"World Class Customer Service" |
"Customer retention is critical for the success of any organisation, either in the private or public sector. If you dont give your customers reason to stay, your competitors will give them reason to leave.Customer retention is in essence a very integral part of any business. All business must be able to create and keep customers. In the business world, it is the customers that influence success or failure.Today, companies must listen more to customers and must mould operations to answer each clients requirements to retain customers.Companies must invest energies in making customers realise that they are vital to its survival, and are appreciated for the business they bring.Employees must also possess good interpersonal skills and imbibe robust work ethics for customer retention to thrive in any organisation.This programme is aimed at ensuring that your organisation equips your employees with skills that will empower them while achieving more profit for your organisation in the long run.Training Outline. Discover how to retain customers in difficult times. Master the KPIs in customer retention. Learn the impact of employee retention on customer retention.Understand the relevance of the SKG Factor. Learn the importance of customer dialogue and positioning. Understand the how to get repeat customers and the stages of customer retention. Discover how interpersonal skills and work ethics can escalate customer retention. Learn the robust strategies for handling customer complaints and service recovery.Objective of Training.To build a competitive edge To energise employees. To increase market share and enhance profit. To adopt best practices strategies for your organisation."
Price: 24.99

personalborders |
". : ? ?? ?? , .? ?? , ?"
Price: 124.99

"7-Day Life Management Course" |
"We all want to live a life of meaning, joy and fulfilment where we are at our best for ourselves and for others. But lets be honest its not easy!We spend most of our time doing things which dont make us feel fulfilled. Many of us are stuck in the same cycle day after day, even if it is a cycle that we associate with unhappiness.Now is the time to break that cycle, it is time to start taking the steps required to improve your life and your happiness.We spend so much time focusing on things that dont matter. This course will focus on things which create value for you and everyone you care about. Your body, your mind and your soul.We all have big dreams and aspirations, but we often are not pursuing them. Perhaps it is fear of failure or lack of motivation. Maybe, we simply dont know how to achieve them.This course will provide you with practical tools and techniques to make positive changes in key areas of your life which can make a real impact.You have the power to design your life. Small, actionable steps can make a big difference. However, it all starts with one powerful decision:The decision to changeOnce you decide that you want to change and you want to live in a better state of being, the world will open up with opportunities to grow your happiness and success.Lets start you on your journey to help shift your mindset whilst providing you a framework for the weeks and months ahead."
Price: 19.99

"Reconecte-se Aprenda o Segredo de Ouvir Subconsciente" |
"O Criadores de Mudanas Mdulo I O Segredo de Ouvir o Subconsciente, ensina tcnicas que ajuda voc a fazer o seu subconsciente a trabalhar para voc, de forma simples e fcil. Onde voc conecta o seu subconsciente com as respostas que tanto voc procura, ativando e auxiliando na resoluo de problemas, acessando e conectando com as suas habilidades e seus maiores talentos, uma vivncia com o foco na Expanso da Conscincia e Autoconhecimento um momento nico que leva voc ao mergulho profundo no seu interior. Alm disso voc vai desvendar os mistrios que a cincia e espiritualidade explicam e onde esto entrelaadas e vai entender e compreender melhor sobre, o que DMT e quais os benefcios de como acessar de forma consciente e orgnica. uma verdadeira jornada inesquecvel, onde aprendemos, nos emocionamos e sorrimos juntos. Gratido do fundo do meu corao por essa conexo com voc. Minha alma sada a sua alma. Namast!"
Price: 69.99

davenchi |
". - . : . "" "" "" ! "" "" "". . ( ) . - - . - . "" "" . . - - . 80 . - - ! ! - ! : - YouTube"
Price: 74.99

"Produktfotografie leicht gemacht" |
"In diesem Kurs zeigen wir euch die verschiedenen Arten der Produktfotografie. Wie arbeite ich mit einem Produktwrfel, welche Lichter sollte ich verwenden und wie bearbeite ich anschlieend meine Bilder in PhotoshopSetze das Licht perfekt.Produktfotografie WebkursFotografie - Videografie - Bearbeitung - Kreativitt - Equipment - uvm.Einfach, persnlich und strukturiert erklrt in unseren Videokursen.Inhaltes des KursesFotografie mit ProduktwrfelLichtsetzung mit StripesBasic Photoshop-BearbeitungFreistellung und ExportierenAnwendungsbeispiel"
Price: 19.99

"Learn Self-Makeup from Scratch in Hindi" |
"Makeup is Art, Beauty is spirit.Come, explore the artist in you with the Renowned Makeup Artist Rekha Mangal.Welcome to The Signature Makeup Course Your entry to the world of Makeup art.In these times when we are all apprehensive about visiting salons but at the same time we also miss our salon-style make up, here comes this step by step learning series in Hindi to your rescue. Where your face is a canvas and makeup brushes are the tools, let's appreciate this beauty of nature i.e your natural self; while at the same time learn to pamper it and make it more attractive to the eyes of the beholder.Our course covers the following topics: Quick Everyday MakeupDay Party MakeupNight Party MakeupProduct KnowledgeDaily CareSo, what are you waiting for?Visit salon every day at your home with this course!!ENROL NOW!"
Price: 1280.00

"Learn Building Management System (BMS) Training Course" |
"About the course and contents: Building Management System Alerton by Honeywell Training Course Practically. This is a fully On-Site Practical Course for All Level to boost your career. After completing this course you can work as an industry expert in BMS System.I covered all topics of BMS System practically to make it understandable for all level ie. BMS Lower level training video to an Advance level training video.This Building Management ( BMS ) Training course contains a lot of practical videos. from our different projects which will help you easily to understand this system.More than 4 hours 14 minute of video lectures will let you have full practical knowledge of the BMS system.This BMS course is for all Engineers and Technicians and Operators either you are working as a contractor or a consultantI ensure you, once you complete this BMS System course, you will be called Expert as BMS Engineer.At the end of this BMS course, you will find a full detailed project to explain to you the system completelyA lot of 5 stars reviews have been rated by trainees from all over the world, which reflects the superior benefits and the high quality and information you will find in this course.This BMS course is a summarized course, which is very helpful to anybody who is interested to learn the BMS system in a very fast way. Without wasting a lot of time.Some of the topics which you will find in this course.Building Management System practically with on-site trainingBMS system and its ComponentsBMS System architecture and different levels of the BMS systemUnderstanding the types of I/O points and their typesComponents of VLC and DDC and how it is usedExplain BMS MEP Field devices and how to wireWhat is BACtalk Control Module and how it is workWhat is VLC, DDC, VLD? and its I/O wiringVLC and DDC logics and functionBMS MEP field devices wiring with VLC I/OHow many VLC's in 1 loop?BMS programming orientationThe different MEP systems ( HVAC, FAHU, Chiller plant, ATS, Fire fighting, FCU, Generator, Transformer, Chilled water Secondary pump, etc.) which can be controlled and monitored by the BMS systemThe different benefits of using BMS system in a buildingUnderstanding of VLC types and the I/O point Understanding the Graphics of BMSUnderstanding the types of I/O points and their typesThe BMS riser diagram and how to read itBMS System Software orientationBMS System DDC logics, uploading and how to take Backup from BMS SoftwareThese are the first courses on Udemy which provide onsite company training with in-depth knowledge.I suggest you never miss these courses to enhance your skill and get trained with the best videos on Udemy.As an instructor, I always consider the level of my course for beginners to experts.Any beginner and professional can join the courses to enhance his/her skill. After course completion, these courses ensure you become an Industry expert.I wish you a great career.Thank you"
Price: 5120.00

"Canine (and Feline) Rehabilitation for Spinal Injury/Surgery" |
"Learn how to safely and effectively rehabilitate your pet from home. This course will help save pet owners some money in helping man's best friend (or a cat) get rehabilitated and back to normal after a spinal injury or surgery! We strongly advise that you consult your veterinarian before using this course for the rehabilitation of your pet. This course does not serve as diagnostics nor guarantees recovery of your pet. It is an aid. Dr. Chauvet wishes to acknowledge the training and guidance she has received from the Canine Rehabilitation Institute of Wellington, Fla., which has allowed her to integrate successful post-operative rehabilitative care that speeds patients' recoveries and supports ongoing wellness."
Price: 74.99

"Kursta, basitten karmaa bir yol izleyerek, size ""Exceli Nasl Kullanacanz"" rnek uygulamalar ve tm videolarn kaynaklarn paylaarak anlatmaya zen gsterdim. Excel'in hi de zor olmadn bu kursun sonunda anlayacaksnz. Yaklak 10 yldr birok alandan renciye, alana ve firmaya yzyze eitimler verdim. Bylece piyasada neler gerektiini ok iyi grm oldum. Bu eitim programn da tecrbelerim sonucunda belirledim. u anda 12 saat sren bu eitim srekli gncellenecektir. Bu eitim ile ; hayatnz Excel ile kolaylatracaksnz. mlakatlarnda size sorulabilecek sorulara rahatlkla cevap verebileceksiniz. inizi ansa brakmayn. Bilgi sizin en byk ansnzdr."
Price: 49.99

"Kursta, basitten karmaa bir yol izleyerek, size VBA anlatmaya altm. rnek uygulamalar ve tm videolarn kaynaklarn paylaarak anlatmaya zen gsterdim. Kodlamann zor olmadn bu kursun sonunda anlayacaksnz. Yaklak 10 yldr birok alandan renciye, alana ve firmaya yzyze eitimler verdim. Bylece piyasada neler gerektiini ok iyi grm oldum. Bu eitim programn da tecrbelerim sonucunda belirledim. Bu eitim ile ; hayatnz Excel ile kolaylatracaksnz. Hi kodlama bilmeseniz bile Makro Kayd ile birok sorunuzu zebileceksiniz. mlakatlarnda size sorulabilecek sorulara rahatlkla cevap verebileceksiniz. inizi ansa brakmayn. Bilgi sizin en byk ansnzdr."
Price: 49.99

"Seduzione: come conoscere nuove ragazze senza ansia" |
"COME ESSERE MENTALMENTE LIBERO E SICURO ANCHE SE TI FA PAURA OGNI COSAQuesto video corso NON sulle tecniche di seduzione, metodi e ipnosi. Ho una brutta notizia per te. Queste tecniche NON esistono. Lo sai anche tu che NON funzionano altrimenti non staresti leggendo queste parole. NON si tratta mai di capire e conoscere un metodo ma si tratta di crescere il tuo valore personale. Avere una zona di comfort estesa solo l'inizio per avere un alto valore personale.Purtroppo sempre la stessa storia. Quando vedi una ragazza ti dici ""Questa mi piace. Voglio assolutamente conoscerla"". C' solo un piccolo problema che tra dire e il fare c' di mezzo il mare. Vorresti conoscerla, la ragazza un passo da te ma c' dentro qualcosa che ti blocca. come se qualcosa ti obbliga ad accettare quello che non vuoi e a rifiutare quello che vuoi. Hai provato molte volte a lanciarti nel vuoto ma quando arriva il tuo momento non riesci mai a ad essere sereno mentalmente. Poi quando ci ripensi ti mordi le mani e ti dici: ""perch non riesco a farlo?"". Ti prometti che la prossima volta ti lancerai e ci riuscirai. Ma questa barzelletta va avanti da troppo tempo. L'entusiasmo iniziale si trasformato in delusione e frustrazione finale.La maggior parte degli uomini si fermano qua e non andranno mai pi avanti. Si fa le stesse domande e paranoie che ti fai tu e non riesce mai a lanciarsi e ad essere tranquillo quando si tratta di conoscere una ragazza.Se non vuoi pi vivere questa questa frustrazione nuovamente e non vuoi che con il tempo peggiori la tua situazione, allora devi scoprire quello che VERAMENTE ti tormenta.Devi capire come conoscere una ragazza senza farti divorare dalla paura o farti bloccare da quello che pensano o dicono le altre persone di te. Come farlo? Nel video corso imparerai FINALMENTE a controllare le emozioni perch conoscerai come funziona esattamente la mente (conscio ed inconscio)Sono talmente sicuro che questo corso ti cambi la vita che c' una garanzia a 30 giorni.Soddisfatto o rimborsato.Se sei finalmente pronto a essere sicuro di te stesso e non vuoi fare la fine di tutti quelli che sognano ma non avranno mai niente nella vita, compra ORA il video corso!"
Price: 99.99

"Crea un CRUD con el stack MERN incluye autenticacin con jwt" |
"Aprende a crear un CRUD con las siguientes tecnologasNodejsExpressMongodbJsonwebtokenReactjsSweetalert2AxiosEste curso est pensado en personas que tienen poca o ninguna experiencia con estas tecnologas, y requieren realizar un CRUD de manera rpida, prctica, fcil, precisa y detallada.Al finalizar el curso, usted ser capaz de realizar lo siguiente:Crear api rest con NodeJs y express a nivel del backend.Usar Reactjs para realizar las acciones de lugar en el frontend a fin de que muestre las informaciones entregadas por el api rest.Crear peticiones get, post, put y delete a travs de axios.Mostrar alertas con sweetaler2.Crear un CRUD con estas tecnologas.Por qu elegir este curso para aprender y no otro?Porque este curso es muy prctico y rpido. Quines son tus estudiantes objetivo?Cualquier desarrollador o ingeniero en sistema que quiera aprender."
Price: 19.99

"Aprenda a elaborar documentos psicolgicos de forma eficaz!" |
"Neste curso EAD voc desenvolver e aprimorar as habilidades para elaborao eficaz de documentos psicolgicos, segundo a nova Resoluo de documentos do CFP. Ter acesso em nas vdeos aulas e materiais de apoio as nossas dicas e orientaes sobre a escrita de documentos psicolgicos. Aprender quando e como deve elaborar um laudo, um atestado, uma declarao e as outras modalidades de documentos psicolgicos. Saber as diferenas de finalidades, as estruturaes e os contedos obrigatrios de cada documento psicolgico. Ter acesso a dicas e modelos de escrita de documentos psicolgicos. Apreender como definir a validade de contedo de documentos psicolgicos, como realizar a entrevista devolutiva, e quais os principais cuidados a realizar a guarda e envio de documentos psicolgicos. Como bnus ser disponibilizado para os participantes do curso mais de 50 modelos de documentos, formulrios e instrumentais para a prtica profissional."
Price: 159.99

"Tableau For Healthcare" |
"Tableau For Healthcare is a course focused on what quality is, why we care about it in healthcare, and how we can best use Tableau to analyze it using different topics like readmissions, ED utilization, mortality, and hypertension management. Please note that while Tableau functionality will be discussed, this is not meant to be an intro to Tableau course - instead it's focused on the leveraging Tableau to analyze quality improvement within health systems and hospitals.This course was created by me - Mark Connolly, MEng. I'm currently a Business Intelligence Lead and co-lead for the virtual Tableau Healthcare User Group. I have over 4 years of experience reporting on quality data using Tableau and over 8 years of experience in the healthcare analytics space in general. I have a Tableau Desktop Certification and recently received a Site Admin badge after completing the Tableau eLearning path.Beyond my experience working directly with quality data and Tableau, I have also developed internal Tableau training programs and provided 100's (if not 1000's) of hours of training support to analysts both at his current organization and externally.This course combines two of my passions - helping others with Tableau and healthcare!"
Price: 64.99

"An interesting history of India" |
"This course of total 11 lectures touches many aspects of Indian history. What are different names of India.Scriptures of India- the user manuals for mankind Epics of India.Great Kings and Emperors of Bharat.Saints and Sages who are having great contribution in making India and Why India is called Spiritual powerhouseDiversity of Architecture in India.The culture and tradition of India Modern history India's contribution to the world"
Price: 1280.00

"ServiceNow Performance Analytics (PA): Micro-Certification" |
"95% OFF the original price (for limited time)!Apply the discount / coupon code: PA-PROExam Preparation:Exam preparation questions are based on ServiceNow training materials, the ServiceNow documentation site, and the ServiceNow developer site. It should not be considered as the official study or exam materials and should be only used to practice for the actual micro-certification exam.Exam Scope:Performance Analytics Architecture (30%)Performance Analytics Deployment (20%)Performance Analytics Metrics and KPIs (25%)Performance Analytics Visualisations (25%)Exam Structure:The exam consists of approximately (15) questions. For each question on the examination, there are multiple possible responses. You should review the response options and select the most correct answer to the question. Multiple Choice (single answer)For each multiple-choice question on the exam, there are four possible responses. You should review the response options and select the one response most accurately answers the question. Multiple Select (select all that apply)For each multiple-select question on the exam, there are at least four possible responses. The question will state how many responses should be selected. You should review the response options and select ALL responses that accurately answer the question. Multiple-select questions have two or more correct responses."
Price: 199.99

"LinkedIn -" |
", . -13 """"- , . : . , . , , , , . : : ** ./ .!"
Price: 199.99

"Basic to Advance Cream Cake Class in Marathi language" |
"Learn to bake and design different types of cakes from this course. Once you complete the course, you can start taking orders for the cakes with some practice. You can start to teach other students by taking classes. If you have a bakery then you can bake and make your own designed cakes. I have conducted 25+ classes in different places with more than 300+ students. Many students started the business and running it successfully after attending the class.Please note: This course is in the Marathi language."
Price: 3200.00

"Beginner Unity 2D Action Platformer" |
"This course is going to be teaching the basics of Unity and is going to teach you how to make a 2D Action Platformer. Having completed this course you will have gained knowledge about how to code, make intelligent AI, learn game design and much more!! This course is for those who are interested in making their first game and want to start their game dev journey."
Price: 19.99

"Robot Structural Analysis Avanc" |
"MODULE II- DIMENSIONNEMENT BETON ARME01- DFINITION DE LA STRUCTURE1_Types de Structures2_Lignes de Construction3_Pr dimensionnement des poteaux et poutres4_Modlisation des Poteaux5_Modlisation des Poutres6_Copie des lments7_Importation de fonds DXF_DWG8_Importation des modles 3D9_Rcuprer des Lignes de Construction Crer dans AutoCAD10_Noeuds de la structure11_Structures des barres - lments du modle de base12_Voiles-Dfinition et Noyaux13_Ouvertures14_Dalles15_Modles de Calcul des Panneaux16_Polyligne-Contour17_Les Panneaux18_Dfinir un Panneaux Homogne et Orthotrope19_Sol lastique et La direction dOrthotropie20_Les Relchements21_Relchements linaires22_Bardage23_Sol lastique pour les barres24_Les Appuis25_Structures Types02- CHARGES DE LA STRUCTURE26_Types de Charges et Dfinition des Charges27_Poids Propre de la Structure28_Affectation des Charges aux lments de Structure29_Dfinition des charges30_Combinaison des Charges _ Combinaisons Manuelles31_Combinaison Automatiques32_Combinaisons Manuelles-Automatiques33_Tableau des Combinaisons"
Price: 54.99

"Robot Structural Analysis Expert" |
"MODULE II- DIMENSIONNEMENT BETON ARME01- ANALYSE DE LA STRUCTURE34_Types danalyse35_LAnalyse statique non - linaire36_Analyse dtaill des barres37_Coupes sur les Panneaux02- ANALYSE DE LA STRUCTURE RESULTATS38_Cartographie des Barres39_Etages_Centre de Gravit et de Torsion40_Vrification de la rpartition des charges sur Plancher41_Rsultats NTM03- FERRAILLAGE DES POTEAUX42_Gomtrie, Mode de flambement et options de Calcul43_Rsultats_Diagramme dinteraction, taux de travail, ferraillage44_Comparaison Compression Simple vs Compression avec Flexion45_Optimisation du ferraillage dun Poteau46_Dtermination du poteau le plus sollicit par tage47_Ferraillage dun groupe de Poteau48_Note de Calcul et Plan dexcution04- FERRAILLAGE DES POUTRES49_Gomtrie et Options de Calcul50_Interprtation des rsultats et Optimisation de Section51_Options de Ferraillage et Optimisation du Ferraillage52_Etude des Consoles53_Etude du ferraillage dune Console05- FERRAILLAGE DUNE PLAQUE54_ Modlisation55_ Chargement56_ Examen des rsultats - Cartographie des panneaux57_ Ferraillage Thorique de la Plaque58_ Ferraillage Rel de la Plaque06- FONDATIONS-IMPRESSIONS-NOTES DE CALCULS59_Semelle isole - Options de Gomtrie60_Les notions de Contrainte de Calcul et de Contrainte Admissible, a LELU et a lELS dun Sol61_Options de Calcul, de ferraillage et dfinition dun Sol62_Semelles_Interprtation des Rsultats63_Semelle Jumele, Joint de dilatation et de Rupture64_Etude dune Semelle Excentre65_Dimensionnement dune Longrine de Redressement66_Dimensionnement dune famille de Semelles67_Calcul des Longrines (sur Appui et sur Sol lastique)68_Composition d'Impressions et Notes de Calcul07 - VOILE ET RADIER GENERAL69_Modlisation de voile BA70_Ferraillage de voile BA71_Modlisation de radier gnral72_Feraillage de radier gnral"
Price: 139.99

"10 Ways To Put HairCare Cash In Your Pockets NOW" |
"Let's face it, Barbers, Beauticians, and Hair Salon owners lost a lot of money when they had to shut down. It was scary. This course takes the fear out of what happened by showing you how to make money whether your clients are coming to the shop or not. I show you at least 10 underground secrets, tips, and strategies to keep getting paid (even if the quarantining comes back). "
Price: 19.99

"BLOG BOOSTER: Las Bases de un Blog Rentable" |
"--- ACTUALIZADO JUNIO 2020 ---Tienes este tipo de problema?Ests harto de la rutina cama-trabajo-cama y de sentirte una vctima del sistema?Ests frustrado por no poder dirigir tu vida, tu tiempo y por tener que matarte trabajando para un jefe?Tienes poco tiempo y poco dinero que dedicar a la creacin de un negocio?Sabes que eres capaz de conseguir el xito pero la falta de confianza y el miedo a fracasar te impiden lanzar tu actividad?A lo mejor has empezado un blog pero no has tenido resultados, o muy pocos?No tienes ningn mtodo concreto para encontrar una idea de negocio y crear un producto que podras vender?Ya has seguido varios consejos (formacin, libros, coaching) pero nada ha funcionado para ti?Entonces a lo mejor es el momento de sentarte tranquilo en tu sof y pensar unos minutos en como resolver este problema.Me imagino que ya habrs escuchado y seguido los consejos populares en la Web:A lo mejor has visto muchos videos Youtube y leido muchos articulos de blog aconsejandote sobre la mejor forma de lanzar tu propio blog, vendiendote lo fcil que es Pero no has conseguido ganar dinero como te lo haban prometido.A lo mejor has seguido los consejos populares en la Web y has creado tu blog sobre lo que ms te gusta, sobre lo que te apasiona Pero te has dado cuenta que no tienes nada que vender o que nadie compra lo que ests ofreciendo.Te sientes frustrado y perdido Quiero que sepas que no eres el nico y que te entiendo porque he estado en esta misma situacin, he conocido esta misma frustracin que te quema por dentro.En el mogolln de informacin que puedes encontrar en la Web, es complicado saber lo que funciona y lo que est adaptado a tu perfil.Lo s, porque hace un par de aos lanc mi primer blog siguiendo los consejos que haba escuchado en Youtube. Era un blog sobre los ccteles, con informacin detallada y recetas buensimas. Durante semanas, que se convirtieron en meses, escrib artculos serios y tiles, esperando que Google reconociera mi blog y me mandara lectores, tal y como lo aconsejaban en Youtube. Los lectores nunca llegaron.Despus de unos meses, al leer ms consejos y ver ms videos, me di cuenta que otros profesionales de los blogs daban consejos totalmente opuestos y que mi blog no tena futuro porque no tena productos para vender y la competencia en esta temtica era tremenda.Entonces decid abandonar este blog despues de haber ganado... 0 Euros.Cre un blog en la temtica administrativa.De nuevo, pas meses escribiendo artculos completos y detallados para ayudar la gente con los trmites administrativos. Estaba escribiendo por la noche, dejando de lado a mi familia, o durante el da, mientras trabajaba en la oficina.El resultado fue el mismo: 0 Euros + frustracin + autoestima bajaEn este momento, decid cambiar las cosas y buscar una solucin de verdad. Compr los mejores libros sobre el blogging, invert dinero en formaciones que me parecan serias, escuch consejos de coaches privados y pase tiempo aplicando lo que iba aprendiendo de forma organizada e intensa. Algunos mtodos funcionaron un poco, otros nada, pero al final consegu por fin crear un blog que generaba dinero... Para empezar poco, pero cada mes iba aumentando.Ya tena mi propio mtodo para crear un blog rentable.Despus de tanto tiempo buscando la manera de ganar dinero con un blog, estaba hasta sorprendido de conseguirlo por fin.Pero ahora que tengo este metodo, lo que me apetece es compartirlo con la gente.No quiero que la gente pase tanto tiempo como yo buscando una solucin y muchas veces frustrandose y abandonando en el proceso. El sentimiento de fracaso no se lo deberamos desear a nadie y el mtodo que encontr puede permitir evitar eso.S que no conseguir compartir este mtodo con mucha gente.Las personas que ya he ayudado no son suficientes y me gustara compartir esta estrategia con toda la gente, pero s que es imposible. As que cada persona adicional que tiene su vida cambiada gracias a este mtodo es una pequea victoria.Si crees que este mtodo podra ser para ti, entonces lo que sigue te podra interesar.Lo que tienes que entender, es que crear un blog rentable es ms sencillo de lo que parece.Y eso aunque seas un novato y no sepas nada de tcnica.Lo ms importante es identificar la fuente del problema del 90% de los blogs. El problema principal no es la calidad del contenido, ni el diseo, ni la forma de promocionar su blog para atraer lectores. El problema principal es que los blogueros se lanzan de forma intuitiva sin poner las bases de un blog eficaz y rentable.Al igual que cualquier negocio o edificio, si las bases no son estables, la estructura no aguantara en el tiempo y se derrumbara al mnimo obstculo, al mnimo cambio del entorno.Y cuando un negocio, un blog o un edificio est construido, es muy complicado mejorar unas bases frgiles.El mtodo que encontr permite justo lo contrario: Establecer unos fundamentos indestructibles, que aguantarn y permitirn anticipar la mayora de los problemas, y te lo voy a demostrar ahora mismo.Porque la mayora de los Blogs fracasan?(... y lo que puedes hacer para impedirlo)Causa de fracaso n1: Un posicionamiento equivocadoEstate atento, eso es importante.Aqu est lo que he encontrado: Un posicionamiento equivocado es el primer motivo de fracaso. Si te equivocas de temtica, si te lanzas en el nicho errneo, o con un ngulo de ataque descaminado, podrs implementar todas las estrategias de trfico del mundo, nunca lo conseguirs.Posicionarse bien significa elegir el nicho correcto, pero tambin determinar lo que te va a diferenciar de la competencia.Ahora te explico en detalle.Te voy a dar un listado de 21 nichos rentables en blogging en el 2020. Enseguida entenders porque elegir un nicho rentable no es suficiente para posicionarse bien.21 nichos rentables en el 2020, el listado:1. Pilates 2. Escalada 3. Tiro con Arco4. Criptomonedas. 5. Crowdfuning. 6. Como ser ms Eficaz7. Caligrafa 8. Reptiles 9. Copywriting10. Viajar en un van 11. Energa Solar 12. Trucos de Photoshop13. Impresin 3D 14. Escuela en Casa 15. Golf16. Caf y T 17. Dieta Paleo 18. Divorcios19. Medicinas Dulces. 20. Astrologa 21. CosplayPero sabes qu?Tener una idea de nicho solo representa una pequea parte del posicionamiento.Porque solo es una pequea parte del posicionamiento?Un ejemplo vale ms que mil palabras.Imagnate que has elegido el nicho del desarrollo personal. Perfecto, desde hace unos aos es un nicho muy rentable en blogging. Y SI, es mejor elegir una temtica que ya funciona, porque sabes que all hay un pblico, una demanda y entonces dinero.Y ahora qu?Existen cientos de blogs de desarrollo personal.Cmo vas a diferenciarte?Cmo vas a existir en este nicho?Ahora entiendes porque un listado de temticas rentables no es realmente til por s mismo. Lo que necesitas ahora son mtodos especficos para elegir un ngulo de ataque, un mensaje, para diferenciarte de lo que se est haciendo.Sin eso, es imposible conseguirlo.Por eso he decidido detallar mi mtodo completo en una formacin que te permitir crear un blog rentable con fundamentos slidos en una semana (es posible hacerlo en un solo da si tienes tiempo y sobre todo ganas de empezar ya).Te voy a coger de la mano y te explicar paso a paso lo que tienes que hacer y porque, para crear un blog eficaz.Pero cuidado, esta formacin no funcionar nunca si no ests dispuesto a dedicarle tiempo, esfuerzo y a seguir de manera seria cada uno de los pasos durante una semana.Para serte sincero, a mi no me interesa trabajar con gente que no est dedicada y que solo va a seguir una parte de los pasos.Tampoco quiero trabajar con los coleccionistas que van acumulando formaciones para supuestamente aprender pero que nunca aplican los consejos.No puedo aportar nada a las personas que buscan un producto milagro que les volver ricos sin ningn esfuerzo. Eso no lo puedo ofrecer.Este tipo de personas nunca conseguir ganar dinero con su blog de forma estable y a largo plazo y solo sern publicidad negativa para mi. Por eso te lo digo en serio, prefiero que no compren mi formacin.Solo te pido que trabajes en ello 1 hora al da pero durante esta hora quiero que ests atento, focalizado y que apliques los consejos de forma seria. No te digo que ser fcil, pero si ests con nimo y ganas, al cabo de una semana tendrs tu blog listo para generar dinero durante aos.Lo que encontrars en la formacin paso a paso que te permitir crear un blog rentable en 2020:Mdulos orientados a la accin, que permiten tener un blog listo para generar dinero, en una semana.Un listado de ms de 100 nichos rentables, clasificados y evaluados segn 4 criterios necesarios para que un blog genere dinero.Un mtodo original para encontrar su temtica de blog.Las 7 reglas imprescindibles (pero poco conocidas) que hacen que un blog sea rentable.Los consejos detallados que permitirn evaluar la competencia y posicionarse para existir en el mapa de su temtica.Las errores que hay que evitar y el porque.Las faltas que se pueden cometer y como evitarlas.El pequeo detalle que da credibilidad a un blog (y que puede hundirlo si no se hace de forma correcta).El mtodo secreto que permite conseguir un nombre de dominio gratis.Consejos para elegir un Hosting de calidad.Mtodo paso a paso para instalar Wordpress (grabo mi pantalla y acompao paso a paso) sin ser un experto en programacin.Como tener un blog seguro (https://) en menos de 5 minutos.5 maneras de crear un logo, sin conocimiento avanzado en diseo grfico.Los temas Wordpress gratuitos e indispensables para un blog profesional en menos de una hora.Los 3 Plugins imprescindibles para empezar un blog con buen pie (explicacin detallada).Los 8 ajustes ignorados por muchos, que marcarn la diferencia.Como crear una pagina obligatoria en un blog antes de esta noche.Acciones singulares que permitirn anticipar futuros problemas.Esta formacin es un condensado concreto de 2 aos de trabajo e investigacin.Te explico como montar tu blog, te enseo mi pantalla y desvelo para ti las herramientas que uso yo y que funcionan. Son secretos que comparto por primera vez.Es como si estuvieras en mi casa, a mi lado, delante de mi ordenador, y que te voy explicando poco a poco, tomando mi tiempo, como funciona mi blog y como gano dinero con mi sistema.Te lo digo, esta formacin es muy, pero muy concreta.Hubiera podido compartir este mtodo haciendo coaching y cobrar cientos de Euros la hora.Hubiera podido negarme a crear esta formacin y dejarte investigar y hacer tu propios errores durante meses y meses, igual que hice yo.Pero he preferido detallar y compartir mi estrategia en una formacin video, asequible a todos.En unos minutos, tendrs en la pantalla de tu ordenador:7 Mdulos orientados a la accin.Las herramientas que uso para tener un blog eficazMis trucos para que todo funcione bien.2 archivos que podrs descargar para tener toda la informacin a mano cuando la necesites. Lo nico que tendrs que hacer, es actuar y aplicar los consejos para lanzar tu blog en la temtica que elijas.Cmo acceder a la formacin?Es muy sencillo, solo tienes que darle al botn Buy now a la derecha de tu pantalla para confirmar el pedido.Una vez el pedido confirmado, la formacin Blog Booster aparecer en tu espacio alumno y tendrs acceso a ella de por vida.Se trata de una formacin video de casi 2 horas donde grabo mi pantalla y te enseo todo paso a paso.Pero si no estas seguro de querer seguir y aplicar este mtodo al 100% para lanzar por fin tu blog rentable, prefiero que no lo pidas.Te lo repito, no me interesa trabajar con gente que solo quiere ver el mtodo por curiosidad pero que no est lista para actuar.Nos vemos en el mdulo 1.Hasta ahora.Seb"
Price: 99.99

"The Ultimate Guide to the Duolingo English Test" |
"This course is divided in 3 sections. 1. Introduction 2. Questions on the Duolingo English Test that count towards total score.3. Interview and bonus questions. Each section will be sub-divided in tasks or question types that you will find in the Duolingo English Test. For each task, the instructors will explain what is expected from you in order to achieve a 140+ score. How to successfully prepare your answers during a short time, and show you some tips that will help you increase your score on the test. In each task, the instructors will invite you to practice and also provide you model answers from the Duolingo English Test. The students will have the opportunity to practice real examples with the techniques they have just learned in the section. The model answers displayed to the students after practice are examples of answers that scored high on the exam. This course also contains a downloadable material in which students can find Practice Exercises for many of the question types they will find the Duolingo English Test."
Price: 24.99

"Become A Trend Expert And Get Smarter About Technology Today" |
"""This course was a perfect match for me. It has increased my knowledge on technological advancements"" - Immaculate ""This was great, I learned a lot about the Fourth Industrial Revolution"" - Gugu ""Very insightful"" - Sakyiwaa, ""Great insight"" - AbdurrahmanBecome the smartest person in the room about technology trends! Impress your friends and your kids by explaining why and how the world has changed. Learn about the impact of technology on our changing world and how these trends will impact the next generation.Why you should do this course:Confidently talk about technology trends in your next conversation with friends and family.Become familiar with topics like disruption, displacement, artificial intelligence, the singularity, human capitalism and Universal Basic IncomeKnow how technology impacted the Luddites, Kodak, Gary Kasparov and Tilly Lockey and why its importantLearn from presidential hopeful Andrew Yang about why he is worried by the rise in automation and its impact on humans and the jobs we doUnderstand more about the great rivalry between man and machine in the game of chess and how this showcased a breakthrough in artificial intelligenceHelp guide your children in their education and career choices through your superior knowledge of these trends and case studies.Boost your own career prospects with this knowledge, especially in a world that has accelerated towards technology during a pandemicBecome a trend spotter today, transform your world view by understanding how and why these trends are shaping the future."
Price: 49.99

"Steps to Self Mastery & Happiness" |
"The Game of Life and Success in BriefWhether you think you can or you can't, either way you are right Henry FordThe Game of Life & Success - Steps to Self Mastey & Happiness, presents insightful and focused life-altering steps to bring about profound personal transformation and, as a consequence, the accomplishment of your chosen future desired state, realistic dreams and goals.Living these steps will have a direct influence on your thinking and consequently empower you to manifest the life and relationships you want, as well as enable you to bring about a highly successful career/business/organisation.The Game of Life and Success taps into ancient wisdom dating back thousands of years and this is intertwined with current success principles as well as modern knowledge gained through researching the connection between thoughts and outcomes. This knowledge is now widely accepted and the principles are used successfully in business and all aspects of life.The steps also draw on Quantum Physics, Metaphysics, Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI), Neural Linguistic Programming (NLP), and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Psychology.Heads of families, companies/organisations, informal enterprises, and leaders of countries- each and every one can, if willing, accept stewardship of an ever-present, powerful collective energy. How this energy is managed by each individual either inspires or demoralises those in his/her sphere of activity, whether in the workplace or at home.Equally striking is the established fact that the manner in which individuals (leaders for example) focus, invest, mobilise this (collective - where applicable) 'energy', creates the reality brought about (collectively and/or individually).The Game of Life and Success offers 'steps' to both leaders and individuals to effectively manage their individual and/or collective 'energy' in order to produce phenomenal outcomes.Amongst a multitude of other outcomes, working with the steps will enable you to discover the essence of who you are, identify your passion and to follow it while leading a purposeful, balanced, effective, and fulfilled life.The Game of Life and Success affords you the opportunity to radically change the way you think and what you believe; therefore the way you see the world, yourself, others, and how you view success, life, relationships, your career, and businesses/organisations. Once you find your immediate world changing for the better, you will discover that those positive effects spread in an ever-widening circle, like the ripples on a pond. This, inevitably, will enable you to magnetically draw to yourself, your business/organisation that which you desire.The life you live and the reality in which you find yourself, is a direct result of the choices you make moment by moment Steve Krummeck"
Price: 1100.00

"Basics of 5S" |
"The 5S terminology is Japanese technique which is widely used in the industry. In this we will learn what 5s means and how it is implemented in the work space.What is 5S? what is 1S? what is 2S? etc. What are the benefits of 5S? What are the challenges in implementing 5S etc"
Price: 1280.00

"Diseo de Videojuegos 3D para PRINCIPIANTES" |
"Este curso ha sido creado para los amantes de los videojuegos los cuales quieran aprender desde cero y sin necesidad de tener conocimientos previos. A lo largo del curso aprendern a controlar el programa Blender a un nivel el cual les permita disear sus propios modelos en 3D de una manera fcil e intuitiva.En el primer y segundo bloque aprenderemos las bases necesarias para modelar en 3D, mientras que a partir del tercero lo que aprenderemos ser como aplicar modificadores a nuestros modelos para facilitarnos el trabajo y obtener los mejores resultados en nuestros modelos 3D.Como ltimo y cuarto bloque lo que tendremos es una clase practica donde combino todo lo aprendido a lo largo del curso para que el alumno aprenda como solucionar errores y como llegar a realizar lo que realmente se proponga."
Price: 29.99

"Performance Engineering with Jmeter, Taurus and Jenkins" |
"In this course you will learn following items:Create Performance testing/Load testing script using JmeterCreate Performance Scenario in TaurusIntegrate Taurus with Jmeter Running Taurus script from JenkinsReporting performance trend using JenkinsReporting performance stats using TaurusPerformance Testing on APIThis course is built in such a way that newbie can understand the importance of performance testing and how to achieve it easily."
Price: 19.99

"How to start programming using Java: Zero To Hero 2020" |
"In this class you will learn the basics and the fundamentals of java programing language also, the basics of most programing language.this in an entry to the Programming and development concepts so it's for everyone who is interested in learning something new and fun. whether you are a student or an employee or teenager , THIS IS FOR EVERYONE.Please enjoy your time learning it might be difficult in the beginning but as soon you practice with me and try working on the projects you will start having fun. And i will try to help you as much as i can :) .Enjoy Programming ;"
Price: 19.99
