"Prepare and Pass 1ZO-808 OCAJP Certification Exam" |
"Often people say Java is difficult to understand. Many times fresh IT graduates try to learn Java on their own, but fail miserably to crack the interview of Java. The reason is the basics concepts Java are not clear. The concepts of object orientation are not clear. This course will not only make your basics strong, but will also make sure that you will boost up your confidence when you appear for your interviews. Of course, the objective of this course is not primarily to put you in front of the interviewer, but to get you certified for one of the most famous certification now a days 1Z0-808. During this entire course, we are not only going to learn the Java programming concepts in depth, but we are in fact going to learn the concepts along with the questions that could be asked in the certification examination. This certification will be always valued in your entire career as a Java Developer. It will increase the faith of your employer in you which will obviously secure your job and lead to the higher position. This style of learning, will make you strong in theory, as well as practicals. Also this will help you clear the aptitude question paper of Java in the interview as well. So, if you want to learn Java and also if you know Java and keen to get certified for 1Z0-808 this course is best choice for you."
Price: 2240.00

"Microsoft Excel for Beginners & Pre-intermediate users" |
"This course will make you a:data aware person (and a data specialist in future)creative mindExcel enthusiast & loverAll you need is be open-minded and eager to learn!There is no strict requirement for this course. It is enough if you have any version of Excel. You don't even have to know how to navigate in Excel, I will guide you step-by-step. Just let me introduce you to my favourite Microsoft tool :)"
Price: 19.99

englishforlife |
", . , , , 3 . 3000 , 95%. , , . !"
Price: 1799.00

"Advocacia, Site e Divulgao no Google com Custo Reduzido" |
"CUPOM DE SUPER DESCONTO ATIVO: 4320F74042F9E57C579BIdeal para novos advogados! Montagem de site jurdico pela ferramente Meu Negcio do Google e divulgao pelo Google Ads.Objetiva a captao de clientes online de uma maneira prtica com custo reduzido, alm da ampliao do escritrio e dicas para o desenvolvimento e melhor aproveitamento das ferramentas Google. Todas as orientaes do curso respeitam o Estatuto da OAB."
Price: 39.99

"Electricidad bsica y teora de circuitos para principiantes" |
"En este curso conocers lo ms bsico del mundo de la electricidad, estudiaremos desde el tomo y como interviene ste en la energa elctrica, aprenderemos acerca de las leyes ms importantes en electricidad como la ley de Coulomb, explicaremos de la manera ms sencilla y prctica posible la ley de Ohm y en el caso de los circuitos elctricos, aprenderemos sus formas de construccin, los elementos que conforman un circuito elctrico y las leyes de Kirchhoff para circuitos elctricos, y adems de esto, aprenderemos a utilizar el software Livewire como herramienta para la construccin de circuitos elctricos.Y por ltimo, aprenderemos a utilizar el multmetro para medir las magnitudes elctricas ms importantes."
Price: 19.99

"Creating Profits: The Marketing Process" |
"This course will teach you how can you create profits for your business, organization, or company. This is one of the main objectives of all the businesses around the globe, to create profits!This course is unique in the sense that it will teach you how to do that by taking you through a very impressive model of marketing, called, The Marketing Process Model. It is a five-stage model that will first help you acquire the knowledge of customer needs, wants, and demands. Once you understand customer needs and wants, only then you being a company would be able to satisfy your customers. Understanding this model is also critical in so many ways.Being a business, you also need to create those marketing strategies that provide value to the customers. In this course, you will find lectures on customer value-driven marketing strategies and related topics. Further, you can not target the customers properly and create value for them, if you don't know about an integrated marketing program. Luckily, you will find a lecture on Integrated Marketing Program too, which you can apply in your own businesses, organizations, and companies. Lastly, after mastering the steps and stages explained above, you will be prepared, through this course, to engage customers and build profitable relationships with them. This, in turn, will generate PROFITS for your organization."
Price: 19.99

"Ready for Kindergarten- Math Skills" |
"This course will help you learn exactly what skills your child needs when they enter Kindergarten for Math and will help them succeed. I will show you how to teach each of these skills in a fun and playful way so they have fun learning. You will learn about colors, shapes, numbers, patterns, etc."
Price: 24.99

"Aircraft leasing basics" |
"Aviation enthusiast, 14 years of aviation experience in various roles under the Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation (CAMO) domain (Engineering and Maintenance department) which include Reliability, Powerplant, Cabin, Structures, airframe system, Base Maintenance, Aviation insurance, Survey, Rotable management, cost review, shop report analysis, MRO and aircraft weighing, Aircraft Scheduling and Line planning. Masters degree in Aeronautical Engineering."
Price: 1280.00

"The Complete SQL Course 2020: Become a MYSQL Master" |
"You will learn to write SQL queries like a pro by building a real-world blog database Here is a list of some of the things you will get after this course:How to create your first database How to create and delete your tablesHow to perform CRUD operationsHow to use SQL complex constraintsRunning your first query learn how to use Alters to tweak your columns and tableslearn and perform functions create and understand complicated joins and unions and more..More Specifically :1-create database2-create and deleting tables3-insert4-update and delete5-data types6-Conditional & comparison operators7-basic queries8-constraints (primary key, foreign key, and indexes)9-functions (SUM-MIN-AVG-MAX-COUNT)10-clauses (WHERE, ORDER by, DISTRICT, IN, GROUP By,)11-alters12-aliases13-joins (INNER-RIGHT-LEFT)14-UNIONS15-wild cards16-views17-creating functions18-triggersPretty cool huh? I hope you are ready for this journey :)"
Price: 19.99

"Web Application Hacking /Penetration Testing & Bug Bounty" |
"Gain the ability to do Bug hunting and Web penetration testing by taking this course! Get answers from an experienced IT expert to every single question you have related to the learning you do in this course. This course provides a 100% hands-on approach to learning to be a web security expert.All of the vulnerabilities covered here are very common in bug bounty programs, and most of them are part of the OWASP top 10.This course is beginner-friendly After this course you will be able to hunt on live websites and earn a bounty."
Price: 1600.00

"PMP Exam Simulator 2020 - PMBOK 6th Ed." |
"The 231 number of questions (more quality questions soon!) in these mock tests are similar to the original exam and completely aligned with the PMBOK Guide - 6th Edition. The questions and answers are designed in such a way to find the gaps in your knowledge and to fill the same. The tests are bite-sized (only 48 minutes) saving you of the fatigue caused by sitting for longer hours. There is no use of taking mock exams which are 4 hours long unless it is the real exam. Some say that you have to train yourself to sit for the complete 4 hours by taking as many mock exams as possible with the original duration. But I do not agree with that as I myself have done it the other way. So, go ahead, grab a pen, paper, and a calculator, and attempt the questions to sharpen your knowledge and improve your confidence."
Price: 64.99

"Create Your Own ""Family Circle"" Pattern Heirloom Quilt Top" |
"In this course, you will be taken through a fun and easy step by step process to create a lovely quilt top using the ""Family Circle"" pattern. You will need a basic working knowledge of your sewing machine, and really, thats about all! Basic quilting requires that your machine be able to stitch forward and backward. The rest is up to you and the hints I provide on stitching in a straight line. Ive taught folks who have never sewed before, and with care and practice, they have created beautiful quilts!"
Price: 24.99

"Data Science Interview Test Series" |
"Welcome to the Data Science Interview Test Series Course.This course is for anyone who wants questions to practice for their next Data Science Interviews or want to test the understanding of their concepts. The course covers a vast range of topics from probability and statistics to Data Science and Machine Learning Algorithms. This course doesn't waste your valuable time. If you do not get the answers to a question, you can understand how to solve them from our well-detailed explanations. Also, please note that the course will be updated in the near future.This is the most comprehensive Test Series online which will help you ace your Data Science/Machine Learning interviews.Who is this course for:Students of any level.Students preparing for Data Science/Machine Learning Interviews.Anyone who wants to build strong Data Science Fundamentals."
Price: 1280.00

"Marketing Analytics Mastery: Hands-On Learning" |
"The main purpose of this course is to help you understand the performance of your E-commerce or website and the main activities of your customer on its journey. You'll learn:How to Measure E-commerce SuccessBy understanding the Web Tracking Ecosystem.By defining the micros and macro conversions of your organization.By defining the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for your business to succeed using the ABC Cycle from Google and the KPI Cheatsheet.Tracking Setup and Best PracticesBy making valuable data available in your Reporting Tools.By setting up tracking on Google Analytics (GA), Wordpress, Google Tag Manager (GTM), Facebook Pixel and Google Ads.Tagging Setup and Best PracticesBy correctly planning and tagging your campaigns in one document.Also by setting up tagging in the external channels (including setting up pixels and events).Reporting Best Practices and TechniquesIncluding Multi-Touch Attribution (MTA).How different touchpoints assigns credit for sales and other conversions across the customer journey.You'll be able to answer business questions (by learning how to navigate in GA, using real life examples and multiple techniques).Lastly you'll build a Self-Service Report for your organization.Signup today and get immediate and lifetime access to:3+ Hours of Video ContentExclusive Downloadable ResourcesAccess to Helpful Industry MaterialsQuizzesOne-On-One Support"
Price: 34.99

"Aprende msica" |
"El cifrado americano es una alternativa de lectura musical que funciona muy bien para todas las msicas populares, se sostiene en el lenguaje musical pero adaptado siendo ms sencillo y rpido de aprender, adems podrs realizar partituras alternativas sin la necesidad de un pentagrama y de ese conocimiento que concierne a la teora. El cifrado americano es el mismo lenguaje musical pero visto de la manera rpida, fcil y entretenida."
Price: 49.99

"A Guide to Start Teaching Online" |
"We know how difficult it is to venture into a new endeavor, with no guarantees or proper instruction. That's why we decided to compile the most important information, nobody told us, to get you started. We got together to create this course in order to facilitate the journey of those who are seeking an online career and be successful in it. Katherine Jara found the enjoyment of being an Online Teacher for toddlers and kids. Having lessons with Young Learners from all over the world gave her the chance to study, adapt, and apply classroom activities to the online environment having amazing feedback from students and parents. Laize is a passionate Online Teacherpreneur co-founder of MIND online school. Through her career she developed a unique methodology that helps teachers to identify students needs and give them the tools to firm their knowledge and promote language acquisition. Both together have combined their powers and created this course in order to help non-native language teachers to be more confident and motivate them to see online teaching as a successful way of elevating their profession and having an extra income that can give them more quality time. This course is for both experienced and not experienced teachers who don't know where to start teaching online. We will be glad to reach educators who are wondering if their profiles can meet the online teaching demands and help them to find some answers and motivation to start a new professional project. We truly hope that this will move you to take action."
Price: 519.99

"Modelacin Financiera con Programacin Lineal" |
"En este curso aprenders a modelar cuantitativamente problemas financieros para: optimizar portafolios de inversin, maximizar ganancias o reducir costos. Adicionalmente, el estudiante aprender a generar las ecuaciones del modelo, crear el modelo en excel, formular en excel y aplicar solver de excel para encontrar las soluciones al problema. Recibirs videos explicativo paso a paso, detalle a detalle desde cero. Dispondrs de las presentaciones en power Point y de los modelos en excel perfectamente formulados.El curso est dividido en 5 secciones donde se estudiar un problema a resolver por cada caso. :1. Introduccin a la programacin lineal. 2. Optimizacin de portafolio.3. Maximizar ganancias.4. Reduccin de costos. 5. Solucin por mtodo grfico computarizado PHP Simplex.Adicionalmente, estaremos atentos a tus dudas y preguntas sobre cada una de las lecciones a estudiar. Y sintete libre de proponer que resolvamos algn ejercicio en particular, y lo carguemos en la plataforma. Atentamente,Alfred J. MllerDirector SYA Academia Digital"
Price: 19.99

"How to change your life in one hour?" |
"How to change your life? People are always frustrated during every life's situation. In today's world, many of the people are hopeless towards their things in life and believe that it cannot be changed. However, you can change your life by starting to learn the master key method. The master key method is a system to change your life within a short time. All habits, behaviors and our mindset can be changed as simply using the master key method. As a person who suffered from depression since I was young, I was totally hopeless and believe that depression will be my life. However, my life totally changed after reading lots of books about the master key method and also development. I will make it simple and compress it into a 4 major lectures. I hope that you will also change your life after studying my lecture."
Price: 29.99

"programming in telugu python" |
". . . . . ."
Price: 1280.00

"learning arabic with stories for beginners (part 1)" |
"in this course, it will include some great Arabic stories listening to how each word is precisely pronounced and an english version of displaying at the same page that will help you get a great understanding of your Arabic language it's culture, you will also find in each election question to help you understand the text in hand,"
Price: 19.99

"A Jobseeker's Guide" |
"This is a guide to insights and in-depth experiences of a jobseeker. Cruise through from A to Z to find out how you, as a jobseeker, can achieve your dream job. This guide helps you to dream big, set goals and take action. Remember AMBITION is the first step to SUCCESS. The second step is ACTION. Think positive and positive things will happen. Good Luck!"
Price: 19.99

"C Programming for Beginners" |
"C-Programming course is middle level course. And in this course we cover all the basic concepts very easily. In last of every section their is a quiz for your quick revision. And in last a full syllabus quiz is waiting you for your whole revision. And after this course you are able to learn modern languages like C++, Java, JavaScript, Python and so on... "
Price: 1280.00

"20 fat burning and metabolism boosting spices" |
"Losing weight can be really difficult everyone who has been on a diet knows that. Since people are creatures of habit and face the challenge of restructuring important parts of their lives when changing their diet, weight loss is often not an easy task.Some people are always looking for little helpers which can support them in losing weight and which can help them to stay lean in the long term. Spices can be exceptionally good helpers for a healthy weight loss and a permanent slim line.This course offers an insight into the world of spices in a structured way and in words that are understandable to a layperson. Twenty spices are presented in an understandable way in this course, so that the selection of suitable spices is pre-selected, and you can try out which ones you prefer. Not everyone likes coriander or cinnamon, and this is perfectly fine because there are enough kinds of spices for everyone! This course was created by a health advisor & nutrition coach with years of experience in the field of spices, also in regards to her own body. Accordingly, a lot of personal experience is included.Have fun with the course and good luck on your way!"
Price: 19.99

"Quantum Physics For SERIOUS Beginners Series" |
"This course on Quantum Physics thoughtfully layouts a large amount of content in a series aimed to truly help create real experts in the field of quantum physics, whether its for your personal interest, academic support, research and development goals, or industrial applications, you will gain deep and correct understanding of several fundamental and new topics in quantum physics. This first part focuses on the historical significance of analyzing light, as well the the activities around discoveries of subatomic particles like the electron, proton, and neutron. This course also utilizes python to do virtual labs to analyse various topics more deeply."
Price: 49.99

"Lactancia Materna Esencial" |
"Con el curso Lactancia Materna Esencial, de Fabiola Fuentes, descubrirs informacin y herramientas tiles para la prctica efectiva de la lactancia materna. Conocers todas las posturas y la tcnica para un buen agarre, con el fin de amamantar sin dolor.Nos adentraremos en que comprendas la conducta infantil y cmo se produce la leche humana para que puedas superar las presiones psicolgicas y sociales que influyen al momento de amamantar.Veremos los mltiples mitos sobre la lactancia materna, que a veces impiden o condicionan una buena praxis. Hablaremos de un tema que nos preocupa mucho, el dolor a la hora de amamantar; por qu puede suceder y qu podemos hacer para evitarlo.Asimismo, resolveremos las dudas generales sobre las afecciones que se pueden sufrir en la lactancia y te dar pautas importantes sobre la toma de medicamentos mientras amamantes."
Price: 84.99

"EXCEL & ADO Kapal Dosya lemleri ve Veri Taban Ynetimi" |
"ADO nesnesi ile kapal yada ak fark etmeksizin Excel, Access ve dier veritabanlarna balanma, SQL komutlar ile VBA ekranndan veri sorgulama,ekleme,dzeltme,silmeyi ileyeceiz. Kendi renme srecinde yaadm Trke kaynak skntsndan dolay bu eitimi hazrlamak istedim.Eitim'de makro yazmak iin gerekli olan dngleri, IF THEN ELSE yapsn, deiken tanmlamasn, dizileri ve kod kontrol etmeyi de ileyeceiz. ADO nesnesini kullanarak USERFORM zerinden rnek bir almada hazrlayacaz."
Price: 19.99

"Master the Dart Language - For Beginners" |
"Learn Dart and become an expert with this interactive course. Dart is a clean, simple, class-based object-oriented language.However, you cant have a conversation about Dart without mentioning Flutter. Flutter is Googles mobile UI framework used for crafting high-quality native interfaces on iOS and Android. Flutter applications are written using the Dart programming language, which has helped make Dart a beloved language by the developer community. Before you can start fluttering out applications using Flutter, you need to learn Dart. This course will help you learn the fundamentals of Dart, and get you started on your journey to learning Flutter. Start learning today.In this course you'll learn:Working with DartPadExploring the first Dart applicationBuilt-in Data Types and variable declarationsConditional StatementsLoops or IteratorsFunctions and MethodsObject Oriented conceptsInheritanceConstructorsDart Collection: List and MapArguments and its typesSummary"
Price: 19.99

"Fundamentos del tcnico en redes de fibra ptica" |
"Aprende e ingresa al mundo de la fibra ptica en tan slo 4 mdulos en lnea.La fibra ptica es la forma de comunicacin presente y futura, los pases no pararn de invertir en telecomunicaciones y el requerimiento de personal formado en la teora de la fibra y uso de equipos y herramientas no parar de crecer tampocoEn nuestro curso en lnea podrs obtener todos los fundamentos de las redes de fibra ptica y adems vers el uso de los equipos especializados para trabajos en campo como los son las fusionadoras y los OTDRs.No cabe duda que esta es la mejor oportunidad para que desde la comodidad de tu casa o trabajo pods aprender lo necesario para fortalecer tu conocimiento o ingresar al mundo de la fibra.Las unidades que desarrollars en el curso son:Unidad 1: Concepto de Redes de Telecomunicaciones. Elementos de una redUnidad 2: Caractersticas fsica y geomtrica de la fibra ptica. Normativa ITU-TUnidad 3: Empalme de FOUnidad 4: Uso de OTDR y clculo de presupuesto ptico por atenuacinObjetivo General del curso.Ensear las bases tericas y prcticas de la tecnologa de comunicaciones a travs de fibras pticas."
Price: 29.99

"Microsoft Excel for Data Analytics" |
"This course is for beginners, who will learn data cleaning and data visualization with one of the most powerful tools Excel. This Data Visualization Using Excel course will cover from the basic level to advance level of Excel tool. at the end of the course one will be able to:-Read dataClean dataCreate multiple dashboardsCreate reports, andBe familiar with all the functions of Excel."
Price: 4800.00

"Memory techniques in studies" |
"Super memory techniques for perfect memory managementIf you are a student, a teacher... this learning aid can be life changing experienceIt's a complete set of effective memory management tools that every student should know and every teacher should teach with.A method of remembering subjects which you will never forget.As a student you will love to learn and score high in your subjects.Introducing world's fastest memory management tools and techniques in a series of 19 videos and 15 downloadable PDF resources.In this memory management course, top secrets of memory record holder's have been revealed. The techniques they use to remember large information in record time and also retain with 100% accuracy. Now you can use the same techniques to remember your syllabus faster.Now learning and remembering is fun.This course deal with all the techniques of learning which enables every students to learn smart, not just hard.This online course is the best and complete memory management course in Hindi ever introduced in UdemyWho can buy this course: Teachers, trainers students, concerned guardians.I can confidently say that this is the best and complete memory improvement course in Hindi ever introducedAfter you understand the techniques and how it works, I guarantee you will be able to memorize information much more faster than any one even can think of. Interestingly you don't need any extra time to practice just apply the techniques directly on your own regular topics that you study.I have been teaching this skill of memory management to students through my physical workshop for past 17 years. But only those students were able to take benefit who used to attend physically. For the first time I made a decision to put all my work in digital platform like Udemy. The decision was made considering Post Covid-19 scenario where we will be living in a word where social distancing would be a part of life. Having conducted more than 1500 seminars / workshops on the subject, I have practically learnt problem faced by students remembering their subjects and I worked really hard to find the solution. The memory techniques in this course has been tested several times. Keeping in mind that your time is very precious, I have designed this course in such a manner that you can learn all the techniques in least possible time without missing any single aspect which would have been crucial for this course.The decision to invest on this course is going to be one of the best decision you have ever taken in you life.This course as an effective teaching tool is going to become an asset for you!Enroll now and get lifetime access!"
Price: 6400.00

"Project Management Certification - Onsite/ Virtual / Remote" |
"This masterclass is a must for anyone who has to run or participate in a project, onsite in a virtual or remote environment and wants to become an expert in project management. Often project management courses are pitched at too theoretical a level and dont teach students how to actually just ""Do It"". We demystify project management and show you the leadership and management skills required to deliver projects with confidence. We ""walk the walk"" every day managing projects that use a variety of methodologies such as PMI PMBOK, Agile, Prince 2, Lean, Six Sigma etc. In reality, most organisations implement a hybrid project management approach i.e. a mash-up of many popular project management methodologies. This project management masterclass will give you the confidence to run great projects.You will understand the role of the Project Manager, team building and managing teams virtually, gathering requirements (Scoping), the Project Management Office (PMO), risk management, how to handle the impact of change management and organisational development, project planning and project scheduling. You will get much more than just a training presentation, you will also take away a project management toolkit which includes 8 essential templates, checklists and a technique which, when implemented will ensure that your projects will succeed! You will become the certified Project Manager that everyone wants!You will benefit from our straight talking perspective on your project management journey, you can trust our real expertise to get you there. And not only that, you will get a project management certificate that you can add to your Resum / Curriculum Vitae to propel yourself in your career. Our approach is validated worldwide, here are some testimonials:""This is the sort of project management information I would have loved to have had 7-8 years ago, I am sure it would have made me a more effective manager and would have been a significant benefit to our company's performance and successMire Kearns and Deirdre Fox are two of the most experienced Project Management experts in the industry, having delivered projects for major corporations around the world on time and on budget. Their project management approach is mandatory in our organisation.""""With an eye towards simplicity and practicality, Mire Kearns and Deidre Fox provide a powerhouse of tips, templates and checklists to bring even the most challenging project under control.""""At last! A plain-speaking, straight-talking guide for Project Managers that they can use and reuse every day on real-world projects"""
Price: 129.99
