"Secrets to sun protection in skincare and cosmetic products" |
"If you are interested in skincare and beauty products, and would like to learn more about them based on facts & scientifically proven data then this course is for you. You can expect a comprehensive guide of sun protection in cosmetics through easy-to-understand explanations covering everything from UV radiation, SPF, UV filters, testing, makeup & sunscreen use, and much more. A good sun protection should keep your skin safe! Learn how does it work, how to apply it properly and prevent skin aging & damage!I am a Chemist and I work as a Cosmetic Safety Assessor which means that I verify if cosmetic products entering into the EU market are safe for consumers. Before I started learning about cosmetic chemistry, toxicology and cosmetic law I did not know in what to believe in terms of all the negative information that was spread in the media about personal care products. Today I know that most of it is based on myths, over-interpretations and misunderstandings. So I want to debunk those myths, dispel doubts, and show you how does the cosmetic science actually work. This course provides answers to the following questions:What is ultraviolet radiation and how does it affect our skin?What are UV filters and how do they work?What is the difference between chemical & physical filters, and organic & inorganic filters?Are physical UV filters better because they are natural?Are chemical UV filters endocrine (hormonal) disruptors?Are UV filters in nanomaterial form safe for use?What does SPF mean and how does SPF testing for cosmetics look like?Will a high SPF product protect me from both UVA and UVB?Can I calculate how much longer can I stay on the sun depending on the SPF used?How does sunscreen protection look in reality?Is there actually any difference between SPF 15, SPF 30 and SPF 50?Does layering sunscreens increase the SPF protection? SPF 10 + SPF 15 = SPF 25?Which one should I apply first: skincare, makeup or sunscreen?Can I mix sunscreen with make-up?Does my day cream/make-up with SPF provide enough protection?Which UV filters should I choose? Which UV filters to avoid with sensitive skin?Should I apply products differently depending on the UV filters used?Take this course today, and begin your journey with beauty science!"
Price: 19.99

"Pass the SAP Activate certification (C_ACTIVATE12)" |
"Do you want to pass the C_ACTIVATE12 certification with confidence? Do you want more knowledge before taking the SAP Certified Associate - SAP Activate Project Manager certification? You have access to SAP Activate Methodology training materials, but want to feel confident about passing the exam? Prepare for a guaranteed successful certification process.Youll build up your knowledge and confidence by studying questions that I can guarantee could appear like this in a real certification exam. The three practice exams will put you to the test to prepare you for the certification. Each contains a set of 80 unique questions distributed across the topic areas as detailed in the exam guidelines. After you pass these exams, you will be fully prepared to take the SAP Activate Project Manager certification exam. This practice exam course is based on the official exam manual for C_ACTIVATE12. It correctly weights the ten topics so that you can confidently pass the actual Activate Methodology certification exam!The ""SAP Certified Associate - SAP Activate Project Manager"" certification exam confirms that you have the necessary and core skills required in the area of SAP project management. This certificate builds on necessary consultant skills and experience that is then refined by practical experience during several projects. This exam validates whether SAP focused project managers have advanced business skills and the ability to apply methodologies and tools. Aside from advanced communication and presentation skills, this certificate also verifies that the project manager has expertise in managing internal and external stakeholders, basic knowledge of change management processes, and communicating these processes to others. This exam validates that project manager can successfully manage the end-to-end transition of the project from Sales to Realization, can develop roadmaps for project execution, and understand testing and quality management. In particular, for SAP related projects, the exam verifies that the Project Manager can apply the SAP Activate Methodology.Specifically, this certification refers to the materials ACT100 and ACT200, which are available via the corresponding SAP Learning Hub Subscription. SAP recommends training and practical experience to prepare for your certification exam, as questions are used to test your ability to apply the knowledge you have acquired in training. This means that the answers to the certification exam can be solved by learning the relevant course material. However, it is possible to pass the exam without first attending the courses in case of sound and intensive training for the exams.Let us now take a look at the subject areas and examination outlines:The exam contains 80 questions and has a cut score of 61%. This means that you have to answer 49 questions correctly. You can fail 31 questions and still pass - ingenious. You have 180 minutes to answer these 80 questions. You usually will not need that much time. Don't feel uncomfortable if you finish earlier.So let's take a closer look at the distribution of the questions:Agile Delivery Approach > 12% or more than 10 questionsDescribe how the project team prepares release and sprint plans, and the structure and key activities in each sprint. Discuss key techniques used in agile projects.Workstreams Overview > 12% or more than 10 questionsDescribe concepts, artefact flows, accelerators, tools and roles for each Workstream within SAP Activate Methodology.Agile Project Planning 8% - 12% or 6-10 questionsDescribe the agile project roles and responsibilities and the preparation of the project including the planning, estimation, user story mapping and construction of backlog.Transition Path ""New Implementation SAP S/4HANA Cloud"" 8% - 12% or 6-10 questionsDescribe concepts, landscape overview and specifics in Workstreams related to implementing S/4HANA Cloud Edition.SAP Activate Elements 8% - 12% or 6-10 questionsProvide an overview of content, tools and methodology elements of SAP Activate Solution Implementation Framework.SAP Activate Overview 8% - 12% or 6-10 questionsDefine factors influencing SAP Activate, its purpose and place among other frameworks.Transition Path ""New Implementation SAP S/4HANA Cloud, Single Tenant Edition"" < 8% or less than 6 questionsDescribe concepts, landscape overview and specifics in Workstreams related to implementing S/4HANA Cloud, Single Tenant Edition.Transition Path ""System Conversion"" < 8% or less than 6 questionsDescribe concepts, landscape overview and specifics in Workstreams related to System Conversion Transition Path.Transition Path ""Selective Data Transition"" < 8% or less than 6 questionsDescribe concepts, landscape overview and specifics in Workstreams related to Selective Data Transition Transition Path.Transition Path ""New Implementation SAP S/4HANA"" < 8% or less than 6 questionsDescribe concepts, landscape overview and specifics in Workstreams related to implementing S/4HANA.Are you ready to become an SAP Certified Associate - SAP Activate Project Manager? Don't worry anymore. Be successful!"
Price: 199.99

"Bestehe die SAP Activate Zertifizierung (C_ACTIVATE12)" |
"Du mchtest die Zertifizierung C_ACTIVATE12 mit Selbstvertrauen bestehen? Mchtest du mehr wissen, bevor du die Zertifizierung zum SAP Certified Associate - SAP Activate Project Manager ablegst? Du hast Zugang zu den Schulungsunterlagen zur SAP Activate Methodology, mchtest aber sicher sein, die Prfung zu bestehen? Bereite dich auf einen garantiert erfolgreichen Zertifizierungsprozess vor.Mit den Tests baust du Wissen und Selbstvertrauen auf indem du Fragen bst, von denen ich garantieren kann, dass sie in einer echten Zertifizierungsprfung so vorkommen knnen. Die drei bungsprfungen stellen dich auf die Probe, um dich auf die Zertifizierung vorzubereiten. Jede bungsprfung enthlt einen Satz von 80 Fragen, die ber die Themenbereiche gem den Prfungsrichtlinien verteilt sind. Nachdem du diese Prfungen bestanden hast, bist du vollstndig darauf vorbereitet, die SAP Activate Project Manager Zertifizierung abzulegen. Dieser bungskurs basiert auf dem offiziellen Prfungshandbuch fr C_ACTIVATE12. Er gewichtet die zehn Themen richtig, so dass du die eigentliche SAP Projektmanagement Zertifizierung sicher bestehen kannst!Die Zertifizierungsprfung ""SAP Certified Associate - SAP Activate Project Manager"" besttigt, dass du die notwendigen und grundlegenden Fhigkeitenim Bereich SAP Projektmanagement besitzt. Dieses Zertifikat baut auf den erforderlichen Beraterfhigkeiten und -erfahrungen auf, die dann durch praktische Erfahrungen whrend mehrerer Projekte verfeinert werden. Mit dieser Prfung wird berprft, ob SAP-orientierte Projektmanager ber fortgeschrittene betriebswirtschaftliche Kenntnisse und die Fhigkeit zur Anwendung von Methoden und Werkzeugen verfgen. Neben fortgeschrittenen Kommunikations- und Prsentationsfhigkeiten wird mit diesem Zertifikat auch besttigt, dass der Projektmanager ber Fachkenntnisse im Umgang mit internen und externen Interessenvertretern sowie ber Grundkenntnisse von nderungsmanagementprozessen und der Kommunikation dieser Prozesse mit anderen verfgt. Mit dieser Prfung wird besttigt, dass der Projektmanager in der Lage ist, den End-to-End-bergang des Projekts vom Vertrieb zur Realisierung erfolgreich zu managen, Roadmaps fr die Projektausfhrung zu entwickeln und das Test- und Qualittsmanagement zu verstehen. Insbesondere bei SAP-bezogenen Projekten wird mit der Prfung berprft, ob der Projektmanager die SAP Activate Methodik anwenden kannKonkret bezieht sich die Zertifizierung auf die Kurse ACT100 und ACT200, die ber die entsprechende SAP Learning Hub Subscription erhltlich sind. SAP empfiehlt Schulungen und praktische Erfahrung zur Vorbereitung auf die Zertifizierungsprfung, da anhand von Fragen deine Fhigkeit geprft wird, das in der Schulung erworbene Wissen anzuwenden. Das bedeutet, dass die Antworten auf die Zertifizierungsprfung durch das Erlernen des entsprechenden Kursmaterials gelst werden knnen. Werfen wir nun einen Blick auf die Themenbereiche und die Prfungsablufe:Die Prfung enthlt 80 Fragen und hat einen Cut Score von 61%. Das bedeutet, dass du insgesamt 49 Fragen richtig beantworten musst. Du kannst 31 Fragen nicht richtig beantworten und trotzdem bestehen - genial. Fr die Beantwortung der 80 Fragen hast du 180 Minuten Zeit. Normalerweise wirst du nicht so viel brauchen. Fhlen dich nicht unwohl, wenn du frher fertig wirst.Schauen wir uns also die Verteilung der Fragen genauer an:Agile Delivery Approach > 12% oder mehr als 10 FragenWorkstreams Overview > 12% oder mehr als 10 FragenAgile Project Planning 8% - 12% oder 6-10 FragenTransition Path ""New Implementation SAP S/4HANA Cloud"" 8% - 12% oder 6-10 FragenSAP Activate Elements 8% - 12% oder 6-10 FragenSAP Activate Overview 8% - 12% oder 6-10 FragenTransition Path ""New Implementation SAP S/4HANA Cloud, Single Tenant Edition"" < 8% oder weniger als 6 FragenTransition Path ""System Conversion"" < 8% oder weniger als 6 FragenTransition Path ""Selective Data Transition"" < 8% oder weniger als 6 FragenTransition Path ""New Implementation SAP S/4HANA"" < 8% oder weniger als 6 FragenBist du bereit, ein SAP Certified Associate - SAP Activate Project Manager zu werden? Mach dir keine Sorgen. Sei erfolgreich!"
Price: 199.99

"The 60 Minute Masterclass on Facilitating Virtual Meetings" |
"UPDATE SEPTEMBER 2019!NEW VIRTUAL ICE BREAKERS ADDED ._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Top Reviews:The course is quite different than other courses I have done earlier. The information is compact and the instructor has given quite a few good resources that are useful and saved from unnecessary dragging the course videos for long. - AnjuVery helpful, especially at the time businesses and organisations are bound to conduct virtual meetings.The instructor has complete clarity on the subject matter. The tips shared can be used by leaders/facilitators to continue engaging in virtual meetings more frequently even after Covid-19 pandemic. - Kewal Mehta_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________DO YOU WANT TO MAKE YOUR MEETINGS DIFFERENT?With the world dealing with the pandemic, ways of working have changed quickly, not giving enough time to equip ourselves with the change. The work days are flooded with virtual meetings and people find escapade by hiding behind the camera using a still image to indulge in a world of their own.Why this course?Do you feel that:You want to know more about the systematic way of planning and executing virtual meetings?You want to create a different experience for participants in your meetings?You are yet to unleash the superpowers the 21st century technology has to offer for virtual meetings?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________>> A unique course that deals with basic + advanced skills of facilitating virtual meetings>> A power packed course with lectures, quizzes and case-lets to reinforce learning and nudge immediate application >> Course that can be completed in one sitting - ideal for busy managers>> A mix bag toolkit of 10 exercises and resources ____________________________________________________________________________________________________How is this course different?This course combines tools of facilitation like no otherThis is the only course to offer caselets for a course on virtual meetingsPrinciples learnt during this course can also be used in virtual session, classes and more.Address the needs of both - a beginner facilitator and an advanced facilitator What does this course contain?I ) The ground floorCharacteristics of In person meetings and Virtual MeetingsDiagnose - Challenges that virtual meetings poseRoles of a project leader and a meeting facilitator II) Meeting Planning Phase - 3Ps of meeting planning, framing agendas, creating compelling pre work, participant communicationIII) Meeting Execution - Check ins , wedging, pigeon hole, framing, digital tools, effective processes, convergence and closureIV)Post meeting action - Meeting minutes, action items, follow up.V) Resources >> 01 Exercise >> 02 Quizzes >> 02 Case-lets >> 05 resources- Meeting planning questionnaire, Timeline checklist, MOM template, Check in activities, 21 secrets to effective meetings"
Price: 24.99

"Melodyne 5: Become A Pro Today!" |
"Together, we will learn and explore how to master Melodyne 5 and take it where you never thought possible. We start with the building blocks of understanding the fundamentals. After mastering these tools and their applications we explore how to creatively use them in your productions today. This course is perfect for all levels of users!"
Price: 29.99

"Salsa Fundaments 1 - From Zero to Hero" |
"In this salsa course you gonna learn all basics you need in your Salsa, such as the basics steps, cross body lead, right turn and left turn and open break. In addition, we gonna show you some shines such as the Rumba, Mambo and the famous Susy Q. Each Lesson builds off the other. All together you will be able to perform a little choreography to a beautiful song - La Promesa. Very important: Have fun, enjoy the time with us and hopefully see you next time on the dance floor.Check our Channels ""MySalsaHome"" on Youtube, Instagram and Facebook.Dance to feel it."
Price: 34.99

"Treinamento Power BI" |
"Aprenda a Criar Dashboard Aplicados rea de Manuteno com POWER BINesse treinamento voc ser capacitado a criar, operar e analisar um Dashboard com 4 telas com indicadores da rea da Manuteno.10 Ganhos imediatos com essa competncia1) Vai parar de criar grficos e tratar dados, passando a analisar as informaes2) Saber onde est e para onde vai com informaes inteligentes3) Far reunies com o Dashboard sem a utilizao de ferramentas como PowerPoint4) Ter relatrios simples e rpidos para compartilhar com o time at a base5) Ter gesto de 30 dias e no do dia 306) Dar inteligncia ao processo manter7) Ir descentralizar as informaes e indicadores.8) Ir acompanhar online as informaes9) Far atualizaes automticas e rpidas10) Aumentar a produtividade e a disponibilidade com base no controle"
Price: 69.99

"Home Office em Alta Performance" |
"Falta de Foco? Stress no trabalho remoto? Dores nas Costas? Queda de produtividade trabalhando em casa? Voc j se sentiu assim?Se sua resposta for ""sim"" esse curso pra voc! De modo prtico e objetivo, em apenas 38 minutos e com ajuda de um e-book exclusivo, vamos ajudar voc a solucionar esses e outros desafios do trabalho em Home Office! Pronto para essa jornada rumo a produtividade?"
Price: 39.99

"Gerenciando o Time em Home Office" |
"Gerir pessoas sempre desafiador, no mesmo? Mas faz-lo distncia exige ainda mais dos gestores e gerentes de projeto! E as dificuldades so muitas, como:Gerenciar as atividades sem 'ver' onde as pessoas esto e o que esto fazendo!Garantir as entregas e prazos com tranquilidade, sem observar fisicamente a realizao das entregas! Conservar uma equipe unida, comunicativa e sinrgica mesmo com pessoas em diferentes ambientes! Desenvolver pessoas atravs de bons feedbacks online.Voc passa por esses desafios? Ento esse curso pra voc! Nele abordaremos esses temas de modo didtico, objetivo e com excelentes materiais de apoio para apoiar sua performance! Esperamos voc l!"
Price: 39.99

"Page Object Model pattern for Selenium WebDriver & Java" |
"In this course you'll learn exactly what the Page Object Model pattern is in the best way, first by understanding what it is and why we use it, before diving right in and creating a simple Page Object Model together to understand the core coding concepts and techniques needed. Then we'll explore some awesome advanced techniques and tips & tricks - like Fluid Syntax and Business Methods - which will really super-charge your Page Object Model skills and take your Selenium WebDriver coding to the next level.I'll also cover the benefits of using Page Object Model in an Agile project environment, how and when to to refactor, the importance of bullet-proofing your Selenium scripts from the start, structuring your automation projects using Separation of Concerns, coding common modules, and much more. Many of these techniques have been learnt by me from years of hard experience doing test automation in the real world, and you won't easily find them documented elsewhere.By the end of this course you will not only have learnt how to create Selenium WebDriver test automation scripts using Page Object Model, but you will know how to do it RIGHT."
Price: 99.99

"Siebel CRM: Upgrade to Siebel 20.x" |
"This course is the ideal companion for Siebel CRM Consultants and Administrators to understand the path and process to upgrade from pre IP 17 versions of Siebel CRM to Siebel 20.xJoin Siebel CRM expert Alexander Hansal in this unique training experience.The course covers upgrading Siebel development, test and production environments in full and IRM (Incremental Repository Merge) mode."
Price: 89.99

"Complex Numbers - The Beginning!!" |
"Hello FriendsIf you are looking to learn the basic concepts of Complex Numbers, then you have came to the right place. In this course, we will not only introduce and explain the basic concepts thoroughly, but also give you enough examples to practice on your own. Hope to see you on the other side of this course."
Price: 1280.00

"Data Storytelling" |
"The unprecedented evolution and progress of technology in the recent past decades has led to the ease of capture and surge of storage capacity for data for everyone. With the saying that data is the new oil, we have witnessed organizations undergo transformation in their business models, new companies built on data platforms and the rise of various data products that has become part and parcel of our everyday life.In light of all these head spinning developments there is one truth that needs to be remembered: data captured and stored but not processed is wasteful and useless. All the developments mentioned above became possible because data was made sense of- that is it was turned to information upon which insights were generated which were in turn used to drive better business-decision making, improve business operations or to craft new business strategies.This course focuses on fundamental concepts and best practices for effective communication with data- something that sits between the crosshairs of science and art. It seeks to enable you to tell the story of your data and not just merely to show data. It is primarily designed for beginners in the field of business analytics or data science who quickly wants to learn how to effectively and efficiently communicate the insights they have discovered from a data exploratory analysis and be able to significantly contribute to the improvement or transformation of their respective organization.The course is deliberately designed to be succinct and straight forward as it seeks to develop your data storytelling skill in the quickest way possible and get you up to speed. Thus, it is unencumbered and agnostic of any visualization platform or software. Though know how of a certain platform or software will be a big help in doing some of the exercises and case study, it is unnecessary for this course. If you are not familiar with a platform or software, you can revert to the traditional way of pen and paper. This is not to say visualization platform or software are unimportant. In fact, know how on it will greatly help with completing your data story presentation and becomes more critical as you deal with increasing volumes and size of data and in finishing your story presentation in a shorter time. What is vital to begin with however is that you learn the key principles of data storytelling. Learning a certain visualization software or platform can subsequently follow because being an expert of one does not automatically make you a good data communicator or storyteller. Technology does not know the story of your data, it is your job as the communicator and analyst to bring it out contextually and show it visually. This course intends to familiarize you the process to do so.To achieve the goals mentioned, this course is composed of several lectures, in non-technical language, laced with actual examples so that the concepts can be easily understood and grasped. It is also interspersed with case study practices and exercises. The design is as such because we believe in the learning by doing educational approach and philosophy."
Price: 54.99

"Basic Writing Course" |
"This course has been designed for the students and the learners who are looking forward to developing their writing skills. This is an excellent opportunity for those students who want to excel in written English for educational institutes, workplaces, and self-based writings. In this course, you will be able to learn Sentence Patterns, Paragraph Writing that include Topic, supporting, and concluding sentences along with Grammar Focus. Moreover, four important writing techniques in a paragraph including Descriptive, Opinion, Comparison / Contrast, and Problem / Solution Paragraphs. Not only this but also Summary writing and Book review writing are part of this tremendous course. This course will not only give the written language insights, but also the confidence you need the most."
Price: 59.99

"Impara a spianare le rughe sulla fronte" |
"Il corso ""Spiana la fronte"" presenta un set di 11 esercizi studiati secondo il metodo ""Formula di Bellezza"" che aiutano a spianare le rughe orizzontali sulla fronte e alla radice del naso, le rughe verticali infracigliari ed attenuare le palpebre cadenti. Per rafforzare il risultato degli esercizi facciali ti insegniamo ad utilizzare un kinesio TAPE sui muscoli facciali che ha leffetto lifting. Il corso prevede una sezione dedicata con 3 video-lezioni delle tecniche di applicazione del tape anti-rughe.Il metodo naturale di ringiovanimento facciale Formula di Bellezza prevede una beauty routine composta dal Facefitness, taping facciale e una speciale alimentazione antiage, studiata dal nostro naturopata per rallentare l'invecchiamento funzionale ed estetico della pelle. Nell'apposita sezione del corso trovi i suggerimenti alimentari, un esempio del menu antiage e le relative ricette per arricchire la tua dieta per contrastare l'invecchiamento cutaneo.Inoltre, potrai imparare a prenderti cura della tua pelle con le ricette dei cosmesi fatti in casa, naturali, BIO e personalizzati.Durante il corso avrai unassistenza online per qualsiasi domanda o per la verifica della corretta esecuzione degli esercizi.Prova a seguire il Metodo Formula di Bellezza in toto e sarai stupita dei risutati che otterai ! Garantito !"
Price: 69.99

"Aprende Flujo Operacional y Contable de un ERP." |
"El objetivo del curso es explicar de forma practica cuales son los documentos y transacciones que existen en los mdulos operativos y financieros de los Sistemas ERP. Aclarar cuales transacciones generan registro contable y dar los tips y reglas necesarias para que de una manera muy fcil se pueda aprender a generar los asientos contables en cualquier mdulo o proceso contable de los sistemas ERP.En el curso vamos a explicar:Los documentos y transacciones que se generan en los mdulos operativos como: Ventas, Compras, Inventario y Manufactura.Cuales son las transacciones que generan asientos contables en los mdulos operativo y vamos a explicar como se genera esos asientos.Los distintos mtodos de valoracin de inventario que se utilizan en los sistemas ERP de forma terica y prctica.Los documentos y transacciones que se generan en los mdulos financieros como: Cuentas por Pagar y Cobrar y Contabilidad.Los asientos contables que generan las transacciones de los mdulos financieros.Los principales procesos contables que se realizan en las empresas para poder llevar su cierre contable.Respecto al material del curso:Disposicin de material de apoyo a travs de hojas de calculo automatizadas.."
Price: 270.00

"Introduo aos Bens Culturais da Igreja" |
"Este curso para voc que deseja conhecer esse conceito emergente nas Cincias Humanas e Sociais Aplicada! No curso aprenderemos a histria e o conceito de Bens Culturais da Igreja, a diferena entre Bens Culturais da Igreja e Patrimnio Cultural e as Cartas Pastorais acerca dos Bens Culturais da Igreja."
Price: 39.99

"Public Speaking: A tactical approach" |
"This course was born from frustration! Frustration that no one seems to be able to do what theyre teaching when it comes to speaking and communication. Everyone is either trying to teach you how to be a motivational speaker or some BS on overcoming your fears. In other words, its all self-help. But what does facing your fears and embracing your passion have to do with your regional sales report? Or a meeting with five people? Or doing a quarterly update for your company? Or a presentation in University? Nothing!Let's be very honest. If you have ever taken a public speaking course, chances are youve been bored through most of it and it probably didn't change anything. This course will introduce a completely different way to learn communication skills and public speaking. We are not going to talk about ideas that sound great, but do nothing to change behaviour, we are going to introduce physical tactics you can practice and apply instantly.By the end of this course you will be able to:Create opening and closing statements in a way that will activate the brain.Design problem and solution statements that engage the imaginationApply a strategy to effectively transition between ideasUse a series of physical tactics to communicate confidence irrespective of how you feelIdentify a new way to practice speaking and deal with nervousnessMost people who teach public speaking were in sales or marketing their whole lives, but those are specific fields, and they dont provide examples from outside of their fields or their personal experiences. Also, just because they did it for years, doesnt mean they are any good at it. So, in essence, there are two big problems with the current state of public speaking education and training.1. None of it is practical or applies to most of our day-to-day needs2. The people teaching us arent themselves great at public speakingThat is why I made this course!I realize that the market is saturated with public speaking resources that all make the same promise: to make you better at public speaking. So what makes this course any different?REAL SPEAKERS: Most Public Speaking experts, are just from the corporate world and have never really had experience outside of marketing or sales for example. I went out and found people who actually do it in their day-to-day lives. I spoke to stand-up comics, buskers, and professional wrestlers because, if you think about it, these are people who can actually get crowds around them, make them feel something, get them excited, and make them stop what theyre doing and pay attention.REAL EXPERTS: I spoke to police interrogators and professional poker players, and I asked them how do you know when someone is lying? How do you know when someone is bluffing?REAL SCIENCE: I researched evolutionary biology and neuroscience to figure out how the brain functions and how it has evolved to absorb and processes information.REAL TACTICS: I took what I learned, and instead of giving you general ideas, this course will go a step further and literally give you physical tactics and actual sentence structures that you can use to make yourself more impactful right away.REAL EXAMPLES: Instead of a bunch of general examples or hypothetical situations, I will give you nothing but specific examples from a variety of industries and backgrounds from previous participants of my training coursesIn a perfect world, whether presenting a training seminar, leading a meeting, or sharing something in front of a classroom, people would look forward to your presentation, and you and your audience would leave feeling excited and energized.This course can you help us to make it a reality.That is right US!!!!I am on a mission to end boring and I need your help so dont just read this course, please, try to apply it and let's make this perfect world a reality."
Price: 199.99

Instagram- |
", , () - Instagram. Instagram-. , Instagram (). Instagram . . , , . , , . , . """". . Instagram . , Instagram -. , Instagram , , - , . . , . , : - , . , -. : , Instagram; ; smm-. , , Instagram . . () , , Instagram. :, : , ., () -: , , Instagram, -., : , -, , Stories Highlights, IGTV, (""Canva"", ""Crello"", ""Snapseed"", ""Highlight Cover Maker"")., -: "" "", Shopping Tags, Direct Instagram, , , influencer- ( ), ( Facebook Ads Manager)., Instagram. !"
Price: 19.99

"Basic Web Designing & Digital Marketing" |
"This course is for those people who wants to get started with, web designing and understanding basics of digital marketing ,so what are you waiting for Subscribe today. in this course we have included various things such as Wordpress basics, domain registration ,Google analytics, Google Ads and we also have attached links of Sources to get in depth knowledge of that particular section. This videos are made with animating characters because it makes videos interesting for the students."
Price: 19.99

"Face Yoga -" |
"- - . 7 7 ( ). , , . 43 , , , , . , . , . - - !"
Price: 29.99

"28 Mouvements Romantiques pour mariage" |
"Finalement, crer une chorgraphie de mariage est un vritable jeu denfant Mais pour a, il faudrait que vous ayez accs des ides de mouvements, des musiques, des conseils et des tutoriels.Nous avons cr, pour vous, un cours qui rpond vos besoins et vos attentes.Ce cours vous accompagne dans la cration de votre Ouverture De Bal depuis chez vous. On vous explique la mthode toute simple appliquer et nous vous fournissons 28 tutoriels de mouvements utiliser pour personnaliser votre danse de mariage votre guise. Dclencher un effet waouh chez vos invits !"
Price: 19.99

"Pre-/ Health Professional Curriculum Vitae (CV) Development" |
"CV development for academically minded pre-/health professional students: pre-med, med, pre-pharm, pharm, graduate, etc.After this course you will understand the elements of a CV and be able to articulate your achievements in order to enhance your professional networking experience. You will be able to outline your qualifications, make an impact before even meeting, gain leverage, differentiate yourself among other individuals, and smoothly transfer information from your CV to your health professional application. Investing in yourself is the wisest decision that you can make. After this course you will be comfortable drafting your own CV, lending advice to others, and most importantly, you will be able to present yourself at your fullest capacity professionally."
Price: 19.99

"Guadagnare con la Terza Et" |
"Sono tanti i motivi per cui, dopo lemergenza coronavirus, lassistenza domiciliare registrer sicuramente un boom di richieste. Anche per questo motivo e dato le numerose richieste, che ho pensato ad un corso per chi si affaccia per la prima volta nel mondo dell'Assistenza Privata. Il corso composto da 13 video lezioni pratiche e di facile comprensione proprio per chi parte da zero o si sta informando per intraprendere questo business. Scoprirai ad esempio:- perch investire in questo settore- quanto si pu guadagnare- qual' la forma giuridica ideale- quali servizi erogare- da dove partire- la figura del Consulente per la Terza Et- Come iniziare anche senza una sede fisica- Come guadagnare cifre importanti anche senza alcuna esperienza"
Price: 199.99

"LinkedIn per la ricerca attiva del lavoro" |
"LinkedIn il pi esteso network professionale online, conta circa 660 milioni di utenti ed presente in ben 200 paesi nel mondo.Solo in Italia lo utilizzano pi di 13 milioni di persone e oltre 140.000 imprese pubblicano ogni mese centinaia di offerte di lavoro.Il motivo del suo largo utilizzo molto semplice, LinkedIn rappresenta un canale essenziale non solo per le imprese ma anche per coloro che desiderano trovare una prima o una nuova occupazione in modo efficace ma soprattutto in breve tempo.Si esatto! In breve tempoAl 2019, il 94% dei recruiters utilizza LinkedIn non solo come strumento per pubblicare annunci di lavoro (ricerca attiva) ma anche come il principale strumento di ricerca online di potenziali candidati passivi. importante sapere che la maggior parte dei reclutatori ricercano loro stessi i migliori candidati attraverso la piattaforma.I dati parlano chiaro: l80% dei posti di lavoro viene assegnato attraverso LinkedIn e il suo networking.Cosa significa? Che mentre la maggior parte delle persone si limitano inviare i propri Curriculum in risposta ad un annuncio di lavoro e ad attendere una risposta della societ, ci sono milioni di persone che inviano il proprio Curriculum ma compiono un ulteriore passaggio essenziale, ossia quello di mettersi in contatto con i reclutatori al fine di acquisire molta pi visibilit e ottenere quel colloquio di lavoro per quel posto tanto desiderato.LinkedIn infatti, d la possibilit ai propri utenti di connettersi direttamente con i reclutatori che hanno pubblicato lofferta di lavoro e con i pi grandi esperti del proprio settore dinteresse.In un mercato del lavoro sempre pi competitivo divenuto dunque oramai di vitale importanza investire in questo social network professionale al fine di differenziarsi dalla concorrenza e mostrare il proprio valore alle imprese.I reclutatori sono alla ricerca dei migliori candidati ed per questo che solo avendo un profilo chiaro, ottimizzato, professionale e utilizzandolo nel modo corretto e con le corrette impostazioni si incoraggiano i reclutatori a mettersi in contatto con noi.Si esatto! su LinkedIn c una buona possibilit che siano stesso i reclutatori a mettersi in contatto con noi per proporci una posizione lavorativa.Questo avviene perch alcune delle tradizionali bacheche di lavoro non permettono di fare la cosa pi importante: farsi notare e sviluppare la propria carriera lavorativa attraverso il networking.Quando cercate lavoro vi siete mai chiesti perch non riuscite ad ottenere mai un colloquio di lavoro?La risposta adatta a questa domanda che molte persone non considerano lopzione di diversificare la propria ricerca lavorativa e si limitano ad inviare migliaia e migliaia di Curriculum in maniera insensata, senza un metodo e non utilizzando le potenzialit di LinkedIn e del suo networking.Cosa otterrai partecipando al corsoPartecipando al corso LinkedIn per la ricerca attiva del lavoro diventerai in grado di utilizzare LinkedIn in maniera efficace. In particolare, riuscirai a:Definire il tuo obiettivo professionale e percorso di carriera;Capire le potenzialit di LinkedIn;Ottimizzare le sezioni del tuo profilo LinkedIn per farti trovare dai selezionatori strutturando limportanza di aggiungere le giuste parole chiave nel tuo profilo personale;Ricercare e rispondere efficacemente alle giuste offerte di lavoro su LinkedIn e Google grazie alle potenzialit della ricerca Booleana;Fare networking su LinkedIn e connetterti con potenziali Head/Ceo/Director/Recruiter o Esperti del settore per farti notare interagendo con i loro post e contattandoli direttamente;Sviluppare autorit e fiducia con i tuoi contatti grazie alle strategie di Networking;Curare il tuo personal brand per differenziarti enormemente dalla concorrenza.Inoltre, riceverai 2 video in aggiunta:Trova lavoro grazie ai gruppi Facebook;Piattaforme di E-learning per sviluppare le tue competenze."
Price: 19.99

"Design Joomla website in a day" |
"Become a web developer without any programming knowledge using Joomla. It is easy and open source. You can build and deliver a professional website without worry. At the end of this course, you can confidently approach clients for making a professional website. Also, you can apply for web developer jobs if you want."
Price: 1280.00

"Ultimate guide to immigrate to Canada via Express Entry" |
"Immigrate to Canada under Express Entrywithout paying a lawyer! Yes, you can DO IT YOURSELF!Canadian Express Entry self-guided online toolkitWhy we can offer such low prices while maintaining an extremely high quality of service?Typically, immigration consultants and lawyers charge between $5,000 to $8,000 for a single Express Entry application. For those applicants that prepare their application by themselves and have a lawyer or consultant check their file, the fee ranges between $1,000 to $2,000. With Immicademy's comprehensive toolkit, we will share with you absolutely everything that we know and have learned from our years of experience--you will have access to all the information that you can ever think of with unprecedented quality, yet easy to understand. This way, you can save yourself tens of hours of billable legal hours and in the end, have our team of highly-skilled immigration specialists check your file before submission. Also, you will have access to our team along the way at any time in order to ask questions and seek our consultation. So, basally, with a fraction of the market's cost, you can prepare your Express Entry application under our direct supervision in the most accurate way, and save yourself thousands of dollars."
Price: 199.99

"Criar Site profissional para empresas." |
"Ola pessoal, esse curso foi desenvolvido especialmente para pessoas que no tem condies muitas vezes de criar um site na internet para seu negcio, e esse curso ir ajudar desde o iniciante at a pessoa mais experiente, no ser necessrio ter nenhum conhecimento prvio em desenvolvimento web e programao, ento se voc quer entrar pra esse mundo de uma forma pratica e revolucionaria venha conhecer nosso curso de WordPress para criao de sites."
Price: 39.99

"Segurana nos Processos de Solda e Oxicorte - SPS" |
"Conhea o contedo a ser estudado, e descubra se esse curso pra voc!Mdulo 1 Introduo ao cursoMdulo 2 Tipos de Solda e Processos de CorteMdulo 3 Manuseio de componentes e OxicorteMdulo 4 Primeiros Socorros e Riscos do AmbienteMdulo 5 Cuidados EspecficosMdulo 6 ConclusoAo final desse curso voc ter aprendido como se tornar um profissional diferenciado frente s oportunidades no mercado de trabalho, as tcnicas de segurana nos Processos de Solda e Oxicorte.Durante o curso darei dicas sobre prticas desta rea de atuao e da rea industrial em geral, onde contarei como ajudei diversos profissionais, formando e ensinando as tcnicas que fizeram grande diferena em suas carreiras.Sabemos qual a importncia de aprender sobre segurana em todos os processos de solda para se voc se tornar tcnico especialista em segurana e ter destaque no mercado."
Price: 129.99

"Learn Plumbing Design (MEP) (arabic)" |
". . :- . : . . . . Hunter Method one pipe , two pipes systems . . Individual vent Common Vent Waste vent circuit vent Island vent"
Price: 24.99

"Comment bien calculer votre prix de vente pour tre rentable" |
"Lobjectif de ce cours est de vous apporter les notions fondamentales la dtermination du juste prix de vos produits et/ou service.Que vous ayez une activit commerante ou de prestation de service ce cours prsente dans un jargon vulgaris les modalits pratiques de calcul du prix de vente dans le cas de la fabrication dun produit, de lachat/revente dun produit et de la ralisation dune prestation de service.Les bnfices lis la dtermination de bon prix de vente :- Amlioration de la trsorerie- Optimisation des marges commerciales- Maximisation des bnfices de lentreprise- Prennisation de lactivitAinsi tre en mesure de dterminer le juste prix pour ses produits et/services est essentiel pour la longvit et la rentabilit d'une entreprise.La dtermination du prix de vente est un lment critique la survie d'une entreprise.Que l'on soit en porteur de projets, en dmarrage ou entrepreneur avec une activit plus mature savoir apprhender le prix de vente optimum pour ses produits et services est vital.Nous nous engageons ce que vous soyez en mesure de comprendre concrtement et de manire pratique comment un prix de vente est dtermin avec finesse.Vous pourrez tlcharger notre modle de calcul de prix de vente et de marge pour gagner du temps. Ainsi vous serez certains de choisir les bons prix pour avoir une activit rentable et prenne."
Price: 49.99
