classic-guitar-in-arabic-part-3 |
"Grade 1 1 2. 5 : Swan Lake Greensleeves . Step 1 Step 2 ."
Price: 119.99

"How to Create An Audiobook Cover For Free using Canva" |
"Would you like to learn how to make an audiobook cover?Are you new to Canva and need help using it for audiobook cover design?Welcome to How to Create An Audiobook Cover For Free in less than an hour using Canva.Canva is an online graphic design software that helps anyone create designs for personal or business in minutes. Best of all it's free to get started and you dont need experience in graphic design experience to create stunning designs.Here are some topics covered in the course: How to create your Canva account The key elements of an effective audiobook cover design How to create your own backgrounds How to upload your own images and book cover files when you already have an eBook or print book. How to create an audiobook cover from scratch. How to get access to the Free Image and elements library in Canva. How to add text, pictures, and elements to your design, How to use templates and much more,Full video instruction is provided at every stage so you can started and create a stunning audiobook cover in less than an hour using Canva!Enroll Today!"
Price: 19.99

"How to buy, sell and negotiate timeshares and memberships" |
"Learn how to buy, sell and negotiate timeshares and memberships someone that has more than 500,000 USD in investment and have participated in more than 30 presentations. Learn how timeshares companies operate and what time membership benefits are and how to maximize them. We will also discuss in-depth what timeshare are; are they investments or leisure programs with no real value, or both."
Price: 24.99

"Personal Finance for College Students" |
"Are you going or in college right now? You probably have no idea on how to manage your personal finances. That's why we created this course! We are going to get you ready for the real world and you will get your finances in order TODAY!By the end of this course you will be able to:Understand the importance of High Net Worth and being richLearn to create your first budgetLearn the Core Four of Personal FinanceLearn how to invest (you will invest $10 in 1,000 companies by the end of this course)Learn the difference between financing and owningLearn to protect your credit for freeSet yourself up to retire earlyLearn how debt can prevent you from doing what you wantLearn how to develop a side hustle to increase your skill set and incomeLearn how what lifestyle inflation is and how to avoid it"
Price: 19.99

"84 chords in one week - Guitar" |
"WARNING: This course was developed to beginners. You will learn Harmony, theory, chords and techniques to develop your skills in music.More than 44 exercises to develop speed and accuracy with PDF Attachments.It's available on a PC or MAC and there is a iPad, iPhone and Android app ready to go!Keeping track of which videos(lectures) you have already watched is a breeze. Udemy has a great way of keeping track of your completed lessons(lectures).The entire course is organized in step-by-step easy to follow layout.The more you practice the better you will get. With the Right Practice style you will be able to witness fast results!Meet the teacherGabriel Felix*Music degree at California College of Music;*Teaching since 2010;*More than 18.102 students at udemy;*More than 1 million views on youtube Meio Musical;QuestionsFeel free to send me any questions you might have on this course. I want to make your learning experience the best that it can be.ThanksThanks for taking the time to look at this course. I look forward to seeing you on the inside and teaching you the beginner steps on how to become a better guitar player.Take action now. Every moment you delay enrolling is valuable time and lot`s of joy with the guitar lost - enrol today - click top right!WARNING: This course is NOT for the person who thinks by purchasing this course it will then magically give them all your guitar skills to you without you having to put the time, effort and practice. It does take practice if you want to see results. :)"
Price: 19.99

"CELPIP Writing & Speaking Guide" |
"This Course brings to you a comprehensive learning experience for Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program (CELPIP), The course has been designed with our experience of coaching hundreds of students for CELPIP and other English Language tests. This course gives you a detailed understanding of the Test system, how are you graded by the E rating system, What all we should pay attention to while we present our answers, what are the pitfalls that you should avoid. We are presenting Sample questions along with suggested high scoring answers, both in the CELPIP writing and CELPIP speaking sections. You will also be getting a downloadable PDF of practice questions for both Writing and Speaking sections. Once you understand the test, question types and go through the sample questions to understand how to structure and present your answers effectively. We recommend you practice the questions provided in PDF. This sure will help you score High in your test."
Price: 24.99

"Learn Basics of Adobe Photoshop CC 2020 for Beginners" |
"Want to learn Photoshop but dont know where to start from?This course is well designed and prepared to make you a decent Photoshop user. All the course contents and examples are wisely chosen and each chapter is explained using the step-by-step method to better fit your needs. The initial chapters are basics and further chapters are explained in more details without making things overcomplicated. To help you follow along with the lectures, exercise files are included in each chapter.If you are looking for a faster way to learn Photoshop then you are in the right place. This course is designed to be quick and easy thus it only teaches the basics of Photoshop and it best fits those who are preoccupied and cant take a full-length course.What you will learn:This course covers the basics of Photoshop, and its chapters are as follows:Getting Started: In this chapter, I will introduce you to Photoshop and its interface, you will learn how to create a new document, open, save, and export files for web and print. And you will master some tips and tools to use Photoshop more efficiently.Layers: This chapter covers anything you need to know about layers. You will learn how to use the Layers Panel, Layer Mask and other useful layer properties.Selections: By completing this chapter you will be able to select and modify objects using Photoshops enhanced selection tools such as, the Marquee Selection Tools, Lasso Tools, Magic Wand, Quick Selection Tool, and newly introduced Object Selection Tool.Transform and Crop: This chapter will teach you how to transform, resize, crop and straighten images.By completing this course, you will have a decent understanding of Photoshop, and you will also have a sound foundation of Photoshop to build upon.By the end of this course you will be able to use the program with ease. You'll feel in control as you pursue and complete more ambitious projects. Whether you are contemplating a career change, considering freelancing opportunities, or developing a personal hobby, get started today on your Photoshop journey!Who this course is for:Beginners who want to learn Photoshop and get paid for it.Those who are occupied and can't find enough time to take a full-length course.Newbie's, amateurs, graphic designers, web designers, motion graphics artists, Illustrator users, and any creatives who want to design their own graphics and edit their own photos from scratch"
Price: 79.99

"Basics of Microeconomics: Demand, Supply and Equilibrium" |
"This is a course for IB Economics students who would like to review the concepts of: demand, supply, the price mechanism, and allocative efficiency; and who would like to practice writing Paper 1-style essays and receive feedback on those essays from a qualified IB Economics teacher and examiner. This course is perfect if you have just begun your journey into IB Economics or if you are reviewing before your IB exam!"
Price: 19.99

"Ventas con Redes Sociales - de lo Bsico hasta Avanzado" |
"Nos prepararemos para realizar campaas para lograr aumentar las ventas de nuestros productos o servicios por medio de las redes sociales, utilizando aquellas en las cual sea mejor para tu producto o servicio. Lograremos hacer un plan de campaa para lograr objetivos especficos y controlar su desempeo y asi lograr aumentar las ventas que necesitamos"
Price: 2970.00

"Muscle Building - How To Workout For Increasing Muscle Mass" |
"In This Muscle Building Course You Will Learn How The Pros Teach People How To Pack On Muscle Fast. This Course Is Not Medical Advice ... But Is Based On Scientific Research & Principles That Are Known To Get Results Fast! Having These Tools & Strategies Will Make Gaining Muscle So Much Easier, Dramatically Increasing The Results You Get & Helping You Achieve Your Goals In Less Time.In This Online Muscle Building Course For Men & Women You Will Learn How To Build Muscle And Strength The Way The Top Pros Teach It. Consider This Course To Be Your Training Pro Guiding You To The Most Effective Methods For Gaining Muscle & Strength While Getting The Cut & Sleek Look You Want. We Are NOT Giving Medical Advice But This Course Contains Tips, Tools & Strategies Based On Sound Principles & Scientific Research.If You Want To Look Great, Feel Great, Be Healthier And Look Sexier This Is The Perfect Course For You! The Goal Of This Training Is To Help You Achieve This In The Fastest, Simplest And Easiest Way Possible. This Course Will Save You Years Of Research, Struggle And Frustration. So Start This Course Today And Start Looking & Feeling Better Tomorrow!START The Course Now!LEARNING OUTCOMES:By The End Of This Course, You Will 1) Discover How To Develop The Mindset Of A Champion2) How To Workout For Increasing Muscle Mass3) Discover The Power Building Lifestyle4) Find The Best Fitness Apps5) Discover The Best Supplements For Boosting Muscle Fast6) Find Out Why Cardio Is Great For Muscle Building & Strength7) Learn How To Track Your Progress Properly8) Learn The Proper Diet For Increasing Muscle Mass. And This Is Just A TINY Part Of The Training There Is SO Much More!!!#MuscleBuilding #MuscleBuildingCourse #MuscleBuildingTraining, #BuildMuscle #MuscleBuildingWorkout #GainMass #Fitness #FitnessTraining #BodyBuildingHeres What Our Students Say:I Am Absolutely Loving This Course! It Is A Great A Match For Me As I Am Always Looking To Improve Myself. A Lot Of The Information Is Blowing My Mind! How They Explain It Makes It Easy To Understand! - Danielle SubannyProf. Paul Never Disappoints! I Own All Of His Courses & This One Is Amazing Too. Youll Be Shocked How Fast The Course Goes By & Wishing It Was Longer Because Its Packed With So Much Life-Changing Information. I Believe It Gives You A Huge Advantage In Life. Thanks Again For This Amazing Course Prof. Paul Chris Ghering - CEONO RISK!!! FULL 30 Day Money Back Guarantee!Sign Up Now!"
Price: 129.99

"Zeka Testi ve Duygusal Zeka Eitimi" |
"Kendi zekanz renin ve snrlarn kefedin. Farkl Zekalarla Nasl Baa kacanza likin Anlk Dnceleriniz, Deerleriniz, nanlarnz ve Bak Alarnz? Kendi zekanz renebileceiniz testler de kurs ierisinde yer almaktadr. Kendi zeka trnz renebilecek ve bu alandaki muhtemel nyarglarnzn farknda olacak, zekanz gelitirebileceksiniz. nsanlarn ve evrenizdeki kiilerin zeka trlerinin farknda olacak ve bunlar deerlendirebileceksiniz. Becerilerinizi en yksek seviyeye kartmas iin kiilerin zeka trn glendirmeye hazr olun. Bilimsel ve onaylanm otomotik testler ile zekanz renebilecek veya zekanzn zelliklerini testler ile ortaya karabileceksiniz."
Price: 49.99

"NLP Teknikler ve NLP Stratejileri" |
"Baz insanlar para ynetimi ve zengin olma konusundan dier insanlardan daha baarl olmas o kiinin zeki olmasndan deil, o kiinin stratejilerinin doru olmasndan kaynaklanr. Bazlar ise karar verme konusunda dierlerinden daha baarldr, stelik kararlar ok isabetlidir. NLP sayesinde bu konuda iyi olan kiilerin karar verme stratejisini modelleyerek bakalarna aktarabilirsiniz.Eer bir kiiye daha iyi bir karar verme stratejisi sunarsanz ona sadece tek bir kararda deil, hayat boyunca verecei btn kararlarda yardm etmi olursunuz. te burada da hayat boyu baar getirecek ve doru stratejiler ile doru admlar atmanz salayacak bilgileri reneceksiniz."
Price: 49.99

"NLP Teknikleri ile Gemii Ynetme ve Yzleme" |
"Psikolojinin, negatif durumlar acmasz bir baskyla ortadan kaldrabilen ve Mega Mutluluk yaratan bir kolu deildir. NLP pratisyenleri, Zen felsefesiyle yaayan ve olumsuz durumlar veya problemlerle hi kar karya kalmayan insanlar deillerdir. Onlar da bu dnyada yayorlar ve bu da, onlarn da yaamn gerekleri olan inileri ve klar yaadklar anlamna gelir. Ancak bu teknikleri bu kurs ile birlikte sizlerde bunu aabileceksiniz."
Price: 49.99

"NLP ile Etkili letiim ve kna Teknikleri" |
"nsanlarn karakter analizini yaparak iletiim kategorilerini renip ne tr iletiim dili kullandn fark ederek doru tedbir alabileceksiniz ve Her eyden nce alma yaplacak insanlar derinlemesine kavramamz gerekiyor. te burada insanlar derinlemesine kavrayabileceksiniz. Hangi kategori de olduunu tespit etmek bizim iin bir avantaj olacaktr. Bu yzden dir ki kii kategorilerini bilmek gerekmektedir."
Price: 49.99

"NLP Koluunda Kullanlan Farkndalk Teknikleri" |
"NLP kolar dier koluk trlerinde de olduu gibi hedefe ulamak iin bir takm yol ama yani hedefe veya istee gitmek iin kullanlan bir takm teknikler kullanmaktadr. Bu teknikler sayesinde evrensel olarak insani hedef ve isteklere ulamann kolay yollarn fark edip daha engelsiz ve przsz ekilde hedefe gitmeniz salanmaktadr.nsanolu baarlar elde etmek iin hayatnn nereyse yarsndan fazlasn harcar ama bazen bu hedeflere yine de ulalamaz nk engeller ile ba etmede asl sorunlar yaamaktadr. te bu yzden tm emekler bazen boa gidebiliyor, bu NLP koluu teknikleri ile artk emekleriniz boa gitmeyecek"
Price: 49.99

"irket ve Ynetici Koluu Teknikleri" |
"ster kendi iyerinize koluk yaparak irketinizin deerini artrn, isterseniz irket veya ynetici koluuna adm atn. Burada retilen teknikler ynetici ve irket koluunda kullanlan teknikleri kapsamaktadr. Bu teknik sayesinde istediiniz irkete koluk yapabilir, yneticiler koluk yapp ciro art salayabilirsiniz. Ya da yneticilere koluk yapabilir irketin daha salkl almasn salayabilecek teknikleri kapsamaktadr..ster kendini gelitirmek iin al, ister kendi iyerinde farkllk oluturmak iin ya da irket ve ynetici koluunun tekniklerini renmek iin al.."
Price: 49.99

"Google Adwords E-ticarete zel" |
"E-ticaret, zel google adwords ile gogole de cretsiz bir ekilde ste kma stratejileri anlatlmaktadr. E-ticaret maaza tantmlar doru anahtar kelime seme, doru reklam verme, doru bte ayarlamas ile satlar artrmak isteyenler iin zenle hazrlanm bir ieriktir. Bu ierik ile satlarnzn artn fark edecek, maazanzn ilevselliini artracaksnz. Bu sayede doru stratejiler ile daha az emekle daha ok sat yapabileceksiniz.."
Price: 49.99

"Impresin 3d : Domina Simplify 3d y Ultimaker Cura." |
"Para crear figuras en alta calidad debemos conocer a fondo las principales opciones de los laminadores , para saber que opcin tocar al momento de crear el archivo .gcode al momento de construir y crear figuras con un detalle extraordinario mediante una Impresora 3d.Sin dejar de lado el tema de hardware que va de la mano de una buena configuracin del archivo a imprimir por nuestra impresora 3d.En el curso se ver Cura y Simplify 3d , iremos haciendo impresiones de figuras con muchos detalles para poner a prueba nuestros perfiles , todo lo creado estar en la seccin de recursos y cmo siempre estar para darte el soporte debido.Bienvenidos.Att.Diseadorr Grfico Christian R."
Price: 19.99

"Java Programming: Java Programs for Interview Preparation" |
"This course covers frequently asked java programs in the interview. We have explained the program logic in detail. Detailed explanation of the logic will certainly help our students to understand the program and explain the same in the interview. We have also tried to cover different ways of writing a program."
Price: 99.99

"Interview Essentials" |
"The course provides tips as well as common questions and answers to interview questions. This is not a scripted version and therefore you will be able to apply principles to your unique case allowing you to present the best version of yourself to the interviewer. If you want to succeed and get the positions you apply for take this course!"
Price: 19.99

"Figure Drawing For Beginners; A Simplified Approach" |
"Welcome To Beginner Figure Drawing! The ultimate online course for complete beginners that aspire to draw the human figure.My name is Robert Joyner, and I'm a full-time artist from beautiful Virginia. I've been painting and teaching for over 15 years and I'm thrilled to bring this in-depth figure drawing course to you via Udemy.This class has been carefully constructed and includes a step-by-step approach that will build confidence without getting overwhelmed. If you can draw a circle, square and rectangle then you are more than qualified to take this course.This class illustrates the breakdown of body parts into shapes upon which the figure is built, and adding gesture to that structure to create a dynamic figure drawing. Robert presents this in easy to understand demonstrations that students are encouraged to draw along with. These techniques simplify the mechanism of figure drawing. Where to start drawing a figure and getting proportions right has always been difficult for me, but even midway through this class that apprehension is being replaced by a growing confidence. - Kat SchieberOVERVIEWSection One: Gesture & StructureThese are the ultimate building block for your drawings.Gesture is used in a very unique way. Instead of using gesture to draw stick figures we will use it to locate and draw the lovey long-axis curves that make up major body parts. Each pose has several main gestures and you will quickly discover how to locate and draw them using one simple yet characteristic line.Structure is used to add volume and depth to each gesture. This makes the gestures more dynamic and three dimensional. You will learn how to sculpt each area of the body using basic forms and shapes.Section Two: Body PartsThis is a complete breakdown of the main body parts including the head, neck, ribcage, waist, pelvis, arms, shoulders, legs and feet. You will learn easy ideas for drawing each part using gesture & structure!Section Three: ProportionsYou will learn to develop a general model for understanding the front, back and profile views. Plus we will discuss some key similarities and differences between male and female bodies.Section Four: Final AssignmentHere you will put your knowledge and skills to the test. There is a practice reel that includes four poses, each one is six minutes long. To make it even better I will complete the same exact practice reel so you have something to compare your work to!As you can see this is the perfect lesson plan for beginners! It also includes:Master's analysis - throughout the course we will look at some of the Master's figure drawings, like Michelangelo, Raphael and more, to see how they used the ideas shared in this course in their work.Hours Of Demos - Each lecture is accompanied with a series of demonstrations where I will use images of models to draw the ideas for you. So, you will see how each main idea can be implemented in a variety of situations and poses.Thanks for taking the time to check out this course. I really hope to connect with you on the inside and become a part of your creative journey.""Amazing class, easy to follow along with plenty of example and demo to watch and learn from. It was a long course, I was intimidated by the length at first, but then I have managed to finish it in a week and complete the assessment. I feel that my figure drawing has improved so much."" - Carmela Pica"
Price: 199.99

"Primavera P6 19.12 Professional" |
"Course Content Project Management ModuleInstallation Guide Bars ExplanationEnterprise Project Structure (New EPS)Adding New Project in EPSToolbarsActivities Addition Setting up ColumnsSetting up Top & Bottom ViewCalendars Setting & Applying CalendarApplying RelationshipsTotal Length of ProjectImporting and Exporting ProjectRelationship Editing & Applying RelationshipTotal Float (Slack)Formatting Customization (Date, Currency etc)Progress Spot Light Writing Comments in Timeline AreaPhases of ProjectTime ScalePrint SetupWBS, WBS Dictionary, Adding Activities in WBSOrganization Breakdown Structure (OBS)Activity Codes Addition Assigning ResourcesResource LevelingMilestones (Finish Milestone, End Milestone)Activity TypesResource CurvesCost Usage (Cash Flow, S-Curve, Cost Account)Tracking(Baseline, Update Progress, Progress Calculation)Risk and Its Impact on Activities"
Price: 199.99

"Formation disponible vieConnectez vous quand vous le souhaitezMises jours illimitsChaque fois que la formation sera mise jours, vous la recevrez gratuitement.Pas besoin de tlcharger la formation !Si vous avez un ordinateur et internet, vous pouvez utiliser la formation.Tout se passe en ligne.Support VIPNotre support VIP rpond tous vos messages 7j/7"
Price: 19.99

"Arduino de Cero a Robot" |
"Arduino es una plataforma de creacin de electrnica de cdigo abierto, la cual est basada en hardware y software libre, flexible y fcil de utilizar para los creadores y desarrolladores. Esta plataforma permite crear diferentes tipos de microordenadores de una sola placa a los que la comunidad de creadores puede darles diferentes tipos de uso.El proyecto naci en 2003, cuando varios estudiantes del Instituto de Diseo Interactivo de Ivrea, Italia, con el fin de facilitar el acceso y uso de la electrnico y programacin. Lo hicieron para que los estudiantes de electrnica tuviesen una alternativa ms econmica a las populares BASIC Stamp, unas placas que por aquel entonces valan ms de cien dlares, y que no todos se podan permitir.El resultado fue Arduino, una placa con todos los elementos necesarios para conectar perifricos a las entradas y salidas de un microcontrolador, y que puede ser programada tanto en Windows como macOS y GNU/Linux. Un proyecto que promueve la filosofa 'learning by doing', que viene a querer decir que la mejor manera de aprender es cacharreando.La enorme flexibilidad y el carcter libre y abierto de Arduino hacen que puedas utilizar este tipo de placas prcticamente para cualquier cosa, desde relojes hasta bsculas conectadas, pasando por robots, persianas controladas por voz o tu propia vending machine."
Price: 19.99

"Sistema de ventas Multisucursal en Php y Mysql (Actualizado)" |
"Incluye el cdigo fuente + manual de instalacin y usoLos mdulos son:Registro de varias sucursalesCotizacionesPunto de ventaInventarioApertura y cierre de cajaClientesReportesGrficosDiagrama de GanttConfiguracin de Precios y MonedaUsuariosEnvos de informes a correosRecuperacin de contrasea por correoRestauracin de base de datosModulo de PrestamosComprasFlujo de cajaModulo de ContabilidadIncluye Codigo fuente + Manual de Instalacion + Soporte tecnico Esta realizado en Php usando Mysql como Motor de base de datos"
Price: 199.99

"312-38 : Certified Network Defender : Practice Tests 2020" |
"Welcome to the practice test for exam 312-38 : Certified Network Defender : Practice Tests 2020Certified Network Defender (CND) certification program focuses on creating Network Administrators who are trained on protecting, detecting and responding to the threats on the network. Network administrators are usually familiar with network components, traffic, performance and utilization, network topology, location of each system, security policy, etc.Validate the skills that will help the Network Administrators foster resiliency and continuity of operations during attacks.This practice tests covered 312-38 exam syllabus questions and you will get confidence for passing the Real 312-38 Exam .This practice test will help you prepare for the real exam test environment with latest Updated questions ."" This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with EC-Council in any way.""Best of luck for your exam ."
Price: 29.99

"Crie anncios que vendem no Instagram e Facebook" |
"APRENDA NA PRTICA COMO CRIAR ANNCIOS QUE VENDEM NAS REDES SOCIAIS E DOBRE O SEU FATURAMENTONo curso Anncio Certo voc vai encontrar o Passo a Passo para comear a criar anncios nas redes sociais e faturar mais!EU VOU TE ENSINAR ABSOLUTAMENTE TUDO SOBRE!Encontrar e atrair o cliente certoCriar anncios que vendem no Instagram e FacebookAumentar o fluxo de pessoas que conhecem o seu negcioMaximizar seus lucros sabendo exatamente como investirAqui voc vai aprender a atrair, gerar audincia e transformar usurios de redes sociais em clientes! Como criar anncios Como usar a ferramenta de criao de anncios nas redes sociais Estratgias para desenvolver anncios nas redes sociaisQuanto e como investir? Como criar contedosE claro, muito mais...Depois de criar 2 startups e atender mais de 3 mil clientes, resolvi compartilhar tudo o que aprendi com empreendedores dos mais variados segmentos e faturamentos. Eu j atendi empresas que literalmente faturavam R$ 0,00, pois estavam abrindo as portas, at empresas que faturam milhes mensalmente. O que tinha em comum entre elas? Todas precisavam atingir resultados maiores e entender como usar o Marketing e as Mdias Sociais para vender mais.No campo de batalha atuando na minha agncia de publicidade eu criei diversas estratgias que geraram resultados, e alm disso, descobri que o empreendedor pode aplicar elas sozinho, precisando apenas de um treinamento eficiente para isto.Tenha acesso agora ao passo a passo para ter resultados com anncios nas Mdias Sociais e estratgias de marketingEste curso o melhor investimento que voc pode fazer pelo o seunegcio e ele organizado desta maneira."
Price: 99.99

"The Real Law Of Attraction Code" |
"Are You Ready To Learn How To Attract Wealth, Health And Happiness?Its About Time For You To Learn The Real Law Of Attraction Code!If you think that the Law of Attraction is some new age fangled thing then you are wrong.It wasnt until the 19th century that the Law of Attraction started to acquire notoriety in the western world.You have probably heard quotes like you are what you think and you are a product of your thoughts.Dear Friend,Many people have heard about the Law of Attraction, but few people know how to use it properly.A lot of people think that it is some kind of magic because they have heard stories about people wishing for things to happen and then they did.It is not magic, but it is very powerful and in the Law of Attraction Code we will show you exactly how to use it.There are many different opinions on what it is and what it isnt, and you need to know the truth about this.The Law of Attraction is a universal law that has been around since the beginning of time.It is always there and always will be.One of the main reasons that people want to learn about the Law of Attraction is they want to manifest more money and wealth.But how can YOU benefit from it?.Heres where my advice for you comes in.With My AdviceYou will learn how to use the Law of Attraction in your life.You will learn what the Law of Attraction really is and how it works.You will learn how the Law of Attraction can manifest more money and wealth in your life.You will provide yourself all that you really get in your life.You will learn how you need to strike a balance between your inner and outer self.To make it easy, Ive put together a step-by-step guide that will show you exactly how its done...INTRODUCINGThe Real Law Of Attraction CodeLearning To Attract Wealth, Health And HappinessNo stones are left unturned when you get your hands on this now.You will become a complete expert on this, and youll get everything you need inside to do the same Heres Just A Quick Preview Of What Youll Discover Inside...What Really Is The Law Of Attraction?How The Law Of Attraction WorksOvercoming The Default ProcessOpportunities And LuckApplying the Law of Attraction Step by StepMoney And Wealth Manifestation With The Law Of AttractionHow To Handle Challenges And FailureBalancing Your Inner And Outer SelfWhy The Law Of Attraction Doesnt Work For EverybodyBest Practices For Developing Your Law Of Attraction CodePlus, a whole lot more...This is the easiest way to actually attract wealth, health and happiness!Who Needs This Step-By-Step Guide?If you answer YES to any of the below, you need thisYou want to know how to use the Law of Attraction in your life.You want to know what the Law of Attraction really is and how it works.You want to know how the Law of Attraction can manifest more money and wealth in your life.You want to get all that you really want in your life with the Law of Attraction.You want to know how you need to strike a balance between your inner and outer self.SEE YOU INSIDE"
Price: 189.99

"Aprende a Crear Sitios Web de Aulas Virtuales" |
"En este curso vamos a crear un sitio web de Aulas Virtuales en PHP bajo el patrn modelo - vista - controlador, utilizando la plantilla AdminLTE y utilizando como gestor de base de datos phpmyadmin.Tendr distintos gestores. Un gestor para Usuarios, donde se podr crear nuevos, editarlos y eliminarlos.Se utilizar el plugin de DataTable para hacer tablas ms dinmicas, select2 para colocar etiquetas select con un buscador y SweetAlert2 para generar alertas Suaves.Otro gestor ser de las aulas, se podr crear y eliminar, tambin incluir secciones, tareas y archivos de cada seccin.Contar tambin con un gestor de mensajes, se podr enviar y responder mensajes."
Price: 99.99

"CPR AED Basic Life Support" |
"At some point in your life, you may be faced with a situation where emergency First aid is required. This may be at home, at work, or in the street.The question you have to ask yourself is:Will I know to do if the situation arises?Attending a CPR AED is an important step to gaining the necessary knowledge and skill. This course helps to keep that knowledge refreshed and you prepared if that unfortunate situation should arise.This training is to provide simple and easy-to-understand steps for dealing with everyday basic life support situations that occur at work or at home. The instructor will teach with full details of the Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) , Sequence Of First Aid and Automated External Defibrillator (AED)This training is not planned to replace the need for qualified medical care but to provide that crucial information needed in those initial few minutes when dealing with unexpected injury or illness. Course ContentCardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)Sequence Of CPRAutomated External Defibrillator (AED)"
Price: 19.99

"Prep to Pass Professional in Human Resources (PHR) Exam" |
"Pass the most well-known and prestigious credential in the field of human resources. The Professional in Human Resources (PHR) Certification will distinguish your credibility and qualifications in the human resources field, accelerate your career and earning potentials in the future. This course was designed to provide you a comprehensive preparation with an overview of the PHR exam content along with details in each of the five functional areas: business management, talent planning and acquisition, learning and development, total rewards, and employee relations and labor management. A complete lecturing content and reading materials will help you build foundational Human Resources knowledge to become an effective Human Resources generalist.This course will help you learn and review key terms and definitions, provide you tips to maximize your study plan, and pass the exam with ease."
Price: 149.99
