"Mastering Windows PowerShell v5.1 & 7, Beginner to Advanced" |
"Interested in learning how to quickly automate basic administrative functions? Windows PowerShell is rapidly becoming the solution that Operators turn to with its powerful combination of a scripting language, command line speed, and GUI tools (Graphical User Interface).This course is an introduction to Windows PowerShell where you'll have an opportunity to learn how to replace manual, repetitive, and time-consuming operations with an automated solution.In this course, you'll be introduced to the Windows PowerShell console and the Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE) as the main command line interfaces you'll use to work with PowerShell commands. Learn the importance of the Windows PowerShell Help system as the quickest way to discover the commands and associated syntax you need for the particular task you want to accomplish. Take advantage of the ISE's Intellisense features to learn PowerShell through syntax completion and sorting and filtering commands with the Show Command add-on.This course will let you be able to understand the thinking way of the Windows PowerShell and work with it as a servant person that will Execute your commands.Every section will be going to let you create a successful habit and a good strategy to easily find the right command, the right syntax of this command, and then running it to get the required result. Also, learn how Providers and Drives work with disparate data sources, such as registry keys, certificates, files, folders, and moreWhat You Will Learn The course is designed to teach you: Basic concepts of Windows PowerShellHow to navigate the Windows PowerShell Help system effectivelyFind and Discover Any PowerShell CommandsInterpret and understand how to read the Help of any CommandsFormalization of the Right Syntax and Running the commandsWorking with Providers and DrivesUnderstand the Variables Strings, Hash tables, Core Operators and Regular Expression Basics...And more...By the end of this course, you should be well on your way to creating scripts that save you time, accomplish tasks with greater efficiency, and allow you to be even more productive on the job.PS: Check the Free Preview videos to know more about the course and to be sure you can get accustomed to my accentEnroll now!"
Price: 199.99

"CPA Tactic 2019-2020" |
"CPA Marketing or Cost per Action is one of the best ways to Make Money online; however, this field is fiercely competition, and it gets harder to succeed in it, but dont worry Im going to help you to Stop losing more times trying CPA marketing and to start seeing your successes in this business by using a specific tactic that is guaranteed to work on the next 2 years.In this course I will give you What You need to Start Succeed in CPA Marketing, like: The minimum budget and how to split it, The most successful CPA offers, How to choose a great offer How to test an offer easily by using this new tactic, Show you my daily task that will help you to become a CPA Marketer expert.This course is created for the CPA marketers that have some experience and wont to optimize their income, and if you are a beginner I highly recommended to enroll in my other course about CPA Marketing for beginners.So what you waiting for, enroll now and start discovering the New CPA Tactic that is guaranteed to work for you on the next two yearsEvery minute you delay is actually COSTING you money .... Enroll now!"
Price: 149.99

"Mobile App Design in Sencha Touch From Scratch" |
"If you want to build powerful cross platform mobile applications with HTML5, then Sencha Touch is the best solution. Sencha Touch is a popular HTML5 software that provides you with a framework to create rich mobile apps for various platforms. Our comprehensive and practical Sencha Touch course gives you a strong understanding of the steps taken when creating a mobile app including designing the layout, making data requests, optimization and theming.This course will get you up and running quickly, and teach you the core knowledge you need to deeply understand and build Web Apps for mobile devices. If you are new to Sencha Touch, or if you've been working to learn it but sometimes feel like you still don't quite 'get it', this is the Sencha Touch course for you!Here's a glance at just some of the things you'll learn: Set up the Perfect Development Environment Getting Started with First Sencha Touch App The easy way to Understand The MVC File Structure Handling Interactions with Controllers and Defining Views Designing Forms for Efficient Data Entry Building a Contact Manager Building a Blog Posts Application Export your apps to Different Platforms And more By the end of this course, you should be well on your way to deploying a complete app across multiple mobile platforms and save you time learning the code necessary for each platforms. Enrol now! "
Price: 149.99

"Lead Generation with LinkedIn for your Business" |
"This is a LinkedIn course for business people who are looking to generate leads. The course will cover:- How to set up your LinkedIn company and personal page correctlyKnowing your way around LinkedInBuilding relationships to over 500 in 30 daysGetting recommendations to use on all your marketingHow to organise your connectionsHow create connections even when you are not linked This course takes you from beginner to intermediate level and also shows you what advanced functions you can use.This course is taught by slides and real examples to show you how to set up your LinkedIn account correctly.If you run a business and want to get regular leads from LinkedIn then this course is for you.My personal promise that if you don't like my course for any reason within 30 days I will give you all your money back.As the world of LinkedIn changes often I will continuously update the training lectures as and when needed. If you find that you need more information on a particular point just message me and I will give you guidance plus record another lecture if needed. I am keen to give you a life time benefit of my online training and will reply to comments and changes as quick as I can.Course last updated May 2015"
Price: 39.99

"How to Get On Shark Tank: The Audition Guide (How I Got On!)" |
"Are you a fan of ABC's Shark Tank? When you're watching the show, do you envision yourself pitching your product or business to the Sharks? In this course, you'll learn how to maximize your chances, from someone who actually made it through the audition process, all the way to The Tank. Last season, over 45,000 people applied for the show, yet only a hundred or so end up making it onto the show. And that's why I developed this class. Ever since my appearance on Shark Tank in Season 4, people have asked me what I did to differentiate myself, how I positioned my product, what I did on my audition video, and so many more, all of which I cover in this class.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++In this class, I'll cover:How I got onto the show, after first going through the email application process, then a live, open casting call (and then getting bumped after making the semi-finals in Season 3)How other successful entrepreneurs made it onto the showAudition video tips, techniques and warningsA hidden secret INSIDE the ABC website that will help you to nail your email applicationA complete run-through of the Initial Application Packet, which is required for all entrepreneurs attending an open casting callLots of valuable tips and techniques, based on my experience (and other Shark Tank entrepreneurs) that will help you to maximize your chances of making it to the TankAdvice on positioning, messaging, valuation and other areas of your business, which can help ANY entrepreneur, whether or not you get onto the showAbout this class:No experience is required, and this class contains valuable information regardless of how far along you are in your businessUnconditional Udemy 30 day money-back guarantee -- I promise you'll gain valuable, unique insights or you can have your money backAll future bonus lectures and upgrades are included for freeThe first thing I tell anyone seeking my advice is this: Shark Tank is unlike any other reality TV show on the air, and must be treated as such. The investors are real, the money is real, the entrepreneurs are real, and the tension is real. Getting there is not easy, but in this class, I will guide you through the entire audition process, and share exactly what I did to get on the show.If you've ever dreamed of facing the Sharks on ABC's Shark Tank, start by taking this class, to learn the ropes from an insider who made it onto the show. You can do this!"
Price: 99.99

"Advanced Scalable Python Web Development Using Flask" |
"This course will teach you some of the advanced development concepts used in the top tech companies today. How do I know this? Because Ive been leading tech teams in both large enterprise as well as startup companies in New York City for the past 15 years.Thousands of students have completed my ""Professional Python Web Development Using Flask""Udemy Course, which introduced them to the basic concepts of Python andFlask and this course builds on top of that knowledge and takes you to the next step in web application architecture design.The course goes throughtheprocess of building a social web application using Python Flask and the most popular document store database in the market: MongoDB. We will go over modeling best practices, how to build efficient indexes and how to interact with it using the popular MongoEngine ORM.Step-by-step we will go over the user registration, login and management, the relationship model for users to become friends, and a scalable news feed system using the same architectural design that Twitter and other popular social applications have been using to handle massive amounts of user data.Additionally we will setup and use Amazons AWS cloud infrastructure for this social application, and you will learn how to manage thousands of images using Amazon S3 and best-of-class email distribution using Amazon SES.At the end of the course students will be challenged with a final project where all the course material will need to be used to complete it. Students that finish the final project will be eligible for special future promotions.If you already know the basics of Python and Flask and you are interested in advancing your knowledge, this course will go over some of the advanced concepts of web application development, architecture design, database modeling and leveraging cloud infrastructure services.The course is divided in 7sections:IntroductionFundamental ConceptsMongoDB and Flask BlueprintsThe User Module and an Introduction to AWSThe Relationship ModuleThe Feed ModuleFinal ProjectThe course has more than 13hours of video tutorials as well as the source code at the end of each lesson, so that you can see exactly what the whole project looks like in each stage.The course can take anywhere from 10 days to a month to complete based on how much material the student completes daily.Additionally were constantly updating the course, adding contents thanks to the feedback of our students.Join this course and continue your path to becoming a professional Python backend web developer!"
Price: 49.99

"Ms de 40 tcnicas de Arte y Creatividad. Dibujo y Pintura." |
"- Ms de2000alumnos y alumnashan tomado ya mis cursos de Arte y Creatividad!- Garanta del 100% dedevolucin de tu compra en 30 dassi no quedas satisfecho/acon el curso.En este curso aprenders las Tcnicas y Procedimientos clsicos y contemporneos de las Artes Plsticas. Consta de clases tericas que se complementan con prcticas realizadas por el profesor. Tambin hay clases extra, material complementario y una extensa Bibliografa.Este curso va dirigido tanto a estudiantes de Bellas Artes, Arquitectura, Academias y Escuelas de Artes aplicadas, as como a Tatuadores, Artistas, Urban Sketchers, Dibujantes de Cmic, Caricaturistas y todo aquel que quiera aprender de la experiencia del Prof. Dr. Antonio Garca Villarn, Director y Profesor de CREA 13. Profundizaremos en las Tcnicas al agua, Tcnicas secas, Tcnicas grasas y trabajaremos Tcnicas mixtas y nuevas aplicaciones como el Perfodibujo. Este curso puede completarse en unas horas, pero puedes estar aprendiendo de l de por vida. Adems, est en continua actualizacin.Apntate a este curso si quieres tener herramientas plsticas de arte y ejercicios de creatividad para hacer posible todo aquello que imagines."
Price: 34.99

"Make and sell your own Artist's Book. Art and Creativity" |
"This course contains theoretical and practical classes which go into depth in concepts such as The Art Book, The Artist's Book and The Object Book. You will also be able to make Artist's books with the binding included. It is a complete and intensive experience of multidirectional investigation and experimentation with the creator and coordinator of various Artist's Book Fairs such as LAEE (The Fair of Artists' Books and Unusual Editions) and FALA (The Alicante Fair of Artists' Books), the Publisher ""Cangrejo Pistolero Editions"", as well as being a teacher at and the founder of the Art School ""CREA 13, Shared Knowledge"". This s a course that you can complete in just a few days, but you can develop what you learn from it for years. There are many cases of success where the students of this workshop have created their own projects and taken part in Fairs, transforming their creations into their way of life. We will start by clarifying the concept of the ""Artist's Book"" in order to move onto looking at practical examples of them and then how they are made. We'll explore the Fairs and other alternative exhibition and selling spaces and we'll conclude with recent designs. Finally we'll add an interesting bibliography so that you can carry on learning.Take this course and you will encounter a new way of understanding the ""Book"" that might well become a fundamental pilar in your life project. If you like drawing, pinging, design, sculpture o any form of plastic arts, this is your opportunity to apply your knowledge in order to reach a new level."
Price: 19.99

"The Art of Portrait: How to draw and paint the countenance" |
"-More than 2000 students have taken my courses on Art and Creativity!-100%Money Back Guarantee within30 days in case you are not satisfied with this course.-This course is a complete audiovisual guide which with you will be able to make portraits thanks to these practical and theorical lessons. We will go into morphology, proportions, tipologies and portrait's purpose. It also includes a bibliography, images to download and video tutorials commented by the professor in real time with activities. This course can be made in a week but you actually you can practice the activities for months until you perfect them. The organization of the course is as follows:1)Basic notions2) Head's proportion and morphology3) Other elements in a portrait4) Practical examples explained step by step5) Summary, conclusion.Sign upthis course if you are interested and you want to have the necessary tools to draw and painting the human face.- You will be able to access this content for life.- Free updates- You will be updated all the time through this online platform."
Price: 34.99

"Pinta 5 cuadros en 5 das con pintura acrlica." |
"- Ms de2000alumnos y alumnashan tomado ya mis cursos de Arte y Creatividad!- Garanta del 100% dedevolucin de tu compra en 30 dassi no quedas satisfecho/acon el curso.Curso dirigido a toda persona que quiera aprender a pintar de manera sencilla y obtener espectaculares resultados. Es un mtodo de introduccin almundo del dibujo y la pintura parainiciarse en las artes plsticas. Pintaremos 5 cuadrosfamosos de 5 estilos distintos; Impresionismo, Puntillismo, Fauvismo, Cubismo y Expresionismo. Paso a paso garantizaremos que todoel mundo pueda hacerlo. La tcnica que se emplear ser el acrlico, debido asu limpieza y rapidez de secado.- Comenzaremos preparando nuestro Taller y comprando los materiales necesarios.- Hablaremos brevemente de la obra y el autor para sumergirnos en su espritu.- Pintaremos paso a paso, empezando por el fondo y terminando con las pinceladas maestras, con videotutoriales sencillos y directos.Si quieres comprobar lo fcil que es pintar estas obras, apntate al curso. Con los cuadros resultantes podrs decorar tu casa, tu negocio o hacer un regalo muy especial a quien desees."
Price: 19.99

"Paint 5 canvases in 5 days with acrylic" |
"-More than 2000 students have already taken my courses on Art and Creativity!-100% Money Back Guarantee within 30 days in case you are not satisfied with this course.This course is for everyone who wants to learn how to paint following easy steps and obtaining amazing results. It is an introduction to the world of drawing and painting to get started in the world of Plastic Arts. We paint five famous paintings with 5 different styles: Impressionism, Pointillism, Fauvism, Cubism and Expressionism.I guarantee you that you can do this following these steps. The use technique is acrylic, due to its cleanliness and fast drying.-We start preparing our Workshop and buying the materials we need.- We will speak briefly about the author and his work to get into its spirit.-We will paint step by step, starting with background and finishing with the final touches, following simple and live video tutorials.If you want to test how easy it is to paint these works, sign up to this course. With the resulting paintings you can decor your house, your business or making a very special present to someone you desire to."
Price: 19.99

"Prsentationen auf Englisch: deiner kurze Ratgeber!" |
"Sie wollen Ihr Englisch fr Prsentationen verbessern? Sie wollen Prsentationen mit mehr Selbstvertrauen fhren, und Probleme besser lsen? Dann ist dieser Kurs genau richtig fr Sie! Seit 2006 helfe ich deutschen Profis, besser und effektiver auf Englisch zu kommunizieren. Und jetzt - auf Englisch!In this course, we cover the basics of planning and delivering presentations in English including key phrases for introductions and sequencing. Everything you need to get started with your English presentations is in this course! Ein weiterer Vorteil fr Sie - Ihr Trainer versteht die deutsche Sprache und den deutschen Markt! Machen Sie das beste aus diesem Angebot! Enrol now!"
Price: 39.99

"Englisch fr Urlauber: Weltreise in englischer Sprache" |
"Herzlich Wilkommen liebe Damen und Herren! Du reist gerne, aber du fhlst dich nicht sicher genug, um unterwegs Englisch zu sprechen? Du willst deinen Urlaub voll genieen, aber du weit nicht, wie du dein Essen bestellen sollst? Du mchtest gern Big Ben sehen, aber kannst nicht nach dem Weg fragen? Dann ist dieser Kurs genau richtig fr dich! Then this course is for you! This short-course is aimed specifically at Germans wanting essential English for holidays. Together we cover what you need, not what you don't. You'll listen, see, read and speak together with me on our language journey as we learn to: check into a hotel let Reception know if there is a problem ask directions to sights or places understand directions order a meal in a restaurant (and understand the menu!) pay for the meal check out of our hotel Vocabulary? Packed. Useful Phrases? Packed. Grammar? Don't need it. Passport? Got it. Ready to start? Fantastic! Let's go!"
Price: 39.99

"How to Design Effective Training Programs" |
"You know the value and benefits of workplace training. When designed and delivered properly, training can make workers more efficient. How? By increasing measurable such as production, revenue, and profits while decreasing costs, waste, and inefficiencies. Intangible benefits can include increased motivation and participation.So, does training have an important place in the workplace? Absolutely. Do you need to design effective workplace training programs? Great! Know how to get started? Ah, then let me help.I've been a trainer since 2006 and this course capitalises on my wealth of experience, presenting benchmark strategies which won't just save you time, they'll also ensure your training programs always stay on track.If you follow the steps outlined in my course, youll find your training programs will be more effective and your participants more engaged. And this leads to an increased ROI, more satisfied and motivated employees, and the attainment of key business goals. Let's go!"
Price: 89.99

"How To Set Up Your Fabulous ESL Business" |
"Want to answer the question: what does it take to succeed as an ESL trainer?An effective, qualified trainer can not only have a profound effect on their students' lives - both professionally and personally - but can also build a financially rewarding career.In my tenyears as an ESL trainer I've moved from language school L-plater to fully-booked freelancer, and this course details how you can enjoy the same success.Through a combination of video, audio and text lectures delivered in my trademark sunshine style, I cover the six steps I've identified as necessary to establish a successful solo career as an ESL trainer. And all compressed into 40 minutes!Take this course to get your ESL career soaring!""Jacqueline has been my trainer since 2009, and has worked with me to improve my skills in English communication, specifically in business writing, speaking and presentations. She takes a communicative approach, simulating real-life situations, and has a wealth of knowledge to pull from."" - Claudia Broghammer, Management Consultant at HR Campus AG""Jacqueline was my colleague at inlingua Chemnitz for three years. In the course of this time I could watch her developing from just"" a skilful speaker of English into a passionate, TESOL-qualified language trainer who very soon became a favourite with her employer, colleagues and clients. Her warm, welcoming and open-minded personality as well as her dedication to high quality and goal orientation made her a wonderful and reliable colleague to work with."" - Anja Pleul, ffentlich bestellte und allgemein beeidigte bersetzerin fr Englisch / Sprachtrainerin Englisch / DaF"
Price: 99.99

"Technical English for Beginners" |
"O'Connell Advanced Training Solutions - Your Partner in Professional English TrainingTogether we'll cover the essential language you need to confidently and accurately speak, listen, read and write Technical English.This is a beginners course, so we start with refreshing the basics: alphabet and numbers, introductions and greetings. But we quickly delve into work-specific language and situations via audio, video and text lectures.Each lecture is supported by downloadable activities and exercises which you will need to complete. The course contains a wealth of information and resource sheets, and will be your go-to guide for your Technical English needs.By the end of this course you will be confident and competent in Technical English communication with your business partners, and will communicate at a CEF A2 level."
Price: 49.99

"Business English: Easy English for Meetings" |
"Do you participate in English-language meetings?Do you need to prepare an agenda in English? Write the minutes in English?And is English your second language?This course is specifically for non-native English speakers needing skills in planning and participating in meetings. So if you work in administration or management, for a large company or small business, and if you have lower-intermediate or intermediate English language skills then this course is for you!I'm a professional, qualified and experienced English trainer with over 9 years' experience teaching business English to companies and individuals. I base my training on many years' experience working in the public and private sectors in Australia, and believe that learning by doing is the most effective way.So in this course you'll listen, watch, read, write and produce your own Invitations, Agendas, Minutes and more! You'll have direct contact with me, your teacher, and I'll work with you every step of the way.By the end of this course you will be a confident and effective communicator in English, and a professional at planning and participating in meetings!"
Price: 49.99

"Effective Business English for Service Staff" |
"Do you organise in English-language meetings? Take phone calls from English-speaking clients? Need to send English emails? Attend trade fairs where English is spoken?And is English your second language?This course is for non-native English speakers needing frontline skills in:planning meetingspreparing meeting agendas and writing the minutestaking phone calls and messagesgreeting visitors to the companysending English emails about your company, products or servicestalking to clients or potential customers So if you work in administration or sales, and if you have lower-intermediate or intermediate English language skills then this course is for you!I'm a professional, qualified and experienced English trainer with over 9 years' experience teaching business English to companies and individuals here in Germany. I base my training on many years' experience working in the public and private sectors in Australia, and believe that learning by doing is the most effective way. In this course you'll listen, watch, read, write and produce your own meeting Invitations, Agendas, Minutes and more! You'll hear phone calls, take messages, write about your products and services. And - you'll have direct contact with me, your teacher, and I'll work with you every step of the way.By the end of this course you will be a confident and effective communicator in Business English!"
Price: 69.99

"Effective Business English for Logistics" |
"This English for Logistics course is for people working in the logistics industry - whether in administration, management, warehousing or human resources. It's your go-to guide on effective communication with colleagues, clients, partners, shipping agents, customs brokers of freight forwarders.It's your independent guide to learn wherever you are, whenever you have time.And it's for non-native speakers of English with CEF B1 proficiency.You'll get warm-up exercises, practical exercises, listening exercises, industry-specific texts, newspaper articles, case-studies, photos, illustrations, film clips and more. Every activity is designed to activate your learning and language development across all senses, and increase your skills in effective English communication.You can communicate with other learners via the Discussion Board, contact me directly for specific questions or concerns, and be part of an interactive, global community of logistics professionals.Let's get cracking."
Price: 39.99

"Englischkurs: effektives Englisch fr Systemgastronomie" |
"Fachmann fr Systemgastronomie // Fachfrau fr SystemgastronomieDieser Online-Lehrgang setzt den Schwerpunkt auf die Lernziele, die der ""Lehrplan fr die Berufsschule - Hotelkaufmann/Hotelkauffrau // Fachmann fr Systemgastronomie Fachfrau fr Systemgastronomie - Fachtheoretischer Bereich"" beschreibt, und wie sie vom Freistaat Sachsen und dem Schsischen Kultusministerium spezifiziert werden.Sprachlernziele: Aktivierung sprachlicher Wendungen fr Begren, Verabschieden, Nachfragen, etc. und relevanter grammatischer Strukturen:bungen zur mndlichen InteraktionAnbieten von alkoholfreien Getrnkensprachliche Muster fr mndliches und schriftliches ReagierenZahlen- und PreisangabenDieses Kurs ist fr Systemgastronomie-Azubis in alle Klassenstufen. spezifischen Lernzielen:Klassenstufe 1: Anbieten von Getrnken: Die Schlerinnen und Schler knnen unter Verwendung der englischsprachigen Fachbegriffe Getrnke sachlich richtig anbieten und empfehlen. Sie knnen die Rechnungslegung sowie die Bezahlung erluternKlassenstufe 2: Anbieten von Speisen: Die Schlerinnen und Schler knnen Speisenkarten unter Verwendung englischsprachiger Fachbegriffe erstellen. Sie sind in der Lage, Gste bei der Auswahl von Speisen fachlich und sprachlich richtig zu beraten. Sie knnen zu den Speisen geeignete Getrnke empfehlen.Klassenstufe 2: Anbieten von Dienstleistungen"
Price: 39.99

"Desarrollando Juego con Pygame 3.4 y Python" |
"Este Curso te enseara como desarrollar un juego con pygame y python 3.4. Te explico paso a paso como puedes desarrollar un juego. Al Final vas a salir con uno juego que te voy a ensear mediante el transcurso de la clase. Lo unico que necesitas es instalar pygame y python. Yo te voy a ensear a instalar pygame y python de una manera bien sencilla. Vas a crear un juego desde cero paso a paso. No necesitas saber nada de codigo. Este curso te llevara a un nivel donde vas a quedar asombrado de que tan facil se puede hacer un juego con pygame 3.4."
Price: 19.99

"Desarrollando Clon de Flappy Bird y Mas Con Pygame" |
"Este Curso te enseara como crear videojuegos con pygame 3.4 y python 3.4. Te explico paso a paso como puedes desarrollar un juego. Unos de los videojuegos que te vas a crear es el famoso Flappy Bird! Al Final vas a salir con uno juego que te voy a ensear mediante el transcurso de la clase. Lo unico que necesitas es instalar pygame y python. Yo te voy a ensear a instalar pygame y python de una manera bien sencilla. Vas a crear un juego desde cero paso a paso. No necesitas saver nada de codigo. Este curso te llevara a un nivel donde vas a quedar asombrado de que tan facil se puede hacer un juego con pygame 3.4."
Price: 19.99

"Como Crear un blog Usando Zurb Foundation - HTML5" |
"Este Curso te enseara como crear un blog usando Zurb Foundation. Zurb Foundation es un framework parecido a bootstrap pero un poco mejor. Primero vamos a empezar desde cero a aprender el Zurb Foundation y al final te enseare como hacer blogs diferentes con zurb foundation. Unos de los blogs que te vas a crear va a tener un slideshow que a todo el mundo le encanta! Tambien todas las paginas van hacer responsiva. Que significa responsiva? que dependiendo en el tamao del aparato que veas la pagina, la pagina va a cambiar su estilo para que se vea mejor. Lo unico que necesitas es zurb foundation que es gratis. Yo te voy a ensear como instalarlo de una manera bien sencilla. No necesitas saver nada de codigo. Este curso te llevara a un nivel donde vas a quedar asombrado de que tan facil se puede hacer un blog desde cero con zurb foundation"
Price: 19.99

"What Every Young Man Should Know about Being a Gentleman" |
"LATEST: Course Updated Again for September 12th, 2020STOP COASTING THROUGH LIFE UNNOTICED. BECOME THE ULTIMATE GENTLEMAN YOU CAN BE!At some point, every man has wished to be a GENTLEMAN. But few know what it takes to remake themselves into the ultimate man. THAT'S ALL ABOUT TO CHANGE.The Art of Being A Gentleman: Classic Skills and Manners for the Modern Man. A Contemporary Guide to Common Courtesy is your Solution to Turning your Fantasy of Sophistication into a Reality!!Being a gentleman has become something of a lost art in recent generations and the time has now become associated (quite sadly) with males that are in such with their sensitive sides and are not as aggressive or masculine as other men when in fact, being a true gentleman means being in touch with both your sensitive and masculine sides and knowing when and how to use both of them appropriately. Nothing is kept secret - I reveal all I know ... and as I test even more things, those that are successful are added to the course - at no extra cost to you! This is a course that will continue to grow and grow. As well as the Udemy 30 day guarantee, you have my personal promise that you will be wowed and delighted by what you'll learn in the next 3 to 4 hours ... and you'll be kicking yourself if you already have a Udemy courseNO GIMMICKS, NO TRICKS, NO SCI-FI GADGETS. ALL EASY TO IMPLEMENT INFORMATION TO HELP YOU UNLOCK YOUR FULLEST POTENTIAL.If you don't think this is true, then just look at men like Teddy Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, Ernest Hemingway, Winston Churchill and a host of others as examples. All of these men could go from hunting in the backwoods in their favorite worn-out shirt to a diplomatic dinner or cocktail party and be just as comfortable in each environment.Give yourself a fresh start by enrolling in this life-changing course now. Every moment you delay, you lose out. Simple as that.And just because someone does not have formal schooling or an understanding of global politics, this does not mean that they are any less of a gentleman being a gentleman is all in the way you carry yourself a true gentleman. Always have self-confidence and a willingness to step out of their comfort zone and try new things and they treat others, regardless of religious belief, political affiliation or lifestyle with respect and kindness.Upgrade Your Life! Become A True Gentleman Today! Click the ""Take This Course"" button, on the top right because every hour you delay is costing you money...Scroll up and Enroll Now!So if you are looking to understand what it takes or to become a true gentleman yourself than walking the manly path is definitely for you. It will teach you the basics of everything that you need to know to carry on the fading tradition of classic gentlemanly behavior.What You Will Learn With This Course:1) The essence of politeness and respect and learning still the difference between respect and fear. And why it's important to respect your elders and women.2) How to carry yourself with confidence and be comfortable in your own skin, and the goals for your life's journey.3) How to embrace both your sensitive and masculine sides and to appreciate each one and understand why and how they make you a well-rounded person. You will also learn when it is appropriate to use your masculine or sensitive side.4) You will learn the different styles of casual dress, from formal casual to business casual and of course, how to wear and size a formal suit and even the two most convenient ways to tie a necktie.5) You will, of course, learn how to treat a young lady with courtesy and politeness on your first date. You will learn the basic etiquette of getting and manners to help you make the best first impression possible to build a solid foundation for a relationship of trust and respect.6) You will learn to understand body language and the signals and secret communications that people are constantly sending each other. The skill of reading body language will give you an edge in every aspect of life, from romantic interludes to the board room.7) You will learn some of the most important things that every gentleman should carry with them in their pocket, and how these simple tools can help you solve a wide variety of small to intermediate problems that you may encounter during the life.8) You will learn how to communicate with people in a respectful, honest and honorable manner and to conduct yourself with dignity and self-respect, regardless of the situation that you may find yourself in.Is This Course For You ?This class is for men who are looking to rekindle the long-lost art of manliness and gentlemanly behavior to carry on the traditions of their grandfathers and great grandfathers and learn self-confidence, and how to treat the world. With respect and dignity and honor and earn respect and earn the respect and honor of all those they meet.As with all my courses:The initial low price will increase shortly - the course is currently $200, but will next increase to $250You have unlimited lifetime access at no extra costs ever !!!All future additional lectures, bonuses, etc in this course are always freeThere's an unconditional, never any questions asked full 30-day money-back in full guaranteeMy help is always available to you if you get stuck or have a question - my support is legendary in Udemy.This will be a truly interactive course with additional bonus routines added over the course of the first year, inspired by the feedback from students.Click the ""Take This Course"" button, on the top right because every hour you delay is costing you your Dream...Scroll up and Enroll Now!"
Price: 199.99

"Real Estate Investing: Real Estate Investing Basics" |
"LATEST: Course Updated Again for September 12th, 2020So you Wanna be a Real Estate investor?? Well PLEASE Don't make the Same Stupid Mistakes That I have made.. Ever since the beginning of time, real estate has been one of the most lucrative businesses around. Many people have made immense wealth and fortunes from this business. As a result, real estate has grown to become one of the most explored and ventured businesses aroundHowever, real estate investment can lead to unimaginable losses if you are not aware of the nuances and intricacies of this business THIS COURSE HIGHLIGHTS THOSE FINER DETAILS THAT MOST REAL ESTATE GURU'S FAIL TO MENTIONAs I active real estate investor for the past 9 years, I pull back the curtain and expose all of my personal stories from the trenches of real estate investing. Like anything new, real estate investing might seem a little foreign at first. In addition, you may have a lot of fears holding you back, like I did back in 2006.This Course introduces you to the basic tactics that you must know to survive in this business. It gives you an insider's view of the business, giving you time tested tips and advice for situation based issues. Besides this, the course also discusses important topics like financing options,selecting a property manager, which are both an integral part of the real estate business. Nothing is kept secret - I reveal all I know ... and as I test even more things, those that are successful are added to the course - at no extra cost to you! This is a course that will continue to grow and grow. As well as the Udemy 30 day guarantee, you have my personal promise that you will be wowed and delighted by what you'll learn in the next 3 to 4 hours ... and you'll be kicking yourself if you already have a Udemy course and have been missing out on fabulous potential earnings. ""It Has Been Said That Real Estate Has Created More Millionaires Than Any Other Investment Vehicle.""If you were to look behind every successful investor you will discover that he or she has systematized, stream lined, and organized the processes of real estate investing.Give yourself a fresh start by enrolling in this life-changing course now. Every moment you delay, you lose out. Simple as that.Lastly, you must use the knowledge gained in this course wisely to make an impact. As a rule, enjoy your work and the profits will followThese are a Few Things You'll Learn in This Course: Why You Must Invest for the long termWhy You Must Develop Your Own TeamNever Let your Real Estate Agent talk to the bankWhy Buy a property that you would not mine living in .Real Estate Financing ..Always put 20-30% down or Buy CashProperty managers from Hell and How to Avoid themTaxes & Legal ( depreciation & losses from real estate) Protect Your InvestmentHow to Get started doing your own repairsHow to Find the Perfect TenantIs Section 8 Worth It? Dealing with Governmental Housing ProgramsHow to Develop Rapport with Your TenantsInvesting for the Future 5- 10 years and Things to Think AboutHow to turn around a bad investmentAnd Much Much More.This course could easily sell for hundreds of dollars. I personally know of gurus out there who are charging hundreds, even thousands of dollars for a fraction of the information contained in this Udemy Course.As with all my courses:The initial low price will increase shortly - the course is currently $ 250, but will next increase to $ 397You have unlimited lifetime access at no extra costs ever !!!All future additional lectures, bonuses, etc in this course are always freeThere's an unconditional, never any questions asked full 30-day money back in full guaranteeMy help is always available to you if you get stuck or have a question - my support is legendary in Udemy.PSS: Do you really want to be a Real Estate Investor? Do you really want to enjoy a lifestyle that you only dream about now?PSSS: It will take hard work. It will take perseverance. But if you can honestly answer Yes"" then there is no reason why you can't start building your Real Estate Empire today.This will be a truly interactive course with additional bonus routines added over the course of the first year, inspired by the feedback from students.Click the ""Take This Course"" button, on the top right because every hour you delay is costing you money...Scroll up and Enroll Now!"
Price: 199.99

"SHARE ECONOMY:Entrepreneurship Uber Airbnb TaskRabbit Lyft" |
"LATEST: Course Updated Again for September 12th, 2020Entrepreneurship in the SHARE ECONOMY :Learn Exactly How People Make Cash In The Share EconomyWhether you are a small business entrepreneur or a big corporation, everyone knows that succeeding in the current economy (particularly if you're just starting a small business) can be a very hard proposition indeed. It can be difficult to find resources such as technologies and physical materials, and even personnel to operate successfully in an extremely competitive market at a cost-effective rate. This is where the old principle of sharing and barter-style economy comes into play. The new movement of a ""sharing economy"" is a new spin on a very old system this type of economic trade system can also be referred to as ""a peer-to-peer economy, ""collaborative consumption economy"" or a ""mesh economy"" these names tend to make the subject matter more complicated than necessary. Learn Entrepreneurship in the SHARE ECONOMY. Nothing is kept secret - I reveal all I know ... and as I test even more things, those that are successful are added to the course - at no extra cost to you! This is a course that will continue to grow and grow. As well as the Udemy 30 day guarantee, you have my personal promise that you will be wowed and delighted by what you'll learn in the next 3 to 4 hours ... and you'll be kicking yourself if you already have a Udemy course and have been missing out on fabulous potential earnings. You may get the sense that you need an economics degree to understand the principles of the system. However, rest assured that sharing or collaborative economy is simply the principle of sharing resources such as materials and technology equally amongst a group of participants. It is as simple as sharing your toys with your baby brother when you were a kid.Give yourself a fresh start by enrolling in this life-changing course now. Every moment you delay, you lose out. Simple as that.A sharing economy when properly executed will lessen the economic burdens of resources, material,l and equipment by dividing equally amongst the group of participants. Participating in a sharing economy will give a business not only access to materials and technology at a far lower cost, it will also virtually eliminate waste and materials because one member of the group will be able to recycle or make use of another member's excess material. As a result, it will also lessen environmental impact of the businesses in a particular sharing economy group.So, you are looking for a way to lessen the economic burdens of materials and technologies in your company. Then why not try pooling your resources? It will not only leave your economic burdens, but have a positive impact on the environment as well. What you will learn: You will learn how to: build a reliable network of participants in your collaborative economy and effectively share resources such as materials and technology amongst the group to lessen your economic burdens and environmental impact. You will also learn the principles of the sharing or collaborative economy so that you can make the most of your combined resources.You will learn how to: use the collaborative economy as a springboard for starting your entrepreneurial enterprise. Whether you need a brick-and-mortar small business or a virtual storefront, you will learn how to take advantage of the combined wisdom and experience of those individuals taking part in your collaborative economy to give your business the highest chance of success.You will learn how to: use the sharing economy as a stimulus package for other aspects of the economy and how your act of sharing trickles down into the larger national and global economy.You will learn how to: find your sharing niche and find out exactly what resources you have to share. Then, learn the best way to exploit them for maximum financial gain or benefit.You will learn how to: start a collaborative economy business, how to establish a solid business plan, and build a loyal customer base.You will learn how to: acquire resources, whether they are technological or material. You will also learn how to act as a mediator between the members of your group, whether it is for direct profit as a business or as a collaborative economy (whose members are intent on sharing resources for the benefit of several small businesses). Not only will you learn how to acquire new resources either by purchasing them directly or attracting new members to the group, but you will also learn how to effectively defuse intermediate disagreements and/or sharing schedules amongst your group's participants.You will learn how to: use social media effectively to organize and establish group communication as well as attract new members and/or resources to your particular collaborative economy or sharing economy business.You will learn: how to effectively manage and match the appropriate personalities possessing the appropriate resources for a given project or time span to get it so that they get maximum benefit out of the collaboration. Who this class is for: This class is for anyone from housewives to business majors that are looking to ease their financial burdens or start a small business, whether it is a sharing economy based business or some other form of small business. A sharing economy is based simply on bartering or trading resources for the benefit of a group in the domestic situation such as trading coupons and other household resources. You will learn the basics of establishing a sharing economy and how to get maximum benefit out of pooling resources.PSS: Do you really want to be a share economy entrepreneur? Do you really want to enjoy a lifestyle that you only dream about now?PSSS:It will take hard work. It will take perseverance. But if you can honestly answer Yes"" then there is no reason why you can't start building your share economy business today.As with all my courses:The initial low price will increase shortly - the course is currently $ 200, but will next increase to $ 397You have unlimited lifetime access at no extra costs ever !!!All future additional lectures, bonuses, etc in this course are always freeThere's an unconditional, never any questions asked full 30 day money back in full guaranteeMy help is always available to you if you get stuck or have a question - my support is legendary in Udemy.This will be a truly interactive course with additional bonus routines added over the course of the first year, inspired by the feedback from students.Click the ""Take This Course"" button, on the top right because every hour you delay is costing you money...Scroll up and Enroll Now!Learn Entrepreneurship in the SHARE ECONOMY"
Price: 199.99

"Set Up a T-Shirt Design Business on Tee Spring & SunFrog" |
"LATEST: Course Updated Again for September 12th, 2020Are You READY to start making a part-time or even full-time online income with Teespring & Sunfrog ... without any experience, special skills or talent?The FACT is Everyone needs a Tee-Shirt !!Have you been wondering what the most popular and well-sold products in the world are? Well t-shirts are definitely one of the absolutely most popular ones. T-shirts are worn by newborns through old age, by males and females throughout the world. They are worn under clothing, as a fashion statement, and to replace pajamas.There is one essential piece of clothing that everyone has in their closet no matter who they are. Whether a multimillionaire, a psychiatrist or a mechanic. Everyone owns at least one T-shirt T-shirts were made popular as everyday garments by returning GIs from World War II, but they gained extreme popularity in the Hollywood of the 1950s because actors like James Dean started wearing them on screen.From there, the popularity of the T-shirt exploded and over the next few decades, a T-shirt became a means of self-expression advertising a persons favorite bands, political affiliations or product brands and the popularity of the T-shirt in its myriad of colors and designs shows absolutely no signs of slowing down.If youre still struggling to bring in the big bucks online, then please read on because this very moment could be the turning point of your life.I created this course because I wanted to help struggling marketers that wanted to learn T-Shirt marketing sell more shirts!Which means using marketing and creation platforms such as Teespring and Sunfrog can provide the perfect opportunities to make money in the T-shirt business online. There is already a built-in ever-growing marketplace for T-shirts, not to mention that they appeal to just about every market demographic currently in existence. So you will always build the find a buyer. Regardless of the style or design and Teespring and/or Sunfrog can help you tap into this ever-growing and loyal marketplace.Teespring and Sunfrog are online T-shirt creation and sales platforms that allow users to create and market T-shirts at no to very little cost.The way they do this is by allowing users to create a T-shirt design and then market it to potential customers and once a given sales goal has been reached, for example, 500 T-shirts.Those T-shirts are then printed and shipped to the customer directly or they can be delivered to the user that created them so they can either ship them themselves or take them to a special event or gathering for delivery.If, however, the 500 T-shirt sales goal is not reached, then the T-shirts are not printed or made thereby not costing the printing company or the user any money. The profit to be made from the sales and creation of the T-shirts comes from the percentage above cost, meaning that the user decides how much to charge for a T-shirt (the cost of creation will be calculated by the website) and anything after the cost of making the T-shirt is the profit for the user.So if you think you have an eye for trends in fashion, or you can come up with an eye-catching design or slogan that people will want to buy, then you should try creating and selling T-shirts with Teespring or Sunfrog .As these companies will allow you to get into the T-shirt business at no cost until you sell your product. And this course is going to teach you everything you need to know to be successful in the T-shirt marketing business.You will learn everything from how to register with the sites to how to market your T-shirts to the appropriate market demographic and where to find ideas for designs or slogans. By the time youre done with this course you will be a T-shirt marketing mogul!Are You READY to start making a part-time or even full-time online income with Teespring & Sunfrog... without any experience, special skills or talent?My goal is simple. We want you to succeed in selling shirts, hoodies, tank tops, zipped hoodies and anything else online. Our training is up to date. Our methods are proven. We do not teach you any theory, this is all stuff that Successful Tee-Shirt Marketeers do daily.Marketing and entrepreneurship is my passion, but just recently I found myself falling in love with a new passion...Helping other marketers and entrepreneurs earn more money building their businesses online is now my newest and greatest passion.What you will learn:1) You will learn how to register with and navigate the websites of Teespring and Sunfrog 2) You will learn to do market research so that you may identify the trends in T-shirt design within a specific market demographic.3) You will learn how to set a fair market price for your T-shirt so that you still make a decent profit share your investment and can pay back your investment.4) You will learn how to market your T-shirts using all of the most popular in various social media outlets available such as YouTube, Facebook and twitter as well as bookmarking sites, blogs and forums.5) You will learn how to build an eye-catching and unique sales page to not only advertise your various T-shirt designs would make sales transactions as well.6) You will learn how to create eye-catching designs, styles and slogans for your T-shirts to appeal to your specific market demographic.7) You will learn where and how to find quality but reasonably priced artists to help you design a successfully selling T-shirt.8) You will learn how to successfully work with affiliate marketers and other sales professionals to help sell your T-shirts and earn the maximum amount of profits.This course could easily sell for hundreds of dollars. I personally know of gurus out there who are charging hundreds, even thousands of dollars for a fraction of the information contained in this Udemy Course.As with all my courses:The initial low price will increase shortly - the course is currently $ 145, but will next increase to $ 397You have unlimited lifetime access at no extra costs ever !!!All future additional lectures, bonuses, etc in this course are always freeThere's an unconditional, never any questions asked full 30 day money back in full guaranteeMy help is always available to you if you get stuck or have a question - my support is legendary in Udemy.PSS: Do you really want to be a TeeSpring Marketer ? Do you really want to enjoy a lifestyle that you only dream about now?PSSS: It will take hard work. It will take perseverance. But if you can honestly answer Yes"" then there is no reason why you can't start building your TeeSpring & SunFrog Empire today.This will be a truly interactive course with additional bonus routines added over the course of the first year, inspired by the feedback from students.Click the ""Take This Course"" button, on the top right because every hour you delay is costing you money...Scroll up and Enroll Now!"
Price: 199.99

"Student Loan Debt : How to Pay Off Student Loans Fast" |
"Updates:LATEST: Course Updated Again for September 12th, 2020Many people dream about going to college throughout high school as college is supposed to be the time in your life when you discover what you are truly passionate about and take your first steps into the adult world and hopefully by the end of your college experience. You will have found the path in life that you will follow for the rest of your life. Unfortunately these days graduating college doesn't just simply mean possessing a degree and the knowledge that you need to build a solid foundation for the rest of your life. It also means that you probably have students (unless of course you were lucky enough to get a full academic scholarship or you have a trust fund). Most lending institutions will grant you a six month grace period starting after your date of graduation so that you have an opportunity to find a job so that you can begin to pay back your student loans. However, after that the lending institutions generally want repayments to begin, and paying back student loans might be difficult proposition for some, especially if you still have not found a decent job within the six month grace period.After the six-month grace period is up in the loan payment is due lending institutions can begin garnishing your wages or seizing assets to repay the debt from your loans so if you want to avoid having to scramble around six months after college graduation to figure out how you are going to begin to pay off your student loans, then this is definitely the course for you. This course will teach you not only how to set up a solid strategy for repayment of your student loans, but you will also learn about the various types of student loans and scholarships or grants that might be available to help finance her college education which will help lessen the cost and number of student loans that you will require for your educational needs. By the end of this course you will understand how student loans work and have a solid plan for repayment after graduation so that you do not end up defaulting on your loans and going even further into debt.You will learn:1) you will learn about the various types of student loans available such as Stafford and Pell grants.2) You will learn about the various types of lending institutions that offer educational finance programs such as private institutions, government assistance, and nonprofit organizational student loans.3) You will learn how to set up a budget and plan for your educational expenses over the course of your 4 to 5 year university career.4) You will learn about various government grants and scholarships that are available to satisfy your financial needs that do not need repayment.5) You will learn about various work-study or vocational programs offered by many universities to help students lessen their financial burdens.6) You will learn about the various options for repaying your student loan debt such as a payment plan as well as loan forgiveness opportunities which may be offered by various employers and companies.7) You will learn about easy and effective ways to make a little extra money online so that you can help lessen the financial burden of your loans.8) You will learn the procedures concerning defaulting on student loans and/or declaring financial hardship.Who this class is for: This class is for parents or guardians of college students as well as the students themselves who are considering starting university or students that have just graduated and are looking to understand the best way to go about paying off their student loans so as to avoid starting the new chapter of their lives with a significant amount of debt hanging over their heads. This course will help students and parents or guardians to understand what to expect when applying for student loan as well as the types of student loans that will be the most cost-effective way to pay for an education.My Guarantee:I'm so confident that you're going to love this course and find a tremendous amount of value in it, that I guarantee that if you're not 100% satisfied, that I'll give you a full refund within 30 days of your purchase.This course could easily sell for hundreds of dollars. I personally know of Debt Relief Experts out there who are charging hundreds, even thousands of dollars for a fraction of the information contained in this Udemy Course. And they charge that for a simple 1hour callAs with all my courses:The initial low price will increase shortly - the course is currently $ 150, but will next increase to $ 250You have unlimited lifetime access at no extra costs ever !!!All future additional lectures, bonuses, etc in this course are always freeThere's an unconditional, never any questions asked full 30 day money back in full guaranteeMy help is always available to you if you get stuck or have a question - my support is legendary in Udemy.PSS: Do you really want to be FREE from the burden of Student Loan Forever ? Do you really want to enjoy the full benefits of being debt free?PSSS: It will take some trial and error. It will take perseverance. But if you can honestly answer Yes"" then there is no reason why you can't start building some serious"" Debt Reducing skills"".This will be a truly interactive course with additional bonus routines added over the course of the first year, inspired by the feedback from students.Click the ""Take This Course"" button, on the top right because every hour you delay is costing you "" "".....Scroll up and Enroll Now!"
Price: 194.99

"Uber: Learn to Max Out your Uber Rideshare Profits" |
"LATEST: Course Updated Again for September 12th, 2020Interested in making money behind the wheel? You're in the right place.Dear Rideshare Driver,Are You Ready To Dominate Ridesharing In 2017?Do You Want Insider Info On Surge Pricing?Have You Mastered The Basics And Are Ready To Learn More Advanced Strategies?Do You Want To Maximize Your Tax Write Offs?You spend untold hours in the car the kind of hours they grind on and make you think ""there's got to be some way I can be more productive. Have You Ever...Missed Out On The Big Surge Because You Weren't In The Right Place?Wondered If It's Worth It To Buy A New Car For Uber?Thought About Ways To Leverage Rideshare For Other Business/Networking Opportunities?If you answered YES, then you're in the RIGHT PLACE!Behind the wheel"" well now there is thanks to the ""turning miles on the road into cash in your pocket. Course you will learn how to turn those endless hours in the car from boring unproductive time to cash in your pocket. I will reveal EXACTLY WHEN and WHERE I go to make the most money in the city( Find your SWEET SPOT)By becoming an uber driver, you will learn the ins and outs of writing as a rideshare professional. Everything from registering with the company to buying a car hiring driving partners and even choosing what level of uber driver you want to be. I will REVEAL you how to Consistently make $500 in 24 hours using UBER!!! You will learn other important rideshare professional skills such as how to find the most profitable driving times and the importance of positive reviews as well as solid customer relations, which will help you build a high-quality profile and reputation by the end of this course. You will have built the basic foundation of knowledge necessary to have a successful career as an uber rideshare professional.This course could easily sell for hundreds of dollars. I personally know of gurus out there who are charging hundreds, even thousands of dollars for a fraction of the information contained in this Udemy Course.As with all my courses:The initial low price will increase shortly - the course is currently $ 297, but will next increase to $ 397You have unlimited lifetime access at no extra costs ever !!!All future additional lectures, bonuses, etc in this course are always freeThere's an unconditional, never any questions asked full 30-day money back in full guaranteeMy help is always available to you if you get stuck or have a question - my support is legendary in Udemy.PSS: Do you really want to be a ""Successful Uber Driver"" ? Do you really want to enjoy a lifestyle that you only dream about now?PSSS: It will take hard work. It will take perseverance. But if you can honestly answer Yes"" then there is no reason why you can't start building your Ride Sharing Empire today.This will be a truly interactive course with additional bonus routines added over the course of the first year, inspired by the feedback from students.Click the ""Take This Course"" button, on the top right because every hour you delay is costing you money...Scroll up and Enroll Now!"
Price: 199.99

"Fiverr : The Ultimate Top Rated Fiverr Marketing Class" |
"LATEST: Course Updated Again for September 12th, 2020Fiverr Seller, if youre playing by the book then Youre Losing THOUSANDS of Dollars Every Day You Sell on Fiverr!Find out how selling on Fiver the old fashioned way is bleeding your Paypal accountAnd discover the PROFITABLE way to sell on Fiverr Learn Secrets to Increase Profit, Fans, Engagement & Reach on FiverrFiverr lays back, sits pretty and then takes a HUGE 20% cut of your final gig!Thats right, after you go through the painstaking trouble of putting together the gig and delivering the work, they take 1/5th of the final payment.Then to make matters worse, they make you wait 14 days before you can even withdraw your meager $4.And dont forget, Paypal gets a cut too!So I bet youre thinking to yourself Wow, youre right! Why WOULD anyone want to sell on Fiverr? Sounds like only an idiot would go on there.And if you signed up on Fiverr just to slave over endless gigs to earn $4, Id agree with you.The GOOD NEWS is.......... If you have a talent or skill that you think you could use to make a little extra money and gain some work experience, then why not give Fiverr a try? Fiverr is sort of like a cross between an Internet classified website a temp agency and auction website all rolled into one. The website takes its name from the fact that the price for most jobs start out at just five dollars.WHAT YOU WILL GET INSIDE THIS COURSE:Road to Top Rated Seller: I share some tips on how to become a Top-Rated Seller as well as share my story on how I did it and how you can too.In-Demand Gigs: Youll see what gigs are in demand and what to sell. You will know how to sell them with minimal skill and effort. Most gigs I recommend dont require a specific set of skills or talents.100% Positive Rating: You will know what to do to get only positive reviews from buyers on Fiverr as well as ways to get your first orders and reviews on all your new gigs to get the ball rolling.Secret Sauce: My secret ingredient. This one thing blew up my Fiverr literally overnight. This could change the number of sales you receive on Fiverr really quickly by making one simple but key change.... and a whole lot more!It's a place where anyone can use the skills or information they possess to make money. It can range from saying someone happy birthday over the telephone or picking up someone's dry-cleaning or helping them learn a foreign language, or writing a press release or article or providing art for comic books or T-shirts and even doing voiceover work and anything else you can imagine from writing cookbooks to poetry. If you have a skill or underutilized talent that you feel has a market then Fiverr is the place to be!This course will teach you everything you need to know to be a successful entrepreneur on Fiverr, including the very basics such as how to set up an account and get your first gig and then moving on to advertising and swapping gigs.Easy To Sell And In-Demand GigsThis course cleanly lays out for you 5 highly in-demand gigs, many of which do not require any special skill or talent, and show how exactly to sell them. I hold your hand and go through everything from the gig title to the description to keywords and even what gig extras work best for each type of gig. I go into every little detail for 5 gigs You will also learn things like advertising your skills and getting as many gigs any specific market niche as possible to increase your maximum amount of profits. So if you are looking for an entertaining and exciting way to use your unique skills to make a little extra cash, or even run a full or part-time business, then you should give Fiverr a try and start your online entrepreneurial career today!This course could easily sell for hundreds of dollars. I personally know of gurus out there who are charging hundreds, even thousands of dollars for a fraction of the information contained in this Udemy Course.As with all my courses:The initial low price will increase shortly - the course is currently $ 145, but will next increase to $ 397You have unlimited lifetime access at no extra costs ever !!!All future additional lectures, bonuses, etc in this course are always freeThere's an unconditional, never any questions asked full 30 day money back in full guaranteeMy help is always available to you if you get stuck or have a question - my support is legendary in Udemy.PSS: Do you really want to be a ""Successful Fiverr"" ? Do you really want to enjoy a lifestyle that you only dream about now?PSSS: It will take hard work. It will take perseverance. But if you can honestly answer Yes"" then there is no reason why you can't start building your Fiverr Empire today.This will be a truly interactive course with additional bonus routines added over the course of the first year, inspired by the feedback from students.Click the ""Take This Course"" button, on the top right because every hour you delay is costing you money...Scroll up and Enroll Now!"
Price: 194.99

"AirBnb : AirBnb Hacks for Maximizing Profits for Your Pad" |
"LATEST: Course Updated Again for September 12th, 2020Find Out How to Use Airbnb, Accept Bookings,Choose Your Guests,Price your rental, And Offer Discounts. Can I just say, AirBNB is awesome. I love the sharing economy! In this video course, I will give you some background and tips to keep YOU on top of YOUR game as an AirBNB host.Do you have an entrepreneurial spirit, have you always wanted to run your own business, do you enjoy meeting new people and sharing stories of your travels and life or do you enjoy taking friends and family on tours around your city when they come to visit? Or perhaps you live in a house or apartment that has more space then you need if this sounds like you then perhaps you should register to be a host with Airbnb .com as a host for Airbnb, you will be a will to use your entrepreneurial spirit finding use for all that unused space or extra bedroom in your home, meet new and interesting people and share your city or town with like-minded travelers. What is Airbnb? ( Just in case YOU dont know)Airbnb is a massive network of owners and guests that only seems to be growing bigger as the economy continues to tank and spendable income continues to shrink.As of 2015, Airbnb has hosted over 10 million guest stays at more than 550,000 properties across 175 countries and 26,000 cities. Over 6 million guest stays in 2013, more than double the total in 2012. Of these 6 million stays, only 1/3 were within the United States. The remainder was spread across the globe, further supporting the fact that Airbnb has a substantial international presence that is only getting stronger.Now is the perfect time to take advantage of this incredible opportunity.So FACTS about AirBNB:""To date, tens of millions of travelers have chosen Airbnb to experience cities not as tourists, but as locals.""""Airbnb travelers stay longer and spend more in diverse neighborhoods throughout the city.""""Hundreds of thousands of hosts worldwide have welcomed these travelers into their homes. Hosting helps make ends meet.""""The Airbnb community benefits local economies across the world by supporting residents and local businesses, and encouraging cultural exchange.""Airbnb now has over 350,000 hosts, who are just ordinary people, renting their spaces in 192 countries. Last year alone, they booked 10 million rental nights in homes, apartments, rooms, and spaces just like yours.Can you really earn Full-time Income using ""AirBnb"" ?YES YOU CAN..........A private room on Airbnb rents for an average $120 / night. The average amount an Airbnb host earns annually from temporarily renting out their space is $7,350...think for a second..what could you do with an extra $7,350 per year?People all over the world are constantly on the go and traveling. Whether it is for business or pleasure. Therefore, there is always going to be a consistent market for clean, reliable and reasonably priced places to stay all over the world and being a host with Airbnb will allow you to take advantage of this marketplace, and as the host. You can decide exactly what sort of individuals you feel comfortable hosting everyone from young college kids on their post-graduation Odyssey or a nice couple celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary, or taking their dream vacation or anyone in between Airbnb allows you to share your space with all walks of life and gain all sorts of interesting perspectives on the world and get paid for the privilege.Look around you. Do you have extra space where you are living? Do you ever leave for the weekend or go home for the holidays?If you're like me, or really anyone else, I'm sure you can think of a time where you have unused space.What you will learn in This Airbnb Course:Learn How to Write SUPER Descriptions That Produce Consistent BookingsFind out How to Get to the Top of Airbnb Search Results ( it is easier than you think)Build Your Listing Quickly with Our Airbnb BEST practices Free with Course!Get Tips, Tricks and Our Top Secrets HACKS for Earning Extra outside your listingsPreparing your pad/apartment/house - (Making your rental SUPER guest friendly...)Making your AirBnb Listing presentable - (What to be sure and do to impress...)Cleaning and Housekeeping - (Cleaning costs and cleaning duties...)Going the extra mile - (Nice touches & treats that make a difference...)How to write up a A Killer Airbnb Listing - (How to get your listing to stand out from the competition...)Airbnb Listing Tips - (Titles/Pictures/Write Ups all covered in detail...)Pricing Your Listing - (Rental prices and seasonal variations to maximize income...)Pricing Strategies - (Use to maximize your number of nights rented...)Your Pad Rules - (Creating your own guide for short-term renters...)Extra Charges - (Cleaning charges and security deposits...)Guest Problems - (Dealing with broken items, and damaged items...)Conflict Resolution - (Guests who want to leave & issuing refunds...)Accepting Bookings - (How to choose guests and review them...)Airbnb Host Guarantee $1,000,000 insurance for your pad - (Guarantee to protect your home from damage...)Smoking or Drinking - (How you set the rules when accepting guests...) So if you think sharing your home with the Airbnb community might be the perfect entrepreneurial opportunity and this course is going to teach you the ins and outs of operating your home as a B&B everything from how to register with the site and become a host to how to prepare your home or space for your first visitors. By the end of this course you will have a solid foundation on which to build a career as a Airbnb entrepreneur.My Guarantee:I'm so confident that you're going to love this course and find a tremendous amount of value in it, that I guarantee that if you're not 100% satisfied, that I'll give you a full refund within 30 days of your purchase.This course could easily sell for hundreds of dollars. I personally know of gurus out there who are charging hundreds, even thousands of dollars for a fraction of the information contained in this Udemy Course.As with all my courses:The initial low price will increase shortly - the course is currently $ 297, but will next increase to $ 397You have unlimited lifetime access at no extra costs ever !!!All future additional lectures, bonuses, etc in this course are always freeThere's an unconditional, never any questions asked full 30 day money back in full guaranteeMy help is always available to you if you get stuck or have a question - my support is legendary in Udemy.PSS: Do you really want to be a ""Successful AirBnb Host"" ? Do you really want to enjoy a lifestyle that you only dream about now?PSSS: It will take hard work. It will take perseverance. But if you can honestly answer Yes"" then there is no reason why you can't start building your AirBnB Empire today.This will be a truly interactive course with additional bonus routines added over the course of the first year, inspired by the feedback from students.Click the ""Take This Course"" button, on the top right because every hour you delay is costing you money...Scroll up and Enroll Now!"
Price: 199.99
