"Did you know that hundreds of your favourite songs are all written with the same 4 Chords? This course will teach you what they are and how to play them unlocking a whole world of guitar freedom!Whether you are a new guitarist looking to expand your chord vocabulary, a budding songwriter looking for that perfect chord progression for their lyrics or a newly intermediate guitarist, this course will have something for you.During the class I will take you from the basics of what chords are, all the way to playing the 4 Chords in different patterns, voicings and keys!If playing all your favourite pop hits with ease sounds like something you'd like to learn. Enroll now and let's get going!"
Price: 44.99

"Linux Foundation Certified System Administrator(LFCS): Tests" |
"This course is for individuals aiming to pass Linux Foundation Certified System Administrator(LFCS) Exam in the first attempt.This course gives you 2 practice tests, 205 hand picked questions to help you to pass the official "" Linux Foundation Certified System Administrator(LFCS) "" certification Exam.We highly recommend retake all the tests until you get 100% on each one, you should be able to ace the real exam with confidence.At the end of the exam, click the Review Questions button to view the correct answer for each question.----------------------------------------MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThis course comes with a 30 Day ""No Questions Asked"" Money Back Guarantee!---------------------------------------** Make sure you are ready to pass the Linux Foundation Certified System Administrator(LFCS) Exam by using these practice tests, written to mimic the kinds of questions you will see on the real exam."
Price: 84.99

"Lgica de programao e bancos de dados SQL" |
"O objetivo deste curso ensinar lgica de programao e bancos de dados SQL para iniciantes. O curso baseado em pseudocdigo e no em uma linguagem de programao especfica. Portanto, o aluno aprender o conceito de programao e poder depois aprender uma linguagem de programao de sua preferncia com muito mais facilidade.Durante o curso, o aluno aprender:Introduo lgica de programao (lgica e algoritmos);Tpicos preliminares (variveis, constantes, tipos primitivos);Estruturas de controle (comparaes, condies e laos);Estruturas de dados (registros, vetores e matrizes);Arquivos (operaes em arquivos);Modularizando algoritmos (mdulos e parametrizao);Bancos de dados relacionais;Criando um banco de dados;Tabelas e tipos de dados;ndices e performance tunning;Integridade referencial (chave primria, chave estrangeira, constraints check, unique e default);Selecionando e filtrando dados (select e where);Agrupando dados (group by e having);Joins (inner join, left join, right join e cross join);Trabalhando com subqueries;Modificao de dados (insert, update e delete); Consultando metadados;Programando objetos para recuperao de dados (views, functions, stored procedures e triggers);Usando tcnicas avanadas;No h pr-requisitos para este curso. Mas, ele pr-requisito para qualquer curso de programao, incluindo os cursos de banco de dados da Escola Para.TI."
Price: 99.99

"CompTIA 220-801 A + PC Hardware Certified Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) If you want to install two units for maximum performance, which of the following types of RAID should I use?a) RAID 0b) RAID 1c) RAID 5d) RAID 10e) NoneQ) Which of the following types of panels allow the subtlest possible screen?a) LINKb) CRTc) DLPd) plasmae) NoneQ) Which of the following uses one connection for the delivery of video and audio?a) DVIb) seriesc) VGAd) HDMIe) NoneQ) Which of the following expansion slots using the serial connection?a) PCIb) PCI-Xc) PCIed) AGPe) None"
Price: 169.99

"CompTIA JK0-019 E2C Installing Network Configuration Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) A network engineers must configure the switch port for communication and electrical support for WAP, set on the stock. Which of the following functions must be configured on the switch?a) STPb) PoEc) VTP trunkingd) port forwardinge) NoneQ) Which of the following types of distribution lines, which are often found in the company's cabinets are used to connect pipes from separate offices in the major cable network?a) MDFb) block 66c) IDFd) Patch panele) NoneQ) Which of the following is a terminal emulator that is used to manage a network drive?a) VPNb) IDSc) Putty knifed) IPSe) NoneQ) The company has recently allowed its employees to work two days a week. Employees must have at least 1Mbps non-shared connection to the Internet. Which of the following employees have in their home to access the Internet?a) SDNb) Cable modemsc) DSLd) remote accesse) None"
Price: 154.99

"CompTIA JK0-019 E2C Network Certification Security Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which of the following authentication performs and provides a secure connection using 3DES to encrypt the information between the two systems?a) HTTPSb) SSHc) RSAd) SSLe) NoneQ) Some users have reported problems connecting to laptops. With further study, identifies the network technology that their laptops were attacked with a certain IP-addresses outside the network. Which of the following would need to be set up to prevent further attacks from the IP-address?a) port securityb) IDSc) firewall rulesd) VLAN assignment switche) NoneQ) The company has created a new web site that will require a lot of interaction with external users. The site should be accessible both inside and outside, without access to internal resources. Which of the following is most likely to be set up on the firewall?a) PATb) DHCPc) DMZd) NATe) NoneQ) Which of these attacks allow an attacker to do port forwarding on the internal server of the company from a single server in the Internet?a) SYN floodb) a tearc) Smurfd) FTP bouncee) None"
Price: 169.99

"Vmware 2V0-620 vSphere 6 Foundations Certified Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) What feature vSphere Enterprise Edition 6 will allow an organization to ensure that multi-threaded applications critics have maximum uptime possible?a) Fault Toleranceb) High availabilityc) Distributed Resource Schedulerd) App HAQ) What feature vSphere 6.x will allow an organization to use native snapshot?a) The virtual volumesb) virtual SANc) VMFS3d) VMFS5Q) What are the two components can be used during setup Enhanced Linked mode? (Pick one.)a) vCenter Server Applianceb) vRealize Operations Managerc) vSphere Management Applianced) vCenter Server for WindowsQ) What is the license vSphere level of effectiveness during the 60-day evaluation period?a) vSphere Essentials Plus Foundationb) vSphere standardc) vSphere Enterprised) vSphere Enterprise PlusQ) Which component must be installed before deploying a vSphere vCenter Server 6.x?a) vCenter Identity Servicesb) Control Services Platformc) vCenter Single Sign-Ond) Client Integration Plug-In"
Price: 154.99

"HP0-053 Enterprise Integration Management HP Pro Liant exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) What agents are interrogated by HP Systems Insight Manager to obtain information about hardware status, which is then stored in the database? (Select two.)a) DMI Agentb) SNMP Agentc) Insight Manager Agentd) Performance Management AgentQ) What equipment is used in HP Vulnerability and Patch Management solution within HP Systems Insight Manager? (Select two.)a) HP Version Control Agentb) HP Insight Management Agentsc) The HP Bastille Security Technologyd) scanning technology Harris STATe) The management technology of HP Radia PatchQ) Which operating system must be installed before installing vulnerability and patch management (VPM) on an HP Systems Insight Manager console (HP SIM)?a) Linuxb) HP-UXc) windowsd) Linux or HP-UXQ) A customer requires a backup scheme that allows him to recover from a single weekly tape and a tape a day in the event of data loss. What backup model is expected to recommend to this client?a) Full and differentialb) Complete and incrementalc) Copy and differentiald) Copy and IncrementalQ) Which phrase describes the replication capabilities of HP Storage Mirroring operations?a) stand-in for a server in case of failureb) the acquisition in progress on the file changes at the byte levelc) The initial and subsequent copying of data resynchronizationd) a mirror of selected data from the target, back to the source"
Price: 174.99

"Neste curso o aluno ter seu primeiro contato com a tecnologia BIM, onde ser descrito passo a passo sua lgica, aplicaes, diferena em comparao com os tradicionais sistemas como o CAD, o aluno ter base at para desenvolver seu trabalho de concluso de curso com este treinamento em BIM. Com toda certeza ter certificado de um treinamento em BIM far toda diferena em um processo seletivo, seja na busca de um estgio ou at mesmo um emprego efetivo nas reas de engenharia e arquitetura.In this course, the student will have his first contact with BIM technology, where the logic of the logic, the applications, the difference compared to traditional systems such as CAD, will be described, or the student will have the base by the end of complete your course with this BIM training. Certainly, a BIM training certificate can make all the difference in the selected process, whether in the search for an internship or even in effective employment in the areas of engineering and architecture.gesto da construo; construo virtual; compatibilizao de projetos; custos da construo; planejamento da construo"
Price: 39.99

"WebServices con PHP desde cero" |
"Bienvenid@ a este curso de WebServices con PHP desde cero.Con los conocimientos que adquirirs en este curso tendrs lo necesario para:Integrarte con pasarelas de pagoRealizar facturas electrnicasAutenticar usuarios usando Redes SocialesPermitir a otros sistemas integrarte con los tuyos de un modo simpleLa programacin en un mundo hiper-conectado requiere que los sistemas se comuniquen entre ellos. Aprende cmo lograrlo en este curso."
Price: 24.99

"AWS Ninja" |
"A unique course that teaches AWS in a practical project based manner. It's not a certification course. It's for builders, entrepreneur and developers who want to build their own products and understand AWS products by building something. Their are thousand of courses on AWS but none teaches the student in a practical project based manner and cover end to end lifecycle of a cloud application. Students spend money after money and pay for courses to get these skills. This course is a complete bootcamp that turns student into AWS Ninja. Say no to buying more and more courses. Every latest aspect of cloud services will be covered in this course. Best part the course will be updated with new content and services for lifetime. So no more searching for a course that cover few AWS services. Join and become an AWS Ninja. When i started building my own products as part of www.yogafire.guru i found the limitation of courses that are offered on various websites. As an entrepreneur it was a frustrating experience to buy courses after courses and none covering how to make a product from end to end. This course is an attempt to fill that gap. Hope you enjoy the same."
Price: 1600.00

"Aprenda SEO do zero: Otimize o Ranqueamento de seus sites" |
"J imaginou atingir as primeiras posies do Google e atingir milhares de clientes todos os dias sem pagar um real se quer por isso? Economizar centenas de milhares de reais ao otimizar seu site na primeira pgina do Google, sem precisar investir em trfego pago para isso. Dentro do meu treinamento de SEO eu te ensino do absoluto zero, como voc consegue otimizar e melhorar o posicionamento do seu site no Google e obter milhares de visitas em seu site e consequentemente mais clientesTe espero dentro do meu treinamento, onde irei revelar todas as minhas tcnicas para ter meus sites nas primeiras pginas do Google"
Price: 39.99

"Java Swings & AWT API for Java GUI Programming from Scratch" |
"This course is very useful for personal and professional use, if you want to create any kind of GUI Application for yourself or want to sell to your client.The course has been made you have very minimal or no knowledge on Java , hence we also had covered the core java then we slowly step by step moved towards the AWT API then, SWING API.The course has very minimal and only necessary theory and most we focused on hands on, so you will directly learn by executing the programs and you will become expert in coding also parallel developing GUI Application.Also After doing same project with code we will also show you the shortcut way to Create same GUI Application with very Less coding in just few minutes.So see you in the classroom."
Price: 19.99

"Verbale tekstanalyse voor professionals (naast non-verbaal)" |
"Haal het maximale uit het gesproken of geschreven woord met deze cursus. Hoor dingen die je voorheen niet hoorde. Stel veel slimmere vragen dan je collega's. Doe op een makkelijke manier aan waarheidsvinding en maak gesprekken en interviews leuker. Ontwikkel jezelf tot een nog betere professional en leer om nog meer diepte in je interview aan te brengen.Gebruik deze technieken om je verder te ontwikkelen, kijk en luister naast het observeren van non-verbale informatie ook naar de woorden van je gesprekspartner. Naast non-verbale communicatie is er nog veel meer te ontdekken in gesprekken."
Price: 199.99

"The Power of Our Mind Simplified" |
"The student will leave the course empowered and able to transform reality through the simple techniques explained in this course. The student will feel good knowing how his/her mind works, the powers within and how to connect to Infinite Intelligence to achieve his/her goals and grow spiritually.This course is for the beginner who would like to learn some of the basic, yet powerful concepts in the realm of mind science and the power of the mind. It will teach the student about how the mind works, by learning about the different functions of the mind and how to properly utilize them to allow us to discard old harmful and unwanted beliefs and supplant new positive and transformative ones to manifest our goals and desires and ultimately change our reality. In addition to teaching you about how the mind works, i.e., on a vibration/ frequency level, this course will introduce several effective techniques that the student can utilize to start changing old beliefs and implanting new ones. My goal in giving this course is to help as many people as possible transform their current reality, and change the way they think to achieve a whole new reality of one of positivity, happiness, and abundance, and whatever else they are seeking. I want to share with everyone interested that each and every one of us has the ability and power to change our lives and it does not require over-exertion, stress, and exorbitant amounts of time. All it takes is a sincere desire to change and to take a relatively small investment of time every day, on a consistent basis to think differently and apply easy-to learn techniques, that virtually anyone can do. We are all worth this small investment of time to transform our lives beyond our wildest dreams.I wish you much success and to achieve everything that you desire in peace and harmony."
Price: 199.99

"Acrylic lesson - Water Drops on Cherry - Fruit painting" |
"Today we paint with acrylic! The point of this tutorial is fresh cherries and water drops! Thru the tutorial we learn how to plan colors for it, how to create reach looking but still soft background, how to paint water drops from the general shape to specific details! Acrylic techniques in this tutorial: dry brush, work with layers, gradient, glazing."
Price: 19.99

"Edicin de audio" |
"En este curso se abordarn temas como la limpieza de audio, cuantizacion, sound replacement, acople de instrumentos y entrega ideal del proyecto para el ingeniero de mezcla. Para esto utilizaremos las herramientas de edicin de Pro Tools, se explicar paso a paso el proceso de edicin, desde el momento en que se termina la etapa de grabacin hasta el punto en que entregamos el proyecto a la persona encargada de realizar mezcla, utilizaremos una cancin que posee una fusin entre rock, msica urbana y vallenato."
Price: 34.99

"En este curso aprenders un flujo de trabajo acertado para crear tus instrumentales de TRAP en FL STUDIO, adentrndonos en la esttica del gnero musical, trabajando la base armnica, arreglos, drums, y un 808 (Bajo) adecuado, aprendiendo trucos para en cada paso llevar tus producciones a otro nivel y darles vida."
Price: 44.99

"Creacin de Jingles" |
"En el Curso de Creacin de jingles aprenders cmo realizar canciones cortas con fines comerciales para realizar publicidad sonora de una entidad, servicio, producto o marca. Tips para generar una recordacin exitosa, cmo llevar al consumidor a percibir diferentes estados emocionales con la msica. El curso ensear cmo realizar la msica desde cero y hacer un estudio rpido de la marca, el pblico objetivo y la funcionalidad que se le de a la msica dependiendo de lo que quiera lograr el cliente."
Price: 29.99

"Curso de Negociao e Vendas + PNL - Aprenda na prtica!" |
"A Altiva Brasil Treinamentos uma empresa referncia Nacional em treinamentos profissionais e comportamentais. So mais de 15 anos de mercado, e neste curso voc ter a oportunidade de treinar com um dos mais premiados professores do Brasil; Nosso CEO Antonio Carlos Cardoso.NOSSA MISSO: Proporcionar a melhoria contnua das pessoas atravs de nossos cursos, seminrios e palestras, promovendo mudanas de atitudes e quebra de paradigmas gerando crescimento pessoal e lucros s organizaes.CONTEDO DO CURSO: Passaremos por todas as fases de uma venda desde a prospeco at o acompanhamento conforme exposto abaixo:Prospeco mais assertiva: Telefone, e-mail marketing, outbound, inbound, indicao entre outros meios de prospeco.Abordagem inicial: Como deve acontecer a comunicao de forma escrita e falada no momento da abordagem ao cliente e prospect;Sondagem:Como utilizar a tcnica SPIN para entender a necessidade do cliente;Apresentao do produto ou servio: Vender benefcios, soluo, valor agregado. Utilizao de ferramentas para aumentar o seu ticket de Venda: Cross-Selling e Up- SellingComo reverter as objees: Utilizamos a tcnica PAREP para reverter uma objeo e transform-la em vendasConcluso ou fechamento: Gatilhos da Neurocincia: Como utilizar palavras-chave que induzem o cliente ao sim;Acompanhamento ps-vendas ou ps contato: como encurtar o delay entre o primeiro contato e o fechamento do negcio. Como cuidar da nossa carteira de clientes."
Price: 579.99

"Tpicos em Microeconomia" |
"Equilbrio de Mercado - Oferta e DemandaTeoria do Consumidor: Derivao da demanda a partir das preferncias do consumidor e de suas restries oramentriasTeoria da Firma: Funes custo, isoquantas, otimizao na teoria da firmaMonoplio: Como preos e quantidades so determinados no monoplioCuriosidades: Como a microeconomia pode ajudar a sociedade a resolver problemas sriosExemplos Prticos: Interferncia do governo e como ele pode melhorar ou piorar os resultados de mercadoMaterial de Apoio: Minhas provas e minhas listas de exerccios que eu passei para os alunos e o livro de microeconomia do Pindyck resumido e com todas as questes de reviso respondidas em meu caderno digitalizado alm de demais materiais pessoais do mestrado e doutorado em economia."
Price: 39.99

"Landing Page Design Masterclass - High Conversion WIX Pages" |
"READY TO TRIPLE YOUR LEADS OR INCREASE YOUR SALES WITH A HIGH CONVERTING LANDING PAGE DESIGN?In this course I've broken down, step by step, my formula to structuring a high converting landing page. Not only do these landing pages provide real results, they are up to date with the latest design trends and marketing strategies to get you above your competition. Together we will not only plan your winning landing page, but also build it in the easy to use platform WIX. After you have created your winning landing page I'll walk you through setting up a Google Ads campaign with Conversion rate optimization, and you will learn how to track and measure your results to save you money on your budget and drastically increase your leads and sales! Best of all you'll learn all this without needing to hire a web developer!UNDERSTAND HOW TO DESIGN HIGH CONVERTING LANDING PAGESYou'll learn the difference between good landing pages and bad onesI'll teach you how to structure full fledged layouts that will beat your competition!LEARN HOW TO BUILD WINNING LANDING PAGES IN WIX - No coding required!You'll learn how to set up your WIX account You'll learn the basics of Wix and how you can create site layoutsI'll walk you through step by step how to create your landing page from scratchLEARN HOW TO SET UP AN OPTIMIZED GOOGLE ADS CAMPAIGNYou learn how to set up your Google Ads and Google AnalyticsYou'll learn insider techniques to read your marketYou'll learn how to write copy for your Google AdI'll teach you step by step how to set up Google Ads campaigns for best resultsLEARN HOW TO CAPTURE CUSTOMER DETAILS IN MAIL CHIMPYou will learn how to set up your Mail Chimp AccountYou will learn how to capture customer details in Mail Chimp once they fill in the contact form on your landing pageONGOING SUPPORT THROUGHOUT THE COURSEYou can contact myself via email for any questions or suggestions you want to add to the courseI'll have a section that goes through real life tips and resources I use to stand out amongst designersDownloadable Templates & Resources to speed up your productionTO GET STARTED ENROLL TODAY!"
Price: 154.99

"Java e Lgica de Programao" |
"Neste Curso voc vai aprender sobre Lgica de Programao e a Linguagem de Programao Java.Java uma linguagem de programao bem famosa. O Java usado em tudo: Na programao web, programao desktop, programao de jogos e programao de aplicativos para celulares.Neste Curso voc vai conhecer os comandos bsicos do Java para voc criar seus primeiros programas em Java!As aulas so:+ Rpidas;+ Praticas;+ Simples.Seja Bem Vindo ao Curso Java e Lgica de Programao!"
Price: 39.99

pismo777 |
": , , , . . , , . ."
Price: 2299.00

"Guitar Lessons - Walking Blues Guitar on Treble Strings - I" |
"The Ultimate Beginners Guide For You To Play Walking Blues Melody on The Treble Strings of Your Acoustic or Electric Guitar Companion Course to my Free Course ""Walking Bass Blues for All Guitar Players Part I - FREE"" Learn to Play Chords and Patterns at the Same TimeNever Played Patterns or Melody or The Blues on Your Guitar Treble Strings Before? Don't worry.There was a time when you did not play guitar chords. This is just as easy to learn as learning to play guitar chords.These guitar lessons take you on a journey breaking down everything you need to know. Each section builds on the previous one. This culminates in you playing 12 Bar Walking Blues Melody on the treble strings of your guitar. All it takes on your behalf is to have fun learning and practising the basic guitar patterns. These guitar lessons are presented in small manageable chunks. You will have Multi-angle Videos and pdf files in TAB for each pattern. Through a process of repetition you will build them up into a 12 Bar Blues Progression.And by the time you finish you will have learned four 12 Bar Blues Guitar Melodies. The Aim of This Course of Guitar Lessons? To enable anyone to Play 12 Bar Walking Blues Melodies on guitar (acoustic or electric) using the treble stringsBonusThroughout the videos I will share ""nuggets of gold"" - many tips, tricks and techniques which I have gained from over 30 years experience of being a guitarist. These are all designed to help you on your musical journey of mastery of the guitar."
Price: 99.99

"DIY : Sewing evening dress without serger from scratch" |
"This course follows the same format that I have used to create hundreds of dresses in my studio, for almost 10 years.Were starting right from the beginning, so dont worry if youve never sewn an evening dress before. With many guidance and strong technical focus, I'm sure youll improve your skills and you will be able to finished projects perfectly.Well start by taking a quick look on the tools used in pattern making and sewing. Youll learn various technique in pattern making, fabric knowledge, grainlines fabric layout, stitches, and seam finishes without serger machine and, of course, well learn how to adjust this pattern into your own measurement!By the end of the course, you will feel confident enough to begin creating some of those evening dress you've been dreaming about!What will you get from this course?- Drafting the pattern from scratch- How to sew into the simple evening dress ( sew an evening dress without serger machine )- Learn how to sew invisible zipper- Learn a multitude of stitches and seam finishes- Fabric knowledge for making an evening dress ( how to choose fabric and their functions )- Basic principles of how to layout the pattern on fabric- Grainlines and pattern labeling- How to mark a sewing pattern- How to adjust the existing pattern into your own measurement- Tools necessary for drafting patterns and sewingand much more!"
Price: 34.99

"AZ-900 : Practice Tests + FREE Study Material & Cheat Sheet" |
"STUDENTS FEEDBACKScored 960 by following only these practice tests. Thanks a lotThis is Best, all i can say is i have passed AZ-900 because of practicing these tests and reviewing themSame as the real exam, help a lot for az-900 exam preparation, highly recommend it.If you want pass your Azure AZ-900 exam, then you will not go far wrong if you take these tests by Kaustav. These practice tests mimic the real exam and give you full explanation and give you links to resources. 5*****Awesome .. I have successfully cleared my AZ 900 examYes. It was good enough and gives the insight of the real exam.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~This course is designed for students who want to achieve the ""Microsoft Azure Fundamental ( AZ-900 ) "" certification.This course includes 6 practice tests each contains 50 questions with FREE Study Material and FREE Cheat Sheet.This is the only course which have FREE Study Material and Cheat Sheet which you can access online without any extra registration or login.This practice tests questions are compiled on actual exam questions , actual exam pattern, actual exam difficulty level with focus on to give clear and simple understanding of each module / topics of AZURE required to pass AZ-900 exam.The AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamental Practice Exam course offers the following features:1. FULLY UPDATED WITH AZ-900 EXAM BLUEPRINT: Most practice tests out there are already obsolete and advertised as ""updated"", but in reality, they are not! Our practice tests are updated regularly and reflect the latest Azure exam question/answer format.2. SIMULATE THE ACTUAL CERTIFICATION EXAM: All Practice Tests are timed (80 min to answer 60 questions) and scored (passing score is 80 %) mimicking the real exam environment so you get familiar with the AZURE exam format.3. DETAILED EXPLANATIONS, REFERENCE LINKS, AND CHEAT SHEETS - our answer keys at the end of each set have full and detailed explanations along with complete reference links so you can check and verify yourself that the answers are correct. Plus bonus cheat sheets to help you better understand the concepts.4. DETAILED EXPLANATIONS FOR ALL ANSWERS: After completing the practice test, you get to review and check your answers. Every question includes a detailed explanation that explains why each answer is correct or incorrect, supporting your understanding of AZURE Services / topics which are key to passing the exam.5. Regular UPDATES OF QUESTION BANK: We're constantly improving and updating the questions based on exam feedback from our students.6. TEST REPORT: To track your progress and show you which Azure knowledge areas you need improvement.7. Focus on to Complete Entire Syllabus of AZ-900 : Practice tests covers each module and all topics of AZ-900 exam syllabus which are required to understand to pass this exam.8. RANDOMIZED QUESTIONS - The scenarios and options on all 6 practice tests are randomized. This prevents the unconscious memorization of the answers and ensures that you fully understand the concepts.9. HAS BETTER VALUE THAN THE OFFICIAL AZURE PRACTICE TEST - which is worth about $45 but only contains about 20 - 40 questions.10. RESPONSIVE INSTRUCTOR SUPPORT: our friendly team of Azure experts is able to address all your issues and COMPREHENSIVELY answer all your questions. You can contact your instructor directly or via the course Q&A forum.11. CLEAR AND ERROR-FREE QUESTIONS - Each item has a reference link that can validate the answer but you can also post in the QA section so we can discuss any issues.12. SATISFIED STUDENTS - Course designed by Instructor having more than 5k satisfied students13. ACTIVE Q&A DISCUSSION BOARD: Join the discussion on Azure related topics in our Q&A discussion board where our students share their recent exam experience offering feedback on which topics were covered.14. MOBILE ACCESS: Study on the go and access all practice questions from your mobile phone -anywhere, anytime.The objectives covered in this course areModule 1: Cloud Concepts (15-20%)Module 2: Core Azure Services (30-35%)Module 3: Security, Privacy, Compliance, and Trust (25 - 30%)Module 4: Azure Pricing and Support (25-30%)Who this course is for:Anyone who is willing to start career in Cloud and get certified in Microsoft Azure.Those who want to pursue the Azure Fundamental CertificationThose who want to pass the Microsoft exam AZ-900."
Price: 29.99

"Windows 7 avec MUI et GPO local" |
"Ce cours est conu pour les dbutants et les intermdiaires passionns par l'apprentissage de linformatique qui souhaitent que tous les employs multilingues d'une socit, les membres d'une famille, ou les stagiaires d'un centres de formation professionnelles peuvent utiliss le mme ordinateur, mais ont galement des soucis pour la configuration des restrictions d'utilisation de Windows o des paramtres appliquer sur les comptes utilisateurs, afin de les bloqus au maximum. Cette gestion avance des utilisateurs enseigne dans ce cours peut tre appliqu de la mme manire sur Windows 10Inscrivez-vous ce cours, afin damliorer vos comptences pour booster votre carrire et dcrocher une promotion. Ou commencez une nouvelle carrire en tant que professionnel Windows."
Price: 19.99

"Amber & Nikki's English listening comprehension" |
"Are you worried about an upcoming TOEFL or TOEIC listening test even if you are pretty confident with the reading part? If yes, we got you covered! Each lesson will help grow your listening skills and enhance your grammar to make you sound more natural. You will analyze a conversation and go through three questions to test if you understand the content. There are 12 lessons in this course and the last three lessons are all about business phone calls that you might be afraid to make, even though you're an advanced speaker. This course is designed for people who want to live and work in English speaking countries. All learning and testing materials are spoken in English by Amber and Nikki.TOEIC TOEFL YoutubeUdemy Amber & Nikkis English Listening Comprehension 12AmberNikki33 Say it out loudFluentAmberNikkiTOEIC"
Price: 74.99

"- After Effects & Illustrator" |
"After effects & adobe illustrator *** *** 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8 - 9-"
Price: 19.99

"Guia do Email Marketing Passo a Passo na Prtica" |
"Voc sabe o que LTV?Resumidamente significa a quantidade de dinheiro que um cliente faz voc lucrar ao longo do tempo.Muitos negcios e empresas no do muita ateno pra isso, mas obvio que vender mais de uma vez para o mesmo cliente bem mais barato do que fazer um novo cliente!Usar email marketing no seu negcio, no importa o ramo de atuao, a melhor maneira de aumentar o LTV de cada um dos seus clientes e criar um ativo com pessoas que tem um certo interesse em comprar o seu produto ou servio.Nesse curso voc vai aprender todos os passos, do bsico ao avanado, para criar um funil de vendas lucrativo.Se voc afiliado, lojista, vendedor ou corretor...O email marketing pode aumentar o seu faturamento, muito mais do que voc pode imaginar, caso voc realmente coloque em prtica tudo que vai aprender com essas aulas."
Price: 219.99
