ohistress |
Price: 109.99

"i 7 step per rafforzare la tua autostima" |
"Sicuramente avrai gi sentito parlare di autostima. Ma cos' lautostima? Lautostima la percezione del s ossia tutto ci che pensiamo di noi che legato alle credenze, ai valori, alle convinzioni.Il primo aspetto per una buona autostima amare se stessi, altrimenti non puoi amare gli altri. Poi accettare se stessi, altrimenti non si pu accettare gli altri e poi conoscere se stessi altrimenti non si pu conoscere gli altri. Capirai che per raggiungere questa realt, avrai bisogno di chiarezza, consapevolezza, centratura e costanza."
Price: 149.99

"Camtasia Studio 8 - Esencja." |
"Program Camtasia Studio to fantastyczne oprogramowanie suce do nagrywania ekranu ale nie tylko, edycji filmw, wzbogacenia ich o elementy graficzne, multimedialne czy interaktywne.Camtasia Studio 8 -Esencja jest kursem dla tych wszystkich osb, ktrzy uywaj Camtasia do tworzenia filmw na komputerze z systemem operacyjnym Windows lub Mac.Od pocztkujcych uczcych si tego, czym jest ten program, po dowiadczonych uytkownikw, ktrzy chc nauczy si wicej na temat czenia animacji i korzystania z nowych zachowa w wersji 8, ten kurs ma mnstwo informacji dla uczcych si na wszystkich poziomach dowiadczenia.Od pocztkujcych po dugoletnich uytkownikw dowiesz si, jak najlepiej korzysta z Camtasia Studio.Sekcje kursu Camtasia Studio 8 - Esencja s podzielone na kilka filmw o maym rozmiarze.Jeli jeszcze nie poznae programu Camtasia, po prostu postpuj zgodnie z kolejnoci filmw na lekcje oparte na poprzednich informacjach.Jeli masz ju jakie dowiadczenie z Camtasia, przejd do ktregokolwiek z tematw, z ktrymi potrzebujesz pomocy.Wikszo filmw trwa tylko kilka minut.Moesz uzyska dokadnie to, czego potrzebujesz, kiedy jej potrzebujesz.Poniewa mj kurs to Esencja wobec tego znajdziesz tu odpowied na najczstsze nurtujce Ciebie pytania. W kursie przedstawiam kompendium sprawdzonej wiedzy dotyczcej pracy z programem. Omawiam najczciej stosowane narzdzia i techniki.Opublikuj swoje pytania.Odpowiadam na wikszo pyta i komentarzy studentw w cigu 3 dni (zwykle szybciej).Najlepsze pytania otrzymaj odpowiedzi wideo.Stworz film, aby w peni odpowiedzie na wszystkie Twoje pytania.Odpowiedzi wideo (i pytania) zostan udostpnione wszystkim studentom w opcjonalnej sekcji na kocu kursu.Jeli tworzysz filmy szkoleniowe z Camtasia, nauczysz si sztuczek i wskazwek, ktre pomog Ci zaoszczdzi czas i sprawi, e Twoje filmy bd wyglda wietnie!Zarejestruj si teraz, i do zobaczenia w trakcie kursu.=======================Kilka sw o programie Camtasia Studio 8=======================Camtasia Studio 8 to oprogramowanie, stworzone i opublikowane przez kanadyjsk firm TechSmith, do tworzenia samouczkw wideo i prezentacji bezporednio przez screencast lub poprzez wtyczk suc do nagrywania w programie Microsoft PowerPoint.Nagrywany obszar ekranu moe by swobodnie wybierany, a nagrania audio lub inne nagrania multimedialne mog by nagrywane w tym samym czasie lub dodawane oddzielnie od dowolnego innego rda i zintegrowane w programie Camtasia.Camtasia skada si z dwch gwnych komponentw:Camtasia Recorder - osobne narzdzie do przechwytywania dwiku i obrazu z ekranu, jak te z podczonych kamer internetowych.Edytor Camtasia - komponent, do ktrego nazwany jest cay produkt, ktry jest obecnie multimedialnym narzdziem do tworzenia treci z standardowym dla brany wideo interfejsem ""osi czasu"" do zarzdzania wieloma klipami w uoonej na sobie formie i ulepszeniami podsumowanymi poniej.Program Camtasia Studio 8jest przydatny szczeglnie do celu nagrywania szkole jak te prezentacji z PowerPointa."
Price: 69.99

"Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse" |
"Die qualitative Inhaltsanalyse - mit all ihren Varianten - ist eine der wichtigsten methodischen Zugngen in der qualitativen Sozialforschung geworden. In diesem Kurs schauen wir uns die Methodik und ihre Herangehensweise im Detail und ""hands on"" an. Wir fhren dich Schritt fr Schritt durch die berlegungen, sodass du die Methode direkt an deinem eigenen Material - so du welches hast - erproben kannst. Du hast kein Datenmaterial? Gar kein Problem! Wir haben extra fr den Kurs ein komplettes Interview aufgenommen und transkribiert, sodass du an diesem Material ben kannst (und jeden Schritt vorgefhrt bekommst). Das ist eine einzigartige bungsmglichkeit!In diesem Kurs stellen wir dir alles vor, um sofort loszulegen. Wir erklren die Basics, wir diskutieren die verschiedenen Zugnge zur Kategoriebildung - von deduktiv ber induktiv zu zusammenfassend - und sprechen ber die wichtigsten Konzepte, die du fr den Start der Analyse brauchst. Endlich wird klar, was Analyse- und Kodiereinheit bedeuten :) Zustzlich bekommst du exakte, Schritt-fr-Schritt Anleitungen fr zwei der meist verwendeten Designs der qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse: der zusammenfassenden qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse (ZQIA) nach Philipp Mayring und der inhaltlich strukturierenden qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse (ISQIA) nach Udo Kuckartz.Und wie setzt du das ganze tatschlich um? Hier lassen wir dich natrlich nicht alleine. Wir zeigen dir anhand der gratis Web-Software QCAmap, wie du die besprochenen Schritte softwaregesttzt umsetzen kannst.Solltest du draufkommen, dass der Kurs doch nichts fr dich ist... kein Problem! Du hast 30 Tage lang die Mglichkeit, den Kurs ohne weitere Erklrung zurckzugeben.Also, sollen wir mit der qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse loslegen?Liebe GreDominik & Claude von Agraphie Academy / Agraphie Podcast"
Price: 49.99

"Learn How To Create Seed Bead Beaded Long Clip On Earrings" |
"Learn from scratch how to create fashionable long seed bead earrings! You don't need to spend a lot of money to buy these kind of earrings, you just can create it yourself! As well as earrings can be a perfect gift for someone really special, as there is nothing better then gift created by yourself!You will need minimum of materials, to get maximum of the process and be proud of the final result!You will get 1 video of almost 1 hour and more then 10 step-by-step lessons. With my explanations in English.You will learn: - How to embroider with seed beads- How to sew on crystals using special technique to keep them on place- How to attache clip on element- How to finish the edge - What king of material are needed- What kind of glue to useAvoid waste of time and materials! Avoid all stress of watching hundreds of different videos again and again, join me on my course and start to create your own Jewellery Collection Today!"
Price: 29.99

"Las 3 Claves de la Ley de Atraccin" |
"Descubre por fin los errores y problemas principales que te alejan de crear la vida que quieres y que te mereces.Descubre 3 claves fundamentales para poder usar la Ley de Atraccin con xito.Tanto si eres principiante en ley de atraccin como si ya llevas aos con ello, este curso puede descubrirte claves de porqu an se te resiste la manifestacin de lo que deseas.Descubre qu es lo que quieres conseguir en la vida.Te damos un sencillo pero potente ejercicio de manifestacin para que puedas ejercitar tu ""msculo"" de atraccin.Te damos un sencillo y poderoso plan para que puedas implementar desde ya en tu vida.En realidad muchas personas se acercan a la ley de atraccin y tras pocos xitos terminan abandonando para siempre, esto sucede porque la mayora comenten los mismos errores. La mayora repiten una serie de errores que antes o despus les hace desesperarse al no ver resultados o les hace cansarse de tener que mantener grandes rutinas de trabajo para tan pocos resultados. Ya basta!, ya es hora de conocer los principales errores que la mayora de las personas cometen a la hora de utilizar la Ley de Atraccin. Ya es hora de ver que se nos dicen muchos mtodos pero no todos ellos son del todo correctos o al menos no lo son para nosotros.En este pequeo pero poderosos curso te doy 3 claves que en la mayora de los cursos pasan desapercibidas y sin las cuales el xito sencillamente no es posible.Un curso directo, potente, basado en la experiencia.Te atreves?"
Price: 49.99

"Projeto Eltrico Residencial de forma fcil e rpida" |
"Se voc deseja fazer um projeto eltrico de forma rpida e fcil seguindo todas as normas com ferramentas automtica este curso para voc.Aprenda a utilizar o software para dimensionamento automatizando quase tudo facilitando muito seu trabalho.Voc ir aprender:Desenhar planta baixa.Dimensionar cabos e eletrodutos automaticamente.Posicionar tomadas, apagadores, chuveiros.Criar lista de material automaticamente.Gerar a planta em PDF."
Price: 39.99

"Leadership Essentials - The 3 C's of Growth" |
"""You only live once, but if lived right, once is enough!""All of us would like to be happy in life. Maybe we're enjoying a great life right now, or maybe there are certain areas of our life that need attention. Oftentimes, we may or may not know how to create for ourselves, a life of purpose and meaning. This course, The 3 Cs of Growth is a simple yet effective model that can help us get started in building the life that we want. Using a well thought-through and well-structured approach, this course will enable you, the learner to: Understand and apply the simple yet effective learning presented through the course, easily and immediately!Create the life you want by using a simple blueprint to help you get started!Gain access to amazing tips and pointers from psychology, neuroscience and other fields!Enrich your life by building more Clarity, Competence and Commitment in all areas of your life Live a life that has meaning, purpose and balance!"
Price: 12480.00

"How To Become An Influencer" |
"""Discover The Step-By-Step Guide To Becoming An Influencer In Your Industry So You Can Get Recognized, Build Your Tribe, And Get Paid For Endorsements""This Step-By-Step Guide Shows You How To Build Your Personal Brand, Choose a Niche, Select A Platform, Create Amazon Content, and More!Everyone these days is trying to make money online.Thats so pass!Better than becoming an affiliate marketer, or selling a digital product, is to become an influencer. This way, you will be not only rich, but also famous.Youll find that influential people and companies are lining up to offer you amazing opportunities.Youll be able to launch any future business idea or product you can possibly dream up to immediate success.And youll even be recognized in the street by grateful fans. This is the TRUE power of marketing on the web.How Much Do Influencers Make?Did you know that the going rate for a sponsored post on Instagram is $1,000 for every 200,000 followers?So if you have an account with 2M followers, youll get paid $10,000 for every single post.All you need to do is post an image of you wearing their shoes, or using their product which youll also get to keep. And youll make $10,000 in minutes.Now imagine what you could get by selling your own product to that same ravenous audience!But How Do You Become An Influencer?The potential for influencers is absolutely gigantic then. The only problem is that most people have NO IDEA how to go about becoming an influencer.How do you thrive on Instagram and other social media platforms?How do you get a blog to become something that people check daily because they want to hear what you have to say on any given subject?How do you avoid the fate of so many creators posting content to social media every single day, only to climb by a few hundred subscribers in 6 months?The good news is, I've written a step-by-step guide to help you get started on your road to 'influencer'!In this eBook, youll learn all of that and far more.HOW TO BECOME AN INFLUENCERThe Step-By-Step Guide To Becoming An Influencer In Your Industry.Get Recognized. Build Your Tribe. Get Paid For EndorsementsSEE YOU INSIDE"
Price: 184.99

"The Miraculous Power Of Fruit and Vegetables" |
"""Discover The Hidden Healing Powers of Fruits & Vegetables To Boost Your Immune System, Sharpen Your Mental Clarity, and Relieve Stress""Tired? Ill All the Time? Look Like You Never Get Any Sleep? Fruit and Veg Hold the Answers You SeekLet me tell you a story about a colleague of mine who seemingly had boundless energy, creativity, and enthusiasm.Her name was Hannah, and she was one of those people who just seemed to excel at everything.She was always in the office on time before everyone else.She always had a huge smile on her face, and she always looked amazing.She would chat to everyone in the mornings in a way that was charming, engaging, and charismatic. And then she would go about her work highly focused on her tasks and churning out more than everyone else combined.She had great ideas in meetings, and of course it wasnt long before she had climbed her way up the corporate ladder all the way to the top.Of course, I was completely in awe of Hannah. So one day, I decided to ask her what her secret was.You know what she said?Vegetable smoothies.It seems so simple, and yet it made perfect sense. Why Fruits and Vegetables Are So CrucialYou know how you feel when you eat a piece of fresh fruit? You feel instantly refreshed.You feel instantly healthier. Its as though your body breathes a huge sigh of relief.It almost seems to undo all of the unhealthy things youve done that day.And there are very good reasons for that: fruits and vegetables contain some crucial essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and fatty acids. These are used by the body to perform vital functions, not to mention building skin, teeth, bones, and flesh. We cant get them anywhere else, and without them, all sorts of important functions fail.Most of us are therefore living with impaired digestion, stunted cognitive capabilities, poor mood, the inability to sleep deeply, poor concentration, bad skin, bad hair, bad teeth, weaker muscle, damaged immune systems, slowed metabolisms and much more.Thats before we even consider the benefits of added fiber, and healthy energy that are provided by fruits and vegetables.We evolved eating these fruits and vegetables and thus we have developed a dependency on them.Thats why just doing this one simple thing was able to help my colleague to outshine the rest of us each and every day.And its why you will be able to do the exact same thing in your place of work, or amongst your friends, when you start to do the same.But vegetable smoothies are just the beginningI've written a guide that goes through the benefits of fruits and vegetables, exactly what to eat, and how you can incorporate it into your everyday diet without getting sick of it!Let me introduce to you...THE MIRACULOUS POWER OF FRUITS & VEGETABLESDiscover The Hidden Healing Powers of Fruits & Vegetables To Boost Your Immune System, Sharpen Your Mental Clarity, and Relieve StressSEE YOU INSIDE"
Price: 194.99

"First Aid Part 1 Foundation" |
"At some point in your life, you may be faced with a situation where emergency First aid is required. This may be at home, at work, or in the street.The question you have to ask yourself is:Will I know to do if the situation arises?Attending a First Aid course is the first step in gaining the necessary knowledge and skill. Keep this book handy at work or home will help to keep that knowledge refreshed and you prepared if that unfortunate situation should arise.This training is to provide simple and easy-to-understand steps for dealing with everyday emergencies that occur at work or at home. This is a basic course. You will cover 5 parts of basic first aid . Instructor will teach with full details of the RESCUER DUTIES , .VICTIM AND RESCUER SAFETY , PHONING FOR HELP , FINDING THE PROBLEM , AFTER THE EMERGENCYThis training is not planned to replace the need for qualified medical care but to provide that crucial information needed in those initial few minutes when dealing with unexpected injury or illness.First Aid Part 1 Foundation Definition Of First Aid The Aims Of First Aid Responsibility Of First Aider First Aid Kit Actions In An Emergency Approaching The Victim Checking The Condition Of Victim Checking Breathing And Pulse The Recovery Position"
Price: 19.99

"Certification PYTHON version 2020 + ATELIERS PRATIQUES" |
"Le cours sur la programmation avec Python le plus complet sur Udemy : comment russir votre certification PYTHON avec plusieurs Ateliers pratiques. La rfrence depuis 2019 Cours jour + Accs vie + Des nouvelles vidos rgulirement : Dernire mise jour le 07/09/2020 SATISFAIT OU REMBOURS durant 30 jours !NOTE (07/09/2020): Cette formation est entirement mise jour et ralise avec la version 3 de Python (3.8 pour tre prcis).Vous n'y connaissez rien en programmation et souhaitez apprendre un langage clair et intuitif ? Python est fait pour vous !Vous dcouvrirez dans ce cours conu pour les dbutants tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour programmer, des bases la bibliothque standard en passant par la programmation oriente objet !Un cours conu pour les dbutantsAucun pr-requis, part savoir allumer son ordinateurUne difficult progressive pour ne perdre aucun lecteur en routeDes exemples clairs et une pdagogie adapte aux dbutantsLa programmation Python pas pasQu'est-ce que la programmation ? Quel langage choisir ? Pourquoi Python ?Installez Python et partez la dcouverte du langageDcouvrez les concepts de la programmation oriente objetPratiquez grce aux TP : dveloppez une roulette de casino, un jeu du penduInitiez-vous aux interfaces graphiques avec TkinterApprenez communiquer en rseau dans vos programmes PythonDcouvrez les bonnes pratiques afin d'amliorer vos codes qui ce cours est-il destin ?Aux passionns d'informatique qui veulent aller plus loin avec leur ordinateurAux tudiants dans le domaine des nouvelles technologies qui recherchent un support de cours toutes les personnes qui ont besoin de se former ou de se convertir la programmation la fin de ce cours, si vous le suivez en entier et russissez l'ensemble des quizz : obtenez votre certification lectronique insrer dans votre CV et profil LinkedIn."
Price: 199.99

"Kotlin Firebase CRUD,Cloud Storage,MVVM (Works even Offline)" |
"This is a beginner friendly course to teach you about the following technologies and concepts:Full App development using Kotlin Programming LanguageFirebase Realtime DatabaseFirebase Cloud StorageFirebase Offline PersistenceModel View ViewModelCameraRecyclerView, Image Slider, Material Dialogs etcBecause we have already created the app, I will show you how to use it as a template rather than creating a new project from scratch. I explain step by step every method used, the hows and whys.ProjectsYou will find two projects in this course:Alien Planets App - KotlinAlien Planets App - JavaWe use Kotlin given it's the future of android. However I have created an equivalent Java project for those who prefere Java. Once you've mastered the Java project, you can then move to the Kotlin project and learn kotlin by comparing the methods.LastlyPlease remember to leave a rating for this course. It really helps to get feedback from you guys. It also helps other students evaluate the course.I wish you all a happy learning.Clement Ochieng,Software Engineer."
Price: 19.99

"Hi bir ekipmana ihtiya duymadan sadece kendi vcut arlnz ve karma dv sanatlar tekniklerini kullanarak FORMA GR !KENDN SAVUNMAYI REN!Nasl bir sistem ve nasl gelitirildi ?30 yl akn Dv sanatlar ve fitness tecrbemin neticesinde ortaya kan, isteyen herkesin herhangi bir ekipman yada spor salonu gerektirmeyen yapabilecei NON-CONTACK (Temassz) bir fitness-Martial art programdr.Neden bu antrenman tercih etmeliyim?Antrenman sreleri snma ve souma hari ortalama 40 dakika civardr.Ekipmana ya da partnere ihtiyacnz yoktur.Spor salonuna gitmeniz art deil evde bile yapabilirsiniz.Sadece fitnes yapm olmazsnz ayn zamanda dv sanatlar pratii yapm olursunuz. Sradan bir fitnes idmanna gre verimlilii kat ve kat fazladr.Bir boksr kadar fit grnebilirsiniz.Tm bunlara ilaveten gnlk stresinizden kurtulmanza yardm eder.Kimler iin uygun? Dv sanatlar ile hi ilgilenmemi biri yapabilir mi?Her yatan, salk sorunu bulunmayan herkes iin uygundur. Hareketlerin zorluk derecesi kademeli olarak artar ve planl bir ekilde geliim kaydetmenizi salar. Daha nceden deneyim sahibi olmay gerektirmez.Hareketleri nasl renebilirim?Tm hareketleri en ince ayrntsna kadar uygulamal anlattm nasl yaplr dersinden renebilirsiniz.Ekipman kullanlyor mu? htiyacnz olan tek ekipman vcudunuzdur.Bu antrenman hangi ya aral yapabilir?7 den 70 e salk sorunu bulunmayan herkes yapabilir.Antrenmann haftada ka gn yapmalym?Herkesin fitnes seviyesi farkl olabilir, bu noktada kendi seviyenize gre 3-6 antrenman aras yaplabilir. rnek aylk ders planlar yelere zel blmnde bulunmaktadr.Ka antrenman var?6 farkl antrenman ve bunlara ilaveten, Total Body Streching , Hareket ve teknikleri anlatp rettiim Nasl yaplr dersi varAntrenman dngs ne olmal?lk hedefimiz llerimizi alp 30 gnlk bir dng yapmak, sonrasnda geldiiniz noktadan memnunsanz antrenman skln haftada 3-4 olacak ekilde korumaya alabilirsiniz yada yeni 30ar gnlk dnglerle daha ileri seviyelere ulamanz mmkn olacaktr.Daha nce hi spor yapmadm hareketleri nasl renebilirim?Hareketleri ne kadar doru yaparsanz programndan alacanz fayda katlanarak artar, bu hareketleri tm ayrntlaryla Nasl yaplr dersinde anlattm .Bu ders sayesinde tm hareketleri bir profesyonel gibi renebilirsiniz.Eer ok zorlanrsam durdurup dinlenme srelerini uzatabilir miyim? Bunun snr ne olmal?Herkesin kondisyonu farkl olabilir zorlandnzda videoyu duraklatn ve daha sonra kaldnz yerden devam edin. Vcudunuzu dinlemeyi renin! Hazr olduunuzda devam edin.Hareketlere yetiemezsem ve karrsam ne yapmalym?Hareketlerin temposu orta hzda ekildi , kendi seviyenize gre daha dk hzda yada daha yksek hzda yapabilirsiniz bu ekilde antrenmann iddetini kendi seviyenize gre ayarlam olursunuz. Hareketin formunu bozmadan yapmaya odaklann. Unutmayn yarnz kendinizle. Zamanla ilerlemeyi greceksiniz.Herhangi bir egzersizde ok zorlanrsam ne yapmalym?Zorlu egzersizlerde hareketin kolay versiyonunu ekranda greceksiniz size uygun olan seiniz. Eer o bile sizi zorluyorsa yada kolay versiyonu yoksa olduunuz yerde tempolu yryle sonraki harekete kadar devam edin.Gnn hangi saatinde antrenman yaparsam verimli olur?Bu kiisel alkanlklarnza, sosyal ve alma hayatnza gre deiebilir. Kendiniz iin en uygun olan saatte yapabilirsiniz.ten ge mi geliyorsunuz Mesai saatleriniz standart deil mi Spor salonuna gitmeye vaktiniz mi yok Vaktiniz olduunda enerjiniz mi yok ama FORMA GRMEK mi istiyorsunuz !7/24 Ne zaman isterseniz,Antrenman hazr !istediiniz kadar izleyebilirsiniz hi bir snrlama yok !NE SATIN ALACAIM ?Karma Dv Sanatlar tekniklerine ilaveten vcut arl egzersizleriyle zenginletirilmi, ayrca hibir ekipmana ihtiya duymadan yapabileceiniz, bir ONLNE ETM ve ANTRENMAN SSTEMDR. Tm tekniklerin en iyi ekilde retildii NASIL YAPILIR dersi, KICBOXING, MMA, BOXING, MUAY THAI teknikleri ve vcut arl egzersizlerinden oluan 6 ayr antrenman program, toplamda 7 saati akn eksiksiz bir set."
Price: 44.99

"Aprenda Cobol SQL utilizando driver ODBC" |
"Nesse curso o aluno far uma imerso no mundo Cobol, onde ter um aprendizado prtico de como configurar um driver ODBC para um banco de dados e o mais importante, como feito essa interao com a aplicao codificada em Cobol. Sero realizadas aulas de curto tempo, mas com contedo abrangente"
Price: 54.99

"The Complete Software Engineering" |
"A software engineer's average salary, $99,530, is higher than most other technology occupations. For example, a software engineer makes thousands more than computer systems analysts, who made an average salary of $87,320 in 2014, and computer programmers, who made about $82,690.By and large, yes. In an employment survey after an employment survey, the software engineer scores high marks. The combination of autonomy, pay, flexibility, and job satisfaction leads to software engineers being quite happy compared to people in other professions"
Price: 199.99

"Manual Testing" |
"Manual Testing is a process of finding out the defects or bugs in a software program. In this method, the tester plays an important role in the end-user and verifies that all the features of the application are working correctly. The tester manually executes test case.Jmeter is used in manual testing to test the performance both on static and dynamic resources, Dynamic Web applications. It offers a variety of graphical analysis of performance reports. It is meant for web and other applications that are widely used load testing tool."
Price: 34.99

"AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Practice Test Exams 2020" |
"Best questions available on the Internet are collected in this practice test. (So do not try another course except This :D)Certified AWS earn on average $125,000 - Start Your Cloud with this course.Pass the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner CLF-C01 Exam first time and get your globally recognized certificationThis AWS Cloud Practitioner Practice Exam course is updated regularly to reflect the latest exam changes with new content based on the feedback.ALWAYS UP TO DATE: Our teachings reflect the latest CLF-C01 exam blueprint. All students have lifetime access to all future updatesRESPONSIVE SUPPORT: I respond to all of your questions, concerns, or feedback.ACTIVE Q&A DISCUSSION BOARD: Join the discussion on AWS related topics in our discussion forum where my students share their recent exam experience offering feedback on which topics were covered.MOBILE ACCESS: Study on the go and access all resources from your mobile phone - anywhere, anytimeWhat you'll learnFULLY UPDATED FOR CLF-C01: Pass the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner CertificationLearn the AWS FundamentalsAt the end of each section, you get to review your knowledge with total unique quiz questions that test your understanding."
Price: 24.99

"18 YouTube" |
"100 - , 1000 - . , - , , , , . 18 , , YouTube . YouTube . ."
Price: 39.99

"Basics of Computer Aided Drug Discovery Part-I" |
"A perfect course for Bachelors / Masters / PhD students who are getting started into Drug Discovery research. This course is specially designed keeping in view of beginner level knowledge on computational drug discovery applications for science students. By the end of this course participants will be equipped with the basic knowledge required to navigate their drug discovery project making use of the biological databases and computational tools."
Price: 199.99

"Fortinet NSE7 - Enterprise Firewall 6.2 ( 2020 )" |
"Welcome To The Fortinet NSE 7 - Enterprise Firewall 6.2 Practice Tests, The Final Exam preparation From I-Certified : Note 1 : Students who bought our Practice Exam of the old version of NSE6 (6.0) and they still didn't go for the exam, please send us a message and we will provide this Course free :) Note 2 : All our practice exams are based on our team members after preparing and successfully passing the exam and it's periodically updated based on our team members Note 3 : Explanations are alawys there for tricky Questions and u can feel free to ask our team Exam details;Exam Title: Fortinet NSE 7 - Enterprise Firewall 6.2Exam Code: NSE7_EFW-6.2Number of Questions: 30 Questions Duration: 60 min. Availability: Pearson VUE Testing Center Test Format: Multiple choice Passing Score: Variable (70% Approx.)Language Exam: English and JapaneseProduct version: FortiOS 6.2"
Price: 19.99

"Adobe After Effects : Create Creative Text Animation" |
"If you are beginner in after effect and want to improve after effects skills , this course is for you because i know the best way to learn is to learn by creating in this course you will be editing different text animationHi there welcome in this Text animation in adobe after effects, my name is Nshuti Paulin and i am Motion graphics designer i teach Motion graphics and video editing in this text animation course you will learn all the skills you need to start creating your own creative text animation for your videos .i will continue to updates this course every single week to make sure that you get all the skills you need to create high quality text animation and if you have any question a will be there to answer itwhat you get in this courseDownloadable projectsPremium support from instructor to answer any questionsPremium support from instructor to answer any questionsweekly updates of the course"
Price: 44.99

"AWS Certified Advanced Networking - Speciality (ANS-C00)" |
"English Course DescriptionHello there!I am extremely pleased to have you on board.Lets begin a journey where we would be working together to go through every possible challenging question AWS Certified Advanced Networking - Specialtiy (ANS-C00)"" exam offered by AWS has to you.Here is what makes this course so unique and beneficial for you. Since our material AWS Certified Advanced Networking - Speciality (ANS-C00) is based on a real test, We can guarantee that you would be able to solve 72% questions(at least) in your exam without putting any extra effort by going through all those reference textbooks.My purpose here is to ensure that when you appear in the real exam, you are calm and super confident about yourselves.This test is being offered by AWS and our material has about +100 questions. Now, each question has been specifically designed for this course that will push your cognitive abilities to the limits. This intense journey will not only make you have a good idea about what type of questions the real exam would have but also cover the tiny concepts people usually miss while preparing for AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate SAA-C02The test was last updated on June 24th 2020 and covers all the latest concepts as per the course requirements and it is written in English.I have a firm belief that you are going to ace that exam like a true champion!Thanks a lot for your time!Our best wishes"
Price: 345.00

"AWS Certified Machine Learning - Specialty - Practice Tests" |
"English Course Description / Explicacin del curso en EspaolHello there!I am extremely pleased to have you on board.Lets begin a journey where we would be working together to go through every possible challenging question AWS Certified Machine Learning - Specialty (MLS-C01)"" exam offered by AWS has to you.Here is what makes this course so unique and beneficial for you. Since our material AWS Certified Machine Learning - Specialty (MLS-C01) is based on a real test, We can guarantee that you would be able to solve 72% questions(at least) in your exam without putting any extra effort by going through all those reference textbooks.My purpose here is to ensure that when you appear in the real exam, you are calm and super confident about yourselves.This test is being offered by AWS and our material has about +70 questions. Now, each question has been specifically designed for this course that will push your cognitive abilities to the limits. This intense journey will not only make you have a good idea about what type of questions the real exam would have but also cover the tiny concepts people usually miss while preparing for AWS Certified Machine Learning - Specialty (MLS-C01)The test was last updated on June 24th 2020 and covers all the latest concepts as per the course requirements and it is written in English.I have a firm belief that you are going to ace that exam like a true champion!#### Spanish ####Hola a todos!Estoy muy contento de tenerte a bordo.Comencemos un viaje en el que estaramos trabajando juntos para pasar por todas las posibles preguntas desafiantes que ""AWS"" le ofrece en el examen ""AWS Certified Machine Learning - Specialty (MLS-C01)"".Esto es lo que hace que este curso sea tan nico y beneficioso para usted. Desde nuestro material ""AWS Certified Machine Learning - Specialty (MLS-C01)"" podemos garantizarle que podr resolver el 72% de las preguntas (al menos) en su examen sin hacer ningn esfuerzo adicional al revisar todos esos libros de texto de referencia ya que se basa en una prueba real. Mi propsito aqu es asegurarme de que cuando aparezcas en el examen real, ests tranquilo y muy seguro de ti mismo.""AWS"" ofrece esta prueba y nuestro material tiene aproximadamente ""+70 preguntas"" similares. Ahora, cada pregunta ha sido diseada especficamente para este curso que llevar sus habilidades cognitivas al lmite. Este intenso viaje no solo le har tener una buena idea sobre qu tipo de preguntas tendra el examen real, sino que tambin cubrir los pequeos conceptos que la gente suele perderse mientras se prepara para ""AWS Certified Machine Learning - Specialty (MLS-C01)""La prueba se actualiz por ltima vez el ""24 de Junio de 2020"" y cubre todos los conceptos ms recientes segn los requisitos del curso y est escrita en ingls.Creo firmemente que vas a obtener ese examen como un verdadero campen!"
Price: 345.00

"CMA Part1 Practice Test 2020." |
"Dear Students,This is a comprehensive practice test of CMA USA new syllabus of 2020.If you are going to attempt CMA Part1 : Financial Planning,Performance,and Analytics exam in the year 2020 you are at right place.Practice more and more of this interactive test and once you achieve 75% or more in this interactive test ,you will be able to pass the CMA part1 exam ."
Price: 99.99

"CMA Part2 Practice Test 2020." |
"Dear Students,This is a comprehensive practice test of CMA USA new syllabus of 2020.If you are going to attempt CMA Part2 : Strategic Financial Management exam in the year 2020 you are at right place.Practice more and more of this interactive test and once you achieve 75% or more in this interactive test ,you will be able to pass the CMA part2 exam .Important Note:You have 30 days money back guarantee,if you don't like it you can claim your refund anytime."
Price: 99.99

"Certified Fraud Examiner(CFE) Practice Test 2020." |
"This is an interactive practice test for the Certified Fraud Examiner certification.Students will be able to pass CFE Certification in first attempt after practicing these tests. These MCQs are based on current 2020 syllabus of CFE and will be updated accordingly in the upcoming months.You must have thorough knowledge and understanding of the subject as described in CFE Manual .Why to enroll this course?550 + MCQs,100% Updated content according to current 2020 syllabus of CFE,30 days no question asked money back guarantee,Live support through message section or Q & A section."
Price: 99.99

"Business Environment & Concepts (BEC) CPA Practice Test 2020" |
"This is a comprehensive practice test/mock exam of Business Environment & Concepts (BEC) Certified Public Accountant 2020 syllabus.Students will be able to test their knowledge and understanding of the subject and can pass BEC exam on the very first try.Why you should enroll in this Test?Up to date content as per new syllabus of BEC 2020,600 MCQs from all topics ,30 days money back guarantee ."
Price: 99.99

"Financial Accounting & Reporting(FAR) CPA Practice Test 2020" |
"This is a comprehensive practice test/mock exam of Financial Accounting & Reporting(FAR) Certified Public Accountant 2020 syllabus.Students will be able to test their knowledge and understanding of the subject and can pass FAR exam on the very first try.Why you should enroll in this Test?Up to date content as per new syllabus of FAR 2020,1000 MCQs from all topics (will be added by the end of Sep 2020),30 days money back guarantee ."
Price: 99.99

"PMI PGMP Program Management Professional Exam Part - 1" |
"269 UNIQUE practice questions for PMI PGMP Program Management Professional Exam Part - 1Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : PMI PGMP Program Management Professional Exam Part - 1Total Questions : 269Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :160 minsPassing Score : 75 (201 of 269)"
Price: 169.99

"PMI PGMP Program Management Professional Exam Part - 2" |
"199 UNIQUE practice questions for PMI PGMP Program Management Professional Exam Part - 2Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : PMI PGMP Program Management Professional Exam Part - 2Total Questions : 199Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :120 minsPassing Score : 75 (149 of 199)"
Price: 154.99
