All Players synchronizationMovement Synchronization in Augmented RealitySupport for Unity 2019.3!Come and join me if you want to be part of this new, awesome Gaming platform which is Multiplayer Augmented Reality.Let's build together!Who this course is for:Unity developers who want to build Multiplayer Augmented Reality ( AR ) gamesUnity developers who want to learn building AR GamesUnity developers who want to Learn how to make a game from Single Player To Multiplayerunity arcore vuforia augmented reality - One technology that's truly shaking up the landscape is augmented reality (AR), which superimposes an image onto a user's view of the real world and enhances it with sound, touch, and even smell13/09/2018 - The first augmented reality tutorial in our series will help you get to grips with scenesunity 3d ar - unity vuforia augmented reality tutorial.How To Augmented Reality Video Playback Unity 20172018 & Vuforia Augmented Reality in Education 2018 AR Arkids cards Pink screen in android build unity vuforiaIn this Unity tutorial series, newly updated for Unity 2018[NEW] Vuforia 8 Video Playback in Augmented Reality Unity 2020 Aren't you interested in :Vuforia,Arcore,AR,Augmented Reality,game mechanics,unity,Transform Game to Augmented Reality,3D Scripting,Unity AR,Prototyping,Visual Studio,Visual Studio 2019,Fast Developing,C#,Reverse Engineering,Spark AR Studio,Game Physics,Debugging,Game Asset,User Interface,Game Development Fundamentals,ar foundation,,mapbox,Android Development,spark ar,iOS Development,Rapid Application Development,vuforia unity ,spark r studio,android game,android game development,mobile game,ios game,ios game development,game development,Build APK to Android unity arcore vuforia augmented reality, ARKit Tutorial, ARCore Tutorial, Vuforia Tutorial, Unity Tutorial, Filip Baba, How to make an AR Experience, Software, , mix reality, unity development, install and download vuforia and unity, augmented reality tutorial, unity vuforia, unity tutorial, augmented reality unity, unity ar tutorial, unity augmented reality "
Price: 194.99

"How to Design and Build an Aquaponics Farm" |
"This course covers in depth material on designing and building your very own small to medium scale commercial aquaponics system. If you're looking to understand all aspects of the DIY design and build process, including materials required, growled plans, sizing your water tanks, fish tanks, pump system, aeration systems, plant density etc then this course might be right for you. We take you through the complete process of idea to design and build through a structured step by step course breakdown, with detailed examples and case studies so you do not have to guess what you have learned. The theory in the course is practically demonstrated by the use of specific design examples that walk you through each step of the design process using case studies and examples. You learn as you design with practical content that is derived from real world applications. The material is put together specifically with the intention to give you the information you need for the ""How-To's"" of your aquaponics project and covers more than many of the 2-3 day long workshops offered for a fraction of the price. This course contains materials derived from aquaculture and hydroponics literature in addition to design parameters developed by Urbanspace Aquaponics. This course might be a good fit for you if you:Are looking to design and build your own aquaponics facility based on the UVI model.Want to get a solid understanding of how aquaponics functions and how you can master all aspects of aquaponics designAre tired of searching the internet for answers in so many different places?This is an advanced level course that explores and breaks down all aspect of designing and building a small commercial aquaponics facility discussing in detail the materials required, component sourcing, component sizing, system ratios, and parameters used in developing both the aquaculture and hydroponic component of aquaponics. Although, there is no prerequisite for this course it is highly recommended that the Aquaponics Farming & Gardening + Design Case Study course is taken before enrolling in this course. This course does not include video instructions on assembling an aquaponics set up, it discusses the engineering aspects of designing and materials required in building a system. This course also does not discuss backyard system design in any greater detail."
Price: 24.99

saqlycourses0 |
Price: 19.99

"Automate The Boring Websites Using Selenium in Python" |
"Selenium is a portable framework for testing web applications. In this course, we will learn Selenium From Scratch with 2 Major Projects. We will see, how practically implement selenium like automating the Facebook Signup Form, then we will see how you can gain followers on twitter. There are so many funs we will do throughout this course. Join Now."
Price: 49.99

"Excel Veri Analizi Kursu / Data Analysis Course" |
"Merhaba Deerli Arkadalar,Bu kursumuzda, MS Office Excel'in tasarm ve veri analizi iin gelitirilmi olan zelliklerini kullanarak bir veri analizi program / dashboard yapacaz. 94.000 satr, 20 stunluk bir veri setiyle alacamz bu kursumuzda;Klasik yntemlerle tablo ve grafikler oluturacazPivot table / zet tablo oluturacaz Kursumuzun ilk blmnde klasik tablolama ve grafikleme yntemlerini kullanacaz. Ayrca bu ksmda, verilerin olduu kapal bir Excel dosyasndan dorudan ve formllerle dinamik (deiken) biimde veri ekeceiz. stelik veri ekeceimiz bu dosyanzn sizin bilgisayarnda olmasna gerek olmadan bunu yapacaz. kinci blmde de arlkl olarak pivot table / zet tablo zelliklerini ve grafiklerini kullanarak dinamik / deiken grafiklerin olduu bir veri analiz sayfas / dashboard yapacaz. Yapacamz bu sayfalar, Powerpoint'e gerek duymakszn sunumlarnzda kullanabileceksiniz. Soru, gr ve nerilerinizi buradan veya mail adresimiz* zerinden dim bizlere iletebilirsiniz.Derslerimizin faydal olmas dileiyle.*karatasakademi@outlook.com"
Price: 409.99
