"Acid Base Equilibrium" |
"This topic deals with acid-base equilibria in aqueous solution. Hence the Brnsted-Lowry definitions of acid/base are primarily used in the understanding of pH of solutions. (See Section 4) Content Acid dissociation constants, Ka and the use of pKa Base dissociation constants, Kb and the use of pKb The ionic product of water, Kw pH: choice of pH indicators Buffer solutions"
Price: 199.99

"Adobe Audition: How to Clean Up Your Audio" |
"**In This Course:students will learn the BEST methods for cleaning up audio.students will gain an understanding in better recording habits to avoid HUGE editing and workflow delays.students will learn tools such as 'DeNoise & DeReverb' to dramatically improve audio quality of a recording.upon completion, students will have a better understanding of applying techniques to achieve better sounding audio."
Price: 24.99

"Ukrainian for beginners (level 1)" |
"If you know the alphabet, this course is the best course to continue studying Ukrainian.You'll learn food vocabulary with useful grammar:1. Nouns (gender and quantitative forms, Nominative and Accusative case for inanimate nouns) 2. Adjectives (gender and quantitative forms, Nominative and Accusative case for inanimate words)3. Pronouns (personal and possessive)4. Verbs (Present Tense, 1st Conjugation Type)This course has English subtitles (open captions). I speak Ukrainian so you can get used to hear it, but everything I say is translated in subtitles for you."
Price: 199.99

"How to prepare for starting a Business?" |
"This course is for everyone who has wanted to kick start their entrepreneurial or business journey but hasn't taken the plunge because they did not know - How to start a Business?This short and easy to understand course is a simple guide to help you kick start your Entrepreneurial Journey.In the course,Ii provide you with simple to follow steps mixed with real life examples to prepare you.The aim is to guide you on the steps to launch your business. The course has checklists and templates that shortcut the key steps to setting up a business correctly.Think of this course as the ""first preliminary phase"" of starting A Successful Business."
Price: 29.99

"Aromatherapy for stress, anxiety and depression" |
"A basic introduction to oils that can be beneficial for stress, anxiety, and depression.Learn how Aromatherapy can assist you in coping with life's stressors. We go through the process of blending your own healings oils and which oils can assist your specific situation. Learn how to match your ailments to oils and create personal blends just for you, and use them in your daily life.Apply the blends and techniques to everyday life for you and your family."
Price: 19.99

"Easy Statistics: Regression Modelling" |
"Learning and applying new statistical techniques can often be a daunting experience.""Easy Statistics"" is designed to provide you with a compact, and easy to understand, course that focuses on the basic principles of statistical methodology.This course will focus on the concept of regression modelling. Understanding how regression analysis works is only half the battle. There are many pitfalls to avoid and tricks to learn when modelling data in a regression setting. Often, it takes years of experience to accumulate these. In these videos, I will outline some of the most common modelling issues. What is the theory behind them, what do they do and how can we deal with them? Each topic has a practical demonstration in Stata and includes relevant Stata code. However, Stata is not required to follow this course. The main learning outcomes are:To learn and understand the basic approaches to regression modellingTo learn, in an easy manner, tips and tricks to improve your regression modelsTo gain practical experience Themes include:Fundamental of Regression Modelling - What is the Philosophy?Functional Form - How to Model Non-Linear Relationships in a Linear RegressionInteraction Effects - How to Use and Interpret Interaction EffectsUsing Time - Exploring Dynamics Relationships with Time InformationCategorical Explanatory Variables - How to Code, Use and Interpret themDealing with Multicollinearity - Excluding and Transforming Collinear VariablesDealing with Missing Data - How to See the Unseen"
Price: 19.99

"Step by Step Guide for Javascript - Basics to Advanced" |
"****UPDATE [11-June-2020]: New Content Added!!!!!****Around 60+ video content added + Bonus Sections: jQuery and ES6 for ReactJS A perfect java course for all those who want to learn and master Javascript programming skills right from scratch.At the beginning of this JavaScript course, we will help you learn and understand all the basic concepts of javascript. Once you master the basics, we will move on to the advanced topics like object-oriented programming where you will learn the OOPs concepts like data binding, inheritance, data encapsulation, etc. After that, we will move towards the most used part in Javascript - Functional Programming where we will cover the special functions like map, filter, reduce, and many more. We will also cover some essential topics in jQuery which is a widely used javascript library. It is preferred by most developers to write crisp and compact code.We have included the best practices and do's and don'ts in Javascript programming language. We will even explain how to write clean code with the help of comments, the code which other developers can understand. This course is designed in such a way that a person, who does not know anything about programming, will be able to write a clean and well-structured code after completion of this javascript course.Why learn JavaScript?The most obvious reason for learning JavaScript is if you have hopes of becoming a web developer. Even if you havent got your heart set on a tech career, being proficient in JavaScript will enable you to build websites from scratcha pretty useful skill to have in todays job market!1) JavaScript experts are versatile - JavaScript is an extremely versatile language. Once youve mastered JavaScript, the possibilities are endless: you can code on the client-side (frontend) using Angular and on the server-side (backend) using Node.js. You can also develop web, mobile, and desktop apps using React, React Native, and Electron, and you can even get involved in machine learning.2) JavaScript experts are in-demand (and well-paid) - JavaScript is the most popular programming language in the world, so its no wonder that JavaScript is one of the most sought-after skills in the web development industry today. The global demand for JavaScript seems to outweigh the expertise available on the market. According to this HackerRank report, 48% of employers worldwide need developers with JavaScript skills, while only 42% of student developers claim to be proficient in JavaScript.3) JavaScript is beginner-friendly - Compared to many other programming languages, JavaScript offers one of the more beginner-friendly entry points into the world of coding. The great thing about JavaScript is that it comes installed on every modern web browsertheres no need to set up any kind of development environment, which means you can start coding with JavaScript right away!Another advantage of learning JavaScript as your first programming language is that you get instant feedback; with a minimal amount of JavaScript code, youll immediately see visible results. Theres also a huge JavaScript community on sites like Stack Overflow, so youll find plenty of support as you learn. Not only is JavaScript beginner-friendly; it will also set you up with some extremely valuable transferable skills. JavaScript supports object-oriented, functional, and imperative styles of programmingskills which can be transferred to any new language you might learn later on, such as Python, Java, or C++. JavaScript provides a crucial introduction to key principles and practices that youll take with you throughout your career as a developer.Get started with the JavaScript.Happy learningTeam Edyoda"
Price: 19.99

"Dualarnzn Kabul Olmadn m Dnyorsunuz?" |
"Dua ettiiniz halde bir deiiklik olmuyor, dileklerinizin gereklemediini mi dnyorsunuz? Bu durum nce inancnz, sonra motivasyonunuzu, zorluklara kar dayanma gcnz azaltr ve zamanla mcadele gcnz kaybedersiniz. Allah (cc) Mmin suresi 60. ayetinde ""Dua edin, icabet edeyim."" buyuruyor.Peki hatamz nerede? Aslnda her dua kabul olur. Ancak duanz yanl etmiyorsanz. Dualarnzn sonucunu grebilmeniz iin neler yapmalsnz, bu konuda deneyim ve grlerimi sizlerle paylayorum. Dua motivasyon iin en byk glerden birisidir. hayatnda baar iimizde ihtiya duyduumuz gce bu sayede eriebiliriz."
Price: 49.99

audiofyleader99 |
", , . .* * * *"
Price: 19.99

"Speak Saudi accent in daily life" |
"Hello there!!! Welcome to my courseThis course is for all peoples who are interesting to visit Saudi Arabia Also who wants to have a better understanding and speaking Saudi Accent This course teaches you the phrases & Idioms and the basics of the Saudi Accent, and expressions that are belonging to different situationsI'm looking forward to learning with you! This is going to a whole lot of FUN! Let's go"
Price: 199.99

"CompTIA JK0-802 A+ Operating Systems, Security & Mobile Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) A technician is creating a batch script that auto-assigns an action to drive to a drive letter at login. Which of the following commands can achieve this?a) NET USEb) PINGc) XCOPYd) IPCONFIGQ) A 25 computer office is interested to employ a file server, network shares, and print server functionality. Which of the following network configurations would be most suitable for this situation?a) Ad hocb) Working groupc) Domaind) Token ringQ) Which of the following best describes the software or the hardware used to manage virtual machines?a) hypervisorb) Server Manager cloudc) Supervisord) Virtual Disk ManagerQ) A technician is required to change a setting to HKEY_Local_Machine. Which of the following would be the technical use to change this?a) BCEDITb) WEP configurationc) MSCONFIGd) REGEDITQ) Which of the following utilities Control Panel will allow the technician to change the file type associated to a Windows XP machine?a) folder optionsb) administrative toolsc) Accessibility optiond) International and Language Options"
Price: 149.99

sashafoxbra1 |
", : : -"
Price: 19.99

"Mapeamento de Processos:uma ferramenta,vrias possibilidades" |
"Este curso foi feito para ampliar seu campo de viso no mapeamento de processos organizacionais e para te mostrar como obter o mximo de proveito desta ferramenta.Saber sobre as possibilidades que o mapeamento de processos como ferramenta nos oferta e dominar as tcnicas necessrias para utiliza-las um diferencial no mercado de trabalho. Afinal, trata-se de um recurso amplamente utilizado em diferentes cenrios e com diferentes objetivos e caractersticas. Esta diversidade pode gerar dificuldades e incertezas.O curso nasce da ideia de compartilhar caminhos e tcnicas para resolver problemas que eu mesma enfrentei com algumas dificuldades e depois vivenciei tambm, com equipes sob minha responsabilidade. Em resumo, o objetivo demonstrar que o mapeamento, particularmente quando visa a melhoria e redesenho de processos, deve explorar outros aspectos alm do fluxo de atividades que d origem aos fluxogramas.Alm disto, em funo da necessidade crescente de obter resultados imediatos e ao mesmo tempo duradouros, h sempre uma busca por atingir mais preciso em menos tempo. preciso encontrar formas de no colocar em conflito tempo, eficincia e qualidade.Ento, passei a desenvolver, testar e aprimorar tcnicas em inmeros projetos que executei em variados segmentos de negcio e elas esto retratadas no contedo das aulas.Os temas so essenciais para os profissionais da rea, em diferentes tipos de atuao. Ser uma experincia diferenciada e nica, pela bagagem pessoal transportada para as aulas, com muitas dicas, sugestes e exemplos. O curso est estruturado em 09 sees com 60 aulas, com uma aula bnus ao final. Falaremos sobre vrios aspectos importantes, tais como:1. Saiba quais tipos de informaes levantar de acordo com seus objetivos.2. Aprenda como montar o seu prprio Formulrio de Levantamento em diferentes cenrios.3. Saiba como organizar, analisar e utilizar as informaes.4. Aprenda quais produtos podem ser gerados a partir do mapeamento.5. Saiba porque estes produtos so importantes para melhoria, redesenho e gerenciamento de processos.6. Entenda como definir suas entregas.No final do curso, voc ser capaz de criar e aplicar diferentes tcnicas de mapeamento, criar tcnicas para objetivos especficos e adaptar modelos para aplicao em diferentes cenrios.Preparei as aulas para que voc faa isto com habilidade e segurana visando resultados cada vez melhores. O objetivo compartilhar as possibilidades que fui descobrindo ao longo do tempo, a partir de um esforo pessoal."
Price: 204.99

"Princpios e Teorias de Administrao e Organizao" |
"Com o curso Princpios e Teorias de Administrao e Organizao voc entender qual a funo da Administrao na vida das pessoas, como surgiu e o quanto importante para conduzir as organizaes ao sucesso. H algum tempo, mais da metade das organizaes no chegavam a atingir dois anos de existncia, mas este ndice diminuiu bastante, tendo como um aspecto importante o preparo dos empreendedores, com planejamento adequado e o estudo sobre Administrao. Mas na atualidade, ainda muitas empresas no se sustentam ao longo de um curto espao de tempo e acabam fechando as portas.Portanto, neste curso voc aprender o que Administrao, quais habilidades e competncias desenvolver para tornar-se um gestor de sucesso; o que Organizao, seus tipos, tamanhos, dimenses e reas mais comuns. Tambm como se formou o pensamento administrativo e em qual momento a Administrao tornou-se cincia, tambm as Teorias e Escolas Administrativas que surgiram a partir da Revoluo Industrial, que modificou radicalmente a sociedade.Na seo um, uma breve Introduo ao curso. J na seo dois voc entender o que a Administrao, quais so os cinco processos ou funes administrativas, tambm o seu propsito. Vale ressaltar que a Administrao uma das profisses mais importantes do mundo, pois para o sucesso de qualquer empresa necessrio um administrador bem preparado para conduzir as aes organizacionais. Pense em uma pequena empresa, uma multinacional, uma entidade filantrpica e at mesmo um pas, se bem conduzido, por trs sempre existir um administrador competente.Na seo trs, sobre Organizao, voc compreender quais os tipos de organizaes existentes, suas amplitudes e tamanhos, alm de suas reas mais comuns e as atividades relativas. Muitas vezes no nos damos conta, mas todos os produtos e servios que necessitamos so produzidos por organizaes. Olhe ao seu redor e perceba que cada parede, cada parafuso, meios de transporte, entre tantos outros produtos ou servios, foram fabricados por organizaes diferentes, inclusive seu computador, notebook ou celular e a internet para poder assistir a este curso. Na seo quatro ser apresentada uma evoluo sobre a Formao do Pensamento Administrativo, desde as primeiras civilizaes, passando pelos filsofos, cientistas e organizaes imponentes como a Igreja Catlica e o Exrcito que deram importantes contribuies para a Administrao.A Revoluo Industrial, seo 5, alterou o modo de vida da sociedade de forma geral e a Administrao, ento, passa a ser considerada como cincia e a partir deste momento surgem as Teorias e Escolas Administrativas, elaboradas por engenheiros, estudiosos e empresrios que buscaram, em um primeiro momento, influenciar e melhorar a produtividade e a eficincia dos operrios nas organizaes que surgiam, na sequncia tambm trataram da estrutura das empresas, posteriormente das pessoas, do ambiente, da tecnologia. E a reunio de todas estas teorias e escolas o que se define como Teoria Geral da Administrao. isso que voc ver nas sees 6 e 7.Na seo 8, voc ter acesso aos Mapas Mentais de todas as sees apresentadas no curso. Mapa Mental que espcie de diagrama sistematizado pelo psiclogo Tony Buzan e que voltado para a gesto da informao e que auxilia, entre outras aes, para ilustrar conceitos, traar relacionamentos de simetria e que serve como ferramenta para organizar ideias e memorizar informaes partindo da ideia central e palavras chaves atravs de ramificaes. Para alm de estudantes da graduao de Administrao e estudantes de concursos, este curso tambm para voc empreendedor, especificamente as sees 2 e 3, em que so tratados os temas sobre Administrao e Organizao, as demais sees tambm servem para buscar entendimento sobre esta profisso que tem pouco mais de um sculo e que tem mudado o mundo.Confira o contedo do curso abaixo:SEO 1 - INTRODUO.SEO 2 - PRINCPIOS DE ADMINISTRAO:Introduo.Administrao:Definio;Funes Administrativas;Propsito da Administrao.Papel do Administrador:Trs categorias:Interpessoal;Informacional;Decisria.Dez papis:Representao;Liderana;Ligao;Monitorao;Disseminao;Porta-Voz;Empreendimento;Resoluo de Conflitos;Alocao de Recursos;Negociao.Habilidades do Administrador:Habilidades Tcnicas;Habilidades Humanas;Habilidades Conceituais.Competncias do Administrador:Conhecimento;Perspectiva;Julgamento;Atitude.Tarefas e Atribuies do Administrador.SEO 3 - PRINCPIOS DE ORGANIZAO:Introduo.Organizao:Tipos;Tamanhos;Dimenses;Definio;Nveis.reas Organizacionais:Finanas;Marketing;Produo;Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (P&D);Recursos Humanos.rea de Produo:Definio;Atividades.rea de Marketing:Definio;Atividades.rea de Recursos Humanos:Definio;Atividades.rea de Finanas:Definio;Atividades.rea de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (P&D):Definio;Atividades.SEO 4 - FORMAO DO PENSAMENTO ADMINISTRATIVO:Introduo.Contribuies das Civilizaes Antigas:Sumrios;Egpcios;Babilnios;Assrios;Chineses;Gregos;Romanos;Venezianos.Contribuies dos Filsofos:Confcio;Sun Tzu;Mncio;Scrates;Plato;Aristteles;Thomas Hobbes;Jean-Jacques Rousseau.Contribuies dos Cientistas:Francis Bacon;Ren Descartes;Gagileu Galilei;Isaac Newton.Contribuies das organizaes: Exrcito e Igreja Catlica.Igreja Catlica;Exercito Romano.SEO 5 - REVOLUO INDUSTRIAL:Introduo.Primeira Revoluo Industrial:Carvo;Ferro.Segunda Revoluo Industrial:Ao;Eletricidade;Motor de combusto interna.SEO 6 - TEORIAS ADMINISTRATIVAS:Introduo.Teorias Administrativas:Definio;Linhas do Tempo;Enfoques;nfases.SEO 7 - TEORIA GERAL DA ADMINISTRAO:IntroduoTeoria Geral da Administrao:Definio;Escolas Administrativas:nfases;Teorias.SEO 8 - MAPAS MENTAIS:Introduo;Princpios de Administrao;Princpios de Organizao;Formao do Pensamento Administrativo;Revoluo Industrial;Teorias Administrativas;Escolas Administrativas;Teoria Geral da Administrao."
Price: 39.99

"Professional 8086 Assembly Language Guide" |
"This tutorial is particularly intended for engineering students and the students willing to learn astonishing subject in short duration.All the lectures and programming are clearly explained.This course focus on 8086 Assembly programming.Why should I learn Microprocessor and Assembly Language?Microprocessor will help you to learn more about how processor works in real-time. You should be magnificent in coding and a good engineer should also have knowledge of processor activity.Assembly language is very useful if you are interested in Embedded System Design."
Price: 1600.00

"El Camino de Java, Volumen 2" |
"El Camino de Java, Volumen 2, es la continuacin en tu proceso de aprendizaje del lenguaje Java desde lo ms bsico. En este curso, no solamente aprenders el lenguaje Java, tambin te mostrar cientos de ejercicios divertidos y relevantes con los que aprenders las tcnicas de programacin que diferencan a un excelente programador de un programador promedio.Aunque comenzaremos a programar en Java desde los conceptos ms bsicos, no te quedes con la idea de que este es un curso para principiantes, porque despus de aprender lo bsico, aprenders a detalle muchos conceptos considerados por muchos como conceptos avanzados: Expresiones lambda, multithreading y sincronizacin de threads, genricos, patrones de diseo y mucho ms. Consulta el temario completo para conocer detalles.Si eres principiante, aqu encontrars todo lo que necesitas para iniciarte en la programacin con Java, pero an si eres un programador experimentado, encontrars muchas tcnicas de programacin que desconocas o que ya habas olvidado."
Price: 79.99

"Franzsisch fr Einsteiger 1" |
"Wortschatz fr alle LebensbereicheDie richtige Aussprache lernen durch aktives Nachsprechen von MuttersprachlernHohe Gedchtnisleistung durch cleveres WiederholenGrammatik-Baukasten Schritt fr Schritt - Fokus auf das Wichtigste, kein Klein-KleinGlasklare Erklrungen, die jeder verstehtFang mit einfachen Stzen an, die allmhlich lnger werden - du bst zahlreiche Kombinationen und wirst so flexibelRechtschreibung so viel oder so wenig du willst, ganz nach Wunsch"
Price: 79.99

"Design of Experiments: Concepts and Application Case Studies" |
"This course contains: Introduction to design of experiments with illustrated and animated videos How to create statistically designed experiment and analyse it How to calculate main effects and interaction effects Structure of Full Factorial Designs Fractional Factorial Designs: confounding, resolution and selection of designs Creating and Analysing Design using Minitab as well as SigmaXL software Quizzes for the videos to test comprehension"
Price: 4160.00

"Logic Live Loops Logic Pro X - 10.5 Update" |
"Logic Pro X has been redefined in the latest Logic 10.5 Update! A lot has changed!! The brand new Live Loops Feature has changed how you can produce and perform music inside of Logic Pro X! Gone are the days of music recording being boring! Logic Live Loops allows you to get hands on with your Logic Project. From sketching ideas in the studio, to building a comprehensive live performance! Logic has been brought into the modern day! Right now Logic Live Loops is underrated, too many people are stuck in the old way of working inside of Logic Pro X that they have been using for years! If you want to move forward with your music production, and get the most out of the latest features inside of Logic Pro X. Then learning and using Logic Live Loops is the answer!In this course, I will take you through the various features inside of Logic Live Loops! We will even take a look at the other really cool Logic 10.5 update features! Such as exploring the brand new Step Sequencer, Remix FX and the recently update Logic Remote! Which allows you to control Logic Pro X with your iPhone or iPad!! YES it's as cool as it sounds!! "
Price: 29.99

"Understanding DCDB Schematic Drawings" |
"Hi,In this training I have explained complete drawings of DC Distribution Circuit. I have covered following topics.* Understanding Scheme with two incomer* Understanding Legends * Basic Idea of DCDB* Understanding Single Line Diagram of DCDB* Function of DCDB* Automatic & Manual Operation of DCDB* Logic Table for Automatic Operation of DCDB* Explained DCDB Circuit design for implementation of logic table* Explained what will happen if one of the Incomer Trips * What is function of Bus Coupler* Explain MCCB UVT Relay * Voltage Supervision of DC Supply * How DCDB interlocking works*DCDB Heater & Fan Circuit*DCDB Annunciator Circuit* Lamp Test scheme explained*Incoming & Outgoing MCB * Hotter Circuit Explained* Acknowledge, Reset explainedDCDB drawings are best for someone who start to learn drawings and I will really recommend this training.Regards M. Kashif"
Price: 59.99

"Understanding ACDB Schematic Drawings" |
"Hi,In this training I have explained complete drawings of DC Distribution Circuit. I have covered following topics.* Understanding Scheme with two incomer* Understanding Legends * Basic Idea of ACDB* Understanding Single Line Diagram of ACDB* Function of ACDB* Automatic & Manual Operation of ACDB* Logic Table for Automatic Operation of ACDB* Explained ACDB Circuit design for implementation of logic table* Explained what will happen if one of the Incomer Trips * What is function of Bus Coupler* Explain MCCB UVT Relay * Voltage Supervision of DC Supply * How ACDB interlocking works*ACDB Heater & Fan Circuit*ACDB Annunciator Circuit* Lamp Test scheme explained*Incoming & Outgoing MCB * Hotter Circuit Explained* Acknowledge, Reset explainedDCDB drawings are best for someone who start to learn drawings and I will really recommend this training.Regards M. Kashif"
Price: 59.99

"FACEBOOK ADS: Russir sa Publicit Facebook de A Z" |
"CONTENU DE LA FORMATION FACEBOOK ADSModule 1 : Introduction la publicit Facebook.Module 2 : Comment booster une publication Facebook.Module 3 : Les bases de la publicit Facebook.Module 4 : Cration de campagnes de publicit Facebook.Module 5 : Les 3 Niveaux de Ciblage daudience dans Facebook.Module 6 : Bien crire pour des publicits FacebookModule 7 : Comment analyser les rsultats de vos campagnes FacebookModule 8 : La publicit de A Z, le cas dInstagram.Module 9 : Allez plus loin avec Facebook, le cas de Pixel.PROGRAMME DE LA FORMATION Facebook Ads Introduction Rseaux Sociaux et Marketing Digital. Dmarrer avec Facebook Dmarrer avec la publicit des rseaux sociaux Connaitre les options dachats avances Cibler la bonne audience Se faire connaitre et stimuler lintrt Gnrer des prospects et/ou promouvoir mon site Web Augmenter les ventes en lignes et/ou en magasin Choisir les formats publicitaires Inspiration pour le contenu Grer les publicits et suivi des KPI En savoir plus sur Instagram et Messenger Allez plus loin avec le Social MdiaLa formation sera agrmente dexemples et cas pratiques et donnera lieu la composition dun projet de fin de formation."
Price: 99.99

"PMI-SP practice exam" |
"Save time & money! Enroll in the most comprehensive online PMI-SP exam mock test.. Based on the PMI-SP exam content outline 350 Questions based on comprehensive course content! 5 exam simulations (including 50 exams like questions each). 1 exam simulation with 100 questions. Detailed explanations 100% verified questions and answers with explanations. Clear, Concise, Easy to Understand. .Questions will direct you to the syllabus and really helpful to save time to schedule your real exam. Exam Name: PMI-SP Practice Exam. Total Questions: 350 Type of Questions: Multiple-choice Time Allowed: 7 hours Passing score: (280 of 350)"
Price: 12480.00

"Neural Networks in Python from Scratch: Complete guide" |
"Artificial neural networks are considered to be the most efficient Machine Learning techniques nowadays, with companies the likes of Google, IBM and Microsoft applying them in a myriad of ways. Youve probably heard about self-driving cars or applications that create new songs, poems, images and even entire movie scripts! The interesting thing about this is that most of these were built using neural networks. Neural networks have been used for a while, but with the rise of Deep Learning, they came back stronger than ever and now are seen as the most advanced technology for data analysis.One of the biggest problems that Ive seen in students that start learning about neural networks is the lack of easily understandable content. This is due to the fact that the majority of the materials that are available are very technical and apply a lot of mathematical formulas, which simply makes the learning process incredibly difficult for whomever wishes to take their first steps in this field. With this in mind, the main objective of this course is to present the theoretical and mathematical concepts of neural networks in a simple yet thorough way, so even if you know nothing about neural networks, youll understand all the processes. Well cover concepts such as perceptrons, activation functions, multilayer networks, gradient descent and backpropagation algorithms, which form the foundations through which you will understand fully how a neural network is made. Well also cover the implementations on a step-by-step basis using Python, which is one of the most popular programming languages in the field of Data Science. Its important to highlight that the step-by-step implementations will be done without using Machine Learning-specific Python libraries, because the idea behind this course is for you to understand how to do all the calculations necessary in order to build a neural network from scratch.To sum it all up, if you wish to take your first steps in Deep Learning, this course will give you everything you need. Its also important to note that this course is for students who are getting started with neural networks, therefore the explanations will deliberately be slow and cover each step thoroughly in order for you to learn the content in the best way possible. On the other hand, if you already know your way around neural networks, this course will be very useful for you to revise and review some important concepts.Are you ready to take the next step in your professional career? Ill see you in the course!"
Price: 199.99

"Escultura em argila - aprenda a modelar animais realistas!" |
"Vou te revelar todo o meu processo de criao - do incio ao fim, com todas as dicas e truques - e ensinar como gerar a ideia para uma escultura, lhe passar algumas noes bsicas de anatomia, mostrar as ferramentas que utilizo, como trabalhar com a argila, como construir sua pea, como dar acabamento, queimar e pintar. Com base neste curso, voc poder criar inmeros animais, e vai descobrir que capaz de muito mais do que imagina!"
Price: 84.99

"Visit Paris: best places and tips to enjoy your stay (2020)" |
"When I started the course, I wondered which information would be the most useful for people coming from all over the world with no knowledge at all of the city of Paris. And I have decided to talk to you about practical things, things you are very likely to need such as : do I have to pay for toilets ? Where do I get food? What sort of electrical adaptor should I take with me? or even: which restaurants are the most fashionable or the least expensive if I am on a low budget? Or the contrary : where do I buy Chanel clothes? (although this one you can find anywhere!) There is information such as bank holidays and the usual weather that is also essential when a tourist travels to Paris.I have tried to give as many tips as possible for you to enjoy your stay in this magnificent city and maybe come back there again!"
Price: 24.99

"Hands on Complete Metasploit Framework - Beginner To Advance" |
"In the courses ""Hands on Complete Metasploit Framework - Beginner To Advance"",you will learn various concepts of ethical Hacking using metasploit.You will be able to hack linux and windows machine by generating payload using msfvenom. From open-source research and information gathering to the exploitation and covering of their tracks, you will learn hands-on techniques to probe your network for vulnerabilities and understand how they are exploited. You will learn to think like a hacker in order to thwart black hat hackers future attacks on your networks"
Price: 19.99

"Fit by Nature" |
"(English version below)Fit by Nature macht dich glcklich, gesund und leistungsfhig.Wir zeigen dir, wie du die Vorteile von Waldbaden und natrlicher Fitness kombinierst.Du gehst raus, atmest frische Luft ein, durch die Sonne wird deine Vitamin D Produktion angekurbelt.Die Atmosphre des Waldes strkt dein Immunsystem und dein Stresspegel wird enorm gesenkt.Die Natur bietet das abwechslungsreichste Fitnesstudio, um dich auszutoben. Und es ist vollkommen kostenlos. Durch Meditations- und Achtsamkeitsbungen wird deine Alltagsstress reduziert und deine Wahrnehmung mit allen Sinnen geschrft.Mach tgliche Bewegung zu einem Erlebnis, das dein Leben verndern wird.------------------Fit by Nature will make you happy, healthy and productive, and we will show you how to combine the advantages of forest bathing and natural fitness.You go out, breathe fresh air, the sun stimulates your vitamin D production. The atmosphere of the forest strengthens your immune system and your stress level is reduced enormously. Nature offers the most varied gym to let off steam. And it's completely free. Meditation and mindfulness exercises will reduce your everyday stress and sharpen your perception with all senses.Turn daily exercise into an experience that will change your life.Have FunMaik & Phil"
Price: 59.99

"Iniciacin Canto moderno orientado al Rock" |
"Curso de canto para personas que quieran comenzar a cantar y para cantantes que ya tienen experiencia y necesiten ampliar conocimientos y afianzar, igualmente, sus conocimientos previos. Sencillo y muy directo para que no te agobies aprendiendo. Aprende a estar seguro cuando vayas a cantar y tengas muy claro qu has de hacer en todo momento. Aprende respiracin, colocacin de la voz, tcnica del perfil, etc."
Price: 24.99

"Adobe Experience Manager Forms Architect - AD0-E101" |
"To pass your Adobe Forms Architect Certification Exam in first attempt this questions are very helpful.Not sure all questions are appear on your Adobe Exam.Prerequisites: A typical candidate appearing for AEM Architect certification should have :-4-5 Year of experience in AEM Forms.Two years experience as a java developer.Involved in at least 4 AEM Forms implementations.Should have experience on Adobe LiveCycle Suite ES4Should clear AEM Forms Developer certification(9A0-410).Experience on AEM is much needed."
Price: 1280.00

"Install SAP Netweaver AS ABAP Dev. Ed. 7.52SP4 on openSUSE" |
"This course will walk you through the steps of installing SAP Netweaver AS ABAP Developers Edition 7.52SP4 from downloading the software, setting up your virtual server on openSUSE, configuring the server and finally logging into SAP and obtaining your developer license from SAP.We will look at:download of all software required to complete the course and get you up and running,an in-depth configuration of VMware Workstation as we configure the settings for your virtual machine,installation and configuration of openSUSE,network configurations to connect to your host system,installation of SAP Netweaver,installation of SAP GUI,configuration of SAP GUI to connect to your new server,obtaining your personal license from SAP and applying it to your installation, and finally,writing your first SAP ABAP Program - Hello World!Please join me as we walk through all these steps together, with easy to follow high quality audio and video lessons."
Price: 49.99
