"Learn Asp DotNet C Sharp" |
"Through this course you will master the c# language, covering from the basics to advanced features, learn Datatypes, Loops, Generics, the concepts of Object Oriented Programming Language, delegates, threading,. This course is a must for someone new to OOPs or wants to brush up the fundamentals before getting to web or win development."
Price: 19.99

"Excel - Essencial" |
"Nesse curso trazemos as principais ferramentas para se trabalhar com a ferramenta Excel. No dividimos entre bsico e avanado, por entender que os principais elementos esto presentes em diferentes nveis de complexidade.Dessa forma, nosso curso traz elementos que vo desde o bsico at o avanado trazendo aquilo que essencial aprender."
Price: 39.99

"STAAD Pro - Analysis of Steel Structures: Examples & Theory" |
"You will be learning all you need to know about structural analysis of low-rise steel buildings using STAAD Pro in your professional career according to international norms like American codes and standards. The course will be discussing very essential topics, including assigning load combinations according to ASCE7/IBC, crane, wind and seismic load applications according to ASCE7/MBMA and UBC 97 respectively as well as the design of the crane runway beam. Moreover, you will learn how to check your structure's deflection against the serviceability requirements/limits and optimization of steel section sizes as per codes ASCE7/IBC. Furthermore, design of composite beam, deck slab, purlins, truss, generating reports, getting base support reactions, beam end forces, stress ratios of members, member take off, using STAAD editor, Section Wizard and many more interesting and important topics like steel material properties and mechanics will be discussed in the course."
Price: 39.99

"Redes para Telecom - Bsico" |
"Aprenda conceitos bsicos sobre redes de computadores, neste curso online voc aprender o necessrio para aprofundar seus estudos em cursos intermedirios e avanados. Voc aprender, mesmo tendo pouca ou nenhuma experincia no assunto, sobre topologias de redes, meios de transmisso, classes de ip, dispositivos de redes, modelo OSI e muito mais.O curso serve como base terica para quem ir fazer uma certificao como: MTCNA, CCNA, UEWA, HCNA... o que observamos com o passar do tempo que muitas pessoas que j trabalham com redes tm dificuldade de compreender assuntos avanados e at mesmo detalhar a resoluo de um problema porque faltam a elas um maior embasamento. Este curso visa preencher esta lacuna na formao de muitos tcnicos."
Price: 84.99

"Ingls para Au Pairs" |
"O curso contm aulas temticas de ingls especfico para candidatos a participar do programa de au pair nos EUA. As aulas so relacionadas as etapas do programa como entrevista com a agncia, entrevista com a host family e tambm diversas situaes do dia a dia da au pair nos EUA."
Price: 279.99

"How to Sell Anything With Confidence - Sales Mastery Program" |
"Welcome to how to sell anything with confidence - sales mastery training. I hope to hear one day in the future how you have gained life-changing skills so you can sell your products and service with confidence and skill. As I have been told by so many of my students before you. Would you be curious to know if this program is worth you investing your time and money? Answer these two questions and you'll then know.1. If I asked you to sell me your product or service, using a system and set of skills you have proven works, to achieve the sale, could you? 2. If I asked you to show me the system you use that attracts prospects and converts them into buying customers, could you? If you answer no, or I/we could be much better in these 2 areas, then this course is for you. If you want to learn how to sell your products or services with confidence and skill, achieve your ideal sales target. Stand out from your competition and secure the future of your business and career. You will learn quickly and efficiently a proven sales mastery system, I have personally used for years that has given me the skill and confidence to take prospects to happy buying customers who are happy to pay me many thousands of $$ for my services. As I was told by an accountant I trained to sell with a skill who made over $360,000 from one client conversion, who said he came out from the meeting and high fived himself he was so happy with this result. As he learned I will teach you the 7 Pillar Business Sales Growth System, which you start the training by doing the QUIZ to find out quickly if you are a Yellow, Green, or Black Belt, Sales Mastery level. Then you will build your knowledge and skills for how to take your sales skills to the next belt level of sales mastery. Very exciting. Using the 7 Pillar Business Sales Growth Success System which forms the foundation of this programHas empowered people from all industries to achieve 20% to 300%++ in customer acquisition, conversion, and sales revenue growth. This program is packed with valuable insights and processes for how others apply these skills and learn to sell. How to go from confusion and hating selling and sales to enjoying it and it being fun. How to transform, productivity, and customer acquisition, and sales revenue growth.How to make a phone call and get meetings and make sales. How to meet with a prospect and convert them into happy buying customers. How to sell on value and be paid your worth, not what your competition charges. What to do and say to confidently handle objections and move to a yes and get the sale.Learn what modern authentic natural selling is and how it aligns with marketing. Where you have endless opportunity for growth within your business. Empowering you with the confidence and skill to grow your client base and sales revenue and make for an exciting future.Gain fresh new insight into how businesses and professionals are learning what modern, authentic value-based selling is. As the saying goes, motivation is wonderful, marketing is very important, but when you merge modern skillful selling skills to your daily activities, you will become unstoppable. That is what I wish for you. To help more customers, achieve your sales targets, build successful business and careers. To your success, you can do it! Trevor Russell Sales growth strategist, consultant, trainer, coach, speaker, author Results Academy Australia"
Price: 109.99

"How to Get Your Teen Off Their Phone" |
"Want to get yout teens off their phones?When kids are looking down on their phone, they are not seeing the big picture of the world. There needs to be more of a balance. You know it, I know it. Now what are you going to do about it?In this course I explain the whys of hows of getting your teens (and preteens) off their phone. And practical steps you can take to get there. They don't have to give up your phone completely. I love my phone and understand if kids love their phones. You probably adore yours too. (I even get it that we all have a love/hate relationship with it.) Phones are not going away. But knowing the dangers will help you make smarter choices for your kids (and yourself) going forward. Like, spending some designate time away from the phone each day, hopefully doing some physical movement. Or, make sure they are involved in creative activities, and in-person with good, uplifting people for a significant part of the day.You'll get happier teenagers who grow into well-balanced adults.You'll enjoy closer relationships with your teen with less conflict.The entire family will enjoy more peace and less stress in your home.You'll watch your teenagers working at their potential."
Price: 19.99

"Energy Flow - Breath Masterclass Pranayama & Meditation" |
"""For breath is life, if you breathe well you will live long on earth.""~ Sanskrit proverbGet Relaxation, a Strong Immune System and More Energy with the ""Breath Masterclass"". It contains everything from Basic Breathing Exercises like Belly Breathing to the most advanced and secret practices like Pranayama and Tibetan Breath Yoga.About The Instructor:Jonas Over helps people to overcome stress and pain and to restore balance and strength in body and mind.For many years he was struggeling with chronic fatigue, back pain and stress in his life until he came across methods like Breathing Exercises and Tibetan Breath Yoga.He experienced painlessness and a lot of fresh energy in everyday life faster than with conventional training and was also amazed about the feelings of harmony and inner joy that arise from these extraordinary methods.Until today he learnt from several teachers and completed various instructor educations. He teaches private clients, companys and does workshops.It is his passion to help people achieve a healthy, vital and strong body as well as a balanced and joyful state of mind and therefore he created the Breath Masterclass!"
Price: 199.99

"SAP Abap (C_TAW12_750) Certification Practice Tests/MCQ 2020" |
"Upgrade your confirmation score. Despite the fact that you're working at a top organization, you'll need to keep your accreditation score up. It's significant for your pursuit of employment, particularly on the off chance that you need to go for a more elevated level position. At the point when you're searching for new openings, individuals will be screening your resume a piece with accreditations. Comprehend the test structure and what's in store; at that point stroll through every subject region, test yourself with training questions and replies, and guarantee you're prepared to take the affirmation. Test Questions like genuine SAP Certified Development Associate Certification. Online practice test to be finished in Specified Time Duration. Practice tests are made by Subject Matter Experts. Your outcomes are quickly accessible, while you remain concentrated on your test results. Practice tests gives the response to a test/questions you haven't just learned. Test Questions like real Certification Exam. Life time Access to rehearse tests to attempt the same number of times until you ace the subject. You approach practice test answers 24 hours every day, 365 days per year. In case you're not fulfilled, you can without much of a stretch come back to the training test to make rectifications. The training test have been planned cautiously by keeping up the test structure , schedule, subject loads , cut score and time term same as genuine accreditation test. The point of the training test is to permit the possibility to distinguish the dangers identified with a test subjects and have the option to remember them while examining a genuine practice situation. Candidates should ensure that they can finish the training assessment completely and breeze through all the different decision assessments by and large nature. Official Exam Details: Test Name : SAP Certified Development Associate - (C_TAW12_750) ABAP with SAP NetWeaver 7.50 Test: 80 inquiries Test Cut Score: 59% Test Duration: 180 mins Kind of Questions : Multiple decision (single/numerous), True/False"
Price: 19.99

"Pointers for C - Practice test & MCQ Questions and Answers" |
"A pointer is an article that stores a memory address. This can be that of another worth situated in PC memory, or now and again, that of memory mapped PC equipment. A pointer references an area in memory, and getting the worth put away at that area is known as dereferencing the pointer. As a relationship, a page number in a book's record could be viewed as a pointer to the comparing page; dereferencing such a pointer would be finished by turning to the page with the given page number and perusing the content found on that page. The genuine arrangement and substance of a pointer variable is subject to the hidden PC design Utilizing pointers altogether improves execution for dull tasks like crossing iterable information structures, for example strings, query tables, control tables and tree structures. Specifically, it is frequently a lot less expensive in reality to duplicate and dereference pointers than it is to duplicate and access the information to which the pointers point. Pointers are additionally used to hold the addresses of passage focuses for called subroutines in procedural programming and for run-time connecting to dynamic connection libraries (DLLs). In object-situated programming, pointers to capacities are utilized for restricting techniques, regularly utilizing what are called virtual strategy tables A pointer is a basic, progressively solid usage of the more dynamic reference information type. A few dialects, particularly low-level dialects, bolster some sort of pointer, albeit some have a greater number of limitations on their utilization than others. While ""pointer"" has been utilized to allude to references when all is said in done, it all the more appropriately applies to information structures whose interface expressly permits the pointer to be controlled (mathematically by means of pointer number juggling) as a memory address, rather than an enchantment treat or capacity which doesn't permit such. Since pointers permit both secured and unprotected access to memory addresses, there are dangers related with utilizing them, especially in the last case. Crude pointers are regularly put away in an organization like a whole number; in any case, endeavoring to dereference or ""look into"" such a pointer whose worth is certifiably not a legitimate memory address will make a program crash. To reduce this possible issue, as an issue of type wellbeing, pointers are viewed as a different sort defined by the kind of information they point to, regardless of whether the basic portrayal is a number. Different measures may likewise be taken, (for example, approval and limits checking), to confirm that the pointer variable contains a worth that is both a substantial memory address and inside the numerical range that the processor is equipped for tending to. These inquiries will give you fundamental thought for Examination Preparation as well as meeting on Pointers for C Programming. If it's not too much trouble Note: These inquiries are just for training and understanding degree of information as it were. It isn't important that these inquiries could possibly show up for assessments as well as inquiries questions In this training test, in view of enormous measure of inquiries (around 51 inquiries) some of inquiries may have rehashed I needed to put as 70% pass rate on the grounds that there may likewise not be right answers from my side."
Price: 19.99

"Complete Cyber Practice Test 2020 - Cyber Practice MCQs" |
"Welcome to The ""Complete Cyber Practice Test 2020 - Cyber Practice MCQs""Is it true that you are prepared to test your abilities and information in the zone of digital security? Discover where you remain on these training tests. In this training test set, we'll spread the accompanying points from Volume 1 Know yourself Know your adversary Encryption Setting up a Testing Environment Using Virtual Machines Working frameworks Containing three 2 hour tests. More inquiries are as a rule persistently included. Model inquiry;"
Price: 19.99

"Java SE Desde Cero" |
"Aprenda los conceptos bsicos, las herramientas y las funciones que necesitar para crear programas completamente funcionales con el popular lenguaje de programacin, Java.Construya una base slida en Java y programacin orientada a objetos con este curso para principiantes.Caractersticas del Lenguaje Java.Decisiones y Bucles.Clases, Objetos y Mtodos. Herencia.Interfaz Grfica de Usuario.Una habilidad poderosa a tu alcanceJava es gratuito, fcil de aprender, tiene una excelente documentacin y es la base de todos los lenguajes de programacin orientados a objetos.Java es actualmente el lenguaje numero 1 entre los mejores pagados en el mundo entero, lo cual ofrece una posibilidad inmensa de inclusin laboral al tener conocimientos de este. Contenido y descripcin generalAdecuado para programadores principiantes, a travs de este curso de 115 conferencias y 10 horas de contenido, aprender todos los fundamentos de Java y establecer una slida comprensin del concepto detrs de la programacin orientada a objetos (OOP). Cada captulo se cierra con ejercicios, poniendo sus nuevas habilidades aprendidas en uso prctico de inmediato.Comenzando con la instalacin del Kit de desarrollo de Java, este curso lo llevar a travs de tipos de variables de Java, operadores y cmo usarlos. Al crear clases y objetos, podr establecer una slida comprensin de la POO.Con estos conceptos bsicos dominados, el curso lo llevar a travs del control del flujo del programa al ensearle cmo usar los bucles, los bucles while y las declaraciones condicionales if-else para agregar complejidad y funcionalidad a sus programas.Los estudiantes que completen el curso tendrn el conocimiento para crear programas Java funcionales y tiles.Completo con archivos de trabajo y ejemplos de cdigo, podr trabajar junto con el autor a medida que trabaja en cada concepto, y recibir un certificado verificable de finalizacin al finalizar el curso."
Price: 19.99

"watercolour drawing from start the art & science of drawing" |
"In this course you will be able to learn 3 water colour drawings in which 1 drawing is of sunset and 2 drawings are couple drawingsPlease purchase this course and I assure you on be half of udemy that the cources will be available lifetime.Hope you will like the course and will give your best rating possibleAnd enjoy the landscape painting by Jay nale only on Udemy.Watercolour drawingHow to do watercolour drawingHow to drawDrawing for beginners Watercolour drawing beginners course Watercolour painting How to draw. How to do watercolour."
Price: 99.99

"programming fundamentals" |
": : 1- . 2- . 3- . 4- . 5- ."
Price: 19.99

"Getting Started with Amazon Virtual Private Cloud !" |
"Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) is a foundation service from AWS. Whether you are a Solutions Architect,System Administrator,Developer or DevOps Engineer understanding VPC is very important when working with AWS.This course is designed to provide you with solid foundation on VPC. This course is divided into various sections What and Why of VPC ?Review of Networking Concepts relevant for VPCComponents of VPCSecurity Groups and Network Access Control ListNAT and VPCEach section contains multiple lectures each focussing on key element of VPC. First the concept is explained which is then followed by a set of demos. Each section ends with Quiz enabling you to check your understanding before going ahead with subsequent sections. At the end of the course Final Quiz allows you apply all the learning and test your knowledge to the questions taken from the real world. So this course should be very useful to those who are working with VPC on various projects. I have cleared 7 AWS certifications on AWS so far and I found VPC knowledge very helpful in clearing various AWS certifications including Solutions Architect , SysOps and Security Specialty certification especially.However note that this is not the certification preparation course !Join this course today and complete it so as to gain maximum benefit out of this course.!Thanks for your time and I wish you all the best to you for your cloud journey."
Price: 19.99

"Practical Java Programming Practices (120+ Common Projects)" |
"Welcome to Practical Java programming practices (120+ common projects)! Learning Java programming language and understanding Java programming language are two different things. Almost every student enjoy learning Java programming language. But, only a few number of these students actually understand Java programming language afterwards. This is where the remaining students are left behind and kept wandering from one course to another over the internet to get the best knowledge on understanding Java programming language with cups of coffee on their table everyday.120+ Java programming best practices for absolute beginner is a comprehensive and concise guide with over 8 hours of content that is designed to pick up every interested student from the state of zero-knowledge to a state of Hero-knowledge in Java programming with lots of practical Java projects. Why Must I Take This Course?Emenwa Global instructors are industry experts with years of practical, real-world experience building software at industry leading companies. They are sharing everything they know to teach thousands of students around the world, just like you, the most in-demand technical and non-technical skills (which are commonly overlooked) in the most efficient way so that you can take control of your life and unlock endless exciting new career opportunities in the world of technology, no matter your background or experience."
Price: 199.99

"Learn Vedic Astrology - Know your Future & COVID Prediction" |
"Hi,We begin from the introduction and cover all the basics of Vedic astrology.1. Introduction to Vedic Astrology2. Planets3. Zodiacs4. Houses or Bhavas5. Classifications6. Elements & Gunas 7. Dignity8. Friendship9. Shadbala10. Planets in house11. Conjunction12. Aspect13. Yogas14. Reading a horoscopeBy the end of the course, you should be able to comfortably read any horoscope."
Price: 1280.00

"How to Give Instructions & Orders in English" |
"This course is created specifically for people with very low level of English who need to use it and improve it quickly. It is focused on solving a very specific problem - how to give instructions, orders, directions, how to make requests and suggestions and much more.In this course, you will learn:basic structures you needbasic vocabulary you needhow to use the acquired structureswhere to use the acquired structureshow to make combinations and make new sentenceshow to continue improving on your own after the courseAfter this course, you will be able to:give instructionsgive ordersgive directionsmake requestsmake suggestionswish someone wellinvite someone to do somethingfollow instructions in manuals and tutorialsThe course gives you very specific tools and helps you build your knowledge and skills step by step focusing on your needs throughout the process.This course is perfect for Beginners or those with very little knowledge of English language. It can be useful for Intermediate students who lack confidence and have many doubts about English grammar.This course is not for Advanced learners."
Price: 29.99

"Sorting Algorithms from Beginner to Expert" |
"This is an online Comprehensive Course with more than 5 hours of Videos in which we will be covering various Sorting Algorithms in detail using Visual and Animated presentation .Sorting Algorithms are Discussed with Example, then their algorithms, then their line by line coding explained using C++ followed by Complexity Analysis using BIG O Notation.We will be covering both Comparison and Non Comparison based Sorting , What's Covered : Bubble SortMerge SortTwo Way Merge SortQuick SortInsertion SortSelection SortCounting Sort Radix SortHeap SortAt the end of this Course you can check your concepts by attempting the Practice test ( Assignment and Quiz) based on Interview Questions ."
Price: 24.99

"Kids Drawing and Basic Art - Dinosaurs Drawing and Coloring" |
"Are you looking for an easy and structured method to draw Dinosaurs? Then you are in the right place and you will definitely have something new to pick-up from this class. The instructor will take you through a step by step process to capture some of your favorite Dinosaurs in art!By the end of the course, you would have created a spectacular Dino Art project including Oil pastel coloring and watercolor painting!"
Price: 34.99

"Corso di HTML da principiante ad intermedio [italiano-2020]" |
"Ciao sono Gabriele, e con questo corso cercher di spiegarvi in modo semplice ed immediato il linguaggio di Markup HTML.Inizier spiegando in parole povere in cosa consiste e come funziona.Lasciando delle risorse in descrizione ai vari video in caso di difficolt.Il corso sar composto in varie fasi dove potrete imparare:Cos' e come funziona HTML?La definizione e spiegazione dei vari tag pi importanti di HTMLCompiti da svolgere e dei progetti a fine sessioni.Vi aspetto! "
Price: 24.99

"The Complete Filmora9 Course For Professional Video Editing" |
"In this video editing course, you will learn how to use wondershare filmora9 video editing software to edit videos like a pro.This course is targeted as individuals who want to learn how to edit great videos, YouTube creators, Social media managers, Product owners, SME's , individuals seeking to start a career as video editor, bloggers, vloggers, digital marketers e.t.cNo prerequisite knowledge is required as this course will teach you (step by step) basic concepts from the very scratch to advance video editing techniques in filmora9.Participants will have the opportunity to practice using the course files which can be downloaded for free via the course website. This course is divided into six(6) sections with the following goals/section: Introduction to Professional video editing with filmora9.Understand basic editing tools in filmora9 and complete section project.Know how to add effects, transition, and titles and complete a project.How to clean noisy background and add sound effects.Master advanced topics like green screen, split screen and advanced color correction.How to export your video in different formatsThis course also includes a bonus section where you'll learn the step by step process of cleaning audio files and noise reduction using audacity audio editing software."
Price: 19.99

"You are perhaps venturing into the unknown and starting something that is challenging and new. Perhaps you are already in business or perhaps you have tried to start a business of your own with little success. Whichever the case maybe, this session will help you to organize your thoughts about the business you wish to start in a systematic way.Your decision to start a business of your own is both exciting and a big one. It will change your life in many ways.While your business provides an opportunity to make a lot of money and satisfy your needs, it also posses a number of challenges and risks.There are many things you should think about before you start a business. The success or growth of your new business venture depends largely on what steps you take or have taken to start your new business. This session will help you to take appropriate steps to start a viable business."
Price: 34.99

"Italiano para hispanohablantes - Nivel inicial" |
"En este curso vamos a aprender el Italiano desde el principio.Es un curso para todos: chicos, adultos y mayores.Hay 5 vdeos con ejercicios para practicar su aprendizaje.Vamos a ver los asuntos de cada clase:1) Vamos a aprender los saludos y el presente de indicativo de los verbos ESSERE y AVERE2) Vamos a aprender algunas palabras de la familia y como se forma el gnero de las palabras3) Vamos a aprender como hacer una descripcion de alguien, como se forma el plural de las palabras y los adjetivos posesivos4) Vamos a aprender cuales son las acciones habituales (la rutina) y como se forma el presente de los verbos regulares5) Vamos a aprender los nmeros, el nombre de los das de la semana, de lo meses y estaciones y como indicar la fecha y la hora"
Price: 39.99

"Ilmu lengkap wajib untuk pendiri bisnis!" |
"GAMBARAN PELAJARANPelajaran di bagi dalam beberapa bagian dimana setiap bagian terkait dengan fase dari seorang pebisnis: ketika masih ingin mencari peluang bisnis, ketika memulai bisnis, ketika menjalankan bisnis, ketika membesarkan bisnis, sampai dengan kesalahan2 yang bisa dihindari ketika berbisnis. Pelajaran ini akan terus diperbaharui sejalan dengan waktu, sehingga anda akan mendapatkan lifetime access terhadap seluruh ilmu bisnis yang diperlukanAnda mendapatkan akses 24 jam terhadap materi yang ada disiniMateri terus diupdate oleh pengajar setiap bulan Anda bisa menanyakan berbagai macam hal kepada pengajar lewat kolom Q&AMENGAPA PENTING UNTUK MENGUASAI ILMU BERBISNIS?Anda bisa menang main catur kalau anda sudah tahu cara mainnya, sudah tahu triknya, sudah tahu celahnya! Anda punya dua pilihan, main caturnya sendiri terus sampai beratus-ratus kali kalah dan belajar dari pengalaman tersebut atau anda langsung belajar pada orang yang sudah pengalaman: cara mainnya, triknya, celahnya. Cara kedua tentu akan lebih cepat!! Dalam berbisnis juga sama, anda bisa meningkatkan kesuksesan berbisnis kalau anda sudah tahu cara mainnya, sudah tahu triknya, sudah tau celahnya. Anda bisa langsung belajar dari orang yang sudah berpengalaman agar menghindari kesalahan yang tak perlu, meningkatkan kemungkinan sukses dan juga menemukan peluang bisnis!PROFIL PENGAJARTjokro Wimantara, CFALulusan dari Tsinghua MIT Global MBA Program dengan penghargaan 'Distinguished International Student Award' dan juga 'Outstanding Master's Dissertation Award'. Ia pernah bekerja di beberapa perusahaan besar (seperti Infineon, Siemens, OCBC Bank) sebelum terjun ke dalam dunia bisnis. Ia merupakan salah satu pendiri dari Karta, startup teknologi di bidang periklanan yang terpilih dalam Forbes 30under30 2018. Ia merupakan lulusan Swiss German University dengan predikat Cumlaude. Ia memiliki pengalaman Go Public (IPO) dimana ia merupakan salah satu partner dari PT Jasnita Telekomindo Tbk. Di luar dari kegiatan bisnisnya, ia juga berinvestasi di beberapa bisnis dalam industri lain. Sebelum berbisnis, ia pernah bekerja di industri perbankan selama hampir 4 tahun dimana ia menangani portfolio pendanaan bisnis lebih dari IDR 5 Triliun untuk bisnis dari berbagai industri: dari konstruksi, office tower, hotel, perkapalan, komoditas, alat musik sampai dengan distributor ban. Disini ia mendapat pengalaman bertemu dan mengetahui secara langsung bagaimana pemilik bisnis besar (sampai skala konglomerat) menjalankan bisnisnya. Akumulasi pengalaman analisis bisnisnya selama di perbankan dan pengalaman berbisnis di lapangan memberikan perspektif berbisnis yang unik. Pembelajaran yang disampaikan disini juga merupakan tambahan dari hasil analisis pribadi dari ratusan buku bisnis yang telah dibacanya dari buku biografi seperti: Mochtar Riady, Robert Kuok, William Soeryadjaya, TP Rachmat, Jack Ma, dll sampai dengan buku manajemen seperti 'The XiaoMi Way', 'The Samsung Way', 'Leading The Starbucks Way', 'The Lean Startup', dll. Pria yang pernah memenangkan kejuaraan kompetisi pidato bahasa mandarin ini secara rutin membaca puluhan buku terkait bisnis, biografi dan pengembangan diri setiap tahun.Satu fakta unik mengenainya: ia pernah menjadi semi-profesional e-sports gamer dimana ia pernah mengikuti dan memenangkan puluhan kompetisi permainan Warcraft Dota 5on5 di Indonesia. Salah satu kompetisi yang terbesar adalah Jakarta World Game Tournament di tahun 2006, dimana timnya WrF berhasil mendapatkan juara 3 secara nasional. Ia pensiun dari e-sports di tahun 2007 dan sempat mencoba bisnis menjadi EO untuk turnamen e-sports lokal."
Price: 350000.00

"Die Funktionsweise eines Computers" |
"In dieser Videoreihe lernen Sie die Funktionsweise eines Computers kennen. Wir beginnen bei dem grundstzlichen Kommunikationsprinzip in einem Computer: Eingabe-Verarbeitung-Ausgabe. Wir wenden uns sodann der CPU, dem Arbeitsspeicher, den RAM und den ROM zu. Wir wenden uns den Anschlssen, den peripheren Gerten zu, der Kommunikationsleitsysteme wie Northbridge und Southbridge und wenden uns schlussendlich den verschiedenen Festplatten in einem Computer zu."
Price: 79.99

"Apache Airflow" |
"Apache Airflow es la herramienta de moda para crear procesos ELT/ETL y todo tipo de flujos de trabajo automatizados. Pero no es una de esas modas tontas y pasajeras, no. Airflow se ha ganado el puesto a pulso, ya que nos ofrece una escalabilidad, personalizacin y robustez difciles de igualar por cualquier otra herramienta. Y lo mejor de todo: es open source! (que no cuesta un duro, vamos). Gracias a eso tiene una grandsima comunidad y est siempre en constante mejora y expansin.En este curso aprenders a usar Airflow desde 0 y adquirirs conocimientos suficientes para poder utilizarlo en produccin en tu empresa. Conocers todos los conceptos necesarios para entender bien el funcionamiento de la herramienta, y podrs deleitar a tus compis de curro con unas pipelines chulsimas. Y eso lo aprenders sin apenas darte cuenta, ya que mis vdeos son concisos y van al grano.Todo esto aderezado con tests para que repases, ejercicios de programacin donde yo os aportar una solucin posible y constantes actualizaciones y mejoras del curso, para que nunca pares de aprender y mejorar.No te lo pienses ms y adentrate en el maravilloso mundo de Apache Airflow."
Price: 99.99

"Financial Modeling using Microsoft Excel (In Arabic)" |
" 2019 365 , 2010 2013 2016 10 "
Price: 19.99

"SQL for Data Science ,Oracle , MySQL, R and Python [2020]" |
"Recent Reviews:---> ""Yes definitely this is the course what I was looking for . Kudos to instructor who clearly explains the basics . Quizzes are really helpful ..""**** Taught by Data Scientist with over 12++ years of Industry Experience ******** Lifetime access to course materials . 100% money back guarantee ****Start writing simple to the most advanced SQL queries.Start using SQL queries in Oracle , MySQLIntegrate R and Python with Database and execute SQL command on them for data analysis and Visualizations.Start using filter , having clause , joins with multiple tables ,aggregators etc.Create DDL commands and modify the schema objects.Create own database in your laptop/Desktop - Oracle and MySQLImport and export data from and to external files.We will be using real world data sets for Market data and Company ."
Price: 199.99

"Technical Report Writing" |
"Many professionals have difficulty in expressing ideas on paper which means that useful concepts may never be fully understood or valued. Effective report writing, the exchange of information, views, opinions, and decisions between people at all levels, internally and externally, make a vital contribution to organisational success.This 17 session course aims to present a comprehensive overview of the essential elements of effective technical report writing and help delegates develop the practical skills required to write successfully, for an internal or external audience. It will teach the fundamental skills for technical report writing.There are many downloadable resources provided including book chapters, quizzes, forms, activities, links and PowerPoint slides.By the end of this course, you will be able to:1. Appreciate the importance of technical writing skills necessary in a professional context2. Understand the stages in the preparation process of technical reports3. Demonstrate the ability to pitch technical reports at the level appropriate to the intended audience/reader4. Identify the essential features of reports, including format, linguistic and grammatical accuracy along with the choice and application of graphics5. Apply the above principles to the production of effective professional, technical reports"
Price: 29.99

"Counterfeit product risk and global response" |
"This course walks students through the basics of counterfeit products that includes an outline of the global threats to all organisations and sectors, the counterfeit supply chain and its impact, the global response including detection technologies and outlining the path to mitigate counterfeit product risk from entering a supply chain."
Price: 29.99
