"IDA Pro 3 Hours Primer" |
"This course is logically designed to guide you through some of the complicated parts of static and dynamic analysis of malware, with IDA Pro. Instead of just introducing IDA features in a simple narrative way, we will work through interesting real world examples and samples. This way, each feature, tip or trick discussed will be put into context for easier learning. We will mainly cover IDA Pro for Windows and occasionally Linux, and introduce additional tools as well, like decompiler plugins, scripts and packers.The course is very practical, focused on examples that can be done straight away. There are no pre-requisites for this class other that a Windows virtual machine and the will to learn. All the tools discussed are freely available online.Neither professional programming experience nor assembly language knowledge are required to benefit from the course, although basic knowledge of both would be very helpful. The concepts will be explained clearly and concisely and additional resources are always available.To get the most out of this course, we recommended doing all the exercises. You can post any queries or questions in the course Q&A section, and I will be more than happy to help."
Price: 99.99

Kostenrechnung |
"Der Kurs ""Kostenrechnung"" vermittelt grundlegende Kenntnisse der Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung. Zunchst erhalten die Teilnehmer zunchst einen berblick ber die verschiedenen Zwecke der Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung. Anschlieend werden mit der Kostenartenrechnung, der Kostenstellenrechnung, der Kostentrgerrechnung, der Kostentrgererfolgsrechnung sowie der Periodenerfolgsrechnung die verschiedenen Systembestandteile der Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung vorgestellt. Schlielich wird dann gezeigt, wie man die Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung zur Vorbereitung von operativen Entscheidungen (z.B. Ermittlung des optimalen Produktionsprogramms, Eigenfertigung versus Fremdbezug etc.) einsetzen kann. Zahlreiche bungen und Quizze zur Lernfortschrittskontrolle runden den Kurs ab."
Price: 19.99

"Vegan Pregnancy Guide" |
"A guide to a vegan pregnancy where you will learn about vegan lifestyle and the benefits of following it, the safety during pregnancy, myths surrounded protein, calcium, B12 and other nutrients. You will also learn the right amount of each nutrient you need to consume during pregnancy, and also the importance of planning your meals and how to do it. This guide includes:- One week meal plan.- A comprehensive list of foods and their nutrients.- A ebook with 28 recipes.- Daily checklist- Shopping list- A step by step on how to plan your meals during the day to increase your nutrition intake. You will finish this course feeling confident and empowered to stand up for your choice.*All the information in this guide is evidence based."
Price: 34.99

"Practical study on Shares and Debentures" |
"In this course student learns about various nitty gritties of shares and debentures .The course is taught with various practical examples that helps the student to understand the course in a better manner .The contents of the course are as below:1.Equity shares2.Equity shares with differential rights3.Right shares4.Bonus shares5.Share premium and discount6.Sweat equity shares and ESOP7.Preference shares8.Buy back of shares9.Debentures"
Price: 1280.00

"Punctuate Without Fear" |
"In this course, youll learn how to overcome your fear of using punctuation correctly by doing the following:Review the history of punctuationLook at the two current schools of thought about punctuationExamine key differences between US and UK punctuationReview how to use 16 commonly used punctuation marks while looking at numerous examples of how to use themTest your skills with worksheets that cover some of the more difficult punctuation marksTest your comprehension of what you've learned with a quizSay goodbye to comma anxiety and semicolon stress. Learn to Punctuate Without Fear!"
Price: 49.99

"Selbstmotivation + Willenskraft: Erfolgreich Ziele erreichen" |
"Selbstmotivation und Willenskraft sind die Schlssel, um Deine wahren Potentiale freizuschalten. Du mchtest Deine Ziele erreichen und Deine Visionen umsetzen? Fokussiert sein und die Dinge zu Ende bringen? Leichter ins Handeln kommen oder mit Freude Vollgas geben? Krfte und Potentiale bei Dir entfalten, von denen Du gar nicht wusstest, dass Du sie hast?Dann kann dieser Selbstmotivations-/Ziele erreichen-Online-Kurs genau das Richtige fr Dich sein. Lerne ein FINISHER zu werden. Ohne tschakka, tschakka. Mit einem der umfassendsten deutschen Online-Kurse dazu auf Udemy.Sehr viele Menschen erreichen ihre Ziele nicht. Aber nicht weil sie scheitern, sondern weil sie nicht konsequent anfangen oder zu frh kapitulieren. Weil sie nicht dranbleiben. Weil ihre Motivation und ihre Willenskraft einfach nicht ausreichen.Mit diesem Kurs lernst Du, es besser zu machen. Denn der Schlssel auch zu Deinen Zielen, zu mehr Produktivitt und Zufriedenheit liegt im Kopf.Und genau dort setzen wir im Kurs an. Hier bekommst Du Anleitung und Tipps fr erfolgreiche Selbstmotivation, starke Willenskraft und das Erreichen von Zielen an einer Stelle. Znde die nchste Stufe Deiner Persnlichkeitsentwicklung.Wir fokussieren dafr auf 6 tragende Sulen der Selbstmotivation, Willenskraft und Zielerreichung. Jeder Sule ist ein spezielles, eigenes Modul mit mehreren Lektionen gewidmet.Diese 6 Sulen (und damit die Kerninhalte und Module des Kurses) sind:1. Das Fundament Motivations-Basis und MotivationsfallenVerstehe, wie Motivation entsteht und welche Arten es gibtLerne die 5 Faktoren der Willenskraft kennen und was auf sie Einfluss hatErkenne typische Motivationsfallen, damit Du nicht die gleichen Fehler machst, wie viele andereUnd finde Deine persnlichen Motivatoren und Demotivatoren2. Den guten inneren Autopiloten aktivierenJeder von uns hat einen mchtigen Autopiloten, der uns (unterbewusst) steuert. Und dies entscheidet darber, ob wir Erfolg haben oder nichtLerne, diesen guten Autopiloten fr Deine Zwecke zu nutzen3. Stimmung und Mindset managen, Bremsen lsenAuch Deine Einstellung entscheidet zu groen Teilen darber, ob Du Deine Ziele erreichst und die Einstellung kannst Du beeinflussenErfahre, wie Du Dein Mindset und Stimmung positiv steuerstUnd lerne, Deine Selbstmotivations-Killer, Deine Bremsen (wie Selbstzweifel oder negative Gedanken) zu eliminieren4. Richtung bestimmen und Fokus setzen Ziele finden + setzenViele Menschen glauben, sie htten Ziele, aber in Wahrheit sind es (nur) Wnsche, Trume oder Vorstze. Doch das merken sie nicht und kommen deshalb nicht dahin, wo sie hinmchtenErfahre, was echte Ziele auszeichnet, wie Du sie findest und worauf es beim Setzen und Formulieren ankommtLerne, wie Du sie fr Dich operabel machen kannst und richtig priorisierst5. Vollgas geben selbstmotiviert ins Handeln kommenErfolg entsteht durch TUN erhalte wichtige Tipps, Ideen und Anstze, um ins Handeln zu kommen und mit der Umsetzung zu beginnenFinde heraus, was auch Du ab sofort tun kannst, um Deine Ziele besser zu erreichenFinde heraus, was Du tun kannst, wenn Du Dinge tun musst, die Dir schwerfallen oder auf die Du keine Lust hastNutze einfache Selbstmotivations-Hacks, um leichter zu erreichen, was Du Dir vorgenommen hast6. Dauerhaft dranbleiben selbstdiszipliniert sein Ziele erreichenAnfangen ist gut, doch nur wer dauerhaft dranbleibt und wei, wie der seine Motivation, Selbstdisziplin und Willenskraft hochhalten kann, wird seine Ziele erreichen und Erfolg habenLerne, ein Finisher zu werden mit einfachen, wirksamen Praxis-Techniken zur dauerhaften Selbstmotivation, um auch morgen, bermorgen und berbermorgen am Ball zu seinDiese 6. Sule erhht in erheblichem Umfang Deine Chancen, das zu erreichen, was Du Dir vorgenommen hast.Eine Fundgrube von bungen bzw. Reflexionsfragen helfen Dir dabei, Deinen Weg zu finden und Dich fit zu machen, um Deine Ziele zu erreichen.Manches ist verblffend einfach, wenn man wei, wo man ansetzen kann. Denn egal wie gut die Techniken und Werkzeuge auch sein mgen, anwenden und umsetzen muss jeder selbst. Picke Dir die fr Dich besten Tipps und Ideen heraus und starte jetzt Deinen Weg zu mehr Motivation und Willenskraft.Also: gleich anmelden und Deine Entwicklung selbst in die Hand nehmen."
Price: 124.99

"CCNP Security (300-715 SISE) Professional Training 2020" |
"The Implementing and Configuring Cisco Identity Services Engine (SISE) v3.0 course shows you how to deploy and use Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE) v2.4, identity and access control policy platform that simplifies the delivery of consistent, highly secure access control across wired, wireless, and VPN connections. This hands-on course provides you with the knowledge and skills to implement and use Cisco ISE, including policy enforcement, profiling services, web authentication, and guest access services, BYOD, endpoint compliance services, and TACACS+ device administration. Through expert instruction and hands-on practice, you will learn how to use Cisco ISE to gain visibility into what is happening in your network, streamline security policy management, and contribute to operational efficiency."
Price: 19.99

"Learn ARcore,make your Room interact with Unity 3D physics." |
"Making The Floor Physic Changing Programmed Prefab and Adding Iron Man 3D to the Room.Transforming the famous Stack Game to AR using Arcore anchors.If you are a 3D modeler, this Tutorial Fit you, you can see your 3D model in real life !!if you are a developer this is a good start to learn Arcore in Unity3D Engine.Skills to Learn:Arcore Global Theory Explanation by Diagram.Arcore Integration.Making The Floor Physic.Integrating your own 3D model.Discovering HelloAR Arcore scene.Arcore C# code Reverse Engineering.Why Unity3D ?-Already contain Physics Engine-Arcore Team supports Unity3D engine as first periorty.-Unity is designed for mobile devicesWhy Arcore ?This should be related with your project need:if your project is based on Image Target detection you sould use Vuforia SDKelse Arcore is the best in all.Arcore detect the floor.Arcore detect WallsArcore detect roofArcore is more flexible cause it use anchors, Vuforia use only the center of the imageTarget as The center of the world Arcore VS VuforiaArcore Quality is better Arcore Developement cost is more expensiveArcore Developement time is more than Vuforia about 5 timesVuforia Errors can be seen in Editor Consol always, Arcore somtimes the InstantPreview.apk don't work in the device side.You should verify that your android or iOS device is supported by Arcore :in their official website.Aren't you interested in :Vuforia,Arcore,AR,Augmented Reality,game mechanics,unity,Transform Game to Augmented Reality,3D Scripting,Unity AR,Prototyping,Visual Studio,Visual Studio 2019,Fast Developing,C#,Reverse Engineering,Spark AR Studio,Game Physics,Debugging,Game Asset,User Interface,Game Development Fundamentals,ar foundation,,mapbox,Android Development,spark ar,iOS Development,Rapid Application Development,vuforia unity ,spark r studio,android game,android game development,mobile game,ios game,ios game development,game development,Build APK to Android "
Price: 199.99

"OpenCart 3.0 - Criando um E-commerce do zero (verso 2020)" |
"Aprenda na Prtica a criar um sistema completo de Venda Online utilizando a Plataforma Opencart 3!Neste curso voc aprender a Instalar, configurar, Personalizar e criar seu e-commerce diretamente na plataforma do Opencart, alm de conhecer as principais funcionalidades desta Loja Virtual. uma plataforma de e-commerce leve, gratuita e cheia de recursos.Opencart amplamente utilizado por diversas empresas e desenvolvedores ao redor do mundo, pois um sistema de cdigo aberto com diversos recursos e integraes j prontas para voc criar uma loja virtual completa do absoluto zero. Tambm extremamente personalizvel, possui um painel administrativo intuitivo onde no necessrio entender de programao para utilizar seus principais recursosAlguns tpicos essenciais que o Opencart 3 Permite:Vender Produtos Online;Disponibilizar produtos para Download;Inserir vdeos do Youtube / Vimeo nas descries;Visualizar Relatrios de pedidos e produtos;Configurar formas de pagamento Online como Paypal e PagSeguro;Configurar Fretes / Formas de entrega.Personalizar sua interface com logotipo e cores da sua empresa;Configurar Cupons de Desconto;Instalar novos temas para o Opencart;Instalar Extenses que complementam as funcionalidades do E-commerce;E Muito mais...Enfim, esta poderosa ferramenta oferece tudo que voc precisa para criar uma loja virtual completa.Este Opencart s tem vantagem... T esperando o que!?Inscreva-se Agora!"
Price: 54.99

"Agile Transformation: Von der Idee zum agilen Unternehmen" |
"Kennst Du das? Alle im Unternehmen sprechen davon ""agiler"" zu werden, aber niemand wei wie!Agile Transformationen gewinnen zunehmend an Bedeutung. Die Einfhrung von Scrum in einzelnen Projekten reicht lngst nicht mehr aus um den heutigen Herausforderungen einer globalen und sich stetig verndernden Marktsituation zu begegnen. Skalierte Anstze wie SAFe, oder Nexus gehen in die richtige Richtung, knnen aber oft nicht die spezifischen Probleme eines einzelnen Unternehmens beantworten. Ganzheitliche und individuelle Anstze fr das gesamte Unternehmen sind notwendig um gezielte Verbesserungen einzuleiten und die Handlungsfhigkeit und den Innovationsgrad im Unternehmen dauerhaft zu erhhen. In diesem Kurs lernst Du, wie Du einen konkreten und mageschneiderten Plan fr dein Unternehmen aufsetzen kannst und welche Vorgehensweisen und Methoden bei der Umsetzung der agilen Transformation helfen.-------------------------Teilnehmer:Der Kurs ist fr Dich geeignet, wenn Du... ...nach einem individuellen Ansatz und einer klaren Strategie fr die agile Transformation in deinem Unternehmen suchst. ...deinen Chef von der Notwendigkeit einer agilen Transformation durch eine fundierte Analyse berzeugen willst ...Methoden und Techniken kennenlernen willst, die bei der Einfhrung agiler Methoden und dem Changemanagement helfen ...umfassende Kenntnis ber relevante Einflussfaktoren einer agilen Transformation gewinnen mchtest...wissen mchtest, wie agil dein Unternehmen bereits arbeitet und einen Denkansto fr gezielte Verbesserungen suchstDer Kurs ist nicht geeignet fr Teilnehmer, die Inhalte zu skalierten Scrum Methoden, wie SAFe, Nexus oder LeSS suchen-------------------------Kursinhalte- Du erhltst ein detailliertes und einzigartiges Reifegradmodell, welches 25 Einflussfaktoren mit 42 Einzelthemen und 168 konkrete Ausprgungen abgedeckt. Dies erlaubt eine Analyse der Agilitt deines Unternehmens und die Ableitung einer klaren Zielsetzung in einzelnen Bereichen- Praxisnahe Tipps und konkrete Methoden, sowie Vorgehensweisen fr agile Transformationen-------------------------ber den Kurs:Ich mchte diesen Kurs kontinuierlich weiterentwickeln und verbessern. Hierfr freue ich mich ber deine Bewertungen, Kommentare und Ideen, damit Du umso mehr vom lebenslangen Zugriff profitieren kannst!Natrlich stehe ich auch jederzeit gerne fr Rckfragen zum Kurs zur VerfgungViel Spa im Kurs!"
Price: 94.99

"Essentials for Adobe Photoshop CC for Beginners" |
"This course delves into the fundamentals of Adobe Photoshop CC, along with some of its integration features with Illustrator and After Effects. Students will go through the process from scratch learning key terminology and industry-standard techniques. Students will be challenged by understanding the process of creating an art-board with several layers, working within a pixel-based software, exploring the various tools and effects present in the program, and finally, exporting and saving. In just over an hour, students will also be introduced to liquefying, image adjustments, lighting effects, and the other features present in Photoshop. They will also have gained a solid grasp of the formal devices discussed in the course."
Price: 199.99

"Fundamentos da Teologia Sistemtica" |
"Neste minicurso de 5 vdeo-aulas estudamos os fundamentos do estudo teolgico, e mais especificamente da Teologia Sistemtica, de uma perspectiva reformada. Todas as aulas so acompanhadas de PDF e Questionrios para teste de conhecimentos. Na terceira aula voc vai ter acesso a um E-Book exclusivo! No perca tempo, comece seu curso agora mesmo!"
Price: 39.99

"Online Marketing Ads Verkaufstexte schreiben die einschlagen" |
"Verkaufstexte sind elementarer Bestandteil, wenn du deine Produkte oder Dienstleistungen online verkaufen mchtest. Dir bringt die beste Facebook Ad nichts, wenn deine Message nicht in deiner Zielgruppe ankommt. Nach ber 1Millionen Euro Adspent bei Facebook habe ich ein System entwickelt, welches bei richtiger Anwendung deine Online Marketing Verkufe durch die Decke gehen lsst. Hier lernst du wie du bei allen mglichen Social Media Plattformen, wie Facebook Ads, Google Ads oder email Marketing Verkaufstexte verfasst, die deine Zielgruppe zum kaufen bewegen und dir mehr Umsatz und Conversions bringt."
Price: 24.99

"Dropshipping - So findest du Winning Products auf Aliexpress" |
"Du wirst in diesem Kurs lernen, was ein echtes Winning Dropshipping Produkt ist, wie du es erkennst, wie du danach suchst und wie kinderleicht alle Produkte zu Winnern machen kannst. Ich zeige dir meinen Research Prozess, zeige dir echte Case Studys und Bonusmaterial, welches dich umhauen wird. Wenn du schon im Shopify Aliexpress Dropshipping Business bist oder gerade anfangen mchtest ist dieser Kurs genau der richtige fr dich!"
Price: 24.99

"CRISC Certify Risk Information System Control Practice Exam" |
"393 UNIQUE practice questions for CRISC Certify Risk Information System Control Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CRISC Certify Risk Information System Control Practice ExamTotal Questions : 393Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :260 minsPassing Score : 75 (294 of 393)"
Price: 179.99

"CompTIA Server+ Certification Exam - Mock Test" |
"CompTIA Server+ (SK0-004)The CompTIA Server+ certification program was developed by the Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) to provide an industry-wide means of certifying the competency of computer server technicians. The Server+ certification, which is granted to those who have attained the level of knowledge and troubleshooting skills that are needed to provide capable support to the most commonly used server and storage systems, is similar to other certifications in the computer industry. The theory behind these certifications is that if you needed to have service performed on any of their products, you would sooner call a technician who has been certified in one of the appropriate programs than you would just call the first so-called expert in the phone book. CompTIAs Server+ exam objectives are periodically updated to keep the certification applicable to the most recent hardware and software. This is necessary because a technician must be able to work on the latest equipment.The Server+ certification program was created to offer a wide-ranging certification, in the sense that its intended to certify competence with servers from many different makers/ vendors. Everyone must take and pass one exam: SK0-004. The Server+ certification isnt awarded until youve passed the test. CompTIA Server+ certified candidates can work in any environment because it is the only vendor-neutral certification covering the major server platforms. It is the only industry certification that covers the latest server technologies including virtualization, security and network-attached storage.CompTIA Server+ certification validates the skills necessary to be a server administrator. Successful candidates will have mastered the following concepts:VirtualizationStorageSecurityTroubleshootingExam DetailsExam Codes - SK0-004Exam Description - Server+ covers server architecture, administration, storage, security, networking, troubleshooting as well as disaster recovery.Number of Questions - Maximum of 100 questionsType of Questions - Multiple choiceLength of Test - 90 MinutesPassing Score -750 (on a scale of 100-900)Recommended ExperienceA+ Certification Individuals with 18 to 24 months of IT experienceRenewalThe CompTIA Server+ certification is considered good for life and does not need to be renewed.About the ExamCandidates are encouraged to use this document to help prepare for the CompTIA Server+ (SK0-005) certification exam. With the end goal of proactively defending and continuously improving the security of an organization, Server+ will verify the successful candidate has the knowledge and skills required to:Install, configure, and manage server hardware and server operating systemsImplement proper server hardening and security controlsSuccessfully troubleshoot common server problemsDemonstrate an understanding of key disaster recovery, high-availability, and backup conceptsThis is equivalent to two years of hands-on experience working in a server environment.EXAM DEVELOPMENTCompTIA exams result from subject matter expert workshops and industry-wide survey results regarding the skills and knowledge required of an IT professional.EXAM OBJECTIVES (DOMAINS)The table below lists the domains measured by this examination and the extent to which they are represented.DOMAIN PERCENTAGE OF EXAMINATION1.0 Server Hardware Installation and Management - 18%2.0 Server Administration - 30%3.0 Security and Disaster Recovery - 24%4.0 Troubleshooting - 28%To prepare for the exam, we strongly advise you to attend the training courses, review the study material, and gain hands-on experience related to the topics covered in the exam.We tried our best to provide correct answer of questions in this course, however we strongly request you to do research for correct answer too instead of just blindly memorize the answers."
Price: 19.99

"Kursus Intensif ATLAS.ti (Bahasa Malaysia)" |
"*Dikemaskini Jun 2020Kemajuan teknologi semestinya memudahkan hidup kita semua. Kepada para pelajar di peringkat sarjana (master degree) serta pelajar doktor falsafah (PhD), tentunya sentiasa bermain dengan bahan-bahan pengajian termasuklah buku-buku teks, nota-nota dan sebagainya. Dengan perisian ATLAS.ti, kita tidak lagi perlu risau untuk menyimpan semua bahan-bahan tersebut. ATLAS.ti akan memudahkan kita untuk mengesan kembali bahan-bahan yang kita perlukan.Perisian ATLAS.ti juga adalah suatu perisian yang sangat berguna khususnya untuk menganalisa data-data kualitatif. Menggunakan kaedah tradisional untuk menganalisa data-data kualitatif tentunya memenatkan dan cara tersebut mungkin memerlukan ruang yang luas, masa yang lama serta pengurusan yang sistematik. Dengan perisian ATLAS.ti, kita akan mampu menganalisa data-data tersebut dengan cara yang sangat mudah dan berkesan.Secara umumnya, kursus ini akan menerangkan kepada anda tentang perkara-perkara berikut:Prinsip-prinsip asas perisian ATLAS.tiCara menggunakan atlas.ti untuk menguruskan data-dataCara menganalisa data-data kualitatifPengenalan kepada CAQDASCara install perisian ATLAS.ti Prinsip VISE dalam ATLAS.tiIstilah-istilah dalam ATLAS.tiKeperluan teknikal untuk ATLAS.tiPerbezaan umum antara atlas.ti windows & macAntara muka (interface) ATLAS.tiJenis dokumen yang diterima ATLAS.tiCara membuat projek baruCara mengekspot projekCara memasukkan dokumen ke dalam projekCara memasukkan komen (catatan) pada dokumenCara meletakkan dokumen-dokumen dalam kumpulan (document group)Cara membuat laporan (report) bagi dokumen-dokumenCara membuat petikan bebas (free quotation)Cara membuat kod (code)Cara membuat petikan & kod pada dokumen jenis imejCara membuat petikan & kod pada dokumen audio/videoCara membuat kumpulan kod (code group)Cara membuat laporan (report) bagi kod-kodCara membahagikan kodCara mengesan kedudukan petikan (quotation)Cara membuat hubungkait antara kod-kod/petikan-petikanCara hubungkait simantik (simantic linkages)Cara visualisasi awan perkataan (word clouds)Cara menggunakan 'query tool'Cara analisa persetujuan antara pengekod-pengekod (inter-coder agreement)Cara visualisasi jadual 'co-occurrence' & 'code-document'Cara berkolaborasi menggunakan atlas.tiCara menggunakan awan ATLAS.ti (ATLAS.ti cloud)Selain daripada kandungan kursus di atas, anda juga akan mendapat beberapa perkara yang menarik, antaranya:Bahan-bahan pembelajaran yang boleh dimuat turun, ia termasuklah manual perisian ATLAS.ti untuk Window & Mac, helaian kerja (worksheet) serta contoh artikel yang telah diterbitkan di jurnal.Dapat bersama dalam Komuniti ATLAS.ti. Dengan mengikuti kursus ini, anda akan mendapat akses kepada Facebook Group ATLAS.ti Community. Ia adalah tempat di mana anda akan mendapat sokongan secara berterusan berkaitan perisian ATLAS.ti seterusnya dapat memastikan anda sentiasa mendapat tahu perkembangan-perkembangan terkini berkaitan dengan perisian ATLAS.ti serta kajian kualitatif.Tugasan/latihan yang akan menyebabkan anda lebih memahami & mahir menggunakan perisian ATLAS.ti. Kursus ini dibahagikan kepada 6 seksyen di mana, di hujung setiap seksyen terdapat kuiz yang akan menilai kefahaman anda berkaitan kandungan kursus. Ini akan menambahkan lagi kefahaman anda berkaitan dengan perisian ATLAS.ti. Jurulatih yang profesional diiktiraf oleh ATLAS.ti yang akan cuba membantu anda menguasai perisian ATLAS.ti. Dr Muhd Al-Aarifin Ismail adalah jurulatih profesional perisian yang telah diiktiraf oleh pihak ATLAS.ti yang berpenkalan di Berlin, Jerman.PENGHARGAANTerima kasih tidak terhingga kepada Profesor Dr. Faisal Rafiq Mahamd Adikan (Naib Canselor, USM) yang sentiasa menggalakkan kami para pensyarah USM untuk menghasilkan bahan-bahan digital (digital content) untuk dikongsikan dengan semua lapisan masyarakat di luar sana.Ribuan terima kasih kepada Profesor Dr Shaiful Bahari Ismail (Dekan Pusat Pengajian Sains Perubatan, USM) yang sentiasa menyokong usaha ini. Terima kasih kepada Profesor Madya Dr Mohamad Saiful Bahri Yusoff (Ketua Jabatan Pendidikan Perubatan, Pusat Pengajian Sains Perubatan) yang sentiasa memberi galakan dan sokongan untuk saya aktif dalam penghasilan 'digital content' untuk menfaat semua.Terima kasih kepada Profesor Abd Karim Alias (Pengarah Pusat Pembangunan Kecemerlangan Akademik, USM) yang sentiasa menjadi pemangkin kepada aktiviti-aktiviti latihan untuk pensyarah-pensyarah serta pelajar di Universiti Sains Malaysia khususnya serta universiti-universiti lain pada amnya.Terima kasih juga kepada rakan-rakan pensyarah di Jabatan Pendidikan Perubatan, Pusat Pengajian Sains Perubatan, USM. Dr. Ahmad Fuad Bin Abdul Rahim, Dr. Mohamad Najib Bin Mat Pa, Dr. Mohd Zarawi B. Mat Nor, Dr. Nik Mohd Rizal Mohd Fakri, Dr. Jamilah Al-muhammady Mohammad, Dr. Anisa Binti Ahmad, Dr. Nurhanis Syazni Binti Roslan dan Dr Rosniza Abd. Aziz.PERNYATAAN PENAFIAN (DISCLAIMER)Kursus ini adalah berfokus kepada penggunaan perisian untuk membantu para penyelidik menguruskan data kualitatif masing-masing. Penekanan adalah lebih kepada perkara-perkara teknikal berkenaan dengan ATLAS.ti. Kursus ini bukan kursus rasmi berkaitan dengan ilmu kajian kualitatif. Saya (sebagai jurulatih ATLAS.ti bertauliah) telah cuba sedaya upaya untuk memastikan semua perkongsian dalam kursus adalah berdasarkan asas ilmu kajian kualitatif. Walaubagaimanapun, saya menafikan bahawa saranan-saranan yang dikongsikan adalah amalan terbaik (best practice) atau garis panduan (guideline) bagi ilmu kajian data kualitatif.Oleh yang demikian, para peserta kursus ini tidak boleh menggunakan kandungan kursus ini sebagai hujah atau sandaran untuk tujuan 'thesis defend' khususnya berkaitan dengan disiplin ilmu kajian kualitatif dan seumpamanya. Untuk tujuan data kualitatif, adalah dicadangkan agar para peserta semua merujuk kepada sumber yang lebih berautoriti seperti buku-buku teks berkaitan kajian kualitatif serta bahan-bahan ilmiah yang telah diterbitkan di jurnal-jurnal yang berkredibiliti.KREDIT MUSIK LATARMusik latar video promo:Upbeat Corporate by JP Bianchini, Music promoted by Audio Library Youtube ChannelMusik latar video-video tutorial:Music: Blue Skies - Silent Partner, Music promoted by Audio Library Youtube ChannelTemplat montaj TutorialLogo PA Youtube channel"
Price: 34.99

successfulvocalist |
""" . "". , . , ! 8 ! :1. .2. 15 .3. : , , , , , .4. , .5. 3 .6. .7. .8. .9. , .10. , .11. . , , . , - , , . - ! . , . , , . , , . . , ! , ! "". . . "", . , "" "". , , "" "". ! ! ! !"
Price: 194.99

"Mini Contratos - Contedo Essencial do Iniciante 2020" |
"USE: DESCONTO50, seSe voc est querendo entrar no mercado financeiro pensando em ganhar bastante dinheiro, voc est pensando correto. Se no fosse lucrativo no existiria tantas pessoas operando Day-trade em Mini Contratos.A nossa bolsa de valores a B3 possui uma diversidade de instrumentos para ganhar dinheiro comprando e vendendo posteriormente mais caro. Como se tornou popular recentemente devido crise do Corona vrus, a quantidade de pessoas buscando conhecimento alta tambm.E pensando nestas pessoas que ouviram boatos de amigos que mudaram de vida, pessoas que esto faturando 1000 reais por dia etc, eu criei este mini-curso didtico para te mostrar o bsico deste fabuloso mercado, o de futuros.Eu quero te ensinar o essencial para voc decidir seguir esta carreira em Day Trade. Aqui vai um petisco:Day-trade qualquer tipo de negociao fechada no intervalo de um dia, no caso de nossa bolsa de valores, equivalente a 1 prego. Ou seja, se voc comprar uma ao e vender dentro do dia, um ""daytrade"".Este tipo de informao essencial para entender todas as mecnicas envolvidas a principio no mercado de capitais.Espero que goste do contedo que preparei!Use o cupom: DESCONTO50Se no funcionar me envie um e-mail para walllas.2009@hotmail.com que gero um desconto exclusivo a voc!Atenciosamente, Wallas Estef"
Price: 39.99

"Audio Editing 101: Adobe Audition For Beginners" |
"**In This Course:students will learn how to successfully edit audio using Adobe Audition.students will gain an understanding in how certain methods work such as: EQ and Compression.this course is ideal for content creators, business owners, or anyone looking to showcase their product, message, or service.at the end of this course, students will have a firm grasp on the basics of audio editing."
Price: 24.99

"Creative Video: Editing in Premiere Pro CC" |
"In This Course:students will learn how to edit visually captivating video to share on their social platforms. video editing is a fantastic skill to have in this day, students can apply these skills to content creation and online marketing. the skills taught in this course can be applied to professional projects."
Price: 29.99

"Power BI DAX Bootcamp Measures & Berechnete Spalten" |
"Vom Anfnger zum Profi in DAX Fortgeschrittene Analysen in Power BI mit Berechneten Spalten und MeasuresDAX ist eine uerst machtvolle Sprache, wenn du deine Daten mit Power BI analysieren willst. Egal ob du eigene individuelle Spalten oder Berechnungen erstellen willst oder ob du mit Measures - das volle Potential von Power BI ausschpfen willst DAX ist der Schlssel dazu.Ich wei allerdings, dass viele davon leider oft abgeschreckt sind, weil der Einstieg ohne Hilfe manchmal ziemlich mhselig sein kann. Darum habe ich diesen Kurs erstellt, so dass du endlich DAX fr deine fortgeschrittenen Analysen benutzen und in einer einfachen und strukturierten Weise lernen kannst!Bekomme ein grundlegendes Verstndnis von Beginn anIn diesem Kurs erklre ich dir alles anschaulich an konkreten Beispielen. Dabei werden wir gemeinsam Verkaufsdaten benutzen, die du natrlich zur Verfgung gestellt bekommst.Schritt fr Schritt lernst du dann alles, was du zum Thema DAX, Measures und Berechnete Spalte wissen solltest, um spter im Alltag sicher damit arbeiten zu knnen.Am Ende des Kurses bist du in der Lage deine eigenen Analysen mit DAX zu erstellen. Von dort aus wird es dir dann sehr leicht fallen neue Dinge in DAX zu lernen, weil du bung und ein grundlegendes Verstdnis von DAX und den Measures gewonnen hast.Was lernst du alles? DAX Grundlagen: Grundlegendes Verstndnis fr Measures & Berechnete Spalten Measures vs. Berechnete Spalten Filterkontext vs. Zeilenkontext DAX im Datenmodell Aggregationsfunktionen Logische Operatoren und IF-Statements Datumstabellen automatisiert erstellen Fortgeschrittene Themen: Zeilenbasierte Funktionen wie SUMX & AVERAGEX Running Totals, Moving Average Variablen RANKX Top-N-Filterungen CALCULATE Alles was du ber CALCULATE wissen solltest Filterfunktionen ALL, ALLSELECTED, ALLEXCEPT FILTER, VALUES Wie du diese richtig einsetzt Quickmeasures Alles ber Quick Measures & wie du diese sinnvoll einsetzt Zeitintelligenz Year-to-Date, Date-To-Month Die wichtigsten Zeitintelligenzfunktionen und wie man damit sinnvoll arbeitet Und vieles mehr!"
Price: 189.99

"Russian alphabet and reading rules (for beginners)" |
"This course consists of 7 lessons, an alphabet lesson and 2 additional reading lessons.Each lesson we learn few letters, and read words with them. Step by step you learn all the letters and the same time you learn reading rules so you can read :) At the end of the course you can read, just keep practicing, read everything you see in Russian :(Stressed vowels are highlighted so you know where to put a stress."
Price: 124.99

"Learn to create a 2D Platformer Game with Unity 2020" |
"Learn how to create your first 2D Platformer game in Unity implementing popular features!In this course we will learn how to create a platform game, using the best-known techniques to create a character controller, Artificial Intelligence, Level components, and awesome Collectables to add juice to your Game!This course is designed for anyone, all sections are explained in detail to know what is being done and why it is done that way. We will talk about many 2D development topics for platform games. We will also implement one of the most popular character controllers in the industry, which uses raycasting to determine collisions with the environment.In this course, you will also learn:- Singleton Pattern.- Object Pooler.- Create a Health System.- Create Projectiles and Gun System.- Create a 2D Camera with awesome add-ons!- Understand how to use TileMaps and Rule Tiles.- Create Items.- Create Level Components.- Create Pickable Objects.- Create a Pluggable AI using the Delegate Pattern.- Create a SoundManager."
Price: 49.99

"Las siglas del mdulo SAP SD proceden del ingls Sales and Distribution o lo que es lo mismo Ventas y Distribucin. El uso de este software de gestin permite a las empresas manejar todos los procesos asociados a su ciclo de ventas El manual que debes estudiar es TSCM60 .Los procesos que permite realizar SAP SD reciben el nombre de transacciones y algunas de las ms comunes son:Manejo de pedidosRealizacin de cotizacionesProcesos de rdenes de ventaTrmite de facturas"
Price: 19.99

"Programowanie HMI / SCADA - SIMATIC WinCC V7 ( I )" |
"Jeli interesuje Cie tematyka systemw HMI/SCADA dobrze trafie. W trakcie tego kursu nauczysz si tworzy system HMI/SCADA od podstaw uywajc zaawansowanego narzdzia SIMATIC WinCC V7 firmy Siemens. Kurs zawiera ponad 9 godzin filmw podzielonych na 60 krtkich i treciwych fragmentw.Kurs rozpoczyna cz teoretyczna, przy czym bdzie to podstawowa wiedza, ktra jest niezbdna do poprawnego podejcia do caoci tematu zwizanego z systemami SCADA i oprogramowaniem SIMATIC WinCC.Po czci teoretycznej omwimy oprogramowanie SIMATIC WinCC 7.5 w krokach podzielonych na moduy:zarzdzanie projektem (WinCC Explorer)zarzdzanie zmiennymi (Tag management)zarzdzanie ekranami i grafik (Graphic designer)zarzdzanie uytkownikami (User administrator)zarzdzanie alarmami (Alarm logging)zarzdzanie trendami (Tag logging)zarzdzanie jzykami (Text library)zarzdzanie skryptami (Global scripts)Kady modu koczy si zadaniem do wykonania samodzielnie. To dziki zadaniom utrwalisz wiedz i nauczysz si uywa oprogramowania. Po zrobieniu zadania moesz zobaczy moje rozwizanie, ktre bdzie dostpne w formie filmu a na koniec kursu jako projekt do pobrania!Na koniec kursu gdy wykonasz wszystkie zadania zobaczysz system SCADA i przekonasz si e potrafisz!Zapraszam wszystkich kursantw do zamknitej grupy na Facebooku gdzie bd mg sprawnie odpowiada na pytania. W grupie bdzie moliwe pochwalenie si efektami swojej pracy :)Jeste gotowy by wej w wiat systemw SCADA?"
Price: 159.99

"Canva - design e feed em mosaico sem custos" |
"Juntos, trabalharemos para elevar o conceito da sua marca e criar um mosaico em seu Instagram. Algo que seja atraente, profissional e que d continuidade seus posts e notoriedade sua empresa. Neste curso te apresento o passo-a-passo desde a criao das contas nas ferramentas detalhes de como proceder para pensar, criar e programar posts em suas redes sociais. Voc vai aprender vendo a criao de um mosaico do zero at a a postagem e finalizao do perfil no Instagram.Com as ferramentas e habilidades deste curso, voc poder em algumas horas programar posts para um ms inteiro e focar no atendimento e vendas de seus produtos/servios."
Price: 129.99

"CompTIA HT0-201 DHTI + Certified Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) The optical cable is used to transmit:a) Digital audio from the component to the receiver.b) Analog component video signal from the receiver.c) Analog audio from the component to the receiver.d) Digital video from the component to the receiver.e) NoneQ) Which of the following video output of media-PC provides the best picture quality when connecting a PC to the projector support?a) SVGAb) VGAc) S-Videod) DVIe) NoneQ) Which of the following methods of communication will provide the maximum bandwidth for streaming video using a media extender?a) 100BaseT Ethernetb) 802.11gc) Z-Waved) Bluetoothe) NoneQ) RG 6 coaxial cable is generally used in all the following cases:a) Multi-room audio, telephone, intercom and temperature control.b) Climate control, video surveillance, smoke detectors and keyboard.c) Home theater, lighting control and multi-room audio.d) Video, digital cable and satellite applications.e) None"
Price: 154.99

"CompTIA JK0-019 E2C Network + Network Management Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) The Client shall VoIP infrastructure using the existing network. Yet all of the network devices on the same subnet, and they want phones that will work without the use of an AC adapter. Which of the following functions will be enabled and configured to enable reliable performance of a VoIP system? (Choose three).a) WEPb) PoEc) VLANd) SSL VPNe) IDSf) QoSQ) The company has just established a new network switch for the growing department. The company is also piloting the use of a VoIP phone system for DEPa) WINSb) QoSc) NATd) DHCPe) NoneQ) Which of the following network protocols used for secure command line interface to manage network devices?a) SSHb) TELNETc) IGMPd) HTTPe) NoneQ) The administrator uses a packet sniffer, to try to determine what is causing network traffic. The administrator sees a lot of packets on port 25. Which of the following types of traffic likely to use port 25?a) SMTPb) SSHc) DNSd) TELNETe) None"
Price: 164.99

"Git Learning Journey - Guide to Learn Git (Version Control)" |
"The 3 main goals of this course are to: Build a mental model of Git (version control) Provide simple explanations Make how Git works tangible In this course I explain the basics of Git (version control) in a visual and simple manner.I cover some of the basics of GitHub.I introduce one concept at a time and build from the beginning to the end incrementally. I introduce every new term so that beginners and more experienced folk can follow the course alike! I want to make sure everyone can get as much out of this course as possible.So in order to align expectations with reality let me share what this course is not: This course is not about how Git is used in big companies This course is not an advanced guide to Git This course does not teach you how to code Who this course is for:Beginner developers with non-technical backgroundsCoding bootcamp studentsExperienced coders wanting a Git refresher"
Price: 19.99

"Google Ad words Reporting and Analysis Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Mike is reviewing its Google AdWords goals and decided that its primary focus for its activities and Google Adwords is to get more clicks. most likely lead to more clicks on Google AdWords Mike What action?a) Mike should increase its advertising budget and use the CPM bidding method to get more exposure and more clicks.b) Mike should increase its ad exposure by adding relevant keywords and site placements to your ad groups while making his text more compelling ad.c) Mike needs to focus on your ads and keywords to attract the right audience, and then focus on your content and make sure the landing page and entire website is set up to let users find the specific thing promoted in your ad .d) Mike needs to focus on ad quality. He'll attract more clicks by refining your ads, and eliminate extra impressions by using negative keywords.Q) Are you a Google AdWords consultant for a company that sells their software online. Your client is using Google AdWords for research and as part of the Google content network. Your client also uses its services for SEO. Today we meet with your customer and want to add a way to monitor and learn how users interact with their websites. As a solution, the following, it would be best to target your customer?a) Google statisticsb) Google Conversion Trackingc) Google sponsored listingd) Google AdWords EditorQ) When you start working with Google Website Optimizer There are two essential pages you need to identify. What are the two pages?a) test page and the live pageb) test page and conversion pagec) Landing page and conversion paged) Landing page and conversion pageQ) Joan is about to join the Google AdWords for its travel agency for its European activities. He wants to direct customers across Europe using English, Spanish, French, Flemish and ads. Which of the following is the best advice you could offer Joan of Google AdWords, to drive more languages?a) Create four ads - one for each language.b) Create four ad groups - one for each language.c) Create four campaigns - one for each language.d) Use only in English, as it is the most common of the four languages he is targeting.Q) You are trying to determine the return on investment for a Google AdWords campaign for a client. Which of the following is the correct formula for finding the return on investment for Google AdWords?a) (Revenues from sales - Advertising expenses) / Revenues from salesb) (Revenues from sales - Advertising expenses) / Ad Durationc) (Revenues from sales - Advertising costs) / Advertising costsd) (Revenues from sales - cost of advertising)"
Price: 169.99
