"Unit Test Swift Desde Cero - Aprende Test Unitarios en iOS" |
"Aprender a hacer test unitarios en tus aplicaciones Swift. Los test unitarios verifican que tu cdigo hace realmente lo que tiene que hacer. Saber testear tus aplicaciones Swift es un valor aadido y algo que las empresas del sector buscan. Al testear tus aplicaciones te aseguras que funcionan correctamente.Si deseas trabajar como Swift o iOS developer tener un conocimiento de Unit Test es ms que necesario y el objetivo de este curso es alcanzar ese nivel de testeo.Cuando realizamos pruebas unitarias nuestro cdigo acaba teniendo estas mejoras:Ofrecemos un cdigo de calidadReduccin de bugsLos test documentan el cdigo, por lo tanto documentamos nuestra aplicacinOfrece garantas a las hora de refactorizar.A la larga es un cdigo ms econmicoRequisito fundamental a la hora de encontrar trabajo como developer.Este curso esta especialmente diseado para gente que tiene conocimientos de Swift y quiere ofrece un cdigo de ms calidad aadiendo pruebas unitarias a los mismos. Por lo tanto es requisito que ya conozca el leguaje de programacin Swift.A lo largo de este curso vers los dos frameworks mas utilizados a la hora de hacer pruebas unitarias en Swift.XCTestAprenders a crear un proyecto con XCTest para swift desde cero.AssertAprenders a realizar unit test.Aprenders en definitiva a hacer pruebas unitarias.MockAprenders que es un Mock, Stub y SpyTestear mtodos que no devuelven nadaLas etiquetas ms utilizadas @Mock, @Spy, @Captor, @InjectMock y muchas msEscribirs test de una manera estndar para que todo tu equipo los entiendaNo lo dudes si quieres aprender a hacer test unitarios en tus aplicaciones Swift este es tu curso. Nos vemos."
Price: 19.99

"Snavlarda %100 Baar pular ve Zamanlama Taktikleri" |
"Snavlar da baarl olmak iin ok fazla allr ancak bazen yine de yolunda gitmeyen eyler vardr. Bu sorunlarla amak iin abalarken gzden kardmz asl sorunlar bizleri zora soktuunu grrz. Bu yzdendir snavlarda baar salamak iin baz ipular oluturduk. Bu ipular sayesinde 101 renciden 99 renci istedii yeri ve daha yksek yerleri kazanabildi. Denenmi snanm ve test edilmi bu snav baar ipular ve zamanlama taktikleri fark oluturmanza katk salayacaktr. Dene ve gr fark bir admda..."
Price: 49.99

"traitement d'image mdicale" |
"vous pouvez apprendre de programmer des interfaces graphiques et le traitement d'image mdicale facilement l'aide de ce cours.Application dune nouvelle approche de prtraitement de segmentation et dextraction.Obtenir une meilleure dtection du lsion et extraire les informations.technique dimagerie mdicale.Envahissement du sclrose en plaque.Aide numrique pour les mdecins.Comment-peut-on dtecter les lsions ???"
Price: 24.99

Python |
"- , Python3 1. Python3 windows IDLE2. Python33. Python34. Python35. Python36. Python37. Python38. Python39."
Price: 19.99

"Easily Get A New Job With A Strong Personal Brand" |
"I'm very excited to offer this insightful course outside of my 1-on-1 coaching for the first time. Resumes no longer carry as much hiring power as they used to. This course will teach you the proven methods that basically ensure my clients get interviews for the roles they want!Course curriculum includes:Personal branding dos and don'ts. Learn what's most important from a former recruiter who's seen it all.Downloadable email & LinkedIn message outreach templates. These documents will get you into the inboxes of key influencers TONIGHT!Phone call scripts to get your foot in the door to make networking easy to help you create big opportunities.and more!"
Price: 179.99

"Corso English Intermediate (B2)+ LISTENINGS & READINGS tests" |
"Un corso completo per passare da un livello BASE ad un livello INTERMEDIO che copre tutti gli argomenti per il grado B2. Completano questo percorso contenuti autentici registrati e scritti da madrelingua inglesi e americani, ti metter alla prova e ogni 3 unit potrai fare un quiz per valutare il tuo apprendimento grammaticale. Alla fine del corso ci sar un FINAL QUIZ con tutti gli argomenti del corso. Come te la caverai? Non ti resta che scoprirlo!"
Price: 159.99

"Verification Methodology Overview" |
"This Verification Methodology course starts with a good overview and explains the need of verification. Then it explains the functional verification process, testbench architecture and constraint random coverage driven verification methodology in detail. Finally, it walks you through all the verification methodologies like linting, code coverage, functional coverage, verification planning & management and Assertion Based verification and give you a good exposure how we verify RTL design thoroughly.Course Agenda:Why Verification?Functional VerificationVerification processReusable TestbenchTestbench ArchitectureDirected Vs RandomCRCDVRTL FV Methodologies"
Price: 5120.00

"Universal Verification Methodology Overview" |
"This UVM foundation course begins with a good overview of UVM methodology, explaining the concepts like UVM agents and UVCs with various examples like AHB UVCs and SOC UVM testbenches. Also, this course explains the need and usage of UVM with various examples like IP and SOC level testbenches. With the help of this foundation course you can learn the nuts and bolts of UVM further and grow as a UVM expert in the functional verification domain."
Price: 5120.00

"Visibility Gym" |
"What if you could create videos that connect with your ideal clients even when you sleep?Imagine building meaningful connections with your ideal clients every time you go live.Wouldnt it be wonderful to be visible consistently and have time for your friends, hobbies, and family?Imagine that youve conquered your video game and the fear of camera no longer stopping you.Do you know you can actually enjoy consistent content creation when you feel good about your visibility?Imagine never ever think ""why would they listen to me? and see comments, likes, getting on calls because people are watching your videos.Would you like to create videos that connect your brand with your clients emotionally?Let me ask youWould you like to go live with ease and actually enjoy it?Would you like to feel confident and even like to re-watch your own videos?Would you like to befriend your camera and connect with people?Would you like to know what to talk about every time you press that record or go live button?If you answered yes to any of these questions. Then Im inviting you to my free 10-days video challenge Visibility gymIn 10 days, you are going to practice your video skills. in a safe environment (closed FB group).Im inviting you to my group and offering you my guidance during these days.Im going to share with you what I came through and how to quickly move from fear of camera to confidence.Im going to help you to befriend your camera. Even if youre afraid to create your own selfies now. Im sure that if you will practice during this challenge, you will be able to create live videos after 10 days and feel much better about your business visibility.JOIN VISIBILITY GYM"
Price: 99.99

"Aprende a Crear un 2D Platformer con Unity y C#" |
"Aprende a crear tu propio juego de plataformas con Unity, un programa estndar de la industria utilizado por muchos grandes estudios de juegos y desarrolladores independientes de todo el mundo.En este curso no slo aprenders conceptos de programacin, sino que tambin relacionars estos conceptos con usos reales de desarrollo de juegos. Este curso ha sido diseado para ser fcilmente comprensible para todos, as que si eres un completo principiante, un artista que busca ampliar su gama de desarrollo de juegos o un programador interesado en comprender el diseo de juegos, este curso te ayudar a obtener una mayor comprensin del desarrollo.Al final de este curso habrs desarrollado la habilidad de crear elementos de juego como: Un personaje con capacidades de movimiento completo, salto y doble salto Coleccionables como gemas y salud extra Efectos de fondo paralelos Diferentes tipos de enemigos a combatir enemigos mviles y voladores Mecnica de nivel como picos, plataformas mviles, bloques de trituracin y ms Interfaz de usuario completa con mens interactivos Creando niveles con mapas de azulejos Mltiples niveles y una pantalla de seleccin de nivel Una nica y desafiante batalla de jefe Y ms...!"
Price: 34.99

"300-420 (ENSLD) Designing Cisco Enterprise Networks : Tests" |
"Welcome to the practice test for exam 300-420 (ENSLD) Designing Cisco Enterprise Networks : TestsThis practice test helps you prepare to take the exam, Designing Cisco Enterprise Networks (ENSLD 300-420), which is part of the CCNP Enterprise and Cisco Certified Specialist - Enterprise Design certifications.This exam tests your knowledge of enterprise design, including:Advanced addressing and routing solutionsAdvanced enterprise campus networksWANSecurity servicesNetwork servicesSDAThis practice test will help you prepare for the real exam test environment with New Updated questions .This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Cisco in any way.Best of luck for your exam !!"
Price: 29.99

"Simples Nacional (atualizado 2020)" |
"Ol a todos, sou Marteson Castelo Branco pra mim um prazer ter voc aqui. Se voc chegou at aqui porque tem bastante interesse em aprender algo novo, e isso me deixa muito feliz e motivado pra continuar produzindo bons contedos.Vamos responder algumas dvidas abaixo.Qual o objetivo desse curso? R: O objetivo ensinar de modo simplificado o regime tributrio Simples Nacional, tentando ao mximo facilitar o entendimento mas sem abandonar a tcnica contbil.Para quem esse curso?R: Para todos os interessados no assunto, mas mais especificamente para estudantes de cincias contbeis, administrao, finanas, empreendedorismo, negcios, direito, e empreendedores em geral que j so donos de seus negcios mas querem aprender mais.Esse curso altamente recomendado para pessoas que tem um negcio informal mas precisa crescer, precisa emitir nota fiscal, participar de licitaes, comprar a prazo, obter crdito nos bancos, mas para crescer precisa formalizar, o Simples Nacional uma boa opo para enquadramento de negcios.O que eu vou aprender?R: O que o Simples, quem pode e quem no pode optar, vantagens e desvantagens, tudo sobre as receitas, inclusive sublimites de receitas para fins de ISS e ICMS, o que so regimes tributrios e porte de empresas, fator R, anexos, atividades permitidas no fator R, dentre outros assuntos. importante mesmo eu fazer?]R: Claro, se voc estuda algo relacionado, trabalha ou breve vai trabalhar em alguma rea de gesto, voc precisar ter domnio sobre o Simples Nacional.Tem certificado?R: Tem sim.O professor vai me responder?R: Sim, o Marteson sempre responde os alunos.Quanto tempo eu terei acesso?R: O acesso vitalcio, depois que voc adquire o curso, ele de verdade seu.E se o curso no me agradar, posso pedir meu dinheiro de volta?R: Voc nunca perde nada, pois ter at 30 dias para solicitar seu dinheiro de volta."
Price: 54.99

"How To Make Awesome Kick Drums" |
"Welcome to the new audio production course where Dan Larsson is going to show you how to synthesize a kick drum using several different instruments. The Kick drum is the most essential part of electronic music and it doesnt matter what style you produce.Being able to create the perfect kick for your track is a crucial skill. In this 4 video long course Dan is going utilize 3 different instruments to create a kick sound that is nice, clean, heavy, and delivers that perfect punch.In the first video Dan will cover the basic theory behind creating specific drum sounds. Next, in video 2, he will be using XFer Serum to make a solid drum hit.Followed by video 3, Dan will be using his go to synth to achieve the same goal in Abelton Operator.And wrapping things up in video 4, Dan chooses the ultimate kick weapon, Sonic Academy Kick 2.So if you want to boost your productivity skills and make some mind blowing kicks, then what are you waiting for? Jump on into the course.Video 1 - Kick TheoryIn the first part of this series Dan crafts the basic theory behind a good clean, hard, and punchy kick drum. And dont worry this wont be as boring as high school history class.Video 2 - Kick in XFer SerumIn this video Dan uses the most popular synthesizer out there to make a solid bass drum. It may not be an easy task because of the envelops in Serum, but wait until you hear the end result.Video 3 - Kick in Ableton OperatorAbleton Operator is an awesome synth, especially when it comes to creating crazy clicky transients. That is why Dan chose to use this stellar FM Synth to crank out a very stylish kick.Video 4 - Sonic Academy Kick 2Are you ready? In our last segment Dan breaks out his ultimate weapon of choice, Sonic Academy Kick 2, and shows us how to make a seriously phat kick."
Price: 39.99

"Layering Drums" |
"In this course we are looking at layering techniques for drums and percussion. We are looking at kick drum layering to improve low end clarity.. We are also layering snares and create unique percussion that cut through the mix. On the last video of this course, we are transforming loops using samples and effects, giving them unique flavor and character.Video 1 - Kick drum layeringThe most important aspect of layering a kickdrum is making sure the low-end samples are tuned on the same key and minimizing bass sources layered to avoid phasing. In the course you will find creative ways to make your kickdrums sound fuller and unique.Video 2 - Snare layeringIn this course we are learning the technique to layer snares along with other percussion to give more body, and make the snares cut through any mix.Video 3 - Percussion layeringHaving unique percussive sounds to fill in any classic sounding drum set, is a great way to up your production value instantly. A great way to never run out of natural, full sounding percussive elements.Video 4 - Loop layeringA great drum loop is an ideal song starter. In this tutorial we learn how to make the loop fit within any production set, by transforming the sound using percussive sounds and reverb, into a unique new loop."
Price: 39.99

"How To Make Riddim Bass" |
"Welcome to WA newest course with Dan Larsson! In these 6 videos Dan will go through the making of nasty riddim basses including theoretical knowledge also. So if you feel you can't nail those typical noisey, metalic aggressive basses, then this is your chance to keep up with the trend!Video 1 - Riddim TheoryIn this video Dan explains the main todos to create those typical wicked riddim basses. He uses Serum for it.Video 2 - Riddim Bass 01The first bass is a very simple bass using only one LFO yet it's a very effective sound for riddim.Video 3 -Riddim Bass 02In the second bass sound Dan uses the Monster 8 wavetable and spices it up with some nasty reverb automation for even nastier result.Video 4 -Riddim Bass 03In the third riddim bass Dan uses some more advanced techniqes to achieve some noisey barking riddim bass. He introduces Flange filters and the Allpass filter.Video 5 -Riddim Bass 04This bass uses very similar techniques then the previous bass, but this time Dan transforms it into a very different sound.Video 6 -Riddim Bass 05This is going to be a nasty one because at last Dan calls the reverb filter for some nice noisy tone!"
Price: 39.99

"The Complete Web Development Course with PHP, PDO & MySQL" |
"Welcome to the ""The Complete Web Development Course with PHP, PDO & MySQL"" course!Are you new to PHP or Need a bit of refresher?Then this course will help you get all the fundamentals web development from start to finish with PHP, PDO & MYSQL and we'll all end up by building a complete blogging website with pretty cool admin panel at the same place.My promises:I promise you that I will not waste your time ~ I will straightly jump right into the topic that we need to build a complete website with all necessary functionality without wasting your valuable time! My another promise is that ~ If you can finished this course properly then you don't need any other courses to learn web development with PHP, PDO & MySQL. You will gain all the information that you need to be a professional PHP developer. After taking this course ~ you will be able to build any type of website that you need to build with PHP programming language.Your money investment in this course will be multiplied time to time:With over 120 lectures and with 10 hours+ of video content, you can bet your money will be well spent in this course.FAQ (Frequently Ask Question):Q: Is PHP worth it to learn?A: Big Word ***YES***PHP is one of the best programming languages to build website in the world. Some of the top tech company still using PHP like Facebook, Wekipedia, Udemy and much more.Q: Can I make Money if I know PHP?A: Yes you can!Go over some freelancing website then you will see there are a lot of freelancing job available for you if you know PHP. You will see so many projects waiting for people.Q: Is it possible to land a job if I know PHP?A: Yes its possible! Visit Indeed or LinkedIn website there you will see a lot of job posting for PHP developer. So take your time.This Course Covers the following:How to use database with PHPHow to build website using MySQL DatabaseHow to use MySQL database with PDOForm in PHPPassword hashingLogin systemSign up systemForgot password functionalityRemember me functionalitySimple messaging system Comments and messages notificationsPretty cool looking admin panelHow to build search engineImplementation of paginationAnd much more...With the awesome project we will be building, you will learn all the skills need to land a job or build a project. I walk through step by step on everything from scratch.We have 30 days money back guarantee, no question ask!"
Price: 199.99

"Fetch Api data with React" |
"In this course you are going to learn how to fetch Api data using ReactWe are going to use the free Chuck Norris API, where you will be able to search for different keywords, and get back some jokes related to the category you just searched.And finally dont worry I will cover every single detail so you guys can easily follow along, even if you have little experience, I will add the full code in the end of the course!By taking this course you will learn:Learning outcome:How to work with an APIHow to Fetch API data with ReactHow to select multiple resultsand much more"
Price: 59.99

"DevOps and Docker Support for .NET Core Blazor Applications" |
"Hi there, my name is Kaushik Roy Chowdhury. I am a Microsoft Certified Professional and hold a Master's Degree in Computer Science from Auckland University of Technology (AUT). Are you struggling to containerize your ASP.NET Core 3.1 applications in general and ASP.NET Core 3.1 Blazor applications in particular? This course will allow you to use Docker professionally for creating highly portable containers across all types of hosts including on cloud like Microsoft Azure. You would be able to add Docker and DevOps skills in your resume and be ahead of the pack for a great leap in your software development career. In this course, I will teach you everything you need to know about getting started with Docker for containerizing Blazor and in general any ASP.NET Core web applications. You'll learn how to use Docker Desktop for use in Blazor applications and hosting it on the Microsoft Azure cloud. It will show you the steps to create an automated pipeline for continuous deployment on Azure. One of the many highlights of this course is the use of Visual Studio 2019 as well as the Visual Studio Code (at the end) as IDE for development.There is a section at the end on working with Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) which is the latest cutting edge contribution from Microsoft that lets the developers use Linux tools and distributions right from within Windows 10 OS without having to install any virtual machine and/or using Apple Mac OS or a dedicated Linux Operating System. This technology has endeared development on Windows more than ever before. This section makes sure that the learners are able to create docker containers in Linux on Windows 10 OS. The course is for beginners. You do not need any previous knowledge of docker, images, Blazor, or Azure. We shall start from the very beginning and work our way through step by step.Here are some of my earlier reviews from other courses on Udemy:""Great material. Learned a lot."" - John Taylor (Master Collection Classes in C# Using Visual Studio)""Kaushik's course's are my main reference for anything C# - I find his explanations full of detail which helps to solidify a full understanding of even the most complex aspects of C# programming."" - Martin Catherall (Microsoft MVP) - Master Collection Classes in C# Using Visual Studio""to whom all want to know what is MongoDB and use it with MVC Core i would strongly recommend you to attend in this course . i find the way how he is presenting the course its like at college when the Professor start with explaining the concept of the subject then get in practices. the last section 7 you will do more code with him with good explanation"" - Abdalla Ben Omran (ASP.NET Core 3 with MVC and MongoDB)""An elaborate and detailed description for a beginner. The author has put a lot of effort into structuring the content. Certainly proved useful to me as a starter."" - Sudeep Ghatak (ASP.NET Core 3 with MVC and MongoDB)Well explained in detail. - Fred Handal (Build and Learn ASP.NET Core 3.1 Blazor Hands-OnIt's a nice introduction into Blazor server side where you got a good understanding of Blazor fundamentals - Seb Lowe (Build and Learn ASP.NET Core 3.1 Blazor Hands-On)"
Price: 199.99

cjxhrnlp |
""" "". "" "" "" "" , . : , , , : , , , - . !MMag. Inna Pavlecka-Tumarkin"
Price: 149.99

"An Introduction to basic Engineering questions" |
"Thinking of enrolling for an associates or bachelors degree in engineering or engineering sciences? Take the quiz sections to understand how well you know basic topics in engineering. Also gives you a chance to examine the different sections, prepare them and then give the quiz for that respective section. New sections and questions will be added regularly."
Price: 19.99

"Curso Completo de Ingeniera Econmica (Con Excel)" |
"Este curso proporciona a los estudiantes una comprensin integral de los diversos conceptos econmicos y financieros aplicados a la evaluacin y financiacin de proyectos de capital. El estudiante ser capaz de evaluar la viabilidad econmica de sistemas, productos y servicios, comprender los aspectos econmicos de proyectos de capital y evaluar propuestas de inversin en trminos de valor y costo."
Price: 24.99

"Anlisis Avanzado de Datos con Power BI usando la COVID19API" |
"Qu es un coronavirus?La Organizacin Mundial de la Salud (OMS) explica en su portal que los coronavirus son una extensa familia de virus que pueden causar enfermedades tanto en animales como en humanos. En los humanos, se sabe que varios coronavirus causan infecciones respiratorias que pueden ir desde el resfriado comn hasta enfermedades ms graves como el sndrome respiratorio de Oriente Medio (MERS) y el sndrome respiratorio agudo severo (SRAS). El coronavirus que se ha descubierto ms recientemente causa la enfermedad por coronavirus COVID-19.Qu es la COVID19?Asimismo la OMS explica que la COVID19 es la enfermedad infecciosa causada por el coronavirus que se ha descubierto ms recientemente. Tanto este nuevo virus como la enfermedad que provoca eran desconocidos antes de que estallara el brote en Wuhan (China) en diciembre de 2019. Actualmente la COVID19 es una pandemia que afecta a muchos pases de todo el mundo.La afeccin causada por e COVID-19 va ms all de la salud en la humanidad, ya que ha afectado seriamente la economa a nivel global por lo que la lucha de los pases no slo se ve desde al contexto sanitario sino que hay una verdadera catstrofe econmica. Es por ello que es RELEVANTE que conozcamos el alcance que ha logrado El COVID-19 y por eso se ha colocado a disposicin de todo el mundo los datos de esta pandemia con el fin de que se realicen anlisis, se evalen el comportamiento y se puedan realizar pronsticos de los alcance que tendr en cada pas / regin del mundo.Como analistas de datos tenemos la oportunidad de acceder a los servicios web que se han dispuesto con estos datos vivos y actualizados diariamente y de crear informes analticos que muestren distintos contextos y puntos de vista de la Pandemia. En este curso vamos a utilizar las poderosas herramientas que nos ofrece Microsoft Power BI para conectar y modelar estos datos, creando unos informes sencillamente espectaculares que pueden ser entendidos por cualquier tipo de lector y los cuales pueden adaptarse al anlisis de cualquier pas y actualizarse de forma automtica utilizando al 100% nuestras habilidades analticas y como usuarios de Power BI.As que es un curso 100% prctico en donde aprenders a trabajar con APIs de datos va web (datos no estructurados), a modelar datos con Power Query, a utilizar parmetros para dar mayor dinamismo al informe en Power BI, a crear variables y medias calculadas usando DAX y a crear espectaculares informes en Power BI."
Price: 19.99

"The Calm Mind - Achieve Mindfulness" |
"""Discover a Step-By-Step Guide On Mindfulness and Meditation So You Can Stress Less And Live a Simpler, More Fulfilling Life""Learn the Power of Meditation With This Powerful and Easy-to-Follow GuideMeditation. Youve heard about it no doubt.Its been around a while after all!But while shaolin monks and yogis have been using meditation for centuries, it has also enjoyed something of a renaissance in recent times.In fact, it has become very in vogue with some of the top performers and Silicone Valley start-ups.In other words: science is starting to cotton on to what some cultures have known for a very long time.And that is? Meditation is an incredibly powerful panacea that can help anyone to become calmer, happier, more productive, more creative and ultimately jus a better version of themselves.Studies show us that meditation can help to increase alpha and theta brainwaves to help induce states of calm.It can improve symptoms of anxiety and depression, and it can thicken grey matter in the prefrontal cortex to boost focus and creativity.This is just scratching the surface of what meditation can do for you when used correctly.Stressed? Anxious? Over-Worked? Meditation is the Perfect Cure for 21st Century MalaiseMaybe part of the reason that meditation is making such a drastic comeback, is that there has never been a time that weve needed it more.Most of us are worked to the point of exhaustion: burned out and dried up.Meditation is the perfect cure for that: it helps us to find calm in the storm, and to see perspective when were caught up in petty concerns.Isnt it time your life got a little calmer? A little simpler?Within days, meditation can help you to feel more like your old self more on top of things, and less stressed.Youll be able to treat meditation as a mental state that you can visit any time. Any time you need a break, or some perspective.And when you add mindfulness in on top of that, youll also be able to avoid getting into those stressed states to begin with: youll be able to turn off negative self-talk and anxiety, to become socially unflappable, and to overcome any phobia.The only problem of course, is that many people just dont know how to begin with meditation. And thats where this course comes in.Allow me to introduce to you...THE CALM MINDA Step-By-Step Guide On Mindfulness and Meditation So You Can Stress Less And Live a Simpler, More Fulfilling Life"
Price: 174.99

"The Power of Social Media Stories for Marketers" |
"Are You Ready To Learn How Social Media Stories Are Making Their Way Into Marketing Today?Its About Time For You To Learn The Power of Social Media Stories for Marketers!The organic reach of business accounts on a number of social platforms is decreasing.Stories provide a great ROI in terms of the time and effort they require and the benefits they offer.Stories are also extremely popular with customers and users right now.Dear Friend,There is a saying among marketers that storytelling is SEO for the human brain.Of course, when this saying was first coined, it had nothing to do with social media stories.But perhaps it should have.Social Media Stories in Fact have HUGE Potential ToEngage Audiences, To Build AAuthority And Trust, And ToGenerally Boost Your Brand.Not only that, but theyre also gaining in popularity all the time.Social media stories took the internet by storm and theyre not showing any signs of slowing down now.But how can YOU benefit from it?With My AdviceYou will learn precisely what a story is.You will learn how to create a story.You will learn how to have huge success using stories to grow your audienceYou will learn how to increase brand loyalty.You will learn how to promote yourself using stories just like major brands doTo make it easy, Ive put together a step-by-step guide that will show you exactly how its done...INTRODUCINGThe Power of Social Media Stories for MarketersHow Social Media Stories Are Making Their Way Into MarketingNo stones are left unturned when you get your hands on this now.You will become a complete expert on this, and youll get everything you need inside to do the same Heres Just A Quick Preview Of What Youll Discover Inside...What is a Social Media Story?Using Stories for Marketing The BasicsMore Benefits of Stories and How to Use Them to Maximum EffectInstagram Stories for BusinessFacebook Stories for BusinessesSnapchat Stories for BusinessesHow to Create Better StoriesAdvanced Technique and SellingThe Rest of Your StrategyHow to Put All This Into ActionPlus, a whole lot more...This is the easiest way to actually benefit from the Power Of Social Media Stories For Marketers.Who Needs This Step-By-Step Guide?If you answer YES to any of the below, you need thisYou want to know what a story actually is.You want to create a story the right way.You want to have huge success using stories to grow your audience.You want to increase brand loyalty.You want to promote yourself using stories just like major brands do."
Price: 124.99

"Ventilao Mecnica - da fisiologia beira do leito" |
"O Curso de Ventilao Mecnica - da fisiologia beira do leito, j consagrado na sua verso presencial, vem sendo ministrado pelo Prof. Rodrigo Storck h mais de 10 anos e agora ficar disponvel na sua verso online. Trata-se de um curso extremamente objetivo, com propsito de abordar os aspectos fisiolgicos envolvidos na compreenso do comportamento mecnico do sistema respiratrio de modo a facilitar o entendimento e aplicao da ventilao mecnica. Nesse curso o estudante aprender a calcular as variveis ventilatrias necessrias de forma bastante prtica e objetiva."
Price: 189.99

"Tcnicas Psicolgicas para reducir el Estrs en el Trabajo" |
"Independientemente del lugar de trabajo, el estrs laboral puede hacerse presente, ya sea porque est relacionado a causa de condiciones externas al individuo y propias a la organizacin, o incluso con circunstancias especiales del propio trabajador que lo afecten negativamente a la hora de insertarse o desenvolverse en el ambiente laboral.En este curso hallars conceptos tiles para reconocer los orgenes y causas del estrs laboral, para luego aprender diversas tcnicas de tipo cognitivo, de organizacin, tcnicas de relajacin y algunas prcticas para mejorar las relaciones laborales. Estas tcnicas pueden ser implementadas de inmediato y sin ningn orden en particular, dependiendo de la situacin y de la necesidad del individuo, quien puede utilizarlas y adaptarlas a lo que le resulte ms conveniente.Si ests listo para empezar a aplicar mtodos prcticos para solucionar situaciones que te provoquen estrs en el mbito laboral, si sientes que este es el momento para actuar activamente y mejorar tanto tus relaciones con tus compaeros de trabajo como la forma en que se desarrolla tu interaccin con los dems en general, este curso te otorgar los conceptos y herramientas adecuadas para que comiences a prevenir y eliminar el estrs que padeces en tu desempeo laboral.Podrs hacer uso de la informacin que te brindamos, e inclusive trasladarla a otros aspectos y mbitos de tu vida, aprovechando los mtodos ms adecuados para tu situacin, mtodos que lamentablemente no suelen explicarse en la educacin formal ni en el hogar. El fin de este curso, por tanto, es poder ayudarte a reconocer primero las causas del estrs y en base a la evidencia actuar acorde, con las acciones, destrezas y tcnicas que te resulten ms apropiadas segn tus necesidades y circunstancias, para transformar positivamente tu visin del mundo y tu entorno mediante una participacin activa."
Price: 19.99

"Tcnicas y Recomendaciones para Mejorar el Estudio" |
"El mbito acadmico, puede volverse rpidamente un lugar muy estresante, no solamente a causa de las obvias tareas y pruebas que entraa, sino por la exigencia misma que demanda en el cursado diario, la bsqueda de informacin, etc. A menudo aquellos estudiantes que han conseguido superar la etapa educativa de su adolescencia sin formar hbitos de estudio serios, se ven desbordados al llegar a la universidad, donde la cantidad de material aumenta a pasos agigantados y el tiempo para ocuparnos del mismo disminuye conforme nuestras obligaciones aumentan, provocando ansiedad extra y muchas veces sentimientos de inadecuacin en los estudiantes al quedarse rezagados.En este curso encontrars diferentes mtodos y sugerencias para que puedas organizarte mejor, crear un ambiente cmodo y adecuado para fomentar tu estudio, y finalmente tcnicas para concentrarte mejor o lograr extraer ms informacin de tus lecturas, como as tambin retener ms informacin de lo aprendido.Si ests preparado para comenzar a obrar positivamente sobre tu vida estudiantil creando hbitos responsables y apropiados, que adems te servirn para otros aspectos y situaciones de tu vida, este es el momento de comenzar este curso e iniciar ese camino hacia la superacin de tus temores y dudas.Nuestro fin es ayudarte a reconocer aquellos aspectos en los que necesitas probar diferentes enfoques, entregarte herramientas y mtodos oportunos y tiles para que pongas en prctica, transformando acciones poco productivas en hbitos y comportamientos que te permitan sacarle el mximo provecho al estudio y a tu carrera."
Price: 19.99

"Time Management" |
"This basic training will help you identify your goals and by using simple techniques it will enable you to plan ahead so you can be more proactive at home, school or at your workplace. Topics covered:1. Short term and long term goals (to help you identify which goals need to be prioritized) 2. Setting goals using SMART (not every goal you set will be realistic. Using SMART will aid in identifying how realistic your goals are) 3. Planning and scheduling techniques (using basic applications)4. Summing up"
Price: 19.99

"Yaln retimde Maliyet Ynetimi Eitimi" |
" Gnmzde irketlerdeki sorunlarn neler olduu, bu durumdan nasl kurtularak rekabetilii srdrlebilir hale getirebilirler, yaln dncenin yaps ve dousu nasl olmutur, bu bak asnn retim ve ynetim olarak irketlerdeki ileyii temel olarak nasldr bu konulardan balayarak bir iletmenin yaln bak as ierisinde maliyetlerini nasl snflandrmas gerektii, maliyetlerini ynetmek ve iyiletirme iin bak as ne olmal ve yaln yaklam ile maliyetlerimizi tm alanlarmzn katlm ile nasl srekli olarak iyiletirebilecek bir sistem kurabiliriz bu konularla ilgili konuuyor olacaz."
Price: 49.99

"Maigrir sans efforts" |
"""Il faut souffrir pour tre belle/beau"" ""Il faut faire du sport pour maigrir"" ""Fais un rgime !""Avez-vous dj entendu ces phrases ?Ce cours pour but d'anantir ces clichsCoach sportif depuis 4 ans et demi j'ai aid des centaines de personnes dans le monde reprendre le contrle sur leurs poids. Un coach sportif qui dit que nous pouvons maigrir sans sport ? OUI ! C'est tout le sujet de ma mthode qui a aid des centaines de personnes ! J'aime aller contre-courant, dcouvrez ma mthode et vous n'aurez plus souffrir des heures, mois, annes pour perdre du poids, vous rentrerez dans ce jeans ou cette robe sans soucis dans quelques semaines en appliquant ma mthode facilement tout en vous faisant plaisir !"
Price: 19.99

"Infrastructure Automation With Terraform a DevOps Tool" |
"Learn how to automate your infrastructure with terraform. Covers Terraform with AWS different resources with infrastructure as automationTerraform has gained a lot in popularity lately and is the tool you need to master if you are or about to get into a Ops / DevOps role. You typically use a technology like Ansible, Chef, or Puppet to automate the provisioning of software. Terraform starts from the same principle, infrastructure as code, but focusses on the automation of the infrastructure itself. Your whole Cloud infrastructure (instances, volumes, networking, IPs) can be described in terraform. In this course you'll learn how to use terraform to automate your infrastructure. I will first show you the basics of terraform and will then explain how to automate infrastructure on AWS using terraform. You can open an AWS account for free to do the labs. I also provide a lot of code examples which you can immediately use to automate your own infrastructure."
Price: 19.99
