"Trauma release techniques for everyone" |
"Do you encounter people with trauma in the course of your work? But it's not your area of training so you are unsure how to help?This short course is based on real life experience in refugee camps, hospitals and everyday life. The tools you will discover are easy to learn and apply. Some have been taught in a matter of minutes in the field. Your trainer will guide you through in a thoughtful, experiential way, offering some exercises to deepen your understanding and bringing the theory to life with real life applications. This course will give you tools to help yourself process trauma you hold in your own body and is primarily aimed for you to learn how offer these approaches to others."
Price: 19.99

"Machine Learning - A Practical Approach" |
"What is Machine Learning?Machine learning is an application of artificial intelligence (AI) that provides systems the ability to automatically learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed. Machine learning focuses on the development of computer programs that can access data and use it learn for themselves.Machine-learning algorithms use statistics to find patterns in massive* amounts of data. And data, here, encompasses a lot of thingsnumbers, words, images, clicks, what have you. If it can be digitally stored, it can be fed into a machine-learning algorithm.Course Outline:IntroductionWhat is Machine LearningStatisticsPython/PandasTensorFlowLinear Regression ModelGradient DescentLogistic Regression ModelK-Nearest Neighbour"
Price: 19.99

Price: 49.99

"SAP S/4 HANA Finance with SAP FICO Job Oriented Course" |
"SAP Simple Finance (S/4 HANA Finance) is one of the important modules to manage SAP Finance and Accounting powered by SAP HANA#1 Best Job Oriented SAP S/4 HANA Simple Finance Training with SAP FICO by highly experienced & Certified Trainer Introduction to SAP FICOEnterprise StructureGL Master DataCurrencies and Valuation settingsDocument controlReporting in financial accountingCASH JOURNAL CONFIGURATIONSTax on sales / purchases (GST)Accounts Payable"
Price: 99.99

"A'dan Z'ye Youtubede gelimenin pratik yollar" |
"Herkese merhaba.Ben Muhammed ksaca Anka diyebilirsiniz.Youtubede kanal sahibi olmak,belli bir kitleye ulamak ya da youtube'dan para kazanmak herkesin hayalidir fakat nasl yaplacan bilmek size dier youtube'ye balamak isteyenlerden bir adm ne karr.te bu kursumda sizlerin youtube'de gelime serveninize yardm edecek eitim seti bulunmaktadr.zleyip anlayacanz bu set sizin youtuber olmak iin gereken bilgileri iermektedir.yi dersler"
Price: 49.99

"LinkedIn 2020: Tcnicas, Hacks, Automaes, Dicas, e mais." |
"Sabe o que ningum te ensinou sobre LinkedIn? Eu trouxe para voc.Parece que existe um compl para no falar sobre certos assuntos, como automaes, hacks, dicas realmente eficientes, principalmente para quem utiliza a rede para gerar oportunidades de negcio. Ou ento, as pessoas ainda no atingiram esses limites e, portanto, no h como ensinar o que no se sabe.Bom, eu atingi e vim mostrar algumas coisas que ningum mostra, tocar em feridas que ningum toca. Quero que os mesmos resultados que objetive para mim e para meus clientes, sejam atingidos por voc. Assim como h muitos dizendo e repetindo incansavelmente apenas o bvio, que todo mundo j sabe, tambm existem muitas pessoas tentando empurrar um curso dizendo ""voc pode lucrar muito"", e coisa e tal. Esse no meu objetivo. Eu no organizei meu conhecimento e criei esse curso para lhe dizer algo que eu no tenho como mensurar (seus possveis resultados). Eu organizei meu conhecimento e criei esse curso para te ensinar o caminho das pedras, te falar dos limites, possibilidades, ensinar hacks, dar dicas realmente teis, para que voc consiga utilizar o LinkedIn sabendo das possibilidades e riscos para impulsionar seu negcio, sua gerao de oportunidades.Voc j utiliza o LinkedIn, mas ainda no conhece seu potencial, e tudo que pode fazer ali dentro? O curso para voc.Voc ainda no utiliza o LinkedIn, no tem ideia como funciona? Esse curso tambm para voc. Dediquei uma seo para mostrar o funcionamento da rede. ""Mas, Wagner... o que eu aprenderei aqui?""-Pontos importantes para construo de perfil campeo;-Configuraes Avanadas;-Conceitos importantes (Social Selling, ICP, Jornada de Compra, Pesquisa Avanada, etc);-Tcnicas para se comunicar (Criao - Gatilhos Mentais / Automaes - Uso de Variveis);-Como Prospectar 1s, 2s e 3s Conexes;-Automaes (Demonstraes e Orientao com Limites de Uso);-Hacks, Ferramentas adicionais (dentro e fora do LinkedIn, com demonstrao);-Recomendaes de Leituras;Etc.Que tal mudar a forma com a qual voc enxerga o LinkedIn e suas oportunidades?"
Price: 39.99

"Make Descomplicada" |
"Aprenda a fazer maquiagem de forma simples e descomplicada: Voc aprender:- Desmistificar os pincis;- Aprender a diferenciar os produtos;- Correo da olheira e o tom da base certa;- Preparao da pele perfeita;- Corrigir a sobrancelha;- Iluminao e contorno;- Make para o dia e olhos esfumados;- Make colorida;- Transformando sua make dia em make noite;- Aplicar gliter na maquiagem;"
Price: 69.99

"Sketchup Schritt fuer Schritt" |
"Prsentieren Sie ihre Messestnde oder Produkte auf einfache Art und Weise in 3D.Sie mchten 3D-Design und -Modellierung praxisnah anhand eines Beispiels erlernen?Dieser Kurs zeigt, wie man die vielen Werkzeuge von SketchUp durch ein zentrales Projekt verwendet.Wir werden einen Messestand von Grund auf modellieren und ich zeige Tipps und Tricks wie sie effizient mit Sketchup arbeiten. Dieser Kurs ist fr absolute Anfnger konzipiert, d.h. es sind keine Vorkenntnisse mit SketchUp oder 3D-Modellierung erforderlich.Sie lernen zunchst, das Navigieren in der Oberflche und wie Sie Symbolleisten, Fenster sowie die grundlegenden Zeichenwerkzeuge, einrichten.Anschlieend lernen Sie das Konstruieren und Texturieren von 3D-Objekten.Der Messeanstand wird von Grund auf mastabsgetreu anhand einem Grundrissplanes erstellt.Um den Umgang mit der 3D-Galerie zu erlernen zeige ich, wie man externe Quellen verwendet um nicht jedes Objekt selbst modellieren zu mssen.Fr eine gute Prsentation werden wir Texturen erstellen, in Sketchup importieren und den Objekten zuweisen. Schlielich lernen Sie, wie man Szenen einrichtet und alles ordentlich fr eine Prsentation vorbereitet.Nach Abschluss dieses computergesttzten Schulungskurses sind Sie voll und ganz in der Lage, die in SketchUp verfgbaren Werkzeuge zu verwenden, um Ihre eigenen 3D-Modelle zu erstellen."
Price: 24.99

"Make Yourself Happy" |
"Chapter one: 1. How a person transforms under the influence of circumstances that it may be internal or external after it was nice at first and What has to do with happiness?In all beginnings everything is fine andthings are going well and no one knew what does the future hold for everyone, living simply, seeking after a livelihood and the simplest of things make them happy, they are happy next to each other and help as if they are one family, Everyone is nice and deals kindly with others, doing their job perfectly face and help others, but no one remains the same everyone changes for better or worse when you ask him about the reason for the change tells you that the conditions are the reason for the change he accuses the circumstances of everything and does not know that bad self is the cause of all this, it is the cause of his greed and hate those around him and grow up on them and his love for himself made him not see anyone in front of him and he wanted to be greater than everyone and does not accept that anyone be higher than him, do anything to be and always remains the first, but will he remain So? Will anyone like he? Will he feel happy?I dont think that because everything he does does not lead to happiness and contentment, He treats as if this universe was created for him, He wants to take over for everything, But he does not know what fate has in store for him.No one knows what is coming, but everyone will take his share from this world only.Your arrogance, your tyranny, your arrogance, your hatred will destroy you, Dont let this happen and control yourself , Take control of all your life, your thoughts, feelings, and style, to make life stand by you and when it slap you, dont receive a flower Smack in time, Do not rush to decide to respond.Slow down!Your trust does not give it to anyone and know well who you give it and to whom trust, I advise you to keep it and not give it to anyone others deserve it, just trust yourself,Yourself is worthy of everything, worthy of attention and love and trust.When you get angry, sad and think negatively, this affects on yourself, your health, and your body dont let anyone have the chance to do this to you be who you are, Learn, have fun, live your life like the last day, Achieve your goals and wishes and never give up, you can, Yes, say I can nothing is impossible.There is Many opportunities in front of you, take advantage of it and do what you dream. It is one life, live in peace, love and contentment, be you the source of happiness and positive energy for others.Often all beginnings are beautiful, but no one knows the end, It may also be beautiful or unhappy, you decide that.But have you ever asked yourself why the beginnings are beautiful?All relationships that we live, whether friendship or love.... etc , everyone is gentle at first and doesnt appear on his reality, He deals with you in a way that makes you feel better creature in the world and do everything to make you happy, But beware like I told you everyone is nice in the beginning,Most of people are ready to do anything to get what they want in other words they go beyond their interest , If this relationship will bring him an interest will not only be nice but will turn to the owner and move and make you sacrifice and love him to get what he wants, But if the opposite means that relationship was affecting his interest will turn out things you will not see an angel, but will turn into a demon and a criminal only for himself to get what he wants think about him and forget the others, There are intelligent people who know well how they deal with this kind of humans you may be of them and if you are not, you will be able to do so and I will talk about how to deal with them and how to avoid all this.Believe me, nothing deserves, do not make yourself the one who controls you, but you are the controller and the leader for yourself, do not say I can not, you can always try and when a feeling comes to you that your self has grown bigger, set it back and adjust it. O man, you are the one who chooses the path of your life, either the path of good or evil, God Almighty your good among them and did not force you to do anything, everything that happens to you in your life will be the result of your actions, be careful Life revolves and every actor will be rewarded for what he did. Human , do not follow the steps of Satan and do not follow yourself, for the soul commands it as bad, be with God, be with you and do good and command the good and forbid evil and do not cause anyone to be miserable, but you are the source of happiness and optimism for others and do not build your happiness at the expense of one, the world is mortal and fleeting and bliss The real in the hereafter. Live your life, satisfied with your share, and if you are satisfied, may Allah make you happy and increase your blessing.We all love to be a nice or nice partner or friend in dealing and style, and when he sincerely loves him, he will ignore all his faults and this is also one of the reasons that prevent us from discovering the truth in the beginning. He divides human beings into 3 types in terms of the way of thinking, a type that thinks about his heart only, a type that thinks only with his mind, and a type that uses the mind And the heart is in making lifes decisions and in dealing and everything, and each of them has his qualities, so whoever was the first type, then this is very emotional and his passion is the one who controls him and his decisions. Unfortunately, this kind is the most vulnerable to betrayal and negligence on the other side. Emotions that make him harsh in his decisions, you may think that this type is not exploited because he thinks with his mind before making any decision, but the answer is no, because this type thinks with his mind only and some decisions of the mind are not right sometimes, especially if his thinking is a bit criminal As for the third type, they are the minority who use both their mind and heart together. These are the smart people who know very well how to deal with others. When the soul and affection meet with the mind and the person is satisfied with himself, The self-sufficiency that all the human beings will reach will be his own and will not be broken by a situation and hurt by a relationship because he knows very well what he does and how he behaves, and these people have a terrible ability to win the love of others, which makes the opportunity to exploit them somewhat weak. Now what ? What kind do you want to be? If you are really the third type, congratulations to you, you are in a great grace, and if it is not okay, you can be yes you can, gather your mind and your heart together and think calmly and do not rush, try as much as possible to be calm in all the situations that you are exposed to, you are the master of the situation and deal Smartly let everything stand by you.2. How do you combine your mind and your heart and use them to bring happiness? The human mind is a miracle from the Creator, which distinguishes man from other creatures in this universe. He can do supernatural things, and inside many cells that control your body, and without the mind, man cannot live. It is very important, but the task of the mind is not only to keep man alive From him comes ideas, creativity and skills acquisition. As for the heart, it is also a very great blessing without which man cannot live, and if he loses his heart, he will die. Likewise, the heart is like the mind, not only responsible for human life, but from it feelings and feelings and everything is beautiful. We got to know the tasks of the mind and the heart, and now how do you think about them together and bring them together in making decisions? When you make a decision, it is issued first either from the mind or the heart depending on the situation if the situation is closer to the heart in other words, if it has to do with love and feelings, it will be issued from the heart first, while if the situation is closer to the mind, such as achieving something you want or earning money, and so it will be issued from the mind. Love and Engagement Think about the next. Will it affect your life positively or negatively? Here the mind must be used. If the decision is made by the mind first, let the heart interfere. Are they in need of that money or do they have any other, are they poor and got this money after the trouble? Here you should think about your heart, Do you understand now what I mean, try now and take advantage of the opportunity before you regret doing something that was not in mind, trained to do so, it is not difficult, you may need some time, but in the end you will succeed and overcome yourself and do it, and therefore you will become proud of yourself because you are able to control Yourself, controlling it and bringing happiness to yourself by making the right decisions.3. How to overcome the conditions that you face in your life and make them a source of your happiness? Circumstances, what does this word mean? And how does that word consisting of a group of letters change a whole life? Conditions are and how does it affect our happiness? A word we use to describe some of the problems that we face in our lives that affect your life, either positively or negatively and the decision is in your hand. You are the one who can control these conditions to make them with you and not against you. There are some people who have high intelligence and their ability to deal with their problems and conditions. These are the people who can Make the conditions affect positively and for their own good. Now how do you deal with your circumstance and make it to your advantage? First, you must determine the type of circumstance and its cause, whether internal or external. Internal conditions are that which are within a person and are represented by either health problems or negative feelings and thoughts that are conveyed to those around him through his actions and actions. External conditions are the usual problems of life, either physical or social problems etc.Now that the gender has been determined, sit with yourself and breathe calmly and be fully certain that you are able to solve all problems and trust your ability as well. Have you ever thought about why we are like this and why we deal with things and problems in incorrect ways and why do we bother thinking about them and not make happiness and smile a place in our lives? There are two solutions. The first solution is to ignore these conditions, especially if the circumstance is internal and has a relationship with your feelings and thoughts. How do you ignore it? Ignoring something is an art of dealing with everything and one of the effective solutions with some problems and circumstances, because when you ignore something, you are that way you are taking out of your life little by little until you dispose of it and in order to ignore the thing you should not let yourself an opportunity to sit without work or movement, Busy yourself with anything,Read, listen to music, practice sports, learn something new, never empty because the void needs something to fill it and if you do not fill it with something good and beneficial for you, then you will fill it with those ideas that you want, so dont let her have the opportunity to work that you judge, and with time you will find Yourself is satisfied with my soul and you will feel satisfied, happy and reassuring, think about everything that is positive and comfortable your soul and the second solution is to accept everything positively and satisfied whatever this solution is effective for external conditions, face your external problems whatever their kind with satisfaction and optimism that the solution exists and that these problems are temporary and will never last And be absolutely certain that nothing lasts forever, everything will be fine and be wise in finding the solution and make it in your interest and do not let anyone decide for you because this is your life and you are responsible for everything that happens and you also have the ability to find solutions in his life, no Say, I cannot find positive and appropriate solutions to my problems because what you say will remain stuck in your mind and frequent it makes you really unable, get away from it and train your mind on how to solve problems positively and be satisfied with everything and interact and live your life as if nothing happened and do not make what you go through An obstacle to your life but Make it your way to the best.4.How to become happy in your life and be a source of energy and positivity? Everyone wants to be happy in his life and satisfied with what he has, and there are those who try to do that, and everyone wants to feel peace of mind and does not know how, this does not happen in a certain way or steps you take because contentment, happiness and peace of mind are all a feeling that a person feels. He will feel happy, and if he wants to feel sad too, he will feel, repeat and repeat that you are in your hands and it is you who choose his feelings and his condition.Happiness is around us and everywhere because it originates from within the human being, but our negative feelings and thoughts make us unable to feel happiness and see the beauty and splendor of life around us. Have you heard the phrase (close to the beautiful soul that infectes its beauty)? And a beautiful soul is a happy and always optimistic person who spreads happiness wherever he comes and draws a smile on the faces of others, be like this person and if you are not like him try and convince yourself that I am happy and satisfied with what you have and inevitably that feeling will come to you and you will become beautiful spirit, whatever happens to you or will all happen better and better You think of God and increase your confidence in yourself and do not allow anyone to decide what you do or where you should be, if you are not happy with those around you change them and search for happy people who bring you happiness and do everything you love and do not do anything that you are forced to do and stay away from everything that harms you, cut off Your relationship with everything you do not want and do not force yourself to stay and repeat in a place where you do not find happiness because staying and giving in are enough to prevent you from feeling happy, you are happy yes say I am happy and optimistic and you will also believe me, start from now the opportunity in front of you do everything you want and change your life for the better To be a source of happiness and be full of vitality, energy and positivity, and do not expect this from anyone, but do it yourself.3. LIVE YOUR LIFE AS YOU WANT IT TO BE. Everyone has in the imagination of a beautiful life who wants to live it and he wishes if he can make it real, rest assured that you will get it, but you must first be completely certain and trust in God because God alone is able to achieve everything you want so trust in God and take the reasons and go forward, You will face a lot of people who try to frustrate you and stop you, but do not listen to them. Instead, take those words and words around them are positive and motivating for you. If he tells you that you cannot, then you receive them with your mind without (no) so that you can, I saw how easy it is? Come on, move and do whatever it is possible to turn you into a happy and optimistic person, and who really makes you like this is your will and your insistence on what you want.When you start, you may face a little difficulty, but do not worry you will cope with the situation and be able to reach. Permanent and beautiful things do not come easily you need some effort and continuous work strive to reach what you want. All great and big things started from a small thing.No one knows what you are doing or what is going on inside you and how you have defied the difficulties and worked hard to reach what you are, everyone takes appearances and does not care about what is inside you, So do not bother with their words and do what makes you go forward.4.Why we feel sad? As I told you previously that feeling is something inside us that we feel when we want to feel it or because there is a reason that makes you feel it, sadness is a disease and it has symptoms because when you are sad this reflects negatively on your health and your body and symptoms appear as heart problems and high blood pressure .. Etc.There are many reasons that make you sad, such as the loss of someone dear to you or the loss of something you love and many sad reasons, but these things all have an alternative in this life for example, the job that you lost there are many other jobs, and even more beautiful ones, everything in this life has an alternative But take care of yourself, your body and your health have no alternative. If you lose your health, this means that you have lost a lot and you will not be able to recover it again.And now what ? Are you going to continue to be sad anymore? 9 No sorrow with happiness, no happiness with sadness, no success without happiness, no happiness without success Our feelings are not fixed and change according to the situation and very small things can make you happy so search for them and do not underestimate them and these things are around us and in our lives but we do not see them because of our preoccupation with sadness and depression and this The reason for the sad man not being able to see beautiful things is because sadness closed his eyes to it and prevented him from enjoying it and made his negative thoughts dominate him.Pay attention! Sadness, if it persists for too long and repeats a lot, may cause death, not the intended death is the paradox of life, but if you die while you are alive, you will lose your passion, smile, and do the things you love. You will sit alone and stay away from everyone. Do not underestimate that damned feeling. Whoever chooses that feeling means that he has chosen death while his life is still not. Here are some tips that will help you in your life: 1. Control yourself and your thinking.2. Take advantage of all the opportunities that come to you and be in front of you.3. Do not make yourself a victim of your negative thoughts and feelings.4. Make the beginnings and the endings always happy.5. Conditions are not always accused, but you challenge them to get what you want.6. Be the master of your position.7. Think positive and avoid anxiety and stress.8. If you are not satisfied with yourself and your life, change.9. Conserve your energy and not waste it on trivial matters that do not deserve attention.10. Do not get angry.11 Do not rush to make decisions about your life, slow down and take care.12 Your life is yours, and you are the one who chooses to be happy or unhappy.13.Help others.14 Learn new things every day.15 Upgrade your skills and use them in your spare time.16 Think your mind and your heart together.17 Maintain balance in your life.18 Do good.19 Dont make anything affect you be strong.20 Ignore all that upsets you and live in peace.21 Rest assured, nothing worth worrying about.Finally, I want to tell you that nothing deserves to waste your energy and health for him. Just smile and everything will be fine."
Price: 19.99

"How to Build a Java Spring Boot Web Application from Scratch" |
"In this course you'll learn how to use Spring Boot to create a web application that pulls data from NASA's Mars Rover API.This interactive application will allow users to choose from three of the Mars Rover landers and pull images from another planet!It's super fun while also being educational. A win-win for any aspiring Java coder that has a soft-spot for space exploration."
Price: 49.99

"Power Chakra Programme" |
"The programme is designed so that there are 7 separate themes with each week being focused on a specific Chakra. Each week will have a daily video for you to watch and apply the teachings within to cleanse, clean and power boost your Chakras so that they are working at their optimal levels to create even more health and happiness for you. The weeks are as follows: Week One - Root Chakra Week Two - Sacral Chakra Week Three -Solar Plexus Chakra Week Four - Heart Chakra Week Five - Throat Chakra Week Six - Third Eye Chakra Week Seven - Crown Chakra Some days the videos are under 5 mins and others can be up to 30 minutes. It is advised to follow the programme as it is written from Root Chakra to Crown Chakra as we have designed it in this way for optimal effect, however if you choose to watch the videos in another order then the healing and teachings will still be effective. This and all videos have been enhanced with healing energy to allow you to connect and create flow of communication and clarity. *Please always watch these videos when you're in a safe and stationary place, & when you are not responsible for anyone or anything else. Give yourself permission to have complete quiet time to gain the full benefits from this process."
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Guitarra Elctrica Volumen 1" |
"El curso de guitarra elctrica de Virtuosso contiene todos los elementos necesarios para que desarrolles tu habilidad como guitarrista. No necesitas experiencia previa, pues los contenidos estn diseados para que aprendas desde los aspectos bsicos. En los tres volmenes del curso se explican de manera gradual las tcnicas de ejecucin que utilizan los profesionales. De esta forma podrs desarrollar diversas habilidades necesarias para convertirte en un buen guitarrista. El curso de guitarra elctrica de Virtuosso est diseado en un formato audiovisual innovador, por lo que en los videos podrs ver las tcnicas claramente explicadas desde diferentes ngulos, de manera que no te quede duda sobre cmo llevarlas a cabo. Con el curso de guitarra elctrica aprenders a generar acompaamientos, acordes, ritmos, riffs, tcnicas del manejo de la pa, ejercicios de coordinacin, as como a tocar melodas en el estilo caracterstico que sola la guitarra elctrica es capaz de producir. Este curso de guitarra elctrica incluye las tcnicas bsicas para tocar como todo un profesional como el legatto, staccato, tapping, sweeping, bending, hammer on, pull off y muchas ms. Encontrars adems conceptos esenciales de armona y acordes, as como numerosos tips y tcnicas para que tu aprendizaje sea slido y consistente. Tambin te ensearemos a desarrollar tu velocidad, improvisar y utilizar tcnicas como el muting e incluso aprenders trucos que slo los guitarristas de experiencia conocen."
Price: 270.00

"Curso de guitarra acstica Volumen 1" |
"Este curso en video consta de tres volmenes repletos de ejemplos y ejercicios que te llevarn paso a paso en el desarrollo de tu tcnica en la guitarra acstica para que en poco tiempo veas los resultados y empieces a tocar y acompaar tus canciones favoritas. Con las lecciones incluidas en el curso aprenders los acordes de manera correcta, conocers todos los crculos armnicos en las tonalidades ms usadas en la guitarra y hacer lneas meldicas a partir de las escalas bsicas para adornar tus canciones. En el curso tambin se incluyen todos los aspectos bsicos de armona para el instrumento as como tambin progresiones armnicas sofisticadas. En Virtuosso hemos desarrollado tcnicas de enseanza que te permitirn aprender de forma sistemtica, partiendo desde los conceptos bsicos, pero con la intencin de que desde los primeros das empieces a tocar las melodas que te gustan. A lo largo del curso se incrementar el nivel de complejidad de las tcnicas explicadas de modo que cuando termines los tres volmenes te sientas confiado para interpretar en la guitarra tus canciones favoritas y por qu no, empieces a crear tus propias melodas."
Price: 270.00

"Curso de solos en la guitarra elctrica Vol.1" |
"Alguna vez quisiste tocar esas canciones que hicieron historia como lo hacen las bandas ms famosas de rock? Por fin lleg el momento de que conozcas todos los secretos para lograrlo! Tenemos para ti una compilacin de los mejores solos en guitarra elctrica, incluidos en canciones de reconocidos artistas como Queen, Metallica, Pink Floyd, Carlos Santana, AC/DC, Audioslave, Eric Clapton, Ozzy Osbourne, Led Zeppelin y Black Sabbath. En los dos volmenes que componen este curso te explicamos en cmara lenta y con lujo de detalles todos los acordes y tcnicas que debes utilizar para que tu guitarra suene como la de los msicos ms famosos de la poca contempornea. Adems te proporcionaremos un CD adicional con las pistas de cada una de las canciones explicadas para que practiques los solos fantsticos recopilados en esta coleccin. Uno de los mejores guitarristas de Amrica Latina te ensear todos los secretos para que toques algunas de las canciones de rock ms famosas como siempre lo deseaste, con explicaciones claras y precisas, acercamientos de cmaras y la pista de cada cancin para que puedas practicar los solos. Con el curso Solos Fantsticos aprenders paso a paso cmo interpretar los solos de canciones emblemticas para que puedas lucirte en el escenario."
Price: 270.00

"Curso de Jazz y Ritmos Latinos en la guitarra Vol.1" |
"Si ya ests cansado de tocar siempre lo mismo, ahora podrs convertirte en un experto en acordes cromticos y extendidos en la guitarra; adems aprenders a improvisar, tocar la meloda y armona simultneamente e inventar canciones espontneamente sin sonar a "escala". El curso cubre todos los aspectos bsicos de armona, meloda y acompaamientos, con tcnicas y ejercicios que te permitirn desarrollar eficazmente tus habilidades musicales para tocar jazz. Aprenders a tocar tus canciones favoritas, acompaarte mientras cantas, o tocar el ritmo que ms te guste; es un curso totalmente en espaol, desarrollado por msicos profesionales. Este curso en video tiene acercamientos de cmara detallados, de modo que puedas observar correctamente la tcnica demostrada por el instructor. Adems, para que tu aprendizaje sea an ms completo, en el tercer volumen de este curso conocers todos los secretos de los ritmos latinos; as podrs darle a tus ejecuciones un toque de bossa nova, samba, cumbia o el que ms te guste."
Price: 49.99

"Curso de guitarra flamenca Aprende los secretos Vol.1" |
"Con el curso de guitarra flamenca de Virtuosso aprenders a tocar la guitarra en este enigmtico estilo andaluz. La magia y el encanto que producen los rasgueos y cadencias armnicas propias del estilo flamenco te transportarn a ti y a los que te escuchen a frecuencias de gran pasin y desborde como slo el flamenco puede hacerlo. Para aprender a tocar msica flamenca en la guitarra te ensearemos desde la postura correcta para sentarte, diversas tcnicas de rasgueo, la cadencia andaluza y la base rtmica que te permitir producir ese singular sonido "cortao" y "picao" del flamenco. El curso de guitarra flamenca de Virtuosso fue desarrollado por msicos flamencos y profesionales de la educacin musical; est diseado para que aprendas las tcnicas demostradas en los videos de manera gradual, con explicaciones sencillas. Con las lecciones contenidas en el curso tendrs todas las herramientas para tocar msica flamenca con tu guitarra y con la prctica constante desarrollars ese sonido flamenco que ests buscando. Imprime magia a tu forma de tocar y aprende diversas variables del flamenco que te darn una formacin slida para interpretar en tu guitarra esta popular msica andaluza."
Price: 270.00

"Curso de Guitarra Elctrica Rtmica Domina las tcnicas" |
"Aprende a tocar diferentes ritmos en la guitarra con este nuevo curso de Virtuosso. Dale un nuevo estilo a tu forma de ejecutar la guitarra aprendiendo a tocar nuevos estilos de msica. El curso de guitarra rtmica te ensear a acompaar diversos ritmos al estilo, funk, rock, blues, fusin y varios ms. Si siempre has querido tocar al estilo de Paul Jackson esta es tu oportunidad. Aprenders a tocar acordes fragmentados, utilizando solo unas cuantas notas, pero de una forma original y creativa que te dar un sonido muy especial. Podrs acompaarte de las pistas que hemos incluido especialmente para este curso, checa el video de muestra y descubre por ti mismo el poder rtmico en la guitarra elctrica. Con el curso de Guitarra Rtmica aprenders paso a paso cmo interpretar diferentes estilos para que puedas lucirte en el escenario."
Price: 270.00

"Curso de Teclado Aprende a tocar como los expertos Vol.1" |
"El teclado y el piano son sin duda de los instrumentos musicales ms populares, su riqueza armnica y meldica los colocan entre los instrumentos ms completos. Sin embargo, aprender a tocar el teclado y piano no siempre es sencillo, pues los cursos tradicionales pueden resultar complejos y profesores poco accesibles pueden provocar que un alumno principiante abandone sus estudios. Por ello, Virtuosso te ofrece un sistema de aprendizaje que te permitir avanzar a tu ritmo con la gua de profesionales. El curso completo para piano y teclado de Virtuosso, totalmente en espaol, fue desarrollado por msicos profesionales y especialistas en la educacin musical y est diseado para que aprendas a tocar de forma gradual, ya que est dividido en tres niveles de aprendizaje: bsico, intermedio y avanzado. En el curso de teclado y piano encontrars todos los aspectos bsicos de armona, meloda y acompaamientos, adems de tcnicas y ejercicios que te permitirn desarrollar eficazmente tus habilidades. Aprenders a tocar tus canciones favoritas, a interpretar el ritmo que ms te guste y acompaarte mientras cantas. Con el curso para piano y teclado de Virtuosso podrs desarrollar tus habilidades musicales y descubrirs en la prctica lo fcil que es empezar a tocar las canciones que te gustan."
Price: 49.99

"Curso de Piano Salsa Aprende todos los secretos Vol.1" |
"Seguramente alguna vez has escuchado la magia de los ritmos latinos en un piano o teclado, dedos mgicos que "bailan" sobre las teclas del piano y logran con sus "montunos" y cadencias cautivar a quien los escucha. Ahora es tu turno de aprender a tocar el piano o teclado con las tcnicas de estos fascinantes ritmos latinos explicados de manera clara y sencilla, un curso que no puede faltar en tu arsenal educativo. Con este curso aprenders a tocar salsa, rumba, montuno, merengue, guajira y muchos ritmos latinos ms, as tu repertorio se ampliar y tu interpretacin del piano se ver enriquecida con nuevos estilos de msica. El curso de Piano Salsa Teclado Latino de Virtuosso te ensear todas las tcnicas que necesitas para tocar salsa. Aprenders las claves y patrones ms populares, todo para que tu piano suene con sabor latino. Adems, podrs practicar todas las tcnicas aprendidas con el material adicional que incluimos como regalo en el curso. Se trata de pistas de msica en formato mp3 para que empieces a tocar con ese ritmo que buscas."
Price: 270.00

"Curso de Piano Blues Ejecuta las mejores tcnicas Vol.1" |
" Tocar blues es una de las grandes fantasas de casi todos los msicos. La posibilidad de generar las notas ""blue"" que le dan el sabor caracterstico a este estilo musical es sin duda uno de los placeres musicales ms grandes que existen. El curso completo de blues para piano y teclado te brindar todas las herramientas para que puedas tocar en este enigmtico estilo musical. Aprenders los 12 compases del blues, progresiones armnicas propias de este gnero, escalas pentatnicas, adornos y efectos blue, acompaamientos y ritmos de blues entre muchas otras tcnicas que te permitirn transformar el sonido de tu piano o teclado. El curso completo de piano blues est dividido en tres volmenes (bsico, intermedio y avanzado). En cada nivel aprenders tcnicas ms avanzadas de modo que tu aprendizaje sea progresiones y consistente. Msicos profesionales y expertos de la enseanza han creado este curso especialmente diseado para aprender a tocar blues en el piano o teclado. Las explicaciones del instructor son complementadas con acercamientos de cmara para lograr que observes las tcnicas de forma clara. "
Price: 270.00

"Curso de Piano Jazz Ahora aprende a tocar jazz en el piano" |
"El curso de piano jazz te ayudar a que tus dedos se adueen de sofisticadas armonas en el piano, al mismo tiempo que interpretas las melodas de jazz ms memorables de todos los tiempos. Sin duda este curso posee las herramientas que te adentrarn en el misterioso mundo de la armona y la interpretacin de canciones al ms puro estilo de la libre improvisacin musical. Con este curso de jazz para piano aprenders los conceptos esenciales para tocar el jazz, desde las armonas y progresiones ms utilizadas hasta tcnicas de improvisacin y consejos para transformar una cancin utilizando el ritmo de jazz. El curso en video de jazz para piano tendrs lecciones con explicaciones detalladas y tips que slo un msico profesional te puede revelar."
Price: 270.00

"Curso de Teclado Rtmico Volumen 1" |
"Virtuosso Producciones presenta su nuevo curso para teclado y piano con el que aprenders a tocar salsa, montuno, tumbaos, cumbia, danzn, merengue y el cha cha ch. Descubre todos los secretos de los patrones armnicos necesarios para tocar cada estilo y aprende cmo interpretar grandes xitos. En este nuevo curso Virtuosso aprenders todos los conceptos clave para tocar ritmos latinos en el piano y teclado y adems te daremos los secretos para interpretar canciones clsicas de la salsa, la cumbia, el danzn, el merengue y cha cha ch. En esta nueva produccin de Virtuosso sers guiado por el msico Nicols Alfonso, quien te compartir sus secretos para tocar los montunos y tumbaos con ese sabor nico que los caracteriza. No esperes ms y aprende a tocar la msica que pone el ritmo en las fiestas con el curso de teclado rtmico de Virtuosso."
Price: 270.00

"Curso de canto Tcnicas vocales Volumen 1" |
"El curso de canto de Virtuosso cuenta con todas las herramientas, tcnicas y ejercicios necesarios para que en pocas semanas seas testigo de los avances en tus habilidades para cantar. Con el curso de canto de Virtuosso descubrirs que para lograr un verdadero desarrollo de tu voz es necesario estudiar y poner en prctica una serie de tcnicas vocales que educarn tu voz para potenciarla y hacerla alcanzar su mximo potencial. En este curso conocers la manera en que se clasifican las voces y tcnicas bsicas pero esenciales como la respiracin y la afinacin. Aprenders a encontrar tu rango vocal y ampliarlo cuando sea necesario. Adems, te explicaremos y pondrs en prctica tcnicas como el vibrato, falsete, y el raspado. Y finalmente te ensearemos cmo interpretar una serie de canciones elegidas especialmente para que ejercites las tcnicas que te presentamos."
Price: 270.00

"Curso de Batera Domina las tcnicas ms importantes Vol 1" |
"Con el curso completo de batera de Virtuosso tendrs todos los fundamentos de la batera, descubrirs los diferentes estilos de golpe y realizars ejercicios de independencia muscular. Conocers cada parte de la batera y las diferentes tcnicas para aprovechar cada una de stas. Adems aprenders desde cmo sentarte y cmo tomar las baquetas. Dominars el pulso necesario para llevar el ritmo sin perder el tiempo, aprenders a tocar los ritmos y estilos que ms te gusten y realizars diversos ejemplos y ejercicios para lograr los mejores resultados. Si siempre quisiste tocar la batera, sta es tu gran oportunidad, no necesitas experiencia previa y de una manera gradual te sorprenders de tus propios logros."
Price: 270.00

"Curso para DJ Convirtete en un DJ profesional Vol.1" |
"Te presentamos en exclusiva el curso ms completo en DVD, que te ensear a detalle todo lo que necesitas saber para convertirte en un DJ profesional. Con las ms modernas y eficientes tcnicas para dominar el arte del sonido, explicadas por uno de los mejores DJ del pas, aprenders los secretos para hacer buenas mezclas, llevar el ritmo, manejar el beat y mejorar tu performance. Este curso te permitir adentrarte en el fascinante mundo de las mezclas y convertirte en el DJ que siempre has querido ser. Aprenders a usar la mezcladora, los CD players y efectos especiales, as como algunos trucos bsicos. Te ensearemos a mezclar estilos como msica electrnica y hip hop, adems de explicarte cmo utilizar el software ms usado por los DJ: Traktor y Ableton Live"
Price: 270.00

"Aprende a tocar jazz, salsa y blues en el piano" |
"Deja que tus dedos se adueen de las armonas que le dan ese toque especial al jazz, a la salsa y al blues y descubre la magia que esos tres estilos musicales son capaces de generar. Adems de entrar en el fascinante mundo del jazz, logrars que tus dedos literalmente "bailen" sobre el teclado al ritmo de la salsa y aprenders cmo utilizar las notas para interpretar el blues como los grandes de la msica. En este Curso de Piano Jazz, Salsa y Blues encontrars los secretos, tips y tcnicas necesarias para darle mayor variedad a tus ejecuciones musicales ya que tendrs los fundamentos de cada uno de esos estilos. Este curso es una compilacin de los cursos Virtuosso de Piano Jazz, Piano Salsa y Piano Blues. En esta recopilacin encontrars los temas abordados en el volumen 1 de cada uno de los cursos mencionados. Estos cursos fueron grabados por msicos expertos en esos singulares ritmos, por lo que aprenders las mejores tcnicas y consejos para que imprimas un estilo nico a tu msica."
Price: 270.00

"Aprende a tocar Msica Cristiana en el piano y teclado" |
"Este curso est dedicado a la comunidad cristiana que quiere aprender a tocar en el teclado las canciones ms representativas de la msica cristiana. Este curso de msica cristiana te ayudar adems a explotar tu sentido meldico, a desarrollar tu odo musical y a tocar en los tonos originales de las canciones. Las lecciones inician con una introduccin a conceptos bsicos de armona para el teclado, lo cual es fundamental para que puedas imprimirle tu propio estilo a las canciones que se explican. Posteriormente el curso te da una explicacin detallada de cmo interpretar 11 temas de adoracin. Adems, el curso te ofrece alternativas para que toques esas canciones populares de distintas maneras, de modo que puedas darle variedad a tus interpretaciones. Con el curso de Msica Cristiana para Piano y Teclado impresionars a tu congregacin con arreglos propios de canciones conocidas."
Price: 270.00

"Aprende a tocar ritmo pop en el piano y teclado" |
"El pop es uno de los estilos ms populares y el piano es sin duda un elemento clave de este estilo. Por ello, en Virtuosso hemos creado un curso pensado especficamente para que aprendas todas las tcnicas que te darn ese sonido pop al momento de tocar. Con el curso de Virtuosso conocers los secretos del piano pop. Los acordes suspendidos y las notas pedales sern sin duda parte fundamental de tu ejecucin musical. En el curso de piano pop aprenders cules son las notas ms comunes en el estilo pop, conocers sobre inversin de bajos, cmo crear intros y finales, cmo hacer enlaces a coro y mucho ms. Imprime un nuevo estilo a tus interpretaciones en el piano o teclado con este curso que te permitir tocar como los grandes del pop."
Price: 270.00

"Curso de Percusiones Congas, bongs, maracas y ms Vol.1" |
"Llega la nueva edicin del curso de percusiones de Virtuosso con contenidos renovados y ms de 3 horas de instruccin para que aprendas a tocar los ritmos cubanos y caribeos con un toque especial. Este nuevo curso de percusin de Virtuosso es impartido por el gran percusionista Nicols Alfonso Gutirrez con quien aprenders a tocar congas, bongs, timbal, maracas, giro, claves, maracas, tambora dominicana y cencerro. El curso est dividido por segmentos para que aprendas a tocar cada instrumento en diferentes ritmos como el son, guaguanc, merengue, mambo, danzn, conga, bolero y muchos ms. Cada instrumento tiene una forma especial de tocarse de acuerdo al ritmo, por lo que te explicaremos detalladamente los secretos para interpretar la msica que te gusta con las diferentes percusiones."
Price: 270.00

"Curso de audio y midi. Crea y produce tus propias secuencias" |
"La forma de hacer msica tambin evoluciona constantemente y mantenerse vigente y actualizado es tambin parte del arte de crear msica y el mundo del midi es la puerta a la creacin musical sin lmites. El midi es el lenguaje universal con el que se comunican los instrumentos musicales electrnicos, te permitir orquestar una cancin completa utilizando nicamente un teclado electrnico o sintetizador virtual. Adems, podrs crear y producir tus propias secuencias, comunicar tus ideas con otros msicos en cualquier parte del mundo utilizando slo una computadora. Si quieres que tu msica se difunda por el mundo tienes que ponerla en un formato que todos puedan reproducir, el midi es el vehculo de comunicacin del msico de la era de la informacin. Descubre tu verdadero potencial musical aprendiendo a usar el midi y vers lo que puedes hacer con slo una computadora y un teclado musical."
Price: 49.99

"Cmo hacer un Home Studio Crea tu estudio de grabacin PRO" |
"Si siempre quisiste montar un estudio de grabacin en tu propia casa, esto es lo que estabas esperando: tenemos en exclusiva el nico curso que te ensear paso a paso todo lo que necesitas saber sobre mezcladoras, micrfonos, cables, software y acstica. Aprenders a fondo cmo funciona una mezcladora, qu tipos existen y cul es la ms apropiada para tu presupuesto. Adems te explicaremos qu cables necesitas para armar tu estudio, cunto cuestan y para qu sirve cada uno. Paso a paso conocers tambin qu es una interfase digital y cmo funciona, as como las diferencias entre los diversos tipos de micrfonos, para qu sirve cada uno de ellos y cul debe usar para cada circunstancia. Con el curso Secretos de un Home Studio tendrs la independencia que siempre quisiste a la hora de crear. Arma tu estudio en casa y ya no tendrs que depender de nadie para grabar."
Price: 29.99
