"The essential guide to Firebase with React." |
"Do you want to create web applications with Firebase and React ?. This is the course for you.We will start from the very beginning, from ""I don't even know how to create a firebase account .and why should I? to actually understand how Firebase works and make a practice project.You will learn all the logic and practice behind Firebase in different modules and as we advance through the course we will be increasing the difficulty.To sum everything up, you will learn in this course:How to move around the firebase dashboardUnderstand the different services we we with FBaseCreate and application and link it to your React appWork with Firestore, the firebase DBHow to make authentication happen on your web app.Understand firebase storage and use it.How to use cloud functionsApply rules to your queries.How to host your app on firebase so the world can see it.Create a practice application to apply what we have learnedDont know how to use React.? Dont panic, at the end of the course you get a full React mini course, so you get two courses for the price of one.What about the instructor experience ?Well I've been around for 13 years now, built lots of applications for small projects and big companies like Citi, Fox, Disney and a lot more.Today I work as a developer for a major company developing applications on React , Angular and Vue, but I like to teach in my spare time.How about the target audience?This course is for almost everyone, a little bit of Javascript is required.We will use ES6 but you can learn as we go.If you want to take your coding to the next level, this is the course for you."
Price: 54.99

"Ingeniera de variables para machine learning" |
"Aprende a modificar las variables en tus datos y construye mejores modelos de prediccin.Ya diste tus primeros pasos en ciencia de datos, ya conoces los modelos de prediccin ms usados, ya construiste alguna regresin lineal o algn rbol de prediccin. Pero ahora, la vida real toca a tus puertas, y te das cuenta que los datos estn sucios, les faltan valores, algunas variables tienen etiquetas en vez de nmeros, no cumplen los supuestos de los modelos, un desastre! Y para peores, no encuentras muchas fuentes de conocimiento consolidadas al respecto. Solo blogs?Este curso te va a ayudar! Este es el curso online ms extenso y comprensivo en ingeniera de variables. Vas a aprender una enorme variedad de tcnicas de ingeniara usadas mundialmente en diferentes organizaciones, o en competiciones de ciencias de datos, para limpiar y transformar tus datos y variables.Hemos juntado una recopilacin de tcnicas fantstica, luego de buscar, investigar e implementar mtodos publicados en varias pginas online, artculos de publicacin cientfica, artculos por organizaciones, y por supuesto, utilizando tambin nuestra experiencia como cientficas de datos.Especficamente, que vas a aprender?Como imputar tus datos faltantesComo codificar tus variables categricasComo transformar tus variables numricasComo convertir tus variables numricas en intervalos discretosComo remover datos atpicosQu hacer con variables de fechas y horariosComo trabajar con diferentes zonas horariasQu hacer con variables mixtasVas a prender no una, sino mltiples tcnicas que se pueden aplicar para cada uno de esos puntos. Y como si esto fuera poco, vas a aprender a implementar estas tcnicas de manera elegante, eficiente, y profesional, utilizando Python, NumPy, pandas Scikit-learn y un paquete open-source especial que diseamos especialmente para este curso: Feature-engine.Al finalizar el curso, vas a poder ordenar todos tus pasos de ingeniera de variables en una pipeline simple y elegante, que te va a permitir poner tus modelos predictivos en produccin de manera mucho ms sencilla.Necesitas saber ms? Te contamosEn el curso, vas a encontrar primero, las tcnicas ms utilizadas para ingeniera de variables, seguidas por tcnicas ms avanzadas y exclusivas, que capturan informacin, a la vez que codifican o transforman tus variables. Vas a encontrar tambin una explicacin detallada de la tcnica, que es lo que asume, cuales son las ventajas de su uso, as como tambin sus limitaciones, y luego, mejores prcticas de programacin para implementarla en Python.Este curso es apropiado para principiantes, pero tambin para estudiantes y practicantes intermedios y avanzados. Con seguridad, vas a encontrar alguna tcnica dentro de nuestra coleccin, que te va a ser nueva y til.Con ms de 100 lecciones individuales y 10 hs. de videos, este curso cubre casi todos los aspectos de ingeniera de variables, incluyendo tcnicas de imputacin de datos faltantes, tcnicas de codificacin de variables categricas, transformacin de variables numricas, discretizacin, y trabajo con variables de fechas y tiempo.En este curso, Python es el lenguaje que elegimos, por su simpleza y la cantidad de paquetes open-source que soportan la ingeniera de variables. Adems creamos un paquete especial, Feature-engine, para que puedas aplicar todas estas tcnicas en un puado de lneas de cdigo.Entonces, que ests esperando? Smate al curso, descubre el poder de una slida ingeniera de variables, y construye mejores modelos de prediccin."
Price: 49.99

"Learn Docker with Selenium Webdriver" |
"Docker is an open platform for developing, shipping, and running applications. Docker enables you to separate your applications from your infrastructure so you can deliver software quickly. With Docker, you can manage your infrastructure in the same ways you manage your applications. By taking advantage of Dockers methodologies for shipping, testing, and deploying code quickly.Docker helps us to automate the infrastructure. This course is about how docker can be used in Test Automation along with Selenium Webdriver Anybody who has interests in Test AutomationIf you are tired of seeing test scripts failure in the remote machine, then this course is for you!To become very comfortable with docker from zero knowledge!To run our selenium tests inside a docker containerTo bring up the Selenium Grid infrastructure on-demandTo run multiple test suites in parallelTo run selenium grid with Zealenium"
Price: 19.99

"Goal Setting 101: How to Set and Achieve Goals 2020" |
"The world is changing fast all around us and especially now with Covid 19 in the world we are in a time of rapid change. Goal setting is such a vital skill to develop in 2020. We need the confidence and skills to take charge of our lives now more than ever. Many people set goals and perhaps you also set goals for yourself. The question is how effective are those goals? How compelling and inspiring are your goals? What is your success rate on goal achievement? According to U.S. News & World Report, the failure rate for New Year's resolutions is said to be about 80%, and most give up on their new year goals by mid-February. The good news is that effective goal setting is a learned skill that we can all acquire and improve upon. None of us can afford to take goal setting for granted. This course will show you how to set compelling and life transforming goals that will bring out the very best in you and take your life in a new and exciting direction of your own choosing. You have the power to make your life whatever you want it to be through effective goal setting. This course is action orientated and by the end of the course you will have set up to three key long term goals to propel your own life forward in new and exciting directions on the journey to your desired future. Don't wait until new year to set effective goals. You can set goals any time of year - this is especially true in 2020 as everything has changed so rapidly around us we all need to rethink our goals. Don't assume that you know everything about goal setting already. Even experienced goal setters can benefit by renewing and constantly refining and improving their goal setting skills. This course draws on the latest research into effective goal setting. The course also draws on futures thinking methodologies which we can use to help us shape our own long term future."
Price: 74.99

"Tableau Level Of Details (LOD) - Explained in detail" |
"Tableau Level of Detail is one of the most difficult concepts to understand. In this program, we are going to discuss about the detailed level knowledge on Tableau Level of details which include functions i.e. Fixed, Include and Exclude. In this program, we are going to talk about 15 real-time practical use cases where we are going to use Tableau Level of details. These problems will help you understand this critical and important topic with ease and in your day to day work you will be able to apply it without any support or guidance."
Price: 19.99

"Conversion - Energy Immersion A4.6" |
"Welcome to the ""Energy Immersion"" Course-Series where we learn the basics of managing and wielding the benefits of recognizing the energetic-platform of all the universe. This specific course is uniquely focused on Converting and ""Channeling"" of alternate frequencies of the spiritual universe, taking-on new skills, abilities, and knowledge previously unknown. This is the place to start in the series for the most benefit.The entire course-seres consists of these seven courses: Energy Awareness, Energy Dynamics, Energy Maneuvers, Energy Interchange, Energy Enhancement, Energy Conversion, and Energy (World) Perception.***Course Key: Everything is energy representing the consciousness of everything. Much like many different energy-focused modalities, these courses will teach you how to become aware of what your energy is, how it works and what it is about, how to move it around, remove blocks and hindrances, raise your vibration, channel knowledge and talents as well as become aware of the transparency and residence of the spiritual universe.The videos explain more than this text, watch the previews, and dive in!"
Price: 169.99

"100+ English Idioms With Comprehension Quizzes" |
"IN THIS COURSE, were going to use unique situations and explanations to learn and master 100+ American English idioms. This course also includes 100+ multiple choice quizzes to test your English listening comprehension. First, well explore each idiom in three parts: 1) example, 2) definition, 3) practice. Then, students will take a multiple choice quiz for each idiom which tests their understanding and comprehension of the example situations. In total, this course includes over four hundred (400) multiple choice questions.*** This course is designed for students with an intermediate level of English.THE TARGET ENGLISH LANGUAGE SKILLS ARE:Expanding vocabulary skillsImproving understanding of essential English idiomsImproving listening comprehension skillsIncreasing English communication fluency and proficiencyIN THIS COURSE:Students will use 100+ video lessons to learn and master the most common American English idioms.Students will take 100+ quizzes to check their understanding and listening comprehension skills.Students will be tested on their ability to remember specific details from the example, definition, and practice sections of the idiom lessons.COURSE FORMAT:Watch video lessons using unique situations to explore and learn English idioms in contextEach video lesson has three parts: 1) example, 2) definition, 3) practiceTake a multiple choice quiz after each idiom video to check your understandingThe quizzes include listening comprehension questions about the situations described in the videosTHE IDIOMS ARE GROUPED BY CATEGORY:Describing People (14 idioms)Describing A Situation (23 idioms)Responding To People (20 idioms)Idioms For Effective Behavior (22 idioms)Idioms For Neutral Behavior (9 idioms)Idioms For Time, Frequency, Quantity (8 idioms)Idioms For Negotiations (6 idioms)AFTER TAKING THIS COURSE:Students will be more confident using idioms commonly used in American EnglishStudents will have greater listening, understanding, and comprehension abilitiesStudents will have a larger vocabulary and understanding of how idioms are usedStudents will feel more confident as they continue their journey of English improvementABOUT THE INSTRUCTOR:Michael teaches American English. He was born and raised in the United States and speaks with an American accent. Michael is TESOL and TEFL certified. Since 2012, he has successfully taught customized English courses to students from around the world.Michael has graduate and undergraduate degrees in Spanish and Criminal Justice. Prior to living in SE Asia, he was a U.S. Federal Investigator. Before that, Michael was a police officer. Hes fluent in the following languages: English, Spanish, American Sign Language, and Indonesian.QUESTIONS:What is the main focus of this course?This course focuses on using unique situations and explanations to learn over 100 essential American English idioms.Do I need to have prior knowledge or experience with English before taking this class?Yes. Since English idioms are for more advanced English students, it is recommended that students have at least an intermediate (B1) level of English ability.Will this course test me on what is taught?Yes. After each idiom video, there is a multiple choice quiz which tests idiom understanding and comprehension of the situations described in the example, definition, and practice sections of the idiom explanation video. Since there are 100+ idiom videos, there are also 100+ multiple choice quizzes."
Price: 19.99

"Resilience: a skill you cannot be without today!" |
",In this course we look at 1. what resilience really is, 2. the emotional and cognitive phases you go through while experiencing a setback/disappointment/difficult change/adversity,3. how to cope with a setback and how to let go, 4. the characteristics of a resilient person, 5. how to develop your own resilience as a crucial skill for the rest of your life and6. a few examples of resilience in everyday life.We also focus on1. what stress is, 2. how to measure your own stress, stressors, influence of stress on your wellbeing (using as very effective questionnaire),3. the negative effect of stress on your health and general functioning.In the last part of the course, we discuss1. how uncertainty, insecurity and confusion may lead to worry, fear, anxiety and panic,2. how to cope with worry as a cause and result of stress,3. what anxiety is,4. how to distinguish between anxiety and panic and 5. how to cope with a panic attack."
Price: 300.00

"Robotic Process Automation with UiPath Studio" |
"Welcome to the future. Robotic Process Automation is the technology that allows anyone, today, to configure software or a ""robot"" to imitate and integrate the actions of a human being, interacting in digital systems to execute a business process. RPA robots use the user interface to capture data and manipulate programs, just like humans. They interpret, trigger responses and communicate with other systems to perform a wide variety of repetitive tasks. Only they perform these tasks in a considerably better way: RPA robot software never sleeps and makes no mistakes. In this course you will lear how to create software ""robot"" that can be able to handle several tasks without human intervantion. Enroll in the course and welcome on board."
Price: 54.99

"Curso de aplicaciones multi idioma con Laravel 7" |
"Existen muchas formas de crear aplicaciones multi idioma a nivel de base de datos, muchas incorrectas e incapaces de escalar.En este curso aprenders a crear una aplicacin multi idioma escalable con Laravel manejando traducciones a nivel de archivos de idiomas para gestionar strings, a travs de base de datos con los modelos Eloquent y tambin con el sistema de archivos, todo ello paso a paso y de forma correcta. Nuestra aplicacin siempre tendr un idioma por defecto manejado con los modelos de Eloquent y, en base a ese modelo, podremos aadir las traducciones que la aplicacin pueda necesitar, pero siempre teniendo en cuenta que si el idioma seleccionado no existe, utilizaremos el idioma por defecto para obtener sus valores de base de datos.La meta de este curso es ofrecer un camino rpido, efectivo y sencillo para implementar aplicaciones multi idioma escalables con Laravel a travs de un completo ejemplo. Trabajaremos el idioma de la aplicacin a travs del primer segmento de la URL, as podremos acceder en todo momento al idioma seleccionado por el usuario y actuar en consecuencia. Llevaremos a cabo operaciones de alta, edicin, subida y edicin de archivos, borrados y todo lo que puedas necesitar para llevar a cabo este tipo de proyectos en Laravel. Una vez hayas finalizado el curso debers seguir trabajando por tu cuenta para afianzar los conocimientos obtenidos, pero tendrs las herramientas necesarias para poder sacar adelante con xito este tipo de proyectos con Laravel."
Price: 29.99

"Vietnamese Vocabulary Course 1 ( Northern Dialect )" |
"Topics will be covered in this course: 1- Countries and nationality - QUC GIA V QUC TCH2-Jobs - NGH NGHIP3- Special days - NGY C BIT4- Location - NI CHN5- Food - N6- Drink - THC UNG7- At an electric shop - TI CA HNG IN MY8 - Sickness - BNH TT9 - Family and relatives - GIA NH V H HNG10 - Hobbies - S THCHEVERYTHING HERE IS IN NORTHERN DIALECT"
Price: 19.99

"Marketing Funnel Fundamentals for Small Businesses" |
"Understanding the fundamentals of marketing funnel is important when it comes to operating a business. Whether you have a small to large business, consumers have certain behavior patterns and has to go through a process in order to convert from prospects to customers. In this course, we will go over the fundamentals of the marketing funnel in details so you have the knowledge to understand how marketing funnel works and how you can implement it in your business.The topics will we cover includes:What is a marketing funnel and how the concept got startedWhy marketing funnel is important for businessHow does marketing funnel workWhat are the stages within the marketing funnelHow do each stage work and the behaviors of the consumer in each stageThe difference between B2B and B2C marketing funnelWhat is the journey of the consumerWhat is a marketing sequenceHow to convert consumers from stages to stagesHow to improve your marketing funnel How to identify funnel leaks and understand how to resolve funnel disengagementFrom leaning this course, you will understand the concept of marketing funnel and the consumer behavior so that you can create your own marketing funnel that fits your business and your target audience."
Price: 99.99

"Kapsaml Kamu Ynetimi Kursu" |
"Bu kurs, snavlara hazrlanan rencilerin yannda, ""Kamu Ynetimi"" ile ilgili kendisini gelitirmek isteyen herkese uygun ve faydaldr. Bu kurs, size ""Kamu Ynetimi"" ile ilgili bilgileri temelden retecek. Tm dersler, dershane ortamnda ve uzman retmen anlatm ile video dersler eklindedir.stediiniz yer ve zamanda derslere eriebilir, kurs sonunda sertifika alabilirsiniz.Bu kurs, rnek soru zmleri ile de desteklendii iin snavlara hazrlk nitelii de tamaktadr."
Price: 99.99

"Computer Vision: YOLO Custom Object Detection with Colab GPU" |
"Hi There!welcome to my new course 'YOLO Custom Object Detection Quick Starter with Python'. This is the fourth course from my Computer Vision series.As you know Object Detection is the most used applications of Computer Vision, in which the computer will be able to recognize and classify objects inside an image.We will be specifically focusing on (YOLO), You only look once which is an effective real-time object recognition algorithm which is featured in Darknet, an open source neural network frameworkThis course is equally divided into two halves. The first half will deal with object recognition using a predefined dataset called the coco dataset which can classify 80 classes of objects. And the second half we will try to create our own custom dataset and train the YOLO model. We will try to create our own coronavirus detection model. Let's now see the list of interesting topics that are included in this course. At first we will have an introductory theory session about YOLO Object Detection system. After that, we are ready to proceed with preparing our computer for python coding by downloading and installing the anaconda package and will check and see if everything is installed fine.Most of you may not be coming from a python based programming background. The next few sessions and examples will help you get the basic python programming skill to proceed with the sessions included in this course. The topics include Python assignment, flow-control, functions and data structures. Then we will install install OpenCV, which is the Open Source Computer Vision library in Python. Then we will have an introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks , its working and the different steps involved.Now we will proceed with the part 1 that involves Object Detection and Recognition using YOLO pre-trained model. we will have an overview about the yolo model in the next session and then we will implement yolo object detection from a single image.Often YOLO gives back more than one successful detection for a single object in an image. This can be fixed using a technique called as NMS or Non Maxima Suppression. We will implement that in our next session.And using that as the base, we will try the yolo model for object detection from a real time webcam video and we will check the performance. Later we will use it for object recognition from the pre-saved video file.Then we will proceed with part 2 of the course in which we will attempt to train a darknet YOLO model. A model which can detect coronavirus from an electron microscope image or video output.Before we proceed with the implementation, we will discuss the pros and cons of using a pre-trained dataset model and a custom dataset trained model. Also about the free GPU offered by google colab and its features.In the next session we will start with phase 1 of our custom model in which we will do the preparation steps to implement custom model. We will at first download the darknet source from github and prepare it. We will then download the weight files required for both testing and training. And then we will edit the required configurations files to make it ready for our custom coronavirus detector.In the second phase for our custom model, we will start collecting the required data to train the model. We will collect coronavirus images from the internet as much as we could and organize them into folder. Then we will label or annotate the coronavirus object inside these images using an opensource annotation tool called labelImg. Then we will split the gathered dataset, 80% for training and 20% for testing. And finally will edit the prepare the files with the location of training and testing datasets.Now that we have all our files ready, in our third phase, we will zip and upload them into google drive. After that we will create a google colab notebook and configure the colab runtime to use the fast, powerful, yet free GPU service provided by google. Then we will mount our google drive to our colab runtime and unzip the darknet zip we uploaded.Sometimes files edited in non unix environments may be having problems when compiling the darknet. We have to convert the encoding from dos to unix as our next step. Then we will complile the darknet framework source code and proceed with testing the darknet framework with a sample image in our fourth phase.The free GPU based runtime provided by google colab is volatile. It will get reset every 12 hours. So we need to save our weights periodically during training to our google drive which is a permanent storage. So in our phase five, we will link a backup folder in google drive to the colab runtime.Finally in our phase 6, we are ready to proceed with training our custom coronavirus model. We will keep on monitoring the loss for every iteration or epoch as we call it in nerual network terms. Our model will automatically save the weights every 100th epoch securely to our google drive backup folder. We can see a continues decrease in the loss values as we go through the epoch. And after many number of iterations, our model will come into a convergence or flatline state in which there is no further improvement in loss. at that time we will obtain a final weightLater we will use that weight to do prediction for an image that contains coronavirus in it. We can see that our model clearly detects objects. We will even try this with a video file also. We cannot claim that its a fully fledged flawless production ready coronavirus detection model. There is still room for improvement. But anyway, by building this custom model, we came all the way through the steps and process of making a custom yolo model which will be a great and valuable experience for you. And then later in a quick session, we will also discuss few other case studies in which we can implement a custom trained YOLO model, the changes we may need to make for training those models etc. That's all about the topics which are currently included in this quick course. The code, images and weights used in this course has been uploaded and shared in a folder. I will include the link to download them in the last session or the resource section of this course. You are free to use the code in your projects with no questions asked.Also after completing this course, you will be provided with a course completion certificate which will add value to your portfolio.So that's all for now, see you soon in the class room. Happy learning and have a great time."
Price: 124.99

"After Effects Template:Photo Slideshow Intro" |
"Are you ready to learn a simple way to grab viewers within the first nanoseconds of your introduction for a video, presentation, or promotional tool? In this course, you can learn step-by-step with one of the best on-line animations instructor to create a stylish slideshow opener template.Shubham Ganer is a Motion Graphics Designer with over 5 years of experience. He has a simple approach to teach proven techniques for generating higher visibility and greater engagements with a range of options. This course walks users through the step by step approach in learning to create Stylistic Slideshows with the help of Adobe After Effects. that will impress your audience .You will learn everything from scratch to create this animated Slideshow Opener and create a professional looking Adobe After Effects template.The main aim of this course is :1. Creating a Photo Slideshow Opener consisting of Texts , Photos and Visual elements .2. Techniques for combining images and text in After Effects to create beautiful, professional-looking openers3. To make the templates your own including variable speed animations and color schemesShubham will also share some of his most successful template development tips as well as how you can make them your own and make them work for you.While aimed at intermediate, this course is also valuable for beginners animators , to add to your current skill set and gain insights that will enhance your animation and design skill set and will help you as an emerging artist."
Price: 34.99

"Create a Rail Shooter Game with Unity" |
"In this course we will create a rail shooter game similiar to Virtua Cop and House of the Dead series from scratch in Unity. You will learn about object oriented programming and have an overall better understanding of Unity C# API.All the assets used in this project can be downloaded for free from the unity asset store, and link are included in the lectures...We will discuss the concepts and advantages using Object-Oriented approach, such as Inheritance and Interface, Events for loose coupling, path trajectory for the camera movement, and also post processing to enhance the visual of the game.Basic knowledge in Unity API C# is required.Who is the target audience?Anyone who wants to learn how to make gamesIndie game developersGame DevelopersGame enthusiastsUnity developers"
Price: 89.99

"Adobe Illustrator CC - Essentials Training" |
"Are you frustrated trying to teach yourself Adobe Illustrator?! This course will quickly allow you to start getting paid for your Illustrator skills.Whether you're brand new to Illustrator, or have played around with it but need more guidance, this course will help you feel confident and comfortable using the industry-standard vector-based graphic application.Create logo design, icons, characters, textures, text-based graphics, illustrations & full graphic design skills in Adobe Illustrator CC!This course was designed for the complete beginner, with practice files and fun projects to get you taking action. Throughout this Illustrator CC course, you'll be designing your own real-world projects that are professional and inspire you to do even more!What will you learn in this Adobe Illustrator CC course? Start by understanding the Adobe Illustrator workspace and tools Dive into creating your own shapes & lines Use the pen & curvature tool to improve your designs Advance your graphics with strokes, pencils & brushes Speed up your workflow with the shape builder tool Align and distribute objects to create amazing backgrounds and textures Add and stylize text to your projects Create beautiful graphics with masks and compound shapes Get creative with effects and advanced techniques Understand color and how to use it like a pro Save & export your projects for any kind of projectReal World Skills + Fun Illustrator ProjectsDesign your own amazing graphics while learning new skills. This Adobe Illustrator CC course is jam-packed with projects and project files for you to follow along with.Become a Professional Graphic Designer using Adobe Illustrator CCWith the skills learned in this course, you'll have a highly-desired skill that can help you get jobs and make money as a graphic designer.Adobe Illustrator is the industry-standard application when it comes to graphic design, so it's important for you to learn it if you want to be a professional designer.Why learn Adobe Illustrator CC from us?We promise to help you learn Adobe Illustrator CC, no matter what it takes. If you ever get stuck, just post a message to the course dashboard and we'll be there to support you.Enroll now, and we'll see you inside the course!"
Price: 12800.00

"Balamada temel olarak kullanlan tezene ve nota ekillerinin retimi, 10 derslik bu pakette yer almaktadr. Uygulamalar bilinen ve sevilen anonim trkler zerinde gerekletirilmektedir. Trklerin retilmesi srasnda genel bilgiler ve teknikler ele alnarak, kursun sonrasnda rencinin baka yerlerde karsna kacak olan nota ve farkl dkmanlar da zmleyebilmesi amalanmtr. Bu bakmdan bu pakette yer alan trkler, ierisinde barndrd anahtar bilgilerle aslnda ok sayda trknn renci tarafndan icra edilmesini salayacaktr. Bugne dek Taner DEMRALP'in eitiminden gemi pek ok rencisi, bu derslerdeki metotla halen sektrde seviyeli konumlarda yer almaktadr."
Price: 49.99

"Balamada ileri seviyeye yaklatka, teknik disiplinin nemi daha belirgin bir biimde ortaya kmaktadr. Bu pakette 20 ders ve 1 bonus ders bulunmaktadr. cracnn enstrmana hakimiyetini arttrc parmak almalar ve bunu salayc pozisyon bilincini gelitirici bilgiler yer almaktadr. Balama alanlarn belli bir seviyeye geldikten sonra her yerden elde edemeyecei bilgileri ve egzersizleri ieren bir pakettir. Balamada ileri seviye kazanmay amalayan tm mzisyenlerin yararlanaca dersler ierir."
Price: 89.99

"- PMP Revision" |
" The overall aim of this course is to provide an overview of the PMP certification process and a detailed review of all the Knowledge Areas and Process Groups in the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) 6th edition"
Price: 19.99

"Network sockets and streaming (C# based)" |
"This course will introduce and explain various network sockets and network transfer arrangements in C#. Mainly focusing on TCP, UDP and WebSockets, it will get you started in a simple and straightforward way. These main sockets will be covered as basic implementation and then as something a bit more advanced, a bit more dynamic. You will also find some additional knowledge to be gained - such as using Ping in C# and more."
Price: 34.99

"Vous allez accder immdiatement Snap Machine. L'accs sera vie et vous n'aurez plus qu' vous connecter pour appliquer les mthodes.+ 1h de formation vidos de haute qualit regarder depuis votre PC, Tablette ou SmartphoneDes experts du domaine. La formation est prsente par deux experts du business en ligne et de l'affiliation qui vont vous prsenter toutes ses mthodes mconnues et secrtes qu'ils utilisent pour des revenus en ligne.Un business cl en main. Une fois Snap Machine intgr, vous aurez toutes les cls en main pour mettre en place immdiatement.En BONUS : Invitation au groupe Facebook priv avec des centaines d'autres entrepreneurs."
Price: 19.99

"SEO Para Shopify, Posiciona Tu Tienda Online" |
"Tienes una tienda online en la que solo recibes trfico a travs de campaas de publicidad (Facebook Ads, Google Ads, Instagram influencers)?Existe una forma de dejar de depender de invertir cientos o incluso miles de $ cada mes para conseguir ese trfico y esas conversiones que muchas veces, sobretodo cuando ests empezando ni siquiera compensan la inversin publicitaria.Puedes empezar YA a mejorar el SEO de tu tienda online o seguir dejando pasar el tiempo y quemando presupuesto en test y campaas fallidas.Hacer SEO en una tienda de Shopify, puede suponer que en unos meses tu tienda online tenga una base mensual de visitantes que llegan de forma totalmente orgnica (gratis, a travs de bsquedas en Google) y que adems estn 100% interesados en lo que vendes.Hacer SEO no es fcil ni rpido, pero no hacerlo est condenando tu proyecto a depender cada mes de una inversin publicitaria que puede o no salir bien.Empieza YA a optimizar tu tienda, en este curso aprenders cmo debes ir mejorando poco a poco tu estructura, contenidos, enlazado interno y mejorando su autoridad.Esto puede suponer una inversin, nada es GRATIS cuando hablamos de crear un negocio, pero si sigues este curso, vers como puedes minimizar la inversin al mximo para que el SEO se convierta en tan solo una pequea inversin un par de meses o incluso que no tengas que invertir prcticamente NADA.Si quieres aprender cmo se hace, nos vemos dentro."
Price: 19.99

"Autodesk Inventor 2020" |
"Autodesk Inventor, es un programa para disear slidos y superficies en 3D. Su objetivo principal es desarrollar diseos para piezas y ensambles de la Ingeniera Mecnica. Pero, sus funciones y la forma como permite crear partes, hace posible que este programa lo puedas usar en cualquier otra especialidad de la ingeniera, como la Elctrica, Industrial, Civil e incluso Arquitectura.Este curso, muestra como aplicar todas sus funciones, sin exclusividad en tipos de partes. Todo lo que se va construyendo, desde los bocetos, hasta los ensambles, son simples. El objetivo es que puedas generar tus propias ideas, para tus propios diseos. Desde un simple cubo, hasta resortes, engranajes o lmparas de noche."
Price: 29.99

"Data Science & ML for Python-Python & Data Science Made Easy" |
"This course is for Aspirant Data Scientists, Business/Data Analyst, Machine Learning & AI professionals planning to ignite their career/ enhance Knowledge in niche technologies like Python and R. You will learn with this program: Basics of Python, marketability and importance Understanding most of python programming from scratch to handle structured data inclusive of concepts like OOP, Creating python objects like list, tuple, set, dictionary etc; Creating numpy arrays, ,Creating tables/ data frames, wrangling data, creating new columns etc. Various In demand Python packages are covered like sklearn, sklearn.linear_model etc.; NumPy, pandas, scipy etc. R packages are discussed to name few of them are dplyr, MASS etc. Basics of Statistics - Understanding of Measures of Central Tendency, Quartiles, standard deviation, variance etc. Types of variables Advanced/ Inferential Statistics - Concept of probability with frequency distribution from scratch, concepts like Normal distribution, Population and sample Statistical Algorithms to predict price of houses with Linear Regression Statistical Algorithms to predict patient suffering from Malignant or Benign Cancer with Logistic Regression Machine learning algorithms like SVM, KNN Implementation of Machine learning (SVM, KNN) and Statistical Algorithms (Linear/ Logistic Regression) with Python programming code"
Price: 19.99

"Procrastinao uma forma de consentimento em adiar uma ao. Para a pessoa que est a procrastinar, isso resulta em stress, sensao de culpa, perda de produtividade e vergonha em relao aos outros, por no cumprir com as suas responsabilidades e compromissos.Observando os dilemas que envolvem a procrastinao, elaboramos um contedo para que cada aluno conhea, o processo de comportamentos e atitudes que o procrastinador assume, quando o mesmo confrontado com circunstncias que insistem em desvi-lo do caminho da realizao, seja pessoal, quando profissional.Contudo, essas informaes vem para trazer um despertar para todos que desejam iniciar um processo de autoavaliao, com um propsito de evitar que tal caracterstica nociva ao ser humano, aja de encontro a melhor verso de ns mesmos - a de sermos seres realizveis, em cada rea de nossas vidas. Espero que aprecie nossas informaes!"
Price: 54.99

"CATIA V5 Industry Oriented Practice Modules" |
"Course Has been created to provide the CAD knowledge in the Industrial Level, This course has been created exactly how the industry projects will be executed to produce Quality products to the Clients.I am sure after taking this course with proper practice with the material provided in the course the students can execute the Operations as per the industry needs.While Explaining the Part Modelling and Drafting Manufacturing methods has been explained clearly and how a designer should adopt his design methods according to the manufacturer needs.Apart from the Design for manufacturing and design for assembly this method of Designing can be followed to produce even automation works also.CurriculumSketchingAbout CatiaCatia InterfaceEntering into Mechanical DesignIntroduction to Sketcher ModuleEntering into Sketcher InterfaceSketching InterfaceSpecification TreeMouse ControlsProfile CommandRectangle and its typesParallelogramElongated HoleCylindrical Elongated HoleKey Hole ProfileHexagonCentered RectangleCentered ParallelogramCircle and TypesArcs and TypesSpline and TypesConic Curves and TypesLine and TypesPoint and TypesCornerChamfer TrimBreakQuick TrimClose arc and ComplimentMirror and SymmetryTranslate and RotateScale and OffsetDimensions and TypesGeometric ConstrainsAnimate DimensionsMulti Dimension EditSketching PracticePart ModellingEntering into Part Design module from SketcherPadMulti PadPocketMulti PocketShaftGrooveHole and Its TypesRibSlotStiffenerMulti Section SolidRemoved Multi Section SolidFillets and TypesChamfer and TypesDraft AngleShell and ThicknessFace RemoveThreadsTranslateRotateSymmetryMirrorPattern and TypesScaling and AffinityDifferent ShadesMaterialsPart Design PracticeSection ViewsMeasure ToolsAssemblyIntroduction to AssemblyBase Component ImportFixing the Base ComponentChild component Assembly methodUsing Different constrainsDifferent Patterns in AssemblyLinear Pattern in Assembly Circular Pattern in AssemblyCopy of Child ComponentsBill of MaterialsHiding a componentExploded View in AssemblyExploded Line Sketch in AssemblyAssembly FeaturesAssembly PracticeSheet Metal DesignIntroduction to Sheet Metal DesignSheet Metal ParametersWallWall on EdgeExtrudeFlangeHemTear DropUser FlangeCut OutHole Round SlotBendFlatBend from FlatEmbossEmbossing typesMirrorPatternPattern TypesCanonical HopperSurface Hopper FilletChamferFlatDrafting/DetailingIntroduction To DraftingSelecting Sheet Its Size and Sheet StandardsChoosing the Model to DetailsStandard Views Creation MethodsModel Views/ Custom Views Section ViewsDetail ViewsBroken ViewBroken Out ViewCrop ViewAuxiliary ViewSmart DimensionsDimension TypesBase Line DimensionChain DimensionOrdinate DimensionModel DimensionNotes and Spell CheckSurface FinishHole Call OutGD&T and Datum FeaturesCenter Mark & Center LineBlocks and HatchingRevision Symbols and TablesAssembly DraftingBallooningWeld SymbolsDrafting PracticeQuality CheckingDrawings Comparison at Different Revisions "
Price: 12160.00

"The AWS Course" |
"The most in-depth practical course out there for AWS. We have discussed all of the services of AWS that are part of the Cloud Practitioner Certification exam and also AWS Solutions Architect Associate exam. This course will also help any individual grasp the most complex concepts in the most easiest way. Every lecture is about an hour in duration. One hour a day = 365 hours a year for yourself = 4 technical certifications. One day at at time, one step at a time. Checkout the Real World Scenarios section. That's the most important one!"
Price: 1280.00

"Hacking and Pentesting Android Applications (2020 Edition)" |
"This course is created with an idea of saying Bye Bye to outdated Android application penetration testing tools and techniques. Let us learn Android Application Penetration Testing the right way with right tools and techniques. This course introduces students to the security concepts associated with Android Apps developed using Android Programming Language. This is an intermediate level course, which begins with beginner level concepts. This course covers a variety of concepts such as Android Application structure, Reversing Android Apps, Bypassing client side restrictions such as root detection, SSL Pinning etc. This course uses two vulnerable applications developed by the instructor to demonstrate how Android App vulnerabilities can be identified and exploited. This course teaches you how to identify a variety of Android App vulnerabilities such as Insecure Data Storage, Insecure Logging, Weak Jailbreak detection, insecure end to end encryption, SQL Injection etc.The best part of the course is that you will get a detailed understanding of how to trace an Android app's runtime and write a bunch of Frida scripts to pentest the target applications."
Price: 199.99

"Motivation In A Nutshell" |
"Are you ambitious but your brain seems not to share with you this same enthusiasm at times? Do you find that you struggle to maintain the motivation to complete projects and execute the goals that will bring you closer to your dreams?Perfect- I've created this course for you!You see, I was in the same boat as you until I finally understood the basic physiology of how the brain works. Now, I can work with my brain to keep it happy and motivated so it can execute the things I want it to. This course will introduce a counter-intuitive and science-based truth that successful people utilize to motivate themselves: Motivation is the RESULT of taking action and not the cause. However, this is not enough for motivation to bloom. You need additional tools that I explain in more detail -yet in an efficient manner- in this course so you can have an unfair advantage in anything you set out to do!Remember, the quality of your life is strictly determined by the quality of your mindset. Are you ready to take it to the next level?I'll see you on the inside!Sarah"
Price: 19.99

"History of Western Civilization" |
"This course contains two practice Exams for The History of Western Civilization part I.This practice exam will cover early civilization beginning in Ancient Egypt and Rome as well as Western Asia and Ancient Greece.No video lectures are provided and you will be expected to answer 50 multiple choice questions regarding what you have learned in the class History of Western Civilization part I.To pass, You must answer at least 40 questions correctly out of 50. You will have approximately 60 minutes to finish each exam.WARNING: You should review your text and notes from class before attempting to answer the questions in this test."
Price: 19.99
