"PEnglish: El curso de ingls ms completo" |
"Buenas! Soy Paolo Guevara, profesor de Ingls en Per con experiencia en academias de idiomas como Britnico e Icpna. Mi objetivo es que el ingls llegue a todas partes de Sudamrica y por eso, quiero aportar mi granito de arena ayudndote a adquirir los conocimientos de Gramtica y Vocabulario a travs de este curso.Pero, por qu elegir este curso? Ya sea si eres nuevo en el tema del ingls o si ya tienes algo de experiencia, este curso te ayudar a conocer o reforzar conocimientos de todos los niveles tanto de Gramtica como de Vocabulario. Y no slo eso, sino que adems podrs poner en prctica lo aprendido a travs de ejercicios y tests al final de cada unidad.Y cmo est dividido el curso? El curso est organizado de la siguiente manera:3 niveles (Bsico - Intermedio - Avanzado)Bsico: 7 nivelesIntermedio: 8 nivelesAvanzado: 2 nivelesY este es el contenido del curso ms completo de ingls:Explicaciones al grano sobre toda la Gramtica y Vocabulario del Ingls, desde lo ms bsico, hasta lo ms avanzado.Ejercicios de prctica para que desarrolles tus habilidades al final de cada unidad. (Reading, Writing, Listening)Un test al final de cada unidad para que pongas a prueba tus conocimientos.Qu habilidades tendrs al acabar el curso?Tener la capacidad para entender las diversas teoras de la Gramtica del InglsAmpliar tu Vocabulario para una mejor comprensin del idioma.Desarrollar las siguientes habilidades: Listening, Reading, Writing.Ests listo para aprender ingls de manera autodidacta? Te invito a darle un vistazo a los vdeos Gratuitos de cada nivel, para que te puedas decidir, antes de adquirir el curso. Te veo en los vdeos!"
Price: 49.99

"Korean Pronunciation Masterclass" |
"Welcome to the Korean Pronunciation Masterclass course.There are two key aims of this course.Developing your understanding of Korean pronunciation rulesImprove your pronunciation through guided speaking practices.We will guide you through everything you need to know about Korean pronunciation, and this course is divided into 5 units.Unit 1 - Course IntroductionThis unit provides you with some basic information about what you need to know before taking this course and what you will learn from this course.Unit 2 - Consonant SoundsIn this unit, you will learn the basic sounds of all Korean consonants, and how their sounds can change depending on how they are used in different positions. You will also learn all the different ways of using consonants as .Unit 3 - Vowel SoundsIn this unit, you will learn the basic sounds of Korean vowels and you'll also learn how their sounds can change depending on the position they're used in, and also depending on the consonants they're used with.Unit 4 - Connected SpeechIn this unit, you will learn how sound of Korean consonants and vowels change depending on how they're used and depending on other sounds nearby.Unit 5 - Pitch and IntonationIn this unit, you will learn natural use of pitch and intonation in Korean sentences. That's the overall structure of the course, and I hope you are excited about what you will learn in this course!"
Price: 149.99

"Cisco CCNA 200-301 Certification Prep Labs" |
"CCNA 200-301 Complete Certification LabsCisco CCNA 200-301 is the new industry standard networking certification for network administrators, engineers and data center operations. Prepare with complete practice labs designed for candidates that want to attain the new CCNA 200-301 certification. Complete your training with exclusive practice lab simulations and pass the CCNA exam. You will learn how to fully configure complex lab topologies from scratch, and verify network connectivity with real-world acceptance testing. Learn by doing approach to prepare 100% for the new CCNA 200-301 exam. CCNA 200-301 Student Practice Lab Exercises Learn how to configure and integrate multiple protocolsEffective learn by doing approach with practice exercises Lab topologies with simulated cloud connectionCreate your own virtual lab and practice from homePractice with lab simulations for operational commands Get real-world experience with Cisco IOS softwareThe improved training options are designed to get you ready for CCNA certification in much less time and more cost effectively. There is a customized step-by-step approach that goes well beyond a single book or a video course. It starts with CCNA certification study prep course, top-notch lab training, pre-exam testing and exclusive exam day whiteboard."
Price: 19.99

"Reflection of Light" |
"This course is the first of many courses in the series The Simply Science Learning Series, intended to elevate the knowledge levels of students of class 10 and develop higher interest in Natural sciences .The course will address concepts of Reflection of Light in different surfaces and specific rules around image formation and their measurement.The course has been designed based on the curriculum prescribed by NCERT which is also the syllabus followed by CBSE and other state education boards in India for Class 10. Many other educational materials have been referred to enrich the content and support students in their path of excellence.The Course contents are as below :Introduction to LightSpherical MirrorsImage Formation by Spherical MirrorsImage Formation in Concave MirrorUses of concave mirrorsImage Formation in Convex MirrorUses of convex mirrorsSign ConventionsMirror FormulaLinear Magnification"
Price: 19.99

"NumPy for Data Scientist" |
"NumPy stands for numeric python which is a python package for the computation and processing of the multidimensional and single dimensional array elements.With the revolution of data science, data analysis libraries like NumPy, SciPy, Pandas, etc. have seen a lot of growth. With a much easier syntax than other programming languages, python is the first choice language for the data scientist.NumPy provides a convenient and efficient way to handle the vast amount of data. NumPy is also very convenient with Matrix multiplication and data reshaping. NumPy is fast which makes it reasonable to work with a large set of data.There are the following advantages of using NumPy for data analysis.NumPy performs array-oriented computing.It efficiently implements the multidimensional arrays.It performs scientific computations.It is capable of performing Fourier Transform and reshaping the data stored in multidimensional arrays.NumPy provides the in-built functions for linear algebra and random number generation.Nowadays, NumPy in combination with SciPy and Matplotlib is used as the replacement to MATLAB as Python is more complete and easier programming language than MATLAB."
Price: 1280.00

"Google Firebase na Prtica e em Detalhes (Usando JavaScript)" |
"O objetivo deste curso abordar os recursos mais importantes oferecidos pelo Google Firebase de forma prtica e objetiva. Contextualizando o uso dos recursos em um projeto didtico e simples, todo o cdigo fonte escrito e explicado passo a passo, sem abordar tpicos desnecessrios e pode ser facilmente seguido por iniciantes;Linguagens utilizadas para o desenvolvimento: HTML, CSS e JavaScript. No so usados frameworks, bibliotecas ou outros recursos desnecessrios para a apresentao do curso, tornando o curso til independente do seu nvel de experincia e das peculiaridades tecnolgicas que voc usa em seus projetos;Ao concluir o curso, voc estar apto a implementar, usando o Firebase, recursos muito utilizados atualmente como:Trabalhar com autenticao e gerenciamento de usurios: autenticar usurios usando e-mail e senha, verificar e-mails e redefinir senhas. Tambm aprender a implementar a autenticao atravs de outros provedores como o Google, GitHub e FacebookTrabalhar com banco de dados em tempo real;Trabalhar com o upload e gerenciamento de arquivos;Controlar o fluxo de uploads: pausar, retomar ou cancelar uploads;Mostrar feedback visual de carregamento e barras de progresso para uploads;Definir regras de segurana e validao para as informaes dos usurios;Hospedar aplicaes web na internet (com segurana - HTTPS)."
Price: 249.99

"FinTech - QR Code based Mobile Payments System." |
"A most important aspect of any digital and cash lite economy is its adoption by merchants and customers, and both prefer the simplest, cheapest and efficient system. Among such mobile payment tools, QR code-based payment meets these criteria. Please go through the curriculum thoroughly before purchasing the course""In this business-oriented course we will learn; - Basics of QR code, it's components, Static, dynamic and one time use QR code, QR code payment, closed and interoperable QR code, authentication in QR code, global adoption data and examples, EMV Co QR code process for customer and merchant presented QR code, backend transaction flow, security and challenges and a comparison between QR code and NFC. BharatQR, mVISA, Masterpass, Alipay and We chat Pay QR code system, Mobile Payment, Payment ProcessingFinTech Digital Banking, Digital Finance, Financial Technology.-This course has been merged with Practitioner Course on Payment Gateway and QR Code. Please opt for this course if you want to study only about QR code.After completing and reflecting well on the discussed points, you will have a good understanding of QR code-based payments, its back end processes and challenges. Look forward to meeting you in the course."
Price: 9600.00

"Meu Primeiro Cargo de Liderana" |
"Eu assumi meu primeiro cargo de liderana muito cedo. Com 19 anos, em 2012, eu tinha uma equipe de treze pessoas. Era muito difcil e eu me sentia muito inseguro. Eram pessoas mais velhas que eu, com mais conhecimento e at mais experincia da empresa. S que meu objetivo era claro. E fui aprendendo com muita porrada.Esse curso ""Meu Primeiro Cargo de Liderana"" tem o objetivo de ajudar lderes de primeira viagem a navegar nesses novos mares e pessoas que vo/querem assumir seu cargo de liderana a comearem com mais confiana.O curso aborda os conceitos fundamentais de liderana e gesto, ensinando desde os principais tpicos que todo gestor precisa saber, vocabulrio de administrao, como lidar com os momentos mais difceis e a rotina - as tarefas e momentos que voc passar com certeza num prazo menor que um ano. Mentira, que 6 meses!Com um contedo muito rico, exemplos reais e ferramentas prticas, com certeza voc ser capaz e se sentir muito mais seguro e equipado para mandar muito bem como um timo lder e um excelente gestor. Esse curso fruto de experincia de anos treinando novos lderes, alm da minha experincia prpria de gestor e lder.O que voc s encontra nesse curso:So quase 10 horas de contedo, o curso mais completo da Udemy (e com aulas bem divididas)So no total 20 ferramentas para voc destravar sua liderana a partir de hojeDessas 19 ferramentas, 5 so exclusivas e nicas desse curso: ferramentas para lidar com pessoas, priorizao de tarefas, repasse de metas, tomada de deciso e para desenvolver sua Inteligncia emocional.Instrutor com anos de experincia dando treinamentos para todo tipo de pblico, com experincia prtica formando lderes na sua prpria empresa (e no aqueles instrutores que do treinamentos pros outros, mas no vivenciam os resultados)6 exerccios escritos nos quais eu darei feedback!Assista quando quiser e na ordem que quiser! 11 mdulos cobrindo liderana de A a ZSuporte e interao com professor: entre em contato comigo quantas vezes precisarAcesso vitalcio ao cursoCertificado de conclusoGarantia de satisfaoContedo geral do curso:Fazendo a transio para lder: tudo que voc precisa saberConceitos bsicos e fundamentais: uma aula de administrao em 50 minutosComo construir uma equipe de alta performance: seu papel enquanto lderComo lidar com pessoas e situaes difceisDelegando e acompanhando tarefas, projetos e prazosFazendo sua equipe bater suas metasComo tomar decises e resolver problemasComo treinar e motivar seus lideradosComo ser um lder carismtico e que as pessoas gostem de trabalhar"
Price: 189.99

"Alteryx Interface Tools For Designer Advanced Exam" |
"Alteryx Interface Tools:Interface tools are used to author apps and macros. These tools make it easy to design user interface elements and update workflow tools at runtime based on user specifications. There are multiple interface tools are there. In this video course you could learn multiple interface tools, so that you could create analytical applications. Learn this tools will definitely help you in Alteryx designer advanced exam. You could expect multiple questions from this sections. We will start from very basics. So even if you never used any interface elements, still you could follow this course. All the examples are very simple and straight forward. Also you could download all the data from the resource section of this course.Advance Exam Topics:In addition to skills measured in the Core exam, the Advanced exam will ask few advance concepts/ questions. In order to pass Alteryx designer Advance exam, you must learn to use multiple tools from different category including Spacial tools.Interface tools. advanced preparations tools Advanced join toolsBasic workflow building conceptsInput output tool (Browse tool, Input Data tool, Output Data tool, Text Input tool)Data InvestigationParsingand many more. This is not a complete list of all tools included on the advance exam.Now let us check what we learn from this course. This course will cover all the Interface tools, that will be tested during the exam, which includeTools you will learn from the course:Action.Check Box.Control Parameter.Drop Down.Error Message.File Browse.Folder Browse.List Box.Map. Numeric Up Down.This course also cover some of the important functions that will be tested during the exam. and there important tools from preparation category and join.If you are planing to clear Alteryx Designer Advance Exam, you must clear Designer core certification. So if you are beginner, please complete our Alteryx designer core certification course, before beginning the course. Even though you could learn all the tools explained in this video with out any pre knowledge, it will be difficult to clear the exam.Please note:The Alteryx Designer Advanced exam is only available for users who have successfully complected Alteryx Designer core certificate exam.Alteryx is an American computer software company based in Irvine, California, with a development center in Broomfield, Colorado. The company's products are used for data science and analytics.The software is designed to make advanced analytics accessible to any data worker.Alteryx is an ETL (extract, transform, load) tool:In computing, extract, transform, load (ETL) is the general procedure of copying data from one or more sources into a destination system which represents the data differently from the source(s) or in a different context than the source(s). The ETL process became a popular concept in the 1970s and is often used in data warehousing.[1]Data extraction involves extracting data from homogeneous or heterogeneous sources; data transformation processes data by data cleansing and transforming them into a proper storage format/structure for the purposes of querying and analysis; finally, data loading describes the insertion of data into the final target database such as an operational data store, a data mart, data lake or a data warehouse.[2][3]A properly designed ETL system extracts data from the source systems, enforces data quality and consistency standards, conforms data so that separate sources can be used together, and finally delivers data in a presentation-ready format so that application developers can build applications and end users can make decisions.In this course we will learn how to create Analytical apps using Alteryx designer 2020."
Price: 19.99

"SAP MM Gestin De Materiales - Almacenes." |
"SAP MM GESTIN DE MATERIALES EN GENERAL.Este curso tiene como principal objetivo ensear a cada persona aprender como utilizar las transacciones mas importante del modulo de Logstica (MM) Gestion de materiales, que se utilizan diariamente en cualquier ambiente laboral mundial-mente utilizadas.En este curso la persona podr aprender todos los conocimientos asociados al SAP, tanto en materia terica como practica a nivel de un usuario final SAP a nivel avanzado.- LAS PRINCIPALES TRANSACCIONES QUE APRENDERS:1- REALIZAR ENTRADAS DE MERCANCIAS2- REALIZAR SALIDAS DE MERCANCIAS3- REALIZAR DEVOLUCIN DE MERCANCIAS4- REALIZAR ANULACIONES DE DOCUMENTOS DE MERCANCIAS5- CREAR RESERVAS DE MATERIALES EN SAP6- MODIFICAR RESERVAS DE MATERIALES EN SAP7- VISUALIZAR RESERVAS DE MATERIALES EN SAP8- BORRAR RESERVAS DE MATERIALES EN SAPEntre otros mas ......................Este curso permite al participante conocer sus principales operaciones a un nivel usuario experto. Donde las acciones del colaborador es realizar la Gestin de almacenes en general, Entranda de mercancias, Salidas de mercancias, Traspaso de mercancias, entre otros.El curso est preparado para la aplicacin en el da a da laboral con SAP tanto a nivel prctico como terico. Curso SAP MM Gestin de Materiales, conocida como SAP Logstica. Aprende distintas fases del negocio en el rea de logstica, Gestin de Materiales y Compras. Este curso permite al participante conocer sus principales operaciones a un nivel usuario experto.Les puedo garantizar que si prctican todo lo visto en el presente curso, estarn mas que listos para trabajar en el mdulo de Gestin de Materiales de Logstica en el ERP SAP de una manera de usuario experto del sistema."
Price: 199.99

"SAP MM Mdulo De Compras." |
"SAP MM MODULO DE COMPRASEste curso tiene como principal objetivo ensear a cada persona aprender como utilizar las transacciones ms importante del modulo de Logstica (MM) MODULO DE COMPRAS, que se utilizan diariamente en cualquier ambiente laboral mundial-mente utilizadas.En este curso la persona podr aprender todos los conocimientos asociados al SAP, tanto en materia terica como practica a nivel de un Usuario Final Experto Funcional Del SAP MM.- LAS PRINCIPALES TRANSACCIONES QUE APRENDERS:1- CREACIN DE PEDIDO DE COMPRAS EN SAP2- MODIFICACIN DE PEDIDOS DE COMPRAS EN SAP3- BORRAR PEDIDOS DE COMRPAS EN SAP4- VISUALIZACIN DE PEDIDOS DE COMPRAS EN SAP5- CREACIN DE SOLICITUDES DE PEDIDOS EN SAP6- MODIFICACIN DE SOLICITUDES DE PEDIDOS EN SAP7- VISUALIZACIN DE SOLICITUDES DE PEDIDOS EN SAPENTRE OTRAS MAS......................Este curso permite al participante conocer sus principales operaciones a un nivel usuario experto. Donde las acciones del colaborador es realizar el ciclo de compras a nivel general en el SAP.El curso est preparado para la aplicacin en el da a da laboral con SAP tanto a nivel prctico como terico. Curso SAP MM MODULO DE COMPRAS, conocida como SAP Logstica. En este curso aprender a ejecutar todas las trasacciones para realizar el ciclo de compras completo en el SAP y las distintas fases del negocio en el rea de logstica.Este curso permite al participante conocer sus principales operaciones a un nivel usuario experto.Les puedo garantizar que si aprenden de manera practica todo lo visto en el presente curso, estarn mas que listos para trabajar en el mdulo de Gestion de Materiales de Logstica en el ERP SAP."
Price: 199.99

"SAP MM - Gestin De Inventario." |
"SAP MM - GESTIN DE INVENTARIO.Este curso tiene como principal objetivo ensear a cada persona aprender a realizar toda la completa Gestin de Inventario en el ERP SAP. En resumen, podemos decir que, un inventario en da fijado, todos los stocks de la empresa se cuentan fsicamente en la fecha clave de balance. En tal caso, debe hacerse el recuento de todo el material. En este curso la persona podr aprender todos los conocimientos asociados al SAP, tanto en materia terica como practica a nivel de un Consultor Funcional Del SAP MM certificado a nivel Inicial.- LAS PRINCIPALES TRANSACCIONES QUE APRENDERS:1- CREAR DOCUMENTO DE INVENTARIO2- REGISTROS DE CANTIDADES FISICAS CONTADAS AL DOCUMENTO DE INVENTARIO3- GENERACIN DE INFORME DE LISTAS DE DIFERENCIAS DE INVENTARIOS4- CONTABILIZACIN DE DIFERENCIAS DE INVENTARIOEntre otros mas ...................... Este curso permite al participante conocer sus principales operaciones a un nivel usuario experto. Donde las acciones del colaborador es realizar la Gestin de Inventario en general, Gestin de generacin de informes de inventarios , gestin de reportes, Coordinacin de Inventarios, entre otros. El curso est preparado para la aplicacin en el da a da laboral con SAP tanto a nivel prctico como terico. Curso SAP MM Gestin De Inventarios, sub-modulo de SAP Logstica. Aprende distintas fases del negocio en el rea de logstica, Gestin de Materiales y Compras. Este curso permite al participante conocer sus principales operaciones a un nivel usuario experto. Les puedo garantizar que si aprenden de manera prctica todo lo visto en el presente curso, estarn mas que listos para trabajar en el mdulo de Gestion de Materiales de Logstica en el ERP SAP."
Price: 199.99

"PSM II 2020 simulado - Con comentarios en espaol" |
"Lo que dicen los estudiantes:""La entrega cumple con las expectativas generadas. El trabajo que Gabriel (y el equipo) tuvieron para incluir justificaciones detalladas es la guinda del pastel"". Arthur Heineck""Las simulaciones son geniales y me han ayudado a identificar lagunas en mi conocimiento sobre Scrum y el papel de Scrum Master"". Ailton Santos CorreiaEsta simulacin lo ayudar si desea prepararse bien para la Certificacin Profesional Scrum Master Essencials, PSM I.Este es un examen de preguntas simuladas o ... Simulado.A travs de l, podr practicar el uso de la misma cantidad de preguntas, el mismo nivel de complejidad y el mismo tiempo de ejecucin.Esta prueba es difcil pero con su persistencia estoy seguro de que pasar.Cunto gana un Scrum Master? Y un entrenador gil?El salario promedio en los EE. UU. Es de $ 97,319 / ao (frente a $ 66,137 al ao para Project Manager)En Brasil ya conocemos Scrum Masters / Agile Coach de R $ 7,134 / mes a R $ 12,000 / mesEn Europa vara de un pas a otro. Si tiene estos datos de Portugal y otros pases, envenoslos.La capacidad de ayudar a las organizaciones a cambiar su forma de trabajar es ms importante que nunca, ya que nuestro mundo cambia rpidamente. Las empresas confiarn cada vez ms en los Scrum Masters para ayudar a los equipos y las organizaciones a adaptarse rpidamente a estos cambios para seguir siendo competitivos.Vamos all.Ejercitemos su conocimiento y preparmonos para el examen Scrum Master Essential.La certificacin Professional Scrum Master est en ingls.Aunque la traduccin de Google ayuda mucho, es mejor entrenar en las ""mismas condiciones"".El examen es un nivel difcil incluso si tienes lectura en ingls.Aviso LegalTodas las preguntas 2020 con todos los derechos reservados.Los trminos Scrum Open, Professional Scrum , Professional Scrum Master , Propietario del producto Scrum , PSM, PSM I, PSM 1, PSM 2, PSM 2, PSM II, PSPO I, PSPO 1, etc. son marcas registradas de Scrum. org. Este curso, cuestionarios, materiales del curso y exmenes prcticos no estn aprobados ni afiliados a Scrum. org o Scrum Alliance.El trmino ""The Guide"", ""the Scrum Guide"", ""Guide"" se refiere a la versin oficial de The Scrum Guide disponible en lnea en scrumguides (dot) org."
Price: 29.99

"PSM II 2020-" |
"GabrielScrumScrum MasterProfessional Scrum Master EssencialsPSM I...Scrum Master97,319/66,137/Scrum Masters /R $ 7,134 /R $ 12,000 //Scrum MasterScrum MasterScrum MasterGoogle2020Scrum OpenProfessional ScrumProfessional Scrum MasterScrumPSMPSM IPSM 1PSM 2PSM 2PSM IIPSPO IPSPO 1Scrum orgScrumScrumScrum ScrumscrumguidesdotorgThe Scrum Guide"
Price: 29.99

"PSM II 2020 simul - avec commentaires en franais" |
"Ce que disent les tudiants:""La livraison rpond aux attentes gnres. Le travail que Gabriel (et son quipe) ont d inclure des justifications dtailles est la cerise sur le gteau."" Arthur Heineck""Les simulations sont cool et m'ont aid identifier les lacunes dans mes connaissances sur Scrum et le rle de Scrum Master."" Ailton Santos CorreiaCette simulation vous aidera si vous voulez bien vous prparer la certification Professional Scrum Master Essencials, PSM I.Il s'agit d'un examen simul ou de questions simules.Grce elle, vous pourrez vous entraner utiliser le mme nombre de questions, le mme niveau de complexit et le mme temps d'excution.Ce test est un test difficile mais avec votre persvrance, je suis sr qu'il passera.Combien gagne un Scrum Master? Et un coach agile?Le salaire moyen aux tats-Unis est de 97 319 $ / an (contre 66 137 $ par an pour Project Manager)Au Brsil, nous connaissons dj Scrum Masters / Agile Coach de R$ 7 134/mois R$ 12 000/moisEn Europe, cela varie d'un pays l'autre. Si vous avez ces donnes du Portugal et d'autres pays, envoyez-les nous.La capacit d'aider les organisations changer leur faon de travailler est plus importante que jamais, car notre monde change rapidement. Les entreprises s'appuieront de plus en plus sur les Scrum Masters pour aider les quipes et les organisations s'adapter rapidement ces changements afin de rester comptitives.Allons.Examinons vos connaissances et prparons-nous l'examen essentiel Scrum Master.La certification Professional Scrum Master est entirement en anglais.Bien que la traduction de Google aide beaucoup, il vaut mieux s'entraner dans les ""mmes conditions"".L'examen est un niveau difficile mme si vous avez la lecture en anglais.Mention lgaleToutes les questions 2020 avec tous droits rservs.Les termes Scrum Open, Professional Scrum , Professional Scrum Master , Scrum Product Owner, PSM, PSM I, PSM 1, PSM 2, PSM 2, PSM II, PSPO I, PSPO 1, etc. sont la marque dpose de Scrum. org. Ce cours, les questionnaires, les supports de cours et les examens pratiques ne sont ni approuvs ni affilis Scrum. org ou Scrum Alliance.Le terme ""Le Guide"", ""le Guide Scrum"", ""Guide"" fait rfrence au Guide Scrum officiel disponible en ligne sur scrumguides (dot) org."
Price: 24.99

"Simuliertes PSM II 2020 - Mit Kommentaren in Deutsch" |
"Was die Schler sagen:""Ich habe mit 97,3% Bestanden :-)"" Koorosh""Die Lieferung erfllt die Erwartungen. Die Arbeit, die Gabriel (und sein Team) mit detaillierten Begrndungen ausfhren mussten, ist das i-Tpfelchen."" Arthur Heineck""Die Simulationen sind cool und haben mir geholfen, Lcken in meinem Wissen ber Scrum und die Rolle des Scrum Masters zu identifizieren."" Ailton Santos CorreiaDiese Simulation hilft Ihnen, wenn Sie sich gut auf die Professional Scrum Master Essencials-Zertifizierung PSM I vorbereiten mchten.Dies ist eine Scheinprfung Fragen oder ... simuliert.Dadurch knnen Sie mit der gleichen Anzahl von Fragen, der gleichen Komplexitt und der gleichen Ausfhrungszeit ben.Dieser Test ist ein schwieriger Test, aber mit Ihrer Beharrlichkeit bin ich sicher, dass er bestehen wird.Wie viel verdient ein Scrum Master? Und ein agiler Coach?Das durchschnittliche Gehalt in den USA betrgt 97.319 USD / Jahr (gegenber 66.137 USD pro Jahr fr den Projektmanager).In Brasilien kennen wir Scrum Masters / Agile Coach bereits von R$ 7.134 / Monat bis R$ 12.000 / MonatIn Europa ist dies von Land zu Land unterschiedlich. Wenn Sie diese Daten aus Portugal und anderen Lndern haben, senden Sie sie uns.Die Fhigkeit, Organisationen dabei zu helfen, ihre Arbeitsweise zu ndern, ist wichtiger denn je, da sich unsere Welt schnell ndert. Unternehmen werden sich zunehmend auf die Scrum Masters verlassen, um Teams und Organisationen dabei zu untersttzen, sich schnell auf diese nderungen einzustellen, um wettbewerbsfhig zu bleiben.Komm schon.Lassen Sie uns Ihr Wissen trainieren und uns auf die Scrum Master Essential Exam vorbereiten.Die Professional Scrum Master-Zertifizierung erfolgt ausschlielich in englischer Sprache.Obwohl die Google-bersetzung sehr hilfreich ist, ist es besser, unter ""gleichen Bedingungen"" zu trainieren.Die Prfung ist schwierig, selbst wenn Sie auf Englisch lesen.ImpressumAlle Fragen 2020 mit allen Rechten vorbehalten.Die Begriffe Scrum Open, Professional Scrum , Professional Scrum Master , Scrum Product Owner, PSM, PSM I, PSM 1, PSM 2, PSM 2, PSM II, PSPO I, PSPO 1 usw. sind Scrums geschtzte Marke. org. Dieser Kurs, Fragebgen, Kursmaterialien und praktische Prfungen sind nicht genehmigt oder mit Scrum verbunden. org oder Scrum Alliance.Der Begriff ""The Guide"", ""The Scrum Guide"", ""Guide"" bezieht sich auf den offiziellen The Scrum Guide , der online unter scrumguides (dot) org verfgbar ist."
Price: 29.99

"PSM II 2020 -" |
":"" ( ) "" "" "" Essencials , PSM I ... , ? ? $ 97,319 / ( $ 66,137 ) R $ 12,134 / R $ 7,134 / Scrum / , , Google "" "" 2020 , , , , PSM, PSM I, PSM 1, PSM 2, PSM 2, PSM II, PSPO I, PSPO 1, org , , "" "", "" "", """" , ()"
Price: 19.99

"PSM II 2020 -" |
":"" . () . "" ."" Scrum Master PSM II . ... . . 97319 / ( 66.137 ) / 7134 12000 . . LinkedIn . . ( ) 20 . : . . Scrum Masters . . Scrum Master Agile Coach Scrum Framework.. . 2020 . Scrum Open Professional Scrum Professional Scrum Master Scrum PSM PSM I PSM 1 PSM 2 PSM 2 PSM II PSPO I PSPO 1 Scrum. . org Scrum Alliance. ""The Guide"" ""the Scrum Guide"" ""Guide"" The Scrum Guide scrumguides (dot)."
Price: 19.99

"Empieza tu propio negocio con artesanas tejidas en fibras" |
"Interesado en hacer y vender tus propias manualidades? Entonces este curso es para ti!En este curso aprenders a tejer cestas y otros proyectos con fibras vegetales. Las tcnicas que aprenders es la que utilizan muchos artesanos para crear desde souvenirs hasta piezas de arte increbles. Al finalizar este curso, podrs realizar un sinfn de proyectos tejidos con fibras: bolsos, individuales, posavasos, cestas, esterillas, decoracin para el hogar, y todo lo que puedas imaginar. Con este curso dominars las tcnicas de tejido en corto tiempo y podrs crear proyectos para tu propio uso, para regalar a tus familiares y amigos o incluso para vender. El artesano que dicta este curso es Jos Manuel Ocas, reconocido en el Per por su trayectoria en el sector artesanal. Jos ha participado con sus tcnicas y productos artesanales en un sinfn de ferias y concursos de artesana, nacionales e internacionales.No necesitas ningn conocimiento o habilidad previa para llevar nuestras clases, solo muchas ganas y creatividad. Para el equipo que ha creado este curso es importante que sepas que por tu compra estars donando un porcentaje del costo a comunidades vulnerables de artesanos de Amrica Latina.Si quieres conocer ms sobre nosotros, vistanos en nuestro fanpage artesany official.Nos alegra contarte que tu compra est protegida con una GARANTA DE 30 DIAS DE REEMBOLSO proporcionada por Udemy. Qu esperas?nete y aprende manualidades nicas!"
Price: 99.99

"SEO en Youtube 2020 - Posiciona Tus Videos" |
"Hacer SEO en Youtube puede significar la diferencia entre que tus videos tengan 10...15...50 visualizaciones o que alcancen numeros mayores y puedan llegar incluso a posicionarse en bsquedas importantes con cientos o miles de visitas al mes.Los Secretos de Youtube no lo son tanto, basta con entender que espera Youtube de nuestro contenido y aprender a darselo de la forma ms clara posible.En este curso, aprenders formas de optimizar tus videos desde su estructura, titulos, descripciones, analizando a tu competencia directa y aprovechando la informacin que puedan aportarte, aprenders cmo encontrar tus etiquetas y keywords con herramientas totalmente gratuitas, entenders muchos factores que sern claves en el futuro en tu estrategia de Youtube Marketing.Es un curso orientado para cualquier alumno que est empezando en Youtube o que ya tenga un canal asentado y nunca antes haya trabajado en optimizar el SEO de sus videos.Si quieres empezar a mejorar tu canal y aprender una metodologia de trabajo que te ayude a que todos los videos que subas a partir de ahora puedan obtener un mejor rendimiento a largo plazo, te espero dentro de este curso de SEO para Youtube."
Price: 19.99

"Curso Avanzado de Google Sheets." |
"Curso Corto pero intensivo enfocado en el desarrollo con Apps Script.Continuacin del curso anterior, donde se profundizara en lo necesario para el desarrollo de un sistema propio. Basado en formulas+herramientas avanzadas y programacin mediante Apps Script.Si no realiz el curso anterior, no importa, al comienzo de este curso realizamos un repaso de funciones avanzadas. Si tiene conocimientos bsicos/ intermedios puede aprovechar este curso para aprender a desarrollar sus propios sistemas.Este curso esta basado en mi experiencia como profesional en Cs. Econmicas y la aplicacin de Google Sheet. Junto a un mtodo de aprendizaje desarrollado como Autodidacta, busco transmitir de manera rpida e intensiva, los conocimientos necesarios para el desarrollo de sistemas propios. Esto ultimo, basndonos en formulas y herramientas avanzadas como tambin el desarrollo mediante el lenguaje de programacin de Apps Script.Se presentaran mltiples ejemplos en aplicacin de formulas y herramientas avanzadas, sumado al desarrollo de funciones mediante el lenguaje de apps script.El camino hacia el desarrollo mediante Apps Script para Google Sheet, comenzaremos analizando el cdigo que se genera al crear un macro, para luego modificar estos y generar nuevos. Finalmente abordaremos desarrollos desde cero con mltiples ejemplos de funciones.El objetivo final es crear un sistema de carga de datos mediante el impacto en una o varias hojas, creando archivos SpreadSheet /hojas/carpetas y registros nuevos.Estos datos podrn ser consultados a travs de funciones y herramientas avanzadas con varias opciones de presentacin.Para esto, comenzaremos combinando funciones y herramientas avanzadas de Google Sheet y luego mediante el anlisis del lenguaje apps script, referencias y ejemplos mltiples veremos como crear sentencias que cumplan con los siguientes:*Crear Hojas y/o documentos SpreadSheets nuevos desde cero o desde plantillas propias. Incluir frmulas, datos y formatos en las mismas. Modificar los nombres de las hojas o documentos nuevos.*Crear Carpetas en el Drive y ordenar estos documentos en ellas.*Crear Mensajes emergentes, con botones de accin/confirmacin etc. y msj tipo pop up.*Crear Men desplegable en la barra de herramientas para nuestras funciones,*Crear Botones para llamar funciones.*Crear Funciones de borrado de datos.*Crear Funciones de formato de texto y celdas.*Crear Funciones ejecutables al iniciar una hoja o un archivo SpreadSheets.*Impactar datos en hojas del mismo archivo o en archivos/hojas remotas.*Buscar y filtrar datos con funciones de Base de Datos*Importar Datos desde hojas remotas.*Combinar frmulas y herramientas avanzadas para generar bsquedas o listas desplegables con o sin dependencia."
Price: 24.99

"Java8 - Lambda with Functional Programming in Tamil" |
"This Course basically designed for the people who has knowledge in prior knowledge about java.We will Cover the Followings in this course , LambdasStreamsParallel StreamsOptional New Interface Concepts Here the Sub Topics we are going to cover in this tutorial , 01 About the Course02 Why Java8 03 Java7 vs Java8 Example Part 104 Java7 vs Java8 Example Part 205 What is lambda06 Implement Runnable Using Lambda Expression07 Implement Comparator Using Lambda Expression08 How to install Java Decompiler in Eclipse09 Introduction to Functional Interfaces10 Consumer Interface Part-111 Consumer Interface Part-212 Consumer Interface Part-313 BiConsumer Interface Part 114 BiConsumer Interface Part 215 Predicate Interface Part 116 Predicate Interface Part 217 Predicate Interface Part 318 Predicate Interface Part 419 Function Interface Part 120 Function Interface Part 221 Function Interface Part 322 Unary and Binary Functional Interface23 Supplier Functional Interface24 Method Reference 25 Method Reference and Constructor Reference26 Lambda Local Variable27 Streams Introduction27 Streams Introduction 128 Streams Example Part 129 Streams Example Part 230 Streams Example Part 331 Streams Map Example Part 132 Streams Map Example Part 233 Streams FlatMap Example Part 134 Streams FlatMap Example Part 235 Streams FlatMap Example Part 336 Streams FlatMap Example Part 437 Streams Filter Example38 Streams Reduce Example Part 139 Streams Reduce Example Part 240 Streams Filter Map Reduce Example41 Streams MinBy, MaxBy Example42 Streams Limit Skip Example43 Streams AllMatch, AnyMatchExample44 Streams FindAny , FindFirst Example45 Streams Factory Method Example46 Numeric Stream Example 47 Numeric Stream Factory Method Example 48 Numeric Stream Factory Aggregation Method Example 49 Stream Boxing and UnBoxing Example 50 Numeric Stream Map Example 51 Stream Joining Example52 Stream Mapping and Counting Example53 Stream Summing and Averaging Example54 Stream Grouping By Example Part 155 Stream Grouping By Example Part 256 Stream Partitioning By Example57 Sequential vs Parallel Stream Example Part 158 Sequential vs Parallel Stream Example Part 259 Sequential vs Parallel Stream Use Case60 Parallel Stream When Not to Use Case Part 160 Parallel Stream When Not to Use Case Part 261 Optional Class Introduction62 Optional Class Example Part 163 Optional Methods Example Part 164 Optional If Present Method Example65 Optional Methods Example Part 266 Optional FlatMap Filter Example67 Interface Default and Static Method Introduction68 Default Method Sort Example69 Default Method Custom Sort Example70 Interface Method and Static Method Example"
Price: 12800.00

"AIX Administration for Absolute Beginners: Better than Linux" |
"In this course, you'll learn : IBM AIX System AdministrationAIX offers 99.9% uptime and as compared to LINUX, AIX has proven to be a far superior OS. Learns basics commands that are common in LINUX, AIX and all UNIX platformsAIX Logical Volume Management (LVM)Create an IBM Power Systems Virtual Server Deploy AIX Version 7.2 in the IBM Cloud Access the AIX Server remotely using Terminal or Putty Learn how to Customize PuttyLearn a Ton of AIX Commands (lspv, lsvg, rmdev, etc)Map and Remove Storage Volumes Create Volume Groups, Logical Volumes, File Systems.User Administration Ownership and Permissions Lean how to use the System Management Interface Tool ( SMIT ) in AIX Thank you"
Price: 19.99

"Afro-Samba Dance" |
"Who Is This Class For?This class is for everyone, especially for those who are interesting in traditional dance and rhythms. If you are of African and Brazilian origin, you should enrol in this class for its cultural relevance.Class DescriptionIn this class, you will learn about the famous Afro-Brazilian music genre and its cultural importance in our today multicultural society. (Highly Spiritual, Sensual and Energetic). Language of the class is Italian.Beyond that, its has a universal appeal because music and dance are universal.What You Can Gain In This ClassIn this training class, you will learn the initial dance steps and the idea behind Afro-Samba and why there are high energy and joy during the dance.Origin Of The Music To BrazilSamba is a Brazilian music genre and dance style, with its roots in Africa via the West African slave trade and African religious traditions.When the people were transported to Brazil from Africa to work as slaves in the mines and sugar plantations, they brought aspects of their musical culture with them.Style Of The Music And DanceSamba style was developed around the 1950s in the favelas and includes layering modified rhythms on multiple percussion instruments. The peculiarity of Samba is that it has many similarities to African drumming music such as polyrhythms and the use of call and response during the performance.Connected To Rio De Janeiro Carnival CelebrationAs a kind of music, Samba is strongly associated with the celebration of Carnival in Rio de Janeiro. Rio Carnival has been held every year since 1723 and lasts up to six days with over two million people lining up on the streets to watch the beautiful performance. Different local communities have a unique float accompanied by their local samba school. It is a spectacular event to watch if you ever have the occasion.Do you want to learn about this sensual and energetic music? Then go right away and enrol!See you in the class."
Price: 29.99

"Learn Python Monster Course : Grow Your Python Skills" |
"The Learn Python Monster Course : Grow Your Python Skills is the best practical course you will find on the web today.This Specialization builds on the success of the Python for Everybody course and will introduce fundamental programming concepts including data structures, Python Operators, Python List Desktop Programs, and databases, using the Python programming language. In the Capstone Project, youll use the technologies learned throughout the Specialization to design and create your own applications for data retrieval, processing, and visualization, Best way to learn python, Best online python course.Many experienced Programmers try to bend Python tutorial to fit patterns they learned from other languages, and never discover Python features outside of their experience. With this course those Python programmers will thoroughly learn how to become proficient in Python 3 , Python online course with certification.GROW YOUR PYTHON SKILLS The code readability of Python sets it apart as one of the most widely used programming languages in the industry. With Learn Python Monster Course : Grow Your Python Skills, youll learn how to build, deploy and scale programs in Python, with training that covers everything from the fundamentals to deep-dive development. Follow each Python course in our learning path to further improve your skillset. Tutorial for beginner Whether you want to learn:Build the skills you need to get your first Python programming job. If you wan to move for a senior software developer positionGet started with Machine Learning, Data Science, Django or other hot areas that Python specialists in or just learn Python to be able to create your own Python Desktop apps quickly.For that you need a solid foundation in Python programming. And this course is designed to give you those core skills, fast.Python for Data Science , Machine Learning , Web Development , Django , Flask, Deep Learning this course is best for your to advance your Python SkillsThis course is aimed at complete beginners who have never programmed before, as well as existing programmers who want to increase their career options by learning Python. Level up your Python skills by creating apps using Tkinter and Database like MySQL and SQLite.Go from Beginner to Expert in Python by building projects. The best investment for your Python journey! This course will take you from beginner to expert in Python, easily and smartly. We've crafted every piece of content to be concise and straightforward, while never leaving you confused. This course will dive right into Python and get you productive from the very beginning.The course follows a modern-teaching approach where students learn by doing. You will start Python from scratch by creating simple programs first. Once you learn the basics, you will then start with the fun part, which is building the real-world applications and Python Scripting.In Beginning of this Python Course you will explores what is Python, Install Python variables that contain collections of data like Python string, Python lists, Python dictionaries, and Python tuples. Learning how to store and represent and manipulate data collections while a program is running is an important part of learning how to program. Then you will learning Python Functions, Python If Else Statement,Python Operators,Python Numbers ,Python Keywords,Python Numeric Type, nested Statements, List Comprehensions, Python Sets , Range and Xrange, Built in Functions, Scope Variable, Methods like Python Appends , Python Extended, Python Iterable , Python insert method, Python Reverse and Python Remove Method , Python File input and Output I/O,Python Date and time, Python Exceptions, Python OOP Object oriented Programming in python, inside OPP you will learn Classes and Object Concept ,Python Constructor, Inheritance, Method Overriding and Method Overloading, Polymorphism, Data Hiding, __init__() method. After completing OOP you will start learning first Project on Python and then advance your skills in python to learn Python Iterator , Python Generator, Python Decorators , Python Property etc, Now you are ready for moving to next step and we will start working on database programming like SQLite and MySQL in this course you will get knowledge on these two Database Programming. where you will learn in database Like installing and creating database Connection ,cursor objects insert , delete update, Select where limit the records. Then you will start learning on Python GUI programming where you will learn Python Tkinter Button , Python Tkinter Canvas, Python Tkinter Check button , Python Tkinter Frame Python Tkinter Entry Widgets, Python Tkinter tkmessage Box widget, Python Tkinter radio button Etc. and after that you will Get started with Python quickly, build two complete appsLEVEL UP YOUR PYTHON SKILLSDive into all things Python with Lernen Hub Academy! From the fundamentals to more in-depth and advanced Python tutorials, you're sure to find the course that is right for you. Take your Python skills to the next level today!Read This before Taking The Course We cover a wide variety of topics, including:What is PythonFirst Python ProgramCommand Line BasicsInstalling PythonRunning Python CodePython F-StringPython RegexPython OperatorsPython File I/OPython StringsPython ListsPython DictionariesPython Type Conversion Python TuplesPython SetsPython Number Data TypesPython Print FormattingPython FunctionsPython ScopePython File HandlingPython args/keywordsPython Built-in FunctionsPython Loops and Statement ControlPython DocstringPython Debugging and Error HandlingPython ModulesPython Decorators Python External ModulesPython Object Oriented ProgrammingInheritanceConstructorPolymorphismData HidingPython method Overloading and Overriding Python Advanced MethodsPython Database ProgrammingPython TkinterPython Projects and much more!Note:Does this course covers Python 2 or Python 3? Python 3Who Is This Course For?Beginners who have never programmed before.Programmers with experience in other languages who want to kickstart their Python programming.Programmers who know some Python but want to round off their skills and become truly proficient.What IDE/editor is used in the course?Python Charm is used in the course. It is very new and probably the best IDE that exists today. However, you can use your favorite IDE. The code will work the same, no matter the IDE.Does this course expire?No. Once you buy the course this course. We will update the content regularly and all the updates are also included for free in the one-time purchase you make.Hands-on Project and Earn a CertificateEvery Specialization includes a hands-on project. You'll need to successfully finish the project(s) to complete the Specialization and earn your certificate that you can share with prospective employers and your professional network.With over 100+Lectures and more than 12+ hours of video this comprehensive course leaves no kernel unturned! This course includes quizzes, tests, and homework assignments as well as 4+ major projects to create a Python project portfolio.Python exercises in the course. These are interactive Coding exercises that you can solve directly on the Udemy exercise interface. If you want to take ONE COURSE to master Python take this course.What are you waiting for Try out the course you will get life time access!Enroll in the Python Monster Course Now ! You'll be glad that you did."
Price: 179.99

"Easy Origami with Eleni: Master the Basics of Paper Folding" |
"Learn the basic methods, tools, and techniques used in the ancient Japanese art of origami paper folding.Learn the Fundamentals of Origami Paper FoldingEasy-to-follow video tutorialsFold over 25 origami modelsLearn how to fold 8 origami basesAdditional resources:choosing origami paper70 printable origami paper designscutting out a squarehelpful toolstips and tricksOrigami is for EveryoneOrigami is a great activity for people of all ages and skill levels. Its easy to learn, but difficult to master. Learning origami gives you an activity you can share with others and enjoy your entire life.Course SummaryThis course is designed for complete beginners or people with little experience in origami. This course is for anyone looking to build a strong foundation in their origami skills.You will learn how to fold over 25 different origami models. In addition, you will also learn how to fold 8 origami bases. Bases are the building blocks of origami. They are fundamental to origami because many origami are made from a base, and each base can be made into almost anything. Sometimes, bases can be made into other bases! First, you will learn how to fold a specific base, and then you will directly apply your new knowledge by folding origami using that base.Starting with the basics, the course will cover choosing paper and how to cut out a square from any rectangular paper. After that, youll learn about the two basic types of folds in origami, and then youll practice right away by folding your first origami of the course: a flower.Next, you will learn other types of folds and practice these by folding a stem for the flower. The next few videos will cover helpful tools in origami, how to use them, and tips and tricks to making amazing origami creations.Then, the you will dive in to folding! First, you will learn to fold origami which require no base. For origami made from bases, you will learn each base and then fold origami which can be made from that particular base.Some origami you will learn how to fold:Cowboy hatNinja starSwanPeacockElephantPianoCrane... and lots more!The eight bases you will learn are:Cupboard baseKite baseHelmet baseBlintz baseSquare baseWaterbomb baseOrgan baseBird baseAfter completing the course, you will have the skills and knowledge in order to fold even more complex origami.This complete introduction to origami is packed with tutorials, resources, and tips which allow you to work at your own pace and master origami fundamentals."
Price: 19.99

"How To Become A Successful Social Media Influencer" |
"How Influencers Earn $2000-$6000 Per Post! Ready To Crack The Influencer Code?Here's How To Become A Successful Social Media InfluencerThat Brands Will Beg You For A Promotion!Leverage TikTok, Instagram & Youtube for profits!How to set up your profile the RIGHT way!How to build your strategy for maximum profits!How to make brands beg YOU for promotions!How to build a loyal audience that will follow you for life!The dirty-little-secrets other Influencers are ignorant about!CLICK HERE FOR INSTANT ACCESS Lock-In Your Discount Now!DON'T JUST TAKE OUR WORDS FOR IT,JUST CHECK THE COST PER POST BY INFLUENCERS BELOW!Those numbers are crazy!Oh, And NO! You Don't Have To Be A Celebrity In Order To Become A Successful Influencer!Dear Friend,You probably want to learn how to become a successful Influencer and charge the amounts that we showed you above per post.You probably think that you can try your luck, create a profile, post some photos or videos, and wait for the brands to contact you for a sponsored post.Well, it's not that easy..You need to follow the exact steps, other successful Influencers have followed. You need to have a system in place.You need to crack the Influencer code!Brands love social media influencers because they encourage their followers to buy products they promote.2020 will be the best year for influencers!Click Here For Instant Access.Warrior Plus Secure Payment? There is no doubt that Influencer Marketing will be a must in 2020.? On Instagram alone, Influencer Marketing is the top Marketing strategy used by top brands.? Major Brands Plan to Increase Spend on Influencer Marketing in 2020.? The Influencer Marketing Industry is Expected to Hit $10bn by 2021.? Marketers spend $25,000-$50,000 on Influencer Marketing Campaigns.THERE IS NO BETTER TIME THAN NOW TO BECOME A SOCIAL MEDIA INFLUENCER.INTRODUCINGHYPER INFLUENCER MARKETINGWhat You'll Find InsideHow Influencers Generate Their IncomeHow To Go Viral On TikTokHow To Use Hashtags & Challenges The Right Way On TikTokTikTok Analytics - The Best Tool For An InfluencerWhat's The Most Important Things When Selecting Your NicheHow To Use Captions And Hashtags Like A Pro On InstagramHow To Use Analyze Your Audience And Create Viral PostsHow To Set Yourself Ready To Be Contacted By Brands For PromotionsThings You Should Never Do As An InfluencerHow To Setup Your Youtube Channel The Right WayAnalyzing Your Channel Data For Maximum ExposureAnd Much, Much More..EVERYTHING ABOUT TIKTOK, INSTAGRAM AND YOUTUBE, STEP-BY-STEP!""KINDLE KINGS"".. IS NOTHING LIKE THE ""others"".You Just Need To Create Each Book Once And Let It Sell Forever!If You Can Follow Simple Instructions,You Will StartCreating Your Own Publishing Empire..today!3 EASY STEPS TO CRUSH IT WITH ""HYPER INFLUENCER MARKETING"":STEP 1Steal Our Influencer Marketing Secrets!STEP 2Implement All The Steps In The Guide.STEP 3Collect the profits from your promotions.ACT NOW AND GET FREE ACCESS TO OUR EXCLUSIVE fast action BONUSes:Fast Action Bonus #1 - EbookFast Action Bonus #2 - Cheat SheetFast Action Bonus #3 - MindmapSEE YOU INSIDE"
Price: 199.99

"TOEFL iBT - Reading Strategies & Practice Tests" |
"We have created this course to prepare you for mastering the reading section in TOEFL iBT so that you score higher than expected. and it does include the changes that ETS have introduced to the test after August 1st,2019 .By the end of this journey you should be ready to pass the reading section with a score that can help you in getting into top notch American universities, obtaining a professional license such as ( FPGEC ), or becoming better at analyzing complex academic texts.We remember while going to school that everyone marketed for how terrifying TOEFL is, and how it is nearly impossible to score high enough to be accepted into an elite program in the American Universities. In addition, no one seemed like they know any reliable reference that can serve as great asset yet simple and easy to be understood. When you take your first look at the reading passages you notice that they are too long and complicated, with words that you have never read before and terms sounds that were made up for the purpose of confusing you. Cracking the code behind the reading sounded like mission impossible. We took upon ourselves to assemble a course that can work as a step by step guide to enjoy your time spent in the reading section, we will show you how to approach every trick in the test. What's nice about our course is that it's the closest to be fun, interesting, and interactive. We will share our experience with you, and you need to put in the hard work and dedication so you achieve your full potentials.In this course, we will show you how to read the text in a manner that will save you time, keep your concentration and focus. We will review question types and how different questions can stand between you and a high score.TOEFL exam doesn't test your English language abilities, it's made to evaluate your level in Academic English language proficiency. For you to demonstrate a high level you do need TOEFL test structure. Even if you speak and understand English clearly."
Price: 59.99

"TOEFL & IELTS - Vocabulary In Form Of English Practice Tests" |
"We have created this group of tests to help you in memorizing English words and their meanings. By the end of this journey you should have a solid base in terms of English Vocabulary that can help you in getting into top notch American universities, obtaining a professional license such as ( FPGEC ), or becoming better at analyzing complex academic texts.Our tests are formulated in a way to get you comfortable with taking tests, and yet develop and improve your English language capability. **350+ Questions**SAT is a registered trademark of the College Board. This website is not endorsed by College Board. ACT is a registered trademark of ACT, inc.This website is not endorsed by ACT, inc. GRE, ETS, TOEFL, TOEFL iBT and TOEFL Junior are registered trademarks of Educational Testing Service (ETS). This web site is not endorsed or approved by ETS."
Price: 19.99

"TOEFL iBT - Listening Strategies & Practice Tests" |
"We have created this course to prepare you for mastering the listening section in TOEFL iBT so that you score higher than expected, and it does include the changes that ETS have introduced to the test after August 1st,2019. By the end of this journey you should be ready to pass the listening section with a score that can help you in getting into top notch American universities, obtaining a professional license such as ( FPGEC ), or becoming better at analyzing complex academic texts.We remember while going to school that everyone marketed for how terrifying TOEFL is, and how it is nearly impossible to score high enough to be accepted into an elite program in the American Universities. In addition, no one seemed like they know any reliable reference that can serve as a great asset yet simple and easy to be understood. At the first couple of times, When you hear the audio in the listening section you notice that they are too long , with words that you have never read before and terms sounds that were made up for the purpose of confuseing you. Cracking the code behind listening sounded like mission impossible. We took upon ourselves to assemble a course that can work as a step by step guide to enjoy your time spent in the listening section, we will show you how to approach every trick in the test. What's nice about our course is that it's the closest to be fun, interesting, and interactive. We will share our experience with you, and you need to put in the hard work and dedication so you achieve your full potentials.In this course, we will show you how to understand the audio in a manner that will save you time, keep your concentration and focus. We will review question types and how different questions can stand between you and a high score.TOEFL exam doesn't test your English language abilities, it's made to evaluate your level in Academic English language proficiency. For you to demonstrate a high level you do need TOEFL test structure. Even if you speak and understand English clearly."
Price: 54.99

"TOEFL iBT - Writing Strategies" |
"We have created this course to prepare you for mastering the writing section in TOEFL iBT so that you score higher than expected. By the end of this journey you should be ready to pass the writing section with a score that can help you in getting into top notch American universities, obtaining a professional license such as ( FPGEC ), or becoming better at analyzing complex academic texts.We remember while going to school that everyone marketed for how terrifying TOEFL is, and how it is nearly impossible to score high enough to be accepted into an elite program in the American Universities. In addition, no one seemed like they know any reliable reference that can serve as a great asset yet simple and easy to be understood. At the first couple of times, When you meet tasks in the writing section you notice that they are too complicated, with words that you have never read before and terms sounds that were made up for the purpose of confusing you. Cracking the code behind mastering writing sounded like mission impossible. We took upon ourselves to assemble a course that can work as a step by step guide to enjoy your time spent in the writing section, we will show you how to approach every trick in the test. What's nice about our course is that it's the closest to be fun, interesting, and interactive. We will share our experience with you, and you need to put in the hard work and dedication so you achieve your full potentials.In this course, we will show you how to understand the task in a manner that will save you time, keep your concentration and focus. We will review question types and how different questions can stand between you and a high score.TOEFL exam doesn't test your English language abilities, it's made to evaluate your level in Academic English language proficiency. For you to demonstrate a high level you do need TOEFL test structure. Even if you speak and understand English clearly."
Price: 59.99
