"How to Start a Podcast with Hollie Kitchens" |
"Here's What You're Getting When You Signup for the Podcasting Legend Group Coaching Program:Week One: Idea PhaseIn week one you will get access to four modules and worksheets focusing on your why, your listener, your podcast name and more so that you can be intentional and create a solid foundation for your podcast!Week Two: PrerecordingIn week two we will be focusing on prerecording. This will include what equipment to order, setting up your calendar for requests, scripts and be practices to invite influencers on your podcast.Week Three: RecordingIn the recording week, we will cover installing your equipment, best practices on recording, your intro/outro and editing.Week Four: Launch Time!Now you are ready to launch your podcast! This week we will walk you through setting up your hosting platform covering how to get on iTunes, Spotify, iHeart Radio and more!BONUS 5th Week: Post ProductionCongrats, youve launched your podcast! Now what? In this bonus week, we will talk on setting yourself up for success and ways to market your podcast!"
Price: 54.99

"Biimsel Diller ve Otomatlar" |
"Sonlu durum makina kavramlar, Sentaks analizlerini ve zmleme kavram ve metotlarn, basit bir derleyici tasarmnn temeli vb. ile ilgili retici sorular. Dersin sonunda; Turing Makinas ve hesaplamal algoritmalarn modellenmesinin, sonlu durum makinas model uygulamalarnn, ve Dzenli ifadelerin tannmas amalanmaktadr. Bu seride u anda 60 soru yer almaktadr, ama bu ierie ek yeni sorular da eklenecektir."
Price: 49.99

"Curso facebook Ads Fotgrafos" |
"He creado este curso para que puedas convertirte en un autntico experto en Facebook Ads y puedas realizar tus campaas con xito para llegar a tu cliente. No sirve de nada tener un buen trabajo sin una buena publicidad , por ese motivo este curso te ayudara a conseguir clientes de una forma eficaz y optimizada. Qu conseguirs con este curso? Aprenders a realizar campaas en Facebook ads para promocionar tus servicios de fotografa tanto en Instagram como en Facebook (aunque creas que no funciona muy bien Facebook ya que Instagram esta mas saturado)Aprenders las diferentes formas de crear anuncios, te mostrare las aplicaciones mas usadas para que puedas realizar tus anuncios. Conocers el Copy que es algo super importante en publicidad Crearemos distintas campaas , una de trfico frio y otra de remarketing para poder hacer publicidad a personas que ya han interactuado con nuestra marcaAprenders a crear campaas para conseguir seguidores en InstagramAprenders a interpretar los resultados para que puedas optimizar las campaas"
Price: 99.99

"The Complete Python 3 Beginners Course: Coding Made Easy" |
"This Python course is for beginners - anybody can take this course even without any prior programming experience. Every topic has been explained in detail and aided with visual diagrams in a way that is easy to understand. You can learn the course at your pace and practice the exercises provided at the end of the topicsEach section of the course is linked to the previous one in terms of utilizing what was already learned and each topic is supplied with lots of examples which will help students in their process of learning.In the tutorials, the programming examples are demonstrated either using the Anaconda Jupyter Notebook or the Python IDLE application.We recommend you to download the latest version (3.6) of Python from the Anaconda Distribution website covered in this course.If you have any suggestions on topics that have not been covered, you can send them via private message. I will do my best to cover them as soon as possible.#python #programming #beginners #programmers"
Price: 19.99

"Agile,Scrum with JIRA for BA's,Developers & Testers" |
"The course last updated on May 05, 2020, with the latest JIRA version.This course walks through all the core features and concepts of JIRA with real-time examples and has been catered for general users like Managers, BAs, Developers and TestersTopics CoveredCovers Agile Process and Scrum Model with a detailed flow diagram (You can watch this video for free)Understanding Epics, Versions and LabelsCreating a Product BacklogSprint planningHow to estimate during a Sprint planning meeting 1How to add the subtasks during a Sprint planning meeting 2Starting SprintTrack the Sprint ProgressDaily Scrum Meeting (Stand-up Meeting)Review MeetingSprint RetrospectiveSprint ClosureDefect Reporting In JIRAWho this course is for Manager's, BAs, Developer's and Tester's also who wants to learn about Agile Process and JIRA"
Price: 19.99

"Servidor LAMP (Linux Apache Mariadb PHP)" |
"O curso Servidor LAMP tem como objetivo proporcionar o conhecimento bsico de um ambiente Linux onde ser possvel instalar um o ambiente LAMP.O Ambiente LAMP (Linux, Apache, Mysql, PHP) um dos principais recursos utilizados para hospedagem de sites e aplicaes.Ao final do curso voc ser capaz de instalar o ambiente de forma simples e objetiva."
Price: 39.99

"CorelDRAW 2020 - Design Grfico para Iniciantes" |
"Design Grfico utilizando o CorelDRAW 2020Ol, seja bem vindo!Voc no tem conhecimento em Design Grfico, nunca utilizou o CorelDRAW, mas amante da comunicao visual e pretende adquirir um conhecimento para criar suas prprias artes, desenvolver suas habilidades e at ganhar dinheiro, criando peas grficas para amigos e empresas? Este curso pra voc!!!As aulas so 100% prticas e intuitivas. Cada mdulo possui desafios, que ao serem realizados, elevar o conhecimento dos alunos na criao das suas prprias artes.Neste curso voc aprender:A dominar o CorelDRAW 2020;A escolher as fontes e as cores certas para criar uma pea visual atraente;A utilizar as ferramentas interativas do CorelDRAW 2020 de maneira correta, chamando a ateno do seu pblico-alvo;A trabalhar com Vetorizao e entender sua relevncia no Design Grfico;A criar Embalagens para produtos ou presentes;A fazer Mockups em canecas e camisas;A criar comunicao visual para empresas, como Logotipo e envelopes;A criar Flyers para divulgar produtos ou servios;A Desenvolver peas grficas para as suas mdias sociais Facebook e Instagram.Aps se matricular, voc ter acesso ao Clube Especial de alunos do curso, e l voc poder interagir com seus colegas, compartilhar suas artes, e at pedir ajuda e ideias nas suas peas grficas.Est esperando o que? Se inscreva agora mesmo neste curso, e se jogue no mundo do Design Grfico.Nos vemos no curso, Abrao!Prof. Daniel Souza"
Price: 129.99

"Diseo, Animacion de un personaje en Character Animator" |
"En este curso el estudiante podr disear en el adobe Photoshop a un personaje y prepararlo para hacer una animacin sencilla en el Character Animator y after effects. Este curso esta pensado para la gente que no tiene ningn conocimiento sobre estos programas, se le enseera las herramientas bsicas para poder realizar este curso.Si eres aficionado al diseo grfico y la animacin este curso es especial para Los estudiantes sern capaces de disear y preparar un personaje en Photoshop y animarlo en Character Animator y After effects.Tendrn un conocimiento bsico de los programas Adobe Photoshop,Cgharacter Animator y After effects."
Price: 19.99

"Bread Baking for Beginners" |
"Bread Baking for Beginners is a course specifically designed for beginner or intermediate bread bakers. It is Complete with easy and fail-proof formulas and delicious breads.These breads are clean with no added chemicals and made with natural ingredients. Baking them at home will give you immense satisfaction.After this class you will be able to bake bread with confidence."
Price: 1600.00

"Les Clefs du dessin - Volume 1 - Attitudes & observation" |
"Pour raliser des dessins d'observation, il est primordial de dvelopper rapidement votre vision d'artiste et la matrise de vos tracs.Le dessin d'observation est une forme de dessin ralise partir dun modle quil ne faut pas confondre avec ce que lon nomme le dessin dimagination ou le dessin de mmoire, qui concerne la ralisation de dessins, gnralement sans modle, que pratiquent les illustrateurs ou les dessinateurs de BD. Nanmoins, si vous souhaitez vous orienter vers le dessin dimagination, le dessin dobservation est sans aucun doute le meilleur point de dpart.Dans ce cours vous apprendrez adopter les bonnes habitudes concernant l'utilisation des outils de dessin, mais surtout comment bien observer votre modle. Il vous permettra ainsi dacqurir toutes les connaissances et matrises techniques dont vous avez besoin pour dessiner. Vous avez envie dapprendre dessiner, mais vous hsitiez car vous ne savez pas si ce cours peut vous aider.Il est en effet possible que vous ayez dj tent plusieurs fois dapprendre dessiner, mais sans succs. Vous avez sans doute lu des dizaines de livres, suivi une multitude de tutos et vous avez peut tre mme pris des cours. Pourtant vous ntes toujours pas satisfait de vos dessins et vous tes un peu dcourag. Il est mme probable que vous pensiez que le dessin nest pas fait pour vous et que vous navez aucun talent pour cette activit. Des leons et des exercices pour VRAIMENT apprendre dessinerLa srie de cours LES CLEFS DU DESSIN a t conue pour tre la fois plaisante et efficace. Les diverses leons sont structures de manire pdagogique avec une partie thorique abordant les principes fondamentaux du dessin d'observation, accompagnes de nombreux exercices qui vous permettront de mettre en pratique les notions tudies afin de progresser rapidement tout en vous faisant plaisir.Chaque volume de cette mthode particulirement infaillible pour apprendre dessiner, traite une comptence essentielle du dessin. Vous verrez ainsi tous les aspects du dessin, depuis les bases jusqu la matrise de techniques avances. Les vidos contiennent des instructions claires qui vous guide tape par tape dans votre apprentissage et si vous rencontrez des difficults, je rpondrais vos questions afin de vous aider les surmonter.Pour que ce cours soit bnfique et vous permette vraiment d'apprendre dessiner, je vous conseille de parcourir les sept parties de la srie LES CLEFS DU DESSIN dans l'ordre suivant :Attitude & observationContours & cadragesMesures & proportionsFormes & volumesEspace & perspectiveVolumes & lumire Valeurs & ombrage"
Price: 19.99

"Pedicure Russe" |
"Cette technique permet en effet de repousser efficacement les cuticules. Elle se pratique avec une ponceuse spcifique, ainsi que des embouts de tailles diffrentes, afin de sculpter vos ongles avec le plus de prcision possible. vous obtiendrez- equipment de pedicure- formes dongles- technique de pdicure- rgles dapplication de semi permanent"
Price: 24.99

"Hibrit Ara Teknolojisi" |
"1. Hibrit Aralar Nedir?2. Hibrit Aralar Ksa Tarihesi?3. Hbirit Ara eitleri a. Seri Hibrit Aralar b. Paralel Hibrit Aralar c. Seri-Paralel Hibrit Aralar4. Hibrit Aralarn Temel Bileenleri a. Elektrik Motorlar b. Jeneratr c. Batarya d. ten Yanmal Motorlar5. Hibritleme Faktr6. Hibritleme Faktrne Gre Aralar a. Mikro Hibrit Aralar b. Hafif Hibrit Aralar c. Tam Hibrit Aralar7. Hibrit Ara Teknolojisinde Kullanlan evrimler8. Hibrit Ara Tasarm ve Analiz Programlar"
Price: 79.99

"Basics of Agile Scrum Project Management" |
"This course is specifically designed for those professionals & other individuals, who have a very limited time, and wanted to learn the basics of Scrum project management. Top 3 take-aways, after finishing this course you will be able to learn the following.1. What is a Project?2. What is Project Management?3. How Agile is being used by companies to maximize their efficiency & effectiveness"
Price: 19.99

"Mindset for Success and Happiness - Complete Mindset Course" |
"Mindset for Success and Happiness - Complete Mindset CourseMindset Coaching and Personal Development for People Who Want a Success and Happiness Mindset for LifeYou can achieve a mindset that positions you for long-term success, happiness and fulfillment. Theres nothing more limiting in life than a negative mindset. And theres nothing more liberating and empowering than having a positive mindset that keeps you open and available for all of lifes possibilities.Personal development expert TJ Walker will guide you through the process of how to build a more positive mindset for every aspect of your life. Having an open, positive, and growth mindset will position you for success in every sphere of life. Walker will lead you through his unique and proprietary system, the SelfieSpeak Program, for turning your brain into an engine for positive growth.The good news is that you can change your mindset at any point in life. In the past, you may have had a negative or closed mindset. Its not too late to change!If you are ready to grow as a person, at a professional level and at an individual level, then this is the Mindset course for you. Enroll in this class today. It will change how do you think about life forever."
Price: 199.99

"Curso preparativo Scrum Fundamentals Certified (SFC)" |
"Los temas que se incluyen en este curso son:Introduccin a ScrumPrincipios de Scrum. En este tema se analizan los seis principios de Scrum: Control del proceso emprico, Auto-organizacin, Colaboracin, Priorizacin basada en valor, Time-boxing y Desarrollo iterativo.Aspectos de Scrum. Esta seccin describe las cinco consideraciones clave en todos los proyectos de Scrum: Organizacin, Justificacin del negocio, Calidad, Cambio y Riesgo.Fases y procesos de Scrum. Los procesos de Scrum atienden las actividades especficas y el flujo de un proyecto de Scrum. Estos procesos se agrupan en cinco fases: Inicio, Planificacin y estimacin, Implementacin, Revisin y retrospectiva y Lanzamiento.Estudio de caso de Scrum. La capacitacin sobre los conceptos de Scrum va acompaada un caso de estudio. Incluye una simulacin de un caso de la vida real para aprender cmo funciona Scrum."
Price: 199.99

"Tinkercad Circuits: Elektronik Devre ve Arduino Simlasyonu" |
"Elektrik ve elektronik devre uygulamalarna ilgi duyuyorsanz ya da konuyla ilgili renim gryorsanz devreleri kolayca hibir fiziki malzemeye ihtiya duymadan altrmann bir yolu var: Tinkercad. Tinkercad, Autodesk gibi byk bir firmann gelitirdii online devre simlatr. Yani bilgisayarnza herhangi bir program kurmanza gerek olmadan tasarladnz devreleri internette alan bir yazlm zerinde simle edebilirsiniz. Ayrca kod bloklar ile Arduino programlamay renebilirsiniz."
Price: 49.99

"Leadership: Emotional Intelligence for Change" |
"The only constant in life is changeHeraclitus (Greek philosopher of Ephesus, 500 BC)We all face change every day whether it is a simple change in the weather, a change to our work schedule or changes in our family life.This only constant in life, the only thing we can be sure will happen, affects everyone and everybody deals with change differently. If you can create awareness of the way you respond to life events and organisational change and manage your emotional response to the event you're well on your way to effectively managing change.Emotional intelligence consists of a range of fundamental skills that allow you to confidently respond to people and changing situations.Managing the way you respond to events and your ability to communicate effectively is essential for leaders of organisational change and for managing personal change. It's not what happens that matters but how you and others respond to change that really counts.Being emotionally intelligent is the underlying structure that underpins and supports effective responses to events, people and change. In the workplace and in our personal lives being emotionally intelligent is an essential component to building resilience for mental health and successfully managing change.The ability to quickly and easily adapt to change is often a competitive advantage for a leader. Emotionally intelligent leaders and managers are also able to help others manage difficult change. This course has been designed to explore the role of emotional intelligence in change looking at change at the personal and organisational level. It explores working with emotional needs through conscious choices fundamental to effective change.Changing the way that you work with your emotions is not easy. This course will give you some insights BUT developing your emotional intelligence will take you time and a lot of effort, and even then you are not going to get it right all the time!! Emotional intelligence is about improving performance, engagement and well being in a sustainable way, so that it sticks.The course covers The importance of emotional intelligence in managing changeWhy resistance to change occurs and how to overcome thisThe neuroscience of change to explain how and why people react to changesThe emotions that people experience and ways to support people positively as they transition through changeHow to utilise change management models practically using emotional intelligence and a focus on the people involvedThe course contains narrated videos, activities and some fun material to download. The course material makes up part of a one week advanced workshop that has been endorsed by the Institute of Leadership and Management. PLEASE NOTE - This course is NOT for you if you are not prepared to work through the practical activities that make up a fundamental part of the course. Emotional intelligence cannot be developed by learning some techniques through watching a few video lectures. The course requires you to do some reflective thinking, to get some feedback and to discuss your development with others. I'm afraid that you won't get the best from the course unless you are prepared to do this.This course is being continually refined and updated to ensure it remains current and relevant.There are FIVE practical activities included within the course that are designed to help you to work with your emotional intelligence for change. These activities require you do some work outside of the course. The emotional brain learns from doing things and through activity. Repetition and rehearsal over weeks will embed in changes.Full grammatically-correct English captions available.Latest update - September 2020"
Price: 154.99

".Net Core Web Api & Angular ile Proje Gelitirme Kursu" |
"Farkl platformlarda gelitirdiiniz web, mobil, masast vb. uygulamalar iin verilerinizi tek bir yerden ynetmek asp net core web api ile artk ok kolay.Servis tabanl bir uygulama talebi son zamanlarda ok popler hale geldi. nk veri eriim kodlarmz her platforma zel tek tek yazmaktansa bir servis zerinden bir defa yazmak ok daha mantkldr.Kursumuzda batan sona asp net core web api servislerini nasl yazacamz rendikten sonra client uygulama tr olarak Angular 9 ile batan sona SocialApp isminde bir arkadalk sitesi gelitiriyoruz.Uygulama zelliklerimiz;** Entity Framework Core ile SQL Veri Taban.** Servis zerinden CRUD operasyonlar.** Asp net Core Identity ile Kullanc Oluturma.** Token Based Authentication ile Kullanc Tanmlama.** Angular 9 Tarafnda Servis Bilgilerinin Tketilmesi.** Angular 9 Tarafnda Kullanc Oluturma.** Angular 9 Tarafnda Kullanc Token Bilgisi ile alma."
Price: 49.99

"Record Your Screen Like A Pro: Create Sellable HD Videos!" |
"Would you like to know how to create high-quality video content? Would you like to finally start getting involved with Udemy, Youtube, or any other video-sharing network? Can you follow the easy instructions I will lay down for you to master the art of screencast production in no time at all? That's what I thought! Let me help you! In this course, I will teach you which free software to use, and how you can use them to shorten your learning curve and start creating video content right away. In this course, you will learn : The fundamentals of a good video. How to apply these fundamentals and how to go pro from the very start. How to make sure you don't make the beginner's most frequent mistakes. How to actually record your audio and your videos, the easy way. How to do this using only free resources. Upon enrolling, you will get my personal help. I will answer any questions that you may have in the member's area, and I also offer Skype support if needed. I would like to remind you that my course comes with a 30 days no questions asked money-back guarantee. You have a full month to give it a spin and try it out and if, for whatever reasons, you are unsatisfied, just ask for your refund. You take absolutely no risk! You can get started right after you have taken my course -That means today! Click the ""Take This Course"" button now. That's your first step to making a living producing your very own videos. Every minute that goes by without action is one minute you'll never get back. Cheers! - Howard & QualiWave team"
Price: 19.99

"Wordpress For Beginners" |
" Would you like to learn how to instantly create an amazing website for your business, blog or any other endeavor? Would you like me to teach you how to setup said website in under two hours, with your only upfront costs being hosting and a domain name ? Can you follow the easy instructions I will lay down for you in order to setup your very own commerce or entertainment platform? If you answered yes to any of the questions above, congratulations. This Wordpress course is definitely for you. Let me help you ! In this course,I will teach and DEMONSTRATE every step of the process from registering hosting and installing Wordpress to crafting your beautiful masterpiece. Better yet, the learning curve for this course is very short. Watch it once and you'll be ready to go. Monkey sees monkey does. Do you need/want a website for your business? Do you have very low starting capital, or wish to invest as little money as possible? Are you busy and want to get things done as fast as possible with Wordpress ? Do you want to own a business that you can be proud of? If you answered yes to these questions, then consider this course to be your blueprint to success. Upon enrolling, you will get my personal help to create your Wordpress site. I will answer any question that you may have in the member's area, and I also offer Skype support if needed. I would like to remind you that my course comes with a 30 days no questions asked money back guarantee. You have a full month to give it a spin, and try it out and if, for whatever reasons, you are unsatisfied, just ask for your refund. You take absolutely no risk ! You can get started right after you have taken my course -That means TODAY! Click the ""Take This Course"" button now. That's your first step to building an amazing website from scratch. Every minute that goes by without action is a minute you are not getting back. Cheers! Howard "
Price: 49.99

"Building an Email List in 30 Days Challenge - 2020 Plan" |
"Over 39,000 students have benefited from our teachings already, and have experienced life-changing results.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Would you like to learn how to reap profitable email addresses in any given niche and make money on demand? Would you like to finally start making real money from the comfort of your home, using only your email list? Can you follow the easy instructions I will lay down for you in order to build your very own list that will pay for years to come?If you answered yes to any of the questions above, congratulations. You are already on your way to financial freedom. In the internet marketing community, gurus and successful marketers all know: the list is king. Having a list of customers in your niche is the easiest and fastest way to make money -period. Let me help you! In this course, I will teach and DEMONSTRATE every step of the process from choosing your niche to sending promotional emails to your new list. The internet doesn't care who you are: If it worked for me, it will work for you, regardless of where you live. Better yet, along with my videos and my ebook, I will provide you with a readymade professionally designed squeeze page, ready for you to upload to the web This squeeze page comes with a high-quality ebook that YOU can give away in exchange for email addresses! I will also teach you the art of driving converting traffic to these squeeze pages in no time at all, so you can add subscribers to your list in a matter of days. I will take you by the hand and show you how to make money on demand. Do you need/want more money? Do you want to quit your job?Do you need money to catch up on your bills? Do you have a family that relies on you?Do you want to own a business that you can be proud of, in a niche you care about?If you answered yes to these questions, then consider this course to be your blueprint to success. Upon enrolling, you will get my personal help. I would like to remind you that my course comes with 30 days no questions asked money-back guarantee. You have a full month to give it a spin and try it out and if, for whatever reasons, you are unsatisfied, just ask for your refund. You take absolutely no risk! You can get started right after you have taken my course -That means TODAY! This is an opportunity knocking on your door. Many have succeeded before, and I have too. With the information contained in this course, you could quit your job in a couple of months, if you so desire. Click the ""Take This Course"" button now. That's your first step to building a solid online income. Every minute that goes by without action is one less paycheck. Cheers! Howard Lynch & Antoine Lelivre, your devoted instructors"
Price: 39.99

"Marketing Articles For Entrepreneurs: Drive Sales & Traffic" |
"Over 90,000 students have witnessed real-life changes as a result of taking (and acting upon) our courses. You could be next! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Would you like to learn how to craft great articles for your blog, freelance endeavor, or to drive traffic to your website? Would you like me to teach you the secrets and little known techniques to achieve this is no time at all? Can you follow the easy instructions I will lay down for you to increase your writing speed, quality and earn money?If you answered yes to any of the questions above, congratulations. This course is definitely for you. Let me help you! In this course, I will teach every step of the process. This course also comes with an ebook to help breeze through the course. Better yet, the learning curve for this course is very short. Do you need/want more visitors to your website? Do you have a passion for writing, and would like to turn this passion into money? Are you busy and want to get things done as fast as possible? Do you want your articles to rank higher in search engines, and be picked up by more readers than you can count? If you answered yes to these questions, then consider this course to be your blueprint to success. Having a great website, blog or product starts with making it look as good as possible, and beautiful prose is how you achieve this. Upon enrolling, you will get my personal help. I will answer any questions that you may have in the member's area, and I also offer Skype support if needed. I would like to remind you that my course comes with 30 days no questions asked money-back guarantee. You have a full month to give it a spin and try it out and if, for whatever reasons, you are unsatisfied, just ask for your refund. You take absolutely no risk! You can get started right after you have taken my course -That means TODAY! Click the ""Take This Course"" button now. That's your first step to becoming an expert freelancer, blogger, or article marketer. Every minute that goes by without action is one potential reader gone forever. Cheers! Antoine Lelivre & Howard Lynch, your devoted instructors"
Price: 49.99

"Step-by-Step SEO For Beginners: Boost Your Website" |
"Would you like to learn how to rank your website higher with search engines? I will lay down very straightforward instructions to achieve this, after a short introduction to the theory of Search Engine Optimization ( SEO ). Let me help you! In this course, I will teach and DEMONSTRATE every step of the process from keyword research to on-page optimization, with or without Wordpress. Better yet, the learning curve for this course is very short. Watch it once and you'll be ready to go. Monkey sees monkey does. SEO doesn't have to be hard. Do you need/want to rank your website higher? Do you have very low starting capital, or wish to invest as little money as possible? Are you busy and want to get things done as fast as possible? Do you want to attract more visitors to your website or blog? If you answered yes to these questions, then consider this course to be your blueprint to success. With years of experience behind us, we have compiled every SEO advice and SEO ranking tactics we have personally used to rank our websites #1 in Google.Upon enrolling, you will get my personal help. I will answer any questions that you may have in the member's area, and I also offer Skype support if needed. I would like to remind you that my course comes with 30 days no questions asked money-back guarantee. You have a full month to give it a spin and try it out and if, for whatever reasons, you are unsatisfied, just ask for your refund. You take absolutely no risk! You can get started right after you have taken my course -That means TODAY! Click the ""Take This Course"" button now. That's your first step to implementing SEO, arguably your strongest tool to grow your audience. Every minute that goes by without action is a minute you are not getting back. Cheers! Howard Lynch & Antoine Lelivre, your devoted instructors"
Price: 49.99

"How to Create & Sell Digital Products Online for Beginners!" |
"Would you like to learn how to create an instantly profitable information-selling business, that generates income day-in and day-out? Would you like to finally start making real money from the comfort of your home? Can you follow the easy instructions I will lay down for you in order to set up your very own cash cow business that will pay for years to come? If you answered yes to any of the questions above, congratulations. You are already on your way to financial freedom. Let me help you! In this course,I will teach and DEMONSTRATE every step of the process from easily creating your very first valuable digital product, to witnessing your first PayPal deposit. The internet doesn't care who you are: If it worked for me, it will work for you, regardless of where you live. Now I can already hear you say: Howard, I don't think I have anything valuable to teach If that's how you think, then think again. I personally believe every person has something that others are looking for. From a hobby to an advanced skill set, we all possess knowledge that is in high demand. And there is no better place to sell this knowledge than through the internet. Do you need/want more money?Do you want to quit your job?Do you need money to catch up on your bills?Do you want to own a business that you can be proud of yourself?If you answered yes to these questions, then consider this course to be your blueprint to success. This course is tailored to every student. We will discuss, and demonstrate different ways you can go about the information contained in this course. You will choose to either create your own product and sell it, to resell pre-made quality products, or to teach on Udemy. Every path comes with step-by-step instructions. Upon enrolling, you will get my personal help. I will answer any questions that you may have in the member area, and I also offer Skype support if needed. I would like to remind you that my course comes with 30 days no questions asked money-back guarantee. You have a full month to give it a spin and try it out and if, for whatever reasons, you are unsatisfied, just ask for your refund. You take absolutely no risk! You can get started right after you have taken my course -That means TODAY! This is an opportunity knocking on your door. Many have succeeded before, and I have too. Click the ""Take This Course"" button now. That's your first step to building a solid online income. Every minute that goes by without action is one less paycheck. Cheers! Howard Lynch & Antoine Lelivre, your devoted instructors "
Price: 199.99

"Launch and Sustain a Business Reselling Public Domain Stuff" |
"This course is completely updated and current through 2016, and is guaranteed to give you amazing results once implemented I will offer Skype support to every student who asks for it. If you have a problem/question, send me a private message and we will set a time for the call. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Would you like to learn how to find high-quality public domain content, rebrand it in a few minutes, and sell it as your own for huge profit ? Would you like to finally start earning money from the comfort of your home ? Can you follow the easy instructions I will lay down for you in order to setup your very own cashcow business that will pay for years to come ? If you answered yes to any of the questions above, congratulations. You are already on your way to financial freedom. Selling Public Domain materials means no work involved. It means you can take a book that took years to write and resell it right away. Let me help you ! In this course,I will teach and DEMONSTRATE every step of the process from finding public domain videos, music, ebooks and even videogames, to flipping them for a very high price. The internet doesn't care who you are: If it worked for me, it will work for you, regardless of where you live. I will also show you many different secrets to make money with these public domain materials, form effortlessly growing an email listing to reselling them as bulk products though sales pages. I will also teach you the art of driving converting traffic to these sales page in no time at all, so you can start profiting within days. I will take you by the hand and show you how to make up to 4,000$ a month by reselling great masterpieces, that can be yours for FREE. Do you need/want more money? Do you want to quit your job ? Do you need money to catch up on your bills ? Do you have a family that relies on you ? Do you want to own a business that you can be proud of? If you answered yes to these questions, then consider this course to be your blueprint to success. Upon enrolling, you will get my personal help. I will answer any question that you may have in the member's area, and I also offer Skype support if needed. I would like to remind you that my course comes with a 30 days no questions asked money back guarantee. You have a full month to give it a spin, and try it out and if, for whatever reasons, you are unsatisfied, just ask for your refund. You take absolutely no risk ! You can get started right after you have taken my course -That means TODAY! This is opportunity knocking on your door. Many have succeeded before, and I have too. With the information contained in this course, you could quit your job in a couple months, if you so desire. Click the ""Take This Course"" button now. That's your first step to building a solid online income. Every minute that goes by without action is one less paycheck. Cheers! Howard"
Price: 19.99

"Day Trading Masterclass For Traders & Investors (NEW 2020)" |
"Attention Traders, Investors & Stock Market Lovers!Finally You'll Discover The Proven 'Copy & Paste' Day Trading & Technical Analysis System For Generating Daily Profits Without Risking Your Account. Get Results or Your Money Back!The Day Trading Masterclass is designed to turn you into a highly profitable day trader in just a matter of weeks by providing you with a proven technical analysis system, advanced trading strategies and secret hacks.In this course, you'll learn how to use the most effective technical indicators to identify market directions, trend reversals, as well as the market's overbought or oversold conditions.You'll also master how to trade candlesticks and chart patterns that work perfectly for day trading, and with this 'copy & paste' system you can easily start making a good daily return from your investments.You'll also learn a lot about support & resistance strategies, Fibonacci levels, Bollinger Bands, trading psychology and risk management strategies.What you're going to learn in this course can be used for trading securities in any freely traded markets around the world. These include stocks, options, forex, cryptocurrencies, ETFs, and even bonds.In this course, you will learn...The Proven 'Copy & Paste' Day Trading & Technical Analysis System For Generating Daily Trading Profits With Real World Examples Included!How to Build a Strong Day Trading FoundationHow to Apply Proven Technical Analysis Strategies For Day TradingHow to Trade Trend Lines & Parallel ChannelsHow to Trade Support & Resistance LevelsHow to Trade Fibonacci Retracements & ExtensionsHow to Trade Exponential Moving Averages (EMA)How to Trade Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD)How to Trade Bollinger Bands (BB)How to Trade Relative Strength Index (RSI)Understanding Stop Placements & Signs of Momentum LossHow to Apply Proven Chart Pattern Strategies For Day TradingHow to Trade Head and ShouldersHow to Trade Dead Cat BounceHow to Trade Wedges and TrianglesHow to Trade Flags and PennantsHow to Trade Double Tops and BottomsHow to Trade Rounding Tops and BottomsHow to Trade Rectangle Tops and BottomsHow to Apply Proven Candlestick Strategies For Day TradingHow to Read and Analyze Japanese CandlesticksHow to Trade Doji CandlesticksHow to Trade Hammer and Hanging Man CandlesticksHow to Trade Inverted Hammer and Shooting Star CandlesticksHow to Trade Bullish and Bearish Marubozu CandlesticksHow to Trade Bullish and Bearish Harami CandlesticksHow to Trade Bullish and Bearish Engulfing CandlesticksHow to Trade Tweezer Top and Bottom CandlesticksHow to Trade Morning Star and Evening Star CandlesticksHow to Trade Three White Soldiers and Three Black Crows CandlesticksAnd a lot more...What is more?You will get a lifetime access to this course, without any limits!The course will keep updating frequently with more up-to-date learning resources.Get dedicated support from the course Instructors and the learning community anytime you need!You will also get a 30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE, so don't hesitate to give yourself a chance to learn new things by just taking this course now!So let me ask you this... Will your investment portfolio grow much faster in the next 12 months after having this day trading system...Do you have some money to invest?Are you reasonably intelligent?Does your family need extra care or support?Are you willing to learn a new skill that guarantees you a second income for the rest of your life?Would you like to work less and make more?I will assume your answers are the same as mine...Then You Have 2 Clear Choices1. Keep doing things the way you have been and remain frustrated, lose money and simply get use to your average life...or2. Enroll in The Day Trading Masterclass and become a pro day trader, start making a good living trading from home, and never worry about money ever again.Now You Have a Big Chance to Upgrade Your Day Trading SkillsListen, if you dont get how important mastering these day trading strategies is then dont enroll in this program.Keep shlepping away in the same manner you have been, maybe youll get a different result :)In that case, you're going to wake up 6 months from now, with everything still very much the same as it is today - don't know how to trade, have no clue about what's going on with your money, stress, feel frustrated you know how it goes.Is that you want for yourself?No. I don't want that for you either which is why I want you to do something right now. Sign up for this course, learn all the profitable day trading hacks, and start trading from home today.Simply click the Enroll Now button to get started now!"
Price: 199.99

"Developing Online Help Using Adobe RoboHelp 2019" |
"In this course, you'll learn how to create complete online help systems using Adobe RoboHelp 2019, the leading online help creation application available today. Eric Butow is your instructor. RoboHelp allows you to create and integrate online help into your software or web app so your users can find answers to questions about your app quickly and easily. This 5-hour course for beginner and intermediate level users is divided into 13 sections. Each section progressively shows you how to create your own online help project. Each lecture contains a video demonstration that shows you how to perform the lecture task in the RoboHelp window.Topics covered in the course include:Learn about the menu bars, toolbars, and windows within the RoboHelp app windowCreate a project, add project topics, and format topic textDesign your topics with styles and linksGo further by creating tables, and inserting graphic and multimedia filesUnderstand how to create user variables, add condition tags, and include personalized contentMake it easy for your users to find information by learning how to add a table of contents, index, glossary, and see also keywords to your projectGenerate your project in a variety of different formats so your users can view your online help on any device from smartphones to computersand even in a printed manualAt the end of most sections, you'll be able to create various parts of your help project in an exercise that tests how much you learned in that section.When you finish this course, you'll have all the knowledge you need to create online help systems for your users that are truly helpful."
Price: 199.99

"Introduction to Python: A Practical Approach" |
">>>Learn Python easily and unleash the power of Python coding using Real-life examples and Practice activities. <<<Welcome to this course.Python is one of the most popular and fastest-growing programming languages in the world. It's used for all sorts of tasks including web programming and data analysis; and it's emerged as the language to learn for machine learning. That popularity means that python developers are in demand and python programming jobs can be lucrative.These are all great reasons to learn how to program in Python. This module will provide an introduction to using Python to build an app that can be a starting point for becoming a Python programmer.Why You Should Learn Python?Easy to learn.Supports quick development.Cross-platform.Open Source.Extensible.Embeddable.Large standard library and active community.Useful for a wide variety of applications.Youll learn how to:Explore the choices available to run Python appsUse the Python interpreter to execute statements and scriptsLearn how to declare variablesHow to take input and convert itHow to send output in more than one methodBuild a simple Python app that takes input and produces outputBuild a simple Calculator using PythonAt the end of this course, you can create Innovative Projects using Python. The only thing that you need to do is THINKING, WIRING & CODING."
Price: 199.99

"ESP32 + Arduino Interfacing: A Step by Step Course" |
"If you are into IoT (Internet of Things), you might have heard of ESP32 Board with built-in WiFi. If not, do not worry. This course will teach you everything in a step by step manner, you will learn what is ESP32 and how the ESP32 Arduino pair can be used in your IoT Projects.The ESP32 board is a nifty little device that has enabled tinkerers to connect their projects to the internet at a very reasonable cost. It is one of the easiest methods of adding Wifi functionalities to your Arduino. Just to remind you, Wifi is only one of many communication protocols. There are many other ways of wirelessly communicating with an Arduino. However, wifi is simple, everyone understands it, and its accessible. Why should we interface the ESP32 Board with Arduino?Today we communicate with each other using mobile phones, which is a wireless communication device. It helps us to communicate with our friends at any place and at any time. How about sharing a data to a machine from a distance wirelessly. It is possible by using this ESP32. The crux of the matter is accessibility. The current trends in the IoT sector ask for control over the internet. And Wifi is a leading facilitator of that feature.Arduino Interfacing with ESP32 board will help increase the number of I/O points that you can use in your project + you will get to use the power of Arduino Libraries and Support in creating a state of the art project then connect it to the internet via ESP BoardAt the end of this course, you can create Innovative IoT Projects. The only thing that you need to do is THINKING, WIRING & CODING."
Price: 199.99

"Drum Meditation" |
"Drum Meditation is a profound drumming course to get a deeper understanding of the workings of the mind, body and emotions. Drumming is much more than just drumming; it is the way to an inner-peace and happiness. More and more scientific studies show that meditation or drumming positively impacts mental and physical health. They reduce stress; improve sleep; increase focus. By learning the combination of drum and meditation, as you will do in this Drum Meditation training course, you are giving yourself a powerful tool and skill.Drum meditation will help you master the Living in the here and now.Drumming is common within ancient and contemporary spiritual and religious practices. The powerful, monotonous, punctuated sound can relax the tense, energize the tired and soothe the emotionally wounded."
Price: 34.99

"JSON - Quick Introduction to JSON Data JavaScript using JSON" |
"Learn JSON - Quick Introduction to JSON DataExplore how JSON data can be used within web pages - Explore how JavaScript Objects and JSON are used within JavaScript CodingThis course is a fast paced course with all the source code included - Please try the code as you got hough the lessons to learn.There are prerequisites to this course - please ensure you do have the skillset to learn the content presented within the lessons. The design is to explore JSON and how it works. Scope of this course is JSON and content related to the learning objective will only be covered in the lessons of this course. Perfect to get introduced to JSON or as a refresher to anyone already familiar with web coding.Course will introduce the basics of JSON and how JavaScript objects relate to JSON data.Java Script is a prerequisite to this course as the scope and focus on the lessons is a quick introduction to JSONJavaScript vs JSONJavaScript Objects Updates and creating JSON ObjectsValidating JSON data structureComplex JSON data with nested Arrays and ObjectsJSON data typesHow to iterate through JSON dataConnecting to a JSON fileParse and Stringify of JSON dataSource Code is included Taught by a web developer with over 20 years experience - ready to help you learn and answer any questions you might have.Fast friendly support is always available within the Q&A section"
Price: 199.99
