"Emotional Intelligence - Your Secret Advantage" |
"Emotional Intelligence skills is one of the most valuable skills you can learn.Have you ever wanted a transformation in your business and personal life? Most people do but dont know how all that could happen. Especially if its all in a course, that costs about what you would spend on a dinner for two.Do you have sales people who are poor at communication or who could improve? Do you have ways for them to improve?Do you have unhappy, difficult, and disrespected managers who are ineffective and dont even realize it? They actually bring moral and productivity down and cant build relationships.Do you have people in your business that are ineffective leaders? They are actually hated by the staff!'Emotional intelligence - Your Secret Advantage' can be the small hinge that opens a big door for business success and personal transformation.This course is a guide for people who may have heard about Emotional Intelligence but havent applied it, or have never known it could make big changes in your business success, if applied.There are no magic rabbits jumping out of a hat or sexy promises of rags to riches by just listening and reading a simple course.It is a focused course and implementation process that uses the same strategies by companies like Tesla, PepsiCo, Virgin Air, General Electric and Microsoft, just to name a few.Included is a Workbook so that you can implement as you go through the course. This way, it wont end up collecting virtual dust in your computer and be just another get-around-to-it someday course.Its designed for action takers who can take what you learn and apply it, refine it, and expand it so you can watch it transform your business and personal life. Transformation included if you apply and work like an athlete to develop your Emotional Intelligent muscles!This course is for business owners, healthcare practitioners and entrepreneurs:Who need a secret advantage thats easy to learn so you can connect with customers on an emotional level to deliver better results.Who have one or more sales persons that need to improve communication so they can be more confident and effective in satisfying the customers needs.Who want to hire the best sales people so you dont waste time and resources trying to figure out who will be the best for your organization.Who want to improve leadership skills so you can have employees that are more productive and happy and you become more respected and effective.Who want to better connect with customers and employees so they feel important, valued and feel they have an active part in your business.You will Learn How to:Gain a thorough understanding of what EI is and how it applies to business.Test your own emotional intelligence to find gaps and areas for improvement.Find out how to apply EI concepts to improve your sales performance.Discover ways to implement EI concepts to improve your leadership and management skills.Create a plan for constant testing and improvement of your EI for future success.My Promise to YouIm with you through the entire course.Post your questions directly in the course and I will personally answer.Lets get started!With a 30-day 100% money back guarantee, theres no reason to start right now and try out the course.Go ahead and click the enroll button, and we'll see you in the introduction!"
Price: 184.99

"Simufact Forming ile Metal ekillendirme Analizlerine Giri" |
"Bu eitimde metal ekillendirme imalat teknolojileri konusunda gnmzde ne gibi uygulamalar var bu ksmlardan bahsedeceiz. Ayn zamanda metal ekillendirme imalat simlasyonlar bizlere neler salyor ve Simufact Forming ierisinde bir metal ekillendirme simlasyonunu temel olarak nasl kurguluyoruz bu konulara bakyor olacaz.Simufact; metal ekillendirme, mekanik birletirme, kaynak ve eklemeli imalat prosesleri iin simlasyon programlar gelitiren bir yazlm irketidir. Simufact, MSC Software grup firmas olup Hexagon bnyesinde yer almaktadr.Simufact Forming, imalat sektr iin zel olarak gelitirilmi bir simlasyon program olup aadaki prosesler simle edilebilir.Souk, lk ve scak dvmeProfil haddelemeRekvals ve apraz kamal haddelemeSac ekillendirmeYzk haddelemendktif stmaElektro iirmeAk kalpta dvmeProfil ekstrzyonuMekanik birletirmePerinlemeKenetlemeKaynakl birletirmeDiren punta kaynaSrtnme kartrma punta kaynaSrtnme kaynaStatik yklemeIsl ilemSimufact Forming ile aadaki parametreleri incelemek mmkndr.ekillendirme kuvveti / torkuPara zerindeki:Malzeme akKatlanmaKalp doldurma / doldurmamaapak / fireAkz izgileri (lif yaps)Scaklk dalmGeri yaylanmaKalnlk deiimiArtk gerilmeSnek krlma / atlamaFaz dnmleriSertlikTane boyutuKalp zerindeki:Gerilme ve deformasyon dalmScaklk dalmAnma dalm"
Price: 49.99

"The self-confidence and self-esteem the Golden Practice tips" |
"My course is about The skill of Self-confidence and self-esteem I welcome you to this exciting and amazing course about Having Happiness In Life, finding self-esteem & Self-confidence. Life is for once so live it happily and fully. Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim, and the end of human existence. Happiness is the main objective which makes another life goal like achievement, prosperity; success, and relationship feel meaningful and pleasant. I have mentioned ways and tips which will definitely change your life, your relations, and your professional carrier. If we are more relaxed and happy, we give our best. You will learn so many things from this course.You will learn, Learn to feel happier and gain more confidence Tips that are simple to apply in daily life and can bring fast benefits Enjoy happiness in daily life. Implement these 14 days exercises at work, or home or in your relationships Improve the mind-set which will make it easier for you to live the life you have always dreamed of living Grow into healthier, confidence, calm, joyful and happier lifestyle Reveal lifelong motivation and enthusiasm. Learn ways and strategies to take control over how you feel and how to maintain the situation The state of mind matters a lot in our attitudes, work, and behaviors. Now it is time to learn how to become happy in life. Do remember this thing; there is one life to Live. You will never be born again and the days which have passed, those cant be brought back but yes, we can defiantly change our future and coming days to our wishes and can change our life to be happier and joyful and fulfilling by making small changes in our daily routine and not only we will be much happier but will also be much more satisfied and successful. Thanks for taking interest in this course. Now lets get started with it. Best of Luck!"
Price: 34.99

JSJavaScript |
"JavaScriptJavaScriptReactVueAngularJSJavaScriptGoogleGoogleJavaScriptJavaScriptJavaScriptJavaScriptJavaScriptJavaScriptReactVueAngularJSJQueryNode.jsFirebaseWEBWEBJavaScriptJavaScript*** ***JavaScriptJSJSGithubJSJavaScript*** ***JSJSJSJavaScriptCSSWEBJS"
Price: 9600.00

"Revit MEP - Plumbing systems" |
"In this course we will see in detail how to create BIM models of the plumbing and HVAC discipline using the tools provided by Autodesk Revit software.We will focus on how to properly configure our projects to work with plumbing installations. And we will do it taking into account the collaborative work necessary for multi-disciplinary projects. You will learn to model, design and report models of sanitary facilities under the BIM environment"
Price: 199.99

"Revit MEP - Mechanical / HVAC systems" |
"In this course we will concentrate on the use of Revit tools that assist us in performing energy analysis of buildings. We will see how to enter energy information in our model and how to export this information for treatment outside of Revit.In the final section, we will pay attention to creating logical duct and pipe systems, creating those elements, and using the Revit engine to design sizes and verify performance."
Price: 199.99

"Unity 3D Game Development: Learn Hands-On" |
"Unity is an incredible 3D package used for making video games, architectural and medical imaging and more. The challenge is that it's big and complicated to use, especially for complete beginners to coding and game development. We make learning to code easy and fun by leading you step-by-step through the process of creating exciting games.Join this course now to begin your journey with game development.The course is project-based, so you will not just be learning dry programming concepts, but applying them immediately to real indie games as you go. All the project files will be included, as well as additional references and resources - you'll never get stuck."
Price: 6720.00

"Leading Innovation - Changing Corporate Culture" |
"The ability to drive innovation is a key skill for senior executives. But what characteristics and capabilites do you need to make your organization more agile and entrepreneurial? Do you want to acquire the skills and attributes of a great leader of innovation? This Master Class covers the essential leadership actions to transform the culture and behaviours in your business so as to enable innovation to flourish. It covers theory and practice. It explains the important concepts of innovation and gives you practical, comprehensive and up to date guidance. It is ideal for leaders and those who aspire to become leaders. It applies in all sectors for people who want to learn how to make their organizations much more creative, entrepreneurial and successful."
Price: 74.99

"The Tkinter GUI Games course : Build 5 mind blowing games" |
"Welcome to this goldmine course where you will be able to build a robust and meaningful (GUI's) in the gaming industry .Learning just the basics serves for nothing , the best way to learn is by doing and implementing real world ideas and projects , this is the most efficient way to learn fast and boost your skills.In this course we will make 5 magnificent real games that you've played before , now it's your turn to make them .The content of this course: - Game 1: Egg Catcher game : This game will test your concentration and the speed of your reflexes. Dont crack under pressurejust catch as many eggs as you can to get a high score. Challenge your friends to see who is the champion egg catcher!- Game 2: Snap game : Challenge your friends to a game of digital snap. This fast-paced, two-player game requires a sharp eye and lightning-fast reactions. It works just like the card game but uses colored shapes that appear on the screen rather than cards that are dealt.- Game 3: The Expert game : Can you name all the capital cities in the world? Or the players in your favourite sports team? Everyones an expert on something. In this project, youll code a program that can not only answer your questions, but also learn new things and become an expert. - Game 4: Secret Messages : Swap messages with your friends using the art of cryptography: changing the text of a message so that people who dont know your secret methods cant understand it!- Game 5: Matchmaker game : How good is your memory? Test it in this fun game where you have to find pairs of matching symbols. See how quickly you can find all 12 matching pairs!Unleash your potential and become a leader in creating GUI games .So what you are waiting for ! join us"
Price: 29.99

"Privacidade e Lei de Proteo de Dados Pessoais (LGPD)" |
"O curso destaca a importncia da privacidade e o seu impacto no cenrio atual, como parte de uma evoluo natural no processo de transformao digital, onde cada vez mais nossos dados esto espalhados por sistemas que usam estes dados de forma arbitrria, compartilhando e vendendo estas informaes sem o nosso consentimento.Podemos dizer que em 2018 se inicia a Era da Privacidade, as leis de proteo de dados pessoais so uma resposta da sociedade para regulamentar como o tratamento destes dados pessoais sero realizados.Neste curso vamos fazer a analise de cada artigo da Lei 13.709 (LGPD) e adicionar contedo adicional para enriquecer o conhecimento do aluno e preparar ele para esta nova era da Privacidade."
Price: 54.99

"Superior English Speaking: Master Skills with OPIc" |
"Do you dream of speaking fluent English? Do you need to score highly in speaking tests? If so, then Superior English Speaking: OPIc Masterclass is for you! This course covers three areas of speaking: describing, narrating and role playing. Master these areas and you will become a fluent English speaker. You will be ready to speak English with anyone in the world and score highly on English speaking exams.A lot of English speaking tests don't help you. You beat the test, but you don't speak great English! OPIc is different. It stands for Oral Proficiency Interview by Computer and it is growing in popularity all over the world. It is the best test for measuring English speaking skills. Everything you need to know about OPIc is covered in this course. Learn with Wayne Finley, a passionate educator who has dedicated his career to improving students' English speaking skills:Describe people, places, actions and thingsNarrate processes, stories, opinions and comparisonsRole play asking questions, explaining situations, persuading people and making complaintsPractice dozens of questions with your smart phoneDownload PDF resources for every skillLearn everything about the OPIc test Enroll in Superior English Speaking: OPIc Masterclass now to make your English speaking dreams a reality."
Price: 199.99

"Corporate Finance Complete Theory" |
"The state of Corporate Finance is crucial for the success of any company. This is why the professionals of Corporate Finance can always find a job. The course covers the Corporate Finance theory and practice which enables the students to have a good understanding of the field and to be able to use their knowledge in real-life settings. Some of the very demanded skills that are covered in the course include building financial statements from scratch, evaluating a firms financial situation, ratio analysis, risk and return assessment, securities valuation, cost of capital calculations, cash flows and project valuations, etc."
Price: 104.99

"Raciocnio Lgico - Concurso do Investigador e Escrivo PCSP" |
"Raciocnio Lgico para Investigador e Escrivo da Polcia Civil de So Paulo(Curso online - Teoria e exerccios VUNESP)Professor: Joselias.Carga Horria: 50 videoaulas + material de apoio em PDF + suporte para tirar dvidas do o professor Joselias.Material Didtico: O curso inclui material de apoio em PDF + suporte de dvidas com o professor Joselias.Contedo do curso de Raciocnio Lgico para os concursos de Investigador e Escrivo da Polcia Civil de So Paulo (VUNESP):- Conceitos iniciais do raciocnio lgico: proposies, valores lgicos, conectivos, tabelas-verdade, tautologia, contradio, equivalncia entre proposies, negao de uma proposio.- Questes de associao;- Verdades e mentiras;- Estruturas lgicas e lgica de argumentao, validade de argumentos."
Price: 19.99

"Curso Completo de Microsoft Excel 2016 2019 365" |
"Curso Completo de Excel para particulares, trabajadores, empresarios y estudiantes con el se alcanza un alto nivel competitivo con el que destacar en el complejo mundo del mercado laboral. Excel 2016, 2019 y 365 tambin aplicable a versiones anteriores como la 2013, 2010 y 2007. Curso con ms de 8 horas en videotutoriales en alta resolucin."
Price: 29.99

"ISACA (CISA) Certification Preparation : Practice Exams 2020" |
"ISACA (CISA) Certification Preparation : Practice Exams 2020The Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) certification is for individuals who have interest in information systems auditing, control and security.Demand for IT auditing services has increased as more and more accounting functions are performed through information systems.Exam Topics covered in CISA Certification Exams :Information Systems Auditing ProcessGovernance and Management of ITInformation Systems Acquisition, Development and ImplementationInformation Systems Operations and Business Resilience Protection of Information AssetsI have prepared this practice test course for all those candidates who are planning of taking CISA exam in near future.This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with ISACA CISA any way."
Price: 24.99

"IBM A2040-404 Developing Enterprise Mobile Application Exam" |
"124 UNIQUE practice questions for IBM A2040-404 Developing Enterprise Mobile Application ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : IBM A2040-404 Developing Enterprise Mobile Application ExamTotal Questions : 124Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :75 minsPassing Score : 75 (93 of 124)"
Price: 149.99

"Create Interactive elearning Content" |
"This course is created keeping the current needs amidst the pandemic situation all around the globe. The targeted audience will be able to learn how to create stunning e-Learning content, make interactive video lectures, design interactive quizzes, tests, conduct live lectures etc. They will also learn how to create cool animated explainer videos that too for free. Towards the end they will also learn how to make use of graphics tablets to make stunning lecture content and conduct lectures effectively."
Price: 1600.00

(Instagram)-33500! |
Price: 10800.00

"Network as a Sensor with Cisco Stealthwatch Cloud" |
"Learn about the Installation, Configuration and the Management of Cisco Stealthwatch Cloud, to monitor networks from advanced threats. Understand the whole paradigm shift in IT to the cloud, monitoring insider threats, monitoring public cloud networks for security issues and policy violations. Cisco Stealthwatch Cloud provides insight and visibility into the network communications like never before, through a cloud delivery model. Please note that this course does NOT include Cisco Stealthwatch Enterprise.This course includes detailed information around the specifications and use cases for Cisco Stealthwatch Cloud, Installation of the ONA sensors for private network monitoring, monitoring of public cloud network monitoring such as Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure, Setting up alerts, Reviewing the standard operating procedures for responding and reviewing alerts and observations, review the Encrypted Traffic Analytics (ETA) component and setup on Cisco Stealthwatch Cloud"
Price: 7360.00

"Frias e Rescises para Departamento Pessoal - 2020" |
"Voc est procurando um curso objetivo e descomplicado para entender sobre os conceitos e os clculos de FRIAS E RESCISES CONTRATUAIS? Voc encontrou o curso certo sobre este assunto! o/Com as habilidades que vai aprender aqui no curso, voc pode:ENTENDER a legislao trabalhista que trata sobre todos os conceitos abordados sobre FRIAS E RESCISES CONTRATUAIS;CALCULAR frias simples;CALCULAR frias dobradas;CALCULAR frias com abono pecunirio;CALCULAR frias com insalubridade e periculosidade;CALCULAR frias com horas extras;CALCULAR frias de comissionados, tarefeiros e horistas;CALCULAR frias com a primeira parcela de 13 salrio; etc.ENTENDER sobre Frias Coletivas;CALCULAR resciso antecipada do contrato experincia, partindo do empregado e tambm do empregador;CALCULAR resciso por pedido de demisso com aviso prvio cumprido e no cumprido;CALCULAR resciso por demisso sem justa com aviso prvio cumprido e no cumprido;CALCULAR resciso por justa causa;ENTENDER sobre resciso indireta;CALCULAR INSS sobre frias e rescises;CALCULAR IRRF (imposto de renda) sobre frias e rescises. O DIFERENCIAL DO CURSO FRIAS E RESCISES CONTRATUAIS.Download de todos os materiais utilizados no decorrer das aulas, contendo mais de 1.500 pginas, mais de 40 (casos) exemplos resolvidos e mais de 28 captulos. Cada aula tem o material disponvel nos recursos para download.Boletim informativo quando h alguma novidade na legislao trabalhista que tenha relao ao abordado no curso. Observao: Material disponvel para download na aula que houver a atualizao.O que voc recebe ao se inscrever no curso FRIAS E RESCISES CONTRATUAIS ?Acesso vitalcio ao curso e todas as atualizaes.Suporte personalizado e respostas s suas perguntas.Certificado de concluso Udemy (voc poder incluir no seu currculo).Garantia de devoluo do dinheiro de 30 dias caso o curso no seja o que voc espera, assim voc poder pedir o reembolso de 100%. Mas vou te falar um coisa, tenho certeza que vai amar este curso =)Sobre a Instrutora.Depois de anos trabalhando com o Departamento Pessoal e Recursos Humanos passei por inmeras situaes, inmeras mesmo (rsrs..), ento trouxe neste curso um pouco do meu conhecimento sobre a legislao trabalhista no que tange a frias individuais e coletivas e rescises contratuais. Este meu terceiro curso publicado na plataforma Udemy, sendo que o primeiro foi ""Descomplicando a Folha de Pagamento"" e o segundo, "" Benefcios Previdencirio para Departamento Pessoal - 2020"". Tenho certeza que vocs gostaro destes tambm =)O pr-requisito para fazer o curso a vontade de aprender ou aprimorar os conhecimentos. No necessrio ter conhecimento prvio de legislao, pois estudaremos a legislao trabalhista atualizada (2020) e explicarei tudo o que precisa saber sobre o assunto, ento fique tranquilo com relao a isso =)Espero que goste dos contedos abordados e nos vemos nas aulas!Prof. Vanessa SilvaInscreva-se agora =)"
Price: 399.99

"Ionic 5 Angular Android iOS Apps For WooCommerce WebCheckout" |
"Welcome Viewers,I hope you all are doing great. I am M A Hasan, a full time freelance web and hybrid apps developer. Previously, I created a course here in Udemy named Develop Ionic 4 Angular iOS Android Apps for WooCommerce where i developed a full featured ionic 4 angular based webstore app for WordPress WooCommerce platform. I got very good responses and appreciation from lots of students. I tried to make it super easy to understand, went step by step and explained every bit of code and technology that works behind the app.You may know that, right now, WooCommerce doesnt have native API support to process payment directly from the app. Beside these, there are many websites that are using many other plugins with WooCommerce that dont have API support yet.So how to create an app for such a website where you cant access and process all product and order data using WooCommerces native API? And it does not have native api to process payment?There is a way, you can do it.This is the most interesting part of this course which is web checkout in InAppBrowser for WordPress WooCommerce online store. And yes, you can set the user logged In in your website directly from the app, when the user lands on the website using InAppBrowser. So, the user doesnt need to login twice, if a user is logged in in App, user will be automatically logged in in Website when he lands on product page using InAppBrowser.InAppBrowser brings this convenience to all app developers as well as all customers.Many of my students requested me to create another organised course using ionic and angular where we can achieve the above including some other plugin integrations like facebook login, google login and so on.So in this course, I am going to use the latest stable version of node as well as the latest version of ionic as a development environment.We will use WordPress WooCommerce as a backend data provider for this project, implement user registration using WooCommerce API V3, login and authentication using JWT authentication plugin for WordPress.Once these parts are done, i will show how to use cordova in this project and integrate different cordova plugins like facebook login, gmail login, InAppBrowser and so on.You may find related tutorials, topics in some blogs, but those are not explained in such a way so that a beginner level developer can learn and understand them perfectly. Moreover, you are getting everything in one place with well coded source code that is super clear to you. And from one source code based, you're getting both an Android and iOS app that is ready to submit to PlayStore and AppStore.At the end of the course, you are going to get a full featured WordPress WooCommerced based online store app where checkout is done in InAppBrowser so that you dont need to think about payment gateway integration using WooCommerce API or Process Product Data or Order Data using WooCommerce API.Additionally, you are going to be master of these plugins used here and will feel very flexible to use other cordova plugins for ionic angular with extra confidence.I hope to see you in this course very soon. This course comes with a 30 days money back guarantee. So, buy the course, watch the videos, if it does not go well then ask for a refund within 30 days, all your money back, no questions asked.So why are you waiting? Let's start this great adventure."
Price: 199.99

"Building iOS Object Detection App with Mobilenet ML model" |
"Course DescriptionLearn to build iSO application for object detection engine using mobilenet v2 deep learning algorithm. Deep learning is popular where a machine can be trained to detect objects in video and images. Once trained, it can be used to detect objects in any video or image.Object detection is part of computer vision field. Computer Vision market is estimated to grow to $48 Billion by 2022. Its huge opportunity for budding Machine Learning developers to grow their careers.In this course we are going to use pretrained mobilenet V2 model. Mobilenet v2 is fast , lightweight machine learning model for object detection and specially designed to run on mobile devices.In this course you will be learning about using mobilenet v2 model on iPhone to detect objects inside image. The object detection happens on device and does not require transmission of your images to remote service. Therefore it is highly privacy and security compliant. You could be on remote island with no cellular or wifi connectivity and can still run this app to do object detection.Build a strong foundation in object detection mobile app with this tutorial for mobile app developers.Understanding fundamentals of Object DetectionUnderstanding fundamentals of deep learning and CNN Use cases for object detectionBenefits of running object detection on device Build a real life object detection mobile app using mobilenet v2 CoreML, Swift and iOSA Powerful Skill at Your Fingertips Learning the fundamentals of object detection puts a powerful and very useful tool at your fingertips. Swift, CoreML has excellent documentation.No prior knowledge of deep learning is assumed. I'll be covering topics like CNN from scratch. Jobs in object detection area are plentiful, and being able to learn object detection will give you a strong edge. Object Detection is state of art technology that can quickly help you achieve your goal. Learning object detection with mobilenet v2 will help you become a computer vision developer which is in high demand.Content and Overview This course teaches you on how to build iPhone app for object detection using swift, coreML and mobilenet v2 model . You will work along with me step by step to build following answersDownload a pretrained modelCapture image using cameraUse coreml and vision app to on device object detectionWhat am I going to get from this course?Learn fundamentals of deep learning, coreML and build object detection mobile app from professional trainer from your own desk.Over 10 lectures teaching you how to build object detection mobile appSuitable for intermediate programmers and ideal for users who learn faster when shown.Visual training method, offering users increased retention and accelerated learning.Breaks even the most complex applications down into simplistic steps.Offers challenges to students to enable reinforcement of concepts. Also solutions are described to validate the challenges."
Price: 24.99

PythonNLP |
"MeCabPythonPythonPython2020/08/24 2020/08/24 Google2020/07/18 2020/07/11 ()WikiPediaWord2Vec Jupyter2020/07/11 2020/07/11 2020/07/08 2020/07/02 2020/06/29 stopwords2020/06/29 data2020/06/28 2020/06/28 1"
Price: 18000.00

"O Mundo da Liderana" |
"O Mundo da Liderana um curso que tem por objetivo capacitar pessoas que desejam ou almejam cargos de liderana, como pessoas que queira adquirir conhecimentos e aplica-los na sua vida pessoal e profissional. O curso est focado em como voc pode inspirar pessoas a fazer algo, como motiv-las a ter um propsito de vida que atravs do trabalho pode alcanar.O foco de liderana do curso no estilo de liderana servidora o Lder servir seus liderados, ajuda-los a buscar seus objetivos, atravs do trabalho e, a cada tarefa executada com qualidade e competncia o caminho do sucesso atingido mais rpido."
Price: 144.99

"Learn Google Ads from Scratch(2020 Updated)" |
"Revealed for the first time everDiscover The Money Making Secrets To Generate More leads Get More Sales And Skyrocket Your Profits In No Time!Dear friend,If youre looking for a way to make full time income working only few hours a day,Without having to work ever again in your life...Then this will be the most important message you'll ever readHere's why,If you follow my proven Google marketing blueprint you will have everything you need to make full time income working part time from home Even if you have zero experience onlineEven if you have never made any money online beforeEven if you know little to nothing about marketingIn fact it's much faster and easier for a complete internet newbie to learn these strategies, to make money.So you're good to get started right away, so you can make a full time living from your computer working for only 4hrs a dayNow, you might be wondering...Who am I and why should you listen to me?Hi my name Ravi Nirban.A secret that is going to help you with your marketing...A Truly Unique Way To Make Money From Google Ads FAST!Its truly unique (and proven) plan for generating huge profits online with very little hard workIn fact, if youve been struggling to make money online in spite of doing everything the gurus tell youIm going to give you a complete step-by-step, almost FOOLPROOF plan for making a lot of money very quickly.Surprisingly, it has absolutely nothing to do with any of the typical stuff you've probably heard before:NO finding a niche or marketNO building an email listNO creating a productNO posting contentNO affiliate marketingNO setting up a WordPress blogNONE of the other stuff you've probably already tried and failed at.Step By Step Blueprint To Launch Your Successful BusinessIm going to show you a completely BRIMMING market with STARVING fish and amazingly, almost NOBODY is fishing there.I'll show you how to go in there as a master...and pull out winning profits every single day.You get the whole plan, A-to-Z... including a proven marketing system, strategies and all the necessary fill in the blanks templates to put multiple big-money deals together in this untapped market.Theres no B.S. theory or fluff...Just a proven plan to bring in as much as 5 figures in only a few short weeks.I Want To Give You The Proven Secrets I Have Used To Earn Six Figures Online Working Less Than 4 Hours Per DayNot too long ago, I spent a couple hours putting everything I know about making money online from google intoWhat i consider the very best source of information on how you can use google to explode the profits of your online business.Its called :INTRODUCING : : How Anyone Including a Complete Internet Newbie Can Earn Maximum Profits from Google Ads is Revealed!Inside the Making Money of Google AdS training, youll find truckloads of never-before-revealed tricks, techniques and other information that you can begin using immediately to produce unprecedented profits with Google Ads.Take a look at just some of what you will learn inside this amazing training:How to get started with Google Ads and be making huge profits in no time!5 steps to google Ads success follow these tips and youll be amazed at how easy it is to make big money with Ads!5 ways to find the best keywords for your site you may be very surprised at what you read here!How to squeeze the maximum amount of profits possible from Google Ads understanding the Google Ads program is one thing, using it to its fullest potential is another Discover everything that you need to know to make as much money as you can from Google Ads here!Never-before revealed success tips plus, five things you should never do with Google Ads.How to use Google Ads on a blog and really send your online profits skyrocketing!How the Google Ads formula works see first hand just how profitable Ads can be for you!How to get great content that will not only attract prospects but will get them to click on your ads reading this is sure to put you on the fast track to success!And much, much more!Here's Everything Included Inside"
Price: 19.99

"A Framework for Teaching Adults - Course No. 3" |
"Maybe you've been thrown into a teaching/training role at work or in a community setting. Maybe you've just grown into the role but with no formal training on teaching others.Maybe you're an entrepreneur who want to share your skills with others. This course will give you the basic overview of how to make your teaching inclusive, how to help your learners develop their basic and wider skills, and how to engage and motivate your learners.It is taken from a qualification accredited by City & Guilds so you can be sure it is all based on best practice."
Price: 49.99

"How to combat cancer?" |
"Almost everybody has heard about cancer. The truth is: cancer is common, widespread and it can be fatal. However, around 30 to 50% of cancers are preventable. There are science-proven ways for us to combat cancer. In this course, you will learn, from a physician and a pathologist, the latest scientific principles that everybody needs to know for protection against many of the common malignancies.Many times, we think that cancer is a spell that that falls over us; that we are powerless victims of a devastating situation called cancer. In this course, we will learn that the pain and misery caused by many cancers can be avoided. By knowing some simple principles, we will have the power of science at our service. The idea behind this course is a health coaching idea. Many of our everyday activities and lifestyle factors leave us prone to cancer. So, cancer prevention needs some changes in our habits and ways of living, and that is what a health coach does. I really believe that the knowledge about cancer prevention and screening should be part of any health coaching or alternative medicine programs. This course is also for everyone interested in health and longevity. The information here should be part of everyones general knowledge.The combat against cancer has three pillars: prevention, screening and early diagnosis. These are the principles you will learn. Your instructor is an experienced physician and a pathologist, with a long-term background of teaching different levels of students. To add credit to this course, I have also used the experience and knowledge of my wife who is an oncologist. We prepared this course together. We intend to present to you the basic knowledge that we believe everybody needs to know about cancer. By taking this course, you will be equipped with the general scientific knowledge that you can use to your benefit or to the benefit of your clients or your loved ones. Knowing these basic facts prevents many of the unnecessary sufferings and agonies of cancer. So do not hesitate to take this course. This course is about the knowledge against cancer and, remember, knowledge is power.What are the main topics of this course?What is cancer?In the first step, you will learn, in a simple language, what cancer is and how healthy cells turn into cancerous cells.Why knowing about cancer is important?You will see a summary of the statistics showing that cancer is a real health problem, and we can never neglect it.What causes cancer?The first step to fight cancer is to understand how cancer develops and what causes cancer. And this is where the journey against cancer starts. You will learn about the environmental risk factors of cancer and about the lifestyle factors that leave us prone to cancer. You will know what we need to avoid or what we need to do if we want to decrease the risk of cancer. Also, we will talk about the infectious causes of cancer and what you can do to protect yourself and your children against some of those agents.What is cancer screening?For some common cancers, there are screening methods that everybody needs to know and understand. These screening methods let you detect pre-cancerous changes before the disease even manifest. You will learn about these fundamental screening guidelines in this course.How to diagnose cancer before it is advanced and incurable?You will learn some of the common symptoms of cancer. These symptoms are not specific to cancer, but if we know them and will not neglect them, we have the chance of diagnosing cancer early enough, when there is still time for a complete treatment.Who is this course for?-Health coaches-Life and Wellness coaches-Alternative and complementary medicine practitioners-Everybody with a passion for living a healthy life.The course does not need any prerequisites.What you will learn:-Why cancer cells behave the way they behave.-What to avoid in the environment to prevent cancer,-Ways to protect ourselves against the cancer-producing impact of the sun-The lifestyle factors may cause cancer and how to correct them-Role of vaccines in preventing some cancers-What is screening for cancer, and why it helps us in the fight against cancer?-What are the signs and symptoms we should not neglect?- Who should screen for which cancer?"
Price: 29.99

"ePLAN- Generating Reports for Beginners and Advanced Users" |
"This course describes how to generate your own reports in ePLAN software, how to create own templates and use different type of forms for reports. Complete explanation regarding reports and export of information to *txt or excel files is presented, so after completing this course, students will be able to create their own templates, export them to another project and create report project. This tutorials are meant for students with some knowledge about ePLAN software, but the knowledge in generating reports is not necessary."
Price: 19.99

"Google Certified Associate Cloud Engineer Practice Test" |
"ComTech is offering 180+ UNIQUE practice questions for Google Cloud Certified Associate Cloud Engineer Certification Exam.Unlike others, We offer details explanation to each and every questions that will help you to understand the question100% money back guarantee (Unconditional, we assure that you will be satisfied with our services and pass the exam).Do leave us a question we will happy to answer your queries during the course.3 SETS OF PRACTICE EXAMS - with minimum of 50 Questions eachEach practice exam has the same format, style, time limit and passing score as the real Google Cloud Certification exam (60 min to answer 50 questions)All questions are unique, 100% scenario-based and conform to the latest Google Cloud Certified Associate Cloud Engineer exam blueprint.BEST WAYS TO PREPARE FOR YOUR GOOGLE CLOUD CERTIFICATION EXAMKEY TRAINING ADVICE: Although the actual Google Cloud Certified Associate Cloud Engineer exam has a pass mark of 72%, we recommend that you repeatedly retake our Google Cloud Certified Associate Cloud Engineer exams until you consistently score 80% or higher. We encourage you to put in the work and study the training notes in detail. Once you achieve the recommended score in the practice tests - you are ready to sit the exam and achieve a great score!CONFORM WITH EXAM BLUEPRINT: Using our Google Cloud Certified Associate Cloud Engineer Exams can help you gain experience with the test question format and understand how the questions in the real Google Cloud Certified Associate Cloud Engineer exams are structured. Unfortunately, there are many Google Cloud Certified Associate Cloud Engineer practice tests in the market that do NOT match the format of the exam pattern. Rest assured that with our practice tests, you will be adequately prepared for the real Google Cloud Certified Associate Cloud Engineer exam.KEY FEATURES OF THESE POPULAR PRACTICE EXAMS 180+ PRACTICE QUESTIONS: 3 sets of Practice Exams with minimum 50 Questions each with a pool of 180+ Questions to assess your exam readiness on Udemy. EXAM SIMULATION: All Practice Tests are timed and scored (passing score is 80%) mimicking the real exam environment. DETAILED EXPLANATIONS: Every question includes a detailed explanation that clarifies why each answer is correct or incorrect. PREMIUM-QUALITY: These practice questions are free from typos and technical errors which makes your learning experience much more pleasant. ALWAYS UP TO DATE: Our question bank is constantly updated based on student feedback from the real exam. New questions are added on a regular basis growing our pool of questions. ACTIVE Q&A FORUM: In this discussion board, students ask questions and share their recent exam experience offering feedback on which topics were covered. BEST VALUE FOR MONEY: Compared to the Official Google Cloud Certified Associate Cloud Engineer Practice Test that gives you up to 40 questions only (for $20), when investing in these tests, you get lifetime access to our pool of questions. ACCESS ON MOBILE: Study on the go and access all resources from your mobile."
Price: 19.99

"How to Draw Feet - Drawing For Beginners" |
"Are you a beginner in drawing? This is the best place for you. I go through the process of drawing feet step by step. The foot can be considered an afterthought for most people, but it's immensely important to learn. I go through it fast and easy. By the end of the course, you will be able to draw the foot.Here is what is in the course:- Supplies to Use- Structure of the Foot- Toes- Demonstration of Process- Demonstration of Bottom View- Final Art AdviceLet's get started now!"
Price: 19.99

"Minha vida o meu negcio" |
"Minha Vida o Meu negcio!Sabe quando estamos desencontrados e nada est bem? Pois foi me sentindo assim que criei este curso que te ajuda a valorizar suas qualidades e empreender na vida sendo, trabalhando para outras pessoas ou montando seu prprio negcio.A verdade que estamos cansados de suportar coisas que no so nossas, coisas que outras pessoas criam para ns e esquecemos de ns mesmos. A vida nos ensina que devemos criar e multiplicar e no mundo de hoje o que menos fazemos isso.Costumo dizer que para multiplicar preciso aprender a dividir, pois s assim ganhamos o que nosso. Por isso compartilho este curso feito por mim e que desenvolvi ao longo da minha carreira de 34 anos trabalhando em empresas multinacionais. Eu aprendi que reconhecer o ser humano a maior ferramenta que podemos ter, isso ajuda e muito nas estratgias do dia a dia, ajuda a se relacionar melhor e assim conquistar o seu espao dentro deste mundo louco e conturbado.Voc vai aprender a se reconhecer, se perdoar, se valorizar alm de reconhecer e entender outras pessoas e aprender a melhor forma de lidar com elas para que isso te coloque em uma posio diferenciada para conquistar os seus queridos objetivos.Vai aprender ainda como reconhecer os 4 Perfis comportamentais e quais so os pontos fortes e fracos de cada um deles, e voc certamente estar entre eles.De BNUS compartilho minhas 4 aulas sobre recolocao profissional / Transio de carreira / Como conquistar a sua promoo / Emprego aps os 50 anos.Espero te encontrar nas aulas, fique a vontade para mandar sugestes e criticas, todos sero muito bem aceitos.O Curso vitalcio - faa bom proveito !Ricardo BisanInstagram- @ricardo_bisan"
Price: 39.99
