"Contrato de locao: aprenda os principais segredos." |
"Este curso indicado para pessoas que tenham interesse no assunto, sejam profissionais da rea ou proprietrios de imveis, que precisem sempre recorrer ao uso do contrato de locao residencial em suas negociaes imobilirias. Atravs de um contedo simples e voltado para a prtica, compartilhamos dicas valiosas para que voc elabore um excelente contrato de locao para seus clientes nas suas negociaes e de acordo com a Lei do Inquilinato, tudo a partir de um modelo disponibilizado no curso."
Price: 99.99

smileharp-movie |
"0.1.1-1.1-2.2.2-1.2-2.2-3.2-4.2-5.3.3-1.3-2.3-3.3-4.4.5.SMILE HARP ROOM"
Price: 24000.00

"How to clean, liberate, balance and protect yourself" |
"In this classes you will learn how to clean, liberate and protect yourself with different easy practices.You will learn how to make and use different water/bath to clean, balance and protect yourself energetically. You will have some workshop, exercises you can do to liberate yourself from a situation, emotion, person...You will learn how to use the 4 elements and be connect to them . With all this practice you will learn how you can be connect to yourself and found your peace.Love and light Clemence"
Price: 19.99

"Con este curso ganars los conocimientos bsicos de la lengua para poder comunicarte en un nivel bsico. Aprende gramtica, vocabulario, cultura y mucho ms.La variante de espaol ser la hablada en Espaa. Traducciones al ingls, portugus y francs.Material adicional para practicar los contenidos con soluciones incluidas.Y mucho,mucho ms...Bienvenidos(as) a Espaa!"
Price: 39.99

"Creating the Perfect Investment Banking CV/Rsum" |
"This course is an in-depth deep dive into everything you need to know in order to construct a powerful CV/rsum for applying to spring weeks, internships and graduate schemes at investment banks, finance firms, consulting companies and more.We cover a range of topics including:Structuring your CV to get attentionThe keys to formatting appropriatelyLeveraging powerful bullet pointsHow to use buzzwordsWhy results in your experiences are vitalPositioning irrelevant experience accordinglyOrganisation of sections and content to includeExtracurricular activities and leadership rolesCommon questions and pitfallsAnd so much more!The activitySuccessfully create your own CV/rsum using the content from each video in this course. Here are some guidelines on the final document that you create after watching this course:Create a 1-page CV for feedback and review from fellow studentsConsistency in font i.e. Times New RomanFont size between 10 and 12No colours other than black and whiteNo imagesYour CV should display a strong use of powerful bullet pointsThis course is for all levels regardless of academic or work experience.By the end of this course you will have a CV/rsum that will pique the readers' interest and help you increase your chances of securing that all important interview/assessment centre offer.Thanks, and enjoy!Afzal Hussein"
Price: 24.99

"Marketing Digital" |
"Comprendre le marketing Digital de A Z , un cours mais avec les dmonstrations et exemples c'est beaucoup mieux .Vous allez pouvoir : Acqurir une approche globale et structure du marketing digitalConnatre les principaux outils utiliss pour mettre en uvre une stratgie digitaleAcqurir les fondamentaux des principaux leviers digitauxConnatre les indicateurs cls pour piloter votre stratgie digitaleDvelopper/augmenter vos revenus onlineAmliorer votre image de marqueSe diffrencier de vos concurrentsAugmenter le trafic de votre siteDiminuer vos cots dacquisition clients .Crer du trafic sur un point de vente el ligne ou physiqueEntretenir et matriser votre rputation sur Internet"
Price: 19.99

"Comment vendre : Formation Ventes et Commerciale" |
"Ce cours est un condens d'expriences de plusieurs annes dans la prospection et le dveloppement des affaires .Je vais vous donner les meilleures mthodes qui ont fait des rsultats remarquables avec des millions .Cette formation commence par la dfinition des objections passant par la faisabilit et les moyens pour acqurir de la clientle jusqu la concrtisation et la fidlisation .Vous allez commencer faire gnrer du chiffre dans votre business si vous respectez bien les tapes.."
Price: 19.99

"Conquering stress for small business owners" |
"Being your own boss is rewarding, but its also really stressful. This program is for you if you want to reach a better understanding of the factors that create stress, and to build your resilience to manage stress so that you can gain greater enjoyment and success from your work. Brian and Tracey, your instructors on this course, are small business owners themselves, and understand the unique pressures that you face.This program starts with a personal stress self-assessment which will give you clarity on the stress drivers you most want to work on. Our program then covers five strategies for each of the major stress drivers.The five strategies are:1. Face it: Dealing with unhelpful thinking patternsIn this section, well help you to recognise your own negative thinking patterns and the triggers that may cause fear and stress for you. We will then discuss strategies to help you overcome your fears and turn your thinking around. Specific topics we cover are:Examples of common, negative thinking patterns (e.g., personalising, catastrophising, comparing)Understanding how our brains are naturally hardwired to respond when were feeling anxious and threatened, and what to do about itHelping you to identify the role of fear in driving our behaviour and emotions, the common drivers of fear, and strategies to face those fears2. Energise it: Optimising sleep, nutrition and exerciseIn this section, we look at the interplay between sleep, nutrition and exercise on stress and wellbeing. Well provide you with an overview of the research related to sleep, nutrition and exercise, and using a science-based approach provide you with tools and tips for improving these lifestyle factors. Specific topics we cover are:Setting specific, measurable, actionable, realistic and timebound goals for improving exercise and fitnessThe relationship between food and stressHow to optimise your sleepIntegrating rest and recovery cycles into your life3. Socialise it: Leveraging your personal and business connectionsIn this section we explore the importance of social and business relationships in supporting us through times of crisis and opportunity. We discuss different types of support relationships and how we can both benefit from them and contribute to them. Specific topics we cover are:Different types of social relationships and their benefitsDifferent types of business relationships and their benefitsThe role of a mentorHow to cultivate a network of supports4. Own it: Using your strengths and a growth mindset to build confidence to succeedIn this section we look at the choices we make about the way we think and behave, and the role that has on our feelings of control and confidence in our ability to succeed. We also spend some time encouraging you to consider what your personal triggers are, and how you can manage them. Specific topics we cover are:Changing automatic negative thoughts to positive enabling thoughtsDealing with negative feedbackReflecting on your own personal triggersBuilding self confidenceDeveloping a growth mindset5. Control it: Focusing on the factors you can control and influenceIn this section we look at the importance of understanding whats in your control, and how to maximise it, and whats not. We explore typical work stressors and our level of control or influence over them, and how this might shape where we choose to focus our energy. We also look at various approaches to expanding our level of control over our circumstances. Specific topics we cover are:Reactivity and proactivityThe circle of controlApproaches to increasing controlTheres a section of the course devoted to each of these strategies. At the end of each section, youll create your own Personal Change Plan based on the strategies covered. We recommend you complete each section, but you can also choose to complete only the sections that are most relevant to you based on your stress self-assessment. In this way, the course experience can be tailored to your own situation and needs. You can revisit the stress self-assessment and course sections as your circumstances change.Key features of this courseConduct a personal self-assessment to identify the stress factors which are most impacting your experience and success as a small business ownerLearn 5 core strategies to conquer those stress factors and build your resilienceComplete the whole course, or only the sections most relevant to youBuild your own personal change plan"
Price: 99.99

"Salesforce NPSP and Nonprofit Cloud HandsOn Video Course" |
"You do not need to have a prior experience in Salesforce as the course takes you from basic to advanced concepts. By the end of this fast track video course, you will be able to use, administer and customize a Salesforce organization of any size with the Non-Profit Success Pack (NPSP) installed. You will be able to:Explain what the Non-Profit Success Pack (NPSP) is and how to install it.Manage Households, Organizations and Contact information.Record Donations, Payments, Grants and Memberships.Establish the use of Campaigns to measure the effectiveness of initiatives.Import data into Salesforce using the NPSP Data Import Tool.Configure the baseline Salesforce organization and user management features.Administer a subset of the Non-Profit Success Pack (NPSP)."
Price: 79.99

"In 4 Schritten - zu deinem eigenen Bitcoin" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst du wie du selbst Bitcoin und Kryptowhrungen kaufen und verkaufen sowie senden und empfangen kannst.Ich leite dich Schritt fr Schritt durch alle Prozesse und bringe dich ans Ziel.?Ohne Vorkenntnisse klar verstndlich und einfach fr dich umzusetzen.Quick & Dirty aber sicher! mit minimalem Zeitaufwand maximale Ergebnisse! ? 1. Dein Start, so kaufst du Bitcoin & Cryptos 2. Einrichtung deiner Brse! 3. Verstehe wie du sendest & empfngst 4. So ttigst du Ein- & Auszahlungen In deinem Bonus-Bereich erwartet dich noch Weiteres, sei gespannt.Ich freue mich auf dich und wnsche dir viel Spa =)Beste GreManuel"
Price: 19.99

"Recrutamento e Seleo para concursos: teoria e exerccios" |
"Ol! Seja muito bem-vindo(a) ao meu curso de Recrutamento e Seleo (R&S). Neste curso, o(a) aluno(a) ir aprender os principais conceitos e aplicaes prticas de como fazer o Recrutamento e Seleo nas empresas e demais organizaes, os principais conceitos que ajudaro na prtica profissional, exemplos prticos de dicas de Recrutamento e Seleo. Ao final do curso, resolvo questes de concursos sobre a matria abordada, que podem ajudar tanto como para preparao para provas de faculdade como simulados para concursos. O curso possui 1 hora de teoria/prtica e 30 min de resoluo de questes de provas."
Price: 84.99

"Les bases de donnes spatiales-PostGIS dans Postgres et QGIS" |
"Cette formation est destine ceux d'entre vous qui ont peu ou pas de connaissances sur les bases de donnes spatiales et qui recherchent un guide pour vous aider explorer ce domaine de manire simple et pas pas, travers des exercices pratiques et des concepts faciles comprendre.Cette formation est une bonne option pour les dveloppeurs qui ont besoin de crer des applications de Desktop ou WebMapping et qui ne sont probablement pas trs familiers avec l'approche de la base de donnes spatiale. Cette formation vous fournira les bases de la thorie spatiale et de la gestion PostGIS, afin que vous puissiez rapidement commencer travailler sur vos projets."
Price: 29.99

"Gesto Financeira para pequenos comerciantes" |
"A proposta deste curso ensinar o pequeno empreendedor a ter controle do seu dinheiro, mostrando de forma fcil e pratica, como organizar as informaes financeiras do negcio. Tambm, mostrar como fazer a movimentao diria dos lanamentos de faturamento, recebimento, compras e despesas. Tudo isso para para que no final de um perodo seja possvel tomar decises estratgicas baseadas em informaes seguras."
Price: 84.99

"The Art of Striking" |
"Composed of many different disciplines including Boxing, Tae Kwon Do, Kick Boxing, Muay Thai, Karate and many others The Art of Striking will teach you how to hit your opponent and not be hit in return. We will be beginning with the fundamentals and systematically build your knowledge so that you can understand all of the advanced tactics and concepts that make a master striker."
Price: 39.99

"Gestin productiva del tiempo" |
"Conocer los elementos clave de la administracin del tiempo para poder moldear una gestin productiva del mismo. Considerar una herramienta personal que facilite la planificacin, el control y la ejecucin de los eventos alineados con la productividad. Presentar un mtodo sencillo y prctico de tres pasos para planificar las metas personales. Conocer dos de las amenazas ms letales a una vida productiva y tener una estrategia que nos proteja de ellas. Entender el valor de ser disciplinados y consistentes para llevar a cabo una metodologa que conduce a obtener resultados superiores. Tomar consciencia que la gestin de una vida realmente productiva que consigue resultados superiores, no tiene atajos."
Price: 54.99

"Robot Structural Analysis pour dbutant" |
"MODULE I- INITIATION01- INTERFACE DU LOGICIEL ET CONFIGURATION1_Dmarrage de Robot et Dbut dune Session2_Menus et Barres dOutils3_Le ViewCube4_Le Gestionnaire dobjets5_Le Gestionnaire des Labels6_Les Outils de Configuration7_Prfrences de la tche02- SELECTION VISUALISATION8_Slection et Modes de Slection9_Animation de la Dformation dune Structure10_Affichage des Attributs11_Slection Spciales et le filtres de Slection Graphiques12_Le Catalogue des ProfilsMODULE II- DIMENSIONNEMENT BETON ARME01- DFINITION DE LA STRUCTURE1_Types de Structures2_Lignes de Construction3_Pr dimensionnement des poteaux et poutres4_Modlisation des Poteaux5_Modlisation des Poutres6_Copie des lments"
Price: 29.99

"The Power Pivot, Power Query in Excel and Power BI Bundle" |
"**This course includes practice exercise files**Learn Microsoft Power BI and Power Pivot, Power Query and DAX in Excel in this two-course bundle from Microsoft experts Simon Sez IT.We've combined two of our best data analysis courses to create this huge-value bundle. If you have reached your limit in Excel and you need to analyze and make sense of huge amounts of data, then you need Power Pivot, Power Query and Power BI. These tools can help you take your existing data-crunching capabilities to new heights!Power Pivot, Power Query and DAXIn this advanced Excel course, we look at three crucial advanced Excel features Power Pivot, Power Query, and DAX. This suite of Excel functions allows you to manipulate, analyze, and evaluate millions of rows of data from Excel or other databases.We first look at how to bring your data together, merge, and clean it using Power Query before moving onto creating relationships between our data tables and building out a data model. We then look at performing calculations on our data model using DAX, and finally, we look at displaying our analysis using PivotTables and PivotCharts.In the Power Pivot, Power Query & DAX course you will learn:How to get started with Power QueryHow to connect Excel to multiple workbooksHow to get data from the web and other sourcesHow to merge and append queries using Power QueryHow the Power Pivot window worksHow to set up and manage relationships in a data modelHow to create a PivotTable to display your data from the Power Pivot data modelHow to add calculated columns using DAXHow to use functions such as CALCULATE, DIVIDE, DATESYTD in DAXAll about creating Pivot Charts and PivotTables and using your data modelHow to use slicers to adjust the data you displayPower BIPower BI is an incredibly powerful, self-service Business Intelligence (BI) solution from Microsoft. It is the perfect Business Intelligence tool for people with limited technical experience.In this Power BI course, we start by looking at Power Query, and how to use this tool to organize and clean our data. We then show you how to build a Data Model and relate separate tables. After that, we teach you all about the data analysis language DAX in Power BI. Finally, we look at how to present this data using the charts and graphs available.In the Power BI course you will learn:What is Power BI and why you should be using it.To import CSV and Excel files into Power BI Desktop.How to use Merge Queries to fetch data from other queries.How to create relationships between the different tables of the data model.All about DAX including using the COUTROWS, CALCULATE, and SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR functions.All about using the card visual to create summary information.How to use other visuals such as clustered column charts, maps, and trend graphs.How to use Slicers to filter your reports.How to use themes to format your reports quickly and consistently.How to edit the interactions between your visualizations and filter at visualization, page, and report level.***Exercise and demo files included***This course includes:7+ hours of video tutorials89 individual video lecturesExercise files to practice what you learnedCertificate of completionDid you know?Simon Sez IT teaches all sorts of software, including:- Microsoft Excel- Microsoft PowerPoint- Microsoft Word- Microsoft Project- Microsoft Outlook- QuickBooks- Photoshop Elements- Web Development Languages- And so much more!"
Price: 139.99

"Operations Management Foundations: Improve Operations" |
"*** UPDATES ***August 2020- How to Forecast in Excel - step by step guide lecture [+18 min]- Inventory Management in Excel [+17 min]- Excel files with forecast and inventory management from the lecturesJuly 2020DMAIC Introduction lecture [+20 min]DMAIC lectures and downloadable templates [Voice of Customer, SIPOC, Value Stream Map, Fishbone diagram]Overcoming problems**********In this course, a S&P 100 company Operations Management Professional Nikola Sretenovic will show you how to identify the operations systems and use operations management tools and concepts to improve your company's productivity, increase efficiency, remove waste and deliver great products to customers at great price.The Operations Management Foundations course is covering all aspects of operations management including:Supply chain managementLean management KaizenAccounting basicsBalance sheetIncome statementCash flow statementLearn how to interpret income statementHow to handle inventoryHow to balance inventoryUnderstand true cost of inventoryHow to forecast demandHow to manage bottlenecksQuality controlBusiness processesFor this Foundations course you will need to set aside about one and a half hours for video lessons, examples and quizzes. Course is designed to benefit anyone starting to work in operations management, supply chain management, maintenance and reliability engineering / management positions as well as students taking the operations management course. You have 30 days money back guarantee! No questions asked. Now, go ahead, and press that ""Take the Course"" button! Or, take the free preview and decide later!"
Price: 39.99

"Introduction to Internet Of Things with Arduino" |
"Surely, a majority of us have stumbled across a term called the Internet of Things or IoT. Though some are still confused about what it actually means and why it is important but a majority of us have heard it, all thanks to the Alexa, Echo, Google Voice Controller, and others.In todays tech-driven world, IoT is offering numerous benefits not only to several organizations but also to the individuals using it. It has successfully automated & simplified the regular time-consuming tasks. But have you ever wondered how these devices function? Or wanted to know how to program these devices? If yes, then here is the course dedicated entirely to IoT, the Arduino platform, and the programming behind it.What makes this course so unique?This course will help you in learning basics as well as advanced concepts of IoT from scratch. Once you are done with this course, you will be able to create various types of IoT-based projects without any difficulties.This online tutorial will unfold with the basic introduction of the IoT & Arduino platform along with the importance and features of Arduino Uno. You will also be introduced to various types of Arduino boards. Afterward, you will learn about the Arduino IDE & Proteus Simulation environment.Later sections are more advanced that focuses on input & output operations along with digital/analog systems and serial communications in Arduino Uno. In the end, a project is included in motion detection that will help you to test all your knowledge.What this course cover?Section 1- Intro to IoT & Arduino platform- Why use Arduino Uno, its features & different Arduino boardsSection 2- Intro to Arduino IDE- Arduino IDE & Proteus Simulation environmentSection 3- Digital Input and output operations in Arduino Uno- Input and output operations, digital and analog systems, serial communicationsSection 4- IoT project- Create motion detection projectLooking for a perfect online course on IoT? Well, your search ends right here! Begin with this IoT online tutorial to learn how to create various types of IoT devices!!"
Price: 49.99

"MikroTik IPv6 Engineer with LABS" |
"***This course is not officially sponsored by MikroTik and not an authorized course by MikroTik. We are neither affiliated with nor endorsed by MikroTik. We respect the Trademarks of the mentioned company and institution.***IPv6 is the future!!!!We know that IPv4 addressing has been very exhausted because the demand on having IP addresses to route to the internet has became very big. For this reason, to be able to serve more people, IPv6 has been created. I have designed this course to explain to you everything about IPv6 such as addressing, notation, types, registries and much more, and also how to apply IPv6 on MikroTik routers. As the demand on IPv6 has been increased lately, so you as network engineers should have the knowledge of how to deploy IPv6 in your or customer's network.This course helps you also to be ready for the MikroTik exam which is MTCIPv6E.The course will have theoretical topics and a lot of LABS. I advise you to have 4 MikroTik routers, a PC and internet connection to follow my LABS. Alternatively, you can use GNS3 with MikroTik CHR images to emulate the LABs on 1 PC.Finally, if you want to be familiar with IPv6 and now how to apply it on MikroTik routers, then I advise you to register in my course so I can show you everything about IPv6."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Banking Credit Analysis through Case Studies" |
"Are you a Finance Professional working on Project Funding for your clients? Are you a Banking Executive having theoretical knowledge of Credit Analysis but finding it difficult to apply in practice?Then this course is for you - It will take you through the practical aspects of Banking Credit Analysis Process covering areas like Financial Analysis, Working Capital, Term Loan, etc. How this course is structured?This course is structured in self paced learning style. Each and every section takes up real life case which will explained in detail to get practical understanding. You'll gain authority on each and every topic as i take you through lectures one by one. What are the pre-requisites for taking this course?Basic Knowledge of Banking Credit Analysis ProcessGood internet connection for interruption free learning process.How this course will benefit you?At the end of the course, you will be able to approach credit related matters in your bank with high level of confidence and solve real life problems at ease."
Price: 99.99

"Fundamentals of ASP.NET Core 3" |
"Have you ever wanted to learn how to build an ASP.NET Core application from scratch? In this course, you'll learn the fundamentals of ASP.NET Core 3 and start building your first ASP.NET Core application with the MVC framework.ASP.NET is an open-source, server-side web application framework designed to boost your web development skills so you can produce dynamic web pages.This course will teach you ASP.NET Core 3 coding methodologies in unique and enticing ways. You will get hands-on training each day followed by a quiz that you can implement as an assignment. You will learn about ASP.NET Core 3 and develop your applications effectively. Each section will teach you to achieve a certain ASP.NET Core 3 goal with unique and intuitive examples.This course provides seven self-contained lessons and each is taught via a practical, hands-on approach.By the end of the course, you will be able to build your own powerful application using ASP.NET Core 3.About the AuthorBurdett Wilson is an instructor with over 5 years' experience with ASP.NET. People are interested in how he, as an Oracle Academy Success Story instructor, helps students learn skills in Oracle Java, Oracle SQL, Microsoft C#, and ASP.Net. He calls this Agile Teaching: getting students engaged and empowered via the knowledge that they are ultimately responsible for their own learning."
Price: 124.99

"Introduction to SwiftUI - Create Your First App!" |
"Do You Want To Create Your Own iPhone and iPad iOS Apps but are not sure where to start or even begin? Are you ready to jump right into the exciting world of mobile development but have little or no programming experience? Then this is the perfect course for you!This Introduction to SwiftUI - Create Your First App! will give you everything your need to start your new career in SwiftUI development, The course has been structured to support SwiftUI & Swift programming language, Teaching you all you need to know and covering all the basics of SwiftUI.Sell Your App to Millions of Users and earn extra revenue from Ad networks, Making money has never been so easy!Not only do you get the best online IOS development course online but you also get first class responsive support by email, Twitter or on the forums, So you can rest assure you have full guidance in your new career!Why Choose My Course?My names Aaron Caines and i have created over 15+ Best Selling iOS courses for Swift and Objective-C, if you have already enrolled into one of my courses int he past you already know how exciting and fun they can be and how jam packed they are with information!If this is your first time seeing one of my courses you can expect to see reviews like this:***** ""i owe this guy a beer. this guy is the best ios teacher here . ive returned many videos . hope you could make an advanced course. i could totally work with the instructor"" - No Basic S***** ""the course is very well done and addictive, it teaches a lot of notions very very useful in a very clear way. great!"" - Luca Torroni***** ""The course is clear and detailed. Covers a good range of functions for almost any kind of app. My go-to course whenever I am unsure how to implement features!"" - Loh Chung Kit***** ""This is one great course indeed! I truly enjoy Aaron's teaching style. He is so easy to follow and understand. Great for beginners and intermediates. I am finally seeing my app come to life!"" - Annabelle RamosWhy Choose This SwiftUI Course?Many programmers learning to create there first iOS application often learn from a boring 300 paged book or a short online video tutorial and are often left with more questions they they asked! This SwiftUI course teaches you from the ground up and i never leave you hanging as i support you through each and every step, i am there to assist you when you run into a problem in Xcode and to offer any advice needed and before you know if you will have created your first iOS app and will feel like everything your learned has stuck in your head.Topics Covered:Understanding Xcode, SwiftUI, iOS 13, Interface Builder, Simulator and Project TypesLanguage basics and building blocksSwiftUI: Get to know the new way to buildUniversal Support and Screen Size SupportCombining ViewsUsing Previews to Display Live InterfacesBuilding and Integrating ListsScaling and Adjusting ContentMap View IntegrationImages and Sounds IntegrationFull Featured iOS 13 Apps"
Price: 19.99

"SharePoint Online - Fundamental Introduction for beginners" |
"This course is designed for people, who are complete beginners in SharePoint Online world, or for people, who are struggling with basic SharePoint Online functionalities and capabilities. In this course, we will learn:what is basically SharePoint, little bit of its historywhat are Files and Itemswhat are Libraries, Lists, Fields & Viewswhat are Pages, Sites, Sub-sites & Site CollectionsTake your chance to start your journey into SharePoint Online world :)"
Price: 19.99

"Manage and Control Quality (PMI - PMP)" |
"The Manage and Control Quality (PMI - PMP) is course 15 of 28 of the Project Management Professional Certification Program (PMI-PMP). A critical aspect of managing any project is managing the quality of processes and deliverables. Ultimately, a project will fail if it doesn't meet quality requirements. In this course, you'll learn how the manage quality process and the control quality process work together to help ensure that a project achieves the best possible levels of quality. Both in how work as carried out and in the end result.1. Inputs to Manage Quality2. Quality Audits3. Process Analysis and Root Cause Analysis4. Outputs of Manage Quality5. Inputs to Control Quality6. Techniques to Control Quality7. Representing Data for Quality Control8. Outputs of Control Quality9. Determining When a Process Is Out of Control10. Quality Management Characteristics11. Quality Control Characteristics12. The Quality Management/Quality Control Relationship 13. Exercise: Quality Management and Quality ControlThats it! Now go ahead and push that Take this course button, and see you on the inside!"
Price: 24.99

"The Sun Records Rockabilly Guitar Solos - Part 2" |
"SUN Records is often called the birthplace of Rock'n'Roll, it's also the birthplace of Rockabilly. This little studio in Memphis is the place where Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, Johnny Cash, Roy Orbison and many other music stars started their career.Behind those singers were a group of talented guitarists who didn't know that they would write history by mixing Rhythm and Blues with Country Licks and inventing a musical genre, that changed the world.If you love the honest, raw and exciting Memphis Rockabilly guitar sound of the 1950s, then this course is for you.I picked 9 songs and I will teach you the solos exactly how they were played back then.Split screen technique, tabs and authentic jam tracks in 4 different tempos will help you to learn these solos as fast as possible.I will also give you some background information to each songs. Furthermore I have added intros and verses to some of the songs as well, so you will be able to play the complete song after finishing the lessons.The course will start with simple solos and it'll get more complex later on. Here is the list of the songs featured in this course:1. Mean Eyed Cat - Johnny Cash2. You Call Everybody Darling - Kenny Parchman3. Baby Let's Play House - Elvis Presley, Scotty and Bill4. I've Got Love If You Want It - Warren Smith5. Money, Money, Money - Gene Simmons6. Sweet And Easy To Love You - Roy Orbison7. Dixie Fried - Carl Perkins8. Born To Lose - Jerry Lee Lewis9. Mad Man - Jimmy Wages"
Price: 39.99

"Options for Newbies - Call Options" |
"This course is intended for the beginning and intermediate trader/investor who wants to learn how to generate a steady income by selling covered calls. This is a very popular technique that is considered safe enough that the government allows you to do it in your IRA account. The technique is fairly easy to understand, but there are characteristics of all options that must be understood before one embarks on any financial endeavor. The course is also a terrific review for the intermediate student, one who has dipped his or her toe in the trading universe, and wants to expand his/her knowledge and practice. All stocks and options mentioned are for illustration purposes only. No specific recommendations are made."
Price: 149.99

"Pandemic Survival System" |
"ATTN: Here's a Special Message for Every Person of Faith Who Needs to Plan and Prepare for Pandemics......but just can't seem to find the right information to get started.Hi, my name is RL Chance, US Navy Veteran, #1 International Bestselling Author, Minister, and Founder of Strategic Secrets. If you want to protect yourself and your family from what's coming, then pay very close attention to these survival secrets!How wise are you?King Solomon said, ""The prudent [wise] see danger [peril, evil] and take refuge [plan, prepare, hides], but the simple [gullible, foolish] keep going and pay the penalty"" [are punished, suffer the consequences] (see Proverbs 22:3; 27:12).How Prepared Are You For These Impending Crises?NATURAL DISASTERS. CORONAVIRUS and PESTILENCES. FAMINES and FOOD SHORTAGES. FINANCIAL RECESSION, DEPRESSION, and REPOSSESSION. SUNDAY LAWS and NEW WORLD ORDER. TERRORISM and ANARCHY. MARTIAL LAW. Etc., etc.Many people of faith sometimes suffer unnecessarily because they think that praying alone for God to see them through a crisis is all that it takes. ... When in reality, some people clearly ignore His help and revelation on this matter. That is like asking God to protect you from the rain when He already gave you an umbrella.... But nothing could be further from the truth.So if you truly want to plan and prepare for impending crises... then THIS is exactly what you're looking for.I'd like to introduce you to The Pandemic Survival System.... The exact blueprint that shows you how to plan and prepare for pandemics, pestilences, plagues, and perils!You won't need to be galloping for hours on end like those who have no divine wisdom, trying to escape the inevitable...... And avoid the frantic rush and long lines at the stores trying to stockpile at the last minute.That's because the Pandemic Survival System makes it simple for you to ""watch and be ready"" at all times. Plus reap the following blessings:Blessing #1 ~ Enjoy peace and safety, not only in the midst of any crisis but also be uniquely positioned by God to help others who failed to plan and prepare like you.Blessing #2 ~ Save your family (and maybe other families too) when you plan and prepare BEFORE the peril hits (just like Noah who prepared the ark BEFORE the floods came and thus saved his family).Blessing #3 ~ Set an example of being ready, staying ready, and you'll be blessed to be a blessing in the times of trouble instead of becoming a burden or a liability to others.Blessing #4 ~ Experience God's protection and provision just like the Israelites during the plagues of Egypt (they obeyed God's instructions and were saved). ... And much, MUCH more!And what makes this even better?Now you never have to worry about the fact that you don't see other believers getting ready again (as that makes you get complacent too and ill-prepared for the coming crisis)!""And best of all... you'll start seeing results with the ""Pandemic Survival System"" in less than a week and it costs less than $1.29 a day. GET STARTED NOW!... This also means you're not stuck feeling hopeless because you didn't plan well when God has given His Word on how to prepare. That's a lack of faith and may lead to fear and presumption... leaving you in a state of panic - scrambling and hoarding like the rest of the world.So again, if you're a person of faith who wants to plan and prepare for impending crises, understand this:""The longer you wait, the harder it will be to get ready. Or worse, you'll miss key opportunities to do what was convenient in times of relative ease and safety.""There has never been a better time than right now to show your faith in preparing for The Great Time of Trouble: physically, spiritually, financially, and socially... and be used by God for such a time as this... and what shall be in the near future.Get Started Now!HERE'S A BREAKDOWN OF THE COURSE:Module 1Practical Planning For Times of TroubleExactly how to plan and prepare for crisesHow to boost your immunityCrucial qualities needed in crisis timesList of Must-have Emergency ItemsModule 2How to Succeed in Times of Crisis and UncertaintyHow to maximize your time and impact during a crisisHow to protect your mental and emotional wellbeing during hard timesHow to set yourself up to WIN BIG at the end of any crisisModule 37 Skills to Develop While on Lockdown or QuarantineEssential skills to master right nowHow to pivot like a pro for the ""New Normal"" or New FutureHow to spot trends and save your family from unnecessary dangersSPECIAL BONUSES*Complimentary Lesson Downloads*Coronavirus Contingency Infographic*Pandemic Survival Outline Infographic* Survival Self Defense GuideStart Learning Now!Order the Pandemic Survival System right now and get started on your journey to plan and prepare for ANY crisis... be it pandemic, pestilence, plague, or peril. Free UpdatesYou will get all future course updates for free so you have the very latest information.Instructor SupportYou'll have direct support from the trainer in the private members' area.Unlimited AccessSo you can watch it again and again - at your own pace.Watch on Any DeviceAccess the course from your Phone, Tablet, Laptop, or Computer.Aren't you tired of being caught off guard? Joseph knew the famine was coming upon Egypt so he followed God's divine plan and prepared for seven years. And so can you!With whatever time you still have, do it now! Get the ""Pandemic Survival System"" today. It holds the keys to protecting yourself and family and succeeding with practical survival secrets.Finally, you can truly get ready, be ready, and stay ready for any pestilence, plague, or peril.Go ahead and enroll now."
Price: 29.99

"How To Create Video Marketing In 2020" |
"This course is designed to take you from Zero to Hero. Join this transformational journey to become a master at creating a marketing video in under 10 min. This proven video marketing strategy will help you create and publish videos every single day. Imagine becoming a master at producing high-quality marketing videos while saving time, money, and energy. This course experience contains a blueprint for success in creating your business or personal brand video marketing. Whether you are a Plumber, Jewellery Designer, Real Estate agent, Publisher, or Marketer this program is for you. The video marketing strategy thought through this course in InVideo can be used to create videos for Instagram, Instagram Stories, Facebook ads, Facebook Page, LinkedIn, Youtube, Twitter, Website, and more in under 10 min."
Price: 199.99

"CCNP Enterprise 300-410 ENARSI(Exam questions)" |
"CCNP Enterprise 300-410 ENARSI(Exam questions)The Implementing Cisco Enterprise Advanced Routing and Services (ENARSI) exam gives you the knowledge you need to install, configure, operate, and troubleshoot an enterprise network.This practice exams will help you prepare for the Implementing Cisco Enterprise Advanced Routing and Services (300-410 ENARSI) exam. This exam tests your knowledge of implementation and troubleshooting for advanced routing technologies and services.This exam tests your knowledge of implementation and troubleshooting for advanced routing technologies and services, including:Layer 3VPN servicesInfrastructure securityInfrastructure servicesInfrastructure automationThis practice test will help you prepare for the real exam test environment with New Updated questions ."
Price: 24.99

"Better Videos Blueprint: Turn Your Ideas Into Videos" |
"Do you want your videos to be more creative, shareable, engaging, unique, or impressive to watch?Whether you want to make better Instagram videos, YouTube videos, short films, music videos, documentaries, videos for professional clients or just personal projects, this course is made for you.By the end of this course, you'll have the skills and film school level understanding of:1. Understand Today's Tools & Use ""The Power of Video"" To begin, you first learn how empowered you are in today's world as a video creator or aspiring filmmaker. These insights and actionable takeaways act as a framework for the success of your next video to build on top of. What makes videos likable and shareable Sharing and learning like a pro Creative self discovery Finding your mission Developing your passion 2. Improve Your Creativity & Video Creator Skillset This is one of the most overlooked aspects of creating videos. Here, you get crystal clear on the who, what, where, how, and why of your own creativity process. These interactive learning exercises and expert guest speakers teach you the following. Impress and inspire others through your videos Create videos that express yourself effectively Use your social media and collaboration tips Translate your passion into your projects Upgrade creativity and video ideas3. Upgrade Your Concept, Characters, Story & Final ProductNow that you've improved your video creating skillset, here's where you set your next video up for success with storytelling. These pre-production video outlines and techniques can be used to upgrade all your videos, even after this course. Tell better stories with the 3 act story structure Optimize your videos for social media platforms How to use and create a stylesheet Upgrade your characters and concept 4. Turn Your Concept Into a Creative & Impressive VideoYou've worked alongside me to upgrade, unlock and improve your skillset as a video creator. Now you have the ability to bring all these aspects together into your future projects and successfully turn your ideas into videos you're proud of. Synthesize tools from this course into actionable takeaways Organize your video production details and logistics Expert guest speaker advice on production process Successful video outline blueprint for Youtube, Instagram, etc.5. The Creativity Formula, Emulation & RemixingIn this step, you take the video and/or series we've put together during the course and take things to the next level. This process allows you to gather techniques, inspiration, ideas, and insights from other people's work and continue to improve upon your videos. Make better videos using the ""Creativity Formula"" Emulate and draw inspiration from outside sources How to remix other creator's ideas and projects Hacks to improve faster as a video creator Improve audience retention and engagement 6. Continuously Improve & Reach Your Video GoalsYou're now ready to continue creating better and better videos beyond this course. In this final step, you gain the skills to make each of your videos more impressive than the last one and track your progress. Create a roadmap of what you want to achieve Attain your milestones and achievements Keep track of your video creation progress Tips for succeeding as a video creator and so much moreMy goal for you:The goal of this course is to give you all the knowledge that I've gained from 10+ years in the film industry (working with clients like Red Bull, Taco Bell, and Discovery Channel) in a way that is fun to learn and easy to understand.Creating better videos no matter what:It's my passion to teach the information that all video creators can benefit from, regardless of your equipment or budget. Wether you are shooting on a smartphone or camera, the actionable takeaways from this course will have the same positive effect.You'll have lifetime access to: 40+ Individual video lessons 5+ Hours of learning content 3 Project case studies 9 Interactive Exercises 10 Downloadable Resources 30 Gigabytes of streamable content Updates to all future course materials One on one with me in the Q&A sectionIf you want to learn the tools to make videos that you're proud of, this is the course for you.I'll see you inside the course!Julian"
Price: 199.99
