"Learn Intermediate Crochet Stitches" |
"I will teach you few intermediate stitches in this course which will enable you to make beautiful products and come up with your own patterns. You need to learn the alphabets of any language before speaking and so instead of jumping to patterns directly this course will teach you the stitches using which you can create your own patterns and have fun experimenting with new stitches. Every lecture will teach you one stitch which you can use as-is in products like blankets. cardigans, toys etc even if you don't want to use any other crochet stitch. Moreover all of the stitches discussed are so versatile that they can be done using any yarn/hook size and the variations are unlimited."
Price: 24.99

"A3 - Lean Thinking" |
"Esse curso para quem quer conhecer o pensamento A3, originrio do Sistema Toyota de Produo, e que pode ser aplicado em diversas esferas, desde projetos at soluo de problemas. Ao final deste curso, conseguir entender todas as etapas deste pensamento, alm de aprender ferramentas para utilizar durante todo o A3, como: 5W+2H, Diagrama de Ishikawa, 5 Porqus, Mapeamento de Processos, entre outras."
Price: 69.99

"CISSP Communications and Network Security Practice Exam" |
"217 UNIQUE practice questions for CISSP Communications and Network Security Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CISSP Communications and Network Security Practice ExamTotal Questions : 217Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :130 minsPassing Score : 75 (162 of 217)"
Price: 174.99

"IBM C2040-985 Development Lotus Notes Domino Practice Exam" |
"192 UNIQUE practice questions for IBM C2040-985 Development Lotus Notes Domino Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : IBM C2040-985 Development Lotus Notes Domino Practice ExamTotal Questions : 192Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :120 minsPassing Score : 75 (144 of 192)"
Price: 154.99

"Microsoft Excel Essentials - Complete Beginner's Course" |
"This course is a step by step guide on how to use and master Microsoft Excel. It's an Excel mastery for beginners. Basic tricks and hacks of Excel are covered.How will you feel being able to master Excel at the quickest time possible?We will be going through Data Analysis with charts and Pivot Tables which will give you an insight of using Excel to analyze data.This course is recorded using Microsoft Excel 2007 but it works in all newer versions like 2010, 2013, 2016 and 2019.Kindly enroll and let us explore Excel.Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions."
Price: 19.99

"Saiminjutsu: The Art Of Self-Hypnosis" |
"The Art of Self-Hypnosis will walk you through four steps to a mental makeover. Physical RelaxationPositive Breathing CyclePower PlacePose A QuestionThese simple four steps, once mastered will allow you to address any issue in your life. Your quest for answers will inform, inspire and ignite you to confront, and make lasting change."
Price: 19.99

"Class 10 Maths CBSE" |
"Mathematics is considered as one of the challenging subjects therefore we have designed this course by keeping in mind all the needs of students.This course contains all the 15 chapters of Math Class 10 (CBSE Board)-What you will learn?The chapters covered are (CBSE Math class 10):1) Real numbers 2) Polynomials 3) Pair of Linear Equations in two variables 4) Quadratic equation 5) Arithmetic Progressions 6)Triangles 7) Coordinate Geometry 8) Trigonometry 9) Applications of Trigonometry 10) Circles 11) Constructions 12) Areas related to circles, 13) Surface areas and volumes, 14) Statistics and 15) Probability.-Who can take this course?This course has been designed for students of Class 10 CBSE board however it can be taken by the students of any other board if they have these chapters as a part of their curriculum. It will also benefit teachers who wishes to improve their teaching skills and make learning fun for their students.-Benefits of taking this Course:On completion of this course, one will have detail knowledge of all the chapters and can easily solve all the problems which can lead to score good in exams with the help of:Explanatory videos ensures complete concept understanding.Downloadable resources helps in applying your knowledge to solve various problems.Quiz video helps in testing your knowledge.In short it is an interesting course fulfilling all the student's needs.So hurry up and enroll now!!Who this course is for:Students of CBSE Boards Class 10 and Teachers.Anyone who wants to learn MathematicsTeachers who wish to teach their students mathematics in a simpler way"
Price: 1600.00

hr-management |
", :"
Price: 19.99

"Master Japanese Characters (Hiragana and Katakana)" |
"This course will help you to learn all Japanese characters (hiragana and Katakana, not kanji). You can learn how to write with correct stroke order and also be able to pronounce these characters. The goals is to be able to read and write all hiragana and Katakana letters. During the course I will show you the correct way to write each of the characters.You will also learn about 190 vocabulary and 10 essential Japanese greetings. Hiragana and Katakana practice sheets are included as downloadable resources in the course.Each practice sheet has both a light and dark version. The light version can be used for tracing the letters when practicing writing.The darker version can be placed somewhere for reference like on your wall or in your notebook."
Price: 24.99

"Masterclass in communication: how to communicate with impact" |
"If you are looking to have a real impact on your audiences, this is the course for you. In this course, I will teach you how to build a strong message and a communications strategy to help you reach your goals. We will be diving deep into what communicating actually implies, the elements to consider when building a message and how to use a simple 10 steps model to build a communications strategy. In today's world, you are doing yourself a disservice if you are not considering these elements when communicating. This comprehensive yet simple approach to communications is mandatory to succeed in the competitive world today, online and offline. This is a very practical course, where I will invite you to work on your own communications project as we go through the content of the course."
Price: 89.99

"Invata Prestashop de la A la Z" |
"Buna ziua,Cursul Prestashop 1.7 de la A la Z cuprinde o serie de lectii utile pentru intelegerea administrarii panoului de bord din platforma Prestashop. Astfel oricare dintre voi veti putea seta, adauga, modifica si intretine un magazin online creat pe aceasta platforma. Prestashop va ofera o metoda simpla si usor de utilizat ce contine foarte multe facilitati pentru a alcatui un magazin online frumos si atractiv, asa cum va doriti.Lectiile initiale sunt despre cum putem crea categorii si subcategorii de produse, despre cum putem seta o reducere de pret pentru un produs si, de asemenea, cum putem seta ca toate produsele dintr-o categorie sa aiba aceeasi reducere de pret. Totodata, veti putea afla cum se pot adauga sau modifica atribute si caracteristici ale produselor, astfel incat un potential client sa poata alege un produs de o anumita culoare si, de asemenea, cum se afiseaza caracteristicile produselor in front-office - detalii suplimentare ale produselor."
Price: 19.99

"Secret of Harmonious Marriage (In Tamil)" |
"Thirumanam course was created by KM Sivaswamy through his experience as a motivational speaker and trainer for more than 20 years. This course was designed to enhance the relationship between married Indian couples. Several topics related to communication, problem-solving, handling conflict, forgiveness, speaker/listener techniques, and how to preserve and enhance fun, friendship and sensuality in marriage life covered in this course."
Price: 1280.00

wvkfceur |
" () (13) ( 2H - 2B) . ."
Price: 19.99

"PhD and Masters Research Thesis Writing - MBA Related Fields" |
"In this course, you will get a perfect frame of an interesting research title to replicate using your data of interest! This course is hands on and practical to teach you create a competitive research thesis from beginning to end. After completing this course, you will be confident to talk about your topic with related applied financial econometrics practically, including all the required theories, models, estimations and interpretations. use software for modeling and estimationsreplicate this course thesis using your data of interest for your research thesis/proposal or work research project.Topics covered in this course are infinancial markets integrationvolatility spillover effectsMonetary policy modeling in response to foreign financial shockswith all the related models, methods, estimations and interpretationsMy target students arestudents who need practical guides to start and finish their thesis.students who are looking for an interesting research thesis topic to replicate using their data of intereststudents who would like to write a research proposal to get an offer of PhD, Masters, or Honours.employees who are working on research projects in the related fields"
Price: 204.99

"Secretos Horizontales y Verticales del Dinero" |
"Con este curso, logrars conocer los secretos mejor guardados del dinero en la actualidad, conocers los senderos tanto horizontales como verticales de este. Sin darte pltica innecesaria y contenido obsoleto. El curso te ensear las mejores formas de ganar dinero a travs de los pilares del marketing, inversiones, ventas y la correcta educacin financiera."
Price: 199.99

"Brain Hacking Presentations" |
"Brain Hacking is a tactics based approach to learning how to be a better presenter. What does tactics based mean? Most courses teach you ideas (i.e. make your slides simple with few words) and that is great, but they don't show you the how or give you strategies to accomplish this. This is where I come in. By the end of this course you will be able to:Design slides with a minimum of words to create interest and curiosityCreate visually impactful slidesAdapt to situations where you cannot change slides Use simple key commands to direct attentionApply 2 simple agenda strategies to enhance understanding and retentionAlso instead of hypothetical examples this course will feature actual before and after examples from real presentations."
Price: 19.99

gqrmessf |
"STEP11.2.3.STEP21.2.3.STEP31.2.3.STEP1.2.SNS3.STEP1.302.3.1500 STEP"
Price: 199.99

"Kubernetes: Desde cero para principiantes Con ejercicios" |
"Este es un curso que te ayudar a comprender como desplegar, usar y mantener aplicaciones en Kubernetes. Si ests interesado en DevOps, esta es una tecnologa que necesitas dominar y es la mejor manera de arrancar tu carrera! En el caso de que seas un profesional de DevOps es esencial hoy en da. Kubernetes ha ganado mucha popularidad ltimamente y es una de las habilidades ms buscadas por las empresas.Kubernetes es un mundo y est en constante evolucin. Por esto mismo este curso ir creciendo, con ms material!No tienes conocimiento previo sobre Kubernetes? Excelente! Este curso est diseado asumiendo que eres nuevo en la orquestacin de contenedores, arrancando desde cero. Aprenders haciendo, y luego de que completes todas las secciones, tareas con ejercicios y exmenes, vas a tener una base slida de Kubernetes en el mundo real.Y, si tens un leve conocimiento y quers profundizarlo, ac estoy para vos! Podrs aprender de una manera entretenida cada tema.Fue diseado por Google y pertenece actualmente a la Cloud Native Computing Foundation, hoy en da Kubernetes es utilizado desde pequeas hasta grandes empresas que quieren lograr la eficiencia y velocidad que Google tiene.Se puede contener aplicaciones mediante Docker, luego ejecutar esos contenedores en sus servidores, pero cmo los administra de una manera eficiente? Ah es donde entra Kuberenetes que es un orquestador para esos contenedores que crear. La orquestacin es el proceso de desplegar y administrar automticamente los contenedores. Kubernetes puede ejecutarse y desplegar una aplicacin de microservicio en la nube, como Google Cloud Platform o AWS, en una sola mquina o en miles!Este es un curso se actualizar a medida que cambien las caractersticas de Kubernetes. Esta creado de una forma que se le facilitar comenzar en este mundo de una manera rpida y a la vez tambien profundizar en los temas necesarios.Algunas de las muchas cosas que haremos en este curso de Kubernetes:Desplegar una aplicacin de microservicio usando YAML y CLIImplementar la aplicacin en Google Cloud PlatformDiferentes tipos de instalacin de Kubernetes, tales como Docker Desktop, Docker Toolbox, Minikube y MicroK8sConfigurar distintos tipos de servicios, tales como ClusterIP, NodePort y LoadBalacerActualizaciones de deployments, Rolling Updates y Rollbacks tambien!Distintos tipos de creacin de ConfigMaps y Secrets; cmo introducirlo a los PODs!Cmo utilizar variables de entorno y volmenesY mucho msMaterial extra que viene con este curso:Tareas con ejercicios prcticos y preguntas a desarrollar: Tendrs disponible ejercicios de codificacin, ejercicios sobre comandos kubectl a utilizar y preguntas para practicar y mejorar!Exmenes multiple choice: Tendrs disponible evaluaciones para reforzar el conocimiento aprendido en la seccin!Links de referencia para complementar el contenidoActualizaciones al contenido del curso a medida que Kubernetes cambie sus caractersticas sobre temas"
Price: 199.99

"Introduction to Basic Electronics for Engineering" |
"This is an introductory course for the concepts of Basic Electronics. This course covers the working of Semiconductors, PN junction (depletion region concepts, biasing, VI characteristics) , Zener diodes , Half wave & Full wave Rectifiers ,Filters, Photo diodes, Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs), Photocouplers and 3 terminal IC voltage regulators with an example of 7805."
Price: 1280.00

"Python Course From Basic to Advanced" |
"This course has been specifically designed for beginners who have been looking to obtain a hands-on learning experience with Python, teaching you concepts of programming right from the basics and Python being the most simplest language for a beginner to start with.It is the right time to start learning the in-demand Python language because of its gaining popularity in the fields on Data Science, Machine Learning, Internet of Things, Deep Learning, etc. Keep yourself equipped with the most sought-after skills!"
Price: 1280.00

"Mastering Probability and Statistics in Python" |
"In todays ultra-competitive business universe, Probability and Statistics are the most important fields of study. That is because statistical research presents businesses with the data they need to make informed decisions in every business area, whether it is market research, product development, product launch timing, customer data analysis, sales forecast, or employee performance.But why do you need to master probability and statistics in Python?The answer is an expert grip on the concepts of Statistics and Probability with Data Science will enable you to take your career to the next level.The course Mastering Probability and Statistics in Python is designed carefully to reflect the most in-demand skills that will help you in understanding the concepts and methodology with regards to Python. The course is: Easy to understand.Expressive.Comprehensive.Practical with live coding.About establishing links between Probability and Machine Learning.How is this course different?This course is designed for beginners, although we will go far deep gradually.As this course is a compilation of all the basics, it will encourage you to move ahead and experience more than what you have learned. At the end of each module, you will work on the Home Work/tasks, which will evaluate/further build your learning based on the previous concepts and methods.Machine learning is certainly a rewarding career that not only allows you to solve some of the most interesting problems but also presents you with a handsome salary package. If successful career growth is your primary aim, then a core understanding of Statistics and Probability with Data Science will ensure just that.This inexpensive and comprehensive course will teach you the concepts and methodologies of Statistics and Probability with Data Science at a fraction of the price that similar courses will cost you. Our tutorials are divided into 75+ brief videos along with detailed code notebooks. The videos are available in HD.So, without any further delay, get started with the course content and equip yourself with the latest knowledge thats in high demand. Listen to the video, pause it, understand the concept, and start working on the assigned problems.Teaching is our passion:We work hard to make learning easy for you. Our online tutorials have been created with the best possible guide to help you grasp the concepts instantly. We aim to create a strong basic understanding for you before you move onward to the advanced version. High-quality video content, most relevant and recent course material, questions for assessing whether you have learned the new concepts thoroughly, course notes, and handouts are some of the perks that you will get. Also, our team will swiftly respond to all your queries.Course Content:The comprehensive course consists of the following topics: Difference between Probability and Statistics. Set TheoryCountable and Uncountable SetsPartitionsOperationsSets in Python Random ExperimentOutcomeEventSample Spaces Probability ModelFrom Event to ProbabilityProbability Rules (Axioms)Conditional ProbabilityIndependenceContinuous Models Discrete Random VariablesFrom Event to VariablesProbability Mass FunctionsImportant Discrete Random VariablesTransformation of Random Variables Continuous Random VariablesProbability Density FunctionsExponential DistributionGaussian Distribution Multiple Random VariablesJoint PMFJoint PDFMixed Random VariablesRandom Variables in Real DatasetsConditional IndependenceClassificationBayes ClassifierNave Bayes ClassifierRegressionTraining in Deep Neural Networks ExpectationMean, Sample MeanLaw of Large NumbersExpectation of Transformed Random VariableVarianceMomentsParametric Estimation Using Law of Large Numbers EstimationMaximum Likelihood Estimate (MLE)Maximum A Posteriori Probability Estimate (MAP)Ridge RegressionLogistic RegressionKL-DivergenceAfter completing this course successfully, you will be able to:Relate the concepts and theories in Machine Learning with Probabilistic reasoning.Understand the methodology of Statistics and Probability with Data Science using real datasets.Who this course is for:People who want to upgrade their data speak.People who want to learn Statistics and Probability with real datasets in Data Science.Individuals who are passionate about numbers and programming.People who want to learn Statistics and Probability along with its implementation in realistic projects.Data Scientists.Business Analysts.REMEMBER, the course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee, so you can sign up today with no risk. So what are you waiting for? Enrol today to master Probability and Statistics."
Price: 199.99

"Python Web Development with Flask" |
"Flask is an API of Python that allows us to build up web-applications. It was developed by Armin Ronacher. Flasks framework is easier to learn because it has less base code to implement a simple web-Application.In this course, you will be introduced to the Wonder of Python & its Web Development capabilities, involving Flask."
Price: 2240.00

"Mobile Development: Kotlin Programming for Android" |
"Many learners are overwhelmed by the many online resources that they try but did not work when developing a mobile application for Android using Kotlin. By focusing on a curriculum that is tested by many students when they learn mobile development. You will learn in a simple easy to understand way. Do you want to learn from a faculty who teaches mobile development in Android since 2013? In this course, you will learn in simple steps how to develop mobile applications using Kotlin. The pattern followed to develop the mobile applications is simplified to be: start with an idea, design the solution, and code the solution. You will learn the following topics:- Introduction to Android- First Mobile Application using Kotlin-Age Calculator Application-Views and View Containers-SpongeBob Character Selector Application-Implicit Intent and Explicit Intent-Cafe Application-Activity Life Cycle-Stopwatch Application-REST Web API-To-do list application using REST Web API-Cats images application using REST Web API-SQLite Database-Action Bar-Notes application using SQLite database"
Price: 99.99

"Fundamentals of Rocket Propulsion" |
"The course is basically to understand the principles of rocket science. It gives emphasis on understanding the concepts in a systematic manner and its application with worked examples of real time data. It helps to understand and analyze the specifications of any space engine like Vulcain or Merlin and space vehicles like Falcon or PSLV. Also, impart knowledge to estimate required specifications of solid motor or liquid engine or vehicle to meet a particular space application.The course covers major concepts in calculating space orbit parameters, total velocity (energy) required to insert an object in selected orbit. The course explains the fluid flow and energy conversion pattern in rocket nozzles in detail.It covers different solid and liquid propellants combinations available suitable for rocket application and discussed the properties and performance characteristics. The working of subsystems and components of both solid motor and liquid engine is explained in detail either as a booster or auxiliary propulsion unit in the space vehicle.Typical rocket engines and space vehicles developed by different countries are compared for its performance and application."
Price: 29.99

"Transforming Your Stroke Skills For Nurses, PCPs & Trainees." |
"Introduction to Clinical Stroke (For Nurses, Physicians, Neuro trainees & Emergency providers). This course will be a game-changer for those who care for and manage stroke patients as part of their practice. It not only includes Signs, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment of Stroke but introduces concepts that will transform the way you manage stroke patients. The final outcome, you will receive kudos from others on how you manage stroke patients. Created & Developed by a Stroke Neurologist with various teaching awards under his belt. This course is a MUST-HAVE if you are a nurse, emergency provider, hospitalist, or neurologist interested in improving your stroke skills."
Price: 49.99

"Google Ads Mastery - The Only Course You Will Need" |
"In This Course I will walk you through the new interface of Google Ads and guide you through the fundamentals of running a successful campaigns on Google and It's Networks. Weather you are a business owner or a fellow marketer that wants to learn new platform this course is all you need to start running your online ads on Google."
Price: 199.99

arduino-tutorial |
Price: 99.99

solfegecourse |
"() . . ."
Price: 19.99

"La aritmtica es una de las materias claves para el entendimiento de las matemticas. Si has llegado hasta aqu, ests en el lugar correcto pues en este curso te proporcionar todas las herramientas necesarias para que puedas afrontar cualquier ejercicio que se te presente.El curso est estructurado en secciones en donde cada seccin representa un tema distinto. Entre los principales tenemos:1. Promedios2. Sistemas de Numeracin3. Teora de Conjuntos4. Teora de la divisibilidad5. Magnitudes ProporcionalesCada seccin tiene una parte terica y otra parte prctica en la cual IREMOS AGREGANDO LA RESOLUCIN DE NUEVOS PROBLEMAS QUE NOS PLANTEEN en los comentarios.Te invito a que cada ejercicio lo pauses al inicio, lo intentes resolver por ti mismo y luego veas la explicacin. De esa forma conseguirs dos formas de resolucin y te hars de ms armas para la resolucin de nuevos ejercicios.Con la adquisicin del curso no slo te llevars a casa todo el material que hemos preparado, sino que tambin tendrs un profesor dispuesto a ayudarte en cualquier inquietud que pueda surgirte en la materia. Bienvenido al curso, no te arrepentirs!"
Price: 29.99

"Microsoft Project Online PWA - Basic Setup for Admins" |
"Join many other students in this bestselling Microsoft Project Online Configuration and Setup course On Udemy!With over 8+ hours of training, quizzes, and practical steps you can follow - this is one of the most comprehensive Project Online and Project Web App (PWA) courses available. We will cover the basics of how Microsoft 365 tenancy and SharePoint are configured to connect to MS Project Online. Note: If you work in Microsoft Project Server 2013/2016/2019, you can benefit from this course to learn how to configure and customize Project Web App (PWA). Just skip the initial 3 sections of this course.Learn by DoingThe course is hugely interactive with step by step hands-on lectures and quizzes built into every section.Learn step by step how to configure and implement a Project Online environment from scratch.Follow the steps in this course to get up and running with an awesome customized Project Online environment for your organization or clients.15+ Section to Master Project Online AdministrationCovering 15+ major topics in over 8+ hours of step by step lectures and practice activities - this course has great value for you! 1. Project Online Overview - Initial setup, system architecture, and requirements gathering tips. 2. Configure Microsoft 365 for Project Online - Project Online licensing and Microsoft 365 tenancy setup with users and groups. 3. Configure SharePoint for Project Online - Create, configure, and delete Project Web App (PWA) in SharePoint. 4. Tour Project Online - Before configuration, tour Project Online PWA to understand what needs to be configured. 5. Grant Access to PWA for Groups - Manage Security Groups 6. Grant Access to PWA for Users- Manage Security Users 7. Grant Access to PWA for Categories- Manage Security Categories 8. Navigate Project Online - Learn how to navigate PWA and the Project Center by creating and managing Project files 9. MS Project Desktop App Configuration - Configure and connect Microsoft Project desktop app to Project Online and PWA 10. Project Online Customization - Customize Enterprise custom fields, lookup tables, and calendars 11. MS Project Desktop customization - Access the Enterprise global, create a custom field, and project template from the desktop. 12. Enterprise Resource Pool Configuration - Sync with Microsoft 365 to create the Enterprise resource pool. 13. Manage Project Files from MS Project Desktop - Create, modify, and delete files on Project online from the desktop. 14. Project Online Look and Feel - Customize views for Project Center, Project Schedules, and more! 15. Timesheet Configuration - Turn on timesheets and configure fiscal and reporting periods. 16. Complete Project Online Setup - Configure additional settings and test user profile configurations before Project Online launch!By the end of this course, you will be confidently configuring, implementing, and managing Project Online and PWA environments.Don't miss out!Every minute you wait delays from you becoming a master at Project Online (MS Project Server) administration. This course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee which means there is no risk to getting started.Go ahead and click on ""Add to cart"" button to start your journey on Project Online administration."
Price: 104.99

5ExcelVBA |
Price: 10800.00
