"Curso monogrfico Materiales VRay (Iniciacin)" |
"Al hacer cursos monogrficos aprenders mas rpido y mejor las herramientas de VRayEn este curso explicamos de una manera sencilla y rpida como puedes crear todos los materiales de una escena, con muy buenos resultadosEsto puede ser suficiente para muchos o una buena base para otrosCrearemos todos los materiales de una Escena en entorno 3Ds Max, pero tambin sirve para otros entornos de trabajo."
Price: 19.99

"FOREX Trading Basics" |
"This course will cover the basic requirements to becoming successful in FOREX trading!The course will cover:Macro FundamentalsCandlesticksSupport & ResistanceTrend LinesTrading PsychologyThis course includes slides so that you can take notes of the key areas covered, quizzes to test your knowledge, and a hands on walk through of using the charts.By the end of the course, you will have a foundation of knowledge that you can use to begin exploring the exciting world of FOREX trading!"
Price: 19.99

"Easy course of Tarot-reading" |
"78 """", - - You can learn all 78 Tarot cards without memorizing you will understand how to solve any problem using Tarot cardsyou can learn to read layouts and understand cause-and-effect relationshipsyou will be able to develop your intuition and improve your logical and imaginative thinkingyou can become a master one of the most profitable online professionsyou will be able to improve your life qualitativelyalso you learn to make the right decisions"
Price: 4799.00

"Beginners Guide to Resin Ocean Waves" |
"Hello and Welcome to my first Resin Tutorial!In this class I will teach you how to make a Resin Ocean Scape with beautiful waves!No Previous Resin Experience necessary!You've seen all the videos of different Artist's Making Beautiful Art with resin and thought to yourself - I wish I could do that. Well I can teach you just that!In this tutorial I not only guide you Step by Step through this project but I also share tons of resin tips and tricks that took me over 4 years to learn!I am a full time artist and I have been professionally working with resin for over 5 years. I have a strong passion for teaching and I am a part-time kids art instructor.With this course I've actually gone one step further and put together an 'Ocean Resin Art Box' to go along with this project. It includes everything you need to familiarize yourself with resin and make a beautiful Ocean Scape that you can hang in your home.*I put this kit together to make it easier but you can absolutely complete this course with your own materials. I will list all materials needed under class project.In This Course We Will Cover:What is Resin?Resin SafetyProject Overview + KitPrepping Wood PanelMixing Resin + Adding ColorPouring + Making WavesCleaning + DisplayingConclusionUsing the basics covered in this course you will be able to familiarize yourself with resin and use these same techniques on bigger projects.***Disclaimer: As an Artist I show you how I create my own work, your results and products used may be different. Safety Note - When using paints and chemicals please adhere to any and all manufacturer safety guidelines with these products. If you have specific safety questions or concerns please contact the product's manufacturer."
Price: 44.99

"Basics of Python and Machine Learning" |
"Welcome to our course, ""Basics of Python and Machine Learning."" In this course, we will teach you how to become technologically proficient in the field of computer science. In addition, after developing your skills in the area, we will teach you how to apply your aforementioned programming knowledge in artificial intelligence. Along the way, we will also teach you how to create your own computer games from scratch, your own convolutional neural networks, and we will also quiz you on your learning!Come join the fun and learn about the broad scope of artificial intelligence with us!"
Price: 24.99

"Efficient R Programming with the Tidyverse" |
"Take your R programming skills to the next level with this short course on the tidyverse!Do you feel you have a basic knowledge of R but don't yet have the tools or confidence to tackle everyday data science problems? Still turning to MS Excel to manipulate, format and visualise data? Then look no further.Aimed at beginners who have a basic understanding of R, this course introduces some of the core tools of the tidyverse. It covers a step-by-step guide to the most important functions offered by some of the tidyverse packages, providing students with a comprehensive toolkit to address common data science tasks.The course covers the following areas:1) Data manipulation with dplyr (filtering, sorting, creating new variables, summarising data, joining data sets, selecting columns/rows)2) Data reformatting with tidyr (gathering variables, spreading out variables, separating data in cells)3) Data visualisation with ggplot2 (scatterplots, boxplots, bar charts, line charts, panels)4) Linking code efficiently using the magrittr forward pipe operator"
Price: 99.99

"ACET Exam Preparation for Math & Stat" |
"Actuarial Science is a discipline that deals with assessing the risks in insurance and finance field using various mathematical and statistical method. The professionals who carry out these tasks of ascertaining, analyzing and providing solutions of future uncertainties having financial risks are the actuaries.To become student member of Actuaries India, all students need to pass ACET exam. The exam will be a three hour computer based exam of 100 marks which will have 70 multiple choice questions with one correct answer for each question. The subjects are 1. Mathematics 30 marks 2. Statistics 30 marks 3. Data Interpretation 15 marks 4. English 15 marks 5. Logical Reasoning 10 marksThe Pass mark for ACET Examination is 50%.This course will prepare students mathematics & statistics part of the ACET Exam."
Price: 1920.00

"Learn Basic French - From Alphabets to Self Introduction" |
"This course is intended for the beginners of French Language who don't have any prior knowledge. This course covers the topic from the basic level starting from alphabets to introducing oneself. One can learn the below aspects of French from this course:1. Alphabets, Accents, Pronunciations and its Uses.2. Salutations and Positive Gestures3. The Definite and Indefinite Articles4. List of Nouns5. Demonstrative Pronouns6. How to respond to questions7. How to make a sentence interrogative8. How to make a sentence negative9. Few countries and nationalities10. Self Introduction11. AdjectivesBelow are the benefits of learning French:1. A language for travel, for the voyageurs.2. A language for the international job market, opens up doors for French companies too. A foreign language other than English. 3. A world language - More than 300 million people speak French on the five continents.4. A language for higher education.5. A language that is fun to learn, for both kids and elders.6. French is an easy language to learn, learn it in a fun way. 7. The language of love and reason - learning French is the pleasure of learning a beautiful, rich, melodious language that is often called the language of love."
Price: 1920.00

"Cirurgia Baritrica : Avaliao Psicolgica" |
"Com o curso voc entender o processo pr operatrio do paciente baritrico, ter parte terica e prtica, ser dividido em quatro mdulos totalizando trs horas de curso. Sero trabalhados os tpicos abaixo:O que obesidade e os aspectos psicolgicos;Tipos de cirurgia de obesidade e seus efeitos no organismo;Avaliao pr-operatria e diretrizes para elaborao do laudo psicolgico;Acompanhamento psicolgico ps-operatrio."
Price: 69.99

"Arduino & Raspberry Pi for Gesture controlled Projects" |
"Ever wondered how to do gesture controlled projects like home automation and Sign language conversion?This course teaches how to make an electronics Project that can be controlled with gesture. This course teaches you about the sensors, hardware and softwares that are used to make a gesture controlled project. The course also gives an introduction to basic programming languages like C and Python. However, this course does not teach you to do a specific project, but will teach you the necessary things to make a project of your own. After finishing this course, you will be able to create a gesture controlled project by your own without copying it from the internet"
Price: 49.99

ameblo-customize-meraise |
Price: 9600.00

"Customer Attraction Mastery (Digital Action Class)" |
"Why Spend Countless Hours On Random Free Videos & Or Thousands of $$$ On Expensive Courses & Still Struggle To Piece Everything Together To Get Results? Learn Everything You Need to Know in One Place And Build Your Very Own Customer Attraction System to Generate Leads and Sales Predictably and Consistently.Future-Proof Your Business or Career with 3 High Value Digital Marketing SkillsIf you've ever watched any free videos online on digital marketing, or attended any free webinars or even paid classes that are too general or too theoretical, leaving you struggling to piece everything together... and you want something truly actionable...Then this comprehensive digital marketing course with ongoing updates & support is for you.Because this is where you'll acquire 3 HIGH VALUE skill sets, i.e. persuasive copywriting, online sales funnel creation, and Facebook advertising.Gain access to 26 action-packed modules with step by step walk-through & LIFETIME student support: Learn how to craft your own persuasive marketing messages for your ads and sales pages to convert total strangers into hot prospects and buyers (with analysis of winning examples for your reference) Learn how to build your very own online sales funnel to get more customers (plus a real example of a million-dollar funnel for your reference) Learn how to plan, launch, optimize, and scale Facebook ads to generate predictable leads and sales every single month Get 1,000+ fill-in-the-blanks copywriting templates to simplify your implementation, so you can launch your high-converting marketing campaigns and get the results you wantWho Is This For? Traditional business owners transitioning to online Consultants, real estate agents, insurance agents Social media marketers Aspiring digital marketers Home business owners Affiliate marketers Network marketers Anyone who wants to learn digital marketing as a recession-proof skill setGet 100% Clarity & Get Digital Savvy ConfidentlySo no more wasting time on random free videos or spending thousands of $$$ on courses that are outdated or too general...Say goodbye to costly mistakes and get 100% clarity on what exactly you need to do to get customers in the fast-changing and competitive digital marketing world... so you can continue to grow your business confidently always!Learn at Your Own Pace with Our Step by Step Guidance & Click by Click Walk-Through VideosLearn at your own pace and get 100% clarity once and for all with our step by step guidance on what to do exactly to get results from your digital marketing campaigns.Premium Action Bonuses for You (Value $499) 1,000+ Fill-in-the-blanks response-pulling copywriting templates for all your headlines, Facebook ads, emails Master sales copy sample & complete structure breakdown your can follow to craft your own profit-pulling sales pageBe A Digital Action Hero & Help Us Reach More People to Empower Them with Practical Digital Marketing SkillsThe sales from this course will also help us reach out to more brothers and sisters in developing countries who can't afford expensive courses... so we can empower them with digital marketing skills they can use to generate income, provide for their families, and achieve their aspirationsTake Advantage of Our Insane Discount Right NowWe usually charge at least $500 for this kind of action-based class, but we understand that this is a difficult time for many.Then why is it not free? Well, we're charging a small commitment fee because we want to make sure that you go through the entire course instead of signing up free and forgetting about it after 2 days... thus losing the opportunity to achieve the breakthrough you desire! So don't delay, take advantage of our insane offer and sign up now!"
Price: 199.99

"Eneagrama bsico" |
"Voc gostaria de se conhecer mais profundamente e aos outros e obter melhores resultados em todas as reas da vida?Se a sua resposta foi sim, ento este curso para VOC. O Eneagrama um sistema de desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional e os seus ganhos surpreende quem o conhece, pois nos proporciona uma compreenso sobre o porqu fazemos o que fazemos e como podemos obter melhores resultados acessando o nosso melhor. um poderoso caminho tambm para conhecermos e nos conectarmos com os outros, nos trazendo como ganho, mais sucesso na vida e na carreira, principalmente no mbito das relaes. Lderes de multinacionais a nvel mundial, Coaches e terapeutas, casais, pais, educadores, vendedores, profissionais de sade e RH e todos os que desejam ir muito mais alm, adquirem grande diferencial quando conhecem o Eneagrama. Seus ganhos podem ser na melhoria na comunicao e feedback, nos relacionamentos mais saudveis, na ampliao do nvel de consciencia, no financeiro e sade, no gerenciamento de equipes, nos atendimentos na rea de Desenvolvimento Humano e muito mais. Quer obter esses ganhos tambm? Ento aproveite essa oportunidade nica e seja bem vindo ao universo do Eneagrama."
Price: 294.99

"Sprinkler Talk by Project Fire" |
"Sprinkler Talk started out as a series of short educational videos, we have now taken this idea a step further with a new Continuing Professional Development (CPD) platform where we will be hosting a free 20-minute CPD webinar every week. We will be covering a range of topics related to automatic fire sprinkler systems from the latest legislation to new innovative developments within the industry."
Price: 19.99

"Crie grids conectados e criativos no Instagram com Photoshop" |
"O curso apresenta a construo da estratgia de comunicao para o Instagram com base na infografia, no apenas como a organizao objetiva de dados, mas como ferramenta conceitual, que apresenta profundidade em sua informao desde o primeiro impacto visual, e segue sua funo didtica e/ou informativa conduzindo o seguidor atravs de storytelling, proporcionando maior imerso e reteno da informao."
Price: 69.99

"Tcnicas de Encantamento - Curso de Mgicas" |
"Nesse curso, vou passar segredos que adquiri em 30 anos de experincia como mgico profissional, mgicas que vo surpreender as pessoas e a si mesmo pois o bichinho da mgica vai de picar e voc vai surpreender.Um curso voltado para quem quer encantar prximo, uma criana, um cliente, um amor...Com este curso voc vai aprender mgicas profissionais que nunca teve acesso e de uma forma dinmica e didtica.Mgicas para encantar, para surpreender, para divertir..."
Price: 39.99

"A glossofobia atinge 3 em cada 4 pessoas no mundo. A palavra estranha, mas o termo utilizado para o medo de falar em pblico, uma tarefa que se apresenta como desafio para muita gente.Todos da plateia olhando s para voc, frio na barriga, mos geladas, pernas trmulas... Falar em pblico uma grande misso para mais de 70% da populao mundial.Falar em pblico uma arte. E se uma arte, pode ser estudada e aperfeioada.Por meio de metodologia ativa e participativa, mesmo distncia, o curso traz teorias e apresenta atividades prticas a serem exercidas pelos alunos, a fim proporcionar experincias que leve ao melhor desempenho da arte de falar em pblico."
Price: 39.99

Price: 270.00

"Rewrite Your Story & Heal" |
"Depression sucks. Anxiety is living torture. And panic attacks? They are just terrifying. But what is more terrifying is the belief that suffering from any of these conditions somehow means there is something genetically screwed up with you and that suffering is an inevitable fact of life.If people only knew just how easy it was to heal - and I mean fully heal, not just use strategies to learn to manage their issues - if people knew how easy it was, they wouldnt dare choose to suffer any longer.Depression, anxiety and panic are wakeup calls. They are messages that you are not giving yourself permission to live your best life. And they are the starting point for a deep and meaningful healing journey.Join me for this unique class and explore a brand new way to understand anxiety, depression and the role of emotions in your life and why Anger is the root of it all. Whether you are looking to heal more deeply in your personal life or relationship, this two day course will give you all the tools you need to being the process of change.Is this the right class for you?- Do you consider yourself Nice?- Are you great at putting everyone elses needs first but forget about yourself in the mix?- Do you find yourself thinking Its just not worth getting upset over?- Are you ready to stop feeling like you are just spinning your wheels and getting no where? - Are you tired of battling that little voice in your head and are ready to learn a better way?- Are you looking for a better way to manage your emotions in your daily life?What you'll learn- How to tap into your intuition - your spark - and make real change in your life- How to stop the endless chatter in your head so you can let it all go- How to use your Anger for self healing- How to set healthy boundaries in a way the creates connection and intimacyGreat for anyone in need of hope and healing."
Price: 29.99

"Melhore seus slides e sua comunicao visual" |
"Esse curso pretende ajudar estudantes, professores e outros profissionais que precisa utilizar slides em suas apresentaes. O curso ensina os segredos da comunicao, que ningum te ensina, mas te cobra como se voc j soubesse. Mais do que ensinar as ferramentas do PowerPoint, esse curso ensina como os recursos visuais podem ajudar o sucesso da apresentao. Nele voc vai aprender a escolher cores, fontes, organizar textos e materiais de forma atrativa, como chamar ou dispersar a ateno dos ouvintes. E o mais importante aprender a criar slides que te ajudem a fazer uma apresentao incrvel."
Price: 39.99

"Channel Sales World: Defining Target Markets" |
"The success of your cloud channel strategy is dependent on your ability to define the RIGHT high potential market segments for your products and services. This is a critical success factor! In this important class, we will provide you with the tools to teach you HOW to identify the market segments which can buy your products first so you can ""get to revenue"" 2X faster than your competition."
Price: 19.99

"Excel desde Bsico hasta Avanzado + MACROS/VBA + POWER BI" |
"Este curso est pensado para aquellos que estn interesados en DOMINAR por completo la herramienta ms importante de todas.Hay un dicho que dice que no importa a que te dediques, saber Excel es VITAL. EXCEL BSICO A AVANZADOHerramientas bsicas y metodologas.Formulas e importancia de las mismas.Autorrellenos.Grficos y cmo realizarlos de manera efectiva.Funciones Principales: Obtener mximos, mnimos, moda, promedios, contar datos, validar datos a prueba de error, contar dependiendo de una validacin, etc.Funcin SI: Obtener datos dependiendo de una condicin previa.Funcin SI anidada.Funcin SI con atributos O y atributos Y: Obtener datos dependiendo de varias condiciones previas.Funcin SI con atributos O y atributos Y Anidada.Funcin BuscarV: Realizar bsquedas en inventarios, tablas o bases de datos mediante un cdigo nico.Formato Condicional.Validacin de datos.Tablas Dinmicas.Grfica de TermmetroExcel con Macros y POWER BI Grabar Macro.Formularios.Formulas en UserForm.Variables Nmericas y MsgBox.Funcin IF (Funcin SI).ComboBox y CheckBox.Bsqueda de Datos.Imgenes en Formularios (UserForm).Diseo y estilo de formularios (UserForm).Importar y Exportar archivos planos (CSV).Restar Cantidad de Inventario (Stock).Validar Datos en Textboxt.Controlar errores en VB.Ciclo For- Ocultar filas automticamente.POWER BIIntroduccin a Power BIDescargar e instalar POWER BIAlcancesObtener DatosRelaciones de datosCrear ColumnasCalculosMedidas con DAXRealizar GrficosTablas y matricesRealizar un reporteVelocmetro de Metas"
Price: 270.00

"Curso de Piano para Iniciantes por Partitura" |
"So 12 aulas com contedo para ser treinado durante mais ou menos uma semana, no total de 3 meses ,com exerccio de conhecimento de notas no teclado e na partitura; com 11 msicas e 18 exerccios prticos voltados para o desenvolvimento do aluno; com videos e e-book para baixar especfico para cada aula."
Price: 144.99

"Aprenda criar site profissionais com HTML" |
"Para voc que deseja entrar no mundo da programao web, e uma tima oportunidade, aulas acessveis curtas e melhores explicaes para voc se desenvolver, o curso contm diversidade apenas na linguagem html, no a profundamos no css ou php.As aulas para iniciantes que ainda desejam entrar, e conhecer o mundo da linguagem de html."
Price: 39.99

"HTML5'i Detayl Olarak reniyoruz" |
"HTML5 ierisinde ki tm elementleri CSS ve JS ksmlarna da girerek sizlere en detayl biimde eksik konu brakmadan anlatmaya altmz eitim setini sizlere sunuyoruz. Umarm beenirsiniz ama beenmediiniz yer olduunda yada eksik kaldn dndnz ksm olduunda bana yorumlar ksmndan yada zel olarak mail yoluyor iletirseniz ilgili konuyu detaylandrp videoyu yeniden ekebilirim. Yeter ki sizlere en kaliteli ierii oluturabileyim."
Price: 49.99

"Heating and Air Conditioning 101 for Beginners" |
"Learn how to do your own Heating and Air Conditioning troubleshooting and repairs. Why you should safe guard your transformer and how to do this. Filters and air purifiers, how to save money on your electric bill. Not having to call a technician if your heat or AC goes out. Learning low and high voltage and how to test this. What to look for if your outside unit quits working. "
Price: 199.99

"Digital Marketing Course In Hindi Basic To Advance" |
"? , , , ? SEO, SEM, , , , , , , , , , ,"
Price: 1280.00

online-hanashikata |
Price: 4200.00

"Serger Techniques from Beginner to Advanced" |
"I have designed this course to be student friendly. The machine used for this course is the Babylock Triumph. I will take you thru understanding the machine, threading, a variety of overlock stitches, cover hem and a chain stitch. We will also explore a variety of different feet and accessories that can make serging even easier. If you are a beginner, I believe you will feel comfortable and accomplished once you are finished. If you are intermediate to advanced, I believe you will feel like an expert or definitely more advanced. Building knowledge in anything we want to learn about, sets us up for success. This course will build your knowledge about serging and establish a great foundation for your serging experience. Let's Serge!"
Price: 74.99

"Je matrise mon image sur Instagram" |
"En 1h30 top chrono, vous dcouvrirez comment:tablir votre stratgie de communication sur Instagram- Comprendre mieux votre clientle cible et leurs centres dintrts- Dfinir une image de marque qui rsonne avec cette clientle- Identifier les sujets pertinents sur lesquelles communiquer (aussi appeler niche sociale) et la manire dont vous devez communiquer (aussi appeler tone of voice )Mettre en uvre cette stratgie au quotidien, sans trop deffort ni de budget- Crer un profil en accord avec votre nouvelle image de marque- Produire continuellement des contenus apportant de la valeur votre audience- Publier ces contenus les meilleures conditions (heure, hashtags)Faire grossir votre audience laide de collaborations avec des influenceurs- Identifier et slectionner des influenceurs pertinents par rapport votre marque- Etablir une relation quilibre avec ceux-ci- Suivre les rsultats de la collaborations (de lexposition la conversion)- Etablir un calendrier de communication quil suffira de suivre"
Price: 199.99

"Basic Hula Dance & Choreography for Hawaiian Wedding Song" |
"Learn and perform the Hawaiian Wedding Dance for your special wedding day. Kinikia, a longtime hula performer on the East Coast mainland USA has choreographed a simple but effective version of the classical Hawaiian Wedding Dance for the benefit of brides everywhere to learn and perform themselves at their wedding celebration. Performed and taught to Hawaiian Wedding Song sung by Andy Williams."
Price: 19.99
