"Weekend Project : Build a Blackjack Game using Python 3" |
"Do you want to learn Python? What better way is there than to learn it by having a fun project?In this course, you will learn how to create a Blackjack game by using Python 3. This is meant to be a fun game, an exercise that can be completed during your weekend.This game will randomly assign cards to the player and dealer. This game will also evaluate if either the player or dealer has a Blackjack. The game will then accept players input if he wants to draw additional cards. The dealer will then draw his cards. The game ends by checking who has a better hand.In this course, we will be going through some key concepts, such as list, dictionary, functions, and loops.This is a hands-on course. You will be coding along side with me. Ill be guiding you step-by-step along the way. Jupyter notebooks are included at each lesson to further reinforce your understanding on the particular topics.You dont need to know Python, as this course is made for a beginner. Even if you know some basic, you can still get along with the course.If you are interested in learning this course, Ill see you on the inside.Happy learning!"
Price: 24.99

"Hiragana Master Japanese Alphabet For Beginner" |
"Hi, I'm Ninja sensei. In this course, I am going to teach you how to master the Japanese Alphabet in English.After you take this course, youll be able to pronounce Japanese correctly , you can comment on social media in Japanese, and you can also learn the bacic japanese greetings and phrasesAnd then, you will be excited to learn more Japanese!!Most of Japanese learners start from writing Hiragana. And they get bored they give up.But In this course , Ill guide you the way how babies actually learn languages.Listening speaking reading writing You wont give up with this way!After you learn each Hiraganas , there is the quiz for that.So you can check if you remember the HiraganasAnd You can also download the PDF files to pracitice Hiraganas even after you finish taking this course!Okay! Lets learn HIragana with me step by step!"
Price: 5400.00

"Design of Plumbing Systems in a Building for Water Supply" |
"Plumbing is a whole new field in Civil Engineering. This comes under the part of Infrastructure & Building Services in Civil Engineering. This course is dedicated towards providing sufficient knowledge regarding Plumbing Systems for Water Supply in Building.The course is divided into following section - 1. House Water Connections and Plumbing Appurtenances - In this section, the students will learn about the basics regarding Plumbing Systems for Water Supply in Building. They will learn how the water connection for houses is done with municipality water mains. They will also learn about various types of appurtenance to be used for Plumbing for Water Supply in Building.2. Types of Piping Systems - In this section, the students will learn different types of Piping Systems. Piping Systems are the combination of pumps, tanks and pipes in the plumbing system.3. Design Principle for Plumbing - In this section, the students will learn about the principles which are to be taken care of while designing a plumbing system for water supply in a building. They will also learn about the concept of Supply and Demand. Apart from that they will get the knowledge about Gross Demand and Probable Demand for plumbing systems. 4. Design Procedures for Plumbing of Water Supply- This section consist of the procedure for designing the plumbing system for water supply in a building. Basic Concepts regarding the design procedures are also elaborated in this section. The Section contains two sets of design example, on combination of which the student will be able to design the plumbing system for water supply in a building."
Price: 1280.00

"Learn Six Secrets Of Highly Successful Programme Managers" |
"""Good course and have picked up a few points to implement in my projects. Thanks Peter"" - Malungelo ""Great course"" - Emmah, ""Good course for leadership skills"" - Abdurrahman ""I like the approach, it is based on actual experience which answers the ""how"" that is usually left out of the course material"" - VerniciaThis course will transform your role on any project and ensure that you excel in creating alignment, focus and delivery. Whether you are helping to lead projects, programmes or teams, these lessons will help you improve your performance and ensure your project stands out. The course is based on lessons that have been learned in 20 years of leading projects, which have become consistently tried and trusted.Understand the importance of how to approach projects;Go fast, go alone, Go far, go togetherInvest in relationships and be vulnerably competentBuild your team 1 by 1 through mentoring and coachingPace yourself, your team and get over the finish lineCut through the noise and expect the unexpectedKnow the symptoms of cumbersome projects earlyPerfection is the enemy of great, so know when to start counting downCreate a sense of urgency and momentum Understand complex project landscapesDevelop mutual trust and collaborationMake better design decisions and save timeThis course will expand on these topics to give you the insights that you need to be a successful programme manager today. The course also includes a handy worksheet that you can use to tick off the tips and tricks you learn in each lesson so that you can better apply them and understand which ones work best for you."
Price: 69.99

"How to be lovely & elegant" |
"The course ""How to be lovely and elegant"" will show you how to be well groomed, presentable, most important, how to be Lady-like.In other words, you will be able to attain elegance the quickest and easiest way without spending a lot of money.Topics covered are :Introduction & Basics of EleganceBeauty in Elegance, Makeup, HairElegant Dressing, OrganizingElegant Body PostureEtiquette & Elegant Manner, Table Manners, Work place, Social events,Being a Lovely LadyUpon joining, these 10 video lessons will guide you step by step and show you where to begin with. It will ask you to follow activities that will easily help you to attain that poise. You will be advised on the books for being graceful and elegant. You will also be introduced to a few beauty products for your self-maintenance.Just give yourself 10 minutes of your day for this course for the next 10 days and you will be surprised to see yourself improving."
Price: 19.99

"Street Smart Analyst" |
"Lots of people can do financial analysis and Excel. But not everyone can present financial information and interact with others to really make an impact and get ahead in their career. In this course I will teach you 15 simple habits I have learned over the years that I've found have helped to make my career more interesting and successful. These habits can work for you too!"
Price: 99.99

"Revit from Zero to Engineer: MEP Engineer Design Course" |
"Revit MEP Course is perfect for those who want to learn Engineering MEP DesignWe will cover the basics of Mechanical Electrical and Plumbing disciplines in the construction industry while learning how to implement the design in Autodesk Revit.No prior experience is required and you will see how easy it is to design with this powerful software. If you are experienced, however, but need to learn the software, this course is right for you. While you may understand the MEP systems Revit is sometimes a challenge for Autocad users since BIM(Building Information Modeling) is a new, more precise, and efficient method of coordination in the construction design industry.The knowledge in this course can help you like it helped me to change my life in finding new job opportunities, as it helped me to jump from a technician in the field to an Engineering Designer."
Price: 19.99

"Affinity Photo fr Einsteiger" |
"Verleihe deinen Fotos den letzten Schliff, um sie perfekter zu machen. Affinity Photo ist ein professionelles Bildbearbeitungsprogramm fr den schmalen Taler - perfekt fr alle, die eine preisgnstige Software suchen und fr die Bildbearbeitung ein schner Nebeneffekt in der Fotografie ist.Wenn du das erste Mal in Affinity Photo oder in irgendein Bildbearbeitungsprogramm einsteigst, wirst du zunchst von Schiebern und Reglern erschlagen. Die Oberflche scheint ein unberwindbares Hindernis zu sein. Aber keine Sorge...Mit diesem Einsteiger Kurs lernst du die Grundlagen der Bildbearbeitung. Ich zeige dir, wie du ein Bild vom ffnen bis zum Exportieren behandelst. Du lernst, welche Schritte ein Workflow enthlt und auerdem zeige ich dir noch ein paar gesonderte Techniken wie Color Key oder Portrait Retusche. Der Kurs enthlt 17 Videos und behandelt die wichtigsten Inhalte fr Einsteiger und Neulinge von Affinity Photo. Die Videos sind in einer berschaubaren Lnge, sodass deine Aufmerksamkeitsspanne nicht berstrapaziert wird. Auf den Punkt gebracht und kein Blabla - das ist mein Motto. Nach dem Kurs weit du, wie du deine Fotos so nachbearbeitest, dass sie einfach besser aussehen. Kleine Strer und Makler kannst du nach dem Kurs locker entfernen. Deine Bilder haben keine schiefen Linien mehr, denn du weit, wie du sie mit wenigen Klicks begradigst. Du beherrschst die Basics der digitalen Bildbearbeitung. "
Price: 19.99

"aprender alfabetos espaol" |
"Aprendemos un idioma de una manera fcil, juntos aprenderemos este idioma con amor y felicidad.Sin dar lugar a la discapacidad, comencemos desde el nivel bsico de aprendizaje cada vez ms a otros niveles.Aprenderemos la pronunciacin y el mtodo de lectura, etapa por etapa.Trabajaremos juntos para enfrentar dificultades.Ser un curso simple para aprender algunos conceptos bsicos del idioma espaol."
Price: 19.99

"LPIC-2 - Linux Engineer Exam 201-450 - Sept/2020 Q/A UPDATED" |
"Course Informations500 Questions and Answers available in UDEMY platform and over other 100 written Questions and Answers sent apart as material in simulations only above 201-450 EXAM!!!Updated questions in September 2020!This course will allow you to assess your knowledge of the following topics in the LPIC-2 201-450 exam:- Linux Kernel- System Startup- Filesystem and Devices- Advanced Storage Device Administration- Network Configuration- System MaintenanceExam Informations Exam Title: Linux Engineer Exam Code: 201-450Number of Questions: 60 Questions Duration: 90 minutes Availability: Pearson VUE Testing CenterTest Format: Multiple-choice and Fill-in-the-blank questions Passing Score: A passing score is 500 out of 800 points Language Exam: English, German, Portuguese (Brazilian), Japanese"
Price: 19.99

"Masterclass de Dibujo" |
"Quieres aprender a dibujar?Este es el nico curso de dibujo que necesitas para comenzar a hacerlo y llegar a dibujar como un profesional.No necesitars copiar ni reproducir. Podrs dibujar lo que quieras: personas, animales, dibujos animados, paisajes, objetos, todo lo que surja de tu propia imaginacin.Por qu aprender con este curso de dibujo?Al inscribirte en este curso de dibujo, aprenders los conceptos bsicos que cualquier artista necesita para hacer dibujos realistas y profesionales. Este curso te llevar desde principiante absoluto a convertirte en todo un artista profesional.Este curso incluye acceso instantneo a:Horas y horas de clases de video nivel premiumAcceso exclusivo a una comunidad de estudiantes con ideas afinesActualizaciones de curso de por vidaSoporte de instructor premiumTodo esto es para ayudarte a aprender a dibujar, de la manera ms fcil, ms rpida y ms completa que cualquier otro curso de dibujo, tutorial o libro.Tenemos garantizada la felicidad de nuestros estudiantesSi no ests satisfecho con el curso, puedes obtener un reembolso completo dentro de los primeros 30 das de la compra. As que no hay absolutamente ningn riesgo en inscribirse hoy y probarlo!Quin ensea en este curso de dibujo?Este curso es una asociacin entre Video School Online, Escuela Directa y Kevin Gardin. Video School Online ha estado organizando cursos de alta calificacin con ms de un milln de estudiantes en Udemy desde 2012. Kevin Gardin es un ilustrador y artista profesional de Windsor, Ontario. Tiene una inmensa pasin por ensear a otros habilidades de dibujo, como vers en este curso. Escuela Directa est trayendo al espaol los mejores cursos de Udemy, para que tu aprendizaje no encuentre lmites.Resumen del curso de dibujoQu aprenders en este curso de dibujo?Conocers los fundamentos y principios del aprendizaje de cmo dibujar: definiciones, trminos, teora del color y msAprenders las herramientas y el equipo que necesitas para comenzar a dibujar: desde lpices y papel hasta gomas de borrar y herramientas especiales de dibujoDibujars formas geomtricas bsicas, que son los bloques fundamentales de cualquier dibujoRealizars la figura humana con proporciones y gestos adecuadosAgregars ropas y telas a tus dibujos, una habilidad que llevar tu arte al siguiente nivelAadirs sombreado correctamente para agregar dimensin a tus dibujosSabrs cmo las formas son un lenguaje que transmite diferentes historias sobre tus dibujosAgregars perspectiva a tus dibujosMejorars tu arte dominando la composicin, sabiendo qu incluir de un lado del cuadro al otroMostrars y guardars adecuadamente tus produccionesConvertirs a tus dibujos en arte digital, incluyendo la adicin del colory mucho ms!Esto suena bien para ti?Estamos felices de que ests aqu leyendo la descripcin del curso, y estamos seguros de que si te inscribes, no te vas a arrepentir.Haz click en botn de inscripcin y comienza a dibujar bien ya mismo!"
Price: 94.99

"Conversational Spanish 1: Master Spoken Spanish (Beginners)" |
"Would you like to finally be able to speak Spanish? Have you taken normal Spanish courses and been bombarded with Spanish grammar?This conversational Spanish class focuses on learning the language and speaking the language, rather than learning the grammar. After all, the goal of learning a language is to be able to speak right? That's why, this course will have you speaking Spanish from the very first lesson. As a college language professor, I love languages. I want to share this beautiful language with the world and help people all around the globe learn Spanish. This course is designed for people who want to learn to speak Spanish and who like a conversational approach to language learning.Why is this course unique?Each lesson is designed like a conversation between me and you, simulating a real-life interaction.Each unit has a vocabulary summary with all of the key words from that unit.All the vocabulary is words you will actually use while in a Spanish-speaking country, no useless phrases and sentences, like you may encounter in other courses.This carefully-constructed course slowly teaches you key phrases by building on small sentences. At the beginning of the course, you will learn how to say hello, introduce yourself, and ask questions about personal details. By the end of the course, you will be able to purchase tickets at museum, purchase clothing in Spanish, and event check in/check out at a hotel.About the Travelling LinguistMore than 60,000 students from across the world have joined the The Travelling Linguist language learning community to learn languages, like French, Italian, Spanish, and German. The Travelling Linguist is a travel and language brand which creates courses and videos about how to learn a language, linguistics, travel tips, and culture."
Price: 199.99

"Complete SEO Training 2020 Rank #1 in Google with SEO 2020" |
"The SEO Training 2020, The Complete SEO Course for WordPress Websites is all about Google's search algorithms and SEO factors that search engines use to rank web pages. From keyword research to link building and from technical SEO to website speed optimization, this course covers all aspects of SEO 2020 and beyond. Exact Step by Step SEO Plan in this Course: >> What's SEO and why it matters?>> Who can benefit from SEO?>> How to find an SEO niche for your blog/site? >> How to find the best low competition keywords for your SEO blog/site? Why This Complete SEO Course? This entire SEO 2020 course is based on a practical result-oriented approach. I have created a website from scratch during this course, and I will show you how to find the best SEO niche for your website/blog and then how to find the best low competition and low difficulty keywords for the same website/blog. We will apply the SEO techniques on our website in real-time and will rank that website on the 1st page of Google. This course is specially designed for Webmasters, Bloggers, Business owners, Search Engine Optimization Beginners / Experts, and Website owners who want to rank #1 in Google. This course is not just for WordPress, but I have tried my best to make it workable for any type of website such as an e-commerce website, HTML website, and custom websites. Social Proof:Best Selling SEO CourseOver 20,000 Satisfied StudentsOver 800 Positive ReviewsClosed Captions (English Subtitles)8 + Hours of Full HD Videos + More to Come Efficient Course OrganisationCourse Completion Certificate30 Days money-back guarantee - No questions asked24/7 Support from InstructorFuture updates with new lecturesThis course will help you in following SEO topics: Find a niche for your site/blogFind low competition keywords for your websiteFind your competitors and keep an eye on themDo on-page SEO for your blog Learn technical SEO Off-Page SEO for your siteSubmitting a website to GoogleSetting up Google Search Console & Google Analytics Speeding up your WordPress website Best SEO plugins for your WordPress site What's negative SEO and how to avoid thatBrand awareness in Google How to increase traffic from Google SERPsEasy link building techniques Powerful backlinks How to improve domain authority of your site Local SEO techniques How to improve SEO of your existing website How to avoid Google Penalty Prevent your website from being hit by Google Algorithms What Do Students Say Who Already Bought This course? Jony Alam says: ""I have taken your SEO course in late 2015, by using your SEO knowledge thanks to you I have earned thousands of dollars by doing SEO for my clients via UpWork & Freelancer.com & sold a couple of websites at flippa in a high rate. Thanks for your wonderful course. It has changed my life & help me to generate 4 figure income monthly. Highly recommended course!!! For Newbie!!""Xavier Clapin-Ppin says: ""Thanks Abdul, I started to learn SEO with your course and continued in the same path and now I'm a Rising Talent SEO Expert on Upwork! Adbul you rock! Xavier Clapin Pepin""Carlos Montoya says: ""Very complete SEO course, the best Ive done yet. All the material very well explained and with excellent examples to back up the information. I would highly recommend it to anyone interested in advancing their SEO learning.""Abdul Sami says: ""This is great work by Wali, touching all nook and craning of driving traffic into one's website and article. Every point always leading to google ranking. Wali, Keep up good work""Olanrewaju Aiki says: ""The title of this course should actually be: ""Foolish made wise"" step by step guide to SEO course. The instructor has a sound knowledge of SEO and took his time to actually break it down into smaller pieces for easy understanding. I will recommend the course to anyone interested."""
Price: 199.99

"SAP HANA Administration" |
"SAP HANA system administrators are responsible for installing and ensuring continuous operation of all SAP HANA databases deployed in the corporate environment. Proper management of SAP HANA requires a solid understanding of its internal mechanics to interpret the metrics that are monitored and their impact on system and application performance, as well as its administration and tooling capabilities to plan and execute a suitable database management strategy.In this course, well learn about the different tasks available to manage SAP HANA systems, with all administration tool, including SAP HANA cockpit web-based tool. Well examine the operations offered for both individual and multiple database administration, resource monitoring, configuration management and backup and recovery. Well also explore factors that affect performance, such as analyzing memory usage, SQL statements, and workloads.Course also covers installation of SAP HANA, HANA replication server installation and configuration. This course uses demonstrations to highlight key aspects, and hands-on exercises to reinforce learning points."
Price: 199.99

"Curso de Percusiones Congas, bongs, maracas y ms Vol.3" |
" Llega la nueva edicin del curso de percusiones de Virtuosso con contenidos renovados y ms de 3 horas de instruccin para que aprendas a tocar los ritmos cubanos y caribeos con un toque especial. Este nuevo curso de percusin de Virtuosso es impartido por el gran percusionista Nicols Alfonso Gutirrez con quien aprenders a tocar congas, bongs, timbal, maracas, giro, claves, maracas, tambora dominicana y cencerro. El curso est dividido por segmentos para que aprendas a tocar cada instrumento en diferentes ritmos como el son, guaguanc, merengue, mambo, danzn, conga, bolero y muchos ms. Cada instrumento tiene una forma especial de tocarse de acuerdo al ritmo, por lo que te explicaremos detalladamente los secretos para interpretar la msica que te gusta con las diferentes percusiones. "
Price: 270.00

"Curso de guitarra flamenca Aprende los secretos Vol.2" |
" Con el curso de guitarra flamenca de Virtuosso aprenders a tocar la guitarra en este enigmtico estilo andaluz. La magia y el encanto que producen los rasgueos y cadencias armnicas propias del estilo flamenco te transportarn a ti y a los que te escuchen a frecuencias de gran pasin y desborde como slo el flamenco puede hacerlo. Para aprender a tocar msica flamenca en la guitarra te ensearemos desde la postura correcta para sentarte, diversas tcnicas de rasgueo, la cadencia andaluza y la base rtmica que te permitir producir ese singular sonido ""cortao"" y ""picao"" del flamenco. El curso de guitarra flamenca de Virtuosso fue desarrollado por msicos flamencos y profesionales de la educacin musical; est diseado para que aprendas las tcnicas demostradas en los videos de manera gradual, con explicaciones sencillas. Con las lecciones contenidas en el curso tendrs todas las herramientas para tocar msica flamenca con tu guitarra y con la prctica constante desarrollars ese sonido flamenco que ests buscando. Imprime magia a tu forma de tocar y aprende diversas variables del flamenco que te darn una formacin slida para interpretar en tu guitarra esta popular msica andaluza. "
Price: 270.00

"Curso de guitarra flamenca Aprende los secretos Vol.3" |
" Con el curso de guitarra flamenca de Virtuosso aprenders a tocar la guitarra en este enigmtico estilo andaluz. La magia y el encanto que producen los rasgueos y cadencias armnicas propias del estilo flamenco te transportarn a ti y a los que te escuchen a frecuencias de gran pasin y desborde como slo el flamenco puede hacerlo. Para aprender a tocar msica flamenca en la guitarra te ensearemos desde la postura correcta para sentarte, diversas tcnicas de rasgueo, la cadencia andaluza y la base rtmica que te permitir producir ese singular sonido ""cortao"" y ""picao"" del flamenco. El curso de guitarra flamenca de Virtuosso fue desarrollado por msicos flamencos y profesionales de la educacin musical; est diseado para que aprendas las tcnicas demostradas en los videos de manera gradual, con explicaciones sencillas. Con las lecciones contenidas en el curso tendrs todas las herramientas para tocar msica flamenca con tu guitarra y con la prctica constante desarrollars ese sonido flamenco que ests buscando. Imprime magia a tu forma de tocar y aprende diversas variables del flamenco que te darn una formacin slida para interpretar en tu guitarra esta popular msica andaluza. "
Price: 270.00

"Curso de contrabajo Aprende todas las tcnicas Vol.2" |
" El contrabajo es un imponente instrumento clsico de cuerdas y pieza fundamental de la orquesta; es tambin un instrumento popularizado por su uso en el jazz. Con este curso de tres volmenes podrs dominar este potente instrumento como un profesional. Virtuosso te ofrece desde los secretos ms bsicos del contrabajo como posiciones, estilos, escalas y arpegios; hasta ejercicios que te guiarn a travs de los estilos partido alto, latin jazz, bomba y swing. El curso de contrabajo de Virtuosso ha sido desarrollado por expertos no slo del contrabajo, sino tambin de la educacin musical, por lo que tu aprendizaje ser guiado de manera que desarrolles tus habilidades de forma consistente. Conseguirs volverte un experto en la improvisacin aprendiendo todos los recursos que un buen msico necesita conocer. Adems te presentaremos una serie de ejercicios para que practiques hasta que llegues a dominar diversas escalas como la pentafnica y la de blues. No dejes pasar ms tiempo y aprovecha esta excelente oportunidad de aprender a tocar el contrabajo sin complicaciones! "
Price: 270.00

"Curso de clarinete Aprende a tocar el clarinete Vol.2" |
" El clarinete es uno de los ms maravillosos instrumentos de viento y ahora t podrs tocarlo como todo un profesional con el nuevo curso de clarinete que hemos creado para ti. Su hermoso sonido convirti al clarinete en uno de los instrumentos musicales ms fascinantes y agradables al odo y ahora con el curso de Virtuosso t tienes la oportunidad de aprender a tocarlo. Con los secretos que te mostraremos logrars las mejores interpretaciones. Si eres un amante del clarinete y quieres aprenderlo a tocar como todo un experto, este curso es perfecto para ti. Paso a paso te ensearemos las tcnicas de este enigmtico instrumento. El curso de clarinete incluye adems algunos trucos y efectos nunca antes vistos, as como tcnicas que te permitirn mejorar tu interpretacin, entre ellas el stacatto, los furlattos y los glissandos. "
Price: 270.00

"Curso de clarinete Aprende a tocar el clarinete Vol.3" |
" El clarinete es uno de los ms maravillosos instrumentos de viento y ahora t podrs tocarlo como todo un profesional con el nuevo curso de clarinete que hemos creado para ti. Su hermoso sonido convirti al clarinete en uno de los instrumentos musicales ms fascinantes y agradables al odo y ahora con el curso de Virtuosso t tienes la oportunidad de aprender a tocarlo. Con los secretos que te mostraremos logrars las mejores interpretaciones. Si eres un amante del clarinete y quieres aprenderlo a tocar como todo un experto, este curso es perfecto para ti. Paso a paso te ensearemos las tcnicas de este enigmtico instrumento. El curso de clarinete incluye adems algunos trucos y efectos nunca antes vistos, as como tcnicas que te permitirn mejorar tu interpretacin, entre ellas el stacatto, los furlattos y los glissandos. "
Price: 270.00

music-theory-grade1-arabic |
". () . :- - - - - . : . ."
Price: 119.99

classic-guitar-part4-arabic |
". :- - 16th - Grade 2 . . ."
Price: 119.99

"Genetics and Molecular Biology for Medical Students" |
"This course is basically designed for medical students; however, it is also an invaluable resource for students of other health related disciplines like biotechnology, pharmacy, nursing, biophysics, bio-engineering, bioinformatics and dentistry. In addition to the well-illustrated video lectures, the core concepts are reinforced with quick review sheets and end of lecture quizzes. In addition to detailed explanation of the structure and functions of nucleotides and nucleic acids, Dr Fatahiya Kashif explains how the linear DNA in a human cell is packaged in a highly organized and compact manner within the 23 pairs of chromosomes without being entangled. There is special segments on prokaryotes as our model organisms and stages of the eukaryotic cell cycle. Keeping in view, the volatile nature of this subject, and the fact, that medical students are already confronted with an overwhelming volume of medical terminology; the most challenging concepts are presented in a simple and palatable format using animations and mnemonics. Furthermore, each section emphasizes the medical relevance of biochemistry with clinical and research applications. The course is continuously being updated with additional lectures and resources."
Price: 19.99

"2020 SEO for Beginners - Rank on the Top from Today!" |
"*Our courses have been taken over 350,000+ times by over 125,000 students and have been awarded countless 5-stars reviews*Update List:07/21/2020 - Added 8 in-depth videos covering powerful SEO plugins and avanced keyword research!SEO is the most important skill to learn, whether your are starting a business or working for a company SEO: A Highly Paid & In-Demand Skill at Your Fingertips (it's a $79bn industry now!)By investing a tiny amount of money in this course, you can save thousands of dollars that you would have to pay on expensive SEO services, and get MUCH better results!This course is taught over the shoulder, using only proven strategies that work in 2020!Here is what you will get when you enroll today:Get a Deep Understanding of How SEO Works and Start Seeing Results TodayRank Your Website or Blog Higher on Search EnginesLearn Simple Steps to Optimize your Website for Google and all other Search EnginesMake your Website or Blog More User-Friendly Without Being an SEO ExpertReach and Attract a Larger Audience as Soon as TodayLearn and Apply the Best Way to Get Indexed by Search Engines FastAvoid the SEO Myths that Can Hurt Your WebsiteHow to make your website load in less than one secondAnd much, MUCH more!Our course is covered by a 30 Days money back guarantee - No questions askedThis course was made for marketers, bloggers and business owners in mind, but anyone can benefit from this high-quality content. This is a streamlined collection of high-definition tutorials and demonstration of great tools.This course follows a simple layout that consists of easily repeatable steps that you can use today to rank number one of the search results on Google, Bing, Yahoo and moreENROLL NOW, with the piece of mind that you are covered by an unconditional 30 days money back guarantee!"
Price: 199.99

"Quiz Edexcel Advanced Subsidiary GCE Chinese 8CN01 2018 Mock" |
"We are always be with you, you are not leaning along!Thanks for your support for us to creating better contents for you! Please give good ranking to encourage us!For listening part, please refer to our Video course under 8CN0 2018 Mock, which combines Audio in Mandarin, Cantonese, our expertise in Vocabulary building and Read Skills, examination tips into EDEO (EDucational vidEO), Join my facebook Udemy group to receive the New Course launching promotion (mostly FREE for 3 days!)The Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced Subsidiary GCE in Chinese (spoken Mandarin/spoken Cantonese) is designed for use in schools and colleges. It is part of a suite ofAS/A Level qualifications offered by Pearson.These sample assessment materials have been developed to support thisqualification and will be used as the benchmark to develop the assessment studentswill take. Pearson Edexcel Level 3 GCEChinese (spoken Mandarin/spoken Cantonese) Advanced SubsidiaryPaper 1: Listening, Reading and TranslationPaper Reference: 8CN0/01 The total mark for this paper is 64. Time: 1 hour 45Total 3 Sections: SECTION A: LISTENINGQuestion 1 (6 marks) Multiple ChoiceQuestion 2 (6 marks) Answer Questions in ChineseQuestion 3(a) (8 marks) Answer Questions in ChineseQuestion 3(b) (4 marks) Summaries the following conversation. You are not required to write in full sentences and you may respond using short phrases.SECTION B: READINGQuestion 4 (4 marks) Multiple-choice questions Question 5 (6 marks) Answer Questions in ChineseQuestion 6 (8 marks) Answer Questions in ChineseQuestion 7 (10 marks) Answer Questions in ChineseSECTION C: TRANSLATION INTO ENGLISHQuestion 8 (10 marks) Translate the following article about the Chinese language into English."
Price: 39.99

"Gdrive Folder Content Links JavaScript Application" |
"Quick Google Script Application that you can use to list out your files from your Google Drive for your web visitorsJavaScript is a prerequisite to this course !!!!!!!! The course demonstrates Applying Google Apps Script to create a time saving micro application making use of GSuite apps connected together to produce amazing functionality.Source Code is includedPerfect way to share content online, Upload the files to your Google DriveUse Google Apps Script to get file details from the FolderShare the folder and files using Google Permissions to control how the files get used.Visitors will see an update to date dynamically generated list of files from your drive ready to share with themPerfect for all types of applicationsNo worries about servers - backend coding and permissionsUpload the files you want to share to your Google Drive Folder - They can then get access and download the filesEasy setup - Easy get going with a fully functional applicationSource Code is included to get you started quicklyDiscover the power of Google Apps Script - JavaScript is a prerequisite for this course - You must have prior coding experience to take this course.Taught by a recognized Google Developer Expert - ready to help you learn and answer any questions you may have.What are you waiting for jump in and build your own version of the app in minutes!!!!Please note that this is a project based course and is fast paced focused on the project that is outlined in this description."
Price: 99.99

"Website Email Form to GMail with Google Apps Script" |
"Do you need a web form on your website?Don't want to hassle with backend code?Need an autoresponder for the form submissions?This course will walk you threw how to setup a simple form that submits to Google Web App, sends the email message to you and an auto response to the user who submitted the form. Perfect easy to setup coding project for any website,Tired of using mailto - want to hide you email but need a contact form on your website.Step by step project development - source code includedExplore how you canCreate a web form using HTML5Submit the form data using JavaScript and AJAXJavaScript fetch to POST the form field contents to your gmailCreate a simple web app that takes POST requests Send an email to yourself with form detailsSend an auto response to the user who submitted the formTaught by a Google Developer Expert with many years of web development experience ready to help you learn more about Google Apps Script and some of the amazing things you can do with it.Need help, fast friendly support always available within the Q&AWhat are you waiting for? Create your own form today? Start receiving messages from your website visitors today!! Now!!This is one of my most asked for questions - everyone needs a way for website visitors to connect - this is an excellent solution not found anywhere else."
Price: 99.99

"Streamlabs OBS: Learn How to Record and Stream Video Content" |
"The goal of this course is to show you how to setup Streamlabs OBS with good settings for streaming to sites like Twitch and YouTube and also for saving videos straight to your computer. We will explore assisting topics like splitting audio to multiple audio tracks, picking a streaming theme, creating hotkey shortcuts. By the end of it, you should have Streamlabs OBS setup and ready to record.We'll also do a start to finish test run to demo what gets talked about in the course to help make putting everything into practice.Before starting the course, it's ideal if you have an account with the service you want to stream on so that you can login at the start. If you link it to a Streamlabs account on the website, that will save you a few steps going forward."
Price: 19.99

"Digital Marketing Agency Elite Consultants Masterclass" |
"LEARN HOW YOU CAN GROW A SUCCESSFUL MARKETING AGENCY... in as little as 30 days or less as Juan pulls back the curtain on how you can get paid high monthly retainers and even if you have no prior marketing experience.I've done the painful leg work so that you don't have to. When I first started, I struggled to get clients because I had no confidence. I was unsure how to get results or even how to sell and close clients. I was in the exact same boat that you might be in right now. But eventually, after hundreds of hours of trial and error, everything fell into place and clicked. Now I'm giving you the formula.If youre not where you want to be yet... The main thing holding you back from success is not having a simple, proven system for getting clients on a consistent basis. You see, finding leads is easy... and I'll show you how to do that and once you find those leads, I'll show you how to close them on 3, 6, and even 12-month retainers.Fulfilling services is also pretty simple, you're going to learn how to do that and if you don't want to do the work yourself, you can use my preferred white-labeled vendor that will serve your clients for you.I'll also show you how you can GUARANTEE CUSTOMERS for your clients using a secret hack with absolutely zero risks. Whether you're completely new to space or looking to sharpen your skills, this program has just what you need. Presented by yours truly, Juan Galvan.So if you're ready to make a change and learn how YOU can start and grow your very own digital marketing agency and land clients in as little as 30 days, then this is your defining moment to take action and change your life!"
Price: 129.99

"Create an API with Python Django MySQL REST Framework" |
"API stands for Application Programming Interface.An API is a software intermediary that allows two applications to talk to each other. In other words, an API is the messenger that delivers your request to the provider that you're requesting it from and then delivers the response back to you.When we are building APIs, we want our models to provide four basic types of functionality. The model must be able to Create, Read, Update,and Delete resources. In this course, we are going to build an API using the following technology:Python Django Django Rest Framework MySQLmysqlclient adapterdjango-cors-headers What You Will Learn :How to Create and activate a virtual environmentHow to install DjangoHow to install Django REST FrameworkHow to Create a new Django ProjectHow to Create a new Django AppHow to register applications with DjangoHow to setup MySQL Database with Django How to create and run MigrationsHow to Create a Django ModelHow to define Data Models and migrate it to MySQLHow to Create and apply a new migrationHow to Create a serializer classHow to Create viewsHow to Map views to URLsHow to Create Model ObjectsHow to test API with CRUD OperationsHow to use Django Rest Framework to process HTTP requestsHow to create CRUD operations interacting with API using Postman"
Price: 34.99

"SAP S4 Conoce acerca de la innovadora versin de SAP S/4HANA" |
"En SAP creemos firmente en ser mejores da a da y con nuestro trabajo estamos seguros que lograremos el objetivo central que nos hemos planteado y que es ayudar a que cada uno de los estudiantes de nuestros cursos amplen su conocimiento del sistema y puedan as tener la confianza de crecer personal y profesionalmente de una manera acelerada.Es probable que para este momento hayas escuchado acerca de la versin S/4HANA del sistema ERP de SAP pero lo cierto es que nunca has entendido de que se trata ni la razn por la que ser tan importante para el futuro de SAP y de cualquier persona involucrada con el sistema.As que deseamos felicitarte ya que si te encuentras leyendo este texto es debido a que ests considerando aprender ms acerca de esta innovacin de SAP. Incluso puede que ests considerando cambiar de trabajo con todos los beneficios y retos que eso implica y aunque pudiera parecer una tarea enorme nosotros hemos creado este curso con la mayor dedicacin posible para que tu aprendizaje sea ptimo.De forma similar, es posible que has trabajado como usuario o consultor durante algunos aos y estas ahora escuchando acerca de esta versin. Si es as y deseas catapultar tu carrera debes de conocer que implicaciones tendr este cambio.Ahora bien, sabemos los altos costos o la falta de tiempo para desplazarte a los lugares donde se imparten los cursos y por eso te recomendamos que no dejes pasar esta oportunidad y comiences a aprender sobre S/4HANA.Contactanos lo ms pronto posible para que recibas informacin que en un instante te convencer de tomar el curso y darle un giro a tu vida.Ests interesado en saber qu es SAP S/4HANA y entender por qu las personas que saben utilizarlo estn consiguiendo todas las vacantes en las mejores empresas y los mayores aumentos de sueldo.En SAP estamos comprometidos a ayudarte y continuamente liberamos cursos para que nuestros estudiantes aprendan todo lo ms relevante de este sistema y sus innovaciones para que puedan crecer laboralmente siempre obteniendo mejores puestos.Inscribete ya y obten acceso a las clases para que aprendas a tu ritmo, en los horarios que ms te convengan y sin perder tiempo por tener que desplazarte a ningn aula."
Price: 199.99
