"MS-900, MS-500 Real Exam Practice Tests" |
"Exam MS-900: Microsoft 365 FundamentalsThis exam is designed for candidates looking to demonstrate foundational knowledge on the considerations and benefits of adopting cloud services in general and the Software as a Service (SaaS) cloud model. This exam also covers knowledge of available options and benefits gained by implementing Microsoft 365 cloud service offerings.This exam can be taken as a precursor to cloud computing and technologies exams, such as Office 365, Microsoft Intune, Azure Information Protection (AIP), and Windows 10.Describe cloud concepts (15-20%)Describe core Microsoft 365 services and concepts (30-35%)Describe security, compliance, privacy, and trust options in Microsoft 365 (25-30%)Describe Microsoft 365 pricing and support options (25-30%)Exam MS-500: Microsoft 365 Security AdministrationCandidates for this exam implement, manage, and monitor security and compliance solutions for Microsoft 365 and hybrid environments. The Microsoft 365 Security Administrator proactively secures Microsoft 365 enterprise environments, responds to threats, performs investigations, and enforces data governance. The Microsoft 365 Security Administrator collaborates with the Microsoft 365 Enterprise Administrator, business stakeholders, and other workload administrators to plan and implement security strategies and ensures that the solutions comply with the policies and regulations of the organization.Candidates for this exam are familiar with Microsoft 365 workloads and have strong skills and experience with identity protection, information protection, threat protection, security management, and data governance. This role focuses on the Microsoft 365 environment and includes hybrid environments.Implement and manage identity and access (30-35%)Implement and manage threat protection (20-25%)Implement and manage information protection (15-20%)Manage governance and compliance features in Microsoft 365 (20-25%)"
Price: 19.99

"Adobe Illustrator CC 2020 - do zero ao alm" |
"Aprenda as ferramentas bsicas e essenciais do Adobe Illustrator CCO Adobe Illustrator um software grfico focado na criao e edio de imagens vetoriais. Essa ferramenta faz parte do pacote Adobe e pode ser utilizada para a criao de ilustraes, logotipos, tipografias e muito mais! A primeira verso do illustrator foi lanada em 1985 exclusiva para o Mac. Atualmente, o Adobe Illustrator faz parte do conjunto de ferramentas da Adobe chamado de Creative Clouds, sendo considerado o lider de mercado para criao e edio de imagens vetoriais.SUMRIO DO CURSOSEO 01. INTRODUO DO CURSOAula 1. Apresentao do cursoAula 2. Material de apoioAula 3. Orientaes dos efeitos do cursoAula 4. Criando um novo documentoAula 5. Workspace - Espao de TrabalhoAula 6. Conceitos: Bitmap vs. VetorSEO 02. INTRODUO DA FERRAMENTAAula 7. Aprendendo a desenhar: retngulos, elipses, polgonos e retasAula 8. Retngulos, tringulos e elipses - continuaoAula 9. Pranchetas Aula 10. Camadas, Subcamadas e GruposAula 11. Camadas - Erros ComunsAula 12. Ferramenta de Seleo vs. Ferramenta de Seleo DiretaAula 13. Guias Inteligentes, Ajustar Pixel, Ajustar Ponto e Visualizao de ContornoAula 14. Ferramenta Conta-gotasAula 15. Construtor de Formas vs. Pathfinder - IntroduoAula 16. Ferramenta de CurvaturaAula 17. Exerccio do lpis com a Ferramenta de CurvaturaAula 18. Exerccio - Desenhe um cone de CachorroAula 19. Sombras e efeitos - cone do cachorroAula 20. Ferramenta de LarguraAula 21. Exportar artesAula 22. Exerccio - Desenhe outros cones de animais Aula 23. Soluo - cone do coelhoAula 24. Soluo - cone do GatoAula 25. Soluo - cone do guaxinimAula 26. Soluo - cone do pandaAula 27. Soluo - cone da raposaAula 28. Soluo - cone do ratoAula 29. Desafio dos conesAula 30. Exerccio - construa uma etiquetaAula 31. Funes avanadas das ferramentasAula 32. Traados pontilhadosAula 33. Ferramenta LpisAula 34. Transforme um traado em uma forma. Aula 35. Textos e Pincis - IntroduoAula 36. Ferramenta Caneta - IntroduoAula 37. Ferramenta Caneta - DicasAula 38. Exerccio - Ferramenta CanetaAula 39. Exerccio - Ferramenta Caneta - soluo fcilSEO 03. BIBLIOTECA CCAula 40. Biblioteca CCAula 41. Imagens Vinculadas vs IncorporadasAula 42. Exerccio da BibliotecaAula 43. Adobe Capture (App)SEO 04. TIPOGRAFIA (textos)Aula 44. Introduo - exemplo Live InstagramAula 45. Continuao - exemplo Live InstagramAula 46. Ferramenta de Tipo - construa textosAula 47. Transformar um texto em uma formaAula 48. Ferramenta Tipo no caminhoAula 49. Exerccio - Tipo no Caminho - InstagramAula 50. Exerccio - Logo MarcaAula 51. Criar Mscara de recorte - IntroduoAula 52. Exerccio - Texto dentro de FormaAula 53. Exerccio - Refinando a arte - Live InstagramAula 54. Exerccio Fontes - Live InstagramAula 55. Finalizar o exerccio - Live InstagramAula 56. Exerccio - Mdia Social - PromooAula 57. Exerccio - Logo - Tringulo de PenroseAula 58. Exerccio - melhoria da imagem etiqueta de promooAula 59. Exerccio - incluso de textosAula 60. Escolhendo as fontesAula 61. Criar contornos em textosAula 62. Exerccio - Tipo no CaminhoAula 63. Finalizar o exerccio - Mdias Sociais - PromooAula 64. Ferramenta Tipo de rea - opes avanadasAula 65. Textos dentro de textosAula 66. Textos dentro de caminhos compostos - uma alternativaAula 67. Adobe Fonts Toolkit - descubra fontes em imagensSEO 05. CORESAula 68. CMYK - introduoAula 69. RGB - introduoAula 70. HSB - introduoAula 71. Escala de cinzaAula 72. GradienteAula 73. Tema de Cores da AdobeAula 74. Exerccio - Fundo de coresAula 75. Cores GlobaisAula 76. Recolorir ArteSEO 06. EFEITOSAula 77. Exemplo do rostoAula 78. SombrasAula 79. Brilho interno e externoAula 80. Cantos arredondadosAula 81. Difuso e RabiscadoAula 82. Galeria de EfeitosAula 83. Ferramenta RedemoinhoAula 84. Ferramentas Deformar, Esvaziar e InflarAula 85. Ferramentas Guirlanda, Cristalizar e VincarAula 86. Efeitos de DeformaoAula 87. SmbolosAula 88. Pulverizar smbolosAula 89. Smbolos - outras ferramentasAula 90. Converter um efeito em um vetor (expandir aparncia)Aula 91. Efeito TransformarSEO 07. EXERCCIOS - LOGOMARCASAula 92. Conceitos de logomarcasAula 93. Exerccio - Burguer KingAula 94. Exerccio - T.G.I. FRiDAY'SAula 95. Exerccio - Lexus - parte 01Aula 96. Exerccio - Lexus - parte 02SEO 08. PERSONALIZARAula 97. Personalizar a barra de ferramentasAula 98. PrefernciasSeo 09 - FUNES E FERRAMENTAS AVANADASAula 99. Ferramenta de Distoro de MarioneteAula 100. Edio GlobalAula 101. Exerccio - Caminhando na ruaAula 102. 3D - IntroduoAula 103. Exerccio 3D - mouse e tecladoAula 104. Soluo - Mouse 3DAula 105. Soluo - Teclado 3DAula 106. Caminho CompostoAula 107. Mscara de RecorteAula 108. Mesclar ObjetosSeo 10 - DESAFIOSAula 109. Ticket de cinemaAula 110. Design Grfico para Bolsa"
Price: 39.99

"Etsy Sat Yapmak SEO Uygulamal Anlatm" |
"Merhaba arkadalar, kendi Etsy hesabm zerinde, Etsy'de sat yapmak konusunda tm tecrbelerimi, baarl bir Etsy maza kurulumu, rnlerimiz iin anahtar kelimeleri nasl bulmamz gerektii, nemli i ve d trafik kaynaklarn, gerek satlarla tm sat ve kargolama srelerini, Etsy deme alma yntemlerini ve bunlarn mazaya balanmas, Etsy liste optimizasyonu, mterilerle olan yazmalarmz, mazamzn kapatlmamas iin dikkat etmemiz gereken kurallar ve ok daha fazlasn bulabileceiniz bir kurs hazrladm. Bu kursta renecekleriniz sizi her zaman rakiplerinizin bir adm nne tayacaktr."
Price: 199.99

"ManyChat Facebook ChatBot Kursu - Sfrdan leri Seviye" |
"ManyChat nedir? Amazon ve E-Ticaret Stratejilerimiz iin en etkili ManyChat Messenger Bot Yapm, Sfrdan balayp facebook messenger botlarnz kendiniz oluturabileceksiniz.ManyChat , Facebook Messenger iin grsel bir bot reticisidir.inize nasl yardmc olabilir?Sadece Facebook'un ayda bir milyardan fazla aktif kullancsnn olduunu gz nnde bulundurun, tketicilerin% 67'si bir kiiyle sohbet edebilmeyi bekliyor. ManyChat gibi Bot Entegrasyon sistemleri onlarla iletiim kurmanza , aradklar tm sorularn cevaplarn bekletmeden en hzl ekilde almalarn salyor.Amazon gibi bir ok e-ticaret sitesi sat stratejilerimizin belirlenmesinde, sadk mteri kitlelerinin oluturulmas, rnlerimize kolay bir ekilde yorum almamza, benzersiz indirim kuponlarmz mterilere ManyChat sayesinde nasl verebileceimiz, promosyonlarmz nasl duyurabileceimiz gibi pek ok sorunun cevabn bu kursta bulabileceksiniz.Ayrca, ChatBotlarmz yeni ierik ve rnler tantmak ve e-posta listemizi bytmek iin de kullanyoruz."
Price: 199.99

"CCNA 200-301 Exam Practice Tests : 2020" |
"Welcome to our Cisco CCNA 200-301 Certified Associate Project Management Test 2020 Course.These Cisco CCNA 200-301 tests will help you pass the Cisco CCNA 200-301 Certified Associate in Project Management Exam in the very first attempt.What you get in this Cisco CCNA 200-301 Course264 High Quality practice questions for your Cisco CCNA 200-301 ExamAll Cisco CCNA 200-301 Questions & Answers are verified by ExpertsAlways updatedAll domains covered30 Days money back guaranteeWhat will students learn in your course?264 High Quality Cisco CCNA 200-301 practice questionsOur Cisco CCNA 200-301 Practice tests will help you score at least 80% on the main exam.Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?Should have Basic IT knowledgeWant to Clear Cisco CCNA 200-301 Certified Associate in Project Management Certification ExamGo ahead,Take our courses.Practice hard.Test your Knowledge.Best of Luck for your exam!"
Price: 19.99

"How to Improve Drawing Skills in 1 Hour!" |
"Have you ever wanted to learn how to draw a human eye, nose, & mouth?? Not just the basic way we were taught growing up, but facial features that look REAL! With 4 years of high school teaching experience, I've found techniques that seriously improve student's drawing skills! In this course, we will go through step-by-step the tips and tricks to help you succeed. This course is for beginners and those of you who say: ""I'm not an artist."" or ""I have no artistic ability."" Trust me, I've taught hundreds of high schoolers who have told me the same thing! You can do it with a positive mindset, effort, and patience! Are you ready? Let's do this!"
Price: 19.99

"How to Draw a Basic Face (using Proportions!)" |
"Artists have been painting and drawing portraits for years! If you think about it, the camera wasn't invented until the early 1800's so before that time, artists had to find ways to help them ""capture"" their subjects accurately.This course is meant for beginners who want to understand the basics of facial proportions. The proportions covered are related to the Fibonacci Sequence and the Golden Ratio. Remember, we are all unique! The information taught in this course are generalizations, so just keep in mind that each human face is a little different."
Price: 19.99

"Investing in real estate- step-by-step plan" |
"Investing and time.Age and risk.Returns and opportunities.Real estate, shares or income.You are not going to be left to find out on your own, take this course and learn what others do through painful and costly experiences.We discuss the concepts you should know before investing. Look forward to seeing you in the course!Thank you."
Price: 19.99

"Subassembly Composer Program" |
": Subassembly Composer Udemy :For English users:The spoken language in this training is Arabic but any one can follow the video step by step and complete all the tasks (specially with the great value of this content) we are making a full Cross sectionWho this course is for:Highway graduation project - Highway engineers - Civil engineers -"
Price: 19.99

"Ethical Hacking, Penetration Testing: Debugging Stack Frames" |
"Welcome to our Course "" Ethical Hacking, Penetration Testing: Debugging Stack Frames ""This course will take you on a journey of learning and understanding the system fundamentals and deep dive in debugging to understand how CPU use registers with the memory also how the buffer overflow vulnerability occurs.Once you are able to understand how hackers think, you will be able to use your new skills to continue your learning in ethical hacking and penetration testing.We have designed this course to enable those aspiring to enter the information security field. This course is perfect for anybody who is passionate about developing their skills in the field of Ethical Hacking, Penetration Testing, Cyber Security and Information Security. No prior training is required to take this course as we will start with the basics. We welcome anyone with a thirst for learning.This courses comes with a 30 day unconditional money back guarantee so start learning todayTogether, we will walk you through the entire learning process step by step.With this course you'll get 24/7 support, so if you have any questions you can post them in the Q&A section or send us a message and we'll respond to you"
Price: 99.99

"Financial Analytics: Complete Course" |
"Financial Analysis is the new pinnacle. Want to reach to the top?A Financial Analyst is the need of the moment and one of the highest paying jobsTo gain the required skill, and get an edge over the others you need to be at the right place!Henry Harvin is the guide to your success!Financial analytics is a comprehensive understanding of the business financial data that helps in making calculative decisions in favor of the business. It helps in giving a complete assessment of the viability, stability and profitability of the business. It helps in improving business performance and driving your business forward. It plays an important role in calculating the profit of the business.A Financial Analyst helps in determining the budgets for upcoming projects by forecasting about future revenue and expenditure. A Financial Analyst does research and prepares a report on financial information, and at the time monitor financial movements within the market.It is one of the best Financial Analytics courses that offer you a complete understanding of the subject. The course will take you on a journey and guide you through all the tools of Financial Analytics along with the techniques to enhance your skill.It is an extensive course that grasps the attention of the participants until the end and develops necessary skills. We aim to provide you with unmatchable skill and help in making you an accomplished analyst. This course will help you identify and solve the real-time problems through analyses and making a calculative conclusion. This course will also assist in the Professional Development of the person.You will not only learn to identify the concerns related to financial but overcome them too. It will give you an opportunity to fill the gap and earn in great numbers.This course is designed and taught by the industry experts with 15-20 years of experience and this is the reason we offers a great learning experience to the beginners as well as experienced minds.This course is: Very easy to comprehend Talk to the point Comprehensive and Complete Practical Full of real-time examples and exercises Videos to have a better understandingBy taking up this course, you will:Get experience in statistical analysis and financial forecastingGive attention to detail and gain the ability to identify data patternsLearn verbal and written communication skillsGet industry updatesFeel confidentThe outcomes you will get at the completion of this course:LEARN the concept of Financial analytics thoroughlyUnderstand how R can be used in Financial AnalyticsBE able to download and update R and get proficient in working with RCAPABLE of handling large amounts of data without difficulty that includes entering, reading and export and import of the dataLEARN to handle different data types and structuresCARRY OUT Financial statement analysisCOMPREHEND the concept of descriptive statisticsACQUIRE the skill to develop goal-oriented strategies for your businessGAIN the understanding of presenting the data graphically using different graphs to analyze the dataACQUIRE the skill in performing analysis and solve concerns of the businessMASTER the art of taking data-driven analytical based and decision to increase the share in the market and companys ROIEVALUATE Liquidity, Solvency, Profitability, and Growth ratios to analyze a companys performanceBECOME a successful Financial Analyst in nick of timeWhat makes the course better than many other courses? Industry- a driven curriculum for the participants Very experienced and knowledgeable trainers Real-time examples for grasping the course in a better way Simple English vocabs used Exercises and quizzes for analysis and to have a better understanding Engaging videos for a good learning experience The course is not at all dull as the Trainer keeps the pace of the course goingWhy should you consider taking up this course?Salary or Growth in income: With the completion of this course you will find yourself surrounded by ample of opportunities in the corporates. There is a boom in the demand for the financial analyst with time. It surely gives a very secure career and push to your salary as well in these competitive times.Promotions: With the gain in skills through this course you will become more efficient compared to others. Thus, it offers a great opportunity to become the first choice for everyone and get promoted.Security: The course will give you more security in your career as there is an increase in demand of Financial Analyst. .Growth: e will be a growth in skills and that will certainly lead to growth in your career.Words of appreciation from our StudentsIt a brilliant course on Financial Analytics that keeps you updated of todays world and help you grow professionally. Neelu Jain2. It is very engaging and gives you a good knowledge of financial analytics, Powerpoint and Excel and keeps you at the edge of your seats. The course offers a good learning experience. Bhavesh Tandon3. This course is good for both an experienced and basic learner. It has made my concepts clear and gave me a complete understanding of the subject. The course will surely give a boost to my career. Saquib Aalam4. An interesting one with full of practical examples that keeps you well informed about the real world. I like the flow of the course and the in-depth knowledge will be of great help in my profession. Himanshu Johri5. A very exciting and practical course on financial analytics that helps you deal with the real come it. Worth the money I have spent. Preeti. K. Abraham"
Price: 199.99

"SAP S/4HANA A Simple Introduction for beginners 2020" |
"It has been five years since SAP S/4HANA was announced, the broadest ERP on the market boasting features such as Analytics & Intelligent ERP. With this course you will understand the basics of SAP S/4HANA and its purpose in business with demonstrations of the SAP Fiori based on S/4HANA Demonstration at the end of this course showing apps available for various modules.This course is designed to provide you with an insight to the latest and greatest in SAP Fiori for S/4HANA.Why is SAP S/4HANA relevant and why should customers embark on the S/4 journey?"
Price: 400.00

"Curso de Empreendedorismo - Prtico e objetivo." |
"Ateno! Inclumos Bnus sobre o Vale do Silcio nos Estados Unidos!Estive mais de 30 vezes nos Estados Unidos nos ltimos 05 anos, no Vale do Silcio Califrnia, local que nasceram empresas como Google, Facebook, Uber, Air bnb e muitas outras que voc utiliza no dia a dia, compartilho neste curso os aprendizados que tive por l e que fez minha empresa crescer, este ano completamos 14 anos atuando em mais de 600 municpios do Brasil e diversificamos os negcios para outras empresas que atuam nos Estados Unidos e Israel.Este curso j consta com mais de 3.300 alunos direcionado para quem no quer encheo de linguia e sim o que fazer para iniciar no empreendedorismo ou para quem j tem uma empresa mas esta com dificuldades em expandir os negcios.Para quem se destina o Curso de Empreendedorismo:- Jovens e Adultos;- Empreendedores(as)/Empresrios(as);- Startupeiros.- Quem deseja saber como empreender, como ser um empreendedor de sucesso.Este curso de Empreendedor para Empreendedor.O que voc vai aprender:- Jornada Empreendedora - Do Zero aos 4.500 Clientes;- Assimilando o Mindset Americano e aplicando nos meus negcios no Brasil;- 03 Passos para tirar a ideia do papel; (Validao de produtos e servios por gnero, faixa etria, cidade/regio)- Como potencializar o networking utilizando o VCL? - Como e onde praticar networking de qualidade? - Quais os comportamentos iniciais que devemos melhorar para ter sucesso?- Deixar de ser funcionrio da prpria empresa - crescimento e expanso dos negcios- Mentes pequenas x mentes de sucesso- Investidor - O que investidor? Onde encontr-los? - O que pitch? - Como preparar um pitch de sucesso para chamar a ateno de investidores?- Bnus: O Vale do Silcio - Estados Unidos - O que ? Onde Fica? - Caractersticas do Mindset - Comportamento dos empreendedores daquela regio; - 03 Cases de Empreendedores brasileiros no Vale do Silcio.Andr Bianchi empreende desde 2006, suas empresas nasceram em uma pequena cidade, de 45.000 habitantes, conseguiu expandir as empresas para 600 municpios do Brasil e no exterior. Em 2015 iniciou a diversificao dos negcios, atualmente lidera 3 empresas, uma delas com unidade em San Francisco ( Vale do Silcio - EUA)"
Price: 39.99

hitomaedenohanashikata |
Price: 10800.00

"Google Ad words Consideration Advanced Advertising Exam" |
"235 UNIQUE practice questions for Google Ad words Consideration Advanced Advertising ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Google Ad words Consideration Advanced Advertising ExamTotal Questions : 235Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :140 minsPassing Score : 75 (176 of 235)"
Price: 154.99

"Google Ad words Consideration Advertising Practice Exam" |
"160 UNIQUE practice questions for Google Ad words Consideration Advertising Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Google Ad words Consideration Advertising Practice ExamTotal Questions : 160Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (120 of 160)"
Price: 179.99

"48 Derste Flutter ile Firebase Kullanm Temelleri (2020)" |
"Bu videoda Flutter kurulumuna yer verilmitir.Flutter, mobil, web ve masast iin gzel, yerel olarak derlenmi uygulamalar tek bir kod tabanndan oluturmak iin gelitirilen bir platformdur. Stateful Hot Reload ile uygulamalar milisaniye cinsinden hayata geirmeye olanak salar. Flutter ile yerel arayzleri dakikalar iinde oluturmak iin zengin bir zelletirilebilir widget kmesi kullanlabilir. Arkasna Google gibi dev bir destekle yola kan Flutter lkemizde henz tam olarak tannmamakta ve kullanlmamaktadr. Sanal Akademi Dnyas olarak Trke kaynak eksiini gidermek amal yola kan birka yerli kanala katlp bu alanda ilklerden olabilmeyi temenni ediyoruz.. naAllah faydal olmas dileiyle:):):)Flutter, Flutter dersleri, Flutter tutorial, Flutter Dart, Dart, Flutter Dart dersleri, Dart dersleri, Flutter 2019, Flutter dersleri 2019, Flutter tutorial 2019, Flutter Dart 2019, Dart 2019, Flutter Dart dersleri 2019, Dart dersleri 2019, Flutter 2020, Flutter dersleri 2020, Flutter tutorial 2020, Flutter Dart 2020, Dart 2020, Flutter Dart dersleri 2020, Dart dersleri 2020, Mobil, Mobil Uygulama Gelitirme, flutter kurulumu,"
Price: 49.99

"Apple Photos - Up to Speed" |
"Welcome to Apple Photos Up to Speed!This course helps you to get up and running quickly with Apples powerful photo editing and management system, which comes bundled with every Mac computer and Apple device.This handy step-by-step class starts from scratch, starting with basics such as getting your images into Apple Photos and then moving on to more advanced features designed to help you to become more productive more quickly.In no time at all youll be navigating the Apple Photos interface, importing, rating, and filtering your photos, and managing your photo library. Youll also delve into adjusting image exposure, clarity, vibrance and saturation; adjusting shadows and highlights; changing color and adjusting white balance; applying filters and using handy tools such as the cropping tool, the rotate tool and the straightening tool.Who is this course for?This course was created for people new to photography as well as well-seasoned photographers looking to learn Apples photo organizing and editing application. This course will also be helpful for those coming from a previous version of Apple Photos or those looking to delve more deeply into the Photos application.What does this course include? Step-by-step instructional videos that are easy to follow Downloadable lesson files allowing you to follow along with the instructor Support for any questions you may have Closed-Captioning availableWhat Youll Learn: Getting your files into Apple Photos. youll learn how to import images from your computer, an external drive or an SD Card Youll learn how to change the storage location of your images, how to create and manage Photos libraries, and how to back up your photo. Viewing & Filtering Your Photos: Next, well take a look at the methods of view your images. Youll learn how to use Photos View, and how to view your images by People, by Places, and by Memories and view. Well navigate the Photos app by Recents and Imports, as well as use a variety of keyboard shortcuts to get around. Managing and Organizing your Images: To help you organize your images and find the ones you want quickly, youll learn how to add images to favorites as well as add keywords to your images, which you can then use when searching. Youll add keywords to your images, learn how to modify and view an images Metadata, add geolocation information to your images, and even search your images by location. Youll also learn how to create photo albums as well as work with Apple Photos powerful Smart Albums feature. Editing Your Photos. Next, well drive into photo editing beginning with quick photo adjustments. Youll then learn how to navigate Edit mode where youll start by applying a variety of filters to your images. Youll learn how to adjust image exposure, contrast, and clarity as well as tweak the vibrance and saturation of your photos. Well discuss how to adjust the blacks and whites, and how to remove blemishes, dust, sensor dots or unwanted items from your photos using the Retouch tool. Well also go in-depth working with Color in which youll learn how to set the white balance in an image as well as how to change color using the Selective Color slider. To help you fix those pesky image problems, youll learn how to crop and straighten photos, remove spots and other image imperfections, fix red-eye, and even rotate images. Editing Video: In this section, well start out by editing a Live Photo and then move on to trimming videos that youve taken with your phone. Youll also learn how to edit Memory videos which are a special type of video that Apple Photos automatically creates from collections of your photos. Sharing & Exporting Your Images: Youll learn how to export your images into a variety of formats so that you can easily share them with others or to Social Media. Youll create and present slideshows and print your images at home. Well then finish by looking at some special projects that you can create from your images, such as a photo book, a calendar, greeting cards, wall dcor, and prints.By the end of this course, youll learn how to build and organize your Apple Photos library, allowing you to effectively manage hundreds or thousands of images with ease. Soon youll be editing your images in like a pro, allowing you to effectively and quickly move through your photography workflow with confidence.Im also here every step along the way for you so dont hesitate to ask me any questions related to Apple Photos or to the course content that come up as you journey through the course. You can post your question in the course or fire me off a direct message. Also, let me know if theres any way I can improve this course.Are you ready to begin your Apple Photos journey? Then, click the enroll icon and lets get started!- Roger"
Price: 19.99

"C# Basics for Absolute Beginners in C# and .NET" |
"(Course Updated as of Jul-2020)Are you feeling confused with various free C# tutorials? Are you looking for a better approach to learn the C# .NET programming language? Do you want to understand C# development environments, C# coding concepts such as Variables, Operators, Selection statements, Iterative statements, and so on. If you had answered Yes for any of the questions above, then this course is for you.This course will teach you the fundamentals of the C# programming language in .NET from the ground up. You will apply the learnings through lots of quizzes, assignments, coding challenges, etc. You will be taken through a carefully selected approach for beginners towards learning C# programming fundamentals. If you are completely new to C# programming, you might be feeling entirely lost on where and how to get started to learn C#. You are finding the free C# tutorial videos on the internet too overwhelming or difficult to understand. You feel confused and helpless without proper guidance. You are planning or moved to another project which works on C# programming language.You are looking for a direction to learn the fundamentals of C# programming language. You want to understand C# coding concepts through an easier approach. You are looking for a helping hand to learn the basics of C# .NET programming. You are looking for ways to improve your current situation. This course will help you in achieving them.You will be mentored throughout each step of your learning process. This course will help you in giving a head start to your new journey as a C# programmer. This course will make you apply the learnings by coding for simple problem statements.At The End Of This CourseYou will have a strong foundation on the basics of C# programming language and coding constructs.Next, you will be more confident to learn advanced C# programming concepts.Finally, you will be ready to begin your career as a C# .NET programmer.More Reasons To Take This CourseYou can take this course without the need for any C# or .NET coding experience.Learn the C# programming fundamentals which are the building blocks of .NET programming.Employment of C# .NET developers is projected to grow much faster than the average for all occupations. .NET developers will be needed to respond to an increased demand for computer software.The skills you learn from this course will be relevant in the future and aid in learning advanced C# programming. The software industry is only going to grow bigger!Each lesson in this course is bite-sized and easy to finish.BonusesCoding challenges within the course structure. No need for external coding environmentDownloadable resources and guides.Quizzes and Assignments that make you productive while taking the course.A friendly instructor who honestly cares about your success.What Other Students Who Have Taken This Course Say:""To the point and quality. Plenty of opportunities to work on your own and not have to keep up with someone lecturing."" - Jacob Humphrey""Very interactive and the concepts explained are very clear and understandable."" - Shubham Kanadje""Good basics, it taught me things I didn't know even though I'm already intermediate in C#"" - Jos Pal Millanes Morimoto""Pretty good match for me. I like the simplicity and friendly mode of presentation."" - Marvin KipThe teaching method is good and easy to understand - Francis BrittoWhy Am I Doing This?A career in the C# .NET development has been the backbone of my success. The job as a C# programmer has helped me immensely in paying off my educational loan, pay towards my marriage expenses, purchase a new house, and invest in the future.Moreover, I felt great satisfaction when teaching others, be it to my friends during college or to my colleagues in the software companies. This was mostly 1-to-1 or to a group of 5-10 people.I was looking for a way to reach more people to teach them computer programming. I found Online Courses as the best option to teach more people at their own time and pace.See you in the course video!PraveenWhat Do You Get When You Enroll In C# Basics: Learn C# Programming with .NET Core?Lifetime access to the course and all future updates to the course contentPersonalized support and answers to your questionsUdemy certificate of completion30-Day 100% money-back guaranteeAbout Your InstructorPraveenkumar Bouna, shortly Praveen, is a software engineer with over 15 years of C# .NET development experience. He holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science and Engineering. He has worked in Security & Surveillance as well as Access Control systems in top MNCs in the software industry. He is known for his simpler teaching approach towards explaining various complex topics his colleagues come across in everyday programming life."
Price: 99.99

"Medical Anatomy" |
"This course is a study of human anatomy which develops a basic understanding of the structure and function of body organs and systems and their interactions. Other topics include nutrition, metabolism, and growth and development. the structure and function of the human body. Topics covered will include the basic organization of the body and major body systems along with the impact of diseases on certain systems.Here is an outline of common concepts learned in anatomy courses:Proper anatomical terminologyFunction of organ systemsBasic identification of anatomical structuresObservational and clinical anatomy."
Price: 1280.00

"Tltravail: travailler efficacement et avec plaisir" |
"Les principes du tltravail- Avantages pour lemploy- Inconvnients pour lemploy- Avantages pour lentreprise- Inconvnients pour lentrepriseSe constituer un espace de travail- Lieu de travail- Table de travail- Outils collaboratifsGestion du temps et du stress- Signes de stress- Signes de laisser aller- Organisation de journe- Causes de perte de temps- Prioriser les tches pour grer son temps- Augmenter sa concentration- Grer son stressLa qualit de la vidoconfrence- Cest votre image- Vtements- Le son- Position- Lumire- Balance des blancs- Exposition- Partage dcranGestion de lquipe par le gestionnaire- Gestion des performances- Communication- Animation runion virtuelle journalire- Animation runion virtuelle SOS- Dveloppement des employs distanceTravail collaboratif, les principes- Le travail collaboratif : cest quoi- Pourquoi le travail collaboratif- Avantages du travail collaboratif- Types doutils collaboratifsOutils collaboratifs asynchrones- Google Drive Google Doc Google One- Google Drive: prsentation- One Drive Microsoft- One Drive: prsentation- Dropbox- Dropbox: prsentation- Azure de Microsoft- Amazon Web Services (AWS)Calendrier- Outlook- Google Agenda- DoodleOutils collaboratifs synchrones et asynchrone- Messenger- GoToMeeting- Zoom- Skype for Business- Teams de Microsoft- Slack- Autres outils collaboratifs- Conclusion : les deux meilleurs outils collaboratifs"
Price: 44.99

"AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate SAA-C02" |
"Being LEAN and SPECIFIC will save you time in preparation by taking this course. Try these practice exams after thoroughly studying all the topics in SAA-C02.AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate SAA-C02 is one of the most sought after industry certification. This will give you credibility of understanding about AWS Services and how to implement. In this practice test, we will help you to pass your exam as long as you devout precious time to study this material. We will help you gain confidence that when you take your exam you are really prepared. Prior study is highly recommended to make sure that aside from passing, you can actually implement the AWS services.This practice test is to help you pass the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Certification SAA-C02. 1. 3 SETS OF HIGH QUALITY PRACTICE TEST - questions were carefully prepared for you to understand the overall aspect of knowledge to pass the certification.2. NEAR THE ACTUAL EXAM SITUATIONS - there is no best way to prepare for the actual certification than making sure the difficulty of practice almost matched.3. EXPLANATIONS TO THE ANSWERS AND LINKS - detailed explanations of the questions have been presented to make sure that you understand the concept not just the mere answer to the questions. This gives you broad knowledge whenever you encounter a similar exam question.4. UPDATED QUESTION BANK - we make sure to keep with the latest exam format based from the community feedback which help us to better prepare these practice test.5. ACCESS IN ANY MOBILE DEVICE6. UNLIMITED ACCESS TO THE EXAM QUESTIONS AND UPDATES"
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft Power Virtual Agents para iniciantes" |
"O Microsoft Power Virtual Agents uma incrvel e poderosa ferramenta lanada pela Microsoft para agregar no conjunto da Power Platform, dando autonomia, poder e facilidade para o usurio final criar chatbots avanados com ZERO de cdigo.Ao implementar na sua empresa, permite uma melhor experincia para o seu cliente e automatiza atividades manuais, ganhando performance no dia-a-dia da organizao.Alm disso, o chatbot permite integrao com ferramentas de Inteligncia Artificial (AI) atravs de automaes com o Power Automate e conexes com o Azure Bot Framework."
Price: 39.99

"How to Make a Zine" |
"The world needs your creativeness. It needs your authenticity. It needs your knowledge. It needs your stories.Zine creation can be a creative endeavor undertaken by anyone, and I designed this course for anyone interested in creating a zine for the first time, but who do not know quite where to start, and I created this course for zine writers that are looking for inspiration. Maybe you are just curious about what other creators are doing, or need a little motivation to get that next issue out this course will get you where you need to go.Why make a zine? To share information, to share a story, to share poetry, to share an inside joke, to create art, to motivate/inspire action, to educate outside the system,to confess.This is the course I needed when I was creating my first zine all those years ago when I didnt know a single other zine writer or where to find them. This is your stop for all the information and inspiration you need to enter the wonderful world of zine creation.In this course you will learn all about: History of Zine Creation Zine Themes Layout, Folding, and Binding Printing Your Zine Getting Your Zine Read Hard Truths of the Zine World Connecting with Other Zine CreatorsIts not rebels that make trouble, but trouble that makes rebels. Ruth Messinger.Ready to create something new?Please click the ADD TO CART button in the upper right corner and let's get started!-Libby Copa"
Price: 19.99

"Your Essential Pregnancy & Birth Guide" |
"Childbirth education is for an empowered birth. Many parents that attend classes, start out feeling that its not really necessary but something just to ""check-off-the-list"". They often go into the course thinking that its just going to cover facts, which it does. But it serves a much bigger purpose. The power of being informed and making truly-informed decisions is under-estimated. An empowered birth can change the parents experience of giving birth from an overwhelming, negative or frightening procedure to a fulfilling, positive and empowering experience that gives you the confidence to start your parenting journey from a really strong base.It's not the type of birth that you have. Whether it is a home birth, midwife birth, c-section, that makes a birth empowering but when you are educated and you own your educated decisions, any type of birth can be empowering Our course will provide information on birthing options, the importance of informed choice and informed consent. We talk about the microbiome and the importance to your newborn baby. We discuss how your hormones work to allow labour to start and progress, birth your baby and initiate breastfeeding. We talk about practical comfort measures during labour. What interventions may be available and necessary and how they alter the birthing process. We discuss birth companions, the 9 instinctive stages that a baby goes through in the first hour after birth, breastfeeding and care of a newborn. Post-partum care of a mother. Realistic discussions on the emotional aspects and challenges of labour, birth and caring for a newborn and post-natal depression.You want to feel empowered and able to go into your birth experience feeling that your body is created to give birth. You have trusted your body to grow a perfect human, so now trust that your body is capable of giving birth. You want to feel strong, confident, calm and in control at all times. If interventions are required, you have the knowledge to make an informed decision and empowerment to insist on all the information to give consent. You will feel within you that you are already a capable parent and that you can trust your instincts to provide the best possible care for your newborn baby. "
Price: 700.00

"Aprende Folclore Argentino desde la Guitarra" |
"Somos Pazion , Escuela de Msica, en este caso compartiendo nuestros cursos online. El Folklore Argentino tiene una riqueza especial en sus gneros musicales. Veremos en esta oportunidad una introduccin a los Ritmos ms conocidos y primordiales para los que quieren conocer estas msicas. Nuestra enseanza siempre apunta a que todos puedan disfrutar los nuevos contenidos y de una manera genuina, para que tengan esperanza en cada aprendizaje."
Price: 29.99

"Aprende a programar desde cero con C# de Microsoft .NET" |
"En este curso aprende a programar con C#, uno de los lenguajes de programacin mas sencillos y a su vez robustos que existentes actualmente. Adems C# cuenta con el respaldo de Microsoft al ser parte del Framework .NETTambin aprenders de la mano con Visual Studio, uno de los IDE ms potentes en la actualidad, que proporciona las mejores herramientas en su categora para cualquier desarrollador. Adems permite simplificar muchas tareas que en otros lenguajes y entornos de programacin podra ser hasta tortuoso. Visual Studio nos permite desarrollar con un conjunto de herramientas completo, desde el diseo inicial hasta la implementacin final.Irs paso a paso conociendo desde cero el lenguaje y los conceptos de programacin necesarios para convertirte en un buen programador, con bases slidas y logrando posteriormente incluso penetrar en cualquier otro lenguaje o plataforma. Si ya cuentas con las bases de programacin, podrs brincarte los fundamentos y pasar directo a la accin, ste curso esta diseado para iniciar en el nivel que te encuentras.El curso incluir los siguientes temas de estudio :Fundamentosii. Introduccin al Framework de .NET y Visual Studio 2. Introduccin a .NET Framework 3. Introduccin a Visual Studio 4. Prctica: Instalacin de Visual Studio 5. Creacin de proyectos con Visual Studio 6. Prctica: Creacin de proyectos con Visual Studioiii. Introduccin a los conceptos bsicos de programacin 7. Procesamiento y almacenamiento de datos informticos 8. Hardware 9. Software 10. Ciclo de vida de la aplicacin 11. Tipos de aplicacin 12. Prctica: Tipos de aplicacin 13. Compilacin de cdigo 14. Prctica: Compilacin 15. Resumeniv. Conceptos bsicos del lenguaje de programacin 16. Introduccin 17. Sintaxis 18. Prctica: Sintaxis 19. Tipos de datos 20. Variables y constantes 21. Prctica: Tipos, variables y constantes 22. Resumenv. Flujo de programa23. Introduccin a los conceptos de programacin estructurada24. Introduccin a la ramificacin25. Funciones26. Practica: Aplicando programacin estructuradavi. Algoritmos y estructuras de datos27. Algoritmos28. Estructura de datos29. Prctica. Matrices.30. Prctica. Colas y pilas.31. Practica. Listas32. Prctica. Otras colecciones.vii. Manejo de errores y depuracin33. Introduccin a los errores del programa34. Introduccin al manejo estructurado de errores35. Prctica. Depuracin con Visual Studio.36. Prctica. Try Catch Finally.viii. Introduccin a la programacin orientada a objetos37. Introduccin a estructuras y clases.38. Clases39. Encapsulacin40. Herencia41. Prctica. Clases, encapsulacin y herencia42. Prctica. Clases, encapsulacin y herencia. Continuacin43. Polimorfismo44. Vistazo a la biblioteca de clases base de .NETix. Programacin Entrada/Salida fundamental45. Uso de la E/S de la consola46. Prctica. Usando E/S en consola47. Usando E/S en archivosx. Rendimiento de aplicaciones y gestin de memoria48. Tipos de valor vs tipos de referencia49. Tipos de conversin - Implcitas50. Tipos de conversin Explcitas51. Tipos de conversin System.Convert52. El recolector de elementos no utilizadosINTERMEDIO-AVANZADOxi. Implementando multiprocesamiento y procesamiento asncrono53. Usando Delegados y Lambda fcilmente54. Entendiendo hilos (Threads)55. Usando la clase Thread56. Usando la clase Thread - ParameterizedThreadStart57. Usando la clase Thread ThreadStatic58. Usando la clase Thread ThreadLocal59. Usando ThreadPool60. Usando Tareas61. Usando Tareas ContinueWith62. Usando Tareas TaskFactory63. Usando Tareas - WaitAll64. Usando la clase PARALLEL65. Usando ASYNC y AWAIT66. Usando ASYNC y AWAIT Ecalabilidad67. Usando ASYNC y AWAIT - SynchronizationContext68. Usando Parallel Language Integrated Query (PLINQ)69. Usando colecciones concurrentesxii. Administrando subprocesos mltiples (multithreading)70. Objetivo de la seccin.71. Sincronizando recursos72. La clase Volatile73. La clase Interlocked 74. Cancelando tareasxiii. Crear e implementar eventos (EVENTS) y devoluciones de llamada (CALLBACK).75. Entendiendo delegados (DELEGATES) 76. Usando expresiones LAMBDA77. Usando eventos (EVENTS) (actualizando)"
Price: 270.00

"Understand Deflection of Beams like a Pro" |
"This course will deeply take the concepts of Deflection of Beams due to Bending. The subject will start from very scratch to the very advance level. All types of numerical examples, beginner to expert level will be taken. The course will be very much useful for all the students who are appearing either for their semester exam or for their competitive exam."
Price: 1280.00

"E20-012 Availability Information Design Management Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) The company has created a new backup policy for a group of clients. They should be able to recover no more than two sets of backup media on a given day during the month of accident. The backup policy will meet this requirement?a)Monthly fulls and daily incrementalb) Monthly fulls, weekly and daily incremental cumulative'sc) Weekly fulls and daily cumulative'sd) Weekly fulls and daily incrementale)NoneQ) What factors affect the response time in synchronous remote replication?a) Read block size, network equipment and bandwidthb) Read load, distance and network equipmentc) The target recovery point distance, and bandwidthd) Recording block size, distance and bandwidthe) NoneQ) As the data using the linear recording method in the tape drive?a) When using multiple heads in parallel tracks that cover a range ofb) A few heads move in a vertical way to write data in the same way, rightc) read-write heads on the drum rotates, the storage of data in the diagonal groovesd) Read and write heads on a rotating drum to store the entire data tape in linear pathse) NoneQ) That describes the purpose of the virtual copy?a) Half of the volume of productionb) It retains the original data for the point-in-time accessc) Stores a pointer to the location of datad) The same size as the outpute) None"
Price: 174.99

"ECCouncil 712-50 Certified CISO (CCISO) Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) credit card data, medical data, and government documents are examples:a) Confidential / confidential informationb) physical informationc) territorial informationd) Communication informatione) NoneQ) Creating a formal risk management system and allowing the system software is essential. The last step in the process of licensing system:a) Refer to your ISP for the IP sphereb) In order to be able to use the control systemc) Change the default passwordd) Carry out a final check of the living system and to mitigate the vulnerability of all the high and medium levele) NoneQ) The most important factor to the development of their security programs, policies and processes include:a) Budgeting unexpected data compromisesb) Efficiency Efficiencyc) Aligning Businessd) Set your executive authority, securitye) NoneQ) information security policy of the organization is essential, sincea) Meet commitment for the protection of information resources managementb) It is officially recognized by all employees and suppliersc) process definition to meet regulatory requirementsd) It establishes a framework for the protection of confidential informatione) None"
Price: 154.99

"HP0-094 HP-UX Network Security Certified Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) When installing the file system from the NFS client configuration file is used for naming the local mount point?a) Fstabb) nfstabc) exportd) nfs.confe) NoneQ) What is the significance of these ARP table entries? Arp # -a Foo ( in the (incomplete)a) Foo node only supports proxy-ARP.b) ARP table entry shoe assembly has expired.c) The ARP request sent to the shoe assembly, but was not ARP response.d) ARP-request sent by the Node Foo, but only a partial response was received.e) NoneQ) The protocol allows the server to determine the IP-address of the other server, based on the name of another server?a) ARPb) PPPc) DNSd) DHCPe) BOOTPQ) That is used to implement Internet Name descriptions listed in RFC 1034 and RFC 1035?a) INSb) BINDc) DISPLAYSd) DHCPc) None"
Price: 179.99
