"Project Management: From Beginner to ""Project Manager""" |
"Learn how to setup and run a Project efficiently and successfully. Cover the Project framework; factors linked to its success; networking frameworks (including PERT and CPM); quality assurance; time control; cost management; strategic risk; resource control; system-wide fluidity; pitfalls; maintenance and delivery; and alot more. This Course is designed to ensure that the student can move with confidence into any Project Management environment; because of the solid foundation in the subject that this Course delivers. Each lesson (loaded with intuitive slides and examples) has been structured to form part of a compete and well-rounded course. The aim of this course is to deliver a Project Management Course that is based primarily on indisputable managerial learning, and utilizing proven models. This course crammed with information and because of this it can and should be revisited time and again in order to re-enforce understanding. By the end of the course the student will have a solid understanding of how to set up a Project Management system, and how to manage a Project's path along its lifecycle. This course is designed for individuals who understand that learning takes determination. As such, its suitable for anyone who is willing to apply themselves.""Scientia Potentia Est """
Price: 69.99

"Aprende Clculo Diferencial desde Cero." |
"Plantear y resolver problemas que requieren del concepto de funcin de una variable para modelar y de la derivada para resolver.Intencin didctica.La unidad uno se inicia con un estudio sobre el conjunto de los nmeros reales y sus propiedades bsicas. Esto servir de sustento para el estudio de las funciones de variable real, tema de la unidad dos.En la tercera unidad se introduce el concepto de lmite de una sucesin, caso particular de una funcin de variable natural. Una vez comprendido el lmite de una sucesin se abordan los conceptos de lmite y continuidad de una funcin de variable real.En la unidad cuatro, a partir de los conceptos de incremento y razn de cambio, se desarrolla el concepto de derivada de una funcin continua de variable real. Tambin se estudian las reglas de derivacin ms comunes."
Price: 19.99

DXexcel!DX |
Price: 7200.00

"How direct actors. Rehearsal and filmmaking" |
"- - , - , 4+ ! - )"
Price: 19.99

"Amazon FBA Wholesale / Online Retail in 2020! Step-By-Step!" |
"Online Retail Secrets CourseIn this course, you will learn everything you need to know on how to start and run a successful Amazon FBA Wholesale /Online Retail Business.1 hour 41 minutes of content + 4 hours 37 minutes of external content = 6 hours 18 minutes of TOTAL contentIt's no secret, Amazon FBA has exploded and created an unmatchable opportunity for entrepreneurs, well, that is if you have sold on Amazon the RIGHT way of course. Amazon is simply the easiest and most effective way for you to sell popular big name brand products online. Amazon's existing customer base of millions of active buyers combined with FBA (Fulfillment By Amazon) is absolutely incredible!The process is very simple for you as the online retailer. When you have found profitable products, you will have your suppliers ship your product directly to Amazon FBA warehouses and Amazon stores, pick, packs, and ships your products when a customer orders them!Why Online Retail / Amazon FBA Wholesale???Selling popular big name brand products aka products that customers already buy is perfect for anyone!You will see a bunch of different business models being promoting all over the Internet, but the truth is, if you don't have the skills to succeed in those business models you will FAIL!... Retail is KING!In the retail business model, you won't need to search for that 1 home run product, create your own listing, do keyword research, run advertising, etc. because the products I'm going to be teaching you how to sell are already KNOWN. Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, Procter & Gamble, Hasbro, Disney, Mattel, and so on, you name it!Those are the products you will be learning exactly how to LEGALLY sell online!In this course, I'm going to be showing you multiple strategies as to how to find authorized suppliers that have the legal rights to sell these brands (same as any big box retailer like Walmart, Target, Best Buy, etc. would) so you can start sourcing popular big name brand products ASAP!Use this Step-by-Step Course to Find, Source, Ship and Sell Those Well-Known Profitable Products Without Touching Them!The idea behind this course is to teach you the best, highest success rated business model, while making it as passive as possible for you!I'm going to be instilling confidence within yourself by teaching you everything you need to know about e-commerce, the retail business model, the Amazon platform, and how to start this business from A-Z!I'm going to be giving you the roadmap to understanding how to MAXIMIZE your sales on Amazon, what tools are NECESSARY for success, how to find great suppliers to work with, how to accurately determine which profitable products to purchase with 100% CONFIDENCE, while not even having to TOUCH the product you will be selling!It's Proven, Now You Choose!Remember, you can make money full time, you can make money part time, you can shoot for the stars! This business model has worked for many many years. With the implementation of proper strategies, willingness to learn, willingness to take action, your goals are calling you!Not to mention, take a look at most of the top Amazon sellers, what business model do they follow? Retail. Everyone should learn how to make money online and Amazon FBA is a tremendous opportunity, but only if you know how to sell on Amazon the RIGHT way. I have worked under and learned directly from some of the leading retailers, online retailers, and top 6, 7, and 8 figure Amazon sellers in the industry. I applied this knowledge and skill set to my own business and have helped many others do the same!In this course, I am not just teaching you the step by step guide on how to succeed on Amazon, but I also teach fundamental frameworks, which are applicable across most e-commerce businesses. This enables you to think for yourself & not just follow a guide, which sets you up for success in the long term!The sky is the limit when it comes to the retail business model!See you inside!!!!**This course is not a part of the Amazon website or Amazon Inc. Additionally, This course is NOT endorsed by Amazon in any way. Amazon is a trademark of Amazon Inc."
Price: 19.99

"Aprenda Facebook Ads do Zero" |
"Voc j parou para pensar que mais de 2 bilhes de pessoas navegam durante horas de seus dias no Facebook e no Instagram diariamente? E se voc pudesse atingir todas essas pessoas com um poder de um simples anncio, e transformar essas pessoas em clientes e faturar MUITO com isso, faria sentido para voc? E se ao invs de jogar horas do seu precioso tempo no lixo, olhando as redes sociais, voc pudesse criar anncios instantaneamente que agregassem milhares de clientes e com isso, aumentar exponencialmente o nmero de pessoas que voc atinge todos os dias e consequentemente o seu faturamento. Atravs da Plataforma de Anncios do Facebook, isso que parece apenas um sonho se torna realidade.Atravs dos Anncios do Facebook, conseguimos inspirar e motivar nossos seguidores, a comprar quaisquer tipo de produto ou servio, desde Cursos de Como fazer brigadeiro, Vender um produto fsico, ou at mesmo vender franquias de Seguro.Mas, como que criamos um Anncio no Facebook e no Instagram que possa atingir muito mais pessoas e transforma-las em clientes? muito simples! Com a estratgia certa, para o pblico certo e com o produto certo, essa ttica infalvel.O QUE VOU APRENDER NO TREINAMENTO?Para comear, eu gostaria de dizer que todo este conhecimento que vou lhe passar no simplesmente um curso. Todo este conhecimento que vou lhe passar um treinamento, que se for aplicado, capaz de ser um transformador de vidas, transformando a sua realidade pessoal, familiar e financeira. Voc vai aprender todas as estratgias que j me levaram a faturar mais de R$ 300.000 com os Anncios do Facebook. Vou revelar TUDO, sem tarjas, sem segredos, mostrando na prtica como voc pode e como voc ir realizar anncios para atingir o seu Pblico Alvo, e fazer com que este Pblico se torne seu cliente ou seguidor. Eu vou lhe ensinar a melhor forma de Fazer Marketing do Sculo XXI, e como voc pode utilizar deste mecanismo para seu benefcio pessoal, ou de sua marca ou empresa.GARANTIAEu tenho certeza que voc vai adorar o curso e que se for aplicado todos os conhecimentos que foram aqui passados voc ter vrios anncios no Facebook e no Instagram, gerando vendas e trazendo novos clientes e seguidores para voc a cada dia.Mesmo assim, se por quaisquer motivo voc no gostar, ou achar que o treinamento ""Aprenda Facebook Ads"" no para voc, pode solicitar a devoluo do seu dinheiro nos primeiros 30 dias.Com toda esta garantia voc no tem nada a perder, Inscreva-se agora mesmo e embarque nesta nova jornada de sua vida e explore todo o Poder do Facebook Ads para gerar mais vendas, atrair mais seguidores e crescer exponencialmente a sua presena online agora mesmo!Te espero como meu Aluno!"
Price: 54.99

"Aprenda Youtube SEO" |
"J Imaginou seu Vdeo na Primeira Pgina do Youtube?Neste treinamento voc vai aprender a colocar seu vdeo, na primeira pgina do YouTube da noite pro dia.Voc vai aprender estratgias secretas que os grandes youtubers utilizam para ter muitas visualizaes e ter um crescimento exponencial nas visualizaes do seus vdeos, aumentando assim, consequentemente o seu nmero de seguidores e clientes.No necessrio nenhum conhecimento prvio, qualquer pessoa capaz de colocar seu vdeo na primeira pgina do YouTube seguindo estas estratgias.Este treinamento um guia completo e detalhado com tudo que voc precisa para classificar seu vdeo no #1 no YouTube. Mesmo se voc nunca enviou um vdeo para o YouTube ou nunca sequer ouviu as palavras Video Marketing, voc vai estar online e ter sucesso rapidamente!"
Price: 39.99

"Youtube Marketing: Visualizaes milionrias" |
"Bem-vindo ao Treinamento Completo de YouTube MarketingNeste treinamento eu vou te ensinar a como voc conseguir utilizar o poder do Youtube para construir uma audincia, aumentar exponencialmente suas vendas, e construir uma renda passiva gigante, alm de claro, ajudar milhares de pessoas e construir seu legado.Neste treinamento eu vou te revelar a estratgia que os grandes Youtubers utilizam para fazer milhares de dlares todos os dias, estratgias que voc comear a usar hoje.Atualmente, mais de 1.3 Bilhes de pessoas utilizam o Youtube, todos os dias. E eu vou te ensinar a como monetizar sua audincia, e fazer com que cada visualizao bote dinheiro no seu bolso! um prazer enorme te ter na famlia, seja muito bem vindo a este treinamento que com certeza ir mudar a sua vida!"
Price: 39.99

"Kitchen Full of Medicine" |
"If you have turmeric, cinnamon, black pepper, cumin coriander, fennel, clove and few others you are ready to start your Ayurvedic healing at home. In this class we will give you the best of our proven recipes and manuals we have learnt over the years of living by the principles of Ayurveda. We would love to share our experience with you. Start to use your kitchen more efficiently and save your time and money. Our lives are not in the hands of God, but in the hands of our chefs. Conscious approach to your everyday food and nutrition will pay off in the future. Wish you a good luck on the journey of reaching your health independence.This class includes little bit of Ayurvedic herbalism, Ayurvedic cooking classes, all in easy approachable format so that you can apply the knowledge immediately and start your self healing from the comfort of your home. Certificates in nutrition are great achievement indeed, but to find a lifestyle that will fit your needs and enjoy perfect health is far beyond that. Our main target is to spread Ayurveda as easy as possible and to teach you how to help yourselves on your own and perhaps to share it further.Best wishes and namasteMonika and Pavol"
Price: 29.99

"Character UV Mapping (Maya)" |
"UV Mapping - Maya Tutorial[42 mins] Project Files IncludedThis a step-by-step tutorial about how to UV characters in Maya. This course is designed to teach you how to take your final base model out of ZBrush and bring it back into Maya for UV Mapping. Learn the workflow of how to properly prep your model for the texturing department. Seam placement, shell organization, and proper resolution will be covered. Please note that this is part of a series that will be comprised of several tutorials showing how to continue what you started.Video TutorialsLesson 1: [11:48] Cutting up the ModelLesson 2: [10:23] Applying Checker MapLesson 3: [16:33] UV LayoutLesson 4: [3:49] Pasting UVs into ZBrushFiles Provided: 001_CuttingUpModel.mb002_UVCheckermap.mb003_UVLayout.mbOBJ_Start.OBJOBJ_Finished.objUVChecker1024.pngZBrushCharacter_withUVs.ztl///Note you will need ZBrush 2019.1.2 and Maya 2018 or newer to open files///This is part of the Creating Female Character Series: The series is designed to show the workflow from Modeling to Animation but any part can be viewed as a stand alone lesson. Each lesson can be purchased individually. You will be provided the proper starting files to follow along."
Price: 19.99

"Laravel 7.X from beginners to master." |
"In this course, we 're going to be learning from scratch and step by step, how to create a web app for freelancers management.We 're gonna learn : How to create and view freelancers; How to edit, update and delete data in Laravel; How to save and view freelancers images; How to update and delete images from the database and the project folder; How to delete data from the trash and restore it; How to create an authentication system for users;"
Price: 19.99

"The Complete Flutter News App" |
"This course takes you through the code that is required to create a simple mobile news application using flutter and dart programming language. Flutter and dart are now growing popular among the mobile app development platforms. Flutter and dart are easy to learn and it is now becoming the new way for web and mobile application development.What You Will Learn In This ClassIn this class you will learn how to make an http request to fetch data from the web and display it in the news app. You will also learn how to design an interface in flutter; this include how to work with images and texts in flutter. You will also learn general code debugging skills as well as how to write a good code.Who Is This Class For?This class is for anyone who has heard of flutter and is willing to explore. Before you take this course you should have installed Android Studio and Visual Studio Code."
Price: 19.99

"Anger management for healthy mind and life" |
"These days the world is about a stressful environment. We are stressed and overwhelmed with everything in our life. As a result for all this stress and overwhelming, we start to lose control and temper and then we become very angry. This anger makes our life more stressful and we start to lose control of it. So why am I bringing you this course today?I am making this course because exactly how anger can ruin life and make you lose control, relationships or chances. So I decided to help you manage this anger in clear, studied steps.What will you learn in this course?First, you need to know what is anger. because before you try to get rid of something you need to know what is it.Second, you will know how anger affects your life and personality.Then, you will know how anger affects the other around you.Eventually, you will know how exactly you can manage this anger and set yourself free.Now all you need to do is:- Take the decision to start and change.- Bring a piece of paper and a pen- enroll- Start"
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft 98-365 MTA Server Administration Practice Exam" |
"Welcome to this Microsoft 98-365 MTA Server Administration Practice Exam courseWhat you get?300 Microsoft 98-365 Practice Question High Quality practice questionsAll Microsoft 98-365 Practice Exam Answers & Explanations are verified by subject matter expert Always updated30 Days money back guarantee bu udemyAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?No prerequisites needed as this is a Practice TestWhat will students learn in your course?300 Microsoft 98-365 Practice question will help you score at least 80% on the main exam."
Price: 19.99

"Curso prctico de planificacin estratgica" |
"La planificacin estratgica es la piedra angular del xito en las pequeas y grandes empresas. Aprender como disear, implementar, controlar y evaluar una estrategia son los beneficios que este curso te brindar.Ests cansado de que la empresa u organizacin a la que pertenece lleve sus actividades sin un rumbo pre-establecido?Quieres modificar el entorno de la empresa u organizacin a la que perteneces?Deseas aprender a evaluar y hacer informes que logren generar cambios a tiempo?Si al menos una de las preguntas la respondiste con un si, entonces este curso es para ti. Tengo varios aos ayudando en los procesos de planificacin estratgica a fundaciones y empresas, en estas breves 2 horas y media te enseo todo lo necesario y relevante que debes conocer. Vamos a partir por entender que elaborar un plan tiene un diseo metodolgico, que debes comprender el entorno en el que deseas planificar, quienes estn interesados y cuales son las variables que pueden influenciar el xito en la ejecucin del plan."
Price: 99.99

"Notasz Balama alma" |
"Sfrdan nasl anlalr bir ekilde notasz balama nasl alnr ayrntl bir ekilde bu eitim setinde reneceksiniz. Videoda uygulanan yava alma ve notalarn yerlerini grerek kolay bir ekilde renceksiniz. Balangdan orta seviyeye teknikler reneceksiniz. Notadan sklp balama almay brakanlar iin bende bunu dnerek bu eitim videolarn hazrlamaya karar verdim. midim balamaya gnl vermi tm insanlara ulamasYou will learn how to play a musical instrument without a musical note in a detailed way. You will easily learn by seeing the places of slow play and notes applied in the video. You will learn techniques from beginner to advanced. For those who are bored with the note and stop playing the baglama, I decided to prepare these training videos by considering this. My hope is to reach all people who are passionate about tying"
Price: 59.99

"Using Vagrant for your Production and Test Environments" |
"In this course you will gain good knowledge on Vagrant and will be comfortable in creating custom images to Vagrant Cloud also. You can spin up multiple production and POC environments using vagrant which will be very complex if you do manually. Further more, I have provided some case studies and will be adding more in future to the content, which you can use in your environment directly"
Price: 64.99

"(COVID-19) Personal Crisis Continuity Planning" |
"In January this year (2020), I sat down with my family and we discussed how we felt about the emerging COVID-19 crisis.Subconsciously, I was doing what I had done for over 20 years of frontline disaster management experience for hundreds of disaster victims in multiple, high profile emergencies around the world.What has emerged, is a short course reflecting the strategies we are using as a family to develop our own crisis continuity plan.We have used strategies designed to analyse how our personal, professional and social lifestyles intersect with the COVID-19 crisis and the flow-on challenges it is creating.As we look beyond the obvious and tragic health implications, there lies a much larger, (crisis within the crisis) affecting what normal life will look like into our future.We all want to be in a position to take control in times of crisis. This short course is an opportunity to learn how we did it."
Price: 24.99

"German Vocabulary Course" |
"Would you like to learn German rapidly, effortlessly with effective retention?Snapshot German words and phrases to your brain for amazing easy recall ... at super fast speeds ...while you learn to avoid the most common German language learning errors.This course is specially designed for students who want to improve their German easily. Cartoons will function like memory triggers and help to remember the newly learned words. Build up your vocab quickly and effectively. Every word is linked to a practical sentence, written and recorded by native speakers. Photographic visuals based on traditional flashcard methodology to consolidate your learning.See, hear and learn a word used in a sentence.Sentences: Every word is linked to a practical sentence, written and recorded by native speakers. Click on the picture to view the sentence before moving on to next word. Great for extension practice. The sentences also feature as an independent course with learning schedule and testing features.e-Flashcardz Great photographic visuals. Ideal for testing and great to consolidate your learning.See you in the classes!All aspects of life coveredAdjectives We would like you to know that, we started with theHome - Bathroom principle of equality in education. For many years, weHome - Garden continue to produce contents with our highlyHome - Kitchen professional trainers.FoodHealth You can reach us 24/7 on any subject you hang outSchool during the course.CountriesShopping Pls. note that education scores are really valuable for us.Cars We care to increase our quality day by day in line withRailways the comments and scores we receive from our students.Airport We would appreciate it if you put us on a fair evaluationAnimals after completing the course.PostBank See you in the course!ExpressionsEnvironmentOn The RoadSportsAt The DoctorHospitalCareersSundryCelebrations"
Price: 29.99

"Spanish Vocabulary Course" |
"Would you like to learn Spanish rapidly, effortlessly with effective retention?Snapshot Spanish words and phrases to your brain for amazing easy recall ... at super fast speeds ...while you learn to avoid the most common Spanish language learning errors.This course is specially designed for students who want to improve their Spanish easily. Cartoons will function like memory triggers and help to remember the newly learned words. Build up your vocab quickly and effectively. Every word is linked to a practical sentence, written and recorded by native speakers. Photographic visuals based on traditional flashcard methodology to consolidate your learning.See, hear and learn a word used in a sentence.Sentences: Every word is linked to a practical sentence, written and recorded by native speakers. Click on the picture to view the sentence before moving on to next word. Great for extension practice. The sentences also feature as an independent course with learning schedule and testing features.e-Flashcardz Based on traditional flashcard methodology, only interactive. Great photographic visuals. Ideal for testing and great to consolidate your learning.We would like you to know that, we started with the principle of equality in education. For many years, we continue to produce contents with our highly professional trainers.You can reach us 24/7 on any subject you hang out during the course.See you in the classes!All aspects of life coveredAdjectivesInformation TechnologyHome - BathroomHome - GardenHome - KitchenFoodHealthSchoolCountriesShoppingCarsRailwaysAirportAnimalsPostBankExpressionsEnvironmentOn The RoadSportsAt The DoctorHospitalCareersSundryCelebrationsTimeMaterialsFriendsHouseworkWorkIllnessesWeatherIn The TownLeisureTrainingPrepositionsConjunctionsMusicShapesFormsNumbersOn Holiday"
Price: 19.99

"French Vocabulary Course" |
"Would you like to learn French rapidly, effortlessly with effective retention?Snapshot French words and phrases to your brain for amazing easy recall ... at super fast speeds ...while you learn to avoid the most common French language learning errors.French and Canadian accents are used.This course is specially designed for students who want to improve their French easily. Cartoons will function like memory triggers and help to remember the newly learned words. Build up your vocab quickly and effectively. Every word is linked to a practical sentence, written and recorded by native speakers. Photographic visuals based on traditional flashcard methodology to consolidate your learning.See, hear and learn a word used in a sentence.Sentences: Every word is linked to a practical sentence, written and recorded by native speakers. Click on the picture to view the sentence before moving on to next word. Great for extension practice. The sentences also feature as an independent course with learning schedule and testing features.e-Flashcardz Great photographic visuals. Ideal for testing and great to consolidate your learning.We would like you to know that, we started with the principle of equality in education. For many years, we continue to produce contents with our highly professional trainers.You can reach us 24/7 on any subject you hang out during the course.See you in the classes!All aspects of life coveredAdjectivesInformation TechnologyHome - BathroomHome - GardenHome - KitchenFoodHealthSchoolCountriesShoppingCarsRailwaysAirportAnimalsPostBankExpressionsEnvironmentOn The RoadSportsAt The DoctorHospitalCareersSundryCelebrationsTimeMaterialsFriendsHouseworkWorkIllnessesWeatherIn The TownLeisureTrainingPrepositionsConjunctionsMusicShapesFormsNumbersOn Holiday"
Price: 24.99

"Ethical Hacking / Network Security Pentesting & Nmap" |
"Welcome to Ethical Hacking / Network Security Pentesting & Nmap. This course starts with the basics of Network Fundamentals to Advance Exploitation.This course starts with basics with TCP/IP Model and OSI Model and how it can be used in our day to day life. We will also learn TCP, UDP Packets, and Topologies to make our base stronger and then further move on to Ports and Protocols usage with practicals.This course covers All the Nmap Scan Types with Wireshark Packet Analysis for a better understanding of whats happening behind the hood.The course also includes principles for each scan type and its Advantages and Disadvantages for Network Scans.With this course, we will learn Target Selection Techniques for Host, Subnet Scans & Host Discovery. How to choose large Hosts from files and choose random hosts, also how to exclude them from our scans.This course will cover port scanning and port knocking which is useful for Penetration Testing & CTFsThen we will see How to perform Service Version Detection for vulnerable services for exploitation.We perform OS Detection and fuzzy scripts to identify the underlying targeted OSWe will also cover Nmap Output Formats to save the output in different formats like HTML and XML. We Willa also see How we can convert XML to CSV format for Recon of Bug Bounty & Penetration Testing.We will cover Script Scans and use Nmaps powerful scripting engine for scanning.Next, we will cover the Nmap Script attack for different categories like Safe, Vulnerability, DOS, Exploit, Not Intrusive, and Boolean Expressions.Next, we will cover Nmap for reconnaissance for Bug Bounty and Pentesting.We will cover Nmap Protocols and Exploitation in which we will see protocols like FTP, SSH, HTTP and its exploitation. We will also cover HTTP Basic Auth Exploitation and PUT to RCE using NmapNext section, we will see Custom NSE scripts and its anatomy and will also learn How to write your own scripts.In the next section, we will cover Nmap Timing Parameters and Firewall Analysis to bypass firewalls with Nmap parameters.Next, we will cover Nmap Timing and Performance to tune Nmap Scans for better results and performanceNext, we will learn how to bypass Timing based firewalls with NmapNext section, we will learn How to Bypass IDS and Firewalls with Mac Spoofing, Cloak scan with decoys, Faking TTL and adding Bogus TCP/UDP Checksums.Next, we will see The Nmap GUI which is the ZenmapIn the last section, we will write our own Python program for scanning and OS Detection based on Nmap.Here's a more detailed breakdown of the course content:In all the sections we will start the fundamental principle of How the scan works and How can we perform Exploitation.1. In Introduction, We will cover What are TCP/IP Models and OSI Models, What is the difference between both and how can we implement it in our day to day life.We will also learn about network types and fundamentals. We will also see what are network topologies and what are IP and MAC address.2. In Ports and Protocols, We will cover fundamentals of what are ports and protocols and how do they communicate. We will see protocols like FTP, SSH, DHCP, SSH, Telnet, RDP, HTTP, HTTPS, and their practicals.In the end, we will see the summary and revision of this section to remember the important protocols & key points.3. In Nmap Scan Types and Techniques, We will cover most of the commonly used and important scans like TCP, Stealth, Null, UDP, FIN, XMAS, ACK, and Zombie Scan.We will also see the advantages and disadvantages of each scan type and also see the live Packet Analysis to understand what is happening behind the hood and how all the scans differ from each other.In the end, we will see the summary and revision of this section to remember the important Scan Types & key points.4. In Nmap Target Selection and Techniques, We will cover How can we perform a Host Scan using Nmap. We will also see How to perform a Subnet Scan & Host Discovery to identify Live Hosts.We will also see the difference between Netdiscover and Nmap Host Discovery and the difference between the output.Next, we will see, How can we scan a large number of Hosts from files using a file input scan.We will learn how to exclude hosts from a subnet scan or a File input scan if they are blacklisted or whitelisted into a network.We will also cover How can we Bypass Windows Firewall Rule with No Host Discovery and successfully identify the information about the target.5. In Nmap Port Scan and Techniques, We will cover How can we perform a Port Scan using Names and numbers with Nmap. We will also see How to identify only open ports perform a Fast Port Scan.We will also see Port Knocking of hidden ports, which is useful in Penetration Testing and CTFs. We will also see How can we scan ports without randomization and in a sequential manner along with scanning of only Top Ports.In the end, we will see the summary and revision of this section to remember the important Port Scan Types & key points.6. In Nmap Service version Detection, We will cover How can we perform a Service Version Detection Scan using Nmap to identify running older services on the target systemsWe will also perform Service Detection with Light Intensity to All to find the exact versions of the target systems.In the end, We will also see the Service Version trace to identify how each packet is sent and How Nmap is able to identify services based on fingerprints.7. In Nmap OS Detection, We will cover How can we perform an OS Detection Scan using Nmap to identify Operating System and their versions installed on the targets.We will also perform OS Detection Fuzzy scripts to find the exact versions of the OS of the target systems. We will also see the OS Detection Scripts for better identification of results.8. In Nmap Output Formats, We will cover How can we save the output from the Nmap Scans to specific formats. This is useful as we save the output and later check if the installed software on the targets have been outdated or not for successful exploitation.We will save the output in different formats like XML, HTML, Script Kiddie, and Greppable.We will also see How we can convert XML output to HTML for better visual identification of hosts using xsltproc.We will also save our XML output to CSV using python parser for bug bounty reconnaissance.In the end, we will see how one command can save all the output types of all the formats.9. In Nmap Script Scan, We will cover Nmaps powerful feature its NSE engine which contains powerful and handy scripts to run on the targets. We will become familiar with the usage of scripts, help, and updating the database.We will see how to use NSE arguments to run scripts. We will also see how you can use script sets to perform mass script scanning against the targets.10. In Nmap Script Attack Categories, We will see different types of script categories and run all of them against the target.We will cover scripts of categories - Safe, Vulnerability, DOS, Exploit, Not Intrusive.We will also cover how you can run multiple script categories with the help of Boolean Expressions in Nmap.11. In Nmap for Reconnaissance, We will see different ways to perform recon for Pentesting and Bug Bounty Hunting.We will cover trace-route scans, geo resolution of IPs, IP information, and get sensitive results from DNS BruteforceAlso, We will learn how can we find live hosts on IP ranges. We will also cover whois scan, Robots scan to find information related to targets.Next, We will see how can we identify web application firewalls on domains, So we do not get blocked by running our scans and payloads. We will also cover How can find vulnerable targets from Shodan using Nmap. We will also see how can we scrape emails from the target for enumeration and generate a sitemap for the target.12. In Nmap Protocol Exploitation, We will see different types of exploitation for different protocols like FTP, SSH, DNS, HTTP Basic Auth.We will also cover how can we exploit HTTP Methods to achieve Remote Code Execution using Nmap.We will also see How can we perform Heart Bleed Scan using Nmap against any target, also will cover HTTP Open Proxy Enumeration to find any open proxies.In last, We will see How can we perform Zone Transfer to dump all the Zone Records of master and slave servers13. In Nmap Web Exploitation, We will see how can we perform HTTP headers and HTTP Security Headers scan to identify targets vulnerable.We will also cover famous web-based vulnerabilities like - XSS, SQL Injection, CSRF.In the end, we will also see to find targets vulnerable to Default Account Exploitation and IIS Web server name disclosure.14. In Nmap Custom NSE Scripts, We will see Anatomy of Nmaps powerful Nmap scripting engine.In the end, We will also learn How to write our own first NSE script.15. In Nmap Timing and Performance, We will see what are Nmap Insane Scan, Aggressive Scan, Normal Scan, Polite Scan, Sneaky Scan, and Paranoid Scan.Next, We will see each of their breakdown using the Wireshark network analyzer.16. In Nmap Time Based Firewalls Evasion, We will see how can a System Administrator can block Nmap Insane Scan and How can we bypass it using 2 tricks.We will see How Administrator can block Aggressive Scan, Normal Scan, Polite Scan, Sneaky Scan, Paranoid Scan, and How can we bypass all of them by tuning our scans.17. In Nmap Firewall & IDS Bypass, We will see how can a bypass targets with Cloak Scans and Decoys.We will see How to spoof Mac address to hide our identities, How to change our network interfaces for scanning, How to change the source port numbers for scanning, How to send Fake TTL, How to relay proxies, How to append random data with packets, How to send Bogus TCP/UDP Checksum,How to perform a Fragment scan to send invalid packet sizes, and perform MTU Scans.18. In Zenmap The Nmap GUI, We will see the graphical user interface version of Nmap.We will perform the installation of the GUI Version and learn the usage and roadmap of zenmap.19. In Nmap with Vulscan Automation for Penetrating Testing, We will learn the setup of vulnscan with Nmap for automatic vulnerability scanning and turn Nmap into a powerful vulnerability scanner.We will enumerate vulnerabilities based on CVE databases from different websites.20. In Nmap with Python for Penetrating Testing, We will learn the setup of python and will learn to write our own python program for a network scanner.In the end, we will write a python program for port scanning of targets to identify the port state as open or closed.With this course, you get 24/7 support, so if you have any questions you can post them in the Q&A section and we'll respond to you as soon as possible.Notes:This course is created for educational purposes only and all the websites I have performed attacks are ethically reported and fixed.Testing any website which doesnt have a Responsible Disclosure Policy is unethical and against the law, the author doesnt hold any responsibility."
Price: 12800.00

"Learn Quick English Grammar - Beginner" |
"This is the second course in a series of 'Learn Quick English Grammar', where we enter the basics of grammar from Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives to Simple Tenses. This course is especially helpful for non-native English learners and language enthusiasts, who doesn't speak English as their mother tongue, but wish to be successful in life by learning the language and applying in professional fields. This course is also very helpful for students and English speakers who are trying to prepare for competitive English Language based exams like IELTS and TOEFL, because your basics need to be strong here. This course starts from scratch, assuming that a person doesn't know Grammar at all; so with just a minimal understanding or alphabets and word making, one can learn the basics of English grammar in 5.5. hrs approx."
Price: 1280.00

"Practical Circuit Design and Simulation Tips - ADC, LDO, BGR" |
"Practical circuit design and simulation tips to be used in DC Biasing, LDO/BGR, ADC Opamp design. This course addresses those topics which are practical in nature and used by practicing engineers. The 3-hour course material is based on my CMOS Analog IC Design Q&A Refresher Course offered in Spring 2020, where practicing designers from the industry and academia brought out questions that they needed answers for. There might not be a continuity of topics. I will try to cover the topics with in the scope of designing an ADC. These principles are applicable to most of the ADC designs. Learn more about Design Thinking in IC DesignDC Biasing of the circuitsCircuits for reference voltage and current generationVoltage RegulatorBGRLDOV-to-IPrecision Current References.Opamp design for Analog to digital convertersOTABufferUnity Feedback OTALayout design strategies 2stage opamp + CMFBSense and Return mechanisms in Feedback circuitsCurrent and Voltage circuitsSub-Threshold ConductionLow voltage OperationADC Design and SimulationNear Nyquist performance of Opamp for ADC CircuitsSpectral Analysis and No. of FFT Points for simulationSimulation time for performanceResistors their variation and CalibrationSwitch design for S/HCDAC - Capacitive DAC for Sigma Delta ADCData Transport ApplicationsHigh Speed Latch design2:1 MUX and 1:2 DEMUXSerializer design for 20Gbps"
Price: 4160.00

"Achievable abundance for you and me" |
"I am Hlne Nicole and I am abundant. Ever since I can remember I was in the flow and subtly aware when out of it.I have followed each one of my dreams and lack nothing. I have not really planned for retirement and I am well taken care of because I learned the hard way what keeps me in the flow of abundance and what takes me out of the game.This course is for anyone who lacks anything. No matter how you define your abundance, what you believe in your heart you can create, you will if you follow the principals and laws of abundance that I have used.It has worked for me all my life. Now, I am not a millionnaire and that is not what this course will teach you to become, unless it is your soul's purpose to become one as your next challenge in this life. I know so far it has not been mine. My soul's plan this time is to transform, empower and live in joy, peace, abundance and beauty. COURSE OUTLINESection 1: the basic 1. What is abundance and what makes us blessed.2. and 3. What blocks abundance - 2 lessons4. How to define your personal abundance, what it looks like, what it feels like.Section 2: Laws and principles of abundance5. How to manifest powerfully, the power of intention and desire.6. The laws of nature that affect abundance7. The spiritual laws that affect abundanceSection 3: Power and energy8. Fears - How to conquer them and use them to better know our way9. Faith - Whatever we believe is the truth and life will prove it to us. So, what do we believe? Is it working? 10. Gods and Goddesses. We all have them, it is what we cannot live without or are not ready to give up. 11. Our sexual energy, the most powerful of the 10 human stimulus available for our abundance. I have followed through on the principles offered in this course and my life is simply an abundance of blessings. Hlne Nicole"
Price: 59.99

suzuyonagasawa |
Price: 5400.00

"Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2019 Architect Associate1Z0-1072" |
"Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2019 Architect Associate Exam Simulation is designed for all candidates, including Professionals responsible for designing infrastructure solutions using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services, cloud architects, and consultants. who want to validate their knowledge and skills to pass 1Z0-1072 exam.Exam Topics:Identity and Access ManagementApply core Identity and Access Management componentsExplain resource locationsDesign federation with various identity providersApply IAM, governance, and security best practicesNetworkingApply design concepts related to VCN componentsDescribe Public and Private IP addresses and virtual NICsApply VCN connectivity optionsUnderstand remote network connectivityApply OCI Load Balancer conceptsUnderstand OCI Edge servicesApply OCI networking best practicesAdvanced Networking ConceptsManage your cloud network components, such as Virtual Private Network (VPN), Fast Connect, Multiple VNICs, and IP addressesInstantiating a Load BalancerDiscuss Load Balancer terminology and conceptsSet up a Load BalancerComputeUnderstand compute and sizingTroubleshoot options using console connections and boot volumeArchitect High Availability and Disaster Recovery solutionsDescribe image optionsStorageUnderstand OCI Storage optionsDesign storage solutions for applications and databaseLaunching Bare Metal and Virtual Compute InstancesDescribe the components of Compute service, including shapes, images, and custom imagesCreate and manage a Compute Virtual Machine (VM) instanceDatabaseDescribe OCI Database optionsExplain OCI Database OperationsArchitect HA and DR solutionsManaging Autonomous DatabaseAdvanced DatabaseUse advanced database features, such as Data Guard, BYOL, Data Encryption, RAC, and ExadataArchitecting Best PracticesArchitect High Availability (HA) using OCIDesign for Security using OCITo successfully prepare for the 1Z0-1072 - Oracle Cloud Solutions Infrastructure 2019 Associate Architect certification, it is recommended that you become familiar with the content,Take OCI foundation training at oracleReview existing technical white papers available at oracleReview OCI Documentation at oracleReview OCI blog posts at oracle"
Price: 19.99

"Ultimate Influence and Persuasion" |
"Learn 56 state-of-the-art elite influence and persuasion techniques from my 5 years of influence and performance coaching for top executives in all different types of sales situations. I'm a 2x MIT-backed entrepreneur turned executive coach who has worked with (and made better negotiators of) different profiles, and this is course is for you if you're one of these.Who This Course is For- Top CEOs trying to close enterprise sales;- Top executives trying to ""sell"" initiatives to executives and board members;- Top real estate agents trying to close buyers of million-dollar properties;- Politicians trying to sell initiatives as consensus;- Billion-dollar AuM hedge fund managers trying to raise capital from allocators;- All other sorts of influence and persuasion situations (e.g. a client trying to ""sell"" his dream vacation to his wife!);This course is going to help you optimize your influence capability throughout all the five stages of influence:- Pre-Framing (establishing your positioning, reputation and authority before the person even comes to you);- Priming (qualifying and filtering your targets so they become more influenceable);- Contact (truly connecting and understanding the other side);- Disarmament (provoking, weakening an destroying objections the other side may have);- Constriction (providing final incentives to close the person);Throughout this process, I've compiled a framework with my most elite persuasion and influence techniques to use for sales, and I'll share all of them with you on this course. Besides just pure influence and technique, there are multiple bonuses included to help consolidate these influence lessons.These techniques use similar psychological principles leveraged by persuasion scientists and master salesmen. You will see many techniques similar to Robert Cialdini's, Chris Voss's and/or Grant Cardone's, for example, but these will be the deeper, more general psychological persuasion elements (don't be scared by the ""general"" - we will apply them and explore very specific applications of these). Field-tested and proven in the most extreme situations.Not only will you know about each one of the 56 techniques presented, I will walk you through specific applications of these, and even how to counternegotiate when others use them against you.What This Course IS- An advanced, deep compendium of elite influence techniques that can be applied in multiple contexts, explained in-depth and with examples;- An encapsulated, flexible reference course. Although the techniques gel well together and make up a bigger picture, you can watch any module - or even any specific technique - without knowledge of the others, and it will stand on its own. You can consider it a buffet of techniques. You can go through the whole thing start to finish, or pick and choose here and there. It's all up to you.What This Course IS NOT- A technical sales course. I will NOT tell you about pipelines, prospecting, drawing contracts or others. This course is about person-to-person persuasion principles. Sure, applied in technical situations, but still about the persuasion principles themselves;BEFORE YOU BUY:- IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: There are multiple influence course for different verticals. Make sure that you purchase the right one for your specific vertical! If necessary, to to my profile and make sure that you are selecting the most correct course;- Make sure to make use of the ""preview"" feature to watch a couple of videos and tell if this is really what you're looking for;- Instead of being persuaded by how I'm selling the course, ask yourself what your influence goals are, and only then check if this course really is what you want or not (although you always have the possibility of a refund under Udemy's terms, I don't want you to waste your money on something that won't be a fit - it's just by principle);Do you want to up your influence and persuasion skills? Does this seem like a good course to assist you? I'd be delighted to have you. Let's meet on the inside."
Price: 79.99

"Trading with Technical Analysis Simply Explained 2020" |
"One of my favorite quotes is ""Complexity is the enemy of execution."" The best leaders in the world have the ability to translate even the most complex assignments to clear and understandable terms so all parties can comprehend and execute the designated tasks.With this course my main goal is to simplify technical analysis concepts for you.Let me give you a tip that you can apply for everything in your life. Always simplify things that you want to do because our brain is designed to save energy so if something looks complicated your brain will make sure that you avoid it. So in order to execute always make things simple.Do you want to understand technical analysis on a deeper level?If you answered YES then this course is for you!We are going to go through:- Candlesticks (the psychology behind it)- Support and resistance- Trendlines- Market phases- Chart patternsWhat is more?You will be able to ask me as many questions as you likeYou will get a lifetime access to this course, without any limits! The course will keep updating frequently with more up-to-date learning resources.You also have 30- Day Money-Back GuaranteeIf you are not satisfied you can get 100% of your money back.So don`t hesitate Enroll Now."
Price: 169.99

"Technical analysis:Trading with Supply and Demand zones" |
"Let me give you a few facts:All traders start with the dream to get rich quick40% trade only for one month80% quit within the first 2 yearsOnly 7% remain after 5 years1% of all traders can profit net of feesWhat does that all mean?It means that only 1% of the people in this business are actually making money... Picture this data as a pyramid. At the top of the pyramid is this 1% and all the people below (99%) are actually losing money. The 1% on the top are not there by accident. They invested a lot of time and capital to master this skill. Trading is NOT a ""get rich quick opportunity"" ... this is a LIE that is being used because it SELLS. Everyone searches for the easy and fast success without efforts so salesmen are very aware of that fact so this is why they use it. Trading is actually a get poor quickly opportunity for most of the people!Are you tired to be on the wrong side of the trade always?Do you feel like the market is going against you every time ? ...Learn how to be able to identify Supply and Demand zones. This will increase your chances to be on the right side of the trade!You can use this technique by itself or you can add it to your existing trading system. The idea behind Supply and Demand zones is that there are orders left there. Why? Because Smart money are patient money. If Price breakout without their orders get filled and without a retest they will just wait. They will wait no matter how long it takes. They are patient and don`t chase. So when price come back to this levels you will know that their orders are left there and so you can buy either before them or with them and catch a nice move. This is one of these techniques that I teach which you don`t want to post on the Internet for FREE. Keep this information for yourself and make money!What is more?You will be able to ask me as many questions as you likeYou will get a lifetime access to this course, without any limits! The course will keep updating frequently with more up-to-date learning resources.You also have 30- Day Money-Back GuaranteeIf you are not satisfied you can get 100% of your money back.So don`t hesitate Enroll Now."
Price: 169.99

"Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations 2020 1Z0-1085-20" |
"Simulated to ensure students pass the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations 2020 certification exam - 1Z0-1085-20 Exam.Oracle CloudOracle Database1Z0-1085-20Oracle Cloud Infrastructure FoundationsSimulated with the largest number of questions to direct your studies and knowledge to the certification test ( 90 questions ).Do you want to pass the cerification 2020 - 1Z0-1085-20? Take our simulation.And it is aimed at the following professionals:Professional who want to prepare and pass the certification exam 2020 - 1Z0-1085-20DBAs who want to pass the 2020 exam - 1Z0-1085-20And every professional who wanted to learn about oracle cloud and prepare for the foundations examInterested in learning Cloud 1Z0-1085-20"
Price: 39.99
