"Mestre do Tempo: realize seus sonhos com qualidade de vida" |
"Neste curso voc ir aprender a fazer a gesto do seu tempo de forma inteligente e equilibrada.Ao longo dos 18 mdulos do treinamento voc ir desenvolver as suas competncias de gesto do tempo atravs de 3 eixos: Atitudes, Tcnicas e Estratgias.Atitudes:Neste eixo voc ir descobrir quais so os seus desafios na gesto do tempo conforme o seu perfil comportamental. Tambm ir aprender estratgias para acabar com a procrastinao, multitarefas e ir aprender como falar NO para as outras pessoas.Tcnicas:J neste eixo voc ir aprender como colocar em prtica as melhores tcnicas e metodologia para fazer o seu planejamento semanal, gesto de tarefas, priorizao de projetos, organizao do tempo, delegao de tarefas, comunicao e definio de metas e objetivos.Estratgias:Aqui, alm das estratgias j discutidas nos eixos anteriores, voc ir receber dicas adicionais para lidar com seus e-mails e mensagens, evitar as interrupes, eliminar as distraes e aumentar a sua concentrao e foco.Enfim, o treinamento Mestre do Tempo programa completo e definitivo. Aps realizar o treinamento voc ser capaz de atingir todos os seus objetivos com qualidade de vida."
Price: 99.99

"PowerPoint for Educators" |
"PowerPoint has been the standard for slideshows for years. With good reason- there are so many features built in to make your presentations look and do exactly as you like, with ease. But PowerPoint is also a creative platform for students and teachers to do so much more with.Discover how much more you can be doing with this amazing and accessible platform to reach more students in more ways. Learn from a Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert and MIE Master Trainer, and author of All the Microsoft Tools You Need to Transform Your Classroom."
Price: 19.99

"RDM :Cours de Rsistance des matriaux" |
"Cours de la RDM, sollicitations de traction, cisaillement et torsion plus le moment quadratique.Essai de traction est ralis sur une machine qui permet dappliquer trs progressivement un effort de traction F, afin dtudierlallongement l de lprouvette. On enregistre sur un graphe lallongement relatif en fonction de leffort unitaireEssai de cisaillement.Une poutre est cisaille chaque fois que les efforts exercs sur deux tronons diffrents se rduisent deux efforts gaux etperpendiculaires la ligne moyenne Lm. Les actions mcaniques notes sont appeles efforts tranchants ( exprims en Newton N).Essai de torsion :Une poutre est sollicite la torsion simple si elle est soumise deux couples de moments opposs ports par la ligne moyenneCalcul de la contrainte, condition de rsistance , Loi de Hooke.Comment rsoudre les exercices de differentes sollicitations.Condition de rsistance et condition de rigidit.Ce cours vous aide bien comprendre les differentes sollicitations, rsoudre les exercices de la RDM et russir ses examens et concours."
Price: 19.99

"CRM - La relazione con il cliente" |
"Per tutti coloro che vogliono avvicinarsi al mondo commerciale di oggi, imparerete che conoscere il cliente e impostare una relazione duratura e di qualit sono gli elementi chiave del successo.Il CRM una vera e propria strategia, non solo un insieme di strumenti, che se applicata a dovere vi aiuter a comprendere i meccanismi del mercatoIn questo corso affronteremo l'argomento dalle basi confrontandolo con il marketing tradizionale, per poi andare a vedere quali sono le caratteristiche principali e fondamentali di questo approccio.Andremo a vedere come si puo' applicare questa strategia e come inserire questi strumenti nella propria azienda valutando attentamente tutte le variabili e andando ad identificare eventuali possibili errori per poterli evitare.Vedremo come seguire il progetto in tutte le sue fasi, dall'analisi dei prodotti e dei fornitori, all'inserimento del nuovo strumento in azienda, alla valutazione dei risultati. Analizzeremo come importante gestire la variabile del personale e della gestione del cambiamento.Questo corso ti dar la base per conoscere il marketing attuale e per rendere profittevoli le relazioni con i tuoi clienti.Ti aspetto!***Se cambi idea potrai essere rimborsato entro 30 giorni!***"
Price: 149.99

"Webpack 5: Getting Started 2020" |
"Webpack 5 Course For Beginner/Intermediate Developers This course is UP-TODATE with the latest Webpack version 5 (@NEXT version)Webpack 5 still not officially releasedIt is available as webpack@next on npmAt the end of the course you will be able to:1. Build Production Ready Applications2. Master webpack advanced concepts3. Support Development and Production modes4. Master JavaScript Modules5. Know the What? Why? How?6. Boost your application performance7. Split your application into bundles8. Microfrontends with Webpack9. Achieve Modular Project10. Module FederationWho is this course for:1. Developers who want to sharpen their skills2. Developers who want to become advanced/expert developers3. Developers who seek to aquire best practices4. Developers who want to learn about application performance5. Developers who want to learn how to build their applicationPrerequisites:1. Basic JavaScriptThis course includes:1. Webpack Overview2. JavaScript Modules3. Webpack Configuration4. Webpack-CLI5. Module Federation6. Babel Loaders7. Assets Management8. Production Mode9. Support Development & Production Mode10. Webpack HTML Plugin11. HTML Templates12. Build Process13. Modularity"
Price: 199.99

"Cooling Tower for HVAC and Power Plant" |
"Benefits of the course About Cooling Tower Applications of Cooling TowerTypes of Cooling TowerNatural and Artificial cooling towerPerformance of CT like approach, range, effectiveness, capacity, COC blowdown, drift/ Fill materialComponents of Cooling TowerDifferent materials of cooling towerSizing of Cooling Tower Reducing water loss in CT Reduce blowdown in Cooling TowerMaintenance of Cooling TowerMinimize corrosion and scale in Cooling TowerVariable frequency drives for Cooling TowerEvaluate performance of existing cooling towerTroubleshooting of cooling tower Checklist of energy saving in cooling tower"
Price: 99.99

"English placement test - Unofficial" |
"Who wants to know his/her level... you have to answer these tests and be okay with them. .You have to revise your language before tests.these tests only to know your level. ... ... ...Thank you."
Price: 19.99

"NLP: Natural Language Processing ML Model Deployment at AWS" |
"Are you ready to kickstart your Advanced NLP course? Are you ready to deploy your machine learning models in production at AWS? You will learn each and every steps on how to build and deploy your ML model on a robust and secure server at AWS.Prior knowledge of python and Data Science is assumed. If you are AN absolute beginner in Data Science, please do not take this course. This course is made for medium or advanced level of Data Scientist. What is BERT?BERT is a method of pre-training language representations, meaning that we train a general-purpose ""language understanding"" model on a large text corpus (like Wikipedia), and then use that model for downstream NLP tasks that we care about (like question answering). BERT outperforms previous methods because it is the first unsupervised, deeply bidirectional system for pre-training NLP.Unsupervised means that BERT was trained using only a plain text corpus, which is important because an enormous amount of plain text data is publicly available on the web in many languages.Why is BERT so revolutionary?Not only is it a framework that has been pre-trained with the biggest data set ever used, but it is also remarkably easy to adapt to different NLP applications, by adding additional output layers. This allows users to create sophisticated and precise models to carry out a wide variety of NLP tasks.Here is what you will learn in this courseNotebook Setup and What is BERT.Data Preprocessing.BERT Model Building and Training.BERT Model Evaluation and Saving.DistilBERT Model Fine Tuning and DeploymentDeploy Your ML Model at AWS with Flask ServerDeploy Your Model at Both Windows and Ubuntu MachineAnd so much more!All these things will be done on Google Colab which means it doesn't matter what processor and computer you have. It is super easy to use and plus point is that you have Free GPU to use in your notebook."
Price: 199.99

"HIPAA Training for the 2020s" |
"This brisk-paced training course for the healthcare provider workforce has been updated to include the latest HIPAA / HITECH impact from the Coronavirus pandemic and civil unrest. This course is full of engaging, real life examples, showing you how to comply with HIPAA in a variety of roles. It also discusses how you may need to update your policies and procedures to reflect the risks in a changing environment.This course also gives you access to a number of free BONUS MATERIALS such as sample policies, a checklist, and other tools and templatesFulfills new hire and annual HIPAA training requirementCOVID19 pandemic and recent civil unrest updates - how they affect HIPAA complianceFREE tools, templates, and checklistAvoid fines and penaltiesAffordable, on demand training to suit your schedule"
Price: 19.99

"Como se tornar grande no Instagram e TikTok?" |
"Como se tornar grande no Instagram e TikTok?Como prosperar o seu negcio, seja ele qual for?Voc precisa entender o seu AVATAR. Aprenda a definir precisamente o seu pblico, o seu desejo, a sua dor, saber como ele pensa, mostre a ele o que voc pode resolver, porque assim que voc vai conseguir prosperar na mdia digital. Eu sou Bruno Araujo, h 5 anos fao meu negcio prosperar atravs das mdias digitais. So anos de experincia, desvendando a era online, prestando assessoria para diversas pessoas, cantores, influenciadores, BBBs, modelos, lojas, academias, psicanalistas, compositores, microempreendedores. E em todos os casos h uma coisa em especfico, que primordial para que os resultados sejam alcanados: Saber qual alimento pega o seu peixe! Imagina levar uma pessoa para comer numa churrascaria se essa pessoa for vegana, com toda certeza no ser um experincia agradvel. Esse curso vai mudar a sua forma de ver o mundo, te fazendo entender o porqu suas postagens no conectam.O mundo agora DIGITAL. E posso lhes assegurar, se no entender sobre o seu pblico, o seu pblico no entender voc. O curso de avatar, te permite saber com preciso como olhar o seu avatar sobre a anlise de 3 perspectivas. Avatar Rei: como deve ser a sua figura perante as pessoas que iro receber sua postagem ou produto. Avatar Manada: o comportamento do seu avatar quando ele est em grupo.Avatar individual: como ser nico e questionador, como ele . Essa trade te far prosperar, te colocar sempre um passo frente dos demais e voc nunca mais ser enganado. Use esse curso com sabedoria. A Trade Pantera Negra O Avatar."
Price: 579.99

"Essentials of Formal Business Communication" |
"The ability to communicate is the most important quality that makes a successful entrepreneur, the ability to express your idea with certainty that's how you become a leader even if you are unsure, your ability to explain your vision and your direction is the attribute you need the most...., People have character strength but they lack communication skills, and that undoubtedly affects the quality of relationships as well. Handpicked Sr.Manager Training lectures for mastering all situation needing excellent business communication skills. [2020] Complete Business Communication Skill Courses is all about...Foundation of Business Communication on Low Vs. High Context Culture, connecting the audience, phases of group development. Essential and Effective of Communication Skills, Engaging Audience, What not to do, How to use your words and Voice, and what is the process, diversity, medium, time management, body language & handling non-verbal communication. (Paralinguistic ) non-lexical elements of communication.Learn worthy resource on Elements of Trust, Understanding Emotional Relationship while communicating, The narrative structure, storytelling, campaigns as a case study, social responsibility, the connection of communication with the internet revolution.Presentation Key Elements, Rules & Techniques on perspective to Inform, motivate and to convince, Effective Opening, Telling a Story and correct use of PowerPoint, and removing Top 10 Mistakes.How to structure Remarkably formal detailed Startup Presentation.Communication Objective and Obstacles, Fequant Organizational Problems and solutions, how to meet a potential client. Handling Situations its goal and Tips on how to present during the pitch, how to encourage a colleague to speak up, how to take charge of a team, socialising with the client, disagreeing without making enemies, nailing an interview, deal with an angry colleague, ask the boss for raise.Influential Calling, Things to do pre-call, powerful tools of voice, how to relax & convincing voice, the impact of the posture on telecommunication, sentence stress management.Meeting skills to facilitate discussion and decisions learn how keeping the group on task, assess the group concentration and engagement, clarifying confusing decision, managing ground rules and solutions, presenting and supporting your ideas, dealing with interruptions, facilitating the conclusion, identifying the next step, managing challenging behaviours excels your meeting management.Excellent Report writing and Plan, Organising and Structuring, Collecting Information, Report Writing Types and Styles, Effective Data Presentation, laying out proper information. Learn to speak fluidly in the situations of receiving visitors, introducing your company and explaining your position and role, business lunches, Meetings, Travelling and common social situations. Tact and diplomacy, Tour of the company, language review in this concern. Formal letter writing, Essential Skill of #BusinessCommunication, A one single course solving all challenges to master #communicationskills, #emailwriting, #publicspeaking, #storytelling, #EffectivePresentationsskills, #StartupPresentation, How do Professionals Communicate, #TelephoneTechnique (Telecommuting), Advanced #MeetingSkill, #ReportWriting, Socialising at Work, #bodylanguage, #meetingmanagement, Trust, Narrative and Social Media Details."
Price: 199.99

"Blogging & Affiliate Mastery in 2020 [ HINDI ]" |
"This Blogging and Affiliate Mastery course is from a beginner to an intermediate level.Other than Blogging and affiliate marketing I have taught website creation using WordPress which is an important part of blogging and affiliate marketing.If you do not have an idea of blogging or affiliate marketing, you can learn it from scratch you can get all the information in the course.All practical tips and methods taught in this are tried and tested by me.You can follow my Instagram Page, Facebook Group for asking questions and YouTube Channel for more content related to business, startups & digital marketing by the name infotalks ( google it and you will find all on the first page) or you can find the links in my Bio except for Instagram"
Price: 1920.00

"Heal Your Flying Anxiety so You Can Fly without Fear" |
"Get rid of your fear and anxiety about flying before and during your flight. It's like I am with you holding your hand. Time to go have that adventure that you always wanted to have.I avoided flying for many years. And then an opportunity came up that I couldn't pass by. I booked a trip to Australia seven months before the conference and then proceeded to have daily panic attacks for the next five months. It takes four different planes to get from Rochester to Adelaide and is usually 36+ hours door to door. I was freaking out.During those five months, every time I heard a plane fly over my house, I started to panic picturing myself overwhelmed and trapped in the plane. I was overwhelmed and exhausted and thought about canceling a million times.Six weeks before the trip, I learned how to do guided visualization, and began to develop what I have now coined as ""kinesthetic affirmations"" (Trademark pending). I practice for less than two weeks before a major shift came. My attitude transformed from panic to excitement. I was actually looking forward to my adventure. Just in case, I kept up the practice until the night before the trip came, and I wasn't anxious! At all! I even slept like a calm baby each night. And so, I went!On the plane, I was cool as a cucumber and actually had fun watching the movies and talking to people next to me! I repeated the process again and again for several trips and my flying anxiety went disappeared!Not only do I now fly several times a year but also I fly with no lingering fears.This course is designed to repeat and reinforce confidence in yourself and remind you of the control that you have. It shows you where anxiety comes from so you can eliminate it. This repetition of imagery is done on purpose to calm the mind and stop the trigger of anxiety about flying. You need to fly eventually in order to cure your flying anxiety. Don't worry, you build confidence by doing. It'll amaze you what you can do! You wont know you can until you do it."
Price: 29.99

"MDB y Bootstrap 4 desde Cero - 2020" |
"Este Curso esta hecho para los que desean navegar en el hermoso mundo del Desarrollo Web, por ello he preparado este curso desde un nivel bsico para que puedas comprender y aprender de manera progresiva de una manera dinmica y entretenida. Lo mejor de todo es que podrs poner en practica lo aprendido, ya que realizaremos juntos algunos proyectos de acuerdo al modulo que te encuentres, para que puedas afianzar lo aprendido."
Price: 19.99

"Complete beginners guide to MacOS including iMovie" |
"This course is designed keeping in mind the users who are new to mac and users who are still not up to speed with using the Mac in spite of owning it for a while. Considering the fact that most Mac users come from a Windows experience, this course compares with Windows wherever possible.This course is compiled and packaged in such a way that you learn everything that you need to get comfortable with Mac without spending several hours of time.In this course you will not only learn how to do the basic tasks on Mac but also learn how toChange system settingsUse the spotlight search tool and work like a proTaking screenshots or recording the screen,Customize the trackpad and keyboard shortcuts,Use iCloud to optimise your storageCheck the battery healthMonitor the performance and much moreThis course also covers everything about iMovie for you to get started with video editing without the need of other third-party software. To make the most out of your Mac, you will also get to know the overview of some other useful utilities like Notes, Keynote, Voice Memos and Garageband so that you can take maximum advantage of whats inside. Also includes a topic to cover some most frequently searched queries about MacOS."
Price: 19.99

"DP-300 Administering Relational Databases on Microsoft Azure" |
"The Azure Database Administrator implements and manages the operational aspects of cloudnative and hybrid data platform solutions built on Azure Data Services and SQL Server. The Azure Database Administrator uses a variety of methods and tools to perform day-to-day operations, including applying knowledge of using T-SQL for administrative management purposes. This role is responsible for management, availability, security and performance monitoring and optimization of modern relational database solutions. This role works with the Azure Data Engineer role to manage operational aspects of data platform solutions.Skills measuredPlan and implement data platform resources (15-20%)Implement a secure environment (15-20%)Monitor and optimize operational resources (15-20%)Optimize query performance (5-10%)Perform automation of tasks (10-15%)Plan and implement a High Availability and Disaster Recovery (HADR) environment (15-20%)Perform administration by using T-SQL (10-15%)"
Price: 34.99

"Complete Excel VBA macro HTML,CSS & JS from scratch (5 Hrs" |
"This course will help you to build a strong foundation in Excel & VBA macros and solve complex problems.Note: Attached 20+ Excel VBA macro code downloadable filesExcel & VBA top 200+ Interview questions and answers in downloadable excel fileThis course will helps you to learn:Fundamentals of Excel VBAWorking with most common VBA projects in ExcelWhat is VBA & macrosGain Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS & JavascriptHow to write first program in notepadHow to download and use HTML editorLearn HTML, CSS, javascript easilyTips for learning Excel VBAHow to start with Excel VBAHow to use and execute the Record Macro functionExcel VBA basic rulesHow to Unprotect Workbook, Sheets & VBA PasswordHow to create and use msgbox & inputboxdetailed logic's of For Loops, Do While & for Each functionsLearn how to create and use the Real time projects - Outlook, internet explorer and shared driveComplete web page automation using excel vba macroHow to connect with Microsoft access database using excel vba macroHow to create userformHow to use sendkeys in excel vba macroFormulas in Excel VBAThe workbook and worksheet objectsRange ReferencesRange actionsError handlingArraysEventsExcel vba Userforms.... And more......Thank you! Dhinesh Kannan"
Price: 19.99

"Elementor pour Wordpress : Le guide complet" |
"ElementorElementor est le constructeur ultime de pages WordPress qui vous permet de crer de magnifiques sites Web WordPress de la manire la plus ergonomique et la plus rapide possible. Les possibilits de conception sont impressionnantes et il n'y a pas besoin de savoir coder. En effet tout se fait par un travail de cliquer dposer d'lments qui sont mis disposition du concepteur. Avec Elementor vous pouvez ainsi crer visuellement des mises en page complexes et concevoir votre site Web en direct, sans avoir basculer entre l'diteur et le mode de prvisualisation. Le constructeur de pages vous permet d'atteindre une qualit de conception exceptionnelle.Elementor gratuit et Elementor ProIl existe une version gratuite et une version Pro. La version gratuite propose les fonctionnalits de base qui permettent d'diter des pages Wordpress en conservant pour base le thme Wordpress. Les widgets proposs sont basiques. La version Pro qui ncessite un abonnement permet d'avoir accs un grand nombre de widgets supplmentaires. Cette version permet galement d'avoir accs l'impressionnant constructeur de thme qui permet de raliser un site web complet en partant de rien. Il y a galement une large bibliothque de modles prdfinis de page, de header, de footer ou encore de sections mises disposition. Il est aussi possible de crer un site woo commerce et d'ajouter des intgrations.La formationDans cette formation on utilisera la version gratuite et la version pro. Vous allez voir comment utiliser Elementor pour crer un site web et editer des pages. L'ensemble des fonctionnalits sont travailles dans ce cours. Vous aurez l'ensemble des widgets expliques un un. Vous allez voir comment crer un site en utilisant la version gratuite l'aide d'un thme de base Wordpress. Vous verrez galement comment utiliser la version Pro avec la cration d'un site rassemblant des lments Pro. Vous verrez galement le constructeur de thme."
Price: 29.99

"Crer un site internet professionnel avec Wordpress de A Z" |
"Vous souhaitez crer votre premier site Internet simplement et rapidement ?Vous tes au bon endroit.Ce cours complet de 4 heures et pratique, a pour objectif de vous guider de A Z et tape par tape dans la cration et la mise en ligne de votre premier site Internet.Aucune connaissance ou exprience est requise. Accessible tous les dbutants.Nous allons utiliser le meilleur logiciel gratuit de cration de site Internet : WordPress.Ce logiciel vous permet de crer un site Internet beau, optimis et sans crire une seule ligne de code.A la fin de ce cours, vous serez capable de crer et personnaliser ces 4 sites Internet :Un site portfolio pour les photographes ou les designers par exempleUn blog pour ceux qui souhaitent partager leur passion ou crer un business en ligneUn site business pour ceux qui veulent crer un site pour leur entreprise ou crer un business en ligneUn site e-commerce pour ceux qui veulent vendre des produits en ligneVous saurez matriser WordPress pour crer tout autre type de site avec ce logiciel ou bien utiliser ces comptences dans votre carrire.Vous serez capable d'optimiser votre site pour amliorer ses performances et attirer des visiteurs sur le long terme grce au SEO (rfrencement Google).AU PROGRAMME :Crez le site Internet de votre choix : blog, site business, e-commerce ou portfolioApprenez utiliser WordPressPersonnalisez et optimisez votre site WordPressGnrez du trafic sur votre site grce au SEOPlus de 8h de cours vidoDes fiches conseils et pratiquesUn espace de support o vous pourrez me poser toutes vos questions"
Price: 29.99

"CCNP Enterprise: ENCOR 350-401 Training in Urdu/Hindi" |
"The ENCOR - Implementing and Operating Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies v1.0 course gives you the knowledge and skills needed to configure, troubleshoot, and manage enterprise wired and wireless networks. Youll also learn to implement security principles within an enterprise network and how to overlay network design by using solutions such as SD-Access and SD-WAN. This exam tests a candidate's knowledge of implementing core enterprise network technologies includingDual stack (IPv4 and IPv6) architecture,Virtualization,Infrastructure (Layer 2 and Layer 3)Network assurance,SecurityNetwork Automation.The core exam is also the qualifying exam for CCIE Enterprise certification."
Price: 24.99

"How to invest into the stock market" |
"Have you always wondered how people made money in stocks? Have you always thought about investing but aren't sure where to get started?Don't act irrational and invest logical!Stocks can make you wealthy but can also make you lose alot of money. We don't have infinite amount of time, money and energy so it is important to learn how to properly invest in a logical, rational and wise way!DISCLAIMER: We will not go over specific real-life examples of company stocks to invest in this course or advise actual stocks to invest in this course. Instead examples of fictional companies will be used to illustrate and explain concepts and analysisWhat this course offers:This course provides an introduction/overview to the different ways and methods of analyzing and investing stocks. In addition, investing strategies, tools and various approaches would be discussed to properly discuss ways to mitigate risk. The topics covered in this course include:Understanding long term vs short term investingUnderstanding fundamentals vs technical analysisUnderstanding different investing strategies for investing in stocksUnderstanding different investing tools for investing in stocksUnderstanding how news can impact stock pricesUnderstanding tips in choosing the right stock through knowing your risk, goals and current situation"
Price: 24.99

"Redes e Wifi Descomplicados - Pequenas e Mdias Empresas" |
"Julio proprietrio de um coworking em operao h cinco anos (abr/2020). Sofreu mais de dois anos at encontrar as pessoas e equipamentos certos para poder prover conexo de qualidade e em quantidade aos clientes. Em dias normais o local recebe ate 120 dispositivos (notebooks, tablets, celulares, automao, impressoras, etc) ao mesmo tempo. Com sua experincia em redes ajudou alguns amigos que passavam por dificuldade em suas residncias e notou que esse conhecimento poderia ajudar muitos outros, no apenas agora com o aumento de demanda de internet domstica durante a pandemia de coronavirus (filhos jogando, pais precisando fazer vdeo chamadas, sistemas de segurana e automao.... ) mas tambm para empresas de pequeno e mdio porte, que no podem pagar por uma consultoria profissional ou que no dispem, em suas cidades, de pessoas que possam prestar esse servio. Se voc tem uma experincia ruim com internet em sua empresa como por exemplo - internet cai toda hora- sistema interno fica falhando e vendedores no conseguem acessar o servidor- whatsapp web fica desconectando- maquininha do carto demora pra processar o pagto- seu escritrio e funcionrios sofrem com m qualidade de ligao de voz ou vdeo- se desconfia que algum funcionrio esteja agindo de m f ou fazendo downloads massivos - ou ainda, algum funcionrio chega e tudo fica lento- impressora ou cmera que se desconectam - um hotel, caf, local de eventos ou centro de convenes e recebe muitos clientes que demandam internet- um restaurante e est perdendo pedidos de delivery - experimenta lentido mesmo com pacote bom de operadora ou outra m experiencia, Se voce passa por alguma dessas dificuldades talvez esse curso seja pra voc. Saiba que uma boa internet no passa pela operadora mais cara nem pelos equipamentos mais custosos. Este curso inclui os mdulos de configurao de redes e wifi domsticos, para que voce resolva sua empresa e tambm sua casa.Satisfao garantida ou seu dinheiro de volta!"
Price: 99.99

"The Art of Managing Your Kid's Emotions" |
"This is what will be different in your life by the end of this mini-course: You'll understand your kids' feelings You'll allow them to feel what they feel You'll start using the conscious parenting approach You'll teach your kids how NOT to suppress or hide their feelings You'll make them feel safe to share their emotions You'll stop or say less ""No, Don't..."" You'll raise a respectful childThe Gifts You Will Give to Your Kids: A gift of choosing what to feel and how to act A gift of an emotional mastery and emotional literacy A gift of self-awareness and ability to recognize own emotions in the moment A gift of empathy and living in harmony with others, siblings and the parents A gift of living the conscious life earlier than most people"
Price: 99.99

"Anxiety Management with CBT, Neuroscience & Mindfulness Easy" |
"Would you like to live Anxiety free life? Allow me to guide you through this Anxiety dissolving journey, step by step. I will be using real client's examples from my clinic to demonstrate each technique. You are in safe hands! I am a Psychotherapist, Anxiety Expert and International Speaker. I featured in Psychologies magazine, amongst others and presented at many seminars on the topic of Anxiety Management and Anxiety and Panic disorders. Over the course of 9 years and 6000 sessions I compiled my best work and created this Anxiety Management course. I tested this Anxiety Management course with my anxiety and depression clients and all of them not only loved it but ceased their anxiety and depression in a rapid time. In my work I not only integrate latest findings in Neuroscience, CBT and Mindfulness, but many other psychotherapy modalities. Treatments are often more powerful when used in combination. I do not rely on one style of therapy, but choose the best from different styles and techniques to create the best treatment. Do you sometimes feel uncomfortable in social situations and perhaps worried about what people might think of you? Perhaps you feel anxious about traveling to new places, experiencing new things or meeting new people?Or are you constantly overanalysing everything that happened or exaggerating what might happen?You might worry about having anxiety or panic attack?This course will allow you to feel confident and comfortable in any new situation. Have the ability to:- master Anxiety Management with CBT, Neuroscience and Mindfulness- develop Emotional Intelligence- become Emotionally Resilient and confident- resolve your limiting beliefs and eliminate negative thinkingWith this Anxiety Management course you will gain a better understanding of why you are the way you are, meaning your personality traits, behaviours and habits. You will also learn how to change the thinking habits and behaviours that might be complicating your life.This Anxiety Management course will cover all you need to know about anxiety and where it comes from, why you might be suffering with it and what effects it might have on you.I will also explain the functions of your conscious and subconscious mind, what role they play in your life and how you can use them to manage anxiety and even recreate your life so you can start living the way you would love to.In my course I not only integrate the latest findings in Neuroscience and principles of Neuroplasticity, but also the following modalities: Psychotherapy with Clinical Hypnotherapy, Neuro Linguistic Programming - NLP, Emotionally Focused Therapy - EFT, Coherence Therapy and the principles of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy - CBT to help you experience fast, genuine and long lasting improvement. Treatments are often more powerful when used in combination. I do not rely on one style of therapy, but choose from different styles and techniques to create the best treatment plan. Even where medication or traditional therapy failed my clients managed to free themselves of anxiety and panic attacks using this Anxiety Management course. All you need to do is to use these CBT and Neuroscience techniques regularly and make them your new habits.As you know this is a Udemy course and so If you dont love this course you have 30 days money back guarantee. You were given the opportunity to free yourself of anxiety and panic attacks forever. One decision can change your life, make that decision."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Rangoli - A Fabulous Art Form" |
"I have designed this course for everyone who enjoy art. You'll learn various techniques of Rangoli making and also the significance of the various symbols (Swastika, Diyas, Flowers, etc.) used in Rangoli.I've made the course in such a way that anyone with no prior experience can master the art form. The course contains well explained videos about the fundamentals of drawing Rangoli. By the end of the course, you'll have learned beautiful Rangoli designs that you can draw during Festivals and Special Occasions. You will be able to create your own masterpieces after the course is completed.I would Love to hear from YouPlease let me know if you have any Questions, Comments, or Suggestions. I will answer them as soon as possible. "
Price: 64.99

"Photoshop for Textile Design" |
"My course Adobe Photoshop for textile design is for Fashion CAD artists and Textile Designers. Also, Id recommend it for Fashion Designers who are going to start their own business and have no room in their budget to hire a CAD designer.I hope it will be interesting and useful for professionals and for those who are discovering the world of textile design as a new carrier opportunity.Why Photoshop? There are many advance textile programs on the market, but their prices are several times higher than Photoshop, and not every business can afford them. Moreover, corporations very often use different programs so its hard to use your previous experience, whereas most companies have PhotoshopWe are going to learn how to:Create repeats- straight and half drop;Do color separations, color reductions;Clean artworks- several different ways;Match colors quickly- using Photoshop action option;Create plaids using different kinds of weave-plain, twill, even and uneven.Create knits using a stitch effect.Hope youll like it!"
Price: 89.99

"The complete Personal Protective Equipment training" |
"PPE is crucial when it comes to safety at work. PPE prevents you and your employees from injuries which some of them could be fatal. This course is designed to bring you understand the importance of PPE, know the main regulations according to OSHA and the EU and deepen your knowledge about the technical requirements of a variety of PPE types. Furthermore, this course also covers relevant aspects about the conformity of PPE put on the market.This course is designed with an innovative approach called Understanding by Design in order to make your learning efficient and -very important- enjoyable. A set of activities to reflect on the key points will help you anchor the messages and develop your expertize.This course is not only about knowing! It is also about developing your ability to select the appropriate PPE and put in place a consistent PPE program through its complete lifecycle.At the end of this course, you'll be very comfortable to tackle issues and tasks related to PPE: I am sure you will be able to demonstrate your leadership on this subject, support your employees, impress your managers.Above all, this course aims that YOU and all of us keep go back SAFE home to our beloved ones!"
Price: 24.99

"WordPress para Principiantes: Crea 3 Sitios Profesionales" |
"Nunca fue tan fcil crear un sitio web profesional, moderno, atractivo, y responsive para que se vea perfecto tanto como en PCs de escritorio, tablets y celulares. Gracias a este curso, sabrs todo lo necesario para construir sitios ya sea para tu negocio, tu portfolio, o tus clientes.Teniendo en cuenta que WordPress es usado en ms del 25% de los sitios web existentes, aprender esta tecnologa te garantizar estabilidad para tu negocio, e ingresos por un largo tiempo si tu objetivo es ser disear y construir pginas con WordPress.Te guiar paso a paso desde el proceso de instalacin de WordPress, contratacin de web hosting, compra de dominio, y diseo web hasta crear 3 sitios diferentes: un Blog de fotografa, un Portfolio de arquitectura/interiorismo, y una Galera. Los temas y plugins usados son gratis."
Price: 19.99

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Price: 59.99

"Descomplicando a Contabilidade de Custos" |
"Neste curso voc vai aprender Contabilidade de Custos de uma forma simples e descomplicada.Vamos Estudar:Os conceitos aplicados Contabilidade de Custos;Como calcular o Custo de Produo pelos Mtodos do Custeio Varivel e Absoro;Analisar as caractersticas dos mtodos para decidir qual a melhor maneira de gerar informaes teis para o Planejamento, Controle e Tomada de Deciso;Margem de Contribuio;Pontos de Equilbrio (Contbil, Econmico e Financeiro);Margem de Segurana;Custeio Baseado em Atividades;Formao de Preo com base em uma estrutura de gastos."
Price: 159.99

"Inteligncia emocional e propsito no trabalho" |
"O mundo mudou!O novo normal j est entre ns e com certeza veremos muitas mudanas acontecendo em pouco tempo, ao mesmo tempo!Sem dvida, inteligncia emocional e inteligncia espiritual (o propsito e viso sistmica) sero competncias de ponta para este sculo.Ao longo de minha jornada como lder educadora, consteladora e mentora de lderes, me deparo com vrias pessoas frustradas e cansadas na vida profissional, pessoas que dizem ter esgotado os seus recursos para lidar com os conflitos no ambiente de trabalho. Profissionais de valor, ocupando funes que lhes pesada em funo das metas, das presses e dos relacionamentos com as pessoas chamadas difceis.Afinal:- Como conciliar as muitas responsabilidades e papeis?- Como saber qual o seu lugar em cada um dos sistemas em que interage?- Como fazer com que as emoes trabalhem a seu favor?- Como se destacar em momentos em que as oportunidades parecem estar esgotadas?- Como se reinventar para vencer em tempos de adversidade?- Como conhecer as caractersticas do seu perfil, as foras, dons, talentos? E como explorar tudo isso e se destacar?- possvel garantir a empregabilidade nesta nova era?- Como encontrar o seu propsito e alcanar a vida abundante? (sim, mesmo em meio a uma crise possvel viver a abundncia!)Alm dos vdeos, neste curso voc receber ferramentas e exerccios poderosos que contribuiro com o conhecimento de sua inteligncia sistmica, conhecimento de suas competncias, suas crenas limitantes e sabotadores, suas foras e fraquezas, seu perfil comportamental atravs do eneagrama, entre outros.Voc poder contar com a minha orientao para esclarecer suas dvidas e ainda ir ganhar, de presente, o livro Coragem para ressurgir (de minha autoria).Sem dvida: um curso muito prtico e aplicvel sobre gesto da emoo no trabalho!A mudana vai acontecer!"
Price: 99.99
