"Disrupt Disruptive Behaviors with Trauma-Informed Practices" |
"This course is an in-depth training for teachers who want to learn the skills, implement the practices and use tools to gain control of their classroom and get their sanity back. Youll receive step by step instructions, scripts, examples, and templates to transform your classroom.In this course, teachers will go beyond knowing what trauma-informed care means and discover exactly how to implement proven and tested trauma-informed practices (TIP) to stabilize and revitalize their classrooms. Using TIP creates a fun and exciting experience for both students and teachers."
Price: 149.99

"Deine 7 Tage Yoga Morgenroutine" |
"Dieses einzigartige & kraftvolle 7 Tage Online-Programm fr mehr Wohlbefinden, Zufriedenheit und Leichtigkeit wird dir dabei helfen dein eigenes und sicheres Yoga, sowie eine gesunde Morgenroutine aufzubauen, um morgens munter zu werden und mit Energie in den Tag zu starten! Und noch mehr: Du wirst merken, wie sich diese neue Routine positiv auf deinen ganzen Tag auswirkt, dir mehr Gelassenheit, innere Ruhe und Fokus und vor allem Selbsterkenntnis schenken wird.Die Themen, die uns begleiten sind:Energie schpfenAkzeptanz / ResilienzSelbstliebeDankbarkeitLoslassenSich ffnenIm Hier & Jetzt lebenDer Kurs enthlt:7 Tagesthemen mit verstndlichen Beschreibungen und Inspirationen7 Yoga Videos (jedes ca. 10 Minuten), passend zum Tagesthema um deine Yoga-Routine zu Hause Stck fr Stck sicher aufzubauen - perfekt geeignet fr Anfnger!7 Selbstreflexionen mit tief gehenden Reflexionsfragen zum jeweiligen Tagesthema zum Journaling7 Tages-Extras: einfache & gesunde Rezeptideen, Denkanste und Aufgaben um das Tagesthema mit passenden Handlungen auch in dein Leben zu integrieren"
Price: 29.99

"Intermittent Fasting: Fat Loss Without Workout" |
"Use Promo Code: AXEFIT& Get 93% DiscountThe program is designed to provide the user understanding on fundamentals of Fat loss, Fitness and Intermittent Fasting. The primary goal of the program is to introduce the users to the fundamental of planning out a self-designed intermittent fasting program that will provide them with quick fat loss and fitness.The secondary goal of the program is to provide the users with the necessary techniques that would self-sustain their fitness in day to day life and achieve ketosis naturally.The program is expressed in a manner to ensure that the users are able to progress throughout the program with easy to grasp summarized fat loss knowledge that can be practically executed. Lastly, anyone with health condition or medical issue must consult their doctors prior to beginning the provided program. The program is built with the assumption that the users have no medical condition except obesity or are looking for a easy to follow fat loss plan to stay fit.COMMENTS FROM AXE:""I have developed the course to provide you with easily executable fitness plan that is focused on fat loss and weight loss as it's primary focus. Several people are unable to find either the place or time to workout. Nearly 64% of the people are looking for fat loss plan that can help them achieve their fitness goals and hence, the very course is designed by Axefit to ensure that users are provided with quick relevant knowledge about fitness, fat loss and weight loss that can be achieved just by Intermittent Fasting. It is highly recommended that you execute the provided knowledge as explained in the course and your chances of achieving your fitness goal are going to be higher""ON BEHALF OF AXEFIT, WE WISH YOU A HAPPY AND HEALTHY LIFE."
Price: 199.99

"Curso Mesa Radinica dos 7 Raios" |
"Ol, como bom ter voc por aqui. Saiba que pode contar sempre comigo, em qualquer momento que surgir dvidas, me envie uma mensagem que prontamente lhe responderei para sanar suas dvidas e contribuir melhor para o seu conhecimento.Ol, como bom ter voc por aqui. Saiba que pode contar sempre comigo, em qualquer momento que surgir dvidas, me envie uma mensagem que prontamente lhe responderei para sanar suas dvidas e contribuir melhor para o seu conhecimento."
Price: 384.99

"IBM C2040-926 Managing Maintaining IBM Lotus Notes Exam" |
"144 UNIQUE practice questions for IBM C2040-926 Managing Maintaining IBM Lotus Notes ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : IBM C2040-926 Managing Maintaining IBM Lotus Notes ExamTotal Questions : 144Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (108 of 144)"
Price: 144.99

"SAP C_TSCM42_66 Associate Production Manufacturing Exam" |
"235 UNIQUE practice questions for SAP C_TSCM42_66 Associate Production Manufacturing ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : SAP C_TSCM42_66 Associate Production Manufacturing ExamTotal Questions : 235Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :135 minsPassing Score : 75 (176 of 235)"
Price: 154.99

"1Y0-327 Citrix Password Manager 4.5 Administration Exam" |
"232 UNIQUE practice questions for 1Y0-327 Citrix Password Manager 4.5 Administration ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 1Y0-327 Citrix Password Manager 4.5 Administration ExamTotal Questions : 232Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :135 minsPassing Score : 75 (174 of 232)"
Price: 164.99

"BrainworX aka Critical Thinking" |
"This course explores the nature and complexity of Brainworx or critical thinking, and how this dynamic component of each person interacts with a variety of challenges and situations in everyday life. Brainworx also invites the participant to learn more about elements of thinking habits, and some possible solutions to improve and simplify analysis of specific circumstances.The impact of cause and effect in cognitive activities, and how barriers to effective Brainworx may interfere with obtaining an unbiased solution to problems is explored. Financial issues are explored from the perspective of wants versus needs and how to successfully apply these ideas to conserve valued financial resources.Human emotions occur as a result of Brainworx or critical thinking, the emphasis in this part of the course is designed to enhance ones personal responsibility for owning their anger. Versus attempting to make others responsible when a person states you make me angry.Self-care, taking the best possible care of a persons physical, intellectual and emotional domains, is explored from the aspect of basic care, feeding and strengthening these areas. This portion of the course also urges the student to become actively engaged in their own self-care.Expectations, or what we expect to happen in a situation, invites the participant to better understand how their expectations shape and guide their actions and reactions to a variety of situations. In addition, the issue of expectations is Brainworxed with a plan to further understand this complex arena through a written plan before taking action.Brainworx examines the dynamic process of decision making, and how making a decision, not deciding to do something, waiting to decide; and choosing to make no decision all contain both positive and negative consequences.The topic of drug and alcohol use and abuse is discussed with examples of risk factors in the use of a variety of stimulants, depressants and recreational mood altering chemicals. This portion also explores the positive and negative aspects of recreational drugs like marijuana and designer drugs.Personal integrity and self-esteem are explored from the perspective of positive and negative interactions with self and others, and the results of actions. While integrity is a study of boundaries impacting the concepts of right and wrong, self-esteem involves how a person views themselves and others.The remainder of this course presents a variety of Brainworx puzzles which challenge the participant to resolve comparisons and finding the answer to similarities. Solutions to these puzzles will help the student to better understand the nature and strength of their Brainworx or critical thinking processes."
Price: 19.99

"Alternativas para la estimulacin musical desde casa" |
"Descripcin de curso:Eres padre o madre y quieres que tus hijxs comiencen a aprender msica? Crees que tu hijo o hija tiene aptitudes musicales y no sabes cmo estimularle? Eres maestro de msica y te faltan recursos para darles a la familia en sus casa?Este curso est dirigido a personas que deseen estimular y acompaar a nixs que quieran comenzar a disfrutar y transitar de una manera ldica la msica. Este curso surge por el pedido de las familias MusicJam, cuando no saben cmo acompaar en casa a sus peques, que hacer si no son msicos, dnde ir cuando mi peque es an pequeo para ingresar a un conservatorio.Partes del curso:II Enfoque EducativoIII Tcticas y estrategiasIIII Recursos on-line.IIV Bibliografa internacional completa.Para quin es este curso? Si eres familiar de un pequeo o pequea que tiene aptitudes musicales y quieres incentivarle y guiarle desde casa. Cualquier persona que toque un instrumento musical y desea entender mejor la naturaleza de la enseanza de una manera prctica.Requisitos: No se requieren conocimientos previos de pedagoga musical. Tener un incentivo por acompaar a nios y nias en el inicio a la msica."
Price: 19.99

"Guitar Toolkit: The Beginner's Guide" |
"You're sitting there, staring at your guitar and wondering why it seems so hard and why you don't seem to be making any progress. I'll be honest with you, I had those same thoughts when I first started learning too. I got sick of feeling like I wasn't getting better and wished there was some way for me to rapidly improve. Well I've got GOOD NEWS for you. I've created this course specifically to help you see dramatic improvements in your guitar playing. Through this course, I'm not only going to teach you the basics of guitar, but we'll also get practical so you can actually put what you've learned into practice. I'd love for you to develop your passion for this beautiful instrument just as I have over the years.My aim with this course isn't to bombard you with theory and leave you to figure it out yourself. Sure we'll cover a bit of theory to help your understanding, but I want you to develop a sense of confidence about your ability to pick any song and go and learn it, that's what we're aiming to achieve. During the course you'll learn to play a few songs using the basic chords we'll cover, as well as a more advanced song I wrote myself, once you learn the appropriate techniques and feel confident to do so. Remember: The material will always be there so there's so rush. The most important thing is for you to take your time as you go through the lessons. You don't have to move on to the next one until you're ready. You can cover this course at your own pace!LEARN FROM CLEARLY LAID OUT, LABELLED DIAGRAMS THAT YOU CAN PRINT I've created easy to follow, colour coded diagrams to aid you throughout this course, and you'll also find a ton of other downloadable resources and links to useful web pages to help you through the journeyPlease feel free to reach out to me if you're unsure about anything I teach and I'll gladly explain it to you further"
Price: 19.99

"The Living World- A Crash Course for NEET/AIIMS" |
"HARSHA ONLINE COACHINGBiology is the science of life forms and living processes. The living world comprises an amazing diversity of living organisms. Early man could easily perceive the difference between inanimate matter and living organisms. Early man deified some of the inanimate matter (wind, sea, fire, etc.) and some among the animals and plants. A common feature of all such forms of inanimate and animate objects was the sense of awe or fear that they evoked. The description of living organisms including human beings began much later in human history. Societies that indulged in anthropocentric view of biology could register limited progress in biological knowledge. Systematic and monumental description of life forms brought in, out of necessity, detailed systems of identification, nomenclature, and classification. The biggest spin-off of such studies was the recognition of the sharing of similarities among living organisms both horizontally and vertically. That all present day living organisms are related to each other and also to all organisms that ever lived on this earth, was a revelation which humbled man and led to cultural movements for the conservation of biodiversity. In the following modules of this course, you will get a description, including classification, of animals and plants from a taxonomists perspective"
Price: 1280.00

"3D Type in Adobe Illustrator made simple" |
"Youre going to be creating a lettering piece of your favourite motivational quote. Its best to find one that uses a small number of words like Hang in thereI suggest doing a little bit of research before you start to create a very simple visual mood board of styles. Youll be able to use this as a reference when you are creating your lettering piece. Remember the simpler the style the better, if it is too ornate the piece will look too confused and wont translate into 3D lettering very well.The final piece should be an exported JPG that will be perfect for you to use almost anywhere.By the end of this course you will have worked through:How to thumbnail ideasSet up clear guidelines when sketchingHow to select a killer colour paletteHow to add 3D depth to your lettering piece"
Price: 19.99

"Conoces tu Salud Sexual?" |
"En este curso aprenders cmo debes cuidar tu salud sexual. Conocers cules son las principales Enfermedades de Transmisin Sexual (ETS) a las que estamos expuestos si tenemos relaciones sexuales. Estudiaremos cmo se transmiten, cules son sus sntomas, en qu momento debemos acudir al mdico, la importancia de comunicar a tu pareja sobre la presencia de alguna de estas enfermedades. Pero sobre todo y lo ms importante, vamos a conocer cul es la forma ms efectiva de evitarlas, basndonos en la ltimas actualizaciones y en la evidencia cientfica. Adems te dejar algunas recomendaciones muy sencillas para cambiar nuestra conducta sexual y garantizar nuestra salud sexual a largo plazo."
Price: 19.99

"Agile Project Management Life Cycle and Artefacts" |
"This course will focus on the following aspects:Agile Project Life Cycle OverviewProject Increments and TimeboxingProject Increments and Solution IncrementsAgile Project Life Cycle PhasesPre- Project PhaseFeasibility PhaseFoundations PhaseEvolutionary Development PhaseDeployment PhasePost-Project PhaseTerms of ReferenceBusiness CasePrioritized Requirements List (PRL)Solution Architecture Definition (SAD)Development Approach Definition (DAD)Delivery PlanManagement Approach Definition (MAD)Feasibility AssessmentFoundations SummaryTimebox PlanTimebox Review RecordEvolving SolutionProject Review RecordBenefits Assessment"
Price: 119.99

"Organisational Change - Effective Stakeholder Strategy" |
"Stakeholder EngagementLeadership BehavioursThe Value LaddersPrinciples of Stakeholder EngagementIdentifying and Segmenting StakeholdersScoping EngagementStakeholder Mapping and StrategyStakeholder CharacteristicsStakeholder InterestsPower MappingAttitude to the ChangeMapping Emotional States to EngagementWins and LossesMeasuring AbilityStakeholders ProfilingPersonas and Empathy MapsStakeholder RadarMapping in two dimensionsEngagement Roles and ResponsibilitiesStakeholder Strategy DocumentManaging Relationships and Mobilizing StakeholdersInfluencing StrategiesListening as a means of MobilizationThe Power of Empathy Inertia and DisconfirmationConversation in MobilizationLead with meaning and emotionResistance to ChangeInfluencing through Demonstration"
Price: 94.99

"GCP certified professional cloud architect Practice exams" |
"If you try to take the GCP Certified Professional Cloud Architect Exam, you will have to become familiar with the question format. Even if you take the GCP official mock test, you will only be able to take about 20 to 30 fixed questions, and you will not be satisfied with one exam question such as books.This course simply provides the knowledge and ""familiarity"" to pass by taking three trials focusing on the most difficult problems in the production level of ""GCP Certified Professional Cloud Architect"".GCP Certified Professional Cloud Architect has a large number of questions pooled and there are many questions that can not be answered in one exam, but the questions like those in the reference book deal only with simple questions However, there are many difficult ones. This course is designed to handle many rare and difficult problems so that you can get used to the exam."
Price: 19.99

"Technical office Engineer in Roads Section Autodesk civil 3d" |
"Points are powerful tool to manage your site , we can setup roads C.L. and edges also we can use it to locate infrastructures parts like pipe lines and manholes and we can using it to stake out RC footings, piers and columns for different construction Building.SO using civil 3d make the process of exporting and importing points easy game.let's dive in"
Price: 29.99

"How to Build a Reading Habit" |
"This course uses a step by step process to help you incorporate reading in your daily life. Reading has helped me develop my career and crack some of the toughest exams in the world (JEE, CAT, GRE). I want you to derive the same pleasure and benefit from reading in the way that I have. This is not a 'get-reading-quick' course, it has no 'speed reading hacks' and will take some (not a lot, but some) time, but I am certain that reading will be an integral part of your life by the time you are done."
Price: 39.99

"Divine Empowerment Program" |
"ARE YOU SUFFERING / PROBLEMS:Are you suffering with Depression?Are you suffering with loneliness?Are you feeling heavy hearten burdens?Are you doubting your own abilities & capabilities?Are you having tough time to cope-up with things?Are you feeling like having suicidal thoughts?Have you lost interest from everything from your life?Are you going through uncontrollable emotions?Are you suppressed with emotion of burdens?Do you feel low confidence most of timesDo you loose hopes often without any reasonsAre you seeking peace of mind within?OK definitely you would love to look at the wonderful uplifting & life changing programWell Recorded, Very Nicely Explained & Demonstrative Digital Powerful Divine Techniques to Transform your Life!Most Powerful Yet Simple & Easy Divine Techniques to Change Your Life Towards Happiness & Balanced Life Style!11 + 2 DIVINE MIRACULOUS TECHNIQUES:Outer Clutter ClearingInner Clutter Clearing / Removing Negative EnergiesDivine Bathing ProcessCreating a Divine Sacred Place at homeDivine Candle TherapyMagical Creation BoxMiraculous Magnetic Money & Lucky EnvelopeDivine Mirror TechniqueEnjoying the Music and Dance EnergySleeping Technique for ManifestationMidnight Divine Moon Energy ManifestationPowerful Loving & Hug EnergyI Am The Power 4+1 Divine Power TechniqueBENEFITS & ACHIEVEMENTSClarity in ThoughtsTaking Decision EasilySelf-Awareness & UnderstandingIncrease in Self Confidence & Motivation InstantlyOperating yourself on an Optimum levelConversion of Negative Thought Process to Positive Thought Process very easilySelf (Spiritual) -AwakeningBalanced Life Body, Mind & Soul ConnectionAchieve the goals that youve setKnow the Power of Your IntentionsSoul Cleansing & ClearingPeaceful life with Self RealizationCultivate the Habit of Completing the TasksIt lifts your mood. Joy and uplift come much more readilyPractice opens the door to a much quieter and deeper relationship with the internal you.Understanding of the Spiritual Dimensions & Higher FrequenciesKnow more about Sixth Sense & the AbilitiesAfter this course you are entitled to enroll if you wish for the most Advance Powerful Effective & Intensive Spiritual Healing Workshop11 DAYS CHALLENGE TO TRANSFORM YOURSELF Most Powerful Yet Simple & Easy Divine Techniques To Transform Your Life. Being Positive and Getting Connected to the Divine to lead a Balanced, Peaceful & Successful life. Balancing the Body, Mind & Soul is Important to Lead the Better Life. A person having low confidence always for whatever reason could raised his/her confidence instantly. The Ultimate Enhancement of your Self Confidence & Self Motivation. A person who cannot take the decision easily can take good decisions very easily.Cleansing the Inner Clutter & Converting the Negative Thought Process to Positive Thought Process can be so Easy with Divine Techniques. It lifts your mood. Joy and uplift come much more readily. Yes it will for sure. Boosting Self with the Help of Divine Light to be Always Healthy. It cultivates the attention required to complete your tasks. Precision and awareness become expanded in whatever it is you apply yourself to to be more successful and grow.Permanent Solutions to our Daily Unnecessary & Unavoidable Problems with the Simple & Easy Divine Techniques. The God Gifted Medium Mumtaz The Serving Soul will take you through all the 11 Days Challenge with the 11 Simple & Easy Divine Techniques to Transform Yourself forever. Lets Get Ready For a CHANGE of THOUGHT to TRANSFORM"
Price: 1920.00

"Introductory Econometrics" |
"All happy students are alike, each unhappy student is unhappy in its own way. Fundamentally, happy students are the students that have internalised the courses material so profoundly that, when assigned an individual project or task (may that be coming from a professor or an employer), can carry it out, completely independently, from A to Z in a way that is both perfectly rigorous and more-or-less innovative.The WhatThe purpose of this course is to get you started towards that lofty yet achievable target of knowing what's what when it comes to Econometrics. A sound mastery of Econometrics is fundamental for two reasons. First, today, as in Angrist et al. (2017), more than 50% of Economics research published in the best Journals of the profession have some empirical component (more often than not, they are entirely empirical): a sound mastery of Econometrics allows you to have a sense of what are the frontier questions in the field and, more importantly, what are the answers and how those answers come about. Second, the explosion in Applied Economics is part of the broader trend of increasing computational power and data availability: a sound mastery of Econometrics allows you to dare to ask your questions and provide, to yourself and to everybody else, some importantly new answers.This is a course about Introductory Econometrics. As such, its purpose is to lay the foundations for deeper and more comprehensive studies in Econometrics. Hence, I spend little time dwelling on the mathematics and more time trying to convey the intuition, the concept and, essentially, why should you care. Also, I go as slow as possible in the explanations to give the opportunity to both fast and slow learners to benefit from the course: it is possible to increase the speed in case of need. I think its, didactically, the best approach, probably because I have been on the other side of the desk when a bad approach was used: Econometrics courses often come as a shock to students because the professors (usually because of time constraints) have to introduce the concepts and the mathematics at the same time and students find themselves juggling both. In light of my personal experience, and the experiences of other friends, I think its better for students walking into a proper Intermediate Econometrics course to have already understood the concepts and the most basic mathematical elements, so that during the course they can focus, exclusively, on the mathematics. Because its an Introductory Econometrics course, I expect nothing more than some basic high school algebra and a course of Introductory Statistics under your belt. And the what's what that I want to share with you in this course is what follows: single linear regression models, multiple linear regression models, logistic regression models, common issues (misspecification, heteroskedasticity, multicollinearity, endogeneity), a 5-steps, model-building method to put all the material discussed in this course into action, to be able to ask and answer what are your important and interesting questions.The WhoHaving established the importance of the what, the question as to why you would want to be introduced to it by me over somebody else is legitimate. I am in the process of completing my second MSc at the London School of Economics and Political Science after having completed, always at the LSE, an MSc in Political Economics and, before that, a BSc in Economic Sciences (Summa Cum Laude), with Best Dissertation and the Holy Quaternity of any BSc Economics (Microeconomics, Game Theory, Macroeconomics and Econometrics) with the highest grades available in each of these courses.During these years, I have not only sat in a number of Econometrics courses than is equal to the number of planets in the Solar System (8), but I have also worked as a Research Associate, which means that, for 6 months, I spent most of my time working with data to answer important and interesting questions in Economics. Last but not least, my work has been and is being supervised by future winners of the Nobel Prize in Economics.The Why=The What+The WhoThe Why is, then, really quite simple: I have already met what you are about to meet and, probably most importantly from your standpoint, I have already had to share what I have learnt. I have supervised projects and dissertations of friends of mine that have gone on to either win Departmental Prizes for Best Dissertation or close to that (something I am still extremely proud of), I have addressed countless questions from friends of mine throughout the years. I have, hence, tried to put together the course in a way to address all most common problems that I have seen my friends have. You get to see the answers and the recommendations I have given to my friends that have allowed them to improve drastically their understanding of the subject. If anything, this course was born out of the simple realisation that I was not able, at some point, to keep up with the demand for advice and supervision but I still wanted to help the people I care about. The reason why this course is on this platform stems from the simple realisation that, if my friends from the BSc and the MSc had all these questions, odds are that other students around the world also had them. And so, why not share the answers to them."
Price: 19.99

"Online Marketing: How To Make Online Business Profitable" |
"This coaching video series shows how to go from zero to making $100, $200, $500, and even $1000 per day online. This is the exact process, system, and strategy that I have personally used to grow my own business from zero to now making $5000 - $10,000 per month online and I have packaged up this amazing video series as a coaching training course. Having some type of medium ticket, premium prices product or coaching video series is very important as it adds hundreds if not thousands more dollars to your monthly income.Discover a simple step-by-step approach that is easy to follow that brings a ton of visitors and find top secrets for building real products and establishing recurring cashflow. I have included all of my best, most powerful, and most profitable strategies, tactics, and methods within this course including all of my secrets for generating 10's of thousands of dollars online."
Price: 19.99

"Transmisso ao Vivo para Igrejas" |
"A Pandemia pegou todos de surpresa e muitas igreja se viram sem conhecimento tcnico para fazer a transmisso ao vivo de seus cultos. As pessoas continuam precisando se alimentar da palavra de Deus. Nada mais justo e edificante do que acompanhar os cultos em casa, quando no se pode sair.Quando passar a Quarentena, as pessoas continuaro a assistir os cultos online?Ainda no sabemos. Mas o que temos a certeza que existiam e continuaro a existir, pessoas enfermas que no podero comparecer pessoalmente aos cultos. para elas e tantas outras que as transmisses ao vivo dos cultos sero relevantes no futuro.Aprenda como fazer uma live com pouco recurso. Sentimos isso na pele. Passamos por essa situao. Sabemos como economizar dezenas de centenas de horas gastas para te ensinar como fazer tudo.Aproveite!!"
Price: 54.99

burogrich-lv0 |
"1/503SEO15PV71654134100 20192019526.42020SNS73.650,0001100 ; ; 11172020LV01101PV100PV15PV15PVPV100PVPV145UPYouTubeSNSetc7145WebPRSEO10,000SNSLVLVLV01/530"
Price: 4200.00

Price: 2400.00

"Bodyweight Workout. Build Muscle Without A Gym.Top exercises" |
"Hello, if you always want to be in perfect shape, then this training course is exactly for you. I will show the best exercises, that you can do anywhere. You are only going to need you own weight. In this course I will show you an effective warm up, which is really crucial before any workout! I will show you exercises for your abs, shoulders and chest muscles, exercises for your endurance and flexibility. This is the workout compilation, that you can open and start working out anytime, anywhere. Plus as a gift of this course you get 2 workout plans. The first one is, gaining muscle and the second one is fat burning Thanks for watching and see you next on the training course!!"
Price: 19.99

"Learn Hungarian with MAGYARz" |
"Magyarz is created by a native Hungarian speaker. Let me be your teacher in the next couple of weeks and help you onto the learning path of Hungarian.This course will teach you the Hungarian sounds during the first two lessons and after that, we will practise listening skills at the beginning of each lesson when I test your vocabulary/listening with previously learned words. We will also focus on basic Hungarian grammatical rules such as vowel harmony, verbs, sentence structure, etc. I will also teach you topics you will use in your everyday life such as greeting people, introducing yourself and saying what you are up to.Please watch the introduction to find out a bit more."
Price: 24.99

"With all my efforts,i have made this course as simple and shot as possible while teaching every point that you need to learn.i started with some basics and try to explain difficult thing through simple means.you will find some interesting information in my course.i believe quality over quantity so,i did try my best to keep this course as short as possible"
Price: 19.99

"A Complete Guide To Trading The Financial Markets" |
"The goal of this course is to teach you how to analyse any financial market using technical analysis. This course will teach you our methods of technical analysis which will allow you to pick highly probable turning points in any financial instrument (stocks, forex, indices, bonds etc.) market with a high reward vs risk ratio. "
Price: 49.99

"How to be a good sight reader on piano" |
"This course is suitable for those who have at least two years of piano study (elementary level or above)We will go through the mind of a good sight reader; how they think, how they manage to sight read effectively. You will learn the basic principle and the logic behind sight reading."
Price: 19.99

"Consistncia Operacional na Bolsa de Valores" |
"O curso Consistncia Operacional na Bolsa de Valores traz um conjunto sinttico de tcnicas profissionais comprovadas para aumento de consistncia operacional e proteo de capital e permitir ao aluno aperfeioar suas operaes a partir de informaes de alto valor. O curso voltado a traders com o objetivo de alcanar ou reciclar conhecimentos avanados centrais atividade de operao em mercados de aes, com foco em performance e controle de risco."
Price: 579.99

"Coffee Brewing At Home" |
"I teach you how to brew, taste, talk about/order coffee the way you always wanted to, and in a way that will impress your friends and family. You will actually be able to use these skills and apply them for the rest of your life. Covering all of the most popular filter brew methods, and over 3 hours of information, recipes, walkthroughs, and homework (don't worry its easy and you probably already do half of it!) It all starts here! "
Price: 94.99
