"Die Rhetorik der Profis - Die Speaker-Analyse" |
"Wenn du wissen willst, wie einige der besten Speaker unserer Zeit ihre Reden aufbauen, dann bist du hier richtig. Hol dir Inspirationen, die es sonst nirgends gibt!2 WICHTIGE PUNKTE:Da mich die Analysen und Recherchen viel Zeit kosten, werde ich den Kurs mit der Zeit erweitern (Bei jedem neuen Video, bekommst du eine Benachrichtigung in Udemy).Dieser Kurs macht nur Sinn fr Personen, die fr den Status den Anfngers weit hinaus sind. Das wirst du lernen:Welches das rhetorische Mittel ist, dass inflationr genutzt wirdWie du es selbst richtig einsetztWelche Einstiegs-Struktur Tobias Beck in seinem erfolgreichsten Youtube-Video genutzt hat (ber 2.000.000 Klicks)Wie es eine Personen ohne Erfahrung zu Stand-Ovations schafft...Ich freue mich darauf dich im Kurs zu sehen!"
Price: 19.99

"The Android Development Bootcamp 2020 - Android 10 (Q)" |
"About this courseThe Android Developer Bootcamp 2020 is a brand new, up-to-date course providing the perfect introduction to the real-world Android concepts and skills required to be a successful Android developer in 2020. Whether you are a complete beginner or are coming from another language or platform, this course will go from setting up and installing Android Studio to building real apps that are useful and look great. You'll gain a deep understanding of the core important aspects of Android app development, and you will be taught by a fully qualified teacher who made a switch from a completely different career into being a Senior Android Engineer at a major UK company making apps for millions of users.*Begin by gaining a foundation in XML and Java*This course won't patronise you, or have you copying along typing things you don't understand. No important concept will be glossed over or taken for granted; no, you will have that deep understanding that leads to mastery. *A unique Android course that offers a fully integrated curriculum*Many Android courses teach a few of the concepts in isolation. For example you may see a section on Java separate from the other ""Android"" sections. But this isn't how Android works! Android/Java/XML are all so heavily intertwined, with our skills developing in all areas as we gain mastery, so why experience them in isolation? In this course, you will learn what you need to know, the moment you need to know it! Whether it's working with layout files, programming in Java, you can be sure the key concepts - from Variables, Classes and Methods through to Inheritance, Interfaces and much more - will be introduced at the moment they are relevant, fitting in seamlessly with the rest of the course. About meI am currently employed as a Senior Android Engineer for a major UK company, born and currently living in the north of England, however programming was not where I started my career.With a successful career behind me as a fully qualified music teacher and professional musician, I made the switch from teaching to software development, teaching myself. I am the proof that you don't need a computer science degree, or years of commercial experience to be a highly successful Android developer. What's more, as I have years of training in teaching, I am highly skilled at breaking down complex topics in ways that are easy to understand and engaging, and I am expert at developing a curriculum where the concepts are introduced in an enjoyable, flowing way, always building upon our existing skills while acquiring new ones. So, as somebody who decided one day to break into Android app development just like you are at this point, and as a fully qualified teacher, I am uniquely positioned to guide you on your path to also becoming an Android developer, in a way that is fun, carefully designed, engaging, never patronising, and that will get you as excited as I was - and still am - about learning this wonderful skill!About you (or, course requirements!)This is the course for you if:You want to make Android appsYou are interested in becoming an employed Android developer, a freelancer, launching your own projects, or just want to try your hand at making real mobile appsYou have no prior programming experience, or some but from a different language/platformYou want a course that teaches you the real tools Android developers and professionals use in the real world, in an integrated curriculum that will give you a deep understanding of all the key concepts an Android developer needs to know to have a successful careerWith regards to what you need to be able to take this course, note the following two points:Absolutely zero programming experience is required (although if you have some that's also fine!) - you will be taught everything you need to know from scratchYou need a computer, either PC (Windows) or a Mac, with an internet connection"
Price: 59.99

"Find your Passion, find your purpose" |
"The Thrill of life is a product of passion, without it, life is reduced to a burden and people just get by. What is Passion? it is a strong and barely controllable emotion, if you want to live an exciting life follow those activities that elicit strong emotions from you. Whenever there is a battle between your emotions and your logic, emotions will almost always win, if what you are pursuing is not backed by great emotion, you are likely to quit because the desire not to do will be greater than the desire to do, and we know that your actions will always lean towards your strongest emotions. life becomes way easier when what you are pursuing comes from what strongly attracts you emotionally. Discovering your passion is not a complicated process, as a matter of fact, it so simple that it seems silly why it takes people so many years to discover. This short course will arm you with simple yet effective insights to help you discover your passion and purpose for your life"
Price: 29.99

"Cryptography Ethical Hacking Course" |
"Hey there!I am glad that you have visited the course. I am not going to persuade you to buy this course as i want you to go through the preview and have a glance over introduction to Cryptography, so i you think it is worth, you should go for it. However, i tried my best to explain the course to beginners, but if you are Pro in Cryptography, this course is not for you.Cryptography seems difficult, but i have explained it in easy manner. So, if you find anything which lacks in this course, feel free to let me know and i would be glad to update this course accordingly."
Price: 179.99

"Android Ethical Hacking Course" |
"Hello, Welcome to my course.In this course you will learn how to Hack and Secure with termux with your Android device from scratch, you don't need to have any prior knowledge about Hacking, Linux, Android and even Computers. This course is designed for everyone out there who want to learn how to learn ethical hacking in new and fun way with Android devices."
Price: 184.99

"IOS Ethical Hacking Course" |
"Welcome to my IOS Ethical Hacking Course. This course is for absolute beginner.In this course you will learn about Blackbox Testing IOS Apps. Then you will learn about IOS Secuirity Toolkit. This course also covers about Automating App Testing. After this course you gain knowledge about basics of IOS Ethical Hacking."
Price: 189.99

"Vulnerability Analysis IOS App Ethical Hacking Course" |
"The course covers the basics of Vulnerability.The course dives into detail information of on the Introduction To IOS.It covers IOS App Development Basics.The course also includes IOS App Vulnerabilities & Jailbreaking. This course is making for beginner ethical hacker. After taking this course you are requiring knowledge about basics of vulnerability. So enroll this course."
Price: 199.99

"SAP HANATEC 16 Certification Preparation Test" |
"Key features:81 Questions.No duplicate questions.Scenario based questions.Guarantee of Passing certification exam.Specially designed for SAP Certified Technology Associate - SAP HANA 2.0 SPS04.Ideal for C_HANATEC_16. Sample Questions and answers:What are the two features of the storage engine in the SAP HANA index server that enable data consistency and maintain durable changes?a. Page Management and logger Rb. Column Store and Row Storec. Metadata Manager and Transaction Managerd. Session Management and log VolumesAnswer: aHow are hosts assigned to the shared storage in an SAP HANA scale-out system?Note:There are 2 correct answers to this question.a. The standby server is assigned to the master data volume.b. The master name server is assigned to its master data volume.c. The master server is assigned to all data volumes.d. The slave servers are assigned to their own data volumes.Answer: b, dWhich features are provided by the Manage Full System Information Dumps app in SAP HANA cockpit? Note:There are 2 correct answers to this question.a. Diagnosis informationb. Runtime environmentc. SAP HANA minichecksd. End-to-end TraceAnswer: a,bWhich system privileges are required for administrating tenant databases when being connected to the system databaseNote:There are 2 correct answers to this question.a. MONITOR ADMINb. BACKUP ADMINc. DATA ADMINd. DATABASE ADMINAnswer: b,d"
Price: 199.99

"How to relieve your stress during Lockdown" |
"This course comprised of stress management tools to have a relaxed and peaceful mind for everyone who feels stressed and depressed during COVID-19. This course aims to Keep a positive attitude, accept that there are events that you cannot control, to be assertive instead of aggressive, to learn and practice relaxation techniques; try meditation, yoga, or Japanese method for stress management, exercise regularly, and eat healthy, well-balanced meals."
Price: 19.99

"Get Amazing 3d Renders in Keyshot 9" |
"The course is divided into 2 sections in the first section you will learn the software on how to work in Keyshot 9 we will go through briefly most of the menus and tools.The second section is based on some real practice scenarios like how you can import the objects into Keyshot free downloaded models and how you can send models directly to Keyshot from popular 3d applications like Maya.We will see how you can import multiple sets and how to can give them the feel with proper Materials, textures, environment, and lights and at the end, we will go through different rendering optionsFor still render and for exporting animation sequences for web export and Presentation purpose using Keyshot Xr and configurator"
Price: 199.99

"Do Zero ao Teclado" |
"Sabe aquela msica no teclado que voc ama? Que tal aprender a tocar ela? Neste curso voc vai aprender o bsico para tocar teclado, mesmo sem saber absolutamente nada de msica. Exclusivo para iniciantes, o curso Do Zero ao Teclado ensina desde a Teoria Geral da Msica prtica do instrumento, incluindo acessrios e funes mais utilizadas no meio musical, tipos de teclado e gneros musicais, incentivando a descoberta dos gostos pessoais dos alunos."
Price: 54.99

"TYT Trke" |
"Yahya Kemal'in deyimiyle ""anamzn ak st"" Trke; yaayan en eski ve en yaygn dillerinden biridir. 5000 yllk gemiiyle Dnyann her bir bucana kk salm, medeniyetlerin geliimine katkda bulunmu ve salam mant pratik kullanmyla her zaman ilk be dil iinde yer almtr. Hayatn iinden rneklerle sizlere Trkeyi bir ders olarak deil bir yaam biimi olarak anlattm. Unutmayn bilgi ve sevgi paylaldka artar. Baarlar diliyorum. Trkeyle kaln, mutlu olun."
Price: 59.99

"Yoga para una Espalda Sana" |
"He diseado este curso para todo aquel que desee experimentar los beneficios del yoga y aprender como usar sus tcnicas como herramienta para tener una espalda sana.A lo largo del curso te ir guiando a travs de diferentes mtodos y secuencias para que, poco a poco, puedas mejorar la salud de tu espalda. Llegars a comprender las diferentes partes y movimientos de la columna para que puedas flexibilizarla, movilizarla y fortalecer los msculos que la rodean. Adems, aprenders las asanas o posturas para suavizar tensin en el cuello, los hombros as como liberar la tirantez y las molestias en la lumbar.El alumno ideal para este curso es cualquier persona independientemente de su estado fsico, mental o psicolgico que desee mejorar la salud de su espalda y as tambin su calidad de vida.Este curso es para todos los niveles, tanto si eres practicante de yoga como si eres principiante. No hay pre requisitos para hacer este curso, todo lo que necesitas es muchas ganas de aprender y experimentar nuevas sensaciones!"
Price: 49.99

"MATLAB -Basics and Programming" |
"MATLAB: Basics and Programming, In-Depth Guide for the BeginnersThis course will create interest among the participants and encourage them to undertake the project activities which are expected to lead them for Research and Development.The course is designed to get acquainted with the MATLAB software and its applications in various fields of Science, Engineering and allied domainThe in depth practice sessions and relevant literature will lead them to acquire fundamental programming skills in MATLABThis course is designed for Beginners and therefore no prerequisites are required except fundamental knowledge of computersThis course is intended for the undergraduate, postgraduate students in science and Engineering and the researchers in the field of design in all branches of Engineering"
Price: 7680.00

"Python do ZERO Programao Orientada a Objetos" |
"Aprenda programao de forma descomplicada por meio da linguagem Python, uma das mais fceis, modernas e eficientes linguagens de programao. Neste curso voc ter uma abordagem clara e didtica criada de forma que voc possa aprender do zero absoluto como programar em Python desde seus primeiros cdigos at estruturas de programa mais robustas usando de orientao objetos. Um dos diferenciais deste curso que a estrutura do mesmo se baseia no livro (que voc receber gratuitamente) Python do ZERO Programao Orientada a Objetos de minha autoria, tendo assim um excelente material de suporte para aprofundar seus estudos."
Price: 39.99

"Aprenda Qumica." |
"O curso ''Aprenda Qumica'' um curso completo que daremos nfase as principais matrias de qumica que aparecem na prova do ENEM. Uso uma linguagem simples, pois acredito que '' o simples que funciona''.Este curso serve para quem?Alunos que esto se preparando para o ENEM;Alunos que esto estudando para carreiras militares e para os institutos federais;Alunos que esto cursando o 9 ano e Ensino mdio.Esse curso ser composto por:a)Aulas tericas;b)Resoluo de exerccios para fixar o contedo;c)Resoluo das principais questes do ENEM.Contedo Programtico:1-Mudana de estado fsico;2-Diferena entre gs e vapor;3-Estado de agregao, processo endotrmico, processo exotrmico e entropia;4-Substncia pura;5-Mistura,mistura homognea e mistura heterognea;6-Grfico de aquecimento (substancia pura, mistura comum, mistura euttica e mistura azeotrpica);7-Exerccios e reviso do contedo estudado.8-Alotropia, fenmeno fsico e qumico.9-Exerccios e reviso do contedo estudado.10-Separao de mistura ( slido + slido): Catao, ventilao, separao magntica, levigao e flotao.11-Separao de mistura ( slido + slido): Peneirao, fuso fracionada e cristalizao fracionada.12-Separao de mistura ( slido + lquido)-imiscvel :Decantao, centrifugao e filtrao simples.13-Separao de mistura ( lquido + lquido)-imiscveis: Decantao.14-Separao de mistura ( gs + slido): Decantao e filtrao.15-Separao de mistura (slido+lquido) -miscvel: Evaporao e destilao simples.16-Separao de mistura (lquido + lquido)- miscveis: Destilao fracionada.17-Separao de mistura (gs+gs): Liquefao fracionada.18-Exerccios e Reviso.19- Modelos Atmicos (Leucipo e Demcrito, Dalton, Thomson e Rutherford).20-Modelo Atmico de Bohr.21-Estrutura Bsica do tomo ( A=Z+N ).22-Semelhanas atmicas (istopos, isbaros, istonos e Isoeletrnicos).23-Diagrama de Linus Pauling.24-Como fazer a distribuio eletrnica dos elementos da tabela peridica?25-Nmeros qunticos (n,l,m e s)26-Questo do ENEM (Clula a combustvel).27-Exerccios sobre modelos atmicos, istopos, isbaros e istonos.27-Exerccios sobre: semelhanas atmicas, distribuio eletrnica, nmeros qunticos.Tenho certeza que voc ir se encantar com a forma simples, mas eficiente de aprender qumica.Desejo a todos um excelente curso!Tio Marco."
Price: 54.99

"Learn to Crush Live & Online Poker from Poker Pro Lexy Gavin" |
"You will learn everything there is to know about poker; from basic fundamentals, pre-flop play, continuation betting, live tells, bet sizing, to advanced strategies like check-raising, over-betting and so much more! There will be powerpoint presentations, live play and explains, downloadable resources, quizzes, and videos from me. I'll be checking in with you along the way to make sure your poker journey is on the right track. Come join my poker family, and let's work together to take your game to the next level!"
Price: 49.99

"Administracin de Base de Datos SQL Server" |
"El curso consiste en tocar todos los puntos tericos para poder administrar una base de datos sin problemas, pero tambin podrs aprender de lo que en mi experiencia me ha tocado resolver en la vida real, les compartir scripts con los que trabajo da a da facilitando el trabajo de un DBA"
Price: 2445.00

tjmfjdfc |
"/(Yukiko )(Maiku)AB) 0100479PDF"
Price: 19.99

"Marketing Digital COMPLETO 2020" |
"Como tornar-se um Verdadeiro Especialista de Marketing Digital?Gostaria que o seu site aparecesse 5x a mais no Google? ou aprender estratgias simples no Google e em outras ferramentas que tm potencial de escalar o seu negcio em propores infinitas?Assista s nossas aulas e se surpreenda!Nestas aulas ir aprender tudo o que consiste em Marketing Digital, no s o que consiste, para que serve e quais os cuidados a ter na criao de uma Campanha digital de Sucesso.Torne-se um Especialista em Marketing Digital e veja os nmeros das suas vendas a aumentar exponencialmente.Torne real a sua viso, o seu objetivo. J no precisa de pagar a uma agncia de Marketing Digital, pois aqui tem tudo o que precisa para ter sucesso na sua Empresa.Assista e aplique na sua vida!"
Price: 19.99

"Neuromarketing COMPLETO 2020" |
"Aprenda a construir campanhas de alto desempenho por meio da neurocincia aplicado ao ambiente digital!Este curso possui os conceitos fundamentais do marketing digital e do neuromarketing. Por meio destas duas grandes reas, ir conseguir desenvolver as suas estratgias de marketing digital e gerenci-las. Pois ir aprender ferramentas e tcnicas que geram resultados como maiores converses de leads e vendas."
Price: 19.99

"Interview Tips , Phsychometric test & General Knowledge" |
"To join the Indian Merchant Navy a student needs to clear 1) IMUCET exams 2) Company sponsorship exams and 3) interview. For This course if for preparation of Step 3 : Interviews , Psychometric test and General Knowledge. We have used visual aids to enable a student to see and retain. The interviews are virtually conducted suing animation to explain the answers to frequently asked questions. Our team of Serving and retired Captains, Educators and Psychologists ensure that the content is constantly updated and is relevant to help you clear the interview."
Price: 24.99

"All About Stock Market" |
"This course consists of 6 modules :-Module 1 - Introduction (Students will get to learn the basics of Stock Market)Module 2 - Algo Trading (Students will get to learn how Algos have changed the way of trading)Module 3 - Money Management (Students will get to learn how a bad strategy with good money management can generate profitsModule 4 - Trading Psychology (Students will get to learn how psychology plays a vital role during live tradingModule 5 - Technical Analysis (Students will get to learn how with the help of Technical Analysis one can make money from Stock MarketModule 6 - Options Trading (Students will get to learn how with the help of Options Tool one can make money from Stock Market)"
Price: 1280.00

"Engage your online meeting audience Tools for activation" |
"The course provides an excellent overview of different tools that are available for interacting with the participants in an online event, be it a meeting or a training. The course deals with the basic ways of interactions: letting the participants ask questions from the presenter and the presenter to ask questions from the participants. We also consider tools available for collecting and mapping ideas from the participants as well as prioritizing among those ideas. Each tool is presented in relation to four questions: 1) What's it about generally; 2) Is it free to use; 3) What can you use it for; and 4) How does it work in practice. In addition, the course participants have a chance to experience each tool briefly from the participant perspective. The course begins with an introduction and a brief discussion related to why the participants should be activated in the first place. After that several tools are discussed one after another: Slido, Mentimeter, Kahoot, Zoom, Flinga, Jamboard and Socrative. Finally the last two lectures review what has been discussed during the course and provide an overview of the topic."
Price: 29.99

"The Ultimate guide to 7 traditional Swedish cookies" |
"Have you heard of Sweden? Now have you heard of the Swedish way of drinking coffee and eat something sweet to it? There's a special word for it and it is called Fika. And one of the most important tradition is to serve 7 kinds of treats.If you go to Sweden, you will find these delights everywhere. But even though they are so popular, baking a really good traditional cake is tricky. They either get too hard, too dry or too anything else but the real deal.Well, I love pastry thats why I've learned the secret of making the perfect ones. I learned from my mother, who learned from my grandmother and so on. These recepies goes back centuries.And in this course I will teach you, step by step, how to make the 7 perfect Swedish cookies. And if you try them once, you can't stop. You can amaze your friends and family with these very traditional Swedish pastries. Don't get fooled by my shaved head and my beard, I can bake like you've never seen anyone bake before. So, in this course, you will learn what ingredients to use, what to prefer and what to avoid getting the perfect consistency. How to work with the dough, the exact proportions to getting it just perfects. Also, I am going to reveal to you some tips and tricks that you cannot find anywhere else.All that, baked in with a lot of fun stuff.Now lets get baking."
Price: 19.99

"E20-065 Advanced Analytics Specialist Exam for Data Scientis" |
"In this course, you will get 2 Practice Exams with 60+ Unique Questions from ""Dell EMC E20-065 - Advanced Analytics Specialist Exam for Data Scientists"" covering all the topics for the Dell EMC E20-065 Exam.What do you get in this course?2 Mock Tests with 60+ Unique and Latest Questions with explanation for each question.In-depth and exhaustive explanation for every questionReliable exam reports to evaluate strengths and weaknessesQuestions are frequently reviewed and updated frequently.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.****************************************************************************************************The Dell EMC Data Scientist Associate (EMCDSA) is a foundational certification that exposes to the basics of big data and data analytics. Topics for this certification include an introduction to data analytics, characteristics of big data, and the role of data scientists. It also included a variety of big data theories and techniques, including linear regression, time-series analysis, and decision trees.The Dell EMC Advanced Analytics Specialist for Data Scientists Certification (E20-065) exam will test the candidate's knowledge on following areas :Dell EMC E20-065 Exam Summary:Exam Name : Dell EMC Advanced Analytics Specialist for Data ScientistsExam Code : E20-065Exam Duration : 90 minutesExam Questions : 60 QuestionsPassing Score : 63Dell EMC E20-065 Exam Topics:MapReduce (15%)- MapReduce framework and its implementation in Hadoop- Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)- Yet Another Resource Negotiator (YARN)Hadoop Ecosystem and NoSQL (15%)- Pig- Hive- NoSQL- HBase- SparkNatural Language Processing (NLP) (20%)- NLP and the four main categories of ambiguity- Text Preprocessing- Language ModelingSocial Network Analysis (SNA) (23%)- SNA and Graph Theory- Communities- Network Problems and SNA ToolsData Science Theory and Methods (15%)- Simulation- Random Forests- Multinomial Logistic Regression and Maximum EntropyData Visualization (12%)- Perception and Visualization- Visualization of Multivariate DataWhat are some of the data scientist job roles?Core data scientists, researchers, and big data specialists are the top job titles in the data science field.Benefits of Dell EMC Advanced Analytics Specialist Certification :Data exploration and data discovery to identify and quantify the characteristic of the data. This is an interactive method to determine which variables and metrics to test in the interactive analytic model development process.Data enrichment is the method of creating new higher-order variables that enhance the content and context of the raw data given the problem being addressed. Data enrichment methods cover log transformations, RFM (recency, frequency, monetary) calculations, indices, share, attributions, and scores.Data visualization uses tools and methods to identify patterns, trends, outliers, and correlations that might be helpful in the analytic modeling process; to identify variables and metrics that might be better predictors of business and operational performance.Feature engineering, the process of creating new input features for machine learning, is one of the most effective methods to develop predictive models."
Price: 19.99

"EMC E20-260 VPLEX Specialist for Implementation Engineers" |
"In this course, you will get 3 Practice Exams with 160 Unique Questions from ""Dell EMC E20-260: VPLEX Specialist Exam for Implementation Engineers (DECS-IE)"" covering all the topics for the Dell EMC E20-260 DECS-IE Exam.What do you get in this course?3 Mock Tests with 160+ Unique and Latest QuestionsReliable exam reports to evaluate strengths and weaknessesQuestions are frequently reviewed and updated frequently.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.We have designed Dell EMC VPLEX Specialist practice exams to help you prepare for the E20-260 certification exam. These practice exam provides you with an opportunity to become familiar with the question topics and formats found in the actual Dell EMC Certified Specialist - Implementation Engineer - VPLEX (DECS-IE) exam. It also helps you identify topics in which you are already well prepared and topics on which you may need further training. We have rigorously maintained the topic weights, passing score, exam duration and question format in our mock exam as per the E20-260 Dell EMC VPLEX Specialist for Implementation Engineers certification syllabus. Simply, our Dell EMC DCS-IE practice exam builds readiness and confidence for the E20-260 certification exam.*****************************************************************************************************These practice exams focuses on the deployment of VPLEX systems; including installation, configuration, troubleshooting, and management. In addition, the exam covers VPLEX architecture, theory of operations, site planning, and configuration requirements.About Dell EMC VPLEX Specialist Exam:Exam Name : VPLEX Specialist Exam for Implementation Engineers (DECS-IE)Exam Code : E20-260Duration : 90 minsNumber of Questions : 60Passing Score : 63%Dell EMC E20-260 Exam Syllabus Topics :VPLEX Concepts 13%- VPLEX terminology and configurations- VPLEX product hardware and software architecture- VPLEX application of VS2 and VS6 technology and upgrading from VS2 to VS6- VPLEX I/O OperationsVPLEX Installation and Setup 23%- Site Installation Preparation- Port Identification and Installation Utilities- Provision storage to VPLEX back-end ports- Installing VPLEX using EMC procedures- Installing VPLEX WitnessVPLEX Storage Provisioning 20%- Virtual Volume Provisioning- Integrating VPLEX into an existing environment and encapsulating storage- Creating VPLEX Distributed Devices- Device and extent management on VPLEX devicesVolume Management and Protection 20%- Expanding VPLEX devices- Performing data migration using VPLEX- Protecting VPLEX with RecoverPointVPLEX Monitoring 10%- VPLEX events and system reports to an ESRS Gateway- SNMP data collection- Setup performance monitors in VPLEX- Analyze monitoring data in VPLEXVPLEX Upgrades and Troubleshooting 13%- VPLEX Data collection processes- Basic troubleshooting on various VPLEX elements- Basic VPLEX maintenance- Expanding a VPLEX topology"
Price: 19.99

"E20-307 VMAX3 Solutions Specialist-Implementation Engineers" |
"In this course, you will get 2 Practice Exams with 60+ Unique Questions from ""E20-307 - Dell EMC VMAX All Flash and VMAX3 Solutions Specialist for Implementation Engineers (DECS-IE)"" covering all the topics for the E20-307 Exam.What do you get in this course?2 Mock Tests with 60+ Unique and Latest QuestionsReliable exam reports to evaluate strengths and weaknessesQuestions are frequently reviewed and updated frequently.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.We have designed Dell EMC VMAX All Flash and VMAX3 Solutions Specialist practice exams to help you prepare for the E20-307 certification exam. These practice exams provides you with an opportunity to become familiar with the question topics and formats found in the actual Dell EMC Certified Specialist - Implementation Engineer - VMAX All Flash and VMAX3 Solutions (DECS-IE) exam.We have rigorously maintained the topic weights, passing score, exam duration and question format in our mock exam as per the E20-307 Dell EMC VMAX All Flash and VMAX3 Solutions Specialist for Implementation Engineers certification syllabus. Simply, our Dell EMC DCS-IE practice exam builds readiness and confidence for the E20-307 certification exam.Practice tests allow you to become familiar with the topics and question types you will find on the proctored exam. Your results on a practice test offer one indication of how prepared you are for the proctored exam and can highlight topics on which you need to study and train further.We have designed Dell EMC VMAX All Flash and VMAX3 Solutions Specialist practice exams to help you prepare for the E20-307 certification exam. It also helps you identify topics in which you are already well prepared and topics on which you may need further training************************************************************************************************This exam is a qualifying exam for the Specialist - Implementation Engineer, VMAX All Flash and VMAX3 Solutions (DCS-IE) track. This exam focuses on configuration and business continuity management of VMAX All Flash and VMAX3 storage arrays in open systems environments. Nondisruptive migration (NDM) to VMAX All Flash and VMAX3 arrays is also covered. Managing configuration changes, TimeFinder SnapVX, SRDF, and NDM using SYMCLI and Unisphere for VMAX is assessed.Dell EMC VMAX All Flash and VMAX3 Solutions Specialist Exam Summary :Exam Name : Dell EMC Certified Specialist - Implementation Engineer - VMAX All Flash and VMAX3 Solutions (DECS-IE)Exam Code : E20-307Duration : 90 minsNumber of Questions : 60Passing Score : 63%Dell EMC E20-307 Exam Syllabus Topics :Local and Remote Replication 6%- TimeFinder SnapVX architecture, features, capabilities, benefits, and management- SRDF architecture, features, capabilities, benefits, and management- pen Replicator architecture, features, capabilities and managementBusiness Continuity Management 31%- TimeFinder SnapVX operations with SYMCLI and Unisphere for VMAX- SRDF operations in synchronous (SRDF/S) and asynchronous (SRDF/A) modes using SYMCLI and Unisphere for VMAXUnisphere for VMAX Implementation and Management 7%- Unisphere for VMAX functionality and architecture- Navigating the Unisphere for VMAX GUI- Unisphere for VMAX administrationConfiguration Management 42%- VMAX All Flash and VMAX3 Array Configuration and storage provisioning concepts- Virtual provisioning concepts and automated tiering- Storage allocation using autoprovisioning groups- Device creation and port management- Monitor Storage Resource Pools and Storage Group compliance- Workload Planning with Unisphere for VMAX- eNAS ManagementSolutions Enabler Implementation 7%- Installation and using options files and environmental variables- Gatekeeper management- Commonly used Solutions Enabler daemons- Solutions Enabler virtual applianceNon-disruptive Migration to VMAX All Flash and VMAX3 7%- Overview of Non-disruptive Migration- Non-disruptive Migration using Unisphere for VMAX- Non-disruptive Migration using SYMCLI"
Price: 19.99

"E20-368-XtremIO Solutions Specialist-Implementation Engineer" |
"In this course, you will get 2 Practice Exams with 100+ Unique Questions from ""E20-368 - Dell EMC XtremIO Solutions Specialist for Implementation Engineer"" covering all the topics for the E20-368 Exam.What do you get in this course?2 Mock Tests with 100+ Unique and Latest QuestionsReliable exam reports to evaluate strengths and weaknessesQuestions are frequently reviewed and updated frequently.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.This practice exam provides you with an opportunity to become familiar with the question topics and formats found in the actual Dell EMC Certified Specialist - Implementation Engineer - XtremIO Solutions (DECS-IE) exam.We have designed Dell EMC XtremIO Solutions Specialist practice exams to help you prepare for the E20-368 certification exam.It also helps you identify topics in which you are already well prepared and topics on which you may need further training.We have rigorously maintained the topic weights, passing score, exam duration and question format in our mock exam as per the E20-368 Dell EMC XtremIO Solutions Specialist for Implementation Engineer certification syllabus.Simply, our Dell EMC DCS-IE practice exam builds readiness and confidence for the E20-368 certification exam.Practice tests allow you to become familiar with the topics and question types you will find on the proctored exam.Your results on a practice test offer one indication of how prepared you are for the proctored exam and can highlight topics on which you need to study and train furtherOverview of E20-368 - Dell EMC XtremIO Solutions Specialist for Implementation Engineer :This exam is a qualifying exam for the Specialist - Implementation Engineer, XtremIO Solutions (DCS-IE) track. This exam focuses on the knowledge and activities involved in implementing XtremIO storage systems in heterogeneous virtualized open systems environments. This includes cluster installation and initial configuration, implementing and configuring host access to storage, implementing local replication, performance monitoring and optimization, and basic troubleshooting.Dell EMC XtremIO Solutions Specialist Exam Summary :Exam Name : Dell EMC Certified Specialist - Implementation Engineer - XtremIO Solutions (DECS-IE)Exam Code : E20-368Exam Price : $200 (USD)Duration : 105 minsNumber of Questions : 60Passing Score : 63%Dell EMC E20-368 Exam Syllabus Topics :XtremIO X1 and X2 Hardware Fundamentals 9%- Identify and describe the XtremIO X1 and X2 hardware components, cluster offerings, and FRUs- Identify and describe the hardware components and FRUsXtremIO X1 and X2 Installation 23%- Identify, describe, and compare the required documentation involved in XtremIO X1 and X2 installations; including the specific order in which the documents should be used- Identify and describe the individual XtremIO X1 and X2 cluster cabling requirements as well as compare and contrast single versus multi-cluster cable requirements- Identify and describe the logical order of XtremIO X1 and X2 installation operations after cabling has been completed, up to cluster format- Identify and describe the XtremIO X1 and X2 post installation procedures and processes- Identify and describe how to power on, configure, and validate cluster connectivity and the overall statusXtremIO X1 and X2 Initial Configuration 16%- Explain the XtremIO X1 and X2 Management Server (XMS) installation options, requirements, and deployment considerations- Identify and describe the purpose of the software components required in an XtremIO X1 and X2 installation- Identify and describe the XtremIO X1 and X2 communication connectivity options (ESRS, FTPS, e-mail)- Identify and describe how to initialize and register the XtremIO X1 and X2 cluster in the Install baseXtremIO X1 and X2 Management 38%- Identify and describe XtremIO X1 and X2 storage management operations (GUI,CLI, REST); including user accounts, methods of access- Identify and describe XtremIO X1 and X2 volume operations- Identify and describe the XtremIO X1 and X2 host configuration requirements- Explain the specific Microsoft Windows host configuration requirements in XtremIO X1 and X2 environments- Explain the specific VMware and Linux host configuration requirements in XtremIO X1 and X2 environments- Describe XtremIO X1 and X2 Snapshot configurations, uses, and limits- Identify and describe XtremIO X1 and X2 Data Services benefits and integration features- Identify and describe XtremIO X1 and X2 performance considerations and reporting abilitiesXtremIO X1 and X2 Solution Integration 14%- Identify and describe XtremIO X1 and X2 RecoverPoint, VPLEX, and AppSync options, considerations, limitations, and specific uses cases- Explain the Oracle, VDI, XtremIO X1 and X2 challenges, best practices, and deployment considerations- Describe the XtremIO X1 and X2 GUI, and CLI cluster state options, power procedures, and IP modification considerations"
Price: 19.99

"E20-375 RecoverPoint Specialist for Implementation Engineer" |
"In this course, you will get 4 Practice Exams with 200+ Unique Questions from ""E20-375 - RecoverPoint Specialist Exam for Implementation Engineers (DECS-IE)"" covering all the topics for the E20-375 Exam.What do you get in this course?4 Mock Tests with 200+ Unique and Latest QuestionsReliable exam reports to evaluate strengths and weaknessesQuestions are frequently reviewed and updated frequently.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.Practice tests allow you to become familiar with the topics and question types you will find on the proctored exam. Your results on a practice test offer one indication of how prepared you are for the proctored exam and can highlight topics on which you need to study and train further.We have designed Dell EMC RecoverPoint Specialist practice exams to help you prepare for the E20-375 certification exam. This practice exam provides you with an opportunity to become familiar with the question topics and formats found in the actual Dell EMC Certified Specialist - Implementation Engineer - RecoverPoint (DECS-IE) exam. It also helps you identify topics in which you are already well prepared and topics on which you may need further training. We have rigorously maintained the topic weights, passing score, exam duration and question format in our mock exam as per the E20-375 Dell EMC RecoverPoint Specialist for Implementation Engineers certification syllabus. Simply, our Dell EMC DCS-IE practice exam builds readiness and confidence for the E20-375 certification exam.Overview of E20-375 - RecoverPoint Specialist Exam for Implementation Engineers (DECS-IE) Certification Exam :This exam is a qualifying exam for the Specialist - Implementation Engineer, RecoverPoint (DECS-IE) track.The Implementation Engineer Specialist certification assesses the necessary knowledge and skills and validates the ability to correctly install, configure, and deploy Dell EMC RecoverPoint solutions.This exam focuses on deployment of RecoverPoint systems, including installation, configuration, troubleshooting and management of physical and virtual RecoverPoint Appliances and Splitter. It also covers RecoverPoint architecture, theory of operations, and write splitting technologies; site planning and configuration requirements; configuration and operations of consistency groups as well as configuration for integration with different virtualization software.Dell EMC RecoverPoint Specialist Exam Summary :Exam Name : Dell EMC Certified Specialist - Implementation Engineer - RecoverPoint (DECS-IE)Exam Code : E20-375Duration : 90 minsNumber of Questions : 60Passing Score : 63%Dell EMC E20-375 Exam Syllabus Topics :RecoverPoint Concepts 7%- Describe RecoverPoint key futures, functions, capabilities, and data flow- Describe RecoverPoint system architecture and componentsRecoverPoint Cluster Installation 27%- Describe how to prepare for a RecoverPoint cluster installation- List the required steps to install a physical and virtual RPA- Describe a RecoverPoint deployment with VNX- Describe a RecoverPoint EX and CL cluster installation- Describe how RecoverPoint clusters are connected using Deployment ManagerConfigure Storage Arrays for use with RecoverPoint 27%- Describe the steps required to install RecoverPoint array-based write splitters for VNX- Describe the steps required to install RecoverPoint array-based write splitters for VPLEX- Describe the steps required to install RecoverPoint array-based write splitters for Unity- Describe the steps required to install RecoverPoint array-based write splitters for VMAX- Explain the steps required to configure an XtremIO array for Snap-based replication with RecoverPointRecoverPoint Management 14%- Describe how RecoverPoint administration tasks are performed- Describe the factors involved when planning for a Consistency Group deployment- Describe how to create and manage Consistency Groups- Describe the advanced features of Consistency Groups. For example, Snap-based Replication with XtremIO, MetroPoint Consistency Groups, and integration featuresRecoverPoint Operations 10%- Describe how recovery tasks are performed with Unisphere for RecoverPoint- Describe how to modify existing RecoverPointRecoverPoint System Analysis 7%- Describe the steps required to use the RecoverPoint system analysis tools- Describe how to use RecoverPoint CLI commands to perform simple environment troubleshootingRecoverPoint Cluster Maintenance 10%- Explain how the Deployment Manager Wizard is used to add RPAs to an existing cluster- Explain how to the Deployment Manager Wizard is used to convert environments- Explain how the Deployment Manager Wizard is used to change installation parameters"
Price: 19.99

"E20-385 - Data Domain Specialist for Implementation Engineer" |
"In this course, you will get 2 Practice Exams with 100+ Unique Questions from ""E20-385 - Data Domain Specialist Exam for Implementation Engineer (DECS-IE)"" covering all the topics for the E20-385 Exam.What do you get in this course?2 Mock Tests with 100+ Unique and Latest QuestionsReliable exam reports to evaluate strengths and weaknessesQuestions are frequently reviewed and updated frequently.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.We have designed Dell EMC Data Domain Specialist practice exams to help you prepare for the E20-385 certification exam.This practice exam provides you with an opportunity to become familiar with the question topics and formats found in the actual Dell EMC Certified Specialist - Implementation Engineer - Data Domain (DECS-IE) exam.It also helps you identify topics in which you are already well prepared and topics on which you may need further training.We have rigorously maintained the topic weights, passing score, exam duration and question format in our mock exam as per the E20-385 Dell EMC Data Domain Specialist for Implementation Engineer certification syllabus.Simply, our Dell EMC DCS-IE practice exam builds readiness and confidence for the E20-385 certification exam.Practice tests allow you to become familiar with the topics and question types you will find on the proctored exam. Your results on a practice test offer one indication of how prepared you are for the proctored exam and can highlight topics on which you need to study and train further.***********************************************************************************************Overview of E20-385 - Data Domain Specialist Exam for Implementation Engineer (DECS-IE) Exam : This exam is a qualifying exam for the Specialist - Implementation Engineer, Data Domain (DCS-IE) Certification. This exam focuses on installation, integration, and administration of Dell EMC Data Domain systems.This Proven Certification provides specialist level certification for implementation of Data Domain systems and will be the desired certification and/or requirement for Partners and employees engaged in implementing Data Domain.Dell EMC Data Domain Specialist Exam Summary :Exam Name : Data Domain Specialist Exam for Implementation Engineer (DECS-IE)Exam Code : E20-385Duration : 90 minsNumber of Questions : 60Passing Score : 63%Dell EMC E20-385 Exam Syllabus Topics :Data Domain Fundamentals 15%- Explain the key differentiators of the Dell EMC Data Domain deduplication technology, including SISL, DIA, In-line versus Post Process deduplication, and file versus block storage.- Identify typical Dell EMC Data Domain backup and recovery solutions and describe Dell EMC Data Domain product positioning.- Identify and describe various Dell EMC Data Domain software options and the functionality they enable.Data Domain Hardware Installation 15%- Describe how to prepare the Dell EMC Data Domain system for installation, including rail and rack the system hardware, and connect and cable the system to external storage.- Describe how to perform the initial configurations of the Dell EMC Data Domain system; configure the network for administrative access, and verify interoperability with connected devices.Data Domain Extended Retention: Installation, Configuration, and Administration 10%- Describe DD Extended Retention features, benefits, and use cases. Describe basic architecture for systems with the DD Extended Retention option and DD Extended Retention licensing requirements.- Describe how to install and configure Dell EMC Data Domain systems with DD Extended Retention; including system racking and cabling, configuration of the active and archive tiers, establishment of data movement policies and upgrading the system.- Describe how to perform administrative tasks on Dell EMC Data Domain systems with the DD Extended Retention option, including adding and expanding storage, adjusting compression settings, deleting or reusing storage units, configuring replication and disaster recovery.Data Domain Cloud Tier Installation, Configuration, and Administration 10%- Describe DD Cloud Tier features, benefits, and use cases. Describe basic architecture for systems with the DD Extended Retention option and DD Extended Retention licensing requirements.- Describe how to install and configure Dell EMC Data Domain systems with DD Cloud Tier; including system racking and cabling, configuration of the active and archive tiers, establishment of data movement policies and upgrading the system.- Describe how to perform administrative tasks on Dell EMC Data Domain systems with the DD Cloud Tier option, including adding and expanding storage, adjusting compression settings, deleting or reusing storage units, configuring replication and disaster recovery.Data Domain Implementation in Backup Environments and Integration with Application Software 15%- Distinguish between key backup software components. Recognize the packet flow in a typical backup environment with and without a Dell EMC Data Domain system. Describe key information points for a backup and recovery solution using Data Domain Boost/OST technology.- Implement the Data Domain system as a CIFS or NFS to a backup server running Veritas NetBackup and/or Backup Exec, Dell EMC NetWorker, CommVault Simpana, and IBM Spectrum Protect. Validate the backup and recovery functionalities.- Implement and validate the Data Domain system as a VTL. Implement and validate Data Domain Boost in Veritas NetBackup and Backup Exec environments, Oracle Recovery Manager (RMAN) environments, as well as in Dell EMC NetWorker and Dell EMC Avamar environments.- Implement best practices and system tuning procedures for optimal performance of backup environments including integrated EMC Data Domain systems.Data Domain System Administration 35%- Implement Dell EMC Data Domain system with key protocols, including NFS/CIFS, DD Boost, VTL, and NDMP.- Implement Dell EMC Data Domain system with key technologies, including data security, link aggregation/failover, fibre channel connections, secure multi-tenancy, DDMC, snapshots, fastcopy, retention lock, sanitization, encryption, storage migration, replication, and recovery functionalities.- Manage system access, describe and configure autosupport, Support bundle, SNMP, Syslog, monitor system activity and performance, and evaluate the cleaning frequency.- Verify hardware, analyze and interpret space utilization and compression graphs. Monitor Data Domain capacity and storage burn rate."
Price: 19.99
