"Pharmacy Technician Certification Board PTCB Practice Set" |
"One of the most challenging aspects in preparing for pharmacy related tests, is the review part. It's very hard for all of your material to reflect and keep up with the constant evolution of the science of pharmacy.Our approach while putting these questions together was to help students to acquire practical and theoretical knowledge, not just to pass tests. Specially with tests such as Pharmacy Technician Certification Board PTCB , the test is going to cover a variety of topics and different fields of knowledge, we will try to put you through as close as possible to that diversity that you will experience in the real test.Our questions are evaluated and rated by different professionals as somewhat realistic, and most of it as moderately difficult. We do want to challenge you and widen your horizon, but at the same time we don't want to frustrate you with astronomical questions that will make your task to prepare only harder. We recommend an efficient way for the student to use our quizzesthat is, take notes, outline your weaknesses to strengthen them and to start spending less and less time to review the topics that you excel at, mark questions that you feel that they require further explanation and reach out to us in case you needed any help.Be aware that these questions are put into 6 different long tests formats, you will have to answer all of them before you get your results. Once you submit all of your answers for each test you will be able to unlock your score and answers with explanation. We don't want to waste your time with reading a lot of what we have to say, let's skip the boring part and get to the part where you shine as a rock star. "
Price: 29.99

"Pharmacy Technician Certification Board PTCB Practice Set" |
"One of the most challenging aspects in preparing for pharmacy related tests, is the review part. It's very hard for all of your material to reflect and keep up with the constant evolution of the science of pharmacy.Our approach while putting these questions together was to help students to acquire practical and theoretical knowledge, not just to pass tests. Specially with tests such as Pharmacy Technician Certification Board PTCB , the test is going to cover a variety of topics and different fields of knowledge, we will try to put you through as close as possible to that diversity that you will experience in the real test.Our questions are evaluated and rated by different professionals as somewhat realistic, and most of it as moderately difficult. We do want to challenge you and widen your horizon, but at the same time we don't want to frustrate you with astronomical questions that will make your task to prepare only harder. We recommend an efficient way for the student to use our quizzesthat is, take notes, outline your weaknesses to strengthen them and to start spending less and less time to review the topics that you excel at, mark questions that you feel that they require further explanation and reach out to us in case you needed any help.Be aware that these questions are put into 6 different long tests formats, you will have to answer all of them before you get your results. Once you submit all of your answers for each test you will be able to unlock your score and answers with explanation. We don't want to waste your time with reading a lot of what we have to say, let's skip the boring part and get to the part where you shine as a rock star. "
Price: 24.99

"English Grammar Refresher Practice Sets IELTS and TOEFL" |
"These practice sets have some of the most common English grammar topics. If you want to learn perfect English, you have to master grammar!These review sets includes a lot of practice problems, to make you comfortable with grammar.*** Beginner Intermediate Advanced *****300+Questions***** English Grammar ***Don't waste your time buying dozens of English grammar courses. Use this course to identify your weak points, and spend some more time on them. Practice English grammar and put it use in real English conversation.If you've been challenged to master grammar in the past, try practicing it here. Because of the way grammar is taught in schools, it's not surprising that so many people find it too hard to understand.I don't want to burden you with long lines of explanation to why you have to review English grammar. You already know why, let's get to the point.Please take the time to send me a message with your notes and advice on how can we make this even more helpful for everyone."
Price: 19.99

"English Grammar Basics Refresher Practice Sets IELTS & TOEFL" |
"These practice sets have some of the most common English grammar topics. If you want to learn perfect English, you have to master grammar!These review sets includes a lot of practice problems, to make you comfortable with grammar.*** Beginner Intermediate Advanced *****600+Questions***** English Grammar ***Don't waste your time buying dozens of English grammar courses. Use this course to identify your weak points, and spend some more time on them. Practice English grammar and put it use in real English conversation.If you've been challenged to master grammar in the past, try practicing it here. Because of the way grammar is taught in schools, it's not surprising that so many people find it too hard to understand.I don't want to burden you with long lines of explanation to why you have to review English grammar. You already know why, let's get to the point.Please take the time to send me a message with your notes and advice on how can we make this even more helpful for everyone."
Price: 19.99

"NCLEX 2020 licensing of nurses Questions Bank" |
"Welcome to the NCLEX Questions Bank! Were happy to help you study and prepare for your examination. While we were designing this course we kept in mind that the best way to study for your examination is to practice answering questions that are similar to those youll find on your actual test day. There are 300 questions here, split into 6 different practice sets. Some of the topics covered in these Practice Test include *Safe and Effective Care Environment (Management of Care, and Safety and Infection Control) *Health Promotion and Maintenance*Psychosocial Integrity*Physiological Integrity*Basic Care and Comfort*Pharmacological Parenteral Therapies*Reduction of Risk Potential*Physiological Adaptation. Each of the questions has four options. Read the question carefully and select the best choice. If you are not sure. If you make a mistake, dont worry! The correct response will be displayed, along with an explanation to help you understand at the end of practice set. Track your progress using our progress bar, set goals for you and achieve them. Your correct answers will be in green. You can restart the test at any time. Each time, the questions and options are reshuffled in a different way. All of our questions include detailed explanations so that you can learn from your mistakes. These review questions will help you prepare for either the NCLEX-RN or the NCLEX-PNUsing electronic layout to review NCLEX is more effective than traditional nursing classes. Every practice test is based on authentic exam or patient experience , and you can study at your own pace. We'll shuffle the questions every time you restart a test.Our tips for NCLEX review 1. Start preparing for your National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) ahead of time. 2. Take several practice tests per day, look at it as if you are exercising a muscle.3. Make sure you cover all the topics and skills that will appear during your questions review process.4. Study to learn and understand, not to memorize. Read every practice questions carefully before selecting the answer.5. Take notes. Taking notes on the questions you need to study will reinforce your learning.6. Read the explanation for the correct answers.7. If you dont know the answer right away, try to eliminate one or two of the choices.8. Turn your guessing game into educated guessing by reading and practicing more.9. Turn your weaknesses into your strongest disciplines. You should work through these questions very carefully and study the explanations when you get a wrong answer. Get started right now with our Questions Bank, want more? please let us know..."
Price: 29.99

"How to write different sections of academic research papers" |
"In this course, you will learn how to write different sections of a research paper as professionally as an expert with sticking to the genre of an academic research paper. We all know that there are some generic features used more commonly in almost all academic research papers. In the course, these generic features will be discussed in detail. In addition, you will learn how to write different sections, both major and minor, of a research paper."
Price: 64.99

"Capture, Edit, Render: Create UHD Screen Videos with NVIDIA" |
"Capture, Edit, Render: Create UHD Screen Videos with NVIDIA:Leverage the most from your Graphics Card and create HQ short-size videos with NVIDIA and Google ultimate encoders- Learn how to get the most out of your NVIDIA Graphics Card- Learn how to use NVIDIA NVENC H.264 / H.265 and Google Webm VP8 / VP9 enconders efficiently- Get known to the best and most complete Capture, Editing and Rendering Open Source Softwares: OBS Studio, Audacity and Kdenlive, and learn how to use them with FFmpeg and Linux- Learn how to customly configure your projects and create personalized high-quality efficient FFmpeg profiles- Reduce in 90% your rendering times: render 1h-hour 4k 60fps videos in only 1 hour (instead of usual 7-10 hours)- Prepare yourself for becoming a high-skilled well-paid home-office video editor professional with this introductory course"
Price: 199.99

"Your First Interview Show" |
"Brand New Over-The-Shoulder Video Series On How To Launch & Host Your First Interview Show.Ever thought about hosting your own interview show?With the internet and current technology, it has never been so easy to do it.In fact, you dont need any prior broadcasting experience to get started.It can be done for free or on a cheap budget.If you can connect to the internet, then youve got what it takes to launch your own interview show to start building your brand and gain massive exposure.The Most Paid InThe Media Business.In real life, the Talk show hosts are the most paid people in the media business.Think about it...Some of the most popular interview podcasts online earn over $50,000 per episode.Crazy figures, isnt?Interviewing smart people that actually help listeners and viewers can help you grow and improve your brand.And heres another shocking fact:This Week in Startups is one of the most-watched web talk show by budding business people - a multi-million dollar business.Build Powerful NetworksAnd PartnershipsMany high profile entrepreneurs made their fortunes from hosting their own talk shows, Andrew Warner from Mixergy is the perfect example.It only takes one good interview to boost your credibility and gain a huge following.Interviewing successful people from different backgrounds is a great way to create powerful networks and possible partnerships.Why You Need To Get Started Now:Build your brand and improve your marketing.Fun and interesting way of meeting new people and developing influential social networks.Learn new skills from the captains of different industries and improve your position through interview shows.Earn an income from leading interesting and helpful conversations.Stand out in your niche and stay ahead of your competition by hosting talk shows.And the list goes on and on.Hosting your own interview show will bring your business to the next level and that is why I decided to come up with this unique over the shoulder video series to get you started very quickly with it.IntroducingHost Your First Interview ShowHow To Build Your Brand AndGain Instant Authority In Your Niche.Theres nothing like this video series.Watch as I show you how launch your first interview show so that you can bring your business to the next level.I reveal my best tips for using some unknown tactics that only a few elite few knows. You get to see everything. I explain everything to you.There will be no guesswork.All you need is just a short hour of your time to learn everything and youd be ready to get started with it instantly.Heres What Youll Discover InsideThis Video Training:Understand what an interview show is all about and how it can help your business.Learn which platform to use and how to get started fast.Getting familiar with the interface and understanding the main features of the platform.Discover how to develop your interview outline and what to talk about.Learn the simple technique used to ensure superb quality broadcasting.The dos and donts of an interview show and how to organize your work efficiently.Learn how to navigate through the features of the platform and get things done properly.Learn how to display your PPT slides on screen so your audience can follow you throughout the interview.The important tips and tricks that only experienced host knows about.How to make your interview show look very professional and WOW your viewers.Understand what the advance methods used in interview to grow your audience.Learn how to harness the full power of the interview tools to your benefits.How to record and deliver your broadcast for future viewers.Discover how to set up some advanced settings before recording your show.Learn the simple technique used to ensure superb quality broadcasting.Learn how to quickly and easily integrate other 3rd party apps to your platform.How to easily replicate the processes and systems for your next interview show.The no-hassle way of launching interview shows and some secret tips."
Price: 19.99

"Curso Day Trade Opes Binrias" |
"Nesse curso Mercado financeiro na modalidade de Opes binrias, voc ir aprender de forma prtica de como analisar grficos, usar indicadores, fazer leituras sobre a movimentao de mercado, entender sobre tendncias de valorizao e desvalorizao, com todos esses aspectos de leitura, conseguir tomar as decises por si prprio para entrar nas operaes com convico do que est analisando no mercado.Ao longo do treinamento irei te ensinar inmeras estratgias que funciona, MAS sabemos que nenhuma estratgia 100% no mercado, para que a mesma funcione de forma CONSISTENTE vou te passar um GERENCIAMENTO DE RISCO para cada operacional, s assim voc conseguir atingir a famosa e difcil consistncia, sabemos que no adianta saber milhes de estratgias se no souber gerenciar o seu capital de investimento.Pontos importantes do CURSO:- Opes binrias- Movimentao de mercado- Tendncia - Anlise grfica- Anlise tcnica- Anlise probabilstica- Estratgias- Gerenciamento de Capital - Tomada de deciso - Consistncia Temos uma metodologia em que s a prtica te levar ao entendimento do assunto, por isso o treinamento na maioria das aulas se dividem em duas etapas, aprender o que est sendo passado e logo depois partindo para a prtica mostrando de como as decises sero tomadas de modo que fique claro.O mais importante que ns estaremos aqui para auxiliar em qualquer dvida que tenha relacionado ao treinamento, sem falar no envolvimento de todos os alunos em um grupo para trocar conhecimento.Te espero l!"
Price: 294.99

"7 PROVEN Steps to Conquer DIGITAL ADDICTION among Children" |
"The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has been unsettling for all, children and parents alike. With schools shut, theres no boundary between the bed room and class room anymore. Today, every home is a school.Its time for HUGE caution. Taking steps to prevent Digital Addiction has become URGENT and cannot be postponed.In this course, WOW PARENTING, India's most admired parenting app, presents parents with 7 PROVEN steps to conquer Digital Addiction.The 7 Lessons that you learn in this course on Digital de-addiction can work wonders for you and your child.Still thinking if it is worth it? Give it a shot and you will be super glad you did. Thats a promise!In this course you will get some powerful Parenting Insights by India's top most Parenting Expert, Narendra Goidani.We have also included complimentary downloadable E-books and a Test for you at the end of the course.:1. E-Book - A few Priceless Gifts for Children2. E- Book - Are you a Self-esteem Creator or Destroyer3. Test - The Internet Addiction Test"
Price: 5760.00

"Tricks and short cuts in mechanics (Physics)" |
"This course I have made for introducing short powerful techniques for solving complex mechanics problems which i learned and developed after many years of teaching this subject. Students preparing for various exams like advanced placement or various engineering or medical entrance examinations or physics olympiad will find these techniques very usefull for solving some complex problems related to mechanics."
Price: 19.99

"Intro to Django and Graphene" |
"Welcome to Intro to Django and Graphene! Django is a high-level Python web framework that enables rapid development of secure and maintainable websites. Built by experienced developers, Django takes care of much of the hassle of web development, so you can focus on writing your app without needing to reinvent the wheel. It is free and open source, has a thriving and active community, and great documentation.Here is why you should join:91% of my in-person bootcamp students go on to get full-time developer jobs. Most of them are complete beginners when I start working with them.The bootcamp program I teach costs $15,000. This course is just as comprehensive but with brand new content for a fraction of the price.Everything I cover is up-to-date and relevant to today's developer industry.Along with the course, I wrote an extensive guide to getting started with Django development on my website.FAQ:How long is this course?The entire course is self-paced, and should take about one week to complete. What are the prerequisites for this course? We assume you know the basics of HTML/CSS/JavaScript and perhaps have dabbled in a newer backend library (like Django) to recognize what it offers. With that said, we spend as much time as we can to ensure that we introduce and explain all the technologies we intend to use before we use them.The course does not teach you how to program from scratch. We delve into intermediate/advanced code, for example, building a GraphQL server with Graphene.While you don't have to be a Django expert, it is good if you have, for example, gone through a basic Django tutorial beforehand.Why did you choose [X] technology?We picked the technologies for this course based on our experience, how well these technologies work together, and their use in numerous production applications today. With that being said, we stress the important patterns and concepts we think one needs to know to help build whatever Django application one might have in mind. There's a lot of information you'll learn from this course to help get you where you want to go."
Price: 19.99

"9A0-039 Adobe After Effects 6.0 Profession ACE Practice Exam" |
"109 UNIQUE practice questions for 9A0-039 Adobe After Effects 6.0 Profession ACE Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 9A0-039 Adobe After Effects 6.0 Profession ACE Practice ExamTotal Questions : 109Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :60 minsPassing Score : 75 (81 of 109)"
Price: 144.99

"PEGA CSA 71V1 Certified System Architect Practice Exam" |
"212 UNIQUE practice questions for PEGA CSA 71V1 Certified System Architect Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : PEGA CSA 71V1 Certified System Architect Practice ExamTotal Questions : 212Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :130 minsPassing Score : 75 (159 of 212)"
Price: 169.99

"Linux Internals Interview Questions" |
"This course will help us validate your current level of Linux knowledge . This course will be updated frequentlyQuestions will be from various topics likeCommand Line UtilitiesCompilation Process (Preprocessing, compiling, assembling, linking)Libraries (static + dynamic: runtime linking, compile time linking)System CallsDebugging Tools (GDB/Strace/Ltrace/valgrind/coredump)SignalsFile I/O (open/read/write/close)Process Management (fork/vfork/clone/system/exec)Memory Management (malloc/free)IPC (pipes/fifos/message queues/shared memory)PthreadsSynchronization (semaphores/mutexes)"
Price: 19.99

"Ace AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals 2020" |
"Want to ace the AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Examination and become anAzure CertifiedWhat you'll learnTired of failing the exam two or three times because you have no idea how the AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Examination is set up . No time for studying and analyzing each videos or powerpoint .Well , you got into the right course .Just practice continuously and you will ace the examWho this course is for: Azure absolute Beginners. No prior Azure experience necessary No Time to study No idea how the exam works Failed multiple attempts Want to practice"
Price: 19.99

"AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty Practice Test" |
"ComTech is offering 130+ UNIQUE practice questions for AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty Exam.Unlike others, We offer details explanation to each and every questions that will help you to understand the question100% money back guarantee (Unconditional, we assure that you will be satisfied with our services and pass the exam).Do leave us a question we will happy to answer your queries during the course.2 SETS OF PRACTICE EXAMS - with minimum of 60 Questions eachEach practice exam has the same format, style, time limit and passing score as the real AWS Certification exam (60 min to answer 50 questions)All questions are unique, 100% scenario-based and conform to the latest AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty Exam blueprint.BEST WAYS TO PREPARE FOR YOUR AWS CERTIFICATION EXAMKEY TRAINING ADVICE: Although the actual AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty exam has a pass mark of 72%, we recommend that you repeatedly retake our AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty practice exams until you consistently score 80% or higher. We encourage you to put in the work and study the training notes in detail. Once you achieve the recommended score in the practice tests - you are ready to sit the exam and achieve a great score!CONFORM WITH EXAM BLUEPRINT: Using our AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty Practice Exams can help you gain experience with the test question format and understand how the questions in the real AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty exams are structured. Unfortunately, there are many AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty practice tests in the market that do NOT match the format of the exam pattern. Rest assured that with our practice tests, you will be adequately prepared for the real AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty exam.KEY FEATURES OF THESE POPULAR PRACTICE EXAMS 130+ PRACTICE QUESTIONS: 2 sets of Practice Exams with minimum 60 Questions each with a pool of 130+ Questions to assess your exam readiness on Udemy. EXAM SIMULATION: All Practice Tests are timed and scored (passing score is 80%) mimicking the real exam environment. DETAILED EXPLANATIONS: Every question includes a detailed explanation that clarifies why each answer is correct or incorrect. PREMIUM-QUALITY: These practice questions are free from typos and technical errors which makes your learning experience much more pleasant. ALWAYS UP TO DATE: Our question bank is constantly updated based on student feedback from the real exam. New questions are added on a regular basis growing our pool of questions. ACTIVE Q&A FORUM: In this discussion board, students ask questions and share their recent exam experience offering feedback on which topics were covered. BEST VALUE FOR MONEY: Compared to the Official AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty Practice Test that gives you up to 40 questions only (for $20), when investing in these tests, you get lifetime access to our pool of questions. ACCESS ON MOBILE: Study on the go and access all resources from your mobile."
Price: 29.99

"PMI Scheduling Professional (PMI-SP):2 Practice Tests" |
"This course is for individuals aiming to pass PMI Scheduling Professional (PMI-SP) Exam in the first attempt.This course gives you 2 practice tests, 290 hand picked questions to help you to pass the official "" PMI Scheduling Professional (PMI-SP) "" certification Exam.We highly recommend retake all the tests until you get 90% or more on each one, you should be able to ace the real exam with confidence.At the end of the exam, click the Review Questions button to view the correct answer for each question.PMI-SP Official examination DetailsThe certification exam has 170 multiple-choice questions and you have 3.5 hours to complete it.Course OutlineSchedule Strategy (14%)Schedule Planning and Development (31%)Schedule Monitoring and Controlling (35%)Schedule Closeout (6%)Stakeholder Communications Management (14%)----------------------------------------MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThis course comes with a 30 Day ""No Questions Asked"" Money Back Guarantee!---------------------------------------** Make sure you are ready to pass the ""PMI Scheduling Professional (PMI-SP)"" Exam by using these practice tests, written to mimic the kinds of questions you will see on the real exam."
Price: 84.99

"THE PERIODIC TABLE - History & Periodic Properties" |
"The periodic table is a tabular display of the chemical elements, which are arranged by atomic number, electron configuration, and recurring chemical properties.Course discuses about Periodic Table in detail for a High School student starting from history to periodic properties like Atomic radius, metallic & non-metallic character, ionization potential, electron affinity & electronegativity.Supporting concepts like K,L,M,N electronic configuration, valence electrons & valency are also included."
Price: 1280.00

"IBM 000-J01 System HAC Implementation Technical Skill Test" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) A non-clustered system IASP had given it, but the only ASP has been erased. The system has been added to the cluster, as well as the need to connect the device to the domain for switching ASP. Which of the following must be met in order to successfully add a node to a domain device?a) ADDDEVDMNE team; IPL system; Then follow ADDDEVDMNE command again.b) Output node and restart.c) Add a node in the restoration for the corresponding device CRG.d) Follow ADDDEVDMNE team.e) NoneQ) When the partition condition is detected, the best approach is the following:a) Do not take any action; Clustering will recover on their own without failover.b) Do not take any action; Clustering will automatically switch to the backup nodec) Determine the cause of the state of the sections and manually initiate the recovery.d) IPL partitione node.e) NoneQ) Normal use of peer-CRG in the cluster:a) In order to determine the components in the administrative area.b) In order to determine the location of the cluster administrative tasks.c) In order to determine the primary and multiple backup nodes to replicate user profiles.d) In order to collect the CRG in the cluster to coordinate switching operations.e) NoneQ) If the inactive node will not start, it should be done?a) Use CHGCLUNODE, to change the status to failure, and run the command again STRCLUNOD.b) Check the IP-address, * Inetd and ALWADDCLU network attribute in the system will not.c) Check the IP-address, * Inetd ALWADDCLU and network attributes of the system to run the command.d) Remove node from the cluster, add the node back to the cluster, and try again team STRCLUNOD.e) None"
Price: 144.99

"Oracle 1Z0-409 Linux Fundamentals Certified Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Do you have a dog program, and a few children running processes in tty1 terminal. What message does the child processes are killed on tty1 terminal?a )HUPb) SIGINTc) SIGSTOPd) SIGTERMe) NoneQ) You are logged in to your Linux box as a user with a standard desktop. After working for a while, you want to change your desktop in KDE. How would you change the desktop?a) by setting the / etc / X11 / prefdm fileb) by setting the file /etc/X11/xorg.confc) by setting the / etc / Sysconfig file / desktopd) using the table switch with KDE as argumentse) NoneQ) You are logged on tty1 on your computer terminal and want to show all child processes that have the appropriate terminal. Which team will help you solve this problem?a) psb) psc) ps -ed) ps -ae) NoneQ) When using the VI editor in command mode, the key sequence of six words deleted? (Select all that apply.)a) d6wb) 6DWc) DW6d) WD6e) 6DD"
Price: 149.99

"Spine PRO: A Complete 2D Character Animation Guide" |
"When it comes to professional looking 2D character animations for games with a 3D effect to them, Spine Pro is your go-to software. This course will show you how to use Spine and all its advanced practical tools for creation of pro-level animations you could use in your game.Starting off with basics, and quickly advancing to Pro techniques such as Mesh Animation, Path Constraints, IK and many more, this course sets out to grant you a complete understanding of 2D character animation process in Spine Pro.Why choose Spine for your game character animations?Spine 2D Animation Software has gained an immense following both from game developers and 2D digital animators in the past few years. In fact, it is one of the leading tools for 2D skeletal animation. The Pro licence is the ultimate form of this powerful software.The reasons to use Spine are quite straightforward:- Spine is easy to learn, and intuitive in use.- The software is fit both for beginners and advanced animators.- Spine Pro has all of the advanced 2D animation features a software can offer.- Spine game animations are easily integrated with most game engines.- Excellent integration with illustration tools for artwork import.In other words, with Spine Pro there is pretty much no limit to what you can do as a 2D animation artist. Even a 3D effect in 2D animations! All is in your hands.So, get ready to create animations like a Pro!What will you get from this course?This course offers a detailed review of Spine Pro 2D animation software. It will include preparation for animation process, best practices for animating a character, and enhancing the animations with various advanced tools.In this course we will:- Export a character from Photoshop (or other graphic redactor) into Spine- Create a character rig using Meshes, Paths, and Transform Constraints- Bind meshes to character bones using Weights- Add Inverse Kinematics Constraints, and deal with Draw Order- Create professional looking Idle, and Run animations with a 3D effect- Enhance our animations using Offset and Graphs- Learn how to export your animations from Spine- Fix some common issues along the way, and more...Throughout the course we will go over Spine Pro user interface, some useful shortcuts and best practices to make your animation process faster and more efficient.On top of all that, the course is planned to be updated in the future. Which means more fresh, up-to-date content for you, for the same price!Why choose this course to learn 2D character animation?Our goal with this course is to bring you all the practical tools of Spine Pro you might need for creating professional 2D character animations; Regardless of the level of your prior experience in animation.We strive to build our lectures in a clear and precise manner that is both highly informative and easy to understand. All of the practices that you will learn, were tested out in the field, and derive from personal experience with 2D animation.Moreover, we offer you:- Personal guidance and answer to any questions (within reasonable response time of up to 1-2 work days, depending on the day of the week).- Additional materials on the use of Spine Pro.- Quizzes at the end of each course section to fortify your knowledge.- Lifetime access to course materials (including any future updates in the course).We love games and adore animation. This 2D character animation course is a passion which we are looking forward to sharing with you. So, lets get to work!Sing up to this course, and start animating 2D game characters like a Pro!"
Price: 149.99

"SAS A01-250 Platform Administration Certified Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Select the method of updating the metadata table that provides for greater control over updating and can be run in batch.a) Metadata update option in the Data Library Manager in SAS Management Console.b) Library of updating metadata in SAS Enterprise Guide.c) Update option metadata in SAS Data Integration Studio.d) Procedure Metalib using SAS code.Q) Which statement is false? Updating metadata of the table allows you to:a) add the table metadata for tables that exist in the physical library but do not have the metadata in the repository.b) definitions update tables to match corresponding physical tables.c) the update table security settings at the metadata level and operating system.d) elimination metadata for the table definitions that exist in the metadata repository, but do not have a corresponding table in the physical library.Q) A client wants to have their system set up so that stored jobs can access the library without having to manage the assignments of the libraries in the job stored code. How should they be awarded the libraries?a) by default,b) by the clientc) pre-allocationd) from user accessQ) The Metalib procedure to update the table metadata. Which method does not provide access to the procedure MetaLib?a) update feature of SAS Management Console metadatab) library management feature of SAS Enterprise Guide Explorerc) table function of the update metadata of SAS Data Integration Studiod) custom code using MetaLib PROC.Q) A host is using an LDAP provider as a back-end authentication mechanism. For this configuration, as it does display the SAS server authentication?a) Integrated Authenticationb) the back-end authenticationc) internal authenticationd) host authentication"
Price: 169.99

"CompTIA 220-701 A+ Essentials Certified Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which of the following types of printers use a fuser to print a document?a) Thermalb) Laserc) Inkjetd) A dot matrixQ) The last step in the resolution of end-user ticket should be that of the following?a) Create an incident recordsb) Verify that the problem has been solvedc) Documenting the solutiond) Notify the user the problem is solvedQ) Which of the following memory module is a DDR3 chip?a) PC-3200b) PC2-4800c) PC2-5300d) PC3-8000Q) Which of the following utilities can be used to diagnose hardware problems and DirectX drivers?a) Device Managerb) IT Managementc) msinfo32d) dxdiagQ) Which of the following is necessary to recover a system using ERD?a) A bootable flash driveb) The original installation CD / DVDc) An ERD partition on the hard diskd) A recovery disk for the system"
Price: 174.99

"Ethical Hacking Artifacts Course" |
"Welcome this Ethical Hacking course! This course assumes you have NO prior knowledge in hacking and by the end of it you'll be able to hack systems.This course is created for educational purposes only.In this course you will acquire knowledge about Linux Systems and Artifacts. Then you will learn about Mac OS X Systems and Artifacts. This course also cover about Browser Artifacts."
Price: 179.99

"Digital Forensics For Ethical Hacking Course" |
"The purpose of this course is to present an introduction to computer forensics using not only lecture It will also utilize the basic understanding of operating systems such as Macintosh, Linux, and Microsoft along with an introduction to the two major mobile operating systems in the industry, IOS and Android. This course delves into important topics and need-to-know information when dealing with digital forensic cases."
Price: 189.99

"Cyber Security Web Application Exploitation" |
"In this ethical hacking course you'll learn how to exploit the vulnerabilities found in web applications and web servers following the OWASP Testing Guide framework, used by companies all over the world to perform web penetration testing engagements.this course covers about Web Application Exploitation with Injection.You will gather knowledge about Web Application Exploitation & Web User Hacking."
Price: 174.99

"Web Server Hacking For Ethical Hacking" |
"Welcome everybody to my course.In this course I will teach you how to install, manage and configure Webserver on Windows Server in order to host your websites in your own server, whether you are a web developer and you want to learn how to host your own websites on your own IIS server, or if you are a system administrators who want to know how to configure and manage websites on server, this course will be for you."
Price: 189.99

"Advanced Cyber Security Malware Hacking Course" |
"This course aims to point out the security essentials for any given IT organization. The course enables students to setup a secure base from scratch or review an existing security skeleton for their IT environments. The course targets the IT security beginners as well as professionals to enrich their knowledge about cyber security and to pursue their career in such field."
Price: 184.99

"Basics Mobile Ethical Hacking Course" |
"We are going to start from scratch in this course and aim to learn all the details related to Ethical Hacking for Mobile Applications & Mobile Devices. Without any need of prior knowledge you will understand how hackers attack mobile applications & devices and protect yourself against these attacks. You will build your own hacking lab on your computer so that you can practice all the things that we are going to learn in this course."
Price: 179.99

"Advanced IOS and Android Ethical Hacking Course" |
"This course helps students understand the Android platform and its various Application Programming Interfaces. By the end of this course you will be able to write your own Android applications using all aspects of the Android Platform and its API.This is a beginner level course.In this course you will learn about Analyzing iOS Applications and Attacking iOS Applications. this course also covers Identifying iOS Implementation Insecurities and Writing Secure iOS Applications."
Price: 189.99
