deep-learning-tyd |
Price: 49.99

"How to Boost Your Immune System" |
"THIS COURSE IS FOR ANYONE WHO WISHES TO :>>> BOOST THEIR IMMUNE SYSTEM>>>> BECOME HEALTHIER>>>>> IMPROVE THEIR LIVES BY 100XEverything in all my courses is based on proven techniques that I personally know work. This is true for this course too.The techniques in this course were used by an absolute wonder woman called Dee Shepherd or Super Dee as I call her, who used them to totally transform her life.There is a video interview and you will see how she spent 8 years in a wheel chair with multiple health problems, on 60 pills a day and was given only a few years to live. Her weight also doubled to 19 stone !!!She used these techniques and is NOW she is 100% healthy, no health problems, has lost 9 stone in weight and goes to the gym 7 days a week !!!!! THAT IS WHY SHE IS CALLED SUPER DEE.All my courses are easy to follow with short to the point videos that give you immediate knowledge with NO WAFFLE. In this course I provide 3 powerful exercises :POWERFUL TECHNIQUE 1 : ENERGY BREATH I will show how to use the breathe to bring energy into the body. This is like putting a limited amount of fuel into a car, so it can run for miles and miles and miles. You will need this energy to boost the body's natural battery system to boost the immune system.POWERFUL TECHNIQUE 2 : ENERGY BOOSTNow that you have more energy, I will explain how to use that energy to boost the immune system with this exercise. This exercise will allow you to feel the energy in your body and the sensations you will feel will be great.POWERFUL TECHNIQUE 3 : ENERGY CIRCULATIONI explain how the energy can now be multiplied and used to make the body stronger and healthier. Again you will feel amazing sensations in your body, so you know that it is working.There are also some further amazing things you will learn in this course including :how to boost your immune systemwhy people get sickwhy you feel pain in specific parts of the bodythe gift you received when you were born of CHOICEthe gift you received when you were born of CONTROLHERE IS MY FAVOURITE THING - you will feel, like REALLY FEEL sensations in your BODY when you are DOING THE EXERCISESThis is a powerful course with powerful techniques that will make a major difference to your immune system and therefore your health. Enjoy.'Stay excited.'marc"
Price: 144.99

"HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate 2020 Practice Exam" |
"HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate is one of the newest and popular certifications that is recently launched. This is a foundational level of certification that evaluates your understanding of basic concepts and skills on Terraform OSS and the features exist on Terraform Cloud & Terraform Enterprise packages.This course is intended for individuals who are preparing to gaining the official Terraform certification. Gauge your knowledge of HashiCorp Terraform before going into the exam with questions designed to ensure you 'pass the exam comfortably. Questions include multi-select, multiple-choice, and true or false. Note: This course will be updated for free throughout 2020 and new questions will be added in regular interval. This is the one stop shop for practice tests you need to pass the HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate.Exam detailsYou can take the exam online at the convenience of your home or office while being monitored by a proctor via webcam and microphone. You will have 60 minutes to complete the exam. There is a highlight feature where you can mark it and keep it for later review. After the exam, you will have a mandatory post-exam survey.Exam format: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) & Multiple Answer Questions (MAQs), true or false & text match questionsExam duration: 60 minutesExam cost: $70.50 plus taxesNo of questions: 57Certification validity: 2 years"
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to Statistics in R - A Practical Approach" |
"Learn statistics using R with mini projects, hands-on practice, and carefully designed visual explanations. Understand how fundamental statistical concepts work behind the scenes and apply your knowledge to new scenarios.Descriptive Statistics in R is Your First Step Into the In-demand and Powerful World of Statistics and Data ScienceAnalyze real-world scenarios by identifying key elements such as population, sample, statistic, and parameter.Measure the center of the data with the mean, median, and mode. Describe their key differences and use cases.Measure the spread of the data with variance and standard deviation.Learn how to create and interpret bar plots, histograms and box plots.Find quartiles and the interquartile range (IQR). Use them to identify potential outliers.Apply your knowledge in practical mini projects.Check your knowledge with a final exam that covers all the topics of the course. Add New Statistical Skills To Your ResumeStatistics is one of the most in-demand skills of our current time. If you want a career in data science, computer science, or mathematics, learning statistics is the first step that you need to take. When you combine theoretical statistical skills with practical R programming skills, you have the perfect skill set that employers around the world are looking for. This course provides a detailed and engaging introduction to descriptive statistics using the R programming language and RStudio, the main tool used in industry to work with programming for statistical purposes. No programming experience is required to take this course. Lectures combine the theoretical aspects of statistics with the practical and applied aspects that R programming brings to this amazing field. You will be analyzing small datasets and working on practical mini projects that simulate simplified real-world scenarios.Learning the fundamentals of statistics is your first step towards mastering a career in data science, computer science, and mathematics.Content & OverviewWith high-quality video lectures that include customized graphics and presentations, you will learn and work with these concepts:PopulationSampleSamplingDataVariableStatisticParameterFrequencyRelative FrequencyCumulative Relative FrequencyBar plotsMeanMedianModeVarianceStandard DeviationHistogramsQuartilesInterquartile Range (IQR)OutliersBox Plots... and more!You will apply your knowledge in practical mini projects throughout the course and you will check your understanding with a final exam that will test your knowledge of all the topics covered in the course.Learning Material & ResourcesThroughout the course, you will find these resources:Video lectures: carefully designed graphics and explanations.Mini Projects: apply your knowledge with practical mini projects that represent simplified real-world scenarios.Solutions: each mini project has its corresponding solution, so you can check your answers immediately.Coding Sessions: practical lectures cover how to apply your new statistical knowledge in R and RStudio. PDF Handouts: you will find unique study guides with key aspects of each section. Quizzes: check your knowledge interactively after each section with short quizzes (unlimited attempts!).Articles: read complementary articles specifically written for this course to expand your knowledge on various topics.Discussion Forums: ask questions on the discussion forums and discuss interesting topics with your peers.Why is this course unique?This course is unique because of its emphasis on providing visual and detailed explanations of how statistics works behind the scenes, so you will not only learn how to find statistical results using R, you will actually understand what they mean and what each line of code does behind the scenes.During the course, you will apply your knowledge by completing mini projects that simulate simplified real-world scenarios such as analyzing Black Friday sales, online learning patterns, waiting times of a taxi company, delivery times of a wood transportation company, light bulb life, and house prices across three different neighborhoods. By the end of this course, you will be able to combine your new theoretical knowledge of statistics with practical R skills to interpret results. Unique study materials complement the course experience. You will find PDF handouts specifically written for the course with key aspects of each section. You will check your knowledge with short quizzes that provide instant feedback, so you can check the correct answer immediately. These questions were designed to make you think more deeply about the topics presented.You will receive a certificate of completion that you can add to your social media profiles to showcase your new skills. You will also have lifetime access to the course.---------You are very welcome to watch the preview lectures and check out the full course curriculum. If you are looking for an engaging, visual, and practical course, you've found it.Add ""Descriptive Statistics in R"" to your resume and showcase your new skills!"
Price: 29.99

maeda-remote |
"COVID-1997.8...6tips2ZOOM 2020421"
Price: 10800.00

"[2020] Scrum Master: Simuladores de examen 160 preguntas" |
"La evaluacin Professional Scrum Master nivel I (PSM I) est disponible para cualquier persona que desee validar su profundo conocimiento del marco Scrum y su aplicacin. Quienes aprueben la evaluacin recibirn la certificacin PSM I reconocida por la industria para demostrar su nivel fundamental de dominio de Scrum.Estas preguntas de prctica proporcionan una gua sobre qu esperar durante el examen real. Se requiere una buena comprensin del marco y las prcticas de Scrum para comprender la lgica y el razonamiento detrs de cada pregunta. Siga practicando hasta obtener un mnimo del 95% durante estas pruebas de prctica para lograr una buena certificacin PSM I."
Price: 99.99

"Alemo B1 - Alemo intermdio (com legendas em portugus)" |
"Aprenda alemo no nvel B1 de uma professora de alemo muito experiente!O curso comea com uma introduo parte mais simples da gramtica alem B1 e vai passo a passo mais fundo no assunto. Este curso ministrado exclusivamente em alemo (com legendas em portugues e alemo).Alm das 37 aulas de gramtica, este curso tambm inclui 13 vdeos sobre expresses idiomticas. trava-lnguas (pronncia), mnemnica, como se livrar de bloqueios de aprendizado, citaes em alemo, atalhos importantes para aprender alemo, ditados, palavras relacionadas e exames. H tambm uma maratona de perguntas em que voc verifica se ainda precisa dos nveis de idioma anteriores. Em geral, este um curso muito interativo, onde voc tambm aprende vocabulrio para o nvel B1.Objetivos:Tornar-se competente na gramtica alem B1Aprender mais sobre a cultura alem atravs de expresses idiomticas e citaesReceber dicas valiosas sobre como aprender alemo com mais eficinciaAprender o vocabulrio B1Voc aprender o seguinte:Gramtica:Futuro Partculas Modais a palavra ""nmlich"" als ob conjunes de duas partes pronomes demonstrativos genitivos artigo possessivo genitivo declinao adjetiva no genitivo preposies genitivas conjunes formao de palavras declinao adjetiva no comparativo / superlativo particpio 1 como adjetivo particpio II como adjetivo Pretrito I preposies locais declinao N I adjetivos como substantivos I a palavra ""es"" frases Infinitivas tempo perfeito indem & sodass antes, durante depois Subjuntivo II - frases de desejo a palavra ""brauchen"" clusulas relativas clusulas subordinadas finais clusulas relativas com preposies I Passivo no tempo presente com verbos modais I processo passivo no perfeito processo passivo no passadoBnus: expresses idiomticas como se livrar dos bloqueios de aprendizagem citaes alems ditados exames mnemnicos com trava-lngua palavras relacionadas I atalhos importantes para aprender alemo dicas para o aprendizado de idiomas I preparao para a parte oral do exame B1Este curso para todos os alunos que aprendem alemo e j concluram o nvel de idioma A1 e A2.Se voc no estiver familiarizado com o Quadro Europeu Comum de Referncia para Lnguas; aqui est uma breve viso geral: A1 - Iniciante completo A2 - Elementar B1 - Intermedirio B2 - Intermedirio superior C1 - Avanado C2 - ProficienteEspero que voc se junte a mim dentro do curso e espero der ter voc como um dos meus alunos. :) Participe do meu curso agora!"
Price: 49.99

"Hackeando Seu Perfil Comportamental: Chave Autoconhecimento" |
"Este curso tem como objetivo promover um autoconhecimento profundo sobre seu Perfil Comportamental. Assim voc poder hackear seus comportamentos ""sabotadores"" e potenciar os comportamentos ""fortes"".Todos os alunos aqui sero Mapeados atravs da Ferramenta de Mapeamento de Perfil Comportamental SuperMapper. E todos os alunos recebero:Relatrio Grfico do Seu Perfil Comportamental;Relatrio Completo Sobre Seu Perfil Comportamental;Vdeo Personalizado Sobre Seu Perfil Comportamental;O Relatrio Grfico do Seu Perfil Comportamental, iremos utilizar nas aulas do curso Hackeando Seu Perfil Comportamental.O SuperMapper teve como embasamento cientfico a Metodologia DISC, com ndice de assertividade de 97,7%."
Price: 39.99

"I Will Teach You to Read! - Course #3 (of 5)" |
"This course is the third of five, and includes Lessons 41-60 of the Ready, Set, Read: Reading Program (100 lessons in all).Ready, Set, Read, taught on video by teacher and author, Vera Clark, teaches a person how to read fluently, using the phonics-based, Ready, Set, Read: Reading Program. Beginning with learning the sounds of the letters, then learning to blend letters to make words, I then teach 100 reading lessons leading to fluent reading at a 6th grade level approximately. (Each lesson is about 10 min.)This Course (#3) begins with Lesson 41 and the twenty new lessons will teach words containing suffixes: ""ed,"" ""es,"" ""s,"" ""er,"" ""est,"" ""ness,"" ""y,"" ""ly,"" ""ily,"" ""ies,"" and ""ied."" We will also learn more vowel and consonant combinations and patterns.There are five courses, each containing 20 reading lessons on video. This course is appropriate for all ages, young to old, and all levels of beginning readers, if they are alert and able to focus attention. All ages enjoy the adorable dog, Buddy, who points to the words being read, as well as the pleasant music.In Course #1 students print the following:*Success Chart your ""log"" to chart student's progress. This chart motivates the student. Parents or tutors may offer an incentive to the student for reaching certain goals.*Flash cards for learning the sounds of the letters.*Print the List of ABC sounds and pictures (which contains the same info as the flash cards, but in list form).*Print the Lesson Index, which lists the skills being taught in each lesson.*Print the Reading Lessons (1-20), for student practice and independent reading.In Course #3 students print the following:*Print the Reading Lessons (41-60), for student practice and independent reading.Finally, you have an easy, fun way to learn to read, with short lessons, which motivates your student to learn! Let Vera Clark teach your student to be a confident reader with Ready, Set, Read!"
Price: 34.99

"Cloner Twitch avec React" |
"Bonjour tous.Dans cette formation nous allons cloner le clbre site de streaming Twitch avec React.Ce genre de projets est vraiment formateur et permet de passer au niveau suprieur lorsqu'on tudie un Framework JavaScript.Ce projet va vous donner confiance, et c'est galement un bon exemple mettre sur son portfolio.Dans cette formation nous allons utiliser des paradigmes et des outils autour de l'univers de React, notamment :Les React Hooks, c'est la dernire faon de coder en React (useState, useEffect, etc...)React-router, pour simuler une navigation, ainsi que les Hooks inclus dans React-router.Faire du responsive avec React, en crant notamment une barre de navigation responsive.Utiliser une API avec React.Dcouvrir l'API gnial de Twitch.Utiliser AxiosUtiliser des affichages conditionnels (oprateur ternaire, short-circuit)Et pleins de choses encore !Alors rejoins le wagon et apprends cloner Twitch avec React !"
Price: 199.99

"Accounting Excel In Arabic" |
"... : : : .. Excel"
Price: 149.99

wuqvpqfh |
", ! - 2 , , , , , . , .40% 60% P.S. : ?"
Price: 19.99

"Aprende a Crear un FPS Shooter con Unity & C#" |
"Aprende a crear tu propio juego de disparos en primera persona utilizando Unity, un programa estndar de la industria utilizado por muchos grandes estudios de juegos y desarrolladores independientes de todo el mundo.En este curso no slo aprenders conceptos de programacin, sino que tambin relacionars estos conceptos con usos reales de desarrollo de juegos.Este curso ha sido diseado para ser fcilmente comprensible para todos, as que si eres un completo principiante, un artista que busca ampliar su gama de desarrollo de juegos o un programador interesado en comprender el diseo de juegos, este curso te ayudar a obtener una mayor comprensin del desarrollo.Al final de este curso habrs desarrollado la habilidad de crear elementos de juego como:Un controlador de personajes en primera persona con capacidades de movimiento completo, salto y doble saltoUn sistema completo de armas que incluye el cambio de armas y mltiples tipos de armasColeccionables como municiones, salud y armasDiseando niveles completosDiferentes tipos de enemigos a combatirManejo de sistemas de audioMecnica de nivel como rebotes, portales y msInterfaz de usuario completa con mens interactivosMltiples nivelesMejora de la calidad visual con efectos de post-procesamiento"
Price: 34.99

"Android Malware Analysis - From Zero to Hero" |
"Mobile devices have become part of our daily life and routine. Their use tremendously increased over the last couple of years, so that the have became ubiquitous. Given this fact, the number of malicious mobile applications is tremendously increasing. If you work in cybersecurity, it is imperative to expand your skillset on how to understand and analyze mobile malware.This course will be your go-to guide on how to reverse engineer Android mobile applications and understand its components. We will begin with a quick introduction on Android security, then we will setup our Kali lab with all the necessary tools, then learn about major mobile attack vectors before getting hands on with actually decompiling and decoding APK files in order to perform static analysis. We will wrap up the course by performing dynamic analysis. The android applications used in this course have live malware, nothing is theoretical !By the end of the course, you will be confident to utilize Kali tools to spot any data exfiltration or malicious behavior of Android applications."
Price: 19.99

"HTML Contact Form Learn To Create HTML form in 30 minutes" |
"DescriptionLearn HTML Form, The first coding language you need to know to succeed in web development, because it' easy to understand and easy to codeBuild a Good and Strong foundation in HTML FORMS.HTML FormsHTML Form Element HTML Input Types A Powerful Skill at Your Fingertips Learning the fundamentals of HTML FORMS puts a powerful and very useful tool at your fingertips. HTML is easy to learn, has excellent documentation, and it's the base of web development.HTML development are awesome, and being able to learn HTML will give you a strong background to learn other web and app development programming languages.Content and Overview Suitable for beginning Developers, through this course of 28 lectures and 1.5 hours of content, youll learn all of the HTML Skills and establish a strong understanding of the concept behind Web Development. Each Section closes with a challenge, putting your new learned skills into practical use immediately.HTML Forms are one of the main points of interaction between a user and a web site or application. They allow users to send data to the web site. Most of the time that data is sent to the web server, but the web page can also intercept it to use it on its own.An HTML Form is made of one or more input elements. Those input elements can be text fields (single line or multiline), select boxes, buttons, checkboxes, or radio buttons. Most of the time, those input elements are paired with a label that describes their purpose."
Price: 19.99

"kaufmnnische Ausbildung VerkuferIn (IHK) - LF 5 Werbung" |
"Ich erklre Dir in den folgenden Videos die Bedeutung von Werbung und Verkaufsfrderung und welche Formen es gibt. Du erfhrst auerdem, wie man Werbung plant und wie man die Wirkung von Werbung berprfen kann. Alle Inhalte sind darauf ausgerichtet, dass Du die Prfung vor der IHK sicher bestehst. Mit den Videos kannst Du jeden Punkt, der im Unterricht oder im Lehrbuch unklar ist, einfach verstehen. Gute Noten sind dann kein Problem mehr.Warum insgesamt 600 Seiten Lehrbuch vor der Prfung durchblttern? Auch wenn Du spt dran bist hast Du hier alles einfach und so kurz wie mglich zusammengefasst.Du hast auerdem sowohl mobil als auch am PC Zugriff und lernst exakt das, was auch in der Prfung kommen kann.Mit meinem Kurs lernst Du die Inhalte des Lernfeld 5 der Ausbildung zum VerkuferIn bzw. Kaufmann/Kauffrau i. Einzelhandel komprimiert aber vollstndig. Und Du bestehst die Prfung - wenn Du lernst und im Anschluss die Aufgaben aus dem Arbeitsskript machst - sicher!"
Price: 19.99

"Linux Administration for Beginners - Learn Basics of UNIX" |
"At the end of this course, you'll get to learn how to : - File System Structure on UNIX - Understand Logical Volume Management Concepts - a TON of Basics UNIX Commands - Build a CentOS 8 Server - Learn how to use the VI Editor - Install and remove packages with RPM/YUM - Add Virtual IPs to the Server - Assign Multiple Network Adapters - Starting and Stopping Services - Modify Message of the Day. Thank you."
Price: 19.99

"Aprenda criar/hospedar sites gratuitamente utilizando Jekyll" |
"Nesse curso vamos fazer um tour e conhecer sobre Jekyll e como montar sites estticos. O curso vai apresentar uma viso prtica de como trabalhar com Git e Github onde por sinal, iremos hospedar nosso projeto gratuitamente e prov-lo para web. Voc no tem conhecimento na linguagem de marcao HTML e em nenhuma linguagem de programao? Fique tranquilo!O curso composto pelos seguintes mdulos.Modulo 1 : Instalao prtica de todas as ferramentas que utilizaremos no cursoModulo 2 : Utilizao do controle de verses com GIT e hospedagem em um repositrio remoto, Github.Modulo 3 : Noes de HTML e marcao bsica de estilo.Modulo 4 : Trabalhando e conhecendo a estrutura do JekyllModulo 5 : Hospedando o projeto no Github Pages"
Price: 69.99

"Modern React JS Hooks and Context with Most Recent Edition" |
"Hello there,Welcome to Modern React JS Hooks and Context with Most Recent Edition course.Do you want to learn React JS but have no experience at all. Our React JS Hooks and Context course is the perfect place for you to start. In this course, we designed React JS course to give you everything you need to become productive with Hooks and Context.In this course, we will take you through everything you need to know to master web development using ReactJS by providing a powerfull knowledge through a mixture of diagrams and the creation of a simple application.Learn by doing!So we have made this course as simple as possible in order to take you through step by step so you can feel confident and get a truly good understanding of how to utilize ReactJS. In this course, we will be teaching React by creating various projects.Fresh ContentIts no secret how technology is advancing at a rapid rate. New tools are released every day, and its crucial to stay on top of the latest knowledge for being a better React developer. You will always have up-to-date content for this course at no extra charge.All my students will have a chance to learn not only the whats but also learn the whys and hows. What you will learn?Creating Context with Class ComponentAccess to Context with ConsumerAccess to Context with Context TypeTo manipulate the data in ContextuseState, useEffect, useReducer, and useContext HooksReducer, Action and Dispatch conceptsAnd you will learn much more about React HooksWhy would you want to take this course? Our answer is simple: The quality of teaching. When you enroll, you will feel the OAK Academy`s seasoned developers expertise. No prior knowledge is needed! It doesn't need any prior knowledge to learn it and the React is easy to understand for the beginners. This course starts with very basics. First, you will learn how to install the tools, some terminology. Then the show will start and you will learn everything with hands-on practices. I'll also teach you the best practices and shortcuts. Step-by-Step Way, Simple and Easy With Exercises By the end of the course, youll have a firm understanding of the React and valuable insights on how things work under the hood and you'll also be very confident in the basics of coding and game development, and hungry to learn more. The good news is since the Free and popular tools are used you dont need to buy any tool or application.Video and Audio Production QualityAll our videos are created/produced as high-quality video and audio to provide you the best learning experience. You will be,Seeing clearlyHearing clearlyMoving through the course without distractions You'll also get:Lifetime Access to The CourseFast & Friendly Support in the Q&A sectionUdemy Certificate of Completion Ready for DownloadDive in now to our Modern React JS Hooks and Context with Most Recent Edition courseWe offer full support, answering any questions.See you in the course!"
Price: 199.99

"stratgie de communication interpersonnelle" |
"le prsent cours est ddi toute personne dsirant d'laborer sa stratgie de communication interpersonnelle au sein de son organisation qu'elle soit publique ou une entreprise prive.durant les sessions du cours divers aspects seront dvelopps, il s'agit notamment de l'identification des acteurs cls ainsi que leur cartographie en se basant sur divers critres et atouts.le cours propose galement des outils pour consolider les comptences lies au renforcement de l'influence et activer les sources du pouvoir tout en proposant des mthodes pour agir et laborer un plan d'action."
Price: 19.99

"JSON Web Token (JWT) with Spring Security And Angular" |
"According to jwt dot io, ""JSON Web Token (JWT) is an open standard (RFC 7519) that defines a compact and self-contained way for securely transmitting information between parties as a JSON object."" In this course, you will understand and learn how to generate and sign a Json Web Token that users can use to securely access your RESTful application.This course teaches how to use JWT (JSON Web Token) to embed users' roles and permissions to delegate user's authorization(what they can and can't do) in the application. This course also dives into defining and creating API, exposing API Endpoints over HTTP, and handling HTTP Requests and File Upload through API Endpoints. It covers testing API Endpoints (using an HTTP client - Postman)."
Price: 19.99

hgxdkuhh |
", :"" , ?"" ... !!! , , ? ? ? ... . , , .... - ? , 50% . ? ? ? ? ? . . . : , . : , , , . . , , , , , ., . , ."
Price: 49.99

"Cours pour une carrire en Thrapie holistique" |
"PROPOS DE CE COURSVous cherchez une base solide pour commencer votre carrire en thrapie holistique. Dcouvrez les diffrents types de thrapies et comment configurer votre pratique. Vous aurez un examen final passer la fin de ce cours vous devrez rpondre 30 questions QCM. Certification IPHM + Tlcharger votre livre numrique complet en PDF de ce cours. Que vous ayez dj suivi une ou plusieurs pratiques holistiques, que vous envisagiez de poursuivre votre carrire, que vous commenciez tout juste et que vous souhaitiez avoir un aperu de l'industrie holistique, ce cours est pour vous. Une base solide pour ceux qui souhaitent devenir des thrapeutes holistiques et commencer une carrire dans ce domaine, ou tout simplement pour poursuivre votre formation.Bien que ce cours comprenne des informations et des conseils utiles sur les thrapies holistiques, il vous guide galement dans la cration de votre propre pratique commerciale holistique. Vous aurez accs des conseils inestimables obtenus auprs de professionnels du domaine qui ont russi dmarrer et dvelopper leurs propres pratiques holistiques. Un must pour tous ceux qui cherchent dmarrer leur carrire dans le domaine holistique."
Price: 199.99

"The Organized Life - Decluttere Your Mind" |
"Heres How To Take Back ControlOf Your Life Right NowYoull Find Yourself Asking Why Didnt I Think Of This Before? YES! I WANT TO TRANSFORM MY LIFE NOW!Dear friend,Do you find yourself constantly dwelling on the past and worried about the future?Are you unable to complete the task in front of you without getting distracted?You have so much on your to-do list that it overwhelms you and makes you freeze. Instead of taking action, you end up feeling stressed, anxious and paralyzed.Often times, you feel powerless and disorganized. Everything is looking like a total mess.Before you know it, youre hijacked by another to-do list and a chattering mind that makes it hard for you to stay focused.Tell me if these situations sound familiar: I am Too busy to get rid of the pile of old magazines thats been collecting dust for months. I cant find the time to do your my laundry. I am too tired to do the dishes at the end of the day.But were you really too busy? Too tired? And cant find the time?Often times we say these words without actually thinking further.Before you know it Your minds can become cluttered....and the only solution is to start being organized and take back ownership of your life once and for all! What Being Organized Really Means?Unfortunately, a lot of people have the wrong perception of the word organized.When advised to get organized they use excuses like It sounds complicated. or You only do it in businesses and organizations, and not for daily life.But can you imagine driving on the road if it wasnt organized?Imagine if there is no traffic light. The lanes are not separated. No speed limit It would be chaos!Driving would be hell!And Youll never reach your destination!Similarly, to reach your goals, and enjoy the journey of reaching it, you need to get organized.And its not complicated at all.You dont need to purchase a huge whiteboard and a marker and have a special room in your house for organizing.Organizing your life is very simple and you can do it right now. TAKE BACK THE REIGNS OF YOUR LIFEToday, youre going to learn how to take back control of your life.There was a time when I felt trapped in this vicious circle of being busy.So busy that I got nothing done.My house was a mess, my life was a mess and I couldnt find any joy in whatever I was doing.I couldnt find the time to clean the mess in my house.Although I got nothing done, it felt like I had a lot to do.Having too many responsibilities had me feeling overwhelmed and I didnt know what to do and where to start.My anxiety and stress levels were through the roof and I felt helpless.It felt like my life was spiraling out of control right before my very eyes.After years of going through this, I decided I had enough and needed to find a solution.I decided to observe the lives of many successful people and saw what they did that was different.After years of learning and following what they did, I finally managed to turn my life around.And today Ill be sharing the lessons Ive learned through years of painstaking trial and error with you.With this knowledge, youll discover how to use the power youve had all this time to bring your life back in order.Youll be able to figure out what matters and what doesnt.Youll learn the secrets to bring clarity to your daily life.The simple steps Im about to teach you will remove all the confusion, anxiety, and stress from your life.Its time to get organized. THE SOLUTION TO YOUR CONFUSIONIntroducingThe Organized LifeHow to Overcome a Cluttered Mind and Take Back Your LifeSEE YOU INSIDE"
Price: 184.99

"Certified Selenium Tester Foundation Q&A" |
"Practice A4Q Selenium Tester Foundation Certification based Questions are handpicked and answered from instructor who hold 12+ years of automation test experience including 5.5+ years in selenium using java, javascript,python,ruby and C#.This popular certification* can be scheduled to take exam through isqi . org website or through home . pearsonvue . com /isqiExam Code in PearsonVUE (ISQI): CSeT-FSelenium:Selenium is a free (open source) automated testing suite for web applications across different browser and platforms. It is quite similar to HP Quick Test pro (QTP) Only that selenium focuses on automating web based applications.Selenium is not just single tool bit a suite of software, each catering to to different testing needs of an organization.IT has four components: Selenium Integrated Development Environment (IDE) selenium Remote Control (RC) Selenium Webdriver Selenium Grid***Exclusive price reduction and discounts are announced in facebook page 'Software Automation Testing Secrets Revealed'***REVIEWS (for ISTQB CTFL course of Trainer):""A very must course for the QA engineer. It covers the topics that come in ISTQB paper. Go for it.""""Awesome materials and sessions to listen to them. It really helps with my foundation level examination. Thank you Narayana Palani. I will definitely suggest to my fellow members.""""Thank you for this course! It's well structured and contains very useful information for my certification preparation.""""I've been in the QA industry for 7 years and this course is teaching me things I didn't know. It makes sense, straight forward and gets to the point. the instructor is knowledgable and clearly a professional. I'm learning so much. Looking forward to completing the course and taking the big test!""""This course has given me value addition in my learning phase of ISTQB. One amazing trainer with detailed explanations to each and every topic. Abundant questions and in depth coverage of the syllabus.Many Thanks! :)""""It'a good course for going to certification""""Very good content and briefly explained the all test techniques in simple way, easy to understand. Course content might be very good but what is the use if you have to wait forever and ever for videos to stream. I always come up with lot of interest to learn in Udemy course which is posted by Narayanan.""""An extremely helpful and informative course. The course is nicely designed keeping focus on entire ISTQB Foundation Course 2018 syllabus, it's contents are very well organised. All lectures are very clear, the instructor have good hold on the respective topics and explains the concepts nicely in understandable manner. Every section has relevant assignments and resources, which are extremely helpful. Instructor is very professional and pleasant to learn from. The videos used are of high quality, in terms of video and audio quality. I would strongly recommend this course..!!""INSTRUCTOR** IS CERTIFIED ON FOLLOWING INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATIONS:ISTQB -CTAL Test Manager, Certified Selenium Tester, Microsoft Certification Software Testing using Visual Studio, HP Accredited Integration Specialist in Application Security ,IBM Certified Specialist in Rational Appscan, HP Accredited Integration Specialist in Quality Center v9 and QTP v9, IBM Certified Rational Specialist in Test Management and Rational Robot , IBM Certified Solution Designer in Rational Functional Test, IBM Certified Solution Designer in Rational Performance TestNote:* This certification syllabus contains foundations of selenium testing tool along with code examples of python based selenium testing (as per syllabus)**Instructor is not affiliated to any bodies and it is not an accredited training provider's course."
Price: 199.99

"Network Operations Center Engineer" |
"Network operations center (NOC) engineers are in charge of providing engineering support for network connectivity issues, as well as working as a liaison for carriers and other information technology (IT) technicians in their organization. They are responsible for solving and preventing data outages with wired and wireless system connection hardware. In addition, they communicate with the help desk, and other on-site system professionals to provide issue resolution in a prompt manner.NOC engineers solve circuit outages, and and monitor device up time. They configure and install networking equipment as needed, as well as actively participate in upgrading projects for more efficient system support. Another task performed by NOC engineers includes performing maintenance in network hardware devices such as routers, range extenders, and switches. They also serve as the backup for the data communications analyst. Generally, NOC engineers report their progress to the operations manager or supervisor in their department. These professionals should have strong interpersonal skills to handle client complaints, as they are generally the individual who handles issues that are escalated by other NOC technicians. They must be able to multitask and handle a variety tasks assigned by their supervisor. They must work effectively on their own, but also work well in a team environment. A bachelor's degree in network administration, computer science, system engineering, or a similar field is required for this job. They must have working experience with system repair, engineering tasks, and other troubleshooting activities. They should have advanced organization skills, which are used to keep accurate inventory for computer replacement parts. In addition, previous experience with networking administration and protocols, as well as additional industry certifications, are often preferred."
Price: 1280.00

"Cyber Security Extreme Test Preparation" |
"Website Security :- Web application security is a branch of information security that deals specifically with security of websites, web applications and web services.Mobile Phone Security :-Mobile device security refers to the measures taken to protect sensitive data stored on portable devices. It is also the ability to prevent unauthorized users from using mobile devices to access the enterprise network.Network Security :-Network security consists of the policies and practices adopted to prevent and monitor unauthorized access, misuse, modification, or denial of a computer network and network-accessible resources.IOT Security :- IoT security is the technology area concerned with safeguarding connected devices and networks in the internet of things (IoT). ... Allowing devices to connect to the internet opens them up to a number of serious vulnerabilities if they are not properly protected.Cyber Forensics :-Computer forensics is a branch of digital forensic science pertaining to evidence found in computers and digital storage media"
Price: 1280.00

"Simufact Welding ile Kaynakl malat Simlasyonlarna Giri" |
"Bu eitimde kaynakl imalat teknolojileri konusunda gnmzde ne gibi uygulamalar var bu ksmlardan bahsedeceiz. Ayn zamanda kaynakl imalat simlasyonlar bizlere nelr salyor ve Simufact Welding ierisinde bir kaynak simlasyonunu temel olarak nasl kurguluyoruz bu konulara bakyor olacaz.Simufact; metal ekillendirme, mekanik birletirme, kaynak ve eklemeli imalat prosesleri iin simlasyon programlar gelitiren bir yazlm irketidir. Simufact, MSC Software grup firmas olup Hexagon bnyesinde yer almaktadr.Simufact Welding, kaynak proseslerinin analiz edilmesi iin gelitirilmi bir kaynak simlasyon programdr. Kullanl arayz ile tm kaynak prosesleri kolayca modellenip analiz edilebilir. Simufact Welding ile aada listelenen prosesler analiz edilebilir.Ark kayna (MIG/MAG/TIG/GMA, v.b.)Lazer kaynaElektron n kayna (EBW)Sert lehimleme (Brazing)Diren punta kayna (RSW)Yma eklemeli imalat (Direct Energy Deposition - DED)Kaynak proseslerine ek olarak aadaki prosesler de Simufact Welding ile analiz edilebilir.Gerilim gidermeKaynak sonras mekanik testler (r: ekme / bkme testi)Simufact Welding ile aadaki parametreleri incelemek mmkndr.Ergime / nfuziyet blgesiKaynak srasnda para zerindeki scaklk dalm / sdan etkilenen blgelerarplma / distorsiyon miktarKaynak srasnda ve sonrasnda para zerindeki gerilme dalmFaz dalm (elik malzemeler)Kaynak sonrasndaki mekanik zellikler"
Price: 49.99

"Solidworks Eitim 2D izim Altrmas" |
"Endstriyel 2D Solidworks' Sfrdan leri Dzeye Kadar Gerek Projeler Yaratarak renin !Bu kursta 2D Solidworks programnn hzl uygulama gelitirmeye ynelik avantajn kullanarak hemen her blmde uygulamalar gelitirerek Solidworks programnn 2D ksmn tmyle kavrayacaz.Kursun erii :Akademimiz tarafndan hazrlanan 100 esiz 2d izimi hocalarmz eliinde hep beraber iziyoruz20 Saat'e yakn ierik sunan en uzun 2d eitimidirBAKA HBR KAYNAA HTYACINIZ YOKBu eitim seti sizden ekstra bir kaynak kullanma talebinde bulunmaz.mr boyu eriimMobil ve TV'den eriimBitirme SertifikasKurs boyunca yardma ihtiya duyduunuz konularda hi ekinmeden bize mail zerinden veya soru-cevap ksmndan sorularnz iletebilirsiniz."
Price: 59.99

"Jzyk C. Poziom ekspert." |
"Zamiast uciliwego wyszukiwania praktycznej wiedzy - skorzystaj z naszego kursu. Ten kurs zawiera elementy jzyka C, ktre zwykle pomija si w ksikach czy na zajciach na uczelniach technicznych. Oprcz opanowania zaawansowanych elementw jzyka C poznasz te oglne zasady dotyczce dziaania systemw operacyjnych i programw komputerowych przydatne osobom programujcym praktycznie w kadym jzyku."
Price: 204.99

"Sell More With GoToWebinar" |
"Everything you need to know to sell more using webinarsIn this course, you will learn everything about webinars, Go-ToWebinar, GoToMeeting, and GoToStage. Not only the technical side but also how to use webinars to grow your business through an engaging audience. You will have 4 different courses in 1. Learn how to make successful webinars that can help you boost your sales and grow your business. Theses are the 4 courses included in this course:GoToWebinar, GoToMeeting, GoToStageCreate a Sales WebinarLead Generation And WebinarsWebinar Conversion Masterclass10 Webinar Knowledge Articles - FreeComplimentary 30-minute Business Growth Coaching Session-----------------------------------------------------------------1. Brand New Over-The-Shoulder Video Series On How To Quickly & Easily Launch Your First Live Event Using GoToWebinar.Have you noticed the webinar trends over the years?If you did, then you know that every so and so are doing it almost every day.So you wonder how effective is it?If youve given this a thought and you want to know the real truth about it......then this will be the most important letter you will ever read.Experience Up To 50% Sales ConversionThis is no joke.Many marketers are experiencing up to 50% on their winning webinar and thats how powerful this method is.But before we dive deeper into this, you need to first understand that a webinar is all about building trust with the people by educating them first of all about a specific topic.If you do this right, then youre in a better position to pitch something of value in the end so you can make a heck load of cash.Once you understand this principle, you then need to have a proper platform to host your webinar so that you can attract the maximum amount of sales.And the best webinar platform on the market is without a doubtGoToWebinar - The Most Trusted Webinar Platform Among Business People.Before we go any further, let me give you some insights about GoToWebinarGoToWebinar is ranked as the number 1 customer service provider for video conferencing solutions.In 2017, over 60 million people attended a GoToWebinar event.GoToWebinar is designed to provide affordable solutions to everyone, they have different plans that work for different kinds of you.GoToWebinar provides webinar data through reporting analytics.GoToWebinar makes it possible to create vibrant pre-recorded webinars that look and feel like a live webinar.63% of B2B content marketers view GoTOWebinar as the most effective marketing tool.GoToWebinar hosts over 2.7M webinars every year.Customers who use GoToWebinar generate over 25% of qualified leads.Why You Need To Get Started Now:Webinars are very cost-effective when it comes to marketing and campaigns.Webinars are engaging and great for driving traffic.A platform for repurposed content.Stay on top of your stats and measure your return on investment easily.Maximum flexibility and webinar dynamics with GoToWebinar.Heres What Youll Discover Inside This Video Training:How to get started with GoToWebinar.Learn how to get used to the interface and configure your settings.Learn how to launch your first live event and what are the options to select when doing it.Learn how to work with GoToWebinar features for a better broadcast.How to quickly and easily work with the templates provided in the member's area.How to create attractive landing pages to get more people to register.How to get your link to promote your live event.Learn how to use their link to embed it in your website.Learn the different techniques involved in using GoToWebinar to grow your business.How to use their automated system to pre-record your webinar.How to schedule an event and set reminders.Learn how to sell your product on a live event and what are the features to use for it.Learn the tricks used to promote your offers anywhere you wish.How to prepare your slide presentations and how to properly broadcast them.Learn how to put GoToWebinar work for you even when youre not here.How to use best use GoToWebinar to grow your business and how to succeed with it.Learn the different techniques used by to marketers to harness GoToWebinar to its full potential.And so much more...--------------------------------------------------2. Create a Sales WebinarDiscover Why Your Existing Webinar Isnt Producing The Sales Conversions You Want. Youll Also Learn How to Take It To The Next Level, and Skyrocket Your Sales Conversions Starting Today!Video #1: Introduction to Webinar ConversionsIn this specific video series, we are going to cover how this specific system works and what tools you need to get started.Video #2: Biggest Mistakes Webinar Hosts Make That Lose saleMany webinar hosts make mistakes that cause them to lose sales. So in this specific video we are going to cover how you can combat this so you do not lose as many sales.Video #3: How to Increase Your Actual Attendee RateOne of the biggest problems that you will face is getting people who signed up for the webinar to actually show up. The truth of the matter is that not everybody who signs up will actually show up. In fact statistics show that out of those people who have signed up for your webinar sometimes over 50% will not show up. So how do you combat this and make sure that you can increase your actual attend rate? There will be more on that in this particular video.Video #4: Webinar Email ScheduleIt's important to use an email follow-up system so that you can remind people of your webinar, and so you can email them after the webinar, especially the people who did not show up for your webinar. So in this video we will be covering a specific email schedule we recommend that works really well.- Email a couple of times before the Webinar to remind people.- Recommended Email scheduleVideo #5: Email Follow Up and Reminder TemplatesHow would you like to swipe our email follow up and reminder templates? Well you can do that in this particular video.Video #6: Getting people to run through your doorIt's your last chance to get people through the door to buy your product and service. Often times we can use webinar replay, which basically allows previously recorded webinars to be sent to people so they can watch the webinar again. Though there is a specific strategy that we can employ that will help you increase your sales. This especially works with people who are on the fence and are unsure about buying your product or service because of certain objections.Video #7: After the Webinar Follow Up TemplatesIn addition, how would you like access to our follow up templates specifically for after your webinar is over? This is crucial because you want to be able to reach those who attended your webinar as well as those who have not attended.------------------------------------------------3. Lead Generation And Webinars""Finally, Discover How to Create a High-Converting Webinar Landing Page Using a Real Proven Strategy Starting Today!""This 9-part video course is designed to show you how you can quickly and easily get more people attending your webinars! Here's a breakdown of this 9 part video series in more detail.Video #1 - IntroductionBefore we jump into the video course, we are going to get you into the right mindset. Next, you will be given a quick video overview so you know exactly what to expect, and youll be able to implement everything at a much faster rate. And then we will discuss the basics of what you need to get started.Video #2 - Before the Sales CopyBefore we discuss sales copy you need to get a list of what you have. This way, when we begin the process of creating the sales copy, you already have a head start. We will discuss landing page creation options and other elements that will help you increase your conversions.Video #3 - BenefitsBefore we look at the headline and other sales copy elements, we want to take a bottom-to-top approach rather than the other way around that is typically taught. As such, in this particular video we will be discussing benefits and why it's important to start with these first before we look at the headline.Video #4 - Headlines / Sub-HeadlinesAfter you create a list of the top benefits, it's time to talk about how to create your headlines and sub-headlines.Video #5 - FreebiesOne way to get people to sign up for your webinar is by giving away something of value for free. Not just anything for free, but something that they would really want. We will discuss this further in this particular video.Video #6 - CuriosityIn this video we will discuss elements that will help build curiosity of what's on the other side. These elements can include media such as videos or images. But the big question is, should you use videos or should you not? Theres more on that in this video.Video #7 - ScarcityIt's been proven that if you don't get somebody to sign up at that very instant, they will forget about you. And the majority of the time this is because people are busy, and if they don't take action at that very moment they never will. So what kind of scarcity elements can you include in your page that will help you get sign-ups right away?Video #8 - ComplianceBefore you promote your landing page with any type of paid advertising such as Google ads or even Facebook ads, you need to make sure that your pages are compliant. For example, you will need to have proper legal pages. This video will lay out everything you need.Video #9 - Inside the Webinar FunnelAt this moment in time we have covered the majority of the course. As a bonus we want to show you the layout in my map of what is inside your webinar funnel. We will not go into great depth, but you'll be given a quick overview of the pages that you need in order to be successful so you can get started without any delay.Grab this video course now so you can start converting more webinar prospects into loyal customers!------------------------------------------------------------------4. Webinar Conversion MasterclassIt is known that Webinars have a better conversion rate than most sales communication mediums simply because of the live social element and social proof.Questions that could be potential objections can be answered in real-time.Average conversions can range from 10 to 35 percent or even higher.Of course, automated webinars convert really well, too.But numbers aside, webinars can do much more than just sell products and services. In fact, webinars can be used to build great relationships with customers and prospects...... Which oftentimes is most overlooked.Most people make the mistake of thinking about making the sale first instead of gaining trust and providing value.Now, of course, webinars can be used in many different ways depending on your ultimate business goals.Some webinars are purely educational, and some webinars are ultimately aimed at getting people through your business door.So oftentimes, not all webinars are created equal.Now the type of webinar that we will be aiming for is sales webinars, which are used to sell your product or get more leads.But the ultimate goal is to convince your customers to engage and interact with you, which equals higher sales conversions.So the big question is, how do you create high converting webinars that have high engagement that will yield higher sales conversions?Here's a list of this 9 part video series in more detailVideo #1: Introduction to Webinars and Recommended ToolsIn this specific video, we will be covering a quick overview of this video series, itself. You will learn how it all works as well as the recommended tools and webinar platforms that we have tested. You can learn from our mistakes so that you don't have to make them.Video #2: What's a Webinar Without An Audience?So what's the point of having a webinar without knowing your audience? That is the big question. Often times we make the mistake of jumping straight in to creating a webinar and not realizing who the target audience is we are trying to engage. We may know what the audience wants on a general level, but do we really? So we will be covering who your best prospects are and how to engage them, so that you can attract the people most likely to buy.Think about it. Why would you want to spend all your time creating a webinar and drive tons of visitors to your webinar, only to realize that your webinar does not convert because it is not speaking to the correct audience? So we will also be covering how to figure out the audience's desires and objections so that you can craft the perfect angle that sells every time.Video #3: Our Blueprint for a Sales WebinarNow that youve got the basics, it's time to show you our exact step-by-step blueprint to creating a high converting sales webinar. You will get to see an exact mind map of our recommended sales webinar. Of course, this is just a basis for you so that you can customize it and create your own.Video #4: Finding Your AngleSo what is your sales webinar angle? The angle is how you are going to ultimately sell your product or service in your sales webinar. There are many different types of angles that you can use to your advantage and we will be covering these in this specific video.Video #5: Who's the Host?It's very important to convince people of why they should listen to you. Often times, they probably already know if they have signed up for your webinar, so this is a time not to brag but to gain and reinforce their trust. There are certain ways of doing this correctly, and there are wrong ways of doing it, as well. This section is especially important because failing here could turn people off. Alternatively, success will lead to a better conversion rate.Video #6: The MeatIn this part of the sales webinar blueprints, we will be covering how you can convey the content or meaty part of your webinar. There is more to this section than just simply blurting out why your product/service is worth buying. So we will be showing you specific strategies that you can use to really get people interested in your product or service or business.Video #7: The PitchNow it's time to pitch or sell your product. This is one of the biggest areas that people fall short on. A lot of people do not like to sell their products or ask for the sale. But we want to be upfront here and say that you can do it in such a way that people will really want to know about whatever it is that you are selling. But of course, everything before this part must be done correctly.Video #8: Justifying The PriceIf you have an expensive, high-ticket product, and you're worried that people are not going to buy it simply because it costs more than a couple hundred dollars, then I'm going to show you a specific strategy that will help you justify the price. While the price is often one of the major objections that prospects will have, no doubt this strategy will convince them they want your product even more.Video #9: The CloseAfter you have justified the price, it's time to close the webinar. But you don't want to just exit right away. In fact, there are a couple of things that you might want to do beforehand. So we will be covering specific strategies that work really well to persuade especially hesitant people or those who are on the fence to buy your product or service.-----------------------------------------------------------------10 Webinar Knowledge Articles - FreeI have included 10 Webinar articles that you can preview for free. Generating Leads with WebinarsMaking Money with WebinarsPreparing for Your WebinarThe Success or Failure of Your WebinarTypes of Webinar SoftwareUsing Affiliates to Promote Your WebinarsUsing Google Hangouts for WebinarsUsing Your Free Webinar Recording WiselyWebinars for Your Coaching BusinessWhy Use Webinars for Your Business-------------------------------------------------Complimentary 30-minute Business Growth Coaching SessionAs a part of the course, I would like to offer you a 30-minute complimentary Business Growth Coaching session. This is an opportunity for you to create a crystal clear vision and plan how you are going to utilize your learning and knowledge to grow your business. During this session, we will also uncover what can be stopping you, stand in your way, or slowing you down in creating the business growth that you would like to see. The purpose of this session is that you leave with renewed energy, highly motivated to execute and make it happen. Too often, we don't utilize or implement our learning, plans, and vision. This is a chance for you to change all that."
Price: 19.99
