"Azure Logic Apps - A practical guide ( Hands-on approach )" |
"Azure Logic App is a powerful cloud service which takes workflow automation to the next level. It facilitates implementation of complex integration scenarios with zero or minimal coding efforts. This is a revolution in building scalable and reliable cloud solutions while addressing the time-to-market constraint. This course aims to provide an in-depth understanding of how logic apps work. Practical scenarios have been demonstrated to get the students quickly up to the speed. Grabbing the concepts and trying out the problems discussed in this course would prepare anyone to address business needs concerning workflow integration.Why take this course ?Concepts explained with examples. There is no better way to learn than understanding the usage of the technology real-world scenarios.End-to-end demos for hands-on.There is no fun learning something without getting a feel of real-world applications. This course has been designed to be fast paced and complements the concepts you learn with end-to-end demos. You can easily follow along these demos. All you need is a web browser and an active azure subscription.You may just relax and watch the course completely before trying out stuffs on Azure.Web and mobile application developers would appreciate how logic apps could make life really simple as far as backend processing is concerned.Reach out to me for any question on implementing different scenarios and I will be happy to discuss."
Price: 29.99

"How to Succeed As a Beginner Virtual Assistant" |
"Think making a full-time income working from home is only a dream? It isn't. Learn all of my tips and tricks to becoming a profitable Virtual Assistant! This course was made to save you time in figuring it all out on your own by including modules on:Module 1: Mindset Module 2: Picking Your NicheModule 3: Legal Work and Security Module 4: How to Advertise Your ServicesModule 5: How to Find & Secure ClientsModule 6: Setting Your PricesModule 7: Tools to Automate Your BusinessModule 8: Healthy Habits for Working From HomeLet's get this started!"
Price: 29.99

hakko-kouza |
"Simple Brew Life YouTube LINE"
Price: 21000.00

hakkou_kouza2 |
"Simple Brew Life "
Price: 24000.00

"Learn to Write Chinese in 3 Minutes a Day" |
"In this class you'll learn how to write Chinese and easily remember Chinese characters. Learn to write in Chinese fast with my fun methods! This course includes the basics of Chinese writing and 150 characters from HSK 1 which every student of Chinese must know. Go from beginner to having confidence as soon as possible.Learn Chinese in just 3 mins a day without getting confused.Each lesson in this class is 3 mins or less and you can do one a day if you wish or more if you are determined!Learn the Pinyin and Characters together for maximum efficiencyWill go through all the foundations you need to know to pass the writing section in HSK examEach Chinese writing lesson in this class is split up into 3 easy to follow sectionsLearn the fun stories behind the charactersThere will be a class project for you to complete so you can see your progress and apply your skills. You can quickly memorise the characters and completing the class projects will prove this!You can follow along with peace of mind knowing that everything that is essential will be covered.All you need is a pen and paper. This is not traditional Chinese calligraphy, anyone can do it. Let's begin and get writing Chinese!"
Price: 19.99

"Monitorizacin de red con icinga2 en Linux" |
"En este curso vas a aprender a monitorizar redes con software libre, icinga2 es muy practico, de fcil configuracin y una interfaz grafica muy intuitiva, esta aplicacin es muy recomendable en empresas de tamao mediano.Icinga2 es una aplicacin que se actualiza constantemente e ir actualizando el curso segn salgan versiones nuevas.Si durante el curso surgen dudas no dudis en contactar conmigo escribindome al correo sistemas.udemy@gmail.com."
Price: 19.99

"Yoga Basics Series" |
"In this Yoga Basics Series you will find 5 classes with the major basic yoga asana sequences, breathing techniques, relaxation exercises and meditation. You will also learn a little bit about yoga philosophy and an exclusive bonus yoga nidra class, the famous yoga relaxation technique that will induce a deep relaxation state which is healing and recovering."
Price: 29.99

"Introduction to Linux" |
"This course is an Introduction to Linux. After this course you will be able to: 1. Choose a Linux Distribution suited for your needs2. Install this Distribution3. Install and use basic programs on your system4. Use basic command Line commands The ideal Student does not require any prerequisites: only the Will to learn more the Linux Operating Systems. If you care about privacy and taking back control of your computer: Linux is for you!! "
Price: 19.99

"Wireshark le A Analizi" |
"Wireshark dnyann en nde gelen ve yaygn olarak kullanlan a protokol analiz yazlmdr. Anzda neler olduunu mikroskobik dzeyde grebilmenizi salar ve birok ticari ve kar amac gtmeyen iletme, devlet kurumlar ve eitim kurumlar arasnda fiilen standarttr. Wireshark, 1998de Gerald Combs tarafndan balatlan bir projenin devam niteliinde dnya apndaki network uzmanlarnn gnll katklar sayesinde gelimitir.Wireshark ile anzn geni bir analizini yapabilir anzdaki sorunlarn kaynan bulabilirsiniz. Cisco CCNA Eitiminde SPAN konusunda hatrlarsanz bir anahtarn bir portundaki trafii analiz yapacamz baka bir porta ynlendirebiliyorduk. te bu ekilde ilgili trafii Wireshark ile analiz ederek a sorunlarn bulabiliriz."
Price: 69.99

"Salesforce Trailhead 2020 - Developer Intermediate" |
"You are required to have successfully completed the following Udemy courses before you take this one:Salesforce Trailhead 2020 - Admin BeginnerSalesforce Trailhead 2020 - Admin IntermediateSalesforce Trailhead 2020 - Developer BeginnerThe Developer Intermediate trail has modules that are covered in the two Admin and Developer courses above. Without completing the three courses above, your developer intermediate trail will not be complete.If you have completed the three courses above, then you're ready to rock'n roll! It's development time!My aim and final goal is to equip and guide you so that you are able to develop your own Salesforce Apps that are App Exchange ready.This course is only the starting point for your salesforce development adventure. The final destination is for you to be able to distribute your own apps at the Salesforce App Exchange. Hopefully make some serious money making apps that will change your world and the world around you.To accomplish this goal, you and I will need to go through a few trails together, but, in the end, it's totally worth it.This is the second developer trail."
Price: 24.99

"Norwegian Language Course B1 Part2" |
"Norwegian Language Course B1 part 2 is the second of two courses covering the B1 level. When you have finished the B1 level you will be able to understand and use Norwegian in most situations.I can understand the main points of clear standard speech on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. I can understand the main point of many radio or TV programs on current affairs or topics of personal or professional interest when the delivery is relatively slow and clear.I can understand texts that consist mainly of high frequency everyday or job-related language. I can understand the description of events, feelings and wishes in personal letters.I can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst traveling in an area where the language is spoken. I can enter unprepared into conversation on topics that are familiar, of personal interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g family, hobbies, work, travel and current events).I can write personal letters describing experiences and impressions.I can connect phrases in a simple way in order to describe experiences and events, my dreams, hopes & ambitions. I can briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans. I can narrate a story or relate the plot of a book or film and describe my reactions.I can write straightforward connected text on topics, which are familiar, or of personal interest."
Price: 29.99

"Colour Secrets for Professional Home Stagers" |
"COLOUR SECRETS FOR PROFESSIONAL HOME STAGERS - Understanding colour is a key requirement for all home stagers. Learn the key principles of colour and the secrets to how it is applied when staging a home for sale.COLOUR BASICS - Colour is KEY! Learn the basics, from how to choose and add colour; how colours work together and how light affects colour.PAINT BASICS - Learn all you need to know about paint. From the basics of paint, which paints to choose, and the best way to test your paints.COLOUR THEORY - Learn the principles of colour theory, how to use the colour wheel and how to successfully use colour in real rooms.THE PSYCHOLOGY OF COLOUR - Learn the language of colour, how colour can influence emotions, and how colour can help you sell.CREATING WITH COLOUR - The magic of colour can create a mood, link different rooms and keep up to date without breaking the bank. You can even make rooms appear larger or smaller just by using colour. Learn these magical colour secrets to help you stage a home for sale.THE FEATURE WALL - Transform a room with a feature wall. Learn how to create a feature wall.PRESENTATION BOARDS - Mood Boards, Ideas, Board, Sample Boards, Project Boards. Discover the difference. Learn how to create one..THE COLOUR CONSULTATION - A unique important service to offer your clients. Provide a colour consultation with this colour consultation walk through.Presented by founders of the Home Staging Academy Jillian Hinds-Williams & Tina Jesson."
Price: 199.99

"Data Center Essentials: Mechanical & Cooling" |
"In the next section of the Data Center Essentials courses, we cover the mechanical cooling systems that support data centers and prevent them from overheating. As the data center power and density has increased every year, the need to remove the heat generated has become a more important factor for the design and operation of the facility. Because the cooling systems are a major consideration when aiming for efficiency, we will cover many of the diverse solutions that have been successfully implemented to save energy and water. We will start with the common terminology, standards, guides and operating conditions for data centers before moving on to more complex components, operations, and controls. And whether you are walking through a data center every day or only once in a while it is important to understand how the cooling and mechanical systems are operating to keep the internet up and running. During these five lectures we will cover:Concepts, definitions, operating conditions - the typical mechanical terms, cooling operations, and redundancy levelsAir cooling solutions - air cooling and operating parameters for typical and atypical data centersComputational Fluid Dynamics - what it is, how these tools are used, and what to look for when analyzing a data center flow modelWater cooling solutions - water cooling components, circulation, and typical arrangements for modularity and redundancyWater system operations - operating the data center cooling systems efficiently and effectively, including water cooled servers and immersion cooling"
Price: 124.99

"Tests et Mise en Service" |
"Russir les tests et la mise en service de vos produits, solutions et applicatifsLa ralisation de produits informatiques se complexifie de plus en plus, tout en prenant une part croissante dans l'entreprise via l'adoption de nombreuses solutions logicielles. L'tape des tests et de la mise en service, cruciale pour russir tout projet informatique, suit un processus trs dtaill. Au-del des projets informatiques, ce cours oriente le lecteur depuis l'analyse des besoins jusqu' la livraison de la solution au client pour tous les projets d'entreprise. Il contient des exemples concrets, les piges viter, la structuration des cahiers de tests, les mthodes et les outils associs ces tapes quel que soit le produit ou le service conu et ralis.Ce cours indispensable pourMettre en oeuvre 2 mthodes simples en 6 et 8 tapes de tests et mise en serviceConnatre les outils permettant de raliser les testsUtiliser les conseils pour rdiger votre cahier des charges la fin de ce cours vous obtiendrez une connaissance complte de testing et vous apprendrez les principes fondamentaux des tests de logiciels, de la planification des tests.Ce cours est destin ceux qui dbutent en tests et permet une approche progressive et simple de la mthodologie des tests.Vous y trouverez :une prsentation dtaille de la mthode et de son architectureune prsentation des trois phases et des fiches de la mthodeune liste des outils qui peuvent tre utiliss chacune des tapes de la mthodeun schma gnral qui montre la dmarche mthodologique travers la mise en uvre des documentsune explication du fonctionnement de la mthode.Ce cours vous explique en dtail cette phase du projet, mais aussi de proposer galement deux stratgies de ralisation avec leurs avantages et leurs inconvnients.Prparer au mieux les tapes de test et de mise en service. Ces phases peuvent ncessiter des cahiers des charges, des scnarios de test, des plannings de mise en place.Vous aurez une initiation aux tests ISTQB avec des Quizz pour vous prparer la certification."
Price: 49.99

"React: De cero a experto ( Hooks y MERN )" |
"Quieres aprender React Actual o migrarte a trabajar con Hooks?Este curso tiene por objetivo llevarte de cero conocimiento de React hasta un nivel competitivo en el ambiente laboral de hoy en da. Este curso est construido 100% en Hooks y functional components.Tambin cuenta con secciones sobre pruebas unitarias y de integracin en cada aplicacin que hacemos en el curso, esto incluye pruebas en componentes, hooks, customHooks, context, Redux, Fetch, mocks, spies, snapshots y mucho ms relacionado al unit test.Sin olvidar que todos empezamos de cero en un momento, el curso cuenta con una introduccin a los conceptos que necesitaremos para entrar en React de la forma ms cmoda posible.Este curso cuenta con mas de 400 lecciones y ms de 40 horas de video haciendo aplicaciones y pruebas distintas que nos ayudar a alcanzar el objetivo de dominar React y otras tecnologas que lo rodean, hay muchas tareas y ejercicios que te ayudarn a asimilar los conocimientos necesarios para ser un FullStack Developer utilizando React y Node en el Backend junto con Mongo y Firestore como bases de datos.Este es un listado de varios de los temas que tocamos en el curso:React a profundidadHooks y Hooks personalizadosFunctional ComponentsHOC - higher-order componentsContext APIReduxMERN - Mongo + Express + React + NodeRouterDiseos diferentes en diferentes rutasSASSBootstrapMongooseJWT y su re-validacinEncriptacin de contraseasGoogle Sign-inAutenticacin personalizadaUnit TestPruebas especializadas en cada aplicacin terminadaDespliegues a produccinEnzymeJestReact Testing LibraryMocksAnimaciones en componentesHistoryQueryStringsHeroku y Heroku LogsGit y GithubRedux DevToolsReact DevToolsY mucho ms!Este curso es para todas las personas que quieran aprender React, quieran pasar de Class Base Componentes a Functional Components, quieran especializarse en pruebas, entrar en Redux, Firebase, Context o simplemente aprender algo nuevo de manera completa y funciona."
Price: 199.99

"Criando Aplicativo Flutter Delivery e Mysql" |
"O curso de Flutter Aplicativo Delivery possui 55 vdeo aulas, neste curso voc vai aprender a desenvolver um aplicativo com carrinho de compras, tela de checkout, gesto de pedidos e muito mais, totalmente aconselhvel que o aluno acompanhe antes os cursos de flutter design e flutter com mysql que so pr-requisitos para desenvolver este aplicativo, somente indico iniciar diretamente neste treinamento se j tiver conhecimento avanado em flutter, adquira j nossos cursos e comece a criar aplicativos integrados com seus sites e sistemas web."
Price: 429.99

"Mastering IELTS Writing: Task 1 Academic (Band 9 Answers)" |
"Are you intimidated by the graphs, charts, processes and maps that appear in IELTS Writing Task 1? Do you struggle to identify main trends, to work out which information is most relevant, and to record data with precision?Are you unsure how to structure your response? Do you feel you lack the words to describe data? Do you panic at the thought of comparative grammar and complex sentences? I designed this course for anyone who answers 'yes' to any of these questions. After seeing the popularity of my Mastering IELTS Writing: Task 2 (Band 9 Model Answers) course, which has been enrolled upon by over 8,000 students and has an average rating of 4.6/5, I decided to make a similar course for IELTS Writing Task 1 for the Academic module. Throughout the course of each video, we will discover how to effectively plan our response for each type of Task 1 question, how to produce a quick and accurate introduction, how to transition seamlessly between sentences and paragraphs, how to identify main trends and select information which counts as 'key features', how to use vocabulary which describes data precisely and effectively, and how to include a wealth of grammatical complexity without sacrificing clarity. This course has been divided into six sections, with each section dedicated to a different type of task: graphs with a trend; comparative graphs; tasks with more than one graph; tasks with a future element; processes; and maps. Within each of these sections are three responses, and each of these section's responses looks at a different topic. That makes a total of eighteen responses! Designing the course in this way allows you to see the different language and the different approaches we use for each of the task types, and it also provides you with a great range of vocabulary and ideas according to different types of data presentation. There are vocabulary exercises following each of the letter lectures which aim to consolidate the vocabulary you have learnt in that video. These will also provide you with a copy of each response in document form. To make the most out of this Model Answers course, it is strongly recommended that you go through the original 'Mastering IELTS Writing: Task 1 (Academic)' course before beginning as all of the responses here rely on the strategies, vocabulary, grammar and general guidance taught in that course. This course has an average rating of 4.7/5 from over 8,500 students and over 2,000 reviews, so it's definitely worth checking out! However, you can still benefit a lot from these model answers if you take the two courses at the same time.And if you have any questions as you work your way through the lectures, don't hesitate to contact me via Udemy's Q&A feature. See you inside the course! "
Price: 99.99

"Experto en Espacios de Arquitectura e Interiorismo Feng Shui" |
"Experto en Espacios de Arquitectura Feng Shui / Decoracin enfocada al xitoConoce de la mano de Arquitectos los Fundamentos, Reglas y Ventajas del Feng Shui, esta Sorprendente Tcnica Milenaria que conseguir un entorno ms equilibrado que despierte la abundancia y el xito. Instructores: Arquitecto lvaro Garca y Arquitecta Luca FernndezContenido Actualizado: Septiembre 2020Hola, somos lvaro y Luca , arquitectos con ms de 15 aos de experiencia. Hemos creado este curso de Experto en Espacios de Arquitectura e Interiorismo Feng Shui para que puedas comenzar el el mundo del diseo a travs del Feng Shui, una filosofa de origen chino que surge de la inquietud por el estudio del paisaje y de las formas que prevalecen en el entorno, as como su influencia en el ser humano.En este curso obtendrs los conocimientos suficientes para abordar la tarea de planificar adecuadamente un proyecto de interiorismo y decoracin de diseo de Feng Shui, as como de utilizar las herramientas tcnicas profesionales para la ideacin, elaboracin y ejecucin de proyectos de diseo de gran calidad y funcionalidad, tanto a nivel domstico como a nivel empresarial.Experto en Espacios de Arquitectura e Interiorismo Feng Shui contiene los materiales didcticos que te dotar de los conocimientos y habilidades necesarias para crear ambientes agradables que fomenten el crecimiento fsico, mental y espiritual del ser humano, por medio del efecto inconsciente que el entorno le genera, adems de todas las herramientas de diseo para poder practicar. Adems incluye el aprendizaje del software especializado para aprender el manejo de todas las herramientas informticas que te permitan realizar presentaciones profesionales de tus proyectos y diseos de Feng Shui.Metodologa de Aprendizaje:Puedes elegir ver todas las lecciones de forma secuencial (lineal) y aprovecharlas al mximo la formacin. Pero tambin puedes decidir ver este curso como una gua de referencia. Las clases estn claramente organizadas en secciones lgicas y puedes decidir visualizar solo las clases que te resulten ms importantes segn tus necesidades formativas. A excepcin de las lecciones PRO, la mayora de las lecciones son independientes para que puedas comprender los conceptos de cada leccin sin tener que ver las lecciones anteriores del curso. Para desarrollar el programa formativo propuesto no ser requieren grandes conocimientos previos, ya que la formacin se acomete desde un nivel de usuario 0. El mster est orientado a aquellos creativos que quieran ampliar sus skills (habilidades) y conocer mltiples trucos, consejos, recursos y recomendaciones, de la mano de los arquitectos lvaro Garca y Luca Fernndez. Adems todas las formaciones de Udemy disponen acceso automtico al contenido, sin limitacin de tiempo, disponibilidad 24/7 (24 horas al da los 7 das de la semana), sin caducidad y con garanta de devolucin.La modalidad de este mster te permite que empieces y acabes cuando t quieras, marcando el ritmo de la clase segn tu disponibilidad. Puedes volver a visualizar lo que te interese, saltar el contenido que ya domines, hacer preguntas, resolver dudas, compartir tus proyectos...Recuerda que este mster global incluye lecciones en vdeo fullHD con audio de estudio (compatible con TV, PC, Mac, tablet y smartphone), artculos didcticos, actividades, proyectos paso a paso, recursos descargables, links de inters, acceso de por vida, certificado de finalizacin, tutorizacin online, y una exclusiva comunidad de aprendizaje privada que nos ayudamos aportando nuestras experiencias en el foro de comunicacin del curso. A qu esperas?, esta formacin es ideal para ti, atrvete a convertirte en un experto y expresa tus ideas y diseos de la forma que siempre has deseado. Adelante, nos vemos dentro de la formacin ;)"
Price: 19.99

"Power Transformers" |
": course review------------------------------------------Talal Mohammed Al-hadiUpdated 2 years ago Ali saeed sultanUpdated 2 years ago Ali MohammedUpdated a year ago Abdulrahman M. BalubaidUpdated 2 years ago ( ) Abdullah ElsayedUpdated a year ago Eng.Mohammed Eissa AlatwiUpdated a year ago Abdulrahman AlmazrouiUpdated 2 years ago Abdulmalik HosawiPosted a year ago Abdulaziz Ayed AlsufariUpdated a year agoexcellent course i really enjoyed and learning new skills.Amr AbbasUpdated a year agoI would like to thank coach Fahad for the outstanding performance and the way of presenting the knowledge and concepts."
Price: 49.99

"Emergency Backup Power Systems UPS" |
"ATS : . . ( .....) ( ) . ( ) ( ) . ( ) . . - 2007"
Price: 49.99

"DC Machines" |
"- 2007"
Price: 49.99

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Price: 49.99

"Everything Small Home Design" |
" Are you challenged on how to most effectively design your small room or home? Do you feel constrained functionally and/or aesthetically by your smaller space? Do you feel paralyzed for fear of making the wrong design decisions in your small home?If you answered yes to any of these questions, this course is here to help!Whether you live in an apartment, condo, flat, townhouse, loft, or single family home, this course has been designed to give you the right tips, techniques, and approaches to make the most out of your space both functionally and aesthetically. **PLEASE NOTE: This course does NOT include ""tiny house"" design/decoration. As stated above, this course is for those who live in smaller homes, such as apartments, condominiums, flats, townhouses, lofts, or single family houses.**This course covers a wide range of topics related to small home design and decoration, including, but not limited to:4 pro ways to make a room look bigger and the 4 biggest mistakes to avoid in your small homeDesign techniques and approaches for every room in your small home, including your outdoor spaceHow to make your small rooms appear biggerWhere to go ""big"" and where to go ""small"" when selecting furnishingsBest storage hacks for your small homeGreat ""double duty"" pieces How to strategically use color and patterns in your homeBest approaches for effectively dividing open spacesExcellent lighting techniques for every room of your homeHow to most effectively use open shelving in your homeYou will also be guided through two hands-on activities in this course. First, you will have the opportunity to immediately apply your learning in three guided small room case studies. Then, using a customized planner that I created especially for this course. you will create a comprehensive room design for one of your own small rooms, as nothing will help you to cement the concepts and techniques you learned in this course more quickly than immediately applying them to a real world situation.In short, my goal with this course is to help you fall in love with your small home by showing you the techniques and approaches that interior design professionals regularly use to create small home magic. I look forward to seeing you in the course!IMPORTANT NOTES:If you are interested in taking most or all of my courses, I have a recommended order in which to watch them (although it's certainly not required). I would start with ""How to Design a Room in 10 Easy Steps"" because most of my other courses are in-depth classes of the concepts touched on in this 10 step class. Following the 10 Step Course, I suggest moving on to ""How to Use Color Like a Pro"", followed by ""How to Work with Interior Design Styles Like a Pro"", then ""How to Use Lighting Design to Transform your Home"", and finally ""Design is in the Details"". My other courses, ""How to Use Minimalist Interior Design to Live your Best Life"", ""Use Eco-friendly, Sustainable Design to Improve Your Life"", ""How to Design Your Dream Kitchen"", and ""Everything Small Home Design"" are all stand alone classes on specialty topics within interior design, and therefore, can be taken in any order.Please be aware that this course, or any of my courses, is not intended to provide all of the knowledge needed to become a professional interior designer. As with any professional field, there is a significant amount of education and/or experience that is needed to achieve competency in this field. My intention with these courses is to provide some solid foundational knowledge to assist either those individuals interested in ""DIY"" interior design to work on their own projects more effectively, or to provide supplemental education to both interior design students and professionals."
Price: 149.99

"Freelance Writing Business: Work from Home in 2020" |
"Have you Ever Tried to Set up your Freelance Writing business?If not then this is the time to get trained for freelance writing. Freelance writing is basically for the people who want to stay at home and earn handsome income. This course is designed in a way that it will train students for earning online as a freelance writer.What you will learn in this course:You will be able to learn major freelance writing techniques such asRewriting and writing processes and methodsKeyword optimizationCreative writing and copywriting methodsHow to become successful screenwriterAcademic writing and major citation stylesProofreading and editing techniquesTechnical writing processHow to develop top notch freelance writing styleHow to set your business on fiverrHow to establish your business as freelance writer with teamAnd much moreDo I need any training before getting in?You do not need to have any prior training before starting the freelance writing business. You simply need to have good grammar and writing style so that you can use it for further training.Can I do this work from home?The answer of this question is simply YES. You can actually work from home and earn with your Freelance Writing style as soon as you start competing to get a project on any freelance website. You do not need to invest any amount for getting a project.Why trust?You are given life time access to the content of the course.You will have 30 days to get your money back if you do not like the courseYou will have life time support from me as a tutor for any questionSo, what are you waiting for? Just click the enroll button and get in"
Price: 124.99

"Curso de PHP 7 Orientado a Objetos e MVC" |
"Este curso foi desenvolvido para voc que quer Aprender PHP Orientado a Objetos e MVC de uma maneira simples, rpida e na prtica, sem dificuldades.Neste curso, iremos passo a passo do zero, ou seja, desde a primeira linha de cdigo, sem utilizar nenhum recurso ou framework pronto, criar uma estrutura completa utilizando o padro de projetos MVC (Model View Controller) usando PHP Orientado a Objetos.Vamos desenvolver do zero um projeto real e auto escalvel, comearemos com um sistema semelhante a uma rede social e posteriormente fixaremos mais ainda PHP Orientado a Objetos e o Padro de Projetos MVC alterando e adaptando nosso sistema para um sistema robusto de BLOG com gesto de contedo.Com o que voc aprender nesse curso, no final, voc ser capaz de criar seus prprios projetos, desde pequenos sites estticos, a projetos mais complexos e robustos como sites de notcias, sites de loja, de portfolios, sites sociais, dentre muitos outros tipos de sistemas web e ganhar dinheiro desenvolvendo sistemas profissionais de forma gil.O projeto desenvolvido completamente de cdigo aberto e voc pode utiliza-lo e altera-lo livremente e estar disponvel para download em todas as aulas prticas.Um dos maiores diferenciais do curso que voc no ir aprender teorias ou frmulas mgicas, programao s se aprende na prtica, a teoria fica para os livros, voc vai terminar esse curso de PHP entendendo os porqus, a lgica por trs de projetos reais, desde o ambiente de produo, o primeiro arquivo no seu computador at o projeto online em uma hospedagem real, o que vai te tornar um profissional muito mais qualificado e competitivo no mercado, entregando solues, resolvendo problemas rotineiros.Mesmo que voc nunca tenha tido contato com o Desenvolvimento Web e com a linguagem de programao PHP, voc ser capaz de realizar o curso tendo apenas conhecimentos bsicos em informtica, HTML e CSS.E sabe o que mais? Voc vai receber um certificado de concluso ao final do curso, e o seu acesso vitalcio, no expira.Invista na sua carreira, invista em voc. A rea de desenvolvimento web cresce mais e mais a cada dia, no fique de fora, comece j."
Price: 69.99

"The Ultimate Blues Piano Course - Blues Piano for Everyone" |
"THIS COURSE COMES WITH THE FREE EBOOK: ALL THE SCALES AND CHORDS IN ALL INVERSIONS WITH FINGER POSITIONS (110 PAGES!)Other online piano courses dont offer such a detailed and complete overview of scales and chords.With the clickable index, youre never more than only one click away from the piano chords or scales you were looking for.THE ONLINE BLUES PIANO COURSE FROM THE TEACHER THAT ALREADY HELPED 1000S OF PEOPLE TO FINALLY PLAY SONGS ON THE PIANO, REALLY UNDERSTAND ALL THE INS AND OUTS OF MUSIC THEORY, READ MUSIC AND IMPROVISEThe course is created in way that literary everyone can rapidly advance with (blues) piano, because of the many blues tunes that you will learn, while every detail is thoroughly explained.ALREADY VERY QUICKLY YOU WILL SEE RESULTS AND PLAY YOUR FIRST BLUES SONGS ON PIANO OR KEYBOARDAlready from the beginning of the course, you will apply what youve learned and start playing the blues.And its a real pleasure to practice, since you play all the blues tunes together with a band that accompanies you while youre playing on your piano or keyboard.LEARN BLUES PIANO IN A FUN WAY, AND FORGET ABOUT BORING EXERCISES THAT ARE THE TRADEMARK OF TRADITIONAL PIANO COURSESOf course, scales are important to know, but just endlessly running up and down the scales is not a very fun way of learning the piano or keyboard.Thats why in this blues piano course, youre accompanied by a whole band while practicing the scales:In this way, even practicing scales becomes a pleasure.And chords? Well, all the chords are practiced in blues progressions, and also here, youre accompanied by a whole band.TRY THIS ONLINE BLUES PIANO COURSE WITHOUT ANY RISKIf youre still not sure, why not just give it a try? Its without any risk: if for whatever reason this is not the course for you, know that Udemy offers a full refund within 30 days after purchase.So, theres no need to wait any longer: just hit that enroll button and get access to more than 20 hours of video, interactive music theory exercises and to an amazing BONUS: a 110-page eBook with all the scales and chords in all the inversions with finger positions, as well as plenty of other resources: play-along mp3 files, PDF files with sheet musicIt only takes you one click to have access to ALL of this.Still not convinced?Just have a look at the promo video and the free preview videos to have an idea of how I teach, and also have a look at the course curriculum.COURSE CHARACTERISTICS This course can act as a complete piano course for beginners, where you learn exactly the same skills and theory as a normal piano course, but then based on the blues. This course is also for those who already play the piano, but who just want to start to play the blues. Lots of mp3 play-along files and other resources included. An eBook included for FREE with ALL the scales and chords in all inversions with finger positions (110 pages!) with clickable index that leads you directly to the scale or chord you were looking for. Clear explanations by an experienced teacher (more than 25 years of teaching experience).This course consists of 11 sections:1. Introduction2. Some basic music theory3. Blues with triads/Musical notation4. Blues with 7th chords/Cycle of fifths5. Blues with minor chords/Diminished chords6. Intervals/7th chords with added notes7. Comping8. Blues improvisation9. Turnarounds10. The missing major and minor scales and chords11. Loose endsSOME OF THE TOPICS COVERED IN THIS COURSE- Major scales in all 12 keys- Minor scales in all 12 keys- Several different blues progressions (including a jazz blues progression)- Typical blues elements like blue notes, grace notes, - Major and minor triads- Dominant 7th, minor 7th, major 7th and diminished chords- Treble clef- Bass clef- Time signature- Key signature- Pentatonic scale- Blues scale- Blues improvisation techniques- Rootless chord voicings (also used a lot in jazz)- Adding (altered) notes to 7th chords"
Price: 199.99

"The Technology of Fiction : write great novels and stories" |
"WHAT IS THE TECHNOLOGY OF FICTION?Writing a truly fantastic novel, or a diamond sharp short story, is hard. Why?To make anything worthwhile, from a gothic cathedral to an Apple iPhone, we have to master the use of many technologies. Not just physical technologies like carving stone, but mental technologies, like the maths that allows an engineer to make buildings that stand up.Novels and stories are made of dozens or even hundreds of technologies. Forms of written fiction have evolved over centuries of time, and become more sophisticated and more complex as writers invent new and more powerful technologies of fiction. Great modern novelists like Haruki Murakami or Margaret Atwood write powerful novels using technologies they have mastered over decades.The Technology of Fiction explores how to write great novels and short stories by looking in detail at how writers use each technology they have mastered. Every writer has a different toolkit, that they use in their own unique way.Enjoy this series of talks by writer and teacher Damien Walter as he explores the ""technology of fiction"" by diving into the work of great writers."
Price: 199.99

"Angular NgRx -" |
"Medium Angular NgRx. Angular NgRx. . , , . , , . , . , . : Angular NgRx Typescript , Angular, , , , , . Angular."
Price: 199.99

"Assertiveness Training Confidence to Speak Up For Yourself" |
"Would You Like to Learn How to Speak Up For Yourself with Confidence?Then, You've Come To The Right Place!Assertiveness Training Confidence to Speak Up For Yourself is an Online Video Course For Anyone Wanting To Learn to Communicate in a More Direct & Effective way. You'll Learn How to Say What You Need, Want & Feel without Any Regrets.Inside This Course, You'll learn how to Speak Up For Yourself.This Course Also Includes Premium Support. (We'll answer all your questions within 24 hours).After This Course, You'll Be Able ToSpeak with Confidence.Speak Up For Yourself.Say No without Guilt.Speak with I-Statements.What You Will Master Inside This CourseEmotional Intelligence for Sales SuccessCommon Obstacles When Being AssertiveThe Benefits Of Being More AssertiveAssertiveness Beyond CommunicationHow to Speak Up For YourselfHow to Speak with ConfidenceLearn to Say NOI-StatementsThis Course Includes Templates & Tools That Will Help to Optimize Your Communication!The Majority of The Tools in This Course Are FREE And The Paid Tools Are Only The Very BEST.See You Inside The Assertiveness Training Confidence to Speak Up For Yourself Course.Love Robin & Jesper"
Price: 99.99

"Angular 9 / 10 para Principiantes" |
"Bienvenido al curso de Angular 9 / 10 para principiantes.Aunque este curso est hecho en la versin 9 al final actualizamos a la versin 10 ya que no hay cambios significativos. Que es Angular? Ante de empezar a aprender, permite decirte, qu es Angular. Angular es un framework para crear aplicaciones mviles, desktop y web.Es de cdigo abierto, mantenido por Google. Quizs su mayor virtud sea la posibilidad de crear single web application (SPA), Aplicaciones web de una sola pgina. Angular es la evolucin de AngularJS aunque es totalmente incompatible con su predecesor.En este curso vamos a hacer una breve introduccin a Angular. Utilizaremos la ltima versin de este framework, que a da de hoy es la versin 9. Este curso es para absolutos principiantes en Angular. Empezamos desde cero.Instalar Angular CLI Estructura de carpetas de Angular 9 / 10Qu son los componentes en Angular ?Directivas en Angular ?Navegacin y rutas en Angular Servicios e Inyeccin de dependenciasPublicando nueva appActualizacin de nuestra app a Angular 10 Lgicamente esto no es todo en Angular, sino tan solo los fundamentos para que continues con el aprendizaje de este framework. Este curso es para:Desarrolladores web con Experiencias en otros frameworksEstudiantes de informtica / ciclos formativosEstudiantes de Grado Ingeniera Informtica Apasionados por la programacin"
Price: 19.99

"Your First Song in Ableton Live 10 Lightning Course" |
"This no-nonsense, all meat and no fluff, hands-on and completely free course will get you up and running on Ableton Live 10 in a matter of minutes! You'll start by quickly getting an overview of the UI (User Interface) of the program to then start recording your musical ideas on the fly in the Live Session View. Shortly after that we'll move these musical ideas from the Session View to the Arrangement View where the song will start taking form. We will then quickly mix it, automate some interesting insert effects and give the song some ambiance. By the end of the course you'll have exported your very first draft of a song, all in less than two hours!"
Price: 24.99
