"Astrnomo Aficionado Stargazer, astronoma prctica" |
"En este curso obtendrs el conocimiento y las tcnicas necesarias para convertirte en un Stargazer (Astrnomo Aficionado), pues sabemos que ests cansado de estar leyendo libros o viendo vdeos bsicos donde solo encuentras teora, pero muy poca o casi nada de conocimiento prctico.Hemos diseado este curso online para que todo aquel que quiera y est dispuesto a invertir bien su tiempo y dinero, pueda aprender las tcnicas necesarias para lanzarte al mundo de la observacin astronmica, inclusive desde casa.No se requiere conocimiento alguno ni tampoco mayores destrezas manuales para aprender con nosotros de esta fascinante disciplina. Por ejemplo, sabas que la mayor parte de los descubrimientos en el mundo de la astronoma la realizan los aficionados o Stargazer alrededor del mundo con modestos equipos?Adquiere este curso online y te daremos los secretos y consejos que hemos podido adquirir durante aos en el mundo de la astronoma.El curso consta de 3 clases que muestran de forma progresiva cmo convertirte en un Stargazer.LO QUE APRENDERS Entenders la cosmologa moderna Cmo el ser humano se ha sentido atrado por la astronoma Reconocers los lmites del conocimiento Tcnicas de orientacin en el campo Fuentes de informacin modernas Instrumentacin y consejos de aditamentos para observacin astronmica Todo acerca de binoculares y telescopios Qu tipo de telescopio comprar y dnde hacerlo Precios, gangas y otras recomendaciones Constelaciones, cuerpos celestes etc. Planeamiento de una salida de campo a observar el cosmos, consejos y ms."
Price: 19.99

"Advanced Language and Logic of Chemistry for Class XI" |
"The course consists of 22 lectures with 18.5 hours of video contents along with the lecture notes of each lecture as PDF files. Each lecture is supported with assignments for the students for home-work. The solutions to the assignments are also given at the end. This course is designed very meticulously by the instructor using his more than 40 years of teaching experience to equip beginners in class XI to pursue Chemistry as major course. The primary objective behind preparing this course is to infuse a high level confidence at the initial stage to study Inorganic chemistry and its multitudinous reactions with utmost ease and confidence. The instructor has put all efforts to dispel the notion that inorganic chemistry does have a strong logic like physical and organic chemistry and never a subject to be crammed mechanically. This course is precisely meant for hard working students with higher IQ levels who intend to acquire higher level thinking and application skills in Inorganic Chemistry. It will give tremendous confidence for national and international level competition in Chemistry.The course has the following main parts.(1) Writing formula of ionic compounds with large number of uncommon polyatomic ions(2) Solubility Rules and writing Ionic Equations(3) Oxidation Number(ON)/Oxidation State(OS) concept including large number of paradoxical cases resolved from their bond structures.(4) Balancing Redox reaction equations by Oxidation Number Method, Electron Balance Diagram Method, Ion-Electron Method, Algebraic Method and Partial Equation Method.(5) Broad Classification of Inorganic Reactions: Redox and Non-Redox(Metathesis) : Determining Oxidation and Reduction processes along with Oxidant and Reductants with the assignment of ON in Redox Reactions(6) Eleven types of Non-Redox Reactions: Double Displacement(Precipitation and Neutralization), Reaction of metallic and nonmetallic oxides with water, Reaction of carbonate, bicarbonate, sulfite, thiosulfate, sulfide and nitrite salts with dilute non-oxidizing acids like HCl and sulfuric acid; Reaction of nitride, phosphide, sulfide and carbide salts with water; Reaction of ammonium salts with a base; Amphoterism; Thermal decomposition of carbonates and bicarbonates; thermal decomposition of hydroxides; Displacement of more volatile acids by a less volatile acid; Complexation reactions.(7)Redox Reactions explained in the light of Standard Electrode Potentials: Electrochemical Series(Metal Activiety Series); Displacement Reactions : The anomaly of Na and Ca in the Activity series explained, Hydrogen Displacement, Metal Displacement; Halogen Displacement(8) Redox Reaction studied as Galvanic Cell Reaction with to half cells; Determination of Standard Cell EMF.(9) Relative Strengths of Oxidants and Reductants and predicting the spontaneity of redox reactions from Standard Electrode Potential data(10) Some Name Redox Reactions: Combination, Combustion, Thermal Decomposition, Disproportionation, Comproportionation, Auto-redox reaction, Amphoterism, Reaction of metallic hydrides with water.(11)Some Compounds used only as Oxidants and Reductants and the OS to which they change to during a reaction in acidic and basic medium - explained with large number of reactions with electrochemical logic.(12) Some common Oxidants and Reductants and the OS to which they change. (13) Some species which act both as Oxidants and Reductants and the OS to which they change to(14) Non-spontaneous Reactions by Electrolysis: Preferential Discharge of ions at electrodes; Faraday's Laws of Electrolysis(15) Fuel Cells"
Price: 99.99

arabicresearch |
": : - -"
Price: 59.99

"Turkish Language A1.1 Level For Beginners" |
"Hello everyone,This course will be for beginners curious about Turkish language. To better help you understand we will be talking in Turkish and explaining in English.In this course you will learn with us how to introduce yourself, learn present tense with new verbs..You will also learn noun sentence and imperative form, also some important words like days numbers and months.After finishing our full course you will be able to introduce yourself and also make basic sentences using present tense, noun sentence and imperative form.We hope you enjoy our lesson."
Price: 49.99

"Product Design Fundamentals for Inventors and Entrepreneurs" |
"From idea to production, this course will teach you the information and industry knowledge to begin your journey, with no prior experience required. Become familiar with industry terms such as design for manufacturing, computer aided engineering, production validation tests, and many more.Well start with ideation. Learn how to test your idea out before you decide to dedicate time and money. Well cover how to gauge demand for your product and evaluate your idea the way its done in industry. This section will also teach you how to generate drawings and parts lists that any mechanical engineer will be able to read.Next, youll learn how to create inexpensive prototypes at home without breaking the bank. Become familiar with the engineering analysis that any product must go through before its brought to market.Ill introduce you to new materials, along with things to keep an eye out for when choosing the right one for your product.Well cover the basics and design considerations for two popular manufacturing methods.Finally, learn how to prepare your design for production and find, negotiate, and engage with a manufacturer. This course will prime you to engage in product design and have intelligent, informed discussions with engineers and manufacturers alike. If you are always coming up with new ideas, this course is for you!"
Price: 39.99

playthepianolikeapro |
Price: 49.99

"Learn to be a Professional Stage Hypnotist" |
"This is the complete course of Stage Hypnosis, guiding you from the beginning stages of building rapport with the audience, getting the volunteers on stage, identifying your stars for the evening and includes stacks of routines you could use on stage. Everything you have wanted to ask a Hypnotist that has been in the theatre business for 28 years"
Price: 44.99

"Creating with Acrylic Inks" |
"In this course you will learn about acrylic inks and what they are capable of. You will experience their vibrancy and learn the basic techniques.See how they flow through water creating random yet beautiful effects.After learning these skills create two abstract artworks followed by a lovely pear painting and then a fluffy koala.At the end of the course you will have the skills needed to go on to create your own acrylic ink artworks."
Price: 24.99

"Succeeding in Sports Sales" |
"This course will share sales fundamentals to be successful in sales and more specific in selling at a high level for sports teams.The course will talk through a variety of topics from expectations, to story telling, building relationships, closing the deal, and maintaining a long career in this exciting business.The quick sales course will provide you worksheets and key take-aways for you to apply to your every day.Travis Apple is an industry leader and has held multiple C-Level Executive roles in the sports business. He also is the host of a podcast ""52 Weeks of Hustle"" where he talks to industry leaders about their career path and what it takes to be successful. He has trained and developed some of the best leaders in the business and is excited to share his knowledge."
Price: 19.99

"Excel para empresas - Principais frmulas e funes" |
"Este curso tem o objetivo de ensinar as principais frmulas e funes utilizadas no dia-a-dia de uma empresa.Voc ir aprender a como utilizar frmulas como Soma, SE, Cont.Valores, Procv, entre outras.E funes como Tabela Dinmica e Grficos.Com isso voc conseguir agilizar e melhorar seu desempenho na empresa ou ento se preparar ainda melhor para uma entrevista de emprego."
Price: 39.99

"Mental Health Toolbox" |
"This training is for anyone who would like to use holistic ways in dealing with common mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, PTSD, and stress. This training will emphasize the following techniques and practices: Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT/Tapping) EFT is using acupuncture points with your fingers to help relax the central nervous system Meditation mantra-based meditation helps the mind from racing, keeps one present, and calms the central nervous system Pranayama (breath) there are three different breathing techniques to help simply relax the sympathetic nervous system Chakras understand what chakras are and how they can be used to identify issues within the body Affirmations using affirmations to challenge and overcome self-sabotaging and negative thoughts Body Positivity and how you view your own body Self-Compassion-how to have it and how to keep it"
Price: 24.99

"Keeping Sketchbooks" |
"This is a fun and easy journey through an artist's sketchbooks, looking at different sizes and paper quality. We review pocket pads, journal-sized, illustration size, and even digital options. By the end, students will have a better idea of the type of sketchbook that they want to keep, what mediums they want to work in, and what types of subjects they may want to draw. Afterward, there's an odd/fun story about the instructor's experience with old sketchbooks. So don't miss that! And happy sketching!"
Price: 24.99

"Formao De Preos A Partir De Custos Empresariais" |
"FORMAO DE PREOS A PARTIR DE CUSTOS EMPRESARIAIS um treinamento voltado para a elaborao do preo de venda de produtos e servios considerando todas as variveis de mercado, tais como: Legislao vigente, regime tributrio da empresa, regime fiscal aplicado a negociao, incidncia de impostos sobre o faturamento, folha de pagamento, sobre o lucro, depreciao do parque fabril, inadimplncia, mo de obra direta e indireta, investimentos considerados, outras variveis instveis e de segurana, financeiro, materiais, insumos e agregados aplicados ao processo de fabricao ou realizao do servio que ocorrem nas diversas etapas da esfera produtiva, comercial e de servios.Utilizando o software Pandora para compor e distribuir os custos, despesas, gastos e demais incidncias, aplicados nos momentos oportunos da formao do preo de venda dos produtos ou servios, objetiva chegar ao resultado final do valor necessrio de venda dos produtos ao consumidor final de forma a suprir a necessidade dos seus empreendedores e manuteno do negcio da empresa."
Price: 99.99

"Harmonica Hits and Hooks: smash these classic rock/pop songs" |
"Did you ever want to play those classic harmonica parts of the famous pop and rock tunes? Well now you can.It took me quite a while to work it all out and write out the tab for you but it's all done now.And I think beginners will be able to do it because many of the performers here are not expert harmonica players; great musicians of course but you wouldn't call Billy Joel or John Lennon expert harpers.Lee Oskar and Charlie McCoy are certainly experts but here they are playing very simply here.I'll show you how to play all these on a C diatonic harmonica - you are going to love this!:Love Me DoLow RiderStairway to heavenOnce upon a time in the WestMidnight cowboyLong train runningPiano ManHe stopped loving her todayHe aint heavy, hes my brother"
Price: 74.99

"Complete Goal Setting Course - Become Your Own Life Coach" |
"Complete Goal Setting Course - Become Your Own Life CoachGoal Setting Mastery - Life Coaching - Become a Life Coach for Yourself or Others - Achieve Personal Success - Hit GoalsYou can live a life full of purpose, fulfillment and joy! But first, you must master goal setting. By learning how to set your own goals, you will set into motion a life of purpose and design.Most people suffer from ill-defined goals. Or worse, no goals. If you want real achievement in life, you must define what it is you want to accomplish. This means goal setting for every major sphere of your life.TJ Walker, one of the top personal development experts here on Udemy (2 million+ total student enrollments), shares with you his unique Selfie Speak Programming (SSP) method of not only setting goals for your life, but achieving these goals for your life.This course goes way beyond the standard advice of writing down your goals and looking at your goals daily, though this is covered as well. In this goal setting course you will learn a unique system for making goal setting an automatic part of your daily life. You will learn the simplest, easiest, and fastest way to reprogram your brain so that you set goals and work on your goals daily.The key to reaching goals you have set for yourself is to break down each goal into the simplest daily habits you need to perform. Then, you need daily reminders, triggers, and cues to get you to perform these daily habits.If you are looking for an in-depth goal setting course that goes beyond the standard good advice given in most books or courses on the subject, then you have come to the right place.This course is also perfect for anyone who wishes to be a goal setting life coach for others or just for yourself.Enroll now in TJ Walkers complete goal setting course if you are ready to start living your life at higher levels of fulfillment and happiness."
Price: 199.99

"Curso de Acorden de botones Volumen 2" |
"El curso de acorden de botones es uno de los ms solicitados por todos los amantes de la msica nortea, un curso completo en 3 volmenes para que aprendas a tocar tus canciones favoritas. El curso incluye diversas tcnicas y ejercicios de digitacin para conocer las notas de los botones de manera intuitiva, aprenders a usar las escalas para crear adornos meldicos, tal como lo hacen tus artistas favoritos. Se incluye la tcnica del fuelleo para hacer ""respirar"" bien al acorden, diversos ejemplos y canciones ilustran paso a paso cada una de las tcnicas que aprenders de manera gradual y consistente. En los videos que componen el curso de acorden de botones de Virtuosso aprenders todo lo que necesitas para convertirte en un excelente acordionista y tocar las canciones que te gustan. "
Price: 270.00

"Curso de Acorden de botones Volumen 3" |
" El curso de acorden de botones es uno de los ms solicitados por todos los amantes de la msica nortea, un curso completo en 3 volmenes para que aprendas a tocar tus canciones favoritas. El curso incluye diversas tcnicas y ejercicios de digitacin para conocer las notas de los botones de manera intuitiva, aprenders a usar las escalas para crear adornos meldicos, tal como lo hacen tus artistas favoritos. Se incluye la tcnica del fuelleo para hacer ""respirar"" bien al acorden, diversos ejemplos y canciones ilustran paso a paso cada una de las tcnicas que aprenders de manera gradual y consistente. En los videos que componen el curso de acorden de botones de Virtuosso aprenders todo lo que necesitas para convertirte en un excelente acordionista y tocar las canciones que te gustan. "
Price: 270.00

"Curso de Teclado Rtmico Volumen 2" |
" Virtuosso Producciones presenta su nuevo curso para teclado y piano con el que aprenders a tocar salsa, montuno, tumbaos, cumbia, danzn, merengue y el cha cha ch. Descubre todos los secretos de los patrones armnicos necesarios para tocar cada estilo y aprende cmo interpretar grandes xitos. En este nuevo curso Virtuosso aprenders todos los conceptos clave para tocar ritmos latinos en el piano y teclado y adems te daremos los secretos para interpretar canciones clsicas de la salsa, la cumbia, el danzn, el merengue y cha cha ch. En esta nueva produccin de Virtuosso sers guiado por el msico Nicols Alfonso, quien te compartir sus secretos para tocar los montunos y tumbaos con ese sabor nico que los caracteriza. No esperes ms y aprende a tocar la msica que pone el ritmo en las fiestas con el curso de teclado rtmico de Virtuosso. "
Price: 270.00

"Curso de Teclado Rtmico Volumen 3" |
"Virtuosso Producciones presenta su nuevo curso para teclado y piano con el que aprenders a tocar salsa, montuno, tumbaos, cumbia, danzn, merengue y el cha cha ch. Descubre todos los secretos de los patrones armnicos necesarios para tocar cada estilo y aprende cmo interpretar grandes xitos. En este nuevo curso Virtuosso aprenders todos los conceptos clave para tocar ritmos latinos en el piano y teclado y adems te daremos los secretos para interpretar canciones clsicas de la salsa, la cumbia, el danzn, el merengue y cha cha ch. En esta nueva produccin de Virtuosso sers guiado por el msico Nicols Alfonso, quien te compartir sus secretos para tocar los montunos y tumbaos con ese sabor nico que los caracteriza. No esperes ms y aprende a tocar la msica que pone el ritmo en las fiestas con el curso de teclado rtmico de Virtuosso. "
Price: 270.00

"The Complete Facebook Shops Mastery Course by Coursenvy" |
"Want to become a Facebook Ads expert? JOIN THE 500+ COMPANIES I HAVE CONSULTED ON SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING AND INCREASED CONVERSIONS FOR VIA FACEBOOK AND INSTAGRAM ADS! Facebook Marketing is a REQUIRED skill for anyone with a business, product, service, brand, or public figure they need to PROMOTE! Take advantage of this unlimited traffic by creating and selling via FACEBOOK SHOPS and INSTAGRAM SHOPPING! Join our 300,000+ modMBA students who have MASTERED growing online businesses! Enroll in this COMPLETE Facebook Shops Mastery Course! Three reasons to TAKE THIS COURSE right now! You get lifetime access to lectures!You can ask me questions and see me respond to every single one of them thoughtfully!What you will learn in this course is original, tested, and very detailed! Learn the strategies I implement for my clients daily. This course will also layout how to optimize your Facebook Shops enabling you to reach any type of target market! In this course, you will learn the ins and outs of Facebook Shops from beginner level to advanced! We delve deep into EVERY aspect of Facebook Shops and Instagram Shopping. You will be able to create and optimize your Facebook Shops for increased conversions and decreased costs. You will be able to find new customers that will grow your brand to new heights! Join this course now to learn how to take your brand, product, or service to the next level with the power of Facebook Shops! TAKE A STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION WITH YOUR LIFE AND BUSINESS... LEARN HOW FACEBOOK SHOPS AND FACEBOOK ADS WILL MAKE YOUR BUSINESSES A HOUSEHOLD NAME! ENROLL NOW!"
Price: 19.99

"Team Building inside - activits brise-glace" |
"BRISER LA GLACE DE FAON LUDIQUE... SRIEUSEMENT ?Bien souvent, une sorte de carapace de ""glace"" empche les gens de communiquer et de travailler sereinement. Il faut savoir la briser !Mais crer une vritable quipe, est un art complexe et subtil. Il faut du temps, de la patience et de l'empathie.Ainsi, selon Bruce Tuckman, il faut passer par quatre phases de dveloppement du groupe : forming, storming, norming et performing. Dans cette srie de formations, nous abordons toutes ces problmatiques.nergisants et ludiques, les activits de team-building peuvent vous aider susciter parmi les participants un authentique ""esprit d'quipe"".En session de quelques heures ou de plusieurs jours, ces vnements de cohsion en ressources humaines aideront vos participants se catapulter collectivement aux sommets de la performance. Et celle-ci ne passe que par une comprhension de l'Autre.UNE APPROCHE MOTIVANTE ET HUMAINE POUR CRER UNE QUIPEVous ne pourrez atteindre vos objectifs que si votre quipe est soude face aux obstales.Avez-vous cette problmatique dans votre entreprise ? Ou souhaitez-vous amliorer vos mthodes ?La srie de formations ""Team Building inside"" vous propose une approche concrte et directement implmentable.Vous pensez quon ne peut pas crer et faire performer une quipe tout en samusant?Erreur, cest parfaitement possible et VOUS pouvez le faire pour votre propre quipe!UNE MTHODOLOGIE SIMPLE ET EFFICACEPas de chichis, du concret. Nous entrons directement dans le vif du sujet et vous prsentons chaque activit :objectifscomptences dveloppes (facilement identifiables grce aux ""pictoskills"")matriel ncessaire et prparationdescription dtaillergles de l'activitvidos commentes d'vnements relsdroulement et ""feedbackNOS CONSEILS et astuces de prosDES FORMATEURS DE TERRAINNous avons plus dune dcennie dexprience dans lorganisation et la facilitation de dizaines dvnements de team building impliquant des centaines de participants pour des groupes allant de 7 500 personnes, adultes et jeunes.Nous souhaitons partager avec vous nos connaissances utiles et nos astuces de pros pour vous aider faire progresser votre quipe moindre cot.Que vous soyez dj dans le domaine des ressources humaines ou pas, vous pourrez facilement implmenter ce cours dans votre organisation.Vous allez dcouvrir des activits qui vont stimuler les participants et les inciter rvler leurs qualits et le plaisir de travailler ensemble.Alors... CREZ ET VIVEZ L'ESPRIT D'QUIPE !Chaleureusement,Olivier Rebiere & Cristina Rebiere"
Price: 24.99

"Instagram Marketing Complete Guide For Business Growth" |
"This is Instagram Marketing Complete Guide For Business Growth**BRAND NEW CONTENT & UP TO DATE 2020! - COMPLETE UDEMY COURSE!**Instagram is a powerful and fun social tool that allows you to market your business to hundreds of new customers every day!This course is hyper-focused on the most effective tactics of marketing through Instagram. For this course to be applied to your page, you should have an intermediate level of understanding of the platform and its basic functionality.Instagram is one of the most effective marketing platforms to gain new customers:There are over 1 Billion Instagram users, and learning simple strategies to gain targeted followers can significantly increase your businesses revenue.If you really want to become a pro on Instagram marketing, join this course NOW! and lets build your advanced Instagram profile, attract followers and market your page together.Using the right strategies will give you outstanding results, increasing your sales, increasing the number of customers and your relationship with them, growing the number Likes on your photos, views on your videos, and inspiring your followers to take action and buy your products or services.This Instagram course is designed for anyone who want to learn how to use Instagram to grow their followers and business. We are constantly keeping up with all of the new features and changes implemented and you have lifetime access to the course.This course is for both beginners to Instagram and more advanced students that have some experience with the platform.Well first start by teaching the basics of: Setting up and optimizing an account Developing a content strategy Creating your first batch of content Learning how to post & how to optimize hashtagsMy teaching style is straight forward, clear, concise and to-the-point. I use practical real-life advice that you can apply straight away. I cant wait to get started with you on your journey to Instagram success.ENROLL NOW and take your Instagram account to the next level.See you on the inside!It is only through social media that a business can increase sales, increase traffic and create brand awareness with little or no cost and this Course will guide you on how to run a successful Instagram marketing campaign."
Price: 19.99

"TOTAL: AWS Certified Database Specialty Exam Prep (DBS-C01)" |
"AWS has come out with a BRAND NEW certification exam called the AWS Certified Database - Specialty (DBS-C01). The exam was created specifically for those who are interested in the database aspects of AWS.Do you know how data has radically changed the landscape of everything in the cloud, the Internet, and your lives? If you've ever seen the ""Customers also bought"" tag on Amazon (that lead you to buy that super cool Bluetooth-enabled R2-D2), or used the databases in your company to better understand where the best places are to invest your profits, or simply used the contacts function of your phone to store all the important information about the people in your lives, you know how crucial data is.Although this course is designed with Database Administrators (DBAs) in mind, it is helpful for anyone who deals with any aspect of databases in AWS. This exam covers everything from the AWS Relational Database Service (RDS) to NoSQL databases (DynamoDB) to the AWS Database Migration Tool. It focuses on various aspects, such as design, migration, deployment, maintenance, security, monitoring, and disaster recovery.FEATURES & BENEFITS Over 8 hours of content 9 downloadable PDFs with notes on every chapter 9 white paper PDFs suggested by AWS to study for the exam End-of-chapter quizzes to test your knowledge Q&A section where you can have your questions answered 30-day money-back guarantee Lifetime access Certificate of completionWHAT'S COVERED? AWS Relational Database Service (RDS) and Aurora AWS DynamoDB (document database) AWS Database Migration Tool (migrate your existing databases into the cloud) AWS Key Management Service (encryption to secure your data) Troubleshooting database connection issues AWS Neptune (graph database) AWS Redshift (data warehousing)The AWS Certified Database - Specialty exam domains covered are: Domain 1: Workload-Specific Database Design 26%o 1.1 Select appropriate database services for specific types of data and workloadso 1.2 Determine strategies for disaster recovery and high availabilityo 1.3 Design database solutions for performance, compliance, and scalabilityo 1.4 Compare the costs of database solutions Domain 2: Deployment and Migration 20%o 2.1 Automate database solution deploymentso 2.2 Determine data preparation and migration strategieso 2.3 Execute and validate data migration Domain 3: Management and Operations 18%o 3.1 Determine maintenance tasks and processeso 3.2 Determine backup and restore strategieso 3.3 Manage the operational environment of a database solution Domain 4: Monitoring and Troubleshooting 18%o 4.1 Determine monitoring and alerting strategieso 4.2 Troubleshoot and resolve common database issueso 4.3 Optimize database performance Domain 5: Database Security 18%o 5.1 Encrypt data at rest and in transito 5.2 Evaluate auditing solutionso 5.3 Determine access control and authentication mechanismso 5.4 Recognize potential security vulnerabilities within database solutionsMORE ABOUT THE AWS CERTIFIED DATABASE - SPECIALTY EXAM Exam code: DBS-C01 Exam voucher cost: $300 USD Exam languages: English, Japanese, Korean, and Simplified Chinese Exam format: Multiple-choice, multiple-answer Number of questions: 55-65 (estimate) Length of exam: 180 minutes Passing grade: Score is from 100-1000, passing grade of 750 AWS certifications are valid for 3 years, after which you must recertify (you get a 50% off voucher for your recertification exam from AWS)How to take the exam: Sign up for a free AWS Training and Certification account*** Once logged in, select ""Schedule New Exam"" Exam can be taken at your local Pearson-VUE testing center and is given via computerABOUT YOUR INSTRUCTORTom Carpenter is the Chief Technical Officer at CWNP (Certified Wireless Network Professionals). He's been in the IT industry for 25+ years, written over 20 books on IT subjects, and is also heavily involved in objectives development and exam creation in the certification industry. Tom uses AWS daily to run several businesses websites and operate test labs used for content creation and management, among other things. Tom's teaching style is casual; he wants you to have fun while you learn practical applications of AWS. Join our class now and let us know how you plan to use AWS in your personal or professional life!"
Price: 149.99

"Learn Quran Reading with Tajweed Juz / Part 08" |
"Juz / Part 08 of the holy Quran Self Education in Quran Reading with Tajweed: Juz / Part 08 of the holy Quran Method: learn quran word by word. Quran learning made easy with the help of Video lessons. Live Online Quran Classes on Skype for For kids, New Muslims, adults, beginners and advanced students.Word for word Quran teacher/reciter, Reading and tajweed helper tool. Learning Quran made easy with Quran teaching Videos lessons. Learn Quran with Tajweed series - Quran Lessons for beginners to learn with proper Tajwid.With the video Lessons you learn: * Quran Reading * Applied Tajweed Rules * Rules of Waqf * Correct pronunciationOur Quran Learning videos are best for teaching Quran with Tajweed to your children. Also the Quran teachers can use them to help their students learn Qaida and Quran. If you have any question about our Quran learning Project, then please feel free to contact us. "
Price: 29.99

"Devenir dveloppeur WEB : Cours COMPLET et EXERCICES" |
"Vous dbutez, vous souhaitez devenir dveloppeur web ou vous souhaitez vous perfectionner ? Cette formation est faite pour vous. Ce cours complet vous prsentera l'ensemble des technologies utilises pour crer des sites web :HTML pour le contenuCSS pour le designJavascript pour linteractionPHP pour la partie serveurSQL pour communiquer avec une base de donnesDcouvrez galement des outils et frameworks qui vous permettront de gagner du temps et de crer de superbes applications web :Bootstrap pour un design responsive (adapt aux mobiles et tous les crans)jQuery pour des effets visuels de dingueWordpress pour matriser l'outil le plus populaire du monde Angular le framework JS de Google...Tout ce que vous devez connatre se trouve dans cette formation. Vous n'avez pas besoin de connaissances particulires pour vous lancer, nous verrons tout de A Z.Des exercices pratiques pour assimiler Chaque section de ce cours se terminera par un exercice pratique afin d'utiliser nos connaissances et de les mettre en pratique. Cela nous permettra de raliser des projets concrets et de mieux retenir les notions de cette formation. Nous raliserons :Un portfolioUne galerie photoUn jeuUn systme de captchaUne API RESTDes formulairesDes pages avec wordpress ou angular...C'est la formation idale pour devenir dveloppeur web. Aucun risque, aucune mauvaise surprise, c'est Satisfait ou rembours 30 jours ! Si ce cours ne correspond pas vos attentes, je vous rembourse intgralement !Ce cours prend en compte les dernires versions des langages et outils utiliss. Il s'agit de la formation complte la plus rcente que vous pouvez trouver (tout a t enregistr en 2020). Et je mettrai jour le contenu pour vous prsenter les nouveauts. Une fois inscrit, vous aurez accs vie l'intgralit du cours ainsi qu'aux futures vidos.Je vous propose un contenu complet et condens. je vais l'essentiel afin que vous soyez rapidement oprationnels. Je termine toujours par un exercice pratique corrig pour travailler sur un cas pratique concret."
Price: 49.99

"Master Database Developer - Formao PLSQL e T-SQL de A Z" |
"O curso Master Database Developer foi projetado para ensinar aos alunos no somente uma, mas DUAS LINGUAGENS de Banco de Dados mais utilizadas no mercado: A linguagem de Oracle PL-SQL e a linguagem da Microsoft T-SQL.Tudo isso voc aprende em um curso s. Isso mesmo! Em vez de comprar dois cursos, voc estuda essas duas linguagens A FUNDO aqui nesse curso! Trabalharemos com as verses mais novas dos bancos de dados SQL Server 2018 e 2019 e Oracle 18c e 19c.Mas qual a diferena para o curso Best Seller, O Curso Completo de Banco de Dados sem Mistrios? O Master Database Developer nasceu de vrios pedidos dos alunos do curso anterior: Um curso mais longo, com a mesma didtica, em um nvel mais avanado, focado no DESENVOLVIMENTO e no no ambiente geral de bancos de dados.O que isso quer dizer? Eu no ensino selects e queries bsicas aqui! Ns utilizamos as queries para AVANAR de nvel e entrar e fundo em regras de negcios, automatizando e criando STORED PROCEDURES avanadas!Tambm pegamos forte na criao de objetos com foco em desenvolvimento. Como assim: Na vida de um programador de banco de dados, voc por vezes tem que deletar 1000, 2000 tabelas. Voc se imagina escrevendo mil vezes o mesmo comando?Esse tipo de truque e muitos outros mais avanados nos veremos nesse curso!Ento, os curso no so iguais? DE MANEIRA NENHUMA!Os curso so COMPLEMENTARES! E se voc no sabe o contedo do primeiro curso, pelo menos basicamente, voc NO vai entender esse curso de uma maneira saudvel que como gosto de explicar.Mas se eu no fiz o Curso Best Seller, eu posso fazer esse curso? Se voc tiver noes de SQL, Joins, agregaes e banco de dados em geral, SIM! VOC PODE FAZER! Caso voc no tenha, eu recomendo fazer o outro curso primeiro!O curso Master Database Developer est dividido em mdulos com dificuldade CRESCENTE, onde partimos do zero montando o nosso servidor, at o desenvolvimento dos mais complicados cdigos e regras de negcios!E a, pronto pra avanar de nvel?Te vejo nas aulas!Mafra"
Price: 579.99

"Manufacturing : Advanced Sheet Metal Design Training" |
"In this course, you will learn about design considerations; a designer needs to keep in mind while designing a product. We have not discussed about any sheet metal operation here. We are discussing about the consideration which a designer should use so that sheet metal parts do not get deform while manufacturing. Overall, 27 considerations have been discussed in the course. Students can make a list of all the points and use the values when they are designing parts in sheet metal."
Price: 19.99

"Crea VIDEOS para anuncios y contenido en REDES SOCIALES" |
">>>> Crea VIDEOS efectivos para anuncios y contenido en REDES SOCIALEs <<<<INCLUYE GRUPO PRIVADO DE FACEBOOK: Estrategias, networking, eventos y contenido exclusivo.Quieres conseguir ms clientes a travs de redes sociales? Te gustara obtener mejores resultados con tus anuncios y campaas de marketing digital?El contenido que publicas en tus redes sociales no est teniendo el resultado que esperas? EL ERROR ES NO UTILIZAR VIDEOS PARA COMPARTIR CONTENIDO Y CREAR ANUNCIOS EN TUS REDES SOCIALES! > Por qu el video es el mejor formato para redes sociales? Es muy sencillo Las publicaciones en vdeo en redes sociales generan un 90% ms de interacciones por parte de los usuarios En Facebook, se ven 100 millones de horas de vdeo al daYouTube recibe ms de 4 millones de visitas diarias. El 96% de los usuarios consideran de gran ayuda a los vdeos en su proceso de compraSi no ests utilizando video en tus contenidos, ests perdiendo una gran oportunidad para hacer crecer tu negocioPero... qu necesitas para hacer videos que realmente llamen la atencin y sean exitosos?Dos cosas principalmente: Saber el tipo de video que puedes publicar en tus redes socialesCrear los videos de forma rpida y sencilla para que puedas enfocarte en hacer crecer tu negocioEstos dos puntos los aprendes en este curso.Vas a aprender los formatos de video que hay y a usar una plataforma muy sencilla y gratuita para crear tus videos rpidamente, guardando siempre un aspecto profesional.No necesitas contratar a un diseador o una agencia para que cree tus videos, sencillamente sigue el paso a paso y hazlo tu mismo en cuestin de minutos.Aprenders a crear videos para: Hacer anuncios efectivos en Facebook, Instagram y YoutubeHacer Stories que impacten y atraigan a las personasHacer contenido pensado para que se vuelva viral y atraiga trfico gratuito a tu negocioY muchos otros tipos de video detallados en el programa del curso.> Esta es mi promesa para ti... Estar aqu para ti en cada paso. Si tienes alguna inquietud sobre el contenido del curso o algo relacionado con el tema, puedes hacer tus preguntas a travs de la plataforma o en el grupo privado de Facebook.. Quiero hacer de este el mejor curso de creacin de videos para anuncios y redes sociales. As que si consideras que hay algo que pueda hacer para mejorar el curso, solo dmelo y lo tendr en cuenta en una prxima actualizacin. ""Crea videos para anuncios y contenido en redes sociales"", es el curso donde encontrars todo lo que necesitas para empezar sin necesidad de conocimientos previos, ni pagar costosos programas de capacitacin. He creado este curso para llevar paso a paso a cualquier persona a la creacin de diferentes tipos de videos para anuncios y contenido en redes sociales. Tambin compartir contigo algunas recomendaciones generales para que puedas sacar el mayor provecho de toda esta informacin.>>> Haz click en el botn de ""Comprar Ahora""! Nos vemos adentro!, Ivan * IMPORTANTE: Los conceptos y la estratgia que vas a aprender en ste curso los puedes integrar con otras estrategias como los embudos de venta, chat bots, webinars y dems que te ayuden con el crecimiento de tu negocio. * "
Price: 99.99

"The Transformative Powers Of Meditation 7 Days!" |
"In these 7 days, you will be taken to experience the transformative powers of meditation.These videos are great for beginners to advanced. Simply find a place to sit, a chair, or on the floor, suitable for all ages!Previously I have released guided meditations which focuses on the observation of the breath. This course has combined them together onto a 7 day course where we will work each day to build up to Day 7, where you will learn to meditate by yourself. In addition, you will be able to download the guided meditations in Silence or Music versions, so that's more than 8 guided meditation files you can download to practice anywhere!Each day will be a guided meditation to help you to understand the transformative powers of the breath. The alone days maybe tough, but after the 7th day you will learn how to meditate by yourself!Day 1 - Experience Healing!Day 2 - Experience Self-Knowing!Day 3 - Guiding YourselfDay 4 - Experience Letting Go!Day 5 - Experience Internal Wisdom!Day 6 - PenetratingDay 7 - Completing The Meditation!==========Testimonials Of People Who Have Tried The Guided meditations=============Meditation is simpleSimply be in the state of observation / Stillness. But the simplicity can be difficult for a the complicated mind to comprehend.So these videos were made for you to realize the power of simplicity.So that you may be motivated to carry on the practice daily and persistentlyTo great develop greater happiness!I look forward to see you soon!Jonny"
Price: 84.99

Price: 16800.00

"Aprendizado Linguagem R e importao e exportao de dados" |
"A linguagem R uma das mais utilizadas em todo o mundo e reflete o que profissionais e analistas de dados vivenciam com suas criaes diversas na rea de Data Science. Neste treinamento ser vista com todos os detalhes, desde a construo de um simples grfico que envolve a anlise exploratria de dados, at a construo de estatsticas inferncias na construo de teste de hipteses, intervalos de confiana e construo de mini programas em R.Aliada a este diferencial que conhecer uma das principais ferramentas do mundo na rea, voc aprender[ a fazer a importao e exportao de dados em diversos formatos para dentro do R, tudo isso via R-Studio, poderoso framework de trabalho da linguagem R. Voc poder carregar arquivos em diversos formatos TXT, JSON, XML, dentre outros e ainda salv-los nos formatos dos principais programas estatsticos EPI-INFO, SAS, SPSS, dentre outros.Venha conhecer e trabalhar comigo neste curso que vai lhe ajudar a ser um diferencial no mercado.VOC AINDA GANHA Acesso total vitalcio ao contedo do curso; Certificado de concluso do curso oferecido pela Udemy; Acesso no seu dispositivo mvel e TV ou Computador; Acesso 24h / 7 dias por semana aos instrutores atravs da seo de Perguntas e Respostas."
Price: 189.99
