"Mobile Videography for Beginners" |
"**In This Course:students will learn how to shoot HIGH QUALITY video on their mobile camera.smartphones now come with advanced features that mirror a DSLR camera. Students will learn how to customize these settings. students will learn foundational videography theoretics for professional-level looking video. students will understand terms such as: ISO, shutter speed, and aperture."
Price: 24.99

"Fundamentals of Composite Materials" |
"Note: The instructor of the course has second language English proficiency if the learners are not comfortable with it then they are advised to not enroll in the course. Also, the learners who think they have a piece of sufficient knowledge about this course are not advised to enroll in the course.Welcome to the course Fundamentals of Composite Materials!Composite materials find various applications in the aerospace and automobile industries. This course focus on the following topics:History Of Composite materials.Polymer MatrixReinforcement particlesFabrication of Composites materialsApplication of Composite materials"
Price: 19.99

"Core Java Interview Questions - Preparation Bootcamp" |
"Hi everyone :)Having you stop here simply means you are either preparing for a core java interview or want to know the most commonly asked questions. If that is the case, you are in the right place!This course aims to provide an in-depth explanation to most continuously asked questions through very engaging animated PPTs. Whether it's string or exceptions, or multi-threading questions, we cover all of these topics. Most importantly, this course's content is straight to point with clear and concise visual explanations.Note: The course is not intended for complete beginners! You need to have at least basic to intermediate knowledge of Core Java.Rest assured, you will enjoy your Java Bootcamp experience with us. Kindly, leave an honest review after the course completion. Your feedback will help us to improve this course and other upcoming courses.See you in the course...Skill Hub Team"
Price: 24.99

"Aprenda a utilizar o ((OTRS)) Community Edition - de A a Z" |
"""Just put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die without doing"". Pablo Picasso.AaZ Demand Management ((OTRS)) Community EditionSe voc quer aprender mais e no sabe por onde comear, se voc fez algum curso mas no entendeu nada, se voc que saber todos os conceitos importantes que cercam a soluo de ITSM ((OTRS)) Community Edition, se voc universitrio buscando conhecimento, se voc quer ter uma viso geral e uma excelente base para saber caminhar sozinho, o seu lugar aqui. Vamos aprender de uma forma didtica mesmo para quem nunca viu o assunto.Uma plataforma de comunicao inteligente, gil e seguraO ((OTRS)) Community Edition um sistema moderno e flexvel de gerenciamento de tickets e processos que permite a profissionais de gerenciamento de servios de qualquer setor acompanhar o ritmo do ambiente de negcios atual, extremamente rpido e com foco em resultados.Accurate assignment. Quick notification.The ((OTRS)) Community Edition has built-in role management and authorization tools for individuals or entire teams that ensure requests are assigned to the responsible department quickly and with all task related information included.Having a fast response time is a critical factor, so the ((OTRS)) Community Edition ensures that requests do not disappear or remain unanswered. Notifications, reminders and forwarding management processes ensure that requests are evaluated and processed quickly. Even the service requester can be notified of the ticket's processing status at any time.Work: Communication that improves efficiencyExclude the guesswork factor from day-to-day operations. The ((OTRS)) Community Edition organizes internal and external communication through clear structures and optimized processes. This means that your team avoids mistakes and completes tasks quickly. The result: fast, high-quality service delivery.Management: Stay one step ahead of the competitionThe ((OTRS)) Community Edition provides valuable resources for strategic management - such as performance metrics. Reporting tools help you take a long-term view of inter-departmental operations, so you can make information-based decisions faster than your competitionOptimize workflows to increase efficiency.Community Edition Process Models ((OTRS)) are ideal for standardized and frequent processes. Its use increases quality and efficiency. Examples of common templates that can be integrated with ((OTRS)) Community Edition at installation:Holiday RequestsRoom ReservationsMaterial RequisitionsTravel expensesRelevant Complaints"
Price: 99.99

"WordPress - Backup, Child theme, Site health, favicon, PHP" |
"Its always important to have a website health check and improve its overall performance. Thus, this video tutorial is for everyone, who wants to enhance their WordPress. You will learn to improve your website health (including missing fileinfo or imagick module issue), create sitemap & favicon for better SEO, and save tons of hours by duplicating your page or posts designs. (Sitemap will be verified and submitted to Google by modifying TXT at cloudflare SSL). You will also learn to create a child theme, import Enfold Demo, backup website without FTP or Cpanel and configure Cache as recommended by GTmetrix.Additionally, you will also get insights about your websites PHP version and change it to a particular version for the chosen website. This is extremely helpful if you are using a shared hosting and that all websites cannot handle the latest PHP. You will learn both methods using cpanel or just by the WordPress login details.The tutorial will be short and to the point, and no lengthy explanations at all. Hope you will get something valuable out of this course."
Price: 19.99

"Corte y Confeccion, Disea tu Primer Vestido de Nia" |
"El curso de vestidos para nia es un curso dirigido a todas aquellas personas que tienen poco o ningn conocimiento de costura y patronaje. Si estas comenzando este curso, ten la certeza de que es muy practico, bsico y muy sencillo de seguir, te enseo de la mano paso a paso como hacerlo.Si quieres adentrarte en el mundo de la moda con vestidos para nia este curso es ideal para ti, te enseare desde el patronaje bsico para nia, el cual puede ser escalado en diferentes tallas; transformar el patrn bsico en diferentes prendas y como personalizarlo; te enseare tanto a trazar, cortar y coser un vestido sencillo; tambin veras cuales son las mejores telas a utilizar en los diferentes vestidos; cortaremos tambin una escarola, aprenders como forrarla, te enseo poner vistas y colocar los diferentes tipos de cierres.Finalizaras el curso realizando un proyecto con tu propio diseo de vestido para nia y personalizado a tu gusto. Tambin se te facilitaran patrones digitales para descargar en los diferentes apartados del curso."
Price: 19.99

"HP0-095 HP-UX System Administration Certified Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) What command displays the active shared memory segments?a) IPCSb) MSTATc) vmstatd) Strings / DEV / kmeme) NoneQ) Teams will be used for statistical monitoring of disk I / O? (Choose two.)a) SARb) Upc) IOSTATd) ioscate) NetStatf) linkloopQ) How to change the name of the volume group without reloading data?a) It's impossible.b) vgchangec) vgexport, MkDir, MKNOD, vgimportd) vgremove, MkDir, MKNOD, vgcreatee) NoneQ) There are many reasons why a user may report: ""Network down."" If you want to test your ability to communicate on a local area network, which of the following would you use?a) NetStatb) lanscanc) link loopd) None"
Price: 174.99

"1Y0-306 Citrix Access Gateway 4.2 with Advanced Control Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) What rule should be taken when attempting to change the service account to access the server farm, where links have been compromised?a) The new account must be provided to the system administrator by the administrator during the change privileges.b) The user in the same domain as the service account must be used to change the link.c) The administrator must use the Server Configuration utility to change the service account on each server in the farm.d) The administrator must use the Access Suite Console to change the service account on all servers.e) NoneQ) Where the administrator configures the conditions that users must comply in order to be able to see the login page?a) In politicsb) Properties scanning end point assayc) The properties of the entry pointsd) The filtere) NoneQ) What value should be set in the policy to ensure that the privilege to enter the access server farm?a) Permission access controlb) Allow logon to the system resourcec) Action Access Controld) Viewing Logon resourcese) NoneQ) Scenario: The administrator is required to create a scan that will scan the client device to make sure that all clients running Windows XP Professional management and Service Pack 1 (SP1) to install and run. All users in the environment should have a certain version of anti-virus software running on their system. Due to the addition of new scanning acquired offices have requirements that must be changed. Purchased remote offices, which will have access to corporate resources through Access Gateway, client devices that run on Windows 98 and is not subject to the same scan in accordance with the requirements of other users. When you set up rules for analysis of end points of the scan, the administrator can ensure that the unit only in the new offices will not have to meet the same safety requirements as required for other corporate users. What are the conditions of the type to be added to the rules of the scan to ensure that the script demands are met?a) Client device regional languageb) logon pointc) propertyd) operating systeme) None"
Price: 179.99

"PMI-SP Scheduling Professional Certified Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) When creating a project WBS, that process might happen next?a) Evaluation of the resourcesb) identify activitiesc) Estimation of durationd) The sequence of operations POS ~~ = Trunce) NoneQ) Which of the following planning techniques define the following types of activities and the activities of the predecessors to help project work sequencing project?a) Preference method schemeb) Schedule network templatesc) It depends on the definition ofd) Activity at nodee) NoneQ) You are the project manager for NHGQ projects for your business. You must create and distribute reports every week for your key project stakeholders. What connection do you normally use to disseminate reports?a) printing technologyb) Many-to-manyc) One to oned) pull technologye) NoneQ) Your project has a project plan, and things are going well. Your team reached its first milestone, and is currently in the second phase of the project. Project Stakeholders asks you to find a way to reduce the duration of the project. They will reward you and your project team with a 25 per cent premium to the cost of the project in case you can complete the project within thirty days earlier than already planned. Stakeholders, however, will not approve any additional labor costs under the agreement. Whichever method you can use to reduce the duration of the project?a) Perform resource leveling project.b) Dividing the project plan.c) Fast track project.d) Take things from the scope of the project.e) None"
Price: 179.99

"PW0-204 Certified Wireless Security Professional (CWSP) Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which of the following protocols use a software layer that lies between HTTP Internet protocol (Hypertext Transfer) and the level of transmission control protocol (TCP)?a) TFTPb) HTTPSc) SCPd) SSLe) NoneQ) Which of the following protocols are used to verify the authenticity of the request in the current data?a) JUMPb) EAPc) PPTPd) BOYe) NoneQ) Which of the following methods may work in wireless networks? Each correct answer presents a complete solution. Select all that apply.a) EAP-TLSb) JUMPc) PEAPd) EAP-TTLSQ) You work as a system administrator for Tech Perfect Inc. The company has a wireless LAN. You want to insert the instrument in the corporate network, which monitors the use of the radio spectrum used by wireless LANs, and immediately alerts you when a rogue access point is detected on the network. Which of the following tools do you use?a) firewallb) WIPSc) MFPd) NATe) None"
Price: 169.99

"JSP AJAX Bootcamp" |
"This course will teach Json, Ajax in Jsp programming step by step. we will cover about how to make the crud application through AJAX without refresh the webpages.Learn how to design your HTML pages with bootstap. This course will teach the form data can submit through AJAX to a mysql database. Using JSON formatted data we display all of the MySQL table contents within our webpage.we include all the the Source files You Will LearnFundamental JspBasic Jsp Crud (create data, retrieve data, update and delete)Basic Jsp Ajax Crud (create data, retrieve data, update and delete)Advanced Jsp Ajax Crud (create data, retrieve data, update and delete)Advanced Search Jsp AjaxDropdown box loading Jsp AjaxComment System Project Jsp AjaxSimple Login Jsp AjaxAdvanced Registration and login forms validation Jsp AjaxPassword hashingI am available to answer your questions and help you work through any problems."
Price: 34.99

"Dear Friends,Learn C PROGRAMMING Language exclusively with Digiflax for Free!The course designed for begginers and developers as easy learning and understanding about C Programming from Basic to Advance.This course has been developed looking at world over requirement by the students and developers who wants to learn and understand C PROGRAMMING easily."
Price: 19.99

"C++ is a High-Level, General-Purpose Programming Language. It's an extension of the C PROGRAMMING Language, or ""C with Classes"". The language has expanded significantly over time, and modern C++ has object-oriented, generic, and functional features in addition to facilities for low-level memory manipulation. Many vendors provide C++ compilers, including the Free Software Foundation, LLVM, Microsoft, Intel, Oracle, and IBM, so it is available on many platforms."
Price: 19.99

"Frontend Master Course 2020 for Beginners!" |
"In this course, you will learn front-end skills.By the end of this course, you will be able to make and publish a real website.In other courses, the final website you create may not be cool. However, in this course you will create a professional level website in the end.This course will give you all the knowledge you need to create a website.The following is a list of knowledge you will learn in this course.- HTML- CSS- Javascript- Bootstrap- jQuery- Deploy- Favicon- Font Awesome- How to use Javascript plugin- Vercel for deployThere is free open document for this course, compare with other course on Udemy, you can easily check what you will learn and recap what you've learned."
Price: 199.99

"Pentaho Data Integration - Advanced Concepts" |
"This course will help you to evaluate advanced concepts in Pentaho Data integration. Majorly connecting with aws(s3,Redshift) and Hadoop environments. Covered Pentaho steps in such a way to optimize your job/transformation. best practices to follow. Exploring various log levels and also connecting to repository and looking at version controlling options. exporting jobs to Pentaho repository."
Price: 5440.00

"Jedox: der Praxiskurs" |
"Lerne Jedox anhand von Praxisbeispielen fr Anfnger bis zum Fortgeschrittenen in nur einem Kurs! Wir zeigen dir mittels unserer langjhrigen Erfahrung aus dem Alltag die meistgefragten Anforderungen aus Projekten.In diesem Kurs erklren wir dir von der Installation bis zur Verffentlichung von Berichten inklusive eines Management Dashboards wie du Jedox verwenden kannst.Einige der coolen Themen die du in diesem Kurs lernen wirst:die Installation von Jedox auf Windows, Linux oder einer Docker Variantedie Erstellung von Berichten in Excel mit Hilfe des Jedox Excel Add-Insdie Erstellung und Verwendung von Berichten im Jedox Webdie verschiedenen Planungsfunktionen die Erstellung und Verwendung von Management Dashboardsdie Mglichkeiten der Security Einstellungen, wie zum Beispiel die Einschrnkung bestimmter Kostenstellen je nach Verantwortsbereich"
Price: 199.99

"Payload Ethical Hacking Course" |
"This course starts with very basics. First you will learn how to install the the tools, some terminology and how devices communicate with each other. Then you will learn how to scan vulnerabilities with Nessus and gain full access to computer systems via discovering the weaknesses and vulnerabilities.In this course you will also learn different password collection techniques such as using keylogger, and learn how to crack password hashes using brute force and dictionary attack techniques."
Price: 184.99

"System Hacking Course For Ethical Hackers" |
"This course is for beginners and IT pros looking to learn how to be anonymous while hacking on the web. There are currently over a million Cyber Security job openings global and demand is greatly outpacing supply which means more opportunity, job security and higher pay for you! Each chapter closes with exercises putting your new learned skills into practical use immediately. You will start by understand network anonymity by using tools such as Tor, Tortilla and Proxy Chains."
Price: 189.99

"Enumeration Course For Ethical Hackers" |
"The CEH is a very dense exam. It covers a very broad range of material. This course will be a good resource for you to understand not only the material but the breadth of the material. As EC-Council expects you to have two years of experience before you can even register to take the exam, I don't expect this course alone will be enough for you to pass the test. Hands-on experience will help a lot. While this course is an excellent way to start preparing for the exam, I will also mention other resources you can use to set yourself up for success."
Price: 194.99

"Google Hacking Course For Cyber Security" |
"If you are passionate about learning hacking but have no idea where to start then this course is for you. It does not matter if you are absolute beginner or intermediate because I will start with very basics and if you are intermediate then you also can join this course because this course contains lot of practical experiments. This course demands one thing i.e. hard work. You have to perform various practical experiments on your Computer."
Price: 174.99

"Cyber Security Penetration Testing Tools Course" |
"Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) is a qualification obtained by demonstrating knowledge of assessing the security of computer systems by looking for weaknesses and vulnerabilities in target systems, using the same knowledge and tools as a malicious hacker, but in a lawful and legitimate manner to assess the security posture of a target system. This knowledge is assessed by answering multiple choice questions regarding various ethical hacking techniques and tools."
Price: 199.99

"Vulnerability Analysis Course For Ethical Hacking" |
"Learning hacking is very diffucult. Unlike programming or any other thing you have to work really hard to get to know something. Because there are closed communities, not especially friendly to people from ""outside"". A lot of people complained about it before they started the training. Almost everyone experienced rejection and almost everyone did not know how to make the first step. People just want to learn fast and good because of that we offer solid good information for beginners.In this video series you will learn various way of hacking. Our aim is teaching basics about Penetration Testing and ethical hacking in this lessons"
Price: 194.99

"Master gRPC con Golang" |
"gRPC es un moderno framework para construir APIs de forma rpida.Tambin es usado por muchas compaias como Google, Netflix y Dropbox entre otras.Ya que les ayuda a los desarrolladores a crear microservicios en distintoslenguajes sin perder una fcil comunicacin entre los servicios. Esto es gracias a Protocol Buffers que es el mecanismo de comunicacin de losservicios.En el curso veremos cmo implementar varios servicios utilizando no slo los conceptos si no comprendiendo el mindset de gRPC. En poco tiempo sers capaz de definir tus archivos proto para generar cdigo envarios lenguajes !. Bueno es hora de empezar as que vamos a ver qu es y cmo usar gRPC"
Price: 1170.00

"The Complete Audio Producer 2020" |
"Learn Professional Audio Production in 2020 by mastering the most modern and advanced skills from a world renowned Producer/ Audio Engineer. Clarians students have gone on to working and contributing to some of the biggest and most reputable Audio Production Companies and Platforms in the world like Universal, Warner, The BBC, Spotify, Landr, Splice etcThis is the actual affordable and accessible online course you need to becoming a professional in Modern Audio Production. Learn the best technologies and techniques without spending any money on software or hardware whatsoever for writing and arranging cross-genre music, sound design and effects processing, and audio engineering, with zero starting experience in music or sound design needed. Gain crucial skill sets and work on custom designed advanced project sessions youre free to add to your music portfolio and advance yourself to the future that you want.Join a live online school and community mentored by industry producers and engineers, with monthly challenges and opportunities to get your productions played for thousands of listeners worldwide. Level up with a curriculum by an instructor who has worked in audio production for majors, international publishing houses, has tens of millions of streams on multiple platforms grown organically and independently, and has collaborated with Grammy nominated and Award Winning Production teams.This course was born out of a necessity to provide a way to learn and level up Audio Production skills without having to spend or work on expensive studio equipment or buy expensive software programs up front in order to learn how to master and understand these tools. The course will show you the best tools available and teach you to discern for yourself how and what you need for high quality productions. It will prove to you by the time you complete it that you can create top level productions without being a musical virtuoso or having an expensive studio from the get go; you can learn top level production with just your computer and headphones. Heres why this course stands out from the thousands of other production courses out there right now:1. Learn to master the best technological tools in the world without spending any money on expensive software or hardware. We will be learning and working with one of the top industry standard software in the world, Ableton, and covering advanced engineering skills such as multi-band compression without expecting you to have access to a studio or make any purchases. Everything we will be using will be free to download. By learning these tools upfront you will see the true potential of Audio Production and will be able to move ahead working professionally from home or applying for jobs without wasting valuable time or money. You will be learning a top professional DAW Software used by industry company engineers like Universal, Sony, Warner etc as well as the fundamentals under the hood of how the these Software work for translatable skills into other top DAWS such as Pro-Tools and Logic. This course is designed for producers of all levels who want to learn the professional skills needed who are stuck with unfinished productions along with those who want to begin working Professionally in Audio Production for 2020. 2. The Instructor of this course has worked as a head engineer (mixing and mastering) and co-producer (writing and arranging) for majors, indies, and international publishing houses including working with Grammy nominated and Award Winning Productions. I have headed and worked in engineering and production for record labels and companies from the ground up to viral successes again and again all over the world from studios and Labels in Detroit, LA, Montreal and Berlin. This is my love and my life. I am not some advertisement company guy trying to sell something, but someone who is passionate and committed to sound and audio production through and through. I believe my work speaks for me. Both sound design and music, writing and arranging, is my whole life effort and I believe there needs to be a course available to people which is actually accessible and comprehensive for anyone who is willing to learn and not just courses taught by teachers without the experience or these short master classes which truthfully only offer a glimpse and do not really provide the necessary foundations and ground up process to achieving your dream goals. 3. This course offers you a platform for submitting your projects as well as monthly challenges to be streamed for thousands of listeners worldwide as well as fast-tracked to industry people with real life invaluable feedback! Once youve completed this course, your productions skills will have advanced to a whole other level. If you took this course unable to make your drums sound the way you wanted to before, you will leave complete with the knowledge of how to do so. If you couldnt finish your productions more than 70% and kept hitting walls wasting time googling tutorial after tutorial, youll come out of this with that extra 30% plus extra. We will be learning starting at the very very beginning with the science behind sound waves and audio signals and work our way up to become a full fledged Professional in Audio Production. We will build a full blown Radio Electronic Pop Production and continue forward with advanced midi automation and conversion algorithms. This is the kind of record along experience that you cant get or find from other courses. Those courses make you end up spending money you dont have so way better to save your money.4. You are going to have access to a large database of professional project files ranging from film scores to video game soundtrack productions including sample recordings, arrangements, and production techniques all set up for you and good to go completely free and at your disposal with in detail lessons on how they are built and operate. You will also be getting a library sample pack of personally recorded vintage synths and modulars, instrument performances, and vocals processed through beautiful preamps and a mixing board for you to use and listen to as you see fit. All the samples and all the projects that you will be working on in this course are absolutely license free and yours to do with as you please. That alone encompasses years of experience built into projects and expensive equipment sounds that you get just for signing up! You will not find another course in the world offering this kind of sample package combined with live record along tutorials to show you how everything works step by step. 5. This course is set up to teach you the current modern tools and skills needed to get a job in audio related fields from music production to freelancing in audio processing or at the very least familiarize yourself with the modern tools needed to completing your own personal projects. With our online community you will be able to get mentoring help from me and other producers along with engage in active conversations and audio related topics on the daily. This course features the best and most current audio producing tools and techniques I have used and worked with over the years and will excel you in ways that other courses simply cant confined to just one software DAW or studio boxed mindset. You will have the knowledge to work with multiple types of audio software and in multiple industries and studio set ups. This is the definitive accessible Online Audio Production Course. You will be able to record-along, step by step through the videos and exercises, and complete the following projects:* Produce Professional High Quality Audio Music Productions and Sound FX * Create and Produce a short Film Score to add to your portfolio* Build and test the audio production of a Video Game soundtrack. * Engage in monthly challenges to have your projects streamed for thousands of listeners.* Apply for jobs in audio related fields with an advanced set of skills and modern techniques applicable for 2020* Work along side step by step mentored by an industry professional on unique projects that you can expand however youd like license free.* Finish Projects and get your sounds sounding professional and break through those walls holding you back.* Start working remotely freelancing on Audio Productions and sending out your work to Labels and publishing companies. I have put into this course the best techniques and tools that Ive used throughout my entire professional career. There are countless tutorials and master classes out there and it is very easy to get lost on a forum wasting time reading over differing opinions endlessly. But none of that gives you a true learning experience to understanding whats going on under the hood and being able to succeed not just in the course, but in your productions and career thereafter. This course is the solution for those who are stuck trying to figure out how to get things to sound better and overwhelmed with tutorials as well as those who want to get into modern sound production but arent sure where to start and dont have the money to spend. This course embodies all of my years of experiences including the best things that work as well as the trappings to avoid, so you dont have to waste hours upon hours for nothing going back and instead just focus on moving forward and staying on track with the most modern tools available.This is a one of a kind program because there is not yet anything else out there that can offer you this in Audio Production. Youre not going to come out of this stuck and feeling limited by just learning one software program, or feeling like you cant progress without buying 10 new instruments and outboard gear and practicing an instrument for the next 10 years. You will come out of it with something for more valuable, truly knowing how audio tools work to get high quality results and then being able to decide for yourself what youd like and not like to do; not out of necessity, but because you now hold the knowledge and the power. Were going to be learning many translatable and employable skills such as:* MIDI & Automation You will learn modern digital interfaces and the best tools and practices that are used by audio engineers and music producers at Majors like Universal, PolyGram & EMI. This is one of the most popular and powerful tool systems used in music production today.* How Tools like Compression Actually Works Demystify skills that are often misused and misunderstood even by the pros. You will have clear cut explanations and examples on how to get voice recordings sounding professional in a mix or pumping up your drums to punch in a big speaker listening room. * What actually are Sound Waves And Audio Signals Gain the under the hood knowledge into audio recordings so that you can advance to higher quality production levels over most other at home and professional producers. * How To Finish Projects And Not Just Starting New Ones Often, producers will get stuck halfway or three quarters through their projects not because they dont have the vision to completing the project or the tools, but because they are lacking the process and fundamentals. Instead of figuring out how to properly complete them, theyll do a render and not being fully satisfied, end up starting something new never really advancing. This can be very frustrating, but it doesnt have to be this way at all. By going through each step of the way from zero you will have the bridge needed to completing projects where many others fail. * Build High Quality Audio Projects quickly with just your computer By referencing the best analog hardware in the world, we will emulate their performance to results you did not even know were possible with just your computer and some headphones. Why do we teach the above?These days there are so many technologies out there and opinions on how to produce sounds, and learning just one software or thinking that it automatically takes expensive equipment deeply limits your ability to progress. Learning the lessons like the ones above are what its going to take to truly level you up so that youre well ahead of the game in 2020 when it comes to modern audio production. The world is shifting more and more towards learning and working at home. This is an opportunity for you to start learning the most in demand skills, showcase those skills for thousands of listeners, and gain the experiences you need to develop your passion into something real. It would be an honor to take this journey with you and I hope you will give this a chance. I have poured my lifes work into this course and I am very excited about this and can say hands down, there is no other course on the internet or off of it, like this one. This is one of a kind. Looking forward to seeing you in the lessons! "
Price: 104.99

"Acrylic lesson - Blooming tree - Flower Painting" |
"This is easy painting and I recommend it to everyone who just starting to paint with acrylic. Here we learning basics: mixing of colors, paints applying, layering, shapes of brushes. Here you don't need to use acrylic techniques usually have some issues at start as blending or glazing. Also, you can change this painting in many ways! Just paint leaves, berries, or snow instead of blooming flowers and you can create any season painting based on tutorial! Please follow it patiently and let's paint it together step-by-step!"
Price: 19.99

"Qigong Meditation: Guided Meditation w Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming" |
"1 hour 8 minutesDr. Yang, Jwing-Ming teaches the fundamentals of meditation, with details about posture, the qi (energy) circulatory system, and how to properly practice Qigong Meditation to improve your vitality and increase your power.By progressing through these qigong meditation steps gradually, one may develop the core energetic circulation of the body, which in turn provides abundant energy (qi / prana) to the circulatory system branching out to the entire body. The practice can improve your general health, and it is a fundamental step in the practice of spiritual enlightenment meditation.Dr. Yang's systematic approach to teaching offers deep insight into Qigong Meditation, usually reserved for longterm private students, and those practicing martial arts nei gong (internal cultivation), with techniques until recently kept secret in monasteries; includes one-on-one instruction by Dr. Yang of Embryonic Breathing, Laogong Breathing, Yongquan Breathing, Four Gates Breathing, and Nei gong Grand Circulation.This course is beginner-friendly and easy to follow for anyone interested in meditation of any style. This program is a must for serious qigong students, meditators, and energy healers, and it is recommended for yoga practitioners interested in studying the internal (energetic / kundalini) aspect of practice. This practice is beneficial for energy cultivation for yourself or with a partner, in dual cultivation practice, and fits with any meditation lineage.Dr. Yang guides you through his progressive qigong meditation methods.Develop incredible health and strength, and boost your immune system.Learn about the key Qi points in qigong meditation, the same as used in acupuncture.Learn rare Meditation Recovery Exercises to stretch and condition the torso and legs50 minute guided meditation / 18 minute Recovery Exercises / 68 minutes / 1 hour 8 minutesMany more streaming videos available from YMAA website.More meditation and qigong titles on Udemy:Understanding Qigong 1: What is Qigong? / Understanding the Qi Circulatory System Understanding Qigong 2: Keypoints of Qigong / Qigong Breathing TheoryUnderstanding Qigong 3: Qigong Meditation - Embryonic BreathingUnderstanding Qigong 4: Immune Boost Qigong - Four Seasons QigongUnderstanding Qigong 5: Qigong Meditation - Small CirculationUnderstanding Qigong 6: Martial Arts Qigong BreathingThese stand-alone programs can be used sequentially, or individually, based on your meditation practice goals."
Price: 69.99

"Kung Fu Body Conditioning and Traditional Training Exercises" |
"Three hoursKung Fu disciples of Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming's YMAA Retreat Center 10-year extensive kung fu program instruct traditional training for endurance, power and exceptional health.Body conditioning is the crucial foundation in traditional kung fu training and can be used in modern times to supercharge our health and immune system. This regimen is designed to build and fortify the entire body's structure preparing it for the rigors of martial arts practice. These traditional body-conditioning methods will gradually strengthen your bones, joints, and muscles, allowing you to develop speed, rooting, and explosive power without injury. You will become more fit and flexible, you will improve the health of your spine and internal organs, and you will enhance your cardiovascular endurance.Though this challenging training, one also develops their character, with humility, patience, perseverance, courage and incredible willpower.Body conditioning includes stretching, whole-body strength training, tumbling drills, and outdoor training methods, such as running, rope climbing, and rock throwing. This total body workout is balanced with Qi (energy) cultivating meditation techniques that are essential for all martial arts styles. Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming teaches the fundamentals of 'Grand Circulation' meditation, with details about posture, the qi (energy) circulatory system, and how to increase your martial power, for any fighting style. Comprehensive mind, body and spirit workout; like series of one-on-one private classes. Bonus Outdoor & Partner Exercises to help keep you excited and motivated to train. Detailed step-by-step instruction of techniques usually reserved for private students. Dozens of Exercises and Techniques / 180 minutes / 3 hoursAlso available on Udemy: Dr. Yang Tai Chi and Qigong video lessons.Kung Fu Body Conditioning Gong Fu Qiang Shen Xun Lian features Jonathan Chang, Patrick Manriquez, Javier Rodriguez, Jachym Jerie, Santiago Costello, Zach Cohen. Special Thanks to Frank Verhelsdonk, Rii Kanzaki, and Craig Atkinson. Produced and Directed by David Silver.Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming () started his Kung Fu training at the age of fifteen under the Shaolin White Crane (Bai He) Master Cheng, Gin Gsao (). In thirteen years of study (1961-1974) under Master Cheng, Dr. Yang became an expert in the White Crane style of Chinese martial arts, which includes both the use of bare hands and of various weapons such as saber, staff, spear, trident, two short rods, and many others. Dr. Yang also studied traditional Shaolin Long Fist Kung Fu with Master Li, Mao-Ching ( ), himself a student of legendary Han, Ching-Tang, at the Tamkang College Guoshu Club (1964-1968) where Dr. Yang was studying Physics. Dr. Yang's Taijiquan lineage can be traced back to the Yang family through Master Kao, Tao () and his teacher Yue, Huanzhi (), an indoor disciple of Yang, Chengfu (). Kung Fu Body Conditioning Gong fu qiang shen xun lianPart I: Stretch and Warm UpShakeSwing ArmsWindmillsRotate WaistRotate KneesRotate AnklesBouncing on ToesStretch UpwardTwistLateral StretchRotate ShouldersStretch NeckStretch Lower BackShake RearStretch Achilles & ToesStretch GroinLower Spine RotationSpine WaveRotate ShouldersDrop ArmsSingle ArmPart II: Conditioning Training - Arms and HandsWrist StretchFinger speedPunchingPunching with WeightPushups RegularWide Arm, Fist, Clapping, FingertipConditioning Training - TorsoDan Tian TrainingIron Board Bridge - FloorFace up / Face downIron Board Bridge - on ChairsFace up / Face downPanther HopConditioning Training - LegsMa BuForward, Turn Left, Turn Right,Shift Left, Shift Right, Crane, WideMa Bu on BricksRootingPushing with StaffPushing Dan TianPart III: TumblingWarm up exercises:Candlestick - Regular / Rolling upBridge Regular / To StandingStretch Foot to HandRollingPikeDivingRoll Into HandstandShoulder RollRoll Into KickInternal Tornado / External TornadoRoll Into CartwheelDiagonal RollJump Over ObstaclesBackwards RollBackwards ExtensionBackwards Shoulder RollCartwheelSingle-Handed / Aerial / Round OffTripod HeadstandElbows/ ShouldersHandstandWalkingKip upsWithout Hands/ Rolling / From HandstandHead SpringWithout HandsHandspringsOver ObstaclesScissor KickingLeaping / FallingLeaping / Falling - GroupLine / BoxButterfly KicksPart IV: Qigong and MeditationSitting PostureNormal Abdominal BreathingReverse Abdominal BreathingEmbryonic BreathingTwo Gates (Laogong) BreathingStanding MeditationLaogong BreathingYongquan BreathingFour Gates BreathingGrand Circulation BreathingMeditation recovery exercisesStretch (Turn / Lean)Hands on EyesPop EarsPlay the DrumTap HeadMassage DownwardMassage EarsMassage KneesWave SpineForward / Side to SideBend ForwardSide to Side / Switch LegsStretch LegsForward / Side to Side / Switch LegsSan Yin JiaoFeetMassage / Tap / PressPart V: Outdoor TrainingArms and HandsParallel Bar DipSingle Bar DipHanging RowPull UpsL Sit / Behind neckRopeVertical / HorizontalCinder BlocksBasic Staff Training (one arm)Swinging / Circles / SmilesStaff Speed (one arm)Up/down / Side/side / DiagonalRock ThrowingLegsJumpingStick / Wall / BanisterMountain Running(Kung Fu Body Conditioning Part 2 also available.)"
Price: 69.99

"Alphabet hbreu - Premire tape pour apprendre le yiddish" |
"Cette classe est construite en 3 parties. Partie 1-L'alphabet hbreu que nous tudierons en 4 tapes. tape 1- Apprenez les onze premires lettres tape 2 - Apprenez les onze dernires lettres tape 3- Apprenez les lettres qui ont ce changement quand elles apparaissent la fin d'un mot - Apprenez les lettres finales. tape 4 - Sons supplmentaires / daguesh - En savoir plus sur le daguesh. Partie 2- Les voyelles - Apprenez les voyelles.Partie 3- Lecture et mise en pratique de ce que nous apprenons - Apprenez lire comme un pro. Mettez de votre ct les bases pour l'apprentissage du yiddish si vous souhaitez voluer dans ce sens par la suite.Mthode d'apprentissage facile. Classe joliment structure."
Price: 19.99

"Consumo consciente" |
"Os tpicos tratados neste cursos tm como objetivo principal despertar no estudante a conscincia de que todos somos responsveis pelos impactos (bons e ruins) que geramos; logo, como podemos fazer para mitigar nossos impactos negativos, e potencializar nossos impactos positivos? O curso tem uma estrutura de narrao sobre fundos simples, apresentando tpicos concentrados e resumidos, e materiais complementares fundamentais para fixao e aprofundamento"
Price: 39.99

"Introduction to Operational Risk Management ORM" |
"This is an Operational Risk Management ORM course. Risk is inherent in every process and system that an organization or company uses and due to complexity of business operations, advancement of technology, increased customer's expectations and complex regulatory requirements the management of operational risk has become crucial, for the success of organizations or companies.Operational risk is one of the important components of overall Enterprise Risk Management ERM. Management of operational risks is relevant for almost all of the organizations and institutions such as banks, insurance companies, brokerage houses, investment companies, FMCGs, Pharmaceuticals, Leasing companies etc.In this course you will learn about risk, event, types of risks with practical examples, operational risk and its management process etc. This course will help you in learning different special words used in risk management practices in practical life, such as Operational Losses, OLD, RCSA, KRI, Risk Appetite, Tolerance, Exposure level, Net Impact, Scenario,Process, Sub process etc.Below are broader topics that you will learn:Risk, Types of Risks, Events and Impacts Credit Risk, Market Risk, Compliance Risk and Liquidity Risk with ExamplesOperational Risk and Management of Operational Risk ORMOrganizational Structure with reference to Operational Risk Management ORMRisk Appetite and ToleranceOperational risk Governance Structure ORGSRCSA, KRI, Breaches, Cause Analysis, Lines of Defenses, Audit etc.This course is of beginner level. After attending the course you will be able to apply the principles of Operational Risk Management ORM in practical life.Who this course is for?This course should be attended by:Risk management professionalsCompliance professionalsBranch managers / Operation managersInternal auditorsInternal controls professionals CFA / FRM / CA / ACCA / CAMS or Finance students andOthers who want to learn the risk management and its components"
Price: 19.99

"The beginning of a New Era" |
"Dear Citizens of the world, I New father of Nations, hereby declare the closure of an Era ending 2019, and declare the opening of a New Era beginning 2020. The Coronavirus has brought the unstoppable world to a stop, but it is still a mystery as to how the virus spares our children (our future) and affects only the aged. Whether Man-made or God-sent, I see this as a divine intervention to give us all a wake-up call. So, it is now time, we as citizens of the world, start taking things under our control and not remain as dependent and as relying on our respective governments as we were, and start questioning everything systematically. It is in this torrid and testing time, when the future is a big Question Mark, I have decided to emerge out of my hibernation, and lay the foundation for a new world, as I have all of your attention while you are in the comfort of your home, with all of the networking technology available at our disposal. Through this courseware I shall be sharing with you as much insight about life and its crucial aspects, that we must take control of, for if we continue to be ignorant of these aspects, and let someone else control these for us, our disaster will be more faster than ever. Your SincerelyNew Father of Nationswww.in10city.clubp.s. visit my blog https://www.in10city.club/blog"
Price: 19.99
