"Unindo R, R MARKDOWN e R GGPLOT2 e import/export dados" |
"A construo de projetos em Data Science crescente a cada dia, muitos so os profissionais que buscam dentro desta rea suplantar as suas necessidades em projetos de dados. Para este super curso, criamos a unio perfeita entre as funcionalidades da linguagem R: criao de scripts R, Preparao de exibio dos dados em relatrios dinmicos e construo de grficos extremamente elegantes com a super biblioteca GGPLOT2. Para fechar, trabalhamos com importao e exportao de dados no RPara isso, voc ir iniciar em um curso super rico, com uma apostila prpria para estudo e diversos materiais para voc exercitar, com uma gama de exerccios muito grande, isso no estudo da linguagem R. Depois voc com todo este aprendizado, fara a imerso na construo de relatrios em PDF, LATEX, PPTX, dentre outros por meio do uso dos scripts em R MARKDOWN. Em seguida construindo grficos incrveis com o R GGPLOT2 que oferece um portflio sem igual para isso. Finalizamos com a importao e exportao de dados em diversos formatos no R.Este o nosso curso com muito, mais muito material para voc estudar e praticar. Eu que tenho mais de 15 anos trabalhando com dados, estou aqui para retirar todas as suas dvidas e fazer de nosso curso um dos melhores. Aqui voc contar com meu apoio para todas as sua principais dvidas e que respondo em pouco tempo.Estou esperando por voc."
Price: 249.99

"API Testing" |
"API Application programming interface postman"
Price: 19.99

xlmeuhlt |
"Detailed Targeting / Ceblage Avanc ... 70 /// + + = ... 70"
Price: 59.99

"Akademik Yazm Teknikleri, Makale Yazmak ve Yaynlama Sreci" |
"Akademik kariyer dnen, makale yazmak isteyen ve bu alanda almalar yapmak isteyenler iin hazrlanm olan online bir eitimdir. Bu eitimde yaynlama srecide dahil olmak zere makale yazmak ile ilgili bilgiler ve dikkat edilmesi gereken noktalara yer verilecektir. Her ne kadar teknik ksmlar verilse de makale yazmak pratik bir sre olduu iin kursa katlanlarn yazd makaleler de incelenecek ve destek verilecektir. Bylece karlkl etkileimle hem teknik hem de pratik olarak makale yazm sreci gereklemi olacaktr.Bu kursta mendeley programnn salad kolaylklar ve tm makale blmlerinin detaylar da yer almaktadr."
Price: 49.99

"Sosyal Bilimler in Uygulamal SPSS Eitimi (Temel Dzey)" |
"zellikle Sosyal Bilimlerde saha aratrmas sonras toplanan verilerin girii, analizi, veri taban oluturmas, yorumlanmas ve grselletirmesi iin hazrlanm temel SPSS eitim setidir. (Sfrdan balayanlar iin hazrlanmtr.)Bu eitim; saha aratrmasnda anket yapanlar ve saha aratrmalarnn ktlarn kolay ve grsel bir ekilde rapor sunmak isteyenler iin faydal olacaktr. Bu eitimi izleyen Sosyal Bilimciler, SPSS zerinde kendi ilerini halledecek seviyeye geleceklerdir. Bu eitimin amac, yeni balayanlar iin anket formu balamnda SPSS programnn mant vermek ve tablolarn yorumlanmasyla birlikte grselletirilmesini salamaktr.Bu eitim yeni balayan dzeyinde hazrlanmtr bu nedenle ciddi istatistiksel bilgiler yerine temel mantk ve anket uygulamalar zerinde younlalmtr.stediiniz zaman iletiime geebilir sorularnz sorabilirsiniz."
Price: 49.99

"Mindfulness Meditation: The Path To Wisdom & Success" |
"This Online Mindfulness Meditation Course Teach You How Mediation Can Transform Virtually Every Area Of Your Life! Improve Your Mood, Physical Heath, Financial Gains, Relationships, Sleep, Parenting, Career, And So Much More They Can ALL Be Dramatically Improved With Simple & Enjoyable Meditation Practices In Just A Few Minutes Each Day.This Course Is Not Medical Advice ... But Is Based On Scientific Research & Principles That Are Known To Get Results Fast! Having These Tools & Strategies Will Dramatically Increase The Results You Get & Help You Achieve Your Goals In Less Time.Some Of The Most Successful People In The World Attribute Much Of Their Success To Their Practice Of Meditation. In This Mindfulness Meditation Course You Will Learn How To Relax & Feel Better Than You Have Ever Felt In Your Life. You Will Learn NEW Ways To Use Your Mind & Discover New States Of Being. If You Want To Feel Great, Achieve More, Be Healthier And Live Longer This Is The Perfect Course For You! The Goal Of This Training Is To Help You Achieve This In The Fastest, Simplest And Easiest Way Possible. This Course Will Save You Years Of Research, Struggle And Frustration. So Start This Course Today And Start Feeling Better & Achieving More Tomorrow! START The Course Now!LEARNING OUTCOMES:By The End Of This Course, You Will 1) Discover How Mindfulness Meditation Can Reduce PAIN By 50 To 90%2) Discover How Mindfulness Meditation Can Boost Mood & Alleviate Anxiety & Depression3) Learn How Mindfulness Meditation Can Boost Your Focus Dramatically4) Learn How Mindfulness Meditation Can Improve Sexual Performance5) Discover How Mindfulness Meditation Can Reduce Stress & Improve Your Quality Of Life & Your Career6) Find Out How Mindfulness Meditation Boost Immunity & Over-All Health7) Learn How Mindfulness Meditation Can Make You Stronger & More Resilient8) Discover How Mindfulness Meditation Boosts Creativity & Productivity9) Learn How Mindfulness Meditation Can Help You Sleep Better & Reduce Muscle Tension Dramatically10) Find Out How Mindfulness Meditation Can Help You Deal With Past Pain & Nagging Issues. And This Is Just A TINY Part Of The Training There Is SO Much More!!!#SelfDiscovery #Zen #ZenMeditation #Meditation #Manifestation #Spirituality #Spiritual #SelfImprovement #RelaxationTraining #PersonalDevelopment #PersonalGrowth #ZenPractices #ZenLifestyle #Self-HelpHeres What Our Students Say:I Am Absolutely Loving This Course! It Is A Great A Match For Me As I Am Always Looking To Improve Myself. A Lot Of The Information Is Blowing My Mind! How They Explain It Makes It Easy To Understand! - Danielle SubannyProf. Paul Never Disappoints! I Own All Of His Courses & This One Is Amazing Too. Youll Be Shocked How Fast The Course Goes By & Wishing It Was Longer Because Its Packed With So Much Life-Changing Information. I Believe It Gives You A Huge Advantage In Life. Thanks Again For This Amazing Course Prof. Paul Chris Gehring - CEONO RISK!!! 100% FULL 30 Day Money Back Guarantee ... NO Questions Asked!!!Sign Up NOW! :)"
Price: 129.99

"Hafza Teknikleriyle Hzl Okuma ve Etkili Anlama" |
"Bu kurs ierisinde sadece Hzl okum yer almamaktadr. Okuduunu anlayabilme, anlamlandrabilme ve zeka gcn artrarak etkili anlamay da destekliyoruz. Bunun yannda okunan bilgilerin daha ok aklda kalmas iin hafza teknikleri, konsantrasyonun gcn de katarak en etkin hzl okuma ve anlama kursunu oluturduk.Bu kurs sonras sadece hzl okumakla kalmayacak, etkili anlayabileceiniz gibi, gndelik hayatta renme kabiliyetinizin artn fark edeceksiniz. Bylece gndelik hayatta hzl renen, hzl anlayan ve ayn zamanda yetkin becerilerinin artacan greceksiniz."
Price: 49.99

"Kurumsal Markan Yarat, Farkn At (Kk Sermayeyi Byt)" |
"Kurumsal markan oluturarak marka emlak ticareti yapabilir, markan ynetebilir veya marka borsalarnda markan anlk nakite evirebilirsin. Yeni nesil Dijital Emlak ilemlerinde ve ticaretinde marka kazan frsat sunan bir kurs ieriine sahiptir. Burada Markalama sreci yannda, marka ticareti ile kazan salayabilme, kk sermaye ile byk sermaye yaratma ve bu sermaye ile sonra ki adma geme aamalar tek tek anlatlacaktr."
Price: 49.99

"Mapa Marze" |
"CZAS na map jest zawsze, tak jak zawsze jest waciwy czas na zmian. Pod warunkiem, e tak czujesz i tego chceszTatiana GaliskaZnasz takich ludzi, ktrzy mwi, e chc si za siebie zabra ale waciwie to tylko gadaj i krc si w kko?Ja te.Wiele osb (w tym duo kobiet) pragnie w kocu powiedzie TERAZ JA, tylko jako nie wiedz od czego zacz.?Mam rozwizanie. Wyjtkowy warsztat on-line.To 9 korzyci i 9 powodw by stworzy wasn Map Marze , ktre prowadz do ""wzicia"" si za siebie.Jeli chcesz w swoim yciu :?ruszy do przodu,?zacz przygod z samorozwojem,?uprzdkowa jego pewne aspekty,?zacz nowy rozdzia,?porzuci to co stare i ju nie dziaa,?wzi 100% odpowiedzialno za swoje decyzje,?a przede wszystkim znale odpowied na wiele pyta, moe trudnych ale i wanychto ten warsztat jest dla Ciebie.Mapa uczy PROaktywnoci czyli brania penej odpowiedzialnoci za swoje ycie.Twoje MARZENIA Twoja Odpowiedzialno.Czego nie robi?Bd czujna/czujny upewnij si, e nie speniasz czasem czyich marze.To TWOJA mapa, TWOJE marzenia i cele, TWOJE ycie. To my bierzemy odpowiedzialno za to co si wydarzy i ktr drog pjdziemy. I nikt nie ma prawa nad tym dyskutowa. SAMO SI NIE ZROBIMapa to wietna zabawa i pamitajmy o intencji oraz czasie. Wysyamy do wiata energetyczne zamwienie i jednoczenie dziaamy. Czsto to mae kroki, ktre przybliaj Ci do realizacji marzenia.Dziaanie to take suchanie swojej intuicji, uwano na spotykanych ludzi, sprzyjajce okazje itd.Wielcy mwcy motywacyjni i ludzie wielkiego sukcesu, mwi otwarcie o swoich mapach, bo wiedz e dziaa ! Ja si ucz od najlepszych. Za kadym rokiem kiedy zdejmuj star map , nie mog si nadziwi ile rzeczy zrealizowaam :-)Kady kto pracuje z map to potwierdza :-)"
Price: 19.99

"Maritime 4.0 - The Maritime Industry in Industry 4.0" |
"Did you know that the world economy and humanity is at the verge of one of the most transformational periods in history of mankind?Have you heard about the 'Industrial Revolutions'; which from time to time transformed the course of humanity? The first industrial revolution was powered by mechanization, water power and steam power. The second industrial revolution was powered by the mass production of products such as the famous Henry Ford's Model-T car, assembly lines and electricity. The third industrial revolution was powered by computerization and automation. Now, the fourth industrial revolution, known as 'Industry 4.0 (4IR)' will be powered by Cyber Physical Systems, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotics is set to unleash the next wave of disruption at an unprecedented scale and force!With global pandemics such as COVID-19, the Healthcare Industry is on its way for a massive transformation with Industry 4.0 to offer universally affordable and high quality healthcare to every human being on this planet. With real-time data and comprehensive insights offered with Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), how is Industry 4.0 going to change and disrupt the game?------------------------------------------------A course with a simple and comprehensive beginner's guide to ""Maritime 4.0 - The Maritime Industry in Industry 4.0""!------------------------------------------------In this course, there are TEN sections which cover over 60 lectures worth over 3 hours of content;Section 1 - Introduction to the Maritime Industry - Discover what the Maritime Industry is and the vital role it plays in shaping is. Learn about types of Maritime Cargo, Maritime Cargo Traffic, Types of Cargo Vessels, Primary Maritime Transportation and Secondary Maritime Transportation. Section 2 - Key Insights of the Maritime Industry - Explore the key insights about the Maritime Industry such as International Maritime Trade, Maritime Infrastructure and Services, Maritime Transportation Costs, Maritime Industry Outlook and Legal and Regulatory Outlook.Section 3 - Challenges of the Maritime Industry - Explore the challenges faced by the Maritime Industry such as Rising Costs, Managing demand, environmental challenges and piracy.Section 4 - Opportunities for Innovation in the Maritime Industry - Discover the opportunities for innovation in the Maritime Industry including reducing accidents and errors, digitization of routing and better information sharing.Section 5 - Introduction to Industry 4.0 - Discover what Industry 4.0 is, what the Industry 4.0 Environment is and the different kinds of Internets such as the Internet-of-Things (IoT), Industrial-Internet-of-Things (IIoT), Internet-of-Services (IoS) and the Internet-of-Everything (IoE).Section 6 - Introduction to Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) - Discover what Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) are, their characteristics, their benefits as well as their drawbacks.Section 7 - The Impact of Industry 4.0 on Maritime Industry - Discover how Industry 4.0 is impacting and transforming the Maritime Industry including Autonomous Ships, Computer Simulation of Hydrodynamics and Big Data Analytics.Section 8 - The Barriers to Implementing Industry 4.0 - Discover about the barriers of implementing Industry 4.0 including the high cost of implementation, lack of skilled staff, privacy issues and concerns.Section 9 - The Drivers of Implementing Industry 4.0 - Discover about the Barriers of Implementing Industry 4.0 including Faster Time to Market, Challenges in matching the Supply and Demand, Better Customer Experience (CX), Increasing efficiency and productivity in business processes and Demand for Better Quality.Section 10 - The Real World Outlook - Discover about innovative startups and businesses in the Tourism Industry.-------------------------------------------Jump right in to learn and discover about all of the amazing and transformative content on ""Maritime 4.0 - The Maritime Industry in Industry 4.0 and be updated with latest trends in the world of tech and business! Be a part of Industry 4.0!-------------------------------------------About the Author: Hi, I'm Deshan and I'm a Digital Transformation Consultant. I have a M.Sc. in Technology Management (Distinction) from the Staffordshire University, UK as well as First Class Honors in B.Sc. (Applied Information Technology) from the Staffordshire University, UK. I also have around 8 years of experience in coding websites and software; creating multimedia, illustrations and graphics as well as computer simulation and 3D modelling! Feel free to ask any question regarding Digital Transformation, Industry 4.0 and Digital Disruption in the forum!"
Price: 79.99

"Series #1. Intellectual Property Rights" |
"Would you like to protect your intellectual property? Do you want to become a Intellectual Property Fundamentalist but dont know where to get started? In this course we will begin by covering the very basics of the Intellectual Property Rights, and move on to the understanding the skills by playing games, learning through case studies necessary to become proficient in Intellectual Property Rights! This is the 1st Course in the Intellectual Property Series. Recommend to learn all 4 series of courses in the Intellectual Property Rights. We will cover the following topics in this course:Protect, Maintain, Defend and Safeguard Intellectual PropertyExamples of Intellectual Property RightsOrigin of Intellectual Property RightsFundamentals of Intellectual Property and Intellectual Property RightsTypes, features and Characteristics of Intellectual Property RightsThe Theories of Intellectual;l Property RightsIntellectual Property Rights: A Story Learn by playing gameIntellectual Property TheftHow to protect your business and intellectual property?Case StudiesOpen Source Software, Generic Drugs and More...The course is set up to quickly take you through, step by step,the process of understanding the fundamentals of Intellectual Property Rights. It will equip you with the knowledge to protect, safeguard and defend your stunning Intellectual work that will stand out and brand you as a better creator of Intellectual Property!What else will you get?Personal contact with me, the course instructor.Lifetime access to all course materials, including all downloads and resources.This all comes under one convenient easy to use platform. Plus you will get fast, friendly, responsive support from me on the Q&A section of the course or through direct messages. Disclaimer: Learner hereby undertake to use, practice and explore the tools, techniques, methods, illustrations, cases etc used/demonstrated in this course at their own risk. They declare and confirm that the tutor/trainer of this course is free from any obligation, risk, liabilities, penalties, legal actions and damages suffered or incurred directly or indirectly. You are solely responsible for your action and use of information provided in this course. Any misuse or illegal activities conducted using the information provided in this course will be sole responsibility and liability of the learner. The information provided in this course is for general knowledge purposes only and is not intended to provide any legal advice or to replace legal advice. No promise or warranty. None in this course is intended to guarantee, promise or forecast the outcome of a particular case and must not be interpreted. There is no guarantee or obligation about the validity, appropriateness or completeness of the material found in this course.Info Subject to Change. Laws that are in this course are subject to change somewhat frequently. We can not ensure that this material is always up-to - date and valid. This course may contain useful or insightful links to other websites and resources. We are not responsible for the contents of any link provided or any related website. Nothing contained herein, or any information contained by any link, constitutes legal advice and is not a substitute for obtaining legal advice from a lawyer. You should not rely on this course without a qualified lawyer.Let get started... :)"
Price: 149.99

"Series #2. Copyright and the Copyright Law" |
"Copyright has given rise to many important issues that influence our day-to-day life in whatever we do. The internet is overloaded and flooded with the torrent of Stuff. It is difficult for a layman or newbie to understand Copyright and Copyright Law. Copyright is difficult and complex. This course provides a solid understanding of Copyright so that one is equipped with the right set of armor and shield once creative and artistic work. This will provide a comprehensive fundamentals to Copyright and ways how to protect the creative works and the creativity.This is the Series#2 Course in the Intellectual Property Right Course Series.WHY DO I NEED TO TAKE THIS COURSE?Are you confused with the free stuff on interest?Can you use internet stuff legally?Are you interested to know how to protect your work for free or for a fee?Are you confused with the Terms like Infringement, DMCA, Public Domain, fair Use, creative Common?Do you need a checklist to check if this is Copyright Work?Do you have USD 2500 to consult or conduct Copyright Search?How to avoid copyright abuse?Can people use creative work for free? Is there exceptions to this?Can I legally use YouTube Video, Photos on Internet and Vimeo Videos?What is Public Domain and Fair Use?How to use the stuff that doesn't belong to you?How not to get into trouble?Who controls digital content?What is DMCA?Can I use Unpublished Works like books, lyrics etc.?Can I public Stream the Videos, Movies or Music?Can I upload or Download Torrent?What is Copyright Permission and how to get one?How to discover, if someone is using my work?What are the exclusive benefits and rights of Copyright?Do you know how to protect your creative work?The course is set up to quickly take you through, step by step,the process of understanding the fundamentals of Copyright. It will equip you with the knowledge to protect, safeguard and defend your stunning Intellectual work that will stand out and brand you as a better creative owner of your creative works!WHAT WILL I LEARN FROM THIS COURSE?What is Copyright?Examples of CopyrightThe 4 identifiers of copyrightExclusive Benefits of copyrightCopyright RegistrationWhat Can't be Protected by Copyright?Important Concepts of CopyrightPlagiarismFair UseThe Factors of Fair UseTransformational UseExceptions for Fair UseFair Use (Gucci Case)Fair Use (Google)Image on internet and CopyrightCopyright Free Images PracticalPortion of BookCan I use YouTube Videos?Can I use Vimeo Videos?WikipediaFacebook postReddit DiscussionsBlog post, post on various websitesMusic downloadsTypes of Right, Contract & AgreementPublic StreamingUnpublished WorksLawful use of copyrightCopyright ChecklistDoes Copyright requires registration?Time line of CopyrightOrphan WorkCreative CommonTypes of Licenses of Creative CommonProject based practical learningPart-A: Image InfringementPart-B: Search for Article UsageWhat else will you get?Personal contact with me, the course instructor.Lifetime access to all course materials, including all downloads and resources.This all comes under one convenient easy to use platform. Plus you will get fast, friendly, responsive support from me on the Q&A section of the course or through direct messages.Disclaimer:Learner hereby undertake to use, practice and explore the tools, techniques, methods, illustrations, cases etc used/demonstrated in this course at their own risk. They declare and confirm that the tutor/trainer of this course is free from any obligation, risk, liabilities, penalties, legal actions and damages suffered or incurred directly or indirectly. You are solely responsible for your action and use of information provided in this course. Any misuse or illegal activities conducted using the information provided in this course will be sole responsibility and liability of the learner. The information provided in this course is for general knowledge purposes only and is not intended to provide any legal advice or to replace legal advice. No promise or warranty. None in this course is intended to guarantee, promise or forecast the outcome of a particular case and must not be interpreted. There is no guarantee or obligation about the validity, appropriateness or completeness of the material found in this course.Info Subject to Change. Laws that are in this course are subject to change somewhat frequently. We can not ensure that this material is always up-to - date and valid. This course may contain useful or insightful links to other websites and resources. We are not responsible for the contents of any link provided or any related website. Nothing contained herein, or any information contained by any link, constitutes legal advice and is not a substitute for obtaining legal advice from a lawyer. You should not rely on this course without a qualified lawyer."
Price: 199.99

"Series #3. Patent: Protect your Innovation & Be an INVENTOR!" |
"Be an INVENTOR! Everything practical, hands-on, all about Patent.When people have an idea that will change the world, it's common for them to protect their hard work and innovation. That will revolutionize a specific industry, or simply the way this will work to make life better and more productive. In this pursuit, it is vital to know the do's and don't of Patent. Image, if the wheels didn't exits... we will have to travel 60 days to travel 300 miles. Still the horses, camels, donkeys and bulls would be transporting the supplies and essentials. This course has the purpose of equipping you with the solid foundations to protect, safeguard your invention by Patent and avoid Patent infringement. This course also provides hands-on demo and checklist for you to make the complex topic easy for you. Lot of illustration, analogies, stories and examples are given to make you understand the concepts better. This is the Series#3 Course in the Intellectual Property Right Course Series.WHAT WILL I LEARN FROM THIS COURSE?Whats Patent?What can be Patented?What can't be Patented?Examples and Types of PatentDiscovery vs. PatentWhere to apply for New Patent?Can I get Patent for Existing Idea!?Validity of PatentCan I get Patent for Published Works?Awesome Story of PatentReal Life: Counterfeits Pre-requisite to Claim Patent?What is Patent Documents? What are its components? What is section 102?Can I get patent for New Idea!?What is Prior Art?What are the claim elements of Patent?What are the categories and classification of Patent?Why do you need Patent?What are the cost and Fees?What is Office Action, Patent Prosecution, Obvious Invention and More.., Can I get Patent for abstract ideas?A Story of Hungry LionHow to cover up infringement?How to avoid the claim element of Patent?Checklist for the PatentCan the monopoly be controlled?Time Line of the PatentCase StudiesSearch Patent for free - Demo: Cost approx. $20,000 to $30,000WHY DO I NEED TO TAKE THIS COURSE?Are you confused with the legal jargon of Patent?Can you protect your inventions legally?Are you interested to know how to protect your work?Are you confused with the Terms like Pre-trail,Office Action, Patent Prosecution, Obvious Invention etc.?Do you need a checklist to check if this can be Patented?Do you have USD 20,000 to consult or conduct Patent Search?How to avoid Patent abuse?What can I get Patent for?How to use the stuff that doesn't belong to me and invent?How not to get into get into legal trouble?How tp overcome legal trouble?Who own the invention? What is law world-wide?What is Patent and how to get one?How to discover, if someone has already invented my work?What are the exclusive benefits and rights of Patent?Do you know how to protect your invention?The course is set up to quickly take you through, step by step,the process of understanding the fundamentals of Patent. It will equip you with the knowledge to protect, safeguard and defend your stunning Intellectual work that will stand out and brand you as a better INNOVATOR! What else will you get?Personal contact with me, the course instructor.Lifetime access to all course materials, including all downloads and resources.This all comes under one convenient easy to use platform. Plus you will get fast, friendly, responsive support from me on the Q&A section of the course or through direct messages.Disclaimer:Learner hereby undertake to use, practice and explore the tools, techniques, methods, illustrations, cases etc used/demonstrated in this course at their own risk. They declare and confirm that the tutor/trainer of this course is free from any obligation, risk, liabilities, penalties, legal actions and damages suffered or incurred directly or indirectly. You are solely responsible for your action and use of information provided in this course. Any misuse or illegal activities conducted using the information provided in this course will be sole responsibility and liability of the learner. The information provided in this course is for general knowledge purposes only and is not intended to provide any legal advice or to replace legal advice. No promise or warranty. None in this course is intended to guarantee, promise or forecast the outcome of a particular case and must not be interpreted. There is no guarantee or obligation about the validity, appropriateness or completeness of the material found in this course.Info Subject to Change. Laws that are in this course are subject to change somewhat frequently. We can not ensure that this material is always up-to - date and valid. This course may contain useful or insightful links to other websites and resources. We are not responsible for the contents of any link provided or any related website. Nothing contained herein, or any information contained by any link, constitutes legal advice and is not a substitute for obtaining legal advice from a lawyer. You should not rely on this course without a qualified lawyer."
Price: 149.99

"This course is a chapter of IIT-JEE ,NEET syllabus in this topic i have covered ELECTRIC FIELD AND FORCE & GAUSS THEOREM , starting from charge & its properties, coulombs law, electric file intensities due to different charge distributions,point charge distribution for dipole & continuous charge distribution like spherical , line charge , plane charge electric field expressions using Gauss law , explanation of conductor properties using gauss law."
Price: 19.99

"INFJ Personality Guide" |
"INFJs are often misunderstood by others. As the rarest of the Myers-Briggs personality types, what makes INFJs tick is a little different from most folks. Unfortunately, many INFJs dont understand themselves either! The world and society can make INFJs feel like square pegs trying to fit into a round hole.But being an INFJ isnt a bad thing. The reality is that some of the worlds most successful people in all kinds of different fields are INFJs. With enhanced self-understanding, INFJs can lean into their strengths and have a plan for dealing with aspects of their personality that might otherwise hold them back. The INFJ personality type is complicated and it takes some deep reflection and introspection to achieve the level of self-awareness required to live your best live. If you are an INFJ, or if you have one in your life, this is the guide you need to crack the riddle of the rarest personality type!"
Price: 89.99

"A Beginners Introduction Guide To Self Hypnosis" |
"This Self Hypnosis Guide will Help You Understand The Basics Of Self Hypnosis And Teach You The Main Benefits Of Self Hypnosis, Like How To Prepare Yourself For Your Hypnotic Session, How To Change Your Mindset, How To Get Into A Hypnotic State, How To Make Better Decisions, How To Use Hypnosis To Resolve Psychological Conditions, How To Relax And Tap Into Your Unconscious Mind Plus Much More. This Guide Will Teach You How To Get The Best Out Of Yourself Using Basic Steps You Just Have To Follow Along To. Sit Yourself Comfortably, Click The ""Buy Now Button"" And Then Relax And Dive Into The World Of Self Hypnosis."
Price: 24.99

"Como Importar da China - Passo a Passo Fcil e Prtico" |
"Excelente cursoRaimundo Filho Frana - aluno.-Voc j teve medo de importar alguma coisa de outro pas e ficou com medo de no receber o seu produto?Tem dvidas de como importar e receber o produto em sua casa com segurana?Agora voc pode fazer isso, nesse treinamento eu vou te ajudar a aprender de uma vez por todas o Passo-a-Passo da importao de um Jeito Simples e Fcil.Voc aprender a escolher os melhores fornecedores.Fornecedores esses, que so de confiana e que realmente enviar o produto at a sua casa.E se o produto no chegar at a sua casa? Sentar e chorar?No, eu tenho uma aula, ensinando todo o passo-a-passo que voc far caso isso acontecer com alguma coisa que voc comprou de fora.Voc tambm ter acesso aos melhores sites e apps para rastrear os seus produtos importados. Tendo isso em mos voc no ficar perdido sem saber se o seu produto foi postado ou no, e o melhor saber exatamente aonde o seu produto se encontra.Tudo isso e muito mais, estamos a disposio em te ajudar com qualquer dificuldade que voc tenha relacionado a importao.Caso tenha alguma dvida siga o nosso Instagram: @segredosdodrop"
Price: 99.99

"Cambridge AS Law (9084) Essay Guide #1" |
"Udemy Course #1: A Level Law (9084/11), Paper One, October/November 2019, Question Two (Statutory Interpretation)The question covered in this course:I always look at Hansard I always look at everything I can in order to see what is meant.Lord Hailsham LC.Explain the intrinsic and extrinsic aids available to judges when interpreting a statute. Assess the usefulness of these aids. [25]In this course I will be giving you a step-by-step guide on how to write an academic legal essay for examination purposes. As I go through the steps to build content in the essay, I will also go through some of the details of the topics in question so that you will not just learn how to write an academic essay for the given topic, but also refresh or learn the contents of the topic again. After going through the content guide of any given essay answer, I will then endeavour to provide you with a sample essay on the question that we have gone through. I will also then guide you through the essay itself, explaining the intricacies of each paragraph so that you can get an idea on how to write your own legal academic essay.This course will be suitable for anyone looking to prepare themselves for their written law examinations. The course is suitable for those doing their UK legal degrees or Cambridge A Level Law (9084) examinations. Although my course is designed for A Level Law students, but the whole academic-writing tutorial will be suitable for anyone who is looking to write an academic essay for law."
Price: 19.99

"Kamu hale Eitimi,E-Teklif,Metraj ve Yaklak Maliyet Kursu" |
"Piyasada Binlerce Lira olan seminer ve eitimlere katlmanza gerek yok! Paranz iinize Saklayn.8 yldr kamu sektrnde ihaleli ilerde (iveren ,alan ve danman olarak) edinmi olduum deneyimlerimi sizin iin derleyip, bu kursu oluturdum. Yararl olacan dnyorum.Batan sona tm ihale srelerini rnekleri ve canl anlatmlaryla birlikte yapacaz.Konular belli bir sralama ile herkesin anlayabilecei dzeyde anlatlm olup ders ieriimiz gncel gelimeler ile srekli gncellenecektir.Bu kursun sonunda hibirey bilmeseniz dahi ; sfrdan ihaleye hazrlanp, teklif verebilecek bilgi ve tecrbeye sahip olacaksnz.Ayrca kursun kaynaklar blmnde; kurumlarn birim fiyatlarn toplu bir ekilde bulabileceiniz 2020 Gncel Birim fiyat Kitaplarna (B, Karayollar, Msb, Vakflar, Dsi, Kltr bakanl,Orman Teda vb. kurumlara ait ) eriebilirsiniz.Temmuz 2019 da eklenenler1) ihalelerde sgk ve vergi borcu st snrlar(2019) (haleye katlm iin gereken belgeler ve yeterlik kriterleri dersinde)2)bayndrlk bakanl eski ve yeni poz numaralar (karlatrmal liste-metraj karma blm giri ksm kaynaklarda)Eyll 2019 da eklenenler1) E-ihale ve ereve anlama kapsam (12.Ders)2) Elektronik hale Uygulama Ynetmelii 13.09.2019 Deiiklikleri lenmi haliyle eklendi.2) Yapm leri haleleri Uygulama Ynetmelii (Deiiklikler lenmi)13.09.2019 (ihale mevzuat dersine eklendi.)Aralk 2019 da eklenenler1) Yapm leri Genel artnamesi ( 08.08.2019 deiiklikleri ilenmi) -- hale Mevzuat dersine eklendi.Ocak 2019 da eklenenler1)lan sreleri (2020)-ilgili derseubat 2020 de eklenenler1) Eik deer ve parasal limitlerin karlatrlmas (2019-2020)-ilgili derseMart,Nisan,Mays 2020 de eklenenler1)2020 yl yaynlanan gncel birim fiyatlar (ders 33)- Karayollar,Dsi,Orman,Vakflar...Haziran 2020 'de eklenenler1) Teda 2020 birim fiyatlar (ders 33 )SIKA SORULAN SORULARKursun Toplam maliyeti nedir ?Kursumuz iin kayt olurken dediiniz cret dnda baka bir creti yoktur Baz aylar sosyal medya hesaplarmzdan indirimli linkler paylalmaktadr. Gncel duyurular takip ediniz.Eitimi Nerden alyoruz ?Eitim Online Eitimdir. Udemy sitesinden kayt oluyorsunuz.Eitim ne zamana kadar geerli ?Eitimimize Udemy garantisiyle mr boyu eriim salayabilirsiniz. Biz kursu silip-platformdan ayrlsak bile siz yine eitim ieriklerine eriebilirsiniz.Eitim ile ilgili sorularmz nerden sorabiliriz ?Udemy renci panelinizden kursumuzla alakal tm soru-gr ve isteklerinizi sorabilirsiniz. En ksa zamanda dn yaplacaktr.Bu Eitim bize ne kazandracak ?Hibirey bilmeseniz dahi eitimin sonunda;haleye teklif verebilecek,A-Z'ye Bina Metrajn yapabilecek ve kamu ihale mevzuatna hakim olacaksnz.SZ DEERL KURSYERLERMZ BZM REFERANSIMIZDIR. ------Kararsz Kaldysanz Kursumuzun Yorumlar Blmn inceleyebilirsiniZ-------#ihaleuzmani #inaatmhendisi #antiye"
Price: 379.99

"Yapm haleleri Szleme Uygulamalar Eitimi(2020)" |
"Herkese Merhaba !Kursumuzda szleme sreci ve sonrasnda karnza gelebilecek tm uygulama ve teknik ilemleri irdeledik ve hale mhendisi, hakedi mhendisi veya teknik ofis mhendisi olarak piyasada alabilmeniz iin tecrbelerimizi bu eitimde anlattk. Eitim; Yapm ileri Genel artnamesi ( 08.08.2019 tarihli deiiklikler dahil) bata olmak zere tm uygulama mevzuatn iermektedir.Bu eitimde;Batan sona tm szleme uygulamalarn (hakedi, i program, fiyat fark uygulamalar, revize birim fiyat hesab, mukayeseli keif ve nicesi) canl anlatmlarla beraber gerekletireceiz.Konular belli bir sralama ile herkesin anlayabilecei dzeyde anlatlm olup ders ieriimiz gncel gelimeler ile gncellenecektir.Bu kursun sonunda hibirey bilmeseniz dahi ; bir hakedi mhendisi kadar bilgi ve tecrbeye sahip olacaksnz.Ayrca tm eitimlerimizde kafanza taklan soru, gr ve isteklerinizi bize bildirmenizi ve eitimden memnun kalrsanz olumlu yorum ve puan brakmanz rica ederim. Ayrca bonus blmmzden hale ncesi hazrlk , E-hale , Mevzuat gibi birok konuyu renebileceiniz Kamu ihale eitimi kursumuzu da edinebilirsiniz.* 17 eyll 2020 de yklenenlerYapm ve hizmet ihalelerine ait hakedi ile ilgili tm formlar (bo) hakedi bileenlerini tanma dersi kaynaklarna eklenmitir. SIKA SORULAN SORULARKursun Toplam maliyeti nedir ?Kursumuz iin kayt olurken dediiniz cret dnda baka bir creti yoktur Baz aylar sosyal medya hesaplarmzdan indirimli linkler paylalmaktadr. Gncel duyurular takip ediniz.Eitimi Nerden alyoruz ?Eitim Online Eitimdir. Udemy sitesinden kayt oluyorsunuz.Eitim ne zamana kadar geerli ?Eitimimize Udemy garantisiyle mr boyu eriim salayabilirsiniz. Biz kursu silip-platformdan ayrlsak bile siz yine eitim ieriklerine eriebilirsiniz.Eitim ile ilgili sorularmz nerden sorabiliriz ?Udemy renci panelinizden kursumuzla alakal tm soru-gr ve isteklerinizi sorabilirsiniz. En ksa zamanda dn yaplacaktr.Bu Eitim bize ne kazandracak ?hale mhendisiHakedi mhendisiTeknik Ofis Mhendisiolarak piyasada yer almanz kazandrabilir.SZ DEERL KURSYERLERMZ BZM REFERANSIMIZDIR. KURSLARIMIZIN YORUM BLMN NCELEYEBLRSNZ.Sayglarmla #ihaleuzmani #inaatmhendisi #hakedi"
Price: 199.99

"Dans ce cours, vous allez dcouvrir toutes les cls pour crer et dvelopper un compte Twitter performant vous permettant de gnrer des revenus et du trafic.Vous allez notamment dcouvrir :Comment fonctionne TwitterComment crer un compte TwitterComment automatiserComment crer une campagne Twitter AdsEt bien plus !Vous bnficiez galement d'une rponse rapide toutes vos questions via le support par chat !"
Price: 19.99

"Dans cette formation vous allez dcouvrir les mthodes les moins connues et les plus efficace pour russir sur le rseau social professionnel LinkedIn.Vous dcouvriez d'abord les bases pour crer les fondations solides de votre compte pour par la suite implmenter les stratgies puissantes qui vous seront dlivres. A noter galement que nous rpondrons vos messages en illimit via le module prvu cet effet.Il est galement primordial de bien suivre cette formation mais surtout d'appliquer les diffrents principes dlivrs."
Price: 19.99

"Design Professional Business Cards with Ease - Adobe XD" |
"In this course I'm going to teach you how to use a vector-based design software named Adobe Xd, to design professional and good looking business cards. You will learn how to use all the necessary tools to create different shapes, designs. I'm going to share with you my favorite keyboard shortcuts which I use all the time to ease my work while designing. Also there will be a separate video about the famous Pen tool which is one of the most powerful tools in vector-based softwares. We are going to create 3 different business cards, and I'm going to share with you my favorite and personal list of websites where you can find different kind of resources which you can then use in your projects. For example colors, gradients, graphics, photos, fonts, icons and more!You don't need any prior knowledge about Adobe Xd and designing overall. You will learn everything needed to start designing on your own!"
Price: 99.99

"Excel - anlise de dados e Big Data" |
"Vdeo-aulas com abordagem prtica, descontrada e direta ao ponto sobre aplicaes de ferramentas de PROBABILIDADE, ESTATSTICA E ANLISE DE DADOS (data analysis) para resolver problemas reais de diversas reas de atuao profissional. O foco em TOMAR MELHORES DECISES sobre fenmenos que envolvem incerteza, como o caso de muitos trabalhos em escritrio hoje em dia.O objetivo do curso tornar o aluno apto a aplicar as tcnicas estatsticas ensinadas ao longo do curso, extrapolar o raciocnio para vrias aplicaes do dia-a-dia de diversas reas e PRINCIPALMENTE analisar e interpretar os resultados dos dados.Voc vai aprender a criar histogramas, boxplots, calcular medidas resumo, identificar funes densidade de probabilidade para conjuntos de dados usando suplementos do Excel. PORM, no se contente em apenas virar um ""apertador de botes""! Por isso o curso foca em interpretar os resultados obtidos aps aplicao das ferramentas citadas acima.Para efetivamente resolver os problemas e chegar numa soluo tima de forma fcil, o curso ensina a usar dois suplementos adicionais do Excel (anlise de dados e solver). Assim, voc vai ver que no necessrio fazer muitas contas nem programar complicados cdigos e algoritmos para APROVEITAR AO MXIMO o poder da estatstica para tomar melhores decises e ter capacidade de eficientizar processos industriais, financeiros, comerciais, gerenciais, entre outros.Por fim, o curso capaz de trazer bons insights para profissionais de qualquer rea que lide com incerteza e aleatoriedade, no apenas rea de exatas. Empreendedorismo, direito, administrao, biologia, farmcia, medicina... todo profissional que lida com dados pode se beneficiar dos ensinamentos do curso. um excelente ponto de partida para quem quer comear como analista de dados ou sente que poderia alavancar sua carreira se aprofundando nesta rea interessantssima e essencial para o profissional do sculo XXI!"
Price: 414.99

"Routine Mastery" |
"The Scientific Way to Boost and Enhance ProductivityIn this course, you will learn how to develop a routine. This routine will directly impact the health and productivity of your life, putting you directly on track to reach your physical and professional goalsThis course focuses on creating Morning, Afternoon, and Evening routinesBY IMPLEMENTING THESE ROUTINES, YOU WILL REACH YOUR GOALS and Much MoreMake Daily Progress Towards Physical HealthAchieve Deep and More Restful SleepConquer your Professional and Financial GoalsFeel More Accomplished Every DayHave More Structure in Your LifeReduce Stress and AnxietyThis course doesnt beat around the bush. It tells you exactly what to do, without wasting your time.There Are Three Main Parts of This Course1. Creating Custom Habits to Optimize Your Routine Using Your Specific Goals2. Essential Elements of the Perfect Customized Routine3. Detailed Step-By-Step InstructionsBy Implementing Your Custom Routine, You Will BePhysically HealthierSocially and Personally HappierFeel Confident in Reaching Your Professional PotentialI use advance coaching concepts, cutting edge sleep and wellness research, and expert tips to help you maximize the potential of each and every day. By implementing these strategies, you will accomplish better quality work on a daily basis and make consistent progress towards your goals.These custom routine strategies are excellent if you want to lose weight, get stronger, learn a language, learn a complex skill, improve your career, or make more money.Here is what you will learn in the courseIntroduction-The Importance of Routines-How They are So EffectiveGoal Setting-Ultimate Goal-Physical Goal-Personal Goal-Professional GoalInstructions-Morning Routine-Afternoon Routine-Evening RoutineFilling Out Your Routine-Customize Your Routine-How to Make Adjustments-Bonus Tips for Guaranteed SuccessEnroll Now to Begin Enhancing Your Life Quality"
Price: 184.99

"Filtros com Wireshark" |
"Este Curso intermedirio foi desenvolvido para apoiar analistas de segurana, redes de computadores e at mesmo desenvolvedores que j possuem conceitos de camada OSI e precisam aprimorar suas analises do dia-a-dia, Desta forma o objetivo desenvolver habilidades na criao de Filtros para analise de troubleshooting para situaes que envolvem trafego de rede, assim quando mais refinado forem os filtros, mais prximo da resoluo e identificao de problemas e solues.Curso criado com testes prticos e filtros aplicados em Topologia desenvolvida especificamente para o Curso."
Price: 39.99

"[Practice Exams] OCI 2020 Architect 1Z0-1072-20" |
"Preparing Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2020 Architect Associate 1Z0-1072-20. The Practice test is updated in Sep 2020.We followed the latest exam trend including Kubernetes, Terraform, IAM complex case, FastConnect complex cases.And more questions are being added over time!Exam Topics:Launching Bare Metal and Virtual Compute InstancesDescribe the components of Compute service, including shapes, images, and custom imagesCreate and manage a Compute Virtual Machine (VM) instanceAdvanced DatabaseUse advanced database features, such as Dataguard, BYOL, Data encryption, RAC, and EXADATAArchitecting Best PracticesArchitect High Availability (HA) using OCIDesign for Security using OCINetworkingApply design concepts related to VCN componentsDescribe Public and Private IP addresses and virtual NICsApply VCN connectivity optionsUnderstand remote network connectivityApply OCI Load Balancer conceptsUnderstand OCI Edge servicesApply OCI networking best practicesStorageUnderstand OCI Storage optionsDesign storage solutions for applications and databaseInstantiating a Load BalancerDiscuss Load Balancer terminology and conceptsSet up a Load BalancerAdvanced Networking ConceptsManage your cloud network components, such as Virtual Private Network (VPN), Fast Connect, Multiple vNICs, and IP addressesIdentity and Access ManagementApply core Identity and Access Management componentsExplain resource locationsDesign federation with various identity providersApply IAM, governance, and security best practicesComputeSelect appropriate compute choicesTroubleshoot options using console connections and boot volumeArchitect High Availability and Disaster Recovery solutionsDescribe image optionsDatabaseDescribe OCI Database optionsExplain OCI Database OperationsArchitect HA and DR solutionsManaging Autonomous Database=======Quality speaks for itself...Sample Question:Your customer is using an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) compartment named Production that hosts several resources such as compute instances, DB Systems and File Systems. Each resource in the Production compartment is tagged. The customers security team wants to restrict access to DB Systems to only the authorized group of DBAs. Which OCI Tagging capability can be used to meet this requirement?1. Tags Defaults with predefined values2. Tag Defaults3. Cost-Tracking Tags4. Tag-based Access ControlWhat's your guess? Scroll below for the answer...4ExplanationTag-based Access ControlThis topic describes how you can use tags in policy to scope access based on tags applied to either the requestor or the target of an authorization call.About Tag-Based Access ControlUsing conditions and a set of tag variables, you can write policy to scope access based on the tags that have been applied to a resource. Access can be controlled based on a tag that exists on the requesting resource (group, dynamic group, or compartment) or on the target of the request (resource or compartment). Tag-based access control provides additional flexibility to your policies by allowing you to define access policies with tags that span compartments, groups, and resources.WarningIf your organization chooses to create policies that use tags to manage access, then ensure that you have appropriate controls in place to govern who can apply tags. Also, after policies are in place, keep in mind that applying tags to a group, user, or resource has the potential to confer access to resources.Before you create a policy that specifies a tag on either a target or a requestor, ensure that you are aware of:all the potential requestors (users, groups, dynamic groups) that carry the tagall the resources that carry the tagBefore you apply a tag to a resource, ensure that you are aware of any policies in place that include the tag and could impact who has access to the resource.=======Welcome to the best practice exams to help you prepare for your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2020 Architect Associate 1Z0-1072-20 exam.You can retake the exams as many times as you wantThis is a huge original question bankYou get support from instructors if you have questionsEach question has a detailed explanationMobile-compatible with the Udemy app30-days money-back guarantee if you're not satisfiedI hope that by now you're convinced!... And there are a lot more questions inside the course.Happy learning and best of luck for your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2020 Architect Associate 1Z0-1072-20 exam!What youll learnGuaranteed chance to pass the exam if you score 90%+ on each practice examAce your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2020 Architect Associate 1Z0-1072-20 examPractice with high quality practice exams alongside detailed explanation to learn conceptsThe 1Z0-1072-20 exams practice exams have been written from scratch"
Price: 29.99

"A practical guide to build a strong connection with kids" |
"Hi, here's who I am and what I do ?my name is Zeinab Essam I'm a mother , teacher and Parenting Coach. I have certified as a positive discipline parent educator (CPDPE) , certified positive discipline classroom educator (CPDCE) and certified positive discipline early childhood educator (CPDECE) from Positive Discipline Association in United States. I help Mothers and teachers to master connection with their kids so they can have a peaceful life . Have you ever correct a mistake to your kid and said to you I hate you ? Do you feel that you have a week connection with your kids ?Have you asked a task from your kids and the answer was NO .I 'm a teacher and mother I thought that I have to be always firm so my kids listen to me BUT that didn't work with me at all. Then I found a magical solutions when learnt how to connect first with my kids.my life now is so peaceful with my kids and students.I'll share with you a practical guide in this course to have a peaceful life like me. In this course I will share with you : How to build a strong unbreakable connection with your kids . What kids really need from us ?The importance of building a strong connection with kids tools to build strong connection with your kids how to connect before correct kids mistakes how to win kids cooperationthe parenting behaviors you have to avoid ."
Price: 114.99

"Masterclass in G suite Certification" |
"This course will give you an extensive application on various G suite ApplicationIt helps to you to implement G Suite Apps for workplace productivityHow each apps functions, formulas, tools used, formatting optionsGives you insights about G suite Certification - Scenario BasedHow each G suite Apps like Google Sheets, Google Docs, Google Slides can be used"
Price: 2240.00

"Costurando Pantufas" |
"Ol nesse nosso novo curso de COSTURANDO PANTUFAS vamos fazer a modelagem e costura completa de 02 pantufas uma masculina e uma feminina, com uma didtica fcil e com todo o passo a passo necessrio para voc executar na sua casa. Venha aprender a fazer essas lindas pantufas, fcil, rpido."
Price: 19.99

"Publish an Amazing Dashboard using WordPress on Linux CentOS" |
"In this course, we'll build a CentOS 7 machine. Install Apache and WordPress. Import AmCharts to Build a World Map and track COVID-19 Coronavirus active cases around the globe. Learn the following : Install Virtual Box on Windows and Mac machines Build a Linux CentOS version 7 serverDownload and Install ApacheDownload and Install WordPress Create a DataBase in MySQL Upgrade a CentOS machineImport Charts in WordPress Create and Publish COVID-19 Coronavirus Dashboard."
Price: 19.99
