"The Ultimate Logic Pro X Music Production Course 2020" |
"If you want to produce professional music like Calvin Harris/Diplo/Skrillex/MK/Sonny fodera this course is for you. Learn to produce quick and music sounding goodLearn how to recordLearn how to write music and edit midi and audioLearn how to mix your songs like a pro so can be played in carsLearn how to use VST/Plugins Follow step by step and I will show you tricks and tipsOnce you purchased this course message me, I will send you a link which will be a folder with the latest sounds and the best drums for your music for free."
Price: 199.99

"UPDATED! Writing Fiction: How to Identify Your Target Market" |
"COURSE IMPROVED! After getting some GREAT feedback from students, I've improved the course! My goal is to give you the best course possible in order to help you achieve your goals.Fiction Writers: Do you want an audience for your stories?If you're a fiction writer (e.g., novelist, aspiring writer, screenwriter, etc.) who's struggling to find an audience, then this course (and my other courses here on Udemy) will be perfect for you! This is just the first course in a series of courses dedicated to helping beginner and intermediate fiction writers!Where should you start? By identifying your target market (your avid audience)!Whether you're trying to self-publish a novel or looking to build an audience for a future story still in development (e.g., novel, short film, video game, etc.), this course is designed to help you get there by helping you identify your target market (what I like to call your avid audience). Building an avid audience for your fiction starts here: IDENTIFYING YOUR TARGET MARKET!COURSE OUTLINEBy the end of this course, you will have a first draft of a target market - your avid audience. Here are the lessons included:Course Introduction - Fiction Writing: How to Identify Your Target MarketWhat is an Avid Audience? (Hint: It's your initial target market!)How to Identify Your Target Market (Like a Tech Startup Founder)Writer's Roundtable: Find, Build, and Write for an Audience (OPTIONAL LESSON)Writer Profile, Part 1 - Psychographic Characteristics (1 Workbook, 10 Optional Assignments)Writer Profile, Part 2 - Demographic Characteristics (1 Workbook, 11 Optional Assignments)Identify the Characteristics of Your Target Market/Avid Audience (1 Workbook, 3 Critical Assignments)Create a First Draft of Your Target Market/Avid Audience (1 Workbook, 1 Critical Assignment)Now What? How to Utilize Your Target Market/Avid AudienceChecklist: How to Build an Avid AudienceWHY YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO PASS UP THIS COURSEIf you:...already have an avid audience who loves your stories and purchases them...or if you've sold your breakthrough novel or film script to a big publisher or production company...then you might not need this course. But, if you want more people to engage with your fiction and purchase it, then this course (and all my courses on Udemy) is designed for you. I used these principles (the same principles used by tech startup founders) to find an avid audience for my time travel novel, TIMESLINGERS, which went on to be an Amazon Best Seller.And I can teach you how to use these same techniques to build a story that your audience will love (and buy).SIGN UP TODAY AND START LEARNING!If you're a writer who's just starting out, or if you're an intermediate writer who wants to build a bigger audience, this program will help you do just that! Join me and learn how to find, build, and write for an avid audience! Starting, in this course, with identifying your target market... a CRUCIAL first step to long-term success!IMPORTANT NOTEI am in the process of building out more courses for this program. If you can't find a course you're looking for that I talk about in this course, it may be that I'm still working on it. Feel free to ask me for more info!"
Price: 59.99

"Superando la prdida por el fallecimiento de un ser querido." |
"Este curso esta pensado en las personas que acaban de sufrir la prdida de un ser querido. Durante nuestra vida sufrimos muchas prdidas pero la muerte de una persona amada es una de las prdidas ms fuertes y de las cuales nos cuesta ms trabajo sobreponernos.A veces creemos que NUNCA lo superaremos, que no dejaremos de sentir todas las emociones negativas que surgen en nuestro interior o no sabemos como confrontarlas o como empezar el proceso y requerimos apoyo o ayuda para saber por donde iniciar.En esos momentos tan difciles, necesitamos ayuda para lograr traspasar el proceso de duelo y recuperar nuestra paz interior."
Price: 24.99

"Get BRAIN POWER MASTERY in 31 Days" |
"Learn the Brain Power Mastery in just 31 DaysUnleash the ultimate power of your brain.Master the brain power first before mastering any other skills.Do you want to prepare yourself for the brighter future. Also want to get abundance in life with the help of your immense brain power capacity then this course is for you.I have done this for me, now it's your turn. I want to help you to master your brain power in next 31 days.Brain Power Mastery is what all successful people do! Now it's your turn to start mastering it from today. You will learn brain power basic Mantra that Everybody is a born genius. Even! you too have that unleashed & untapped immense power within you.This course will teach you, many such a great understanding to start this amazing journey towards your Bright Future.This Course will explore you, all those facts which can solve all the confusions & blocks related to Brain real potential. It will cover many important topics related to Brain & Mind Power Connections . You will get secrets to create tremendous positive energy within you. You will also get many exercises to experience this energy practically.In this course, I will give you stunning actions which will generate tremendous winning feeling in you. You will create amazing positive vibrations around you. You will also learn secrets to connect yourself with the supreme power.The very important section to boost Brain Muscle Memories. You will learn 7 secret meditations technique used by ancients Yogis. Even no matter you are new to meditation but it will give you results what Yogis used to get. After this sections vigorous practice you will find complete positive transformation in you. You will become Proactive Person.Do you know how to think? No, that's why we dont get what we desire for. Here you will learn right discipline thinking process. You will also get very unique 7 Thinking pyramid techniques. Which will give total control of your mood & actions in your hand. This is top most secret tool already used by successful people.Still not decided, Let me Help you. Just think and answer my 3 questions, if you get 'Yes' for anyone of the answer, then you should join 'Brain Power Mastery' happily.If you finally learn the secret to create abundance in life. Which can transform your whole life foreverWould it be worth for you?If you finally Become able to handle every situation of life, also to take right decision & Actions in Life!Would it be worth for you?If you finally learn many amazing tools which can make you more confident & give you total control of your mood & emotions? Would it be worth for you?If You got 'Yes' for any one questions given above then join this course immediately!THIS IS THE DEFINING MOMENT OF YOUR LIFE, WINNERS ARE ACTION TAKERS! BE THE ONE TODAY."
Price: 12800.00

"Data Analisi con Pandas 2020" |
"- Benvenuto nel corso sulla libreria Pandas pi completo disponibile su Udemy in lingua italiana!- Questo corso, oltre ad essere aggiornato alla versione di Pandas 1.0, copre tutti i principali metodi, attributi e tecniche di manipolazione dati che si incontrano nei progetti della vita reale. - I concetti che imparerai durante il corso ti porteranno a diventare un vero mago della manipolazione e analisi dei dati! Ma non ci fermeremo solo alla teoria, avrai infatti la possibilita' di valutare le tue skills tramite diversi esercizi!Data Analisi con Pandas edizione 2020, offre oltre 100 lezioni e 8 ore di tutorial video, le lezioni includono:- Series e Dataframes- Imparare a lavorare con le serie temporali- decine di metodi e attributi spiegati in dettaglio- Come modificare la forma di un dataset (tabelle pivot, merge, groupby...)- Visualizzazioni e grafici tramite Pandas e Matplotlib- Importare e salvare datasets da e su file esterni- Imparerai a creare anche le famose bar chart race!- Esercizi per impratichirsi e tanto altro!"
Price: 19.99

"Tu Ascensin espiritual: Abrzala! Una gua prctica" |
"La ascensin espiritual ya est sucediendo y t eres parte de ella! Crear conciencia de tu crecimiento espiritual produce lo que todo ser humano desea: una vida ms plena, una experiencia humana completa, un estado de felicidad sin prerequisitos. En este curso vers la transformacin espiritual a travs de una serie de herramientas fciles y prcticas. Es un mtodo de ejercicios espirituales diarios con herramientas efectivas que pueden transformar tu vida con una conexin ms profunda y consciente con la Unidad. Aprenders los fundamentos de la espiritualidad, el arte de estar completamente vivo.Este curso, ""Ascensin espiritual: Abrzala!"" te brinda una visin sincera de tu crecimiento espiritual como ya est sucediendo y te propone ejercicios espirituales prcticos diseados para: Traerte al momento presente, la ""falta de tiempo"" el Eterno Divino Ahora de infinitas posibilidades Ayudarte a discernir entre el espacio mental y el verdadero Ser, el Alma que eres Practicar cmo sumergirte en la espiritualidad en tu vida diaria sin cambiar nada de lo que ya haces. Ofrecer un alivio sin esforzarte para ascender espiritualmente!Christina ser tu instructora de Udemy, ofreciendo una serie de ejercicios fciles y prcticos y recursos tiles para practicar por tu cuenta. Con este curso, no solo podrs conectarte a tu espacio interior y aprender a hacer prcticas espirituales de todo lo que te rodea, sino que tambin te sentirs seguro de que t, como todos los dems, eres un ser espiritual en evolucin, que se ha ofrecido a encarnar en este planeta y ascender junto con la Madre Tierra.El curso ha sido diseado para darte una visin interna de tu crecimiento espiritual. Asegura una forma sencilla de acceder a las prcticas espirituales, desde todos los niveles de experiencia. Te guiar para fortalecer tu conexin espiritual y te ensear cmo pasar del ""hacer humano"" al ""ser humano""!Regstrate para aprender cmo hacer que tu camino de ascensin sea ms suave!"
Price: 24.99

"40 Programs in Python 3" |
"Python Language has a great scope in data science (DS), machine learning (ML), Natural language processing (NLP), artificial intelligence (AI), web development, game development, IOTs, and neural networks. Python is the most popular programming language nowadays. PyPy, PyCharm, Pyspark and other software are contributing a lot in the field of automation. Jython, Cpython, PYPy, and IronPython are the implications of python language. This language has a very easy syntax and is easy to read and write.In this course you will learn variables in python 3, data structures, conditionals, loops, and basic functions with the help of different programming code examples. You would be able to do python certification, python coding, python comment, python documentation, python else if, and loops. If you know or dont know other language such as C or Java, you can easily work on python IDE (integrated development environment). Learn by doing simple program exercises in online Compiler and learn how to become a coder/programmer. If you are new to programming, This is the perfect language to learn. You can learn it from scratch with this best video lecture course that I have designed for you.This course is for:Beginners with no programming experiencePrime features of this Course:A python program is very easy to understand. After the completion of this course, you will be able to work on python editor and also import different library functions. This course is designed such as it supports Python for kids, python for beginners as well as for pro programmers. This uses online python compiler: Google Colab to run codes online. In this course, you will learn:How to convert Kilometers into miles.Find the smallest number among three given numbers.How to print Hello World in Python using print function.Factorial calculator of a number.Taking input from user in integer, floating point, and string format.Printing of prime numbers.Multiplication table of a given number.Find whether a year is a leap year or not.Find a character from a given ASCII number.How to convert character or letter to ASCII python.HCF of two numbers by division method.Calculate cube of a number by lambda function.Add two float numbers.Even odd program in python using function.How to count the number of vowels in a string using for loop.Program to check whether a number is positive or negative or zero.How to add subtract multiply or divide two integers.Vowel or consonant py thon program.Celcius to Farenheit code & Fahrenheit to celsius conversion.Exponentiation (power of a number).Plus:Program to check whether a character is alphabet or not.Largest among three numbers.Program code to find the length of a string.How to reverse a string.How to sort a string alphabetically.Create or declare empty list.Remove punctuation marks from string.How to find the largest number in a list using list append method.How to find the largest number in a list without max function.Find the biggest number in a list max function.Smallest number in a list using list append And for loop.Print the smallest number in a list using list sort.How to find the smallest number in a list using min function.Sum of all digits in a number.Sum of n natural numbers in python using while loop.How to find numbers divisible by other numbers.Swapping two numbers with third variable.Swapping of two numbers without using temporary third variables.Program to add two matrices using nested lists.Add two binary strings.Plus: 5 MORE PROGRAMS AS A GIFT:Program to convert decimal to binary.Generate a random number in between 0 and 50 or a range.Add two numbers prompted by the user.Finding transpose of a matrix.Program to print the calendar of a given month and year.Do you need some specific knowledge for this course?This is the standard course that includes python 3.0 programming examples. I will teach you on python online compiler Google colab. You do not need python installation on windows or MAC OS on your device. You just need to practice on Jupyter notebook using anaconda and pip, if you want, else you can learn easily by watching this comprehensive python programs tutorial online. This course uses Python 3.7 and Python 3.8. This is the video tutorial in python3 programming for the absolute beginner. Python 2 has become outdated and no new projects are made in classic python, instead modern python programing is getting fame in the fields of data science, IOTs, Robotics, neural networks, and natural language processing. It has deep role in search engines, searching algorithms, and data mining techniques.Where to learn python from scratch?Welcome to 40 Program code examples for everybody:This is the best & complete Python video tutorial course for beginners, intermediate and advanced levels developers. At the end of this course, you would be able to learn basic programming codes. It is a standard course to go from zero to hero in python 3. This covers basic functions and modules from beginner to advanced level. This course can make you real-world Python programmer. This teaches you the basic introduction to python with the help of google Colaboratory notebook examples. This course is the complete python master class designed for success in every Python-related industry. This course supports Windows, MacOS, and Linux."
Price: 34.99

"Zoom Meetings and Video Conferencing Essentials (all levels)" |
"In todays remote, post COVID-19 world, we all have no choice but to be effective communicators. Our jobs, businesses, and careers overall depend on how well we are able to connect and communicate our ideas with others to win them over and influence them to our way of thinking through video conferencing - which is here to stay.Zoom is a fantastic tool, and there are so many different ways you can make it work harder for you to help you shine as a professional, regardless what job title or industry you are in. Regardless of your seniority level. This is what this course is all about ?Im super passionate about not just learning video conferencing tools for the sake of using them, or because I was told to but rather to really see how to use them as a vehicle to let your ideas and personality shine through.This is a course that speaks to people who want (need) to become an effective communicator to excel in their job, whether an individual contributor or a manager. This is not a regurgitation of things you can find on Zooms help centre or answers you can find in a quick Google search, but rather the emaligmation of my last 6 years living on video conferencing and learning the ins and outs that matter to effective communications in both corporate and startup environments.I hope and trust you will find something in this course that you wont find anywhere else, which will save you years of time in terms of insight you can instantly apply to your own day to day remote communication.Whats more, is that it is designed for beginners to really get a head start, but is equally suitable for those who do have a basic grasp of Zoom already (Zoom is easy to get started with after all!) but are looking for that extra spark to help them really stand out, which is mattering in todays them from being forgotten - especially when theyre preparing for a big meeting, presentation, webinar, or equivalent."
Price: 199.99

"Preparing Of Tenders Terms And Specifications" |
"( ( - -"
Price: 99.99

"AWS Certified Advanced Networking - Specialty Latest Exam" |
"The AWS Certified Advanced Networking - Specialty certification is one of the most challenging exams. It's great at assessing how well you understand not just AWS, but making sure you are making the best architectural decisions based on situations, which makes this certification incredibly valuable to have and pass.Do you want to evaluate your preparation for the AWS Certified Advanced Networking - Specialty AND be confident enough to pass your AWS Certified Advanced Networking - Specialty exam on the very first go? Well, then CompTIA Network+ (N10-007) Practice Tests are perfect for you! With this AWS Certified Advanced Networking - Specialty Practice course, you'll know exactly when you are ready to go for the exam and be 100% sure of achieving an incredible score"
Price: 44.99

"Cisco CCNA Latest Exam" |
"The Cisco CCNA certification is one of the most challenging exams. It's great at assessing how well you understand not just Cisco CCNA, but making sure you are making the best architectural decisions based on situations, which makes this certification incredibly valuable to have and pass.Do you want to evaluate your preparation for the Cisco CCNA AND be confident enough to pass your Cisco CCNA exam on the very first go? Well, then Cisco CCNA Practice Tests are perfect for you! With this Cisco CCNA Practice course, you'll know exactly when you are ready to go for the exam and be 100% sure of achieving an incredible score"
Price: 44.99

"CCSP (Certified Cloud Security Professional) Latest Exam" |
"The CCSP (Certified Cloud Security Professional) certification is one of the most challenging exams. It's great at assessing how well you understand not just CCSP (Certified Cloud Security Professional), but making sure you are making the best architectural decisions based on situations, which makes this certification incredibly valuable to have and pass.Do you want to evaluate your preparation for the CCSP (Certified Cloud Security Professional) AND be confident enough to pass your CCSP (Certified Cloud Security Professional) exam on the very first go? Well, then CCSP (Certified Cloud Security Professional) Practice Tests are perfect for you! With this CCSP (Certified Cloud Security Professional) Practice course, you'll know exactly when you are ready to go for the exam and be 100% sure of achieving an incredible score"
Price: 44.99

"CompTIA CySA+ (CS0-001) Latest Exams" |
"The CompTIA CySA+ (CS0-001) certification is one of the most challenging exams. It's great at assessing how well you understand not justCompTIA CySA+ (CS0-001), but making sure you are making the best architectural decisions based on situations, which makes this certification incredibly valuable to have and pass.Do you want to evaluate your preparation for the CompTIA CySA+ (CS0-001) AND be confident enough to pass your CompTIA CySA+ (CS0-001) exam on the very first go? Well, then CompTIA CySA+ (CS0-001) Practice Tests are perfect for you! With the CompTIA CySA+ (CS0-001) Practice course, you'll know exactly when you are ready to go for the exam and be 100% sure of achieving an incredible score"
Price: 44.99

"EASY savings plan! (+ spreadsheet)" |
"Hi! Were three lattes.Our first course is about savings which is quite an important thing whether you are starting out or at any stage of your life.This is a plan that we have followed ourselves, I have followed it myself Im on year 12 of this plan and it has worked quite successfully, and I think it is worth sharing with you because theres a lot of conflicting information out there, theres a lot of jargon in papers etc and I think people can end up getting overwhelmed. In this course you will see exactly the mechanics of how the savings works and how you build it up over time, and the options and freedom it will give you. If you follow the plan as weve set it out, after three years you will be a homeowner, after six years through home ownership and continuing to save diligently you will have approximately 84k of assets and after nine years it really is up to you as you will have a lot of financial freedom that will open up a lot of options. We consider some of the options in the course but it really is up to you and your circumstances.The example we use is based on London (UK) however it will apply to any other city or town. While salaries may be lower outside of London, property prices will typically also be lower too, and the same plan, the ethos and the discipline will still put you in that position so that you can become a homeowner if that is what you want, or if you want to just have more savings in the bank or more options.We hope you enjoy the course!"
Price: 24.99

"Simulado AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner" |
"So trs simulados preparatrios para o exame AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner, elaborado por profissionais aprovados no exame e com larga experincia em Cloud. Fizemos um modelo muito similar ao exigido no exame (reas de conhecimento, tempo de exame, % de acerto e complexidade das questes). Ele destinado a profissionais com conhecimentos e qualificaes necessrias para demonstrar uma compreenso geral da Nuvem AWS, independentemente de funes tcnicas especficas abordadas por outras AWS Certifications. O exame pode ser feito em um centro de testes ou um exame supervisionado on-line."
Price: 39.99

"Low Poly Stylized Fire In Blender" |
"In this course, my aim is to help you begin to learn Blender, the 3D modeling software, by doing. You will be guided through the creating of your own piece of art. This course is aimed at beginners and will give you a good, well-rounded, understanding of the tools used."
Price: 19.99

"Aprende Anlisis De Datos Con 8 Proyectos En Pandas" |
"Ests a punto de iniciar un poderoso curso que te ensear las ltimas tcnicas para analizar datos, llegar a conclusiones certeras y tomar decisiones basadas en datos. Usars una de las mejores herramientas que existen para lograr este objetivo, como lo es Pandas. Durante este curso veremos 8 proyectos donde analizaremos y exploraremos datos de tiendas online, datos de clnicas, de pelculos de Hollywood y haremos anlisis A/B testing as como anlisis de Funnels.Este curso contiene ms de 10 horas de contenido, y compartiremos contigo los Jpiter Notebooks y CSVs para que los descargues y corras en tu mquina local.El curso es de nivel intermedio y est diseado para estudiantes que tengan los siguientes conocimientos previos:SQLPythonNumpy (Opcional)Mi nombre es Daniel Morales y tengo ms de 4 aos de experiencia como desarrollador de software, ms de 3 aos como mentor y ms de 2 aos como data scientist. He trabajado en mltiples proyectos personales y de terceros dnde he podido entender en detalle cmo construir soluciones en Machine y Deep Learning a problemas complejos del mundo real.Actualmente me desempeo como mentor en MakeItReal para el bootcamp de data science y he fundado diversas empresas digitales, una de ellas Bookcademy que utiliza Natural Language Processing (NLP) para extraer resmenes de libros de negocios y cuyos resmenes luego los convierte en cursos de forma automtica. Tambin soy fundador de DataSource-ai una plataforma diseada para data scientist y compaas de latinoamrica donde somos ms de 1.000 cientficos de datos. El objetivo de sta plataforma es Aprender, Trabajar y Competir en data science. Tenemos una larga oferta de trabajos en data science para todo latinoamrica y varias competiciones en data science.Cuando accedas al presente curso, tendrs a la vez un acceso a un Slack privado donde podrs contactarte y hacer preguntas al mentor o a nuestra comunidad.Inscrbete ahora, y disfruta aprendiendo anlisis de datos!"
Price: 19.99

"SAP SLT for HANA" |
"SLT stands for SAP Landscape Transformation.SLT is the key Real-time Data Provisioning tool in HANA space and it's an ideal solution for all HANA customers who need real-time (and non-real-time) data replication sourcing from SAP (including S/4 HANA) or non-SAP systems into HANA.Having SLT knowledge is a resume booster. If you are planning to start career in HANA space, then go for it you will not regret.Here are few highlights of the course:Strong foundation on SLT basics and architectureAll types of data provisioning options in detailFilters and type mappingsTransformation programsMonitoring and Trouble shootingCommon issues and solutionsWe have covered everything what you need for your next SLT project.Probably Time4HANA courses are best in HANA World...!Please feel free to checkout course content and preview videos to know more about this course.Wish you happy learning...!"
Price: 94.99

"MS Azure - Fondamentaux Simul Az-900 franais et anglais" |
"Utilisez ce King simul de sorte que vous pouvez apprendre les rudiments sur le nuage Azure. Faites le test, l'examen et voir les points qui ont encore besoin d'tudier un peu avant la course, si vous frappe en moyenne plus de 90% sont grandes que vous passez le test. Les questions et les explications de la bonne rponse sont dcrits en anglais et en franais. Se souvenant que ce n'est pas un cours complet, et non officiel, il est simul pour le test."
Price: 19.99

"MS Azure Fundamentals - Simulierte Az-900 Deutsch und Englis" |
"Verwenden Sie diese simuliert King, so dass Sie Grundlagen ber die Azure Cloud lernen knnen. Machen Sie den Test, berprfung und die Punkte sehen, die noch ein wenig vor dem Rennen studieren mssen, wenn Sie durchschnittlich Treffer in mehr als 90% ist gro Sie den Test zu bestehen. Die Fragen und Erklrungen der richtigen Antwort werden in englischer und deutscher Sprache beschrieben. Daran erinnernd, dass es kein vollstndiger Kurs ist, und nicht offiziell, es wird fr den Test eines simuliert."
Price: 19.99

"Start Your Yoga - Gentle Yoga for Beginners" |
"Find calmness and reset anytime of day! This course is great for those who are new to yoga and want a gentle way to ease into it. In this course, we will break down beginner yoga poses and give helpful tips for getting started - then we move on to some gentle yoga practices! Let go of your stress and reduce tension by easing into these short, guided practices. Energize your body and calm your mind. This course includes step by step pose breakdowns and helpful tips to get started."
Price: 69.99

"MATLAB desde Cero" |
"Bienvenidos al curso de MATLAB desde Cero! Este curso te dar las herramientas necesarias para convertirte en un experto en el tema, empezaremos desde lo ms bsico hasta operaciones complejas. Todos los temas estn explicados con ejemplos prcticos aplicados al mundo real que te permitirn aprender mucho ms fcil y sin aburrirte de las clases.Cuando completes el curso estars en capacidad de crear scripts avanzados para el manejo de grandes cantidades de datos, para la visualizacin de datos y frmulas de alta calidad y para realizar tareas de programacin complejas usando estructuras algortmicas.Qu esperas para introducirte en el apasionante mundo de la computacin cientfica? Estoy totalmente seguro que con mis clases te convertirs en un experto en muy poco tiempo!El curso dispone de ms de 7 horas de contenido con la mejor calidad, acompaado de imgenes y diagramas que ayudarn que tu comprensin del tema sea la mejor. Cada seccin tiene un documento con varios ejercicios para que practiques lo aprendido y acerques al mundo prctico todos los conocimientos que adquiriste en los videos.Ya sea que ests cursando una materia de programacin con MATLAB en la universidad, o que necesites optimizar el manejo y las operaciones con datos en tu trabajo o en tu proyecto de investigacin, o que seas una apasionado de los datos y la programacin, este curso es para t! Obtendrs todas las herramientas necesarias para convertirte en el mejor!Qu esperas para inscribirte al Mejor curso de MATLAB y con el contenido ms reciente que tiene udemy? Te espero adentro!"
Price: 49.99

planofllife |
". ? - , , , , , , , , ? , , , , ."
Price: 1799.00

"IBM Integration Bus v10 application development" |
"This course is enough to make you a good IIB developer. No pre requisite is needed. If you are passionate about hot technologies in IT, then this course is best suited for you. This teaches you how you can integrate applications which are running on different/same platforms. You will learn a IBM tool called IBM integration bus which is the easiest integration tool available in the market today. So isn't it a good thing to start learning integration with this tool? It will be a fun to learn this."
Price: 5760.00

"Mental Survival Guide" |
"Mental Survival Guide -COVID-19 Edition is a stress management course with an added emphasis on the mental distress caused during the COVID-19 pandemic. The information is relevant during and after the pandemic for creating a stress resilient life. I wrote this course because of the staggering mental health statistics I was reading in major publications concerning the Covid-19 pandemic and its effects on mental health.These included :Calls to a national mental-health hotline were up 1,000%700% increase Mental Distress Among Americans Thats Tripled During the Pandemic70% of Americans experienced moderate-to-severe mental distressone-in-five Americans say they have had a physical reaction when thinking about the outbreakThe COVID-19 crisis has impacted peoples romantic relationshipWhy are people experiencing so much depression, anxiety and other mental distress during the pandemic. There are many reasons:The feeling of being isolatedPeople have lost their jobs and incomesSchools have been closed, Lives have been disruptedAnd the fear of the COVID-19 VirusThe mind and body have been scientifically proven to be connected. The stress you experience with your thoughts and emotions affect your mental and physical health. Heart attacks, strokes, cancers, ulcers, sleep disorders, feeling hopeless and depressed can be signs of stress. You can wear a mask to protect yourself against the virus but it wont help much to reduce your stress.Ive been giving stress management seminars for over a decade to Fortune 500 companies, corporate executives, healthcare workers, physicians, attorneys, mental health specialist and the general population. Never has anyone seen anything quite like what we are seeing now that affects peoples mental health like this pandemic.That is why I wrote the Mental Survival Guide for COVID-19, to help protect you from the stress and its consequences.The course includes the following:Mental Survival Guide book (PDF) download (226 pages)44 Lessons that teach you about stress and how to minimize or eliminate from your life. Each lesson is divided into 3 easy video lectures with a text download. Each short and easy to understand lesson teaches you something about stress, an exercise to decrease or eliminate stress and a journal entry to help you understand your personal stress and how to apply the lesson to your life.Part 1. Something to Learn: Knowledge Information to help you understand stress.Part 2. Something to Do: Stress Management Tool A technique to reduce your stress.Part 3. Something to Write: Journal Entry A place to record your life and thoughts.You will see from the Table of Contents that I also divided the book into 3 Sections. Section I will help you learn about and identify stress in your body. Sometimes people dont realize their physical symptoms are stress related. This section helps with that. Section II covers common stressors people experience, from work to home and relationships. Section III focuses on how to manage stress. Each section has valuable information to help you reduce stress.Note. You do not need to use every technique in this course to reduce your stress. Feel free to find some stress reduction techniques that work best for you and practice using them. The more you use them the more effective they become.Above all, enjoy doing them! Section I: Recognizing Stress in the Body and MindLesson 1: History of StressLesson 2: Definitions of StressLesson 3: Types of StressLesson 4: The Body and StressLesson 5: Stress PredictorsLesson 6: The Fight, Flight, or Freeze ResponseLesson 7: Health and StressLesson 8: The Mind and StressLesson 9: Emotions and StressLesson 10: Signs that your Mind is StressedLesson 11: Perceptions and AttitudesLesson 12: Values and GoalsSection II: Lifes Common StressorsLesson 13: Time and StressLesson 14: Pareto Principle (80/20 Rule)Lesson 15: ProcrastinationLesson 16: Financial StressLesson 17: Organizational StressLesson 18: Work StressLesson 19: Work from HomeLesson 20: Anger and StressLesson 21: Couples StressLesson 22: Parenting StressLesson 23: Relationship StressLesson 24: Caregiver Stress Compassion FatigueSection III: Managing StressLesson 25: The ABCs of Stress ManagementLesson 26: De-Stress EngineeringLesson 27: Survival Strategies for Life-Threatening StressorsLesson 28: Physical ActivityLesson 29: Sleep and StressLesson 30: Sense of Touch and StressLesson 31: Sense of Sight and StressLesson 32: Sense of Taste and StressLesson 33: Sense of Smell and StressLesson 34: Sense of Hearing and StressLesson 35: MindfulnessLesson 36: Mental Imagery and VisualizationLesson 37: ResilienceLesson 38: Social SupportLesson 39 HumorLesson 40 ForgivenessLesson 41 GratitudeLesson 42 LoveLesson 43 SpiritualityLesson 44 Maintaining Your Stress-Resilient LifeYou will also learn the following stress tools to help cope and manage your stress.Stress Tool 1: The Relaxation ResponseStress Tool 2: Value of Stress ReductionStress Tool 3: Goals for Reducing StressStress Tool 4: One Minute Body ScanStress Tool 5: Autogenic TrainingStress Tool 6: Diaphragmatic BreathingStress Tool 7: Hand on Belly BreathingStress Tool 8: Alternate Nostril BreathingStress Tool 9: Know Your EmotionsStress Tool 10: Complete Breathing (Zen Breathing)Stress Tool 11: Guided ImageryStress Tool 12: Guided Imagery IIStress Tool 13: Urgent/Important PrincipleStress Tool 14: Using the Pareto PrincipleStress Tool 15: Stop ProcrastinatingStress Tool 16: Create a BudgetStress Tool 17: Steps to Getting OrganizedStress Tool 18: Making SMART GoalsStress Tool 19: Work/Time RoutineStress Tool 20: MeditationStress Tool 21: Active ListeningStress Tool 22: Parent CommunicationStress Tool 23: Quick Calming TechniquesStress Tool 24: Avoiding Caregiver BurnoutStress Tool 25: Thought StoppingStress Tool 26: Solution Focused VisualizationStress Tool 27: Fear vs. DangerStress Tool 28: Exercise to Reduce StressStress Tool 29: Dream TherapyStress Tool 30: Touch and RelaxStress Tool 31: Color TherapyStress Tool 32: Eat Away StressStress Tool 33: AromatherapyStress Tool 34: Natures Sights and Sounds TherapyStress Tool 35: Mindfulness MeditationStress Tool 36: VisualizationStress Tool 37: Building ResilienceStress Tool 38: Support TherapyLesson 39 Laugh Away Your StressLesson 40 Nine Steps to ForgivenessLesson 41 Gratitude in ActionLesson 42 Life is a Lesson in LoveLesson 43 PrayerLesson 44 Relaxation RemindersWhat are the experts saying about the Mental Survival Guide? Being a psychologist in New York City, Im on the front lines of the COVID-19 mental health pandemic. The symptoms and casualties of stress are obvious everywhere. Todds book and course, Mental Survival Guide for COVID-19 , gives everyone great tools they can use now to overcome the emotional and mental challenges everyone is facing during these times and when life returns to normal. Read this book and regain your peace of mind.Mark Borg, Jr., PhDAuthor: Irrelationship: How We Use Dysfunctional Relationships to Hide from IntimacyNavy SEALS taught me to be tough in battle and Todd taught me how to be tough in life. Take his course Mental Survival Guide so you can win the mental battle during this pandemic.Mike BayU.S. Navy SEAL Team 5, ret.Todd has written this masterpiece in order to help those who are in need of a feel-better and/or start-over. The skills in this book could help anyone overcome a struggle that might be experienced during their own personalized pandemic situation.Samantha Cannon LCSW, EMDRAre you looking for a comprehensive stress management program specifically designed to help you excel in these uncertain COVID -19 times? If so, look no further. Todd Huston weaves a tapestry of personal and professional expertise to create a tangible survival guide in 44 digestible lessons. Whether you are a first time learner or seasoned health care professional, Todds handbook will become a priceless life survival guide to be used for years to come.Debra A Stone LCSW, APRN"
Price: 29.99

"Comprendere l'Astrologia" |
"Benvenuti nel mondo dell'Astrologia difficile dire da quando luomo si interessato dellAstrologia, nel tempo stata sempre pi approfondita, superando varie vicissitudini entrando nel mondo moderno come una disciplina che incuriosisce e coinvolge anche i pi increduli.Se utilizzata in modo serio pu migliorare se stessi, il rapporto con gli altri ed indicare la direzione migliore da seguire.La tua data, ora e luogo di nascita come il tuo DNA, in quel momento sei diventato una persona unica in questo mondo.Grazie a queste informazioni possibile costruire un Tema Natale, linizio di una carriera, di unattivit, di una storia damore etc e segnala anche le eventuali difficolt o debolezze che si possono incontrare nella vita.Questo corso ti permetter di conoscere e interpretare un Tema Natale fornendoti i punti di forza che possono aiutare nelle scelte e decisioni da prendere.Lobiettivo di farti conoscere i fondamenti dellastrologia e sviluppare la tua capacit dinterpretazione della stessa.Si pu prevedere il futuro? Certo, entro certi limiti con metodi razionali da chiunque dotato di spirito intuitivo e applichi con seriet la conoscenza astrologica descritta nel corso.Nel preparare il corso con impegno e seriet vi do gli strumenti per uninterpretazione semplice e facile anche per chi si avvicina per la prima volta.Cosa imparerai:Il corso ti accompagner in un viaggio nel mondo dellAstrologia, permettendoti di comprendere ed interpretare un Tema Natale, cogliere le opportunit che gli Astri ti riservano per il futuro.Ti aiuter a conoscere te stesso sotto punti di vista inesplorati, il tuo potenziale nascosto e comprenderai gli atteggiamenti delle persone che ti circondano.Al termine del corso, sarai in grado di comprendere linterpretazione dellastrologia, conoscere i Segni, gli Ascendenti, le Case, i Pianeti, gli Aspetti, i Transiti e molto altro ancora..."
Price: 69.99

"Industry Specific Spanish for Lawn Care & Landscaping" |
"The key to any good relationship, whether personal or business, is communication. Without communication, life and work become much more difficult. Having worked in the lawn and landscape industry for over 17 years, I have seen the communication barrier between English and Spanish be an ongoing issue time and time again. The purpose of this course is to help English and Spanish speakers communicate better in the workplace."
Price: 39.99

"Arabic Reading" |
"Arabic can be very difficult; especially for someone without prior knowledge. The best way to learn the Arabic language is in baby steps. We have built a course that teaches only a few letters and principles per lesson along with plenty of practice.You will learn:The Arabic alphabetThe Arabic diacritic and vowelsThe Arabic reading rulesPlenty of Arabic wordsThe course speaks for itself so have a look at the free lessons and practices."
Price: 19.99

"Kodlama ve Robotik Projelere Giri (Teori ve Uygulama)" |
"Bu kurs, robotik kodlama proje uygulamalarna merakl adaylar ve eitimlere nasl ve ne ekilde balayacan bilemeyen adaylara hitaben dzenlenmitir. Kurs, temel bilgisayar ve elektronik bilgilerinden, robotik projelere temel tekil edecek eitimlere kadar teori ve uygulama eitim aamalarn kapsamaktadr.Robotik projelere temel tekil edecek konular, en basitten zorluk derecesi yksee doru kacak ekilde grsellie nem vererek hazrlanmtr. Aslnda, daha klasik eitim verme modundan karak daha zengin ierikli yapya sahip olan kurs, eitim alan adayn sklmayaca tarzda dzenlenmitir. Uygulamal ve akc bir eitim yapsna sahip olan bu kursta alnacak eitimleri aada bulabilirsiniz."
Price: 49.99

"leri Seviye Robotik Projeler ve Uygulamalar" |
"Bu kursta, 1- Robotlarn hareketlerini salayan aksamlarn hareketlerini salattrabilmek iin kullanlan mekanik ve elektronik aksamlarn neler olduunu renerek ""Uygulamal Robot Kol Projesi"" gerekletireceiz, 2- Mobil cihaz kullanarak bluetooth modl zerinden kumanda edilebilen ve ayrca kumanda ile ara motorlarna g verilebilen almalarla birlikte ""Uygulamal Uzaktan Kumandal Robot Araba Projesi 4X"" gerekletireceiz.3- Dnyada robotlarla ilgilenen herkesin balant kurmasn, renmesini ve bilgi paylamasn salayan ottodiy olarak ta bilgileri edinebileceiniz; bir robotun yrme, durma ve ifadelerini led ekran zerine grsel olarak yanstabilme seenekleri de olan Otto Robot ile ilgili eitici ""Uygulamal Otto Robot Projesi"" gerekletireceiz. 4- Evinizin balkonunda, bahesinde bitkileriniz var ve bunlarn susuz kalmasn istemiyorsunuz. Bunun iin sizlerin kolaylkla yapabilecei ""Uygulamal Bitki Sulama Projesi"" gerekletireceiz. 5- Modler ara uygulamas olan 2 tekerlekli arabann, mobil cihaz ile bluetooth kullanarak ""Uygulamal Uzaktan Kumandal Araba Projesi 2X"" gerekletireceiz. 6- Modler ara uygulamas olan 2 tekerlekli arabann, HCSR04 mesafe sensr modl kullanlarak ""Uygulamal Engelden Kaan Robot Araba Projesi"" gerekletireceiz.7- Modler ara uygulamas olan 2 tekerlekli arabann, izgi takip modl kullanlarak ""Uygulamal izgi zleyen Robot Araba Projesi"" gerekletireceiz.Bu eitimde, 7 farkl ileri robotik uygulama almalarna yer verilecektir. Kursumuz ok akc ve kolay izlenebilir ekilde, az bilgisi olan kurs adaynn bile rahatlkla anlayabilecei aklkta anlatlmtr. Her bir projenin ""Tantm"", ""Montaj"", ""Kodlamas"" ve ""Uygulamas"" ayr ayr ok net ekilde anlalabilir olarak kursumuzda izah edilmitir. Tm kurs projelerini tamamlayan adaylardan, ileride kendi kendilerine yepyeni farkl robotik proje balanglar yapabilmesi beklenmektedir."
Price: 59.99

"Noise Parameters in RF Amplifier and Receiver Design" |
"This course will give students a quick review of terminology and theory behind noise parameters. Making noise parameter and noise figure measurements are critical for design of RF components. We will look at common measurement techniques relative to the Smith Chart. The course provides clarity on optimum reflection, minimum signal loss and maximum signal admittance. Finally we will look at Y values and how recent techniques for Smith Chart analysis can limit the number of Y measurements needed to accurately obtain noise parameter values for a given RF amplifier/receiver design."
Price: 19.99
