"Investindo em aes - Bolsa De Valores" |
"O curso Investindo em Aes foi desenvolvido especialmente para atender a demanda de investidores iniciantes que querem aprender a investir em aes de forma prtica, segura e com bons resultados.Contedo 100% focado em praticidade e aplicao.Em uma hora de estudos voc vai saber o passo a passo para investir em aes e ter bons resultados.Ao investir em aes, voc far parte dos menos de 0,5% da populao que investem em Bolsa de Valores.E com certeza, voc ter uma vida muito mais prspera.Durante esse curso eu vou responder dvidas como:- O que so aes?- Como ganhar dinheiro com aes?- Quais os tipos de aes?- Como investir em aes?- O que uma corretora?- Quais as taxas para investir em aes?- Quais impostos sero cobrados?- Como analisar uma ao?E vrias outras dvidas, caso voc tenha alguma dvida durante o curso pode me enviar mensagem.Um grande abrao!"
Price: 39.99

"Investindo em Bitcoin" |
"O curso investindo em Bitcoin foi feito para atender a demanda de investidores iniciantes em criptomoedas. Nele voc vai aprender tudo que precisa para investir em Bitcoin de forma segura e prtica.A maior parte das pessoas j ouviu falar sobre Bitcoin, mas uma minoria sabe de fato como ele funciona e como investir nele.Esse curso vai responder algumas das dvidas mais recorrentes entre investidores iniciantes em Bitcoin, como:- O que o Bitcoin?- Quais as formas de ganhar dinheiro com Bitcoin?- O que uma exchange?- Como comprar o Bitcoin?- O que uma wallet e como transferir meu Bitcoin?- Como identificar uma pirmide financeira?Essas so as principais perguntas que sero respondidas durante o curso, lgico que no so todas, porque durante o curso vou soltar bastante aprendizados que eu tive ao longo da minha jornada nos investimentos.Um grande abrao!"
Price: 39.99

"Psicologia Positiva 1.0 e 2.0 - Da teoria Prtica" |
"O curso Psicologia Positiva 1.0 e 2.0 Da teoria prtica ajudar voc a compreender tudo o que essencial sobre a Psicologia Positiva 1.0 e a sua evoluo, a chamada Psicologia Positiva 2.0, e a aplic-las efetivamente em sua vida para ter resultados pessoais e profissionais de excelncia.Com ele voc passar rapidamente da compreenso do bsico aplicao de ferramentas e tcnicas em todos os aspectos da sua vida diria.Se voc deseja ter um desempenho melhor em um contexto pessoal ou profissional, conhecer a Psicologia Positiva para voc. Em linhas gerais, a Psicologia Positiva o estudo cientfico do que faz a vida valer a pena. Ela vai muito alm de reparar o que est errado, mas foca em identificar e nutrir o que existe de melhor nas pessoas, entre elas as suas Foras Pessoais e sua Inteligncia Emocional, para que possam atingir todo o seu potencial, gerar resultados superiores e conquistar a felicidade autntica.Este curso de alto impacto fornecer a voc uma variedade de conceitos, ferramentas, tcnicas, materiais de apoio e habilidades poderosas que voc poder aplicar imediatamente na sua vida.O curso oferece: _2 Materiais de Apoio, incluindo documento personalizvel para elaborao de seu Plano de Ao Pessoal. _5 Workbooks com exerccios e contedos essenciais para turbinar seus resultados. _8 tcnicas eficazes para fortalecer sua Inteligncia Emocional. _20 udios adicionais para a realizao das prticas independentes quando voc quiser para incorporar efetivamente os novos conhecimentos e fortalecer a sua performance mental. _Disponibilidade da instrutora via sesso perguntas e respostas ou e-mail para sanar quaisquer dvidas e dificuldades ao longo de todo o processo. (No se acanhe, s chamar!). _Certificado de participao.Nossos mais de 950 alunos que tiveram acesso a este conhecimento o aplicam com resultados surpreendentes em reas como empreendedorismo, terapia, coaching, educao, negcios, liderana, relacionamentos e comunicao.Conhea alguns depoimentos:""Simplesmente amei cada aula! Um curso super prtico que da para atuar na vida de forma imediata."" (Alessandra Ottoni)""Amo os seus cursos; meus parabns pela excelncia nos ensinamentos e gratido pelo constante aprendizado, VOC INCRVEL e j transformou a minha vida! Gostaria que soubesse que atravs do seu trabalho, adquiri autoconhecimento, resgatei a minha essncia, os meus valores e propsitos de vida. Voc me encorajou a desbravar tudo o que me move!"" (Claudia W.)""Excelente, me fez ter um olhar pra dentro de mim, caminho certo para a busca de meu autoconhecimento."" (Sonia)""Aproveito para registrar o prazer que foi concluir mais um curso seu. Este, ento, mais tcnico e requer mais ateno e anotaes para melhor compreenso e aprendizagem. So informaes valiosas as quais devem se tomar conhecimento. Grato."" (Jos Eduardo Mendona) ""Oi Juliana, que grata surpresa em concluir seu curso com tanta leveza, deixando de hostilizar emoes e sentimentos negativos. Fiquei encantada com a sua didtica e por compartilhar tantas fontes e dados bacanas."" (Fernanda Mediano)A qualquer momento voc poder entrar em contato direto comigo que ser um prazer tirar todas as suas dvidas.Sou formada em Psicologia Positiva, com especializao em Neurocincias e Comportamento e ajudar voc passo-a-passo desta jornada a minha misso que desempenho com uma alegria imensa. SimplesMente *seja muito bem-vindo(a)!"
Price: 69.99

"Iclone 7 COMPLETO 2020" |
"Projetado para facilitar o uso e integrar as mais recentes tecnologias em tempo real, o iClone 7 unifica o mundo da Animao 3D em uma ferramenta de produo completa que combina criao de personagem, animao, design de cena e direo de histria em um mecanismo em tempo real. qualidade visual artstica para velocidade de produo e poder de processamento inigualveis. O iClone Animation Pipeline conecta perfeitamente aplicativos 3D padro do setor e mecanismos de jogos para jogos, filmes e produo virtual. O iClone ideal para cineastas independentes ou equipes de estdio profissionais com ferramentas projetadas para escritores, diretores, animadores ou qualquer pessoa que deseje transformar sua viso em realidade.O curso vai demonstrar como instalar o software, como baixar modelos prontos, objetos, acessrios, roupas de uma maneira ou modo que voc nunca viu antes.Mesmo que voc no tenha nenhum conhecimentos de modelagem, animao, mapeamento, composio de materiais, iluminao, efeitos de ps produo rings e renderizao, integrao com engines de games e software 3d voc vai conseguir compreender e realizar projetos incrveis com o iClone 7Eu sou Leonardo Gomes sou Analista e Desenvolvedor de Sistemas sou um apaixonado por jogos, e tudo sobre a rea de tecnologia da informao. J tenho alguns cursos na udemy e eu espero que voc goste desse curso."
Price: 199.99

"AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner 2020 [dernire dition]" |
"Bienvenue toutes et tous, Avec mon cours entirement en FRANCAIS je vais vous aider prparer et passer le tout dernier examen AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner. ( JUIN 2020 ) AWS est principalement luvre du Dr. Werner Vogels, scientifique de formation il a crit une thse en 2003 sur les technologies de cluster volutives pour l'informatique d'entreprise critique, il y a 15 ans en 2004, il a t recrut et nomm Directeur Technique pour solutionner les problmes de montes en charge causes par la frquentation colossale du site amazon point com.Avec mon cours vous allez : Accder a des rvisions sur les bases de l'informatique traditionnelApprendre et dcouvrir plus de 40 services AWSCrer votre propre compte AWS Disposer de 12 mois de services gratuit ( free tiers aws ) Manipuler vous mme dans des exercices pratiquesTesterez vos connaissances acquises grce des quizAccs vie toutes les futures mises jour de ce coursLe certificat de fin de formation officiel Udemy pour avertir votre rseau sur LinkedinDisposer d'un support de cours de +260 pages et d'un document remplir au fil de l'eau il vous aidera mmoriserUne garantie de remboursement de 30 jours ""sans questions"" !Des connaissances rudimentaires en ligne de commande windows/linux seraient un plus pour suivre ce cours.Vous acquerrez une comprhension complte de la plate-forme AWS Cloud et serez prt passer l'examen de certification. Ces connaissances et cette certification vous ouvriront des perspectives d'emploiVous serez en mesure de prouver votre expertise en matire d'AWS et de cloud computing. L'examen peut tre pass n'importe o sous la forme d'un examen surveill en ligne.je vous invite lire les trois articles que j'ai cris sur le sujet sur mon linkedin : Re:Invent 2018, AWS Le rouleau compresseur ?La scurit des donnes dans le CloudLe cloud ? N'hsitez pas offrir ce cours vos amis !"
Price: 199.99

"Dieta Flexvel na Prtica" |
"Bem vindos ao Curso Dieta Flexvel na Prtica!Neste curso voc assistir vdeo-aulas ilustradas e com boa qualidade de som e imagemNo final do curso voc ser capaz de entender e compreender sobre as principais recomendaes dietticas para emagrecimento ou ganho de massa muscular e saber como usar programas de monitoramento de calorias e macronutrientes para gerenciamento do plano alimentar"
Price: 39.99

"Finding Peace And Self-Discovery Through Meditation" |
"Forget everything you think you know about meditation.The basic skills can be conveyed in a few minutes. However, as a beginner, you may discover difficulties. But Meditation doesn't have to be complicated to be effective for personal development.Learning and practicing meditation regularly is one of the most magical spiritual tools for self-development assisting you to relax, heal, stimulate and inspire your life.By simply following the structure of this course you will get results, without the struggle & frustration.Even if you have never meditated before. this course will teach you. Using powerful meditations that will enrich your life and give you a greater understanding of who you truly are.There are many benefits to meditation. Put simply, meditation restores balance.Learn from the comfort of your home how to easily meditate, with lifetime access to this course and 15 meditations for you to download and use.Experience how easy meditation is and how it enriches your life. Allowing you to enjoy a happier, healthier, more fulfilling life."
Price: 44.99

"VideoScribe Fundamentals Training: Creating Animated Videos" |
"This course is designed for VideoScribe v3.6, to ensure you are using the most up to date version we recommend updating your app from your Sparkol account page.My name is Jonny Finch and Im the Head Trainer for Sparkol, the creators of VideoScribe. Ive been creating videos and teaching courses on how to get the most out of VideoScribe for over 6 years.In this course Ive captured our top hints and tips so you can quickly learn how easy it is to create engaging whiteboard animation videos using VideoScribe.This course is perfect for beginners - maybe youre brand new to VideoScribe or youve already mastered the basics. Youll learn the fundamentals of whiteboard video creation and those neat tricks and tips.With VideoScribe, you dont need to be an artist or have any video creation experience. Our library is full of pre-animated illustrations and images which automatically draw themselves - just choose the styles that you like. Ill be taking you through everything from the ground up.Throughout this course, well be running through a step-by-step process to create your own amazing animated videos from scratch. Enroll now to get started!"
Price: 49.99

"Hoje, as melhores escolas de direito no mundo oferecem em suas grades regulares disciplinas como mentalidade empreendedora, estratgia, gesto customer-oriented, people management, administrao de negcios, inovao, liderana, comunicao, inteligncia emocional.O Direito & Gesto vem trabalhando estes temas junto a grandes bancas, modernizando e contextualizando o mindset dos advogados para esse cenrio de grandes transformaes. Este mesmo contedo foi sintetizado em pequenos cursos (pocket courses), de cerca de 10 minutos cada, abordando os principais assuntos que esto em voga na advocacia da nova economia pelo mundo.Alm das vdeoaulas, este curso disponibiliza o POCKET COURSES - MATERIAL DE APOIO, contendo mindmaps com os principais insights de cada aula e sugesto de material complementar para auxiliar em suas reflexes.Ser um prazer t-lo(a) conosco!Direito & Gesto"
Price: 39.99

"Next.JS with Sanity CMS - Serverless Blog App (w/ Vercel)" |
"What is Sanity ? Sanity is the platform for structured content. With Sanity you can manage your text, images, and other media with APIs. You can also use the open-source single page application Sanity Studio to quickly set up an editing environment that you can customize. With Sanity you have access to a bunch of APIs, libraries, and tooling that helps you leverage the benefits of having all your content available as a single source of truth. This article will quickly walk you through some central concepts, giving you a head start.What is Next JS ?Next JS is React framework that provides infrastructure and simple development experience for server side rendered(SSR) application.An intuitive page-based routing system (with support for dynamic routes)Pre-rendering, both static generation (SSG) and server-side rendering (SSR) are supported on a per-page basisAbout the main projectWe will start with integration of a very clean application layout I have prepared for you. We will follow latest practices of React and Next JS, this means we will utilise hook functions as much as possible.After initial layout and pages will be created we will start preparing actual data in Sanity Studio. I will explain you the basics of sanity and we will prepare to 2 types of documents - Blogs, and Authors.We will specify various fields describing our data, as for example ""Code Blocks"", ""Images"" and many others.After data will be fetched, we will be ready to display blogs in our application pages. You will learn how to process images and how to apply stylings into code blocks.Later in the course you will learn how to apply different filtering options to the application view, how to paginate items and how to manage sorting of the data. You will learn how to use provider and consumer/concept which we will use for managing light and dark theme of our application.Next we will talk about Preview feature. Preview feature will make possible to display draft blog data before they are publish into a production.In the end of the course we will deploy our application into Vercel platform. Application will be statically optimised and super fast.Thank you for your time and I hope to see you in the course."
Price: 179.99

"Microsoft Teams: Visioconfrence & Travail en quipe" |
"Microsoft Teams est une application (GRATUITE) de communication collaborative lance en novembre 2016. Aujourd'hui, avec la monte en puissance du tltravail, elle est devenue plus populaire que jamais !Le service s'intgre la suite Microsoft Office 365 et Skype et propose des extensions pouvant tre intgres des produits autres que Microsoft.Dans ce cours, ensemble:Nous dcouvrirons comment utiliser l'outil de Visioconfrence, que vous soyez organisateur ou simple invit;Nous apprendrons nous servir de l'ensemble des outils de Teams et utiles la gestion de projets.Ensuite nous regarderons l'ensemble des autres outils de Teams pour que vous en matrisiez les bases et puissiez collaborer facilement au sein de votre entreprise, ou en tltravail !"
Price: 124.99

"Real Analysis Part 2" |
"Sequence and series is a content from Real Analysis which mugs up the Basic concept of sequences and series , Subsequences , Cauchy Sequence with expected theorems like Bolzano Weierstrass Theorem , Riemann Theorem , Concept of Upper and Lower Limit of a sequence , Rearrangement of series of Real and Complex numbers . An Interesting and Expected Theorems on : Continuity Continuous Functions Uniform Continuity Continuity and Compactness"
Price: 19.99

"ITIL V4 Foundation 2020 6 Exams - Road to certification" |
"Currently our times are marked by great uncertainty, so it is important to prepare and acquire new tools or improve existing ones in order to grow professionally and stay current and ready to take on the challenges that mark our present. This is why the exams presented here focus on students and professionals who want to progress in their careers and become an important contribution for organizations working in an environment with ITIL. The exams seek to support those who need to reinforce their knowledge and increase their confidence when facing the certification exam, providing the necessary feedback to achieve this objective through the different questions, therefore incorporating a greater understanding and depth of the elements associated with the structuring of the ITIL 4 version.In short, our target students are:Students or professionals who need to incorporate an important certification in order to demonstrate that they have knowledge of ITILIT professionals who want to join organizations that work in an ITIL environmentAnyone who needs to validate their knowledge and skills at ITILWhy is it important to obtain the certification?The professional profile related to the management of IT services is one of the most requested by those organizations focused on the continuous improvement of their services, or those who require migrating their infrastructure to digital transformation, so it is relevant to obtain the certification in ITIL V4, since with this you will show that you are up to date and you will have the opportunity to put into practice and demonstrate your knowledge in service management.What content the six exams mainly cover?The exams are designed to cover the following topics aimed at obtaining ITIL V4 foundation certification: Key concepts of service management The four dimensions of service management ITIL management practices The holistic approach in the application of ITILWhich are the requirements of approval for exam certification?To obtain ITIL V4 certification you have to achieve a minimum of 65% of a total of 40 questions within 60 minutes. This means that if you answer 26 questions correctly you will be able to pass with 65% which is the minimum required. The exam does not have a discount score for incorrect questions, so it is recommended to answer them all.Is it difficult to get certified in ITIL V4?If you study and practice each of the exams as much as necessary and based on your own effort, you will gain confidence to face the certification exam in a very good way.When should I take the exam?Our recommendation is that when you start to get scores over 75% in all the exams that we offer you."
Price: 19.99

"Aprenda sobre Orao" |
"Se voc ainda no sabe como fazer orao, ou acha que est orando de maneira errada, esse curso para voc. Fazer orao no meramente fechar os olhos e falar (ou pensar) qualquer coisa para Deus. Neste curso de 3 vdeo-aulas estudamos sobre como deve ser uma orao fundamentada na Palavra de Deus, como ler a Bblia nos ajuda a orar corretamente e como deve ser a nossa prtica de orao. No perca tempo, comece seu curso agora mesmo!"
Price: 39.99

"CGEIT : Certified in Governance of Enterprise IT: Exam 2020" |
"CGEIT : Certified in Governance of Enterprise IT : Exam 2020The Certified in Governance of Enterprise IT (CGEIT) certification is a vendor certification offered through the ISACA. Its designed for IT professionals in large organizations who are responsible for directing, managing and supporting the governance of IT.ISACA's Certified in the Governance of Enterprise IT (CGEIT) certification is framework agnostic and the only IT governance certification for the individual.Exam Topics covered in CGEIT Certification Exams :Governance and Management of ITStrategic management Benefits realization Risk optimization Resource optimization I have prepared this practice test course for all those candidates who are planning of taking CGEIT exam in near futureThis is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with ISACA CGEIT any way."
Price: 24.99

"Google Ad words Display Certified Practice Exam" |
"203 UNIQUE practice questions for Google Ad words Display Certified Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Google Ad words Display Certified Practice ExamTotal Questions : 203Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :120 minsPassing Score : 75 (152 of 203)"
Price: 154.99

"Google Ad words Reporting Analysis Certified Practice Exam" |
"210 UNIQUE practice questions for Google Ad words Reporting Analysis Certified Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Google Ad words Reporting Analysis Certified Practice ExamTotal Questions : 210Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :130 minsPassing Score : 75 (157 of 210)"
Price: 169.99

"Aprenda Excel do Bsico ao Avanado [com Exerccios]" |
"Nesse curso voc vai aprender a usar o Excel do zero e avanar em seus conhecimentos.No necessrio conhecimento anterior. O curso comea devagar e vai acelerando a medida que voc avana nas aulas.Para acompanhar esse curso basta que voc tenha acesso a internet e tenha acesso a alguma verso do Excel. Esse curso foi gravado no Excel 2016, mas todos os recursos esto disponveis em todas as verses do Excel.Observe as aulas com exerccio, baixe a planilha e faa o exerccio proposto para que voc possa fixar o entendimento apresentado nas aulas.Se voc tiver alguma dvida durante o curso, voc ter acesso ao sistema de perguntas ao instrutor para fazer suas perguntas. Eu procuro responder meus alunos o mais rpido possvel.Eu j treinei mais de 3.000 alunos aqui na Udemy e posso te ajudar a avanar em seu conhecimento e fazer com que voc alcance seus objetivos profissionais.Bom curso!Deodato Fonseca"
Price: 294.99

"Crea un correo corporativo para tu empresa con Zoho Mail" |
"Crea un correo corporativo para tu empresa con Zoho Mail 100% gratis, y de alta calidad!Este curso te va a ensear a crear un correo corporativo de forma fcil, y usando el sitio web de Zoho Mail. En este curso te ayudar paso a paso a configurar tu correo corporativo, sin mucho estrs, y rpidamente. La ventaja de usar Zoho Mail, para crear un correo corporativo, es que nos permite enviar mensajes y adjuntos rpidamente, y a cualquier otro correo que pueda existir, y el tiempo de entrega, es rpida.Con este sistema de correo, jams vamos a tener que esperar que nos llegue un correo electrnico (mensajes, y enviar), a nuestra bandeja de entrada, ya que la entrega ser rpida, y sin costos adicionales. Todo el proceso es 100% gratis, y podemos usar nuestro correo corporativo de manera ilimitada.Con este curso, puedes crear hasta 5 correos corporativos, y hasta 30 alias para crear diferentes formas de envo, y representar las reas de tu empresa. Por ejemplo: ventas, hola, contacto, gerencia...etc. De hecho, puedes crear Alias, como nuevos correos para que cada uno de tus empleados, o personal, tengan acceso propio.Qu necesito para crear un correo corporativo? Para un correo corporativo, necesitas tener un dominio web (de cualquier extensin), y acceso a tus DNS (esto lo puedes ver desde tu panel de acceso o de DNS en tu registrador de dominio). Y con ello, vamos a configurar con las reglas que nos proporciona Zoho Mail para hacerlo.Puedes usar tu correo electrnico va web, va app, o a travs de la app para PC. De esta manera jams pierdes la notificacin de un nuevo mensaje.Inscribete en el curso!"
Price: 19.99

"Small Business Crisis Management" |
"Are you aware of risks associated with your business? Do you have systems in place to manage those crises? Do have an exit plan? My name is Omar Khan and welcome to my course on Small business crises management. I will guide you through process to help you define identify, manage and exit crises situation. Besides that I have compiled a list of private and public financial support plans for small business owners in different countries. I will be adding more valuable content for you based on your feedback."
Price: 19.99

"Curso Asp Net MVC en Capas (+ Entity Framework)" |
"En este proyecto utilizaremos la arquitectura en capas para desarrollar un proyecto de asignaciones, iremos paso a paso para un mejor entendimiento, Veremos desde crear CRUD's, Aspnet Identity para el manejo de la seguridad, veremos un apartado para procedimientos con Entity Framework.Tambin desarrollaremos reportes con Crystal Reports, veremos dos formas de enviar informacin a los reportes.Es un curso bsico - intermedio que de seguro podrs sacarle mucho provecho."
Price: 19.99

"Fundamentos de WordPress (domina el administrador de WP)" |
"Aprende cmo funciona WordPress con una vista general de su sistema de archivos: crea pginas, agrega entradas y plugins, cambia de tema, y ajusta a tu medida la configuracin inicial del sistema.Con este tutorial aprenders todo lo necesario para empezar a usar WordPress configurarlo y aadir contenido a tu sitio.Para ms cursos visita tutopress. co"
Price: 24.99

"Descargar WordPress en tu computador" |
"Descargar WordPress en tu computador es la mejor manera de comenzar a experimentar con esta increble plataforma, aprende cmo hacerlo con este tutorial paso a paso gratuito.Desarrolla ms rpido tu proyecto, sin necesidad de conexin a internet y sin las complicaciones de tener que subir cada cambio a un servidor en la nube. Trabajar con WordPress localmente es la opcin ms inteligente para empezar a desarrollar tu sitio web."
Price: 24.99

"Microsoft Excel - Principiante a Intermedio" |
"Este curso es para ti?Microsoft Excel se ha vuelto en la actualidad una herrmienta indispensable para todos!Independientemente a lo que te dediques, te aseguro que al conocer Microsoft Excel tu vida ser ms sencillaSi trabajas en una oficina administrativa en la que sea frecuente la elaboracin de reportes, este curso te ayudar a que esos reportes que requieren mucho trabajo manual y que te lleva tanto tiempo, que cuando lo terminas de hacer, ya tienes otros reportes con calidad de urgente entrega, sea rpido, sencillo y tengas suficiente tiempo para analizar la informacin antes de enviarla por correo.Si eres un profesional independiente querrs llevar un control de tus ingresos o realizar anlisis y mejores propuestas para tus clientes.Con Microsoft Excel puedes llevar el control de tus ingresos personales, hacer macros que descarguen informacin de bases de datos, estas macros pueden procesar la informacin, validarla y por ltimo enviar por correo informes en PDF a sus respectivos destinatarios.Excel no solo es una hoja de clculo, es una herramienta potente, y con este curso tendrs las herramientas necesarias para realizar tu trabajo de una forma segura y con probabilidad de error nula o muy poca."
Price: 199.99

"OLUdemy unofficial" |
"Udemy, Inc.Udemy, Inc.========================================================Udemy10UdemyUdemyUdemy1ITUdemyUdemyUdemyUdemyUdemyUdemyUdemyUdemyUdemy"
Price: 24000.00

"Internet of Things (IoT) with Arduino Programming & ESP8266" |
"Perform 18 Hand-on [Experiments/Practicals] exercises during the course to learn and enhance Arduino Programming, IoT Cloud, REST HTTP and Hardware SkillsSquare Brackets [] specifies key learning areas 1. LED Blink [Arduino Programming]2. Navigate through ThingSpeak Cloud Platform [IoT Cloud]3. Upload Random Numbers to Cloud Platform from Hardware - ESP8266-NODEMCU using REST HTTP GET method [Arduino Programming + IoT Cloud]4. Using React and ThingTweet Service [IoT Cloud]5. LM35 (Temperature Sensor) Interfacing with Hardware (ESP8266-NODEMCU) [Hardware + Arduino Programming]6. Connecting Hardware (ESP8266-NODEMCU) dynamically to Access Point [Arduino Programming]7. Push data to the cloud using REST HTTP POST Method [Arduino Programming + API Documents + IoT Cloud]8. Read Data from Cloud [Cloud + Arduino Programming + HTTP GET Method] 9. IoT Close Loop [Hardware Interfacing + Arduino Programming + IoT Cloud + HTTP GET and POST]10. TalkBack [IoT Cloud]11. TalkBack Add Command [Arduino Programming + IoT Cloud + HTTP POST]12. TalkBack Update Command [Arduino Programming + IoT Cloud + HTTP PUT]13. TalkBack Read Command [Arduino Programming + IoT Cloud + HTTP GET] 14. TalkBAck Execute Command [Arduino Programming + IoT Cloud + HTTP POST]15. ThingHTTP [IoT Cloud + Web Services]16. IFTTT [IoT Cloud]17. Google Assistant, IFTTT, ThingSpeak [IoT Cloud, Cross cloud communination]18. TimeControl [IoT Cloud] This course starts with the very basics of IoT and gradually the complexity is increased in a scientific manner to attain the learning outcomes. After completion of this course, You will be able to:Build IoT products using ESP8266 SoCDiscuss IoT and its market valueDiscuss sensors and actuatorsDeploy IoT product to ThingSpeak Cloud platform using all its servicesIntegrate ThingSpeak IoT Cloud, IFTTT, google assistant to develop products."
Price: 12480.00

"[2020] Deno - The Complete Guide" |
"Deno - The Complete GuideLearn Deno and build highly scalable apps.DENO: A SECURED runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript. Its is developed by The creator of Node i.e. Ryan Dahl. It is a great Replacement of Node as it solves many problems in Node making Deno the future of Web.We truly believe, Deno is the future being an early adopters will always pay off. We are excited about Deno and you should be too because it is the Future. So will Deno replace Node? Nobody can predict the future...But learning something awesome and getting ready for the future is always very important..In this Course we Shall cover:-IntroType Script BasicsDeno BasicsDeno Runtime and architectureDeno vs NodeJSWeb Development with DenoFile I/O with DenoWorking with Databases in DenoLogging in DenoError Handling in DenoDeno Intermediate and Advance Features like tooling,Debugging, Testing.Making our First Basic Backend API with DenoProjects : To Do List App with MongoDBProjects : Blogging App with Postgres SQL Database We know that you're here because you value your time and Money.By getting this course, you can be assured that the course will explain everything in detail and if there are any doubts in the course, we will answer your doubts in less than 12 hours. All the project Files are available for you.So, What are you waiting for? Go Click on the Buy button and let's explore the exciting journey of Deno.We will be waiting for you inside the course...Regards,Cosmic , Haider Malik"
Price: 19.99

"Adobe Photoshop CC How To Edit Your First Photo" |
"Hi my name is Ricardo Stephan. I am a professional Graphic Designer, Digital Artist and Photographer. I have been using Adobe applications Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Premiere Pro, Lightroom, After Effects and Audition for almost 15 years. And that every single day for work.I struggled a lot to learn those applications at first, before mastering them. I promised to help others getting started easier than me with easy-to-follow steps. In this course I will show you how to transform an ordinary photo into an extraordinary one using simple, but yet professional techniques. We will then take the final edited image and use it to create a mini-project where we will design a professional flyer. This will also give you an insight into the other possibilities you have with Adobe Photoshop CC.As a reward after following this course ""you will be able to take any of your photos and edit it from start to finish LIKE PROS DO""."
Price: 34.99

"Docker Certified Associate (DCA) Practice Test" |
"ComTech is offering 120+ UNIQUE practice questions for Docker Certified Associate Certification Exam.Unlike others, We offer details explanation to each and every questions that will help you to understand the question100% money back guarantee (Unconditional, we assure that you will be satisfied with our services and pass the exam).Do leave us a question we will happy to answer your queries during the course.2 SETS OF PRACTICE EXAMS - with minimum of 50 Questions eachEach practice exam has the same format, style, time limit and passing score as the real Docker Certified Associate Certification exam (60 min to answer 50 questions)All questions are unique, 100% scenario-based and conform to the latest Docker Certified Associate exam blueprint.BEST WAYS TO PREPARE FOR YOUR DOCKER CERTIFIED ASSOCIATE CERTIFICATION EXAMKEY TRAINING ADVICE: Although the actual Docker Certified Associate exam has a pass mark of 72%, we recommend that you repeatedly retake our Docker Certified Associate exams until you consistently score 80% or higher. We encourage you to put in the work and study the training notes in detail. Once you achieve the recommended score in the practice tests - you are ready to sit the exam and achieve a great score!CONFORM WITH EXAM BLUEPRINT: Using our Docker Certified Associate Exams can help you gain experience with the test question format and understand how the questions in the real Docker Certified Associate exams are structured. Unfortunately, there are many Docker Certified Associate practice tests in the market that do NOT match the format of the exam pattern. Rest assured that with our practice tests, you will be adequately prepared for the real Docker Certified Associate exam.KEY FEATURES OF THESE POPULAR PRACTICE EXAMS 120+ PRACTICE QUESTIONS: 2 sets of Practice Exams with minimum 50 Questions each with a pool of 120+ Questions to assess your exam readiness on Udemy. EXAM SIMULATION: All Practice Tests are timed and scored (passing score is 80%) mimicking the real exam environment. DETAILED EXPLANATIONS: Every question includes a detailed explanation that clarifies why each answer is correct or incorrect. PREMIUM-QUALITY: These practice questions are free from typos and technical errors which makes your learning experience much more pleasant. ALWAYS UP TO DATE: Our question bank is constantly updated based on student feedback from the real exam. New questions are added on a regular basis growing our pool of questions. ACTIVE Q&A FORUM: In this discussion board, students ask questions and share their recent exam experience offering feedback on which topics were covered. BEST VALUE FOR MONEY: Compared to the Official Docker Certified Associate Practice Test that gives you up to 40 questions only (for $20), when investing in these tests, you get lifetime access to our pool of questions. ACCESS ON MOBILE: Study on the go and access all resources from your mobile."
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to Polling" |
"As the 2020 election season shifts into high gear, the media will begin to cover every second of the horse race. Throughout this process, both the media and voters alike will rely upon public opinion polls to assess candidates chances in a variety of federal, state, and local elections. However, during the 2016 election cycle many people that relied on polls were caught by surprise with the result of the presidential election. Some declared the surprise result was indicative of a polling industry in crisis.While the polling industry did learn some tough lessons in 2016, which well discuss in more detail throughout the course, the picture isnt as bleak as some in the media suggest. Our Introductory to Polling course is designed to teach you a framework to use so that you can confidently follow the polls through this election season and beyond."
Price: 19.99

"Machine Learning in ArcGIS: Map Land Use/ Land Cover in GIS" |
"Land Use / Land Cover mapping with Machine Learning and Remote Sensing Data in ArcGISThis course is designed to take users who use ArcGIS for basic geospatial data/GIS/Remote Sensing analysis to perform more advanced geospatial analysis tasks including object-based image analysis using a variety of different data and applying Machine Learning state of the art algorithms. In addition to making you proficient in ArcGIS for spatial data analysis, you will be introduced to a powerful opportunity to learn how to use ArcGIS also for advanced satellite-based image analysis for the most demanded task in Remote Sensing, that is land use and land cover mapping.I'm very excited that you found my LULC Advanced course. This course is designed to equip you with the practical knowledge of advanced Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) mapping, which is one of the core skills for any Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing analyst. By the end of the course, you will feel confident and completely understand and apply advanced Geospatial analysis including performing Machine Learning algorithms for land use and land cover mapping and learning object-based image analysis and basics of segmentation. All this you will be able to carry out on the real data in one of the most popular GIS software which is ArcGIS.This course is different from other training resources. Each lecture seeks to enhance your GIS and Remote Sensing skills in a demonstrable and easy-to-follow manner and provide you with practically implementable solutions. Youll be able to start analyzing spatial data for your own projects, and gain appreciation from your future employers with your advances GIS skills and knowledge of the cutting edge LULC techniques.In the course, you will be able to learn how to carry out all stages of LULC mapping from acquiring satellite data to assessing the accuracy of your Remote Sensing map and design a beautiful change map readily available to be inserted in your document or report.The course is ideal for professionals such as geographers, programmers, social scientists, geologists, GIS, and Remote Sensing experts and all other experts who need to use LULC maps in their field and would like to learn the fundamentals of LULC and change detection in GIS. If you're planning to undertake a task that requires to use a state of the art classification algorithms for creating, for instance, land cover and land use maps, this course will give you the confidence you need to understand and solve such geospatial problem.One important part of the course is the practical exercises. You will be given some precise instructions, codes, and datasets to create LULC maps and change maps using the ArcGIS software.In this course, I include downloadable practical materials that will teach you:- Advance your skills in ArcGIS- Understand the concept of Machine Learning and main types of machine learning in GIS including supervised and unsupervised Machine Learning Algorithms - Learn how to classify satellite and UAV images with different machine learning algorithms in ArcGIS- Learn how to perform training, validation data collection and accuracy assessment- Learn how to perform object-based image analysis- Perform image segmentation in ArcGISINCLUDED IN THE COURSE: You will have access to the data used in the course, along with the Java code files. You will also have access to future resources. Enroll in the course today & take advantage of these special materials!"
Price: 19.99
