"Audacity for beginners: audio recording and editing" |
"In this digital age, audio production has become a compulsory skill for anyone developing internet, entertainment and media content. In this sense, there are very good tools to accomplish this task. Audacity is the most popular, free, cross-platform and easy to use software for audio editing and recording. It has all the audio functions you would need for most projects. With this course you will learn how to:Record high quality audio files.Trim, copy and repeat audio regions with confidence.Apply professional effects: equalization, compression, reverb, echo, pitch shifting and many more!Convert audio files from WAV and AIFF to FLAC, mp3, Ogg Vorbis and others.Mix and render files or songs.Remove clips and noises. A complete and easy to follow course for audio editing and recording This course has been designed to be a fast and easy way to get the work done, with practical and ""to the point"" examples and explanations. You can study a couple of lessons in only 15 minutes! You will learn step-by-step the tricks that most audio professionals use everyday. Forget about tons of tutorials with mixed information.This course was prepared by a certified Audio Engineering instructor, with more that 15 years of teaching experience. His former students now work for companies like: Sony Music, Televisa and they are even Grammy Award winners, so teaching quality is warrantied. The course is based on common problems and how to solve them: How record audioHow equalizeHow get rid of noiseHow convert or export an audio fileYou will get the explanations and see how to do it step-by-step in Audacity. This course is great for musicians, editors, podcasters, video producers, DJ's and audio enthusiasts in general. Join the 3,000 students worldwide and learn about audio editing!"
Price: 19.99

"Audio Compression Techniques and Tips" |
"Learn to use audio compressors in a complete, effective and clear way! Audio compressors are one of the most important tools for the producer, engineer or modern musician. Unfortunately, compressors are not too obvious to understand and its function is somewhat mysterious for many people. Even some professionals don't know how to use them in the right way!Compressors and limiters can improve the sound of a production by giving more ""punch"" or impact to the sound. It's one of those little tools that can make a song sound like a polished professional production or, when misused, like an amateur work.With this course you can master the principles of audio compression and have total confidence when using compressors! You will learn:What an audio signal is and how it behavesWhat the decibels (dB) areWhat does dynamic range mean and how to manipulate itHow to use each knob in a compressorRatio, gain reduction, attack, release, knee, etc.Serial and parallel compressionHow all this can improve the audio quality of vocals, guitars, drums and more!A complete approach to audio compressors!There are many tutorials out there, but they don't offer you a complete and well structured learning path like this course. You could spend hours looking for tips and answers on the web and end up with more questions or doubts. With this course, you can get the knowledge you need to finally understand audio compressors in a practical way. Learn quickly, effectively and on a step-by-step process. You can study a couple of lessons in 15 minutes a day!Course overviewFirst you will learn the basics to understand audio signals. With listening examples and images you will see the importance of compressors in sound production or mixing. Then you will learn how compressors work from the inside, that is, you'll know the internal ""blocks"" that every compressor has, and how these sections are related to the knobs and buttons (in other words, what are those knobs for!).Then you will see the techniques in action, learning how a compressor is manipulated and, the most important, how it helps you to control and improve your sound!You will learn techniques for:VocalsGuitarsDrumsBassPianoThe side-chain techniqueHardware insert connectionsMaster bus compressionWith this knowledge you will be able to apply compression to any kind of instrument with any kind of compressor! These techniques and principles work for studio work and on live sound situations. Professional productions use compressors a lot, now it's your time!Take the freedom to shape your own sound. Do not rely on plugin presets, take the control yourself!Who should take this course?The course is great for musicians, producers, DJ's, sound technicians and engineers of all levels, from beginners with little experience to professionals looking to get some new ideas. These techniques can be applied on any musical genre (pop, rock, EDM, hip-hop, etc.) and work with both analog and digital compressors.You only need a hardware compressor or DAW (Pro Tools, Logic, Reason, Cubase, Garageband, etc.) to start learning by doing.You will be guided by a certified audio instructor, with more than 15 years of teaching experience at all levels, from seminars to college-level classes and a top instructor on Udemy, so academic quality is guaranteed. Join a community of more than 3,000 students worldwide and learn more about audio!*A Spanish version of this course is also available."
Price: 29.99

"Tcnicas de Compresin de Audio" |
"Aprende a usar los compresores de audio de una manera completa, efectiva y sencilla. Los compresores y los limitadores son unas de las herramientas ms importantes para el productor, para el ingeniero de audio y para el msico actual. Son fundamentales para llevar el sonido de una produccin de nivel ""casero"" a profesional, pues le pueden brindar al sonido ms fuerza, claridad e impacto.Desafortunadamente, el funcionamiento y uso de los compresores es algo misterioso para muchos, pues algunas de sus caractersticas no son muy obvias ni fciles de entender. Incluso existen profesionales que no los saben usar correctamente!Con este curso puedes dominar los principios de la compresin y tener confianza total al usar compresores! Aprenders:Qu es una seal de audioQu es el rango dinmicoQu son los decibeles (dB) y por qu los usamosQu es la envolvente acstica y cmo se relaciona con la compresinCul es la funcin de las principales perillas y botones en un compresor digital o anlogoRatio, gain reduction, attack, release, knee, etc.Compresin en serie y en paraleloCmo podemos usar el compresor para mejorar la calidad de nuestro sonidoTcnicas para comprimir diversos instrumentos musicales y vozUn curso completo sobre compresin!Existen muchos tutoriales sobre el tema, pero ninguno de ellos ofrece un sistema de aprendizaje completo y estructurado como este curso. Podras pasar horas buscando respuestas y tips en la red, pero terminar con muchas dudas. Por otro lado, puedes encontrar la informacin que necesitas para usar adecuadamente los compresores de audio en este curso. Aprende paso a paso, rpidamente y de una manera clara y prctica. Puedes estudiar un par de lecciones en solo 15 minutos al da! Este curso ha sido diseado cuidadosamente por un calificado instructor de audio lder en Udemy. Con ms de 15 aos de experiencia docente en seminarios, talleres y universidades. Diversas certificaciones profesionales (Avid, Yamaha) y ex-alumnos trabajando con empresas de talla internacional (Televisa, TV Azteca, Ocesa) o ganadores del premio Grammy respaldan la calidad acadmica del curso.Descripcin del cursoPrimero aprenders las bases que necesitas para entender el audio. Con ejemplos grficos y auditivos entenders la importancia de los compresores. Despus aprenders cmo funcionan los compresores internamente, esto es, conocers sus etapas de procesamiento y cmo stas se relacionan con los controles del compresor. Despus vers las tcnicas en accin, aprendiendo cmo manipular un compresor y, lo ms importante: cmo te ayuda a controlar y tu sonido!Aprenders tcnicas comnmente utilizadas para comprimir:VocesGuitarrasBateraBajoPianoLa tcnica Side-chainConexiones tipo insertCompresin de buses o gruposCon este conocimiento sers capaz de aplicar compresin a cualquier tipo de instrumento y con cualquier tipo de compresor! No dependas de presets y ajustes automticos de plugins, t puedes tomar el control total de tu sonido.Las tcnicas que aprendas en este curso pueden ser aplicadas tanto en el estudio, como en situaciones de sonido en vivo. Los compresores son sumamente utilizados en el audio profesional, ahora es tu turno de hacerlo!Quienes deben tomar este curso?El curso es excelente para msicos, DJ's, productores, tcnicos de sonido e ingenieros de todos los niveles, desde principiantes con poca o nula experiencia hasta profesionales buscando mejorar sus habilidades. Estas tcnicas y principios pueden ser aplicados para cualquier gnero o estilo musical (rock, pop, electrnico, latino, etc.) y funcionan tanto con compresores fsicos (analgicos o digitales) como virtuales (plugins).Slo necesitas un compresor fsico o el incluido en cualquier DAW (Pro Tools, Logic, Reason, Cubase, etc.) para empezar a practicar las tcnicas.nete a una comunidad de ms de 3,000 estudiantes alrededor del mundo y aprende ms sobre audio y sonido!*Este curso tambin est disponible en ingls"
Price: 29.99

"Advanced Google AdWords Training" |
"This course is updated as at November 2017---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------***Just uploaded - New AdWords Interface -AdWords is in the process of rolling out their brand new interface - we just recorded a video showing you how to navigate through it!***Just uploaded -AdWords Scripts - How to get scripts to perform a lot of the manual grunt work required when maintaining your AdWords account. A LOT more coming soon to this section!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Do you want to take your AdWords account to the next level? If you are new to AdWords, then this course is NOT for you. This course is designed to build on a basic knowledge of AdWords. This course will give you a rare glimpse under the hood of the advanced techniques I use to manage existing accounts in my AdWords agency.Remarketing is where it is at!!!!Ever wanted to learn how the pros do advanced remarketing for their clients? I will show you how I do it for my clients.Do you have an eCommerce store? Then you need to run a specific shopping cart abandonment campaign and I will show you how to do (I fact, I show you 2 ways to do it). It is important to do as it will give you the best possible ROI.Don't know what RLSA is? Then you NEED to know this and START IMPLEMENTING IT!This course will also go through the following:- How you can use in built automation tools to speed up your account management.- How to use labels and filters for quicker management.- How to use Google Tag Manager to look after your tracking codes so you can be sure they have been implemented correctly.- How to make a campaign specifically for mobile! And how to track mobile conversions! Highly relevant in this day and age.- A timetable of optimizations that should take place each month - i.e. what needs to happen weekly, fortnightly, and monthly!Each section of the course contains:- A course tutorial on the topic- A live walk through of what was just taught.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This course will be continually updated so you can be sure you will kept up to date with all the constant changes that Google make.Click Enrol Now to access the course instantly.And of course, if you are not satisfied with this course, you will receive a full refund for up to 30 days after your purchase."
Price: 149.99

"Liderazgo en Ventas con Calidad Humana" |
"Liderazgo en Ventas con Calidad Humana es un curso terico prctico para hacer una introspeccin en tus pensamientos, procesos de comunicacin humana para hacer presentaciones poderosas ms all de frases de manual. Aprender a escuchar poderosamente las emociones, anhelos y necesidades de tus clientes para satisfacerlas y lograr el xito. Aprende a detectar lo que realmente desea tu cliente y ms que venderle, aydale a comprar! Todas las personas desean adquirir ms que objetos: Sensaciones, cubrir necesidades, emociones satisfactorias, valores como confianza y credibilidad, etc. Aprende a compartir esto con tus prospectos y tus clientes. Sabas que el xito de las negociaciones y cierres de venta son ms emocionales que econmicas? S, cuando tu cliente desea lo que le ofreces y tiene el dinero para adquirirlo slo hay que ayudarle a que lo obtenga. Lo ms importante es que aprendas a despertar su deseo de adquirir lo que t le ofreces. Empodrate hacia una vida con mejores resultados y xito desarrollando tus habilidades de negociacin y ventas. En este curso: Comprenders la importancia de los procesos de una adecuada comunicacin humana para conectar con tu cliente y obtener negociaciones exitosas. Aprenders a escuchar tus creencias limitantes y cmo convertirlas en creencias constructivas. Comprenders la importancia de tus acciones y cmo tomar un mejor camino hacer preguntas constructivas que lleven a tu cliente a una reflexin e inters por lo que t le presentas. Aprenders a construir metas posibles y alcanzables dentro de tus capacidades y creencias. Te conocers ms a ti mismo. Podrs disear una reflexin de mejora y un plan de accin para alcanzar mucho mejores resultados en tus proyectos y presentaciones. En pocas palabras: Tendrs las herramientas para construirte una vida mucho mejor de la que vives el da de hoy con resultados ms exitosos en tus presentaciones y ventas. Asume tu liderazgo personal y toma las riendas de tus negociaciones para lograr ms cierres exitosos y en consecuencia una vida financiera ms productiva. El curso incluye el libro electrnico de Liderazgo en Ventas con Calidad Humana. del cual se han vendido ms de 10,000 ejemplares impresos en el mundo de habla hispana. Liderazgo en Ventas con Calidad Humana, un curso con herramientas prcticas que ha sido dictado para miles de personas en diversos pases del Continente Americano, ahora est a tu alcance en cualquier pas del mundo"
Price: 1995.00

"Entre el Amor y el Ego - El poder prctico para vivir mejor" |
"Vives las relaciones que deseas? Te sientes feliz la mayor parte del tiempo? Quisieras mejorar tu calidad de vida en todo sentido? Tus relaciones? Tus logros? Tus proyectos? Tus negocios? Tus metas?Vivir ms tiempo en el Amor nos lleva a alejarnos del sufrimiento y vivir una vida mucho ms plena. Entre el Amor y el Ego es curso terico prctico para comprender lo ms esencial del ser humano en el sentido prctico y productivo del amor ms all de las exigencias y limitaciones del egoEl amor no es meramente un concepto romntico y comprenderlo nos puede llevar a disfrutar una vida plena!La mayora de las personas no alcanzan a distinguir cuando se estn relacionando a partir del amor, del ser o a partir del ego. Esto les lleva a obtener resultados no deseados en su vida y a mantener relaciones egostas y limitadas. Aprender la diferencia y el adecuado uso de sus bases nos ayuda a construir un cambio sustancial en nuestra calidad de vidaSabas que aunque el ego presume de ser poderoso y valioso en el fondo se sostiene en las inseguridades y los miedos provocando vidas no satisfechas?Eros, Filia, Storg y gape son cuatro fases del amor que puestas en prctica construyen vidas apasionadas, entregadas y compartidas.El mundo ser mucho mejor mientras ms personas asumamos nuestro poder personal ms all del ego y con profundo y prctico amor.Empodrate hacia una vida mejor desarrollando tu capacidad de obtener lo mejor de Entre el Amor y el Ego. En este curso:Comprenders la importancia de asumir la vida que habita tu cuerpo.Comprenders la diferencia entre tu esencia ms pura y el ego con las mscaras que representa.Comprenders la diferencia de vivir desde el amor o desde las estrategias tramposas del ego que procura un bien individual.Aprenders a construir acciones ms prcticas y amorosas buscando beneficios colectivos tanto en tu familia como en tus negocios y en el mundo en general.Tendrs un plan de accin para aterrizar los conceptos y extraer lo mejor de ti hacia una vida ms funcional emocionalmente y prctica.En pocas palabras: Tendrs las herramientas para construirte una vida mucho mejor de la que vives el da de hoy.El curso Entre el Amor y el Ego te lleva paso a paso hacia un prctico plan de accin para lograr mejoras en tu vida tanto a nivel personal, como familiar y con mejores resultados de negocios.Asume tu poder personal y toma las riendas de tu vida hacia la vida que t desees.El curso incluye el cuaderno de trabajo de Entre el Amor y el Ego. Y adems como obsequio, el libro ""El Regalo Mgico"" escrito por Guido Rosas."
Price: 1170.00

"Visual Basic of Applications: Become Excel VBA Programmer" |
"In this course, Learn how to unlock the power of Microsoft's VBA programming language to build effective and powerful programs.You will first learn how to record a Basic macro, how to define Short cut key, how to debug and run macros. Once you are comfortable with VBA environment, we will cover most frequently used commands like Do while, For Next, Input box, Userform, Workbook and worksheet Events. At last we shall take many practical long problems to advance your knowledge on VBA. The best way to learn Macro is to learn it with case studies. With case studies, you develop your creativity. You will learn multiple ways to write a program with different coding. Once you learn VBA, the task that you do in several hours, you will be able to complete that in just few seconds. You will be able to perform even that task which is not possible with Only Excel."
Price: 24.99

"Financial Modelling in Excel Step by Step" |
"In simple words, financial modelling is the process to forecast the financial statements including IS, BS, CFS. The output of financial modelling is called a financial model. A standard financial model will include Historical & projected financial statements along with various schedules and assumptions. Financial Modelling is perceived that only some highly experienced people with high level of practical knowledge in Finance & Excel can work on a financial model. But very soon, you will find that financial modelling is not that tough but it is a highly demanded skill in Investment banking, equity research, credit research or any other main stream finance. It is unfortunate that most of the Finance students dont even know what is Financial modelling & valuations and just because of lack of skills like this, finance students end up getting some marketing or accounting profiles. An integrated financial model is a powerful tool that not only helps us to understand and analyze a company's historical financial performance but also helps to build realistic projection for future. In this short training, the objective is to understand where the model will start and where the model will end. What are the various schedules that we have to prepare and what are the assumptions we have to take and what are key elements we have to consider before we take the assumptions? In this training, we will start from scratch and gradually build on the complete Financial model for a sample case study. 1. We will understand how to calculate historical IS & BS 2. How to analyze historical based on projection arameters 3. How to prepare various schedules for Dep, WC, Debt, Equity and others."
Price: 19.99

"Build a WooCommerce eCommerce T-Shirt Store with WordPress" |
"Does the thought of manually packing and shipping your own products day in and day out heighten your anxiety? Then let me show you an alternative way to sell your custom designed products. This course aims to teach you how to build a WordPress eCommerce store to sell your t-shirts with Printful. Youre not limited to selling t-shirts. Printful is an on-demand, online printing fulfillment and shipping company. Printful will print your custom designs on posters, t-shirts, shirts, canvas, and mugs to just name a few. By the end of this course youll be able to synchronize your WooCommerce products with printful and start selling!Youll learn how to integrate WooCommerce with Printful to build a fully functional eCommerce store with WordPress.Youll setup a free Printful accountSync your designs and productsPrintful will fulfill your order Customers purchase your products using your payment platform such as PayPal. Your shop will automatically place your order with Printful.Have you ever wanted to sell your own designed t-shirts without the hassle of manually fulfilling each order?I can show you how to effortlessly build your own WooCommerce store with WordPress and Printful.Once youve enrolled in the course youll do the following:Choose a WordPress theme.You can also use the free theme by WooThemes called Storefront if you dont have a theme.Youll install WooCommerce and Printful.If you have a t-shirt design thats great! If you dont have a t-shirt design well now is a good time to create one or you can use my design mockup for your course project.In a few hours you can immediately start selling your products.Why use WooCommerce?Its free.Its flexible as it integrates easily with Printful.Its customizable as its based on the popular WordPress platform.What is Printful?Printful is an online drop shipping and custom print fulfilment service that allows you the freedom to focus on selling your product.Your WooCommerce store will automatically send your orders to Printful.Printful takes care of the printing, shipping and quality.Youll be able to manage your own WordPress site with WooCommerce, the most popular eCommerce solution that gives you complete control to sell your products.I designed this course to be easily understood by WordPress WooCommerce beginners to intermediate users. However, I stronglysuggest beforeyou start the course that youfamiliarize yourself withbasic WordPress functionality by visiting the opensource WordPress site.Complete with resources and project files youll be able to work alongside me, your instructor and receive a certificate of completion upon finishing the course.Get started today by clicking ""Take This Course"" and get full, lifetime access with all future updates and all current and future course materials included!WITH 395+ REVIEWS SEE WHAT STUDENTS ARE SAYING ABOUT THIS COURSE!Hey I totally enjoyed this course i will definetely show this course to friends and family and keep good courses like this coming. Thank you and bye - Nithyan DookieI truly appreciate the slow pace and tone of the instructions. It makes it easier to understand material that is still so new to me. Also, it was great to see the final product delivered by Printful. That made me more confident in starting my t-shirt business with that company. - Asha Talbert The instructor has full command on WooCommerce. Her method of teaching is fast but understandable. - Noman Ghafoor Very informative and entertaining. - William Speaker I find this very clear and easy to follow ... until now I was in a stalled fog of confusion on how to proceed with my site! - Al Terry Excellent content, fresh new, and useful to implement this ideas in my country. I like the course a lot. - Julian Fernandez It was a very informative for anyone starting a WooCommerce site. - Paul Norman It is a full video course of setting up the woocommerce-ecommerce store discussed in detail. - Balamurugan D Excellent Woo commerce for beginners. - Sreeram Pindiproli I really enjoyed taking this course! It gave me a creative way to earn money. Thanks for being there when nobody else was :) - John Wienke I would highly recommend this course taught by Susan if one is interested in building a WooCommerce T-shirt store with wordpress. Course is very systematically laid out in a step by step fashion that anyone should be able to follow along without any problems. This is a simple storefront setup for eCommerce. Then it will be up to you to find various avenues to market your product. Susan is well spoken and concise in her instructions. -Darryl Henderson"
Price: 49.99

"3ds max and V-ray for architect. Advanced 3d visualisation" |
"This course is going to help you to gain the skill of photorealistic 3d visualization in 3ds Max and V-ray. Youll learn all the secrets of photorealistic rendering, complex Vray materials and correct postprocessing in Photoshop. Youll be able to make some special schticks that will speed up your work in several times.If youre a beginner in this business, this training will give you a quick start in the profession. It will take you about one month to become able to make professional renders, which are indistinguishable from photos.If you already work in 3ds max, in this course youll learn some special tricks with lighting and render settings, which are going to improve the quality of your renders.If you still dont know, what you are going to do, this is a good chance to become an experienced 3d artist. Today this profession is in great demand and the market of the architectural 3d visualization needs good specialists.This course covers the topics of:Settings of composite Vray materialsTexturing3 lighting types in exterior visualsiationCorrect work with the sceneFrame composition in exteriorExterior visualsiation triksAfter training you will be able to:Work at any visualization studio.Be a successful Vip Client oriented Freelancer.Up your project level.Make your clients fall in love with your projects.Your projects will be displayed at the most prestigious 3D galleries.Make photorealistic images equal to those of the authorRender very quickly.Make a high quality Afterwork.Professionally work with model bases."
Price: 99.99

"3ds max and V-ray training for interior designers" |
"This course is going to help you to gain the skill of photorealistic 3d visualization in 3ds Max and V-ray. Youll learn all the secrets of photorealistic rendering, complex Vray materials and correct postprocessing in Photoshop. Youll be able to make some special schticks that will speed up your work in several times. If youre a beginner in this business, this training will give you a quick start in the profession. It will take you about one month to become able to make professional renders, which are indistinguishable from photos. If you already work in 3ds max, in this course youll learn some special tricks with lighting and render settings, which are going to improve the quality of your renders. If you still dont know, what you are going to do, this is a good chance to become an experienced 3d artist. Today this profession is in great demand and the market of the architectural 3d visualization needs good specialists. This course covers the topics of: Interior modelingSettings of composite Vray materialsTexturing6 lighting typesPostprocessingCorrect work with the sceneFrame composition in interiorInthis course we will learn in detail 76 materials, which are widely used ininterior visualization. Well deal with Blend materials, Vray dirt and otheradvanced materials. In the tutorial block about lighting youll learn 6 typesof light settings in interior visualization, daylight, nightlight and combinedlight. With real examples, youll get a step by step guide in making fineinteriors in 3d. About tutors co-autor Anton ViborniyA specialist in the field of architectural planning and 3d visualizationThe founder of the Timedigital..org and archtutors..ru startup Over 30 completed projects and 5 years of 3d max work experience. A Masters degree in Architecture. Alumni of PGASAHas participated in ""Autodesk day"" as a Speaker and has read over 30 lectures for students majoring in Architectural Studiesco- autor Dmitrio ShukaTwo Time Render.Ru Award WinnerPublished in the renowned CG Artist MagazineAuthor and Coauthor of more than 200 projectsPublished on FRONT PAGE Europes Best Gallery EVERMOTION..ORGWE WILL TELL YOU THE SECRETS OF THE PERFECT V-RAY SETTINGSYou will no longer have to spend nights testing scenes, neither will you experience problems with low quality images, long rendering, render noise.We will give you an algorithm that will quadruple your work speed.WE WILL SHOW YOU THREE TYPES OF LIGHTINGYou will have a complete guide for the vray sun + vray sky + vray physical camera lighting system.Different lighting types will make projects more diverse.Make your portfolio 3 times bigger.It will make your projects more alive and memorable.PHOTOSHOP POSTPRODUCTIONYou will learn to quickly make renders and enhance them in Photoshop.We will look many render channels, learn to correct colors and make your images have moods.You will have all the knowledge for render afterwork.NEW KNOWLEDGE WILL HELP YOU EARN MORE MONEYYOU WILL SPEND 4 TIMES LESS TIMEYOUR PROJECTS WILL BEFIT THE HIGHEST 3D VISUALIZATION STANDARDSYOUR COLLEAGUES WILL NOTICE YOUR ADVANCESAfter training you will be able toHave a starting salary of at least 3000 dollars per month.Work at any visualization studio.Be a successful Vip Client oriented Freelancer.Up your project level.Make your clients fall in love with your projects.Your projects will be displayed at the most prestigious 3D galleries.Make photorealistic images equal to those of the authorRender very quickly.Make a high quality Afterwork.Professionally work with model bases.Course programINTRODUCTORYWhat is 3D visualization and its typesHow to become a professionalChoosing softwareChoosing a PcCorrect scene element namesGammaHot modificators and their settingsHotkeysUser path Solving problems caused by bad geometryLayersGroupsProxy TEXTURINGRules of applying texturesUvw mappingTexturing ConcreteTexturing woodTexturing clothLIGHTING SETTINGSMain principles of setting the lightsVray sun+ Vray skyVray Sun settingsDay lightingNight SettingsSunsetsThree types of lightsAFTERWORKSMATERIALS ADVANCEDPrinciples of working with materialsFinalizing your material workTuning materialsFresnel reflectionIORBlinwardMixFallofColor correctionVrayDirtTypes of materialsBlend MaterialMulti/sub objectVray Light materialreating widely used materialsPlasterConcreteGlassMarbleWoodGrassVraydispacementmodDirty GlassOld woodParquetryVray dirtOld PlasterADVANCED CAMERASMain Principles of working with Vray CamerasFocal lengthVignettingCustom BalanceShutter speedIsoAngles for artistic viewsAngles for commercial viewsAngles for Architectural viewsRENDER SETTINGSPrinciples of VrayCommon parametersFrame bufferGlobal switchesImage sample Antialiasing filtersAdaptive dmcVray environmentColor mappingImproving Global lighting performanceindirect illuminationRender presetBatch renderBasic Photoshop skillsFiltersRender ChannelsRender IDZ- depthReflectionMaskColor correctionContrast and BrightnessStreching your pictureLogic of Afterworking in Photoshop Gamma"
Price: 69.99

"3ds max and Vray advanced course. Furniture modeling." |
"If youre occupied in 3d visualization, modeling skills are necessary for you. In this training were going to sort through all the modeling types and create professional furniture models, which will complement any project. After this training youll resolve all the questions in 3ds Max professional modeling and will be able to create 3d models of any kind of complexity.This training will be useful if you:Make quality visualizations, but cannot modelWant to get rid of models libraries and learn how to make you ownWant to have an additional passive income from models sale on 3d stocksWant to use quality 3d models in your projectsWant to learn how to make professional models in 3ds maxWhy should you use quality models in your projects?With good models your projects will become more realistic and, consequently, better marketed. It wouldnt always be so that free libraries will meet your requirements. At any time in your project can appear a piece of furniture, for example a sofa or a commode which is absent in the library or requires reworking. This training can be a real solution in this kind of problems, and in the end of it your works will come to a whole new level of professionalism. Where can you find good models? For quality commercial visualization you need to have a large library of ready 3d models. You can find them in the Internet, but as a rule free models have very poor quality and require reworking or even making the new ones, which can take you a lot of time. So you can either buy professional models, or create your own.If you are occupied in 3d visualization, modeling skills are necessary for you. In this training were going to sort through all the modeling types and create professional furniture models, which will complement any project. How to model objects in 3ds Max in a proper wayWhile modeling complex objects, its necessary to understand the logic and to follow the certain modeling sequence. Even the good knowledge of a particular tool doesnt guarantee the fact that youll be able to create a complex models in the right way. Mesh compliance will give you the possibility to edit model on at any stage, without the risk of textures displacement (UVW mapping). Its one of the most important modeling rules which, unfortunately, many beginners do not consider it necessary to comply with and create wittingly defective models. Youll be able to make professional models and to sell themTherere a lot of resources, where you can send your 3d models and receive passive income. But you have to learn how to model objects on the professional level for it. This course will help you to learn all the necessary modeling techniques in shortest terms and to begin getting profit.COURSEPROGRAMThe entire course system is structured in the way to fully cover all the modeling domains. Well divide this course in 5 main parts, and in each well model complex armchairs.OCULUS CHAIR on the example of this armchair youll learn how to convey a sense of soft leather in modern furniture. CHAIR CLUB CALEDONIANIn this part well train to model solid objects from metal or wood. Well also work at joint elements between these two materials. EJ BOW SOFAOn the example of this sofa well deal with the texture of soft fabric furniture. Well work out the symmetry method and create an armchair from sofa. VERNER PANTONE In this lesson well consider the special smooth type creating the caption on armchairs bend.What modeling techniques are we going to use?Extrude, symmetry, turbo-smooth and high poly modifiersHard surface modelingStudio render settingsV-ray material settingsV-ray render settingsBonus modeling techniquesCapiton modelingUsing the cut tool to model in wrinkles.During the whole course Ill show you some special tricks with the help of which you can make your models more photorealistic and attractive.IMPORTANTThis course is fully refundable for 30 days. There is no risk to you in signing up for this course. Try it. If you hate it, get a refund.Join the course right now!"
Price: 29.99

"Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2012 - (Exam No. 70-461)" |
"Querying Microsoft SQL Server (Exam 70-461) training has been designed to help learners ace the Microsoft SQL Server 70-461 exam. The course is based on the curriculum prescribed by Microsoft.Taking leap into the data management system had Microsoft come up with a new, authentic and infallible version of SQL Server, Microsoft SQL Server 2012. It offers a trustworthy storage of data for not so important websites and other desktop applications. In this course you will be introduced to the construction and usage of databases in this platform.In this course, students who are preparing themselves for this exam will be showcased with all the necessary technical skills to write basic Transact-SQL queries for Microsoft SQL Server 2012. Also, another point that adds value to this course is that it is the basis for all other SQL Server-related disciplinesDatabase Development, Database Administration, and Business Intelligenceare few among them. This course is more or less a guide that will help you with exam 70-461 preparation, known as Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2012. It is the advent of cloud that has made this exam so popular amongst the professionals. Apart from cloud, other enterprises are considers SQL Server 2012 as a strong platform as there are many other trivial systems founded on it.By the end of the course you will be trained in creating as well as managing databases in SQL Server 2012. Apart from learning about various database objects including tables, columns, keys and others, there will be an overall understanding of how these objects help store data by providing a well-constructed structure. As add-ons you will also know to query for stored data, add new data, update and delete existing and unwanted data.All these and more are combined in 137 lecture with demos to help you out. There are end of the lesson quiz sections which will check your understanding of the lessons.15 hours of learning provides students with the technical skills required to write basic Transact-SQL queries for Microsoft SQL Server 2012. Passing the Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (70-461) exam is a requirement to getting MCSA certified, which in turn is a prerequisite to achieve an MCSE certification."
Price: 84.99

"Administering Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Databases - 70-462" |
"Adding to its data management system Microsoft has come up with a new Server, Microsoft SQL Server 2012 which familiarizes us with the construction and usage of databases in SQL Server platform. This course is the successor of Microsoft SQL Server 2012, a step higher into the administration of the data system. It is an excellent platform for students to build database systems, ensure effective operation of the systems apart from storing, and securing data from any kind of unauthorized access. The course intends to target all data professionals including data analysts and other aspiring professionals who wants to get ready for exam 70-462, also known as Administering Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Databases. Towards the end of this course our participants will have a thorough knowledge on maintaining various databases including the instances, trouble shooting and optimizing apart from data management and contriving high availability and security.This course is that is the basis for all other SQL Server-related disciplinesDatabase Development, Database Administration, and Business Intelligence. The main idea of this course is to make our students cognize SQL Server 2012 databases administration. You will be comprehending a lot about the various issues and other decisions that are part of SQL Server installation and configuration.Apart from this as a student you will keen to look into the various operations involved including backup and restore operations that can be performed. You will also find it both challenging and interesting to learn how databases and database files are moved. There will also be a discussion on some of the important topics namely, instance, database and object security strategies. Some of the high availability technologies will also be discussed as part of the training.Our training is broken down to 115 lecture sessions that will cover all objectives. As add on, we are also providing demos on other major concepts so that participants understand how the steps learned are implemented in real time."
Price: 59.99

"Implementing a Data Warehouse with SQL Server 2012" |
"Adding to its data management system Microsoft has come up with a new Server, Microsoft SQL Server 2012 which familiarizes us with the construction and usage of databases in SQL Server platform. This course is the successor of Microsoft SQL Server 2012, a step higher into the administration of the data sytem. It is an excellent platform for students to build and implement a data warehouse. The course intends to target all data professionals including data analysts and other aspiring professionals who wants to get ready for exam 70-463, also known as Implementing a Data Warehouse with SQL Server 2012. Towards the end of this course our participants will have a thorough knowledge on data warehouses and the uses of dimensions. Apart from that our learner will also understand the importance of Fact Table along with the various concepts that are involved in the implementation of Data Warehouse with SQL Server 2012. This course also looks into the different elements of Control Flow and allows the learner to comprehend how to work with variables. In this course you will learn about the different types of Transforms available in SSIS, apart from how to deploy and manage packages. Finally you will understand how to debug and secure packages.This course is that is the basis for all other SQL Server-related disciplinesDatabase Development, Database Administration, and Business Intelligence. The main idea of this course is to make our students cognize SQL Server 2012 databases administration. You will be comprehending a lot about the various issues and other decisions that are part of SQL Server installation and configuration. SQL Server 2012 is a prevailing platform that is widely used in the enterprise and cloud. There are many critical systems based on it. This Exam 70-463 is also a part of the series of certifications to master this platform.Apart from this as a student you will keen to look into the various operations involved including building and managing data warehouse and architecturing and implementing dimensions.You will also find it both challenging and interesting to work with various variables. There will also be a discussion on some of the important topics namely, instance, database and object security strategies. You will be also interested in implementing and automating ETL Solution. Some of the high availability technologies will also be discussed as part of the training by looking into deploying and managing packages along with debugging and securing themOur training is broken down to 90 lecture sessions that will cover all objectives. As add ons, we are also providing demos on other major concepts so that participants understand how the steps learned are implemented in real time."
Price: 84.99

"Lean Six Sigma in Healthcare" |
"The importance of six sigma in the field of healthcare was understood after a lot of thought process. It was realized that patient care being hands-on, variance possibility will be larger than in any other process-driven industries. Even for a slightest of variance, the data-driven approach of Six Sigma can make a lot of difference by coming up with ample amount of measurable improvement.Six Sigma works on five major principles: Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control. Let us see how each of these process add value in the healthcare industry.In the Define phase, we determine who are the patients, and what do they want. Also, we look into the capabilities of the process being measured. Finally, we get more clarity on what are our objectives. Next is the Measure phase, in which we will look into what improvement looks like. We will also see on what data our efforts will be measured. Here is when the Metrics are used to define performance in a healthcare organization. It often include service level, service cost, patient satisfaction, and clinical excellence.In the Analyze phase we collect data and analyze using proven tools.In the Improve phase we will implement modifications to improve the process.Finally it is the Control phase where performance to maintain improvement is monitored. There are a number of Hospitals that have successfully used SS in Healthcare including, Boston Medical Center, Mount Carmel Health System and Valley Baptist health System.This course is intended to provide a practical understanding on the effective use of methodology and tools, to improve projects in a healthcare environment. Course highlights include examples, case studies and a sample project to reinforce and provide insight on the enhancements that are possible by implementing Lean Six Sigma."
Price: 99.99

"Social, Mobile, Analytics, and Cloud (SMAC)" |
"The next big thing to change the history of IT industry is Social media, Mobile technology, Anlaytics and Cloud a.k.a. SMAC. A beautiful concept of clubbing all the main technologies that is driving business competitiveness of this era, SMAC is already creating waves across the globe. It is difficult to ignore two important technologies Social media and mobile, as it has become the favorite hangouts of the tech savy young and thinking generation. We will have to agree to the power of both as now even the big shots in the IT industry are churning a new era by indulging in mobile phones and social media. Wherelse can they publicize and market their products better?SMAC is the best way to reach maximum crowd by the creation of an ecosystem that helps in allowing any business to improvize their operations. Mobile devices are leaving no stones unturned creating both structures as well as unstructured data. The SMAC course is gaining momentum because it integrates the aspects of the four key components that is Social, Mobile, Analytics, and Cloud as one stack, called SMAC stack. SMAC technology is today the most coveted enterprise IT model that guarantees connectivity and association with each component. It gives a competitive edge to an individual and inreases the career prospects in the job market.SMAC increases your teaming knowledge of the business, aptitude to connect with customers and analyze data, and of course build better marketing strategies and effective IT ecology for organizations. This course covers the importance of each component. One of the key aspects of the marketing strategies which has been followed by organizations recently is social media. In this course, we will take you through a discussion on social media and its effect on varied business, which will in turn help in decision-making.In today's era, the importance of mobile devices from smart phones to tablets is undoubtedly on a rise as business is evolving by widening its networks and customer base. In this course we will be taking you through the concepts of Mobile marketing in various industries with examples. While we will also be looking into the concept of Enterprise Mobility and categorizing the implications for Enterprise IT.Data flow is becoming so humongous that the use of various analytics tools and features are unavoidable even for the smallest of businesses. In this course we will be focusing on the emerging inclinations in Analytics and the experiments and imminence of Analytics.There has been a rise in various cloud deployment models and service models with the advent of cloud technology. These models will be dealt in detail while listing the current drifts in the Cloud computing arena."
Price: 59.99

"Information Systems Security for Professionals: CISSP" |
"Today most of us begin and end our day in the complex cyber world, which is why it has become more of a necessity than extravaganza to ensure the protection of information and its related assets. As much as for us it is equally important or may be more for an organization on its information assets security assuranceand so is the increasing necessity of information security leaders. This is where the importance of CISSP appears. A CISSP has the breadth and depth of the necessary expertise to establish holistic security programs that declare the protection of organizations information assets. A one of its kind certification is the idyllic record for those with proven deep technical and managerial capability, skills, knowledge, and standing to design, engineer, implement, and manage their overall information security program to protect organizations from growing sophisticated attacks. Backed by (ISC), the CISSP was the first permit in the field of information security to meet the tough requirements of ISO/IEC Standard 17024Apart from being an objective measure of excellence, CISSP is also a globally recognized standard of achievement. CISSP will help any professional to: Authenticate their proven ability gained through years of experience in information security. Show your technical knowledge, skills, and abilities to effectively develop a complete security program set against globally established principles. Distinguish yourself from your peers for desirable job openings in the fast-growing information security market Assert your commitment to the field and ongoing relevancy through continuing professional education and understanding of the most current best practices Employers are also at the receivers end of its benefits with the help of CISSP as it helps: Care for against threats Make certain professionals stay up to date on emerging threats, technologies, regulations, standards, and practices through the continuing professional education requirements"
Price: 119.99

"Essentials of Developing Windows Store Apps Using C#" |
"There are two ways of exhibiting your expertise at designing and developing fast and fluid Windows 8 apps. They areusing HTML5 or C#. For someone who has excelled in the existing web programming skills in JavaScript or is starting from scratch on a new website, the HTML5 path is your best bet. But if youre a .NET developer and planning to create Windows 8 apps, choose the C# path. In this course, well be looking into the C# path. The Essentials of Developing Windows Store Apps Using C# Exam 70-484 helps to demonstrate your programming skills with real-world mastery of programming Windows Store apps using C#. It is a course architectured for skilled software developers who are ready to advance their status. The focus of the course is on the horizons of critical-thinking and decision-making acumen, important ingredients for the MCSD level success. In this course we will discuss many major concepts of the new WinRT API, give a lead to the changes in the development models for this platform, and also, demonstrate the various technologies and codes necessary to add exceptional features to an app. We have provided with 15 hours (approx.) high quality video content with 11 lessons. This course and certification will increase your visibility in your organization. This certification will help you stand tall amongst your colleagues and recognize your knowledge and skill. Windows Store Apps certification will qualify you for jobs like software developer, web developer, and quality engineer."
Price: 99.99

"Tips on the first 10 basic speaking skills everyone needs" |
"This course is a quick guide to the first 10 speeches in the Toastmaster program, otherwise known as the Competent Communication manual. The course will provide a quick overview of the objectives and timing for each project as well as the tips that I have used to successfully complete the project. Inside the course, you'll find videos, quizzes and sample speeches which will provide you with all the knowledge and tools you need to complete the 10 speeches in an efficient and stress-free manner. If you're a brand new Toastmaster trying to complete your first 10 speeches or a seasoned Toastmaster who has completed their Competent Communication manual multiple times, anyone can learn something new from practicing and delivering these speeches. You will learn how to:Begin speaking before an audienceOrganize your speech in a way that helps the audience understand what you are talking aboutMake sure that your speech has a focus for the audienceUse language that engages the audienceUse body language to enhance the delivery of your speechUse your voice in different ways to add meaning and entertainment to your speechResearch your speech and understand the different support material you can useBecome comfortable with visual aids and how they can improve or enhance your speechPersuade your audience and the steps to convince them of an idea or viewpointInspire your audience with storiesThis course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee - if you take this course and do not like it for whatever reason, you can get all of your money back, no questions asked. In addition to this, if you PM me and let me know how I can improve my course for you, I will gift you an electronic copy of my book ""Make your speech more impactful"" as a show of my gratitude. Hope to see you soon!"
Price: 19.99

"Freshman Year Spanish: Second Semester" |
"Hola compaeros! In this follow-up course you will expand your understanding of the basics of the Spanish language. As you learn about additional grammatical principles and strategies for effective communication your ability to express yourself in Spanish will increase.Follow along with my lectures and explanations as you increase your proficiency in the language. The course covers the core grammar principles that anyone might expect o learn in a second-semester Spanish course in addition to some extra tips and tricks for effective communication.This course includes:13 robust lecturesAdditional supplemental materials and documentsLinks to external resources to further your Spanish language learningQuality language acquisition takes time and requires consistent practice and dedicated study. I have studied the history of language learning, and I'm here to tell you that there is no secret or quick fix to learning a second language. Successful language acquisition boils down to two things: student engagement and access to quality language resources. This,mis amigos, is your resource for learning the Spanish language."
Price: 19.99

"Failing Faster to Succeed as an Author" |
"With so many authors ""gaming"" the system to become a bestseller on Amazon, but never earning a cent, wouldn't you like to know how to create a bestselling book that actually earns you money?I can show you how!I have been speaking all over the country for the past few years about book marketing. My award-winning book, ""The Plan that Launched a Thousand Books: A DIY Guide to Creating Your Book Marketing Plan"" continues to receive rave reviews, as well as to establish my expertise in the industry and generate revenue through book sales and client engagements..In Failing Faster to Succeed as an Author, I show you how to use market research to:create a marketing plan that reaches your ideal reader identify topics that already have a buying audiencetailor your content to meet needs in the marketplacedesign your book so that it stands out from the competitionuse your book to increase your following.This course is designed to help you evaluate book ideas and quickly drop those that won't sell to create a book that already has an eager audience waiting for it by the time that it's released.As you navigate this course, you'll gain insights and learn the strategies that I use to make my books and those of my clients market successes. Upon successful completion of this course, you'll be able to:Position yourself to attract the desired income from your writing effortsAmplify your book's marketability and salability to drive results and grow your listDevelop a highly marketable book that fills a market needAppreciate the factors that equate to success when establishing your brandStart learning how to #FailFaster today!"
Price: 59.99

"Learn to Play Blackjack in Vegas or any Casino" |
"TradeUp Today brings you another way to improve your life with this course. This course is designed to teach you the best way to Blackjack. If you have played and lost at Blackjack before you will learn strategies which will dramatically increase your probabilities of winning and allow you to play for a long time with little money.This course is short enough to watch on your flight to Vegas or if you have minimal time just download the handouts and take them with you to the casino!If you are intimidated by table games and spend most of your time at the slots this course will take away that intimidation and let you play with confidence.Through a series of video lectures and self quizzes you will learn everything about playing Blackjack in Vegas including:choosing where to play in Vegasdeciding which table to play at in the casinobring the right amount of money to playassessing your hand against the dealers to make the best move possibleusing side bets to increase your profitsusing card counting to improve your probabilities of profitcorrectly exiting the table casinoEach section of this course come complete with handouts you can print out and take with you to the casino as well as self quizzes to assess your knowledge of the material.So many people walk up to the Blackjack table and walk away a few minutes later having lost all their money. For the price of a couple of losing Blackjack hands you can finally turn that losing streak around, have a lot more fun and spend a lot less money at the CasinoEnroll now and TradeUp your Blackjack playing experience today!"
Price: 24.99

"75+ Problems with Low Testosterone in Men" |
"FINALLY LEARN about all the AMAZING benefits of testosterone in the male body and the studies that support those benefits you'll never wonder about testosterone research again!You're a man with no libido or have erectile dysfunction (ED). You feel tired and weak and depressed and you're always achy, especially in your muscles -- which seem to be wasting away. Ugh. Or you're a wife and you wonder about your husband's loss of muscle tone and absence of libido and interest in sex -- his apathy is driving you CRAZY! What's going on? Take a walk on the wild side with Dr Dan Purser, an MD who's been involved in years of endocrine (hormone) research, written a textbook on preventive medicine and tons of other books (TEN #1 books), and is a worldwide educator on men's & women's health issues. Learn what the research says through the eyes of this engaging educator as he shares experiences and articles about men and their testosterone, their libido, and their brain and heart. Wonder no more if it's safe or helps -- this is detailed and backed by references -- and will help you to decide if testosterone should be part of your life and why... Men LOVE IT when they optimize their testosterone levels. I know this first hand after years as a practicing physician and as an endocrinology researcher and properly treating men who were deficient dealing with them before and after, and seeing the smiles on their faces when they too really realized the wonderful (and SEXY) benefits of testosterone it was our little guy secret for them to use with their wife. The challenge is that there's all kinds of confusing bad information out there well this little course cuts through all of that as I discuss each study (studies that I chose as a reason and felt that were significant) and what it means to YOU. And I don't talk like a physician above your head with big fancy medical words I grew up on a farm in Oklahoma and I talk like a regular human being. Most doctors don't know these details but they're not secret they just come with the territory for the kind of research I do and books I write I've had TEN #1 BOOKS on health issues and hormones. This disconnect with you the patient by other physicians and their inability to answer questions patients really have is why so many doctors are missing out on unlocking the wonders of this incredible hormone and treatment option with their exhausted chronically fatigued no libido male patients. This course was created to change that attitude and in the past has only been available amongst a private, group of elite professionals and high end cash paying patients until now... This isn't one of those training programs that gives you some basic theory and sends you out into the trenches only slightly better off then when you started... By the end of this training you will be armed with hardcore facts about testosterone benefits for men, and some proven tactics for optimizing your levels. Need to discuss testosterone benefits with your personal physician and don't know where to start? - you're coveredYour doc doesn't know what your testosterone levels should be? - you're coveredYour personal physician is not sure how to prescribe and in what form? - you're coveredYour doctor says it will cause prostate cancer? - boom, you'll learn how to disarm that tooThis training covers the current and modern peer reviewed research on testosterone benefits for men and the safety issues (which are minimal). This premium training by a top notch educator is perfect and for years has delivered results for: Men who have muscle wasting and want them to come backPatients with osteoarthritis or even rheumatoid arthritis and want relief and healingMen with ED that want it to go away naturallyMen with exhaustion and fatigue and who wonder if it's due to low testosteroneMen with absence of libido who want a love lifeMen with unexplained depression it's not a fluoxetine deficiency. When you're done with this course, starting to feel much better will be in reach...as well as the big time intimacy rewards that come with that. Below you can find out exactly how the training is laid out, but real quick here are the sections: 1.Introduction Understanding a little bit about who I am, my Credentials, Background, and from what Direction I Speak and Educate2.Men Using Testosterone How to Properly Use Testosterone and What Your Real World Options Are.3.Proper Diagnosis Information and Labs we Need & Get in Research And In My Office to Confirm the Diagnosis4.Cardiovascular Benefits of Testosterone For Men the research and studies and what they say (THEY are HUGE -- and NOT what the current news would have you believe)5.Diabetes Benefits Did you Know Testosterone Helps to Prevent Diabetes? (I've Even Seen it Unwind Full Blown Cases of Type 2 Diabetes.) Learn more in this section.6.Muscles and Strength Getting weaker? More Frail? Can't figure out why because you eat and healthy and have exercised all your life? This Section May Hold The Answers7.Prevent Mental Decline and Elevates Mood Worried About Dementia or Alzheimer's? (Who Isn't) Or MS? Several Critical Studies on these Benefits Are Detailed.8.Bone Health Testosterone Can Help Prevent Osteoporosis and Even Reverse IT. Has Your Doctor Told You This? Has He Prescribed It Yet for that Nagging Osteopenia? See Why It May Be An AWESOME Natural Option.9.Sexual Health Has This Been And Issue? This Section Is Usually A Man's Favorite Especially If You're Young and Have ED. This May and Is A SUPER SEXY All Natural Option10.General Health Testosterone Helps So Many Things Naturally and Safely I Try To Cover Some Here in this Section.11.More Info I Detail Ways You Can Contact ME Just in Case.Trust me, this is just a small sample of what you'll learn and by the end of this course you'll have every tool you need in order to dispel yours' and your physician's concerns about this amazing hormone. I will personally respond to any questions you may have as you go through the material so there's no worry if you're not sure how to take all of the information and apply it to your personal life. AND you'll have access to all of this material as well as the newest stuff I share with everyone on the inside of the course for life! Also, you'll receive all future notifications for my newer more advanced courses as they come out and new information as it arises.REMINDER: this is a risk free purchase with Udemy's 30 day money back guarantee. Nothing to lose, everything to gain. Hope to see you on the inside,-- Dan Purser MDBTW - This training is something I've kept off of everything but my own private patient community site for a long time due to wariness of exposing too many practice and research secrets. After finally getting convinced by some patients that more women needed to see it, I decided to put it up here on Udemy. I can't guarantee I will keep making it available to purchase forever considering my initial concerns, so I'd grab it while you still can."
Price: 24.99

"45+ Testosterone Benefits in Women" |
"YES, Women Need Testosterone Too And It Has Many OF THE Same Benefits As For MEN FIND OUT NOW!FINALLY LEARN about all the SEXY benefits of testosterone in the female body and the studies that support those benefits you'll never wonder about testosterone research again.You're a woman and lost your libido. You feel tired and weak and depressed and you're dry everywhere. Ugh. Or you're a husband and you wonder that same about your wife's loss of muscle tone and absence of libido -- what's going on? Take a walk on the wild side with Dr Dan Purser, an MD who's been involved in years of endocrine (hormone) research, written a textbook on preventive medicine and tons of other books (TEN #1 books), and is a worldwide educator on men's & women's health issues. Learn what the research says through the eyes of this engaging educator as he shares experiences and articles about women and their testosterone, their libido, and their brain and heart. Wonder no more if it's safe or helps -- this is detailed and backed by references -- and will help you to decide if testosterone should be part of your life and why... Women explode when they optimize their testosterone levels. I know this first hand after years as a practicing physician and as an endocrinology researcher and properly treating women who were deficient dealing with them before and after, and seeing the smiles on their faces when they too really realized the wonderful (and SEXY) benefits of testosterone it was our little secret for them to use with their husband. The challenge is that there's all kinds of confusing bad information out there well this little course cuts through all of that as I discuss each study (studies that I chose as a reason and felt that were significant) and what it means to YOU. And I don't talk like a physician above your head with big fancy medical words I grew up on a farm in Oklahoma and I talk like a regular human being. Most doctors don't know these details but they're not secret they just come with the territory for the kind of research I do and books I write.This disconnect with you the patient by other physicians and their inability to answer questions patients really have is why so many doctors are missing out on unlocking the wonders of this incredible hormone and treatment option with their ill female patients. This course was created to change that attitude and in the past has only been available amongst a private, group of elite professionals and high end cash paying patients until now... This isn't one of those training programs that gives you some basic theory and sends you out into the trenches only slightly better off then when you started... By the end of this training you will be armed with hardcore facts about testosterone benefits for women, and an arsenal of proven tactics for optimizing your levels. Need to discuss testosterone benefits with your personal physician and don't know where to start? - you're coveredYour doc doesn't know what your testosterone levels should be (especially for those women in menopause)? - you're coveredYour personal physician is not sure how to prescribe and in what form? - you're coveredYour doctor says it will cause cancer and/or facial hair? - boom, you'll learn how to disarm that tooThis training covers the current and modern peer reviewed research on testosterone benefits for women and the safety issues (which are minimal). This premium training by a top notch educator is perfect and for years has delivered results for: Women who have muscle wasting and want them to come backPatients with osteoarthritis or even rheumatoid arthritis and want relief and healingWomen with severe atrophic vaginitis that want it to go away naturallyWomen with dry eyes and dry mouths (and super dry and painful down there) and want to quit sipping water all day and having to use eye drops constantlyWomen with absence of libido who want a love lifeWomen with unexplained depression it's not a fluoxetine deficiency. When you're done with this course, starting to feel much better will be in reach...as well as the big time intimacy rewards that come with that. Below you can find out exactly how the training is laid out, but real quick here are the sections: Introduction Understanding a little bit about who I am, my Credentials, Background, and from what Direction I Speak and EducateWomen Using Testosterone How to Properly Use Testosterone and What Your Real World Options Are.Proper Diagnosis Information and Labs we Need & Get in Research And In My Office to Confirm the DiagnosisCardiovascular Benefits of Testosterone For Women the research and studies and what they say (THEY are HUGE).Diabetes Benefits Did you Know Testosterone Helps to Prevent Diabetes? (I've Even Seen it Unwind Cases of Type 2 Diabetes.) Learn more in this section.Muscles and Strength Getting weaker? More Frail? Can't figure out why because you eat and healthy and have exercised all your life? This Section May Hold The AnswersPrevent Mental Decline and Elevates Mood Worried About Dementia or Alzheimer's? (Who Isn't) Or MS? Several Critical Studies on these Benefits Are Detailed.Bone Health Testosterone Can Help Prevent Osteoporosis and Even Reverse Bone Health. Has Your Doctor Told You This? Has He Prescribed It Yet for that Nagging Osteopenia? See Why It May Be An AWESOME Natural Option.Sexual Health Has This Been An Issue? This Section Is Usually A Husband's Favorite Especially If You're Young and Have HSDD. Hypogonadism is the Root Cause. This May and Is A SUPER SEXY All Natural OptionGeneral Health Testosterone Helps So Many Things Naturally and Safely I Try To Cover Some Here in this Section.More Info I Detail Ways You Can Contact ME Just in Case.Trust me, this is just a small sample of what you'll learn and by the end of this course you'll have every tool you need in order to dispel yours' and your physician's concerns about this amazing hormone. I will personally respond to any questions you may have as you go through the material so there's no worry if you're not sure how to take all of the information and apply it to your personal life. AND you'll have access to all of this material as well as the newest stuff I share with everyone on the inside of the course for life! Also, you'll receive all future notifications for my newer more advanced courses as they come out and new information as it arises.REMINDER: This is a risk free purchase with Udemy's 30 day money back guarantee. You have nothing to lose, everything to gain. Hope to see you on the inside,-- Dan Purser MDBTW - This training is something I've kept off of everything but my own private patient community site for a long time due to wariness of exposing too many practice and research secrets. After finally getting convinced by some patients that more women needed to see it, I decided to put it up here on Udemy. I can't guarantee I will keep making it available to purchase forever considering my initial concerns, so I'd grab it while you still can."
Price: 19.99

"Essential Oils and Healthy Menopause" |
"FINALLY LEARN about all the UNBELIEVABLE benefits of ESSENTIAL OILS in the female menopausal body and the studies that support those benefits you'll never wonder about essential oils and menopause again!Essential oils and health -- a super hot topic lately. Essential oils and Menopause? Maybe -- but can they help? But Essential oils and Western Medicine? Now that's controversial. But what happens when you combine the technical skills of a western medicine researcher & author with essential oil research & product development? You get me, Dr Dan Purser -- an MD who's done endocrinology (hormone) research, written a ton of books on the subject (seven #1 titles), done years of essential oil research plus essential oil/hormone product development, and is a master worldwide educator on essential oils and medicine (endocrinology). In this little course he delves into the medical issues associated with menopause, what the lack of hormones will do to you (in some incredible detailed exclusive reports), the history of some key oils that can apparently alleviate menopause symptoms, and some of the benefits you might expect from their use.Take this to learn more about menopause and some of the magic of essential oils.You're a woman and you've lost your libido and have hot flashes and night sweats. You feel tired and weak and depressed and you're always achy, especially in your muscles -- which seem to be wasting away. Ugh. Your doctor's told you it's menopause but you don't want his synthetic prescriptions you want to know more! You have to know more. Take a walk in the world of nature and medicine with Dr Dan Purser, an MD who's been involved in years of endocrine (hormone) research, written a textbook on preventive medicine and tons of other books (NINE #1 books on AMAZON), and is a worldwide educator on men's & women's health issues. Learn what the research says through the eyes of this engaging educator as he shares experiences and articles about women, menopause, the history of essential oils, and the modern researched benefits. Wonder no more if these work or help -- this is detailed and backed by references -- and will help you to decide if essential oils should be part of your life and why... Women LOVE IT when they use essential oils the way they feel, their fragrance/aroma, and the natural benefits they offer. I know this first hand after years as a practicing physician and as an endocrinology researcher and properly dealing with women who were hormonally deficient dealing with them before and after they came in for menopause, and seeing the smiles on their faces when they too really realized the amazing benefits of essential oils I've looked at well over 2,000 lab panels on women who use essential oils, and have documented the benefits. The challenge is that there's all kinds of confusing bad information out there well this little course cuts through all of that as I discuss each study (studies that I chose as a reason and felt that were significant) and what it means to YOU. And I don't talk like a physician above your head with big fancy medical words I grew up on a farm in Oklahoma and I talk like a regular human being. Most physicians don't know these details but they're not secret they just come with the territory for the kind of research I do and books I write I've had NINE #1 BOOKS on preventive medicine and hormones so I speak from vast experience and knowledge. But I've also listened to you women as you've asked for more natural options (begged in many cases) and let me know your regular doctors would not listen. This disconnect with you the patient by other physicians and their inability to answer questions patients really have is why so many doctors are missing out on unlocking the wonders of this incredible natural treatment option. This course was created to change that attitude and in the past has only been available amongst a private, group of elite professionals and high end cash paying patients until now... This isn't one of those training programs that gives you some basic theory and sends you out into the trenches only slightly better off then when you started... By the end of this training you will be armed with hardcore facts about essential oil benefits for women, and why they work, and some proven tactics for optimizing your levels. Need to discuss essential oil benefits with your personal physician and don't know where to start? - you're coveredYour doc doesn't know which essential oil he/she should suggest? - you're coveredYour personal physician is not sure these are safe or not? - you're coveredYour doctor says these oils are bogus and won't work? - boom, you'll learn how to disarm that too.This training covers the current and modern peer reviewed research on essential oil benefits for women and the safety issues (which are minimal). This premium training by a top notch educator is perfect and for years has delivered results for: Women who have menopause symptoms and want them gonePatients with osteoporosis and want essential oils that can support their hormonesWomen with headaches that want them to go away naturallyWomen with thyroid issues that want something natural to balance their levelsWomen with menopause sleep problems who want to fall asleep relaxed and naturally who don't want to be addicted to big pharma drugsWondering which essential oils support estradiol, or progesterone, or thyroid? It's all covered.Women who are looking for support of their libido or are depressed and wish to use essential oils it's not a fluoxetine deficiency. When you're done with this course, starting to feel much better will be in reach...as well as the big time health rewards that come with that. Below you can find out exactly how the training is laid out, but real quick here are the sections: Introduction Understanding a little bit about who I am, my Credentials, Background, and from what Direction I Speak and EducateWhat is Menopause? Why Menopause Occurs in Women and Medical definitions and what's missing in your life in a natural and normal menopause. Three Amazing Downloads, too.Proper Diagnosis Information and Labs we Need & Get in Research And In My Office to Confirm the Diagnosis. What Lack of Key Hormones Cause (5 MAIN Points Each) and Why You Might Need The Support of Essential Oils.Western Medicine Options in order to give you a balanced approach (hey, I am a western doctor, too, you know). Known side effects of Western Meds discussed.Asking for a Consideration nice request for a review. Plus you get to see my goobery face speaking. JEssential Oil: Clary Sage Ancient History and European History of this amazing essential oil is discussed. Then current research on its' phytoestrogen component (sclareol) is detailed. Essential Oil: Vitex Agnus Castus Ancient Roman History and super interesting European/Dark Ages History of this really useful essential oil is discussed. Then current research is detailed on how it supports and rewards progesterone activity and helps maintain a normal menopause.Oils That Support Sexual Health: Sandalwood and Ylang Ylang are discussed along with Orange Essential OilEssential Oil: Myrtle Again I review the ancient history of Myrtle, and some of the modern medical opinions about this interesting oil and it's function as an adaptogen and it's support of the thyroid.Other Oils: Jasmine, Rose, Lavender, Evening Primrose, are all discussed. Wrap Up A quick review.More Info I Detail Ways You Can Contact Me Just in Case.Trust me, this is just a small sample of what you'll learn and by the end of this course you'll have every tool you need in order to dispel yours' and your physician's concerns about this amazing hormone. I will personally respond to any questions you may have as you go through the material so there's no worry if you're not sure how to take all of the information and apply it to your personal life. AND you'll have access to all of this material as well as the newest stuff I share with everyone on the inside of the course for life! Also, you'll receive all future notifications for my newer more advanced courses as they come out and new information as it arises.REMINDER: this is a risk free purchase with Udemy's 30 day money back guarantee. Nothing to lose, everything to gain. Hope to see you on the inside,-- Dan Purser MDBTW - This training is something I've kept off of everything but my own private patient community site for a long time due to wariness of exposing too many practice and research secrets. After finally getting convinced by some patients that more women needed to see it, I decided to put it up here on Udemy. I can't guarantee I will keep making it available to purchase forever considering my initial concerns, so I'd grab it while you still can."
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to Herbalism" |
"Do you believe you can benefit from herbs, but don't know how to start utilizing them?Are you interested in supplementing your health with herbs, but you don't want to take OTC capsules?Are you interested in becoming an herbalist, but want to get a simple beginner's course before you commit to a full program?Then this is for YOU!This is a basic course in herbalism from a Certified Clinical Master Herbalist.The course is taught using video, audio, and PDF documents. It is a self-paced course that should take up to 4 hours total. There are some at-home practice assignments for you to do, too.Please check back for more of my courses that offer more specific knowledge on herbal healing.Keywords: herbalism, herbal medicine, herbal, herbs for health, natural wellness, natural health, herbs, herbalist, herbal healing, herbal remedies"
Price: 49.99

"Best 3 In 1 Repair Course! Captivate, Infuse, and Skyrocket" |
"If the multi-billion dollar phone repair industry interests you then a must is knowing how to repair all phones, new and old. This course covers three of the most popular Samsung phones that kicked off the galaxy series line of phones. With the i897 Captivate, i997 Infuse, and i727 Skyrocket you will have an incredible grasp of the common repairs associated with cell phones. This course covers three cell phones and has 35 chapters which give you insight into the modular hardware replacement, diagnostics and troubleshooting, and soldering tips for a well-rounded understanding of true technical repairs. Using these videos to build a solid base in the cell phone repair industry is a must. Once completed, the skills you will learn can take an ordinary repair business to the next level. To become a competitive repair technician, one must understand all aspects of phone repair. This understanding ranges from troubleshooting to soldering and charging port replacement, all of which is covered in this detailed course. There are 3 sections with 11 videos per section. Each section covers a specific phone and the repairs associated with that phone. Although the phones and repairs are similar they are not exactly the same. It is a must in the cell phone industry to see different phones and how they are built and assembled to have a firm grasp on how other phones may vary. We show each repair individually so you can see the specific repair you are interested in, without the need to watch unwanted videos. If all sections in the course are watched, there are over 2 hours of detailed course content. Once completed you will have an incredible understanding of the common repairs involved for the samsung captivate, infuse, and skyrocket. Section 4 is a bonus. Everyone knows someone who has had a phone with some sort of liquid damage. It covers liquid damage detection, basic and advanced cleaning. This 2 chapter section will go from start to finish and give you a great insight into tackling phones which may have encountered swimming pools or the dreaded bathroom toilet."
Price: 19.99

"Jewelry Making: Decorative Wire Wrapping 1 - Herringbone" |
"Are you ready to take your wire wrapping skills to the next level? In this Decorative Wire Wrapping workshop, youll learn to master the Herringbone Wrap wire working technique.This beautiful effect creates stunning and inspired jewelry with HUGE wow! factor, and I think youll agree!In Mastering the Herringbone Wrap, youll learn several different ways to incorporate the herringbone wrap and make variations on this distinctively elegant style: Links, dangles, and drops that you can use to create bracelets, necklaces, earrings, and more! Ill walk you through each pattern step-by-step with close up videos and with this interactive platform, Im always here to help if you have any questions along the way. ********************************************************************************************REGISTER NOW and learn this incredible technique today!********************************************************************************************There are so many reasons to develop a skill like making jewelry. Whether you want a creative way to switch off after a hard day, to generate a side-income, or perhaps you simply want to make and wear beautiful jewelry that no one else will ever have! Whatever your reasons, youre going to love this course!Master this method and create unlimited unique and gorgeous wearable designs to add to your collection. So go ahead - enroll now and come on in and join the fun!********************************************************************************************Your purchase is 100% RISK FREE with a 30 day money-back guarantee. If you are not satisfied with this course, simply request a refund within your 30 day period for your money back, no questions asked.GET STARTED MAKING BEAUTIFUL WIRE WRAPPED HERRINGBONE JEWELLERY TODAY - ENROLL NOW!********************************************************************************************Mastering the Herringbone Wrap is the first in a series of jewelry making courses focusing on decorative wire wrapping techniques and beyond-the-basics wire wrapping skills."
Price: 29.99

"10 Ways to Enhance User Experience on a Mobile Website" |
"These days, it is far more common for potential customers to visit your site not through a desktop or a laptop, but through a phone or a tablet. Thats why its more important than ever to optimize your content marketing with the mobile user in mind! Learn just how to do that with Mobile-First Content Marketing Strategy: Mobile Customers! This Course shows you how to optimize your content to appeal to mobile users and convert visits into sales. Before this course, your best case scenario is that your site is viewable on mobile devices, but could be much better. The worst case scenario? Your site doesnt display correctly at all on mobile devices, and youre hemorrhaging potential customers! With Mobile-First Content Marketing Strategy, youll discover how to make text readable without zooming, how to properly space links so that can be clicked with a finger, and how to avoid horizontal scrolling. Youll also learn how to perform a mobile SEO audit, gain insight into mobile search intent, and delve into App Store Optimization! Its all here in over 2 hours of content and 27 lectures. Learn How to Make Your Online Business Mobile-Friendly and Optimize Your Organic Search Ranking.Understand mobile search intentDefine mobile optimized conversion points for mobilePerform A Mobile SEO AuditOptimize A Mobile Search Engine Check your website Responsive ElementsLearn App Store Optimization (ASO)Make your Business mobile friendlyMaster the essential rules for mobile-first designWe'll Discover some Essential Key Things to Keep in Mind when You Designing for Mobile.Basically, if your mobile product does not follow the same user-centric principles that work on other platforms, it is most likely destined to fail.While there are several decisions you will need to make, the first and most fundamental is Does my business need a mobile website or a mobile app?"" This course will help you to choose the best and to optimize your website for mobile devices (SEO) and your apps for App Store (ASO).Contents and OverviewThis course contains over 21 lectures and +2 hours of content. It's designed for anyone, regardless of experience level, for you too if you wishes to improve your online business and convert more of those mobile visitors into customers.Through the course will cover some examples of Effective Mobile Content and discover those most important points to Getting it Right.By the end of this course, you'll update your online business to fit for the devices most used by your audience and start converts more of those mobile visitors into customers."
Price: 149.99

"Learning CPA Marketing From the Experts" |
"See how I make $10,000 every Month form CPA Marketing. Easily and simply.Have you heard of my ""CPA Marketing Secrets""? I've been making an amazing amount from my CPA Marketing each month, since I started to experiment with what REALLY works. My experiments have really paid off ... and those that worked are now revealed here for the very first time. I now average $10,000 every month - and that is net to me only from CPA Offers. And that's not just one freak month! That's every month, month after month after month. In January 2012, before I started using Tracking and Split Testing that you will learn in this course, I only made $350 - by following this course, that's now increased, month-by-month, to over $10,000 every month. And, yes that's the amount I receive. Every single technique which I reveal in this course is easy to put into place in minutes - and can give you instant returns. Nothing is kept secret - I reveal all I know ... and as I test even more things, those that are successful are added to the course - at no extra cost to you! This is a course that will continue to grow and grow. As well as the Udemy 30 day guarantee, you have my personal promise that you will be wowed and delighted by what you'll learn in the next 5 to 6 hours ... and you'll be kicking yourself if you already have a CPA Network account and have been missing out on fabulous potential earnings. What You Will Learn The course is designed to teach you: How to become a CPA marketing expert from scratchHow to get into any CPA network GUARANTEEDUnderstand how the Tracking and Split Testing tools WorkHow to Build a Strong A/B Testing Plan That Gets ResultsHow to get High Converting traffic from Paid methodsSecret Tricks to create Successful and Attractive AdsHow to Track your Competitor Real Show Section from picking up the offer to Making our 1st Dollar What this course is not: I do not cover How to get free traffic methods to your CPA Offers as these are available for free from lots of websites. I present you with real evidence of what works to get visitors which turn into Action which turns into repeat sales. I won't teach you anything that in any way breaks CPA Networks terms, rules, conditions etc, whether they are written or implied - I value my CPA earnings too much! But, if you want my personal ""insider"" information - remember I've earned $80,000 in the last 6 months for minimal work (and I now work for no more than an hour a day) - you need to get this course now ... right this minute. Every minute you delay is actually COSTING you money .... Enrol now!"
Price: 149.99
