"The Maya City of Chichn Itz" |
"This course is on the Maya City of Chichn Itz. Chichn Itz, mouth of the well of the Itza, is considered to have been the most important site in the Yucatan during the Late to Post Classic 600-1250 AD. It is an amazing and imposing site that grew in the tropical rainforests of the Yucatan Peninsula. Strategically located in the crossroads of important Sacbes it grew to become a center of commerce, religion and astronomy. The Temple of Kukulcan features a unique and awe inspiring astronomical event triggered by the Equinoxes. Welcome!"
Price: 194.99

". . Scrum Master." |
". . Scrum Master. "" . . Scrum Master.""! , scrum master. :1.1. PRODUCT OWNER1.2. 7 2.1. SCRUM MASTER2.2. SCRUM AGILE2.3. BURNDOWN CHART2.4. SCRUM2.5. SCRUM2.6. SCRUM2.7. 2.8. SCRUM2.9. . SCRUM2.10. SCRUM2.11. SCRUM3.1. 3.2. 3.3. - 3.4. . 3.5. 3.6. 3.7. STORY MAP3.8. 3.9. 3.10. SPRINT3.11. 3.12. 3.13. 3.14. "" . . Scrum Master."" :"
Price: 99.99

"Udemy Empire: Build Your Online Course Business - Unofficial" |
"UDATED FOR 2020! IncludesThe Best Selling Course FormulaUltimate Launch Tool KitUdemy Empire BuilderAre you ready to grow a truly passive stream of income from online courses?There is no better time than now and no better place than Udemy. Whether you are an expert or a complete newcomer to online courses, this course is for you. In the Udemy Empire System, you'll be guided step-by-step through the entire process of creating a best-selling online course. This course is to help you get more personal and financial freedom in your life. Dr. Brady Salcido has personally used Udemy to build a passive 5-figure stream of income and you'll learn how in this in-depth course. In this course, I'll share ALL MY SECRETS!UDEMY EMPIRE WILL SHOW YOU:Create a best-selling online courseHow to find the top-selling course nichesHow to create a stellar biography that converts studentsHow to create a course description that sells your course like crazyHow to launch your course even with ZERO followersHow to sell courses on Udemy and Skillshare for more profitsHow to scale your first course into an empireHow to build an passive stream of income from online courses---Do you need experience?ABSOLUTELY NOT! I started my business with zero previous experience and have now helped THOUSANDS OF STUDENTS!---COMES WITH A 30-DAY, 100% MONEY-BACKED GUARANTEE!I can't wait to hear about your results."
Price: 99.99

"Genetics for Beginners: The Videocourse" |
"Learning about genetics and you do not know where to start? Learning about Genetics something you have to do often and it is time that you do not stop for sure because that is part of what you are commanded to do if you do love genetics. When it comes to genetics, does surely matter that you go further with it."
Price: 19.99

"Embedded C: An East Way To Learn" |
"Embedded C is for sure one of those topics that can be tricky till a certain extent. We rather start the basics with energy and motivation so you can learn as much as possible about it! Yes, do not worry if this is your first time learning about Embedded C, this is going to be a very good way to do things as long as you do have the possibilities of going further with the topic by reading and listening about it. No time to lose, it is time for some programmers knowledge right now!"
Price: 19.99

"Configurer les services de stockage sous Windows Server 2019" |
"Aimerais-tu apprendre de nouvelles techniques de stockage sur un serveur Windows 2019? As-tu des comptences aujourdhui pour crer un stockage redondant pour te protger contre un disque dur dfectueux? Saches-tu comment crer concrtement des pools de stockage, du stockage virtuel sous Hyper-V ou comment connecter un serveur Windows au stockage iSCSI ?Si tu rponds Non , lune de ces questions, sache que ce nouveau cours intitul Configurer les services de stockage sous Windows Server 2019 est fait pour toi.Mon nom cest Landry AHOUANSOU, je suis certifi Microsoft Windows Server et je taccompagnerai pas pas durant ce cours compos dune trentaine de vidos, rparti en 6 grands modules.Dentre, durant le premier module, tu apprendras toutes les bases essentielles et indispensables sur le fonctionnement des disques, des volumes ou partitions et surtout comment grer le stockage sous Windows Server 2019, partir d'une interface graphique, de la ligne de commande et via Windows PowerShell.Le deuxime module sera consacr la configuration des partages rapides et avancs NFS et SMB ainsi que des autorisations de partages sous Windows Server 2019. Durant ce module, nous verrons tape par tape comment crer des partages rseaux Windows et Linux via PowerShell et comment les scuriser en attribuant les bonnes autorisations aux utilisateurs qui doivent accder ces ressources partages. Tu apprendras galement au cours de ce module comment formater un disque en systme de fichiers NTFS et ReFS et quelles sont les diffrences fondamentales entre ces deux technologies.Tout au long du troisime module, nous verrons ensemble comment implmenter les 3 fonctionnalits les plus importantes lies au stockage sous Windows Server 2019. La premire est la cration et montage des fichiers VHD et VHDx qui seront utiliser comme disque durs virtuels pour nos machines virtuelles sous Hyper-V. La deuxime fonctionnalit sera la configuration de Data Center Bridging ou pontage du centre de donnes afin dradiquer la perte de paquets dans notre infrastructure de stockage. Et la troisime fonctionnalit, la plus importante, qui est la mise en place du Rpliqua de stockage afin de protger nos stockages contre tout sinistre.Sais-tu pourquoi et comment configurer une cible et initiateur iSCSI ? Sais-tu comment implmenter un provisionnement fin ou configurer un stockage plusieurs niveaux ? Connais-tu les diffrences entre les technologies DAS, NAS et SAN ou comment mettre en place la technologie MPIO ? Toutes ces questions ont leurs rponses dans le quatrime module qui sera consacr loptimisation de notre infrastructure de stockage sous Windows Server 2019.Dans le cinquime module, nous verrons la configuration des rles plus avancs lis au stockage comme la dduplication des donnes, la configuration du stockage virtuel sous Hyper-V, les options trs avances sur linitialisation et le formatage des disques de stockage et surtout la sauvegarde et la restauration des donnes sous Windows Server 2019.Et enfin lors du sixime et dernier module, nous apprendrons comment configurer pas pas des pools de stockages, comment utiliser la technologie RAID pour crer un lecteur de parit et galement un lecteur miroir en utilisant les pools de stockages sous Windows Server 2019.Un stockage efficace et scuris tant un lment cl de tout rseau d'entreprise, je tassure qu la fin de cette formation, tu disposeras d'normes comptences, recherch par les responsables informatiques, qui est la matrise et la capacit de configurer et dadministrer des solutions de fichiers et de stockage sur Windows Server.Donc sans plus tarder, dmarrons l'aventure ensemble en commenant par le premier module...."
Price: 24.99

"Kendi Lisans Sistemimizi Yazalm (Blm 1-Local)" |
"Kursumuz orta seviyede C# bilgisine sahip olan arkadalara uygundur. C# hakknda bilginiz yoksa ltfen kursu almaynz.Kursumuzda bir WinForm veya WPF uygulamanz 3 farkl yntem ile nasl lisanslayabileceinizi reneceksiniz.1. blmde ncelikle internetsiz bir ortamda uygulamamzn nasl lisanlanabileceini greceiz. 2. blmmzde yine internet olmayan ancak aa bal bir bilgisayarda bir lisans serveri kuracaz. Ayn zamanda TCP zerinde server ve client mantn anlayacaz. Hatta client ve server arasnda bir chat uygulamas da yapm olacaz.3. blmde ise internete bal bir bilgisayar zerinde online lisanslama nasl yaplr renmi olacaz. Kurslar sonunda artk yaptnz uygulamalar kendi lisans sisteminizle gvenli ekilde satabileceksiniz.4. Blmde ise uygulamamza Demo zellii kazandrma, Lisans Online olarak alabilme, Yllk lisanslama ve bunun gibi birok zelliin nasl eklenebilecei hakknda bilgi sahibi olabileceksiniz."
Price: 49.99

"Kendi Lisans Sistemimizi Yazalm (Blm 2-Yerel A)" |
"Kursumuz orta seviyede C# bilgisine sahip olan arkadalara uygundur. C# hakknda bilginiz yoksa ltfen kursu almaynz.Kursumuzda bir WinForm veya WPF uygulamanz 3 farkl yntem ile nasl lisanslayabileceinizi reneceksiniz.1. blmde ncelikle internetsiz bir ortamda uygulamamzn nasl lisanlanabileceini greceiz. 2. blmmzde yine internet olmayan ancak aa bal bir bilgisayarda bir lisans serveri kuracaz. Ayn zamanda TCP zerinde server ve client mantn anlayacaz. Hatta client ve server arasnda bir chat uygulamas da yapm olacaz.3. blmde ise internete bal bir bilgisayar zerinde online lisanslama nasl yaplr renmi olacaz. Kurslar sonunda artk yaptnz uygulamalar kendi lisans sisteminizle gvenli ekilde satabileceksiniz.4. Blmde ise uygulamamza Demo zellii kazandrma, Lisans Online olarak alabilme, Yllk lisanslama ve bunun gibi birok zelliin nasl eklenebilecei hakknda bilgi sahibi olabileceksiniz."
Price: 49.99

"Kendi Lisans Sistemimizi Yazalm (Blm 3-Online)" |
"Kursumuz orta seviyede C# bilgisine sahip olan arkadalara uygundur. C# hakknda bilginiz yoksa ltfen kursu almaynz.Kursumuzda bir WinForm veya WPF uygulamanz 3 farkl yntem ile nasl lisanslayabileceinizi reneceksiniz.1. blmde ncelikle internetsiz bir ortamda uygulamamzn nasl lisanlanabileceini greceiz. 2. blmmzde yine internet olmayan ancak aa bal bir bilgisayarda bir lisans serveri kuracaz. Ayn zamanda TCP zerinde server ve client mantn anlayacaz. Hatta client ve server arasnda bir chat uygulamas da yapm olacaz.3. blmde ise internete bal bir bilgisayar zerinde online lisanslama nasl yaplr renmi olacaz. Kurslar sonunda artk yaptnz uygulamalar kendi lisans sisteminizle gvenli ekilde satabileceksiniz.4. Blmde ise uygulamamza Demo zellii kazandrma, Lisans Online olarak alabilme, Yllk lisanslama ve bunun gibi birok zelliin nasl eklenebilecei hakknda bilgi sahibi olabileceksiniz."
Price: 49.99

"Kendi Lisans Sistemimizi Yazalm (Blm 4-Demo)" |
"Kursumuz orta seviyede C# bilgisine sahip olan arkadalara uygundur. C# hakknda bilginiz yoksa ltfen kursu almaynz.Kursumuzda bir WinForm veya WPF uygulamanz 3 farkl yntem ile nasl lisanslayabileceinizi reneceksiniz.1. blmde ncelikle internetsiz bir ortamda uygulamamzn nasl lisanlanabileceini greceiz. 2. blmmzde yine internet olmayan ancak aa bal bir bilgisayarda bir lisans serveri kuracaz. Ayn zamanda TCP zerinde server ve client mantn anlayacaz. Hatta client ve server arasnda bir chat uygulamas da yapm olacaz.3. blmde ise internete bal bir bilgisayar zerinde online lisanslama nasl yaplr renmi olacaz. Kurslar sonunda artk yaptnz uygulamalar kendi lisans sisteminizle gvenli ekilde satabileceksiniz.4. Blmde ise uygulamamza Demo zellii kazandrma, Lisans Online olarak alabilme, Yllk lisanslama ve bunun gibi birok zelliin nasl eklenebilecei hakknda bilgi sahibi olabileceksiniz."
Price: 49.99

"Master Maths Numeracy Masterclass" |
"Master Maths Numeracy Masterclass is a Fundamental Maths course for anyone who is looking to improve their numeracy skills and beyond. It is a must have course that will surely progress your Mathematical knowledge. Tuitions are expensive and this is a great resource where you can learn on your own pace filled with videos, video tasks, visual breakdowns, resources, powerpoints, problem solving, online assessment with explanations, drill sheets with answers on every single topic on Numeracy and beyond. It is a course that covers topics in depth that easily can stretch anyone and great to build Mathematics foundation necessary for everyday life. Also, more and more organisations are checking numeracy skills and this course provides the best techniques with understanding the universal language ""Mathematics"" in the most easiest way that is practical to everyday use.Master Maths Numeracy is a perfect course for anyone looking to improve their mathematical skills. You can use resources that are attached for each topics to further on your knowledge and practice topic knowledge by answering the questions. Answers provided with online assessment to check your own progress. The topics that will be covered are the following: OperationsFractionsDecimalsMix NumbersPercentagesRatiosBIDMASNegative NumbersMetric SystemArea and PerimeterAlgebra"
Price: 59.99

"Learn HTML 5 complete Course" |
"Learn HTML 5 complete CourseHTML 5 for beginners and HTML tutorial for beginners Learn HTML 5 CSS 3 Website development mobile responsive website some kind How to make the responsive website most of the user know How to make HTML 5 website page and learn How to design responsive mobile website where you become expert in How to learn mobile development and How to make the website responsive, HTML tutorial for beginners HTML 5 for beginners and Learn HTML 5 complete CourseDescription of CoursesHTML 5 for beginners design development modern mobile website design free video tutorial can help you become expert in web development and mobile responsive website design HTML tutorial for beginners in Hindi full course we guide you step by step mobile website design HTML tutorial for beginners development it can help you learn at home and HTML 5 for beginners Learn HTML 5 complete CourseHTML tutorial for beginnersHTML tutorial for beginners website development learn HTML 5 how can design Learn HTML 5 and here can help you Learn website development and some kind How to make the responsive website most of the user know How to make HTML 5 website page and learn How to design responsive mobile website here can design Bootstrap 4 for beginnersWhat we learn in this course of HTML 5 for beginnersHTML 5 for beginners students learn what is Html 5 elements tags what is block tags what are colours tags and how can use the colours and block tags and how can use than the visual studio and how can install 1st time for HTML 5 for beginners what is best heading tags for HTML and how can use then tags for heading in the Html 5 how can use then layout design of website pages how can list and link one page to other pages and how to link the same website to other pages internal link and external links HTML 5 for beginners and Learn HTML 5 complete CourseThe Course of Learn HTML 5 complete CourseLearn HTML 5 complete Course HTML is a computer language that allows website creation. These websites can then be viewed by anyone else connected to the Internet. It is relatively easy to learn, with the basics being accessible to most people in one sittingThe course outline of Learn HTML 5 complete CourseHTML 5 Course Layout What are HTML 5 Blocks TagsWhat are HTML 5 Colors Tags What is HTML 5 Comments TagsWhat is HTML 5 Editors What are HTML 5 Elements tagsWhat is HTML 5 Formatting What is HTML 5 head TagsWhat is HTML 5 heading Tags What is HTML 5 id TagsWhat are HTML 5 Images Tags What is HTML 5 LayoutsTagsWhat is HTML 5 Links Tags What is HTML 5 Lists TagsWhat is HTML 5 paragraph What is HTML 5 Quotation TagsWhat is HTML 5 Styles Tags What is HTML 5 Table TagsWhat is HTML 5 Attributes Tags What is HTML 5 New Elements TagsWhat is HTML 5 class Attribute What is HTML 5 Responsive Web DesignWhat is HTML 5 Login Page Design"
Price: 49.99

"Crisper Learning for MS Power Automate" |
"Microsoft Power Automate is one the upcoming automation technologies in-line with the Robotics Process Automation domain. The seamless integration with other Microsoft products and suite of application makes this an instant favorite among automation enthusiasts.In this and every Crisper Learning course, we have taken a very tactical approach to delve into the actual practicality of the applications and not just the theoretical aspect. We look to show you the actual features of an application by recording the screen and capturing a system's actual behavior. Please check this out before automation becomes the new norm. "
Price: 29.99

"Mastering Outlook 2019 for Beginners (Hindi/Urdu)" |
"From Time-Waster To Productivity Booster: Change The Way you employ Microsoft OutlookFew things have greater impact on your productivity than the way you use Outlook. Too many of us waste time on unnecessary tasks that would be managed automatically or handled during a fraction of the timeif the Outlook user knew the way to use the proper tools.This Course is that the initiative to Becoming an Outlook Master!"
Price: 199.99

"Introduo a Spring Batch com Spring Boot" |
"Este curso tem por objetivo mostrar como executar um batch de forma manual, agendada e tambm ser executado a partir de uma api REST. Vamos abordar a criao de um batch para efetuar o enriquecimento de dados utilizando Chuncklet e validao de registros com Tasklet. Ainda neste curso ser mostrado como salvar esses registros na base de dados, salvar em um arquivo CSV de sada e tambm fazer uma integrao com uma api REST."
Price: 64.99

"Formation Covadis 3D" |
"Cette formation propose aux apprenants de prendre en main le module Covadis 3D du logiciel Covadis. Dans cette formation, vous apprendrez la cration et la gestion des points en 3D dans Covadis, les mthodes d'interpolation, la gestion des polylignes 2D et 3D, la cration des modles numriques de terrain, les techniques de visualisation et les mthodes d'analyse d'un modle numrique de terrain, la cration et cotation des courbes de niveau, le calcul de volume de terrassement, la cration des profils en long et en travers"
Price: 99.99

"Svelte de A Z" |
"C'est parti pour Svelte, le dernier venu des Frameworks JS.Enfin Framework, disons que c'est plutt un hybride, un Framework dans un compilateur. Un Framework car il va vous proposer un cadre de travail, avec ses mthodes et ses fonctionnalits.Un compilateur car il va compiler votre code en temps rel en JavaScript natif !Trs bien, qu'est ce qu'on peut crer avec a ?Des applications web, c'est dire des sites avec beaucoup de fonctionnalits (google drive, wikipedia, aliexpress, Youtube ... (par exemple))Le tout sous forme de SPA (single page application), o tout votre site va tre rendu dans une page HTML, ce qui vite d'avoir des temps de chargements entre chaque page(composants).On peut galement crer des applications web qui vont tre servies avec du ""Server Side Rendering"", ce qui permet d'amliorer le SEO de nos apps, on verra a en fin de formation.Est ce que c'est le bon Framework pour un dbutant ?Oui ! Beaucoup disent que c'est le Framework parfait pour se lancer. Il a t pens pour tre simple d'utilisation.Qu'est qui le diffrencie vraiment de React et Vue ?Svelte, comme son nom l'indique, est lger. Il ne va pas embarquer une librairie ou un framework + son ""runtime"" quand on va mettre un projet en ligne. Il va seulement compiler notre code, en rajoutant quelques fonctionnalits de Svelte pour grer les mises jour du DOM.En parlant de DOM, pas de DOM virtuel avec Svelte, le DOM virtuel tant une copie du DOM qui permet de dtecter ses changements, lorsqu'on travaille avec React ou Vue. Ici Svelte arrive au mme rsultat sans DOM virtuel, juste avec quelques modules, ce qui lui fait gagner en performance.De quoi est compos le cours ?Dcouverte des bases de Svelte (Props,Classes dynamiques, conditions ).Utilisation de formulaires.La ractivit, un concept de Svelte.Les composants dans le dtail.Cration dUI avec Svelte (modale, onglets, navbar responsive).Utiliser les store .Projet app web : Pokdex & Application de calcul des dpenses.Le routing et le serveur side rendering avec Sapper.Rendez-vous de l'autre ct !"
Price: 199.99

"Crer un espace membre complet en PHP et MySQL" |
"Descriptiontes-vous prt apprendre comment construire un systme complet despace membre, en utilisant PHP et MySQL ? Alors vous tes au bon endroit et au bon moment.Dans ce cours nous allons droit au but. Nous adoptons une approche pratique et nous faisons en sorte que les choses se fassent parfaitement bien.Vous aider me fait plaisir !Vous avez des difficults au niveau de lune des sessions ? Pas de problme, Je suis l pour vous aider.Vous avez besoin d'une assistance personnelle lors d'un cours ? Dites-moi quel est le problme et je men occupe !Caractristiques principales de lespace membre :1. Systme dinscription dun nouveau membre avec les contrles de scurit indispensables du formulaire dinscription2. Confirmation de ladresse email de l'utilisateur par envoi demail de validation automatique3. Fonctionnalit ""Toujours connect"" (Se souvenir de moi)4. Cryptage scuris des mots de passe5. Modification du profil utilisateur connect (nom dutilisateur et mot de passe)6. Rinitialisation/rcupration du mot de passe en cas doubli7. Des fonctionnalits seront ajoutes au fil du temps8. Le code source est mis votre disposition, vous pouvez lutiliser comme il vous semble.-----------------------------------------------------------------Dans ce cours, nous utiliserons la dernire version du PHP ainsi que la dernire version de MySQL. Vous aurez beaucoup de plaisir suivre ce cours et vous apprendrez beaucoup de choses en parallle de la cration de lapplication espace membre . Vous pourrez galement recommander toute fonctionnalit que vous souhaiteriez mettre en uvre et elle sera considre comme incluse dans le cours. qui ce cours s'adresse-t-il ?Ce cours s'adresse aux tudiants qui connaissent les bases de PHP"
Price: 69.99

"Copywriting: Ferramentas Grtis e Hacks Para Escrever Melhor" |
"Copywriting: Ferramentas Grtis e Hacks Para Escrever MelhorMelhore Suas Habilidades de Escrita com Ferramentas Grtis e Hacks Incrveis Para Criar A Copy PerfeitaJ pensou encontrar as Ferramentas Certas para Escrever melhor sua Copy de Vendas?Seria interessante aprender Hacks que faam sua mente expandir na hora da escrita de qualquer contedo de vendas?Ento, eu convido voc a vir comigo nessa jornada!Forte abrao,Edson De Oliveira."
Price: 39.99

C# |
Price: 5400.00

"Ketogene Ernhrung" |
"Ketogene Ernhrung: Nachhaltig Abnehmen & Mehr Energie im LebenDu willst abnehmen und leidest stndig unter Heihunger? Du fhlst dich mde und abgeschlagen? Stress ist dein stndiger Lebensbegleiter? Dann ist dieser Kurs absolut richtig fr dich! Die Ketogene Ernhrung ist der geniale Weg, um wieder zurck zu frischen Krften zu finden. Und nicht nur das: Du wirst sogar noch mehr Power aus dir herausholen und einfach abnehmen knnen!In diesem Kurs erfhrst duwie positiv ketogene Ernhrung sich auf dein Leben auswirken kannwie du einfach mit der ketogenen Ernhrung startest und einen ketogenen Lebensstil umsetztwelche Lebensmittel geeignet sind und welche du lieber vermeidest... und erhltst auerdem interessante Rezepte fr einen leckeren Start mit deiner neuen Ernhrungsform.Der Kurs eignet sich gut als Einstieg in die Ketogene Ernhrung. Um in den Zustand der Ketose zu kommen, sollte man sich kohlenhydratarm ernhren und gesunde hochwertige Fette zu sich nehmen. Natrlich ist auch regelmige Bewegung wichtig, um den Stoffwechsel anzukurbeln.Die Ketogene Ernhrung ist keine spezielle Dit,sondern eine Art gesunder Ernhrungsform, durch die man nicht nur fitter werden soll, sondern die auch noch den positiven Nebeneffekt haben kann, abzunehmen.ber den Kurs-TrainerDer Life-Coach Dennis Streichert hat die Vision, die Lebensqualitt von vielen Menschen zu verbessern. Dieser Kurs ist ein Weg, dazu beizutragen. Denn mit der ketogenen Ernhrung wirst du deine persnliche Lebensqualitt merklich steigern knnen. Du wirst dich besser fhlen, mehr Erfolg haben und abnehmen knnen.Zgere nicht lnger, sondern starte direkt jetzt mit der ketogenen Ernhrung!Schreibe dich direkt jetzt in diesen Kurs ein!"
Price: 29.99

"TikTok Marketing" |
"The TikTok social media platform has seen explosive growth over the last two years. It now has 500 million users that are desperate for fun and exciting content and this is a massive opportunity for you to promote your business.To be successful with TikTok marketing you need to know how the platform works and how the users interact with each other. TikTok appeals to a younger demographic and you really need to speak their language to be successful.This course provides you with everything that you need to know to use the TikTok platform to market your business successfully. Other marketers have tried marketing on TikTok and failed. We do not want you to make the same mistakes that they did.Not only does the course include 11 premium quality course videos, but you will also receive the following resources:TikTok Marketing Training Guide to accompany the videosTikTok Marketing Cheatsheet - This cheat sheet is a handy checklist that makes it easy to get started. It breaks up the entire guide into easy-to-follow steps so that you can make sure you have all the highlights of everything covered inside right at your fingertips.TikTok Marketing Mind Map - Some people learn better by looking at a mind map. The mind map gives you an overview of everything covered inside the guide. You can also print it out for quick reference anytime you need it!TikTok Marketing Resource Guide - The Resource Guide gives you a quick point of reference to all of the resources mentioned throughout the guide. This makes it easy to plug-in and stick with what you're looking for."
Price: 39.99

"The Perfect Shopify Store Layout" |
"Do you have a an online store? Want to learn how to better optimize it from a user experience perspective? That means better engagement, more sales and a more functional and useful website for everyone?In this course I take you behind the scenes of my personal user experience testing for numerous Shopify stores and WOO Commerce stores. You'll learn how to better design and structure your homepage. Tips on making the checkout process easier, email marketing insights and big glaring mistakes Shopify store owners tend to make with their layout, URL structure and product pages.In this course you get access to hours of private UX reviews done for actual paying clients. Learn how to make your store more effective by enrolling today."
Price: 99.99

"How to Use Google's Search Console for Better WordPress SEO" |
"In this course you will learn how to use Google's Search Engine Console tool to improve the performance of your website. Discover your rankings and keywords that your website is getting clicks and impressions for. Find out excellent, targeted keywords and phrases that your website is not even optimized for. Lastly, avoid site structure issues by analyzing your specific URL's and fixing any issues identified by the search console tool.In this class you will learn how to:Verify your website with search console.Find keyword phrases you should actually be targeting.Analyze and understand your current rankings.How to check and understand your website's coverage, sitemap and the URL removals tool.Check back links and your internal links for your website.The Google Search Console is an outstanding, under-rated tool. It's not simply used for vanity metrics, you can use this tool for keyword research as well as any site issues Google wants you to fix. Learn how to get the most our of Search Console with this excellent, no fluff online course."
Price: 24.99

"Desarrollo web desde cero: HTML5, CSS3, Javascript" |
"Quieres iniciar en el mundo del desarrollo web y no sabes el camino a seguir?Cuando iniciamos en este mundo no se sabe el camino que se debe elegir. Es el problema principal de quien quiere iniciar en el desarrollo web, por tal motivo, cre este curso, para darte los tips y consejos necesarios y puedas adentrarte en el mundo del desarrollo web.La linea de aprendizaje creada en este curso es ideal para una persona que no tenga ningn conocimiento previo, no importa si no sabes nada sobre la programacin; iremos desde los conceptos ms bsicos y lograremos, con conceptos y prcticas, que t puedas desarrollar cualquier pgina web. La metodologa de aprendizaje es la ideal:Cada concepto explicado desde cero, paso a paso.Casi 20 horas de contenido.Breve teora y muchos ejercicios prcticos.Linea de aprendizaje y orden progresivo desarrollado con detalle para que cada vez que avances de nivel sientas la progresin del curso.Lo que aprendiste no lo olvidars; por el contrario en cada seccin aplicaremos ms ejercicios para que refresques lo aprendido y lo pongas en prctica.Pruebas de contenido al finalizar cada seccin que refrescaran y agudizarn tus conocimientos.Desarrollo web desde cero abarca muchsimo,es empezar desde conceptos bsicos hasta crear tu propia pgina web. Nuestra primera seccin iremos desde el concepto ms bsico del desarrollo web y abarcaremos cada una de las tecnologas, te introducirs en el mundo de la programacin.La estructura de nuestra web es importante, por tal motivo comenzaremos a darle estructura y contenido a nuestras pginas web aprendiendo el lenguaje de marcado HTML5.Al dominar nuestro contenido y estructura, empezar la magia; porque eso es CSS3, magia pura para aplicarle presentacin y estilos a nuestras pginas web; lo que imagines, lo puedes hacer con CSS3. Nuestra evolucin en este punto, es adaptar todo lo que sabemos al mundo actual; los diferentes tamaos de pantalla. Actualmente, tenemos una gran variedad de dispositivos con diferentes tamaos de pantalla, y queremos que nuestros elementos se adapten con el Responsive Desing. Ya nuestras web tienen estructuras y estilos, pero les falta vida; para eso llega nuestro Javascript, el que es considerado el mejor lenguaje y el que mayor oportunidades laborales ofrece, ademas de que su sintaxis y fcil comprensin lo hacen ideal como nuestro primer lenguaje de programacin.A este punto, con nuestros conocimientos adquiridos, ya podemos realizar cualquier pgina web y lo pondremos a prueba desarrollando desde cero una pgina web para una empresa de comida rpida.Ademas, tendrs soporte y ayuda para que puedas comprender todos los conceptos explicados y siempre tendrs una comunicacin directa para resolver tus dudas.Esto es ms que un curso, es el inicio de una carrera en el desarrollo web; vas a aprender lo que se necesita para crear cualquier pgina web.nete al curso, te estoy esperando; iniciemos el camino del desarrollo web!"
Price: 29.99

"Modelado y Renderizado de Productos 3D para Publicidad." |
"Aprende con ejercicios prcticos el modelado 3D & Renderizado de Productos Publicitarios.Aprenders a como modelar productos publicitarios a partir de imgenes de referencias y como darles los detalles finales tales como, materiales de texturas, materiales de color, iluminacin y Render final.Recrearemos 2 productos en 3D de forma correcta con las herramientas utilizadas a nivel profesional.Estaremos explicando de forma precisa el flujo de trabajo utilizando las herramientas esenciales del programa, as como tambin la implementacin de estas herramientas para la realizacin de nuestros modelos 3D.Tocaremos el tema de los materiales de color y texturas, as como tambin la forma de mezclar materiales a un mismo modelado.Es esencial tener instalado para este curso. 3ds Max 2021 & Adobe Photoshop Te esperamos!!"
Price: 94.99

"Procreate Essentials: Paint a Blue Dart Frog" |
"In this course you will learn how to paint a Blue Dart Frog, which is a poisonous frog, so be very careful!Youll become confident in the full process of creating an illustration from scratch, using a variety of brushes and techniques.The course is mainly designed for beginners and intermediate level students, that are looking to improve their painting skills and get familiar with Procreate.Course structure:Well start by understanding the basics of ProcreateThen, we'll block out the volumes and define the dark and light areasWell add a series of additional details in order to create an intricate skin textureLastly, well create an abstract backgroundIf you already know how to draw, or maybe you just want to focus on the painting process, the drawing is available to download!Resources available to download (1 psd file):Pencil DrawingColour paletteToned PaperBy the end of the course you will have the knowledge to paint using a variety of brushes, and to take that next step on your career path.The painter in you is about to be awakened! Let's get started!"
Price: 79.99

"IBM WebSphere WCM 8.5/9.0" |
"IBM Lotus WCM 8.51- WCM Concept.2- IBM WCM.3- IBM WCM users.4- IBM WCM elements.5- IBM WCM tags.6- Web Content Viewer portlet.7- Portal Page Association.8- Create Full WCM Cycle.9- Adding navigational components to your website.10- Create Portal Page Template.11- Site toolbar tasks.13- IBM WCM Java APIs.14- Previewing content options.15- Content acquisition using Web Content Integrator.16- Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) in WCM.17- Implement Personalization.18- Inline editing feature."
Price: 19.99

"CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2020 - S para sublimao e vetor" |
"Com anos de experincias que tenho com o CorelDraw, j trabalhei em vrias empresas que esto relacionadas com a rea do Design Grfico, e entre elas est a SUBLIMAO.Por muito tempo, eu trabalhei em uma empresa de sublimao aqui na minha cidade e pude entender como funcionam os processos de criao de arte dentro delas. Hoje, j trabalho de forma independente, mas continuo trabalhando em home office para essas mesmas empresas. Pensando nisso, resolvi passar alguns dos meus conhecimentos sobre a ferramenta CorelDraw que de faro dar um grande passo para entrar nas grandes grficas e sublimaes tendo todo um conhecimento estruturado da ferramenta e j terminando esse treinamento pronto para exercer suas funes de Designer Grfico em suas determinadas localidades."
Price: 39.99

"Linux Privilege Escalation for Beginners" |
"This course focuses on Linux Privilege Escalation tactics and techniques designed to help you improve your privilege escalation game. Students should take this course if they are interested in:Gaining a better understanding of privilege escalation techniquesImproving Capture the Flag skillsetPreparing for certifications such as the OSCP, eCPPT, CEH, etc.What will I learn?1) How to enumerate Linux systems manually and with tools2) A multitude of privilege escalation techniques, including:Kernel ExploitsPassword HuntingFile PermissionsSudo Attacks Shell EscapingIntended FunctionalityLD_PRELOADCVE-2019-14287CVE-2019-18634SUID AttacksShared Object InjectionBinary SymlinksEnvironment VariablesCapabilities AttacksScheduled TasksNFSDocker3) Tons of hands-on experience, including:11 vulnerable machines totalCapstone challengeCustom lab with no installation required"
Price: 79.99

"Build Full-stack React Native Apps with Express.js Backend" |
"Becoming a full-stack developer has a lot of benefits and full-stack engineering has gained a lot of popularity in the past few years. Also, the importance of mobile apps can not be overemphasized. It is one of the best ways to connect with users.In this course, you will learn how to build four mobile appsTodo App - React NativeNews App - React Native, React Navigation, Redux.Home Listing App - React Native, React Navigation, Redux, Node/Express, MongoDBAuthentication System App - React Native, React Navigation, Redux, Node/Express, MongoDBA detailed list of what you'll learnInstalling React Native and setting up Android emulator and iOS simulatorCore React Native concepts, such as working with components, state, and propsStyling and how to layout items using FlexboxHow to work with images, fonts, and Icons in React NativeSet up Navigation using React NavigationImplement the three types of navigation commonly found in mobile apps: Stack, Tabs, and DrawerState Management with ReduxUnderstand the basic concepts of NodeBuild RESTful APIs using Express FrameworkAdd validations using Express-validatorWorking with a database system (MongoDB)Implement Authentication using JWTDeploying backend to Heroku and tips on how to deploy mobile apps"
Price: 29.99
